#Pilgrims travel
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nobeerreviews · 3 months ago
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Once more I am a wanderer, a pilgrim, through the world. But what else are you?
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(Cluj, Romania)
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batnip · 11 months ago
Reversed Karma AU
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A Rainworld Alternate Universe.
 The.. triple affirmative has been found- the affirmative that a ..solution has been found, the affirmative that the..solution is portable, and the affirmative that technical implementation is possible and generally applicable.
I remember that cycle... ancients swarmed the stuff, only privilege given to the founder, Sliver of Straw, was leaving us first.
And then cycle by cycle, our parents left..
Spoilered for absurd about of text, and general spoilers.
Saint never wanted to ascend anything. And by the time every last ancient was dead and gone, cycles passed, and structures fell. The green fuzzy thing was not once fuzzy, growing a coat as the rain sent by iterators stopped.
- - So it trailed along, guilty for what was not its fault, bringing iterators to life again. With a new name, [Pilgrim].
-- Footnote : Karma needs are reversed with the Pilgrim. Dying will up their karma, surviving will lower it. Secret passages will be added to cross gates you cannot with low karma, as it is needed to progress. =======================================
Rivulet is an odd case. I wanted them to obviously give rarefaction cells, as they did to Moon originally. So the tale goes they were created by a rebellious, younger Ancient who was fond of life and the cycle. One who refused the common ideals.
-- The swift little mouse they created, was given their own ability to create low-density rarefaction cells (singularity bombs) and refine them into more high-quality cells which the Ancient learned themself.
-- As soon as the news was spread to the general public of the triple affirmative, they sent the [Technician] out into the world, wearing several pearls describing their mission. ===========
Monk and Survivor lived with their colony, and were sent to scout a new home for the colony by the [Mapmaker]. They are named [Guard] and [Scout] in Reversed Karma. They brought Scout's two slugpups with them, even if the journey was dangerous, finding a new home for Scout pups was important to both Scout and their Sibling.
-- They find the tree in journey's end, Guard staying with the pups there as Scout tells the rest of the colony, including the leader, Mapmaker.
-- Footnote: Monk still brings Moon her cloak and several pearls. =========================================
The [Mapmaker] replaces Gourmand in Reversed Karma, making a map for their colony to follow. They are the leader of their colony.
-- Very similar to vanilla, leaving current living to the tree, showing the colony to the new home.
-- Footnote : Rain is beginning to return to normal, without cold mechanic. =====================================
The [Traveler] replaces Hunter in Reversed Karma, created by Five Pebbles to check on the local group. They spawn in the grounds of Unparralled Innocence. They do not have the Rot due to Five Pebbles more careful creation of a purposed organism compared to No Significant Harrassment.
-- Footnote : Cold mechanics are in work in these areas, as UI and CW were revived later than LTTM and FP.
-- Footnote : You may optionally visit Chasing Wind. ==========
The [Mother] replaces Artificer in Reversed Karma. Their slugpups are both alive, with the same explosive quality. They give Pebbles back his cloak and become a citizen after Sofanthiel locks onto them.
-- Footnote : Mother has bad reputation with scavengers due to passing tolls without payment before the campaign. They get a backspear due to one less hand slot having two pups.
-- Footnote : Rain has returned to normal.
-- Footnote : Mother has reduced food needs compared to vanilla Artificer due to needing to feed their pups. ===============
The [Messenger] replaces Spearmaster in Reversed Karma. They were created by Seven Red Suns to send messages between them and their friends, similar to [Traveler]'s check-ins with other iterators.
-- Footnote : Messenger has a mouth, and cannot duel wield spears.
A note from the OP: I hope you like them.. I've been wanting to show them off for a while. One of my headcannons for iterators was that the natural urges are coded into them with anti-ascension stuff. Like. Make ascension for us, but not for you. This is why they were wildly unsuccessful in finding the triple affirmative. Also.. Tumblr nuked quality of my image :c If u read all this and liked it perhaps a rb?? also hehe funny number thank u all
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g3othermal3scapism · 1 year ago
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this ones for u tenrose nation 😎 (the stupidest thing ive ever made)
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alrightstartingscene · 1 year ago
This may be a controversial opinion but we need to normalize and have more “bitchy” girls in media who aren’t complete assholes but labeled bitchy by everyone else because they have a rougher attitude than most people. We need more girls who don’t have to become nice by the end of the story to get their happy ending.
I don’t owe anyone niceness. I owe them respect and decency. Those things do not equate to niceness. Maybe it’s the depression talking but I cannot be upbeat and happy all the time. I shouldn’t be expected to greet everyone with a hello and a smile at my workplace. But especially in retail if you so much as say hi with a straight face you’ve got attitude or are being mean. Take it from a childhood people pleaser, I lost my sense of self trying to be nice and perfect for everyone. Doing so was one of the reasons I got so burnt out at my last job. We don’t owe you niceness.
The few girls in media I can think of off the top of my head who fit this:
Kat in 10 Things I Hate About You
Tibby from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Paris Geller in Gilmore Girls (I haven’t finished this show and while Paris is irrevocably horrible to people in some instances she still isn’t made to be nice to everyone and people accept her even when she’s not happy).
Julie Powers from Scott Pilgrim
April Ludgate from Parks and Rec
Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family/Wednesday
Edit: MAEVE WHITMAN from Sex Education also!
Any recommendations people have with women who fit this as main/sub protagonists would be greatly appreciated!
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ao3-anonymous · 1 year ago
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (01/08/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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madcat-world · 6 months ago
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Emerald Garden: Eastern Sage (1 of 16) - Christian Benavides
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stanford-photography · 1 year ago
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Desert Pilgrim By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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fly-sky-high-bug-games · 1 year ago
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Seven prominent characters my friend @furgemancs and I created and built throughout time, for seven years of Hollow Knight...
A little personal note bellow
Another anniversary for HK and another self indulgent "project" for it.
With all honesty, there is a lot happening right now both in the world and personally that does not make me feel right to celebrate anything.
However, I wanted to mark this anniversary, still. At least, as a little thank you, for inspirations and connections built within community for all these years that I can call friends, mutuals and acquaintances I am proud to have around.
I already talked about how much I love this community, despite its imperfections and alike, the people I was lucky to meet and talk to are the sole reason I am still here. Still loving this bug game. Still creating for it. Still thinking about it.
There was a moment not too long ago where I looked through my bug characters and realized just HOW MUCH there is to them, how much creativity poured into each of them and in which way they evolved and continued to be one of my favorite characters I created.
You are all an inspiration to me.
Thank you for being here~ <3
Here's to another year, and I hope, strongly, a better one. For ALL...
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
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The Tossa Pilgrim has been walking this path every year since the 15th century.
According to the tradition, around the year 1400 the plague was devastating the town of Tossa de Mar (in Comarques Gironines, Catalonia). The inhabitants asked Saint Sebastian for help and promised that, if he saved them, they would walk every year to the nearest chapel dedicated to him.
Soon, the plague ended. Since then, every year on January 20th (Saint Sebastian's Day), the people of Tossa have sent a man in representation of the town to walk the 40 kilometres to the nearest chapel dedicated to Saint Sebastian, which is in the town of Santa Coloma de Farners. This man is called the Father Pilgrim (pare pelegrí in Catalan), and still continues nowadays. He walks there accompanied by everyone who wants to join, arrives in the chapel after the sun has set, and gives away shells (pilgrimage symbol) to the people of Santa Coloma who gather to welcome him. The next day, he walks back. When he reaches Tossa again, inhabitants join him carrying candles, and many religious people follow him barefoot for a personal promise.
Video by fototecapatrimonial on Instagram. Photos from Visit Tossa and Turisme Santa Coloma de Farners.
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partitioshugenaturals · 3 months ago
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me and partitio are the first people in the world to think of this
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evilhorse · 9 months ago
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This is weird for me.
(The Flash #7)
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megahorous · 28 days ago
Dreamed that Sex Bob-Omb were going slightly into the (past? future?) to interact with themselves, like when Calvin and Hobbes had to write a short story for school
Stephen Stills was excited to have made (cranberry?) muffins, but the Stephens on his left and right were grossed out and wanted wild berry or something
Scott was playing Sonic the Fighters on PSP (not possible?) and annoyed the gang by carelessly going back and forth through time to switch games, which they told him not to do. After dinner, he was satisfied, saying " everywhere that needs to be full of fries is full of fries 🍟" or something to that effect
Kim might've been playing something on DS. And the baby was safe and well-fed
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morwynlefay · 7 months ago
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sheltiechicago · 6 days ago
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Portraits Capture the Colorful Faces of Pilgrims During an Important Hindu Festival
In March, Egyptian travel photographer Yasser Alaa Mobarak traveled to Kathmandu's Pashupatinath Temple during the sacred Hindu festival of Maha Shivaratri. While there, he executed a wonderful portrait series that captures the souls of the religious ascetics who were celebrating at the temple.
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adventurecamino · 21 days ago
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asta-daily · 4 months ago
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Trip to Mushroom Land - 17
Hi! Remember me? My name is Pllaid, I'm somewhat a pilgrim. With my friend Hyphae, we roam the vast subterranean land of Fungi Haven. What started as a simple trip became a way of life. There's always some new place to discover, new peoples to meet, new cultures to learn! I've traveled for a while now, the spores in my clothes sprouted all around making me a moving part of this land. I'm so happy to share my travel logs with you, and I hope you'll listen some more. See ya! /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook - Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ This is a part of the Travel log of Fungi Haven Bonjour! Vous vous souvenez de moi ? Je me nomme Pllaid et je suis en quelque sorte un pélerin. Avec mon ami Hyphae, nous arpentons les vastes terres souterraines de Fungi Haven. Ce qui a commencé comme une simple excursion s'est transformé en véritable mode de vie. Il y a toujours de nouveaux lieux à découvrir, de nouvelles personnes à rencontrer, de nouvelles us et coutumes à apprendre ! Ca fait un bon moment que nous sommes sur la route, et les spores dans mes v��tements se sont mis à pousser me transformant de fait en une partie ambulante de ces terres. Je suis tellement heureux de partager avec vous mes récits de voyage, et j'ose espérer que vous aurez plaisir à écouter la suite. A plus !
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