#Pineapple Cake Near Me
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hannahbarberra162 · 17 days ago
Hearts and Flowers (Sanji x Reader, Valentine's Day Special)
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For @quinloki's Love Is In The Air event, I present my (day late) Sanji x Reader. All fluff, no bite. Dedicated to @thirstydiglett and @sordidmusings, my fellow Sanji simps.
@sordidmusings and @gouraminnow beta'd this for me and I appreciate it immensely.
WC: ~ 2k
Warnings: none <3
You swirled the pink colored drink Sanji had made for you as you watched him carefully cut fruits into heart shapes and place them delicately alongside the handmade chocolates he’d prepared in advance. You weren’t sure how he had managed to keep all this from Luffy but his efforts were paying off as the multi-tiered tower of desserts and treats for you, Nami and Robin came together under his watchful eye. The galley of the Sunny was decorated like one of those fancy magazines you’d read but couldn’t afford on islands - the counters were covered in tablecloths with red and pink decorations, cakes in the shapes of hearts and flowers were on the tables, and there was a mountain of wrapped presents waiting for you all, helpfully labeled with tags. 
You hadn’t known Sanji as long as Robin and Nami but had quickly understood the chef’s love of love when you came aboard the Thousand Sunny. He was always looking at beautiful women, always simping for you, Robin, and Nami, always thinking about his future bride and wedding. And yet, watching him place the melons and pineapple on the tower, you had an inkling something was amiss with the Love Chef.
“Sanji, do you like Valentine’s day?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“Of course! Who wouldn’t want to celebrate the love of Mellorines and -” he started to say, a smile on his face that didn’t match the brilliant one you’d come to know and love. You tried to stop yourself but you found yourself watching the chef near constantly when you weren’t working - you knew his body language, his mannerisms, and could even predict what moves he’d use when fighting Zoro on the deck. Which is how you knew the smile on his face wasn’t completely genuine.
“No, what I mean is - do you like Valentine’s day? You specifically?” Sanji’s beautiful hands paused after placing the last fruit on the platter as he stared blankly at the creation he had made. 
“Would you care to accompany me while I go smoke on the deck?” he asked you, reaching for the cigarettes in his shirt pocket. You hoped you hadn’t made him upset in some way; you wouldn’t say anything to intentionally hurt his feelings. 
You would never admit it to Robin and especially not Nami for fear of teasing, but you harbored a huge crush on Sanji. He was sweet, handsome, kind, helpful, and strong, everything you could ever want in a man. Sure, he could get a little silly or flirty, but you felt that if he was in a relationship he would be loyal. Sanji was your dream man, but you felt unable to actually touch him, to get to the real man inside the character.
“Oh, uh, sure,” you replied, hopping off the barrel that had been your makeshift chair. You left your pink drink on the table as you passed in front of Sanji, who was holding the door open for you to exit first. You thought he’d go to the side of the ship but instead Sanji started to walk towards the ladder to the crow’s nest.
“Oh, wow, up here?” you asked, starting to climb. You were wearing a skirt and hoped the view would tempt him to flirt with you a little. It didn’t take anything at all to have him espousing his eternal love or bleeding from his nose and that was well and good. You’d been trying to get him to show a little true emotion but maybe starting with flirting might help loosen him up. Sanji was a lot more reserved than most people gave him credit for. His outward emotions were real and reflected his heart but he didn’t often share the depths of his thoughts or feelings with anyone, much less with the newest member of the Strawhats. 
“Mmh. I don’t want to ruin my Valentine’s Day surprises for Nami-swan and Robin-chwaan!” he said, his tone falsely saccharine. You climbed the rest of the way in silence, going towards the open window to air out the smoke of his cigarettes. Standing next to you, Sanji lit up and inhaled deeply from his cigarette.
“Sanji, what’s going on?” you asked, putting your hand on his forearm in concern.”I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You could never upset me, mon ange. But I have to admit I am a little surprised to be having this conversation. I - you’re the first person to ever ask me, but to answer plainly - no. I don’t like Valentine’s day. I haven’t since my days at the Baratie,” he explained, blowing smoke out the window. 
“Would you mind if I -?” you asked, sticking out your index and middle finger. 
“My pleasure, mon amor. Would you care for your own?” Sanji asked with a smile as he reached for the pack.
“No, I want - I like sharing them,” you said, aware a small blush was creeping up your face. Sanji didn’t say anything but placed his cigarette between your fingers, curling his long elegant ones around your palm for a moment.
“So, since the Baratie?” you asked, taking a drag of your own before passing back the cigarette.
“Mmh. Every year we’d get all these calls from wives and girlfriends, planning their own valentine's day celebrations. Sometimes the men would call, but not nearly as often. The women would be dolled up, looking incredible, while the men would be plain and boring, wearing unironed disgusting clothes. They’d bring tacky gifts that the women would pretend to like, while the men would pretend to listen to what their partners were saying. It was sickening,” Sanji spat, flicking the cigarette still between his fingers. He placed it gently once again between yours as you continued to listen. 
“It was so disgraceful, so distasteful, such a mockery of what love should be. If I was lucky enough to call someone my partner, they wouldn’t have to wait for Valentine’s day to feel the warmth of my love,” Sanji said with a faraway look in his eyes. You placed the cigarette back in his fingers, though it was nearly out. The tips of your fingers brushed his own as he looked you in the eyes. 
“Thank you, dearest heart. If I had someone who loved me as I loved them, they would know with every fiber of their being that I cared for them, that I yearned for them, that I needed them like I need air and water. I wouldn’t wait for some paltry date on the calendar to tell me to celebrate my love,” Sanji stated, flipping his hair out of his face as he continued. It fell immediately back into place as it was before but Sanji didn’t seem to notice.
“I’d celebrate every morning, noon, and night, cherishing my love with my whole heart. I’d devote every moment to making sure their life was as incredible as they made my own, whether that be in gift giving, or sweet words, or even just a gentle touch at the end of a long day,” he stated, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
“My partner would never have to look farther than my loving arms to find what they needed in the world, and if I couldn’t provide it I would step aside and let them find better. Valentine’s day? What a cruel joke. If I had someone love me as I loved them, every day would be as romantic as Valentine’s day,” Sanji concluded, stubbing out the cigarette. You weren’t quite sure what to say to Sanji’s impassioned speech but had a follow up question.
“Sanji, I - then why make the big production? The cakes, the presents, the food and champagne? Why all the work for a holiday you don’t like?” you asked, leaning closer to him. He gave you a soft smile and caressed your cheek with a thumb, his eyes shining with happiness.
“Because I don’t want you to feel unloved. Robin and Nami never had the luxury of having Valentines, they were…busy. And how could I exclude you, ma vie? No, all of you must have the perfect Valentine’s day celebration and who else could pull it off? Not some idiot Marimo that’s for sure,” he said, now pulling another cigarette from his pocket while he distracted himself with thoughts of Zoro.
“That’s so selfless, Sanji. Thank you, this really is the best Valentine’s day I’ve ever had,” you stammered, unsure what to say in the face of Sanji’s vulnerability.
“Then it was worth the effort,” Sanji replied with his true smile, the one that made his eyes close with how high his cheeks rose on his face. Watching him carefully, you placed your hands on either side of his face and pulled him down towards your own. Sanji’s stubble was rough on your palms as his blue eye opened wide. Holding his face between your smaller hands, you pecked him lightly on his full lips. You’d spent countless hours day-dreaming of this moment, of how it would happen, and how he would react.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Sanji,” you whispered, letting go of his face. Sanji’s face turned bright red as his fingers rose to trace where your lips had been, his mouth slightly open. He wasn’t responding, just staring at you in silence as you fidgeted, gripping the hem of your skirt in your fists. You couldn’t look at him in the unbearable silence so you turned to go back down the ladder. Sanji caught your forearm gently before you could leave, pulling on it without force. As you turned to face him you saw his forehead was scrunched up, the swirly eyebrow you longed to trace with your finger tip tilted up in silent question.
“Mon cherie, you didn’t have to do that. I don’t need any kind of -” 
“I didn’t have to, I wanted to,” you said softly, reaching for his face like he had yours a few moments prior. He flinched back ever so slightly but allowed you to cup his cheek as you looked into his kind face, unguarded and vulnerable for a few moments longer before both of you had to return to reality and get back to party preparation.
“I’ve wanted to for a long time, Sanji. I’m sorry for not asking first, if you never want to talk about this again I, -” your voice was quiet but determined but you were cut off as Sanji leaned forward to return your kiss. One of his hands went to the back of your neck, holding the weight of your head in his splayed fingers, while the other wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards his lithe body. He kissed you tenderly, almost reverently, like you’d combust into smoke should he press too hard. His lips sought yours at every turn, gently coaxing you into opening your mouth for him so he could deepen the kiss. He moaned into your mouth when you nipped his lip gently with your teeth before returning the favor. He was breathing heavily as he began to press kisses into the column of your neck.
“Ma bichette, please, do me the honor of being my Valentine this year,” he mumbled into your skin as you tilted your head to the side to give him more access.
“I t-thought you didn’t li-ike Valentine’s day,” you squeaked as he mouthed over your jaw. His eyes looked up at your own as he smiled.
“You have shown me the error of my ways, mon tresor.”
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sherwees · 1 year ago
pizza pizza
cw : very corny pizza boy porn scenario, deepthroating, dumbification, a tinsy tiny bit of fluff, you could tell I had fun with this, colors and links made the fic fun in the process, hendery employee of the month, hendery monster cock, does semen and pizza go together (no? okay then.)
apart of the nct corny porn plots series!
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you were hungry as hell.
your stomach caved in with every growl, the intro to that one adult swim show with that one white guy and his friends and it's just beer beer and beer. is that seriously what men only drank? it made your stomach churn, great.. now you were nauseous and hungry.
rolling over sighing, you break your back into an uncanny angle to grab your phone from the floor. you sighed in relief when it came out unblemished, it probably fell when you were having a tantrum earlier about every restaurant being closed.
only little caesars was open.
and you cried.
who wants a greasy pie with cheese and whatever topping, possibly meat in the middle of the night. it'll probably just leave you uncomfortably full and queasy. even the thought at the grease caked up around your mouth was.. ew.. there was a lone chinese restaurant open too but.. just no.
ah yes, maybe you could try going to sleep.
never mind, another fuckass chipotle ad played.
your ears perked to the sizzling and contemporary deep male voice whilst scrolling past an arby's ad, your stomach growled.. to a fucking meat sandwich. oh you were near starvation.
you called up the nearest shop, the receiver sighed before he said, “welcome to.. little caesars.. uhm, how could I help you?” he sounded bummed out but his tone made you roll on your stomach and kick your legs.
“hmmm..– he huffed at your voice– excuse me?”
“why'd you do that?”
“do what?”
he sighs, giving a full visual of the overworked male slumping his shoulders. “do.. what?” the last syllable was dragged out with tiredness.
“you fucking–you let out a dramatic exasperated sigh, attempting to mock him–at me.”
“well maybe–” he paused his objection and realized his actions based off the sudden drop of his tone. “wait.. sorry. uh, I'm just stressed–” he possibly scratched his head based off the small pause. “what do you want..?”
“uhm,” you mumbled, “do you guys still have the pineapple pizza.. urm, special after midnight offer..” it was the cheapest thing on the menu.
“we surely do!” he said weirdly sultry but playfully at the same time. for some reason, an idea popped into your mind.
“um.. what's the total?” you audibly stifled a giggle.
“um.. 7.57.” he mocked you but you didn't process it until way after you got off the phone.
“also.. can you send your hotte–”
“it's only me.” he deadpanned. your smile and giggles dropped, well damn bitch.
“oh.” you hung up and threw your phone across the bed. that was.. uh. em.. urm.. embarrassing. but now you had to wait, confront, apologize to this poor man you managed to stress out within a sentence, go to bed, probably not even eat the pizza, poke the pineapples out and feel embarrassed for the rest of your life.
you spaced out, thinking about the scenarios and possible circumstances you'll take just for him to forgive you. maybe, the second you open the door, you throw yourself into his arms.. maybe, give him a 100 dollar tip.. kiss him.. kill him, hmmmm.. singing confessions II by usher?
the 100 dollar trick will definitely work, but let's double it down to a 20 or a 10.. but first, you gotta find your wallet.
you scrambled to your kitchen to find your purse, rummaging through your lotions, vaselines, lip glosses, car and house keys and finally.. your wallet. opening it, you're met with an array of mismatched cards; victoria secret, bath and body works, marianos..? uhm anyways, your drivers license and your card!
did they take card though?
who even carries bills anymore?
the doorbell rang.
“it's pouring out here! can you open up please, I have your pizza and I really don't wanna get it wet..” his baritone yet desperate voice called from outside the door. you panicked for a bit, hands frantically searching through your papers before you sighed, trudging towards the door.
opening the door, you nearly folded inward at the most delectable man you've ever seen right in front your very eyes. he was literally drenched, his orange shirt clung to his torso; his collar bones being his most prominent feature and the extrusive trail of his abs.
you finally met eyes with him, his brown hair was dewy and besides the vivid familiar smell of pizza, you picked up the scent of rain and nature from him.
why are his eyes so big too..
his nose was really cute and perky too,
ew.. are you checking out the delivery man?!
“pizza! pizza! your double delight.. uh.. hot and ready for a bite!” hendery (you now noticed his name tag) sing-songed, swaying his figure slightly to the imaginary beat.
“here's my card!” he tsked and sighed, gripping the pizza box which you now noticed was weirdly close to his crotch.
“now, why would I take your card..?” he tilted his head with an eyebrow raise, placing one of his hands on his hip.
“because it's the way I'm pay–” hendery rolled his eyes, quite dramatically at your rebuttal and actual stupidness. who the fuck thinks that delivery drivers– especially from a cheap restaurant like little caesars would be carrying a fuckass card reader, that's more for chick fil a.
“does it look like I have a card reader?!” he said monotonous, you noticed that he said it slowly as if you were stupid or something.
oh shit.
his eyes zoned in on your curves before they trailed up to your face, “how bout this, since you're so pretty..” he looked down at the box, sucking his bottom lip before looking back up at you.
“I'll give you it for free, it's on me sweetheart..” his pearly whites flashed for a second in a chaste smile.
“wait? really?!” your stomach dropped in excitement. he reveled in your happiness, he swore your smile was the prettiest.
“they call me the employee of the month for a reason..” hendery said, leaning on the door with the pizza box still tight to his crotch. “how about I come inside, it's pouring out here..” his eyes drifted to the rain jumping off the pavement then back to you with a slight smirk.
“a gift for a gift, yeah?” without waiting for your response, he stepped in with a mischievous grin.
“well, okay then..” you muttered, making sure to keep your eyes on the strange male whilst you shuffle behind him to shut the door.
there was something keeping the box ajar. through the slit, it looked like a tip of something, uhm.. that's not his dick right?
let's hope it's a container of garlic butter.
“uhm, what's that..” the tip of your finger nudged at the foreign object poking out, he hissed at the contact. genuinely, you cannot explain how you felt in that moment. shock, confusion, maybe a bit of terror ran through your body, you tried to pull away but his calloused hand gripped your wrist.
his other hand flicked open the pizza box, was that a pineapple ring around his dick?! your jaw fucking rolled to the ground, why was it so wide, so elongated and veiny and the worst part was.. THAT SHIT WAS LEAKING ALL OVER YOUR PIZZA.
“bro, you're leaking all over my pizza! I was fucking starving!” you whined, snatching the pizza box from his hands and throwing it on the ground.
“well, if you insist..” his hand went to your waist and squeezed before lowering you to your knees slowly. “have a taste..?” his other hand rubbed his massive member leisurely, positioning his cockhead at your pouty lips. “come on now..” he took the pineapple off and threw it on the ground.
you were hesitative, but you at least have to meet him in the middle. you obliged and opened your mouth, looking up at him; you noticed the sharpness of his jaw line. goddamn, he was hot. kitty licking his salty and sweet tip, a blob of precum landed on your top lip causing you to flinch.
he giggled at that. bitchass.
the hand at the back of your hand coerced your head forward, the tang of sweat ran through your taste buds. the taste of pineapple and salt became stronger as he pushed forward and stretched your mouth past your limits, you shivered and moaned. hendery's hand wrapped around your jaw before pressing on your neck, feeling around the bulge of his hefty cock through your skin.
“you're so hungry~ hm?” he ridiculed you before pulling back a bit and slamming himself back in. “don't worry, I'll make sure you're satisfied.” he gripped your locks before maneuvering your head harshly on his member, using your mouth like a cock sleeve.
you gagged, choked and flailed around but he didn't let up, his tip rubbed your tonsils sore. his abdomen was flush with your nose before he pulled out, a trail of spit, phlegm and precum followed.
your face was warm with tears and spit, you looked up at him; he was smirking. hendery suddenly yanked you up and pushed you against the wall, he played with the strings of your pyjama pants. “so fucking cute,” he murmured whilst squeezed your cheeks, his hand was as big as your fucking head.
“tell me what you want, honey..”
“I want my pizz–”
“damn, you'll get your pizza soon!” hendery yelled with wide eyes, shoving his thumb in your mouth. “shit, you're like a fuckin’ baby..” his salty digit rubbed a circle on your tongue, your teeth instinctively grazed the skin of the digit before biting down on it lightly. damn, you were hungry. his free hand shoved your fluffy pants to the floor with a small thud, you winced at the contact of his clammy hand fondling your ass.
it was his turn to fall to his knees, his hands fell to your thighs to squeeze and massage them before he shoved his face inbetween your legs. his tongue spread through your folds, sucking on your clit like a baby bottle.
you moaned and writhed but still had a sense of embarrassment of the sounds that resounded off the walls. he looked up at you with those fuckass doe eyes, you nearly fumbled into a ball of nothing right there. his left moved to your ass but his right stayed at your thighs, your head spun from his doings.
he then started to become reluctant, his eyes rolled back multiple times; immersing himself in the flavors of your savory juices. to be honest, the sounds of him slurping makes you want a baja blast from taco bell.
you just don't know why either.
“fuck do you think you could take me, princess?” hendery pulled away, his mouth messy with slick and a trail of drool dripping and clinging to his chin.
pulling you out of your baja blast daydream, hendery's eyes looked eager and bigg-ER like what the fuck? was he giving you puppy eyes?!
“uhm..” you looked down at his cock, it twitched like it was waving at you. “I'll see.” you shrugged and hendery fucking SMILED. again.
oh my gosh, he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
hendery stood up, the height difference was now more intimidating now. you only had view of his neck once he came closer, you were kinda upset but lightened (and tightened) up once his bulbous tip rubbed against your damp hole. you could already tell that he was too big, his tip felt heavy..
“wait..!” you screamed before he pushed in, hendery sighed before looking down at you. his brown pupils bored into your uncertain ones, “what if you tear through my ass and create two holes like some king louis xiv shit..” he gave you another fuckass smile but this one was reassuring, you giggled unironically.
“you'll be fine!” he rolled his eyes but this time with a playful intention and kissed your forehead. after almost going into shock, he pushes himself in; you both grunt at the first contact. the smooth ridges of your pussy gripped him so well, practically milking him; hendery even looked at you to see if you noticed but your eyes were shut trying to accommodate to the monster's intrusion.
his shoulders slumped, guess he'll go easy on you. but you were so beautiful when you struggled.. hendery decided to test the waters once he sheathed at your cervix, he craned his neck to bite yours. you only whimpered and helped once he started to pick up a slow, steady pace just for you. the string in your stomach started to get tangled and soon break, you even started to tear up from the waves of ecstasy that launched throughout your body like mini sparklers.
sooner than later, he started pounding into you and everything around you felt humid.. your inner thighs were a sticky mess, it felt like your neck was being sucked by a vacuum and pricked by a toothpick and coated with hendery's slobber mixed with yours. you didn't even realize your mouth was agape, close it.
“sweetheart– holy shit!” you must've clenched around him or something, you didn't know what was what anymore. you might've even been deranged from the fucking monster cock that alternated your intestines functions and forms. “you're taking me so we-ll..” hendery's voice cracked a bit at the end. his jaw was unhinged, eyes shut until he looked down at the connection of your bodies.
hendery's cock swelled and twitched inside of you, emitting another moan from you and causing you to position your leg up higher. you literally wanted him embedded inside of you at this point.
“I think I'm gon–” you cut yourself off once that one particular thrust threw you off the edge. hendery's abdomen tensed when your walls pulsated around him in an erratic, yet unsteady rhythm. but the thing is, your high wasn't as long lived because once your post nut clarity hit you harder than that one ball during gym class in middle school.
you were fucking.. the pizza man.. in the middle of the night.
man oh man, you were in the fucking gutter, deep in it.. you felt like there was an audience of ghosts making fun of you, this was so fucking embarassing.
hendery pulled out of you with a pop, everything was black. did you go blind?! oh no, you just had your eyes shut. you opened them and gasped once you realized, the dick was so good, you thought you went blind. he started to gather himself but he snatched glances at you like he wanted to say something or do something. but you only stared at the stairs, what else did he expect?
he was only a delivery boy after all.
“deadass..” you croaked out of the blue, a lazy smile forming at the edge of your lips as you pondered on the unknown idea. hope resonated in his soul and visibly on his face when he turned around. “what if you tried the jizz pizza? the one you had your cock all over earlier..” you asked confidently and with a hint of curiosity, your foot nudged at his with a small snort.
hendery looked at the box, then looked at you with reassurance. it's not like you were daring him or holding him at gun point, it was just question. but something urged him in his heart that made him want to please you for some reason, like he needed to.
“are you serious?” he questioned, concern and something else you couldn't sense was etched in his features.
“yeah, try the jizz pizza!”
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taglist : @haechansbbg
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cyborg-franky · 10 months ago
\o/ Franky, this looks so fun - I hope this is all the parts needed, thank you for doing this =3
Character: Marco Dress/Outfit : loose dress? No suits and ties, but nice clothes, kind of, idk like a flowy formal beachwear vibe? Pick two colours: silver and blue Big or small wedding: small Season: [fall wedding? Summer?] spring or late summer/early fall Food and drink? tropical - lots of fruits and sweet drinks
Today is a rough day for me, so even if someone else already beat me to the Marco punch, I still had fun just filling out the form =D Lookin' forward to seeing what comes of these ❤️
Yesssss. I hope you like the below <3
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You both wanted a small wedding, but you knew it would be near impossible with a found family as big as the Whitebeard Pirates, And that was when Marco came up with a plan. You’d have a big celebration, a ‘pre-wedding-wedding’ to which everyone was invited. It was drinking and eating, and the cake Thatch and his division had made was enough to feed the fleets of people that the crew consisted of.
The day after, though, was when you had your much smaller and more intimate gathering. The real wedding. Flowers of blues decorated the beach, the tables, and the chairs. Silver garlands and ribbons tied neatly around everything, Izou had been the one to decorate. Izou hadn’t been sold on a beachfront wedding until he was given control of the event and went wild.
It was early fall, and there was a slight nip in the air, but it was pleasant. Those you considered your closest friends all gathered for the ceremony. Everyone dressed in nice but casual beach-themed outfits: blues, silvers, and whites. The colours were classic and elegant, even with the pineapple centrepieces and garish touches.
Your outfit was cute. Friends teased Marco about his choices, but he’d never been the best at finding things that matched. He just liked what he liked; he still looked so damn handsome though. 
The wedding was lovely, and everyone had a good time. They ate fruit, and spit-roasted meat, and drank numerous neon-coloured drinks that were sweet and spicey.
Afterwards, when the sun had set, everyone sat around the blue-flamed campfire and toasted to the pair of you, wishing you lifelong happiness as you watched the blue flames dance in the firepit.
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[I gave you options of outfit <3<3]
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elvendara · 3 days ago
12 Days of Yoosung
Day 1: Normal and/or Genderbent Yoosung
(1 Mar '25)
[Don't know if I'll finish this, but here is day 1 at least, lol. I'm so rusty though, so hopefully it's an OK fic. And of course, since it's Yoosung, it HAS to be YOORAN!]
He stared at the photo. It was discolored from handling on the bottom right corner. Rika’s face looked up at him, smiling, just like he remembered her. This is how he wanted to remember her. His own eyes, full of vitality and happiness, stared at him as well. It was the last photo they had taken together, before his high school graduation, when his hair had still been brown. With a sigh Yoosung set the photo back in the drawer. The twins were coming over and the last thing he wanted was to have that reminder out.
He had yet to buy a new frame for it, the last one having been broken when he bumped into the table. But maybe he would hold off on that anyway. Saeran was making excellent progress after his rescue from Mint Eye. The man had been psychotic and terrifying. Yoosung hadn’t been sure he would survive the rescue. The amount of drugs the doctors found in his system were massive and withdrawal was torturous. He felt helpless and could only offer Saeyoung his support. It was still difficult to believe that his own cousin had been sucked into the cult as well. But she had always been too kind and trusting.
A knock at the door brought him back to the present. Rika’s recovery was out of his hands anyway, she was where she needed to be. Walking towards the door he put on a smile and opened it. The twins, Saeyoung and Saeran, both red heads, and MC, Saeyoung’s wife stood just outside his apartment. He welcomed them in, Saeyoung crushed him with a hug and MC gave him a more gentle hug. Saeran acknowledged him with a nod and stepped inside, hands in his jean pockets, boots scuffing the floor.
“It smells heavenly in here!” MC exclaimed as she scooted into the small kitchenette to gaze at the wonders on the stove.
“Is that pineapple?” Saeran’s nose twitched at the sweet smell.
“Yes, I made pineapple upside down cake. But you’ll have to wait ‘till after dinner to have any.” Yoosung chuckled. It had come as a surprise that Saeran had an uncanny sweet tooth. It had come in handy when the blond tried making something new. Saeran didn’t hold back on his criticism either. They had created a nice little friendship in this way and it warmed Yoosung’s heart when he could get a smile out of the stoic man.
His amethyst eyes lingered on the red head a little too long, his heart skipping a beat. There it was again. That shift in him that had begun to happen whenever he was near Saeran. He shook his head and blinked his eyes, pushing intrusive thoughts away. Instead he focused on finishing up dinner. He asked his guests to set the table as he plated his new masterpiece. It was an Italian dish that sounded both delicious and intricately delicate. Stuffed chicken marsala. Sure, he could have pounded the chicken down and simply rolled it around the stuffing, but he much preferred delicately slitting the chicken breast, making a pocket, and stuffing it that way.
“That looks amazing.” Saeyoung drooled. “You’ll make someone a fantastic wife some day Yoosung.” He teased.
“Ha ha.” Yoosung rolled his eyes.
He served everyone and set a basket of fresh yeast rolls at the center of the table. “Dig in!” he said. He didn’t need to prompt any further. There was little conversation as they enjoyed the flavors of the chicken, sauce, and spaghetti noodles. The only sound was slurping and sighs of contentment. Yoosung felt pride and accomplishment. Once the plates were mostly empty, conversation finally began.
“I heard Jumin is keeping you pretty busy at C&R.” MC said as she sopped up some sauce with a roll.
“Mmhmm.” Yoosung answered with a mouthful of chicken. “He says it’s good for me, learning everything from the bottom up. I don’t know how Jaehee did it for so long! The man is a slave driver. And he expects perfection. I can’t stand the look of disappointment he gives me when I make a mistake.” His shoulders slumped at the memory. Too many memories of such events.
“Don’t worry about it. Jumin is tough, but if he didn’t think you were worth it, he wouldn’t be wasting his time.” Saeyoung shrugged between bites.
“Make the most of the opportunity. He can teach you a lot, things you didn’t even know you needed.” Saeran said. The table grew silent, as the red head usually didn’t make many comments. Only an occasional grunt of acknowledgment.
“Um, yeah, you’re both right. I appreciate having his attention. Most people would kill to get this experience.” Yoosung nodded, renewed in his desire to live up to Jumin’s expectations of him. Even if it killed him. His eyes once more lingered on the man across from him. The man he was growing more and more certain, he was in love with. The thought thudded in his head, and he broke out into a sweat. What was he going to do?
“Something wrong Yoosung?” MC asked, looking worriedly at him.
“Oh no! No! Nothing, I was just thinking about work that’s all.” He finished what was on his plate and stood to put it into the sink to soak.
“Dessert time?” Saeran asked, mint green eyes wide with desire. Yoosung’s heart did another flutter, wondering what it would feel like to have those eyes focused on him with that kind of desire. He swallowed and pulled his attention away from the man and nodded.
Slicing the cake with trembling hands he was able to plate them all without incident. There were more oohs and ahhs as they all dug in. Saeran especially boisterous about the sweet. The blond was thrilled by his reaction.
“You’ve outdone yourself with this dinner Yoosung.” MC said.
“Mmhmm.” Saeran and Saeyoung both nodded.
“Thank you. I’m glad you guys could come and enjoy it with me. It makes me happy.”
“This makes me happy.” Saeran waved a piece of cake in the air and actually smiled at the blond, green eyes crinkling around the edges. Yoosung wanted to live in this moment. In this warmth, friendship, family. Saeran made eye contact and held it, his face a bit flushed, then lowered his gaze back to his plate. Was that an invitation? He wondered.
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translucent-at-best · 3 months ago
I went to a grocery store I don't usually go to a couple days ago (high ass Bristol Farms) because it was the only one near me that sold the ice cream I was craving (Van Leeuwen Praline Butter Cake, thank me later). On my way to the ice cream, I pass some ripe-, delicious-looking pineapples on sale, for $1.79, at that! I thought, oh my God, this is such a steal, especially HERE of all places. So I pick one up, grab my ice cream, and head to the self checkout.
As soon as I scan it, I notice my mistake.
The pineapple rings up as $1.79 PER POUND, and the actual total $6.30. If the price of a pineapple hits the upper 3s, I start thinking of places I can buy it cheaper. $4 and I'm not even picking it up. Six dollars and thirty cents?! Can you imagine gasp I gusped? I was just about to tell the closest clerk that I wanted to put it back when I remembered... my bonus hit today. So I decided to let it go and just buy it.
I just cut it up and ate some today, and... I might can see why the price was so high 🤔 It's so fucking good. Too good. I'm-lowkey-considering-going-back-for-another-one good.
Please, somebody, talk me out of buying a $7 pineapple (again) 😅
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digitalmidnight · 1 year ago
Overall experience with going to the Kirby Cafe in Tokyo
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Retelling my personal experience with booking and going to the Kirby café (it's really good)
To get a reservation, I had to get to their reservation website asap and sign up for a time. To get a reservation in September, I had to make a reservation early in August. By the time I got to the page, the only time available for the Kirby Cafe that overlapped with the trip was the latest time slot for Sept. 1st. Because my timezone is PST, I had to stay up until 2am to do the reservation.
Hardest part I came across was having to write my name in Katakana because I didn't have any easy access to a katakana keyboard. I was able to find one only and copy and paste it in. The reservation website has an English option, so there wasn't any confusion on my part (though the English was a little broken at times).
They also asked if it was for a birthday and if there was any requests. I said no, however I am curious what would have happened if I lied and said yes.
After booking the reservation, I got an email confirmation with a code, number of people, and the fact I didn't make any requests for a birthday or anything.
A few nights before I did get an email saying stuff about a time change, which alarmed me, until I saw the email say the last time to change reservations was in 2021. It was an email from Covid times, and my time slot for the Kirby Cafe was still safe.
And then, the night before, I got another email reminder. It said the same thing as the previous email.
The Kirby Cafe is located under the Tokyo Skytree, at the very base. It's outside, but it's still semi-connected to the big mall there.
Kirby and Waddle Dee are there to greet you, and you can see Whispy Woods through the window. There was a person who was getting people's reservation stuff. We asked them and they confirmed who we were then told us to come back 5 minutes before our time.
Kirby Cafe store in the mall
Inside the mall there's a separate Kirby Cafe giftshop with slightly different things to the gift shop in the restaurant.
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It's located right across from the Pokémon center. There's some Kirby stuff in there that isn't related to the Kirby Cafe, like a dreamy gears puzzle and some of the newest Kirby light novels (I couldn't read it, but I snuck a few peeks at the Samurai Kirby light novel)
Strangely, there's another store near a different entrance to the same mall that sells Game and Anime stuff that had more general Kirby stuff than the Cafe shop. It's where I got Bandana Waddle Dee! There's also Kirby stuff in lots and lots of stores in Japan, so it's not too hard to find Kirby stuff. The Cafe will also be limited with characters besides Kirby, Chef Waddle Dee and Chef Kawasaki.
That said, the Cafe had lots of cute merchandise only available at the Cafe that was really good. I got this cute metal cup sleeve to keep my drinks cool there and a summer tote bag with Kirby swimming! There's also a Gacha machine with pins and small standees, so I recommend at least checking it out!
The receipt has a random cute Kirby picture! The clerk noticed the sheer amount of Waddle Dee on my person and said they liked Waddle Dee too and then pointed out my receipt also had Waddle Dee! They also took out the item I bought and confirmed with me that was the one I wanted.
The Cafe store also had drinks to buy! It comes with a kirby straw. Kirby can be taken off the straw and kept. (Kirby straw not in picture). The drink was really good and had jelly and whole pineapples in it. I got to pick the flavor, but not the design on top. (We went to the mall twice. Didn't get drink same day as Kirby Cafe.)
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Going inside
Before we went inside we were sat on stools and the person explained some stuff in Japanese (then to us and another group in English). We could only order 1 Kirby Car cake and 1 lemon Parfait per group. Then we were brought in individually.
There's a photo station near the entrance with Kirby, Waddle Dee and some props! My parents got pics of me and my brother, then they took a picture of all of us (and I was complimented on my Waddle dee bag again)
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We were then brought to our table and given the menu. It had the exact same items as on the website, so I already knew what I was getting. There's also a star that tells you what food comes with souvenirs next to the food with it, and you can choose which souvenier dish you want when there's multiple! We were able to quickly order, then were encouraged to take photos of the store.
We were also given water cups that the staff would refill during our stay. Not a lot of places do that here in Japan, so we were pleasantly surprised and grateful (especially with the heat and humidity)
The store was cute. The music was lively, yet calming. Everyone sounded joyous, including the staff. Whispy woods was dressed for summer and there were Itty bitty kirbys and Waddle Dees everywhere. There was this display with shadows that sometimes had the chefs get sucked up by Kirby or had Chef Kawasaki peek over jokingly. The lights were warm colored and there was fake vines and a chalkboard inside. It very much had a cafe vibe, while still being very kirby themed.
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Speaking of the staff, they were all great. The ones that came to us spoke great English and were very helpful. They all pointed out the Kirby stuff some of us had on and helped explain anything that needed to be to my parents. They made doubly sure what we ordered was correct. There was no chance of miscommunication. They were wearing either Pink and Blue Hawaiian shirts with pineapples on them (no distinction between Gender. There were more blue shirts worn than pink, strangely.)
The food
Oh my goodness the food was amazing.
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We received our drinks first. I ordered the iced chocolate au lait (basically, iced hot chocolate. Tasted just like chocolate milk) with Waddle Dee art and my mother ordered Doctor Kirbys secret research soda. The secret research soda includes instructions which you get to keep and the staff help explain to you what to do. You mix liquids in a potion and the eventually pour the potion over cotton candy into a big drink. My mom had fun doing it, and apparently it tasted delicious! There's videos of people doing it on YouTube. For privacy reasons, there's no Pic of it here, but rest assured that it was very very cool.
We all received our food at the same time. I only got 1 slice of pizza and my plate with the Waddle Dee burger, so I'll only talk about that.
The Waddle Dee Burger Meal was probably one of the best burgers I ever tasted. When I ordered it, I was apprehensive but willing to try it. I was weary because I'm not the biggest fan of Avocado, Chowder or Mushrooms, and I'm unfortunately very picky with texture.
The stars were tator tots and were as expected. The mushrooms on the pasta were eaten by my mother, so I have no comment on that. The pasta was pretty good, but I didn't quite get a taste of what flavor that star was. The chowder, which my Dad mistakenly told me was clam chowder, was actually a buttery corn chowder and tasted really good.
Now, for the burger itself, that thing bested my expectations. The meat itself was smaller yet thicker than a typical American burger. There were 3 slices(?) of avocado in it, cooked, and the bun was orange. I was fully expecting the sort of mediocre burger back home, with weird chunks in the meat, cooked veggies with a weird aftertaste, and for the bun to taste wholly of artificial flavorings.
The bun tasted like a bun. The color didn't give it a weird flavor. It was just a bun. The avocados were also barely tasted. They tasted good and different to what a normal avocado tastes like, so I assume some flavoring of some sort was added. The meat was fully cooked without any charred bits, and while soft it stayed together. It was moist to a point. I almost wonder if they mixed cheese or something into it. The flavor was great and not overwhelming in any direction. It was also the opposite of crunchy (which is why I'm calling it soft. The food isn't fuzzy it's just not crunchy). Each bite was easy to take. It was really, really good and I ate the whole thing very quickly.
I also had one slice of the four cheese pizza. My family devoured the rest of the half and half pizza before I was able to finish my burger and I had to plead to let me have at least one slice of the pizza. The four cheese pizza also tasted good, but was also soft. While this worked with the burger, it was a struggle to eat the pizza because it was floppy. The pizza was good. No cheese aftertaste which I get on the pizza back home. The honey it was served with worked very well. There wasn't really crust on top.
After dinner they cleared the plates and served desert. I was given the Lemon Parfait, but had to split it with the family because of the layers and wanting some room to try the Kirby Car Cake. The parfait was good! First I struggled to eat it because it looked too good, then I struggled because it was hard to scoop the ice cream on top without it sinking into the jelly around it.
I ended up getting the ice cream onto a different plate with one scoop of the spoon, then handed it to my brother who ate the part of the parfait with lemon slices. It was apparently good but he eats the whole lemon slice when given a drink with it on the side so... the ice cream itself was good. It had bits of sugar and mint on it and was a cool lemon flavor. The bottom of the parfait had more jelly and frozen grapes, which also tasted great.
The car cake jelly was soft. Now I know I keep saying everything at this cafe was soft, and I need to keep saying it because it surprised me. The cake looks like it should be hard given how shaped it was, but it's a bit softer than typical jelly and was strawberry flavored. His feet were bits of apple, the small stars sugar sprinkles, and his wheels chocolate. It also wasn't as sugary sweet as American cake, which is a good thing. It tasted like strawberry and vanilla without any artificially sweet aftertaste. I'd definitely advocate for getting and trying the cake. The cake is also different with the seasons, this one is summer's cake.
We got our bill along with all the souvenir stuff from the meal (already wrapped in boxes for protection on the plane) and went to the register in the gift shop. The gift shop was small, but had many things Kirby. Only Kirby Cafe stuff though.
I was able to get this cute glasses holder for my glasses. It came with a Waddle dee glasses cleaning cloth and was the perfect size for my bag. I also got this adorable Keychain for my bag (not Waddle dee this time. It was random and I got a sleepy kirby)
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The only not Kirby cafe thing there was Magolor, who was by the cash register. The receipt also had a random kirby picture on the bottom. We paid for our food, said our thanks, and left.
Overall thoughts
It was great and I'm so happy I went. I'd say definitely try to go if you are a big Kirby fan. The food was good and cute. The menu changes with the seasons and games. The staff were nice and probably spoke the most English out of anywhere we had gone. The food itself far exceeded my expectations (and I'm a picky eater) so I'd say try it even if you aren't sure you'd like it.
The cafe is hard to get reservations for. However, I wouldn't feel too sad if you are unable to go. You can still get a Kirby drink and cafe items from the main mall store. There's also Kirby Cafe takeout items, so you can still get food and a souvenir!
The staff are all very nice and sweet, but if you are wearing anything Kirby expect to be perceived. I didn't mind it cause I dressed up specifically to be perceived, yet I know that can be a bit much for the more shy sort.
Everyone also expects pictures to be taken there. I saw people taking selfies with Kirby and Whispy Woods. Don't worry about being seen as silly, everyone there is a Kirby fan.
Anyways great restaurant. Cute vibes, nice staff, great food and amazing location. It was fun :)
Kirby Cafe main page
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tenthdocter · 2 months ago
For the ask game: 9 (if you know it), 17, 31, 36, 50, 88, 98, and 114 :)
9. Myers briggs type I did take this test a few times many years ago now and the only one I could remember was ISFP!
17. What's your favourite piece of clothing you own? Uh I would say my maddison spurs shirt but it's not atm with how shit we are atm lol. So I'll say my doctor who shirt instead
31. What's your favourite type of cake? See I'm not really a big fan of the traditional cakes. So my favourite is probably a cookie which I get every year for my birthday. But also love cheesecake too! So cakes that have some kind of biscuit in them basically
36. Would you rather live near the mountains or near the beach? By the mountains. I'm traumatised by beaches ever since the day a wasp stung me in the ear at the last one I went to one when I was a kid 😰
50. How many houses have you lived in? I've actually lived at the same house all my life! Wish we could move tho (or better yet I could get my own place)
88. Your opinion on pineapple on pizza? Absolutely not! Just two things that should never go together lol. Plus I'm personally a meatfeast pizza lover so that's just the complete opposite to what I like
98. Is your room tidy? Umm... It never is tbh lol. It's the depression tho! 😅
114. Savoury or sweet? Oh definitely sweet! Always had a sweet tooth!
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innytoes · 1 year ago
make more dark fantasy AU. please. pretty please. sugar please. there are children crying. Its me im children crying
I mean same, anon.
-Caleb just being completely obsessed with the jazz beat Alex showed him. He's pretty sure that's why it took so 'long' for the fairy to turn on him, he loved jazz.
-Alex was supposed to learn the drums to play in a nice, wholesome, Christian marching band and do the military drum beats for the army parades and scouts stuff but he learned the Fun Cool Music on the sly.
-The first several years Alex was in the fairy realm, he and Willie never exchanged a word. Like, when he was still having a good time, he'd spot Willie from across the room and think he was pretty, but he was always whisked away by a fairy who wanted to dance with him or Caleb who wanted him to play drums.
-Once he realises he made a big mistake, and it's too late to run, and his feet keep moving without his permission, his face in a smile that isn't his own, that's when he and Willie finally make contact. Every time he's nearing his breaking point and thinking he's going to go insane, Willie is there, whisking him out of someone else's arms, feeding him honey cakes, dancing with him to a song he hums in Alex' ear, slow and sweet and not at all what the music around them is, and he's practically holding Alex' body up, letting him rest.
-It's not until Caleb and the faeries disappear on some kind of hunt, who knows how long after, and he finally has control over his own limbs again, that Willie speaks. And then it's only a "come with me" as he leads Alex away, gently holding on to his fingers. And what is Alex going to do, not follow?
-They end up in some kind of room with a bed made out of moss. One of the musicians he saw was also there, already asleep, and oh god, there's more humans here? Willie just urged him into the bed and gently tucks him in and curls around him, and he's not sure how long they sleep but when he's woken up it's frantic and the boy with the lute - Luke, he introduces himself hastily - is dragging him up and away because its best not to keep Caleb waiting and he shouted he wanted music.
-Over the months, years, decades, he can't tell, he slowly learns more about who Luke and Willie are. Other humans come and go, and Alex sees just what can happen to the ones who do not stay on the fae's good side.
-Let's just say Caleb does Not like disco.
-Willie gets away with a lot more than the other humans can. And some of the lower ranking fairies seem to be almost afraid of him. Alex can never figure out quite how Caleb sees him though. Sometimes he acts like Willie is his child - usually when he wants affection or admiration - sometimes like Willie is a pet, and sometimes, the worst times, he takes his anger out on Willie in a way that is sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, and always terrifying.
-Once they live with the Molinas, Reggie is just dying to introduce the guys to things like Pizza and Poptarts and poprocks.
-The boys have very fucked up sleep schedules. Sometimes they don't sleep for days. Sometimes, worryingly, they do. Sometimes they sleep for 12 hours, raid the fridge, and go nap for another four.
-Willie biting into a pear and realising pears and pixie pears taste VERY different: excuse me but what the fuck is this?
He makes Reggie taste it and Reggie is like: yeah sorry buddy that's just what pears taste like here.
-On the other hand, pineapple is a new and exciting thing. For Luke, too, honestly.
-Carlos introduces him to Pixie Stix which have nothing to do with actual pixies but are Really Good and if you have 15 of them you have So Much Energy!!!!
-Willie being a Disney Princess. He can talk to birds. He makes friends with neighbourhood cats. Ray has a long conversation about how animal friends are outdoor friends after he came downstairs to find Willie on the sofa petting a raccoon in his lap and sharing a carrot with it.
-Look, Ray isn't saying now that he knows his kids have some kind of fairy changeling lineage that he's noticing things but... sometimes they are weirdly lucky, just like Rose was.
-And he's never had a green thumb... Rose's plant wall in the studio was close to death, until Carlos started going into the studio again. And they didn't truly perk up until Julie started playing music there again.
(Or maybe that's because Ray stopped overwatering the plants after Willie talked to him.)
-Reggie knows that he's not the only one with nightmares and trauma, okay, he knows that, but none of the other boys were hunted for sport and none of them have his weird aversion to horn sounds and bows and arrows. It makes things really awkward when Julie tries to show him nerdy movies he missed, like Lord of the Rings or the Hunger Games.
-Ray reads a lot of books and guides and studies on trauma informed parenting and how to help the boys, because he's pretty sure telling a therapist 'I was kidnapped to the fairy realm' is not going to give the kids the help they need.
-When Luke and Julie start dating, he's happy for them, though he does do the strict dad routine. Even though Luke is very old fashioned in a way that is charming and a little hilarious at times, given that his perception has been warped by hundreds of years of fae revelries. (Orgies? Eh, whatever. Getting to hold Julie's hand? Life changing, huge step.)
-The other guys seem happy for him. But the first time Luke falls asleep in Julie's room - innocently song writing, but he hadn't slept in two days and Julie's voice was so pretty and her bed was so soft - and she lets him stay, he wakes up to find the other boys demonstratively piled up on the floor around Julie's bed.
-Because Willie can't sleep without Luke there, so he bodily carried an already sleeping Alex to Julie's room. He was just about to go back for Reggie, but Reggie doesn't like sleeping alone either so he followed, dragging one of their blankets with him. And yeah, Julie has some explaining to do to Ray when he finds them like that the next morning. (The door was open! Luke was on top of the covers and she wasn't! They weren't even facing each other, dad!)
-Willie not quite knowing what to feel because on the one hand, relationships were very fluid among the fae and it's not like he has issues sharing. He never minded sharing Luke with Alex or Reggie. But then they were all together, and now, Luke and Julie keep disappearing together.
-And he's had Luke in his life the longest, and he doesn't know what to do with this new feeling inside him that makes him want to grab Luke and keep him away from everyone except his boys. And then he has a realisation that he's just like Caleb and he maybe hides out in the loft of the studio until Alex and Reggie find him and coax him down.
-Alex soothes him that he's nothing like Caleb, that being a little jealous when one of your friends pulls back because he's head over heels for someone is normal. That's the word for his feelings. Jealous.
-Reggie is very silent, and Willie flops on him and stares at him until Reggie starts petting his hair. And he realises that maybe Reggie is also jealous of Luke and Julie. And then he thinks back at how many times he and Alex have gone off on their own and thinks maybe Reggie is jealous of him and Alex as well. There's no more revelries where they are all together anymore. He should fix that. He doesn't want Reggie to feel what he's feeling.
-He makes extra sure to cuddle Reggie during that night's 'watching the tellyvision'. It also distracts him from wanting to hiss at Julie when she snuggles up to Luke and pull him away.
-Asking Ray about hosting revelries goes badly. He's pretty sure the modern human word for it is 'buzz kill'.
-As a compromise, Ray hosts a 'pizza party' which Willie is pretty sure is not comparable. He wants to pout, but then Ray mentions you can put pineapple on pizza and he's distracted.
-He talks to Alex about it all, because Alex is better at feelings and thinking. Reggie says he's better at Overthinking but Willie is pretty sure he's just jealous Alex can think of all the bad outcomes of their plans before they do them. (It doesn't stop them, but sometimes Alex does get to say 'I told you so', which is funny.)
-Alex tries to explain that things are different in the human world, that romantic and sexual relationships are between two people, usually. Alex is very cagey about answering Willie's question about whether or not he misses the other two boys, but finally Willie drags it out of him that yes, he does. But he also wants to be normal, and being with four people isn't normal, and he loves Willie and what they have.
-In response Willie pushes him through a wall, just to remind him they're Not Normal, and says they should kiss Reggie and Luke at the pizza party.
-Alex splutters and says they should ask first. He is also very insistent that there will be Nothing More Than Kissing at the pizza party, and Willie pouts. Ray already had that talk with him, thanks. Humans were so weird, they invented the most amazing ways to have fun (skateboards! Tellyvisions! Dubstep!) but were so boring in other areas.
-The pizza party was a success. He and Luke were Very Excited about the Pineapple Pizza. Reggie looked in heaven. Even Alex seemed to forget he was nervous about tonight as he stuffed an entire slice of pizza into his face. Alex was so talented.
-So around the last slice he asks Reggie if he can kiss him, and Reggie splutters and is confused, and Willie says he misses him, and Ray won't host any revelries and he wants to kiss him and Alex said he had to ask first.
-And Reggie looks at Luke and Julie and he looks conflicted and for a moment Willie is scared that Reggie doesn't actually miss them at all, he just wants Luke and Julie, and he's ready to teleport away and hide when Reggie says yes.
-The kiss is sweet and tastes vaguely of pizza. They have a very long talk and Reggie admits he'd missed them too but didn't want to intrude. He'd come to them last, he understood if Willie chose Alex, and Luke and Julie were clearly meant to be.
-Willie cuts him off and pulls him close and is like: you're ours and we're yours.
-Luke is looking very, very conflicted, and Julie looks like she's trying to understand, like when Willie tried to teach her a fae dance. He knows he should not anger their hosts, that's like the first thing he learned, but he can't help it and pouts over Reggie's shoulder: "Julie, you need to share."
-And Julie paused, and then nods. "Okay."
-And Luke is shocked, and Reggie and Alex seem shocked, but Willie is just pleased, and he leans over so he can kiss Luke as well, and finally the tight, sour feeling in his chest goes away and all is well.
-And if a few weeks later, Julie comes into the studio holding Reggie's hand and declaring Willie has to share, Willie is fine with that.
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squishmallow36 · 2 years ago
It's all I wish to hear tonight, and you're all I wish to be, and this is how we all fall - Chapter Two
Summary: the garvar fic has turned garvarioli! We've done a bit of a time skip because I didn't want to write the dating and the blushing and the getting to know each other blah blah blah. So now they're just in a relationship and the fact I didn't feel the need to slowburn it is astonishing to me. Anyway Garwin's gonna be joining the Neverseen officially. Yeah that's pretty much the whole plot.
Word count: 3011
TW: drug mention, murder mention, implied sex, swearing. This is the farthest into pg-13 territory I've gone but these idiots demand it.
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @faggot-friday @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @remember-me-in-another-time @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death @dizzeners @thefoxysnake
The people who aren't on my taglist and I'm sorry for bothering you but you lost your minds on the last chapter so uh you did this to yourself (?): @camelspit @tw-5
On Ao3 (users only because, you know, AI) or below the cut
Previous chapter in case you missed it, but you don't really need it to read this :)
    “You know, if you ignore all the work camps, Sadlitzagvadtka is a lovely place,” Alvar remarks. 
    Ruy’s laugh drags Garwin’s attention from the bubbling Eventide River, bright green as it crashes against the rocks. 
    “I mean, you could say the same thing about the USSR,” Garwin muses. 
    “Yes, but we ignore those parallels, love. I don’t want to have to send you to the gulag.” Alvar replies, crossing one leg over the other as he takes a sip of his choyi. 
    Much like most of the foods of the non-Forbidden Cities, choyi looks nothing like how it tastes. The sludgy green slime is in a direct contrast to its strawberry lemonade milkshake flavor. Although how it doesn’t curdle is apparently “beyond human comprehension.”
    That’s just code for “we don’t know and we don’t want to admit it.” It was annoying at first, but it’s kind of become a running joke. 
    What the rest of the Neverseen doesn’t seem to grasp is that he does the same thing to them whenever he doesn’t feel like telling them about some cursed human shit. 
    They absolutely lost their shit when he told them about Twinkies. If they can’t handle apocalypse-proof snack cakes, there’s a hundred other food crimes several points higher on a logarithmic scale they won’t be able to conceptualize without their pathetic little elvin brains shattering. 
     Like pineapple on pizza. 
    Garwin can’t physically have less of an opinion, but the idea of having to explain the concept to elves makes him want to jump off a cliff. And not in the Sophie-teleportation way. 
    Hey--don’t think about that bitch. First she’s accepted into Yale with a full scholarship and now she has four abilities. Apparently she’s some sort of science experiment. I hope they transposed a decimal place. 
    “What am I in for tomorrow?” Garwin asks after a moment of silence. 
    Alvar opens his mouth, but Ruy interrupts him before he gets the chance. “Cállate, mi vida. Sharing any details would be a violation of the Neverseen code article seven, section three, ‘the council is always watching so don’t discuss confidential shit in public.’”
    “I call bullshit. You people are nowhere near organized enough to have an official code.”
    “Well, yes,” Alvar concedes. “But it’s more fun if you don’t know what’s going to happen. Besides, I’m sure Fintan has cooked up some interesting changes from when we swore fealty, so anything we tell you could be completely wrong by now.”
    “Yes, but I’m sure at least one of you have been involved in the planning,” Garwin argues. 
    “We can neither confirm nor deny that,” Ruy says, admitting his guilt. 
    Garwin rolls his eyes. I picked these dumbasses over going to a nice, normal, human, non-ivy league school ? I mean--at least there’s no finals. I guess. 
    He takes a sip of his choyi.
    “I promise it won’t be that painful,” Alvar says in an effort to remedy the situation, earning himself a glare from Ruy. 
    Garwin leans forward, head resting in his cupped hands. “And when did you become such a goody little two shoes rule follower, Exilium boy?”
    Ruy rolls his eyes behind his addler, because of course he has it on. We’re in public--well, sort of, as there literally aren’t any ogres in a hundred foot radius--and that means we’ve gotta wear the addler. 
    It’s like how Garwin also conditioned himself to wear the same sweatshirt almost every single day one school year like it’s his own personal security blanket but we don’t talk about that. 
    But now the elves have stupid capes, so that solves that problem. Even if he doesn’t have an officially licensed Neverseen cape until probably tomorrow. Unless there’s some elaborate scheme being planned. Which of course there will be. This is what happens when you take three or more gay idiots and tell them to plan something. 
    If it ain’t absolute batshit, what’s the fucking point? 
    Alvar’s smile falls as he pulls out his Imparter. He must be getting harassed once again. This is why Garwin doesn’t have one. Well, that, and the fact that he’s not a legal resident of the Lost Cities. Same thing. 
    “Y’all can see that I’m busy right now so I can’t answer a hail, right?” he says tiredly. 
    “Yes, indeed.” Garwin throws back the last of his choyi, smiling. 
    “The Fork Man wants me for some shit and I’m having a good day, so he will be getting ignored for a while. Are we really sure I can’t come out to the Bullshit?” 
    “Bullshit” is Garwin’s nickname for the Black Swan because it both represents their ideology and, at least in English, they can be abbreviated the same way. At least his pathetic short human life will be worth something, even if it is just an inside joke that’s more explanation than it’s worth. 
    “You know what Fintan’s orders are, and if you don’t wanna get burnt to a crisp, I’d recommend following them. Now, that doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing. It’s just a matter of self preservation. I don’t make the rules around here. If I did, we’d have to replace more Councillors than just the one.”
    Alvar rolls his eyes at his Imparter. “The Fork Man is being very insistent. I have a feeling I’m gonna have to drop you two off at home and talk to him. Be prepared for some shit to be going down soon, regardless of whether or not I have a chance to share details.” He turns to his imparter, inventing new swear words just to curse at the Fork. 
    Like he said, Alvar drops Ruy and Garwin off at “home”--their assigned room at a Neverseen facility Garwin’s not allowed to know any details about--to much argument. He shan’t be allowed to have all the fun without them but alas, ‘tis the way the world works sometimes. 
    The next morning, Garwin sleepily blinks himself back to the land of the living, snuggled into the crook of Ruy’s neck, but there’s no Alvar to be found. 
    He better fucking be okay. 
    Ruy’s hand absently twirls Garwin’s hair, and when he notices that Garwin is slightly less dead to the world than usual, he smiles. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.”
    “It’s still morning? Damn. Guess I gotta go back to sleep. Need my beauty rest.”
    “Bitch, no amount of sleep is gonna help.”
    Garwin huffs, turning away from Ruy. “Fuck you.”
    “So soon after last night, mi amor?”
    Garwin leans back to look at him. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”     
    “Yeah.” Ruy presses a soft kiss to his lips. God damn. If you weren’t so fucking hot, J wouldn’t put up with you. Love you, Rue. 
    Garwin kisses him again, pulling him close. 
    Ruy gently pushes him back. “Finny’s gonna be pissed if we miss the prescheduled time.”
    “Fuck Finny.”
    “Look, I get that you’re polyam. I know, no shit, Sherlock. But there is no way I’m going anywhere near him or near you again if you do. Man’s got his own harem.”
    “Ooh, please do elaborate.” 
    “Let’s see…I’ve heard rumors that he and Bronte are or were a thing. Not sure if they’re still a thing though, considering the war crimes, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were. And then have you ever wondered about the alliance with the Ogres? Dimitar. Fintan. Yeah. Then there’s Fallon, one of the original three Councillors. And I’m not completely sure on this one but there’s a prisoner in Lumenaria and I’ve got mixed evidence but I don’t doubt it. Uh, then there’s J.R.R. Tolkien. You might’ve heard of him because he’s a human. And how could we forget Shakespeare. He’s…also a human. If I remember correctly. I’m sure there’s more that I’m missing because I have actively tried to ignore everything, but yeah.”
    With each name, Garwin regrets his life choices more and more. And more. “What the fuck do you mean Shakespeare? Like, the one of the William variety? The playwright?” 
    “Yeah. Sometimes Finny drops into iambic pentameter just to make us suffer. Are you really sure you want to be exposed to all of the Neverseen drama?”
    “Might gouge my eyes out but, eh, whatever. Sounds fun. If Yale doesn’t want me I guess I’ll have to cause large amounts of havoc instead.”
    Ruy smiles. “I’m going to go foraging for some semblance of a breakfast that doesn’t taste like dogshit. Don’t cause too much havoc while I’m gone.”
    “No promises.”
    Ruy shakes his head as he gets up, joints singing the song of his people--the Rice Crispy elves. 
    Garwin throws on some clothes and inhales breakfast before he’s led to a hideout he’s never seen before. 
    This one is really fucking bleak and really fucking disappointing. There’s probably tetanus on every surface of the grimy, ragged brick walls. It’s the exact kind of place where you should expect to have your body never found, but honestly if they’ve waited this long to kill him, that’s kind of their own poor planning. 
    A set of stairs leads into the even more murder-y looking abyss below. 
    Having no better options, Garwin slowly begins to make his way down without slipping on the mossy, uneven stairs and falling and bonking his head and dying. 
    At the bottom, he finds a room, larger than it seems like it should be, lit entirely by flickering, yellow candlelight. It catches on bottles of what appears to be wine set into racks every few feet or so. 
    He will never admit that this reminds him of a short story he was forced to read--and perhaps even enjoyed reading--in ninth grade English. 
    As Garwin steps closer to the middle of the room where a space has haphazardly cleared, he notices the first of many cloaked figures, white eyed lapels glowing in the dim light.
    In total, around a dozen figures surround him, and he searches for Ruy in the crowd. Well, it’s not exactly a crowd, per se, but it feels like one in the cramped space. 
    It doesn’t take much effort to find him, with his long, dark hair curling out and escaping the hood. 
    That being said, Garwin can tell who most of the figures are without trying. From Umber’s absolutely sunny disposition to Fintan’s concave ass, it’s not exactly difficult. It’s just a little dissatisfying that Alvar isn’t there.
    Fintan lowers his hood like it’s some huge reveal, whispering ominously, “Garwin Chang. You wish to join our order?”
    Garwin nods. “That’s…kind of why I’m down here. Although these wine bottles do look like they could be some fun.”
    A low, overprotective growl echoes behind him as his fingers trace the label written in fancy Trollish. One of the many, many languages not on Duolingo that no one bothered to teach him how to read. Hell, most of the time he can barely read English but that’s an issue for a different day. 
    “I trust you know you’re the first non-member of an intelligent species to join our ranks in a long while,” Fintan says. Garwin’s hand falls to his side. 
    “I wouldn’t exactly call Ruy intelligent, but okay.”
    That got a couple of snickers out of the crowd and a death glare from Ruy despite most of his face being cast in shadow. 
    “Well, you got me there. I was prepared to make a convoluted line of reasoning like I’m hopped up on a cola before all of those pesky safety regulations were introduced, but you made it for me instead.”
    Wait, is he an old man bitching about New Coke or is referring to when the recipe had cocaine? Or just…caffeine? And sugar? Any of the above interpretations are fucking hilarious, so it doesn’t matter which is true. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an objectively best answer. 
    “The rest of the requirements are simple: do you promise to do everything in your power to help our world?”
    “Yeah, sure. Why not?” Garwin shrugs, smirking. 
    “Convince me.” Fintan’s icy gaze stares into Garwin’s soul. A threat behind his words.
    “I’ve been seeing Alvar and Ruy for months on end now. Do you really think I would go through all of that if I wasn’t committed? I could’ve blackmailed my way into a Yale scholarship long ago, but I’ve stayed. And for what? Because I almost care about this place not being a shithole. Also because there aren’t any taxes but we don’t need to mention that.”
    “Yeah, the cost of living is real fucking low when you’re mooching off of Alvar,” Ruy mutters. 
    …Holy fuck, Ruy has infected my brain. I don’t like this. How dare he keep sprinkling Spanish into everyday conversation? It’s like he wants to prove that he’s not an idiot to this human idiot because he knows, like, four words in a human language.     
    In reality, it’s because he lived in an undisclosed Spanish-speaking country during his time at Exilium and hasn’t broken the habit. But why be reasonable when you can be petty and bitter because he knows more Spanish than you do even after taking it for three years? 
    To be completely fair, he didn’t pay attention and convinced a kid to send him pictures of the homework and cheated on the tests, but in his defense, he didn’t realize he’d need it later in life. At least Google Translate exists all of its glorious inaccuracy. 
    “I bestow upon thee thou official codename: Elay.” Fintan says, bowing his head. “Alvar came up with it so don’t ask me what it means. Normally each person gets to pick out their own, but he was insistent and it’s not important enough to me to argue with him.”
    Yeah, that sounds about right. Gonna have to ask Alvar about it later. Maybe he’s avoiding me because he doesn’t want a full interrogation in the middle of this murder chamber. Yeah--let’s go with that. It’s better than imagining him in a Black Swan murder chamber. 
    Fintan takes a metal rod and heats it until it glows a faint red, bright in the dim light, knighting Garwin. And thankfully not sizzling his ears off in the process. 
    Fintan nods at a hooded figure Garwin only knows by his codename and that he’s a guster. “Trix, if you please?”
    Trix hands Garwin a bundle of dark fabric, emblazoned with a bright white eye. 
    It unfolds like the little bitch folded things always are, causing unattached pieces of concerningly neon fabric to fall to the ground. 
    As Garwin reaches to pick them up, it becomes all too clear that they’re not only bright pink and orange but also a very, very 80s leotard and legwarmers.
    What the actual everliving fuck?
    …and also maybe Fintan did mean New Coke. 
    It’s up to the stars above to decide which is a worse revelation. 
    “You know, Ruy, if you wanted me to wear this, you could’ve just asked. No need for all of this.”
    Ruy flips him off. He’s probably glare-smiling behind the hood though. 
    Garwin drapes the cloak part of the Neverseen uniform around his shoulders. It’s wonderfully heavy, like a weighted blanket, but surprisingly breathable. It’s probably made from a gnomish fabric which is weird because the gnomes hate their guts as much as plants are capable of hate. 
    And now I’ll finally be allowed to know why that is.
     The crowd begins shifting around him, escaping slowly up the narrow steps and light leaping away to god knows where, and soon only Ruy and Garwin are left. 
    “I got an update from Alvar,” Ruy smiles mischievously. “This should be a fun first assignment for you.”
     No fewer than three light leaps later, Garwin is in the Lodestar system, standing in front of a blonde boy with ice blue eyes. He’s immediately recognizable from Alvar’s stash of pictures he keeps to pretend like he’s still connected to his family. 
    He also knows Sophie, a regrettable decision. 
    “Meet our new son: Keefe,” Alvar says, mussing his hair. 
    Keefe flinches away. “Bitch, I’m literally only, like, six years younger than you,” he complains. “Also hasn’t my dad fucked your dad?” He puts air quotes around both uses of “Dad.” Fun family dynamic and it hasn’t even been five minutes yet. 
    “I do believe I was the one who told you about that.” Alvar turns to Ruy and Garwin. “I’ll take first shift babysitting.”
    “Nonsense. I don’t trust Garwin nearly enough to be by himself and you’ve been up all night causing problems and destroying half of Ravagog--”
    “--which is a perfectly normal way to spend an evening, thank you very much.”
    “--so you will be going home and you will take a nap. I’ll make sure Blondie here doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.”
    There’s a glint on Alvar’s eye that looks like he wants to argue, but a yawn cuts him off before he gets the chance. 
    Garwin almost has to physically drag him back home, partially from him being tired and partially from him not wanting to go to bed because some days he acts like a toddler. 
    “Sorry I couldn’t be at your coronation today.”
    Garwin kisses his cheek. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure sooner or later, Ruy’s gonna end up doing a whole reenactment except I actually get walled into the wine cellar this time.”
    Alvar laughs halfheartedly. 
    “And, besides. It’s not like it’s gonna change much. Do I still hate the elvin government? Yes. Is the Bullshit still a bunch of useless dumbasses? Yes. Are you still going to tell me shit that’s way above my pay grade? Abso-fucking-lutely. It’s just now I don’t have to steal your cape when it’s cold out. But I will anyway for old times’ sake.” 
    “Unmapped stars, you’re such a little shit.”
    Well, if you can’t make your boyfriend regret being with you, what’s the fucking point? 
  “And yet you’ve repeatedly chosen to not leave me to die in the middle of the neutral territories. So who’s the real winner here?”
    Alvar sighs, shaking his head. 
    God damn, he’s cute when he’s annoyed. 
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victorluvsalice · 9 months ago
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-->After that, the true chores of the day could begin – starting with Alice getting her bake on! I had her start by using the sweet batter she already had on hand to make strawberry fizz cupcakes, then had her make some more sweet batter in the stand mixer before using some leftover dough on a blueberry pie. While she was cooking, Smiler came back from the dump and Victor finished up his upgrade, so I sent them both to tend to the greenhouse – unfortunately, that one dahlia flower was still glitched-weedy, and Smiler kept getting stuck in a weeding loop every time they went near it. >( Meeh. I had them and Victor do what they could for the other plants (just a bit of watering and weeding of those plants that COULD be cleared) – Victor ended up finishing first, and I decided he could be the one to feed the chickens and clean the coop today. I know he’s usually the plant guy, but it does everyone good to switch things around sometimes! Alice, for her part, finished up her first batch of food and got sent to clean Moory’s shed and poor dirty Moory herself – though I had to stop her trying to eat Toothy the cowplant’s cake midway through. *sigh* One of these days I’m going to LET one of you get eaten, and then you’ll learn...
-->Anyway – she fed the cowplant, then went and cleaned Moory and refilled her feed with prairie grass hay to keep the cow happy. Along the way, she indicated she wanted to cook some waffles (a picture of the waffle iron appeared in her activity queue anyway), so I looked through the options and decided she should cook some pumpkin spice ones – something different, and it would use up the pumpkin in the fridge! While she finished in the shed, Victor finished cleaning the chicken coop and decided he wanted pineapple pizza for breakfast, which I allowed because it amused me. XD I then checked in on Smiler, broke them out of another perma-weeding loop, had them go around and get a few key crops (soybeans, black beans, plasma fruit, pineapples, poison fireleaves, noxious elderberries), then had them snag a bottle of fizzy plasma from the greenhouse fridge to drink while they worked on super-selling the rest of the produce. Though I did end up having them also snag some taro root and garlic first, because taro root is also good for making flour, and I didn’t think they’d ever actually HARVESTED any of the garlic they’d planted. Might as well, right? That’s what it’s there for! Happily, all this harvesting and super-selling actually maxed out their gardening skill, which is cool. :D Now the house has two super-gardeners to take care of all the plants!
-->With the garden all taken care of, Smiler got sent upstairs to go play a little Sim Scuffle (I think it’s everyone’s favorite game in this household), while Alice finished up her chores with Moory and went in to make her pumpkin spice waffles as Victor finished breakfast. Only for her to then immediately have to go OUT again because her werewolf temperaments made her feel like the walls were closing in on her. *sigh* I thought about having her indulge in some zoomies, but as the waffles were going to be done very soon, I figured it wasn’t worth it it (you never know how long zoomies are going to take, and the interaction can’t be canceled, sooo). Instead, I had her dig around in the yard for a bit (she snagged a sample of utranium for her efforts – pretty sure she already has that in her little collection, but always nice to get something while scavenging!), while Victor took advantage of the oven being free to bake some everything bagels (as I figured it would be nice to have something from him in the stand too). Once I was sure she was okay to come back in, I had her go back to the kitchen to collect her waffles and have some artful foccacia for breakfast (as Victor knee-walked to the bathroom, poor guy) –
-->And then, made sure both she and Victor had a piece of forbidden candy from the jar in the kitchen! Reason being, I learned from – okay, I actually don't recall now if it was an onlyabidoang video or a Petey Plays It video, but one of them did a video that showed how having one piece will give Sims an energized moodlet and actually REFILL THEIR ENERGY NEED AND KEEP IT FULL while the moodlet is active. (Have two in a 24-hour period, however, and you lose the benefit as your Sims become uncomfortable.) As Victor and Alice are always getting tired at odd times because of the weird hours they keep, this seemed like a great way to keep them happy and awake while they were out and about! :D Once they were officially Energized by ghost sugar, I had Alice head to the porch to grab the painting Felipe Sisson recently made on the easel out there (he visited during the party Smiler had a little while ago and painted something before he left – it was actually a really nice painting, I’ll have to give it back to him at some point) before sending her to the downstairs bathroom to use the toilet then lick herself clean. Victor, for his part, was kept busy by using the various pet poops he had in his inventory to fertilize a few plants close to evolution. XD Look, I had to get them out of the poor guy’s pockets! He came back as Alice somber-howled her way to lower Fury (didn’t want any inconvenient rampages while they were out and about) – and with everyone sorted, it was time to hit Hare Square in Windenburg with the Van Liddelton Snacks stand!
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bellalampwickrossi · 2 years ago
Disney : The Wedding by my friend Levi
Whoever convinced Tigerlily and Lampwick to have everything set up on the day of the wedding was delusional. Of course, this was their own idea. They thought it would make things more exciting that way.
"Where's Tigerlily!?" Lampwick exclaimed as he stood there in his suit.
The guests and attendees were rushing about, setting up the tiger lillies and yelling about the time they had left. It was a real mess.
"You can't see her yet. They say seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding is bad luck", Bella, Lampwick's younger sister (and flower girl) hissed.
He glared at her as she was dusting off her ruby sleeveless dress with a lace floral pattern that followed the outlines of the dress.
"Is it so bad that I wanna see my future wife a wee bit earlier?" he grumbled in annoyance.
He was told to just wait and he watched as the chairs were set up by the boys of Neverland, their chosen setting for this special occasion. The bridesmaids, Alice and Eilonwy, were getting all giddy at the thought of their best friend finally becoming a wife. The bridesmaids wore strapless dresses, the top half being similar to the design of Bella's dress, though the lower had a slit at the side and lacked any patterns. Luckily, it was rather hot that day so none of them complained about the dresses of choice. They did little twirls in front of each other, enhancing the excitement surrounding this occasion. Lampwick simply rolled his eyes, irritated by how long this was taking. Alexander, the groomsman, checked on his friend by giving him a pat on the back.
"It's your special day! Don't show such a grumpy face!" he exclaimed.
"But everything feels so much slower", he'd grumble.
Then they both look at everyone struggling to finish the decorations, yelling about the time. Alexander would giggle, thankful that he's the only one who heard Lampwick.
"I think you're the only one here who thinks that there's too much time."
"I guess I can't say much. You guys were sweet enough to do this on short notice…"
"Ain't that what friends are for?"
The two men smiled at each other, checking their golden pocket watches. It was almost time.
Suddenly, every guest rushed to their positions, but the cake still wasn't here yet. It was supposed to be pineapple flavoured, Tigerlily's favourite. Lampwick felt that sharp burst of energy, giddy at the idea of finally seeing his bride.
Suddenly, the music began to play as Tigerlily emerged with her father as he walked her down the aisle. The guests watched in awe at how beautiful she was in her traditional strapless lime green dress that emphasized that radiant beauty of hers. Hard To Hit, the ring bearer, stood near the altar and flashed his soon-to-be brother-in-law a smile, and Lampwick smiled back. Jane Darling, the maid of honour, waited with the bridesmaids and her best friend , Shanti, nervous about the decorations, hoping nothing would fall apart. Geppetto held his wife, Carina’s hand lovingly as she shed tears at the sight of her son. Her little boy is becoming a responsible man. Tigerlily stopped and stood in front of Lampwick as they gave each other loving eyes. They held each other’s hands, feeling the warmth being shared between them. The officiant cleared his throat.
“We’re gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between Lampwick-“
“Ahem, can we get to the vows already?” Lampwick interrupted.
The officiant sighed and skipped to the end. Tigerlily simply chuckled, typical of him to do that.
“The couple have written their own vows to be read…”
Lampwick smiled as he took out his own paper.
“Tigerlily, you’re the Swell-est girl I’ve ever met. You’ve always seen the good in me even when other people called me a troublemaker. I love you, and I promise to be your husband ‘til death do us part”, he said with teary eyes, a huge grin plastered across his face.
“Lampwick, through all the obstacles, I have loved you, and still do, no matter what happened. You’re my best friend and I promise to love you for the rest of my life”, she responded with a soft tone.
Everyone sniffled at the beautiful moment, then the officiant said “You may kiss the bride.”
And so, they did, feeling so much love and joy through that one kiss while their friends and family cheered. They turned to face the crowd and he lifted her up into his arms, carrying her down the aisle.
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emptybamboogirl88 · 2 years ago
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From Sacrifice to…Fancy Shmancy Ice Cream: Fulfilling Immigrant Dreams
It’s always a fun challenge to condense everything you want to express into one, single comic panel. This week, I decided to tackle one again.
So, did I actually spend $85 on six pints of ice cream? Yes because Jeni’s Ice Cream is SO delicious and I really want to try the homemade banana bread and pineapple upside down cake which are not available anywhere near me. So, delivery it is.
Did my husband think me insane? Yes. But, he has his Transformers and I have my…fancy shmancy ice cream.
Also, my birthday and Mother’s Day are coming up. Gifts of appreciation for myself are well deserved ????
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blue-slxt · 2 years ago
blue 🩵 my love ✨ for the 123 questions i would love to know:
11) Hogwarts house
31) What's your favorite type of cake?
36) Would you rather live near the mountains or near the beach?
47) Do you believe in astrology
55) Are you scared of space?
60) Is the ocean or space scarier?
66) What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
67) What's your favorite Christmas film?
77) What color do you want your hair to be?
88) Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
97) What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
Whew! *cracks knuckles* alright, let's get into this!
11) Hogwarts house
Last time I took the test, it said Gryffindor, but that was also years ago and I was a totally different person lol. I think I've grown into more of a Slytherin honestly.
31) What's your favorite type of cake?
Marble cake. It's just that perfect balance of yellow and chocolate and it's top tier.
36) Would you rather live near the mountains or near the beach?
The beach, hands down. Mountains are fine, but I much prefer the sound of the waves, the smell of the water, the horizon view, all of that.
47) Do you believe in astrology
I'd say like maybe halfway lol. I don't think it's this like all powerful driving force that completely dictates everything, but I do think that there's something to how the alignment of the planets and things effects us down here.
55) Are you scared of space?
Not really, I find it more fascinating than anything.
60) Is the ocean or space scarier?
Definitely the ocean. Maybe it's just because I'm afraid of water, but something about how vast and deep the ocean is and how there's just so much unknown about it and the things living in it. It freaks me the hell out lol. And you could say the same thing about space, but it just doesn't give me the same anxiety as the ocean.
66) What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
Barbie lol and I'd go see it again if I got the chance.
67) What's your favorite Christmas film?
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. It's super nostalgic for me and I think it still holds up as a good movie even now. I watch it at least once every Christmas.
77) What color do you want your hair to be?
Ooooh I've been thinking about this one a lot! I've had my split dye for a while and I love it, but I think I wanna spice it up by dying just my roots like a purple or a pink or a blue. Something kind of like how Billie Eillish used to dye her hair but on locs.
88) Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
Jail lmaoooo but I'm weird about pizza in general, but absolutely no on the pineapples though. I love pineapples, just not on my pizza.
97) What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
I think The Haunting of Hill House. I just feel like it's sooo damn near perfect. It's like a master class in character writing and the acting is phenomenal and the story is beautiful and haunting. Plus, the rewatch value is really high once you catch on to all the hidden ghosts in the background. I highly recommend it. Fair warning though: there are jumpscares so if that's not your thing, maybe don't watch.
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bellaharley · 7 days ago
Unveiling the Best Raz Vape Flavors: A Taste Adventure You Can’t Miss
As a vaping enthusiast, I’m always excited to discover new and unique flavors that elevate my experience. Recently, I explored the incredible selection of Raz Vape flavors, and I must say—they have something for everyone! Whether you love fruity, icy, or dessert-inspired blends, Raz Vape offers a variety of options to satisfy any craving.
A Flavor for Every Vaper
Raz Vape has built its reputation on crafting bold and unforgettable flavors. Here are some of my top picks:
Strawberry Shortcake – A creamy, sweet fusion of strawberries and cake.
Blue Razz Ice – A tangy blue raspberry blend with an icy exhale.
Grape Ice – A juicy grape flavor paired with a refreshing menthol kick.
Banana Coconut – A tropical delight that transports you to a beachside escape.
Watermelon Pineapple – A juicy and exotic combination for a refreshing vape.
Each puff bursts with rich, high-quality flavors that make every session enjoyable.
Where to Find Raz Vape Near Me?
After exploring these amazing flavors, I needed to find a trusted retailer. A quick search for Raz Vape near me led me to authorized sellers offering genuine Raz Vape products. To ensure authenticity and premium quality, I always recommend buying from official stores or certified online retailers.
The RAZ TN9000: A Game-Changer in Vaping
While discovering Raz Vape flavors, I came across a standout device—the RAZ TN9000. This high-performance disposable vape is designed for convenience and longevity, offering:
✔ 12mL Pre-Filled Tank – Delivers up to 9000 puffs for extended use. ✔ 5% Nicotine Strength – Ensures a smooth yet satisfying hit. ✔ 0.96-Inch HD Screen – Displays battery and e-liquid levels. ✔ Adjustable Airflow – Allows customization for a tailored vaping experience. ✔ Vibrant LED Colors & Animations – Adds a stylish touch to your device.
With its sleek design and powerful performance, the RAZ TN9000 is an excellent choice for vapers seeking both flavor and functionality.
Why Raz Vape Stands Out
Raz Vape is more than just a brand—it’s a premium experience. Here’s why I keep coming back to their products:
Superior Flavor Quality – Each blend is crafted for a bold, satisfying taste.
User-Friendly Devices – Their disposables are designed for easy, hassle-free vaping.
Long-Lasting Performance – The TN9000 and other devices offer extended battery life and high puff counts.
If you’re looking for a reliable and flavorful vaping experience, Raz Vape has you covered.
Final Thoughts
Exploring the world of Raz Vape has been a flavorful journey. With a vast selection of top-tier flavors and cutting-edge devices like the RAZ TN9000, they continue to set the bar high in the vaping industry. Whether you're a casual vaper or a seasoned enthusiast, Raz Vape offers something exciting for everyone.
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egglesscakeshopglasgow · 1 month ago
Exploring the Best Cake Shops in Glasgow for Every Celebration
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Glasgow, with its vibrant culture and rich culinary scene, is renowned for its delightful cake shops that cater to all types of celebrations. Whether you're planning a birthday, wedding, or any special event, finding the right cake shop can make all the difference.
This article will explore the best cake shops in Glasgow, highlighting their unique offerings and emphasizing the importance of quality ingredients and customization options. Among these, one particular shop stands out for its exceptional egg free cake shop near me , making it a go-to destination for those seeking delicious treats.
The Importance of Quality Ingredients
When it comes to cakes, the quality of ingredients is paramount. The best cake shops in Glasgow pride themselves on using fresh, high-quality components that enhance the flavor and texture of their creations. From locally sourced fruits to premium chocolates, the focus on quality ensures that each cake is a delightful experience for customers. Shops that prioritize natural ingredients not only create delicious desserts but also cater to health-conscious consumers looking for indulgent yet wholesome options.
A Variety of Flavors to Satisfy Every Palate
One of the most exciting aspects of exploring cake shops in Glasgow is the diverse array of flavors available. Customers can find everything from classic vanilla and rich chocolate to exotic options like coconut and pineapple. Each shop often has its signature flavors that reflect the creativity and expertise of the bakers. This variety ensures that there is something to please every palate, making it easy to find the perfect cake for any occasion.
Customization: Making Every Cake Unique
Customization is a key feature that sets many cake shops apart. For special events like weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, customers often seek cakes that reflect their personal style and preferences. The ability to customize flavors, designs, and decorations allows customers to create a cake that truly embodies the spirit of their celebration. Many cake shops in Glasgow offer personalized services, working closely with clients to bring their vision to life.
Popular Cake Trends in Glasgow
As the cake industry continues to evolve, new trends emerge that captivate the hearts of dessert lovers. One such trend is the increasing demand for dietary-specific cakes, such as gluten-free, vegan, and egg-free options. This shift reflects a growing awareness of dietary restrictions and the desire for inclusivity in the dessert scene.
Egg-Free Cakes: A Delicious Alternative
Egg-free cakes have gained significant popularity, particularly among those with egg allergies or those who prefer not to consume eggs for various reasons. The use of creative substitutes allows bakers to create cakes that are just as flavorful and moist as their traditional counterparts. These cakes are made using ingredients like applesauce, banana puree, or yogurt, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a slice of sweetness.
The Eggless Cake Shop: A Standout Choice
Among the many cake shops in Glasgow, the Eggless Cake Shop stands out as a premier destination for egg-free cakes. This establishment specializes in crafting a wide variety of eggless creations, ensuring that no one has to miss out on the joy of indulging in a delicious cake.
Exquisite Selection of Eggless Cakes
At the Eggless Cake Shop, customers can explore an impressive selection of flavors that cater to diverse tastes. From aromatic coffee cakes that awaken the senses to tropical delights like pineapple and coconut cakes, there is something for everyone. Each cake is handcrafted with care, ensuring that customers receive a delightful product. The focus on quality ingredients guarantees that every bite is a pleasure, making these cakes perfect for any celebration.
Customizable Cakes for Special Occasions
The Eggless Cake Shop understands the importance of celebrating special moments. Whether it’s a wedding, birthday, or baby shower, this shop is equipped to provide cakes that enhance any occasion. The ability to customize cakes to fit specific themes and preferences allows customers to create a dessert that is uniquely theirs. This personal touch adds significance to each cake, making it a memorable centerpiece for celebrations.
Freshness and Attention to Detail
A hallmark of the Eggless Cake Shop is its dedication to freshness. Each cake is made to order, ensuring that customers receive a product that is not only delicious but also fresh and flavorful. This commitment to quality is evident in the shop's attention to detail, from the ingredients used to the final presentation of the cakes. Customers can feel confident knowing that they are indulging in a product crafted with love and care.
Finding the Right Cake Shop Near You
As you search for the best cake shop in Glasgow, consider the unique offerings that each establishment provides. Whether you’re looking for artisan bakeries, specialty cake shops, or cupcake shops, the city has a wealth of options to explore. When searching for an “egg-free cake shop near me,” the Eggless Cake Shop is an excellent choice for those seeking delectable, allergy-friendly treats.
Conclusion: Celebrate with the Eggless Cake Shop
In conclusion, Glasgow is home to a variety of exceptional cake shops that cater to every celebration. With a focus on quality ingredients, diverse flavor options, and customization, these establishments ensure that every customer can find the perfect cake for their needs. Among these, the Eggless Cake Shop stands out as a prime destination for those seeking delicious egg-free options.
If you’re in search of an egg-free cake shop near you, look no further than the Eggless Cake Shop. Explore the delightful offerings at this shop and indulge in the sweet solutions it provides. Celebrate every moment with a cake that truly delights, ensuring that everyone can partake in the joy of dessert!
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aisabazarshop · 3 months ago
Bakery Store in Ontario: Where Freshness Meets Flavor!
When it comes to satisfying your cravings for sweet delights, finding the right bakery store in Ontario can make all the difference. Whether you are in the mood for fresh bread, delectable pastries, or traditional sweets, Asia Bazaar Shop stands out as a premier choice. This online bakery store near me not only offers a diverse array of baked goods but also brings authentic flavors and high-quality ingredients to your table. Let’s explore what makes Asia Bazaar Shop a top bakery destination in Ontario and why you should indulge in their offerings.
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The Rich Heritage of Asian Baking
Asian baking is a blend of tradition and innovation, characterized by unique flavors and textures. At Asia Bazaar Shop, a premier bakery store in Ontario, you will discover a range of baked products that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Asian cuisine. The bakery aims to provide customers with authentic experiences through their carefully crafted treats, which are made using time-honored recipes and high-quality ingredients.
A Diverse Selection of Baked Goods
Asia Bazaar Shop offers an impressive selection of baked goods that caters to all tastes and preferences. Here’s a closer look at some of their standout offerings:
Steamed Buns: Soft, fluffy steamed buns filled with various delicious fillings. These buns are a staple in many Asian households and are perfect for a quick snack or as part of a meal.
Savory Breads: Explore a variety of savory breads infused with unique flavors. These are perfect for sandwiches or enjoyed with a spread of your choice.
Mooncakes: A traditional delicacy, mooncakes are filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed paste and are often enjoyed during the Mid-Autumn Festival. At Asia Bazaar Shop, you can find beautifully crafted mooncakes, perfect for sharing with family and friends.
Coconut Cream Buns: Delight in these soft, pillowy buns filled with rich coconut cream. They are a perfect blend of sweetness and texture.
Customized Cakes: Celebrate your special occasions with customized cakes designed to meet your needs. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or any other event, Asia Bazaar Shop can create a stunning cake that not only looks great but tastes delicious.
Traditional Layer Cakes: Experience the rich flavors of traditional Asian layer cakes, each with its own unique filling and frosting that brings a taste of home.
Cookies and Snacks
Pineapple Tarts: These buttery cookies filled with sweet pineapple jam are a popular choice among customers. They are perfect for gifting or enjoying with a cup of tea.
Crispy Rice Treats: A delightful crunchy snack that appeals to both kids and adults. These treats are made with quality ingredients to ensure a satisfying bite.
The Convenience of Ordering Online
In today’s hectic world, convenience is key, and Asia Bazaar Shop offers a seamless online shopping experience. No need to step out of your home; simply visit their website to explore a wide selection of baked goods.
How to Navigate the Website
Visit Asia Bazaar Shop: Start your journey by visiting the Asia Bazaar Shop website, where you can easily navigate through various product categories.
Explore the Bakery Section: The bakery section is user-friendly, allowing you to browse through the extensive offerings. From breads to pastries, you can find everything you need in one place.
Add to Cart: Once you’ve selected your favorite items, simply add them to your cart. The website’s straightforward interface makes it easy to keep track of your selections.
Secure Checkout: After making your selections, proceed to checkout for a secure and hassle-free transaction. Asia Bazaar Shop values customer security and privacy.
Delivery Options: Choose your preferred delivery option to ensure that your sweet treats arrive fresh at your doorstep.
Benefits of Shopping Online
Shopping at an online bakery store near me provides numerous benefits:
Accessibility: Enjoy the luxury of ordering baked goods from anywhere, anytime, without having to travel.
Freshness Guaranteed: Many online bakeries prioritize freshness, ensuring that items are made to order.
Exclusive Online Offers: Asia Bazaar Shop often provides special promotions and discounts for online orders, giving you more value for your money.
Ease of Comparison: It’s easier to compare different products and prices when shopping online, allowing you to make informed choices.
Quality Ingredients for Exceptional Taste
At Asia Bazaar Shop, quality is of utmost importance. The bakery takes pride in using authentic and high-quality ingredients to create their baked goods.
Local Sourcing
Many of the ingredients are sourced from local suppliers, supporting the community and ensuring that you receive fresh products. This commitment to quality not only enhances the flavor of the baked goods but also reflects the bakery’s dedication to sustainability.
Health-Conscious Options
For those who are health-conscious, Asia Bazaar Shop offers a range of options that cater to various dietary preferences. Whether you are looking for gluten-free items or pastries with reduced sugar, you can find choices that meet your needs without compromising on taste.
The Atmosphere of a Bakery Store
While online shopping offers convenience, the experience of visiting a bakery store in Ontario can be equally rewarding. The ambiance, aromas, and interaction with staff can enhance your appreciation for baked goods.
Inviting Environment
Asia Bazaar Shop strives to create a welcoming atmosphere, whether you visit in person or online. The friendly staff is knowledgeable and eager to assist customers in finding the perfect treats, making your shopping experience enjoyable.
Community Engagement
Being a part of the Ontario community, Asia Bazaar Shop frequently engages in local events and promotions. This involvement fosters a sense of community and allows customers to connect with the bakery on a deeper level.
Exploring Traditional Asian Sweets
Asian desserts are renowned for their distinct flavors and presentations. At Asia Bazaar Shop, you can discover a variety of traditional sweets that are both delightful and satisfying.
Red Bean Paste Treats
Red bean paste is a staple in many Asian desserts. At Asia Bazaar Shop, you can find treats filled with this sweet and smooth paste, providing a unique taste that is both comforting and nostalgic.
Mochi Delights
Mochi, a chewy rice cake, is a beloved treat in many cultures. Asia Bazaar Shop offers a selection of mochi desserts filled with sweet fillings, showcasing the versatility of this delightful treat.
Egg Tarts
Egg tarts are another classic offering at Asia Bazaar Shop. These flaky pastries filled with creamy custard are a favorite among customers and are perfect for a light dessert or snack.
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If you’re searching for a bakery store in Ontario that offers an exceptional selection of baked goods, Asia Bazaar Shop is the place to go. With its extensive range of products, commitment to quality, and convenient online ordering, it’s no wonder that this bakery has become a favorite among locals.
Whether you’re looking for a quick treat or planning for a special occasion, Asia Bazaar Shop has everything you need to satisfy your sweet cravings. Visit our website today to explore our offerings and indulge in the delightful world of Asian baked goods!
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Reference: https://sites.google.com/view/bakery-store-in-ontario/home
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