#Platonic Marichat
a-flaming-idiot · 9 months
Headcanon: Marinette keeps trying to have "Girls'-Night-Sleepovers" with her classmates, but Chat Noir just flies in through a window cause he wants to see his one-sided best friend. Mari tries to chase him out, but the other girls insist he is allowed to stay. He's so non-threatening and chill and polite so he's just allowed to vibe and have his nails painted while spilling hero tea.
This has happened like three times. Chat Noir is just an unofficial girl in the friend group. Marinette hates it so much cause it gives Chat Noir more reason to just barge into her room and bother her and/or her friends.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
Platonic Love square HCs pt.3 (?)
Continuing off my "Adrien loves to doodle..." HC, Marinette loves getting him new colors and replacing empty/used up supplies for his hobby. He goes through them faster than she does and she doesn't mind picking up a few things even if he insists that he can get them himself.
As LB and CN, they tend to take turns walking people home if they ever get into a situation (someone trying to assault them for instance) where they don't feel safe, where one of them is walking with the person and the other is on the roof keeping an eye out.
Whether she is in or out of the mask, Marinette will always jump to defend Chat Noir. He's not a villain, say that again and you'll see who you should really be scared of.
Adrien, in turn, whether or not he's wearing his mask, will jump to his Lady's side if people push her to do more. Stop pushing her to do your job, maybe if you'd help us/them, we'd get somewhere faster.
They play their version of Marco-Polo during patrol, which is literally just Ladybug going "Chat!" and Chat Noir going "Meow!"
Trash talk fashion shows, especially Audrey's after Gabriel shuts down (before it shut down they'd go after Gabriel hard).
One time they were late to an Akuma because Chat had decided to take a nap on Ladybug's lap. Alya caught the moment.
They have social media accounts for their hero IDs. Chat Noir has always leaned towards funny, wholesome and generally just random posts (in short, he's posting whatever he wants). Ladybug tries to keep things professional, but eventually she also begins to shift into a "I'm posting whatever I want" mindset. It's mostly pics of Chat Noir.
Marinette once got Adrien to transform into Mister Bug again so she could use him as a reference for body armor designs.
Marinette, on Twitter: Reasons you should sign my petition to get Adrien Agreste to quit Gabriel and start working for me, MDC, a 🧵: 1. Gabriel Agreste is a bitch. | 2. I wouldn't have Adrien wear the same outfit in different colors. | 3. I'll feed him. | 4. Gabriel is a bitch. | 5. I won't make him model with someone who doesn't know boundaries. | 6. I'll let him have a say in what he wears. | 7. Gabriel Agreste is a bitch. Thank you for reading! (Felix, replying: didn't bother to read the🧵, signed the petition because I hate my uncle and want his business to fail <3 | Marinette: one of two (for now) things we have in common: loving Adrien and hating Gabriel )
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byfulcrums · 2 years
When I say that I like MariChat I don't mean that I want them to date. I need the platonic BFFs who hang out almost everyday and pull pranks on eachother
Chat Noir is genuinely invested in Marinette's designs, and he lets her ramble about them while also encouraging her to make more
Sometimes they're so bored they chat for hours
They try to play videogames but That's claws make it hard for him to use the controllers
Marinette gives Chat stuff she gets from the bakery. Chat loves it and eats all of them everytime because he doesn't really get to eat sugary stuff at Adrien Agreste and God knows that he needs to gain a little more weight
Chat once mentioned how annoying his diet is (without saying why he has to follow it) and how since he actually exercises a lot more than what people think he does, he finds himself losing way to much weight for it to be healthy. Ever since then, Marinette makes sure to give him as many food as she can whenever he drops by. (She did the same for Adrien after he complained about his diet to Nino while she was right beside him)
Chat Noir will never shut up about Ladybug until Marinette accidentally mentions her crush on this guy who goes to the same school as her. Now, he's always trying to get her to talk about him
Marinette uses a small laser to entertain Chat when she's annoyed with him. She had to do it more carefully when Chat, trying to chase the red dot, accidentally fell out of the window and caught her parents's attention with the trash
Chat tries to help her with homework
Marinette swears that if she ever finds out who Chat's dad is, she's going to beat him to death
Chat once laughed while he was drinking milk and it came out of his nose. It took him twenty-five minutes to calm down and it was very hard for Marinette to explain to her parents why they could hear uncontrollable male laughter coming from her room
When things are too hard with his dad, Chat runs away and sleeps on Marinette's balcony. He said he'd stop doing it after Marinette caught him, but now she just invites him to her room and has a small sleepover with him
Marinette will *never* stop mentioning the time where Chat Noir accidentally rubbed his face on catnip and went to her house high. Chat is still embarrassed
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justhereforkeefe · 5 months
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rosekasa · 6 months
marinette and chat noir having an emotional moment on her balcony because she's feeling really down about her dating life and how everyone around her seems to find it so easy to get into relationships and maybe there's something wrong with her, inherently, that she just doesn't know about. and chat noir cannot STAND to here his very good friend talk like this about herself so he cuts her off and immediately says "do you have any idea how gorgeous you are, marinette?"
for a moment, she doesn't know what to say. there's silence across the balcony.
and then suddenly she bursts into uncontrollable laughter, because "chat it's so weird to hear you say stuff like that to me please never do it again."
he is SO MAD
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calsvoid · 6 months
i love when falling in love is meeting a blurry “masterpiece” of a person and watching the details focus into someone you still adore
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
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enjoy the first chapter to what is going to be a series of dumbassery and romantic tension
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hiiiiiiiii welcome to my bullshit!!
in my decade-ish of obsessively regularly consuming fanfic and fanart and drawing my OWN fanart and all the other fanwork... I have never written fanfiction.
I've never been a great writer but the brainrot has consumed me and my need for specific fanfic has become so intense and has gotten way too specific and now nothing is enough anymore
so here i am😌✨💕 this account is just me spewing out shit that appeals to the bugs in my brain
the pieces of media you'll probably catch me writing for on here include but are not limited to....
~Harry Potter
-Miraculous Ladybug
-Boku No Hero Academia
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seas-of-silver · 1 year
Marinette wiped sweat off her sunburnt forehead and scratched at the mosquito bites dotting her arms before once again internally cursing herself for letting Chat drag her on this stupid camping trip.
Marinette wiped sweat off her sunburnt forehead and scratched at the mosquito bites dotting her arms before once again internally cursing herself for letting Chat drag her on this stupid camping trip. As much as she loved the wonders of nature, she was a city girl at heart! She would spend her hot evenings in her room with fans on, not hiking up a never-ending hill. She preferred doing her business in a toilet rather than a hole in the ground. She liked being in the safety and comfort of your home, and not in the wild with all these god. damn. mosquitos!
She slapped her arm. She missed.
'Come on, Marinette!' Chat chirped joyfully. 'We're almost there!'
She huffed, readjusting her backpack. He was much too excited for her right now.
It was his excitement in the first place that got her into this mess. She had just been watering her balcony garden one afternoon when she spotted Chat bounding across rooftops over to her like a puppy that hadn't seen its owner all day.
'Marinette!' he had cried out, eyes agleam and grin wide. 'I have the most awesome idea!'
He had bounced on the balls of his feet as he gushed all about his idea about going camping - he had heard tales from his friends and wanted desperately to experience the activity for himself, but didn't want to go alone. He had made it sound fun, she'd admit, and any hesitation she felt in that moment evaporated when she saw the look in his eyes. While they glittered with wonder and enthusiasm, his eyes pleaded with her, conveying a longing and vulnerability that had the words spill from her mouth before she realised she had made a decision.
'I'll go with you.'
Chat's mouth had softly dropped open in surprise before grinning impossibly wide and sweeping her up a hug, twirling her around as he thanked her a thousand times over.
'You won't regret this!' he had promised her, practically vibrating with glee.
She slapped her other arm as she trudged through the dirt behind him as they weaved between the trees. She missed again.
When he had talked of camping, she had imagined going to a camp-friendly park in Paris, setting up a tent and having a picnic - after all, that was the type of camping she and her family did when she was little, and nothing Chat said disagreed with that image. She should've questioned harder as Ladybug when he begged her for the Horse Miraculous for "a very important mission" he had to do. She saw right through his flimsy excuse, not that she let him know it, and gave him Kaalki's glasses with the provisos that he take very good care of the Miraculous and kwami, and that should there be an akuma in Paris that he return immediately - conditions he accepted easily.
She thought he was going to stay within the country - how was she supposed to know he'd take Marinette to Australia?! She wasn't prepared for Australia! There were crocodiles and snakes and spiders and-
-mosquitoes in Australia! This was a country famous for its dangerous wildlife - just look at the dingos!
'Chat, when you say "a little longer"-' she began.
'We're just here!' he confirmed brightly as he turned to face her, before turning sheepish. 'Um, well, I had to make the booking under my name... so, uh...'
He looked behind him, and she followed his gaze to the kiosk at the front of what she supposed were the camping grounds. She looked at the sign, and couldn't decide if she found "Mystery Bay" a fun name for a bay or an ominous one. Suddenly, it made more sense as to why Chat suggested she pack swimmers, not that she could quite see the bay from where they stood... which reminded her of their current conundrum.
'Um, I'll put my sunglasses on and close my eyes,' she suggested. 'You detransform and guide me where we need to go. When you see an opportunity, transform back.'
'What about when I give my name to the counter?' he asked.
Marinette paused. 'I'll put my headphones on and play music, so I don't hear it, and after you've finished there, tap my shoulder and I'll take them out so I can hear you again.'
'Sounds good to me!' he agreed, and she got to work.
Soon, her headphones were in and playing a playlist of Nino's music, her sunglasses were on with her eyes screwed shut, and her hands were holding firmly onto his arm. Even so, she almost ruined the plan when she felt the magic wash over her as he detransformed, making her skin tingle. All at once, she was acutely aware of how vulnerable he was, and how much he trusted her. She held him a little closer.
The wait was agonising. The music did little to soothe her nerves... especially when she could continue to feel those pesky bugs making her skin itch. Eventually, he tapped her shoulder.
'Hey, Marinette,' he said as she removed her headphones, 'everything is sorted. Ready?'
'Su-' she cut herself off as she slapped her arm again, and tsked when she missed.
'Ah, you being bitten by the mozzies, eh?' the man behind the counter asked her in English. Assuming "mozzies" were mosquitoes, she nodded. 'Here - spray some Aeroguard on ya, but I recommend you get some for yourself the next time you go past Woolies.'
She cautiously opened her eyes, studiously ignoring Chat's form next to her as she looked at the object in the man's hand, some blue can... a bug spray? She cautiously sprayed it on her arm.
'Don't be shy,' the man encouraged kindly, 'just spray it on - you too, mate,' he added to Chat next to her.
She was relieved the man didn't use her companion's name. Wanting to avoid any more close calls, she sprayed herself all over before blindly handing the can to Chat, closing her eyes again as soon as she held his arm again, feeling the fabric of his shirt against her skin. Her heart was pounding...and they hadn't even started camping yet.
She heard the can stop spraying and the man wishing them a great stay, before Chat started leading her down a path.
'Did you...see me?' he asked quietly.
'No,' she confirmed, 'I'm just glad he didn't say your name after I took out my headphones.'
He gave a light chuckle and she felt him relax. 'Me too.'
After a moment of walking, they came to a stop.
'This looks like a good spot to set up,' he declared. 'There's a toilet over there behind us, so I'll go in there and transform, okay?'
When she heard his footsteps fade away, she opened her eyes. The afternoon sun was filtering through the trees and ocean glistened with distant sounds of waves gently crashing against the shore. It was rustic and had an understated beauty.
'So!' Chat said as he jogged back to her, suited back up. 'What do you think?'
'It looks great, Kitty,' she told him, and his chest puffed up with praise. 'Ready to set up camp?'
'Ready!' he replied, tail swishing in delight.
They got camp set up... eventually. They had some missteps, and at one point Chat was completely entangled in the tent as they were setting it up, making them laugh at the ludicrous situation. Photos on baton and mobile alike captured silly moments, pretty landscapes and happy selfies. They got some funny looks from the other campers at Chat's attire, but Chat played it off as him losing a bet, and the weird looks turned into fond head shakes and warm smiles.
As the sun began set, Marinette opened the large insulated bag her parents helped her prep for the trip. After the kerfuffle that was Weredad, the superhero was a frequent visitor to the Dupain-Cheng household, even joining in on family game nights when he was able. Her parents treated him like any other friend of hers, and Chat, in turn, warmed up to them immensely. So, when they told her parents about the camping trip idea, her parents were all for it, and helped Chat organise and plan it, since he wanted to take the lead on it. It seemed that her parents knew them well enough to know neither of them would know how to start a fire to cook things, as the insulated bag was full of sandwich ingredients, an assortment of their favourite pastries and sweets, cutlery, water, and two thermoses with warm soup. They chatted as they ate, happily talking about everything and nothing as the sky burnt a brilliant orange.
Once their hunger was sated, they packed their belongings away into their tent and went to explore the nearby beach. Marinette slipped off her shoes and socks as she walked along the sand, with Chat commenting that he was glad his suit didn't let the sand wiggle in. Their lighthearted and jovial banter gradually transitioned into a gentle contentedness, conversations becoming more heartfelt, deep and meaningful.
Marinette wasn't quite sure when exactly it was when the sun set, only realising how dark it had become when Chat suggested they lay down to stargaze. She agreed to his suggestion, settling herself down on the sand as he did the same next to her. They would occasionally "stargaze" at home on her balcony, making up stories of what they might be able to see if it weren't for the light pollution hiding the stars from their view.
'Oh wow,' she gasped.
This was nothing like stargazing at home! There were stars! Real stars! Thousands and thousands and thousands of them twinkling brightly in the night sky like diamonds and glitter scattered beautifully on navy velvet. The sky was painted with deep blues and purples as the stars shined white and gold; colours she never associated with the sky after dark.
'Do you like it?'
Marinette turned her head to look at Chat, who was smiling warmly at her.
'Kitty, this- this is gorgeous!' she gushed, looking back up at the sparkling heavens. 'I... I have no words for how beautiful this is.'
'I'm glad you like it,' he said softly. 'I know that you came on this trip because I wanted you to, so I wanted to give you something, too. That's why I chose this place. Nat- uh, I heard from someone I know that she had gone camping here one time and was in awe of the view... well, that, and that apparently there's a cave somewhere here that if you throw rocks at it, the rocks will spark and it looks really cool?'
She couldn't help but laugh. Of course that would be a factor in Chat's decision-making.
'Well, I love it,' she told him, looking at him as she reached out and held his hand. 'Thank you.'
'You're welcome, Marinette.'
They lay there for a while; seconds, minutes, hours... she wasn't sure. Marinette was enraptured by the stunning view, discovering something new with every second that passed. She wanted to commit it all to memory - she was inspired and was being filled with so many ideas that she was desperate to retain until she could put them all on paper.
Eventually, she sat up and looked over at Chat, who gazed up at her with a languid smile.
'Wanna go throw rocks at that cave?'
He jumped up with a burst of energy. 'Totally!'
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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Actually having a blast with the silly miraculous AU
I love finding fun ways to rework what a technically a romantic plotline into a platonic one
Currently thinking hard about one particular miraculous episode 👀
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a-flaming-idiot · 7 months
Marinette: "Chat Noir drives me mad! He's so annoying and he won't leave me alone!"
Also Marinette:
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kawaiichibiart · 10 months
More platonic love square Headcanons because I'm apparently in a Miraculous mood ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
Marinette is the one who brings the pastries, Adrien is the one who brings coffee, they only ever bring enough for the two of them.
Adrien likes napping in sunny spots, unfortunately sometimes when he visits Marinette (either as himself or Chat Noir) that sunny spot is on something she either needs or is working on (Marinette: OH, FOR LOVE OF FUCK, ADRIEN MOVE!! Adrien: ZzzZzzzZzz _(ˇωˇ」∠)_). It gets worse when they finally do a mass reveal and Juleka also starts doing it (Marinette: PLEAAAASE!! *pushing two sleepy kitties* MOVE-GAAHH!!).
They really shouldn't...but they do like trying out the other Miraculous once in a while.
Sabine and Tom have gotten used to going up to Marinette's room to wake her up and finding Adrien there. They don't even question it anymore.
Marinette makes matching outfits they can wear. Slowly but surely Adrien's wardrobe is replaced entirely by things she's made. They don't always plan on matching, they don't actually, it just happens often enough.
If they ever patrol with someone else, the other person gets to hear all about the other hero (this mostly comes from Ladybug who refuses to let anyone dismiss her Kitty Cat, only one person can bully him and that's her).
Marinette definitely got into a fight with Felix about who's family would be Adrien's new family (Marinette: HE HAS FRIENDS HERE IN PARIS, STOP PREVENTING HIM FROM BECOMING A DUPAIN-CHENG!! Felix: HE'S BEEN A GRAHAM DE VANILY SINCE HE WAS BORN!! WE HAD HIM FIRST!! Marinette: BITCH, YOU'RE A FATHOM!! Felix: WE REJECT THE NAMES OF OUR FATHERS AND EMBRACE THE NAMES OF OUR MOTHERS!!! *pauses for a second* Unless things go the way I think they are with Nathalie, then we might become Sancoeur's. Marinette, surprised: Oh, shit, really?)
They both tend to get very caffeinated drinks. Adrien got them less so at first but now even he will almost always order the most caffeinated coffee he can get in the morning. Marinette still does it more.
They're banned from teaming up during any sort of game (Marinette: Well, sorry for being good at this, you asked for it. Adrien: I thought you guys wanted a challenge for once.).
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
I’ve slowly been catching up with miraculous ladybug after like 6 years of not interacting with it, and why is my girl Mari doomed by the narrative. She was going through enough she doesn’t need this
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justhereforkeefe · 1 year
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miabrown007 · 2 years
friendship ended with Oblivio, Elation is my new best friend
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jheqiawrites · 10 months
Who is up for some more Stargazers?
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