#Pocono Plateau
5 of the Best Fall Foliage Hikes in the Poconos
There are fewer places better known for fall colors than the Poconos! Here are some of the best trails to take in the fall colors!
The Pocono Mountains, located in eastern Pennsylvania, offer a serene forested landscape, making it a popular escape from the bustling city life of New Jersey and New York. The mountainous region boasts lush greenery in every direction, charming small towns, and a rich cultural and historical heritage. One of the area’s highlights is the changing of the leaves, which attracts many leaf peepers…
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hesitationss · 2 years
Holly Black Geographies: okay so Tithe takes place in New Jersey, but Kaye moves to NY to open up her cafe post Modern Faerie Tales trilogy. Valiant takes place in New York city when Val runs away from home. Roiben in general is feared by many but is seemingly able to travel freely between states, we can assume the Court of Termites spans across most of the mid-atalantic and it is supposed to be very large as it used to be two courts. The Folk of the Air series takes place in Maine so it is very likely that that covers the new england area. Elfhame is a collection of islands off of the coast of maine. I haven’t read The Darkest Part of the Forest yet, but it takes place in Pennsylvania and it seems that the poconos and allegheny plateau are the more heavily forested areas (?). Therefore, the Court of Moths is in Point Pleasant, Virginia (Mothman sightings). Therefore, the Court of Teeth which is far north of Elfhame is in Québec/New Brunswick. Allô allô Suren, reine des fées francophones!
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wallylife · 3 years
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In the Pocono and Catskill Mountains we are surrounded by forests and wild lands.  In the 1800s, there were herds of elk roaming the plateaus, panthers stalking the mountain trails, passenger pigeons filling the skies, and golden eagles soaring over the ridge lines.  There were even sitings of Bigfoot like creatures according to Native American legend.  Due to over hunting, forest clear-cutting, and pollution at the turn of the 20th century, many species were driven out of the area or their populations were severely depleted.  Over a century later, we take a look at the animals that we live with in the Pocono and Catskill Mountains everyday. 
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Parks And Secret Fishing|Grand Leisure Travel
The scenery, the fishing, the atmosphere - it's why you came. No matter your skill level, you can enjoy some of the best fishing spots throughout Pennsylvania at Promise Land State Park, Manor Sports and Big Brown Fish & Pay Lakes.Promise Land State Park expands over 3,000 acres on the Pocono Plateau. Travelers can enjoy fishing, boating, hiking and biking trails through the many beech, oak, maple and hemlock trees. Both lakes and several small streams add to the park's incredible scenic beauty.
Read more:-https://www.grandleisuretravel.com/parks-secret-fishing-spots
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No one at your reading club at home needs to know that you went to a tractor hitch, and nobody in the tractor hitch needs to know that you are going to attend an author's conference tomorrow. Of course, you can ski, walk, fish and, in general, enjoy the region, with its long rivers, gigantic lakes, rocky plateaus, and friendly villages, all invite you to stay for a while.
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josiebelladonna · 8 years
Pluto Is A Planet | Chapter 10: The Wind in Hills
“So explain this for us, Lewis,” Desi coaxed as she pressed on the accelerator. Lewis removed his glasses and tucked them into his coat pocket. He opened up his journal again.
“Okay, so Neptune clarified Allegheny, not alchemy. Allegheny, as in the Allegheny Mountains. But isolate the 'mountain’ part for just a second. O3 is the formula for ozone which is that earthy after smell during a rainstorm, and also a thunderstorm, or the smell of teleportation, which is what we smelled the three of them showed up and the four of you kept smelling the morning you found out Pluto was missing. Her kidnapper came here to Pennsylvania because it was convenient for you guys to get here. Much to her kidnapper's chagrin, the clues are all there, I just had to piece the riddle together. O3, three O’s. Combine that with PCN, and you get 'Pocono’. Her kidnapper has her in the Poconos!”
“I don’t understand, though,” Desi confessed. She then remembered the Circus was visiting Pennsylvania for just a couple of more days. “Why the Poconos? What's there?” Lewis flipped to a previous page.
“The portal to Queen Mars’ labyrinth,” he continued. “It’s on the northern side of the Valley, right at the edge of the Allegheny Plateau. A point of interest for psychics, and anyone into the metaphysical and the paranormal. Also that part of the Poconos in particular is pretty feral and au naturelle, so it's a breeding ground for nature enthusiasts, environmentalists, those of us into all things herbal, which includes—hang onto your hats—an alchemist!”
Siegfried began to catch onto Lewis' logic.
“Your ex-husband took your name Blue and you last saw him in San Luis Obispo selling bread pudding,” he chimed in. “And since you remember all the women falling asleep after they ate it… this is just an educated guess, but I think it's safe to say that he's the same Blue who protested the power plant there with his creation Fall of Mars. I doubt it's Vincent because he's up on Titania and he's as in the dark as the rest of us. So I think it'd be also safe to say the other alchemist who came to Titania is the only one with access to Fall of Mars.”
“Except—now we know his first name,” Desi pointed out. “It's Sully. Sullivan.”
They sped out of Bethlehem, towards the cloud covered Poconos. The clouds scattered and drifted apart with the progression of the day: they clung onto the mountain tops like feathery delicate light gray fingers. The road glided up towards the northern end of Lehigh Valley; the foreboding Allegheny Plateau loomed in front of them. Evergreen trees sprung up from the grassy terrain, which became more and more alpine with the altitude. Short green grass and large boulders dotted the blurred landscape. Unfortunately, Lewis did write down the exit to the portal to Queen Mars’ labyrinth. He flashed on the color purple as soon as he saw the words “Violet Rose Bed” on a nearby road sign.
“'Violet Rose Bed'! That's the exit we want.”
“Violet,” Desi said aloud.
“Violet,” Lewis echoed. “A blend of blue, as in Sullivan Blue, and red, the color of Mars.”
“There!” Neptune pointed out from the wayback. A green sign dictating VIOLET ROSE BED with an arrow pointing to the right guided them off the road, and hopefully to Pluto. Desi veered onto a dirt road and they trekked into the forest towards a steep hillside blanketed with large boulders and coniferous pine trees. A trail snaked its way up the hill, and occasionally branched off into tiny nooks, misleading crevices, and shallow caves. Siegfried, Hamilton, and Wilson all peered out the windows to search for something, anything, someone, anyone…
“There's my sister!” Siegfried cried.
“Where!” Desi scanned the hill side.
“Oh! There she is! I see her purple hair!” Lewis gestured straight ahead. Desi glanced out the windshield to see a black figure with a light head carrying a woman over his shoulder. The woman, as what Lewis said, had purple wavy hair, and also wore what appeared to be a black wetsuit.
“Hang on, everyone…” Desi turned the corner, and abruptly turned the steering wheel. The car drifted to the right: Lewis and Wilson held onto the safety bars above their heads, Hamilton leaned against Wilson, Siegfried leaned against Hamilton, and Neptune held onto the safety bar on the far side of the wayback seat. Desi slammed on the brakes and the car skidded to a stop at a clearing near the base of the hill.
The six of them scrambled out of the car. Wilson hurried to the wayback to fetch his quiver and his bow. He slung the quiver over his shoulder and then joined the others about a hundred yards away on the grass and rocks at the base of the trail. At the moment in which Wilson approached them, the clouds broke apart, and the late afternoon pink sunlight filtered onto the clouds. The terrain flooded with bright clear pink light. They gazed up at the slope and this light haired man carrying an unconscious Pluto up the trail to the portal to Queen Mars' labyrinth. Neptune, who had climbed onto a larger boulder next to them, cupped his hands to his mouth.
“Sullivan!” Neptune hollered as loud as he could. The light haired man turned his head. Desi immediately recognized him.
“You want to stop another potential ringmaster?” she blurted out.
Hamilton and Siegfried gaped at her as she clasped her hands to her mouth.
“What?” Hamilton was dumbstruck. Desi glanced at her nephews, who stood on either side of her on the grass. They both peered at her with raised eyebrows and quizzical expressions on their faces. She then flashed a glimpse back at Wilson, who shrugged ever so slightly.
“What did you just say?” Siegfried demanded in a near whisper.
“Wait, what's going on?” Hamilton continued.
“You may as well tell them, Laurie,” Wilson confessed in a soft voice.
“Tell us what?” Siegfried inquiringly asked.
Desi sighed and closed her eyes.
“My dear nephews—I am Ringmaster General of the traveling Circus, the one Wilson is a part of,” she confessed. “No one ever told the two of you or your sister that—” She opened her eyes but never lifted her gaze for a second from the boulders in front of them. “—because in trans Martian space, that includes Pluto-Charon, there is great shame in not only being born on Earth, but in making a return to Earth. I kept it a secret to protect you both and also Pluto, and Angelica now that I think of it… Because God forbid the two boys who own the most successful hotel in the solar system and the little girl who saved Pluto-Charon have a relative from Earth and made the trip there to Pluto-Charon and back again. I also kept it under wraps to protect Arthur here—” She turned her head to face Wilson and the grim expression on his face. “—because God forbid he’s good friends with a descendant of outer space.”
Hamilton opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a silent cry. Siegfried rapidly shook his head in disbelief. Both of their minds raced. Both of them searched for answers with knowledge of what they already knew, but nothing came to either brother. Neither could believe this was happening and that this was just said to them.
“Uh, guys?” Neptune called out in a worried tone of voice. The four of them turned to face the amphibious merman standing on the large boulder next to them.
“I hate to interrupt familial affairs, but—” he pointed at Sullivan, who was gaining speed up the hill. “—we need to do something. Fast.”
“I’ll get him,” Wilson blurted out. They all directed their gaze at him.
“Are you sure?” Desdemona asked him, worried.
“Yeah,” he confided. He gestured to the quiver on his back. “I’m the one with a bow and arrow.”
“Hamilton can come with you,” Siegfried offered.
Hamilton widened his eyes.
“What!” he barked.
“You’re Pluto’s first best friend, you should go with,” Siegfried gently reminded him. “I know, both of us are her first. The both of us would do anything for her but you do it more and you're also in better shape than me. Besides, if the both of us go up there and something happens to us, the Hotel is left without owners. So come on, little bro. Keep being Pluto's teddy bear.”
Hamilton paused for a second. Siegfried knew he was afraid, but he had to do what he had to do, especially with his little sister, his own first best friend, and the first girl he fell in love with.
“Okay,” he decided. “My question though, is how are we going to get up there?”
Siegfried thought about it for a minute. He glanced up at Neptune, who had disappeared behind the boulder.
“Neptune, do you think you can use your trident to summon a wave to chuck the two up there?”
“Way ahead of you, Siegfried.” Neptune had summoned his orange creamsicle colored whale bone trident. He stood at the summit of the rock and brandished trident around like a baseball bat. He pointed the main tip of the trident in the direction of the nearest lake to the hill, which was to his right. He brandished the trident again, this time towards the direction of the ocean, to his left. Then back in the direction of the lake, then the ocean once again.
On the third time back to the lake, they heard a low rumbling emerging from behind the ridge and the hills.
“You guys might want to go back to the car,” Neptune shouted. A massive breaker wave bounded into the canyon. Sullivan glanced behind him to see the giant wave roaring in. He turned back and clawed his way onto a ledge near the summit of the hill. The wave crested and crashed onto the pavement below. Siegfried, Lewis, and Desdemona sprinted out of the way. They ran a hundred yards away where Desdemona had parked the car. They crouched behind the hood and watched in awe as the surge flooded up the hill, and towards the clearing where Wilson and Hamilton awaited. They braced themselves as the cold well of water flooded behind them to gain more thrust.
“Hang on, you two!” Neptune shouted. He pointed his trident upwards towards the hillside; the tines of the trident shone bright in the twilight. The smell of salt and sand overwhelmed their noses. The crest of the wave frothed, and swirled, and lifted the two young men up from underneath the seats of their pants and pushed them up the rocky hill towards the ledge. Wilson clung to Hamilton's shoulder and bowed his head as they roared up the hill. Through squinted eyes, Hamilton could see the jagged rocks and shrubs disappearing underneath the white foamy wash. The water soaked their clothes: the cold piercing their skin to the point of numbness.
The wave crashed down onto the ledge and Wilson and Hamilton landed face down on the ledge.
Wilson glanced ahead to see the shallow cave and the frothy chilled waters flooding towards the back. He spotted Sullivan the light haired man and Pluto approaching what appeared to be a wrought iron Victorian style gate with multiple layers of chicken wire behind it. The flood waters surged forward and pummeled the gate and the chicken wire. The gate never budged an inch but the thin wire bent and slowly unraveled from Neptune's heavy hand. Sullivan and Pluto pressed against the gate before the water began to pull back and drain away.
Hamilton glanced around only to find nothing to grip onto. He braced himself for the worst.
“Hang onto me!” Wilson shouted. Hamilton flung his arms around Wilson’s full waist as the two of them submerged underwater and drifted towards the floor of the cave. They could feel the waters beginning to pull them back out towards the ledge. Wilson reached out for a large elongated rock not too far from the ledge. They snapped their eyes shut as the water rushed past their ears in a deafening roar. Hamilton thought of his brother and sister, and if Pluto would still be at the gate, and if Siegfried was safe and dry down below them. Wilson thought of his mother. A quiet voice in the back of his mind whispered over the roar of the waters that he would be avenging her soon.
Before long, the flood filtered away into the sound of clear air: a sign that they had survived. Hamilton opened his eyes and took a glimpse up at the fading sunlight filtering into the darkness. The salty odor of the water lingered with the earthy aroma of drenched earth. He felt hard saturated ground below him and he knew they were nowhere near the edge of the mouth of the cave. He heard shouts of “They did it! They made it up there!” from Lewis, Siegfried, and Desdemona down below. Hamilton let go of Wilson and then rolled onto his back and sat upright. Wilson let go of the rock and raised himself up on his hands as if performing a push-up. They both scrambled their feet, drenched to the bone, and faced the back of the cave and Sullivan and Pluto clinging near the iron gate. He had held onto her the entire time; he must have gripped onto the gate as the surge retreated out of the cave.
“Sullivan!” Wilson shouted in a hoarse voice.
He turned his head to face him and Hamilton, his black eyes piercing into their very being with an uncanny glimmer. Wilson reached behind him into his quiver for his bow and a soaking wet arrow. He set the arrow on the string and pulled back, aiming at the dorsal curvature of Sullivan’s neck. He turned his body around to show them his arm tightly wrapped around Pluto’s bust, his other hand pressed a black flint knife against her neck. Hamilton stepped forward.
“Let her go,” he demanded in a firm voice. The man vigorously shook his head, still keeping the flint knife pressed onto Pluto’s neck. Hamilton unbuttoned the cuffs on his sleeves, and then rolled them up, revealing his svelte but strong arms.
“Queen Mars is awaiting,” Sullivan warned in a sinister tone, “especially since you pretty much destroyed the gate to her labyrinth. Push it and you'll be possessed by her phantom.”
“Let my sister go, or I will end you first,” Hamilton threatened in an ominous voice. He pressed his clenched fists together and cracked his knuckles. Neither of them noticed Pluto opening her eyes just enough to see the blur that was the ground beneath her. Her right arm shot up and back hand slapped Sullivan in the face. Stunned, and unbeknownst to him, he loosened his grip. She slipped out of his arms and stumbled around to face him.
Despite her blurred vision, Pluto lifted up her right leg, and set her two inch heel onto his chest, and shoved him backwards against the gate. He collapsed and slammed his head onto wrought iron gate. She fell backwards, still half asleep. Hamilton dove down with his arms outstretched. He caught her just before she hit the drenched ground. He held her close to him and she set her arms around his shoulders. She buried her face in his chest.
“It’s okay, I got you,” he gently assured her, “big brother’s got you.” She took a glimpse up at him, her eyes bleary with slumber. Hamilton smiled, a nervous but relieved smile.
“That’s my little sister.”
Meanwhile, Wilson glareed at Sullivan. He had only seen him once before, up on Pluto-Charon. He seemed familiar to Wilson. Where had he seen him other than the obvious place?
He then remembered Desdemona, Hamilton, Siegfried, and Pluto's family name was Blue, and he took Desdemona's name when they got married, everything else she told him, and the alchemist they suspected who only went by the name Blue.
“You!” he proclaimed. He pointed his arrow at Sullivan's head. He glared up at him and Hamilton. “You were Ringmaster General’s husband who left her after she lost both of her children!” Sullivan's face twisted into a snarl.
“Yes!” he sneered. His eyes devilishly gleamed. Wilson continued to regress on everything he knew up to this point.
“You and Vincent worked in San Luis Obispo because you needed a fellow alchemist to carry out the protest against Diablo Canyon… but Vincent stopped you because he considered that malpractice. So you sold bread pudding using a recipe you stole from Laurie, from Ringmaster General, to all the women in the area, which they had no idea was contaminated with Fall of Mars because it put them to sleep!”
“Yes!” Sullivan's snarl quivered. Hamilton caught on with Wilson's train of thought.
“You got into our hotel and slipped Fall of Mars into my kid sister's drink which knocked her out so you could kidnap her and hijack one of our teleporters in the middle of the night—because she was going to find out about you because she's headstrong and a threat to you!” he joined in.
“Since I was a local star from the Central Coast—” Wilson continued. His voice cracked as it dawned on him. “—my mother met up with you. You were friendly with her as if she was a regular with you, not knowing your true intentions.”
“Yes!” Sullivan began to grin at the thought of Rowena.
“You knew I was going to hit it big so you slipped blackened Fall of Mars into the bread pudding you sold her and it killed her. I was lead on to believe it was pneumonia because Fall of Mars is not medically recognized!”
“But there is a question I have, though.” Wilson lowered his bow and arrow. Hamilton glanced at him as he flashed back to that day.
“I found a big black diamond in her bedroom the night after she died, and I never saw it before. Where did that come from?”
Breathing heavily, Sullivan leaned forward from the iron gate. He remained on the ground with his arms limply hanging from his body and his legs loosely sprawled out like a rag doll. His eyes continued to perniciously gleam that unnatural sparkle.
“It was a model, a sign of what was to come if she didn’t continue to visit me. But she bought into it, thinking it was a gift. And then I took the opportunity and then I killed her. She thought it was a gift and it set me off.”
“A gift?” Wilson was in disbelief. “A gift! So that means means you and my mother—”
“Yes! Good God Almighty in Heaven, yes! Rowena was MY GIRLFRIEND!”
Wilson's mouth dropped open in horror. For all he knew, he had this bluebeard's blood inside of him. For all he knew, he had evil inside of him. A wave of nausea swept over him. Hamilton thought the same thing as he held the half conscious Pluto close to his warm body, trying to warm her up. Shivering from the evening air colliding with his wet clothing, he glared at Sullivan.
“You seduced and killed Wilson’s mother, seduced and abandoned Ringmaster General—my aunt—leaving her to waste, and now you kidnap my baby sister and take her to a place to possess her with a three thousand year old ghost,” Hamilton trembled with cold fury. “For all we know, you may have killed those women back in California. Apparently someone doesn’t like women. Thus I think you should just have an arrow through your head right now.”
“I agree.” Wilson aimed for Sullivan’s head. He deeply inhaled. He refused to do it with Neptune, but he had no problem with the man who killed his mother, and broke Ringmaster General’s heart and left her to waste, but was fortunately thwarted in ruining Pluto’s life. He nearly let go of the string until a plume of white and gray thick fog trickled out from behind the gate and the damaged chicken wire. The fog resembled white cotton candy—it reminded Wilson of the tule fog in the Central Valley, on the other side of the hills from Pacific Grove, but all those times of the fog bank drifting towards the coast and then dissipating just as it reached the ocean. An unearthly moan emerged from behind the gate. It sounded so inhuman and so unlike that of this world, that Hamilton and Wilson froze in place as shivers cascaded over their bodies.
The fog trickled down over Sullivan's shoulders and his chest. His body stiffened and jolted, as if frozen. His mouth shot open and the fog flooded in as if going into a vacuum. Wilson and Hamilton soon realized it was Queen Mars' ectoplasm pouring into him.
His arms and legs shot out from his body which shroud in ectoplasm. His mouth opened wider and his eyes burst open as if he had seen something horrifying. Wilson lowered his bow and arrow as the ghost of Queen Mars floated out from behind the iron bars with her black and white arrowheaded spear pointed at Sullivan’s head.
She was tall, nearly as tall as Hamilton, and about as slender as him, too. Her shoulder length hair swept over her oval face underneath a dark gray tiara. Her pupils were hollow but burned like the inferno beneath the earth. She wore white off the shoulder robes thinly fringed with solid black. Everything about her was tinged a pale light lavender. She turned to face Wilson, Pluto, and Hamilton, her pallid eyes burned into their retinas.
“Stand back!” Mars advised the three of them in a hollow, raspy voice. Wilson nodded his head and took one step back, Hamilton and Pluto scurried behind him.
“Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look—” Hamilton coaxed a stirring Pluto. A blue-white lightning bolt fired out from the tip of Mars' trident and into Sullivan's open mouth. His entire body vibrated. Wilson closed his eyes and turned away. Hamilton bowed his head, keeping Pluto’s face obscured inside his shirt. Sullivan continued to violently shake more and more as Queen Mars leaned in towards him. The tip of her spear was not even an inch away from his open mouth when his body shattered apart like glass. He separated into a million little black diamonds the size of peas which flew out and then imploded onto the floor of the cave in a large puddle. A deafening crack of thunder erupted the second Mars lifted her spear.
Wilson opened his eyes. His ears rang from the thunderclap. Hamilton lifted his heads at Wilson.
“Wilson? Wilson! Can you hear me?” Hamilton sounded as though he was underwater.
“What?” his voice was muffled in Hamilton's ears, too.
“Can you hear me now?” Wilson's ears opened up and Hamilton sounded as though he walked down a hallway.
“Sort of. Can you hear me?”
“Getting clearer, yeah.” They turned their heads to see the puddle of black diamonds strewn about the ground in place of Sullivan’s body. Neptune, Siegfried, Lewis, and Desdemona emerged at the mouth of the cave from the bottom of the hill.
“What happened!” Siegfried cried.
Queen Mars whirled around. Siegfried skidded to a stop, which caused Neptune to skid to a stop, which caused Desdemona to bump into them and Lewis to slip and fall onto the seat of his pants. They stopped behind Wilson, Pluto, and Hamilton. Mars' presence mortified all of them.
She drifted towards Wilson, who snapped his eyes closed again. He winced at the thought of what was about to happen. An ice cold hand rested on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Mars deeply gazing at him with assurance.
“No,” she breathed. “You’re good.”
She gazed on at a petrified Hamilton, who hung onto the half awake Pluto as if about to lose her.
“You’re good, too,” she declared. Hamilton closed his eyes and gently kissed the crown of Pluto’s head. Her gaze meandered to Neptune, Siegfried, Lewis, and Desdemona who were scared out of their wits.
“So are all of you.” Siegfried let out a sigh of relief.
“The last thing this world needs is more evil. We are one less evil person with Sullivan gone. I seep into people’s brains and their conscience to make them not be so malevolent, but their conscience rejects me. They go mad. With the portal open, I can finally work with Saturn to bring evil, selfishness, and especially, lopsided wars, everything wrong with humanity, to its knees. Push comes to shove—I end the world.” She turned to face the edge of the hill top which beheld the dark valley before her. The sun's rays waned with the incoming evening.
“Your Highness?” Lewis timidly called out. Mars glanced back at the trembling boy, standing in front of a terrified Neptune.
Lewis swallowed nervously as her stare etched into the side of his mind.
“Why did you come into my house last night?”
Mars blinked her pale eyes at him.
“That was Hale Harper. My right hand. He was the poltergeist, not me. One last thing—”
He raised his eyebrows.
“I rest can assure you your next edition will sell like hotcakes.” Mars winked at him. He reached up to rub his eyes. He removed his hands to find she had gone, vanished into the cold night.
“We probably should go,” Desdemona suggested.
“Good idea,” Wilson agreed.
Without another word, the seven of them retreated down the hill back to the car. Out of the corner of her eye, Desdemona spotted a blue, indigo, and violet bird landing on a tree branch just in time to see the amaranth down feathers on the inside of its wings. She recognized the plume of violet feathers on its head and blue and violet chevrons on its elongated tail. The bird blankly stared at her from the evergreen tree as the six kids climbed into the car.
She needn't say a word, but she knew what it meant as she slid into the driver's seat and started the car.
The seven of them sped back to Bethlehem. Lewis knew he was going to sleep a lot better tonight and wake up refreshed the next morning to write without a doubt his most adventurous edition of September Son to date.
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wikitopx · 5 years
The beautiful forested slopes, clear lakes, and flower-filled valleys have attracted nature lovers, vacationing families, seekers of peace, and pointing to people in so many ways. system.
This picturesque Pennsylvania mountain in northeastern Pennsylvania overlooks the Delaware River and Delaware Water Gap and borders Wallenpaupack Lake and Wyoming Valley. Here are the best things to do in the Poconos, PA.
1. Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
The breathtaking natural beauty of the area surrounding the Delwar Water Gap has been touristy for more than a century, and it is considered one of the natural wonders of the world. To protect it, manage it and tell the world about it, this area was declared a National Recreation Area in 1978.
It is a large park that covers 40 miles of the Delaware River, 67,000 acres of mountains covered in dense sub-forests, valleys, submerged plains, exploding ravines with rhododendrons exploding in bloom in the beginning.
Spring, native Sam large forest, and abundant wildlife call it home, including bears, foxes, lynxes, chipmunks, deer, and more. Visitors can enjoy more than 100 miles of trails that take them to the most beautiful waterfalls, canyons, and ravines.
Those who like to drive can enjoy more than 100 miles of scenic beauty. About 27 miles of the Appalachian Trail passes through the area. The Poconos is a spectacularly beautiful region excellent for bird watching, zip-lining, hiking, fishing, canoeing, golfing, skiing, parasailing, and whitewater rafting.
The charming small towns that dot the region are all unique and make a visit to the Poconos a true delight. Keep reading for more things to do & where to stay in the Poconos.
2. Bushkill Falls
High up in the Pocono Mountains, the crystal clear water of a narrow stream tumbles down the cliffs and makes its way to the Delaware River far, far below.
The stream sped up as it ran toward the first of the eight, Pennell Falls, continuing through the narrow Glen Glen and upper canyon until it fell down a 100-foot-high cliff, creating Main-coated waterfall. rate. It forms a beautiful, deep, cool lake surrounded by ferns and flowers before dropping an additional 70 feet.
The whole area is intersected with narrow trails and observation areas that offer an unforgettable day of exploring and spectacular views. Get a map of the trails to find the one that appeals most to you.
If you're lucky, you might spot many birds living in this lush area. Wild animals like black bears, foxes, and bobcats are there too but are more elusive. After your hike, you might want to relax with a paddleboat ride, play a game of mini-golf, or sit on a bench and feed the ducks.
3. Hickory Run State Park, Pocono Mountains
Hickory Run State Park, located in Carbon County, stretches over 15,990 acres in the forested western foothills of the Pocono Mountains. The park is popular for Boulder Field, a flat area covered with large, round boulders that look like the surface of the Moon.
Sand Spring Lake has a lovely swimming beach and a golf course, and this is one of the three fixed points for orientation courses. The area includes hundreds of picnic tables, playground equipment, and restrooms.
Many streams and lakes in the park are great for brook and brown trout fishing, and hikers can enjoy more than 44 miles of trails. Some of the trails are permitted for cross-country skiing and others for snowmobiling in the winter.
The best time for hiking is June when the rhododendrons are in full bloom. The park is also popular for Geocaching, high tech treasure hunting with the use of GPS.
4. Poconos PA: No. 9 Coal Mine & Museum
Experience firsthand the dark world of coal mining by visiting No. 9 Coal Mine, the oldest continuously running anthracite coal mine in Lansford, Pennsylvania, 1600 feet into the mountainside.
The mine operated from 1855 to 2002, when it was closed and converted into a tourist attraction and museum. Trained and experienced guides will take you on a walking tour deep into the mountain and tell you the horror stories of the lives our ancestors who worked as miners had to endure.
You will see the original 900-foot deep elevator shaft that was used to haul coal cars to the surface, a miner’s hospital, and the underground mule-way. The museum is located in the former miners’ shanty and it contains original tools such as picks, drills, shovels, saws, axes, blasting tools, and even miners’ caps, lamps, and lunch cans.
5. Great Wolf Lodge Waterpark, The Poconos
To say that Great Wolf Lodge is kid and family-friendly is a gross understatement. Located in Scotrun, a small town between Mount Pocono and Tannersville, this resort is all about family fun.
It starts with the hotel suites that have ‘wolf dens’ and kiddy camps with kiddy bed bunks. And then there is a large, water park that operates year-round to entertain the whole family with thrilling rides, water slides, swimming pools, etc.
Enter Fort Mackenzie to get splashed and soaked until you escape through the Totem Tower slide. Dare to try Hydro Plunge, a roller coaster made of water. Let the kids go crazy and escape to the North Hot Spring soothing warm pool where no kids are allowed. Wherever you go, the temperature is a perfect 84 degrees even if it is snowing outside.
6. Poconos weekend getaway: Promised Land State Park
High on the Pocono Plateau, over 1,800 feet above sea level, Promised Land State Park is 3,000 acres of a natural wonderland. It is surrounded by over 12,464 acres of Delaware State Forest, densely covered with oak, beech, hemlock, and maple. It includes two lovely lakes, one with a well-equipped picnic area, a popular starting point for exploring the area.
The area is located in a picturesque forest next to the Promised Lake and has a playground, water, sand volleyball court, basketball court, and two sandy beaches. Concessions nearby provide boat rentals.
Both Promised Land Lake and Lower Lake are great for taking a slow canoe trip, and if you are a fisherman, try your hand at catching some bass, pickerel, yellow perch, or catfish.
Hikers have 50 miles of trails that intersect the Promised Land State Park and the Delaware State Forest for exploration, nature study, bird watching, or just reveling in the pure joy of magnificent nature. Don’t forget to stop at the Masker Museum with interesting natural history displays, including mounted animals.
7. Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm
The Quiet Valley Life History Farm seeks to preserve Germany's unique heritage in Pennsylvania. Guides dressed in traditional clothing re-enact scenes from daily farm life for visitors and provide information about the founder of the farm, Johann Depper.
The expansive farm includes pastures, streams, and forested areas, and goats, cows, horses, sheep, chickens, pigs, and other animals roam the 114-acre area. Visitors can walk through a vintage farmhouse, a cabin, a smokehouse, and a handful of little barns.
The quiet valley is open to individual and group tours, and the farm can be rented for birthday parties, weddings, and other special events.
8. Poconos weekend getaway: Kalahari Waterpark, Poconos
Pocono Manor is home to Kalahari Water Park, 10,000 square meters of African themed water park. This indoor waterpark has fun and challenging attractions for the entire family, including indoor surfing, body boarding, and waterslides.
Visitors can wind down by floating on the lazy river or lounging in the hot tub. On warm days the roof of the water park can be retracted to let the sunshine in.
The Kalahari Waterpark is part of a resort that has nearly 460 luxurious suites. A vast convention center, spa, restaurants, and family entertainment center make the Kalahari Waterpark a one-of-a-kind spot for corporate events, parties, retreats, and other special gatherings.
9. Claws 'N' Paws, Pocono Mountains
Claws 'N' Paws is a zoo and animal park that hosts many fascinating programs throughout the summer and fall months. Visitors can have up-close encounters with more than 120 animal species, including parrots, reptiles, alligators, and pythons. Claws 'N' Paws also has a variety of baby animals at its facility.
At the petting zoo, visitors can interact with deer, lambs, and goats. Dinosaur Outpost, a recent addition, is an interactive space where adults and children can go to dig fossils. Finally, the Claws 'N' Paws allow visitors to feed parrots with the help of animal park staff.
10. Eckley Miners' Village, Poconos
Eckley Miner's Village was a bustling center of activity from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s. The central part of the village consists of a museum, two churches, a sports club building, a company store, and some outstanding houses. At the visitor's center, guests watch a video that explains the hardships of mining life as well as the history of the village.
The churches and social club give visitors a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of the miners who lived in Eckley Village, along with their families. At the store, visitors learn about how company stores operate and why miners avoid them. Before leaving, guests can receive souvenirs in the Eckley Village gift shop.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Vermont
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-the-poconos-703344.html
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Prevention From Knee Discomfort While Skiing.
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greenridge823 · 7 years
Birds, Butterflies and Blueberries At The Pennsylvania State Game Lands
Birds, Butterflies and Blueberries At The Pennsylvania State Game Lands
We had clear skies and sunshine  here in Northeastern Pennsylvania last Sunday and I decided to drive to my new found hiking area in the State Game Lands 119. Located about 35  minutes from my house, on the edge of the Pocono Plateau, these woodlands remind me of the woods near my home that I hiked all of my life, until they were lost to land development. As I exited my jeep I noticed a number of…
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leatherpearlslace · 8 years
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Issuing Office: Binghamton Source: National.Weather.Service 2:59pm EDT, Mon Mar 13
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Discover Wildlife And Nature Near Your Cabin Rentals In Poconos PA |Grand Leisure Travel
When it comes to inspiring destinations in the U.S, the Poconos has a way with wildlife and sensational scenery that’s difficult to get anywhere else. Connected with mountain peaks, lakes, and complete with rolling green hills, forested terrain, and rivers that wind throughout the Poconos wildlife is truly a small piece of paradise for the outdoor enthusiast to admire beauty near cabin rentals in Poconos PA. From its unique origins to its beauty, the Poconos is a destination that’s designed by nature to give an inviting and inspiring place. Poconos is popular and loved today has an intriguing history dating back 400 million years. The Pocono Mountains are an integrated feature of the Allegheny Plateau and greater Appalachians close to the south of the Catskills. Experts and historians think that the Poconos are the result of an uplifted plain that was created after the North American and Africa initially collided. These shifts and divides have created a landscape that is beautiful to encounter and impressive in its versatility cabin rentals in Poconos  PA.
Read More:-  https://www.grandleisuretravel.com/pocono-rental-cabin-blog/discover-wildlife-nature-near-your-cabin-rentals-in-poconos-pa
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No one at your reading club at home needs to know that you went to a tractor hitch, and nobody in the tractor hitch needs to know that you are going to attend an author's conference tomorrow. Of course, you can ski, walk, fish and, in general, enjoy the region, with its long rivers, gigantic lakes, rocky plateaus, and friendly villages, all invite you to stay for a while.
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lumosinmylife-blog · 12 years
going to camp for a week.
so basically, parents are letting me have their children for a week.....hm. righto. I promise I won't forget to feed them ;) anyway. Tumblr when I get back. Love you guys <3 I'll be full of stories when I return. :D
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Discover Wildlife & Nature Near Your Cabin Rentals In Poconos PA |  Grand Leisure Travel
When it comes to inspiring destinations in the U.S, the Poconos has a way with wildlife and sensational scenery that’s difficult to get anywhere else. Connected with mountain peaks, lakes, and complete with rolling green hills, forested terrain, and rivers that wind throughout the Poconos wildlife is truly a small piece of paradise for the outdoor enthusiast to admire beauty near cabin rentals in Poconos PA. From its unique origins to its beauty, the Poconos is a destination that’s designed by nature to give an inviting and inspiring place. Poconos is popular and loved today has an intriguing history dating back 400 million years. The Pocono Mountains are an integrated feature of the Allegheny Plateau and greater Appalachians close to the south of the Catskills. Experts and historians think that the Poconos are the result of an uplifted plain that was created after the North American and Africa initially collided. These shifts and divides have created a landscape that is beautiful to encounter and impressive in its versatility cabin rentals in Poconos  PA
Read More:- https://www.grandleisuretravel.com/pocono-rental-cabin-blog/discover-wildlife-nature-near-your-cabin-rentals-in-poconos-pa
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