#Pls stop mischaracterizing them...
nikthesoup5 · 2 months
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I'm sorry for my inactivity lately. I have finally graduated!! :D YIPPIEEEE and now I am kind of recovering from all the finals stress, which also made me forget to post this a week ago...
There will be more coming up soon... AC related but also~ I found my charm back for that game so yeah... Enjoy some Edluca because they are my comfort OTP :))
Also happy late birthday Luca <33
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mimihanyuu · 5 months
Male character: [commits awful crimes including genocide because his feelings got hurt]
Fans: oooh so nuanced and interesting! He did the right thing tbh everybody liked that :)
Female character: [commits crimes, NOT including genocide*, that are bad but like WAY less awful when given context/motivation]
Fans: she's evil and if you like her you are bad and dumb and i hate you. Also she committed genocide
* note! Mass murder is not genocide <3
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rirabeko · 2 months
Some of Baji's mischaracterization that gives me the ICK
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It's 2024 and there are people out there who still can't understand Baji's character and mischaracterize him heavily, mostly because of the Bajifuyu ship.
DISCLAIMER: You can ship whoever you want. I'm just tired of seeing my favourite character constantly being mischaracterized because of toxic shippers. Also I'm not a shipper myself, I do not romanticize any of the relationships I mention below.
The biggest issue with Baji's character is the fact that Bajifuyu shippers (and sometimes just the fandom in general) constantly ignore Kazutora's role in Baji's life, meanwhile Kazutora made a huge impact on Baji's character. You can clearly see it not just in the anime or in the manga, but in the spin-off too.
Baji and Kazutora were that duo, they were a literal separated team within Toman. They met naturally, become friends instantly and spent most of their time together (many times without Toman). It's accepted by the fandom, that Kazutora's first real friend was Baji, but also Baji's first close friend was Kazutora.
Obviously Mikey and Baji were close as kids, but after Baji moved to a different place they weren't that close. I bet this is the reason why Baji didn't know about Shinichiro's bike shop, since when they met regularly Baji was a little kid and Shinichiro was a teenager without a bike shop. It also shows that Mikey and Baji aren't that close, they are more like childhood buddies than close friends.
I can talk about this for hours but now I only wrote it as a small disclaimer, before I get into my points, so let's go.
I am sick of it when:
they call Baji stupid (he literally outsmarted Kisaki, being smart not equals only book smart)
people headcanon him as a mean, aggressive, abusive bf (he is canonly no.1 best lover and he literally died because he has a heart of gold, let this bs go pls)
they can't understand the reason behind his suicide and make it a ship war (ICK)
people can't accept the fact Baji loves his friends differently, and not everyone is his bestie (it doesn't mean he does not love them, or prefers someone over the other but love can be different towards different people and it's absolutely normal!)
they make his character all about Bajifuyu (he is an individual, stop bringing up Chifuyu EVERYTIME when it comes to Baji. His character is much more than a guy in a dominant-submissive fanmade yaoi ship people like dragging him into!)
they make Chifuyu the good, perfect friend while constantly dragging Baji down and made him the bad guy in their relationship (I could write a whole essay just about this being a bullshit)
when they romanticize Bajifuyu (Baji canonly sees Chifuyu as a younger brother figure said by Baji's mom, but there are people out there who still believes unironically that they are in love... WHY?)
they ignore that Baji is very caring and affectionate not just towards Chifuyu, he is like this because these are his own personality traits. He behaves like this with everyone who's close to him. (Mikey, Kazutora, Ryuusei and just Toman in general)
people say Chifuyu was the only one who understood Baji's feelings and aims (the literal reason Baji died was because no one really understood his goals and behaviour, not even Chifuyu)
they romanticize Chifuyu's obsessiveness towards Baji (if Chifuyu was a girl, he would be cancelled for this behaviour immediately, but the double standard won again)
people make his death an opportunity to romanticize Bajifuyu (biggest ICK)
they say Baji is only distant with Chifuyu beacuse he is a tsundere (there are so many situations when Chifuyu truly annoys Baji, e.g. he said it many times that Chifuyu's infatuation really disturbs him and asked Chifuyu to stop)
Bajifuyu shippers ignore and hate Kazutora just because he disturbs their ship
they say Baji was a bad influence to Kazutora (Kazutora hung out with gangs even before he met Baji, he was already a part of the underworld. the reason Kazutora turned out that way was his abusive father and his horrible childhood in general. Baji literally saved him, and he could finally be himself around Baji without any judgement or harassment)
they ignore or even DENY Bajitora's bond because of Bajifuyu
they accept Bajifuyu, Kazufuyu or even the Bajitrio but HATE Bajitora (the biggest bullshit ever)
they can't recognise the fanservice of Bajifuyu and calls them canon because of the clear fanservice acts
people think Bajitora is one sided (more Baji sided) meanwhile Tora loves Baji more than his own life and shows it many times how much he loves Baji and how much Baji means to him
they accept that Chifuyu never changed his hairstyle after Baji made it for him (and obviously they romanticize it) but they are hating because Kazutora looked exactly like Baji in bad toman timeline
people ignore Bajitora and always forgets that they are very close to each other in every timeline. the new panels Wakui drew were also about Kazutora putting Chifuyu to his place after Chifuyu completly ignored Tora and disturbed his time with his best friend. (we all know Kazutora is very possessive with Baji for obvious reasons and does not tolerate being disrespected by someone)
The list could go on and on but these are the main problems I still see in this fandom when it comes to Baji's character.
I'm tired of seeing this amazingly well-written character turns into a boring, abusive, mean guy by the fandom who is only an abuser in a toxic fanmade yaoi ship.
To all the people who dislike him/call him mean and aggressive because he beat Chifuyu up:
This anime is based on a manga which takes place in the early 2000's gangster world in Japan. He is the captain of the 1st division, he is the leader, and his role is not just to be the strongest in the division but also to manage his team, bc this is also what a leader does. If someone is disrespectful, breaks the rules and shows a bad example to the others he has to punish them. In this world this is how things go. This won't make him a bad person, or an aggressive jerk. Baji can be very calm and collected when it comes to leading his division. He is a very good leader, who takes care of his teammates, so no surprise he is really loved by his division. 
Also when he beat Chifuyu up before joining Valhalla: he hated himself for doing that. But he had to, he had no other choice. And Chifuyu had every right to stand up against Baji and tell him he's not doing it. But since Chifuyu never questions Baji's decisions as the captain of the first division he agreed with this one too, and also because he wanted to help him. Chifuyu knew exactly what he was doing when he let Baji doing this to him, and he went along with it. Stop bringing this up everytime and use it against Baji.
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kokomona · 2 months
all of these “ranking the hashiras from my fav to least fav” posts just completely don’t understand obanai’s character whatsoever 😭 pls stop taking fanon memes and hcs as canon when it comes to forming opinions about characters.
obanai is not an “edge lord” or “emo” and genuinely thinking he canonically is, waters down the complexity of his character SO much. (and it’s annoying).
saying obanai is too overprotective and over-jealous about the littlest things towards mitsuri is mischaracterization of him as a character and obamitsu as a pairing. obanai trusts mitsuri to take care of herself but that doesn’t completely stop him from helping her in battle if need be. we’ve only seen him jealous with one person in canon and that’s tanjiro; one of the ppl that he personally already doesn’t trust and dislikes since he traveled with a demon etc. if ur crush was hanging out being buddy buddy with someone u don’t trust, u wouldn’t like that either! even with that, he’s not controlling over her and her decisions bc he knows his place. trust is a big deal to obanai when it comes to the ppl he loves and cares for.
obanai isn’t a perfect character, none of them are, and that’s okay! that’s what makes them human.
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supermxnthathoe · 9 months
Was Batman Urban Legends the best characterization of Jason Todd as Robin? No. Absolutely not.
But was he drawn so adorably that I didn't even mind? Absolutely.
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PLS HE'S AN ANGRY LITTLE GUY (yh they played into that idea, how original of them)
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(it's very cute. The storyline, however, left much to be desired. When will we stop using complex characters with good backstories as plot fodder for Batman? When will we stop mischaracterizing them so terribly because it suits the storyline for a singular comic? Give me answers DC. Until then tho- MORE CUTIE JASON)
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lakesparkles · 4 months
Why do you like Gideon x Julie so much?/genq I'm not hating, but I've always really hated goosepowers (mainly bc both characters were really really mischaracterized and their writing was half-assed and rushed (esp Gideon) and the backstory for them was stupid and rushed in my opinion), but I'm really curious about what you see in it to like it so much/gen
First thing, thank for asking this in such a nice way! I'm glad you want to know my opinion about them and I'm sorry for how long my answer will probably be lmao
Okay, I think the best way to start is explaining about how I feel about the different adaptations of the characters:
Ramona is one of the only ones I prefer a version 200% times than the others (everytime I talk about her, pls assume I'm talking about comic Ramona). The other characters I kinda can see good sides in all different versions. Like Julie. To me she is the same in all of them?? (The different being the amount of screentime she has). Sometimes I see people saying "I like Julie in the anime but I can't stand her in the comics" and I'm very confused because?? She's the same character to me? But I love rude and evil women. Julie is the one character I would block someone for openly not liking because it'll hurt me.
Now Gideon. I love Gideon so much that sometimes I forget we don't know much about him. The thing is that he's an almost complex character to me and this is the reason I can't stop drawing and writing this dude. I need to understand his mind. And the way I like doing so is taking parts I like of every version of him and creating a Gideon in my mind that makes sense to me. And somehow this is what makes me like Goosepowers too.
All Gideons have their own flavor, but something that tends to be the same is that he's alright as long as everything is under his control. Things being out of his control makes him upset, and he would do anything to make sure it won't happen - I mean, his whole reason for almost killing two people in the comics as because Ramona broke up with him and how dare she?? (This is why I like his backstory in the anime. He truly doesn't know how to deal with being rejected)
I like to think this is the reason he's so "not himself" during his Gordon Goose episodes in the anime. He's just wondering who he even is now that he has nothing. All his biggest fears became true so he doesn't care anymore.
And Julie is just... Everything that he dislikes in that sense: she yells at him, bosses him around and he has to do what she says because he's at her house now. I swear I wrote a whole fanfiction about this, to try to see how he felt in that moment. Maybe he likes Julie because she makes him feel free from all of that thoughts. Or maybe he doesn't like her at all and, inside, is just waiting for a moment he'll be able to change her as he wishes. Maybe he doesn't know himself, he doesn't even know who he is.
And another thing is that Gideon dating Julie doesn't make him a better person. It's the opposite, it's makes him worse because he's sudenly such a good boyfriend and it shows that he was always able to change. He could've been a nice and loving boyfriend for Ramona this whole time and the only reason he wasn't is because he didn't want to. And I'm still crying about how good this plot could've been in the anime if Ramona didn't stop sudenly caring about Gideon or how badly he treated her and how Julie, her friend, is dating him even knowing exactly how he is. The potential this plot had,,
I have a lot more to say about Goosepowers (and the Julie part of it, but that is a totally different story and I already wrote too much) This is the way I see their relationship and feel totally free to disagree. These are mostly my headcanons, after all!
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goldenlol · 6 months
also this is sword anon again and honestly your cookie run art is partially why i wanna get back into it after a long time but i remember some drama circulating around that darkmilk has a significant age gap n stuff and in extension so does yammilk (ik your pinned post doesnt include them I just added that since that was part of the discussion) so whats your take on their age thing cuz idk what type of shipper you are lol
I don’t talk about milkyam cause I just don’t like the ship, or most of its shippers. I don’t like a lot of choco ships tbh..but all I will say, is milk would protect choco from yam BUT THATS IT. THATS ALL.
for me, I hc young prince as 15 and milk around the same age, idk maybe 13? I cant see how people think young prince choco was an adult...?? Yes she went out to find a sword by herself but I think she was only allowed that because she is a good fighter and can survive on her own, it’s obvious cacao had trust that choco will return safely.
She just looks tall or mature for her age ig?? I think it’s because how she was raised, never allowed to be a child and trained to be better but yea no, I fr can’t see her as an adult here
edit: I forgot to add but she still kind of had that “oblivious” mindset I guess? Believing she can save her kingdom and could change her fathers mind even tho he’s so stubborn and that mentality of being “a hero just like his father”, I’m sure thats associated w younger people because “ur just a child you don’t know any better”
after she comes back she sees what her father rlly is and basically calls him a coward. It’s fr someone maturing and seeing someone for what they rlly are, not blinded by the child mentality anymore and only seeing someone as perfect when they’re not at all (not saying cacao is a coward mb minty, but bro wasn’t the best father 🙏😔 I love cacao) but also choco is manipulated easily because of her weak mentality.. my girl.
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I know a lot of people are iffy or just hate chocomilk and that’s alr ig but god pls enough w tagging the ship and making threads telling people to hate it.
I know someone whose too afraid to draw it because of what people say and I’m like !! I got you bro I’ll draw it for us!!
Also I don’t think devsis would even allow such a ship to exist if it was wrong?? (it’s funny cause they make art of it n even make captions like that one where choco and lico go to an amusement park together, w “don’t tell milk” )
also I just hate how mischaracterized milk is w choco... my god y’all are weird as fuck w him. Milk wouldn’t harass choco or stalk him pls stop that, it’s uncomfortable..
he respects his space and choco’s life. When he met choco in that cutscene, people took choco being “uncomfortable” around milk, he wasn’t? He was just shocked or just “?? Rlly??” Kind of reaction because this man hasn’t been told anything nice after he became “bad” or whatever, so having someone tell him that he was the reason they became stronger and “want to be just like him” is obviously shocking to her, she wouldn’t believe that she made someone life better because she thought she only hurt people and deserved to be hated and treated in any way.
Anyway yea, they def both met as teens, didn’t see eachother til adults and it’s obvious milk is in love w choco idc (me too bro)
this is long as fuck sorry but GOD I NEEDED TO SAY SHIT!!
Take the cute art tho I love them sm (I think choco just has the mentality that no one could love him after what he’s done so he doesn’t understand why milk faints all flustered n shit but the idea of her being oblivious is cute too 😭 fuck it shes both!!)
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also what type of shipper I am?? Wym
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canonically47 · 22 days
review pls!
disventure camp all-stars episode 20: review!
spoilers!!! (no duh.)
i despise how emily was turned into a villain and betrayed trevor. absolutely dogshit, poor writing
ally and jake not being petty??? LMFAOAOAOAOAOOO
riya you did NOT work your ass off you got plot armour. KYS.
oh NOW jally are friends?? now they bond? oh my god fuck you. literally fuck you. such cheap writing to make them bond just in the second to last episode, out of NEED rather than WANT. my god.
“i’m glad you’re still here, jake, we all are” first tom says jake sees the best in people and now this? ONC stop mischaracterizing your characters lmaoaoao
why did ally INSTANTLY agree to this. the fuck.
oh this is cheap. this is just cheap. not only is ally fucking stupid, but didn’t she just say she saw season one? like? she wouldve seen how jake cried at his grandmas death?? the fuck?? do the writers think we are stupid?????
thank you kristal for putting an end to that cheer
why didn’t they make yul’s scar permanent ://
what the fuck is that flashback sequence
“can’t get caught lacking” killing myself
why did they stop mining while they talked bro
why is ally using minecraft logic in real life i despise her actually i’m so sorry 😭
YAY YUL DIED oh nvm ://
and james fell in love right then and there yay!
this emily plot is so annoying i despise how they wrote her, why are the writers so fucking stupid
why are yul and riya so stupid also
i love how alec is rooting for ally because fiore is helping her. they’re so family-coded <3
jake protecting fiore awwwww :((( <333
“riya #screenhog” I LOVE YOU JAMES
why did he put his whole body on his to listen to his pulse omg thats crazy gay people are insane
ew why are these two here
im with emily on this why do you care for him trevor
derek why are you acting surprised he kissed you the fuck 😭⁉️
yeah i hate how they treated emily. it’s actually so bad how they made her this super likable character then ruined her for shock value, god forbid a woman gets between the no-chemistry yaoi right? such cheap writing is crazyyy
like they know the fans love her so much to the point where they confirmed her as queer because in ONC’s eyes queer characters > non-queer characters,, i guess, and then they gave her. this treatment. wow
for once im with yul on this !
yo riya if you want to win you should like. keep going???
yas ally your feelings matter! i wish i cared for you, or that the show was good, or that the writing wasn’t trash, so this moment meant something to me!
oh WAIT?? WAIT??????
OH MY GOD??????????????
man fuck your emotional moment ally idgaf JAKEEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
if riya wins i am KILLING MYSELF !!!!!!!!!!
why are we panning back to trevek eurgrhrhhr ew
thank you so much for ruining that kiss kristal i owe you my whole life
uhhh this episode was dogshit for the first ten minutes, and then for the most part was just mediocre if not just bad. the audio mixing was bad, the voice acting & delivery horribly mid, especially for the high stakes here, like cmon ally a little more emotion would be nice i refuse to hype up yul but my god his actor is the best of all; and then just. i realized how much this finale fucking sucks and how i genuinely do not care for these characters and how badly the show WANTS me to care for them. they’re trying SO HARD. it’s SO FUNNY
i believe emily is the worst written on the show, and she deserved so much better. she was hyped up for nothing and her villain arc came out of nowhere. my theory is, ONC knew how little chemistry trevek actually have, and how much better tremily is, so they decided to make emily a villain so she wouldn’t get between the ship. which is laughable, and such cheap writing.
i say ‘cheap writing’ a lot sorry :(( unfortunately thats all ONC can do! so yea
uhh idk man this is like.. a 4/10 maybe? if i wanna be nice about it. cuz theres some good stuff in it (alec has a speaking line) (james is gay for jake) (ally loses) but otherwise idrk.
i am so so SOOOO happy this show is almost over i am counting down the days until its done 😭🙏🏼 yall are not catching me watching season 4 or rewatching anything. im gone the moment i put out the review for ep 21. like a dad going for milk. perchance
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per-asperas · 1 year
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some ghouls random silly headcanons n thoughts!
side note i’m still new to the band so pls forgiv any mischaracterization!!
also this is more about them as characters!!
Thinking about Sodo’s voice as I Monster’s “Who is she” idk i just feel he would have that kind of voice!!
For Swiss i feel he would like the chorus of TLT’s ‘My ordinary life’ idk hehe i feel it sounds like him just a little
The ghouls want to believe they have no leader, but really it’s Mountain, then Cirrus & Cumulus, then Swiss in the authority hierarchy.
The ghoulettes are very girls for the girls, Sunshine is the only one who gets along with the boys while Cirrus and Cumulus are more dominant with them (?), Swiss being the exception.
Aurora/Whisp likes to scare the other ghouls with her Opera type of singing. The Aether, Sodo, Rain trio could be walking down a hallway and she would just randomly mimic heavenly choirs and they just start screaming and panicking and running back to wherever they came from.
Swiss definitely showed Phantom and Aurora how to shimmies, Copia, Cirrus and Mountain stopping him from hanging out with the new ones.
They all have different end tails, Ghoulettes having more sharp and elegant while the Ghouls have them shorter blah blah blah your average demon tail. They’d like to accessorize them a little with golden/silver beads and other types of jewelry
They use their tails similar to opossums and they move like cats :•3! but they’re very sensitive if touched by another one!
Aether literal himbo
Mountain barely speaks, whenever he enters a room he stays still. everyone gets quiet and wait for him to say something but the just hums, growls, whistles and leaves the room
Swiss and Aether the type of siblings to enter the other ghouls rooms (specially Sodo, Cirrus and Rain’s room) say something funny, walk around inside the room for less than a second or just smile and leave, with the door open. Sodo throws a fit, Cirrus curses them, if it’s Aether who does it she might chase him a little. Rain just looks at them in disbelief and proceeds to do whatever he’s doing
Phantom and Aurora’s welcome party was very chaotic, Aether cried because he didn’t wanna leave his guitar. Aurora got immediately adopted by the girlies. Phantom had to fight a little for respect, specially Sodo’s
These mfs have to behave like the vampires on twilight in public to avoid being looked at weird
The one time Papa took them to disney, Aether, Sunshine and Cumulus wanted to keep the kids that were following them around. Sodo fighting his inner thoughts to not punch anyone. Mountain didn’t bother to come. Rain and Swiss actually had a good time, until Cirrus started to stress because she was secretly the one in charge.
Swiss used to leave the smoke of his vape on everyone’s faces to mess with them. He stopped doing it when Cirrus got pissed and bent his last vape.
Rain had a crush on a human once and the ghouls poked fun of it, until Cumulus scolded them!
Sunshine, Aether and Swiss are not allowed to be near claw machines or they’ll use all their money, Cumulus or Cirrus always have to be supervising.
Sodo can’t be near claw machines either but for anger management issues, Mountain ended up paying for the damages after Sodo not being able to win a plushie for Rain.
Mario kart, Uno and Mario party are games that are NOT allowed in their home. They are all competitive and explosive about losing.
The Ghoulettes love to dress up in fancy and elegant clothing :•3
Aether big bro to Sunshine, Aurora, Phantom’s little sibling energy. He likes to pick the three of them in his arms like potato sacks and spin them around.
and das it they were all revealed to me in a dream
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pumpkinpie59 · 10 months
random hot takes i have cause i’m bored and emotionally dead:
-i literally cannot stand any leo ship other than leolotus, especially if it involves 87 leonardo. i’m sorry but it has made me physically nauseous before. shipping as a joke or a small crush on someone else is fine but pls don’t bother me about other leo ships it’s too much for me. ((i won’t hate u if u ship other ships dw <3 i just ask not to be bothered by it)
-i’ve already ranted about this so i won’t go into depth but i hate the 2012 season 4 finale (moreso requiem than owari but owari still bothers me). i think in general? i think 2012’s writing is mindbogglingly bad after they leave the farmhouse in season 3, but that doesn’t mean i don’t still enjoy a lot of it. just don’t expect me to drop the issues that bother me. season 1 is my baby tho and i’ll defend it to my dying day.
-2012 apritello is good. they just had to go through character development. my only issue with it is that their entire situation was pushed to the background so ppl only notice their development if they’re paying attention to april and donnie the whole time (like i do).
-1987 treats its girl characters better than the other shows which is shocking.
-capril sucks. i have literally never liked it or was just neutral to it. i got close to liking them in idw but then casey became a jerk.
-that said i don’t like shipping casey or april with the turtles with the one exception of 2012 apritello.
-i think 03 casey and splinter are annoying.
-2012 casey is best casey :p
-2012 michelangelo pisses me off. he has some good lines here and there and sometimes has fun dynamics with other characters but in general he’s just an ableist representation of adhd and he literally never faces consequences for his mistakes and instead everything works out for him so he never grows. like literally he stays the same throughout the show. also i dislike his actor sorry :p and his entire dynamic with renet just ruins renet as a character and it bothers me.
-i forget rise exists most of the time tbh. it’s good but like. i forget. also rise leo and donnie’s writing bothers me anyway-
-1987 content needs to sTOP mischaracterizing raphael PLS PLS PLS. “michelangelo is the jokester and raphael groans at his jokes” NO!!! raphael is the jokester so he gets upset when his brothers make stupid jokes bc that’s HIS thing !!!!!! and he’s not angry in the same way other raphaels are except in red sky when he was angry that they became villains in society’s eyes!!! but otherwise he’s emotional and whiny but not angry!!!
-leonardo is best when he’s a dork. he wants to do the right thing but will be a frickin idiot about it but - oh wait buddy don’t do that no wait put the sword down hold on-
-the turtles should never have blue eyes but especially not michelangelo.
-ramona is great but it’s okay for them to just be friends too. either way they slay <3
-lotus blossom and jhanna are the most under appreciated characters in tmnt give them some respECT-
-i think howie should come back. not bc he’s a good character i just wanna see what would happen.
-i hate koya. so much.
-mondo/mikey makes me rlly uncomfortable. it feels exactly like leo/venus since they mutated in the same place so mondo feels like a long lost sibling …
-this is literally just my take and i don’t expect others to agree but like. the 1987 team is the only version of tmnt where i feel like every turtle is equally likable and works as a unit best. like i like 03, but i don’t especially get attached to mikey? he’s good but compared to the other 03 turtles he’s just not my fav. same with 2012 but more extreme since it has rlly good raph, donnie, and leo,, but like i said i really dislike mikey. and then i’m not rlly attached to the rise turtles except mikey. the 87 team tho is all great.
-while i rlly love rise casey, i think waiting to reveal she was casey was a bad idea. i think she should’ve been introduced as casey or should’ve been a different character,,,
-i like red sky but the last episode was a disappointment,, also where are all my fav side characters 😭
-the turtles should never be tall they will always be lil guys to me. they should be under 5 ft plsssss
-not a hot take just a hc that was recently revealed to me and i think it’s genius: the 5th turtle kirby (like from 90s concept art) should be the donatello clone from 1987. like hello??? that’s genius pls watch the clone donatello episode
-if i see yall reducing mm april to just be shipped with leo i will end yall.
-lotus blossom is an interesting character even without her connection to leonardo and i wish everyone would notice !!!!
-not a hot take but rob paulsen should be in every tmnt thing we should make it tradition.
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daxieoclock · 10 months
Tactica Impressions Part 6, No Plot Spoilers
Toshiro continues to bring the entire plot down. I need him to stop being here. Please. Please, I'm dying and the only cure is No More Adult Man Party Member In Persona Game.
Erina is a fantastic character and her development is fantastic but it DRAGS that she's so fixated on being nice to Toshiro and sucking up to him and giving him unearned authority over her rebellion and the Phantom Thieves.
They've even co-oped Futaba into buddying up to Toshiro and it sucks so bad. Futaba. Futaba, cyber criminal and prodigal hacker, compares her being autistic and talented to Toshiro's...having experience deescalating cabinet battles. It's SUCH mischaracterization.
Complaining aside. All The Girls (And Ryuji) Love Erina's Flag and I feel like that's very gay of them. Everyone likes the cool girl.
RYUHARU SIDE QUEST with bonus Futaba and Haru sister moments, and Ryuji calls Haru "senpai." It's fucking amazing. Haru fans keep winning.
Even though Yusuke and Makoto are my least fav Thieves on average, I do love how they're animated this game. They both have fantastic poses, and there's even some good bits of characterization, though Makoto gets really robbed by most of the big planning stuff being handed over to Toshiro instead so he can show off. Stolen valor tbh.
There's one random moment where it looks like Haru and Makoto are holding hands. Yay! :)
The marriage fantasy scenes kinda sucked on average? The Makoto and Yusuke scenes were deeply unfunny jokes, the Ann scene felt like it was copy-pasted from Lovers 10, and the Ryuji scene was surprisingly earnest even through the attempt to play it off as a joke. Like...it felt like yet another case where Atlus accidentally wrote them into genuine bi subtext, as opposed to the "my friend is a weirdo" of the Yusuke scene.
The Haru scene almost made me tear up. Yes I'm a Harufan, yes I'm biased towards Shuharu. Don't care, it was so fucking genuine and played into her themes of overcoming romantic/sexual abuse and it was just AGHHGG I LOVE THESE STUPID KIDS.
How does Joker STILL have the grappling hook from Royal, what the fuck. We're playing X-Com over here, you didn't think that would have been useful EARLIER???
Anyway Erina continues to be an absolute badass, it's unreal how cool she is.
...I wrote most of these points as I experienced them, and now I may need to take a step back. Because the projection room scene in the castle has left me genuinely reeling. I'm not sure what to say beyond...that I am taking another look at Toshiro as a character. Because I might be starting to appreciate him. Metatextually, his role as a pseudo-party member is a fucking nightmare, and his writing is so inconsistent and uncharismatic that the most entertaining parts of his presence so far has been other characters dunking on him. His personality sucks and I don't like WHY Atlus put him in this game. But as a character, as a foil to the Thieves and an individual narrative...I am starting to be compelled. There is absolutely an opportunity for Atlus to absolutely dumpster this good faith they've got from me, but...I said "if they want to make Toshiro compelling, they need to do these things" and like fucking clockwork, they did. So now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I don't have to LIKE Toshiro, but I will give his arc the benefit of the doubt. (Also if people want to read my specific thoughts on the scene, let me know, I'll definitely write them up if there's interest.)
Anyway pls look at this meme from @lilyhoshikawa
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Haru / Ann Close Read Lines: 21 (and boy fucking howdy what a handful of good ones we got this time)
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danothan · 2 years
a fandom pet peeve of mine is when a ship dynamic puts one person on a pedestal to save their more “troubled” partner, whose pov is, more often than not, the ONLY pov thru which fans interpret and analyze the relationship. the byproduct of this is less focus on the “savior” character (at best) and total mischaracterization (at worst), essentially reducing them to a plot device instead of, y’know, an actual person experiencing this relationship too
like i get it, i understand the draw for overtly flawed characters in fandom. it’s appealing to see your down-on-their-luck blorbo get the love and healing they deserve. or on the flip side, it’s fun to indulge in the angst of jealousy, injustice, and other complex feelings that come with opposing morals/reputations. “troubled” characters openly invite exploration into their flaws while “savior” characters are (seemingly) flawless—aka unrelatable
but both characters are complex in their own right, and it’s a shame to see interesting, well-written characters get dismissed for being “too good” (read: unfairly idealized) when they’re usually my personal favorites. even if ppl have a strong preference for only half of a pair, getting a one-sided pov of your fave doesn’t give them a complete, rounded understanding either. no one is defined by the limits of their own mind, so why limit yourself as the omniscient viewer? ships like this (and in general) are a package deal, if only fandoms would treat them as such
tldr: pls stop turning paragon characters into manic pixie dream girls, they deserve love too 😭🙏
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gold-rhine · 1 year
sorry if this isnt directly related to your inazuma rewrite, but i was reminded of how yoimiya's 1st SQ somehow captured this idea of eternity in transcience (similar to makoto's perception of it). And thats cool bc yoimiya isnt from a noble family or even a youkai. Shes human and yet probably has the closest grasp to the OG electro archon's ideal. Also comparatively with nilou with the arts and wisdom and sumeru.
We know how these girls get mischaracterized a lot or ppl calk them boring/irrelevant but actually... so yeah
......anon stop spoilering my Act 3 rewrite pls..........
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haus-mom · 9 months
1,6,10 and 25
1. the character everyone gets wrong
i hate to be cliché'd but TSUKASA. i admit i used to be partly guilty of it before i realized that tsukasa isn't really empty inside, he keeps being a parallel to mafuyu by not only being actually full (? inside but being like. really full inside. tsukasa has several personas and he acts very differently depending on who he's interacting with and they're all sorta tsukasa to a degree but they're also not really? tsukasa please stop being worrying or be but have this acknowledged pls
anyway, people tend to portray tsukasa with no nuance at all, he's either a happy careless guy or so sad that he could put every N25 member combined to shame. as i said he's REALLY worrying but he genuinely really likes what he does and has passion and drive. he's just team "i can't be sad if i don't acknowledge i'm sad so i'll just leave the issue there until i forget it :)"
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
i am inclined to say kanade x mafuyu because i still genuinely can't see how they'd have a healthy romantic relationship, so when i see content of the ship while i'm on misc tags i'm like
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and they make every single thing kanade does about mafuyu. i mean, canon already sorta does that, but even when it's not about that, they MAKE IT about mafuyu. do these guys even like kanade? do they see her as her own character? i wonder...
10. worst part of fanon?
TSUKASA ADOPTING EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER EVER. they took him saying toya is like a little brother to him (more on that later) and ran. a marathon. and a half. around the moon. and back.
are we forgetting this convo?
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tsukasa only has one sister, and it's saki! toya tenma is a sweet sentiment, really, but that's where it should've stopped.
everything i've seen about kanade tenma is super mischaracterized too. i know they haven't talked much, but i feel like their dynamic wouldn't be like that at all if they were to live together. and i was right about the mafuyu-tsukasa dynamic way before they even met, which obviously means i'm always right (?
minori tenma is the least frequent, minori shinonome is something i've seen a lot and that i don't really get either, like, is it because minori's hair is brown-ish? is it? and what about minori tenma? is it because tsukasa cheered her up that one time? i'm the first one asking for more actual leadersquad interactions, but hc-ing them as siblings just because of that...
people who go "yeah minori tenma/shinonome real because she's marrying tsukasa/saki or akito/ena" are the backbone of this fandom
25. common fandom complaint you're tired of hearing
please stop treating toya x tsukasa/saki shippers as if they're the scum of the earth i promise you they're perfectly good ships
i feel like i say this a lot but just because tsukasa sees toya as a younger brother, it doesn't mean that toya feels the same. he has never said it in the game (afaik) and he actually changes the subject rapidly whenever tsukasa mentions it. saki has never said anything regarding seeing toya like that, so it's safe to say he's just a childhood friend to her.
speaking of! i've also seen people proclaim that nene and rui are "sibling coded" which. doesn't make sense either? like if you see them like that, it's fine! same with toya tenma and the rest of the sibling hcs, don't let this rando on the internet stop you, i'm not the biggest toya x tsukasa fan myself, but one thing is that and other is going around people's posts policing what they do or don't post. i don't think you're going to get anything more than annoy the op, really.
really curious that i've never seen people say this about leo/need! i wonder why! except this one time someone asked if it was okay to ship shiho and honami because of that one 1koma where shiho almost calls honami "sis" which is also its own can of worms
can we bring back ship and let ship i miss ship and let ship
anyway, thank you for the ask!
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olivyh · 2 years
OMG i heart floyd and jade i think they’re super interesting!! personally i think they’re very mischaracterized by the fandom, but i see why ! esp with it being hard to see his true intentions behind his words
i am such a hypocrite bc i do love jade being a softy but-
i feel like the fandom jumps to either extreme when it comes to the two but i also love everyone’s interpretation ??? i have very mixed feelings
Theyre both heavily mischaracterized and demonized, and people tend to forget that they are real people (not real real just,,, yknow,,,):( just bc theyre scary doesnt mean they dont have feelings??
like i see lots of posts where it makes floyd out to be cruel and apathetic… and while he definitely can be sometimes theres definitely a line that he cant cross either
Jade happens the same way… but i see people explore jades character much more than floyds- it really makes me sad (he and ruggie were the reason i first started playing twst in 2020). Like… yes hes hyper, yes he has mood swings, yes he can be mean sometimes… but people tend to make that his whole personality,,,
like,,, hes still a normal guy with normal interests, he just has mood swings :( people tend to label the twins and make them stick to that label when theres so!! much!! to be explored!!! i am guilty of also mischaracterizing them in the past, and im working on learning how to write them better!
like…. floyd is incredibly intelligent. to the degree that, if he wanted to, i believe he could easy beat azul or riddle in terms of test scores without even trying. Hes curious, and he likes to explore and learn all the new things he can do. He puts on the ACT of being a little dense, but he can read a room if needed. and he can feel things other than energetic and angry- he can be sad, he can be scared, he can be anxious and stressed and deserves to be cuddled and given a little smooch on the forehead. he shouldnt be defined by the two emotions the fandom decided to define him by out of the blue!!!!
Jade is also heavily mischaracterized. He does not hide his intelligence like floyd, but uses it on the down-low. Hes still a person and, despite being incredibly smart, is not invincible to mistakes. i also have a small hc that both twins have behavioral issues (floyds mood swings and outbursts and jades general apparent apathy and ability to mask). but again, he can still feel things other than, for lack of a better word, the “oya oya” vibes he normally gives off. make him sad!! make him giggle at dumb jokes!! make him anxious!!! give him more feelings other than “oya oya”!!!!!
i just wish people would explore the different sides of them more, and look deeper into who they are before they make assumptions
on that topic, kalim
kalim is not stupid, or naive. Hes a little dense, yes, and he gets so excited that he may overlook things, but he is still the heir to a multi-billion dollar company and has survived countless attempts on his life.
also, while were on it, hes emotionally intelligent. he knows when he likes someone. pls stop making him out to be emotionally stupid in fics. hes a normal 17 year old, he knows what things are. just because hes bubbly, does not take away his knowledge
yes hes naive, yes he overlooks things, but hes SMART! His kindness does not erase what he was probably taught from a young age!
ask him magical history or alchemy? probably not his strong suit… but leadership? business management? foreign affairs? hes a master at anything along those lines
i have a few other charas that i would go in depth with, but ill pause it there bc im just ranting now :(
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chibirisa20 · 7 years
Female potential love interest: *shows very minimal signs of jealousy and handles said jealousy in a slightly problematic™ way that doesn’t even end in murder*
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