#Play Games with MATLAB
matlabhelperblog · 2 years
Webinar | ​​Code and Play Games with MATLAB | MATLAB Helper ®
Learn coding games like Sudoku, Rock Paper Scissor, Mario, and TicTacToe using MATLAB with our Webinar on Code and Play Games with MATLAB. Create your own game and enjoy your gaming experience with programming.
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husbandhoshi · 1 year
heehee do me n my little gf seungcheol
LOL....where do i even start.
i think before you guys become Acquainted with each other, cheol is already drawn towards you bc he is equal parts terrified of you and fascinated by you. the human equivalent of the big dogs at daycare being scared of the little ones
i honestly think it is ideal for cheol to be in a relationship where he is very good at his thing and the other person is really good at Their thing, so you guys are both successful but there's no real competition. which is exactly why he finds your engineering skills EXTREMELY attractive. like he can listen to you all day. he will never Not be turned on when you talk about soldering or microchips or matlab
i think a funny point of contention would be like. you asserting your independence and cheol wanting to assert his ability to care for you. you're telling him you NEED to walk ur dog at 11 pm when its just u the moon and ur pup. but he's already putting on his shoes!! or you'll be carrying in your groceries and he just Cannot watch you handle all those bags even though you Can. And no you will Not be changing ur tire without his assistance.
genuinely finds the most joy in domesticity when he's doing it with you. he doesn't like competing with you in terms of work but he will make everything else a game and it's fun because you Let him. cooking becomes cooking mama and you're playing pokemon go on post-dinner walks and you always have to rinse off after doing the dishes because you got soap all over the place
ALSO he loves bitching about things with you. you will just sit with your matching cups and a lit candle and talk for hours about your day
i think he makes you Kind...... and you make him Brave. you give him the pushes he needs when he needs them. and after a long day when everything seems like Shit somehow he's always there to point out that silver lining :)
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mohabbaat · 3 months
All you do is complain about Team India. If you didn't play cricket even in U-17 or 2nd Division, you hardly know anything about the game. It is very easy to speak stuff than actually doing stuff.
Free speech ka matlab yeh nehi ki kuch bhi bako. Pehle actual game knowledge lao
i have a bunch of issues with this ask but the most important one is this: if, according to you, free speech doesn't equate to calling out famous people (and that too without any threat of violence) then what does it mean?
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bisexual-engineer-guy · 4 months
bothers you bothers you bothers you hey do you play Minecraft?
not much :P i really haven't been playing much video games lately, i've been spending most of my time on CAD or MATLAB :333333
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andnatiabrosca · 1 year
Self-Rec Tag Game
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made. I’ve put categories below, but they’re more guidelines than rules.  1. Something you absolutely adore 2. Something that was challenging to create 3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably)  4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.) 5. Something you want other people to see
@layalu (@dungeons-and-dragon-age) tagged me & this is the blog I Do Stuff on! now that my weird bug was resolved where I couldn't access my mentions, onwards and upwards. I'm going into my files for stuff, not necessarily what's been published yet, because my tagging system...needs work. Cut for length.
1. Something you absolutely adore
Well, absolutely and without question, my current longfic is well-adored. It's [love knows life] on Ao3. Here's a snippet:
The fear rolls and boils and threatens to swamp her the deeper they venture into the Temple. And like a log, buffetted in the swells – the eyes of a friend. It’s a test, she knows, but does not hurt any more for it. “What’s shapin’?” the memory of her brother asks. His voice is too thin, and he flickers in and out of sight, not like a real ghost would. She leans into his rough smile.  “Topside as bad as you thought?”  Pretends the shadow play behind her eyes is a fear, not a memory. “Ancestors, you’re a bitch.”  He growls.  It doesn’t fit, just like the solid Trade that Leske never spoke.  “You never really cared about us.  Knew you were meant for greater things.  Up there.  The Surface.” It’s a bad memory.  It’s missing rough-big-brother Leske. “You’re the one always told me to leave,” she bites back before her mind finds her. He laughs, one solid, rough bark of her friend as he glows blue, then fades back to smooth, wavering grey. “I know it’s been playing on your mind, how you left us in the darkest muck-pit this side of the Deep Roads.  But it’s all right.  Don’t want to be all mopey.  You can let go and forgive yourself, salroka.”  He pauses for a few moments, fading between that grey and that lyrium blue. His voice quiets as blue memory finds living brown.  “I forgive you.” That she believes.  The last time she knew those eyes, they were thanking her as her blade pulled free from his stomach, breath caught in blood pooling on the stone. He’s gone – again – before Nat’s voice winds back to her.
2. Something that was challenging to create
This is a bit of a deep cut, but I did [this] back in 2017, somehow fit in around 19 credit hours of engineering coursework.
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I've got more details in the original post, but this entailed (1) learning how to draw like. at all. (2) using MatLab and the wiki's list of known dwarven words (and a lot of sitting and reading them aloud) to count the frequency of each phoneme within the dwarven language, then trying to isolate graphemes from the written dwarven in game (I remember using the stone from Anvil of the Void), counting those, and trying to find some correlation to assign graphemes to phonemes, THEN writing all of the Blight Brigade's names using the new cypher.
I am looking to revisit that project in future, actually. I've got more understanding of linguistics and the courage to take a good stab at conlanging. But not the note-taking skills.
3. Something that makes you laugh/smile
I'm not putting any snippets in here because it's a rated M fic and also is super short, but I find [this kinktober fill I did] pretty funny. It's Alistair semi-intentionally stumbling across Nat and Zev finding some private time away from camp.
4. Something that surprised you
[I recorded a podfic of Seventeen] and, frankly, I'm surprised anyone even clicked on it. I'm extremely proud of how I did it and the sheer number of skills I learned from it.
5. Something you want other people to see
This is a snippet from an unpublished/unfinished fic from my series [seventeen years]. Its working title is "Twenty-Six"; it's meant to be written to hold a mirror between Natia (old form of Nat) and Maran Trevelyan. I still really like using Maran trying to live up to the folk hero juxtaposed against the reality of Natia being a child during the Blight.
Maran Trevelyn was sixteen when word arrived to the Free Marches.  The Blight – the Blight most hadn’t realized had even begun – was ended. There were stories, left and right and center; everyone claimed a different version of the truth.  The Hero of Fereldan was human.  The Hero was a mage.  The Hero was Dalish and the Hero was dead. Mar didn’t know which words were true, but she knew which ones she wanted. When Mar told herself stories, late at night, lying in a dreamless bed, the Hero was old, wise, brave.  A human warrior who knew battles and knew wars and fought with every fiber of her being to save the world, because it was her duty, not because it was right. Duty meant a lot, to the youngest daughter of a Marcher noble. In Mar’s world, the Hero was the woman she could become, if only she trained hard enough.  If only she fought herself and her desires until there was nothing left.  (Her Hero died in the end, but that really didn’t matter.  Duty first.)
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femcelmiku · 1 year
Pinned Post :3
Heyo~ My name is Monika! I am an 18 year old transbian who makes posts of all varieties, from shit, horny, silly, eldritch, sleepy, and so much more! There’s a little something for everyone on this blog :3 Unless you’re under the age of 18, in which case I will have to ask you to block this blog.
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DM’s and Asks are open to everyone! Send me whatever you desire, whether it just be to chat, snuggle, fuck, or play games!
Hobbies: Programming (Currently learning C#, know a bit of Python and Matlab), reading, video games, manga, and jacking off!
Games I like: Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic: The Gathering, Minecraft, Terraria, Guilty Gear -Strive-, Your Only Move is Hustle, Touhou, Don’t Starve Together, DDLC, Undertale, Katana Zero, and Noita, just to name a few!
Sexuality: I am lesbian, with a strong attraction to fellow trans girls~ I have too many kinks to list here (symptom of being transfemme), but feel free to ask or tag me in whatever kink stuff you think I may enjoy, which will likely be most of it!
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I am playing a fun game of “I have not touched matlab in over three years” as well as “I have not coded something in over a year” and I have graphs I need to make for my classes
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yolacricket · 6 months
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amitsaini012 · 7 months
Top 15 Weird Programming Languages In Use in 2024
Programming languages have come a long way since the early days of computer science. While mainstream languages like C, Java, and Python continue to dominate software development, there are plenty of more obscure and unconventional options out there. These "weird" languages often prioritize things like ease of use, minimalism, or just plain fun over practical application. Some are little more than hobbyist projects, while others have managed to carve out a niche despite their oddities. In 2024, programmers will have more choice than ever when it comes to selecting a language for their next project. Whether they're looking to experiment with something new or just have a laugh, these 15 weird programming languages demonstrate the creative fringe of modern computer programming. Though not suited for large-scale software engineering, they highlight the endless possibilities in language design.
Note: If you are struggling with your programming assignment, then you can get the best programming assignment help from our experts. 
1. Brainfuck 
One of the esoteric programming languages, Brainfuck consists of only 8 single-character commands. Programs look like long sequences of +++++++--<>, which is where the name comes from. It's challenging to write anything useful given the extreme minimalism.
2. Velato 
This language uses MIDI files as source code. Programs are literally music that gets compiled into executables. Debugging means listening to your code and fixing sour notes.
3. Chef 
Programs in Chef look like cooking recipes. Variables are ingredients, mixing them together follows the syntax, and executing the program requires "baking" the final recipe. A taste of computing for Food Network fans.
Inspired by the LOLcat meme, LOLCODE has verbose keywords like VISIBLE, GIMMEH, and OMGWTF. Semicolons are replaced by the phrase "NOW GTFO". Strange as it is, LOLCODE can actually be used to build applications.
5. Malbolge 
Malbolge was named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, and it was made to be very hard to program in. Its language is based on encryption, which is hard to understand, and each command can only access a small group of registers and memory places. It is more of a virtual torture device than a language.
6. Shakespeare 
This esoteric language aims to make programs appear like Shakespearean plays. Variables are cast as characters, IF statements become soliloquies, and functions act out scenes. The results are halfway between software and literature.
7. Emojicode 
Feeling expressive? Emojicode lets you construct variables, functions, loops, and other programming fundamentals out of emoji symbols. You'll be coding smiles, winks, and kisses in no time.
8. Piet 
Named after abstract artist Piet Mondrian, this color-based language has programs that look like abstract paintings. Different colors represent coding elements like variables or loops. Placement on the canvas determines logic flow.
9. Perl 
One of the old standbys of scripting languages, Perl has fallen out of fashion due to its dense syntax and orthogonality. Reading Perl code feels a bit like decoding an ancient hieroglyphic text these days.
Developed in the 1970s as a parody of other languages' cryptic syntax, INTERCAL is deliberately full of obtuse and nonsensical keywords that make writing sensible programs a fool's errand. More an academic curiosity than usable language now.
11. Befunge 
The source code for Befunge programs looks like a ASCII game map. Instructions execute left to right, top to bottom or can jump to new points on the map. Strange by nature and design, it's tough to wrap your head around Befunge.
While not that exotic, MATLAB draws criticism for using 1-based indexing instead of the 0-based indexes common to C and other languages. This disconnect from programming norms qualifies MATLAB for weird language status.
13. IDL 
Like MATLAB, IDL feels out of place because variables have to be explicitly declared before use. Due to this lack of dynamism and other limitations, IDL is often described as archaic by modern programmers.
14. COBOL 
Few languages seem as foreign to modern coders as COBOL, which powers critical legacy systems. Its wordy syntax and niche application domain make COBOL programming an oddity.
15. HQ9+ 
This minimalist joke language has only 4 instructions - H prints "Hello", Q prints its own source code, 9 prints the lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer, and + increments the accumulator. Vast programs are possible with those building blocks!
While unusual languages like those discussed above probably won't be powering the next great startup or operating system, they demonstrate that programming can encompass more than practical software engineering. Some weird languages like Velato turn code into music. Others like Chef and LOLCODE find the aesthetics in programming. And languages like Brainfuck and INTERCAL push minimalism and obfuscation to their limits. Most importantly, these esoteric languages show that even in computing, creativity comes in surprising packages. Weird languages keep pushing the boundaries and possibilities of programming itself. Even though few of us will write production software in Shakespeare or Emojicode, these novel languages represent the vanguard of creative expression through code. Their very existence highlights that computing is as much about human expression as logical rigor. So while businesses will stick to Python and Java for now, these weird languages continue to flex the diversity and range of programming possibilities.
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priyaohia · 11 months
At MATLAB Helper, we've got you covered. From free community support to expert help and training, we've got all the resources you need to become a pro in no time.
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nehaprem · 1 year
"Your Coding Journey Starts Here: Discover What Java Programming Can Do"
            Java programming, a dynamic and influential language, has the potential to transform your career in the world of technology. With its versatility and widespread adoption, Java offers an array of opportunities for professionals looking to enhance their skills and advance their careers. At ACTE Technologies, we recognize the immense potential of Java, and through our comprehensive courses, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in this dynamic field. Let's explore the vast horizons that Java programming can open for you and how ACTE Technologies can be your gateway to success.
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Here is the list of things what does Java do:
Mobile App Development:
            Java serves as the primary language for creating Android mobile applications. It is extensively utilized in the development of a wide range of Android apps. Android Studio stands out as the most popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building Android applications. Some well-known mobile apps developed using Java include Netflix, Google Earth, Twitter, and Uber.
Game Development:
            Java is a versatile language capable of game development. It supports powerful 3D engines, making it possible to create beloved games like Saints Row 2, Spiral Knights, Minecraft, Asphalt 6, and RuneScape. Additionally, Java accommodates jMonkeyEngine and the Dalvik Virtual Machine for crafting both 2D and 3D Android games.
Cloud Applications:
            Java is well-suited for developing cloud applications, which provide on-demand access to computing resources like servers, storage, databases, and networking. Developers leverage Java to create services like Logging as a Service (LaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). These cloud applications facilitate remote development and data sharing for companies.
Web Applications:
            Java is a popular choice for crafting high-quality web-based applications. It offers a secure and straightforward coding environment that appeals to web developers. Java supports technologies such as JavaServer Pages (JSP), Struts, and Servlets, enabling the development of a wide variety of web applications. Prominent web-based applications like Spotify, Netflix, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Uber are built using Java.
Scientific Applications:
            Java is an excellent choice for developing scientific applications due to its speed, portability, and security features. Notably, MATLAB utilizes Java in both its back-end and front-end to fulfill the requirements of scientific applications.
Java Distributed Applications:
            Java plays a pivotal role in building distributed applications, which run on multiple computers within the same network. Popular Java APIs like CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and RMI (Remote Procedure Invocation) are used to create distributed applications. Jini, or Java Intelligent Networking Infrastructure, is employed to provide, discover, and register distributed services. JavaSpaces, an integral part of Jini, supports object persistence, distribution, and migration in distributed environments.
Desktop Applications:
            Java provides an extensive set of libraries and tools for developing desktop applications that run on personal computers or laptops. Key advantages of Java desktop applications include platform independence, a rich user interface, and enhanced security.
Enterprise Applications:
            Enterprise applications are designed to support the operations of large organizations such as corporations, governments, and non-profits. Java is widely adopted for developing enterprise applications due to its robustness, scalability, and platform independence. Key benefits of using Java for enterprise applications include scalability, reliability, and seamless integration.
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Trading Applications:
            Java is a preferred choice for building trading applications, with Murex being a notable example. Many financial institutions rely on Murex for their trading operations.
            In summary, Java's versatility and robustness make it suitable for a wide range of application domains, from mobile apps and games to cloud-based solutions, web applications, scientific software, distributed systems, desktop applications, enterprise software, and trading platforms.
            Java programming is a gateway to a world of possibilities, and ACTE Technologies is your trusted partner in navigating this exciting journey. With our industry-focused training, experienced instructors, and hands-on learning experiences, you can harness the full potential of Java and position yourself for success in today's competitive tech landscape. Whether you aspire to become a mobile app developer, a game designer, or an enterprise software architect, mastering Java Course at ACTE Technologies will empower you to realize your career goals and make a significant impact in the world of technology. Embrace the power of Java, and let ACTE Technologies be your guide toward a brighter, more rewarding future.
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matlabhelperblog · 1 year
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techatkai · 2 years
What is Deep Learning and How Does it Work
What is Deep Learning and How Does it Work Deep learning is the branch of machine learning that focuses on using artificial neural networks. It has grown in popularity due to its ability to use large amounts of unlabeled data and create predictive models that can identify objects and predict events in real time.
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Neural Networks are networks of neurons that are connected by synapses. These synapses receive information from the other neurons, and then pass it to each next neuron. Then the next neuron passes it to another, and so on, until the final output signal is received.
Unlike the neurons in our brains, which are only useful when they are activated, an artificial neural network can learn and adapt. This is achieved through a process called learning by representation. The algorithm will automatically build a relevant representation of the input data, and then use this to predict the desired output.
In the case of a neural network, this learning happens via weights that are added or decreased by each layer in order to adjust how much information each neuron passes along. These weights determine how much the neuron gets fired, and they are a central feature of any deep learning system.
The number of layers is also How is Bitcoin and Tokenomics interlinked? important in the design of a deep learning system. The more layers there are, the more likely that the input can cause the output to change, so a network with many layers has a greater CAP depth.
A great example of this is how the Google Deepmind Team developed a program that learned to play Atari video games with just pixels as input. This is a completely new way to look at graphics and video processing.
Deep learning is a great way to improve computer vision, as it is now possible to train a neural network to recognize objects in photos and videos, as well as perform other tasks like image classification, restoration and segmentation. It also gives computers the ability to add color to black-and-white images.
The technology is already in use for a variety of applications and is expected to revolutionize the world. For example, self-driving cars will soon be able to detect traffic signals, know when to slow down or speed up, and even avoid obstacles and other vehicles. The same technology can be used for medical research and drug development, enabling more efficient healthcare services.
MATLAB makes deep learning technology website easy with tools and functions for working with machine learning, neural networks, and computer vision. Its specialized toolboxes make it quick and easy to get started, and its interface makes it simple to visualize and deploy models to servers and embedded devices.
Why is Deep Learning Important? Deep learning algorithms are built on artificial neural networks, and they are designed to mimic the structure of the human brain. They can learn from large amounts of unlabeled data, which is crucial as the internet of things grows and more devices become connected.
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stepphase · 2 years
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Apple iMac - 27inch with 8TB Storage and 5K Retina Display
Apple iMac 27inch Everything in one. It is beautifully designed, incredibly intuitive, and packed with powerful tools that will let you to the next level.
The Apple iMac 27 inch model elevates the experience every day with a faster graphic and a processor. And expanded storage and memory. Amazing video and audio capabilities. As well as, more amazingly Retina 5K display. This is a desktop that is faster and better.
Retina Display 5K with True Tone technology
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Source theverge
Everything will look better in Its display, with its 500 nits of brightness and one billion colors. Also, its graphics and photos leap off the screen and a text is super sharp that you will definitely love it. It also has new features namely True Tone technology for a more natural viewing experience with a nano-texture glass option to reduce its glare to the barest minimum you want.
Apple iMac 27 inch with Nano-Texture Glass
The nano-texture glass option will works in direct light, sunlight, and changing its light conditions. typical matte display coatings, that nano-texture is etched into glass at the nanometer level. This can reduce glare in a preserving contrast for jaw-dropping image qualities. Maximum detail in a minimum glare. the typical matte coating will reduce unwanted sparkle and haze and nano texture glass scatters inbound light to minimize glares.
Apple iMac 27 inch Processor & Memory
Intel Core i9 processor, 10th generation 5.0GHz turbo boost
The iMac 27-inch has a 10-core intel core i9 processor which is enough for testing code, layering dozens of audio tracks or compiling, editing photoshop, videos, or making music that is enough for heavy tasks.
128GB 2666MHz memory
The iMac 27-inch has 128GB to fly away, an amazing place to work. As well as it is fastest as twice.
Autodesk Maya: 35% faster Arnold render.
Final Cut Pro X: 40% faster ProRes transcode.
Logic Pro X: 65% more Amp Designer plug-ins.
MATLAB: 20% faster simulation of dynamical systems.
WebKit Compile: 25% faster build time using Xcode.
Apple iMac 27 inch Graphics
16GB GDDR6 memory which is 6x faster than 8GB memory And it's compile units is 40
The iMac 27-inch has AMD Radeon pro 5000 series graphics with 16GB of GDDR6 memory. you can do heavy work or also play high or a very high graphic game in it.
Final Cut Pro X is 30% faster timeline render performance
Fortnite is 35% faster performance
Maxon Cinema 4D is 55% faster render with ProRender
Total War: THREE KINGDOMS is 45% faster performance
Unity Editor is 50% faster demo fly-through
Apple iMac 27 inch Storage 8TB
The iMac 27-inch has 8TB SSD with 3.4GB/s sequential read and write speeds. Which is enough for fast access your videos, photo, big files.
Mics, Speaker and Camera 2.2 with 1080p FaceTime
The iMac 27-inch has a 1080p FaceTime HD camera, also studio quality three mic array. As well as T2 chip with speakers so that is enable variable EQ and enhanced bass response amazingly. SO everything have a big balanced high fidelity sounds.
Apple T2 Security Chip
It has a Secure Enclave coprocessor that provide the foundation for secure boot and also has a encrypted storage capabilities. As well as, it's enablles 1080p FaceTime HD camera, enhanced speaker bass response, face detection and a Hey Siri and transcoding HEVC video superfast.
The iMac 27-inch has a 10Gb ethernet port which is 10 times faster than a previous generation. That has a Ultrafast Wi-FI and Bluetooth 5.0 which can connect you instantly to your favorite wireless devices.
Magic Mouse 2 and a Magic Keyboard, Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad and a Magic Trackpad 2.
Apple iMac 27 inch
Apple iMac 27 inch Specification
5K Retina Display
5120 x 2880 resolution, supported one billion colors
500 nits brightness
True Tone Tech
Configurable with a nano texture glass
Price: 2299
Memory: 128GB / 64GB / 32GB / 16GB /8Gb
Storage: 8TB / 4TB / 2TB / 1TB / 512GB / 256GB
1 Radeon Pro 5700 XT with 16GB DDR6 memory
2 Radeon Pro 5700 XT with 8GB DDR6 memory
3 Radeon Pro 5500 XT with 8GB DDR6 memory
4 Radeon Pro 5300 XT with 4GB DDR6 memory
5 Radeon Pro 5300 XT with 4GB DDR6 memory
3.8GHz 3.6GHz 10-core 10th generation Intel Core i9 5.0GHz 3.8GHz 8-core 10th generation Intel Core i7 5.0GHz 3.3GHz 3.6GHz 10-core 10th generation Intel Core i5 5.0GHz 3.3GHz 6-core 10th generation Intel Core i9 4.8GHz 3.1GHz 3.1GHz 6-core 10th generation Intel Core i5 4.5GHz
Expansion & Connection
3.5mm headphone jack
SDXC card slot ports
Gigabit Ethernet
Wi-Fi: 802.11ac
Bluetooth: 5.0
Weight & Size
Weight: 19.7 pounds
Apple iMac Buy from Amazon.com or Amazon.in
You can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our page. Thank you for your visit.
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demoani · 2 years
Modern combat 4 apk 4.4.2
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This app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app and may contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you to a third-party site. Perfect for anyone hungry for solo play first person shooter fun, or team play eSports competition.ĭon't forget to follow us on social media: So if you’re ready for the online FPS of your dreams, dive into this unparalleled free game that takes online multiplayer to new heights. Modern Combat 5 requires an Internet connection. MOGA Pro is also supported, in mode B (HID Mode). > Modern Combat 5 supports HID game controllers. > Intuitive, highly customizable controls so you can play the game just the way you want. In the short language, you can say that this was a shooting or the military game. > Great graphics, music and voice performances perfectly adapted for a first person shooter game. Modern Combat 5 Mod APK Modern Combat 5 Blackout is the game for the user who is interested in the game in which battles, war, missions and mostly gunshots have occurred. This is the fourth installment in Gameloft’s popular Modern Combat Shooters series. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour MOD APK Latest Version 1.2.3e Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour is the best FPS action game in the world. > Play the new Spec Ops missions for a real online FPS adrenaline rush. Download the latest Apk version 1.2.3e of Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour MOD APK, An Action game for Android. > Engage in fast-paced story missions where the call will take you from Tokyo to Venice for a variety of first person shooter challenges. > Customize the perfect weapon using a host of attachments and jump straight into the free game action. > Unlock higher-tier guns and other weapons by mastering lower-tier guns. > Accumulate XP and level up by playing both solo play missions and team play matches. > Win free rewards and cool prizes in limited-time events. > Top the individual and Squads leaderboards as you master your eSports skills. > Talk to other players to plan your online multiplayer strategies and coordinate an attack in the Global and Squad Chats. Conectável, este é um ótimo atirador de ação e fantasia para os. Esta é a quarta versão da famosa série de atiradores Modern Combat da Gameloft. > Epic guns-a-blazing team play in Squad vs. Descrição do Modern Combat 4 Mod APK Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour é o jogo de ação FPS nº 1 do mundo. > Watch players engaged in live online FPS battles and eSports competitions with all the great graphics you expect in the new Spectator mode. > Activate class-specific skills by earning and spending Skill Points. > Find the playstyle that suits you: Assault, Heavy, Recon, Sniper, Support, Bounty Hunter, Sapper, X1-Morph, or Kommander. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour v1.2.3e (MOD+MAX GFX) Apk+Data For Android Gameplay Full offlineCopyright Issues :This video is for educational purposes only and. > Customize and level up any of the 9 classes across solo play and team play modes. 4- Now an installation window appears, now agree to License. 3- Now open the Modern Combat 5 folder and double click on the Modern Combat 5 setup file. 2- After the download finishes, open the Modern Combat 5 folder and extract the content from it. You won’t find more first person shooter fun in a free game anywhere! Modern Combat 4 Graphic Patch Mk Sensations freeload Castlevania Mugen Nicky Jam Me Voy Pal Party Lyrics Warface Ps4 Hack Android On Iphone Ios 9 Matlab Linux Version freeload E13009 Pdf Warcraft 3 Torrent Gta San Andreas Gtasa Exe Download Kodi 17 Para Android 4. 1- Just click on the download button and select a location where you want to download the file. Modern Combat 4 resembles with CoD game but this time it is developed and shaped for Android smart phone users. This version of the game is much improved from graphics and physics engine along with the main storyline of the game. Prefer to work alone? Then feel free to step into the thrilling solo play campaign as you shoot your way through one dire situation after another to save the world as you launch an attack against a lunatic’s apocalyptic plans. Modern Combat 4 is basically the continuation of well known first person shooter for Android platform. Create a squad from 9 classes, add your friends for team play and test your skills in dynamic warfare against online rivals from around the world! Step onto the battlefield and answer the call with the title that raised the bar for first person shooter games with its great graphics, high-powered guns and intense online multiplayer action. Suppose you are looking for a direct download of pikashow, then you are in the right. War has evolved, and so has the best online FPS on mobile! Pikashow is one the best alternative to TeaTV, which is a top-rated app. > “Sharp controls, impressive graphics.” – Pocket Gamer For more information on downloading Modern Combat 5: eSports FPS to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files.> “Amps everything up to the next level.” – 148Apps
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archimains · 2 years
Desmume for mac controls
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With this new release comes brand new Cocoa frontend designed to make selecting roms and playing more pleasant for Mac OSX users and the 0.9.9 version is finally compatible with Mountain Lion - both sound and video should work fine. Menu Command Navigate Select ROM In Emulation + Equivalent DS Button A B Select Start D-pad R shoulder button L shoulder button X Y or . Some time has passed since the latest release of the DeSmuME emulator, but behind the scenes the development has not stopped. 2.1 Menu 2.2 In Emulation 2.3 In Game 3 Media 4 Compatibility List. You can also use post-processing filters to improve the visual experience.Īmong its other features, this emulator also lets you save the game at any time, take screenshots and videos of the games, and use advanced settings to show layers that are useful if you want to rip content from the game. DeSmuME Wii is a port of the Nintendo DS emulator DeSmuME to Wii homebrew. Desmume Emulator Controls Mac Matlab 7. This way, you can play all the console's classics, like New Super Mario Bros, Pokemon White/Black, Animal Crossing, and the first games of Professor Layton. If not, you can go into the Preferences and map out the buttons yourself. Once connected, you can open OpenEmu and the buttons should automatically map. The one below, which corresponds to the touchscreen in Nintendo DS, can be controlled using the mouse, while the traditional pad can be used with the keyboard as well as with an USB gamepad connected to the computer. For the first time, the It just works philosophy now extends to open source video game emulation on the Mac. Once youve made sure youre good to go, just hold the Sync button on the top of the controller and youll be able to see it in the Bluetooth settings and Connect. The emulator shows both screens of the console.
The Windows and OSX versions are both relatively feature rich, and there is a small universe of forks and mods that add even more. Homebrew programs are supported and can even be debugged through GDB. It sports tools designed for hackers, speedrunners, youtubers, and casual gamers. It lets you use your PC to play the majority of the games in the console's catalog, using many additional features that improve the experience with respect to the original device. DeSmuME is the most seasoned open source Nintendo DS emulator. DeSmuMe is one of the best emulators for the handheld console Nintendo DS (and Game Boy Advance) that you can find.
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