#Pieter de Vries
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nelc · 1 year ago
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Brad Dourif as the Mentat Pieter de Vries in David Lynch's Dune
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 1 year ago
Het is Kinderboekenweek! En nu ben ik benieuwd:
Pin me hier niet op vast, maar volgens mij zijn dit ze allemaal
Keesje Kruimel, Hans Dijkhuis
Viermaal J en Janus, Hans Andreus
De blauwe boekanier, Tonke Dragt
Het kleinste sprookjesboek , Annie M. G. Schmidt, Mies Bouhuys, Eleanor Farjeon, Pieter de Zeeuw, Hans Christian Andersen en de Gebroeders Grimm[12]
Arthur en de lettervreter, Henk van Kerkwijk
2 is te veel, Henk Barnard
Ogen op steeltjes, Jan Wartena van Staatsbosbeheer
Het verdwenen plakboek,?Het Schrijverscollectief, bestaanden uit: Jan Riem, Ries Moonen, Arie Rampen, Fetze Pijlman, Hans Dorrestijn, Karel Eykman en Willem Wilmink
Wie je droomt ben je zelf, Paul Biegel
De tram is geel het gras is groen, Gertie Evenhuis
De klepel of de klok, Mies Bouhuys
Spook tussen spoken, Willem Wilmink (1980)
Je eigen tijd, Hans Dorrestijn, Alet Schouten en Willem Wilmink
Retourtje ver weg
Mijnheer van Dale en juffrouw Scholten, Kees Fens
Een tijdje later, Willem Wilmink en Paul Biegel
Houden beren echt van honing?, Midas Dekkers
De zaak Jan Steen, Karel Eykman
Die van hiernaast en van de overkant. Kinderen en boeken in Europa, Marja Baeten en Paul Arnoldussen
Duizend dingen achter deuren, Joke van Leeuwen
Het eiland daarginds, Paul Biegel
Jorrie en Snorrie, Annie M. G. Schmidt
Het wonder van Frieswijck, Thea Beckman
Het raadsel van de Regenboog, Jacques Vriens
Het weer en de tijd, Joke van Leeuwen
Fausto Koppie, Anke de Vries
Bombaaj!, Els Pelgrom
De huiveringwekkende mythe van Perseus, Imme Dros
LYC-DROP, Paul van Loon
Mijn avonturen door V. Swchwrm, Toon Tellegen
Bikkels, Carry Slee
Eiber!, Sjoerd Kuyper (2000)
Ik ben Polleke hoor!, Guus Kuijer
Boris en het woeste water, Rindert Kromhout
Het Zwanenmeer (maar dan anders), Francine Oomen
Swing, Paul Biegel
Wat rijmt er op puree?, Edward van de Vendel
Laika tussen de sterren , Bibi Dumon Tak
Kaloeha Dzong, Lydia Rood
Vlammen, Hans Hagen
De wraak van het spruitje, Jan Paul Schutten
Mees Kees - In de Gloria, Mirjam Oldenhave
Bert en Bart redden de wereld, Tjibbe Veldkamp
Het Akropolis Genootschap & De slag om bladzijde 37, Tosca Menten
Je bent super... Jan!, Harmen van Straaten
Zestig spiegels, Harm de Jonge
Per ongelukt!, Simon van der Geest
Oorlog en vriendschap, Dolf Verroen
Kattensoep, Janneke Schotveld
De eilandenruzie, Jozua Douglas
Haaientanden, Anna Woltz
De diamant van Banjarmasin, Arend van Dam (2020)
Tiril en de Toverdrank, Bette Westera
Waanzinnige boomhut verhalen, Andy Griffiths
Ravi en de Laatste Magie, Sanne Rooseboom
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joseandrestabarnia · 12 days ago
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Información general Artista: Frederik de Moucheron (Emden 1633 - 1686 Ámsterdam) y Johannes Lingelbach (Frankfurt am Main 1622 - 1674 Ámsterdam), Título: Paisaje italiano Datación: 1670 Nombre del objeto: cuadro Número de inventario: 121
Material y detalles técnicos Técnica: aceite Material: lienzo Dimensiones: 93,5 x 125 cm Inscripciones: Firmado, abajo a la derecha: Moucheron. Ft.
Procedencia: Jan Willem van Arp, Ámsterdam, 1800; Pieter de Smeth van Alphen, Ámsterdam, 1810; Henry Croese, Ámsterdam, 1811; Gerrit Müller, Ámsterdam, 1827; Galería De Vries, Ámsterdam; comprado, 1827
Información e imagen de la web del Mauritshuis, The Hague.
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musicalweb · 10 months ago
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muntzerism-diggerism · 10 months ago
*lesbian voice* call me Pieter De Vries the way i got this sappho juice running down my mouth
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wahwealth · 11 months ago
One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing (1942) Full Movie English War Film Classic
One of Our Aircraft Is Missing is a 1942 British black-and-white war film, mainly set in the German-occupied Netherlands.  The crew of an RAF Vickers Wellington bomber are forced to bail out over the Netherlands near the Zuider Zee after one of their engines is damaged during a nighttime raid on Stuttgart. Five of the six airmen find each other; the sixth goes missing,  According to Kinematograph Weekly the film was one of the most popular at the British box office in 1942 and it gets a 100% from Rotten Tomatoes. Cast Hugh Burden as John Glyn Haggard, pilot of B for Bertie Eric Portman as Tom Earnshaw, the second pilot Hugh Williams as Frank Shelley, observer/navigator Emrys Jones as Bob Ashley, wireless operator Bernard Miles as Geoff Hickman, front gunner Godfrey Tearle as Sir George Corbett, rear gunner Googie Withers as Jo de Vries Joyce Redman as Jet van Dieren Pamela Brown as Els Meertens Peter Ustinov as Priest Alec Clunes as Organist Hay Petrie as Burgomaster Roland Culver as Naval Officer David Ward as First German Airman Robert Duncan as Second German Airman Selma Vaz Dias as Burgomaster's wife (as Selma Van Dias) Arnold Marlé as Pieter Sluys Robert Helpmann as De Jong Hector Abbas as Driver James B. Carson as Louis Willem Akkerman as Willem Joan Akkerman as Maartje Peter Schenke as Hendrik Valerie Moon as Jannie John Salew as German Sentry William D'Arcy as German Officer Robert Beatty as Sgt. Hopkins Michael Powell as Despatching Officer (also a director-producer) Stewart Rome as Cmdr. Reynold You are invited to join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded, https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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roombagreyjoy · 4 years ago
I know English speakers pronounce Piter with an [ai] sound but sorry I refuse to call him anything but Pee-ter
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deprotagonisten · 4 years ago
De Waarheid
Recensie De Waarheid ★★★1/2 - op 26-2 om 22.15 uur op @NPO2 te zien Een pijnlijke zwart-wit documentaire over de vuurwerkramp van Enschede. Alle geïnterviewden hebben een cursus vingertjeswijzen gehad! #DeWaarheid
De documentaire De Waarheid gaat over de vuurwerkramp in Enschede. Er vielen 23 doden, waarna een commissie onderzoek deed over de schuldvraag. Maar wie waren er eigenlijk allemaal verantwoordelijk? Wat wij van De Waarheid vinden, lees je in onze recensie. Continue reading
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uwmspeccoll · 3 years ago
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Typography Tuesday
Here are some fancy, schmancy wood-engraved initials from our recent acquisition, Fonderies de caractères et leur matériel dans les Pays-Bas du XVe au XIXe siècle by Charles Enschedé (1855-1919), with specimens from the extensive typographic collection of the venerable 320-year-old printing and typefounding firm Joh. Enschedé en zonen, published in Harlem by De Erven F. Bohn in 1908.This title is one of type historian and designer Jerry Kelly’s recent One Hundred Books Famous in Typography (The Grolier Club, 2022).These highly calligraphic Gothic initials were engraved in wood in 1741 and were from the printing house of Pieter de Vries in Schiedam, Netherlands. Our copy of Fonderies de caractères is from the collection of New York artist Elijah Silverman and bears his signature.
View other posts related to the Enschedé firm.
View more Typography Tuesday posts.
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welzenis · 7 years ago
In de najaar en wintertentoonstelling werk van Joost Baljeu, Willy Boers, Bram Bogart, Jan Cremer, Jaap Egmond, Geert van Fastenhout, Hans Ittmann, Lucebert, Adolf Luther, Joseph Ongenea, Piet Ouborg, Bernard Frize, Willem Hussem, Pieter de Haard, Bernard Romein, herman de vries, André Volten, Jan Willem van Welzenis, Theo Wolvecamp, Ronald Zuurmond + van vele anderen werk in Stock.
CO | MO is zaterdag- en zondagmiddag geopend van 13.00-1700 uur, Alle andere dagen geopend op afspraak. Wijnstraat 129, Dordrecht. www.como-art.com
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rijksmuseum-art · 4 years ago
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The company of Captain Cornelis Bicker and Lieutenant Frederick van Banchem, waiting to welcome Maria de' Medici, dowager queen of France, on her visit to Amsterdam, September 1638, 1640, Museum of the Netherlands
Schuttersstuk van de kloveniersdoelen met de compagnie van kapitein Cornelis Bicker en luitenant Frederick van Banchem, gereed voor de ontvangst van Maria de' Medici, koningin-weduwe van Frankrijk, in september 1638. Een portretbuste van de koningin met een kroon en een papier staat op een tafelje. Voorgesteld zijn: Cornelis Bicker van Swieten, Frederick van Banchem, Pieter Vinck, Willem Ysebrants Kieft, Jacob Vries, Guilliamo van Erpekom, Willem Muylman, Isbarnt Vinck, Pauwels Ras, Guilliamus Mostert, Salomon van Exel, Jan Selijns, Franscoys Wouters, Gerrit Stoffels van Tright, Lenart Cornelis, Broer Iansz, Simon van Alckenade, Bartholomeus vander Wiere en Gijsberth van Wieringen.
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surrealistnyc · 5 years ago
A Spark in Search of a Powderkeg
Rebellion is its own justification, completely independent of the chance it has to modify the state of affairs that gives rise to it. It’s a spark in the wind, but a spark in search of a powder keg.
André Breton
If only one thing has brought me joy in the last few weeks, it began when the matriarchs at Unist’ot’en burned the Canadian flag and declared reconciliation is dead. Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving. Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? It’s time to shut everything the fuck down!
Tawinikay (aka Southern Wind Woman)
The toxic cargo carried in Canadian pipelines, whether it be tar sands oil or fracked liquid natural gas (LNG), is, according to all serious climate scientists, a major, perhaps even decisive contribution to global warming, i.e. ecological catastrophe.   Meant to fuel industrial expansion, the pipelines have themselves become fuel for revolt. Designed to move these dirty fossil fuels from one location to another, they are a crucial element in normalizing the dubious paradise of unlimited growth in awe of which all obedient consumer/citizens are supposed to genuflect. In what the colonial mapmakers have called British Columbia (BC), resource extraction has always been the name of the game. However, the emergence in February of this year of a widespread oppositional network ranging from “land back” Indigenous warriors to elder traditionalists and from Extinction Rebellion activists to anarchist insurrectionaries was heartening. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. The catalyst for this rebellion was a widespread Indigenous uprising that refused the illusory promises of reconciliation. Together, these rebel forces disrupted business as usual in solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Big Frog clan of the Wet’suwet’en tribal house.
       ​As objective chance would have it, the primary Indigenous land defense camp is situated not far from the same Hazelton, B.C. area to which surrealist Kurt Seligmann and his wife Arlette had journeyed in 1938. During that time, they visited Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en villages, marveled at the imaginative power of the totem poles and ceremonial objects, made field notes, shot 16mm film, collected stories and recorded mythic histories. Now, in 2020, growing numbers of these same Indigenous peoples have been threatening to bring the Canadian economy to a grinding halt. Unwilling to be bought off by corporate petrodollars or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land, Indigenous peoples passionately fought back against the forces of colonial law and order in a radical whirlwind of willful disobedience and social disruption. One action built upon another in creating a rolling momentum that seemed unstoppable. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. Then the debilitating Covid-19 virus arrived to compound the damage that had previously been done to the capitalist economy by the incendiary virus of revolt. The resistance of these Indigenous communities against the pipelines concerns all of us, worldwide, since they are on the front lines of the struggle to prevent cataclysmic climate change.
       ​In the future, a key question will be whether Canadian authorities can successfully put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle of “reconciliation”. As surrealists, we hope they will not, and we stand in solidarity with the unreconciled insurgent spirit of defiant Indigenous resistance. A new reality is to be invented and lived instead of the one that today as yesterday imposes its environmental miserabilism and its colonialist and racist hierarchies.  As surrealists, we honor our historical affinity with the Kwakwaka’wakw Peace Dance headdress that for so long had occupied a place of reverence in André Breton’s study during his lifetime before being ceremoniously returned in 2003 to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island by his daughter, Aube Elléouet, in keeping with her father’s wishes. With this former correspondence in mind, we presently assert that our ongoing desire to manifest the emancipation of the human community as distinctively undertaken in the surrealist domain of intervention is in perfect harmony with the fight of the Indigenous communities of the Americas against globalized Western Civilisation and its ecocidal folly.
                                                                                                               Surrealists in the United States: Gale Ahrens, Will Alexander, Andy Alper, Byron Baker, J.K. Bogartte, Eric Bragg, Thom Burns, Max Cafard, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Jennifer Cohen, Laura Corsiglia, David Coulter, Jean-Jacques Dauben, Rikki Ducornet, Terri Engels, Barrett John Erickson, Alice Farley, Natalia Fernandez, Brandon Freels, Beth Garon, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Maurice Greenia, Brigitte Nicole Grice, Janice Hathaway, Dale Houstman, Karl Howeth, Joseph Jablonski, Timothy Robert Johnson, Robin D.G. Kelly, Paul McRandle, Irene Plazewska, Theresa Plese, Michael Stone-Richards, David Roediger, Penelope Rosemont, LaDonna Smith, Tamara Smith, Steve Smith, Abigail Susik, Sasha Vlad, Richard Waara, Joel Williams, Craig S. Wilson
Surrealists in the UK: Jay Blackwood, Paul Cowdell, Jill Fenton, Rachel Fijalkowski, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Merl Fluin, Kathy Fox, Lorna Kirin, Rob Marsden, Douglas Park, Michel Remy, Wedgwood Steventon, Frank Wright, the Leeds Surrealist Group (Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Amalia Higham, Bill Howe, Sarah Metcalf, Peter Overton, Jonathan Tarry, Martin Trippett), the London Surrealist Group (Stuart Inman, Philip Kane, Timothy B. Layden, Jane Sparkes, Darren Thomas) and the surrealists of Wales (Jean Bonnin, Neil Combs, David Greenslade, Jeremy Over, John Richardson, John Welson)
Surrealists in Paris: Ody Saban and The Surrealist Group of Paris (Elise Aru, Michèle Bachelet, Anny Bonnin, Massimo Borghese, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Taisiia Cherkasova, Sylwia Chrostowska, Hervé Delabarre, Alfredo Fernandes, Joël Gayraud, Régis Gayraud, Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Pierre-André Sauvageot, Bertrand Schmitt, Sylvain Tanquerel, Virginia Tentindo, Michel Zimbacca)
Surrealists in Canada: Montréal (Jacques Desbiens, Peter Dube, Sabatini Lasiesta, Bernar Sancha), Toronto (Beatriz Hausner, Sherri Higgins), Québec City (David Nadeau), Victoria (Erik Volet), the Ottawa Surrealist Group (Jason Abdelhadi, Lake, Patrick Provonost) and the Inner Island Surrealist Group (as.matta, Jesse Gentes, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky)
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Eugenio Castro, Andrés Devesa, Jesús Garcia Rodriguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Lurdes Martinez, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramirez, Jose Manuel Rojo, María Santana, Angel Zapata
Surrealists in Sweden: Johannes Bergmark, Erik Bohman, Kalle Eklund, Mattias Forshage, Riyota Kasamatsu, Michael Lundberg, Emma Lundenmark, Maja Lundgren, Kristoffer Noheden, Sebastian Osorio
Surrealists in Holland: Jan Bervoets, Elizé Bleys, Josse De Haan, Rik Lina, Hans Plomp, Pieter Schermer, Wijnand Steemers, Laurens Vancrevel, Her de Vries, Bastiaan Van der Velden
Surrealists in Brazil: Alex Januario, Mário Aldo Barnabé, Diego Cardoso, Elvio Fernandes, Beau Gomez, Rodrigo Qohen, Sergio Lima, Natan Schäfer, Renato Souza
Surrealists in Chile: Jaime Alfaro, Magdalena Benavente, Jorge Herrera F., Miguel Ángel Huerta, Ximena Olguín, Enrique de Santiago, Andrés Soto, Claudia Vila
 The Middle East and North Africa Surrealist Group: Algeria (Onfwan Foud), Egypt (Yasser Abdelkawy, Mohsen El-Belasy, Ghadah Kamal), Iraq (Miechel Al Raie), Syria (Tahani Jalloul), and Palestine (Fakhry Ratrout)
Surrealists in Prague: Frantisek Dryje, Joe Grim Feinberg, Katerina Pinosova, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer
The Athens Surrealist Group (Elias Melios, Sotiris Liontos, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Thomas Typaldos, Marianna Xanthopoulou)
Surrealists in Costa Rica: Gaetano Andreoni, Amirah Gazel, Miguel Lohlé, Denis Magarman, Alfonso Peña
Surrealists in Buenos Aires: Silvia Guiard, Luís Conde, Alejandro Michel
Surrealists in Australia: Anthony Redmond, Michael Vandelaar, Tim White
Surrealists in Portugal: Miguel de Carvalho, Luiz Morgadinho
Surrealists in Bucharest (Dan Stanciu), Mexico (Susana Wald), and the Canary Islands (Jose Miguel Perez Corales)
 Postscript: During the process of gathering signatures for the above declaration, we were inspired to see its uncompromising stance against white supremacy and police repression reflected in the brightly sparkling flames of the Minneapolis uprising that lit a powder keg of pent-up rage and incited an earth-shaking eruption of spontaneous rebellion in the streets of America. It was only fitting that in solidarity with the uprising about police brutality kicked off by George Floyd’s execution/lynching at the hands of the police, anti-racism protestors in the United States would take direct action by beheading or bringing down statues of Christopher Columbus, genocidal symbol of the colonial expropriation of Native American lands. (Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Penelope Rosemont, and Ron Sakolsky, June 18, 2020).
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saturn-silk · 5 years ago
@tara-stofse I managed to delete your ask. Don't ask how 🙈
I remember the asks though:
1. favourite place in your country?
 Sadly I haven't had the opportunity to explore much of SA, other than my own province. I’m gonna say Cape Town in general. So much to explore, and of course, its got Table mountain!
11. favourite native writer/poet? 
NP van Wyk Louw & Ingrid Jonker
27. favourite national celebrity?
I don't really care for our celebs tbh... but Casper de Vries and Pieter-Dirk Uys comes to mind.
Thanks for asking ❤
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abattoirferme · 6 years ago
“Troupe” (2018, i.s.m. de gemeente Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
“Vanavond is het eindelijk zover in het dorp: er wordt een grote bruiloft gevierd! 
Iedereen is uitgenodigd en alles staat in rep en roer: het koor oefent nog één keer zijn gezangen, de schilder legt de laatste hand aan zijn cadeau, de wijn wordt geperst, de tafel gedekt, de klokken geluid en het café krijgt nog een laatste opblinkbeurt. Alles staat klaar voor het feest der feesten waarin deze inwoners de liefde, het leven en de bloeiende toekomst van het bruidspaar willen vieren.
Tot een oorlog binnen walst...”
In 2018 vieren en herdenken de inwoners van Sint-Katelijne Waver de honderdste verjaardag van het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Deze oorlog liet wereldwijd sporen na en ook deze gemeente bleef niet gespaard. Toen de frontlijn voorbijgeraasd was, waren de dorpskernen van Sint-Katelijne-Waver en Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver verwoest en geplunderd. Inwoners trokken op de vlucht en het dorp bestond uit uitgebrande en gesloopte woningen, kerken, scholen en gebouwen. Het vee liep los over de omgewoelde velden. Talloze soldatengraven tekenden het landschap. Er heerste ongerustheid en verdriet over soldaten en niet-teruggekeerde vluchtelingen.
“Troupe” is het resultaat van meer dan 500 inwoners van Sint-Katelijne-Waver die hun overgave, energie en tomeloze inzet hebben gebundeld voor een totaalspektakel. Honderd jaar na het einde van WO I, brengen ze een ode aan de herkansing van de mensheid na een catastrofe. Samen tonen ze wat er mogelijk is wanneer een gemeenschap gelooft in verzoening, jongeren, hoop, vrede, samenwerking en toekomst.
“Troupe” kende veel repetities, vergaderingen, omzwervingen en gedaantes voor het zijn uiteindelijke vorm vond. Samen zijn we vertrokken vanuit de talenten van honderden individuele deelnemers: van decorbouwers tot spelers, van tekstschrijvers tot muzikanten, van vendeliers tot ruiters. Gaandeweg ontstonden er ook kruisbestuivingen: dansers tonen hun kunnen op de muziek van de harmonie, de vendeliers leiden met hun vlaggen het spreekkoor in, muzikanten leerden zingen, acteurs hielpen decors te bouwen, enzovoort. Het maken van “Troupe” is een wilde rit geweest, een tornado, een wave – maar bovenal: een feestelijke smeltkroes.
Productie: Gemeente Sint-Katelijne-Waver & Abattoir Fermé Regie: Maja Westerveld. Met medewerking van: Anita Van Bael, Ann Jéhansart, Ann Vandervorst, Caroleine Maks, Christel Pelgrims, Demi Jacobs, Erik Beullens, Elke Maes, Ferry Bottenheft, Geert Eskens, Hilde Cammaer, Jo Vermuyten, Katrien Van Bael, Leonie Lenz, Lieve Janssens, Marthe Vandervorst, Miek De Souter, Nicolas Lenz, Sofie Stroobants, Sylke Pex, Tom Hofman, Tom Hofmans, Veerle van Winkel, Marleen Van Cappellen, Ria Cauwenberg, Olga De Landtsheer, François Jacobs, Dries Van Echelpoel, Jozef Van Loo, Nick van Sprengel, Peter Wery, Tom Van den Wyngaert, Stefan Serneels, Tom De Haes, Jan De Vries, Natasja Mariën, Gitte Mattheus, Christel Peeters, Lieven Pollet, Geert Vanhauwaert, Joke Verreth, Stefanie Verbist, Carina Vertongen, Karlien Belmans, Sofie De Greef, Hendrik De Wilde, Else Jansen, Gert Goossens, Karen Lamoen, Katrien Willems, Lies Baarendse, Lynn Raymenants, Jakob De Wilde, François Crauwels, Maaike Pauwels, Sofie Van den Acker, Wilfried Van den Acker, Pieter Pauwels, Eddy Luytens, Paul Bernaerts, Martine De Winter, Sam Liekens, Bert Vanhauwaert, Veerle Vermeulen, Bernd Bastens, Eva Bastens, Els Devos, Haike Hoozee, Elyana Joris, Eva Van Herbruggen, Ille Le Page, Andy Livens, Marijke Vanroy, Liesbeth Saels, Marc Truyers, Marina Op de Beeck, Helena Neirinck, Daniël Le Page, Hilde De Smet, Maria Van den Eynde, Katleen De Prins, Kristel Donkers, Anja Verhoeven, Leen Eeckhout, Shana Denorme, Erika Franckx, An Macouter, Hanne Kinne, Myriam Franckx, Andy Livens, Kyara Denorme, Ferun Kinne, Rein Voorspoels, Mattia Pujvani, Shana Denorme, Kobe Asselberghs, Ignace Terwage, Yannick De Louker, Geert Schelstraete, Hans De Weerdt, Sofie Lemmens, Robbe Van den Brande, Vincent Verhelst, Emma Van den Brande, Peter Devries, Marc Dockx, Niko Geens, Kristof Ceulemans, Ronny De Munter, Wim D'Hollander, Koen D'Haene, Sven Vervloet, Gie Lamber, Aad Versteden, Jesse Spiessens, Robbe Pluys, Quinten Prinsen, Glenn Dirickx, Ann-Sophie van Capellen, Jan De Kunst, Kristel Ceulemans, Lise Fol, Zoë Verschooten, Patrik Spits, Thibeau Spits, Catherine Spits, Lauranne Spits, Anke van Hoof, Gwen Symons, Lieze Masy, Laure Verstreken, Inge Teughels, Ingrid Vermeiren, Jutta Schroven, Kato Schroven, Julie Frans, Maud Geysels, Laura Van Dyck, Kheara Hendrickx, Jana Van Oosterwyck, Morgan Andries, Paulien Verhaegen, Anouk Briers, Lore Hellemans, Lotte Vervloesem, Fien Craenen, Bo van den Broeck, Marit Kets, Fleur De Vooght, Lynn De Doncker, Janne Vos, Louise Bertens, Laura Van Itterbeeck, Karolien Wauters, Nette Van Oosterwyck, Sytske Vermeulen, Renee Van Itterbeeck, Axelle Deprey, Maud Champagne, Jade Kerstens, Gabriella Van der Veken, Britt Agneesens, Laura Ritondo, Pheadra Van Kogelenberg, Lauke Robberechts, Aurelie Gevers, Evelien Snoeckx, Esther Snoeckx, Elke Snoeckx, Ellen De Reymaeker, Margot De Schoenmaeker, Marit Ramon, Mare Hens, Jozefien Hens, Tine Vermeylen, Amelie Van Camp, Laurien Lemmen, Julie De Wit, Axelle Van der Steen, Jade Quintin, Janne Schelfhout, Juliette Kennis, Femke Cauwenberghs, Jip Van den Zegel, Lene Ceulemans, Annelore Laevers, Louve Van Hoof, Frauke Van Lent, Eline Lemmen, Willemien De Wael, Kaat Schelfhout, Camille De Wit, Floor Bosmans, Ysmin Vanormelingen, Iris Vanormelingen, Julie Wauters, Amelie Vandenbergh, Kiara Bruneel, Amber Stoel, Indra Symons, Ilyas Afras, Maissan Boujida, Jolien Casteels, Selina Cesar Paixao, Beau den Toom, Luciana De Roovere, Naomi De Timmerman, Alizé Dewachter, Caro Frans, Alyssa Goedert, Lore Hellemans, Julie Hinninck, Nélia Lassouli, Lucas Leysen, Kaat-Fee Mathys, Marie Mertens, Jan Panasik, Alexie Pianet, Gitta Pouliart, Fleur Sterckx, Cedric Taveirne, Karlien Torfs, Axelle van der Steen, Marie Vangenechten, Sena Akarca, Femke Cauwenbergh, Olivia Ceunen, Faye Chan, Robine Dehaes, Fien Ingels, Kyante Jacops, Jade Kerstens, Anna Korsch, Janne Laurent, Boukje Lens, Jitse Liekens, Brent Op de Beeck, Frie Pinto Castanheira Lopes, Gitte Rodyns, Janne Schelfhout, Quinten Seymons, Elke Snoeckx, Marie-Anne Tansens, Thijs Van Overloop, Toon Vermeulen, Jarno Verschooten, Femke Versweyveld, Louve van Hoof, Dalia Dirlik, Evelyne Lemmens, Sofie Smekens, Jolien Buelens, Hannah Geerts, Siebe Stevens, Sara Blommaert, Jasmine Johri, Jo Op de Beeck, Jaroslava Sernavska, Lieselotte Beke, Mira Cools, Vic Van Ouytsel, Myrthe Engelen, Caprice Verhaegen, Jarne Droog, Bo Demeulenaere, Alexis Vissenberg, Ward Schoeters, Maurits van Buren, Loes Vercammen, Kara De Bakker, Magnus Tanssens, Nimke Borremans, Nysa Houman,  Audrey Biesemans, Loran De Graef, Senne De Graef, Inaya Et-Taïbi, Ella Op De Beeck, Kobe Selders, Eline Viaene,  Jakob Andries, Katinka Comyn, Warre De Bakker, Jenna De Ceuster, Janne Elsen, Billy Bob Hellemans, Inaya Rappoort, Kenji Vandekerckhove, Fleur Vertommen, Mats Verschueren, Heidi Van Dievel, Katja Rogiers, Natascha Knegtel, Kristien Pijl, An Mondelaers, Marc Marnef, Katrien Goetelen, Ingebord De Cooman, Kristien Pijl, Anne Belmans, leden Gezinsbond Katelijne-Pasbrug, Gwenny Blondé, Inge De Beuckelaere, Marleen Vekemans, Tina Vanderauwera, Isabelle Fossé, leden Gezinsbond Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver, kindjes Buitenschoolse Kinderopvang, Jacques Wilms, Maria Buelens, Maria Cuykens, Denise De Cat, Hortanse De Wachter, Rita Dewals, Hilda Janssens, Jeanne Peeters, Lucien Pessendorffer, Gertha Portael, Swa De Kunst, Wim Van Engeland, Maria Scholdis, Godelieve Sterckx, Rita Van De Weyer, Maria Van Den Eynde, Maria Van Engeland, José Verrept, leden Okra Centrum, Leen Dries, leden Gezinsbond Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Chris Van Camp, Ghisleine Pelgrims, Bertha Daems, Maria Pluym, José Herckens, Elza Utterhoeven, Anna Herndrickx, Flora Gillis, Jeanne Van Dyck, J. Buelens, Jean Himpe, Simone Marcus, Joanna Verschueren, bewoners WZC Sint-Elisabeth, Paula Hofmans, leden Okra Goede Herder, Yente Belis, René De Munter, Theo De Vos, Ludo Govaerts, Karin Vervliet, Dag Kinne, 't Grom, Gidsen Sint-Katrien, Scouts Jan Breydel, School De Leerexpert, Transport Van Dievel, Wim Verhuur, Ivarem, Katelijne Motors, Fam. Van Den Zegel, Jan Broes, Alfons Hendrickx, College Hagelstein, Basisschool Hagelstein, Ben Andries, Dominique Baeten, Jos en Nicole Uytterhoeven, Luc en Astrid Uytterhoeven, Kerkfabriek Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver, Ben Goossens, Ghislain Vansumere, personeelsleden gemeentebestuur Sint-Katelijne-Waver, politiezone Bodukap, KVLV Hagelstein, Landelijke Gilde Driekoningen, KLJ Hagelstein, BBC SKW, Rode Kruis, Cubic, Delimex, Kees Verwaard, Marc De Pauw, Georges Verschoren, Jan De Smet, Stef Lernous, Sven van Kuijk, Nick Kaldunski, Danny Blommaers, Hanna Scholiers, Seppe Janssens.
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womenattheirpiano · 3 years ago
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Johannes Vermeer
A young woman seated at the virginals.[1]
Alternative title(s):
A young woman seated at the virginal
Object type
genre art
Datecirca 1670-1672
oil on canvas
Dimensionsheight: 25.2 cm (9.9 in); width: 20 cm (7.8 in)
Private collection
New York City
Accession numberJVe-100
(Leiden Collection)
Object historyby 1674 : Pieter van Ruijven (1624-1674), Delft (?)
1674: inherited by Maria de Knuijt (†1681), Delft (?) 1681: inherited by Magdalena van Ruijven (†1682), Delft (?) 1682: inherited by Jacob Dissius (†1695) (?) 16 May 1696: sale of the collection of Jacob Dissius at an unknown auction house, Amsterdam (as ‘Een Speelende Juffrouw op de Clavecimbael’) (?)
Unknown date: acquired by Wessel Ryers (?)
21 September 1814: purchased by Gruyter at the sale of the collection of Wessel Ryers at v.d. Schley...de Vries, Amsterdam
by 1904 : Alfred Beit (1853-1906),
1906: inherited by Otto Beit (1865-1930) 1930: inherited by Alfred Beit (1903-1994), Blessington, Ireland 1960: purchased by Baron Frédéric Rolin (†2002), City of Brussels, from Alfred Beit, Blessington, through Marlborough Fine Arts, London
from 2002 until 2004 : the estate of Baron Frédéric Rolin,
City of Brussels
7 July 2004: purchased by Stephen Alan Wynn (1942), Las Vegas, at the sale of the collection of Baron Frédéric Rolin at Sotheby's, London
2008: purchased by N.N.,
New York City
, from Stephen Alan Wynn, Las Vegas
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artwalktv · 3 years ago
On a lazy summer evening, nature is disturbed by a gigantic white limousine racing through its serenity. It takes us to a venue, where we witness the warm-up routine of a popstar in the moments before a big show. All the while, a mystical voice shares his thoughts. Written and directed by Folkert Verdoorn The soundtrack is written, performed and produced by Raven Artson Mixed by Pieter Vonk Starring Zac Zallion - Raven Artson Manager - Pascal Deelstra Assistant - Cindy Wijdenbosch, Marion Traas, Daniel Hillel-Tuch Label Manager - Bert Apeldoorn Caretaker - Henry Kalb, Eddy Gun Guard - Don Alphonso, Alex van Nassau Stage Manager - Jules Thijssen, Eli Thorne TV Cameraman - Guus Heemskerk Paparazzo - Joshua Rubin Make-Up Assistant - Laura Schaay Cinematographer - Boas van Milligen Bielke 1st AD - Jurriën van der Wal Assistant Director - Daniël de Vries 1st AC + Focus Puller - Kelly Steen, Daniël Jaspers Movi Operator - Ben de Graaf Trinity Operator - Jasper van Gheuvele Production Design - Liz Kooij Gaffer - Berend Holtkamp Bestboy - Cor Booij en Nina Kleinstra Lights - Tim Zenther, Guus Heemskerk Sound - Sofie van der Meer Styling Zac - Benjamin Aerts Styling - Koosje Janssen Special Make Up - Rob Hillenbrink Make Up - Denise Boon & Kira Kroegman Health & Safety Manager - Tim Padding Figuration Coordinator - Emma Valk Casting Agency - Sjouer Casting Casting Director - André Sjouerman, Rozanne van Boxtel Edit - Emiel Nuninga VFX - Supercontinent VFX Supervisor - Mario Bertsch VFX Producer - Maximilian Becht VFX Artist - Pascal Schelbli, Maximilian Auer, Bennet Meyer, Maksym Osmolovskyi, Johannes Lübke Composting - Philip Huis in 't Veld Grading - Ruben Labree Title Design - Dominique van Rhee Title Animation - Jakob Roques Voice-Over - Michael Krass Sound Design - Daniel Berends Sound Mix - Jaap Wajer Producer - Bandit Production Leader - Hannah Padding Production Assistant - Kees-Jan van Mourik Production VPRO - Jeroen Mondria Editor-In-Chief - Assumpta Heidemeijer  Editor - Kasper van Alphen Thank You - De Ontmoeting, Camera Rentals, Maloney Media, Concertgebouw, Teije Sas, Cake Film, Le Berg, De Grot, The Compound, Ezra Xenos, Tobias Corba, Sander Bakker, Leon Bruynen, Menno Pals, DDB Lighting, Rutger van Leeuwen, Loudness  The Performer is a film of VPRO Dorst in co-production with Bandit i.c.w. De Ontmoeting
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