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⋆༘ the universe shining in the night sky ༘⋆
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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9. if we never try...
warnings: this is kinda from minghao's pov, profanity, teeth rotting fluff and someone being disgustingly in love that you'd want to puke for a brief moment, angst, smoking, suggestive themes
word count: 2189
song recs:
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“you…you shouldn't be here.” you said, a bit timid at the sudden appearance of the wrong man in front of you.
minghao sighed, pursing his lips. “i know.”
“why are you here?”
“because soonyoung can't come.”
you were taken aback by that, blinking multiple times at the man before his mouth opened and closed. “what?”
“soonyoung can’t come. something came up for him and he…i don't know how to word this, but he forgot to tell you? seokmin said that, i don't know honestly.” he sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. “listen, y/n. i know i'm, like, probably the last person you'd want sitting in front of you, but i'm a gentleman, okay? and i can't just let a pretty girl get stood up on her first date back home."
you stared at him, unknowing of where he got all that info from. "well, um, thank you, i guess. but you didn't really have to come all the way here so i wouldn't get stood up. you could've just called mingyu and he would've picked me up, no biggie." you chuckled slightly, staring at the unused utensils in front of you.
minghao was baffled, staring at you like you grew two heads. had his words completely flown over your head? did he say the words wrong and you didn't understand his intentions? probably.
"no, listen. this date is still a date, just with a different dude. and it can be a onetime thing, no pressure. but the date is still dating." he smiled proudly, as if one of his paintings were hung in the louvre, but he was far from that, and you were still not on the same page. "don't-don't say a thing. just enjoy the time. i'm pretty fun when i'm not hiking, i promise. just order whatever food you want, okay? i might look like a broke college student, but i promise i'm not."
"you never look broke, though." you pointed out in a murmur, grabbing the menu without protesting and sifting through it. "you actually look like a prince. with all the long coats and expensive glasses and accessory."
now, minghao was taken aback. he felt his face heat up as well, but he blamed it on the not broken airco, in the five star restaurant that he is still baffled about how soonyoung was going to afford it, at the start of spring were it was still chilly outside. definitely the not broken airco.
you think he looks like a prince, when you look like a whole angel sitting in front of him, a small pout on your lips as you rummaged through the menu, with your hair done so beautifully and your make-up finished perfectly.
was seokmin right? no, no, he can't be. these are just a bunch of random thoughts passing through his mind. they're just passing through his mind and going away with no return.
your phone suddenly started vibrating out of nowhere, snapping the man out of his thoughts as you put the menu down and picked up the phone instead, a small smile taking over your features that had the corners of your mouth dipping in, a new set of dimples that minghao was yet to see, but is now blessed with.
"hey, hoon."
hoon? did you mean jihoon? the jihoon you were at pledis cafe with? probably. you seemed a little too happy to be talking to him though.
"yeah, but soonyoung was a no-show."
he couldn't hear the other half of the conversation, but he could decipher some through your reactions and your hushed replies.
"no, minghao came instead...yeah."
minghao squinted his eyes, leaning more onto the table and abandoning the menu. now, why were you giggling on the phone?
you glanced over minghao's face before your face heated up out of nowhere. "can you-can you not?" now, minghao could hear a very loud laugh escaping through the phone.
then, you were quiet for a bit, humming every once in a while at whatever that jihoon was telling you before you nodded to yourself. "okay, i'll see if gyu can drop a change of clothes for me so i can crash at yours ... yeah, okay, see you then. bye."
minghao straightened right away once you lowered the phone from your ear, clearing his throat and pretending like he hadn't been eavesdropping on your phone call. "did you decide what you're gonna have?"
you hummed, nodding. "buldak, but cut down on the hot chilli and bibimpap, zero spice. and if you want to add fries, that'd be okay." never once did you meet the man's eyes as you told him that. you didn't know if he was gonna order for you, but you hoped that he would.
minghao only frowned at you for a moment before he was shaking his head and turning to his own menu. he heard that you were a picky eater, from mingyu, of course, and that you'd give the man hell sometimes with cutting out the essential part of the meal, but minghao never knew he'd get to experience it first hand.
so minghao ordered for you, adding the fries and ignoring the weird look from the waiter before he turned back to you as you waited for the food. you'd just put your phone down, texting mingyu the address where he would leave your things for jihoon to get and fiddling with your fingers instead.
"so," he started, leaning on his elbows. "how was it like in LA? away from your family and all that."
your eyes sparked at that, finally meeting his eyes for maybe the second-no, third time tonight, and minghao felt as if he was tracing a whole constellation in your orbs. "it was good, actually. some people think that it would've been really bad, but it wasn't at all. it only made me appreciate my family more and have an extra brother and a second mother. taught me to appreciate lots of things here, too."
you were smiling while speaking, your gaze dropping from minghao's mid-talk, but he was satisfied with the cute dimples dipping in your cheeks and right above the corners of your lips when you spoke. and he wanted to see them more.
"what, exactly?"
you hummed for a moment, leaning forward on your elbows. you'd decided that minghao was harmless a while ago, deciding to spend a good time instead of dwelling on something too stupid for you to remember. "my language, my family, wonwoo and his stupid 'did you know's," you paused, giggling, and minghao couldn't help the smile making its way onto his lips. "my korean friends, too...yoon and ryu, they're the best, could never compare to the ones in LA, to be honest. oh! mingyu's cooking, too. it would feel heavenly whenever i'd visit with josh. and...that's it." you finished off with a full grin, directed at the man sitting across from you. "what about you? you came from china to here, so you must have a reason and things that you miss from home."
minghao's mouth opened and closed, eyes flitting between your own before a soft smile graced his face. "well, actually me getting into fine arts was never on my list, to be honest. it just happened and i found myself in it during my senior year, then i got a scholarship and came here." he shrugged with a sigh. "i'm chasing the dream, you know? i still miss my parents, though. and my hometown, hai cheng. but, that's only it i guess. i obviously miss the culture and all that, but...i can always hit the chinese restaurant at the end of the street."
that elicited a laugh from you, and minghao felt pride and glee fill his chest at that.
"it's not the same, though. i mean, i always hit the korean restaurants in LA, but it's not like here, still. it can never be like home." you mumbled, a soft, almost sad, smile appearing on your lips just as the waiter came with the food.
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"so, see you later?" you started, shoving your hands in your puffer as you turned towards the taller man.
he frowned, pursing his lips. "why? the date's not over yet."
you frowned as well. "it's not."
he shook his head, putting his hand out for you to take. "i still got some things up my sleeve, you know?"
you stared at his face for a little while, trying to get the intentions behind those eyes, but minghao was a wise man, smart as well, always showing what he wants the others to see, and right now, it was the challenge in his eyes.
why is he taking it as a challenge? not that he and you were competing over something? unless...
"i think you one-upped soonyoung quite enough, don't you think?" it was rhetorical, hands sticking by your side while minghao's was still welcome to you for the taking.
"it isn't really about soonyoung anymore, don't you think?"
your defeated sigh had his smile widen, as he felt your hand slip into his, cold and gentle, and he held tightly onto it as he started guiding you towards his car. but, good things never last do they?
minghao's face scrunched up as he let out a deep sigh, your hand slipping from his as you turned around to face the other man.
seokmin, you caused this.
"and minghao."
"soonyoung, hey." minghao greeted, turning to face the man with a wave and a tight smile. "didn't think you were gonna show up," minghao paused, raising his wrist up tauntingly and looking at his watch with his head tilted. "two hours and thirteen minutes late."
soonyoung gaped at the foreigner before he turned to you, looking like a deer caught in headlights with your eyes wide and face flushed from the chill of the night.
soonyoung knew that minghao was definitely not supposed to be there, but he also knew that what he did to you was not cool at all, and it was the last thing he wanted to do to you, yet he did it, and there he is, standing on the side walk, many feet away from you with another man by your side.
"y/n, i-i'm sorry. i...something came up and i tried to go and come back as soon as i could, i'm really sorry." soonyoung said, taking multiple steps towards you to maybe try and convince you, show you his sincerity.
meanwhile, minghao leaned on the wall next to him, watching soonyoung as he tried to reach out for your hand and you pulling back before he grabbed his phone to text his friend and cuss him out, the smirk never dropping from his plump lips.
"you could've texted, you know. i wouldn't mind, but knowing would've been good." you mumbled, taking a step back from the man in front of you who looked helpless, like a sad little hamster.
soonyoung sighed, looking down at his feet and pursing his lips. "i know my actions aren't justified, but-"
"you should know that another woman would've thrown something at you and told you to 'fuck off', soonyoung. but, you're my brothers friend, and maybe i shouldn't have agreed to this, so-"
"stop, please." he took in a deep breath, clenching his eyes and fists shut before he met your gaze. "next friday, 6 p.m. and if i'm late or something you don't like happens, you can do all that, and you won't ever see me again. i promise."
you frowned at the man. he looked really sincere with a fire burning in his eyes. he's a good guy, you can tell that much...and a date with him wouldn't be so bad.
it's not like you and minghao were a thing, anyways.
"what?" you heard from behind you, turning briefly to look at the baffled minghao before turning to soonyoung. "next friday, 6 p.m. and if you're a no-show again, i promise i'll make sure your remaining days in uni are a living hell, soonyoung...or at least until i forgive you."
now the two men were taken aback by your words, so sweetly said yet so disturbing. minghao liked it, soonyoung didn't.
you turned to the chinese, who only smiled sweetly at you and gesturing for you to take the lead as you started walking and he just had to briefly wave at the stumped soonyoung as he turned to follow behind you.
and he led you to his car, only for you to stare at it in awe. "this definitely screams broke college student." you mumbled sarcastically, looking over the BMW8 before you.
the man chuckled, opening the door to the convertible for you to get in like a gentleman. "i forgot to mention that i'm kind of a big shot back home." he stated, shutting the door gently as you settled into your seat before he was by your side.
"i'd like to drive it someday, if you may." you sighed, relaxing into the seat.
he only smiled to himself. "you bet."
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"this is really good."
you hummed in agreement, too busy with your own ice cream, and so you missed the way minghao was looking at you when he spoke.
you were back here, in that same parking lot where you first saw the man, but instead of sitting on the pavement like last time, you were resting back on his car's hood, enjoying the city lights of seoul, closer to midnight now.
as you chewed down on the end of your cone, you rummaged in your jacket's pockets until you fished out the kurumi themed cigarette pack, putting a stick in your mouth once you swallowed down the food.
"i remember telling you i'm not a smoking enthusiast."
you glanced at him briefly, cigarette now lit as you hummed before tucking it between your fingers and pulling it away from your mouth. "i remember, too. yet you still got me a lighter."
he sighed, crossing his arms. "cause you looked upset, and it didn't suit you, even though you looked kind of cute."
you chuckled, turning towards him. "was the wine too much for you? are you drunk right now?"
he frowned, pouting slightly at you. "why'd you think that?"
"cause you just called me cute, and you shouldn't be doing that." you pointed out, blowing the smoke into the open night, only for minghao's face to scrunch up for a split second at that before turning to you.
you shut your eyes, enjoying the breeze hitting your skin with a content smile on your face. "cause you know that soonyoung likes me."
"but do you like him?"
"why are your questions always like this?" you whined, turning away only for him to laugh at you and lean back more on the hood.
"no, but i'm serious, though. do you like him?"
humans are curious creatures, and minghao was no exception.
he watched you take a deep breath, look around for a bit before your gaze settled on your shoes. "i don't know, honestly. he's a nice guy, funny, kinda hot, too. but, i don't know. i guess i was gonna know if the date went through with him, but now i'll know next friday."
your shoes seemed to be the most interesting thing in the world now as you and minghao stared at it.
a million thoughts running through both your minds in the quiet of midnight, two kidults maneuvering through life, trying to take the best decisions you could manage, avoiding risks as best as you could, but...minghao was a risker.
"you know," he paused turning to you so he looked into your eyes, a surge of confidence going through his veins as the veil hiding his emotions dropped and minghao felt naked before you. "i'm a nice guy, i can be funny, too, if you want. and i'm definitely hot, don't you think?"
the shock was visible in your eyes as the smoke rose from the deadly stick while you stared at the man. a smile slowly rose on your lips, and minghao felt hope fill his chest. "but, you're kinda mysterious. a little emo, maybe? definitely hot, though." a giggle escaped your lips at the mock offence on the man's face as he crossed his arms across his chest like a little child.
maybe this was you rejecting him, declaring that he wasn't your type and that he should know that this is a one time thing. but, maybe you were correcting him, and that he was your type and not soonyoung, but also you could only be joking around, not serious about the matter and not planning on-
"don't work your pretty mind too hard, you can spend it on more important things."
he blinked at you, looking so ethereal with the moon lighting up your face and the smoke surrounding you. minghao didn't know whether you lit up another one, or if it was the same, but he thought that was enough smoking for the night.
"you're important, though."
and that small questioning hum, that small split second that you took to face him, that gentle touch of his hands on your cheeks, and that blissful feeling of his lips landing on yours, it was all so...beautiful.
the tobacco on minghao's tongue wasn't his taste, he didn't prefer it, but it was still coating your lips. your cherry tinted, heavenly and soft lips that minghao was currently lavishing as if it was his last meal.
he'd managed to throw the stick away from your hands without burning himself, promising that he'd pick it up later and discard it properly, but he was a bit caught up at the moment.
your hands were supporting you on the hood of his car, taking a second too long to process it that minghao had already pulled away from, eyes flitting between yours as the ghost of his touch remained on your lips.
"go with soonyoung on the date, but fuck it if i don't want you to come back to me, baby." he took heavy breaths as he said those words, gaze so intense you felt like crumbling at his command. "i know it's too early for this, too early for anything really...and too soon. but...i think i like you, y/n."
and then you were kissing him.
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | this was initially a very fluffy chapter that it'd hurt my stomach from the butterflies, but it turned out like this cuz my profession is angst and drama, i'm not sorry
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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8.5. TWICE - What is Love
warnings: self-gaslighting, denial, someone losing their shit
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | felt like i had to include bro's pov for once
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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8. newbie bimbo
warnings: profanity, cat and dog-ish fights, not proof-read
word count: 998
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the rapid knocking sounded throughout the place as you got up to get it. mingyu had almost put his fist in your face if you hadn't moved back the slightest bit. with a glare of yours and a full-canined smile, he walked into your house, acting as if it was his own and making himself comfortable on the couch.
“why is it reeking of a male?”
it was unexpected, really, but that didn't stop you from dropping to the ground in laughter at the man's reaction. he’d screeched, grabbing a throw pillow and shoving it your friend's way before grabbing one to protect himself.
“what the actual fuck, woman? i thought you were an intruder.” he whined, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. you saw yoon's eye flit to his biceps for a split second before she was completely looking away from the man.
mingyu huffed, standing up and crowding the room with his height alone before he moved to the kitchen. “well, this is your first date here in korea, so it's still a first. plus, it's with one of your brother's best-oh god, soonyoung is one of wonwoo's best friends.”
the bottle of water was in his hand as he zoned out with his mouth agape. “how could he do this to wonu? how could you do this to wonu? oh my god, you monsters.” he gasped dramatically, leaning back on the counter and covering his face with his hand.
“you should've signed up for theatrics instead.” you commented, feeling a ball of fur curl up at your feet as you bent down and grabbed the little guy. “i just remembered that jihoon wanted to see cheeto.”
“jihoon? the snow white from pledis cafe?” mingyu asked, dropping the act as he straightened up slightly.
you sighed. “he doesn't like going out much, okay? so stop that.”
“wait, what jihoon? when did y'all meet at pledis cafe? which page did i miss?” yoon asked, following after me into the room with mingyu trailing after us, keeping a safe distance from cheeto to not start sneezing.
“i was hanging out with hoon and gyu happened to be there…with his group of friends.” you explained, setting the feline down on your bed and plopping down next to it while mingyu took rest on the bean bag in the corner of the room and yoon laid on her bed.
“is that when he dipped on you and asked minghao to go instead-”
“i didn't ask minghao, he volunteered, okay?” mingyu protested, throwing his head back against the thing. “seokmin had something come up-”
“seokmin was hanging out with me and seungkwan.”
“you know seokmin?”
“who doesn't know seokmin, himbo?”
“sorry for asking, newbie bimbo.”
“guys!” you cut in, throwing a pillow yoon's way to stop her from lunging at the man. “i don't want my room to be a crime scene, okay? fight in the corridor or something.”
mingyu grumbled under his breath before the pillow you directed at yoon was hitting his face. “let's t. swift and get you dressed, yeah?” she stood up from the bed with a victory smile and a well needed stretch. “i'll get us some drinks while the himbo thinks of an outfit or something.”
“so, you think my fashion sense is good?!” mingyu beamed, pointing at her accusingly, but yoon only threw him a dirty look before walking out the room, and you could only sigh at the scream that erupted from her after mingyu threw a smaller pillow at the back of her leg, making her crumble to the ground.
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“aw, you look so pretty.” yoon cooed as mingyu snapped a few pictures of you from behind her.
“yes, oh my god. put on your shoes, c'mon. you're gonna be late.” mingyu urged, grabbing a pair of sneakers and dropping them in front of my feet. “i'll grab my keys and meet you at the front door.”
“okay!” you called out after him as he shut the door and you were left alone with your friend.
“ryu is gonna be home tomorrow morning, right?” you asked, tying the laces tightly and ensuring they're okay before you stood up.
“yeah, i'll be alone tonight.” she sighed dramatically, leaning on the back of the couch. “all alone, in the big place-”
“with a hot dude next door.”
she chucked a pillow at you as you dodged it with a laugh. “c’mon. even a blind man can see that you have a thing for him.”
“that himbo? never in a million years. i've already got enough on my plate.” she shooed you off, just as a knock sounded on the door.
“yeah, bang chan, of course. when are we gonna let go of him? no one knows.” you murmured to yourself, grabbing your bag and heading out of the door. “see you later, yoonie.” and then you were heading off with mingyu, with your brother probably in his room, gaming the night away.
“i know soonyoung's my friend and all, but if something you don't like goes down, i'm one call away.” mingyu stated, stopping the car in front of a restaurant.
“isn't it weird that he hasn't been home the whole day, though?” you asked, gripping the door handle but not attempting to open it.
“he was at seokmin's, probably. now go and have fun.” he urged you out, driving away once you were out of the car and back towards the dorms.
walking inside the restaurant, you took a seat on one of the tables and settled down. you were right on time for once, but soonyoung was always late so it was okay.
being ten minutes late is nothing. he probably just hasn't checked the time yet.
“would you like to order something now?”
“yes, just water till we decide on something, thank you!"
your mouth hung open, staring at the breathtaking breathless man in front of you before he smiled bashfully. “hey. sorry, i'm late.”
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | and so the drama officially starts. its also kinda short, sorry
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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7. not a date (?)
warnings: profanity, self-gaslighting
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | hi. i passed the exams. life is good, life is great. hanniehae. also things are looking to get steamy from now on.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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6. shocking
warnings: friendly bullying
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you sat on the bench, swinging your legs back and forth as your eyes traveled across the landscape before you. you were waiting for minghao at the bottom of the mountain where he'd texted you to wait. your backpack had your camera gear in it as you hugged it closer to your chest, many people passing by you as the seconds passed slowly, paris in the rain playing loudly through your airpods, drowning the world out.
black nail-polished fingers snapping in front of your face had snapped you out of your trance as you stared up at the chinese man. you took your airpods out, placing them in their respectful spots before tucking them in your backpack. "let's go." the man urged you as you put your backpack on, following after him.
"here." he extended a paper cup towards you as you slowly grabbed it, fingers brushing against one another while you sniffed the drink. "that's why i was a bit late." he murmured, loud enough for you to hear as he slowed his pace down a bit to match yours.
you were awestruck by how he’d guessed your favourite drink, looking between the cup in your hands and the man, before your eyes settled on your footing instead, a shy smile making its way to your face. "thank you." you mumbled, seeing him nod in your peripheral.
in fact, minghao hadn't guessed your favourite drink, he simply took notice of the one you were holding at the cafe only a few days ago, and it hadn't slipped his mind since then, as well as your dimples. he also told seokmin to make up some plans so he could hitch this trip with you and try and get to know you.
he couldn't deny that you were pretty, really, really pretty and that he'd be a fool if he didn't at least hint at something. especially after that night.
“uh, also…” you trailed off, pursing your lips shyly before you continued. “thank you for the lighter…and for taking me home.”
minghao couldn't hide his shock. he thought that you were shit-faced drunk that night and you wouldn't remember a thing in the morning, but there you were, thanking him about it.
he nodded in acknowledgement, suddenly getting shy at that as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked the other direction of you.
“i didn't think you'd remember.” he commented and you chuckled awkwardly.
you cleared your throat, glancing up at him for a brief second before you looked at your steps again. “i actually still don't remember that night. i just saw the lighter the next morning and seungkwan wouldn't stop teasing me about it every time he came over, so…”
he nodded in acknowledgement, doing his best to his disappointment and focus on the flight of stairs ahead instead.
only a few moments later, you called out to the man again, making him halt in his movements this time as he turned to you. "why, uh, did you pick this place?" there was a slight pant between your words as you urged yourself up the mountain, and it had minghao rethinking his choices and debating whether he should look for somewhere else. but it was already too late.
"don't you and mingyu do this?" he questioned. mingyu did certainly tell him you preferred to photograph natural sceneries than people photography, that's why you and mingyu would spend the whole day together for it, moving almost all across the city.
"we've never been hiking before, really. we usually go to a park, have lunch, then move around in his car." you'd explained, keeping your eyes ahead to watch the stairs and not trip on one.
minghao's lips puckered in thought before he turned to you. "we're basically doing the same thing, except this is healthier and would be more enjoyable." his head turned to the front again, missing the way you rolled your eyes. stairs were your worst enemy, so you were certainly unhappy with this, however, you still missed the slight pants between his words. damn mingyu, he was the one who recommended hiking to him.
it was a quiet hike between the two of you, reaching atop once the orange hues came into view and the sunset had just started. you'd found a log, quickly rushing to it and sitting down with an exasperated sigh at the work-out you'd just done. you'd unfortunately have to skip leg day with mingyu and joshua this week, which would obviously be so, so upsetting to you.
you put your backpack next to you, crossing your arms and still managing your breathing while minghao took a seat next to you, getting out a sketch instead of the camera you'd expected. "what's this?"
"a sketch."
"no shit, sherlock. i meant where's your camera? isn't this for the newspaper?" you frowned, staring at the sketch before finally meeting minghao's eyes, and he didn't look happy with you.
he sighed, shaking his head before getting his pencil case out. "it's for a project i have. seokmin and mingyu are the photographers, i'm the artist.”
"oh? i didn't know that." you murmured, nodding as you prepared your things.
“you seem to not know a lot.”
your curious gaze dropped as you felt your stomach drop as well, nodding to yourself with a quiet chuckle before you picked your backpack up with your camera in hand and walked away from the man silently, leaving him to his thoughts and drawings while you started doing your and mingyu's jobs combined, photographing people while capturing the beautiful greenery sights and the sunset as you went.
you'd almost forgotten about minghao by the time you were done, sitting down on the grass, your camera in your lap before you'd gotten a text from joshua, asking when you'd be home. you'd replied that you'd be there soon, and he ended the chat with a take care.
looking up, you found minghao looming over you, a cup in a hand, and your things in the other with a paper bag. you only hummed in acknowledgement as you resumed surfing through the pictures you took that day. "i got you apple juice."
that had you giving him his full attention as you placed your camera in your lap while he dropped down next to you with a low grunt. "how'd you know i like apple juice?"
"lucky guess." he hummed, handing you the paper bag while he settled your things between the two of you, resting back on his hand while his legs were folded in front of him. you'd already opened the pack and had almost finished it while he got comfortable. "sorry if i was a bit mean earlier."
you, again, hummed in acknowledgement as minghao pursed his lips, unknowing of how he should react now. "is that a sign of forgiveness or is this you dismissing me?"
and then you shrugged. and minghao almost groaned aloud at that. "well, i'm sorry, again, for being mean and if-hey, where you going?"
you looked down at the man as you hoisted your bag over your shoulder. "my brother wants me home." you'd replied curtly, turning around to start your way down the mountain before you paused, turning to face the man with a tight smile that had your dimples awkwardly popping. "thank you for the juice...and the drink...and the hike. bye."
and you'd left the man like that. and minghao, in all his years he'd spent in this foreign country, had never been left this stunned and speechless, watching your retreating back as you placed your earbuds in your ears and drowned out the world.
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | exams start in 13 days. and the svt concert is not in my country's theatres. super duper uncool.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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5. crescendo
word count: 1476
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monday rolled around. you'd finished your morning classes that day and then went to the cafe, stepping in ten minutes before your shift, having exchanged your 4pm class to another day so that you'd work a later shift. you'd smiled at hyunwoo from behind the cashier as he smiled back before he went back to the customer in front of him.
you picked up the key, opening the door guarded by the counter to the storage room, shutting it behind you as you grabbed your work clothes and apron, putting your bag and coat into your locker. you'd noticed the previously empty locker now filled with things, not much really, just an extra, neatly folded change of clothes with what seemed to be some extra hygiene things.
you turned around after you'd tied your hair, apron, and assessed the locker, opening the door and stepping out, just as the clock struck 3. the part-timers (fellow students) before you bid their goodbyes to both your boss and you before they each got their things and hurried out of the coffee shop.
resting against the back counter, you crossed your arms, hands yet to be clad in protective gloves as you waited for the chime of the door before you'd proceed to, not wanting to get your hands sweaty already.
"who's locker is beside mine? it was empty the whole week." you'd mumbled, turning around and leaning on your elbows on the front counter as you turned slightly to hyunwoo who quirked a brow at you to get off the counter, which you did.
he sighed. "he's another part timer, works during the semesters and quits during the breaks, a good kid, though. you'll like him." he stated, patting your head like a little kid.
"he's a week late?" you questioned, a surprised tune in your voice.
"personal issues, y/n, we don't question it."
"where's he now?"
he sighed. again. "on his way."
the door chimed just on time as in stumbled the 'good kid' as hyunwoo called him, bowing at the disturbed people before he approached the counter, bowing towards your boss.
"good afternoon, mr. son!" he basically shouted as you winced from the noise, now realizing why your friends and brother were always complaining about their fourth roommate.
soonyoung straightened, smiling at hyunwoo, his eyes tightening to slits as he hadn't noticed you yet, and you thought he never would when he very casually passed by you and walked into the storage room like you weren't even there.
sharing confused looks with hyunwoo, you both turned to the approaching customer as you put on your gloves, preparing yourself for your six hour shift, with soonyoung avoiding you as if you were the plague.
it was not his intention, at all, to act like an asshole towards you and completely ignoring your existence, it was just that…he knew you wouldn't remember, but drunk you was a quite memorable. he'd found you bent in front of your keypad, eyes squinted to slits as you very slowly punched in a few numbers, only for the device to beep and deny you access.
you'd turned to him then, eyes still in slits before they widened in recognition, and he could swear they were the widest he'd ever seen before you’d smiled at him lightly, waving before you'd turned once again to your keypad.
he'd felt awkward and upset. his plan with jeonghan had failed quite miserably, but there you were, right in front of him, so the least he could do was help you.
he'd heard you curse under your breath multiple times, and you'd almost punched the device before he'd grabbed your wrist, stopping your assault. he'd blushed furiously at the contact and got so shy that he simply left you in front of your dorm room, knocking rapidly before he bailed and basically barging into his dorm, scaring the shit out of poor mingyu who was enjoying his fifteen minute break before he'd went back to his assignment.
and currently, he was feeling guilty for abandoning your drunk self like that, but you seemed to be okay in front of him now, so he'd better man up and strike conversation with you since you were now co-workers as well, but that never seemed to happen.
later that night, you'd waved goodbye at hyunwoo, watching as he quickly jogged from the door to his car, getting in and settling for a moment before he drove off as you wiped the last table, dropping the rag and sighing at the pouring rain outside.
you didn’t bring an umbrella today. it’s an unfortunate, rare event, since you always have it as a ‘just in case’ in your backpack, but you had to take it out today to make space for your extra pack of cup ramyeon, for if you got stranded and couldn’t get a small snack through your shift.
you grabbed the rag with another sigh, turning around just to find soonyoung walking out of the storage room in his usual clothes, with an umbrella in his hand. that alone made you want to scream out loud, but you settled for a mental, quieter one. you couldn’t afford getting sick this week since you were going out with mingyu for the newspaper club you'd signed up for for the first time.
you’d probably have to sacrifice your bag to survive this. you passed by soonyoung, not acknowledging each other as you both did the whole evening. you placed the rag in its respectful spot, pushing the storage door closed behind you as you quickly put on your clothes and coat, folding your things back into the locker for your next shift in two days.
you'd walked out, locking the room and placing the key where you'd agreed on with hyunwoo, grabbing the extra set of keys he had for when he left earlier than the employees. the slight pout remained on your lips as you made your way towards the door, stepping out into the cold and locking the doors behind you.
turning around, you stared ahead, shielded from the rain by the sign above you, but not for long. it’s a ten minute walk to the nearest station and a fifteen minute walk back to your dorm, so you’d be soaked by the time you step foot into the campus-
“you ready?”
your head whipped to the sound, finding soonyoung standing in hearing range through the heavy patter of the rain with his umbrella shielding him. frowning, you looked around to find no one but you standing there. “are you talking to me or…?” you trailed off, staring at the, now, confused man as he looked around for a minute before turning to you.
he nodded, his lips forming into a pout as he stood there. “you shouldn’t walk back alone.”
“i’m not drunk, soonyoung. i can take care of myself. thank you so much.” you bowed respectfully at him, starting your march and keeping under the extended signs.
soonyoung stared at your retreating back, frowning to himself at what had just happened. he had purposely been ignoring you the whole morning, yes, but he was still a nice dude, and he knew some manners, one of which he shouldn’t let a lady walk alone at night, especially when she didn’t have an umbrella while it’s raining cats and dogs around her.
he called out your name, jogging to catch up with you and placing the umbrella over the two of you. “yes?” you questioned, turning to him.
it all felt like it was out of a kdrama, the rain surrounding you, his umbrella over the both of you, how close he was and the scarf that was wrapped around your neck. all indications of a kissing scene.
“are you trying to pull a doom at your service or-”
“i’m just doing what your brothers would have done. let’s go.”
he urged you, with a hand on the small of your back, to keep you close enough for the umbrella to fit the both of you.
he’d just basically brother-zoned you. and he’d just realized that. he needs a hard smack on his head, preferably with jeonghan’s pet rock or his favourite toy sword. now, all his plans are very visibly going down the drain right in front of him, as he waits with you for the lights to turn green so the two of you can cross the road.
and the silence dawned on the two of you as you both slowly got sucked into your thoughts for the week, only awaking after you’d stepped foot outside of the subway and the two of you were separated, each going home on their own since the rain had stopped just in time for your little walk to the dorms.
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | life's great. i think i failed that bio exam? and i'm def failing my physics and chem midterms. life's good, life's amazing. this is also not the best, hope you enjoy it tho
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
[10:27 P.M]
warnings: angst
"please." he begged you, almost begging on his knees if you hadn't tightened your hold on his hand. "i'm begging you. please, don't go."
"mingyu, stop." you took in a deep breath, your eyes screwing shut as you refused to meet his eyes. "i told you before, and i'm telling you now. i can't-i shouldn't-"
"i know!" he exclaimed, and you felt him shuffling around and you knew he was kneeling in front of you. "i know what you said, and i told you i'm more than happy to be used by you. so, please,"
he paused, his hands coming to rest on your cheek to let you look at him, to let you see the hurt you caused him, the one that would definitely haunt you forever. "don't go."
you shook your head, feeling the tears fall out of your eyes. "i'm going to hurt you, i already did. i-"
"baby, please." he cut you off, straightening himself as his face was in front of yours, a sad smile on his face. "i'm more than happy to get hurt by you. no matter how many times you hurt me, i'll always be here. because i love you."
"that's the problem!" you sobbed. "you shouldn't get hurt by someone you love. that shouldn't happen."
"but...i'm okay with it. i'm okay with it because it's's you." he whispered, stroking your cheek so gently as if you were a precious piece of art that he would break if he was too rough.
and as always, you did what you always do. you leaned in and kissed him. you kissed kim mingyu like your life depended on it. and it some sorts.
and you always came back, and you always denied his love, at his own house, and you always ended up a tangled mess within his sheets, and he always woke up with an empty bed after.
and yet, kim mingyu could never let you go.
bobba talks | so...that was that.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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4. the biggest gasp of all gasps
warnings: profanity, friendly threats, mentions of minor incidents including ksy
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | this is me spoiling y'all for the first week, but next week it's gonna be two chapters a week...i think
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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3. wow.
warnings: smoking, drinking, late night ramyeon & icecream (a/n: i'm kinda hungry rn), friendly threats
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you giggled loudly, leaning onto the man beside you as your mind basically swayed inside your head. it was all so fuzzy, sunshine and rainbows basically with your favourite ice cream cone in hand, and, you could swear, the funniest man alive next to you.
minho chuckled at you, him being a bit tipsy, and you almost completely drunk out of your mind. you couldn't really remember how you got to the empty parking lot with a convenience store behind you, waiting till you both finished your ice creams to get some ramyeon, all you remember is liking whatever the hell it was that wonwoo gave you and getting refills and spending the whole time with minho as you did so.
your phone vibrated in your pocket, snapping you out of your drunk daze as you pouted at the caller ID, not even bothering to read it before you declined the call and tossed your phone aside.
“we should get you home.” minho stated, biting off the cone as he turned to you. you nodded with a sigh, standing up from the pavement and dusting off your jeans.
“let’s get the ramyeon first.” you urged him, walking back in inside the convenience store. minho stared at your retreating back before turning to your forgotten phone, grabbing it with him, then following after you.
you two prepared the ramyeon pretty quickly, returning to your designated spot after you’d each paid for your food. you stirred it around for a bit, sitting in a comfortable silence with minho while you enjoyed your midnight snack. you realized that you’d sobered up a bit by then, looking around the unknown place before turning to your fellow classmate.
“do you know the way to building 1 from here?” you questioned, slurping up some noodles before taking a sip from the freshly opened can of beer.
minho hummed, swallowing down his own food before pointing in a certain direction. “it’s ten minutes straight over there.”
you nodded at him before a frown overtook your features. “don’t you live the other way?”
minho’s expression matched yours, apparently a bit more than tipsy since that piece of information completely escaped his mind. “oh...yeah, i do.” he puckered his lips in thought.
you were drunk, yes, but you still had some chivellary in you and you’re not having him walk twice the distance, plus having a male walk you back won’t help with the girl crush concept you’re trying to build around on campus.
“i’ll call an uber, don’t worry.” you lied smoothly, smiling lightly at minho. he side eyed you slightly before turning back to his food and nodding to himself.
he tried to stay with you till the uber arrived, he really did, but you threatened to put a cigarette out on his face, kindly, of course, and he couldn’t afford losing his appeal, so he walked away with a warning that if you didn’t answer his texts or calls he’d be coming over and asking one of his law majored friends to sue you, even if you’d died. you just shooed him off, picking out your cigarette pack and lighting one up.
you absolutely had no uber coming for you. you’re very much alone in this place, and you’re not sure if you can get to the dorms from here.
“hey.” your head whipped towards the caller, frowning at the person as you quickly stood up from your spot, swaying slightly with a cigarette tucked between your lips as you readied yourself for a possible fist fight.
the man raised his hands up in the air, indicating that he meant no harm to you. “you okay?”
you frowned at him, a pout coming onto your lips as you sat back down in your seat, shaking your head at him. “i don't know the way home from here.”
he almost chuckled at you before he very slowly approached you and sat down next to you. “don't you have anyone you can call?” he asked, looking at you as you fumbled in your pockets in search of your phone before fishing it out, only to find it dead.
you'd sighed, placing it on the pavement next to you before shaking your head at him. “i don't remember my brother's phone number right now.” you added, grabbing your lighter from your pocket and lighting your cigarette up, only to find that your lighter was also dead and refused to ignite a small spark for you.
you turned to the nice stranger sitting down next to you. even through your hazy mind, he was too pretty for you to comprehend it. his hair was long, shaped in a long mullet that almost reached his shoulders, and his eyes were shaped so beautifully, you couldn't even explain it, and his plump lips were a whole other-
a harsh smack came onto your cheek as your eyes widened and you awoke from your trance. you'd slapped yourself, yes. but it was for good reason.
you turned to the man again, this time with a purpose, completely missing the amused look on his face. “do you have a lighter?” you asked. your words were slurred, but he still caught them.
he smiled lightly at you before muttering a quiet 'stay here', and then he disappeared inside the store, coming out only a minute later and plopping down next to you.
"even though i don't like smoking…" he sighed, handing you a lighter as you grinned happily at the man, dimples appearing in your cheeks before you lit up your cigarette, taking in a long drag, hollowing your cheeks out before you pulled back, blowing the smoke out into the midnight air.
"do you know where you live?"
you'd nodded absentmindedly, pointing in the general direction of your apartment building where you're staying with your friends and family next door. "it's building 1."
he smiled brightly at you, two dimples of his own showing. "i have a few friends who live there."
"really?" your eyes widened as you explained, shock visible all over your face. "who are they?"
he chuckled, before coming up with a bottle of water out of nowhere. "maybe i'll tell you if you sober up a bit."
you'd pouted at that, but you didn't sober up to the extent where he'd tell you, but he still walked you to your dorm building, and you only remembered to thank him and ask about his name as you punched the wrong passcode on the keypad.
but, maybe you'd meet another time.
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | just had the worst bio exam of my life 😍 but there you guys go...but it's getting steamy, isn't it? 🤭
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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warnings: mentions of a heart attack, hoshi being kinda dramatic, jeong(evil planning)han
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you were standing in your room's balcony, waiting for your brother to sneak you out a beer with an unlit cigarette tucked between your fore and middle fingers to accompany it. it was a peaceful, chilly night, the perfect weather for you.
you turned to the balcony door once you'd heard it open, a frown making its way to your face as you found someone else instead, heatedly talking into the phone with no can of beer in his hand. holding your pout at bay, you opted to light your cigarette up instead, enjoying it till your brother decided to move his ass, or at least send mingyu, whose company you'd very much welcome, finding amusement in your longtime friend's way of talking and choice of topics.
it took the whole cigarette for soonyoung to realize that there had been someone else there with him.
he didn't notice you when he first came out, busy arguing with his sister on the phone before she'd hung up on him, refusing to go further with the argument for the sake of the both of them, and that's when he noticed you, standing there with your wine-red nails and the orange light of your cigarette illuminating it as you took the last drag from it before you put it out and left it in the ashtray.
he was taken aback, a silent yelp escaping his lips while his eyes widened, recognition all over his face-but you wouldn't recognise him. how could you? you didn't properly see his face, which he just realised in the few minutes he spent staring at you, starstruck by how fate worked in complicated ways.
he'd returned to the dorm that night from the subway to the boys with happy sighs and a soft smile, quieter than he usually is-which piqued their interest, especially the next morning when he'd had the first meeting with his dance club mates, who were expecting the loud, cheery soonyoung they were used to-instead they were met with quiet, contented soonyoung.
"who are you?"
"yes, you. the dude in the white shirt standing in 27A's balcony. who are you?"
he blinked at you a few times, realising that you had been, in fact, talking to him before he'd stammered an answer. "kwon-kwon soonyoung." it was quiet for a bit as your eyes widened for a brief second before nodding. so, that was the soonyoung they all talked about.
you nodded at him, opening your mouth to introduce yourself, but he'd beaten you to it. "jeon y/n, i know. wonwoo's sister and joshua's god-sister." he chuckled, matching your position as he leaned on the railing. "everyone on campus probably knows who you are by now from how mingyu kept mentioning your arrival to anyone he met."
"oh." you let out, feeling your cheeks heat up, any plans of having a quiet arrival and education dissipating into thin air. you'd half expected it, if you're being honest-your relatives were all popular already, so you joining would make you the talk of campus and probably a fan-magnet as well.
you opened your mouth to talk to him, before you heard a chorus of yells from inside, the balcony door slamming open as a grumbling mingyu walked through, with wonwoo peaking his head from behind him. "why can't you buy your own beer, huh?" he questioned, yelling at you half-heartedly as he shoved soonyoung out of the way and the can of beer into your hold with a huff.
you chuckled, waving at your brother with your free hand who smiled amusedly back at you before you turned to mingyu. "'cause i have you guys to care for me, so why would i bother?"
he'd scoffed at that, going to reply before he frowned at soonyoung. "what are you doing out here?"
soonyoung blinked, mouth hung open as he thought of a reply, but you beat him to it. "he was on the phone. you guys were probably being too loud over there." wonwoo snorted at that, rolling his eyes before he slipped back inside after you'd heard someone telling the duo that food was ready.
mingyu, however, looked between you and soonyoung for a moment too long before he squinted his eyes at you-waving-then heading inside to follow his 'soulmate' as he likes to call him-but, then he slipped back inside, dragged soonyoung from the back of his neck who almost tumbled through the balcony doors before they were aggressively shut. and you simply shrugged their weird behavior off for the night.
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | and i wonder who the secret acc is 🤔 (ver: super duper crazy hard) anyways hope yall enjoy this and enjoy your day/night
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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Kwon Soonyoung
likes to believe that he's a tiger after an old lady once told him that his eyes looked like a tiger's
3rd year
dance major
Building 1 | Apt. 27A
lives for late night ramyeon
Wen Junhui
thinks he's a black cat, even though everyone knows he's an orange cat
3rd year
psychology major
Building 1 | Apt. 24H
joined the dance club thinking it was the theatre club, then still joined the theatre club after, is not surprisingly good at both
Jeon Wonwoo
didn't intend to be friends with soonyoung after highschool
3rd year
architecture major
Building 1 | Apt. 27A
very much capable of buying his own apartment, but stays in the dorms for the drama and to look after his sister
Lee Jihoon
basically a hermit
3rd year
music major
Building 10 | Apt. 22D
likes to either stay at home or in his studio.
most ppl don't know that he's actually Woozi, the producer.
everyone won knows thinks she made him up
Choi Seungcheol
pride and shine of the choi clan
4th year
general surgery major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
has another priv. acc that he uses due to most of his family following the main one
Yoon Jeonghan
has too many connections around campus that no one would suspect
4th year
psychology major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
chose psychology to be better at gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing
Hong Jisoo
what you'd call the fun annoying uncle
4th year
physiology major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
likes to torture look after the first years, especially his god-sister (won)
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!reader, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!reader (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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Jeon Y/N
known as wonwoo's younger hot sister or just 'won'
1st year
physiology major
Building 1 | Apt. 26A
wants to be a forensic scientist
went to the u.s when she was five under the gaurdian ship of her god mother (mama hong) and visited her family once a month and on the holidays.
participates in: the news club & co-ed volleyball club
everyone's youngest, favourite child maknae on top
Choi Yoon
a 2nd cousin of choi seungcheol
1st year
medicine major
Building 1 | Apt. 26A
a pro at bullying and cursing kids out while playing roblox
yoon is not her actual name
Boo Seungkwan
knows everything about everyone
1st year
law major
Building 1 | Apt. 17A
wanted to pursue jouranlism, but law simply called for him
Chwe Hansol
some people still don't believe he's real (he's too perfect)
1st year
psychiatry major
Building 1 | Apt. 17A
he's not surprisingly a really good listener and gives great advice
Lee Chan
tried to take a self-defense class once, got bullied out of it.
1st year
dance major
Building 1 | Apt. 17A
wanted his career choices to vary, but ended up as a dance major
dino's danceology
Shin Ryujin
the youngest in 26A
1st year
business major
Building 1 | Apt. 26A
every girl's gf
joined the dancing club for unknown reason, even she doesn't know
Lee Minho
forced to be made friends with won through joshua and jeonghan
1st year
physiology major
Building 13 | Apt. 3F
likes to spend his free time with his cats or bullying his roommate (hyunjin)
Hwang Hyunjin
the bullied roommate
1st year
medicine major
Building 13 | Apt. 3F
wanted to pursue art, but got pressured into pursuing medicine
still took art classes in secret
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masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!reader, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!reader (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries and cigarettes m.list
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc
genre: fluff, angst, love triangle, friends to lovers
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
warnings: oc goes by 'won', other warnings will be listed in each chapter, features oc's and a few members of MONSTA X, STRAY KIDS and TWICE
author's note: hi. so, this has been a work in progress since like july? so hope y'all like it
comment under here to be added to the taglist!
started: 03/12/23
finished: --/--/--
song of the day:
1 | 2 | 3
1. kdrama moment
2. i made a friend!!
3. wow. | written
4. the biggest gasp of all gasps
5. crescendo | written
6. shocking
7. not a date (?)
8. newbie bimbo | written
➥ 8.5. TWICE - What is Love
9. if we never try... | written
10. korea's last cyclist
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
strawberries & cigarettes
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Xu Minghao
the not so calm and rational guy of the group
2nd year
fine arts major
Building 2 | Apt. 24H
would much rather go back to china than stay in this choas he secretly enjoys it but wants to finish his education first
Kim Mingyu
self-proclaimed it boy of the college
2nd year
architecture major
Building 1 | Apt. 27A
never denies the dating allegations he and wonwoo get, even though they're not real
Lee Seokmin
the nicest guy everyone knows, basically everyone's bsf
2nd year
nursing major
Building 1 | Apt. 26A
participates in: the music club, the dance club, and theatre club
wanted to join the co-ed volleyball club, but the school's council wouldn't allow him
Jeong Jaehyun
the 'bullied kid' from roblox
2nd year
nursing major
Building 4 | Apt. 7C
definitely NOT korea's ass
looks insanely good in scrubs tho
Jeon Jungkook
international playboy
2nd year
business major
Building 4 | Apt. 7C
does laundry and cleans the apt. on his free time, which is all the time
Park Jihyo
took the younglings under her wing (the residents of 1-26N)
2nd year
nursing major
Building 2 | Apt. 4T
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previous | masterlist | next
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!reader, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!reader (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
Why Won’t You Love Me - University AU
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Pairing: Joshua x Female Reader - Angst with a happy ending, somewhat slow burn, rejected to friends to lovers
Synopsis: Despite the fact that Hong Jisoo has been cold to you from the start, you have only ever looked at him with heart eyes. Except lately it's been harder to pretend like you were fine with his aloof demeanor, and things get much worse when you overhear a conversation you were not supposed to, revealing how Joshua truly feels about you.
WC: 11.6k
Content/Warnings: Mentions of alcohol & drinking, curse words, toxic relationships with siblings, one scene of body shaming/food portion shaming, little bit of Hongjoong from Ateez, shua cries:(, he’s also unreasonable in the beginning, pov switches between yn & shua, Seungkwan is the best friend everyone needs, y/n is a cutie.
a/n: not edited and ending is rushed but yolo
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When Hong Jisoo breaks your heart, it comes in a way that hurts more than anticipated.
the two of you shared close mutual friends, and yet, there was a distance that stopped you from becoming any closer. despite the fact that you were often around each other, it seemed as if Joshua did not want to get closer to you. things weren't necessarily awkward, but they certainly weren't comfortable. and that was something you craved immensely, comfort with the person you liked.
though you were not deterred easily. you would ignore the way his smile faltered the moment he saw you, and greet him the same as you would with the rest of your friends; a beaming smile with kind eyes. you would ignore the way he slipped out of conversations that you participated in, staring sadly at his retreating back each time.
and most of all, you ignored the way his genuine smile was never directed at you.
and perhaps you are to blame, for not taking the very obvious hint that Hong Jisoo did not like you. but you were always a little foolish when it came to love, even more so with Joshua. and while you're sure you could have gone months enduring his cold behavior towards you, it all comes to an end at Mingyu's birthday party.
you're getting dressed with Seungkwan, your best friend who knows how you feel about Joshua and your dilemma. He sighs as he lays on your bed, watching you through a frown as you try on your fifth outfit of the night. "Y/n, please, you look good in all of them! Just pick one so we can go." he whines.
you pout back at him, "I promise this is the last one! Be honest, how does it look?"
you're dressed in a tight black cropped tee and a black skirt that hugs your hips well, with sheer stockings underneath. you finish the look off with an oversized black leather jacket.
Seungkwan looks up, "Perfect! Now can we go please?" and you giggle sheepishly, feeling somewhat bad for your best friend.
"Okay, but quick, what about my makeup?" you walk closer and close your eyes, displaying your hard work.
Seungkwan scans your face quickly and flicks your forehead. "It looks good, don't worry."
you jump up and rub your forehead pouting, but happy with his approval.
the two of you leave soon after, and you sit in Seungkwans car feeling jittery at the thought of seeing Joshua tonight.
Seungkwan looks at your wringing hands and smiles softly, "What are you worried about? You know you look gorgeous, and I'll be there with you."
you look to your best friend and sigh as the corners of your lips tug downwards. “You make it sound so easy, but any time we hang out with everyone, Joshua refuses to even look at me." you turn to glance at your reflection in the window, "And even though you’re with me, and everyone else seems to like me just fine, I can't help but want him to like me and stay with me too."
Seungkwan pats your leg sympathetically before returning his hand to the wheel. "Honestly, I don't know why he acts like that either, but maybe tonight will be different. Maybe you'll catch his attention with that outfit you spent ten years choosing." you laugh at his teasing, feeling reassured enough as you see Mingyu's house come into view.
once parked, Seungkwan looks at you and grins encouragingly, "Ready?"
you look up at him nervous, yet determined.
the moment you walk in, you're bombarded with the intense smell of alcohol and sweat. a disgusting mix truly, but Mingyu was notorious for his grand number of friends, so you didn't expect anything about this party to be different.
you grab Seungkwans wrist gently, unnerved by the number of people everywhere.
"You're here! Welcome, Kwannie and Y/n" a booming voice comes, and you smile excitedly at Mingyu.
"Happy Birthday, Minnie!" you jump to hug him and he catches you with ease. you and Seungkwan engage in quick pleasantries with Mingyu as he gives you the rundown of where the beverages and snacks are located. The two of you hand your gifts to him before making your way through the crowd to grab a drink.
Seungkwan pours himself a cup as you opt for a water bottle; you are not trying to get shitfaced in front of Joshua tonight.
"Let's go find the others?" Seungkwan asks, and you nod in agreement, heading up and entering the room closest to the stairway.
you look around, eyes subconsciously searching for Joshua as you study the people sitting on the couch and standing off to the side.
"Y/n! Seungkwan, over here!" you hear someone shout and look to find Hansol, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Jeonghan, and oh, Joshua is there too.
Your stomach feels as if it's in knots as the two of you make your way over to them. you greet them one by one before your eyes land on Joshua.
you smile sweetly at him, “Hey.”
though all he does is nod back with a tight smile and look away. you try not to let his lack of a response affect you, but you're sure it shows on your face as Seungkwan quickly grabs your hand and drags you over to sit down.
when conversations begin to pick up, you try to engage in them happily, though your eyes often drift to Joshua throughout the night, and you feel defeated as he ignores your existence entirely despite participating in the same discussion.
you sigh and stare down at your feet before abruptly getting up; your friends turn to you, and you quickly put on an easy smile looking at everyone but Joshua.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, I don't think this water is going to get me through tonight." you say with an easy grin. they all nod in understanding, though Seungkwan pulls your wrist before you leave.
his wide eyes scan your face, "Do you want me to come with you?"
you shake your head, patting his hair and forcing yourself to smile once more. "I'm okay, I'll be right back, promise."
Seungkwan looks worried, but he lets you go with a reminder. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"
you nod, chuckling at his protectiveness as you walk away.
you exhale softly once you're far enough, allowing the sadness you've felt throughout the night to finally show on your face. with a frown, you pour yourself a drink, though you dilute it with some of your water to ensure you don't end up drunk. you take a sip, shoulders sagging at the subtle bitter taste, and head back up toward the boys. except upon reaching the room, you see a pretty girl in your seat.
but that isn't what bothers you, no, it's the way she's engaging in a conversation with everyone else, Joshua included. your chest hurts when you watch Joshua smile and nod at her, eyes sparkling in genuine interest; something you wish he would do with you. you want to run away and isolate yourself in a corner, but you promised Seungkwan you would be back.
you bite your lip and force a cheerful smile on your face as you walk toward them, choosing to stand behind Seungkwan and lean on him since your seat was occupied. Jihoon sees you standing and moves to get up, but you shake your head and urge him to sit back down.
When Seungkwan looks up at you though, his brows furrow and you know you aren't hiding your hurt very well. He stands up beside you and grabs your wrist before turning to your friends, "We're gonna go get some air, we'll come back in a bit." Seungkwan wastes no time dragging you toward the empty balcony.
"What's up? Did anything happen when you went to get a drink? Did anyone bother you?" he asks worriedly, eyes scanning you for any injuries and you quickly shake your head, moving to hug him. "It's not that, nothing happened. I just..."
you sigh into his shoulder, "I don't mean to overreact, but it's so obvious he hates me at this point. Did you see how he was looking at that girl?" you look up to Seungkwan with a sad smile, "I tried so hard to get his attention, not only with this outfit but every time I speak he just won't look my way. But he seemed to like her just fine."
Seungkwan pats your head, and you continue to ramble, "Clearly, the problem is me. At this point, I would rather just hear him reject me." you finish dejectedly.
Seungkwan sighs at your defeated tone.
"Listen, I can't excuse the way he's been acting even if he is my friend. He's being an ass, even if he doesn't like you, you haven't done anything to him for him to treat you that way."
he smiles at you encouragingly, "But, I think you should talk to him about this."
you look at him incredulously, and he laughs at your expression, "Just listen!"
you cross your arms and deadpan. "Okay, I'm listening."
Seungkwan grins gently at you, "I just think if you pulled him aside and forced him to speak with you, he might just be honest and tell you why he's acting that way. There must be a reason, and I think he might tell you if you ask." and though the thought of speaking to Joshua alone and confronting him sounds absolutely terrifying, you figure Seungkwan has a point; maybe there was a logical reason behind his behavior. maybe he would tell you if you asked.
your heart feels lighter at the notion, and you find yourself smiling at Seungkwan as you jump into his arms, "Thank you. For listening to me and the advice and overall just being the best friend ever." you murmur into his shoulder. He pats your back, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"What else are best friends for, dummy."
and so, with a newfound mindset, the two of you head back to your friends. upon reaching the room, you find the door is closed. Seungkwan moves to open it, before you hear the conversation taking place inside.
"Dude, you have to just tell her soon. I feel so bad when I see her try to get your attention just to see you ignore her." Soonyoungs muffled voice says, and you pull Seungkwans arm away from the knob as you step closer to the door.
"Soonie is right, Joshua. You've put it off for too long now. She's already friends with everyone, there's no getting rid of her and you know one of these days she'll start crying." Jeonghan adds on, and you feel your hands shake as you begin to put the puzzle pieces together on just who they are talking about.
Seungkwan is silent beside you, and the two of you stand still when Joshua speaks. "I know, I know. But... it's so hard." you can hear him exhale tiredly, "She technically hasn't done anything wrong, so I feel guilty that I don't like her. How am I supposed to tell her she makes me uncomfortable with just her presence?" he asks desperately.
Jihoon is quick to respond rationally, "Well, you don't say it like that. You just have to tell her that you can tell she likes you, and while you are flattered, you would appreciate it if she toned her admiration down since it makes you uncomfortable. That's completely valid, Joshua."
A tear slips down your cheek as you take a step back, though you're still close enough to hear Hansol’s voice; you hadn't known that many of your friends were aware of Joshua's discomfort with you, and the realization hurts more than you care to admit. “Just make sure you tell her sooner than later. She looked really hurt when you didn't spare her one glance the whole night but then saw you took interest in Dami."
and if you weren't humiliated before, you certainly were now.
you feel Seungkwan grab your wrist gently, pulling you towards him for comfort, but before you can appreciate the gesture, you hear Joshua speak, wedging a knife into your heart once more.
"I'll see if I can tell her soon. It's just kind of annoying to me, y'know? I have never given her the impression that I like her, so I don't understand why she insists on pushing me so much. She bakes me stuff, stares at me whenever we're all together, and makes me feel like I have to be close with her to not hurt her feelings."
he's silent for a moment before adding the final blow to your heart. "I wish she would just take the hint and leave me alone."
but you've heard enough now; you wipe your cheek and gently shake Seungkwan off before placing your hand on the knob and opening the door. you don't look at your friends' faces, though you can see their mouths open in shock in your peripheral vision. you strut straight towards Joshua, heels clicking as you walk before you stop in front of him.
you observe his pretty parted lips, the way his eyes glimmer when the light hits them just right, and the fact that the boy in front of you who has just shattered your heart is someone you have liked for quite a while.
he opens his mouth, looking to say something, but you didn't think you could handle hearing him speak any longer.
"I'm sorry." you blurt out softly.
"I... you were right, I did like you from the start, and I tried to show it in ways like baking for you and trying to talk to you whenever I had the chance." your voice rings in the quiet room, and the muffled music coming from downstairs makes your head spin.
"I didn't know I made you uncomfortable with my presence, I never would've acted the way I did had I known." your throat hurts and you wish to cry, but as you stand in the middle of the room with your friends and crush looking at you, you hold your tears back.
"I am so incredibly sorry for inconveniencing you all these months. I thought that even though you seemed uninterested, I just had to work a little harder to make you like me, even just as a friend." you smile bitterly as you look into Joshua's widened eyes. "I understand now though, so you won't need to put up with me anymore. I'm sorry that being around me was so hard for you." your voice is laced with heartbreak though it is firm.
you look around at your mutual friends in the room, smiling disappointedly at them, "Well, I'll leave you all to it then. Have a good night, guys."
and with that, you walk out, past Seungkwan, and finally allow the overwhelming amount of tears out.
that night, you wait for Seungkwan in his car while he comes up with an excuse to tell Mingyu, as you two were leaving quite early.
and once you're home, showered, and makeup-free, you lie in bed and stare up at the ceiling. you spiral at the thought of Joshua disliking you all along, and you wonder how many of your friends stood there and watched you make a fool out of yourself each time. it feels suffocating; the knowledge that you have been nothing but a pitiful burdensome girl to Joshua and your friends for so long.
but after tonight, you know you need to change.
and so, while on the brink of falling asleep, you make a promise to yourself to never bother Hong Jisoo again; it would be as if you didn't exist, just as he wanted.
your weekend consists of Seungkwan, Jun, and Minghao comforting you. the two had attended the party as well but arrived quite late so you were not able to catch them. Seungkwan updates them on the events that occurred, and while they feel angry with Joshua on your behalf, they are also upset with the rest of their friends who didn't clue you in on how he felt either.
you enjoy the company, however, and attempt to use those two days during the weekend to heal as much as you could; Minghao does some skincare with you, Jun helps you bake a batch of comfort cookies and Seungkwan convinces you to dye some of your hair as the cliche heartbroken people normally do.
and though it all helped immensely, you still feel unprepared at the thought of what Monday brings.
except when Monday arrives, everything feels anticlimactic. you attend class as usual, spend your break with Seungkwan, Minghao, and Jun, and attend your last lecture of the day before heading home. and that should be the end of it.
unfortunately for you, however, nothing is ever in your favor. while exiting the campus, you find yourself running into the last person you want to see; Joshua.
he’s standing a few meters away, back turned towards you while he talks to Jihoon and Hansol. you are not ready to face them, you realize. you move to turn around and find another way home, but Hansol spots you and waves awkwardly, causing Jihoon and Joshua to turn to you as well. you curse internally at his endearingly unsure smile and wave back tight-lipped.
you figure you might as well keep walking now that they’ve seen you. hiking your backpack higher on your shoulder, you make your way toward them. you know they’re all looking at you still, and the knowledge that Joshua has his eyes on you as well makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide for eternity.
you’re not sure if they expect you to stop and greet them, but Jihoon greets you. “Hi, Y/n.”
you nod once in response with an empty smile before continuing to walk home.
while part of you wants to run back and greet the two and Joshua with a happy smile, you haven’t forgotten the promise you made to yourself to leave Joshua alone. and while that normally wouldn’t include your mutual friends, you’re still upset that they hid his immense discomfort from you for so long. you sigh, shaking your head to rid yourself of these thoughts and continue walking home; you would get over Hong Jisoo, you would make sure of it.
Joshua stares at your retreating back and hears Jihoon sigh. “Well, she’s definitely pissed at you and I, Hansol. I’ve never seen her look so unhappy with us.”
Hansol nods, face pinched, “I don’t blame her, I can’t imagine how she felt after hearing us talk about her like that.” he sulks, looking in the direction you walked in.
“I need to apologize, there’s no way I’m letting things stay the way they are.”
Jihoon pats his shoulder in agreement.
he glances at Joshua, “So, how did it feel finally getting what you want? Happy that she left you alone?”
Joshua frowns at him, unsure himself why he is not very happy, but decides there must be a reason. “Who knows, it feels too early to tell.” he dismisses, ignoring Hansol's narrowed eyes at his response.
he was probably in shock, he reasons. you’ve been consistent in his life for almost a year now, and despite the uneasiness that came with being in a friend group with you, Joshua was not used to your lack of attention. It’ll feel better soon, he tells himself; if only he knew how wrong he was.
you spot your friends again as you begin heading home, though this time they are without Joshua. you sigh before placing your headphones in your ears as you tune out the rest of the world. your eyes are still slightly swollen, courtesy of the humiliating situation you experienced just a few days ago at Mingyu’s party. you have yet to get over it, and the sight of your friends only worsens the heartache. you wonder when the pain will subdue.
you want to be at home, wallowing in self-pity in your bed; the thought makes you move to walk faster until someone grabs your arm. you turn around, jerking your arm with an annoyed expression, ready to tell off whoever grabbed you until you see Jihoon. you tug out your headphones as you press pause on your music.
“What can I do for you?”
Hansol beside him gulps as you take your time to observe him, Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Jeonghan. they all look extremely apologetic, and the sight does diminish some of your pain. some.
“We wanted to say we’re sorry.” Jihoon begins.
the wind blows softly on your face, a contrast to the raging emotions you feel inside of you. the unease you feel surrounded by people who used to make you feel so safe is saddening, but you know none of this is your fault.
Jeonghan moves closer, “There’s no excuse we can give you. We were shitty friends, and that was that. We should have told you about Shua earlier, or defended you. That was on us.”
you stay silent throughout the apology, not exactly pleased with them but willing to hear them out.
“Yeah, and we understand if you aren’t willing to forgive us right away. We’ll work for it.” Hansol interjects. the words sound sincere coming from them all, but you know you’ll need time before you can trust them again.
you nod, face expressionless as the rest of them begin to look dejected.
Soonyoung pouts, “I’m really sorry, Y/n. We all are. And as long as you’re okay with it, we’ll do our best to make it up to you.”
you press your lips together before sighing softly. “Do what you want, no promises that I’ll forgive you right away. You really fucked up and broke my trust.”
the rest of them nod with somber faces at your words, before you wave and begin to turn away, placing your headphones back in your ears. you knew you’d forgive them. it was simply a matter of time for you.
The next incident when Joshua sees you is on a Friday afternoon in the library. upon entering, his eyes immediately find you; clad in an oversized hoodie that looks much too cute on you, reading glasses perched on your nose, and your eyes trained on the book in front of you. you look like a dream.
Joshua blinks back to reality at the thought. you look like a nightmare, he corrects himself.
he sighs, choosing to focus on finding the book he needs, skimming through all of the genres and textbooks, unable to find the one for his Chemistry class. he approaches the front desk, speaking lowly to the librarian, “Do you know if the Chemistry 2L5 textbook is available?”
“One moment.” she responds quietly, clicking her keyboard to search for the availability.
she looks up to him with a shake of her head, “Sorry, it’s not available right now. If you’d like, I can add your name to the wait list?”
Joshua's lip juts out in a slight pout, and he is about to accept when someone places the exact textbook he needs next to him.
he looks up and his eyes find yours; you turn to the librarian, “I’d like to return this, please.”
she takes the book from the desk and glances at Joshua, “Looks like you’re in luck, I’ll sign this out for you now.”
he nods, surprised yet pleased, and moves to thank you, but when he looks to the side, you’re gone.
when Joshua walks home that evening, a dazed look in his eye and textbook in his hands, he thinks of you. he had always thought of you as a little too childish and pushy, but as he glances at the book in his arms, he realizes there may be more to you than he initially thought.
two weeks have passed since Joshua’s encounter with you in the library, and it is as if you do not exist- or rather, it is as if he doesn’t exist.
he should be celebrating, he should be comfortable; he should be happy. and yet, it feels like something is missing.
he sighs and collapses onto his bed. he doesn’t understand why you ignoring him is bothering him so much. but for someone who really liked him before, you sure are good at avoiding him now. he purses his lips, thinking of your past encounters- or lack thereof.
exhibit a.
Exiting his class, Joshua is startled when he hears Hansol’s honking laughter from across the hall. He chuckles quietly to himself as he walks over to Soonyoung and places a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, what’s Hansol laughing his ass off about?” Soonyoung immediately clues him in, going on a tangent about some embarrassing situation that took place moments before.
except Joshua’s eyes dart to you, a few feet away from him, your arm entangled with Minghao’s. he tunes Soonyoung out, watching you glance at him before whispering something to Minghao and leaving without looking back. Joshua snaps out of his daze once you're out of sight and looks back up, noticing Minghao glaring at him.
Well, it seemed many of his friends were upset with him lately. he realizes he can’t blame them.
and of course, the avoiding didn’t end there.
exhibit b.
Joshua entered the popular cafe next to your campus during his break, knowing it was the group's go-to spot for lunch.
“Shua!” Hansol calls. he looks to the side and sees everyone at the corner table; including you.
Joshua motions to the front, “I’m gonna grab something real quick.”
Hansol gives him a thumbs up in response. Joshua orders a simple sandwich, quickly walking to the table, pulling out a chair and sitting down.
but as soon as he begins unwrapping his lunch, you rise from your chair.
“I actually have a class in 10, so I’ll see you guys later.” you announce, grabbing your bag and leaving with a wave.
Jihoon squints as he watches you leave the cafe, “I thought her class wasn’t for another hour.”
Jeonghan shrugs as he chews, “She probably doesn’t want to be around Shuji. We should give her the space she wants.”
The table is silent for a moment before Soonyoung breaks the awkward atmosphere and everyone speaks again.
Joshua, however, stares at his half-opened sandwich ignoring the conversations around him. suddenly, he did not have an appetite.
but once again, things didn't stop there, leading to:
exhibit c.
“So, who’s house are we meeting at for tonight?” Jun asks no one in particular.
Mingyu sighs dramatically, “Not mine, my place is still trashed as fuck from last week's party.”
Joshua internally rolls his eyes, Mingyu and his weekly parties.
“We can do mine? I’ll text Y/n and tell her we’re doing a movie night.” Minghao suggests, and everyone agrees. Joshua wonders if you’ll come, since you’ve made it your number one goal to not be in the same vicinity of him for the past three weeks. he bites his lip in anticipation, discreetly staring at Minghao typing on his phone as he texts you. he watches Minghao’s brows furrow and lips tug down before he sighs and clicks his phone off.
He lifts his head up, “Y/n can’t make it, but she said ‘Have fun and don’t watch a super scary horror movie or Seungkwan and Soonyoung won’t be able to sleep tonight.’” he giggles as he reads out the last part.
Soonyoung and Seungkwan stand up with matching pouts, yelling all kinds of nonsense but all Joshua can think about is how he’s ruined the entire friend group dynamic from his own stupidity. he wonders if things will ever go back to normal again.
another week has passed since you rejected their movie invite, and Joshua feels as though he is losing his mind. it has been well over a month since what occurred at Mingyu’s party, and nothing feels the same. he tries to convince himself that it’s guilt, but even he knows that what he feels goes deeper than that.
but today he can’t think about you; Juyeon, his brother, informed Joshua that he would be visiting tonight. and while lately you’ve been occupying his mind, he knows he has to focus on his brother unless he wants to get scolded.
he sighs for the umpteenth time, staring at the front door of his apartment and waiting to hear the bell. despite knowing it was going to come, he still flinches at the sound. Joshua rises to his feet and inhales deeply before opening the door.
“Hey, Hyung,” he says with a hesitant smile, ignoring the way Juyeon nods in response, face blank.
Juyeon removes his jacket and hands it to Joshua who obediently hangs it up, before sauntering over to the couch.
Joshua quickly takes a seat on the couch in front of him, “I ordered from your favorite restaurant, the food is on the table.” he speaks quietly.
Juyeon ignores what he has said and spreads his legs comfortably, “How have you been doing in school, Jisoo?”
Joshua swallows; suddenly his throat feels dry. “I’m doing well, I’m still at the top of all my classes." his voice is soft, gentle; weak. but he's always been weak when it came to his brother, and it has never gotten better with time.
Juyeon nods, face unreadable, "Okay, good. I expect you to email me your grades when they arrive. Don't disappoint me, Jisoo."
Joshua dips his head, face passive. "I won't, I promise." he stands up, holding his hands behind his back to hide the fact that they are shaking. "Let's eat? I'll get the food ready."
Juyeon nods once again, and Joshua is reminded of his hatred for his mannerisms; his inability to speak if it's not to scold him or ask about his grades.
Juyeon takes a seat at the table, posture straight and face confident as Joshua places the food for his brother first, and himself after.
Joshua is in the midst of placing food on his plate when Juyeon squints his eyes, looking at Joshua's portion. "You're going to eat all of that?" he asks unabashedly.
Joshua pauses, wide eyes looking at his brother as he nods slowly.
it was the wrong answer it seemed, as his brother frowns. "You may want to limit how much you're eating. I noticed as soon as I saw you that you've gained some weight." he dabs a napkin on the sides of his mouth before looking up at Joshua, "You need to keep in good health to take over the company when I'm too old."
Joshua ignores the way his eyes burn, nodding at Juyeon's words, and places half of the food on his plate back in the pot.
The rest of the night goes uneventful, with only a few snide remarks and insults thrown Joshua's way. but that is how it's always been with Juyeon, and Joshua hadn't expected anything different.
when Juyeon leaves, Joshua stands in his apartment alone with an empty stomach. his eyes crystalize with tears and he sniffles, wiping them half-heartedly. he decides to go on a walk, heedless of it being dark outside.
he doesn't know where he's going, but he walks, and walks, until his feet take him to a playground. It's empty, quiet, and dark; the perfect place to cry alone. so he does. he sits on a swing and cries, albeit softly.
he hates his stupid family, and his stupid brother, and the stupid company he has to take over. Joshua hates it all.
he doesn't know how long he sits there crying, but it must be a while as he suddenly feels cold. the night air brushes against his bare arms, goosebumps arising to the touch as he continues to sniffle.
"Um, are you okay?" a hesitant voice reaches out, and Joshua jumps at the sound.
they put their hands up in alarm, "Sorry, sorry! I've just been hearing you cry for the last ten minutes and I finally built the courage to just come and ask-" they step into the dimly lit yellow street light; it's you.
"-if you're okay..." you trail off, arms falling to your sides as you observe Joshua's appearance. Joshua on the other hand, feels horrified; someone he wasn't close to in the slightest caught him crying alone at a park in the middle of the night. he doesn't know what to say as he looks at you with wide teary eyes.
after a moment of staring at each other, you sigh and slowly step closer as Joshua continues to stare at you.
you take a seat on the swing next to him.
"So, what's got you so sad tonight? Did something happen, or was it a particularly sad movie?" you ask quietly.
Joshua certainly isn't in his right mind after all that has occurred in the past hours and decides to stop thinking rationally.
"You know of a movie that would make someone cry in the middle of the night at a park alone?" he asks with a watery smile, and you look back at him sheepishly.
"Not really, but I figured I would give you an out if you didn't wanna talk," you shrug. Joshua appreciates the sentiment.
the two of you sit in silence for another minute, until a harsh gust of wind causes Joshua to sneeze. your eyes dart to his bare arms as he sniffles, brows furrowing. "Dude, why would you leave the house without a jacket at this time?" you berate worriedly.
Joshua sulks when he looks at your concerned eyes, "I wasn't really... in the right state of mind." he whispers. you nod in understanding, before standing up and unzipping your oversized sweater.
Joshua watches you wearily as you walk over to him, stopping in front and bending down to his eye level, before gently placing your sweater around his shoulders. he stares into your eyes confused, but his shoulders sag as the feeling as warmth and comfort overtake his senses.
"Put your arms in, hurry up before you catch a cold." you remind, smiling when he listens and does as you ask.
he's missed your smile, he thinks.
he looks up at you once putting his arms in, and you nod in approval before gesturing to the zipper.
"You do it," Joshua says petulantly, and you look at him with an incredulous face before sighing in exasperation and doing as he asks. he is definitely going to be embarrassed when he wakes up tomorrow, but you've already seen him sob alone before this, so he figures his dignity can take one more hit.
you stand up when you're done, and Joshua murmurs a "Thank you," covering his face with his sweater-covered palms, enjoying the warmth it brings to his cold cheeks.
"I should get going, I'm really not trying to get kidnapped by going home any later than this," you say, and Joshua looks up, trying to ignore the pit of disappointment he feels at the knowledge you are leaving.
you smile faintly at him, "I'll see you around, Joshua. Don't worry about returning the sweater, you can just give it whenever you have the chance."
you turn to leave, until-
you turn back to him in confusion, and Joshua knows he needs to take this chance to make everything right; apologize, ask for forgiveness, and suggest starting over. you have been plaguing his mind for too long now, and after tonight, Joshua knows that he doesn't want to be strangers with you. he wants to get to know you as a person; as a friend, and to do that, he needs to apologize.
Joshua stands up, hands curling on the ends of his sleeves- your sleeves, "I... I just wanted to apologize." he starts, watching your brows furrow.
"For what?" you ask softly, sounding genuinely confused, and Joshua feels like the biggest asshole to exist.
"For everything!" he says frustrated.
"I... was so horrible to you from the start. I didn't even get to know you before I started disliking you, and it's been eating at me for the past month, but I regret every single thing I said that day." he bites his lip, sniffling, and stares at your feet, refusing to look at your face.
"You were never the problem, it was me. I think I got nervous that you liked me and were so forward, but that didn't mean you deserved to be ignored like that, or talked about behind your back." Joshua is breathless at the end of his apology, and he looks to see you staring at him with surprised eyes. "Um... you don't have to forgive me right away- or forgive me at all, of course! but, and I know this is a long shot, but if you were by chance open to it, I'd like to start over with you... as friends?" he finishes hesitantly, chest rising with each breath as he awaits your response.
when you seem to process everything he's said, you blink harshly and look into his eyes with a friendly smile, "Thank you for your apology, Joshua. It means a lot." you turn, starting to walk away.
Joshua's shoulders sag in defeat; he figures this was your wordless rejection to his proposal, until you turn back around.
"Sure though, let's start over!" you call out, voice echoing slightly in the silent neighborhood.
Joshua's eyes light up, smiling widely as he nods back at you.
that night, once Joshua is back in his apartment dressed in pajamas and drowning in the soft covers on his bed, he stares at the sweater on his desk with a giddy smile, shoving his face into his pillow with a happy noise.
he was so excited to see you tomorrow.
“So what, he apologized and you just forgave him?! just like that?” Seungkwan yells, looking at you as if you were crazy.
you giggle at his wide-eyed expression, “Yes, I did. It was a very genuine apology, okay?” but he shakes his head at you in response.
Minghao interjects from his place on your desk chair, “Lighten up, Kwannie. Y/n can make the decision for herself. I’m sure she knows better than us whether or not she can trust him,” he takes a bite out of the apple in his hand, “After all, she’s the one who he hurt the most. She would be more skeptical than us.”
Jun nods, “And I’m sure he won’t do anything like that again. Y/n ignored him for so long which clearly made him react.” he shrugs, moving to pat your head in comfort.
You smile at their responses, “Exactly! Don’t worry Kwan, I won’t get hurt again. I expect quite literally nothing from him.” while you are endeared by Seungkwan's overprotective behavior, you don’t regret forgiving Joshua. you know had you rejected his apology, you would’ve regretted it.
Seungkwan sighs, moving to hug you with a pout, “Okay, as long as you’re sure Y/nie.”
he grabs your face in front of his and squishes your cheeks, “Just promise me you’ll tell me if he does something again, I’ll beat him up!”
“Okay! I promise.” you remove his hands from your face laughing, before Minghao interrupts, “Beat him up with what muscles? You’re about as weak as they come.” he teases, but shuts up when Seungkwan levels him with a glare.
you giggle as they bicker, standing off to the side and watching them with Jun. you had told them part of what happened with Joshua. you just cut out the entire fact that he was sobbing uncontrollably, figuring it was a personal thing.
and so, things have changed once again.
the next time you see Joshua, he’s with the others. you greet them all with a cheerful grin, smile widening when Joshua waves at you and blushes. you assume he’s still embarrassed about last night, and though you should feel bad, you find his reddened cheeks look very cute.
“So! What are we doing for lunch?” you lilt, leaning your head on Minghao's shoulder.
he wraps his arm around you, "Nothing at this rate. These losers are still fighting over where to eat."
that was not the correct thing to say it seemed, as they began quarreling with him now. you sigh and clap your hands loudly, "Okay! Sucks for all of you, I'm choosing now, and I say we go to the cafe like we normally do."
the rest of them stay silent and agree begrudgingly, and you giggle as you step out of Minghao's arm and take the lead to walk there. you hear footsteps get closer to you, and turn assuming it is Seungkwan, until you look up and see Joshua.
you raise your eyebrows and smile, "Hi. You okay?"
Joshua presses his lips together and nods. you notice his cheeks are still a little pink. you bite your lip to stop yourself from grinning.
"Yeah, uh, the others didn't wanna go to the cafe at first because they wanted to try somewhere new, but we couldn't agree on a place." he rubs the back of his neck sheepish, and your stomach jumps slightly when you realize he's actually engaging in a conversation with you.
but you're not as nervous around him as you were before, the blissful innocent feelings you harbored for him have simmered down into a muted version of what was once so intense.
you nod understandingly, "Ah, I see. Too bad for them then." you shrug, and Joshua chuckles at your demeanor.
you arrive at the cafe and everyone goes to order their food. you take a seat right away, however, as you bought your lunch in the morning. you take it out of your bag, unwrapping it as someone takes a seat in the chair beside you. you look up to see the last person you'd expect; Joshua.
he promptly ignores your questioning face and unwraps his own lunch. "So, how were your classes, Y/n?"
you squint your eyes before shaking your head, “Good, good. except my first one, I got paired with someone I don’t really like, but it’ll be okay.”
Joshua is surprised, finding the idea that someone upset you so much you disliked them very shocking, “Oh, what did they do for you to not like them?” he asks curiously.
you open your mouth to respond, but the rest of your friends arrive with their own food. you smile at Joshua, “I’ll tell you another time.”
his bottom lip pushes out unintentionally, and you giggle as you look away from him.
the next thirty minutes consist of the familiar comforting atmosphere that existed between you and the others, before Minghao calls out to you from across the table.
“Y/n, Hongjoong was asking about you the other day.” he wipes his mouth as he speaks, arms folding on the table as he leans over. the table has quieted down, all eyes staring at you with raised brows.
you tilt your head, “Oh? What for?”
“I think he’s into you. He asked for your number, but I figured I’d ask before giving it out.”
Joshua shifts in his seat beside you, an uncomfortable look taking over his face. what was this deep pit he feels in his stomach? he frowns as he watches you smile shyly. “Ah, I see. I don’t know him that well, but you can give him my number.”
Joshua’s breath hitches at your words, and the rest of the table goes completely silent. you to look around in confusion as your cheeks puff out, “What?”
the ruckus picks up again, Hansol waving his hands awkwardly, “Nothing, nothing! We just didn’t know you were interested in dating right now.”
Joshua’s heart drops at the word. you were interested in dating? he wants to pout, why would you go out with this Hongjoong guy when you liked him just a little while ago?
“I’m not saying i’ll date him, I’m just saying you can give him my number and i’ll see where things go, that’s all!” you smile reassuringly, though all it does is make Hansol nod unconvinced.
Joshua knows the others are just as shocked as he is, especially since your feelings for him were not exactly a secret. but you giving your number to Hongjoong meant something has changed. either you wanted a new friend, or you’ve moved on from Joshua.
he finds the latter an upsetting thought.
“Who’s that?” Joshua asks, brows furrowed slightly as his eyes narrow.
Jun’s lips tug upward at the sight of Joshua’s face, “Hongjoong.”
Joshua’s head whips to Jun, “That’s him? He isn’t even her type!”
Jun chuckles at his friends’ words. “And who exactly is her type?” he leans his face closer, eyes mischievous, “You?”
“I never said that. I just meant she’s out of his league.” Joshua huffs, crossing his arms. Jun shakes his head at Joshua who is still burning stares into your back as you giggle at Hongjoong’s words.
what exactly was he saying that was so funny? Joshua could be funny too. why were you standing so close to him too? did he know a thing about personal space? Joshua doesn’t know what expression is on his face, but it must be comedic as Jun beside him bursts into giggles.
“If you like her, maybe you should just confess?”
Joshua splutters, “I do not like her! I’m merely…concerned for her well-being.”
Jun nods, rolling his eyes. “Uh huh, sure.”
there was no way he could like you. the two of you were only just getting to know one another properly! especially after the past events, Joshua was simply glad you accepted him as a friend. he could not like you now after rejecting your advances for so long as well.
“I’m serious. I do not like her.” Joshua stares at the glimmer in your eyes, the pretty color of your lips that stretch into a grin, and the way your hair falls perfectly around your face. “There’s no way I could possibly…”
but then his eyes dart to the man before you, eyes scanning the flirty smirk that is directed towards you as you tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. Hongjoong moves closer, arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you move yours around his neck, and Joshua bristles. when the two of you part, he exhales rather dramatically.
turning to Jun, Joshua presses his lips together. “Okay. Maybe I like her.”
Jun cackles, lips curving into a grin, “Yeah, I could tell.”
Joshua looks at his friend, expression hopeless, “Fuck. What do I do?”
“I refuse! I reject you! Not even in one thousand years!”
Seungkwan grabs a couch pillow and chucks it at Joshua as he hides behind Jihoon. Minghao is trying to calm Seungkwan down, pulling at his arm gently but all Seungkwan does is glare harder at Joshua from across the room.
“You can’t like her now! You had your chance, you fucked up and now she’ll date Hongjoong and you can suffer!” Seungkwan laughs wickedly at Joshua’s fear, and he can hear Hansol’s barely contained giggle from the corner of the room as well.
Jihoon intervenes calmly, “Kwannie, that’s not your choice to make. Y/n can decide for herself. Joshua just wanted to tell you because you’re her best friend and you mean a lot to her.”
Seungkwan pouts, cheeks puffing out cutely as he falls rather dramatically onto the couch. “Yeah well, you should’ve seen her the night your best friend Joshua said she makes him uncomfortable to a bunch of people she thought were her friends.”
the room quiets at that, Jihoon not exactly having a response as even he knows the night of Mingyu’s party was something that impacted you and your friendship with most of them.
“Listen…” Joshua stands up, hands falling from Jihoons shoulders as he moves to the side. “I fucked up. I know, I admit it, okay?”
Seungkwan crosses his arms, head tilting up as he listens.
“But I’m really trying here, Kwannie. I should’ve given her a chance before, but I didn’t and that was on me. This time won’t be like before, I’ll be the one chasing her, I promise.”
he walks forward, closer to Seungkwan as Jun, Hansol, Minghao and Jihoon watch in silence. “I’d really like it if you could also give me a chance, I’m sorry I was a horrible friend to you and Y/n. I’ll do my best to make it up to you both.”
Seungkwan deflates, “Y/n especially.” he seems to have given up on his anger after Joshua’s apology, and Joshua smiles happily at the notion.
“Y/n especially.” he repeats.
"Mingyu, hi!" you greet with a giddy smile, moving to hug the tall man as you enter his home.
he grins back, "Y/n!", and sweeps you off your feet, spinning you around as you giggle like children. the rest of your friends watch with amused expressions as he places you down, ruffling your already messy hair even more. you turn to look at the rest of them, "What are we waiting here for, why haven't you guys set up?"
you walk into the living room, placing your basket of snacks down, and beginning to put pillows on the floor. it was movie night, which meant you and the others met up at Mingyu's house and all watched a movie that the majority voted on. tonight it was either The Little Mermaid, or The Exorcist. two very different options, and you were voting for The Exorcist; Seungkwan was the funniest when watching horror movies.
“We were waiting for you to show up.” Jihoon interjects from across the room, beginning to help you place pillows and blankets on the floor.
you stand up, stretching as your arms go up, “Ah, my bad. Well i’m here now!”
you all begin to take your seats on the pillows, snuggling into the blankets. you sigh, content, turning to the side and smiling at Seungkwan. you look to your right to see who is sat beside you there, and lo and behold, there sits Hong Jisoo. your heart jumps for a moment at the close proximity, and you mentally berate yourself for it. you promised yourself you would move on from him, so why was he sticking to you like glue now?
Joshua smiles, “Are you excited to watch The Little Mermaid?”
“Yeah, but I was looking forward to seeing Kwannie all scared. It’s too bad.” you puff out your cheeks, pouting, until Seungkwan hits you with a pillow beside you and you burst into giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you plead through laughs, falling onto your back as your head lands in Joshua’s lap. Seungkwan stops his assault, causing you to look up with a breathless smile, and you find yourself face to face with Joshua.
he looks at you so sweetly, your heart jumps; the smile on your face falls. you look up at him with wide eyes as you realize your current position.
he looks down at you with an amused grin, “You good?”
you immediately sit up, ignoring the butterflies that run rampant in your stomach.
“I’m good.”
the rest of the boys watch your interaction closely, before Jihoon sighs loudly and presses play on the movie.
you sit with your knees to your chest, trying your best to focus on the movie and not the boy on your right. you knew getting over him was not going to be an easy task, but his sudden friendly behavior has made it hard to make any progress.
half way through the movie you feel him lean closer, “Don’t you think Flounder is cuter in the live action?” he whispers into your ear.
you barely register the words, shocked with the closeness. “Yeah, his voice actor is that kid from Wonder.” you whisper back, glancing at the others to see if they noticed you two speaking. they all remain focused with the television, and you feel silly for thinking you had anything to hide.
Joshua nods beside you, subtly moving closer until your shoulders are touching. the skin on your arm tingles with the warmth, and your mind scrambles for some sort of reasoning as to why he was acting this way.
the movie finishes soon after, with you quickly standing up and excusing yourself before heading to the bathroom.
your face looks flushed in the mirror; you hate that Joshua still manages to get you so flustered.
you slap both of your cheeks, closing your eyes as you take a deep breath. you can do this. you will get over Hong Jisoo.
you exit out of the bathroom, finding most of the guys passed out on the couch, save for Seungkwan, Jihoon and Joshua. you ignore Joshua’s intense stare as you head straight for Seungkwan. you wrap your arms around him, “Ready to go?”
Seungkwan pats your back, “Yeah, let me grab my keys and we can leave.”
you turn, watching as Seungkwan says his goodbyes to Jihoon, though your attention falls onto Joshua when he takes steps towards you. you tilt your head up, crossing your arms, “I’ll see you around, Joshua.”
“Don’t avoid me anymore, okay?” he asks, “We’re friends now, right?”
you hadn’t exactly thought the two of you were close, but you supposed friends was okay. after all, he’s already apologized to you and you’ve seen him in a fairly intimate setting; him crying in a playground at night. you sigh softly at the reminder of that night.
“Yeah. Friends.” you smile, arms uncrossing as he moves to hug you. you wrap your arms around his back, unsure, as he tugs you close. you can smell the subtle cologne coating his skin as you inhale, hating the way you enjoy the scent.
the two of you part, and you say your goodbyes to Jihoon as well. you leave with Seungkwan, feeling more confused than ever. you had given up on Joshua, not only romantically but as a friend. you feel conflicted, but you suppose you should take things as they go.
it wasn’t like he liked you, so all was well. you can still get over your feelings for him as you stay friends, you’re sure of it!
you are not sure of anything. ever since your night meeting Joshua at the park, he’s been acting weird; clingy.
and there was nothing wrong with being clingy, you adore your friends who cling to you and shower you with affection! but Hong Jisoo was no ordinary friend of yours, and you find yourself stumped at his behavior. in the span of three weeks, he has baked you cookies; you specifically.
“I baked these just for you, will you try them?” he smiled sweetly. you simply nodded in response.
he’s also waited for you after class; “Y/n!” he shouted, waving with a cute smile as he stands off to the side. you looked at Joshua in shock, before walking towards him and tilting your head, “What’re you here for?”
“You!” he grinned, “Let’s go find the others, i’m starving.” your eyes scan his face, looking to see if this was some sick joke, but he was completely serious. you walk side by side as you meet up with your friends, shrugging when Seungkwan looks at you two with raised brows. you didn’t know either.
what really did it for you however, was his behavior when you mentioned meeting Hongjoong again.
“Yeah, Hongjoong is gonna be at the party, so I…” the smile slipped from his face as soon as you brought it up, causing you to trail off as you tilt your head.
your brows furrow as you stare at Joshua, “I told him I’d meet him there.”
you bite your lip, figuring you should just ask. “Are you okay? You look kind of annoyed.”
Joshua’s face changes immediately as he forces a smile, “Yeah, yeah. I just didn’t know you and Hongjoong were still talking.”
“Oh, yeah, we haven’t stopped. He’s really sweet, we get along well!” you smile happily as you speak, and though Joshua smiles back at you, you feel something off about his demeanour.
“Oh! That’s good, that’s good.”
you pause. he doesn’t sound as genuine as he normally does. he almost looks… Jealous? you try to scrap the thought immediately, but it stays with you as you go about your days.
you’re getting ready for Mingyu’s party, thinking about the fact that Joshua and Hongjoong are going to be in the same vicinity. you just hope it won’t be awkward, but why should it be? the guy you used to like and the guy that currently liked you. that isn't odd in the slightest.
but that doesn't stop you from overthinking it as Seungkwan sighs loudly behind you. you feel a sense of deja vu as he waits for you on your bed, though this time you are not attending the party in hopes of catching Joshua's attention.
much has changed, you realize. you figure any change is a good change, even if your feelings for Joshua were still there.
"Let's go?" you ask with a cheery smile. Seungkwan nods before getting up and shrugging his jacket on. the two of you arrive somewhat late; a consequence of you taking time to get ready.
the moment you walk into the house you are reminded why you dislike parties, until Seungkwan grabs your hand and you relax. you look around, though before you are able to find a familiar face you feel Seungkwan pull you aside. you look up once you are out of the crowd, finding your friends.. and Joshua. you suppose you should consider him part of your friends now, but he was always going to be a little different to you.
"Y/n! Seungkwan! Where have you guys been?" Soonyoung yells, and Seungkwan responds with a shake of his head as he points his finger at you.
you giggle unapologetically, "My bad!"
the rest of them begin to make conversation, before you feel someone stand next to you causing you to look up. you find Joshua, clad in a white button-up and black pants. his sleeves are rolled to his elbow, and you struggle not to ogle his hands.
he smiles, "You look good."
you look down at your outfit abashed, smiling back as you sigh softly, "Thanks, you too."
Joshua opens his mouth, but before he can speak, someone calls your name.
you look behind Joshua, finding Hongjoong. "Oh! Hongjoong, hi!"
he walks closer to you, looking at your outfit from head to toe with a small grin, "I've been looking for you. You look gorgeous tonight."
the rest of your friends sit silent, including Joshua who stands off to the side with his arms crossed. you shift nervously as all attention is on you.
"Let's get a drink?" Hongjoong suggests. your eyes dart to Joshua's, finding that he looks rather annoyed. you know you need to get over him, however, so you accept as Hongjoong takes your hand in his, whisking you off to another room.
"What the fuck was that?" Jihoon asks once you’re gone, and the rest of them shrug in response.
Seungkwan takes a sip of Minghao's drink, ignoring his friends' incredulous expression as he responds, "They've been texting, so it makes sense that he'd wanna see her tonight. Sucks for Joshua but looks like my little Y/n has moved on."
Joshua glares at Seungkwan before his eyes find you, across the room, drink in your hand and Hongjoong by your side. that should be him, beside you.
but then he remembers the last time you were here, and knows he has no one but himself to blame.
"I'm going to get a drink," Joshua announces, stalking off before he gets a reply.
Jihoon sighs once Joshua is gone, "Seriously, Seungkwan?"
"What?" Seungkwan pouts.
the rest of the night goes by fast; you enjoy your time with Hongjoong, finding his personality and yours mesh well.
but you can’t shake off the feeling that you don’t see him romantically. perhaps it is your unresolved feelings for Joshua, but you know you can’t lead him on much longer. you’ve tried to move on, but involving another person was not something you wished to do.
it’s almost 12:00am, and your feet are beginning to hurt so you tell Hongjoong you’re going to leave. he moves to hug you, arms wrapping around you tightly as you hug him back.
but once you part, he pauses. he stares at your face, and you stare back up at him. your eyes are wide as he leans closer, and you know he is about to kiss you. you know you need to reject him, and reject him now.
but before you can, you feel someone grab your arm and you are ripped away from Hongjoong’s embrace.
you blanch, looking up at- Joshua.
he looks annoyed, smile nowhere to be seen as he stands tall. he glances at Hongjoong, “We should get going, you’ll see each other another day!”
you hear Hongjoong yell “What the fuck?!” as Joshua tugs you down the hall and into a room.
you follow, too stumped to pause and ask him what the hell he was doing. he shuts the door, finally letting go of you as you look up at him as though he is crazy.
“What the fuck, Joshua?”
you look around, finding yourself in the same room you were in when you overheard Joshua on that night.
he stands off to the side, silent once again but you aren’t having it this time.
“No, you need to say something, Joshua. That was so disrespectful to Hongjoong-”
“Please, enough about Hongjoong.” he interrupts.
you scoff, “Is that what this is about? You always seemed weird when I talked about him but I don’t understand why. You can’t just hate him for no reason.”
you feel your hands shake beside you as you question Joshua, unsure and angered that he would do something so rude in front of someone you considered a friend. because even if you didn’t like Hongjoong romantically, he was someone you cherished as a person.
Joshua sighs, “I have my reasons.”
you roll your eyes at him, “Care to elaborate? That’s not enough to justify your behavior back there.”
Joshua is silent once again. you observe the way he fiddles with his sleeves; he looks almost nervous, and you feel yourself calm down at the notion.
“Is something wrong? Did I do something? Or did he do something?”
Joshua shakes his head firmly, “It’s not you. And it’s not him either. Well, it’s kind of you, but also me.”
you’re at a complete loss now, “Please, just explain Joshua.”
the silence is deafening. the loud music blares through the door behind you, muffled lyrics that you can’t bring yourself to decipher as you stare at Joshua across the room. what could possibly be so important that he had to interrupt your goodbye with Hongjoong? especially in the manner he did it? you are completely confused.
Joshua sighs, glancing at the floor before staring directly at you. your heart jumps as your eyes meet.
“I like you. I have feelings for you.”
your breath comes to a halt and your hands shake once more, this time for a reason other than anger.
“What do you…”
he sighs, ruffling his hands through his hair. “I started liking you somewhere along the way after that night at the park. I should’ve done things differently.”
your lips part at his confession.
“I should have never avoided you, I should have apologized as soon as you heard me. And I shouldn’t have ruined your chances with Hongjoong back there.”
he looks sulky and annoyed, “But he was going to kiss you! And I hadn’t even gotten to confess. I know it’s unfair, but I couldn’t have let him have the chance to kiss you before I told you how I felt. I’m sorry.”
he’s out of breath by the end of his apology, and you find yourself utterly stumped at the confession. of all things, you were not expecting the man you have been chasing for a year to suddenly confess.
but before anything else, you needed to clarify things. “Joshua, I wasn’t going to kiss him.”
his brows furrow, “Yes you were, he was leaning closer to kiss you, Y/n.”
you huff out a laugh at the anger coating his words, “Yes, but I wasn’t going to kiss him.”
“Oh…” he mumbles. “So you don’t like him then?”
you shake your head with a shy smile, “No, actually. There’s this other guy I’ve been interested in for a while now.”
Joshua perks up, “Oh really? Do I know him by any chance?”
he takes slow steps towards you, hand darting out to gently grasp yours, fingers intertwining as he squeezes softly. you stare into his brown irises,
“Hmm.. dunno. You may have met once or twice.”
Joshua leans closer, breath fanning your face as he bends down. “Just to be clear, we are talking about me, right?” he asks lowly.
you tilt your head up, rolling your eyes with a smile, “Yes, doofus. Who else would I be talking about?”
he frowns, “Well, you could’ve easily been talking about Hongjoong, since-”
you roll your eyes once more before grabbing his face and pulling him towards you. you interrupt his rambling, “I’m going to kiss you, so if you want to run away, now is the chance.”
“Like I’d run away after pining after you for so long,” he scoffs, leaning in and capturing your lips with his.
his lips feel soft against yours, moving slowly as you push forward, deepening the kiss as your hands shake. his left arm moves to wrap around your waist as his right one tilts your head up, maneuvering you into the perfect position. you know you need air but Joshua’s lips make you delirious.
“Jisoo.” you pant, breaking away.
he presses another kiss to your lips, “Mm?”
your hands push gently at his chest, “That was great, but I need air.”
he smiles at your comment, pearly teeth coming into view. he tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, “Whatever my girl wants.”
your chest warms at his words as you push him away with another roll of your eyes. he laughs softly at the action, only pulling you closer as he pecks your temple.
“So, what did you end up telling Hongjoong?” Seungkwan asks, eyes wide and lips parted curiously.
you sigh, “I just told him I was interested in someone else and that I was sorry. He was really sweet about it and promised we’d stay friends.”
Minghao exhales, shaking his head, “Wow. What a nice guy. You sure you didn’t make the wrong choice, Y/n?”
Joshua tugs you into his embrace tighter as he glares at Minghao, “Haven’t I learned my lesson already?”
Minghao sticks his tongue out at him in response causing you to shake your head with a laugh.
Hansol snorts across the room, “Children, I tell you.”
the rest of them begin bickering with one another as you sink into Joshua’s embrace. so perhaps happy endings did exist, even for someone like you. the love and care you so desperately craved from Joshua seemed like a wishful dream, only coming true when you had truly given up.
but you appreciate the journey that led you to where you are now. with a new friend; Hongjoong, and a closer bond with your current friends who made mistakes and made it up to you, you know happiness is not a mere myth.
as Joshua wraps his arms around you and places his chin above your shoulder, you smile at the scene of your friends surrounding you. everything you’ve ever needed was right there.
“What did you want to talk about, Jisoo?” Juyeon asks distractedly, the soft sound of pages turning echoing through the phone.
you are seated beside Joshua, hand in his as his other one holds up his phone to his ear. you squeeze once, shooting him a reassuring smile as he smiles shakily back.
“I’m not taking over the company.”
the sound of ruffling papers pauses, a deafening silence comes before his brothers low voice asks, “What?”
Joshua sits up straight. “I’m not taking over the company. I don’t want to.”
“Have you forgotten why you must take over the company? It’s your responsibility! You cannot just refuse!” his brothers' voice sends shivers down his spine; a result of the exhausting power dynamic that has always existed between the two. but Joshua was done with that life, he was done playing the quiet little brother who did everything Juyeon asked for.
a glance at your encouraging face has his heart seizing up. he could do this, if not for himself then for you.
Joshua sighs quietly, “I’m paying for my own tuition, so I’ll choose what I want to study. I’m done with the company, and I’m done with you, Juyeon.”
“That is not your decision to make, Jisoo!” Juyeon shouts, voice so loud your eyes widen as you hear it. Joshua squeezes your hand to let you know he’s okay. he wishes things could have been different.
“Actually, it is. You hold no power over me. I don’t want to hear from you unless it’s an apology. I’ll talk to you some other time, Juyeon-hyung. I hope you grow into a better person and become a better brother. As much as I wish things didn’t have to be this way, I know they have to be for now.”
his voice begins to tremble as he sucks in a deep breath, “Goodbye, Hyung.”
he removes the phone from his ear, finger pressing the end button even as he continues to hear Juyeon yell.
Joshua sighs, placing his phone face down on the couch beside him.
“How was it?” you ask, though you already know the answer. Joshua smiles, somewhat forced as he collapses into your arms.
he inhales softly, “I just need my Y/n hugs and I’ll be okay.”
you run a hand through his hair as you kiss the top of his head, “Sure, that and Y/n’s food. Don’t think you’re getting away with sleeping and not eating dinner.”
he groans and picks his head up, lip jut out as you kiss his pout away. “No pouting, eat and then sleep! I’ll be here the whole time.”
he drops his head on your chest, snuggling back into you, “Yeah, that’s the best part.”
you smile down and peck his head once more. you truly were so lucky.
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@scuzmunkie ;>
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
just one day / yoon jeonghan
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⇢ Jeonghan x fem!Reader
⇢ word count: 4.5k
⇢ fluff // angst // nonidol!au // brother's best friend // fake dating!au // they're idiots lmao // not edited nor proofread so pls bear w me lol // cursing and. two? kissing scenes.
⇢ A/N: this has been sitting unfinished in my google drive since... either last year or the beginning of this year lmao. i have always wanted to write brother's best friend and i had this sudden urge to finish it earlier so i did. been some time since i posted a proper fic so, enjoy~
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He must be dreaming.
He must be.
“What?” Jeonghan says just for the sake of saying it.
“I like you.”
“No, you don’t.”
You blink at his firm voice, wondering what kind of situation this is. Sure, you shouldn’t be confessing to your brother’s best friend, but you feel like you’ve been obvious enough and you don’t see why you shouldn’t confess when it’s been eating you inside out.
And, yeah, you didn’t expect him to do anything about your confession (or even say that he likes you back), but you didn’t expect this either.
“What do you mean I don’t?” you frown, looking at him accusingly. “I like you.”
“You don’t, kid.” He sighs, already feeling a headache coming. He’s not stupid, alright, he has enough sense to gather that his best friend’s little sister probably has something on him–a crush, perhaps, but he’s never thought it was real enough for you to feel the need to confess.
It doesn’t help that he is attracted to you, has always been since you’ve gone back from Sydney after finishing university a year ago. He admits he’s always thought you’re attractive, and if he’s being honest, he would’ve asked you out first if not for the fact that you’re literally Joshua Hong’s little sister.
As if it’s not enough that not dating his best friend’s little sister has always been a code he follows, Shua has always been a little too protective as a brother. He’s seen firsthand how the guy scared off some who had the guts to flirt with you, seen how for two decades only two guys had ever been declared good enough to date you (he couldn’t do anything about the flings you had when you were abroad, but at least you’ve always been appreciative of his protectiveness and you never missed to inform him of some guys who were actually trying to get it on with you).
Long story short, Jeonghan does not wish to be on the receiving end of Shua’s scrutinizing eyes regardless of how much he’s actually into you.
“Look, you know me,” he starts when he realizes you’re not backing down. He looks away, pretending to be frustrated, though it’s really just because he thinks he’ll relent if he looks into your eyes a second longer. “I’m not gonna make a good boyfriend and I’m literally your brother’s best friend.”
You don’t seem to care about the first part of his sentence, irked by the fact that him being best friend with Shua would be an obstacle in your way. Shouldn’t it be easier for him to get a seal of approval if he’s already close with your brother? But, then again, Shua probably knows Jeonghan inside out and knowing too much is never a good thing.
“So what?” you say anyway, because if there’s any word that would describe you perfectly, it’s ‘stubborn’. “Why does it matter that you’re his best friend?”
Jeonghan sends you a look, and you pout because you actually get what he means. You know Shua, after all, and as much as you want to condition yourself to believe that Jeonghan would be the person Shua approves of with all his heart, you also know that even if your brother actually approves, he would put him through hell just for the fun of it.
Anyway, this doesn’t tell you at all where Jeonghan actually stands about you.
“So, you don’t like me?” you shoot straight to it, as if Jeonghan wouldn’t be able to hear your heart beating like there’s no tomorrow if he takes even one step closer–as if your ears aren’t hot from saying it out loud. Jeonghan does not need to know how flustered you actually are.
And it works, because he seems to be taken aback by your boldness and you try your best to hide a victory grin at that. You should probably be more grateful that he can’t stand to look at you for more than three seconds; if he had, he would’ve seen the tip of your ears turning red and the speck of blush on your face, which means he could’ve easily taken control of the situation and turned it against you.
His silence encourages you, because if he really doesn’t like you then he would tell you so. As much as Jeonghan is a master of tricks and he’s great at acting, he’s never been good at hiding his feelings.
Jeonghan bites his lip, trying to get a way out of this. Why can’t he just say no and be done with it? Sure, he’s not in love with you or anything (yet?), but it’s a straight out lie to say he’s never seen you that way.
After all, there’s a reason why he’s been avoiding you the past few months. 
You just have to be more daring these days, and as much as he wills himself to behave, there are times when he’s already flirting with you before he knows it. He’s just lucky Shua has never caught you two.
Plus, you’ve taken a liking to wearing a crop top and it’s the absolute death of him.
“Tell you what,” you say before he does. “Date me.”
Jeonghan chokes on nothing, violently coughs that his shoulders are shaking and you actually need to pat his back so he’ll calm down.
“Are you okay?” You ask worriedly, and he’s terribly conscious of your hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm, of the way your brows furrow in concern, of the way your lips are a little ajar and if he moves forward just a little–
“Yeah.” He shakes his head despite the word, then clears his throat and squares his shoulders before he looks the other way around. He doesn’t step away though, and it’s so fucking stupid that he frowns when you do. “Sorry. You were saying?”
“Date me.” You repeat anyway, though you know this is Jeonghan’s way of  giving you an out in case you want to pretend like you didn’t just say that earlier. He opens his mouth, and you can hear what he’s going to say even if he hasn’t said anything so you cut him yet again. “Just for one day.”
“Stop,” you say firmly, something akin to determination flashes through your eyes that he’s actually taken aback. “Stop calling me that.”
He sighs out your name, but you’re not hearing it because if you back down now you know you won’t have it in you to say this out loud again. You’re fueled by nothing but impulse and you’re not going to let Yoon Jeonghan himself slow you down.
“Han, I see the way you look at me–you’ve gone past seeing me as a kid since I came back from Sydney and it’s been a year since then. I’m not stupid.”
It’s hard to describe the way he looks at you, and he’s not blaming you because he is confused. The mixed feelings bursting in his chest is much too complicated for him to explain. Let alone through words, even his consciousness does not know how to register what he’s feeling.
Your face falls at his silence, and whatever courage that drives you up to this point is starting to ebb little by little. You’re so goddamn stupid–did you really think confessing to him would lift the weight off your shoulders? What made you think Jeonghan would be able to treat you as usual after you confessed?
Didn’t you confess only because it’s heaving you down? Because you thought you’d regret it if you stayed silent?
Then what is this weight on your chest? 
What is this disappointment looming all over your body?
Why the fuck are your eyes pricking with tears?
Still, you stand your ground and square yourself up in front of him. You’ve gone this far. If you’re going to be embarrassing, might as well do it for a reason. 
“Okay,” he breaks his silence, his tone defeated for whatever reason. It’s not discouraging though, more like unsure and maybe a little hopeful, and when you look up, he’s biting his lip in contemplation. “Just one day, right?”
“But you have to actually treat me like I’m your girlfriend.” You push, heart beating both in excitement and fear. Because what if he backs out of nowhere? He’s not that kind of person, but this situation is nothing sort of normal and his consciousness just might get to him if you don’t push him already.
Jeonghan bites his lip, looking at you like you’re a bad idea that he’s caving into. And he’s starting to think that it’s true. But if he’s being honest, he’s not against this at all. He also wants to know how it’d feel like to hold your hands and just listen to you talk without thinking about Shua and whatever that will follow if he ever finds out.
Frankly, one day wouldn’t be enough, but that’s better than nothing, right? And he would never have the guts to propose it himself, he admits, so this is a chance that he knows he wouldn’t get his hands on ever again.
He sighs, praying to every god up there that this won’t backfire on him.
“Okay,” he whispers, more to himself than to you, and then repeats it once again, this time firmer, looking at you straight in the eyes. “Shua’s going on a business trip next week, right?”
You nod.
“I’ll see you next Saturday?”
You bite down your lip so hard that you taste blood to stop yourself from smiling like an idiot.
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Tuesday, 26 July
[14:32] Yoon Jeonghan😠: beach or amusement park
[14:50] ?????
[14:50] its not a surprise?
[14:54] Yoon Jeonghan😠: just pick one, kid
[14:55] 🙄 beach ig
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Thursday, 28 July
[01:11] Yoon Jeonghan😠: festival or night market
[01:12] ?????? sir?? go to sleep??
[01:12] didnt you choose a place alrd???
[01:12] but night market
[01:13] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you go to sleep
Yoon Jeonghan😠 is typing…
Yoon Jeonghan😠 is typing…
[01:17] Yoon Jeonghan😠: good night, kid
[01:18] nightttttt
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Friday, 29 July
[22:20] Yoon Jeonghan😠: wear something light tomorrow, but bring a jacket just in case it gets cold at night
Saturday, 30 July
[00:03] k, boyfriend 😌
[00:03] sorry, i was on the phone with chaeyoung earlier
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: i really cant with you
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: and chaeyoung as in vernon’s cousin? your friend from high school?
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you still talk to her?
[00:08] yes!! surprised that u rmb her :0
[00:08] and i actually just met her by accident earlier today and we decided to catch up thru the phone bc i had to go somewhere
[00:09] apparently, she’s dating choi seungcheol or smth 👀
Incoming call from Yoon Jeonghan😠 - 00:11
Call ended - 02:27
[02:27] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you fell asleep. night, babe 🤪 see you
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You bite your lip in giddiness as you keep on rereading Jeonghan’s text, like you’re not giddy enough already at the prospect of today.
You fell asleep last night while on the phone with Jeonghan, but whatever curse you were about to dump into yourself for falling asleep during what might be your only chance to be on the phone with Jeonghan during ungodly hours was immediately wiped out when you saw his text.
Yes, you’d flirt with each other from time to time–but never through texts, and the prospect of having a message from him that you can read over and over again some time in the future is both delightful and… sad.
The sudden tug on your heart and consciousness is a little heavy, a reminder that he’s doing that because you asked him to. That whatever’s happening in the span of today is an illusion, one that Jeonghan agrees on creating.
Why, you don’t want to dwell on it too much.
That should be your motto for the day: fuck it.
So what if it was an illusion? Jeonghan agreed and you’re going to make the best out of it. If you’re never going to be Jeonghan’s girlfriend, might as well be shameless and live your teenage (and adult, if you’re being honest) dream and be his girlfriend for the day now so you can stamp it in your memory. You only have today and you’re not going to spend any second thinking about the technicality of it.
As far as you know, Jeonghan is your boyfriend and he’s taking you out for the day.
You jump when your phone pings, the notification on your lockscreen rids you of whatever negativity that was in your mind literally seconds ago as you grin and make your way out of your apartment.
[09:17] Yoon Jeonghan😠: am in the lobby. get ur pretty self here, angel.
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For all you know, the world is plenty unfair. But seeing Jeonghan looking like that with a simple white tee and a faded pair of jeans reminds you just how unfair the world actually is. Like it’s not unfair enough already because he’s not your actual boyfriend.
“Come on, let me take a picture of you,” he says as he softly takes your hand, pulling you up from the mat. “The wind isn’t too strong and you’re looking particularly pretty today.”
You scrunch your nose as you mock annoyance, a failed attempt to mask your blush. Hopefully, Jeonghan would think you’re simply flushed because of the sun and not because of him.
“I don’t like taking pictures.”
“How dare you lie to me.” Jeonghan says without missing a beat. “I know you make Shua take a ton shit pictures of you when you’re out somewhere.”
You pout at this, and as much as you know Jeonghan doesn’t mean anything by it, the mention of your brother isn’t exactly welcome today because his name just reminds you that this isn’t real and he’s a big part of the reason why.
“Can you not talk about my brother?” You say softly, which Jeonghan easily catches even if he’s not sure you mean for him to hear or not. The sadness in your voice is genuine though, and he makes a mental note to stop mentioning Joshua for the rest of the day. He’s starting to question once again if this is the right thing to do even for a day–after all, Joshua is his best friend, and this particular conversation is the exact reason why he’s not supposed to do this.
But he’s promised you he’ll treat you like his girlfriend–perhaps another personal agenda of his because he does want to experience being able to be your boyfriend even for a day. He should’ve thought more before okay-ing your proposal instead of thinking about it right now when you’re in front of him, in a simple white shirt and a black skirt that stops just below the middle of your thigh but somehow still the prettiest he’s ever seen. 
He wonders if this is how you usually dress up for your dates, and something bitter makes it to the tip of his tongue as he thinks about someone else taking you on a date. 
“Sorry. Come on, let’s take a picture together.” His fingers wrap around your wrist to pull you closer before eventually linking them with yours. “You’re very pretty today, have I told you?”
“You have.” You scrunch your nose and pretend to roll your eyes at the sudden sweetness he basks you in even though you’re liking every second of it. “Literally one minute ago.”
“Well, you really do look very beautiful and I want you to know.” He lowers his voice an octave and stares right into your eyes before he eventually bursts out laughing.
“Stop!” You giggle, knowing that he’s doing this on purpose to annoy you. “That’s too fucking cheesy and you know it.”
He laughs along with you, then tightens his fingers in yours like they’re not interlocked already.
“I mean it though.” He whispers one last time, not looking at you this time around because his heart might fucking burst to say it to your face without the faux of messing with you. “You do look beautiful.”
At least you share the sentiment, as you quietly duck your head to hide your smile, whispering a thanks that’s only meant for the two of you.
Jeonghan keeps his end of the bargain, you’re happy to know, as you don’t even think about your brother and the pretense that is your relationship for the rest of the day. You freely flirt with each other, cheeky smile and winks being thrown here and there. His hands never seem to leave you, and you gladly cling on to him even if you don’t need to.
You get ice cream, insist that you want the plain strawberry one only to eventually switch with Jeonghan’s cookies and creams because his looks better. He plays hard to get before giving in to you, but not before swiping ice cream from the side of your lips and licks his thumb like that shit isn’t going to give you a heart attack.
It’s around seven when you both get to the night market not too far from the beach, and you’re both even gigglier than earlier which you didn’t think was possible. Your cheeks hurt from smiling, but you’re the furthest thing from complaining as you continue at whatever dumb jokes Jeonghan throws your way.
The night market isn’t as crowded as you think it would be, but it still is crowded and Jeonghan makes a show of throwing his arm around your shoulder because he ‘doesn’t want to lose you’ and you seem a little cold (which you kinda are).
You elbow him at this, shake your head and pretend like you’re not internally dying from the closeness between the two of you.
“That’s so lame.” You snicker. “Just say you want me close and go.”
“I do want you close.” He whispers unexpectedly, catching you entirely off guard that you trip on your own foot you almost fall on your face. He doesn’t seem to realize you tripped because you’re flustered, which works good for you, and he flicks your forehead as he scolds you to be more careful and goes back to holding your hand.
“Seriously. How are you still so clumsy?”
You don’t like being reprimanded by Jeonghan, because it awfully reminds you that you’re younger than him–that you’re his best friend’s little sister. And as much as you know Jeonghan definitely does not see you as a sister, the implication that he has to see you as one because of the association is very disheartening. 
“Why are you frowning?” He copies the gesture, and you shake your head, telling him it’s nothing. The night is ending, and you don’t want to waste more time thinking about stuff that you can think of tomorrow when you’re not in a time limited relationship with Yoon Jeonghan. “No, tell me–”
The both of you turn at the call of his name, and your frown deepens as you see Jisoo in front of you, Jeonghan’s ex that he amicably broke up with. The one ex that has always made you feel like shit because she’s everything you’re not and they were such a picture perfect couple that you’re sure they’d go back together someday.
It does not feel good to see her today of all days.
“Oh, hi!” She kindly greets you, her smile way too genuine for you to think she’s just being polite and secretly hates you inside. Gosh. You need to stop watching too many TV dramas. “Joshua’s sister… right?”
There it is again. The reminder that you’re his sister–something you really don’t need to hear today.
“Hi.” You smile awkwardly, and only then remember your hand is still pretty much joined with Jeonghan’s. You don't know how to feel about the fact that his reflex is not to let go of your hand in front of his ex who obviously knows your brother. You try to let go of his hand, but Jeonghan holds on tighter, as if telling you it’s okay and there’s no need to worry about Jisoo.
They share a small chat for a bit before eventually parting, and Jisoo wishes you both a good night, which makes you hate yourself so much for being jealous of the girl when she doesn’t even have an ounce of bad energy towards you.
You try to enjoy the rest of the night, but Jisoo’s appearance just reminds you that this whole thing is pretty much fake. That someone out there is going to be in your place for real–able to hold his hand and just be with him all the time without having to wait for your brother to go on a business trip to even hang out with each other. Without some stupid request and guilt eating them inside out because they’re not supposed to do this.
Trying to be subtle, you put on an act of wanting to visit every stall in the festival and pretend to be tired after about thirty minutes or so. You’re surprised Jeonghan isn’t already tired to begin with, this guy has the battery of a five-years-old phone, you didn’t expect him to actually bring you around until night if you’re being completely honest.
Jeonghan complies when you tell him you’re ready to go home, and you don’t even realize he’s also being weirdly quiet because you’re too deep in your thoughts. And it’s once his car is parked on the parking lot of your apartment building that you finally open your mouth trying to say something–anything.
You want to thank him for today. To thank him for making a memory that you’ll dearly hold on to, for giving you a standard of what a boyfriend is supposed to be even for a day. For fulfilling your dumb request when he doesn’t even have to.
But what comes out of your mouth is something entirely different and you almost want to bash your head against the door of his car right after.
“Whoever’s going to be your girlfriend is very lucky.”
You can hear Jeonghan takes a sharp breath, and you bite your lip to stop yourself from crying because you’re just so fucking stupid like that.
You try to remind yourself that you asked for this. That Jeonghan is doing you a favour and owes you nothing. That you should be thankful you’ve even gotten the chance to play girlfriend with him when he could’ve just embarrassed you and walked away after your proposal.
The deafening silence inside the car is very loud, and you feel like you’re suffocated by things unseen that you just want to get out of the car and take a very deep breath. So you do just that: reach for the door of his car because you can’t take being so close to him anymore.
It’s your fault. You shouldn’t have asked for this. Shouldn’t have asked for a taste of heaven because surely you would want more and you’ll die of thirst right after. Now you’re just going to be awkward with him until god knows when and you’re regretting it already. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You should’ve been satisfied with your close friendship with him, with loving him from afar. Now you’ve ruined things between you and him and who knows when things will get back to normal? He’ll fucking think of you as pathetic and it’s just going to be pity in his eyes everytime he looks at you now.
“Hey!” Jeonghan jumps in alert the moment you step out of his car, quickly follows through and catches you before you take another step away from him. “What–why are you in such a hurry?”
You look down to your shoes, because you can’t stomach looking at him right now just in case you’ll see what you fear will be reflected in his eyes.
“Hey… Look at me?” He tries once again, tone getting a little helpless. But you shake your head, because you’re sure you’ll start crying if you do and you want to preserve the little dignity you still have in front of him. But Jeonghan doesn’t stop there, he whispers a ‘please?’ and lifts your chin gently so you’ll look at him, his heart breaking when he sees how close you are to tears and his throat closing at how he’s the reason behind all this.
“Thank you.” You brave yourself. It’s the least you can do, because as much as you’re going to grovel for the next few months, you know that this particular memory with Jeonghan will always be dear to your heart and you’ll treasure it forever. “I’m sorry for taking your time and–”
“Ah, fuck it.” You hear him say before he dives into your lips, not minding the way you’re frozen in place out of shock. He hums against your lips, and it’s then that you finally kiss him back, your hands settle over his shoulders and your whole body relaxed under his touch.
When the both of you pull away, you’re a little out of breath and your thoughts all over the place. But there’s a small smile in Jeonghan’s face that gets you mirroring the gesture. He closes his eyes as he places his forehead on yours, and you follow suit, feeling the warmth of his breath on your face.
“It’s… okay for me to do that, right?” He asks, albeit a little too late. You still don’t know what the whole things mean, but you find yourself chuckling, because you honestly would let him do anything to you. But he doesn’t need to know the kind of power he has over you, so you simply nod and let him have his peace.
“Han?” You say after a while. “What does this mean for us?”
Jeonghan stares into your eyes, deep in his own thoughts as if he’s trying to rearrange his words so they don’t stumble out of his mouth like a trainwreck.
“Let’s see where this takes us?”
“But Shua…?”
He presses his lips together and wraps his arms around you, pushing you into his neck as he breathes in your scent.
“Whatever happens, happens.” He decides, already resigning that he can’t possibly let you go now that he knows how it feels like to have you like this. He’ll make your brother understand somehow, but right now, he wants to be with you and savors the little time he has with you before your brother comes back, not even minding the way his phone has been vibrating in his pocket.
[Joshua sent a picture.]
Joshua: heard from Jisoo you’re on a date w my sister??????????????????
Joshua: did you finally get out of your ass and stop being in denial lmaoooooooooooooo
Joshua: just pls be safe
Joshua: she’s still my sister
Joshua: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don’t allow any reposting, translation, and any other kind of redistribution of this fic. Please tell me if you’re aware of anyone doing this without my permission.
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bobbasmultiverse · 1 year ago
[10:44 P.M]
you glanced over to the side at your boyfriend, hearing him sniffle and shove a spoon of mint choco ice cream into his mouth. you cringed through your own tears, hugging your chocolate ice cream closer to your chest before pushing it away from the cold it transmitted through the blanket.
"stop crying, you crybaby." you urged, doing your best to hold in your sniffle as you watched Louisa giggle while William pushed the both of them outside the wedding venue with his wheel cheer. "we watched this movie a million times. why are you still crying?"
"shut up." soonyoung sniffled again, holding back a choked sob. "you're crying, too."
"your crying made me cry." you grumbled, shoving another spoon of ice cream into your mouth.
"did not! you started crying when the movie started." he defended, pointing at you with his spoon before he dug into your own tub of ice cream and scooping up more than his own spoon can handle before he was catching the falling ice cream with his tongue.
a choked sob escaped your lips as you let your spoon fall into your tub and covered your eyes with both hands. "i didn't..." you defended.
you can't deny, you'd both had a few to drink beers during dinner, and it had messed with your emotions, so getting one of the most heartbreaking movies you know was not helping.
soonyoung cooed at you, putting his own tub aside before he was pulling you into his arms, tears streaming out of his eyes non-stop as you both cried together.
"why did you take from my ice cream?" you sobbed out, seeing him shove another spoon into his mouth. "and why does he want to kill himself so much? it's unfair."
"it's okay, baby." hoshi muffled out, wincing slightly from the brain freeze before he resumed running his hand up and down your back.
"stop eating from my ice cream, you have your own!"
"okay, baby. whatever you want."
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a/n: i had a marathon a few nights ago where i watched me before you, five feet apart, and the fault in our stars together. my eyes are still very much puffy.
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