#matlab tic
priyaohia · 11 months
At MATLAB Helper, we've got you covered. From free community support to expert help and training, we've got all the resources you need to become a pro in no time.
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matlabhelper · 2 years
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Learn how to create a #MATLAB version of the game - Who wants to be a #millionaire? You will learn to use essential functions like tic, toc, input, looping, and conditional statements. Explore at https://mlhp.link/BlogMillionaireGame
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matlabhelperblog · 2 years
Webinar | ​​Code and Play Games with MATLAB | MATLAB Helper ®
Learn coding games like Sudoku, Rock Paper Scissor, Mario, and TicTacToe using MATLAB with our Webinar on Code and Play Games with MATLAB. Create your own game and enjoy your gaming experience with programming.
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hellopersimmonpie · 3 years
Mba? Kamu kuliahnya di bidang IT ya. Huhu, aku mau tanya, gimana numbuhin semangat buat belajar ngoding dong :(, Aku mau curcol my recently issue. Aku kuliah sambil kerja, smt 6. Ini lagi fokusnya bikin sistem gitu, susah banget buat ngikutin nya, sedih banget. Mana kelas online, yang masuk di otak cuma 0,5%. 🥺
Dulu baru beneran bisa ngoding pas Tugas Akhir sih. Itupun di MATLAB. Habis itu, pas S2 baru pelan-pelan dapet kerjaan freelance pake C++ sama Python.
Sampai sekarang, skill codingku juga nggak bagus banget hhaa. Aku nggak pernah bikin web ato aplikasi android.
Kalau kamu mau belajar ngoding, harus nyoba bikin projek kecil-kecilan biar kelihatan hasilnya. Matengin dulu konsep OOP kalo tujuannya ke Software Engineering. Tapi kalo tujuan kamu lebih ke optimasi algoritma, matengin struktur data sama manajemen memori.
Aku sekarang tuh kalo agak nganggur suka bikin minigame di C++ atau Unity buat mendalami OOP sama Design Pattern di game. Gamenya ya nggak aneh-aneh sih. Cuman sudoku, tic tac toe, snake dan game-game klasik lainnya.
Jangan insecure dengan banyaknya teknologi baru di IT. Emang tiap tahun tuh ada aja tren teknologi baru. Tapi kamu nggak harus catch up sama semuanya. Tentuin kamu sukanya apa biar nemu spesialisasi. Cari komunitas online juga kalo perlu.
Aku sampe sekarang masih baca-baca kaggle meskipun udah jarang banget ikut kompetisinya. Temen-temenku yang ngembangin aplikasi mobile banyak yang join ke komunitas Kotlin di Telegram. 
@eskrimcukulat ato @mangatapurnama mungkin bisa nambahin jawaban
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smallest-info · 5 years
Smallest 3
This MATLAB function returns the smallest element S and largest element L of an array. New York's smallest teaching hospital: Ellenville Regional Hospital. When you look at our size, you might be surprised to know that we train Doctors, Physician ... List of the Smallest Colleges in Minnesota. Attending a small college in Minnesota is a great way for students to really get to know their peers and professors on ... SHARGE is raising funds for World Smallest & Lightest 3-Port 65W Laptop/USB Wall Charger on Kickstarter! The Single Charger You'll Ever Need: With 2 ... The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five ocean basins. Key West hotel known as the Smallest Bar Inn and also as the The Old Customs House Inn and Hotel is one of the most unique places to stay in Key West. May 29, 2019 - SAN DIEGO — The smallest surviving baby in the world was released this month from a San Diego hospital after being born at just 8.6 ounces, ... Aug 27, 2019 - Copenhagen's Central Hotel, situated in the city's hip district of Vesterbro, may quite possibly be the world's smallest hotel. It includes all the ... Dec 18, 2019 - This process resulted in structure measuring just 6 microns wide by 10 microns long, likely making it the smallest house – or more accurately a ... These are some of the smallest animals in the World. From the pygmy rabbit to the hog-nosed bat, you'll need sharp eyes to spot these incredible animals. Jan 15, 2020 - Free 2-day shipping. Buy WORLDS SMALLEST BLIND BOX at Walmart.com. 4 days ago - Check out the American Kennel Club's list of smallest dog breeds, including the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Maltese, and more. Some call them wacky. We call them wonderful. They're our biggest, smallest, tallest, crookedest attractions! And they're the stuff dreams – and road trips – are ... Kendama Skill Toy World's Smallest. Play the ... Toss Across Game World's Smallest Tic-Tac-Toe. Play the ... Fisher Price School Bus Mini World's Smallest. 75.2k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 'smallest' hashtag. While the world is busy searching for the fastest, greenest, or most efficient cars; we would like you to meet five of the smallest cars ever produced. For your viewing pleasure, we've lined them all up in order from the smallest to the largest, the new $13 billion USS Gerald R Ford supercarrier. But hey, even ... Aug 22, 2019 - Scientists have created what they're calling the world's smallest engine. How small? The entire engine is a single calcium ion. The 100 smallest countries (ranked in order of increasing of the area) including microstates in Europe, the Caribbean sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Classic arcade video games that fit in the palm of your hand and actually work! Complete game play, full color, hi-res screen, authentic game sounds, joystick ... Welcome to the smallest page on the web. You've downloaded some tiny drops of pond water. These pages will guide you through the hidden world of ... Just like the original game, but the World's Smallest UNO Card Game is in miniature form making things way more interesting. Find more World's Smallest Toys ... Is it a Yo-Yo? Is it a hammer? It's neither! Catch the Kendama ball in the small cup, or large cups and spike with the World's Smallest licensed Kendama! At 3/4" ... This is the world's smallest digital camera, measuring just over one inch in all dimensions and weighing only half an ounce. Rechargeable battery provides up to ... May 29, 2019 - "Saybie," as she's called by her nurses, officially weighed in at 7 grams less than the previous world's smallest surviving baby born in Germany ... Jul 26, 2019 - Some 18 million years ago, a tiny monkey weighing little more than a baseball lived in the Amazon rainforest, the smallest fossil monkey known ... Aug 21, 2019 - Physicists create world's smallest engine The world's smallest engine works due to its intrinsic spin, which converts heat absorbed from laser ... Jan 28, 2020 - Jude Law and Leonardo DiCaprio are on the 10 "smallest penises in Hollywood" list - while Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor are on the "most ... Smallest Post Office in the United States. Field review by the editors. Ochopee, Florida. This closet-sized, 7x8-foot building used to be an irrigation pipe shed for ...
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ncsarp17 · 7 years
Yesterday we worked all day trying to finalize our results and put together a presentation. I’m currently trying to figure out the best way to make graphs and heat maps in MatLab for my project; they will map chlorophyll-a concentration, and the result of an algorithm I used to determine the fractional contribution of each phytoplankton size class (microplankton, nanoplankton, and picoplankton) to the total chlorophyll following Cyclone Opal near Hawaii. Around 6, we decided to take a break and join the Land Group mentor David and few students for hiking at Quail Hill. It was less of a hike and more of a pretty walk through fields at sunset, but we had a nice time. Afterwards, Lexi, Tyler, Dallas, and I went out for pizza, then went to the TIC-TAC house to play Secret Hitler. Secret Hitler is a group (10ish people) game in which everyone is secretly assigned to one of 2 teams and you need to try to determine who is on your team and how you guys can win. Everyone gets really into it and it’s a lot of fun!
Today everyone worked on finishing our projects for most of the day again, and the final group dinner was in the evening. After our dramatic Flat Earth Society dinner, WAS felt they needed to go hard too. We were asked to wear black and arrive promptly for induction into Alpha Chi Omega (the sorority house they live in). We made fun of them for copying us with the hand delivered invitations and induction idea, but their dinner was really fun. We were given pink blindfolds at the door and told to hold hands as they directed us single file around the dark living room. They dramatically read an initiation ceremony and had us take an oath, then demanded blood sacrifice from the Oceans Group in the middle of the room where they just gave us back the rubber fish they stole. When we were told to take off our blindfolds, they showed a hilarious satirical sorority promotional video with all of them throughout the internship. Their dinner consisted of really good homemade grilled cheese sandwiches (the tomato pesto and spinach feta ones were amazing) and a salad, then Dr. Blake made liquid nitrogen ice cream for everyone. After dinner, everyone went back home to continue working for the rest of the night.
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fernandonaranjo67 · 7 years
Robotics: Fundamentals
See on Scoop.it - Informática Educativa y TIC
Master the foundational math concepts that drive robotics and put them into practice using MATLAB.
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First Programs When Learning a New Language
There are several languages that are key to using in Machine Learning:
Elixir - the, “pipeline,” for robust, large amounts of data.
There are several, “rule of thumb” programs which are noted as being important to start out with writing:
Basic: Hello World
Python - Done.
Ruby - Done.
Javascript - Done.
Matlab - Done.
C++ - Done.
Elixir - Done.
Type casting: return int with reversed digits of int input
Elixir - Done.
Map: return a dict of letter counts in a string
Recursion: Fibonacci
Pattern matching: extract phone numbers from a text file
DB: parse CSV and store in (no)SQL db
Net: API endpoint that returns aggregate results from multiple external API request (use some sort of concurrency for requests and/or aggs?)
Data structures, text input: tic tac toe, battleship, or some similar game
Graphics, visual input: flood fill, line drawing, A* pathing, or somesuch
Data statistics: calc mean, max, min, 95% from a time series dataset for various time intervals (and graph them?)
Second opinion on the above:
This one is library dependent. Most languages don't have something like linq. A lot of the DSLs that map SQL queries to your favourite language are at times not very performant as well. Many times, you end up using plain SQL or whatever NOSQL depending on how good the library is.
Also library dependent unless you want to get into low level sockets which most people don't even remotely understand. On top of this, depending on what framework you're using (because no one makes a server from scratch nowadays when there are entire organizations dedicated to developing a framework) the library is different.
I work in software and I can imagine how i'd implement this, but I've never done it. Seriously have never found a reason to ever do this. This is some intro to cs shit. That's like asking "How to implement quicksort in X lang". Most of the time wont need it.
I never work with graphics. I don't know jack shit about graphics. I'm a server side developer/security analyst and I don't need to know this shit. I'd hardly make this a must.
IMO, the entire problem with this thread and responses is you only need to memorize specifics once you work in something very often. I can sniff a network with scapy without looking at any references but if you ask me how to do this in C I have no idea, but give me a few hrs I could get it to work.
What people need to understand is that knowledge of concepts matter more than individual implementation. If you understand concepts from the ground up, you can work with any implementation.
More Advanced Things...
Consume an API ( REST / SOAP )
Create an API ( REST / SOAP )
Implement a few data structures ( Linked List / ArrayList / Binary Search Tree )
Implement a few algorithms ( A*, DFS, BFS, etc. )
Create some bot ( Discord, Reddit )
Scrape some website that doesn't have a public-facing API ( Craigslist )
Various side projects related / tied into your personal hobbies ( for me, cars )
Section 1. 2nd nature Basics: these should be things you don't have to think about
Simple Types. If you can't deal with words (Strings), numbers (integers, doubles, floats etc) and binary options (booleans), you cant really do anything useful for non technical humans to understand
Type Manipulation. if you cant convert 11 (as a string) into 11 (as an integer) then you cannot do a calculation with written numbers. If you don't know how
Logical loops and conditions. (e.g If, Else If, For Each, While, Switch Case etc. ) if you cant do this you cannot program anything useful... and for gods sake don't create a potentially infinite loop in your program.
I/O or Read/Write. if you cant take inputs from somewhere and provide an output, what's the point?!
Functions/methods and overloads. Learn how to create them and reuse them as often as you can whenever a similar problem presents itself.
Error handling AND LOGGING. no function should be without a try catch [turns out this is fairly specific to my specific application specifications]. use what you learned doing I/O and output the errors to a log file so you can see where things are going wrong, even if they don't cause unexpected behaviour.
Section 2. Necessary basics: these might require a little more thought in terms of how you optimise certain things, but definitely not challenging on a day to day basis.
Complex Types. Lists, collections, multidimensional arrays. all very useful when dealing with lots of data
Interfacing: how to create reusable interfaces to be used throughout your application
Classes and inheritance and class structure: This will form the basic structure of all your programs
I/O 2 Database transactions. so how to query SQL to get your data, and how to update tables with the results.
Section 3. stuff you should know but might want to look up occasionally
learn a structural framework (MVVM, MVC)
Front end (Xaml if you're doing WPF, HTML/CSS + a bit of JS for web)
Section 4 Everything Else:
Google.... no i'm serious, google has the answer to every question you could possibly want to ask about programming. so unless you are doing something groundbreaking and new, google will likely have your answer. so long as you have a solid grasp of everything i put above you should be able to integrate any solution provided on the web into your own code. but it's up to you to make it as efficient as possible...
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matlabhelper · 6 years
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Bored? Want to play Tic Tac Toe in MATLAB? Learn more with our blog at https://mlhp.link/TicTacToeBlog #MATLAB #GUI #Game #TicTacToe https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIItpIAWGL/
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matlabhelper · 6 years
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Bored? Want to play Tic Tac Toe in MATLAB? Learn more with our blog at https://mlhp.link/TicTacToeBlog #MATLAB #GUI #Game #TicTacToe https://www.instagram.com/p/BsZvHEHAZyZ/
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matlabhelper · 4 years
Learn how to create a MATLAB version of the game Who wants to be a millionaire? You will learn how to use basics functions like tic, toc, input, looping and conditional statements. Explore at https://mlhp.link/BlogMillionaireGame #MATLAB
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matlabhelper · 5 years
Learn coding games like Sudoku, Rock Paper Scissor, Mario and Tic Tac Toe using MATLAB with a two video series. Create your own game in MATLAB and enjoy your gaming experience with MATLAB. Visit https://mlhp.link/LiveGame #MATLABHelperLive
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matlabhelper · 5 years
Learn coding games like Sudoku, Rock Paper Scissor, Mario and Tic Tac Toe using MATLAB with a two video series. Create your own game in MATLAB and enjoy your gaming experience with MATLAB. Visit https://lms.matlabhelper.com/webinar/code-and-play-games-with-matlab/ #MATLABHelperLive
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matlabhelper · 5 years
Learn coding games like Sudoku, Rock Paper Scissor, Mario and Tic Tac Toe using MATLAB with a two video series. Create your own game in MATLAB and enjoy your gaming experience with MATLAB. Visit https://lms.matlabhelper.com/webinar/code-and-play-games-with-matlab/ #MATLABHelperLive
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matlabhelper · 6 years
Bored? Want to play Tic Tac Toe in MATLAB? Learn more with our blog at https://mlhp.link/TicTacToeBlog #MATLAB #GUI #Game #TicTacToe
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matlabhelper · 6 years
Bored? Want to play Tic Tac Toe in MATLAB? Learn more with our blog at https://mlhp.link/TicTacToeBlog #MATLAB #GUI #Game #TicTacToe
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