#Please feel to free to write out any scenario for this pov in the comments so I can add them all up to be a complete story in my head
fujusi · 14 days
Ok Guys hear me out wt if deva and varadha didn't reunite the way they did in the movie?...wt if varadha never went to deva to ask for help? And the story goes like varadha had to go outside of khansar for some work for few days and that happens to be the same place Deva and his mom were staying and they both end up meeting eachother somehow but don't recognise eachother, but then baba or someone else calls varadha by his name and deva gets to know of it and is overwhelmed but decides to keep his identity hidden cuz technically varadha didn't 'call him' back and learns of all the pain varadha has been enduring all alone by himself and to see varadha so dead on the inside and to know that the only reason he goes from day to day is, so that baachi can have a better life like 😭😭
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
This Is Us: The Beginning of Forever
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Oh man, I don't even know where to begin. Finishing this series has me so emotional, and who knew writing could make me feel this way? 😅 Well, we're finally here--it's taken a year and a half to get this story written, and it's been a wild ride. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken time out of their day to read this story and ask questions, leave comments/reviews, and send in asks. I could not have done this without you! And now, without further ado, we're going to be celebrating this series in a few different ways.
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01. Podcast Episode (part 1) - I'll be discussing my writing process, unexpected plot lines, alternate endings, and more! ➡️ Check out the episode here.
02. Podcast Episode (part 2) ~ AMA (Ask Me Anything) - Do you have any burning questions for me? If you do, fill out this google form and ask away, and I'll answer via another podcast episode. (You can ask as many questions as you want!)
03. Survey - I want to know your favorite characters, scenes, quotes, chapters, everything! ➡️ Check out the survey here.
04. Ask My Characters - You can send your question through a Tumblr ask and they'll answer whatever question you may have! (What are Hyunie, Yuna, and OCs must-haves as moms? Does JK, Taehyung, and Namjoon have weekly dad gatherings? hehe, anything :))
05. TIU Drabbles - Send in prompts/scenarios for any of the TIU characters through a Tumblr ask. (Is there a conversation/pov you wanted to read? What would JK & OC do in this situation? What happened after JK gave OC his photo album? 👀 Did Minji capture Yoongi's heart or was it the other way around?)
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask! <3 Let's have some fun!
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Trying to get back into RP after a long hiatus!
I am 25 soon to be 26 (🥲) so no minors please!! 18+ only
I have been roleplaying for around 13 years now. Started on Quizilla and old YouTube comment sections - those were the days man 👵🏻.
I write in 3rd person POV, anywhere from 250 words plus, word length doesn’t really bother me tbh just as long as we both have enough to work with! But no one liners please! ^^’
I definitely prefer a plot focused RP and I love brainstorming with my partners so please feel free to bring your ideas to me!!!
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? I live for it! 🫡
I also love AU ideas/scenarios and totally up for doing these!
On to the Fandoms!!
What I am really craving right now & Love interests:-
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸 - (Klaus Mikaelson)
🪄Harry Potter🪄 - (Draco Malfoy)
💃🏽Moulin Rogue💃🏽 (Christian, OC) (interested in doing this or some au based on it!)
Potentially open to:-
🔫 Legend 🔫 - (Reggie Kray)
💰Gossip Girl💰 - (Carter Baizen)
🧚‍♀️Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️- (Jefferson - The Mad Hatter) (I haven’t seen past like season 4 but I can research and refresh myself for this!)
🚬Peaky Blinders🚬 - (John Shelby)
🔮Labyrinth 🔮 (OC)
I guess that’s everything for now!
If any of these sound of interest to anyone out there please send me a chat!☺️🌼
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lythea-creation · 7 months
My Boyfriend's Sister - Layan x fem Faten reader (Part 2)
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Part 1
warnings: family issues, drinking
word count: 1.565
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated. If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
@iluv-444 : Tumblr kinda deleted ur request for the second chapter and I only remembered bits of it. I hope u like it anyway. Feel free to make more requests.
Chapter 2
(f/n)'s PoV
Over the next weeks Layan and I spent as much time together as possible.
Luckily there were more projects connecting the classes. But we were not limited to time in class. I joined her and Rania in the breaks and Layan visited me at home from time to time telling our parents it was for school work.
It was annoying to hide our relationship, but it was worth it.
What was worrying me though was that Laith had not spoken a word with me since Layan had broken up with him and explained the situation.
He was usually at his bachelor pad. So it was not surprising that he had not visited since the confrontation with Layan.
But Laith and I had had a pretty good relationship and were usually talking over the phone at least twice a week. Now he was not calling back.
I was feeling guilty, but not guilty enough to break up with Layan. It would not change anything for the better anyway.
“Maybe you should just visit him”, Layan suggested when I told her how much the situation with my brother was bothering me.
“But what if it only makes everything worse? I mean … I'm the one to blame for this bad situation between us. Shouldn't I give him the time he needs and wait until he comes to me?”, I considered.
“It's not like we really know anything about proper sibling relationships”, Rania interjected. “But you have no idea how long he will take. Maybe he'll never make the first step, but is waiting for an apology.”
“Great point”, I noted with a sigh. “I guess I'll ask mom to drive me to his bachelor pad then.”
Mom was obviously surprised at my request.
“We got into an argument and he isn't answering my calls. I just want to apologize to him”, I explained honestly.
She nodded approvingly. “Then let's go”, she encouraged me and grabbed some of her paperwork.
The anxiety was creeping to the surface the longer we the ride took. Countless worst case scenarios were filling my mind, while I was trying to figure out what to say to him.
When we arrived I turned over to my mom who had already taken off her seat-belt to get out of the car. “Hey, mom. Do you mind waiting here? I think Laith and I can talk more openly when we're alone”, I suggested.
She sighed at my request. “Alright, but I want an update in twenty minutes”, she agreed and started skipping through the papers she had taken with her.
“Thanks, mom.”
Standing on my brothers porch, I was hesitating to ring. Would he even let me in? No way to find out if I did not try.
“(f/n). What are you doing here?”, Laith greeted me after I had gathered all my courage to ring.
“Can I come in, please? Mom is waiting in the car and I don't want her to listen in on us or something”, I considered.
He took a step aside, signaling me to get in.
After he had closed the door, I actually started the conversation: “You haven't answered any of my calls.”
“There's nothing to say really”, he brushed it off.
“It's because of Layan, isn't it?”, I reassured.
“What did you expect? That it doesn't matter? I really like her, (f/n)”, he exclaimed.
“I know. I'm sorry! I didn't mean for all of this to happen. It's not easy for me either”, I shot back.
“Oh, so you're the victim now? You know I would have never done anything like this to you. I wouldn't even have considered it”, he proposed.
“Yeah, because you're perfect”, I grumbled.
“What was that? Have you forgotten how much I supported you? No matter what”, he reminded me.
“How could I? You're making sure that I don't forget. Honestly it's kinda sad, you know? That I have to be grateful that you stopped mom from reading my diary. That I have to be grateful that you were nice to me, like a sibling is supposed to. That you protected me from your own friends who were bugging me every time they were over. Though that didn't stop you from inviting them. Have you ever considered what it's like? You left me behind without a second thought, just like dad. Mom only cares about my grades. Nobody in school wanted to be friends with me because I'm the principals daughter. They're all wary around me, stop talking whenever I'm near. Layan doesn't care. She loves me for who I am. Around her I don't have to hide and pretend for once. She makes me feel precious and like I'm good enough. I don't have to earn her love. And Rania, her best friend in case you don't know, treats me like one of them. You seriously want me to give it up? Layan made the decision to break up with you before I started dating her. So stop blaming me!”
“To you it's always black and white, isn't it? Of course I want you to be happy. You're my little sister and I love you. I never meant to leave you or anything. I just had to get out of that house and live my own life. You know how controlling mom is. And I know that you're calling me her golden boy. It's not fair that she's favoring me. But honestly that isn't something to be envious about. I just started creating my own life. And you ruined the best part of it. Maybe you didn't mean to, but you did by being the awesome person you are. So I can't face you right now. I'm sad … and angry and so much more. Just … give me more time”, he requested.
I nodded, not daring to take my eyes off the ground.
“Guess I'll go then. See you around”, I stated and left.
Layan's PoV
“Yeah, that's so cute. Oh, wait a second! (f/n) texted me to come outside? What?” I stared at my phone in disbelief.
“Do you think she's serious?”, Rania wondered on the other side of the line.
“I sure hope she's not, but I guess I'm gonna check it. Gonna call you back later”, I declared and hung up.
Secretly I walked over to the front door and silently opened it, making sure to take a key with me.
“Hey Layan”, my girlfriend greeted me with a big, goofy smile.
Fuck! I didn't know if I should be mad at her for showing up without a warning or if I should appreciate her presence as she was making me feel giddy.
“Hey (f/n). What are you doing here?”, I questioned.
Her smile immediately vanished. “Don't you wanna see me?”
“No, that's not it. I just … are you drunk?” I just recognized her slightly slurred voice, adding to her weird behavior.
“So what? Why does it matter? Didn't you say that I should do more things for myself?”, she shot back.
“That's not what I meant! This isn't like you. You aren't that irresponsible”, I pointed out.
“How do you know? It's not like you've known me for that long”, she remarked.
My heart ached at her words. “That doesn't mean I don't know you.”
“Well, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to a club or something”, she enlightened me.
“(f/n), we can't. Hazem is gonna kill me if he finds out”, I considered.
“Fine, then I'll go on my own”, she decided.
I took a hold of her wrist. “Wait! Don't go!”
Suddenly I noticed the tears in her eyes. “(f/n), what's really going on?”
The first tear fell as she stayed silent.
“It's okay. You can tell me”, I assured her.
“I thought you liked sneaking out to go to parties”, she admitted. “And you told me that we couldn't hang out at your place and you couldn't come over tonight. I thought maybe you would sneak out to go to a place where nobody knows us. I just wanted to spend time with you. And I didn't have the courage to do it. So I secretly burrowed some of Laith's alcohol. I don't even know what I drank.”
I pulled her into my arms. “It's okay. I'm sorry. You can come over. I just didn't want you to because of my brothers … is that all though?”
Suddenly she began sobbing.
I held her until she had calmed down again.
“Mom scolded me for a B in my latest test. And Laith doesn't talk to me. I just feel like a total failure. You're literally the only good thing in my life right now and I can't fully enjoy being with you out of fear of being seen. I'm just so sick of feeling ashamed for being myself”, she confessed.
“Me too. But we shouldn't be. How about you stay here for the night to spend some time? So your mom won't find out about your drinking. We can't do anything because of my family, but they won't suspect anything if we sleep in the same bed.”
“Sounds great!”
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findyourrp · 8 months
🌼Fandom Cravings🌼
Trying to get back into RP after a long hiatus!
I am 25 soon to be 26 (🥲) so no minors please!! 18+ only
I have been roleplaying for around 13 years now. Started on Quizilla and old YouTube comment sections - those were the days man 👵🏻.
I write in 3rd person POV, anywhere from 250 words plus, word length doesn’t really bother me tbh just as long as we both have enough to work with! But no one liners please! ^^’
I definitely prefer a plot focused RP and I love brainstorming with my partners so please feel free to bring your ideas to me!!!
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? I live for it! 🫡
I also love AU ideas/scenarios and totally up for doing these!
On to the Fandoms!!
What I am really craving right now & Love interests:-
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸 - (Klaus Mikaelson)
🪄Harry Potter🪄 - (Draco Malfoy)
💃🏽Moulin Rogue💃🏽 - (Christian, OC) (interested in doing this or some au based on it!)
🤖Detroit Become Human🤖 - (Connor) (never roleplayed this before, no idea for a plot yet I just replayed for the first time in years and revived my love of Connor 😅😅)
Potentially open to:-
🔫 Legend 🔫 - (Reggie Kray)
💰Gossip Girl💰 - (Carter Baizen)
🧚‍♀️Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️- (Jefferson - The Mad Hatter) (I haven’t seen past like season 4 but I can research and refresh myself for this!)
🚬Peaky Blinders🚬 - (John Shelby)
🔮Labyrinth 🔮 (OC)
Took a little step away from my search and being online in general recently due to personal stuff, so if you have previously reached out feel free to message me again!!
I guess that’s everything for now!
If any of these sound of interest to anyone out there please send me a chat!☺️🌼
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findroleplay · 4 months
Hey there!
Looking for a couple of specific fandoms!
26, she/her, I am 18+ so all characters and partners must be 18+ too!
I have been roleplaying since 2010 but have just recently came back after a bit of a hiatus so just going to leave this post and hope to catch some one’s interest!
I write in 3rd person POV, paragraph format with a minimum of 200+ words, word length doesn’t really bother me tbh just as long as we both have enough to work with, that being said i definitely can and will do longer novella styled responses if that’s more your jam too! I usually prefer MxF for my side but happy to write any pairing for yours! I definitely prefer my roleplays to be plot focused, I love telling a story plotting with my partners so please feel free to share your ideas with me!
I love romance, slow burn, drama, angst, all the jolly good things to torture our characters with!
We all have lives outside of RP, so don’t worry about taking time with replies! I will always try to reply as often as I can, which can be multiple replies a day or one a week, but I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop if I’m too busy to get to reply asap!
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? I live for it!
I also love AU ideas/scenarios and am totally up for doing these!
Onto the fandoms
(Who I am looking to play my oc against in brackets)
Kingsman - (Eggsy Unwin)
Moulin Rouge (2001) - (Christian)
That’s all for now I think, if interested please reach out or leave a comment
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
🌷 - give me any scenario with any hp character, nsfw or not, and i'll write the other character's pov for you!
Draco getting distant with you because his Dad was threatening him that he was gonna transfer him to Durmstrang bc you're a 'distraction' and he just get real abusive w him and Draco can't help but push you away
And you're j like "let me love you, I don't care, please just- Draco show me your worst side and let me love you anyway"
[feel free to do this one a lil longer if you'd like to]
ooh i like how this one turned out. you know i hate angst, so i tried really hard on this one
I write this letter to you in an unhappy mood. Recent talk of you and Y/N has been circulating around the wizarding world. If I hear of you associating with the Y/L/N girl again, I won't hesitate to transfer you to Durmstrang. Think well about your choices, son. You don't want to know what happens when you disappoint me.
Lucius Malfoy
His father's letter replayed in his head - over and over. It was his duty. It was what he had to do, or Merlin knows what would happen to him. But still, Draco feared letting her go might be the worst mistake of his life, should he bring himself to really do it.
He'd neglected her for six days now. He'd been counting. He ignored her curious comments to him while they were in class. He'd retracted his hands whenever Y/N would try to hold them. He'd abstained from the morning kisses. he'd plant on her lips before heading off to their next classes.
And still, with all this torture to the both of them, he couldn't stay away from her.
She laid in the bathtub, fully clothed, completely dry, as she stared at the ceiling blankly. It was unconventional, but it was the only place she could get privacy from her roommates.
"What have I done?" She asked herself, repeating it to the point of tears streaming out her eyes. Each breath she took felt like a stab to the heart. She pulled her hair at the scalp, fighting the urge to slap herself in the face until she was bruised. "Merlin, please tell me what I did wrong." She pleaded aloud, hoping that by some grace, a god would hear her prayers and grant her wish.
Draco wasn't just the love of Y/N's life. He was the love for her life. Nobody was more perfect for her than him. He understood her when she was sad, knew when to give her space, and when to give her affection. But most importantly, he knew her inside-out, and at times, that was more than Y/N knew about herself.
She cried and cried, so much that if she'd been crying under a seed, a tree would've grown in its place.
Draco came in, in the midst of all this. Although he was hurt and concerned, he took a deep breath, remembering what he had to do to protect her.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked, despite his promise to himself to keep away from her soft aura. "Did I do something?"
Y/N kept sobbing into her hands, shaking her head profusely. "No." Her voice cracked. "It's something I did."
"Well, don't worry, we can fix it together, but first, what's going on?" Draco said, kicking his shoes off to get in the dry bathtub with her.
Y/N cried further, feeling how difficult it was for Draco to comfort her. "What did I do to you?" She asked, looking the Slytherin in his sad, blue eyes. "What did I do? Did-did I flirt with somebody unknowingly? Are you punishing me for something? Why are you-" She stopped to look down at her laps again, unable to keep eye contact. with the boy she loved more than anyone else. "Why are you pushing me away?"
Draco sighed deeply, opening his arms. "Come here." He said quietly, prompting Y/N to cling around his neck as if he'd disappear if she'd responded a second too late. He rocked her side to side, caressing her hair as she got his t-shirt wet and stained his skin with tear marks.
Y/N was still distraught, but relieved to finally be in his arms once again. She took a deep breath through the mouth, unable to breathe through her stuffed nose, and looked up. "What did I do, Dray?"
"You haven't done anything wrong, angel." He said, his waterline forming tears.
Y/N sniffled, tearing up again. "If that were true, you wouldn't be crying." She said, wiping tears off his face with the warm and delicate touch she'd reserved only for him.
"It's really complicated, my love. I don't know if I should tell you." He said, shutting his eyes when Y/N nuzzled her face into his neck.
"Please just tell me, Draco. I'm begging you." She whimpered, her voice muffled and congested.
"My father sent me a letter a week ago. He said that if I kept dating you he'd send me away to Durmstrang. I have to do this. For us."
Y/N looked down at their laps, one sitting on top of the other. She sniffled, biting the inside of her cheek as if it'd help keep the tears at bay. "Two more years with you at the same school," She cried, shaking her head. "would mean nothing to me if I never got to hold you again. Fuck, Draco, don't you see I need to love you?"
Draco grimaced, realizing she was right, but unsure of what to say next. "So, you're okay if I have to leave home?" He asked, referring to Hogwarts.
Y/N nodded, wiping some more tears off her face. "What's a few years on the rest of our lives?" She asked, hoping he'd feel the same.
Draco pulled her chin up, watching her face go redder when he semi-forced her to look him in the eyes. He brought her closer so their lips ghosted each other as he spoke. "Remind me to never lose you again." He said, his lips smashing on hers in the most deeply sorrowful, yet passionate kiss they'd had yet. They kissed until they were sure their energy had been imprinted into empty space.
"You never lost me." Y/N laughed, sniffing her nose up. "It's you and me forever." She said, kissing him again.
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bethpeaches123 · 3 years
So I loved the Oh it’s You update! I was dying when they were talking at the end of the chapter and Peeta is clearly entranced with Katniss...would you pretty please write an outtake of that scene in his POV- I would love to know what was going through his mind when she was talking to him about his marriage....about what he really wants lol
Okay my friend, here you go! It got a little long...hope you enjoy!
I'll be posting this to AO3 soon too, I just don't know if it'll be separate from the rest of Oh, it's you or if it'll be a separate thing.
Peeta sat at a table in front of the window of Brewed Awakening, his hands wrapped around the steaming mug of tea that Sara, the cashier had just placed in front of him. He smiled his thanks as she turned and walked back to the counter, him turning back to stare at the tea bag floating at the top of the mug.
It had been a rough few weeks since he and Delly had broken the news to Connor. Every time he thought about his son’s sweet little face peering up at him as he told him he’d be moving out of their house, and Mommy and Daddy wouldn’t be together any more, his heart physically ached in his chest. He hated that he was causing his favourite person in the world any sort of upset, especially his precious boy.
Peeta felt guilty. He’d tried for so long with Delly. They’d been together since high school, when they were just kids.
Back then, he’d been so fixated on Katniss Everdeen, ever since the day he’d met her, but could never work up the nerve to talk to her, let alone ask her out. He’d been so frustrated and disappointed with himself over it. Peeta had himself so worked up over it, he pushed her away as much as he could and vowed to move on.
The day Delly asked him to go to the Halloween dance in junior year, he accepted. She was a pretty girl who was sweet and bubbly, and he liked that. Liked how she made him feel. There was no real stress with Delly. No real excitement, but it was comfortable. Safe.
He didn’t really think much of the state of his relationship - he just thought it was normal to not be madly, hopelessly in love. He loved Delly, yes, but it was never passionate or all-consuming like the great romances in movies made love out to be. He went through the stages of a relationship with her, did all the things he thought he was supposed to. Delly seemed happy and so did both their families, so when they’d been together for a few years and she started leaving links to engagement rings open on her laptop, he took the hint and proposed. All the while thinking maybe things would become more passionate or...loving, once they got married.
But it didn’t happen. In fact, six months in, he realized things weren’t going to get better and was prepared to ask for a divorce, but then Delly announced she was pregnant. And he knew he couldn’t leave then. Becoming a father was terrifying but it was something he’d always wanted, more than anything else in life. So he decided to once again dedicate himself to his marriage and the mother of his child. And it worked for a little while. But forcing a marriage never works in the end, no matter how much you may want it to, no matter how much you want to put up a united front for your child.
The bell on the coffee shop door chimed as someone opened it and out of the corner of his eye he saw Katniss step inside. His body immediately started to tingle like it always did whenever she appeared. It was like his senses became heightened and hyper aware of her when she was around. He could feel almost like an electric current running through his veins.
She approached the table a few minutes later with her own mug and said softly, “Hey Peeta. How are you doing?”
He was about to reply with a smile and his prepared front, ready to fake it, when he looked at her and read it all over her face: she knew about the split.
He sighed. He should’ve known Madge would open her mouth about it. It wasn’t exactly a state secret, but he would’ve liked a heads up that people knew. That Katniss knew.
“You know,” he said blankly. She hesitated and then replied, “Yeah. Madge and Gale told me. I’m really sorry.”
“Yeah...not exactly great news.”
He pondered it for a minute and then just decided to be honest. “Is it weird that I’m...almost relieved?” he said softly. “Kind of like a weight’s off my shoulders?”
He thought about the way Delly had looked at him that last day. How resentful she looked. He never wanted a woman to look at him that way again. Suddenly, he realized who he was saying this to, and jerked back. He shouldn’t be discussing such personal things with Katniss. “I mean - I don’t mean that, I-I just...just feel...fuck. I don’t fucking know.” he stuttered. “I don’t mean it like that. No one wants their marriage to fail. I just tried for so long to make her happy but nothing seemed to make her happy. Or I never seemed to get it right. Could never get it right for years.”
He felt so defeated. But he didn’t want to talk about this with Katniss. Didn’t want her to think he was pathetic or a failure. Even though he felt like he was both. He was about to change the subject when she spoke up.
“Peeta...it could have been four years or forty years, it doesn’t matter. If it’s not right, it’s never going to be right. It doesn’t matter how much time you dedicate. Some things just aren’t meant to be. You shouldn’t have to try so hard in a relationship. Yeah, they take work, but not that much work. Not that much grief.” He watched her as she continued, entranced by her words.
“It should be...effortless, in some ways. Like when you meet someone, and you click, and it’s like… ‘oh. It’s you. There you are.’ Like you’ve been waiting for them this whole time and didn’t even realize it.”
Peeta stared at her, frozen at the words that seemed to tumble from her mouth. The click she spoke about. Oh, it’s you. It’s...you.
Like you’ve been waiting for them this whole time and didn’t even realize it.
Well, he realized it now. He still liked her. The pull he’d felt all those years ago to Katniss Everdeen was back. As much as he forced himself to try and forget about her, being around her the past few months had dragged those feelings right back up. Oh.
“Oh.” He hadn’t realized he’d said the word out loud. And that he’d been staring at her this whole time. He briefly watched as her eyes left his and flickered down to his mouth. Woah. What was that? Was she…?
Katniss coughed lightly and said quickly, “well, like I said: some things aren’t meant to be, no matter how hard you try. As shitty as this is, and as much as I’m sure it’s going to be difficult to work through, maybe this is the start of a new chapter for you. Where you can figure out...what makes you happy, without having to focus so much on making someone else happy. Besides Connor. Take some time to figure out what you really want.”
What he really wanted. What did he want? Right now...he could finally admit to himself that he wanted what was right in front of him. He wanted...her. He realized that the split from Delly meant that he was...free. He wasn’t elated by that, but it did make him realize that he was essentially on his own, once the paperwork went through.
What did he want?
“Yeah...what I really want.” Possibilities and future scenarios began to run through his mind. He didn’t realize he’d been staring at her, lost in thought, until she spoke again.
“Um, maybe we should take a look at this menu, hey? See what you’re thinking for it?”
Peeta was jerked from his reverie. Woah. Slow down. Collect yourself. Get it together. You literally just separated from your wife like three weeks ago. Calm down.
“Yes, of course. Um, there’s a few different options we could go with, like having a savoury package and a sweet package. I was thinking of a herbed goat cheese biscuit for one, but also…”
He pressed on, determined to push his earlier daydreams aside and focus on the task at hand. She seemed to space out for a minute and then made some comment about being concerned about keeping the hot items warm because it was cold in the winter, which made him laugh harder than he had in months.
When they had finalized everything, Katniss made to leave, saying something about another meeting. Peeta was reluctant, but he knew he had to get back to the bakery anyway. He stood up to pull his coat on as she thanked him again, when suddenly, she reached up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
He froze.
It was the first time they’d ever hugged. Katniss Everdeen had her arms around him. Katniss was touching him. He couldn’t let this moment pass him by.
He stiffly moved his arms around her and felt her warmth underneath his hands. He took a deep breath and inhaled. Fresh linen. Sandalwood. Vanilla. She smelled heavenly. He exhaled slowly and tightened his grip on her waist. He could feel her slight curves as he breathed in again and felt the electricity buzz through him even stronger. He could also feel the stress he’d been holding onto for so many months start to slowly pour out of him. It was incredible what a simple hug could do. But this wasn’t a simple hug. Maybe it had to do with whom he was hugging.
This was a turning point and he knew it. He was a goner.
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shokano19 · 4 years
Dr stone characters as types of TikTokers
Warning: Contains manga spoilers for new characters! You can skip those you don’t know! 
Not sure where this idea came from exactly but I got super into it and it was really fun. Consider these to be my headcanons for a dcst AU where they don’t get petrified and instead everyone is TikTok famous. 
- science 101 - makes educational videos aimed generally at students struggling at school with subjects like biology, physics, chemistry, robotics, engineering, and astronomy, explaining them thoroughly and in a simpler form - random astronomical facts #n - goes live when he’s about to do a reaction experiment - wants to show his viewers how exhilarating science can be - rarely shows his face - tries to incorporate humour into his talks - it becomes evident he’s passionate or excited about the subject by his little chuckles - “visiting my father at NASA before rocket launch” - Taiju sometimes takes over his account as a lil prank - on everyone’s for you page with minimal effort - 14M followers
- magic tricks - social science veteran - shares psychology hacks he learned throughout his career - props his phone on his cola bottles to film himself - CEO of accidentally dropping his phone on the floor - Senku’s fanboy. Reacts to Senku’s videos on occasion by acting extra and makes a huge deal out of rare pictures of Senku - posts cut scenes from his magic show then makes separate videos revealing how he performed a certain trick - cynical, dark humour - makes his viewers question their moral compass - gets a lot of compliments for his hair - 10.5M followers
- step by step 3 minute crafts - Senku’s fanboy #2. Video duets with Senku by building the same things as him, praises Senku a lot  - geology student studying mineralogy - storytime! - regular shout-outs from Senku - always has his precious rock/crystal collection displayed behind him as he films a video and makes sure to show them off every once in a while - 2M followers
- trash talks men without stuttering - films herself in front of a mirror most of the time - zooms a lot into her face and stares into the camera while speaking, looking dead inside - dimmed disco lights - ironic and sassy - usually spits facts about anything she talks about - confident vibes - ayo famous relative check (Lillian Weinberg’s niece) - her duets are cruel - 1.9M followers
- the POV - makes relatable yet obscure videos - some questionable scenarios no one can explain - yes he wears a big towel on his head when impersonating girls   - includes Kinro in his videos a lot - anime weeb - always posts at unholy hours - refined sense of humour - majority of videos are taken in his bedroom - lowkey annoying - video replies to hate comments by either faking acting hurt and crying or sarcastically going along with them as a massive fuck you - 69k followers and he would like it if it stayed that way
- beautiful scenery shots - only has a few videos, mostly nature and places he went to with his family and friends - “top 5 places you must visit this summer” - secretive about his account, no one except Ginro knows about it - 7.9k followers - after a while he switched to making ASMR?? which gained him fame overnight and now has …. - 45k followers (Ginro’s current worst fear being Kinro surpassing his own follower count)
- unpopular opinion guy - reacts to popular tiktoks and attempts to review them (for fun, he’s a jerk for clout) - loud af, angry & narrow minded - makes valid points sometimes - dislikes kohaku’s content (probably because he feels called out) - tried to cancel Senku and failed miserably - a lot of people disagree with his hot takes - ignored the haters but got some serious threats :( - considered quitting making tiktoks so he took break - apologized to those he insulted after some reflection time - now half of his account are just apology videos - people follow him for the tea  - 500k followers
Suika (aged up)
- the animal lover - mainly videos of Chalk being adorable, Suika teaching him tricks…and him wrecking the house - “animal crossing new horizons island tour” - “my top 10 favourite cartoons” - 11k followers
- long political talks - disputable ideals - renowned martial artist  - became famous after appearing on a broadcast program with Gen and won against him in mental battle - informs on what’s currently happening in the world - has a lot of supporters as well as haters - “today’s society is flawed because - ” - encourages viewers to write their opinion in the comments - reads every single comment as well as replies to them - occasionally talks about his childhood, the good and the bad - 7.6M followers
- chaotic - reviews popular console/pc games of any genre - youtube channel linked in his bio - the type to walk into his bathroom and say funny shit - bombards Tsukasa’s comments section with stuff like “drop yo workout routine plz” or “your hair looks so soft I bet it smells like roses” to which Tsukasa can only reply with “please leave me alone” - generally in everyone’s comment section. He’s everywhere - bi king - super friendly and approachable - ayo rich house checkkkk XD - flexes on his personal mini yacht  - 5M followers
- quick, stylish and helpful cooking tutorials - shares rare recipes - pro decorator  - worked at 4/5 star bars, restaurants and clubs - non-binary icon - sometimes in the background of Ryusui’s videos until a lot of people asked about their relationship and revealed that they also works as Ryusui’s personal chef - 3.2M followers
- variety content creator - gives walkthrough’s of his job as a sonar technician - sneakily exposes his workplace’s secrets while he’s at it too - likes to gather the kingdom of science and make dumb silly videos together - archery tips for beginners - starting a new language tips - video reacts to tiktoks he finds interesting - became popular after appearing in one of Gen’s q&a videos - after that he collaborated with many others such as Senku, Chrome, Ryusui - close to everyone - appreciated for his talents - 980K followers
- fashion icon in the making - shares her everyday outfits - talks about her favourite clothing and where she bought them from - DIY accessories - cute couple videos with Taiju - fun sewing lessons! - promotes her online shop - 330k followers
- the type to stand in front of the camera and cover the screen with writing instead of speaking - known for his lip care routines (owns a lot of lip glosses and lip cosmetics) - occasionally takes off his mask for lip care videos - Homura is always behind the camera helping him film - kudayari spear practices - Helps Homura promote her Instagram account - tries to keep an aesthetic - trips abroad vlogs - 770k followers
- cringey e-boy - lip-syncs  - dances  - it’s so obvious he’s fishing for attention - secretly films Kirisame for a laugh, ends up with him running for his life as soon as she finds out - expect to get second-hand embarrassment - exaggerates a lot - needs to be stopped - does tiktok challenges with Kirisame (has to beg for her to agree) - Kohaku, Luna, Gen and Nikki have him blocked - Hyouga and Kirisame are literally the only ilr friends he has :,( - 420k followers
- popular girl wannabe - desperate to get on the for you page - everyone loves her though <3 - poses in front of the camera wearing her best clothes while cute music plays in the background - complains about how she’s STILL single - pros and cons of going to med school - reads a bunch of funny tweets and almost dies laughing - recently started following Senku and can’t shut up about his content - 200k followers
Bonus: all of them tried at least once, if not more, to recreate complicated dances that went viral on tiktok. Yes, even Senku.
Coming up with usernames for them is beyond me right now so feel free to add to these however you like!  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
Housemates (Ten)
Did you expect that I’m going to write about Ten? If not, then surprise! I have a soft spot for him, and here’s my take on him being Essie’s housemate. 
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: This installment is inspired by this post, and one of the scenarios mentioned is inspired by an offhand comment I made that shocked my officemate because he never knew I had green humor. Yes, I take a lot of inspiration from everywhere – myself included. 
POV: 2nd person again. 
Word count: 1,300 + words
Warning: Okay, I have to be honest here – Ten might be a bit OOC because I pegged him as someone with a sassy personality that can come sometimes across as something else if you know what I mean. I edited out some parts that imply his alleged sexuality since I don’t want to fight anyone on that. I hope you understand, and please enjoy this piece! 
When you lived with Ten for a week, it was a hell of a ride. Or trip, whatever the kids say these days.
Most of your friends said that the two of you are a terrible combination. Both of you couldn’t stop making green jokes to the point that people wanted to shut you up.
But most of the time, it was Ten who started it. That boy had one of the dirtiest minds, and you loved that side of him because if you were completely honest with yourself, you are a freaky bitch.
“I want some meaty barbecue on a long stick,” he said while you were eating at the dining table with Johnny, Jaehyun, Mark, and Doyoung. He even invited the four men to have dinner with you, so it’s not just the two of you bitches making goo-goo eyes at each other.
You and Mark almost choked on your zucchinis with his offhand comment while Johnny raised an eyebrow at him.
“Isn’t that meaty enough? I made sure to get the meatiest meat of them all,” the Korean-American eyed the barbecue he was eating, which Jaehyun observed as well.
“But what I got isn’t as meaty as yours!” Ten whined, frowning at the barbecue stick he was almost done eating.
“Teeeeen!” You groaned, your face flushed from the innuendo of his words. He gave you a smirk in response, and you felt your cheeks heat up even more.
“How about you, Mark? Is your barbecue stick meaty?” There was no stopping Ten now that he had been told to by no less than an ally.
The younger guy observed his stick and shrugged. “Just the right meatiness, I guess?” He said before taking a bite.
“Ah, that must taste good,” the Thai commented loud enough for you – and only you – to hear.
You kicked him under the table, and he returned it. “Damn bitch, slow down! I don’t want to die laughing because of your meaty barbecue,” you muttered.
He just laughed at your reaction as he got another barbecue stick to eat.
“What do you mean we can’t have fruits?!” You grumbled, still browsing the fridge for something to eat. Ten’s fridge was close to being bare, and he almost screeched at you for suggesting to have apples in his chiller.
“Girl, you should know by now that I hate fruits. Like, seriously.” He assumed a serious pose in front of you, hands folded in front of his chest.
“That’s a weird fear to have, but okay? So you fear even bananas then?” You closed the fridge and copied his position.
“If that’s a banana that isn’t yellow and green and comes in different sizes, then yes.”
“Is there any other banana that’s not yellow and green?”
He gave you a wink, and shame on you that you didn’t get what he meant right away.
“You are such a horny bastard, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul.”
Ten cackled at your response before he dragged you with him to the living room.
You pulled an all-nighter at Ten’s and was ready to call it a night (well, what else would you call it?).
However, the Thai stunner had other plans as he played some upbeat Top 40 song. “Girl, let’s have a dance battle! Whoever dances the most gets to skip all household chores!”
It was your third day staying in his place, and you have been assigned some chores by the host himself. To make your stay more fun and challenging, he decided to hold a dance battle at four in the morning.
“Chittaphon!” You groaned, but in the end, you were dancing along to the choreography of a Latin trap song with no effort at all.
In the end, Ten won – he knew all of the choreographies of each song. Of course, he would win – he set up the game for him to do so.
“You put me in a trap!” You shook him by the shoulders, and he was laughing at how much of a sore loser you were.
“Of course, dear! You’re in my court, so I get to make the rules here. So…” he looked around the apartment for something you can do for him, “please take out the trash.”
“I’ll get you for this, Chittaphoooon!” You swore, raising your fist in the air in annoyance. As always, Ten giggled at your amusing reaction.
In another similar moment, Ten disturbed you in the wee hours of the morning for something.
At first, he woke you at 2:45 a.m. asking for a phone charger. “But wait, isn’t your phone an Android one?” You asked, halting the search for your charger in your bag.
He looked at the socket of his phone and smiled sheepishly. “Oh yeah, it is. And you have an Apple charger, right?”
You nodded, and he laughed awkwardly, embarrassed that he had to shake you in bed for a charger that’s not even compatible with his phone.
“But can you help me look for it then?” He used his cute voice, which made it hard for you to say no. “Damn you Ten, you owe for me this,” you grumbled as you got up from the bed, helping him find his phone charger in his apartment.
The third time that he had to ruin your peaceful sleep was when he lost his glasses. It was almost 5 a.m., and he was whining about where he had put it.
“Essie, my sweet girl! I need my glasses! Please help me find them,” he pleaded, almost kneeling in front of you.
“Where did you last put them? Do you remember where?” You asked as you put on your slippers.
“I forgot, I’m sorry! But I really need them! I can barely see anything,” he said while holding your wrist. He led the way on the search for his glasses, his other hand free for touching any surface they come across.
“You know, I’m blind as a bat too when I don’t have my glasses on. So next time, please remember to take care of them!” You decided to lead the search instead of him since you wore yours.
“Yes, Essie noona,” he said too sweetly, making you roll your eyes. “Don’t call me that, Chittaphon. Don’t remind me I’m old.”
“But you said you’re as blind as a bat without glasses, so I presume you’re a dusty old bat with them.”
When you and Ten stepped out of the house for some shopping, you were a bit annoyed that he relegated you to be his photographer.
“At least you’re not the one carrying these bags, girl,” he huffed, raising the paper bags that he carried in one hand. “Just take photos of me, and I’ll carry your bags in return.”
“Whatever you say, bitch. Now, can you please fix your pose?” You directed him to lean toward the column and give his best Greek sculpture pose.
Once he did, you took multiple snaps. “Yes, yes…work it, uh-huh…that’s fabulous!” Your comments were honey to his ears – he loved getting complimented for his modeling.
“Can I look at my pics?” You handed him his phone back and scrutinized the shots you took. “Oh my, I look gorgeous,” he gushed, sliding through each photo with a smile on his face. “Let’s look for another location at this mall.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment but grinned anyway. You were flattered that he loved your photos. Maybe you should get back into photography, so you and Johnny can bond more through the hobby.
After all, things were looking peachy for the both of you. It seems there is a possibility that you can take your friendship a bit further, but of course, Ten has to know if you and Johnny end up together.
Ah, such feelings complicate friendships, but that shouldn’t ruin them completely. You hoped that Ten would still be okay with you if you admitted that you had a crush one of his closest friends.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 11th-May 17th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from May 11th, 2020 to May 17th, 2020.  The chat focused on Gender Slices by Jey Pawlik.
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Featured Comment:
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Gender Slices by Jey Pawlik~! (https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/vol1/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until May 17th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I have read the comic before. The whole thing and the author's comment at the end. It is such a shame to hear that Jey has gotten hate for their work. It takes a lot of bravery to be so openly queer on the internet, and I admire it a lot.
I like the art!
It is simple and clean and expressive.
This might be a bit of a weird comment, but from how Jey draws themselves, I feel like I have an understanding of how they actually look?
Like, their face and body are just a few lines here, but they're a distinctive few lines.
About the writing: it's hard to make a short form comic like this! Brevity is the soul of wit and all that, and it's hard to be concise!
But I think they manage it well
I feel like every panel has a purpose
I think it's fascinating, and sometimes saddening, how how you are and how you look affects how others treat you
This comic gave me greater insight into what it's like to be seen as non binary. Or, to not be seen as non binary when you are
I don't know if Jey will be reading this, but thank you for making the comic <3
I hope that many other people learned something from reading it as well
eliushi [a winged tale]
I really enjoy comics that give me more insight into other people’s lives. Bookmarked and will go through the comic this week!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Wow, I love the way the webcomic showed how being nonbinary was like. It's very simple and gets the point across very well. I'm also going to keep reading it.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
On Gender Slices; - I enjoy how personal and insightful about Jey's journey as non binary. - I like how clean and straight forward the story is. It's more like an auto bio comic strip - Even though the designs are simplistic, I see the author's personal struggle within. - As a reader, I really like self discovery stories. Gender Slices is helping me think about gender spectrum, respecting pronouns. - Overall, it expresses how different stages of your life, your identity can change as a non binary person. Wow this comic accurately shows the common issues my enby friends complain about. But it's much clearer in this comic format(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I loved Gender Slices! It's hard for me to comment on character and stuff when it's, like, autobiographical? Like, that's a real human person lol. But I really think the comic does a great job of conveying Jey's journey through their identity with all these short scenarios. It feels like a diary of sorts, and that's really cool to me.
eliushi [a winged tale]
I really enjoyed this and will be recommending it to folks I think will benefit from understanding this community better. I found the most powerful messages and portrayal of experiences come from the small everyday things that we often take for granted. I felt the clean art style and clear panels helped the autobiographical narrative be very approachable. Most importantly, the tips offering better phrasing and approaches to talking about gender in the comic were very enlightening and useful. I hope more people read this, young to old to in-between! There will always be things to learn on how to respect and love each other more.
What I like about the beginning of the comic and the art style all in one is just how clean the art is. I'm a huge fan of good, easy to read linework, since it's much easier for me as a reader to understand what's going on. This is something that occurred through out the comic, so each strip's message was conveyed really clearly. <3 I am overall glad this comic exists, as it's good to hear people's unique stories as they deal with life, whether it's something unique related to being nb or something that's somewhat universal regardless of those sorts of issues; I know at the beginning, disappointing parents was a pretty big theme and I think that's something we all experience. This was also clearly an extremely personal story at work, and it takes a truly brave soul to make something like this. Which honestly, I think those are the parts that make the comic the strongest. It's a personal story, and you know these events really happened and get to connect with the creator on a personal level without even knowing them. As such, the material really sticks with you because of that personal, emotional connection that's developed as you read it. As for a "favorite" moment, there is one strip that stood out to me (which I sadly didn't bookmark). But in it, Jey talks about how they appreciate having words and "labels" to describe themself, but also acknowledges that some people don't like to label themselves. And as a person who doesn't like to label themself, I really appreciated that. This is something I feel rarely gets mentioned in webcomics, so I liked that there was a mutual respect established in the strip that it's ok to have a preference in that regard and that whether you want to find labels for yourself or don't want to, you're a cool person.
Comic Tea Party
9. Of the moments in the comic, which did you find the most personally relatable and why? In what ways do you think that moment might help others who read it?
10. What do you think the personal stories in this comic teach us about finding personal happiness, self-acceptance, and acceptance from others?
11. Why do you think telling stories about the sorts of gender issues presented here are important, and what moments in the comic show why that’s the case?
12. How does the comic being autobiographical versus fiction affect your views on the comic’s messages? In what ways does it being autobiographical make it stand out from other comics?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I've already talked about the most relatable moment in regards to favorite for me. I think it's a helpful moment because it just helps show everyone is different, and that it's good to have mutual respect all around. I think that the personal stories teach us about the themes of happiness, acceptance, etc. is that it's hard work. You aren't gonna nail it in one day, and you also can't be expected to. Society certainly may want you to have a grasp on these things, but ultimately these things are achieved at your own pace and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. These stories are important for a lot of reasons, but for me personally I always think the most important thing is that it just makes people feel not alone. And I think the part of the comic that shows this is the strips about Jey finding people in their community. Humans do not like to feel lonely, and these stories help show people that no, even if you're in a community where this isn't a thing, there's billions of people in the world and theres always a community out there to share your experiences with and bond with. Autobiographical comics, in my opinion, tend to have a much stronger emotional connections. Sometimes with fiction stories, it can be hard to really get into the emotions, since at the end of the day, characters are representations of people and not exactly people. They can be damn good and feel super real, but there will always be that gap of "but it's fiction." Autobiographical stories don't have this. They are basically raw emotions put onto a page, and there's just this inherent sense of reality to them that fiction struggles to capture sometimes. As such, the messages they deliver are more powerful in most cases.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Going back to the previous question; 9. Most personally was expressing how Jey tried to self talk to adjust to a new name. But end up falling back to their birth name. 10. It helps to see how one might struggle internally, what gender disphoria feels from the character's pov. 12. It gives a deeper insight since this is a real person's experience and not a fantasy character going through the stages. I will continue reading Jey's journey and learn from their experiences. I think it's a good guide to what a non binary person goes through.(edited)
Well since the comic is done, I am looking forward to seeing more people discover it. I know lots of people really need stories like this, so its nice to see when people are positively affected by them. Once again, it is a great thing this comic exists. Maybe it's not a comic for you, but it's one of those comics where you can tell it means a lot to someone out there, and I think everyone needs those special collection of stories to help them navigate through life
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Gender Slices this week! Please also give a special thank you to Jey Pawlik for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Gender Slices, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/vol1/
Jey’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jpawlik
Topaz Comic’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/topazcomics
Topaz Comic’s Shop: https://topazcomics.com/shop/
Topaz Comic’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/topazcomics
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annerbhp · 5 years
Hey! I am having this problem where I have a kickass plot for a fanfic but I don't know how to plan everything. Like do I first sit and think about scenarios or start writing immediately. I don't want to have any sorts of problems later on. And you have one of the best detailed fics ever. You're writing is so immaculate. Can you please help me?
This might not be what you want to hear, but I try to keep two things in mind about writing. One, that there is no magic plan or approach that works for everyone. (despite how convenient that would be) You have to find a process that works for you specifically and it will very likely never look exactly like anyone else’s process. Not to say that asking for advice is pointless, more a reminder that you can ask this question of a dozen different authors and get a dozen different answers and I think you should try all of them. But remember, if one of those don’t work, don’t jump to assuming the problem was YOU. Maybe that wasn’t the right approach for today, or for this story, or for right now, or maybe even ever. It’s easy to internalize that stuff and jump to ‘well, see, i knew i couldn’t do ________.’ It’s not you, it’s that you don’t have the right tool at the moment. So try the techniques, adapt freely, and only keep the ones that work for you. (put the others away for a rainy day, you’ll probably need them.)
Two, the only real way to get good at anything is to do it. Like, over and over again. You get better at plotting by plotting things (and messing them up and learning from it). Every story or fic is an experiment, a chance to try something new. I learn something from every piece of writing I create, whether I publicly share them or not. (And, for the record, while I think my writing is far from immaculate, I do want to point out that I posted my first fic in 2005, and have published well over a million words since then. That’s a hell of a lot of practice!)
That being said, here is some general advice of things to try (beyond the JUST WRITE, write a lot, read a lot, experiment and try and give yourself room to grow without being hard on yourself, easier said than done, I know.)
Some people write detailed outlines for the entire plot before they even start writing, and that might be what works for you. I tend to do a lot of free writing when an idea first comes to me. I just write whatever comes to mind, whatever half-baked scene is floating around my head when I think of a new project. Really, just pages and pages of fragments and snippets of dialogue and some ‘and then have a and b and c happen or maybe d? what would f happening be like?’. I just vomit out as much as I can before the idea can leave or evaporate or before I can start judging it into oblivion. I probably wander away then and then come back every once and a while and add a few scenes or flush some fragments out. I do this a lot, moving pieces around, changing order, and all along the plot is slowly changing and growing and shifting and sometimes completely surprising me. As much as I can be wedded to an idea, I try to be flexible, and a story rarely goes how I first plan.
At some point there is enough that I feel like I have a skeleton, and maybe I find some holes that I am going to have to come up with ideas how to tie various plot points together later. Those I might have working at the back of my mind as I go about my business, having faith I’ll noodle it out eventually, but not letting it stop the writing. I might outline at this point. I love post-it notes in a bound notebook, I can put one scene on each post-it and then move them around to find an order that makes sense. You can even color code by character POV or plot thread, depending on what you’re doing, which can make a nice visual of flow and balance. You can also keep track of the date within the fic if that matters. I can get lost in a text file sometimes, and this helps give me a broader view.
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Here’s an example from when I was working on The Changeling, chapter 6. Purple for Snape plot, yellow for Quidditch, pink for Parlor, blue for DA, Green for family stuff. (Ugh, I’d forgotten what a balancing act that chapter had been. Lol.) The blank notes are places where I knew there had to be a scene with a particular thread, but had no idea what. This can be helpful when you have some set plot beats but aren’t sure what’s going to happen in between.
And as far your comment about not wanting problems later...there will always be problems. You need to be able to deal with those and rewrite and adapt as you go, as painful as it can be. Believe me. I am in the middle of a massive rewrite right now. So you can either hold back posting any part of the story until you have the whole thing done, or, if you post as you go, you kind of have to treat the already posted chapters as canon you have to work with. There’s no taking the posted chapters back, so just make it work. This is where betas and willing friends can be really helpful as sounding boards.
Just remember that it is a process, and no one throws down a perfectly plotted story without a lot of work behind the scenes. I think putting pressure on ourselves to ‘get it right’ from the start only gets in the way of actual writing. Probably a rather effective way to ensure it never gets written.
Best of luck and feel free to check back in!
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gameofdrarry · 6 years
Drarryland: Info & FAQ
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Drarryland is the second iteration of the Game of Drarry game/fests where Harry and Draco and your imagination are the perfect winning combination. 
The game/fest is open for writer and artist signups! 
Signup here! 
Designed to be fun and stress-free, players dictate their pace to fill fun yet challenging prompts. Drarropoly, the previous game/fest, had prompts that were oriented toward HP-themed locations, Drarryland prompts have been crafted based on popular tropes like Eighth Year, Aurors, Creature!Fic, and many, many more. 
If you’re seeing this, hopefully, you are a bit familiar with the game/fest concept. If not, you may view a shorter info and explanation post here. Or read the full info and FAQ under the cut! 
Everyone! In the survey we put out at the end of Drarropoly, so many people admitted to being new writers or writers who had been on hiatus for a long period of time. 
Writers and Artists can try their hand at shorter stories or smaller/simpler art projects in a super low-stress environment: 
I loved the prompts and how it allowed me to try my hand at writing without starting from scratch.
I did really enjoy it, I’ve never been involved in a community before.
yes, it was very nice! although i’ve never done a game like this, or any sort of fanfic exchange of any kind, drarropoly made me want to participate in more in the future!
In addition, Drarryland now offers access to the Game of Drarry Discord server where players can connect with others in the community to get advice and support. 
What kinds of art is accepted? Anything from simple sketches to fully illustrated scenes, and mood boards. Some art prompts have colour and perspective parameters but can be met across different kinds of media. 
We asked for feedback after Drarropoly and listened to a lot of your comments! Word count limits are higher, there are more opportunities to pass on a prompt, and there are 6 bonus prompt opportunities. 
There are so many opportunities to earn points and be creative, either as a single player or in optional pairs/groups in the larger Game of Drarry community. Your game/fest is what you make of it, and your level of participation is on your terms! 
Drarryland gameplay (individual), the House Round Robins (groups), and The Owlery Exchange (pairs) are the three parts of the game, and players may participate in one, two, or all of them.
Players who sign up will be assigned a Hogwarts house at random. The mods have created four new houses (Pennydew, Rowandark, Shadowrose, and Dragonwick) and each mod is a Head of House. All submissions are worth 1 point toward the House cup. 
There are lots of opportunities to earn extra points through bonus prompts, Round Robins, The Owlery Exchange, and commenting on other players’ submissions. More on that later. 
Players are tasked with making their way up the board, weaving their way through the Hogwarts grounds toward the House Cup/End of the year. 
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The road through Hogwarts is comprised of an array of six coloured squares: 
Blue = Potions Class = Angst prompts
Green = Transfiguration class = Non-Drarry POV prompts 
Yellow = Charms class = Fluff prompts
Orange = History of Magic class = Epilogue Compliant/Older Drarry prompts
Red = Defence Against the Dark Arts = Aurors/Adventure prompts
Purple = Divination class = The Fates know you’ll write the right thing - prompts open to wide interpretation 
While prompts are grouped in these categories, players are not required to fill a prompt based on the category unless the prompt specifically requires it. Someone could land on angst and end up writing the fluffiest drabble ever!
What are the prompts like?  
Fic prompts: Many of the prompts will have the same format that was prevalent in Drarropoly: (example) a situation or scenario with either 1) this thing -OR- 2) that thing - Minimum: 276 words - Maximum: 788 words. But this time around there are also photo prompts, song prompts, and a wider array of tropes and situations. 
Art prompts: We are hoping to entice more artists to take part! The art prompts have been quite fun to come up with and vary from vague thematic scenarios to stricter palette restrictions or perspectives. Drarry in a video game to Harry and Draco are two sides of the same coin - use an element of gold, silver, or bronze in a depiction of this. 
What if a player ends up exceeding the word count? The word count restrictions are there to serve as an exercise, pushing writers to think more about the word choices and styles they use. But if someone ends up writing 3000 words (or 20,000 - as was the case with a team of players in Drarropoly!) who are we to stifle your creativity! Every player is allowed one Free Period which gives them a pass to change the prompt in any way they see fit.
What if a player doesn’t like their prompt? It’s bound to happen! Whether it’s just not your thing or you can’t get a shred of inspiration from it, players will have the chance to pass on a total of (3) prompts. But it comes at a price. Players who pass on their prompt will have to serve Detention. At the beginning of the game, players will be given their Detention Punchcard which has three prompts to choose from that serve as replacements for ones that will be passed on. A player doesn’t need to inform the mods that they are passing on a prompt, the Return Player Form will afford them the opportunity to indicate that when they turn it in for their next move. 
Once a player has filled the prompt assignment, they’ll head to the Returning Player Form to request a new prompt from the mods, who will roll the dice, move them on the board, and send out the new prompt. 
As a player makes their way up the road, every 10-12 spaces they’ll be offered a Bonus Prompt to complete at their leisure. They may submit them at any time until the game cut off on May 5. 
There are six bonus prompt categories, one for each landmark on the board. 
Hagrid’s Hut = Creature!Fic 
The Great Lake = Other Realities 
The Quidditch Pitch = Competition 
The Library = Odd Jobs 
The Forbidden Forest = Hidden Things 
The Whomping Willow = Let’s Get Physical 
The board has a handful of wildcard spaces that have one mysterious prompt. 
Players can land on spots that are connected to various Hogwarts secret passageways which will either take them forward or backwards on the board.
Players will have the optional opportunity to join their housemates in writing collaborative stories. The mods will match players together with similar interests, likes/dislikes, and rating preferences. Groups of 5 will receive a prompt and craft a story together, each writing at least one section (250-word minimum / 1000-word maximum). 
*If a player only wishes to participate in the Round Robin, they still must sign up to play the game. They’ll receive their first gameplay prompt, and can simply ignore it, opting to join the Round Robin group and create a delightful, collaborate masterpiece.*
Participation in this is dependent on the player joining the Discord server, where chat options and house channels make it easier to communicate with other players and the mods/Head of House. 
Artists can also join a round robin group. An artist is only required to create one work for the project but can create more equal to the number of rounds completed by the writers. 
Every “turn” by a player in the round robin is a point. Every “round” completed by the group is another point to each player. A completed story is an additional point to each player. 
The Owlery is independent of the game but can be a bonus opportunity to earn points for your House by exchanging letters with another player. You do not have to be a Drarryland player to participate in the Owlery Exchange. It has a separate sign up. 
How does it work? When a player signs up, they can specify a preference to write as Harry or Draco or no preference.
They will also commit to a minimum number of letters and a schedule:
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The Pen Pals - You’ll fill in your favourite themes and tropes in the sign-up form, as well as squicks, rating preferences, and word count ideals. The mods will match you with a Harry or a Draco that has similar preferences. Pen Pals will remain anonymous until the exchange is complete. This is part of the fun! All letters will be submitted to the mods via email, who will then pass them along. Instructions for this process will be delivered with your prompt information.
The Deadlines - Because this is a round-robin exchange, we’ve set deadlines to ensure that each player has ample time to draft their letters. Of course, you don’t have to wait for the deadline to send in your finished letter. At the same time, do not feel pressured to send it in faster if your pen pal replies quickly. In addition, you can send anecdotal messages if need be to your penpal via the mods, and if you both agree to write more than the required amount of letters, we encourage it! If you finish early, the mods will finalize your exchange and reveal your pen pal. You’ll be able to discuss and edit before being required to post.
Word Counts - The exchange has no minimum or maximum word count limits. We ask your preference on the signup form to try and match you with a similar writer.
Betas - We encourage you to use a beta! We have Harry-beta and Draco-beta rooms on the Game of Drarry Discord server where you can talk about your letters, get ideas, and ask for someone to look over your work.  
Pinch Hitters - If you are interested in saving a life helping out and are super enthusiastic about this exchange, please sign up to be a pinch hitter. You may do this even if you are already signed up for the exchange. Simply check yes on the sign-up form. Or reply when the mods send out messages.
Points - If the exchange participant is also playing Drarryland, each one of their letters counts as a point to their house. A completed exchange also counts as an extra point. 
Sign up for the Owlery here. 
Other Awesome Things About Drarryland 
The mods are super excited to connect with the players on the discord server and have lots of fun things planned. The discord gives players the opportunity to reach out and meet other people in fandom, share ideas, offer help, and generally flail over the ship we love so much. 
Have questions? Send us an ask or contact the mods below. You can also email us at gameofdrarrymod AT gmail DOT com 
Spooky @buttertyrant  // Fanny @fantom-ftnoise
Sara @glittering-git // Jess @nifflers-n-nargles
We want to answer any questions or concerns you might have, so please reach out! 
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intoxicatingficfest · 5 years
-What is the bingo about?-
The bingo round is a special event created in order to spice things up and to have a dynamic format, different from our original prompt & claim one. In this bingo, you will need to write a different number of fics featuring Hakyeon / Hongbin. It is nbin centric so you can write from any of their points of view. The ideal goal is to get a complete line of bingo, however, if you desire to keep on writing you are free to do so <3 you can even complete your card if you feel energized enough.
Remember it’s all about us having fun and giving love to the nbin tag <3
-What Bingo cards are we able to get?-
The Intoxicating team has prepared 4 different cards, all of them based on the same duality concept that we used on the first round. We didn’t want to make that many changes to the concept of the fic fest so here is what we came up with for this round!
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This cards will include a mix of prompts that are from the more lighthearted side of the prompt sheet (confessions, love at first sight, slice of life, friends to lovers--anything and everything that is light, if you have witnessed the first round then you know the drill).
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This card will include a varied assortment from the angstier, sexier and darker side of the prompt sheet (all that is angst, perhaps forbidden romance? sexy times? all goes here)
How to get bingo with these cards?
To be able to say you got a bingo you have to fill a line of your card, which would mean getting 3 prompts filled ( horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines)
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This special card will provide you with the full Intoxicating experience, a 4 x 4 card made half of Intoxicatingly sweet prompts and half of fully intoxicating ones. This one is for writers who want to tackle a different kind of prompts and don’t want to limit themselves to only one side and/or want to experiment with the duality of nbin entirely! You will get a total of 16 prompts at your disposal so hopefully, it’s exciting enough.
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A special one word / theme / au card, this one has been prepared by the mods for writers who don’t want to be caged by a prompt and want to be part of the fest, we will give you keywords, situations, maybe even quotes? who knows! it’s a surprise mix which will allow you to take your story wherever you want to~
-How to get bingo in these cards?-
To get bingo in these 4 x 4 special cards you will need to fill a total number of 4 prompts, any of the lines will help you win this card.
-How to fill out a square?-
For the square to be valid as a part of the bingo round, you have to write a fic based on any of the prompts provided in your card. General rules will apply but don’t worry! we will explain them again.
Keep in mind that the work in question must be a new work, so only works that were created for the fest are allowed (meaning that you can’t cross out the square if you are adding a chapter to an on-going fic. More about this on the posting explanation section)
If your energy is all the way up then you are free to fill out your whole card! 
-Is it necessary to get a bingo if I sign up?- 
The ideal scenario would be for participants to indeed get a bingo, however, since this round is meant to be slightly more lighthearted than the previous ones then: you don’t really have to make a bingo. You can write any prompts from the card that you have been given in any order, or you can write just one prompt if you only liked one out of your whole card. The idea is to have fun. 
This is to remind you about the basic rules that will still apply to the fic fest, some have been taken out in order to suit this round. But it’s always good to refresh the memory a bit!
-Don’t forget that it’s a must for you to have an ao3 account, so in case you don’t have one yet please don’t forget to request for one!
-Prompting and claiming will still be done through Google Forms.
-Prompts will be displayed on a Google Sheets file.
-Prompting doesn’t recquire any sign-ups, so do prompt away. Remember that you can send more than one prompt (in fact, we really want you to prompt to your heart’s content)
-Made bingo in one card and want to claim another card? You can ask for another card if you have either made bingo on your card or if you have at least written 1 fic and want to try out the other cards. This however only applies if you have either claimed one of the 3 x 3 cards or the 4x4 mixed card and want to get the special word / theme prompt card.
-The minimum word count for your work should be 500w for the check in and the final word count should be at 1000W, don’t forget that you can go above and beyond that limit, however.
-The works that can be submitted are oneshots, ficlets and chaptered fics. However, they have to be exclusive for this fest so they can’t be sequels or prequels to previous works or chapters of on-going fics.
-You can either submit your work at 100% or if your story evolved too much, you can submit the first chapter.
-Hakyeon/Hongbin must be the main pairing in all of the stories submitted. You are free to choose the pov you are going to be writing from though.
-Please tag your work correctly, make mention of any kind of triggering topics. (more rules regarding this when we release prompting and claiming information)
-Flaming and hateful comments won’t be tolerated, we want this fic fest to be an awesome experience for writers, readers, and the general public so we will be reinforcing this rule if we see any kind of conduct that will cause uncomfortable situations.
-It is a must for communication to be a thing between mods and you, do please let us know if you have received our e-mails! We will be sending e-mails throughout the whole process and tweeting that we have so in case you haven’t got an e-mail, contact us ASAP and in the case you have received it, do reply letting us know you read!
-This fic fest is exclusively Nbin focused so any kind of ot3+ isn’t allowed (other past ships for the sake of plot can, however, be allowed–but remember, this is Nbin centric)!
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Silence of the Chaos (2)
Loki x Reader Smut
Warnings: SMUT.(18+) Please do not read if you are underage. LOKI’s POV.
Word count:I’ll just *voice trembles* leave this here.
A/N: This was supposed to be custom content but the moment I started writing Loki’s POV, the tides turned and I found myself being carried by the words rather than the other way around, smashing right into an old rock (story of mine) that I never saw coming. So, all of you, even if you do not know me/follow me and you like what you read in here, let me know in the comments and if you would like to see the OC’s origins, please come over here so I can bring the reader/OC in a much more relatable form to you. :)
"You are getting back at me." "Am not!"
I hear the contempt in your voice before I step inside the battle room and have my gaze land on the blue pile of rocks bending in fear and defeat while you are in between heavy breaths, frustrated and filthy with sweat. "All I am saying is you can admit that it offended you." Only if there was a way to shut him up. "Shut up, Korg. I'm not going to say it again." You were not offended, that much is true. But you had clearly been thinking about it in the morning, watching your curves in front of the mirror, wondering something to yourself before sighing with a gloom hovering over your face. "Was I wrong to love you so much, pizza? The least you could've done is given me a little more confidence to appreciate this." you had spoken to yourself. I wonder who that excuse of a human was. "All right, everyone," I announce to the residents of this spaceship- all four of them- as I come down towards the simulated battleground, "Within a week's time we will be hunting down the-" "Sauron's army," you interrupt me, "that's what we're calling them because none of you will tell me their name while all of you keep scaring me with the ghost stories of the undead," now clearly offended. "You," I turn to face you in all seriousness, "you and Korg are the only ones who have never had an encounter with..." "Sauron." "Sauron's army. It will be more of a mystic fight than a physical one. You will be battling out all the scenarios with me until we reach their planet." "Okay." You nod, readying yourself, never questioning me once. "What?" the Valkyrie shouted from her end, done with beating every last inch of the punching bag, "you're not even going to ask him what fight you're expecting?" You take your stance, your hands hanging loose on either side, waiting for my first attempt. "I'm about to find out, aren't I?" I feel a smile building up inside me as I signal Nebula to fire up the simulator, turning everything around you and me cold and dark in a rocky surface, eerily familiar to the silent graveyards smelling of death and the paranormal. A knot of mischief opens up somewhere inside me as I position myself behind you, replacing my original self with a mirrored shadow in front with my finest daggers coming at you. Your right leg comes back near me, positioning yourself firmly as your hands gather up the lifeforce surrounding you, appearing as if creating little balls of stars out of nothing. Like a thin sheet of a sharp metal, you slice through my illusion as the invisible armour protecting your back pushes me with the same force that I aimed my fist with towards your shoulder. Invigorating as it is to watch your sly smile for having tricked the trickster, you fail to shield your back again for another illusion, pushing you to the ground. A vengeance filled grunt leaves your throat and the battle of the minds ensues. Blocking the attacks and keeping yourself at a distance so I cannot come in contact with you is impressive to watch as you let the forces do the work for you. Going for my face and chest now and then, teasing me with the fine sword work gets a tad infuriating and I bring out the rusting sorcery to level the playfield- or should I say, tilt it in my favour. Just as I imagine, the control you have over the powers fluctuates, the blue hues of defence fluctuating around you, making you focus everything towards my attack, giving me a window to plant my real self behind you and grab your head. The attacks lighting up the field till now vanish abruptly as your swerve yourself around grabbing my face in yours. Two things happen at once. Your darkest fears come undone inside our heads. An unknown radiating calm in the form of pure white light travels through you and engulfs me. __________ The sound of water spattering down on the tiles is an ominous note. The mauve reflecting off our bodies is the only shade inside the huge room, the empty cubicle between us the sole distance preventing an uninvited outburst. Yet, surprisingly, I feel calm. I feel...peace. The doubts, the torturous echoes inside my head for the past ten years and the mindless gnawing in the brain for the years before that, have all gone silent for the moment. The mental agony that weighed upon me, that I had learned to accept as a part of me when I was taught to shut down my emotions, has vanished. I do not recall the last time I felt this light; this...free. My aching chest feels lighter, easier to breathe with. The lingering numbness has gone away without a trace. What have you done to me? The question timed with the clanking of all your kimoyo beads in the sink outside brings my elated thoughts to a halt. Wrapping the towel around me in haste, I step out to see you balancing yourself on the edges of the crystal bed in front of the mirror. The water droplets run down from your dense tresses on to the clothing on your back, marking the blue with a darker hue. Your shoulders and arms are evidently red- my guess is you overworked the water temperature and never realised that- while your lips seem like they are about to burst with the blood that is overflowing through them. I walk over to your side, not knowing what measured words to proceed with when you catch my reflection in the mirror and turn in my direction. "Are you all right? You were in there for quite a while." Worry. Pain. Care? That is all I can see in your tired eyes that have clearly cried under boiling water. "I should be the one asking you that." Your eyes drop back as your hands go behind your neck. "Fine," you murmur, "I'll be fine. It's not the first time. Definitely won't be the last." Despite the weight in them, your words sound so brisk to my ears. Your colours seem so crisp and more saturated now, your breathing more perceptible. Your scent... Your scent, magnified, swirling inside my head like a phantom dancing in the night without a care in the world. You feel so much more...defined. How could you... And it suddenly strikes me. "What you did to me..." I begin, getting your attention once again, "can you do it again right now?" Your eyes pan out to calculate my, hopefully not that obscure, demand before coming back to me. "Yeah. Sure." "I might be asking a lot right now," I conclude, "but do you trust me?" Your eyes, filled with a multitude of emotions, do not falter as you nod. Your hands rise to meet my face and I bow my head to make the collision more comfortable. The warmth is already surging through your palms and into my temples before you even close your eyes. Just as the familiar light starts to fill me up, I bring my hands to your face, carefully wrapping them around your temples. The calm now flows through you, crashing and immersing all the darkness that had been broken out of its cage, filling you up to the brim with the familiar feathery peace. When the white disappears from in front of my eyes, all I see is tears flowing out of the ones still closed, accompanied by a smile of relief. Your eyes open and adjust your being where you now stand. "How did you-" "Healers often forget they have the ability to heal themselves by their very own hands. Often, it's the pain that makes them forget the latent powers inside them." Your coloured oceans gaze at me in wonderment as I repeat your words back to you, smiling in their full glory. My own lips stretched without much stress, following your movement. We both stand there, content in the moment, not realising soon enough our hands still held the other one safely. "Loki" you gulp down my name eventually, not taking your eyes away, "you're nearly naked." "Very obviously," I mutter, wondering if it was the air or my words that made you shiver. "You are half-dressed yourself," I point out, watching your pupils dilate. It was like watching you open your deepest, darkest caves to let me in. "More or less, yes," you respond, the shiver in your muscles reverberating through your voice. "What did you do to me?" I ask with an undone breath of sincerity escaping my lungs that my voice can gather, curious about this weightlessness I was feeling right now- something I was sure I could not have to luxury to come close to in whatever was left of my life. "Oh," you seem a little surprised at the question, "I...I didn't do anything. I don't do anything. It's not in my hand, how this thing works. All I do is keep my intentions good...positive." I perk one brow at your statement trying to make sense of what you just stated. "What?" I try to suppress my smile. "You attacked me with a ray of positivity in the middle of a battle?" And slowly, everything makes sense. Your shards of innocence blended with your powers, holding together layers of a perpetual darkness tamed in one corner- you were more than one can see on the surface. "Hey," you fume lightly, "as I said, it is not in my hands and the only way I can work with it is if I do not mean any harm to any-" Your final words crack into smithereens as I pull you closer. My bare chest grazes at your blouse while you try to steady yourself as my lips close unto yours. Your heated flesh overpowers my senses as they take in mine, all the unresolved knots lined up since your arrival unravelling themselves to wrap my existence with yours. Our eyes are closed, drowning in the first taste of each other, trying to make it last as long as we can before our lips have to part ways for the first time. Your eyes are still shut as your hands come down to rest on my shoulders, heating up the droplets of water left under their touch. "Don't get me wrong," you breathe, not ready to open them still, "but why?" My precious little human. My hand goes around your back, holding you close as I shift us to a familiar- now seemingly odd- room. "Why, you ask? Look around you." Your eyes open, taking their time to breathe my close presence in before turning away from me. My room on the spaceship is more of an absurdity, to say the least. Draped in darkness, simple- with the white walls, the lone table in a corner with a lamp- and at the same time complex- with the books and sketches piling up in corners within corners of the piles, knives sitting haphazardly over maps strewn across the bed, the chair and even over the fireplace; cloaks and broken armour lying carelessly at our feet. I watch you intently, your observant eyes taking everything in, the fire beneath the ocean beds lit up by the cosmic allure outside the glass that ran up from the floor to the middle of the ceiling, drowning half of this solitary abode in the light of the nearest star. "This," I state close to your ear, "is me." Unhinged, untethered, undone by the monsters that keep me awake at night. It has often got the point of a returning apathy. Feeling there is nothing left in this world for me. No place to return to. I don't have to state much as you take everything in, little by little, feeling the weight of the desolation in the air around you. "And this," I mention, carefully holding your arms and turning you towards a mirror hidden behind a pile of books, only visible when you stood near the wall, "is you." Radiant, gentle, delicate and tranquil. I never speak the words out loud; I just taste them in your thoughts. "I saw your dark corners. It's only just that you see mine." This strange emotion of trust comes up without a bother, watching the stars light you up in my room. "You don't usually do...this. And I'm far away from someone to be trusted with someone's darkness when I cannot even keep mine in check." Your eyes glisten, the pain more relevant with the moisture around the windows to your soul. I cannot help but step closer, forcing you to look at me. "You are not a warrior, love. You are not meant for battle." The slight jolt of offense in your eyes is evident at my words yet I continue. "You are a presence that makes your surroundings soft, delicate. You are not weak as you are gentle, a welcoming site after a long unprecedented day surrounded by worldly monstrosities apart from the ones within. You are mystical in every sense, despite my forceful ignorance." A tear runs down your heated cheeks while a pent up breath escapes your lungs as I whipe it away. "I should really be the one asking 'why'. Why me?" I hear myself saying. Your adamant gaze strikes a vibrant note inside my core. "Why not?" Within one moment, at the flick of my wrist I clear all unwanted objects from my abode while you reduce the distance between us to nothing. Your blood-gushed lips come back, this time with more to give. Your hands wrap themselves around my neck, tangling between my hair as mine find your back, pushing you further to me. Your lips open with a sensual moan, making my abdomen ache in need of more of you, forcing my tongue to drink every corner inside your mouth as yours dances for dominance over mine- a terribly good sensual dance. Our lips part for breaths, giving me the opportunity to tug the hem of your blouse for permission to go further. You quickly- but carelessly- pull the blue garment above your head with some assistance, revealing your exquisite form covered in a black brassiere. I can feel my heart quiver for a moment, urging my arms to pick you up and push you against the wall. "Woah! Careful," you call out between the lust-filled kisses, "I'm heav-ahh" I cannot help but chuckle at the moans escaping your throat as I find the latent sensitive spots on your shoulder, tasting the much desired skin on my tongue while leaving pecks and nibs to hear your whines of pleasure that make my member ache underneath the lone cloth that drapes me. I take your leg by the thigh and pull it up around me, my need to feel your burning skin growing by the second. You smell like the spring in Asgard dripping of forgotten innocence that I now reminisce; you bloom everywhere, flowers and songs alike, your warmth warming up this frost giant's existence like the middle of Asgardian summer while your wet kisses are nothing short of the green monsoon. The heat radiating through your core is a delicious surprise, enjoyable to know that I can do this to you. One planned graze around your folds by the hardened length under the soft yet grainy clothing makes you groan and arch towards me, bringing a few more of my strings undone. Your bend leg presses me closer, grinding more of your seeping wetness over me arousing a hidden beast as it lets out a growl, making you press yourself further over me. The last of the chains binding it breaks and I pull you up from behind, carrying you to the edge of my bed before dropping you over. Your oceans now glow with a wildfire as they watch the cloth around me come undone and fall to the ground. Even though you're a human, I have yet to see the sensual rave glowing inside your eyes in any other being, not that I am keen to see it in anyone else. I stoop on my fours on top of you, taking in every colour and blemish that marks your skin through my eyes. Before I can comprehend the movement of your hands, they are grazing my length, making me twitch under your touch. Your warm fingers wrap around it delicately, giving it light gentle strokes, forcing unexpected grunts from inside my throat that make you smile. The notion of my pleasure in between your palms causing the glitter in your pupils pulsates as a newfound desire. The desire to watch you come undone under my touch. I break your touch away from my length to take every inch of your warmth inside my lips, beginning from your thighs, working my way inside, while my hands part the edge of your intimate clothing from your touch starved skin. You help me, moving your hips up and sideways to allow me to pull them down, giving access to the welcoming dampness of your folds. And as expected, your moan breaks the mundane air that was surrounding my personal space, your hips jerking at the alien touch of my tongue at your highly receptive bundle of swollen nerves. Oh, the sight of you fluttering at my languid movements burns me up with this undiscovered levity, forcing me to stop and watch what you do next. Your head shifts up to look at me with pure fierceness in your eyes. "Loki!" Your authoritarian voice calls out to me, driving me further into the pool of a sensual quirk. "Yes, love," I respond in the most innocent manner. "I'll rip you into pieces if you do that again." The growl in your voice makes my length jerk, making me tower over you to look at burning eyes being fueled by the glow coming from outside the glass just next to your head. "What-" I line myself at your entrance, letting my pulsating member drown in your liquor- "will you-" teasing your entrance with the tip- "do?" before entering your entirety with mine. Your lips part, eyelids screwing shut, while the sheet under you is a mess in between your hands. I can feel your walls flutter around me, the radiating warmth setting over and inside the hardness that I own, forcing out low growls from my throat. I rest my arms around your shoulder, bringing my face closer to your breathless state, wanting to not miss a single animation in your eyes. I feel you have the same thought as your once sombre features smile at me through the window, latching your gaze unto mine.   Your hand leaves the sheet a mess and come to put my ravens- falling down from my head as separate threads craving your touch- back behind my ear, resting your fingers around my jaw and my neck, making me wonder if Valhalla could ever provide me such blissful peace that radiates through you right now. "I will rip your darkness to pieces to show you how much light there is within you. Someday. But tonight, just take me." Without further ado, I move out of you and come back with purpose of causal tranquil moans, grunts and heavy breaths, our locked gaze drinking in the pleasure we're providing to each other, pressing further, synchronising better, reaching the corners  lighting up our bodies, picking the pace with a hungry ache. Your legs intertwine themselves behind me, the grip making the ache to feel you further while abruptly stopping my movements at the same time as you force your arms around me with a similar strength, pushing yourself over me as I come down on my back. I see you laugh at the shock on my face, your eyes nearly shut with the playful glee. I want to remark your moves in bed as compared to what you showed me on the battlefield today but you see it coming, moving your hips in time to melt away every bit of the thought like the snow that sees the first rays of the hot summer Sun enter spring. Your last piece of clothing gets unclasped, thrown away in corner as your hands take mine to let me feel the suppleness of your breasts under my touch, driving me further into this beautiful chaos which I had been sure, a few seconds ago, could not get better. And just when my mind appreciates the view above me, resurging the tides behind the dam, you stop, your hands dropping mine away from your tenderness, taking me by confused surprise. The smirk on your lips makes your intentions quite clear. "You see, that's what it feels like." I cock my brow at you, "is that how this is going to go?" Before you can answer, I am sitting up, crashing my lips in yours while pulling your legs around me, waiting for the right moment to jerk my hips upwards into, causing you to moan inside my mouth. Your hands go behind me, thumping into the glass to balance your upper body while I keep your hips steady. The steady movements come back, so do the heavy breaths and the throbbing ache. Not wanting to wait any further, I hold you in my arms and carefully put you back over the sheet. No more play. I am taking you and you me. Letting the pleasurable friction between us increase further than before, causing the tides to come up eventually, swelling behind the damn as our moans and grunts drown the silence of our room. I can feel your walls tighten around me, the swollen torrents about to burst any moment. Your nails dig further into my skin, the electric touch making my pacing hardness press farther inside you. "Loki!" escapes your lips in breathlessness, your features begging for a release for your storm; my own name a new melody on a harp to my ears. "Yes," I affirm, my hand grazing by the hairs on your stomach to reach your swollen nerves and rub the surging tightness, making you moan and tear in the final moments of pleasure before you shudder under me as you find your release. My movements falter while your legs still shiver in and out of the high, my member close to its own climax. My mouth finds your trembling skin again, anchoring myself to you as I finally find my own release, marking your walls with my seed while my legs shudder, nearly sending my entire weight over you. Out of air and sweating all over, I feel your arms caress my hair and back, the warmth of your lips on my cheeks easing me back to you. We lie there for some time more before I pull myself out of you and clean you up, replacing the sheets under us in a snap with something warmer suited for your hot blood. "Is this why you never did fight me before?" I see you suppress a smile, your teeth biting into your swollen lip, as I lean under the warm covers closer to you. My thumb- with a life of its own, comes for your chin, releasing the perfectly flushed flesh from the merciless grasp of your teeth "Oh, clearly not. I never thought you were worth the effort," I sing the words, making you mock a gasp. "Rude." "This was me softening the blow," I say matter-of-fact-ly, pulling your chin up to take a sweet peck only to be stopped by your index on you lips. "Are you sure you want to go with that explanation?" Silence. "Because," you draw yourself closer to me, making me, the trickster, flinch as I feel your fingers run up my thigh- sending electric pulses throughout me- and land on my behind, colouring me intrigued, "you just opened the Pandora's Box and there is so much more you have yet to discover." With a newfound excitement in my chest on your words breathed over my lips, I smirk at the mischief glistening in your eyes, your coloured oceans dancing with such illumination. I confess. You really are more than I give you credit for. Before I can embrace you to take up your notorious offer, a familiar voice makes us break out of our cosmic bubble. "Hey, Laki!" The click of the door makes us turn towards the sound, helping you flop down, covering our glorified naked bodies under the brown covers. I push my hair back in one swift motion as I wait for Brunnhilde to open and show herself in. "What?" I spew the irritation at her. "You got some spare knives on you? I broke mine and we ain't stopping on any planet for at least the next three days. I have to train Korg as much as I can." Her eyes follow the empty room that just has the bed, the mirror, the burning fireplace and...oh no. "There! Behind you," I nearly shout as her eyes almost turn to your clothes scattered on the now spotlessly clean floor, making a few of my best dagger appear out of thin air in the far corner near the door over a desk. She scrunches her nose at one or two before picking up the sharpest bunch with displayed satisfaction and walking out. "Is she gone?" You whisper from underneath the cover, your face- only visible from where I half lay- glistening under the light coming from above and behind us. "Yes," I smile even though I know you cannot see it, a hidden joy of keeping such delicious secrets from our comrades. You slide out a little, easing yourself close to me, a smile stuck on your face too. "I should go before they think I'm missing," you whisper, stealing your gaze away while planting your head on my pillow; a vision I curse myself of not having ever imagined with such allure. The thought of you leaving but not wanting brings an unspoken ache inside me before I push it away. This weightlessness surrounding me in this moment and the trust in your eyes is too beautiful to be ruined by the chaos of lawful judgment surrounding us. "Who says you're missing?" You blinked at me in question before it dawns upon you. "You didn't!" I smirk at the thought of another you singing off key back in your room, reading those novels before falling asleep half covered under a blanket and drooling all over; illusion imitating real life. "That's...okay, I guess," you state with a shrug, turning towards the dark space over us, a meteor passing by, reflecting the blue haze it left behind, in your eyes while I rest by head beside you, watching you be amazed by the expanse of life beyond yours. "This has got to be the best view in the entire universe," your sleep-laden voice mentions, suppressing a yawn. "It is, isn't it?" I acknowledge, never taking my eyes off you. Your head turns towards me, bursting into giggles that thaw me all over again, and then so does your body, matching my gaze. "It is." Power. Madness. Chaos. Everything still surrounds us. Everything still crumbles. But you have helped me take a moment out of this vicious cycle and mark it as our own. ( I am in a happy daze right now. :D )
@greenarrowhead @magiclolipopqueen @choke-me-sweet-pea @classy-swiftt @smexylemony @hazzastyles2471 @lokis-lady-death @lokixme @l0kisbitch @bambamwolf87 @tarithenurse @hiddlestonstansworld @itheoneofmanyfandomsi @nalokoniloki @fuckidontknow @qualitynerdwasteland @cryinglots @unipanda1006 @literalangels
Office AU
@wishrains @ultraslytherwin @loki-the-fox @awkward-dr-strang3rman @royaldork @arianna-17-11 @uranusismyfavoriteplanette @marvelrose @gotta-get-back-to-johnlock @moonlightprime @keepingupwiththelaufeysons @writingpromptsstuff @auroraborialis15 @meganlikesfandoms
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shes-claws-deep · 6 years
Commissions are open!
What are commissions?
Basically you pay me to write out a request. It automatically gains priority over anything else I have in my queue, and I will write it according to parameters set out during initial discussions. Commissions can be anything from a proper drabble at 100 words to a full-fledged fic at 2000 words. These pieces of writing will be posted publicly on my blog and AO3 unless I have been instructed not to.
Do contact me via PMs or my main blog or discord (cyrilodahviing#7662) to commission me.
More details under the cut :)
Minimum length: 100 words
Maximum length: 5000 words
Up to 1000 words: 3⁄4 cent per word (up to $7.5 USD)
1000-5000 words: 1 cent per word ($10-50 USD)
What I specialise in and what I write
I’m sure my blog and header speaks for itself, but for clarification: I specialise in writing dominant reader inserts with submissive or switch characters. I prefer to write in 2nd POV, but can switch to 1st or 3rd upon request. I am also capable of writing SFW or NSFW scenarios.
If you’re unsure about the content that I can write, feel free to go through my blog and the masterlist.
I write for the following fandoms:
Rainbow 6 Siege
Original Fiction
Dragon Age (Not including Inquisitions)
Mass Effect (Not including Andromeda)
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Slasher villains (subject to movie knowledge. Ask.)
Devil May Cry 5 (generally the series)
In addition to the above, I write the following scenarios:
Gender neutral or female readers, but with a strong preference for female reader
Mommy kink, or with female reader referred to as Daddy
Polyamorous relationships
Switching roles for a scene (i.e. dominant reader bottoming for the character.)
Consensual non-consent
Consensual dubious-consent
A/B/O dynamics
Original characters
Bisexual/homosexual characters
What I don’t write
This is a non-negotiable list of the things that I will not write. It’s not exhaustive and I’ll add to this as time goes on and I find more things that are hard limits.
male!reader (exceptions on a case by case basis)
Conventional daddy kink (with male dominant)
Incest (this also goes for poly relationships with the Shimada bros - they are the two points in a V relationship if so)
Actual abuse/rape/gaslighting
Male reader 
Trans characters (whether reader or character. This is because I don’t feel like I portray them well)
ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover)
Age play
Forced feminisation/sissification
Needle play
Scat/bodily fluids
Watersports/Golden showers
Commission Slots
There will be 2 commission slots at any point in time and the number of slots available will be visible on my header. It’s on a first come first served basis, and every other commission requested will be shifted to the next week.
Tips for requesting a commission
Do tell me the following in your opening message:
Character (or Characters if poly)
Commission Length
What you want me to write
Additional comments
You can be as vague or as specific as you want. But be warned, I love exploiting loopholes. I will clarify with you if I need more information, and if your message is too long, I will direct you to send an email to me for easier reading.
If you’d like me to write an OC, please give me a decent bio of them as well as a physical description, or as much information you can give me.
Mode of delivery
I can send the finished writing to you via email or by posting it on this blog and tagging you. Do let me know which you would prefer. As stated earlier, the finished writing will be uploaded to this blog and my ao3 unless you’d prefer otherwise.
I require payment upfront upon accepting your commission where I will send you my Paypal details. This will only happen after I have confirmed that I will be able to write your commission. I will not start writing until I have confirmed payment.
And that’s it! Feel free to send in an ask if you need me to clarify anything. Anyway, commissions are as always optional, happy to keep writing without it. These are only if you want them quickly or for a very specific request.
Also, I can be contacted via PMs here, my main or via discord (cyrilodahviing#7662).
As always, I reserve the right to turn down commissions if I feel I’m incapable of writing it to a satisfactory level.
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