#Playing Video Games
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lulublack90 · 2 months ago
Prompt 13 - First Murder
@wolfstarmicrofic January 13, word count 160
“Sirius, what the fuck?!” Remus complained as he threw his controller down.
“What?” Sirius shot him a perplexed look as he continued to mash the buttons on his controller and swing it around in front of him at strange angles.
“What do you mean, what? You full-on just murdered me!”
“Did not!”
“Then what do you call it then?” Remus huffed.
“Casualty of war,” Sirius said before jumping off the sofa and running away, cackling as he did. 
Remus picked up Sirius’s abandoned controller and walked his avatar out into the middle of no man's land where bullets rained down on him and the words game overfilled his half of the screen. “Murderer!” Sirius yelled accusingly from the doorway. Remus threw a cushion at his retreating head. “Oww!”
“Tea?” Remus asked, ignoring Sirius’s muttering.
“Yes please,” Sirius called back, and Remus went to put the kettle on, turning the console off as he passed. They’d played on it enough today.  
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zeusgow · 17 days ago
I love how Caenis (Rider) appears among the male servants during the Valentine's day Event.
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My beautiful Bissexual king!💙🌊
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bean-writes · 1 month ago
PSA (rant) to NPCs:
I am a new(ish) artist and am working on improving my drawing skills by finding interesting and beautiful locations and people in your world to sketch.
I am minding my own damn business, just trying to practice my drawing skills AND YOU KEEP SENDING NPCS TO KILL ME.
I get it. It's "threatening" and "makes you nervous" when I, the Player Character, sit on rooftops looming above you in the middle of the night while you're on patrol.
But before you put a bullet through my skull or slash your sword through my spine - just STOP AND LOOK FOR A MINUTE.
Am I killing people? NO. (not right now)
Am I being an active threat? Only in the way that a giant rock suspended in the air has a lot of gravitational potential!
But guess what?? That big rock is currently doodling very contentedly. MAYBE DON'T SHOOT AT IT.
I am sketching out of LOVE and ADMIRATION for the worlds your developers created. DON'T MAKE ME KILL YOU JUST SO I CAN DRAW IN PEACE.
Have some compassion for my poor nerves that get shattered every time a random arrow lodges in my chest after you've finally noticed me lurking above you.
THINK OF MY POOR FOUNTAIN PEN. Every time you startle me, my hand jerks and it's FUCKING RUSSIAN ROULETTE on if this will be the time I snap the head off in a knee-jerk streak across my paper and spill ink everywhere.
Just leave me alone and let me have fun making my silly little drawings OR I WILL FUCKING END YOU.
Thank you, that is all.
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 1 year ago
Zero is getting pretty
I think his wedding with X will be like Felix/Tamora's Wedding in Wreck-It Ralph; everyone is with a gun to make sure that nothing will ruin the wedding
I'm months late for this, but I'm working on it. I've just been getting distracted! I made an outfit for X, and now I need to make one for Zero. My friend @raerrui wrote vows for them, y'all; they made me tear up. 🙏 taking inspiration from the wreck-it Ralph wedding sounds like a great idea, but I might be too lazy to commit to it aaaaah!! We'll see!!
Here's some sneak peak asdadsadda
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return blog with different stuff
ask her anything
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braveheartstoryteller · 2 months ago
Apparently fans like to talk about play order of Kingdom Hearts a lot (to that, have they ever been fans of LoZ? Now that is a discussion.). I think what I see not brought up, is ease of play.
If we're just talking about the story, yeah, start at the beginning. BbS may work for that, or even Union X, but KH1 works fine. In other words release order is good if we're talking story. And admittedly, that is what fans are usually talking about.
However, let's be blunt here. Some of the games have truly crappy controls. Not SE's fault of course, it is the nature of games, especially 3D ones, as developers were figuring out how to program those very controls.
When it comes to KH, it only gets better over time. However, there is another angle I don't see brought up: ease of understanding mechanics.
I'm not a gamer. As a kid, Mario Kart was as close as I got to playing video games. It is only in more recent years, that I've picked up playing games, whether it be board games, or video ones. I've enjoyed my foray into gaming, however, I don't know all those little things someone might have picked up, had they grown up with them. I had to learn that in a way. The more I play, the more I understand. However, this is important because when it came to KH, I didn't understand the ins and outs of how the games were played having never played a true RPG before. That coupled with crappy controls made it so that there was no way I could play the games in order. In fact the first game I beat, was KH3. Simply because I had all of those easy codes, to help me ease into the game and understand how it was played. With that foundation (and my deep dive into the wiki) helped me emensely in my endeavors to play the rest of the games. Though even then, I have not beat them all, in any stretch of the imagination. I only just beat Sora's side of the story of CofM, late last year, for instance.
So if you aren't a gamer, what do I suggest? Simple. Look up walkthroughs on YouTube and watch through those for the story first. It is what I did. Then you don't have to worry about all those pesky mechanics, and spoiling yourself by playing KH3 first. However if you truly want to play them and know you'll be confused, but you are like me and see the story as a puzzle to solve, then jump in there first.
The bottomline is, none of this is as simple as it could be. Personally I think there is a lot to consider, especially if you're a non-gamer. Story is just one aspect. If I had tried to just play the games for the story, it simply would not have worked for me personally. And I doubt I'm the only one. So I agree with SE. If you want to start with KH3, then go for it. Especially if you aren't a gamer.
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buddieisgoingcanon25 · 2 months ago
never gonna forget the fact dates according to Chris is playing video games which is something his dad does with his best friend and literally Chris is his father son and does everything his father does and been proved time and time so
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lynnella · 8 months ago
Gaming night
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kasienda · 2 years ago
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Just Ladrien hanging out playing video games!!
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ungojirasapiente · 6 months ago
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just got out of an art block (i hope...) and i wanted to draw some Yume Nikki fanart (btw, i hate drawing furniture). ------ acabo de salir de un bloqueo artistico (eso espero...) y queria dibujar algo de fanart de Yume Nikki (btw, odio dibujar muebles). --- Yume Nikki (and Madotsuki) by Kikiyama
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kyogre-blue · 9 months ago
Played about 2.5 hours of Wuthering Waves tonight. I was hoping to unlock the dailies, but I only made it to Union level 4, which I think is too low, but whatever.
My impressions are fairly mixed, but given how many gachas I've now started and dropped pretty much immediately, WW is doing quite well for itself.
I have to say tho that I deeply pity it for how much it will be compared to Genshin.
For positives, I think WW has a rather solid opening section. I focused on the main story to advance the Union level faster, but it seems like you get your main tutorials out of the way fairly quickly and can go and explore from there. Given the complaints I have about being railroaded in other games, that's nice.
Additionally, I think the story is nice if unremarkable. It's paced better than Genshin early parts imo, which were ridiculously rushed, and it benefits from having multiple characters who talk to each other and have different personalities. Yangyang, Chixia and Baizhi invite the harem jokes, but they are a friend group who decide to look after this amnesiac they found. They frame it as a combination of responsibility and friendliness, which I think works. Aside from that, yes, the game certainly leans into the MC being someone super special and important, but it's treated as an actual mystery and the current driving point of the narrative. Plus, the male MC is rather cute, so I can forgive a lot.
Compared to a whole bunch of other gachas, I am actually mildly interested in seeing where this is all going.
For the neutral points, WW actually has a fairly different tone and vibe than Genshin. The colors are more muted, the music is notably less upbeat, and there is a vaguely scifi aesthetic underlying the setting. It also has a lot more... what I read as Chinese cultural influences. You do start in the China region, but there's also stuff like the goofy gourd gadgets everyone has. I have a general impression of what mythological thing is being referenced, but it really does come off as goofy. However, those details are kinda... cute? narm-charm? I guess, when you consider that it's a Chinese developer. It also just has a different flavor from the most common settings, which is always a nice change.
For the negatives, I think the game does lack a few points of polish compared to Genshin. The movement controls feel kinda floaty, the designs (especially the adult female ones) are just not as competent or appealing, the proportions on the models look a bit off at times, and there are even minor bugs, with stuff like dialogue boxes being unable to fit all the lines of text (with no log feature in the scenes themselves), the auto advance moving too quickly and cutting off voice lines and sometimes even making it impossible to read the text fast enough, some awkward visual elements, textures loading kinda poorly, etc.
All of those are very small details and I'm not going to stop because of them, but they do create a certain impression in accumulation.
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The bottom of the image was also the bottom of the screen. A line or two of the text is just invisible, and this happens quite often.
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Weirdly sized and spaced apostrophes.
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Bad spacing on the wishing menus.
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Weirdly poor textures on this guy. This happens once in a while. There are also very obvious cases of pop in that can get quite distracting during story scenes.
For the spacing stuff, I do play in windowed mode, but like... that's an option they give you. It shouldn't be like this.
All that aside, I'm going to continue for at least a while, though I plan to take it very casually, maybe even as a non-wishing account. The exploration and story can probably be cleared even with welfares... I hope.
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stinkrascal · 2 years ago
once again here to humbly beg yall to make character pages so i can lurk
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mylavellan · 1 year ago
My girly girl hobby is play the same three video games on repeat till my brain leak out of my ears
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shaibonbon · 1 year ago
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A Gamer performing the act of gaming
I keep doing these low effort quick sketches but plz understand they are to maintain some level of practice when I usually wouldn't draw :')
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youplush · 2 years ago
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scarlet plays roblox 😧😧😧😧😧
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lynnella · 6 months ago
Evening gaming 🎮
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