#Pjo the lightning thief
liesmultixxx · 3 months
Musical!Percy: “All I ever do is take the fall”
Book!Percy: *falls into Tartarus with and for Annabeth a few years later*
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'The pjo movies may be more inaccurate than the show, but they were good movies.'
is a sentiment I've seen a lot in the pjo fandom. Since the movies were my introduction to the pjo!verse, I do have a special place in my heart for them while still acknowledging their differences in regards to the originals source material (aka the books). I was foolish enough to buy the second book before the first one to read how the story continues, but had to quickly realize just how much the movie differed from the books.
And yes, I am also one of the people, who, for the longest time, held the opinion that I put in the title of this post. Which is why, once the show was announced, I had high hopes for that particular live-action remake of one of my most beloved fictional universes. These hopes have yet to be fulfilled, but I remain hesitantly hopeful for the second season.
However, with the many differences from the books that I saw in the first season of the show, I want to point out some things that, in my opinion, were ADAPTED better (as in: more accurately) in the movies.
Percy Jackson (at least in terms of his knowledge of greek mythology or rather, his lack thereof and his physical appearance aside from his age)
Percy's relationship with Grover (in the movies there are several instances where Grover fulfills his role of 'protector' and is genuinely seen as Percy's ride-or-die, much unlike the relationship I saw on the show. This is especially important for the second season where Grover forms an empathy link with his most trusted friend to communicate his whereabouts and the show just doesn't give me the vibe where they're close enough for Grover to risk forming that link.
Sally Jackson (yes, her character is mostly wish-fulfillment for neurodivergent kids who wish for their parents' unconditional love without snapping at them or mishandling parenting situations, but as a formerly neurodivergent child now adult, I loved this character so much and the 'realism' I saw with show!Sally was just dissatisfying)
Gabe Ugliano (movie!Gabe is every bit as awful as he was in the books even to the manhunt he instigated by doing an interview on tv, show!Gabe is honestly a let-down)
Sally and Gabe's relationship (no elaboration needed, I think)
Grover (movie!Grover is more accurate to how satyrs are depicted in mythology, at least when it comes to his horniness. And yes, that's not more accurate to the books but if people can go around and praise show!Hades for being closer to real mythology!Hades then I can do the same with Grover. Also how the movies disguised his hooves with giving him crutches was far superior)
Hades (yes, the movie portrayal was not close to the books, but his angerand frustration was depicted really well; the show has him act way too chill and that just has me worried for continuity's sake)
The lotus casino scene (and basically every moment where they had to figure out the threat before defeating it, also the movie scene was entertaining as hell)
The deadline plotline (them missing it was stupid, nough said)
Poseidon (he and Percy had a difficult relationship at the beginning, book!Poseidon would probably not have bowed to Zeus to protect Percy like he did in the show when he forfeited)
The Gods in the throne room on Olympus (in the final scene of the movies they were all tall and ready for battle, makes sense since they readied themselves for a war that was literally about to start. What did we get in the show? They looked way too casual and ordinary for being about to start a world threatening war.)
Feel free to add when you think I've missed things or comment whatever so long as it's constructive and polite.
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nonbinarycalicocat · 3 months
i just gave my friend tlt and shes on like page 9, we took a break to talk abt some other book and i asked who her fav character was so far. i was expecting an answer like percy jackson, maybe grover or chiron. SHE LOOKED ME IN THE EYES AND SAID NANCY BOBOFIT.
of the minimal characters you could choose, you pick the one-off bully character with no redeeming qualities?
be so fr.
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jvten · 10 months
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blah blah blah violations of the geneva convention whatEVER. he had no business being THIS FINE in (the first version of) percy jackson.
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
red ripples, i see you coming
summary: Annabeth Chase dreams of a boy with sea-green eyes.
Leaves and branches crack under her feet, her heart pounding ferociously in her chest as if it were trying to escape the horrors that chased them. The wind cuts against her face, striking her cheeks and numbing her nose and the tips of her ears. Her braids slap against her face as she turns to look behind her, turns to see how close they are. She feels a push at her back and hears an exhausted voice pant out ‘Don’t Look!’
Lightning strikes the trees behind them and she presses down the terrified whimper that threatens to crawl up her throat and escape through her tightly pressed lips. She focuses her eyes on the top of the hill, determination to get there driving the soles of her feet into the soil, determination to survive powering the push of her heels to increase her speed. Grover runs beside her, panicked bleats escaping his mouth as he urges them on. Luke is behind her, he reaches out and pushes her again to urge her fowards. Thalia...
‘Go I’ll hold them off!’
She can’t move. Luke and Grover have disappeared. Her eyes can’t leave Thalia’s as she stares back. Electric blue lit up with fear, wide and terrified. Her lips are parted as she gasps for breathe. The wind spirals the spikes of her hair, twisting them and blowing them around in a mess of dark black. She stands there, doesn’t even turn around to fight the crowd of monsters and this isn’t right! This isn’t what actually happened! Every muscle in her body tenses as Annabeth fights to move, blood pounding through her veins like water pounds against the sides of the bank when a dam breaks and releases its metaphorical prisoner. Her dam breaks in the same way, a scream she had been burying, trying to trap down, tears from her raw throat as she stares. She stares and stares and stares and the monsters get closer and closer and closer. Thalia looks so weak and scared and this isn’t RIGHT because this ISN’T the Thalia that Annabeth remembers! She shrieks, names tumbling from her trembling lips (Luke! Grover! Help her! THALIA!) but nobody comes except the monsters. They come with sharp teeth, long claws, venomous smirks and murderous eyes. The three women at the front come with vengeance in their minds; they come with orders from their god, their master, to kill the young life force that did nothing but breath and have a father with many crimes to his name.
The monsters are gone, Thalia is Gone. Instead there stands a boy. she sees the strange glint of sea green eyes as they stare furiously at Pasiphae’s son. The beast towers over him, furry tuffs disguising the thick, veiny neck and broad shoulders of a horrifying creature. It’s muscles contort, sending a ripple down large, tanned arms stained with soil and dirt. The boy does not back away, does not shiver or scream. He just stares with fury, under furrowed brows and rain-soaked hair. He wants revenge, but for what, Annabeth does not know. The creases of grief and wrath on his face trace out a story that she does not know, but she recognises that he, like she, has lost someone important.
His hair is slick to his forehead and his eyes.. she recognises that glint now.. they are aglow with a vengeful fire.
The shake of a jacket, waves of red and the scrape of a hoofed foot on nature’s carpet, soil flicked backwards.
Lightning strikes one last time. The bull charges towards the boy and-
She rockets up, frantically brushing tears out of her eyes. Blankets are flung backwards, feet thumping against wood. Some of her siblings sit up, blinking dazedly.
“Annabeth ?” One mumbles, she doesn’t know who because she’s already out the door. Rain pounds against her head, soaking her clothes and sticking them to her skin.
The big house door slams against the wall as she charges in, shouting for Chiron.
“Chiron! I dreamt of him, he’s here!”
He wheels out through a door, frown lines marring his face as he looks at her with blatant concern. His mouth parts, ready to question her but he doesn’t get the chance.
THUMP! Someone is outside.
She almost rips the door off it’s hinges in her urgency, braids whipping around her and pattering against the frame of the door.
Dark eyes meet swirling green and blue.
He stares at her, for a moment. She looks like a fierce angel - a punisher of the devil and his followers - as she stares back, dark skin aglow, highlighted by the porch lights.
“He’s the one. He must be.” She says, unsure if the boy, Percy, hears her or not.
“Silence, Annabeth,” Chiron says. “He’s still conscious. Bring him inside.”
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also I love that Grover gets separated from the kids and immediately starts playing mind games with a god. he's like finally I don't have to be a good role model for a second. let's talk brutality.
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mo-mode · 9 months
“But what does Grover bring to the table? He’s just the comedy relief character.” Grover is juggling the role of babysitter, mediator, and emotional manipulator and he cracks jokes too? Give him a BREAK
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months
Percy “I am impertinent” Jackson really looked Zeus dead in the eye and said “Your family is a mess”
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Athena, goddess of wisdom, and all-powerful, being the only person that Annabeth could call on for help; being so cruel that she would be complicit in her daughter's death just out of spite.
Percy, age 12, weak and dying, having told Annabeth they could never be friends; not only sacrifices himself to save Annabeth's life without a minute's thought, but does it without her having to ask for help.
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obsessedwithceleste · 8 months
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Pleaseee they’re so funny💀
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crumpledroses · 9 months
Can't wait to see zeus go from "make sure i never see this one again" to offering percy immortality and then getting hit in the face with A Guide To Parenting And Other Family Issues By Perseus Jackson™
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wickedcriminal · 9 months
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moonlit-typewriter · 9 months
Whoever cast Echidna as a PTA mom was so right for that
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Mother of all monsters? Yeah, I’ll bet her kid is the absolute worst
and she knows it
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It’s giving “how dare you accuse my child of such a thing. We do so much for this school and this is what we get?”
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c-herondale · 9 months
Obsessed with how Annabeth isn't spacial, she isn't a chosen one, she has no demigod magic powers, she is for all intents and purposes, a fairly normal girl.
But she poured her blood, sweat and tears into becoming the best warrior she could be. She trained hard for years because she knew she had disadvantages and she didn't want to be seen as weak.
She's literally known in Camp and by monsters like Alecto as the most powerful demigod alive and she doesn't have powers. It's almost as of girls don't need to be magical to be a hero!
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ofswordsandpens · 10 months
wait one thing I really hope they don't change is Percy and Annabeth just waltzing right into Medusa's lair while Grover's in the corner having a panic attack like "Guys somethings wrong about this place we should leave" and then Dumbass #1 and Dumbass #2 are like "Ugh shut up Grover you're being rude"
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see for a moment with ares telling the kids to 'play their cards right' and them only refering to it as the lotus casino (no hotel), I thought they might do something funny where hermes would be like 'I'll help if you can beat me, the god of gamblers, at a game' and percy would reveal he's a crazy good card shark bc he's watched gabe lose play poker so many times, and he wins. but ALAS.
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