#Polish soldiers
military1st · 2 years
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Polish Soldiers during Exercise Saber Junction 2019 (SJ19) in Hohenfels Training Area, Germany.
The U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Henry Villarama (2019).
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sollannaart · 2 years
A visit of Polish soldiers, who survived 1812 campaign, to prince Józef
Today let us continue the topic of Prince Józef’s last year.
Having survived the Berezina crossing, Poniatowski followed with the remnants of the Grand Armée to Wilno (Vilnius) and then to Warsaw. There he arrived on the 12th of December, and in a couple of weeks later, on the 28th, there happened a scene, depicted in the painting below, which I would like tell you about.
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Jan Czesław Moniuszko, Prince Józef receiving the banners saved from the 1812 campaign
Or, rather, quote an eyewitness, countess Anna Potocka (née Tyszkiewicz, II voto Dunin-Wąsowicz), prince Poniatowski’s first cousin once removed:
A few days after his return, as we were sitting around the prince, still confined by severe pain to a chaise longue, and listening with lively interest to the story of the changing turns of the campaign, the aide reported that the courtyard of the palace was full of soldiers in disarray, demanding in a great voice to be allowed to hand over to their commander the eagles they brought. Unable to walk, the prince had himself carried to the courtyard. <...> As soon as Poniatowski appeared in the driveway, all those brave hearts started hurrying towards him, folding their eagles at his feet. The soldiers had not let these signs out of their custody at a time when others had only been  thinking of saving their lives. Dying from hunger and cold, they had passing them on to the stronger ones, so that they would not fall into the hands of the enemy. Only one eagle (eagles figures placed on standards are meant here - A.) was missing, what the prince noticed with a fond smile.
‘Ah!’ shouted all at once ‘it’s is the one whom a cannonball tore off its head, our companion has been ashamed to show it in in such a sorry state!... Well, come closer, pal, give your bird back, it's not your fault, he had just broken his neck.’
And everyone started to laugh out loud giving way to a young man of about twenty years, with arm in a sling and coat in tatters. From the pocket of the ragged garment he pulled out a witness of his bravery and, with an embarrassed face laying it down next to the others, started to explain why he brought an eagle so mutilated.
‘This is because he is still young,’ the eldest soldiers explained ‘he always goes forward as wanting to roast his eagle, and once brought it so close to the fire that its head burned.’ Then the soldiers began to shout: ‘Long live Poland! Long live our beloved leader! Long live the motherland!’
Unable to contain his emotion any longer, the prince started to rub his eyes surreptitiously. The soldiers probably imagined that this was a symptom of sadness, and in order to console him announced that most of the cannons would soon return.
'Let Your Grace not be alarmed,' they said, 'those who are carrying them can't be as quick as we are, because the cannons are, after all, much more heavier. But they will come in a few days, let your highness be calm. When our horses died or were eaten, we came up with the idea of harnessing ourselves to the cannons. We took turns pulling, to keep up our strength. Just get back to health, and you'll see everything will be fine!... We'll fight, we'll avenge the defeat!... We'll follow you even to hell.’
There followed cheers again, hats were flowing into the air, and what a hats whose were, good God! Shreds, rags tied together! Not a single one of these people was warmly clad, not a single uniform retained its color, not a trace of footwear! The happiest people had their feet laced with cloth selvedges, some walked barefoot. And yet they were all cheerful and ferocious, ready, if necessary, for a new effort the next day or even the same day.
The prince ordered all the money he had in his coffers be distributed among the soldiers. Refreshments prepared on the spur of the moment were served in the courtyard. We were pouring the soldiers champagne, they were enthusiastically toasting his chief's health. All of the prince's servants, as well as the guests present at his house that time crowded around the soldiers, who only seemed surprised to be hosted in such a way: they thought they had only done their duty.
That’s how it happened. The only difference between the story and the picture above is that in reality everything happened not inside prince Józef's house, but outdoors, in the courtyard of the Copper-Roofed palace.
How the courtyard looks like can be seen, for example, in the picture below:
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I intentionally made it black-and-white, not to detract from the first image and the text. But if you’d like to see it in full color, you can do it, for example, here.
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defensenow · 5 months
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kewpiekills · 9 months
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finally finished this up from a handful of months ago
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nipuni · 5 months
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On may 2nd we participated in the reenactment of Madrid's uprising against French occupation in 1808 at the Royal palace and also visited the Liria Palace 😊 All of Madrid was there!! it was crazy, I couldn't take pictures once the act started but we were on the news and had our pictures taken by the press 😵‍💫
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illustratus · 7 months
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Vive l'Empereur! by Wojciech Kossak
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tiredspoi · 4 months
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TF2 Soldier Toy Box I did not finish this but decided to share it anyway
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nautical-poe · 1 year
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Wojtek the Polish War Bear for my Illustration class! Prompt: Historical Event
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tf2heritageposts · 13 days
freak fortress oc:
tf2heritageposts is a classic heavy model who is always seen on a comically old iphone “heritaging” posts. he is often seen making violent threats against others and eating chicken and fries. he lives in albuquerque, new mexico[2] and has a pet rabbit named tater tot who eats human flesh
his theme is starfuckers inc by nine inch nails
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unmotivatedartistry · 2 months
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𝄆 click for better quality 𝄇
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two posts in two days? whew. also, don't ask me how long this took. months, actually. how many layers? 108 including the sketch layers, 102 without. i'm going insane. also please appreciate him he took hours
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blu-cheavy · 13 days
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poland is real and we all just have to live with that
( this is a character from damashidx on youtube)
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radykalny-feminizm · 2 months
On the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, it's important to remember the remarkable role that women played in this tragic and heroic event. Thousands of women participated in the uprising, which began on August 1, 1944, taking on various roles, from frontline soldiers to medics and couriers.
The Roles of Women in the Warsaw Uprising:
Soldiers: Women fought on the front lines, often alongside men. They were members of regular units of the Home Army as well as spontaneously formed volunteer units. Many women, who had been involved in underground activities during the occupation, took up arms to fight for the freedom of the capital when the uprising broke out.
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Medics and Doctors: Women made up the core of the medical staff. They worked in field hospitals, providing aid to the wounded, often under extremely difficult conditions. They frequently risked their lives to evacuate the injured from under fire. Their courage and dedication were invaluable, and some were posthumously honored for their heroism.
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Couriers and Messengers: Couriers and messengers played a crucial role, carrying orders, messages, and supplies between units. They often moved through areas under fire, exposing themselves to great danger. Without their invaluable services, communication between units would have been significantly hindered.
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Women in the Resistance Movement: Even before the uprising, many women were involved in the resistance movement, engaging in underground education, publishing activities, diversion, and sabotage. Their work was crucial for organizing the armed action.
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Notable Women of the Uprising:
Among the women who fought in the uprising, several stand out, such as:
Krystyna Krahelska ("Danuta") - a poet, medic, and author of the song "Hey Boys, Bayonet on the Gun!". She was rescuing a wounded colleague when she was shot three times in the chest and died on August 2, 1944.
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Anna Zakrzewska ("Biała Hanka") - served with the Polish underground army as a courier and a medical orderly. She was killed in the course of desperate combat during the Uprising.
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Elżbieta Zawacka ("Zo") - one of the few female paratroopers of the "Silent Unseen" (a special forces unit), a courier, later a brigadier general. She survived the war and died in 2009 at the age of 99.
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Wanda Traczyk-Stawska ("Pączek") - a marksman in the "Parasol" unit, later a psychologist and social activist. She is still alive and remains a prominent figure, advocating for historical memory and social justice issues.
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canisxx · 2 months
I just saw a dude who looks like Solder irl. I'm dead serious. Without exaggeration.
He even wore a red jacket.
I'm going insane
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pushing500 · 1 year
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You have no idea how upset I am that Wookshys is such a good partner to Albina. This proposal is the nicest one so far!! It looks like he planned it out and everything, set up a cute little hot-tub date for just the two of them before he popped the question! Baz proposed to Zonovo in the freezer!! Why is Wookshys so darn good at what he does? This is tragic!
also, congrats to the happy couple and stuff, I guess
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In brighter news, I have a quest that could give me a healer mech serum to cure Wendy's dementia! Huzzah!
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We left pacifist anxiety-ridden Vu at home to look after the kids, Andy and Henry, as well as Wendy, who is still in bed with resurrection sickness.
I like to imagine lil' Hussar Henry is upset that he doesn't get to go on cool raids despite being my third-most-competent melee colonist alongside Kawoo.
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Here's everyone heading back to the shuttle after finishing their "aerial assault". I did not get screenshots of the actual fight going down because I forgot about it in my panic, but basically:
Candlelight shot her T'au Rail Rifle at the wall until the Wasters came out to fight us
Albina used her bramble maze psycast to grow a patch of thorns and slow the Wasters' down as they advanced
Hazrov, the absolute legend that she is, used her long bow to take out two of four Wasters in less than a second
Brennan used her flameball psycast to kill another Waster, but not before he'd thrown a tox grenade which caused a bit of coughing for Albina, Zonovo, Debby, and Barghest
Tamarind used her skip psycast to pop Irwin and Xanxalbur next to the last Waster who was shooting at us with a bolt-action rifle, Irwin took him out quickly but got a bruise on his torso first
Irwin then destroyed the only turret and the door of the base to see if there was anything interesting inside (there wasn't)
Tamarind used her waterskip psycast to put out the fire from Brennan's flameball
Everyone piled back into the shuttle to head home while Vu and the kids gathered the rewards inside and waited for the returning heroes
So now we have a healer mech serum! Hooray! No more dementia for Wendy.
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Whenever the Lin Kuei go out on a mission, they probably use fake names that they draw out of a hat to avoid suspicion.
Bi-Han crossing fingers: Please don't be a awful name, please for the love of the gods-And it's Blake. Bland but it would be worse.
Cyrax: I got Conner. Not bad.
Kuai: I got Kandance...I don't know how to feel about this.
Sektor: For some reason, I got Simon. It just doesn't fit me.
Smoke cringing: I got Willow. It sucks. Can I pick another one?
Sektor: We don't have time for it.
Smoke groans.
Ha! But what if those dorks actually make up the weirdest name or pick the most difficult to say to mess up with people? I bet Tomas could pick Polish name like Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz just to be the pain in the ass while Kuai Liang and Bi-Han go with all the most unique variants of Ice or Cold in any possible language - or in case of Bi-Han, calling himself Shang Tsung just to irks one sorcerer if he is in mood to annoy him XD. Cyrax joins for the lulz, while Sektor is the only one trying to be not suspicious at all (and somehow always drawing the most attention because his life can’t be easy for once, not with those crazy bastards around 🤣)
But then again, Bi-Han may not bother at all; with the Mythologies: Sub-Zero's storyline, it seems he is destined for quick type of missions, as in get in, kill and/or steal and get out so I guess, one way or another, not many people will be left alive to tell his real name…
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widevibratobitch · 1 year
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when i say i am obsessed with him
#'indescribable insolence' <3333#dumas writing aramis in '20 years after':#i am going to create a character that is so egdy sarcastic provocative and irritating to everyone around him#and im gonna make stirring shit being an asshole and gruesome murder his favourite hobbies#and he did just as he said. bless him.#most character ever#and what makes him even better is the contrast between 20YA!aramis and t3M!aramis. its hilarious.#my man really went feral. midlife crisis some call it. i call it character development of all time. i call it serving cunt.#aramis as a musketeer a soldier a man in a profession where you're literally paid for killing people:#sweetness and mildness personified writes poetry and theology essays in his free time never gambles dreams about dedicating his life to god#aramis as a priest: whooo boy i hope i get to fUCKING KILL A PERSON TODAY >:D#anyway. i love him a normal amount or something.#the three musketeers#alexandre dumas#anyway. i reread this scene and the charenton battle today because it's definitely in my top 3 aramis moments#also the english translation on the gutenberg page omits two lines of dialogue that i remembered from my polish translation#and it goes something like#de Chatillon says 'i think you're looking for a fight sir' to which Aramis basically responds with 'oh nooo you *think*? Imao'. iconic.#(and its even funnier cause that makes athos immediately go 'aramis stfu plz' and aramis just goes 'no <3' im obsessed with them)#vingt ans apres#do i have a#twenty years after#tag?? not sure tbh i think i dont but tagging just in case ig
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