#Pierre Vivant
jordi-gali · 1 year
 Pierre Vivant
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grumpy-potat · 1 year
Controversial Public Art
I am not someone who believes art is just meant for museums or for hanging in your homes. Although those are amazing places for them, I feel art is meant to be experienced in aspects of our every day lives. Out in the world as we walk through it. So I am a huge advocate for public art.
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Very briefly that is defined as:
"Public Art is Artwork in the public realm, regardless of whether it is situated on public or private property, or whether it is acquired through public or private funding. Public art can be a sculpture, mural, manhole cover, paving pattern, lighting, seating, building facade, kiosk, gate, fountain, play equipment, engraving, carving, fresco, mobile, collage, mosaic, bas-relief, tapestry, photograph, drawing, or earthwork" -Jack Becker Monograph 2004
Public art is a way to beautify your spaces, express the unique aspects of your community and express the different culture and values of the people who live all around you. It can Commemorate events, people, or important groups that and their impacts to society. However, as with all art, you can't avoid controversy. Whether it be from who paid for the installation, to the subject matter. From proper representation, to where the piece is placed. What medium is used in its creation, or who the artist is. All of these things can lead to communities having a strong backlash to artistic pieces being displayed and some even turn to violent outbursts against the art or even their creators.
This is a list today I would like to discuss some controversial public art pieces. Maybe I will go more in depth about some of them later, but these are some big ones that stick in the public conscious today.
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Richard Serra's Tilted Arc
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This is a 12 foot tall, 120 foot long tiled steal plate that ran through Manhattan's federal plaza from 1981 to 1989. This wall forced people to take an inconvenient route through the plaza for most of the 80's. The goal of the piece was to inspire the viewer to become aware of themselves and their movement through the plaza, but it caused an imposition on government workers. The piece had a lot of support of modern artists,but by 1985 there was a hearing to remove the Arc and a court voted 4-1 to remove it. Due to the artists insistence that it never be displayed again it is now in government storage.
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How Ya Like Me Now? by David Hammond
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Painted in 1988 and commissioned by the Washington Project for the Arts for an exhibition on black culture and modernism this 14 foot by 16 foot billboard was poorly received to say the least. Local youths did not connect with the artists intended message of how popular culture was co-opting and commodifying black identity and whitewashing it. They interpreted it as racist so they tore the display down with sledgehammers. The piece was later reinstalled with the sledgehammers as part of the final piece incorporating the vandalism and backlash into the final work only this time it is inside the gallery and not on a street corner across from the National Portrait Gallery in D.C.
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Just kidding , I couldn't find a good artist photo
Traffic Light Tree by Pierre Vivant
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A sculpture originally located in Canary Wharf London in 1998 after a competition run by the Public Art Commissions Agency. It was moved to Billingsgate Market. It stands at 8 meters or 26.24 feet tall and has 75 sets of traffic lights. Vivant stated that it was to represent adjacent plane tree and the restless rhythm of the city. It was installed to replace a dying plane tree in the center of a roundabout, but the controversy arose when motorist confused the installation as an actual traffic light. Despite the initial controversy it has won over the city and is now viewed as one of the most pleasing roundabouts, although it still does cause confusion with tourists.
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Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial by Lei Yixin
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Built in 2011 this sculpture was controversial from start to finish. Recognized as a master sculptor in China and having sculpted monuments that included the communist leader Mao Zedong, his appointment to sculpt the Dr King statue was protested due to members of human rights organizations decrying the appointment of his visual support of the CCP. Others felt that the statue should have been done by an African American artist. They disliked the use of Chinese granite and not American granite. The quote engraved on the side was abridged in a way that changed the meaning and upset many, to the point where a year later it was removed to now only show abstract striations.
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Tree by Paul McCarthy
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Displayed in October 2014 at the International Fair of Contemporary Art in Palace Vendôme in Paris this abstraction of a Tree in a reminiscent way of a modern impressionist was a 24 meter or 78.74 foot tall green canvas butt plug shape because he thought they looked similar to trees so he created it as a tree abstraction. He was actually assaulted by someone while installing it, and it was destroyed two days later because some people thought it was offensive to children. Tree was displayed again in 2016 at Paramount Ranch 3 and it was well received by visitors.
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Dirty Corner by Anish Kapoor
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I feel a list of modern controversial art wouldn't be complete without Anish Kapoor, but my feelings are not why he is on the list. It is because he is a controversial artist. All his controversies deserve a post of their own, so only one is on this list. This art piece was created in 2011, but when it was brought to the Palace of Versailies in 2015 is when it hit its peak. The 60 meter (196.85ft) long and 8 meter(26.25ft) tall cone was described by Kapoor as "the vagina of a queen who was taking power". Critics hated the sexual nature and its nickname is "the Queen's Vagina." The idea was to enter the cone shaped piece and loose your perception of space the deeper you went into it. People vandalized the piece with antisemitic slurs as Kapoor's mother is Jewish. After some legal fights and wanting to leave the vandalism as a statement to the horror and intolerance of humanity, he was ordered to cover or remove the vandalism. He chose to cover it with gold leaf as "a royal response" the piece is no longer on display in France.
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial by Gutzon Borglum
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Sculpted from 1927 to 1941 This might be a controversial one to add for many Americans. But I wanted to focus on the 20th and 21st centuries and so I feel I would be remiss to not add this monument to America. Carved in the Black Hills of South Dakota by a close friend of Teddy Roosevelt and known Klan associate. This monument to the greatness of American expansionism in the early 20th century is also a monument to how American presidents directly participated, through policy or active participation in the taking and desecration of Native American lands. The Black Hills are considered a Holy Site to the Lakota people, and in the Fort Laramine Treaty of 1868 it was considered exempt from white settlement forever. But gold was discovered so the treaty was violated. Where Mount Rushmore is located is also home to Custer State Park, named after an American general who actively participated in the violation of the Treaty. Mount Rushmore was meant to be a Monument to America's Greatness as embodied by our Presidents, but it at the same time is a symbol of our expansion, treaty violations, and exploitation of the land and people of this nation. It remains a site of protest, the rock itself isn't great for carving and people think about adding more to it. The National Park service have dismissed the idea of altering it at all. People are divided about the site to this day. Some want it destroyed, some want to use it for education, but i have to say the National Park splash page doesn't help much with the education, and some just want the Lakota people to have their Holy Site back. The Lakota won a lawsuit for 17+million dollars, but they also just want the Land and not money as it is a holy site, and they continue to protest. The carving can not be undone, so the site remains a divisive reminder of American History that is often just a footnote in the education of most.
If you can think of any public artwork that you think is controversial please share it! Even if its just a public art work that someone has in their lawn that people in your community cant stand. Art should promote discussion, learning, and growth!
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (La revanche des mortes vivantes, 1987)
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Le lac des morts vivants (1981) // dir. Jean Rollin, Julian de Laserna
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shihlun · 1 year
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Akio Jissoji
- Poem
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mariocki · 3 months
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Le lac des morts vivants (Zombie Lake, 1981)
"Stories about the lake of the damned go back to the Inquisition. They used to celebrate Black Masses back in the Middle Ages: they would sacrifice children, which they threw into it so as to appease the spirits which otherwise rose out of their watery grave in search of blood. And we too, we've used it as an unholy grave during the war. But the soldiers we threw in were not a sacrifice... and they're coming back with a vengeance."
#le lac des morts vivants#zombie lake#horror imagery#gore tw#video nasty#jean rollin#julian de laserna#julián esteban#jesús franco#howard vernon#anouchka#pierre marie escourrou#antonio mayans#nadine pascal#youri radionow#bertrand altmann#marcia sharif#yvonne dany#pascale vital#gilda arancio#1981#easily the most disappointed I've been with a Rollin film‚ but then this is barely his film at all. it began life as a Jess Franco movie#until he quit in pre production when he balked at the meagre budget (and considering how cheap his films were‚ it must really have been#tiny). Rollin took over only as a favour to the producer‚ a friend‚ and also brought on another director with whom he split duties. this#was by every account just a paycheck to the French maverick of phantasmagoria‚ and boy does it show. his disinterest in the material is#palpable‚ and can be forgiven considering the shoddy script‚ largely terrible cast (Vernon is giving it his all tbf) and the truly woeful#zombie makeup. some green looking nazis creep out of a lake‚ kill some naked women‚ and creep back in. rinse and repeat a few times and#that's basically all there is to this faintly depressing little misfire. of interest really only for its inclusion on the video nasties#list and as a comparison piece to the film Franco made instead (Oasis of the Zombies) but otherwise this has very little to recommend it#if you had any interest at all in watching a Rollin film‚ then watch any of them but this (but ideally The Iron Rose or Living Dead Girl)
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cyrkhan · 2 years
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milksockets · 7 months
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pierre vivant in livingsculpture - paul cooper (2001)
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newmic · 2 years
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musographes · 2 years
Illustrations et dessins satiriques #41
Dessin de Pierre-Georges Jeanniot, pour Le Rire, 10 mai 1902.
LÉGENDE : (Moderne Leda)
"Tu sais, le type d’en face, il a dit qu’il poserait bien le cygne avec moi. - Il se monte le cou, ma petite, qu’il repasse quand tu feras la gardienne d’oies."
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fredeaudubelon · 2 years
Traiter les pierres vivantes avec des produits
Traiter les pierres vivantes avec des produits
Le traitement des pierres ex vivantes pour les rendre « neuves », c’est-à-dire libérées de tout ce qui est organique puis de les débarrasser des phosphates. ” 1er bain dans un bac, ou une poubelle neuve et propre, remplie avec 25 litres d’eau osmosée et auxquels on rajoute un litre d’eau oxygénée (H2O2). L’idée est de diluer cette eau oxygénée pour arriver à niveau bactéricide pas trop…
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nemosisworld · 3 months
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Elle est comme une fleur de pourpre, pleine de miel et de parfums. Elle est comme une hydre de mer, vivante et molle, ouverte la nuit. Elle est la grotte humide, le gîte toujours chaud, l'Asile, où l'homme se repose de marcher à la mort.
Pierre Louÿs, Aphrodite
Ph. Viktor Skorobogatov
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kilfeur · 4 months
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Quelques uns d'entre eux m'ont fait rire, comme Callum qui regarde la prison d'Aaravos, c'est le pondering orb. Aussi j'aime bien le fait qu'ils se soient réunis dans son bureau. Pauvre Opeli et Barius qui doivent écouter leurs aventures bien que j'imagine qu'elle doit être blasé et Barius plus curieux qu'autre chose. Et Aaravos qui yeet la prison et probablement Callum dedans. Pauvre gars, il a été battu à pierre, papier, ciseaux par un ado.
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Du coup la scène où on voyait Rayla sauter c'était dans le bateau au final. Après je me demande si le feu est naturel ou non, vu que c'est un ancien bateau vu l'énigme là dessus. J'imagine qu'ils étaient en train de parler puis vient le moment doux et là bam ! Incendie ! Vite ! Quittez le navire !
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La scène avec Ezran qui est sauvé par Zym est sûrement le fait qu'il aille voir Janai et Amaya au sujet de Zubeia. Pour quelqu'un qui justement voulait qu'Ezran et Janai interagissent. Et peut être Ezran rencontrera Sol Regem vu qu'il a déjà rencontré les autres archidragons, je suis pas contre ! Corvus a été menotté mais je vois pas Soren, il est où ? Et Amaya est encore vivante donc c'est déjà ça, hâte de voir la bataille !
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Et la dernière scène où elle parle dans la tour céleste, j'ai plus l'impression qu'elle parle aux elfes célestes. Et vu comment Stella lance ce regard, je sens que c'est pas Callum. Imagine juste Callum qui essaie de la rejoindre depuis en bas alors qu'il est occupé avec d'autres elfes célestes qui lui barrent peut être la route !
A few of them made me laugh, like Callum looking at Aaravos prison, it's the pondering orb. I also like the fact that they met in his office. Poor Opeli and Barius must be listening to their adventures, although I imagine she might be more jaded and Barius more curious than anything else. And Aaravos who yeet the prison and probably Callum in it. Poor guy, he's been beaten up by rock, paper, scissors by a teenager.
So the scene where we saw Rayla jump was in the boat in the end. Then I wonder whether the fire is natural or not, given that it's an old boat and the riddle about it. I imagine they were just talking, then came the sweet moment and bam! Fire! Quickly! Get off the ship!
The scene with Ezran being saved by Zym is surely about him going to see Janai and Amaya about Zubeia. For someone who wanted Ezran and Janai to interact. And maybe Ezran will meet Sol Regem since he's already met the other archdragons, I'm not against that! Corvus has been handcuffed but I can't see Soren, where is he? And Amaya's still alive, so that's something, can't wait to see the battle!
And the last scene where she's talking in the celestial tower, I feel more like she's talking to the celestial elves. And the way Stella's giving her that look, I can tell it's not Callum. Just imagine Callum trying to reach her from below when he's busy with other celestial elves who may be blocking her way!
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Le lac des morts vivants (1981) French Poster
AKA Zombie Lake, Zombies' Lake, Lake of the Zombies, The Lake of the Living Dead
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lesondupapillon · 7 months
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Dans les tissus de ta pierre,
où est-il ce dieu vivant
qui dînait d'une prière
et qui déjeunait de vent ?
/ Benjamin Fondane
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carraways-son · 6 months
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Aujourd'hui, tout est allé de travers. Mais j'ai pris mon premier vrai bain de soleil de l'année et mis mes lunettes noires pour lire Kyoto mon amour de Frédéric Chateau. J'ai contacté la Tasmanie, l'Argentine et les USA sur ondes courtes. Côté musique, j'ai découvert Bekar grâce à L, et j'aime bien. Sinon, j'ai visité ces derniers temps des expositions et vu des films dont je n'ai pas parlé ici. A des moments de plus en plus fréquents, je ne trouve rien à dire à personne. Rien qui soit capable de m'intéresser, écrit Pierre Hebey dans "Le goût de l'inactuel - III". Plus loin, il dit aussi, et ça me touche de près : Il y a des êtres qu'on reste tout ébloui d'avoir connus. Ceux qui, dans le passé, nous ont permis de découvrir l'existence d'une cinquième saison, plus joyeuse, plus riche, plus vivante et plus ensoleillée. Demain, c'est le premier jour du printemps, et cette nuit, la lune est belle. Alors...
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