#Pirates Galley
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mtfbaseball · 1 year ago
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Assorted messy strawhat baseball au sketches from today
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onepiecearchive · 13 days ago
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kantastic · 10 months ago
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Ive started enjoying posting!
So here's some old art I've done :3 some of these are ALOT older but you're getting them
Anatomy is off for ALOT of it but oh well man
That lost one is about a roleplay me and a friend did. (Kaku and Johnny cage) Crazy duo I know
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immortal-raine · 1 year ago
Out of the 7 years I’ve been consuming OP I haven’t made made an Oc until now hehe
She’s still in daft so bear with me, tbh she doesn’t have a name yet maybe Mylo? Nova?Lmao idk
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Gonna have to zoom in, to really soak in the plot jk jk I’m info dumping here: (but if you don’t wanna read a lot, the images is a recap more or less)
- Born In Water 7, This Kid Worked as a Apprentice Shipwright at Galley-La Co.
- Got Caught in a Annual Aqua Laguna
- Ended Up Stranded On a Random Island, Built a Boat to Get Back Home; Without a Log Pose, Map, Or Navigation Skills, She Just Ended Up Drifting From Place to Place. Kinda Became A Adventure on It’s Own
- Found and Ate A Devil Fruit called smth like…
[ Sheep Sheep Fruit Model: Komahitsuji]?
- Now Can’t Swim, She Decided to Stay on Island And Just Live as a Sheep, Eat, Sleep, Shit and Repeat living the dream y’know
- Months Pass And A Ship With A handful Of Pirates Show Up, Izo Being Apart This. Believing A Sheep Native to Wano Somehow Got Out Of Country, Decided to Bring it Along. Izo Using Snack Sack To Get it Aboard The Ship, And Her Being Have Sleep And Delirious, She Follows.
- Not Fully Aware During The Trip Back To The Main Ship, She Wakes Up in Front of Whitebeard Confused, But Keeps up The Sheep Act really what do you expect, they make awesome food, she can chill all day, and be on the sea without worry, it’s a solid deal
- After Week She Just Decides To stop The Act, Playing With Stephan Was Fun But Getting Treated Like Them, Not So Much
- Huge Shock For Everyone But They Got Over it, Got Adopted By Whitebeard, And Became a Official Member Of Whitebeard Pirates
- Starts Working as a Apprentice Shipwright Again, Under 6th Division Blamenco!
- Working in The 6th Division Means She’s Not Always On The Main Ship, But When She is She’s Following Izo around, Izo Being The one Who Brought Her is Kinda Responsible of Making Sure She’s Alright
- Besides Izo, She’s Learning a Few Things From Haruta, Ranting to Namur, Listening to Stories from Whitebeard, Gushing about UTA to Thatch, and Bothering Marco because everyone likes to do that once in a while
- Getting Away From Work Is Where Whitey Bay Comes In, Jump Ship With Her and Be MIA until She’s Found Out and Called Back
Ace Joining (Kidnapped) 5 years after her:
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(Gonna have to zoom in man)
- Met 2 Months into his assassination attempts they met randomly, when Whitey Bay dropped her off.
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Ace and Her Was Cool After The Assassination Attempts, They Would Talk When She’d Get Back From Where She Working
After The Paramount War:
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- Not Able To Participate In The War, She Was Left To morn Whitebeard and Her Brother’s Lives
- She Decided To Work For The Revs
- Learned Protocols And Tactics For a Year
- There She Loved Meeting Ivankov because who wouldn’t? And Learning under Inazuma Was Fun Reminded Her of Learning Things From Haruta
- Met Sabo and Talked about Ace and Moments She Spent With Him
- After Being Deployed In A Mission With Sabo, Koala, Hack, And a Handful Of Revs, She Both Respected And Feared Sabo
- Koala Unintentionally Saved Her From Talking With Sabo Once And Became Her Saving Grace Ever Since
- She Was Deployed Under Morgans as a Spy to Keep Tabs On Him and Anything Else Note Worthy
- Shockingly Met Deuce, Told Him The Truth because she’s conditioned to tell her older bothers the truth He Didn’t Care Much, So He Became A Silent Accomplice
- Another Year Pass And Strawhat Pirates Make Their Debut Into The New World, While Working For The Revs She also Helps Deuce Write Reports On The StrawHats Newest Exploits
Now That that’s Over With, Here’s All Her Art (Still Drafting)
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With Color:
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Thanks for coming to my rant fest, or just looking at the art, I appreciate it, okay bye :D
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originalleftist · 1 year ago
Pirate Trivia Time:
Here are some of my favourite bits of pirate trivia:
Ann Bonny's name has been spelled "Anne" with an e for 300 years due to a error in the trial record.
The sole surviving physical description of Ann Bonny and Mary Read by an eyewitness is basically "I knew they were women because they had big breasts".
Blackbeard once ransomed the city of Charleston for syphilis medication.
There is no known record of Blackbeard killing anyone before his final battle.
The word "buccaneer" has the same origins as the word "barbecue" (the boucan, a means of preparing meat).
A buccaneer, William Dampier, introduced the word "avocado" (among others) to the English language (he was also the first person to circumnavigate the world three times).
Wrecks of at least two pirate ships have been discovered: "Black Sam" Bellamy's Whydah Galley, and Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge.
Arguably the most successful pirate of all time was a Chinese woman, Ching Shih, aka Zheng Yi Sao.
Bartholomew Roberts had perhaps the most cinematic pirate death- trading broadsides with a man of war in the middle of a tropical storm.
Yes, Stede Bonnet actually had a library on his sloop, the Revenge.
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swordmaid · 1 month ago
i love serious businesswoman pirate marina she's so real to me, love that for her !
yeah like she doesn't fuck around when it comes to her business!! she's a professional pirate - and merc on the side - she has a reputation to uphold!!!
like to me, the ~whole saving the world from the elven gods business~ is another gig she signed up for so she's treating it like one. she's very practical and pragmatic, and she does whatever she can to succeed in this particular endeavor. like she hardly banters with people when she's in business mode lmfao the only time she jokes around is when she's out of her office hours.
one thing that i wish for though is for the dialogues to be much more mean/stricter. i've gone past the weisshaupt quest and i wish you can be more mean on lucanis for flopping LMFAO like sorry king but to me marina would be sm harder on him since she hired him for that job but he didn't do it right, so what is he good for? if he can't do the one thing she asks for then she has no need for him, and she'd just get someone else. likewise i don't see her being sad about the prospect of davrin sacrificing himself when he's going to kill the archdemon bc that's like. why he's in here in the first place LMFAO like to me, marina would be like well this is what you signed up for 🤷 like she detaches her personal feelings from business. like in a personal level ofc she would be sad if davrin did die but in the end that comes with the job u know.... like she's so serious business woman to me she'd thrive in succession
#like to her she sees them as a crew. yes they can joke around and make friends and be close with each other but in the end of the day#you people are hired to do your own jobs so she expects them to do it. and if they can't then she has no need of them#i also think she's a pretty hardened woman which isn't much of a surprise considering the lore drop of her#being a tevinter galley slave before. and she's like a female elven mage at that so she probably went through sm shit#and i hc she's dalish but she got taken/or her clan got raided before she ever got her vallaslin so that was when she was fairly young too#so it's not a surprise to me that she's hardened and she comes off as a hard ass. i also think she doesn't think much of the heroic types#since to her they're all talk but most can't match their words. and it was the pirates who saved her from her slaver anyway so she#has more respect towards people who actually does shit instead of people who claim to be this one thing but they're not.#i consider marina as the hawkebela daughter too hehe and i think she would've been more cynical but hawke rubbed off on her when she was#traveling with bela's crew lol. like my hawke is blue hawke so she's insanely nice and very the hero type and i think marina would get her#more heroic streak from her too. nice person inspiring you to do good as well etc etc.#anyway i do think marina is nice though. though i think she can get a bit selfish and self preservation is like. one of the big things with#her i feel. but im still finding more abt her character as i go but thats like ^ concepts i hav for her so far#i do like the idea of a serious business pirate woman LMFAO like she'd thrive if she was in an office#but her 9 to 5 is like. stealing and raiding shit. and i think she's a proper pirate too not just an archeologist#bellara showing her the elven artifact vault like why are you showing her that 😭😭😭 dont ask surprised when these go missing later#oc: marina.
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ms-all-sunday · 1 year ago
water 7 geopolitics.
water 7 is an independent citystate of the world government despite having a working contract with the world government they don't have to enforce their law because they're not under the world government
it's complicated, the laws are independent and the world government doesn't enforce their law 99% of the time because of the fact galley la could just stop making boats for them and that would be extremely bad
galley la is able to use the boat relationship as leverage politically to the detriment of the world government (this is why they got away with enies lobby no consequences style) as long as they keep making boats for them/in aid of the civil war on pirates.
water 7's political strategy protects their own independence while playing both sides in regards to the civil war on pirates, which you could argue is actively harming other nations independence of the world government (like wano)
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danwhobrowses · 2 years ago
One Piece Chapter 1089 - Initial Thoughts
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It has been months
We've had awesome side quests and painstaking breaks, but now we return to Egghead for the Egghead Island Arc. Though at this rate we may just need to rename this the 'Incidents Arc' considering it's one incident after the other.
Still, we miss our sillies, so let's not wait any longer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Nami is savage for the cover page, 'no thanks I already saw the stars' XD
I didn't even notice Sanji in the window the first time around
To recap though before we get to the chapter; Luffy and Lucci are fighting S-Bear, Bonney is going through Kuma's memory bubble, Shaka and Pythagoras are dead, Usopp and Lilith are stoned by S-Snake, Franky is partly stoned and chasing after S-Snake, Nami, Brook, Edison and Sanji are fighting S-Shark, Jinbe and Stussy are in the weapons area, Robin, Chopper and Atlas are exploring the organ regrowth area, S-Hawk is pursuing weaker targets but is being pursued by Zoro and Kaku, and Vegapunk is in the prison with the kidnapped CP agents next to Shaka's dead body and York. Sentomaru is rounding up Mark IIIs against the remaining CP forces in the main island, while most of the navy are outside with Kizaru and Jay Garcia Saturn. All goods? Let's gooooooo!
Starting at Foosha with the headlines involving Garp
Oda once again repeating our thoughts pointing out that MIA does not equal dead
Even iconic mayor Woop Slap isn't worried
But jail for iconic mayor Woop Slap for accidentally yelling at Makino's baby
Does Makino's baby have a distinct laugh? TCB reads it as kya ha ha but that's mainly women or Dellinger and I doubt either are the daddy. Then again did we ever confirm that Makino's baby was even a boy?
They apparently recognize Luffy from the papers though, I wonder if there's something instinctual *nonchalantly pushes ShanksxMakino agenda*
Also Makino calling Luffy 'Big Bro Luffy' to her child because dammit she raised those boys too!
Final mention because I have to soak in every moment of happy Makino I can because she is lovely and I will not take any slander towards her
Dadan is tearful though, I mean Morgans has painted Luffy as a kidnapper and now Garp's MIA, she has gone through the ringer
Hold up is that Fake Nami?
Earthquakes and Tsunamis across all four blues, these poor civilians
Iceburg, Tilestone and Pepe Lulu too? Oh god Water Seven don't need another Aqua Laguna
Hina and Momonosuke are noticing it too
Oh this is because of Lulusia
Wow...what a hole...kinda feels familiar doesn't it?
Vegapunk's tech is based off of Ancient Kingdom tech, so what if the Mother Frame is the same? What if Enies Lobby was the original Lulusia
Oh and the Sea Level has risen 1m, that's not great
Oda's tackling Global Warming
The World Government just fucked up the entire planet, drowned and displaced several millions people, and wiped out an entire nation just to test a fancy superweapon
Beaches gone, so no Okamas can chase Sanji across it, Top Gun cadets can't play volleyball, the Seychelles gone!
And god damn if you flood Foosha and any harm comes to Makino there will be fisticuffs
Also I fear very much that the World Government will blame the Fish-Men for the flooding
Plus if Wano ever opens its borders that water level is gonna rise even more
The fleet at Egghead notice it too
'More than enough firepower to put a buster call to shame'
1 in five ships are warships (20 out of 100), 30K marines, 9 Vice Admirals and Kizaru
Some of the vice admirals look familiar; Doll of course but I'm pretty sure on her left is Doberman, the bottom right could be Strawberry, wouldn't rule out one of them being a Giant either
The latter still chatting with Sentomaru, feasting on oodles of noodles, despite on different sides, as Sentomaru reprimands attacking the sea beasts and for wanting to kill Vegapunk
Kizaru still is very much an 'orders are orders' guy, in spite of the brief panel of him hanging out with the two
It's true though that everything in this incident is a net loss to the WG, but they also confirm with Sentomaru that CP0 failed
Saturn is still here keeping his presence under wraps
He at least approves of Morgans' headline, while getting the true facts
Oda's back at it with the silly doodle faces and the map levels
The Navy are pretty in the dark though; they still think all the Punks are alive, and that they are using the Seraphim
10 Members so far *sighs longingly at Carrot4Nakama agenda, before sifting to ViviReturns2Nakama agenda*
Even had to do a doodle of Hattori the Pigeon
Concerned with them highlighting that the Dome is at 100% gotta watch the numbers
Saturn is weird though; he hears that the Egghead researchers and citizens are accounted for and he goes 'sink them' but he hears that Bonney is on the island and goes 'ah, we have no use for her, but she's just a little girl so leave her be' like dude what?
Someone's calling Marejois from Egghead
One of the Navy members reminding Kizaru that he can listen in on the call with the Black snail on his wrist that's been there since his debut
York has made the call, and naturally is annoyed why the WG intended to kill her too
I mean the Gorosei do have that loophole: they want Vegapunk dead and York is a Vegapunk, though York does point out that if they had any interest in the Void Century they wouldn't have sold the others out
After citing the Seraphim as the reason for her survival, conversation turns to the massive fleet
Ju Peter however goes into the goods; they wanna know if York can replicate the Mother Frame
Does that mean that it's a one-time thing or are we doing scorched Earth?
York can, it's requested by 'someone' likely Im, their workplace is in Egghead
York introduces the terms of the new deal; no touching the lab, and the celestial dragon deal is still on, but also one more thing: save her from Luffy
Ah the crew are all here!
York has been conversing under threat of blade
Nami's packing heat and gets it, Luffy's packing meat and gets nothing XD
Usopp - looking cool with the anime shades flash - and Franky are quite unstoned as well, plus Vegapunk and Bonney's here, and Lucci seething at the back
Strange though, no Kaku, no Stussy, no Lilith, no Edison, no Atlas, no Seraphim, also no Caribou but we never know where he is...guess the spread's not big enough for them but most egregiously NO ROBIN!?
Oda, sir, we need to talk about your breaks, we just came back from 5 weeks of breaks spread between 2 chapters and now another break? Thought the eye surgery was supposed to alleviate this
Well we got our sillies back: for one whole panel XD
It was a really good chapter still, but it's more one that makes me concerned for the rest of the world; we've got two gaping holes in the ocean that have fucked up the natural world, islands have sank, earthquakes and tsunamis are happening all across the world. I wonder if Aqua Laguna was caused by the hole that made Enies Lobby if this is what happened to it. I think what makes me most sad about it is that it cannot be undone, at least not in a way that won't further fuck something else up, the only caveat is that the quakes probably will affect the Red Line's structural integrity.
This does still feel like the calm before the storm, but it also seems that the game of Among Us has resolved off-screen, so I hope next chapter(s) we track back to that first before continuing with this Siege on Egghead. An important note is that Kizaru's been listening in on the conversation, so he has more context to go by.
Also, forgot to mention on posting, this is the first time the Straw Hats have interaction with the Gorosei, they know their voices now, they know their intentions, that's a big deal.
But yeah, another break kinda sucks given that we just came back from one, plus it means more waiting -_- the only plus side is that this final saga will last longer - though who really believed Oda when he said 5 years back in like 2021-22?
1090 is next though, and Oda likes round numbers so expectations are high.
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reubenyeoart · 1 year ago
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Commission - Ship's Cook
A Rendered illustration commission for a client, of their TTRPG Wizard pirate character in their galley!
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esperfruit · 2 years ago
Arcana Pirates Masterpost
The Arcana Pirates are my One Piece fan pirate crew. They are more of a secret criminal cyndicate that strictly acts in the shadows and is focused on espionage and all kinds of shady businesses. They have placed their spies in all various places in the world and all of the high ranking members have significant backgrounds and/or were recruited for their exceptional abilities. They oppose both pirates and the World Government and only cooperate with either of them for their own gain. Most members strongly believe that the end justifies the means. 
They have four captains, which as a group are called The World. The crew is categorized into five divisions: Lovers, Star, Aeon, Emperor/Empress and Justice
They all have five executives with three of them being Arcana Representatives. The Division Leader carries the Arcana of said division. Each division has a number of subordinates as well.
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nochd · 10 months ago
The worst offender for me was the movie of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Lucy steals a page of the Magician's spellbook so she can do a spell to turn herself into Susan, a bit different from the book but in the movie's storyline that was a necessary change, I'm not complaining about that part. Anyway, it turns out that casting the spell was a bad idea and she's scared, so she takes the page and sticks it in the open
on a wooden sailing ship
my biggest pet peeve in the world is when landlubbers design cool fantasy pirate cabins but completely forget that they’re on a fucking boat. yeah here’s a loose shelf with 50 glass bottles of rum on the top shelf. no there isn’t any sort of guard on the edge. “yeah sorry cap’n we hit One Wave a little weird and every single glass item you own crashed into the ground at once”
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loudtimemachinewitch · 7 months ago
Groups in One Piece
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shojoboy · 10 months ago
maybe renting a room isnt for me. maybe i should just buy a sailboat
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year ago
So. I've written a slightly crack fic dethklok x our flag crossover one shot (Dethklok in the Our Flag universe in this case)
I can't decide if I should publish this one, if I do it just on here, or here and ao3 lol
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stararonia · 3 months ago
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– for cookbook collaboration
– nsfw: inexperienced!law, oral (m receiving), piv, experienced!reader, Heart Pirates are rooting for you two, kinda porn without plot, hair pulling
– summary: much to Law's dismay, hiring you as the Heart Pirates' expert fisher and talented cook came with the unexpected role of him constantly wanting to be around you when you cook. And it's not just the food he's watching...
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Law wasn’t sure what convinced him to hire you. Sure, the Heart Pirates needed someone who could fish and cook, but he hadn’t anticipated the chaos you’d bring—unintentionally, of course. It seemed to follow you like a bee drawn to pollen. A month into your life as a Heart Pirate, however, the chaos wasn’t physical. It wasn’t a fight or an accident. It was mental, emotional, and it had taken root in your captain’s mind.
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When not preoccupied with his duties, Law found himself lingering in the galley, watching you cook. Unlike the other crew members who mingled for the aromas, Law had a different reason. He was there for you. The way you moved effortlessly in the kitchen, confidence radiating as you worked with a smile, was mesmerizing.
“Captain,” you said one evening, glancing at him over your shoulder as you fried some fish. “Do you need something? Or are you just here for the show?”
His face twitched, his usual calm demeanor threatening to crack. “I’m inspecting,” he replied curtly, crossing his arms.
“Inspecting my cooking?”
“Your…process,” he muttered, realizing too late how absurd he sounded.
“Right.” You turned back to the stove, a sly smile tugging at your lips.
He ignored the teasing lilt in your voice, but his gaze lingered on you longer than it should have. You noticed. Everyone in the crew did.
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You repeated his title for the third time.
“What?” Law asked, his voice low and strained.
“Look at me.”
Law’s gaze shifted from the ceiling of his study to the warm plate of bangus on his desk. His fingers tightened around something soft, and when he glanced down, his breath hitched. You knelt before him, your lips glistening with pre-cum, a satisfied gleam in your eyes.
“You’re acting like you’ve never had a blowjob before,” you teased, voice light yet sultry. “Or fucked someone’s mouth.”
Law’s fingers threaded through your hair as he nodded, the pleasure coursing through him unlike anything he’d experienced. His head tilted back again, eyes closed as he struggled to process the sensations.
“I…” he started, voice shaky.
“You need to eat something,” you cooed, standing briefly to break off a piece of the fried fish. You placed half in your mouth and straddled his lap, motioning for him to kiss you.
Hesitant but unable to resist, Law placed his hands on your hips and leaned forward, biting into the piece of fish. As he did, you pressed your lips against his, pushing the morsel into his mouth with your tongue. Your lips trailed from his, leaving a path of kisses along his jaw and down his neck.
Law swallowed the fish, his breath hitching when he felt the tip of his arousal teasing your entrance. You circled him slowly, your movements deliberate.
“You’re so wet…” he whispered against your lips, his voice tinged with awe.
“And it’s all for you,” you murmured, your lips grazing his in a ghost of a kiss.
Slowly, you sank down onto him, savoring the delicious stretch as his hands gripped your hips. Law groaned, the sensation of your warmth and tightness overwhelming.
The plate of bangus sat forgotten on the desk, untouched for the rest of the day.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months ago
Hi! congrats for 700 followers!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 i love your fics and one shots <3
following the game… can i suggest Navy (ofc) Rabbit and if possible starfish too 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you 🫶🏼
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HI SORRY THIS TOOK A BILLION YEARS BUT GUESS WHAT IT'S DONE NOW :) thank you for your patience sweet friend
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Trope/Prompt: Friends to Lovers x Body Worship
Summary: Law finds out you've never had an orgasm. A doctor treats a patients ailments. You get the idea. MINORS DNI
WC: 3100 hehe
TWs: inexperienced reader, alcohol consuption, fingering, oral sex f receiving, power dynamic kinda, smooth talking Law, body worship and praise, pet names, ugh it's porn.
Climax (+18)
Sure, the Heart Pirates weren’t the scariest or the biggest or the baddest pirate crew out there… but they were still pirates at the end of the day. The Heart Pirates could drink. Although Law himself didn’t indulge in as many rowdy evenings as the other members of his crew, he still enjoyed socializing with them. They were his crew, after all. 
This particular evening, Law found himself bored of his work and decided to venture out from his office and into the common areas of the ship. Law shuffled tiredly towards the sound of glasses clinking and slurred voices talking over each other. He almost decides to turn back to his bedroom and try to get some shut eye. His back ached, the twinge in his muscles pleading with him to go to sleep, but he hears something else. Your lilted giggle floats through the metal halls of the submarine and straight into his ears. He wanted to at least see you before he went to bed… something sweet to think about as he fell asleep… 
“Yeah, okay well you’re stupid, so.” You sip from your freshly cracked beer and roll your eyes at Shachi. 
“Wow! What a good insult, y/n! You’re so fucking creative!” Shachi jeers at you with a big fake smile on his face. “I set you up, and you lost! You have to finish your drink, I don’t care that you just opened a new one!” 
“Unless you want me to barf on your cards, probably not.” You chuckle. 
“And I have seen her throw up. It is NOT cute.” Ikkaku pipes up. Ikkaku leans in and whispers purposefully loudly to Penguin. “Shes a scream-puker.”
“Okay so, I am not a scream-puker!” You defend yourself. 
“Yeah, you are.”
Your head whips around towards the galley door. Law stands there leaning against the frame, looking exhausted, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. 
“Last time you had the flu I thought we were under attack and sounded the Tang’s defensive alarm.” Law says as he smirks at you. 
You pout and turn back to the table. 
“Okay that one time… and I was really sick, you know!” You huff. 
“Room for one more?” Law grabs a beer out of the fridge and sits down at the dining table without waiting for a response. 
“Of course, Captain!” Ikkaku chimes in. “We were just telling Shachi he has to finally tell that girl from the last island to stop calling him.” 
“She’s sooooo hot though! And she’s totally into me!” Shachi pleads his case. 
“We will never see her again!” You interject. 
“So? She doesn’t know that! And besides, the phone sex is better than nothing-” 
“You’re having phone sex? Here? On my ship?” Law immediately butts in and cocks his head in confusion. 
“… is that? Is that not cool? Did we have a rule about that or something?” Shachi questions. 
“No.. it’s just vile, Shachi.” Law shakes his head. 
“Hah! He thinks you’re fuckin’ gross!” Ikkaku points and laughs directly at Shachi who was making quite the face. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh whatever, I’ve been getting the best sleep of my life thanks to this! I’m like, almost twice as productive as I normally am!” He tries to build his case back up. 
“Why?” You ask, curious what those things had to do with each other. 
“What do you mean? Everyone knows how great the sleep is after you finish, am I wrong?” 
“You are correct there.” Penguin adds, sipping his beer. Ikkaku hums in agreement.
“Hah, okay. Wouldn’t know.” You add softly, secretly hoping no one would hear you. 
“What?” Ikkaku turns to you and asks. 
“Nothing it’s just that I… wouldn’t…? Know..?” Really pleading with your eyes for her to read between the lines and you wouldn’t have to say it out loud yourself. 
“Wait okay… you’ve never… had an orgasm?” Ikkaku’s eyes widen. 
“Correct.” You take a deep breath. “At least I don’t think I have.” You feign a laugh. 
“Oh you’d KNOW.” Shachi affirms from across the table, also staring at you with a bewildered expression. “Woah… that’s crazy. Are you a virgin or something?” He continues. 
“No!” You defend yourself. “The guys I’ve been with just suck, apparently. Can we stop talking about this?” You knit your eyebrows together and rub your eyes. 
“No way this is fascinating. How old are you? Twenty five? And you’ve never had an orgasm? Like never once? Even by yourself?” Ikkaku probes further. 
“Oooookay guys I never miss a good time to shut the fuck up, so I am going to head to bed!” You stand up from the table and straighten out your boiler suit. You were met with pleas and apologies from your crew mates, while your captain remained stoic during the entire exchange. You felt his eyes burning a hole through you as you left the galley. 
You swiftly make your way through the metal corridors of the ship towards your stateroom. You weren’t upset at your crew mates, it really was fascinating how you had made it this long in your life without feeling the peak of physical pleasure. It wasn’t for lack of trying, you had tried several times to pleasure yourself… and taken a small handful of lovers, none of whom could make you cum. 
You slip off your boiler suit and let it fall to the floor in an off-white heap. You pick out some grey pajamas, a thin camisole and matching shorts, throw it on and sit on your bed to brush out your hair. You untie your hair from the thick bun on your head and let it cascade down your bare shoulders. 
You had almost finished brushing our your locks when you notice the room has somehow changed… as if in the blink of an eye everything was sheathed in a faint blue glow. A familiar blue… 
“Wait no!” You could barely yelp out before you ass meets a different surface in an instant. “Ah!” You gasp and open your eyes to see that you’re no longer in your own bed, but in Law’s. You blink rapidly for a few moments to try and regain your surroundings. You catch your breath. 
You look up and see Law standing at the edge of his bed, looking at you with his shirt unbuttoned. Did he already have it unbuttoned when you were drinking… or did he take it off since then…? 
“Gods, Law.” You sigh and shake your head. “You can’t keep doing that to people. You could have just called my snail or something.” 
“Heard Shachi’s been keeping the line busy tonight.” Law looks down at your barely covered form on his bed. You push your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. He smirks. “So… is it true?” Law walks slowly around to the side of the bed, eyes never leaving yours. He was like an animal stalking its prey. 
“T-the orgasm thing?! T-thats what you brought me here to talk about?!” You could feel your cheeks flush bright red. You sink your head further behind your legs. “I-it’s really not a big deal…” You turn your eyes down to avoid his gaze. 
“You know, the human orgasm is really just a tool.” Law continues eyeing your body and ignoring what you had just said. “The reason it feels so good goes back to our earliest days of evolution. All living organisms, even plants, exist with one similar purpose in common. Do you know what that is, y/n?”
You pick your head up a bit from behind your knees. 
“T-to… n-not get eaten by a larger thing?” You sputter out.
“Reproduction.” Law answers his own question. “Every creature is designed with a primal need to create more of itself…” He paces towards his nightstand and back before taking his massive sword off his back and setting it against the bedpost. “The male orgasm is necessary for human reproduction, obviously. But the female orgasm…” He trails off and you look up and lock eyes. “Is it a bit more complicated…” 
“Some professionals say the spasming of the female reproductive organs during orgasm allows for easier penetration through the cervix for the ejaculate to pass through… and some say the female orgasm doesn’t even exist at all…” 
“Are you seriously doctor-ing me about this?!?” You finally find your voice a bit stronger in your throat. “I’ve lived this long without it and-“
“I however, y/n, don’t care what the purpose of it is. And I do know it exists. And I plan on giving you at least one this evening.” Law says as he sheds his button down off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Tattoos on full display, his chiseled abdominal muscles right at your eye level paired with the topic of conversation made you press your legs together even harder. 
“C-captain that is highly unnecessary and unprof-“ You try to protest shakily. 
“Nonsense.” Law steps so his thighs are against the edge of the bed. His right hand comes up to drag two fingers up your calf and rest his palm on your knee. He rubbed soft circles onto your knee with his thumb. “Now if you’re done being so stubborn, we can get started.” 
You leaned back on your elbows and blinked up at the man standing before you, your captain. You couldn’t believe this was really happening, but you were too stunned to question it. You trusted him with your life and more, why not let him try and help you?
“Alright.” You say softly, more to yourself than to Law. 
“Good. Now take your clothes off.” 
You cock your head back in surprise and your eyes widen. 
“Getting straight to it I guess…” You chuckle nervously. 
“We can go slower, if you’d like?” Law takes his hand off your leg, a genuine look of care in his grey eyes. 
“No no! I-it’s fine! I just didn’t, you know… like… well I wasn’t really planning for anyone to see me naked tonight is all!” You say awkwardly. 
“The only thing I care about tonight is pleasuring you. Will you let me?”
You don’t say anything in response, but you lift your thin grey camisole over your head and throw it to the floor. You didn’t look up to see Law’s response, you just shimmied your shorts down your legs and resumed your position laying on Law’s bed. 
Fully bare in front of your captain, you could feel your cheeks become hotter than they’ve ever been. 
“So what should-“ You begin.
“Fucking gorgeous.” Law interrupts. 
“S-sorry?” You question. 
“You are so fucking hot. So pretty.” Law was no longer staring into your eyes, but raking his gaze all over your naked body. “Spread your legs for me, yah?” Law asks, a bit more pleading than his normal demanding tone. It was like something shifted in him once you had taken your clothes off. He returns his hand to your knee, bringing his other hand as well this time to gently push your legs open to expose your sex to him. You hear him suck in a breath. 
Suddenly, Law pounces on you. You’re knocked back on the bed further and your head hits the mattress. Law chuckles playfully above you as he supports himself on his hands, black shaggy hair falling towards your face. 
“Hi.” He grins down at you. 
“H-hi..” You manage to smile back. Law leans down further and begins placing wet kisses along your neck, craning your head to the side almost involuntarily.  “O-oh okay.. t-that’s fine… AH!” You feel a cold hand pinch your left nipple.  
“So sensitive… this is going to be easy..” You feel Law’s mouth curve into a smile as he litters more kisses on you, this time across your collarbone. He moves his head lower and captures your right nipple in his soft lips and sucks gently. You let out a long sigh and throw your head back against the mattress further. Quiet gasps left your mouth as he worked your chest in his hands and tongue. 
Without fully realizing that Law’s hand had left your breast, you feel it cup your mound firmly without warning. You try to close your legs instinctively at the sudden contact. 
“Ah ah, no y/n. You’ve been hiding this pretty thing from me for too long.” Law says as he pulls back from your chest. He pressed his fingers against the top of your slit and started rubbing it in circles. “I promise it’ll feel so good.”  
Law leans up and places a gentle kiss on your parted mouth, you were too dazed to kiss him back just yet. He pulls away and settles himself on the floor on his knees in front of where you were laying. Strong arms hook under your knees and drag you swiftly so that your legs were hanging off the bed and your sex was mere inches from his hungry gaze and spit-slicked lips. 
“Even more fucking beautiful than I’d imagined…” Law says as he spreads your pussy with his thumb and forefinger, exposing your throbbing clit and dripping hole to him. “So eager and ready for me…” 
“Wait you imagi- SHIT!” You cry out as you feel Law’s hot tongue lap at your clit. It was so good, so thoughtful, so precise… he knew exactly what he was doing. “Oh my god-“ You had never received better head and he was only just getting started… maybe he was going to fulfill his promise. He alternative between suckling at your sensitive pearl and taking wide swaths over your whole sex with his entire mouth, as if he was trying to drink up every last drop your pussy was offering him. 
“So sweet…” You could barely understand what Law was muttering about, he was so drunk off your essence that all you could really hear was pained moans and groans of “mmhmmpph” as he enjoyed your taste. Your back was arching off the bed and you grabbed at Law’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you as you wanted to make sure he kept going. 
You moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers into your eager hole. He distracted you with harsh sucks to your clit as he crooked his fingers upwards inside of you. 
“Wait fuck!” You cry out, feeling a foreign sensation as Law pulled on that spot inside your walls. 
“Yeah there it is baby… there it is right there… let it happen…” Law cooed into your wetness as he continued to hammer into your sweet spot with his two fingers. He resumed his ministrations on your clit. 
“Law! I can’t!” You gasp as that warmth and pressure in your lower half grew stronger and tighter. 
“You can… get out of that pretty little head of yours, babe. Stop thinking and just let it go…” 
You try to center yourself and clear your mind, eliminating all thoughts except for the feeling of Law’s hands and mouth on you. It wasn’t hard to do, his presence took over your every sense entirely… the heady smell of his cedar cologne, the absolute determined and lust-filled look in his eyes that were peeking up at you from between your legs, and the overwhelming feeling of his mouth lapping up your juices with fervor. 
“I-I think… ah! Fuck!” Your shoulders lurch forward on their own, your walls starting to tighten sporadically around Law’s thick fingers. 
“You’re so close, pretty girl… just a little more… squeeze those tits for me, yah?” Law asks before returning his mouth to your throbbing nub. 
You do as you’re told and you wrap your manicured hands around your own breasts. You pull desperately at your nipples and cry out from the intense pleasure. 
“Law!” You moan your captain’s name as tears prick the corners of your eyes from the sensation. 
“Cum.” Law growls.
With a strangled scream, everything in your body released and your breath caught in your throat. Euphoric waves pulsed from your sex outwards and you felt the tears fall freely from your lash line as your legs shook. Your scream turned into a moan, and then fell into a whine as you suddenly felt too sensitive to have Law’s touch on you and you squirmed away. 
You caught your breath after what could have been 30 seconds or 5 minutes and take a look between your legs. Law stared up at you, face and bangs soaked in some sort of liquid… your liquid… and a stupid grin plastered across his face. 
“Holy fuck, I’m sorry I-“ You stutter out through heaving breaths. 
“Don’t.” Law stops you. “Don’t apologize. That was so fucking hot. Didn’t peg you for a squirter. Nice.” He rubs his hands on your thighs as he stands up. Your face flushes impossibly redder. “How do you feel?” Law asks. 
“I…” You flop your head back onto Law’s bed. “I feel like I got hit by a sea train but also incredibly light? My legs feel like pudding.” You sit back up on your elbows. “Law… captain… That was amazing…” You smile up at him. 
“Good.” Law looks down at the mess you’ve made between your legs and on his comforter. He looks down at his chest and sees even more remnants of your release. 
“How about we get cleaned up before bed and I can show you a few more things, yah? You’re staying with me tonight.” Law offers you a hand and you stand up on shaky legs to follow him to the bathroom. 
“Hmmm maybe this time it can be your turn?” You glance down at Law’s obvious bulge straining against his spotted jeans. “I owe you one, right?” You smirk. 
— —
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