#Piaggio Bikes
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gaadikey · 1 year ago
Vespa is now A One Billion Euro Brand
With a global relevance and perceived as a lifestyle icon, the brand Vespa has been valued at more than one billion euros (1,079 million) with a 19% growth in value, compared to the previous valuation (906 million euros in 2021). This is the result of a new study about Vespa that Piaggio Group (PIA.MI), Europe’s largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer and one of the world leaders in the…
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months ago
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classiccarsincyprus · 3 months ago
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Piaggio Ape
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308ferrari · 2 years ago
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the-underground-candy · 2 years ago
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grouponova · 7 days ago
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Windshield for Piaggio Vespa VXL - BLACK
Enhance the style and functionality of your Piaggio Vespa VXL with this sleek and durable Windshield - Black. Designed to offer superior wind protection and a chic appearance, this windshield is the perfect accessory for your Vespa.
Key Features:
Optimal Wind Protection: Engineered to shield you from wind and debris, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable ride.
High-Quality Material: Made from robust, impact-resistant acrylic, ensuring long-lasting durability and performance.
Stylish Black Finish: The black tint adds a modern and sophisticated touch to your Vespa, enhancing its overall look.
Custom Fit: Tailored specifically for the Piaggio Vespa VXL, ensuring a perfect fit and seamless integration with your scooter.
Easy Installation: Comes with all necessary mounting hardware and detailed instructions for a quick and hassle-free installation process.
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korzagru · 8 months ago
Engine Head & Cylinder Service and Tuning [Aprilia Leonardo restoration] 💥⚙️🚀 The third video in a series of videos on the maintenance and restoration of the Italian-Japanese scooter Aprilia Leonardo (Yamaha Majesty engine) 🇮🇹🇯🇵 In this episode: - I demonstrate step-by-step the process of completely disassembling, cleaning, modifying and reassembling the YP250 engine head ⛑️ - I do a comparative review of pistons, piston pins and cylinders ⚖️ - I share useful mechanical engineering and material science tips during the process 🧪 📌 Spec list (OEM/Modified): - Intake & Exhaust manifold porting 💨- Engine Head Channels Porting | 2106 g- Valve lightening & Polishing | Int = 45 g/41 g, Ext = 40 g/36 g - Lightening of Rocker arms | 130 g/126 g - Hybrid Ceramic camshaft bearings | 6005 = 78 g/63 g, 6202 = 42 g/36 g - Surface layer compression and piston polishing, enlarging oil passages, adding lubrication passages for piston pin | 71 mm = 150 g 🔰 I highly recommend reading the user guide/owner's manual to better understand your vehicle. ⚠️ Reading the service/repair manual before performing maintenance or basic modifications is a MUST!   Good luck with your service! ☘️ For business inquiries: [email protected]
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ijustwant2ride · 1 year ago
Motorcycle Recall August 2023: Triumph, Indian, Moto Guzzi
Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country it is in all.
Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others. Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions. If you are US…
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autoini · 3 months ago
Piaggio Brings the Moto Guzzi Stelvio to Indonesia
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The good news, however, for adventure bike enthusiasts is well, Moto Guzzi Stelvio. Released by PT Piaggio Indonesia, this bike boasts sophisticated technology with iconic design. This motorcycle has been specially designed to ensure that no matter what kind of terrain one finds himself in, there will be comfort and security. New update- Piaggio Fast Forward (PFF) Rider Assistance Solution, constructed by Piaggio's robotics team at their headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. With radar, this system is now the first to be fitted on a two-wheeler; this is the new Moto Guzzi Stelvio. For adventurers For riders who want to take in the twisty roads of Asia, and still retain an appreciation for a combination of off-road capability and adventure travel, might end up falling under the spell of this motorcycle.
The Moto Guzzi Stelvio is available in two versions and has been designed to be a high way motorcycle as well as an off-road vehicle. That makes it fit perfectly for the needs of riders, who are accustomed to riding on various terrains. It has been very well designed to glide through highways or toss through roughest of terrains, complete assurance that the rider would face neither inconvenience nor safety.
As announced by PT Piaggio Indonesia's Managing Director and Country CEO Marco Noto La Diega, "We proudly unveil to you the new Moto Guzzi Stelvio, a high-tech two-wheeled rover designed with unique style." He further adds that this motorcycle's latest iteration boasts not only modern styling but also can offer great performance.
The Moto Guzzi Stelvio is founded on the technology that is possessed by Piaggio Fast Forward, which is a division the Piaggio Group made in 2015. PFF is located in Boston and is foremost involved with developing robotics and rider assistance systems in advanced technologies. The Moto Guzzi Stelvio designed with the Rider Assistance Solution of PFF is equipped with radar use to detect other cars and assists riders to have safe drive by controlling their situation and knowing exactly what is going on around them while on the road. Built for Performance
At the very heart of this Moto Guzzi Stelvio lies a 90° Compact Block V-twin engine. An engineering marvel that the company meant primarily to bring down vibrations sharply and to offer a rather very smooth ride even at high speeds, the powertrain breathes in just enough air to produce 84.6 kW of power at 8,700 rpm while peaking at a maximum torque of 105 Nm at 6,750 rpm. This motorcycle will suit the rider who hopes for comfort and is complemented with a balance of power and performance.
It has an attractive feature of functional design. The Stelvio Moto Guzzi was so designed as to be functionally effective and therefore, a type of terrain you had fixed for the day would matter nothing. Robust structures in modern features such as PFF radar systems make the ride adventurous and also very safe.
For more updated information about the automotive market, the latest cars & bikes, Please visit our website https://www.autoini.com
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csajokamotoron · 6 hours ago
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A DataHouse adatai alapján 2024-ben az új motorok forgalomba helyezése jelentősen meghaladta az előzetes becsléseket. Bizakodásra ad okot, hogy a nehéz gazdasági helyzet ellenére az új motorkerékpár forgalombahelyezések száma 22,8%-kal emelkedett a 2023-as adatokhoz képest. A jó hír az, hogy míg 2022-ben 5197, 2023-ban pedig 6557 db új motorkerépár került forgalomba, ez a szám 2024-ben 8054 volt, ami jelentős növekedést, 2022-höz képest 55%, 2023-hoz viszonyítva pedig 22,8%-ot jelent. A havi regisztrációs számok összehasonlítása alapján forgalombahelyezések megoszlása követi az időjárás változását illetve a motoros szezont: a legkevesebb motort (265) januárban helyezték forgalomba, míg a legtöbbet (952) májusban, a motoros szezon elején. Motormárkák trendjei Az újonnan forgalombahelyezett motormárkák trendje is változott a korábbi évekhez képest. 2024-re a kínai gyártók előretörésével átrendeződött a paletta. Habár a Honda továbbra is jelentősen vezeti a márkák versenyét, a korábbi, 2023-as 37,18%-ról 27,73%-ra csökkent a piaci részesedése. A 2023-as második helyezett BMW-t (12,22%) 2024-ben a Yamaha szorította le 10,14%-os részesedéssel a harmadik helyre, ami ezúttal 9,23%-os piaci részesedést jelent. A további sporrend: Benelli, Keeway, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Triumph, KTM, Piaggio. https://csajokamotoron.hu/minimalisan-csokkent-az-uj-motor-forgalomba-helyezes-2024-januarjaban/ Motorkerékpár szegmensek Az új motorok sorát ismét az ON-OFF motorkerékpárok vagyis a kalandmotorok, túraendurók vezetik. Mondhatnánk, hogy ennek az oka, hogy Magyarországon rossz az utak minősége és ezek a motorok jobban kiegyenlítik a kátyúkat, de ez nem lenne igaz. Ez a világtrend évek óta jelen van, ezért is próbál minden gyártó piacra dobni egy-két motorkerékpárt ebben a kategóriában. Szerencsére már nemcsak a hardenduron edződött bájkerekre gondolnak, hanem vannak kisebb (alacsonyabb és gyengébb, kisebb hengerűrtartalmú) modellek is a hétköznapi halandók számára. Hogy ezekre is van igény, azt nagyonjól mutatja, hogy míg korábban ezt a kategóüriát a BMW GS modelljei vezették, idén a BMW a második helyre szorult a BMW R 1300 GS-sel, és a Benelli TRK 702 szorította le. A további modellek ebben a szegmensben: Honda XL 750, BMW R1250 GS, Honda CB 500 XA, Suzuki DL 650, Honda CRF 300LA, Honda ADV 750, Honda CRF 1100 A, Yamaha XTZ 690. A motorkategóriák versenyében második helyen állnak az utcai, naked modellek. Nem csoda, ezek a kétkerekűek tökéletesek a mindennapi használatra, városi ingázásra, túrázásra, szóval igazi mindenesek. Ugyanebből az okból kerültek ismét a harmadi helyre az óriásrobogók. Azok számára, akik nem szeretik a manuális váltót, de szükségük van a hétköznapi közlekedéshez egy igazi csatalóra, akkor ez a kategória, ami nekik megfelel. A robogó nem motor!!! A motorosok és a robogósok között állandó vita, hogy motor-e a robogó. A DataHouse elemzése újabb bizonyítékkal szolgál, hogy a robogó nem motor, hiszen a 125-ös robogókat és a 125-ös manuális váltós motorokat külön kategóriába rendezte, ahogy az elektormos robogókat és az elektromos motorkerékpárokat is megkülönböztetik. Ez a két kategória egyébként ebben a sorrenben követi egymást a kategóriák népszerűségében. Őket a sort a túramotorok, a cruiserek, a classic bike-ok, a sport-túra motorkerékpárok, az off-road motorok, a sportmotorok, majd a supersport motorok követik. A 125-nél kisebb motorkerékpárok nem kerültek be a statisztikába, hiszen azoknak jelenleg nincs regisztrációs kötelessége, ezért csak a kereskedők tudják nyomon követni az eladásokat. Végkövetkeztetés Még nagyon sok érdekes tanulságot le lehetne vonni a statisztikai adatokból akár a korábbi évekhez hasonlítva, akár a motorozási szokások, és az energiahelyzet változásával összevetve. Az biztos, hogy a motoros piac jelentősen javult 2024-ben, és reméljük, hogy ez a tendencia folytatódik 2025-ben is. A két legtöbbet eladott motorkerékpár forgalmazóinak pedig ezúton is gratulálunk. Habár a Benelli TRK 702 tesztje már elkészült tavaly, még nem publikáltuk (most majd belehúzunk az elkészítésébe), még ennél a 286 eladott darabbnál is többet adtak el tavaly a Honda PCX 125-ből (a táblázatban WW 125-ként szerepel), ebből 325 db-ot helyeztek forgalomba tavaly. A saját tesztünket itt olvashatod el a 2022-es modellről, itt pedig a 2023-as tesztet találod meg. https://csajokamotoron.hu/meg-mindig-keveset-fogyaszt-pedig-erosebb-lett-a-honda-pcx-125/ Read the full article
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autoevtimes · 3 months ago
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unitedscooters · 6 months ago
United Scooters: Your One-Stop Destination For Scooters And Accessories
What comes to your mind when you think of commuting? Do you just want an affordable option? Are you looking for something better for the environment? If you want a perfect solution for everyday commuting, you should check Motron 125. The electric scooter is surely the future. These scooters can help you in several ways. You can effectively commute for long hours after every charge. You can find a wide variety of scooters at United Scooters. You can check out motorcycles, scooters, e-bikes, accessories, and a lot more. So, let’s discuss in detail. Shop from the leading brands On the United Scooters website, you can shop for several leading brands. So, whether you are looking for a Vespa scooter or a Piaggio one, you can find it on this website. You can find several color options and variants. So, there is something for everyone on the United Scooters website. All the products available on this website are of the most premium quality. So, you will be satisfied with these products. The electric scooters and accessories will exceed your expectations in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. Great service When looking for NIU scooters, you should work with a company that prioritizes excellent service. United Scooters is the perfect option for you in such a situation. All the team members working at this company are polite. So, if you have any questions regarding your purchase, they can guide you in the right direction. You can find their offline store easily near the highway. Here, the professionals can effectively guide you based on your priorities. You can share all your preferences with these professionals. Unique biker gear Just investing in an electric scooter is not enough. You also need to find unique biker gear. United Scooters understands you would want all the necessary accessories and gear to ride your electric bike comfortably. So, it is your one-stop destination where you can find all the necessary products. You can easily invest in helmets and other essential products to improve your overall riding experience. These top-notch products will help you stay safe while riding your electric bike on the roads. If you wish to get an NIU NQI Sport, head straight to the United Scooters website. This company offers the best options at great prices. Visit now to avail the best offers. To get electric scooters, visit https://www.unitedscooters.be/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3VNd91w
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bikekharidoblogs · 1 year ago
Aprilia RS 457 Accessories list Revealed
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Aprilia RS 457
The official accessories list for the RS 457 revealed, launched in India at Rs 4.1 lakh (ex-showroom)
Aprilia has entered the fully-faired multi-cylinder bike segment in India with the launch of the RS 457. Priced attractively at Rs. 4.1 lakh (ex-showroom). Now, the company has revealed official accessories checklist too.
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Aprilia RS 457 Accessories Checklist Revealed
Earlier this month, Aprilia launched RS 457 in India at 10th anniversary of IBW held at Vagator, Goa. RS 457 has an attractive price tag of Rs. 4.1 lakh (ex-sh). Bookings for a similar have commenced since 15th of December. The bike is locally manufactured at Piaggio’s plant in Baramati, Maharashtra, therefore the tempting worth.
Aprilia has listed down 10 accessories sold alongside RS 457 on its official brochure. These equipment embrace an electronic antitheft, front brake lever protection, assembly system for electronic anti-theft, internal bike cover, external bike cover, helmet lock, USB charging, high windscreen, heel guard and front axle protector.
Apriliaridersclubbengaluru has provided an additional set of accessories for RS 457 customers to consider. This additional list encompasses 18 extra items beyond those outlined in the brochure
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Aprilia RS 457 Accessories Checklist
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The checklist seen on official brochure feels barely lighter than what Aprilia is providing. We are saying this as a result of Aprilia had promised a bi-directional quick-shifter as an accessory too, which is missing in the brochure.
This snippet could also be part of Aprilia’s blurb and comprises 28 accessories, which is 18 more than the ones listed on Aprili RS 457 accessories checklist on brochure. Main amongst these are TPMS, side panniers, side pannier holders, tank bags, MIA control unit, a bi-directional quick-shifter and racing brake pads.
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ntxpowersport · 1 year ago
Mopeds and Scooters: What to Consider Before Buying One
Mopeds and scooters are popular modes of transportation that offer a balance between fuel efficiency, affordability, and convenience. These two-wheeled vehicles have been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among urban dwellers who are looking for an eco-friendly and cost-effective means of commuting.
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NTX Powersports, a reputable online retailer, offers a wide range of mopeds and scooters for sale on their website. Their collection includes both new and used models from various brands, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of their customers.
Some of the popular brands available on the NTX Powersports website include:
Piaggio: Known for its iconic Vespa scooters, Piaggio offers stylish, fuel-efficient, and environmentally friendly vehicles that are perfect for urban commuting.
Genuine Buddy: This brand specializes in producing high-quality mopeds and scooters that are designed for both city streets and off-road adventures.
Kymco: A Taiwanese manufacturer, Kymco is renowned for its innovative and eco-friendly scooters, which are known for their reliability and performance.
To make it easier for customers to find the perfect moped or scooter, NTX Powersports has categorized their collection based on various factors, such as brand, model, and price range. This ensures that customers can easily browse through the available options and make an informed decision.
Additionally, the website provides detailed information about each product, including specifications, features, and images. This helps potential buyers to assess the suitability of a particular moped or scooter for their needs.
NTX Powersports also offers a range of moped and scooter parts and accessories, such as helmets, gloves, and tires, to ensure that customers can find everything they need in one place.
How Mopeds Are Different from Scooters
While both vehicles have a step-through frame or a platform instead of foot pedals, mopeds(a combination of the words “motor” and “pedal” as they first started as motor-powered pedal bikes) motors are 50 cubic centimeters or lower. They can legally only seat one person and must be on roadways of 45 mph or lower.
Meanwhile, scooters’ motors can exceed 50cc, with such larger motors capable of riding up to 75–85 MPH but with a mileage of 60 miles per gallon. They might be allowed to join highway vehicular traffic depending on their size. However, depending on the engine size, this might force riders to run the engine at full speed (over-revving) for extended periods, which can endanger you as a rider and damage your engine if the ccs are low enough.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Moped or Scooter
1. Purpose Ask yourself: How far and how often will you be using it? Will you be usually riding by yourself or with a companion? Will you be usually bringing any cargo with you during trips? Your answers to these questions will help you determine which two-wheeler is appropriate for you and what its motor size should be.
Mopeds must stay off the H-1, H-2, H-3 and off of roadways with speed postings greater than 45 mph. While scooters can legally drive on these roadways, but may be under-powered if it is 125cc or less. You should also check the terrain and speed limits leading to your destination to see if you can meet the required minimum.
A moped’s weight limit is normally 200 to 350 pounds while scooters 150cc and above would have limits ranging from 330 to 500 pounds. Overloading can easily wear out your tires, strain your brakes, and affect your fuel use.
2. Your height Your moped or scooter should be just the right size so that when you stand up or dismount your vehicle, you can easily land your feet on the ground.
3. License plates Hawaii requires mopeds and scooters to be registered and bear license plates.
The state doesn’t have a Department of Motor Vehicles, but each county has a specific office serving this purpose. Oahu-based motor vehicle dealers usually register and license your two-wheelers for you. Otherwise, you’ll need to fill out an Application for Registration form signed by you and the dealer and then submit this to a Satellite City Hall. You also have to get your vehicle inspected at any of these stations to obtain a Hawaii Vehicle Inspection Certificate. The city hall will issue a license plate and emblem while the inspection station will place a decal on your moped certifying that it passed the safety inspection.
You’ll need at least a valid Class 1 driver’s license or Hawaii issued permit to legally operate a moped. Meanwhile, you have to present a motorcycle license to operate a scooter as they’re treated like motorcycles in Hawaii. Driver education requirements are required for persons aged 17 and younger.
4. Helmets Moped and scooter drivers below age 18 are required by law to wear helmets with chin straps. Only scooters are allowed to have passengers, who should wear helmets accordingly. Children aged six and below are also not allowed to ride as passengers on scooters. Due to safety reasons, however, donning helmets is still highly recommended although not legally required for those aged 18 and above.
5. Parking laws Parking a scooter or moped is significantly easier than parking a car, especially in Honolulu. There are usually designated parking stalls or spaces for mopeds and scooters. It’s best to park, chain, and lock them onto bike racks through the rear tire whenever they’re available. Some areas charge owners a minimal daily fee. Whenever possible, research your destination ahead of time to determine what kind of parking is available in that area.
6. Fuel economy Mopeds and small scooters can average over 100 miles per gallon, making them more fuel-efficient than motorcycles. Meanwhile, the mileage of mid-sized scooters (125 to 150cc) that can carry a passenger is just around 80 mpg.
Wide or oversized tires, frequent revving, and carrying unnecessary weight can increase your fuel consumption.
7. Insurance Mopeds don’t need to be insured in Hawaii, but scooters do. The minimum coverage should include $20,000 per person for bodily injury in case of an accident or $40,000 if several people were hurt and $10,000 for property damage. Optional coverage includes personal injury medical payments worth up to $10,000, damage coverage for your vehicle, or income disability plan. Full motor scooter insurance is significantly cheaper than any comparable car policy.
8. Test drive opportunities Hawaiian Style Rentals & Sales is happy to offer a try & buy program where you can rent a vehicle for the day and we can put the first day’s rental rate toward the purchase.
9. Financing Hawaiian Style Rentals & Sales is offering six month 0% interest financing for all qualified customers and eighteen month 0% interest financing for any customers who purchase at least three aftermarket Scooter Works accessories.
Renting a moped or scooter with Hawaiian Style Rentals is a great way to discover which type of two-wheeler gives you the best ride. You can book with us before choosing from our array of mopeds and scooters that are for sale and supplied by Genuine Scooters Company. Rentals include a driving lesson, detailed tour maps, a helmet, and a safety lock.
FAQ section
1. Do I need a license to ride a moped or scooter?
In most states, you will need a valid driver’s license to operate a moped or scooter. However, specific requirements may vary depending on your location. It is important to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or relevant authorities to understand the specific licensing requirements in your area.
2. What is the difference between a moped and a scooter?
The main difference between a moped and a scooter lies in their engine size and speed capabilities. Generally, mopeds have smaller engines (usually 50cc or less) and are limited to lower speeds, typically below 30 mph. Scooters, on the other hand, can have larger engines and higher top speeds. Additionally, mopeds often have pedals for propulsion, while scooters rely solely on their engines.
3. Can I ride a moped or scooter on highways?
Mopeds and scooters are generally not permitted on highways due to their lower speed capabilities. Highways typically have minimum speed requirements that these vehicles cannot meet. However, regulations may vary by state or country, so it is important to consult local traffic laws regarding the use of mopeds and scooters on highways.
4. What safety gear should I wear when riding a moped or scooter?
It is crucial to prioritize safety when riding a moped or scooter. The following safety gear is recommended:
Helmet: Always wear a DOT-approved helmet to protect your head in case of an accident.
Eye Protection: Use goggles or a face shield to shield your eyes from debris and wind.
Protective Clothing: Wear long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes to minimize injuries in case of a fall.
Gloves: Choose gloves that provide grip and protection for your hands.
5. How do I maintain a moped or scooter?
Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and performance of your moped or scooter. Here are some key maintenance tips:
Regular Inspections: Check the tires, brakes, lights, and fluid levels regularly.
Oil Changes: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes.
Air Filter Cleaning: Clean or replace the air filter as needed.
Spark Plug Replacement: Replace the spark plug according to the recommended interval.
Chain Lubrication: Keep the chain properly lubricated to prevent wear.
6. Can I ride a moped or scooter in bad weather?
While it is possible to ride a moped or scooter in inclement weather, it is generally not recommended due to safety concerns. These vehicles have smaller wheels and may not provide optimal traction on wet or slippery surfaces. Additionally, reduced visibility during rain or snow can increase the risk of accidents. It is advisable to avoid riding in adverse weather conditions whenever possible.
7. How fuel-efficient are mopeds and scooters?
Mopeds and scooters are known for their fuel efficiency, making them cost-effective transportation options. The exact fuel efficiency will vary depending on factors such as engine size, weight, and riding conditions. Generally, most mopeds and scooters can achieve between 70 and 100 miles per gallon (MPG), making them highly economical choices for daily commuting.
8. Can I carry a passenger on a moped or scooter?
The ability to carry passengers on a moped or scooter depends on the specific model and local regulations. Some mopeds and scooters are designed with dual seating capacity, allowing for a passenger. However, it is important to check your local traffic laws regarding passenger restrictions and safety requirements before carrying someone else on your vehicle.
9. What is the warranty coverage for mopeds and scooters?
Warranty coverage for mopeds and scooters can vary depending on the manufacturer and specific model. It is recommended to review the warranty information provided by the manufacturer or dealer before making a purchase. Typically, warranties cover manufacturing defects and may have different durations for different components of the vehicle.
10. Can I customize my moped or scooter?
Yes, you can customize your moped or scooter to suit your preferences and style. Many aftermarket accessories and modifications are available, such as different seat options, storage compartments, performance upgrades, and aesthetic enhancements. However, it is important to ensure that any modifications comply with local laws and do not compromise the safety or functionality of the vehicle.
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gaadikey · 1 year ago
Aprilia RS 457 Priced at Rs 4.10 lakhs - Pre-bookings open from 15 December 2023
Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd, the 100% subsidiary of the Italian auto giant, Piaggio Group has announced the price for their much-awaited mid-performance sports bike, the Aprilia RS 457 at INR 4.10 lakhs (ex-Maharashtra). Customers can pre-book the sports bike from 15 Dec 2023 on the Aprilia India website as well as at the Aprilia Motoplex Dealerships across India for INR 10,000 only. The start of…
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rianmobili · 1 year ago
Top 10 Of The Best Maxi Scooters For Touring
Maxi Scooters Are Better Than Touring Bikes
📌 Related searches: ✔️ Maxi scooter 2023 ✔️ Best maxi scooter ✔️ Top maxi scooters ✔️ Scooter touring ✔️ Sym maxi scooter ✔️ Most powerful scooter ✔️ Best adventure scooter ✔️ Biggest scooter
When you think about touring on two wheels, scooters might not be the first thing you visualise yourself cruising about on. But wait! Maxi scooters exist, and excel at delivering a comfortable ride over longer distances and can carry all the luggage you could need. Maxi scooters are generally larger than standard scooters, with more powerful engines that allow you to get up to speeds that let you drive on motorways. A more comfortable riding position and protection from the weather, thanks to their fairings, makes them a great economical choice for touring riders. We here have come up with a list of the best maxi scooters that are the ideal vehicle for your touring holidays.
This video is based on personal opinion for reference only, it may be suitable for you but it may not be. Thank you for watching this video. Please comment your opinion to let us know.
📌 Hashtag:
Peugeot, #PeugeotMetropolisSW, #Suzuki, #SuzukiBurgman, #Lexmoto, #LexmotoXDV, #Sym, #SymMaxsym, #Kymco, #KymcoAK550, #Yamaha, #YamahaTricity, #Piaggio, #PiaggioMP3, #BMW, #BMWC400GT, #Honda, #HondaForza, #YamahaTMAX
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