#Pietro Giovanni
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m-blackwell-and-associates ¡ 1 year ago
Following Up pt 2
Nicky’s people had cleaned the grave well enough, now that the original mission, both true and false, was over.  Nicky had the manners to police his own.  Now it was left to her to gather what dust had fallen out of her cousin’s reach and how she could make it pay.  It would be more satisfying to have someone else pay the costs now resting in her ledger.  
“Any reason you chose…”  Angelina turned back a page to see the list of operatives that Nicky had sent. “Diana Rosselini, alias Anna Betancourt?”  
“I felt she was the best of the four.”
“What made her stand out?”  At first glance, all four seemed to be of similar quality.  Military training of one flavor or another.  Specific skills earned in vague unnamed places.  Confirmed kill lists.  All from distant branches of breeder families, probably only accidentally aware of the family business, if aware of it at all.  No one with any strong ties to any Kindred family that she could recall at this moment.  Perfect operatives for those hopefuls with nothing left to lose and willing to work for a family pariah.
Family pariahs.  
Angelina frowned slightly, perturbed at the unnecessary self-reminder, tucking that thought away for later contemplation.  Now was not the time for meditating on old injustices. 
“I feel that a Rosselini was more suitable,” Pietro gave an easy shrug, as if such an important choice was merely an afterthought.  Normally a temperate guide, she found his lack of care or worry to be irritating this evening. 
“More suitable than what, Pietro?  Do not dissemble.”
He capitulated immediately.  “The Rosselini was the only choice, donna.  I wouldn’t dare Proxy Jara without approval of the Pisnob.  I didn’t feel that you’d want the della Passaglia here, all things considered, so Durant was also not an option.”
“Your consideration of my feelings is commendable, but if he was the better candidate, I would have accepted him.  Chances are he wasn’t involved with the…current politics.”  Angelina clicked her teeth shut on the words, biting them where she couldn’t bite those that had risen against her.
Again that nonchalant shrug and easy grin, tacitly ignoring the tempest she held under thin glass  “I would not risk it and besides, the Rosselini was equally qualified and the fourth did not survive the mission.”
“Karl Koeing, alias of Gerhart Auer,” Angelina mused, putting the papers back in order and finding the small work of neatness to be soothing.  There would be very little this evening that would be considered soothing.  “Nicky removed him from the operation himself?”
“Compromised,” Pietro agreed.  “At least that was what my Rosselini has told me, though I find it all a little extreme.  The Butcher didn’t like the fact he was passing information.  I understand his reasoning, but it wasn’t as if the Koeing was speaking out of house.”
A flash of annoyance cut through her precarious calm, jaw tightening against what she wished to say.  Vincenzo. They had been contemporaries once, equal in status as one of the North American padroni.  Their cousin’s unexpected murder had given him the job and she found the timing of it suspect, as well as Vincenzo’s lack of proper familial mourning.   “And Ms. Rosselini was the one that made sure the grave was clean?”
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artandthebible ¡ 4 months ago
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Christ Carrying his Cross
Artist: Giampietrino, probably Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli (Italian, active 1495–1549)
Date: About 1510-1530
Medium: Oil on wood
Collection: The National Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Christ turns to look at us as he carries the Cross on which he will be crucified. This type of painting, in which the viewer is put in the position of the holy women on whom Christ looked on the route to Calvary, was especially popular in North Italy in the sixteenth century. Christ’s eyes appeal to us in his pain to stir our emotions and arouse our compassion.
Giampietrino’s composition is based on a silver-point study of the same subject by Leonardo, which was also used by a range of artists working in Lombardy at the time.
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diioonysus ¡ 1 year ago
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flower crowns + art
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connorsnothereeither ¡ 3 months ago
Hyperthetically if giovani is alive how would they react to virgil and elwood ? Also how would they react to void sick virgil stuff ?
If they were still alive and around? I feel like they’d be supportive, in both instances.
I think Virgil would have immediately gone to Gio about Elwood things, rather than holding it in and stewing on it until he slipped up around Rune. Like their relationship with their Gia would give way to a much easier “hey, I’m feeling a feeling and don’t know how to feel” conversation. Would Virgil have figured it out sooner? Probably. I think Gio would have talked them through how those feelings are good and okay and can be explored. Would he have done something about it sooner? Debatable-
In terms of void sickness? I think outwardly Gio would be supportive, and try to be hopeful, and help work towards finding a cure potentially more urgently than Virgil. But I think inside they would never be able to let go of the guilt that they let this happen. Internalising what they think of as their “failure as a parent” in not being able to save their child from this, even if it’s not their fault and there was nothing they could have done. And they would do everything to hide that grief and work to fix things by themselves, so Virgil doesn’t need to see how much it’s affecting them.
Not to speak for Jamie on this, but I tend to think the attitude of taking on a weight of responsibility all by yourself, and trying to hide the struggle from loved ones, take on everything alone to make the lives of those around you easier, is an attitude that both Virgil and Pietro inherited from Giovanni. That is love, to them. Or a part of showing it. Protecting others by putting themselves in the way of the hurt. Putting their own issues up behind walls so that the weight of them won’t crush anyone else.
There’s something about Pietro keeping the avicane and the truth of their leaving Gio from Virgil, and in turn Virgil keeping his void sickness from both Pietro and Elwood, in both cases because they believe shouldering that burden alone is the best way to care for the other, that just makes me sob. They think that way about keeping secrets because that’s what they know. Because that’s what their Gia did, all their lives. And Giovanni loved them. So that’s part of loving someone.
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laclefdescoeurs ¡ 7 months ago
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The Madonna suckling the infant Christ, Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, called Giampietrino
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oldsardens ¡ 4 months ago
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Lo Spagna (Giovanni di Pietro) - Saint Catherine of Siena
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maertyrer ¡ 1 year ago
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Workshop of Giampietrino St. Catherine of Alexandria
Oil on panel, 64,5 x 50 cm, ca. 1530-40
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xpuigc-bloc ¡ 6 months ago
A New Exhibition Reveals Leonardo’s Secret Obsession With Perfume
The show also delves into the world of Renaissance perfumery.
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Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, Santa Maria Maddalena. Civic Museums of the Visconti Castle, Pavia Š Musei Civici del Castello Visconteo, Pavia.
Tim Brinkhof
August 24, 2024
You might think you know it all when it comes to Leonardo da Vinci. He painted the Mona Lisa. As an inventor, he devised flying machines centuries before the Wright Brothers. And, in 2017, a painting attributed to him earned the highest price of any artwork at auction.
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gregor-samsung ¡ 6 months ago
“ A Roma le notizie non sono buone. Lussu le racconta del tradimento dei capi dell’esercito e del rifiuto di dare le armi al popolo per difendersi. Lui è stato a porta San Paolo, dove, insieme a Longo, Vassalli, Buozzi, Amendola e Pertini, si è tentato di opporsi ai tedeschi radunando civili arrivati spontaneamente e armati alla buona e un manipolo di soldati rimasti allo sbando dopo la fuga del re, del governo e dei capi militari. Sono state fatte barricate con tram rovesciati, si è combattuto ma alla fine i tedeschi, superiori per forze e numeri, hanno avuto la meglio: sono morti molti civili (si conteranno quattrocento caduti tra i civili, di cui quarantatrĂŠ donne), tra loro Raffaele Persichetti, un professore di storia dell’arte al liceo Visconti, che sarĂ  medaglia d’oro al valor militare per la resistenza. La battaglia di porta San Paolo è considerata il primo atto della resistenza italiana ed è emblematica del momento, con la viltĂ  del re e di Badoglio, le divisioni all’interno dell’esercito, l’eroismo della popolazione che sceglie di battersi contro il nemico, i capi dell’antifascismo politico che si uniscono per costituire un fronte comune di lotta e resistenza. Sulla mancata difesa di Roma da parte dell’esercito e del governo, Emilio scriverĂ  il suo ultimo libro, poi uscito postumo. â€œ
Silvia Ballestra, La Sibilla. Vita di Joyce Lussu, Laterza (collana I Robinson / Letture), 2022š; p. 116.
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dame-de-pique ¡ 1 year ago
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Giovanni Simone Mayr - Ginevra di Scozia, Imprint: Firenze: Stamperia Fantosini, 1822
Pietro Generali - Adelina, Imprint: Firenze: Stamperia Fabbrini, 1815?
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m-blackwell-and-associates ¡ 1 year ago
Follow Up pt 5
“He might have been more useful alive, Ms. Rosselini,” Angelina said, sounding disapproving of Diana's protests and indifferent of her discomfort. 
The woman clenched her fists, standing just out of reach of the grasping and vengeful spirit.  “The mission was compromised, Donna Angelina. Even using family resources to transport a near dead man from our basement would have drawn more attention that was necessary thanks to the problems his little princess had already created for us.  Nicky would have done the same in disposing of our unexpected guest.”
Nicky, Angelina thought, would have put a bullet into the man as a safeguard from sudden recovery or rescue.  Nicky would have then proceeded to put a bullet in everyone in the building and she was certain Diana Rossellini knew that, giving Diana’s final call on the matter a tinge of self preservation rather than protocol.  However, having chastised the Proxy sufficiently, she reeled in the wrathful wraith, giving her sullen cousin space to breath and be thankful for her life.
“Simon Boucher,” Angelina said, focusing on the spirit.  Its attention now turned to her, it shrank back into human proportions, once again clear and calm and sad.  “We regret that you have come to this state.”
“You are like her,” he whispered again. 
“I am,” Angelina agreed.  “Did you see the ones that attacked you.”
“No.  I didn’t.”  A ghostly hand went to the pockets of his clothing. Searching.  “They took the rosary from me.  They knew we were coming, even though Elizabeth said it was safe.  Is she safe?  Did they kill her too?  I can’t find her.”
“She’s safe with her brother, Mr. Boucher.  She left France unharmed.  What can be done for you?”
The resigned spirit of Simon looked at his bones under Anglina’s gentle hands.  “Tell my family.  Don’t let them wonder what happened.”
“I can do that for you, Mr. Boucher.”  Angelina glanced meaningfully at Diana and tipped her head to the door, indicating that the Proxy needed to find the absent medical examiner in order to prepare the bones for travel.  Diana, sullen to be dismissed, wisely left without a word.  The wraith of Simon didn’t notice the accessory to his murder leaving, starting transfixed at his own body.
“Is this what happens when you betray someone?  Am I in hell?”
The notion amused Angelina.  “You aren’t in hell, Mr. Boucher.  Whom did you betray?”  The spirit flickered for a moment, the way a warning ripple might go through a swarm of bees.
“He paid me to bring him the rosary.  Elizabeth said he was going to kill me if I did.  But then I died anyway.”  Angelina could feel the sadness in the bones. “Did Elizabeth have me killed?  For the rosary?”
A child, even one in the shadow of  Nicky’s influence, could not possibly have orchestrated such a thing and she said so.  “This might have been simple accident of chance, Mr. Boucher.  Whom did you betray?”  She leaned into the question, urging the wraith to answer truthfully.
Again that ripple as the words were bent unwillingly from the wraith.  “Vincenzo Giovanni.  He paid...my…our Order…to find things for him.”
Angelina shared a quick look with Pietro, her cousin and enforcer becoming grim to hear the news.  “Does Vincenzo live here in Grenoble?”  While a common enough family name, there were only so many that had gotten the Kiss and she could account for each one of those and the territory they were allowed to operate.
“America.  The rosary is gone.  How do I make amends so I can go to Heaven?”  Simon’s voice was beginning to go hollow, an abyssal wail.
“I will help you, Mr. Boucher, but you will have to wait.  We’ll move you out of this place to one of sanctuary.  You will be safe and soon on your path to redemption.”  Angelina poured all of her sincerity into the words, lifting her hands off the bones and letting the mournful spirit of Simon Boucher fade back across the Shroud.
She stood there quietly for a moment, Pietro coming alongside.  “If it is the same Vincenzo that tried to gull the Butcher’s little China Doll…”
“Then you might have to keep me from killing him, Pietro,” Angelia interrupted, more abruptly than she intended.  Her enforcer smiled, a smile full of warmth and charm.
“I am conflicted, Donna, although I might just hold your coat for you.  For the insult done your office if nothing else.  But,” the smile faded as he crossed his arms.  “The way he dallies with business not his own, you might have to wait your turn behind prior complaints.  How does he hold his position the way he burns these bridges?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, Pietro.  And,” she added more quietly, seeing Diana escorting the uneasy medical examiner back into the room.  “When we get back to the villa, I want to talk to you about your Proxy.”
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tintin-caps ¡ 2 years ago
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The Adventures of Tintin - "The Calculus Affair" (1991)
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diioonysus ¡ 2 years ago
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artemis & diana + art
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askthepianist ¡ 1 year ago
What The fuck did the 6th sibling do. WHERE ARE THEY.
(OOC) Putting it down here cause it's a bit long!!!
(Ó~Ò)و > "...A-...6th sibling?...."
(◉◉) > "..." He doesn't say anything obviously, but his face seems a bit...Unconfortable.
~ଘ•_•) > "...Oh-...Yeah, there's-...Uhm...Her..." Pietro pauses, looking at Emmanuel before continuing "...She-...Uhm...Oh god how do i say that..."
ヾ●>●) > "...It's better to not talk about her. Not at all."
(Ó~Ò)و > "...Huh?...But-...But i want to know about her-...Uhm..I...We had another sister?..."
ଘ७•́‿•̀)७ > "Yeah! I-...Didn't knew we had another sister! What happened to her?"
~ଘ•_•) > "...She-...Well-...We don't really know what happened to her and-..."
ଘ७•́‿•̀)७ > "But you could have told us about her before-..."
ヾ●>●) > "Yes, we could, but it's not needed. She doesn't deserve it anyways."
(Ó~Ò)و > "...B-But-...We had the right to...Know..."
~ଘ•_•) > "...We just thought it would be better if you two didn't knew-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "Why would you just assume that?"
~ଘ•_•) > "Well, uhm-...You two are a bit sensitive and-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "....Pietro, me and Louise are both grown women, can you not fucking act as if you were trying to protect us like we are babies?"
ヾ●>●) > "Angeline, i think you don't need to get this angry over this, it's just-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "DON'T hit me with this little "it's just" blablabla thing! You guys KNOW i was trying to find all of our siblings before and just hid it from us? I know communication with Louise was hard, but we were talking to each other for MONTHS before! I don't care about what you were thinking, you still withdrew information from me and her!"
(Ó~Ò)و > "G-Guys, we don't need to-...F-Fight...Please..."
~ଘ•_•) > "Yes, Angeline, aren't you overreacting a bit? I understand your frustation but-..."
ଘ७•́_•̀)७ > "NO YOU DON'T! You both-...No, you three!" she glances at Giovanni for a second, taking a deep breath. "...Just forget about it! You know what? Forget about it!" Angeline says, before storming off.
(◉◉) > "...!!!" Giovanni just watches as she leaves, trying to go after his sister.
ヾ●>●) > "..." he groans a bit, putting his hand onto his head. "This was a stupid idea..."
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sardens ¡ 2 years ago
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Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, called Giampietrino - Madonna nursing the Christ Child with Saint Anne
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perfettamentechic ¡ 3 months ago
14 dicembre … ricordiamo …
14 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: HaydĂŠe Padilla, attrice argentina sposata con Federico Luppi, suo compagno per un decennio. In precedenza è stata sposata con il giornalista Sergio De Cecco da cui ha avuto la figlia MarĂ­a Laura. (n. 1936) 2020: Huang Zongying, attrice e scrittrice cinese. Huang si è sposata quattro volte: con il direttore d’orchestra Yi Fang, con il drammaturgo Cheng Shuyao, con l’attrice Shangguan Yunzhu…
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