#Phoenix App Developers
net-craft · 8 months
Who Are the Game-Changers? App Developers in Phoenix AZ
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Forget cowboys and cacti – when it comes to blazing trails, the real pioneers in Phoenix, AZ, are the App Developers. These digital alchemists are transforming ideas into interactive marvels, shaping the future of communication, entertainment, and even healthcare. But among the bustling tech scene, who are the true game-changers? It’s time to step into the arena and meet the Phoenix app developers who are redefining the game.
Phoenix App Development: A Crucible of Innovation
The sun-drenched landscape of Phoenix isn’t just a playground for desert foxes and hikers. It’s a fertile ground for innovation, fostering a diverse and dynamic community of app developers. From seasoned veterans to fresh-faced startups, the Phoenix development scene pulsates with technical expertise, creative spark, and a relentless drive to disrupt the status quo.
Meet the Masters of Their Craft:
The Architects of Experience: These developers are more than just coders; they’re UX/UI wizards. They sculpt intuitive interfaces, craft captivating visuals, and weave seamless user journeys that transform apps into immersive experiences. Imagine navigating a virtual museum with VR or ordering groceries effortlessly through voice commands – that’s the magic these developers conjure.
The Storytellers of the Digital Age: Apps aren’t just tools; they can be captivating narratives. Whether it’s crafting an interactive game that transports you to fantastical worlds or developing a personalized fitness app that guides you on your wellness journey, these developers are the digital bards, weaving stories that engage, inspire, and empower.
The Builders of the Future: Forget flying cars – these developers are building the future of healthcare, education, and even business. From AI-powered medical diagnosis tools to AR-enhanced learning platforms and blockchain-based secure transactions, these pioneers are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, shaping a better tomorrow through their digital creations.
Why Choose Phoenix App Development?
Beyond the sunshine and stunning sunsets, Phoenix offers unique advantages for your app development project:
A Talent Pool Overflowing with Expertise: Phoenix boasts a thriving tech scene with a growing pool of developers skilled in diverse technologies, from native app development to cutting-edge AR/VR and blockchain integration. No matter your vision, you’ll find the perfect talent to weave it into reality.
Collaboration, Not Competition: The Phoenix tech community is known for its collaborative spirit. Forget cutthroat competition – developers readily share knowledge, support each other’s projects, and foster an environment of innovation and mutual growth. This collaborative atmosphere ensures your project benefits from the collective expertise of the community.
Cost-Effectiveness for Your Vision: Compared to coastal tech hubs, Phoenix offers competitive rates while delivering the same high-quality services. This makes it the perfect destination for startups and budget-conscious businesses to turn their app dreams into reality without breaking the bank.
So, how do you find your game-changing Phoenix app developer?
Seek Referrals: Network with local businesses, attend tech events, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Word-of-mouth recommendations are often the best way to find the right developer for your project.
Portfolio Power: Don’t just listen to promises; explore the developer’s portfolio. Look for projects that resonate with your vision and demonstrate their expertise in relevant technologies.
Communication is Key: Open communication is crucial. Talk to your potential developer, explain your vision, and gauge their understanding and enthusiasm. Trust your gut – the right developer will be excited to collaborate and translate your idea into a winning app.
Ready to Join the Phoenix App Development Revolution?
The future of technology is not set in stone – it’s being crafted line by line by the app developers of Phoenix. Whether you’re an established business or a passionate entrepreneur, Phoenix offers the perfect breeding ground for your app idea to blossom into a game-changer. So, join the revolution, tap into the vibrant energy of the Phoenix tech scene, and find the developers who will turn your digital dream into a reality that captivates the world.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/01/19/who-are-the-game-changers-app-developers-in-phoenix-az/
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phoenixbizz · 6 months
Understand an insurance mobile app development cost, benefits and features in this insurance app guide.
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data-titan · 10 months
Data Titan is a premier mobile app development company in Glendale, Arizona. We offer the best mobile application development services for iPhone and Android in Phoenix, California and Nevada.
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innoventureind1 · 11 months
Online Reputation Management in Huntsville
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Get ready to boost your online reputation in Huntsville with Innoventure Fintech Pvt. Ltd.! We transform your online reputation and amplify your success. Our local expertise ensures your business shines in your hometown. Contact us for more information.
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openteqsolutions · 1 year
The Evolution of Mobile Application Development Services
The world of mobile applications has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. From their humble beginnings as simple tools to their current status as indispensable companions in our daily lives, mobile apps have evolved significantly. As technology progresses, so do the services provided by mobile application developers. In this article, we'll delve into the evolution of mobile application development services, focusing on the USA as a hub for innovation and growth.
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Early Days of Mobile Apps:
In the early 2000s, mobile apps were rudimentary and often pre-installed on phones. Their functionality was limited to basic tasks like messaging, contacts, and calendars. However, as smartphones gained popularity, the demand for more advanced and diverse applications grew. This marked the beginning of a new era for mobile application development.
Pioneering Mobile Application Services Providers:
As the demand for sophisticated mobile apps surged, a plethora of mobile application services providers emerged to cater to the evolving needs of businesses and individuals. These providers started offering mobile application development services that spanned various platforms and technologies.
Rise of Mobile App Development Companies:
With the advent of app stores like Apple's App Store and Google Play, the ecosystem for mobile applications flourished. Mobile app development companies sprung up, focusing on creating innovative apps that catered to specific niches. These companies offered specialized services to clients, ranging from design and development to testing and deployment.
Transition to Hybrid App Development:
The evolution of mobile applications also witnessed a shift towards hybrid app development. This approach allowed developers to build apps that could run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. This innovation significantly reduced development time and costs while ensuring consistent user experiences across different devices.
Role of USA as a Mobile App Services Provider:
The United States emerged as a prominent hub for mobile application development services. The tech-savvy environment, access to cutting-edge technology, and a culture of innovation fostered the growth of numerous mobile app development companies. These companies catered to a global clientele, offering a wide range of services from conceptualization to execution.
Mobile Application Services Provider in USA:
Mobile application services providers in the USA became instrumental in shaping the app landscape. Their expertise encompassed various domains such as business, healthcare, education, entertainment, and more. Their services extended beyond mere app development, often involving strategic planning, user experience design, and post-launch maintenance.
Cross-Platform Development and Tools:
Cross-platform mobile app development gained traction as a cost-effective solution for businesses aiming to reach a wider audience. The emergence of frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin facilitated the creation of apps that could seamlessly run on both iOS and Android platforms.
Mobile Application Services Providers in Phoenix:
Cities like Phoenix became hubs for mobile application services providers. These providers leveraged the local talent pool, collaborative environments, and the city's business-friendly ecosystem to offer a range of services to clients.
Continued Innovation:
Mobile application development services providers continue to push boundaries. With the integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things, mobile apps are becoming even more powerful and versatile. These innovations are transforming the way we interact with technology on a daily basis.
The evolution of mobile applications and the services provided by developers have come a long way. From basic utility apps to complex solutions that cater to diverse needs, mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives. The USA, including cities like Phoenix, has played a pivotal role in shaping the mobile app landscape, with mobile application services providers driving innovation and growth. As technology continues to advance, we can only anticipate further groundbreaking developments in the realm of mobile applications.
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sector7appsus · 1 year
Sector 7 Apps
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We thrive off challenges. Our talented and experienced design and development team are ready for your next big idea.
You should only want the best of the best to design and build your mobile applications. At Sector 7 Apps, our team is highly capable and experienced in building apps. We’ve utilized and improved upon industry standard processes to develop our own unique and efficient concept-to-launch process. Our hard-boiled processes allow us to quickly build apps that fit in with your overall business strategy. Your app shouldn’t just be functional, it should benefit your company and remain aligned with your brand’s culture and style.
In this industry, technology is ever-evolving and businesses have to adapt to remain current. So we’ve adopted a positive attitude towards change and we’re constantly looking for new software that can quicken app design, app development, and aid project management.
App Development Company in Phoenix
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positivelybeastly · 7 days
From the Ashes Infinity Comics #15: Pygmalion, Part 1
So, for those who are not aware - Infinity Comics are online-only comics distributed through Marvel Unlimited, their subscription based app and browser collection of comics. Regarded as 'inessential,' but still very much canon, the raft of Infinity Comics coming out of From the Ashes have been quite good, but I haven't seen fit to comment on them for a bit, until now, because . . .
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Let's go.
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For those not aware, Pygmalion is a famous novel by George Bernard Shaw, detailing the attempt by a phonetics professor called Henry Higgins to 'elevate' a Cockney flower-girl named Eliza Doolittle.
Intrigued by a bet that he could pass her off as a duchess through careful schooling, he decides to take her on, and though he succeeds, she ends up feeling marginalised and overlooked, treated as an object of gambling and curiosity rather than an individual in her own right, and though the play is best known for the 'culturing' of Eliza Doolittle, it is as much about the arrogance of Higgins, who is a thoroughly unpleasant and rude individual, in thinking that he has any ownership over Eliza for his education of her. He may have 'created' her, but he does not control her.
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The Factory that the X-Men are living in at present must have really good central heating for Cyclops to be wearing basketball shorts and a crop top that short.
Beast is currently investigating some kind of issue with Magneto's chromosomes - to put it succinctly, he appears to be ageing rapidly, and does not have access to his X-gene at present. This is a continuation of the storyline in the previous Infinity arc, which focused on Magneto.
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Something worth noting - this is the first acknowledgement of the fact that though Hank's body may be of roughly the same physical age as his original, his mind is considerably younger, situated at some point in his mid 20s. For someone who was always the oldest of the original X-Men, this is fairly significant.
Also worth noting - Hank joins the ranks of superheroes who are actively seeking therapy for their problems! Good on you, Hank! And good on you, too, Scott, for suggesting it. Though, perhaps, given recent developments in the mainline X-Men comics, you should take your own advice . . .
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The fact that Hank refers to himself as the only one left seemingly confirms that X-Force took care of the Beast clones who Beast Prime planted around various landmarks as part of the Ghost Calendars arc. Though they were defeated in their respective future timelines, I wasn't quite sure if they had been taken care of in the present as well. This seemingly confirms that they were.
Hank's therapist is Dr. Andrea Sterman, a supporting character from Jed MacKay's Moon Knight run, and a member of the Midnight Mission. Given that the writer, Alex Paknadel, confirmed on Twitter that he talked with Jed MacKay about making sure all the details for Hank's storyline would line up with the mainline X-Men book, I can only imagine this was done as a rather fun continuity nod.
Hank also refers to a Shi'ar warship, an avian alien race that the X-Men deal with on a regular basis. This makes sense, given that Hank was beamed aboard the Shi'ar imperial flagship during the events of Dark Phoenix Saga in 1981 - ancient history for us, but relatively fresh in Hank's mind, given his memories come from 1985.
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Hank, naturally, does himself a disservice here. Dark Beast was, assumedly, abducted at a relatively young age from his human parents, and indoctrinated by Mister Sinister as something of a protege - a protege living in perpetual fear of his mentor. He probably didn't have a chance to develop any kind of moral code divorced from the social Darwinist hellhole that is the Age of Apocalypse.
That being said, Hank probably lacks that context, and Dark Beast is unique among Age of Apocalypse denizens, not just for his unerringly cruel nature, having never shown any altruistic tendencies (unlike, say, AoA Cyclops or Nightcrawler), but also for his resilience. He persists, even now - though last seen in Immortal X-Men #9 as a head in a jar, he has come back from the dead at least twice before, and it is unlikely he is gone for good.
Fun fact - his appearance here is based on the costume he wore during his scrap with Emma Frost's X-Men team in a confrontation with Spider-Man and the Lizard. Though the X-Men naturally encountered him after this point, it's fun that this appearance by Dark Beast is considered iconic enough to be the 'definitive' look for him by this comic.
Hank's final remark, about 'Henry McCoy plus time equals atrocity,' is a sentiment often repeated on social media boards, and it's interesting to see it being internalised by Hank himself, given his unique perspective on the events that created his future self and the other potential timelines the X-Men files likely refer to.
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Mm. A lot to unpack here.
Hank's relationship with his X-gene has always been complicated, and the way he views it here, as essentially morphing him into a shape that he finds abhorrent, predatory, and beyond his control, is consistent with how Hank seemed to see himself during his feline mutation, which lasted from 2000 to 2013.
Though his feline phase is not referenced in this comic, beyond the 'over time, and with a little help, these became more pronounced,' (probably a reference to Sage's jumpstarting his secondary mutation) it assumedly would be in the files Hank has been using to catch up, and one has to wonder if he's been repeating some of the thought processes that made feline Hank such a uniquely neurotic version of the character.
It's also nice to see a canonisation of my long held fanon that Hank's X-gene is actively attempting to craft a form for him that is best suited for survival, a belief that Hank only hinted at back in Morrison's New X-Men, but which made sense, given the circumstances of his mutation in X-Treme X-Men.
That being said, Hank's own mind seemingly strays back to the night his furry mutation first manifested at the Brand Corporation in Amazing Adventures, where he flew into a berserker rage and nearly killed Carl Maddicks, which always seemed a little incongruous with how Hank was written in subsequent appearances in Avengers and Defenders, but which now seems to be retroactively made an expression of the brutality he was capable of during his feline phase.
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The 'violent upheavals' Hank refers to here are likely his initial secondary mutation, and then his near-death experience when said mutation randomly destabilised in All-New X-Men. It could also be a reference to his numerous genetic troubles during X-Factor volume 1.
His opining that he found refuge in the life of the mind is very reminiscent of Hank's desire to find meaning in poetry, literature, art, humanity, in the wake of the changes in his body in both X-Factor and New X-Men. X-Factor #33 and New X-Men #117 both specifically reference his delight in the freedom to think, in opposition to the clouding of the mind that came with his Pestilence inflicted dumbing down, or his newly awakened predatory impulses.
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Ironically enough, Magneto is, aside from Simon Williams, the character with whom this version of Hank has shared the most panel time and dialogue, between his conversations in X-Men and previous From the Ashes Infinity Comics. It would appear that Max's need for a cure for his condition are fostering a necessarily stronger bond than Hank and Max have ever shared before in canon.
Precisely where the rest of the team is during the course of these events is unknown. If I had to guess, it's possible this might be set during the events of X-Men #2, where the rest of the team was attending to a mutant rescue in San Francisco, accounting for the lack of availability of the Marauder and a reliance on an old Quinjet.
Quite how Hank got his hands on said Quinjet is unknown, though it's possible it might be a holdover from Hank's Defender days, where he would regularly borrow a Quinjet from the Avengers, for purposes ranging from actual superhero missions to attending Patsy Walker's wedding.
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Though this Hank's memories originate in closest proximity to the Defenders, and though that team did enjoy some degree of notoriety under Hank and Candy Southern's stewardship, the Avengers have always been where Hank was most popular in-universe, and he has had a habit of using that association to smooth things over in mutant related books, such as in X-Factor volume 1 and the 90s X-Men run.
Unfortunately, mutant rights are in a more dire state than ever before, with things having seemingly gotten only worse for them since the 1980s, and it's likely Hank didn't expect this level of hatred from normal civilians.
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I have, unfortunately, run out of images, so I'll be posting the last of this issue and my final thoughts and predictions in another post.
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this for a lovely anon, I hope you like it!
It is a Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace x deaf!female!reader imagine.
Thank you @footprintsinthesxnd for proofreading!
Warnings: reader has a hearing impairment
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You were going out for groceries with Nat to prepare dinner to meet her friends for the first time when you realized that you were standing in the same aisle in which you had first met her, the love of your life, all these months ago.
You had just put the glass of jam into your cart when you saw a gorgeous woman approach you, with a wide smile and her eyes trained on you as she began to speak.
Her smile was entirely infectious and you couldn’t help but smile back, but your face soon turned apologetic as you tried to focus on the movement of her lips to keep up with what she was saying.
You chuckled gently, your eyes focusing back on hers when she finished speaking.
The way the woman was looking at you as well as her beautiful combination of light skin and dark hair took your breath away, and it took you a moment before you could react.
You raised your hand to your ear and gently shook your head with an apologetic smile on your lips, trying to show her that you couldn’t communicate with her the way she wanted you to.
Nat’s reaction had only taken a second as she had thought about it before pulling out her phone and quickly typing away at it.
She turned her phone so you could look at it and read what she had written in the notes app, the heat rushing into your cheeks as your eyes met hers again.
‘I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, I just needed you to know that’ were the words beaming at you from her phone screen, and you felt similarly glowing as well.
You had been taken aback, the heat in your cheeks only ever intensifying as your heart rate quickened.
You didn’t quite know what to do but Natasha turned her phone back to herself to type, a hopeful smile playing around the corners of her lips.
When she turned the phone again the screen read ‘can I get your number?’, and you had gladly given it to her.
She had texted you immediately and you had a conversation over text messages while standing in front of each other, taking in the other’s reaction.
Now a few months had gone by, and you had developed a relationship that you and Natasha lived for.
Natasha had learned to communicate with you through simple touches, glances, and of course ASL, which she had picked up rather quickly, and you were grateful for her.
It wasn’t that you were grateful that she did any of these things, it was important and expected of a partner after all, but you were incredibly happy you had found Natasha.
She was kind, caring, funny and a force to be reckoned with, she was headstrong, breathtaking, beautiful, and didn’t let anyone tell her what to do.
You were always so happy whenever you were with her and you moved in together so you could see each other as often as possible.
You were so proud of Nat for what she did and who she was and she was just as proud of you, you could see it in the way she looked at you when others were around.
Nat had asked you whether you wanted to meet her fellow aviators and you had agreed happily, seeing as they had asked to meet you after hearing about you and seeing how happy and at ease you made Nat.
It was obvious she loved you in the way she even just glanced at you, her eyes losing the hardness and fierceness to be replaced with a softness and adoration that was unmatched.
Nat had only ever told them nice things about you and when her friends saw you so tentative and curled into your girlfriend’s side they understood why.
You seemed sweet and shy and just about the perfect person for Nat, someone she could be vulnerable with for once in her life.
Bradley, Jake, Bob, Javy, Mickey, and Reuben all greeted Nat before they turned to you, with Bradley hugging you and everyone else following his example.
It was a heartfelt gesture and you immediately felt at ease, feeling accepted and welcome in their presence.
It was strange for you to come into a circle of like-minded people who did something you couldn’t even fathom for a job, but every one of them was as kind as could be to you.
The conversation started slowly and was rather awkward at first, with everyone standing around the living room with drinks in their hands, but surprisingly Bob was the one who broke the ice.
You were just about to escape back into the kitchen to check on the food that was still in the oven when Bob addressed you, his eyes catching yours and a timid smile appearing on his face, which you mirrored.
“So, how did you two meet?” You read from his lips and were reaffirmed with Nat signing the words to you, and you were glad Bob had asked you instead of Nat, even though he had probably heard it from her already.
You were quick to sign back at her, a wide smile on your lips as you saw the way she reacted to your response.
Nat blushed and smiled and her eyes were only trained on you, her love and focus on you as well.
“She says ‘I was at the supermarket and didn’t know that I was looking for her all my life. But when she tapped my shoulder and told me that she thought I was beautiful I knew that Nat was the one I had been waiting on’”, she translated and you smiled at her, happy to have her and very proud of how quickly she had learned to read sign language.
‘I didn’t tell you you were beautiful, I said you are the most beautiful woman I ever met. And I stand by that statement’, she signed back at you, and you had to laugh at how determined she was to get that point across.
When you laughed Nat looked at you as if the world revolved around you, and you leaned in to kiss her lips tentatively once you had finished laughing.
The others just watched your small exchange with compassionate smiles, seeing and also to an extent feeling the love you shared in their chests as well.
You led some more of those small conversations before the timer on your phone buzzed, signaling that the food was ready.
Nat sat next to you at the dinner table, always trying to sign as much as she could to you.
It was an evening filled with stories and laughter, Nat translated what her friends said and sometimes signed funny comments of well-meant jokes about her friends to you, and you signed back with just as much happy enthusiasm.
From then on Nat took you with her wherever she went, to the Hard Deck, to meet friends at their place, or to Navy events, where she was adamant to get an interpreter for the speeches.
You were always beside her with a smile that was fueled by her love and devotion to you, which you of course gave right back to her.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @a-reader-and-a-writer @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bespinnn @harper1666 @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @simping4wanda @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @simping4wanda @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
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missathlete31 · 1 year
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Based on the Spring Time Prompts that @bradshawsbaby posted
Summary: Hangman and Phoenix take their son to the park for a little family time after Jake gets home from a deployment.
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Note: So in this story I imagined Jake and Natasha are now married with a 3 year old son JJ and a 9 month old daughter Lena. Figure for timeline sake, this is about 5-6 years after the mission in TGM.
Hope you all enjoy!
On a rare rainy day in North Island, Natasha Trace Seresin, a former pilot for the legendary Dagger Squad and current instructor at Top Gun, was feeling her patience wearing thin. As a California baby her whole life until she enlisted, the dark haired woman loved the sunshine and warmth. Both seemed to be missing as she trudged further into the lashes of rain water falling from the sky though, leading to her releasing a long huff of annoyance, “if you had just listened to me Bagman” she spat angrily at her husband, yanking up her jacket’s hood higher to avoid getting her hair anymore wet, “we could have been nice, and warm, and dry, at home” she intoned, “instead of out here! But no,” she mocked his voice with a terrible impression of a Texas twang, “you were convinced the rain was done!”
Here, ended up being the park near their house where besides a wonderful playground that the family usually frequented, also featured a grassy hill leading down to a generous size pond with ducks. Their son JJ, three years old and the splitting image of his father (and the same wide green eyes that knew how to make Natasha's heart melt), had developed a new fascination with all things nautical, despite being surrounded by planes since before he was out of the womb. Nat assumed it was because the young boy finally understood that when Daddy was away he was on a big ship, leading the small child to lug his own toy ones everywhere he went. Now that Jake was home, after a long and difficult six month deployment, JJ had been bursting at the seams to show his father his favorite place to sail his boats. All it took was the little blonde's toddler voice asking to see "duckies and boats" with his Daddy before Hangman was planning a whole day's adventure.
Without looking at the weather report first it seemed.
Natasha had tried to talk him into rescheduling this morning, getting the weather app loaded up on her phone and showing him the forecast, but Jake had waved her off with a "they're always wrong" and continued to pack their bag. Now the family was caught in the newest ambush, the rain picking up its intensity as it created puddles all around them. Phoenix kicked one with her boot in frustration watching the water spray up all around, "It's getting worse" she announced in reiteration.
Jake turned to her then, his hair matted down and dark from the rainwater. His own jacket was without a hood leading to him being drenched in the onslaught of the storm. Perhaps if he looked like a drowned rat like she was feeling, Natasha would have lightened up a bit more, but her husband tended to be infuriatingly gorgeous at all moments, including this one, and it only served to grind her gears even more. Of course, he also looked like a sad puppy, making it harder to stay mad. "Sorry Nix" the wet blond hollered over the wind, "I guess you were right about the storms coming through."
"You think!" she called back, trudging closer while being careful of the slippery grass. "It's pouring!"
"I know" Jake's green eyes turned downward in his remorse and Natasha fought the urge to roll her eyes; her husband was just a big child on most days. "But hey" Hangman looked up and nodded to his right, a small smirk rising on his lips, "at least someone is enjoying himself."
Phoenix followed his gaze to a few feet away where their little JJ was happily playing in the fall rain shower. Despite hating being wet herself, Nat couldn’t help but smile at the joy her son was clearly having in his new rain boots and coat. JJ was bundled as well as she could get him but still he laughed as the water fell and landed on his face and cheeks, sticking to the fan of his eye lashes as the little boy looked up to catch them in his mouth. When he was done catching droplets, he turned his attention to some of the small ducks still in the area, quaking happily as he watched their webbed feet make indents in the mud and grass. The small boy was as unbothered by the change in weather as a kid could be, enjoying the moment in pure childhood bliss. Nat turned back to see Jake watching the sight with just as much love in his eyes as she had. When he noticed her gaze Hangman's smile deepened, "a little rain's not that bad, right darlin'?"
 "You're lucky he's having fun Bagman" Phoenix threatened, though it held no true anger, "and that he looks so cute in that little jacket."
"And do I not look cute in mine?" Hangman teased, flaunting his own apparel as he moved closer to his wife.
Natasha pretended to sigh lazily, "I've seen better” she informed audaciously.
"Oh" Jake wrapped a wet hand around her back pulling her closer, "have you now?" He guided her right into his strong chest, the rain falling from his the bottom of his chin landing down on her cheeks as they locked eyes. Their bodies pressed together in a wet flush; Natasha would have been mad at the uncomfortable rub their two rain jackets gave the other if she hadn't missed her husband's embrace for so long. She knew that once they got married and started to have a family that deployments were going to become even more difficult, but this last one had really left her heart reeling. Maybe it was because JJ was getting older and understanding more, or that their daughter Lena, who was 3 months and only learning how to smile when Jake initially left, was now 9 months and starting to take wobbly steps when he returned. Nat tried to record as many milestones as she could, as many tee-ball games and new food group taste tests that her phone could hold but it just wasn't the same. She missed Jake, and she knew her children, even little Lena did too. Every day he was away from them tugged at their hearts a little more, and Natasha could tell just from the way her husband held her tight that he felt the same way.
"I'm glad you're home" she whispered up at him, her eyes shining with a moisture that wasn't rainwater.
"I'm glad I'm home too" Jake answered back, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on his wife's lips. It was tender and loving though she could still feel the passion that had always defined their relationship in the way his hands gripped her body in all the right places; as if they were made to be in each other's arms. "I missed this" he murmured, moving his lips further south and trying to get through the knots of her tied hood, his warm breath managing to heat the skin along her throat.
Her head instinctively lifted, giving him the room to plant more affectionate kisses on her softest skin, “I missed this too” she moaned quietly, “Missed you” Nat admitted with the burning of the touch of his lips, “God I wish you never had to leave us again.”
Jake pulled back at her words suddenly, startling Natasha from her amorous haze at the sharpness of the movement. She looked up in confusion, catching something flickering on Hangman’s face, a hesitance that was foreign for the usually confident man. Phoenix reached a hand upward, pushing wet hair from her husband’s forehead as she tried to coax his thoughts from him, “what is it?” she asked him.
“I just- I actually wanted to talk to you about that" he rubbed a nervous hand along the back of the sodden short strains of hair on the nape of his neck. "Cyclone called and he said-“ but Jake’s words died out as Natasha’s attention diverted to the couple’s right, where she heard her son's excited giggle. The three year old had managed to unzip his hood from the top of his jacket, a silly feature that Natasha should have known better than to entertain with a toddler. With the hood no longer attached, JJ waved it like a flag as it billowed in the breeze. When a stronger gust rustled through, the little boy's grip faltered and the blue fabric sailed through the air. "My 'ood Momma" he screeched desperately, bottom lip trembling. His stout little legs began to waddle to follow.
Jake made a grab for the cover as it passed them, but missed, causing the hood to land on the bottom of the hill right on the edge of the pond. When it looked like JJ was going to risk a tumble to get his article of clothing, Jake's voice turned a bit more firm, "Hey buddy, don't go down there okay? Just stay right here" Hangman ordered his son. The edge of the pond was covered in mud from the rising level of water the storm was bringing, the soupy swampy mess a hazard for anyone but even worse coming off the steep incline of the hill. Jake released his wife and moved to head down, "stay up here with JJ, I'll get it."
Nat rolled her eyes at her husband's chivalrousness, moving to head down herself, "forget it, I'll get it, I have the better boots." She was right of course, besides wearing the wrong jacket, Jake also wasn't wearing the best footwear, but he still looked unsure to let the woman attempt herself. "I don't know Nix-" he began.
"I got it Bagman" the dark haired woman continued down, taking the hill easy though not afraid to stick a hand out to slow her decent. She slipped a little along the way, earning a sharp cry of "Are you okay" from up above.
"Yes!" she called back up, maintaining her heading.
"Okay just be careful of the -"
"I said I got it Bagman- whoa!" Natasha's left foot hit a smooth patch and went sliding, all traction lost as her body hit the ground hard and began to skim across the rest of the grass. For a terrifying moment she thought she was going to slip right into the pond but once she hit the bottom of the hill her butt landed in a puddle of mud with a splat. It slowed her movements to a halt though her heart still beat at a rapid pace as she struggled to take a shaky breath.
"NATASHA!" The woman heard her name screamed from above, and looked up to see Hangman hurrying down the hill after her. "Stay right there JJ, we'll be right back" he hollered behind him towards the wide eye toddler watching as his father moved to get to his mother. "Nat-"
"I'm coming" he called, hurrying down even though he seemed to flop more on his butt than she did. Finally he found the bottom, scurrying over to her quickly. “Are you alright?” Jake asked the second he landed next to her, ignoring the mud that was getting on his own clothes as he knelt at her side in the puddle. “Are you hurt?” he asked again worriedly eyeing her over for injuries.
Phoenix took a moment to look at her husband; his green eyes were wide with concern and he bit his bottom lip nervously, a tick Natasha had learned very quickly into their dating history for when Jake was feeling guilty. “I’m alright” she answered, though her voice was still a little breathy, “just a little shocked.” She went to move but Jake’s strong arms kept her stationary.
“Are you sure?” he probed, “nothing hurts?”
“Just my pride” Nat answered back truthfully, a little flushed herself.
"Momma?" JJ's voice filtered down from up above them, his little body visible as he clutched one of his toy sailboats, "Momma?”
Phoenix’s heart clenched loving at her son’s voice, “I’m okay honey, don’t worry.”
“Momma good?”
"Mommy's fine bud" Hangman called back, his brow furrowing as he noticed the mud his wife had landed in, “just a little dirty.”
“Dirty!” the toddler parroted, “Momma dirty like duckies!”
“That’s right, just like a ducky- ow!” Jake hollered as Natasha rewarded his teasing with a slap to the arm. It wasn’t hard by any means but the hit left a muddy handprint on the sleeve of Jake’s jacket. “Hey” he groaned, “don’t be getting all that mud on me.”
Nat huffed, “you’re lucky if that’s the worst I do to you” she threatened.
“What does that mean?”
“It means Bagman” she began as she lifted up a hand, noticed it was mud-covered and brought it up to pat at her husband’s cheek gently, “that you are dead” she ribbed, her tone lifting with a bit of teasing mirth as the mud splattered into Jake’s skin. The man grimacing immediately, but Natasha couldn’t tell if it was the feel of the cold liquid on his face or the threat of his wife’s ire later. She smirked brightly, nothing like Bagman’s typical cocky grin, but certainly holding her own if the eye roll Jake gave her back was anything to go by, and leaned closer to Hangman’s face, “you are so, so, dead” she reiterated, giving a few more muddy pats to his other cheek to even it out.
“Wow” Jake drawled, his eyes crinkling with laughter, “this is what I get for rushing down here to safe you.” He rocked back on his heels and stood up, immediately offering a hand out for Nat to grab.
“That’s what you get for not listening to your brilliant wife about weather forecasts” she replied back smartly. Phoenix’s own face brightened as she used his arm to pull herself back standing and regained her footing. It was short-lived though as she noticed the muddy stain that ran down the entire length of her backside, “ugh,” she moaned, “this is never going to come out.”
“In my defense you didn’t listen to your brilliant husband about the slippery grass.”
The dark haired pilot paused the couple’s movements to take her mucky hands and stick them forcefully jutting from her hips, “is that the argument you really want to go with Seresin?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Jake seemed to rethink his position and instead moved to guide them both up the hillside, “fair point” he conceded.
She nodded appreciating, “that’s what I thought.”
As they started their trek Natasha noticed Jake’s face looked flush with guilt. Surprised she nudged him, making sure to keep it gentle to not send the two tumbling back down, “what’s with the look?” she questioned.
“I’m am sorry about not listen this morning though, he spoke up, “you were right.”
 “What was that?” Phoenix probed, not so much for the affirmation but to tease the man in front of her a little more, “say that again please?”
“You were right” he repeated, lowering his chin and keeping his eyes on their next steps, “and I’m sorry” he offered sheepishly, “I knew the rain was still going to be around but I just- I didn’t want to cancel on him.”
Phoenix, surprised by her husband sudden serious tone, looked over and halted their progress. Standing at her side, his arm still holding hers in guidance stood the love of her life, looking like a chastised boy wet in the rain. Her heart constricted when she noticed the pain in Jake’s eyes, “Babe?” she questioned and though they weren’t ones for flirtatious nicknames, it seemed wrong to throw out Bagman when Jake was looking so sad.
“I didn’t want to disappoint him” the blonde admitted softly, “I didn’t want JJ to think his father didn’t want to spend the day doing what he wanted to do.”
Any annoyance Natasha might have felt for being wet and muddy disappeared by the sheer adoration she had for her husband and his love for their family. She knew that Jake’s impossible standards as a parent stemmed from his own horrific childhood, and Nat was adamant to always ensure that her husband understood how amazing he was as a husband, father and provider. This time was no different. “Hey,” she put a hand back to his messy cheek, but this time in seriousness, “JJ idolizes you, you could never disappoint him.”
“All he wanted was to play with the ducks and boats-“
“No” she corrected making sure that Jake was really hearing her, “all he wanted was to spend time with his Daddy. It could have been seeing the ducks or it could have been watching Paw Patrol inside” she removed her hand to tap her pointer finger over her husband’s heart, “as long as he was with you.”
Instead of looking relieved at his wife’s words, Hangman only looked worse. Jake took a miserable look around them, “guess I dropped the ball then-“
“I just miss so much when I’m away” his eyes looked wet but this time Nat knew it wasn’t from the rain. “It’s hard to come back and not try to make up for it.”
“There’s nothing to make up, hey-” she waited until his green eyes met her brown ones, “there’s nothing to make up Jake, that’s the job. You know that, and so do I, and so will the kids as they get older.”
He nodded roughly. It was clear he wanted to say more but Jake chose to stay silent and continue their walk back to their son. Nat stayed in silence herself as well though she snuck looks at her husband every few seconds and longed to see his normal smile back on his face.
When they finally reached the top Nat moved to pull Jake in for another hug but a voice sounded out to greet them. “Daddy! Momma! Look!” JJ called out, and both pilots turned to see their son covered from head to toe in mud. Gone were his blonde locks and blue rain-boots and coat, replaced with the squishy brown substance over everything, “I’m a mud monster! Rawr!” the three year old gave a giggly roar.
For a moment the two parents just stared. They both wanted to be surprised but in all honesty the amount of trouble that a little boy with the last name Seresin could produce knew no bounds; another thing inherited by his father. “Oh sweetie” Phoenix cooed as she knelt in front of her muck covered son, “you really are a mud monster huh?” she asked sweetly.
“I am Momma” JJ nodded enthusiastically bouncing a little in a puddle and splattering mud all around, “dirty like duckies and you.”
“Yes you are” she turned around to her husband, “but you know who deserves to be dirty too?” She leaned back towards her son, whispering playfully loud by his ear, “your Daddy.”
“Give Daddy a big hug”
“Daddy big hug” JJ laughed, running full speed into his father’s arms. Jake caught the boy easily despite the mess, pulling him right into his chest and hugging him with just the sweetest level of tightness, “oh thanks buddy” he smiled, planting an obnoxiously loud kiss on his son’s cheek that got the toddler to giggle even harder, “you give the best hugs.”
“He does, doesn’t he” Phoenix agreed, walking over to her two favorite boys.
“So was this my punishment Nix” Jake ragged questioningly, “because if it is, it needs some work” he admitted, hugging JJ a little tighter, “a muddy hug from this little monster.”
“No” Nat shook her head, moving closer and taking a clean part of her husband’s jacket to wipe their son’s face a little cleaner, “Your punishment for not listening, Bagman” Natasha fussed, moving to gather some of the mud from her son’s clothes onto her hand and dotting her husband’s nose playfully, “is you’re in charge of clean up duty.” She smiled at his dramatic sigh, “that means laundry” she bopped his nose again, leaving a muddy fingerprint, “bath time” she touched his forehead causing a bigger mess, “and I’m making you handle bed time too.”
“All that for wanting to spend time with my son?” he asked with a whine. He scooted JJ over to his left side, allowing Natasha to curl up against his right, “it’s more than worth it” he decided, and once more his lips found hers.
“I give Momma kiss” JJ wiggled in his father’s grip to lean over and plant a wet raspberry of a kiss to his mother. “Oh thank you baby” Natasha smiled, “now how about we start getting packed up to go home, don't need you getting a chill sweetheart."
"Ohh" their son looked crestfallen by the news, clearly never wanting to leave.
"I mean" Jake's lips curled up mischievously, “if I’m in charge of laundry anyway” he placed JJ down on the ground carefully, “might as well go for broke right?”
“Bagman don’t you dare-“
But the blonde had already managed to scoop his wife into his arms, not caring that the mud from her clothes got his own. He carried her easily over to the larger puddles, jumping in one and letting the water hit them both with a grin. Seeing him so happy, so carefree, after such a long deployment, brought a smile to Nat’s face as she wrapped her arms tightly around her husband's neck, holding on as they continued to splash in the rain puddles, “you are a child” she told him fondly, “a big child.”
“That I am darlin’” he winked as he kissed her nose, before turning to find his mud-monster son, “Come on bud” he hollered, motioning for JJ to come join them, “let’s splash some more with Mommy.”
“Yay!” the little boy erupted into laughter, running over to his parents with nothing but joy on his little face.
A few hours later, after their relieved an amused Penny from babysitting and managed to get themselves cleaned, Natasha found herself cuddled snug on their living room couch, listening to the tail end of the rain storm. She sipped leisurely from her cup of tea, hearing from down the hall the sound of the bathroom door opening.
"Ugh"  Jake moaned as he came into view in pajama pants and a soft white cotton tee, “laundry is done, kids are asleep and I finally feel clean again.”
“Your hair is still wet” Phoenix chastised, watching as her husband run a hand through his blonde locks self-consciously. “Its air drying” he offered back as way of argument.
Nat rolled her eyes, “you’ll catch a chill.” She pulled off her blanket, exposing herself to the cold for a second to entice her husband closer, “come on” she urged, “get over here.”
“You know it’s like 70 degrees in here right” he smirked, though he took his place next to her on the couch anyway.
“It feels like 50 after being in the rain and mud all day” she answered back, moving the covers back into place. “I never wanted to leave that hot shower.”
Jake watched as Natasha fussed, making sure the blanket covered them both properly, “Yeah thanks for leaving me no hot water by the way” he joked playfully. Phoenix looked up, her dark eyes narrowing, “consider that your last punishment” she chided though her tone was just as easy as his.
Hangman only hummed, leaning back into the couch cushions and slowly closing his eyes. Nat watched from his side, afraid to disturb the peace but feeling the urge of their unfinished conversation from earlier gnawing at her. "Hey" she probed, "you never got to finish  what you were going to say before, when we were outside?"
Jake didn't open his eyes, "I don't remember, what was I going to say?"
"About Cyclone calling you?" She felt him stiffen slightly under her and Nat frowned, twisting her body completely to see her husband’s expression. Jake’s eyes were open now, his lips were thin and his expression conflicting. “What is it?” Natasha asked in concern.
“He offered me a position,” Jake finally shared, “at Top Gun.”
“He what-?”
Hangman looked uncharacteristically nervous, “he said Klein was leaving, re-assigned at the end of June.” Natasha nodded at the words; Walter “Wallz” Klein had been at Top Gun for just under a year now, coming in to help with hops once Nat had announced her pregnancy, and staying on even when she came back from maternity leave. He was a nice guy, and a talented pilot, but he still seemed to have trouble connecting with the younger students. Phoenix wasn’t surprised he was asking for the transfer but she hadn’t realized Admiral Simpson was looking for a replacement and especially not one so close to home. “Which means there will be an opening as an instructor” Hangman continued, still watching his wife’s face carefully.
She couldn’t stop her surprise exhalation of air, “You want to be a teacher?”she questioned. Nat wanted to smack herself as her surprised tone made her husband’s face fall, “I didn’t mean it like that” she tried to fix, “I just meant, you’ve always been so focused on deployments and missions, not sitting home.”
“I know” the blonde rubbed a hand to the back of his neck anxiously, “but that was when I thought I didn’t have a home to stay at.” He pulled her left hand to his lips and kissed her wedding ring gently, “I have that now. I have a family that I miss more and more each time I have to leave them.”
“I’m tired of being away from you all” he shared emotionally, “I’m tired of missing my son’s smile and his little voice and the way he gets so excited when he talks about something he likes” Nat couldn’t help her watery smile, she felt the same way about JJ, she loved him so fiercely. Jake sniffled beside her, “I’m tired of missing all these milestone’s in my daughter’s life. I don’t want Lena to grow up not knowing me. I want to be there, for everything.” He squeezed Phoenix’s hand before giving it another kiss, “I’m tired of being away from you Nix, it kills me every time we have to say goodbye, every time I run the risk of leaving you all and not coming back.”
Her lip quivered with an unshed sob, finding the feelings she had for the man in front of her overwhelming in its intensity, “I love you” she told him with all the certainty of the world, “I love you so much Jake Seresin.”
“I love you Natasha Trace Seresin” he moved to bring his kisses to her lips, finding them plump and eager as he teased a little bite into them playfully. Before things got too heated, he pulled away to meet his wife’s eye, “So what do you think?” he asked her with a joking smile, “will you let me stay?”
Phoenix’s heart clenched lovingly in her chest, wanting nothing more than to kiss her handsome husband’s face and never let him go, but she knew she needed to continue this conversation for all their benefits, “You know I want nothing more than to keep you home with us forever-“ she started hesitantly.
Jake huffed, “don’t tell me you’re afraid you won’t be the favorite teacher anymore on base", he questioned with mirth.
“I need to know this is what you really want” she finished instead, sobering the room. She hated how much it hurt to see Jake’s face fall from his words, a pain filling his eyes. “N-Nix” he stuttered, “of course I-“
“Because-” Phoenix raised a hand to stop him, “I understand if you’re not sure.” She sat back against the arm rest of the couch, the blanket spraying down to her lap. “Deployments and missions are hard but the feelings we get from flying them, from that life,” she looked down at her hands for a moment, “I can’t ask you to give that up.”
A hand reached for her chin, lifting it gently until she was facing her husband’s eyes, “you gave it up” Jake reminded her softly, his fingers rubbing gently on her skin, “you gave it up for our family.”
“I did” she conceded and her mind brought her back to her own choice when she found out she was pregnant with JJ. The truth was that the moment she saw those two lines on the pregnancy test there was no real decision. The excitement of expanding their family, of bringing life into this world outweighed even the high she got from flying. There was nothing she wanted more. The instructor position at Top Gun had been a bonus, allowing her to continue her passions and keep a normal schedule for her growing family. It worked for her, and she loved it. But Nat knew that the same decision might not be loved as much for her husband. She sighed, “I don’t want you to do this because you’re upset about missing Lena’s first steps or JJ’s first tee ball game. I want you to want this” she told him sternly. “Because if you regret it, then you’ll resent this decision, you could resent us-“
“I would never-“
“You don’t know that” Nat spoke up sadly, “instructing is different than missions. It’s not the same adrenaline, it’s not the same stakes. Most of the time you’re in a classroom anyway-“
He shrugged effortlessly, “I have a lot of wisdom to share.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I” Jake cut in firmly, “How could I resent a decision that keeps me close to you?” he asked, leaning forward to rest his forehead on his wife’s own, “Baby, I have hated every deployment that’s taken me away from you since Top Gun the first time around.”
She bucked back in confusion, “but we weren’t even together then.”
“I know” the blonde smirked, “but it’s no secret I’ve been in love with you since flight school. That’s why I loved being on the Lincoln with you, even if you only gave me eye rolls and insults-“
“And you only gave me cocky smirks and headaches” she chided back, but she met her husband’s loving look with one of her own. “But your Admiral track” she whispered, knowing how superstitious Bagman could get whenever she brought up his aspirations. He never wanted to ‘jinx’ it, not understanding that he was on the fast track to leadership ever since the Uranium mission years ago. "You said that continued deployments were the best way upward.”
“And they are” he agreed, “but they aren’t the only way. Besides” Jake’s grin widened, resembling a Cheshire cat, “there might be a certain captain’s title in my future or so Cyclone let slip.”
“What!” Nat jumped forward, grabbing for her husband and all but shaking him in her excitement. "Why didn't you tell me!"
"It's not set in stone" he tried to argue but Phoenix was having none of it. "If Admiral Simpson let it slip, it's as good as happening" she reasoned, "that man has never been a gossip!" She brought a hand to Jake's jaw, forcing his eyes on hers, "I'm so proud of you Bagman."
"Couldn't have done it without you Nix" he spoke back honestly, "I love you." He moved his own hand to capture hers against his face, "and I want to be here with you for every rainy day and every sunny one. No more deployments, you're stuck with me for life."
She smiled through her tears, "'for life'" she echoed.
He kissed her then, with all the love of a man who had said goodbye too many times and was now ready to never say it again. When they finally pulled apart, and Nat nuzzled comfortably into her husband's broad chest, Jake kept a strong arm around his wife, kissing the top of her dark hair every so often as he thanked every deity in the world that helped bring this woman into his life. If he could, Jake would never let her go.
As the couple continued to sit in silence, Jake gave his wife a tiny nudge, "Hey Nix?" he questioned, gauging to see if the woman was still awake.
 “Yeah” she murmured, her eyes closed as she stayed leaned into his warmth.
“I just wanted to bring up, you know about me joining you at Top Gun and all"
Nat's eyes opened suspiciously, "yeah?" she encouraged, "what about it?"
"Well," his voice trailed off suspiciously, "I mean technically" he posed, "if I’m a captain, I’ll outrank you.”
Phoenix scoffed, before moving back into her comfy position against her husband and re-closing her eyes, "whatever point you were going to make with that statement Bagman, I suggest you don't" she warned, "or you're sleeping on the couch."
He gave a playful salute even though he knew she couldn't see, "Yes Ma’am" he retorted, snuggling her closer and preparing to fall asleep himself. He spared one last glance to the window, noticing the rain had finally stopped, "hey" he whispered close to her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin, "I was right, the rain finally did stop."
"Hmmm" Nat hummed tiredly, "only about six hours too late."
"Better late than never right?"
She placed her hand over his heart feeling the strong beats through his t-shirt, "yes" she agreed, knowing that he meant so much more than just the rain forecast, "better late than never."
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dandelion-png · 10 months
I drew younger Phoenix Wright—from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney developed by Capcom—as a Nitro Commission for a close friend, Reeftown
Price: $10 Discord Nitro
App/s + Materials: ibis Paint X, 2nd Generation Apple Pencil
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net-craft · 1 month
Why Phoenix App Developers Are Crucial to the Success of Local Startups
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The startup ecosystem in Phoenix is booming, with innovative ideas and talented entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries across various industries. However, in today's mobile-first world, a brilliant business concept needs a strong mobile presence to truly thrive. This is where Phoenix app developers come in, playing a crucial role in translating those ideas into successful mobile applications.
Net-Craft.com, a leading app development company in Phoenix, understands the unique challenges and opportunities faced by local startups. This article explores why partnering with a team of top Phoenix developers is essential for the success of your startup venture.
The Importance of Mobile Apps for Startups
In today's digital landscape, mobile apps offer a direct line of communication with customers, streamline business operations, and create valuable brand experiences. Here's why a well-developed mobile app is crucial for startups:
Reaching a Wider Audience: Mobile apps provide immediate access to a vast audience. Whether your target market is local to Phoenix or extends nationwide, a mobile app allows you to connect with them seamlessly.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Apps offer exciting features like push notifications, loyalty programs, and in-app functionalities that foster deeper engagement and create a loyal customer base.
Increased Brand Visibility: A well-designed app can significantly improve brand recognition and position your startup as a tech-savvy, innovative company.
Improved Customer Experience: Mobile apps can streamline services, offer on-demand convenience, and simplify communication, leading to a more positive customer experience.
Data-Driven Insights: Mobile apps generate valuable data about user behavior, allowing you to gain insights into customer preferences, optimize your app's functionalities, and make data-driven business decisions.
Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace, a well-developed mobile app can give your startup a significant edge over competitors who lack a mobile presence.
Why Choose a Phoenix App Development Company for Your Startup
While there are numerous app development companies worldwide, choosing a local team in Phoenix offers distinct advantages for your startup:
Understanding the Local Market: Phoenix app developers like Net-Craft.com have a deep understanding of the local market, trends, and consumer behavior patterns in Phoenix. This allows them to tailor your app's functionalities and features to resonate with your target audience.
Agile Development and Collaboration: Working with local developers fosters closer collaboration and communication. This facilitates a more agile development process, enabling flexible adjustments and quicker response times.
Reduced Costs and Time Investment: Outsourcing development to a local partner can often be more cost-effective compared to overseas options. Additionally, communication and project management become more streamlined, reducing overall development time.
What to Look for in a Top Phoenix App Development Company
When selecting app development services in Phoenix for your startup, consider these factors:
Experience and Expertise: Choose a company with a proven track record of success in developing mobile apps for startups within your industry.
Development Process: Opt for a company with a transparent and collaborative development process, ensuring you're involved at every step of the project.
Communication: Prioritize a company that actively listens to your needs and provides clear and consistent communication throughout the development cycle.
Cost and Value: Balance cost-effectiveness with the quality of services offered. Choose a company that delivers exceptional value for your investment.
Scalability and Future Support: Ensure the app can scale alongside your growing business. Look for a company that offers reliable ongoing maintenance and support services.
Net-Craft.com: Your Trusted Partner for App Development in Phoenix
Net-Craft.com, a team of top Phoenix developers, is passionate about helping local startups like yours turn innovative ideas into successful mobile applications. We offer comprehensive app development services, from initial concept development and design to development, deployment, and ongoing maintenance.
We understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by local startups. We collaborate closely with you to create a custom mobile app that perfectly aligns with your business goals, target audience, and budget.
Ready to Launch Your Startup with a Powerful Mobile App?
Contact Net-Craft.com today to schedule a consultation and explore how our app development services in Phoenix can empower your startup to achieve exponential growth.
Know more https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/08/09/why-phoenix-app-developers-for-local-startups/
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phoenixbizz · 6 months
Learn how data-centric mobile apps are revolutionizing automotive manufacturing segment in 2024.
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oracleofsecrets · 1 year
SAE 0W-20. Oh oops. Wrote this in notes app so. Here, have my car’s motor oil flavor
Anyway I think I’ll do ace attorney bc that’s the one I’ve been Most aware of its fandom
1 — character everyone gets wrong
There are several,,, but the ones that peeve me the most are Maya and Franziska
Maya’s often flattened into memester burger queen comedic relief who dispenses Romantic advice to make nrmt happen. It’s such a waste when she’s got So much happening and is pretty damn smart
Similarly, Franziska is sidelined even More and is reduced to Angry Meanie and also a prop to encourage nrmt. I find that the average franziska portrayal is really one-note and is just like “Haha she says fool and whips people” which sucks bc again she has So much unexplored complexity in the games And in fandom that people wouldn’t hesitate to explore if she were a male character instead
And also these tend to combine into really boring franmaya just to make sunshine/grump happen. Or again, they’re off to the side or used only as a vehicle for nrmt development.
Or like… I’ve seen ppl think Maya was head over heels for Franziska from Day One like. No??? Wtf? I think Maya had More Important Things on her mind than like. “Ooh that person prosecuting me is kinda hot👀”
I can’t even elaborate Too much bc I’d be here all day but. Also criminally misportrayed is Phoenix. He is not uwu sunshine bleeding heart heart on his sleeve. And neither is Ryuunosuke.
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Ok one more salt. Temenos OctopathTraveler2 wasn’t Madly In Love with Crick. Also he is Not as horny/flirty as many are portraying him as…. He outright said staves don’t need sheaths smh my head
19 — smth I’m mad/ashamed I actually kinda like
My lawyer says I don’t have to answer this question
Idk if Shame/anger is the word for it. But I want to study kristoph under a microscope and also purposefully zoom in too far so that he gets crushed when the long magnifier breaks the slide glass
It’s more like… I don’t want to be associated w people who like genuinely think he was just misunderstood 🥺 uwuuu he was in WUV, he had a bad childhood. or the opposite, with ppl who go a lot darker in their interpretation bc that’s just not smth I want to think about
Cuz like. Obviously this guy fucking sucks and I hate him but also he’s sooooo pathetic that it’s funny
And also I think it’s interesting to think about like, what being friends (or “friends”) with someone like that for Seven Years does to Phoenix. Bc I lov putting that man through the wringer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
25 — common fandom complaint sick of hearing
Any apologism and vehement defense of shitty male characters lol
Godot’s shitty condescending misogynistic remark at franziska wasn’t a mistranslation. He calls her a shrew/unruly woman, basically says “that’s enough princess, it’s adult time” (notably using “-Chan”, where Phoenix calls her Von Karma Kenji [“prosecutor von karma”]). This line was translated to “But you can go now, princess. It's time for the big boys to take the reins.” So like…. Where’s the misinterpretation 🤨
And also he says “I don’t like talkative women”. There might be more nuance there that google translate can’t capture but like. That’s Still a sexist thing to say.
Just admit ur horny for godot and don’t care about women
Mvk doesn’t have lead poisoning; he’s an emotionally abusive parent and shitty person. Like u don’t even have to squint at the games to come to that conclusion. Kin memories and brainless analysis won’t disprove that. Sometimes abusers can even do nice things or genuinely love someone, but that doesn’t mean they’re not abusive
Barok van Zieks doesn’t have a Redemption arc from his Constant Indefensible Racism. You clowns are just horny and have bad taste.
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chqads · 1 year
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CALLIOPE DUONG is looking for her BEST FRIEND.
COLORADOHQ is looking for an FIRE CHIEF.
COLORADOHQ is looking for an PROFESSOR(S).
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socialvinod · 2 years
The List Of 15 Best Digital Marketing Companies In Bangalore
SocialOrange.in — We help you design ROI based Digital Marketing Campaigns and Branding Campaigns to generate leads and new customers across all digital platforms. Services: Search Engine Optimization, PPC Lead Generation, Ecommerce Ads, Website Design. Located at: Bangalore & Chennai. Clientele: Knowledgehut, Agile Labs, Ciel HR, Kings Scantuary, OyeExpress, Armour Digital OOH Contact: +91–8618893861 / [email protected]
FoxyMoron About the company: Established in 2008, FoxyMoron was started by just 4 friends as an experiment and now that experiment has converted into one of the India’s leading independent digital agencies. They have worked on many innovative,impactful, interactive and award winning campaigns. Services: Website Designing & Development, SEO, SEM, Social Media, Public Relations, Games and App development, Print campaigns Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru Clientele: AXN, L’oreal, High Street Phoenix, VIP, Parle, Cadbury Bournville, Starbucks, ITC among the others
Dentsu Webchutney — has worked with some leading companies in India. They have created some award winning and memorable campaigns for their clients that have helped the brands to build and sustain relationship with their audience. Services: Online advertising, Website Designing, Mobile Marketing, SEO, Analytics, Application Development and Social Media. Located at: Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. Clientele: Microsoft, P & G, Airtel, Unilever, Wipro, HDFC, Titan and many more Awards: Web Chutney has won the DMAI awards for its projects for Remit2India, Standard Chartered and Cleartip.
WATConsult — Digital Agency and Social Media Agency India About the company: WATConsult is a full service digital agency that delivers across the value chain right from launching a brand via digital to building a brands salience via digital to driving business leads and sales for a brand. Services: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Digital Analytics and Digital Video Promotion. Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore Clientele: Nikon, Warner Bros, Phoenix Marketcity, PVR Pictures, Sony Six, Godrej, ONLY, Vero Moda among the others Awards: Some of their awards include DMAi Gold Award for Lead based search campaign (Reliance Group), Youth Marketing Award for Best Disruptive Digital Campaign (Jack & Jones), IAMAI Digital Award for best social media campaign (BestSeller Group)
Pinstorm About the company: Founded in 2004, Pinstorm ranks among the leading digital advertising companies in the world. They have adopted an approach that sees strategy, user experience, research, web design, mobile-friendliness,advertising,viral videos, search optimization, Facebook campaigns, Twitter updates, real-time listening and responses as a seamless set of tactics that stem from one overarching brand strategy. Services: Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, viral advertising, Online Reputation Management etc. Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Zurich and Santa Clara. Clientele: Walt Disney, Yahoo, Canon, HSBC, Café Coffee Day, ICICI, ET Now, GQ among many others
Social Wavelength | Social Media Agency of the year Aout the Company: Social Wavelength is a Social First Digital Agency that has worked with some of the largest brands and companies around the world to help them embrace Social and Digital platforms. Services: Digital Strategy, Social Media Communications, Social Media Listening, Media Buying, Content, Analytics etc Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad Clientele: Idea, HDFC, HUL, Nokia, Franklin Templeton Investments, Star Plus, Just Dial among many others.
Digital SciFi If you are looking to take your brand out there then look no far than Digital SciFi. Operating out of Hoodi, they offer SEO services, create a brand, developing a brand, and also generate leads for your brand. They also research and identify ways to reach potential customers and generate revenue.
DigitalLove DigitalLove, a digital marketing company located in Bangalore, Domlur is an old hand when it comes to digital marketing services. Their unique way of formulating a marketing strategy focused on optimising profits have worked well for their customers. They also provide SEO and SMO training. They are also a Google Certified Partner with decades of experience in Market research, SEO Ranking, lead generation, and conversion.
DigiCliff A relatively new addition, this seven-year-old digital marketing company has already worked with many big names in the market. Located out of New Thippasandra, they take on an innovative approach by focussing on adding value to their customer’s organizations. They have a well-proven track record in providing web, social media and mobile solutions.
0AliveNow AliveNow, a digital marketing agency based out of Bangalore, Indira Nagar was started in 2009. Since then, the SEO agency and its owner has scooped up many awards. They have worked with many international names as well as small local businesses too. If you want your name alongside Nandos, Hard Rock Cafe, ITC, Hyundai etc., you might want to check them out for your needs
Webenza Webenza, the newcomer in this list has just crossed three years since its inception. They have managed to garner a corner for themselves in the area of digital marketing where the competition is pretty strong. They provide SEO services, blogging and social media marketing. This relatively small company of just 50 professionals have managed to outdo many larger companies with a much bigger workforce.
AdSyndicate AdSyndicate is one of the oldest digital marketing agencies in India with around offices in 25 cities. This digital marketing company provides Digital Marketing, Social Media management, Search Engine Optimization, chatbots and lots more. Their client list is varied including Union Bank of India, Hyundai, and Western Digital etc.
CPCLabs offers excellent digital marketing services including lead generation, email campaigns, social media management and optimization. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help your business achieve success in online marketing.
AdRoll is an excellent company for online marketing and lead generation.
Keen SEO Agency, New Krishna Park Road Keen SEO Agency is all about using SEO to increase visibility. They’re experts at providing SEO based website building, website Auditing, and keyword research strategies to bring more consumer engagement. Solid proof of how Bangaloreans top anything that involves a lot of traffic’, whether online or on-road.
Bright Ads, Geddalahalli One of the top agencies that provide digital marketing in Bangalore, Bright Ads is well-known for its creative team. From product design to copywriting, from animation to 3d modelling. They do it all. Also, their office is equipped with the latest tools and computers. So you won’t have to keep getting annoyed at your design softwares crashing again and again (thanks to your 100 year old laptop).
Related Post: Click Here
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How a Relationship Coach Can Help You Find Love in Arizona
Finding love can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences, but it often comes with its share of challenges. In a state as diverse and vibrant as Arizona, with its bustling cities like Phoenix and Tucson, and its serene landscapes, navigating the dating scene can be both exciting and overwhelming. A relationship coach can provide essential support and guidance to help you find and nurture meaningful connections. This article explores how a relationship coach can assist you in finding love in Arizona, offering insights into the benefits of coaching and how it can transform your dating journey.
Understanding the Role of a Relationship Coach
A relationship coach is a professional who specializes in helping individuals improve their relationships, whether they are seeking to enhance their current relationship or find a new one. Unlike therapists who often focus on resolving deep-seated emotional issues, relationship coaches are more concerned with practical strategies, personal development, and actionable steps to achieve your relationship goals. They offer personalized advice and support tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Benefits of Working with a Relationship Coach in Arizona
1. Tailored Guidance for the Local Dating Scene
The Benefit: Arizona’s dating landscape is influenced by its diverse population and regional characteristics. A relationship coach familiar with the local scene can provide targeted advice and strategies that cater to these specific factors.
How It Helps:
Regional Insights: A coach with knowledge of Arizona’s cultural and social dynamics can offer recommendations on local dating hotspots, events, and activities that align with your interests and preferences.
Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding the cultural diversity in Arizona helps in finding matches who share your values and background, leading to more meaningful connections.
By receiving guidance tailored to the local context, you can navigate the Arizona dating scene more effectively and increase your chances of meeting compatible partners.
2. Developing Effective Dating Strategies
The Benefit: Creating an effective dating strategy involves more than just finding the right person—it also includes knowing how to approach dating in a way that aligns with your goals and values.
How It Helps:
Personalized Strategy: A relationship coach can help you develop a dating strategy that fits your lifestyle, preferences, and relationship goals. This may include advice on where to meet potential partners, how to approach them, and how to manage your dating life.
Online Dating Expertise: With the rise of online dating, a coach can assist in optimizing your online profile, crafting engaging messages, and navigating dating apps effectively.
An effective dating strategy tailored to your unique needs and goals can significantly enhance your chances of finding a compatible partner.
3. Building Confidence and Self-Awareness
The Benefit: Confidence and self-awareness are crucial for successful dating. They help you approach dating with a positive mindset and build healthy, fulfilling relationships.
How It Helps:
Self-Esteem Boost: A relationship coach can work with you to build self-esteem and confidence, helping you present your best self in dating scenarios.
Self-Awareness: Through coaching, you can gain a deeper understanding of your needs, desires, and relationship patterns. This self-awareness can help you make more informed and intentional dating choices.
By improving your confidence and self-awareness, you can approach dating with greater assurance and clarity, leading to more successful connections.
4. Improving Communication Skills
The Benefit: Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful relationships. A relationship coach can help you enhance your communication skills to foster better connections with potential partners.
How It Helps:
Conversation Techniques: A coach can provide practical tips on how to initiate and maintain engaging conversations, handle awkward situations, and express your needs and feelings clearly.
Conflict Resolution: Learning how to navigate disagreements and conflicts constructively is essential for building a strong relationship. A coach can offer strategies for managing conflicts in a healthy and productive manner.
Improved communication skills can lead to more meaningful interactions and a stronger foundation for building relationships.
5. Setting and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
The Benefit: Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for establishing respectful and balanced relationships. A relationship coach can guide you in defining and communicating your boundaries effectively.
How It Helps:
Boundary Definition: A coach can help you identify and articulate your personal boundaries, ensuring that you are clear about your needs and limits.
Boundary Communication: Learning how to communicate your boundaries assertively and respectfully helps in maintaining healthy relationship dynamics and avoiding misunderstandings.
By setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, you can create a more respectful and balanced dating experience.
6. Navigating Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles
The Benefit: Dating can come with its share of challenges and obstacles, including dealing with rejection, managing expectations, and overcoming fears. A relationship coach can provide support and strategies for navigating these difficulties.
How It Helps:
Resilience Building: A coach can help you build resilience and develop coping strategies to handle rejection and setbacks in the dating process.
Expectation Management: Managing expectations and staying grounded is important for a healthy dating experience. A coach can offer guidance on setting realistic goals and maintaining a positive outlook.
Navigating challenges with the support of a coach can help you stay focused and motivated in your pursuit of a fulfilling relationship.
Success Stories: How Relationship Coaching Made a Difference
To illustrate the impact of working with a relationship coach, here are a few success stories from individuals in Arizona who found love with the help of a coach:
1. Laura’s Journey in Phoenix
Laura, a 34-year-old healthcare professional in Phoenix, struggled with dating anxiety and low self-esteem. Through coaching, she gained confidence, learned effective communication techniques, and developed a tailored dating strategy. Laura’s new approach led her to meet a partner who shared her values and goals. Her relationship with him is now a source of joy and fulfillment.
2. David’s Experience in Scottsdale
David, a 40-year-old entrepreneur in Scottsdale, had difficulty setting and maintaining boundaries in his relationships. Working with a relationship coach, he learned to define his boundaries clearly and communicate them effectively. David’s improved boundaries helped him find a partner who respected his needs and built a healthy, balanced relationship.
3. Emily’s Transformation in Tucson
Emily, a 29-year-old artist in Tucson, often found herself idealizing her partners and overlooking red flags. With the support of a relationship coach, she learned to set realistic expectations and assess compatibility more effectively. Emily’s new approach led her to a meaningful connection with someone who genuinely aligned with her values and aspirations.
Taking the Next Step: Your Path to Finding Love
If you’re ready to enhance your dating experience and find love in Arizona, consider working with a relationship coach. At Heart Connect Coaching, we specialize in providing personalized support and guidance to help you achieve your romantic goals.
Act Now and Schedule Your Site Visit
To take the next step towards finding love and improving your dating life, schedule your site visit today. Provide your details at (602) 616-7872 or email us at [email protected]. For more information about our relationship coaching services, visit our website at Relationship Coach for Singles Arizona. Our office is located in Gilbert, Arizona, USA.
Investing in a relationship coach can provide you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to navigate the Arizona dating scene successfully. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your dating experience and find the connection you’ve been looking for. Take the first step towards a fulfilling and meaningful relationship today!
Finding love in Arizona can be an exciting journey, and working with a relationship coach can make a significant difference in your experience. By offering tailored guidance, developing effective strategies, improving communication skills, and setting healthy boundaries, a relationship coach can help you navigate the dating scene with confidence and clarity. Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your dating life and find a meaningful connection. Reach out to a relationship coach today and embark on your path to love and fulfillment.
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