#Pledis don't fuck it up
pporapipam · 1 year
NAUR nothing happened i just love gyu and bongbongie and think pledis/hybe sucks 🫶🏽
aah okie got it! 🥰 yeah honestly same. hmu if you go burn down hybe, i will join you <3
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bobbasmultiverse · 5 months
strawberries & cigarettes
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8. newbie bimbo
warnings: profanity, cat and dog-ish fights, not proof-read
word count: 998
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the rapid knocking sounded throughout the place as you got up to get it. mingyu had almost put his fist in your face if you hadn't moved back the slightest bit. with a glare of yours and a full-canined smile, he walked into your house, acting as if it was his own and making himself comfortable on the couch.
“why is it reeking of a male?”
it was unexpected, really, but that didn't stop you from dropping to the ground in laughter at the man's reaction. he’d screeched, grabbing a throw pillow and shoving it your friend's way before grabbing one to protect himself.
“what the actual fuck, woman? i thought you were an intruder.” he whined, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. you saw yoon's eye flit to his biceps for a split second before she was completely looking away from the man.
mingyu huffed, standing up and crowding the room with his height alone before he moved to the kitchen. “well, this is your first date here in korea, so it's still a first. plus, it's with one of your brother's best-oh god, soonyoung is one of wonwoo's best friends.”
the bottle of water was in his hand as he zoned out with his mouth agape. “how could he do this to wonu? how could you do this to wonu? oh my god, you monsters.” he gasped dramatically, leaning back on the counter and covering his face with his hand.
“you should've signed up for theatrics instead.” you commented, feeling a ball of fur curl up at your feet as you bent down and grabbed the little guy. “i just remembered that jihoon wanted to see cheeto.”
“jihoon? the snow white from pledis cafe?” mingyu asked, dropping the act as he straightened up slightly.
you sighed. “he doesn't like going out much, okay? so stop that.”
“wait, what jihoon? when did y'all meet at pledis cafe? which page did i miss?” yoon asked, following after me into the room with mingyu trailing after us, keeping a safe distance from cheeto to not start sneezing.
“i was hanging out with hoon and gyu happened to be there…with his group of friends.” you explained, setting the feline down on your bed and plopping down next to it while mingyu took rest on the bean bag in the corner of the room and yoon laid on her bed.
“is that when he dipped on you and asked minghao to go instead-”
“i didn't ask minghao, he volunteered, okay?” mingyu protested, throwing his head back against the thing. “seokmin had something come up-”
“seokmin was hanging out with me and seungkwan.”
“you know seokmin?”
“who doesn't know seokmin, himbo?”
“sorry for asking, newbie bimbo.”
“guys!” you cut in, throwing a pillow yoon's way to stop her from lunging at the man. “i don't want my room to be a crime scene, okay? fight in the corridor or something.”
mingyu grumbled under his breath before the pillow you directed at yoon was hitting his face. “let's t. swift and get you dressed, yeah?” she stood up from the bed with a victory smile and a well needed stretch. “i'll get us some drinks while the himbo thinks of an outfit or something.”
“so, you think my fashion sense is good?!” mingyu beamed, pointing at her accusingly, but yoon only threw him a dirty look before walking out the room, and you could only sigh at the scream that erupted from her after mingyu threw a smaller pillow at the back of her leg, making her crumble to the ground.
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“aw, you look so pretty.” yoon cooed as mingyu snapped a few pictures of you from behind her.
“yes, oh my god. put on your shoes, c'mon. you're gonna be late.” mingyu urged, grabbing a pair of sneakers and dropping them in front of my feet. “i'll grab my keys and meet you at the front door.”
“okay!” you called out after him as he shut the door and you were left alone with your friend.
“ryu is gonna be home tomorrow morning, right?” you asked, tying the laces tightly and ensuring they're okay before you stood up.
“yeah, i'll be alone tonight.” she sighed dramatically, leaning on the back of the couch. “all alone, in the big place-”
“with a hot dude next door.”
she chucked a pillow at you as you dodged it with a laugh. “c’mon. even a blind man can see that you have a thing for him.”
“that himbo? never in a million years. i've already got enough on my plate.” she shooed you off, just as a knock sounded on the door.
“yeah, bang chan, of course. when are we gonna let go of him? no one knows.” you murmured to yourself, grabbing your bag and heading out of the door. “see you later, yoonie.” and then you were heading off with mingyu, with your brother probably in his room, gaming the night away.
“i know soonyoung's my friend and all, but if something you don't like goes down, i'm one call away.” mingyu stated, stopping the car in front of a restaurant.
“isn't it weird that he hasn't been home the whole day, though?” you asked, gripping the door handle but not attempting to open it.
“he was at seokmin's, probably. now go and have fun.” he urged you out, driving away once you were out of the car and back towards the dorms.
walking inside the restaurant, you took a seat on one of the tables and settled down. you were right on time for once, but soonyoung was always late so it was okay.
being ten minutes late is nothing. he probably just hasn't checked the time yet.
“would you like to order something now?”
“yes, just water till we decide on something, thank you!"
your mouth hung open, staring at the breathtaking breathless man in front of you before he smiled bashfully. “hey. sorry, i'm late.”
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | and so the drama officially starts. its also kinda short, sorry
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lesbiancarat · 4 months
To that earlier anon and other carats too pls also keep in mind the exemption is because of his ACL injury. It's not something random it is because he was injured and the examinations deemed him unfit for service at the time of the examination (only saying this bc idk when he would have gone in for this, and he HAS been cleared to join schedules again so it's a little confusing)
Im hoping an official statement comes out at least acknowledging this and maybe clearing up a few details soon but it's just hope rn. Best we can do is hope cheol is still taking care of himself :(
yes, meant to mention this in my earlier post as well but didn't want to ramble on too much
also yes, good point that we don't know when the examination took place. but even if it was recently I feel like this call isn't super surprising? even if he's on the mend and doing well with physical therapy you don't want to fuck around and find out with ACL injuries until you're really fully healed
I feel like some people are panicking and acting like this means his injury is much worse than we initially thought, but I don't think that's necessarily the case. it's not unreasonable for him to have been exempted from what we already knew. torn ACLs are no joke and rehab takes a while!
I did see just now that pledis confirmed he was exempted due to his ACL tear, surgery, and recovery process. the article also says he was classified as a "Grade 5" and that "According to South Korea’s conscription system, men in Grade 5 are exempt from mandatory military service during peacetime. In the case of a war, they are required to perform labor in support of the military." so do with that information what you will!
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thejeonginshands · 2 years
Secret Love Song | BangChan
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Masterlist | Anterior Part
Warning: This story may contain foul language and misuse of words, along with explicit erotic narration, please don't be rude about it. I don't want to sexualize any of the idols used in this story, please know how to separate fiction from reality, so don't make a drama in a glass of water. There will be spelling mistakes so don't make a crazy scene about it either, the story will be corrected when it's finished.
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Last Wednesday Twitter was exploding with the hashtag #SEOHAE and #BANGCHAN, many said it was due to a misunderstanding, but since there are many people who still do not understand what is happening between the two idols, stay and read this article. Seohae is the 22-year-old leader who just debuted about a year ago in the girl group DREAMS under the agency Pledis Entertainment which is part of HYBE Labels, she did a live where she talked to her fans and they played a game just for having fun, where she answered things like: What was her favorite group, if she had an ultimate bias or what was the last album she bought.
But they asked him a question about Bangchan if he seemed attractive, since it is no secret to anyone that the leader and eldest of Stray Kids was a pretty handsome boy and everyone was dead for him, also because of how kind and how good he makes you feel. to many people around the world and Seohae was as sincere as possible saying this: "Bangchan? Oh sorry, I don't find him attractive at all." Yes, we had found the first person to dislike our favorite leader.
When she said that, Twitter fell on her and the fans of the male group were very against what she said, there were some who defended her but those who insulted her and wished her the worst were the ones who made the most noise, but the fans of the leader did not remain silent and also defended their artist. In short, it was chaos. For days Twitter searches for Seohae's name were insults like Seohae bitch, Seohae stupid, Seohae die. Things like that. Which reached Bangchan's ears that in his recent Chan's Room he dared to talk about it, although he never mentioned talking about Seohae, everyone knew it was about that.
The leader said the following: "I do not agree with what many say, we are not all the same so insulting another person for thinking differently is silly. Let's grow up and think better. When we finally sit down and reason about our actions, the Life will be easier. Let's remove that black cloud from our side or from within us, we don't need it. Nobody deserves to receive hate for something so insignificant. Let's grow up." That statement from the boy left everyone speechless, they didn't think he could say that.
So far Seohae hasn't said anything and has been on hiatus, hopefully she'll come back soon when she's ready, but most likely as the hate has subsided a bit. What do you think? Did you already know the full story? Did we miss something? Leave it in the comments.
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username1 as I stay I say that everything was so ridiculous and unnecessary, I was like this )( from partiles the mother to all those who filled their mouths speaking ill of seohae, without need username2 I kneel to bangchan, how wise he is love of my life username3 seohae didn't deserve anything she received, my queen got so many hate comments just because she doesn't like bangchan, by god how immature they were all, I hate them username4 makes me laugh that bangchan also received hate, none deserved nothing happened username5 seohae let username6 die I don't agree, seohae was ridiculous talking about bangchan to get fame and in the worst way, she deserves everything username7 received I imagine toxic fans eat wood and earth for breakfast chernobyl, why the fuck, so heavy and stupid, they make me tired username8 leaving the kpop world had never seemed like such an attractive idea until now username9 seohae was right, bangchan is horrible, I don't understandbecause they like it… disgusting username10 happy bangchan's shit must be that my goddess seohae finds it horrible, because it is, they should tell him the truth username11 #STRAYKIDSDISBAND #DREAMSDISBAND both are the worst leaders, leave the group
seohae's house, 2021
━We need to go to the agency, Seohae! Get up! ━Miyeon pulled her standing up to her leader to get her out of bed but the girl didn't help, she was much stronger hugging the base of her bed and her big sheets. Miyeon fell on her ass to the ground as she ripped off Seohae's sheets, but nothing else. she growled. ━Ugh, Seohae!
━I will not get out of this bed until I die. I won't go to work, I won't eat, I won't do anything because I deserve to die, I need it. He whines, letting his face fall into the pillow. The leader, after seeing what Bangchan said about her in her Chan's Room, has decided to never see the light of day again, she wanted to put her head in a hole in the ground and drown. Although the hateful comments towards her have decreased a lot, many people no longer attacked her and her fandom has taken it upon herself to clean up the searches, she was not yet ready to be seen. ━Understand my decision, Miy.
━I don't want to understand her because she's dumb, Seohae. Everything has decreased a lot, no one attacks you in a herd anymore and even Bangchan came out to stand up for you because you are a coward and you can't even do that. ━The leader looks at her badly. ━Don't look at me like that because you want to or I'm not absolutely right. We have a comeback right around the corner and you haven't given any material to the fans since the rumors came out. We are idols and even if you don't want to, being the leader, the three of us depend on you. Yeji is not good at giving orders.
━I heard you! ━The older one shouts from outside, Miyeon rolls her eyes.
━And it's a lie?! ━He yells back and Yeji stays quiet, because the girl was right. ━Seohae, don't make me call Joshua, look, I've put up with doing it because he told me that we should call him or anyone in the group.
━Yeah, okay! I will get up. Hate you.
━You love me. He blows a kiss leaving the room.
Seohae runs her hand over her face and takes her cell phone to see the time, it was just eight in the morning and she had time to get to the photo section before her manager picked them up. She stood up and combed her hair back, leaving the room dragging her feet on the floor to reach the kitchen where Haneul was making breakfast, seeing her put a strawberry in her mouth.
━Do you want my breakfast? the brunette asks, Seohae nods, dropping onto the bench in front of the counter. Haneul puts a plate of strawberries in front of her while she makes the toast. ━Are you okay? I imagine that you must be calm now that everything has calmed down, right?
━I can't say that I'm calm but I feel less stressed, so I feel fine. I did not think that my first time in scandal was that, I do not wish it on anyone. ━Haneul turns to see her and smiles. ━Leaving that topic because I get stressed. Have you seen the color palette yet? We must choose one for the comeback. I chose blonde.
Oh, I knew I was forgetting something. I haven't chosen yet, but maybe I'll wear three colors, I'll think about it later. ━Take out two plates to serve breakfast.
Yeji goes into the kitchen leaving the tablet with his headphones on it and opens the fridge to get some juice.
━What do we have for today? he asks taking a sip of the drink. ━I'm not in the mood to move much, I want to throw myself on my bed to listen to Agust D.
━Are you sure you and Suga sunbanim aren't related or something? Because they are like two peas in a pod, and we are not the only ones who say so. I read a very long thread about the reasons why you are soulmates. ━Miyeon now enters in her underwear to sit next to Seohae eating her plate of strawberries.
━I ship Yeji with EXO's Chanyeol. Change my mind. ━Yeji makes a shocked face at Haneul's comment.
We don't even know each other, are you crazy? ━says the rapper leaving the juice on the counter. ━Isn't that bra mine? ━He points to Miyeon who looks at them together with each one in the kitchen.
━I don't know, I saw it and I put it on. ━He shrugs. ━I can take it off if you want.
. . .
The manager at the agreed time picked up the four members of the girl group and was in charge of taking them to the set to be able to do the photoshoot for Dazed magazine, Seohae had a drink of her freshly brewed coffee and dropped down so that the stylists could prepare it. Haneul and Yeji were in a dispute because apparently they both can't have the same taste for American coffee. Miyeon was asleep in the chair while the stylist did makeup on her face.
━Do you want wine red or this rosé? her stylist asks, and Seohae shrugs.
━Anyone is fine, although since you give me the choice of pink, it would look better and more natural on me. ━He smiles at her and the woman nods to open the pink and pass it over the girl's lips. ━Hey, Yeji. Did you save the tracks you made with Woozi?
━I told him to do it because I was in a hurry. My house in Minecraft did not repair itself. Seohae frowned and rolled her eyes. ━I hate doing photoshoots, I get bored doing them. Is it too much to ask to be calm in my warm bed building little houses in my game?
━The women said above and you left the planet. This is Haneul speaking. ━Say hello. ━He puts the camera on for her and points to all the members. ━The manager gave it to me so I could record everything we do and upload it to YouTube.
━That's worse. Get that out of my face or I'll smash it over your head. ━Yeji tells him covering his face and Haneul just sticks out his tongue.
The photo section was more entertaining due to the fact that Haneul took advantage of that moment to annoy Yeji all the time, the fans would have material to make a video of those where X member is tired of the maknae, although videos of them of Yeji tired of Haneul's existence were left over. Miyeon was only busy looking good in front of the cameras all the time and Seohae kept using her cell phone or checking that the oldest of the group and the youngest did not kill each other. When it was time to go home, the four members waited outside the venue for their manager.
━My mother told me that she wanted to invite you to dinner, do you want to come to my house? Seohae says, protecting her hands in the pockets of her trench coat. The three remaining members nodded happily, the two younger ones hooking onto both of the leader's arms.
━Yes, yes, we haven't seen Auntie Munyeong for a long time. Miyeon says letting her head fall on Seohae's shoulder who just laughs. Being the four of them and a family, the parents of each one know each other and they even have a groupchat where they send things about the girls, the one who talks the most is Seohae's mother and Yeji's father, who are the most energetic and always They are to unite parents.
━Well, let's go, Yeji tell the manager that we ordered a taxi. walking. ━She walked with the two younger members hugging her and with Yeji behind who was in charge of sending the message to his manager telling him what they would do. As the four of them got on, the rapper in the passenger seat gave her the address of Seohae's parents' house. ━I already told mom that we would go.
━And what did he say? Haneul asks lifting her head from Miyeon's shoulder who was immersed in her cell phone.
━That it was fine and about fifteen hearts. Dad's been away for a few days so she's alone, that's why she's been trying a lot to get him to visit her. You know how mom is, she hates being alone. ━Yeji turned to see her.
━Who put me back in the group with the TXT boys? They know that Yeonjun and I are three seconds away from pulling our hair out, we left for peace. ━Speak showing the chat with the boys and Miyeon starts laughing.
━Taehyun and I said that it was a bad idea to make Beomgyu the administrator of the group, he can do whatever he wants now, but knowing that you and Yeonjun don't get along, he'll do whatever it takes to keep adding gasoline to the match. ━He shrugs.
━Agh, fucking Beomgyu. ━Yeji complains turning off the cell phone.
The three of them laughed getting out of the taxi when it stopped in front of Seohae's family's house, the guard who was outside when he saw them asks them to open the big gate and he does so, letting them enter the big house that was in front of them. eyes. Haneul was jumping all the way to the big house by the garden pulling Miyeon who was trying to let go. When they got to the entrance of the house they didn't even ring the bell, just pushing it and leaving Yeji, who was the last to enter, to close it, they took off their shoes, each taking their respective slippers that Munyeong was in charge of buying.
━Mom, we are here! Seohae yells, looking her way.
I'm in the kitchen! ━The woman yells back, Seohae tells the girls to go while she was in charge of going to her room in search of some things, the members said yes and headed to the kitchen to help their leader's mother. Seohae went up the stairs knowing exactly the way and went into the room seeing that it was the same as when she left, she opened the closet to take some things and when she pulled a box the photo album she made when she was fourteen fell to the floor.
━God, is this still alive? ━He takes it from the floor and sits on the bed to pass his hand and see that it was completely clean, the cleaners took it very seriously. She opens it seeing the first photos of her as a child, photos of her family, with her parents, on her birthday, riding a bike, but one photo in particular caught her attention and she took it out to run down the stairs towards the kitchen. ━Hey, mom…
━It wasn't my fault, anything missing or broken is your dad's fault. ━The woman raises both arms, the girls who were scattered around the kitchen eating muffins looked at their leader.
━Why is Bangchan in this photo on my last day in Australia? ━Hold up the photo so the woman could see it. Haneul started to cough like crazy, Miyeon let out the water she was drinking from her mouth and Yeji dropped the muffin back on the plate while Munyeong scratched the back of his neck nervously. ━Mom, answer me.
━I… aren't you hungry? Look, I made muffins.
━No, mom, I want answers. Do I know bangchan? Since when? Munyeong sighed.
━Okay, I'll explain, but take a seat and have a muffin.
. . .
Chris turned off the laptop and passing his hand over his face, he looks at Changbin lying on the furniture sleeping so he touches his arm to wake him up and when he succeeds he asks him to stand up so they can both leave, the boy on the furniture nods to remove the scores on top of him and leave them in the same place where he was sleeping.
━Did you finish everything? ━Chris nods.
━I was only missing a few tracks, but I can do them in the bedroom. It's four in the morning and I don't want to sleep here. ━Changbin wraps up and they both leave the studio. ━Are you hungry? We can stop to buy something and take the boys too.
━Well, that's fine. Since you invite He brushes it off and Chris laughs. ━Did you check your cell phone? When you went to the bathroom it rang like twenty times, it got on my nerves.
━Oh really? No, now I see. ━Chris takes it out of his coat and sees that they were messages from his mom, quite a few. ━How strange, they belong to my mother. I'll call her later, they're about an hour old so she should be asleep by now.
He puts it back without reviewing them, then he would call her and she could tell him better. Changbin doesn't ask anything else again, just focused on trying not to fall asleep on the way to the bedroom. Chris was so stressed by the comeback that he couldn't worry about anything other than this, one of the reasons why when everything came out about what the leader of DREAMS said about him, he didn't say anything and decided to let everything go as he wanted. . But when he heard Han talking to Hyunjin about all the hate Seohae was getting, even though he didn't want to he gave his comment.
Chris didn't consider himself the most beautiful person in the world, it wasn't a lie to anyone that that boy had rock-bottom self-esteem, so Seohae's comment didn't surprise him much. If he didn't find himself handsome, he didn't expect others to find him either.
When he bought food at any stall and got to the bedroom, he went into his room, taking off his coat and leaving his precious laptop on the bed, his cell phone began to ring and when he took a look at it, he saw that it was his mother.
━Hello, mom. Why did you call me… ━The woman doesn't let him finish to rush to speak.
━Chris, I need to talk to you. Urgent.
━Urgent? I was going to go to sleep now, can't it be tomorrow?
━No, now. Please settle down and listen to what I have to say.
He obediently sits on his bed with the cell phone to his ear.
━That's it, what do you have to tell me?
━Do you remember that girl who was in love with you at school, the girl who gave you chocolates and followed you to the bathroom? ━Chris thought about it and remembered that ten-year-old girl.
━Yes, I have vague memories of her, why do you mention it? Is he back in Australia?
━Uh, no. It is not in Australia, but it is close to you. That girl is Seohae from DREAMS, yes, with whom you are involved in a scandal.
And Chris dropped his cell phone from his hands.
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thetypingpup · 1 year
I suppose it isn't the same with Pledis at all. Pledis was always a small company and was struggling whereas SM never has, they're rich but the dispute is over power and creative vision. I guess I was trying to see it positively since in SVT'S situation there may have been meddling from HYBE early on but in the long-term they're absolutely killing it and thriving. And SVT knows what it is to have nothing and be strapped for funds, but they've always had input into their music whereas SM artists are notorious for having far less input but. SM creates ideas and then creates artists around the idea, that's always been their trademark and I suppose it isn't the same. Creative input from HYBE in an SM group could mean breaking the immersion, the illusion. As an SM stan I know what an SM group feels like, what the music is like, even the singing style. They've managed to keep that through generations and it would be extremely noticeable if it got HYBE-ised in any way
Svt have had primary creative control since day 0, but you can see the difference with svt creatively pre-hybe vs post-hybe, especially if you've been around since debut or close to debut. There's a lotta speculation with this sm shit bc we genuinely can't see how this is gonna play out yet. Yes sm has money and power, but they've had considerably less of both in the last few years. All the big three have. I was just having this convo with a friend about how the big three have less power than ever, and then this shit happens. It's truly wild. Lsm himself apparently is only allowed to deal with sm's overseas dealings for the next three years, not domestic dealings. Considering how hybe said they'd let their subsidiaries have creative control and that turned out to be a lie on a couple occasions...yea three years is more than enough time to hybe-ify things if it comes to that. So far, sources are making it sound like they're just taking lsm's spot in terms of shares and stake in the company, as if they're the ones who're gonna uphold his vision. Sounds real fucking weird to me but yknow what, whatever. Whatever ends up being true or not true, this is just wild either way. I'm just hoping we don't see the death of good vocals, but we do see that ridiculous kwangya thing be scaled back. The tweets tho...the tweets have been great
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freshqueendelusion · 2 years
Library - CH1
pairing: yoon jeonghan x OC(Areum) genre: romance, fluff, sarcasm (idk), set in like 4 years in the past warnings: sarcasm, themes of rejection, jeonghan, themes of misandry (I do not condone it), there might be cursing, self deprication, food mentions and mental illnesses updates: Will be irregular
'Areum's pov' I enjoy solitude.
This is what a normal person would have thought after seeing me at the corner of the library, surrounded by textbooks and notes, directly under the NO TALKING sign. But Yoon Jeonghan is not normal.
April 4th 2018 Ari had gotten herself an internship at Pledis entertainment but she was scared to take it as it would mean that she had to end work late and could be followed by earth's most despicable creatures. Men, if you're wondering.
I ,being the great best friend I am, offered her my car as long as she dropped me at the library nearby. When you go to the best university in Asia it is difficult to say the least, to find a day where the library isn't crowded with people and I despise human interaction. Therefore, I had become desperate for a place with lots of books and no people and this was my best option.
However, I hadn't expected to find myself in the situation I currently am in.
April 8th 2018- Present day Studying. The general and honest definition of it is the act of texting, eating and watching Tv with an open textbook nearby and then panicking later when exam season nears which leads to cramming and anxiety.
However, I had unfortunately been born a perfectionist and a gifted child which fast forward has led me into prioritizing good grades above my physical and mental health and anxiety issues. Thus, ever since Ari had started the internship 3 days ago I studied in this library from 2:45 pm- 9:30 pm occasionally taking a break to feed my hungry self.
So here I am following my daily routine when he appears. Yoon Jeonghan. Oh and he doesn't just appear, he sits down in front of me ,putting aside a tray which had an interesting amount of cafe drinks on it , puts an arm under his chin and stares at me.
Now I know I said that he wasn't normal, but I realized that I too am not normal. No, if normal people noticed that their bias from their favourite group was staring at them while looking unfairly handsome (like he always does I am anti romantic not blind) they would freak out and do god knows what. Not me though, Nope. Nopitttttty no.
I don't know what came over me but I chose to GLARE at him. No hi, hello, can I have your autograph?. Nope. A glare.
Well done Areum. Well done you fucking idiot.
Being too embarrassed to look at him after the glare I chose to concentrate on my work. Hopefully he would mistake it for anger and leave me to crawl into a hole and die thinking I was rude and despicable.
"Do you like Boba? " an angelic voice asked.
I paused for a minute. Well I guess I can't exactly call it a pause. Don't get me wrong I had every intention to reply but me being me had to stare at my textbook for a solid 2 minutes to rack my brain for an answer. And all I could think of was Yes. Some gifted child. Since it took me so long to think and come up with and answer that was not more than 3 letters I chose to remain silent and complete my notes. Great going Areum now he probably thinks that you're an insufferable snob. Don't say that. He's a nice person he'll probably think that you're having a bad day given the scowl on your face.
Those were the devil and angel inside my head. You'll get them a lot.
Yoon Jeonghan does not give up. " What's your name?" " Do you have an exam soon?" " Are you sick? Do you have laryngitis?" He kept on inoccently asking and asking and asking.
Meanwhile, my mind was going hysterical. The most accurate way to represent it is: Stats: Peace of mind- 0% Panicking- 97% Anxiety- 101% Vocabulary- has miraculously decreased
I COULD NOT FORM WORDS. I can just imagine my ancestors looking down on me and saying: Really? Her? She is our descendant?. I really don't blame them.
In a state of panic my mind used emergency measures. My emergency measure is glaring if you're wondering. I glared at him. Again. Insult me all you want. I too want to do it.
THANKFULLY before I could embarrass myself further he left. I didn't know if I was terribly relieved or unexplainably embarrassed or just sad I lost the chance to talk to my bias forever. There might be a gray area in between so I guess you could place my emotions into that.
At least he won't talk to me again.
AN: This is my first ever ff so sorry if the writing is bad. Updates will be very irregular sometimes the chapters will be long sometimes short. Sometimes 2 a day sometimes one a week. Anyways I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to reblog my work but pls don't plagarise it. Signing off -V( first letter of my name)
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mc511 · 4 years
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"I feel very attacked!"
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svtskneecaps · 3 years
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kabira · 4 years
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so is pristin like dead?
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
can you do Junhui w/ this
- 🧃
how was your exam? now I 1000% hurt from wisdom tooth removal on Sunday it's totally painful very much. btw, I gonna finish my au abt svt and their life after Pledis(just their career only,if you don't mind you can do this as mini series too)
link to the video
He had noticed you in the fansign, his eyes fixated on your body, especially your torso, the corset-like top you were wearing was accentuating your chest even more and the peach color was driving him insane.
Of course, you had caught wind of his staring and you decided to take advantage of it as soon as your turn in the fansign would start. 
Once you’re right in front of him, you’re sitting down, an innocent smile on your face as you bring your arms on your sides, subtly pressing your breasts together. Of course, it works like a charm and the male idol’s eyes are still fixated on your chest.
“My eyes are up here, handsome”, you break the silence and Junhui is snapped out of his trance. “Um, yes...”, he clears his throat and you giggle devilishly. “Am I distracting you?”, you ask him and he’s looking at you dead in the eye, a mischievous glint in them. “Tell me your name and then I’ll happily answer your question”, he smirks while signing your album. “Y/N”, you simply reply. 
“Well then, Y/N.... I could always tell you...", Junhui inches closer to you, his lips curled up in a cat-like smirk.
"But I think you'd love it if I showed you, am I right?".
"Oh fuck!", you moan, arching your back in his touch. The tip of his tongue is teasing your hardened buds, alternating between circular and sideways motions. He pulls back for a few seconds, using his fingers to slightly pull your left nipple.
And boy, was he showing you.
He nearly dragged you backstage after the end of the fansign, his hands flying right on your chest, pulling down your corset top to reveal your breasts, making them bounce right in front of his face.
"Such pretty tits, sweetie... Could suck them all day", Junhui chuckles and dives back to suck your nipples fervently, his hands squeezing the plump flesh on your chest.
"Junnn", you whine and grab his hair, messing it up. You loved his mouth on your chest and his ministrations already made wetness seep on your panties, making them stick to your pussy like second skin. His wet muscle drew all kinds of shapes on your perky nipples, the cold air around you hardening them even more.
"What, sweetie? Is it too much?", he detaches his mouth, his right hand kneading your breast. "Want me to stop?", "No! Please don't stop", you whimper immediately and he chuckles against your skin.
"Thought so. Would be a shame if we stopped now, wouldn't it, Y/N?".
I had one exam in Monday and I have one on Thursday but they got both cancelled cuz it's snowing heavily here and the entire city has been rended immobile😭😭
Oof, wisdom teeth removal sucks BIG TIME, my mom had a lot of trouble when she removed hers💔💔
Also, the SVT after Pledis AU needs to become a series or even better, a fic collab👀👀👀👀👀
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svtgg · 2 years
Everyone Hates Nix
nix has learned to be unapologetically herself and that has gotten her into quite a lot of trouble. here's a list of some of her most prevalent scandals
pairing(s): nix x svt member, ten (nct), carats ?
genre: angst but not really ?
word count: 600ish but in long bullet points
warnings: attempted sa, hate (online and in person), physical altercations, swearing
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2015-16, Seventeen just debuted. Nix is pretty stoic, almost always with a neutral facial expression and not talking much. She gained a reputation of being cold, and a lot of people hated her, calling her ungrateful and claiming she was mean to the members. PLEDIS did nothing to protect her, but the hate started to go away once Quartz debuted and a new caring side to nix started to come out.
"she never talks during interviews... she must thinks she's all that"
"did you see her during the vlive? she was basically ignoring the members."
"they shouldn't have debuted her, she's too much of a stuck-up bitch that holds the rest of the group back."
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Early 2017, Nix went to dinner with some of her ‘96 liner friends, dispatch put out photos, but for some reason pictures of her hugging Ten from NCT circulated a lot. Articles started to come out and they were rumored to be dating. SM put out a statement saying that they were just very good friends.
"She already has thirteen guys to whore herself around too, why does she need more."
"I don't know who this nix bitch is, but she better stay away from ten and nct."
"she's literally disgusting. ten can do so much better."
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2017 (don't wanna cry era), some of the other members were doing a vlive, and Nix didn’t know. At one point, Nix can be heard saying “Shut the fuck up,” in the background and people speculated that she was saying it to Joshua. She got hate for swearing and being a bully to the other members. When PLEDIS didn’t defend Nix, the members did, taking to bubble and instagram. Joshua posted a picture that Seungkwan took of him and Nix sleeping on a couch together, with hearts as the caption.
"did you guys hear her? she' bullies the rest of the members"
"i bet she forced them to post that picture."
"#ot16 viral on twitter"
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Is known to tell off disrespectful interviewers. She’s corrected them from calling Seventeen a boy-group, being rude to other members/making them uncomfortable, lowkey shades PLEDIS, avoids sexist questions, etc.
“Are we all boys? No? Then we’re not a boy group, don’t call us that.”
“Woozi doesn’t like skinship, leave him alone, you’re not funny.”
“Our company has very talented idols, it’s a shame they don’t get to have many comebacks.”
“That's a dumb question, I’m not answering it.”
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2018 ( call call call era), Nix grew in popularity in Japan due to the Japanese comeback and a lot of knetizens thought it was undeserved. This led to a lot of fan wars online and an increase of hate towards Nix in Korea. There was a petition going around to not let her perform at 2018 SBS K-POP AWARDS (where call call call was performed), some ppl straight up left the venue when they got on to perform. There is a viral video that came from this era where Nix is coming out of a van and gets a shoe thrown at her head. The next day Nix posts a selfie of her with a thumbs up and a bruise by her left eyebrow.
"she posted that picture for attention."
"it's her fault so many people left during seventeen's performance, does she have no shame?"
"I'm glad she got hit."
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December 2018, multiple members posted for Nixs birthday, including Yun. In Yuns post, there are pictures of the two of them at a beach, in bathing suits, raising their hands up. Nix has visible armpit hair in multiple pictures. It goes viral and she faces a lot of backlash for being “unsanitary” and “unladylike.”
"that's literally the grossest thing ever"
"nobody wants to see that"
"and they wonder why she's the least biased member"
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2019 (wow thing era), Nix has an ankle injury and can’t perform for a lot of the comeback. PLEDIS opts to terminate Quartz promotions early and fans blame Nix. When Quartz returns in Seventeen for Happy Ending, during a fanmeeting, a saesang confronts Nix about the cancellation of promotions and blames her. Nix gets her hair pulled, but luckily security takes the saesang away before she is seriously harmed. Nix goes backstage for 10 minutes before returning to the fansign.
"we get one quartz comeback a year and she ruined it."
"she's such a bitch for making the rest of the members miss out on promotions only to be at a fanmeeting the next week like nothing happened."
"next time they shouldn't even put her in the song, then she can't cancel them whenever she wants"
"her ankle is literally fine, people saw her walking around at the fanmeeting."
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.December 2019, Christmas/Holiday fanmeeting, a fan brings a mistletoe and tries to kiss her. She avoids it and later a video without context (mistletoe is not included in video) blows up and she is accused of mistreating fans/being ungrateful.
"i'm so sorry to the fan, they probably were really let down"
"you would think that constantly being threatened to be removed from the group would make her grateful but it didn't."
"i'd skip her if i went to a fanmeeting"
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smileysuh · 2 years
ok that Lucas infographic was really nice lol, but just wanted to say I'm kinda glad with your choice...
I mean like, you're staying on the safer side by not bringing him up much, but you still kinda support ot23 (from what I understand at least). and yea it's fine that you're more 127 biased (not that you need my validation lol) hence your works are more based around them
idk if I'm making sense, I'm just kinda tired of ppl making up more stories to add on drama honestly... nice that one of my favourite writers isn't doing too much abt it
thanks! I've tried to explain a little more in my response, so again, in case anyone doesn't wanna see this stuff, I've put a cut so you can choose to avoid seeing this :)
yeah- it depends on your definition of 'support'- like, i'm a general fan of lots of groups- i LIKE wayv like i LIKE groups like astro- i listen to some of their songs, watch some content if it pops up in my youtube, and i definitely went through a hyper fixation stage where i learned a lot about them- but for one reason or another, they never went to the next level to become a special interest- i don't STILL actively go searching for info about them the way i do with SVT and NCT 127.
But just because i don't love Wayv or Astro or Itzy the way i love SVT, NCT 127 (and other groups like Pentagon and Monstax) doesn't mean i don't still enjoy them/want to see them successful and happy :)
But because NCT 127 is within the ot23 umbrella, something happening outside of my 9 core members does make waves that reach me- and i know my followers might be more engrained with Wayv than i am- so i think, as someone who isn't REALLY a Wayv stan- it's not my place to make definitive statements about any of the stuff that's been going on- all i can do is respectfully limit the member in question :) and hopefully, the fandom will get some definitive stuff from SM sometime in the future that will clear things up, at which point, i'm sure many people will have to reevaluate how they interact with including Lucas- regardless of what SM ends up saying about all of this.
for anyone who IS a big wayv stan, and has been following all of this- honestly, my biggest sympathies- being kept in the dark about this sort of situation- not knowing what to believe- it's extremely stressful. when there were allegations about SVT's Mingyu being a bully- i was fucking devastated because he's one of my mains- and people were so quick to cancel him or say he was innocent- and it's just- at the time, it's like i A: condemn Mingyu as a bully based on very little facts, and potentially alienate all the fans holding out for a statement, which is horrible, because until we have the exact facts- i'd just be condemning their fav- or B: say Mingyu was innocent, potentially devalidate the victim(s), and latch onto Mingyu even harder if i got pushback- both options lead to the polarization that results in arguments and disagreements- over a situation that NO ONE had the actual facts on until after Pledis investigated-
and this example can be applied to any kpop 'scandal'- Taeyong being called a bully like Mingyu, which were both proven FALSE - or the flip side like the Burning Sun Scandal- which was horribly true
i just- the world has enough fighting and negative energy without me adding my opinion on a 'scandal' that hasn't even been proven- because as i showed above, no matter what i say, someone will disagree with me- because it's still a matter of opinion based on few actual facts
and what even are facts? like- correct me if i'm wrong, because again, i havent been keeping up with this- but some of the evidence presented against lucas was voice messages taken from his bubble and framed to look like personal messages was it not? in this day and age- anything can be warped or edited- but another way to see this is, even if 1 of the persons 'proof' is false, what about the other people who came out with allegations? like- we as fans are not SUPPOSED to be able to sift through and differentiate this shit- which is why they have teams who check the scandals-
however, with this one- this is all we've been given
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and looking at sm's track record, this in no way helps clarify what went down- because i believe they made Taeyong apologize when he was accused of bullying too? and it was later debunked???
and while the initial 2 accusers as shown in the article linked HAVE been debunked- maybe i'm blind but the third one seems to have some legitimacy still????
i just- it's a shit show. why would i wade into this- even just looking at the info made my head hurt because things are still so up in the air for Lucas stans (he apologized so is he guilty? some stuff was debunked so is he innocent???)- and again, i feel so bad for everyone involved- because if there's one definitive thing i CAN say, it's: SM has not handled this well
this is how Pledis went about the Mingyu bullying accusation:
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and i do think his apology is quite similar to Lucas's- a blanket apology, like- it's true, reflection is good, even if you don't mean to, you can accidentally hurt other people-
the difference is this:
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like- did SM even say they were investigating??? did they just- tell him to make an apology then bench him for (7?) months hoping it would blow over and when he comes back, we'd receive him with open arms? (the "distance makes the heart grow fonder" idea)
i think- this tactic definitely worked in some regard- before the lucas allegations, his insta would get like 30,000 comments in a post, then for his apology, he got 700,000 and when he returned earlier this month, his post had 800,000+ when I checked- so like- people HAVE missed him- a lot of fans really don't think he's guilty because i guess someone hired a cyber team- and it's just- very convenient for SM to bandaid it with an apology, bench Lucas, build suspense/longing, and then let him return, with very little actual investigation on their part or communication with the fanbase on what's ACTUALLY going on.
no hate to anyone- i'm not pointing out these numbers to make a judgment, because fuck- if Lucas is ur main, i bet you missed him- i'm merely pointing out the psychological backing of the tactic SM has used in this- and how i really don't agree with it, because as someone who runs on FACTS- i can't fully embrace Lucas ever again until i have a definitive statement from SM in the way that Pledis cleared Mingyu-
maybe this is a low key way of me saying im jealous of fans who trust the debunking in loo of an official statement- because i do wish i could embrace lucas again- i dont WANT him to be this bad person- it's just- it's hard for everyone :/ what a shit show
hopefully we'll get more clear info from sm/a hired investigation team soon- but- i kind of feel like after what SM just did with this- it's unlikely- and they ARE hoping this will just blow over, with as little effort/communication from themselves as possible :/
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ohoshi · 2 years
budget is one thing, but please consider: time is different. no amount of money is gonna give you more hours in a day. realistically, it takes a whole day for a photoshoot like that, including getting everyone (members, muas, stylists, directors, photographers, staff) to the location, setting everything up, getting styling and makeup done, taking however pictures there’s needed for a photobook of 13 members, etc. if they moved locations for every version, the whole thing would take them 5 days at the very least. that would be kinda wasteful, don’t you think? especially when their schedule is already so full? idk i’d rather they spend more time on filming the mv, preparing performances, practicing choreo, working on music, resting, rather than have their pics taken. i understand the teasers are not to your liking and that’s totally fine, you can be critical ofc and i’m not saying need to love them. but let’s be a little realistic here and also not dismiss the hard work, time and effort everyone put into them…
i appreciate the sentiment !!
first of all i did not say a thing about svt's hardwork. or anyone else's who's involved (ie muas, stylists etc.) i did not ask for more work or effort from these people. i did not complain about their jobs. i think you completely missed my point. i only complained about the teasers as these are basically photobooks. actually these are two separate album versions w identical photos?? i'm sorry that's robbery
the way i see it.... i don't pay for a music video? or their performance ? yk jsgsj i don't own it it's not staying on my bookshelf i am not using it or watching it ever after it's released lmao, i might rewatch performances sometimes but that's about it, i don't pay to see it. you may value performances more, and that's cool !!! but me, i value albums. i value the art of photobooks, i value concepts. i ADORE that in kpop albums are cool and fun and have a lot of inclusions compared to western pop albums where you only get a cd. i think albums are a great opportunity to be creative as fuck and deliver something cool and crazy, this can be so much fun for members too, imagine how much fun they could have if the concepts were actually yk ..... thoughtful ..... ????? at this point they're just existing waiting for the flashes to blind them lol and when you're having fun at work it's like you're not working so this is in favor of members too jsgsjsgs
when i pay i'm gonna complain, sorry.. like this is their job? they're being paid to take nice photos... with my money btw and yours too so like ???????? 😭😭😭😭 AND STILL I SAID NOTHING ABOUT ???? THEIR POSING OR WHATEVER SJSGSJG i pay to collect and own this album i want it to be as pretty as possible, companies w lower budget than pledis(HYBE!!!!!!!) do more for album designs than pledis, i care about this lol you may not give a fuck and that's okay but i do not want to spend my money on an ugly low budget photobook? i just think this is a basic example of rational spending yk jagskag you people mass buy anything which allows companies to invest as little into albums as possible because they can clearly sell you anything so lol why invest more
sorry you got so heated up about a simple comment i made lmao but this basically sums it all up
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s-lay-ing · 3 years
Since pledis is known for fucking things up with the girl groups they manage i think we should start supporting fromis 9 so nuesvt's sister group don't suffer the consequences that hello venus, after school and pristin did
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fuckyeaharonkwak · 7 years
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I mean... 👀
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