#Phillip Reston
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totextposts · 11 months ago
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talesoftheraysen · 7 months ago
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somacruising · 8 months ago
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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(Part 4) | (Part 6)
Hi y'all, it's been a while, huh? I'm just gonna slide this out and pretend I didn't forget to upload this hahaa... (some of the images are different sizes cuz I switched phones). Anyway, this chapter covers Mileena and Co discussing what it means for someone to lose their core. We'll also see the Salvation Front having an odd encounter with Shirley...
Part 5 (Imperial Capital Hy'Brasail)
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Keele: Let's hear what Cecily has to say. She says she came up with a way to save Ami’s life. それじゃあ聞かせて貰おうか。セシリィが思いついたアミィを救う方法について。
Cecily: I approached it from the direction of mirristry. Mileena, you know about this, don't you? The core loss that a mirrist can suffer. 魔鏡学の方向からアプローチしてみたの。ミリーナも知ってるわよね。鏡士に起きる心核喪失現象のこと。
Mileena: Yes, know about it. It’s a condition that can occur if a mirrists’ mirrage drains too much energy from their heart. ええ。一応習ったことはあるわ。魔鏡によって心がエネルギー不足になって機能しなくなる現象よね。
Cecily: When a core is lost, part of the mirrist’s mind changes. Sometimes, it seems like they’ve lost their emotions. ええ。心核喪失���態になると鏡士は心の一部に変調を来すんだけど時に感情の一部を喪失したようになるの。
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Jude: So, in Ami’s case, are only the emotions that make her smile left? もしかしたら、アミィの場合は笑顔になるような感情だけが残っているってこと?
Cecily: Possibly. I’m…just a mirrage technician, so I can’t look into people’s hearts. But, Mileena is capable of doing it… ええ。私は……魔鏡技師でしかないから鏡士のように心を覗き込むことはできないけれど、ミリーナなら……。
Mileena: Looking into people’s hearts…? No, I can’t. I understand the theory of it, but looking into someone’s heart is very difficult. 心を覗く……。それは私では無理だわ。やり方は知っているけれど人の心を覗くのは、とても高度な技なの。
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Mileena: I can’t do it while maintaining the virtual mirror field simultaneously. It requires a delicate touch. 私は今仮想鏡界を維持するので精一杯でそこまで繊細な力の制御はできないと思う。
Cecily: Hmm… Maybe you should ask Phillip to help you, then? そう……。だったらフィリップさんに協力して貰うのがいいかもしれない。
[ Chester rushes in ]
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Chester: Will we be able to get Ami back to normal if Phillip helps!? フィリップに頼めばアミィは元に戻るのか!?
Cecily: Well, it will give us a way to confirm Ami’s symptoms. In order to treat her, we’ll need an otherworldly weapon called Soma. ううん。それはアミィの症状を確認する為の手段なの。治療にはソーマっていう異世界の武器が必要になると思う。
Rita: Huh? Soma? Why would you use a weapon to treat someone? 何、ソーマって。武器で治療なんてできんの?
Cecily: From what I’ve heard, Soma gives someone the ability to enter the heart. 私も聞いた話だけど、ソーマは心の中に入れる機能があるみたいなの。
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Rita: What!? How the hell does that work!? 何それ!?どういう理屈な訳!?
Chester: …Wait a minute. Isn’t that the name of Shing’s weapon? Soma? ……待てよ。ソーマって確かシングの武器じゃなかったか?
Cecily: Yes. That’s why Shing’s power is essential for saving Ami. うん。だからアミィを助けるためにはシングの力が必要不可欠なのよ。
Chester: I’ll go get Shing! Mileena and you all need to get in touch with the Salvation Front! だったらオレがシングを連れてくる!ミリーナたちは何とかして救世軍と連絡を取ってくれ。
Chester: Senel is getting worried about Shirley, too. セネルもシャーリィのことでジリジリしてるしな。
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Kocis: But, there’s no way to contact the Salvation Front… けど、救世軍と連絡を取る方法はないんですよね……。
Mileena: That’s right. Because of those crystals all over Tir Na Nog, communication through mirristry is subject to a lot of interference. ええ。世界中にこ魔鏡結晶があるから魔鏡通信が干渉を受けてしまうのよね……。
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Rita: We’re trying to modify what we can to boost signal power, but it isn’t working. 通信強度を上げるように改造はしてるんだけど中々上手くいかないのよねー。
Keele: Pascal and Rita are working together, but they haven’t got a clue. パスカルとリタが二人がかりでも糸口をつかめないんだ。
Rita: It’s frustrating, but it's expected when you’re dealing with something as elusive as a heart. 悔しいけど、心っていうつかみ所のないものを相手にしてるから勝手が違うのよ。
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Karia: Miss Mileena! It’s urgent! We’ve received a message from Phillip on the mirror comm! ミリーナさま!大変です!フィリップさまから魔鏡通信が来てますっ!
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Mark: —Okay. Mileena and I scheduled a meet-up. They have some business with us as well, so it works out nicely. ——OK。ミリーナたちと落ち合う約束を付けたぞ。向こうもこっちに用事があったみたいだから丁度良かった。
Phillip: …Thank you, Mark. Now, we can warn Colette and anyone else who might be predisposed to being used as a vessel. ……ありがとう、マーク。これでコレットや他の鏡映点の器の素養がありそうな人たちに警告することができる。
Gareth: Biqe... ビクエ様……。
Phillip: I know, Gareth. I’m worried, too. I’ll have to look into this. わかってるよ、ガロウズ。僕も気になっている。これは確認しないといけないだろうね。
Mark: By the way, Shirley. Who…are you? だとよ、シャーリイ。あんた……何者なんだ?
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Mark: You don’t strike me as the kind of person who could fix a transmitter that even Phil and Gareth were scratching their heads over. フィルもガロウズも手を焼いていた魔鏡通信の送受信機を直しちまうなんて普通の人間じゃねえよな?
Shirley?: Huh…? Yes, I knew how to do it. あー……?やっぱりそうなっちゃうわよね。うん。
Mark: It just doesn’t make sense. どうも不自然だったんだよな。
Mark: You’re a nexus who was used as a vessel, but now you’re saying that you’re not a nexus at all. 器の鏡映点として、神降ろしの器にされていた筈なのに、自分は鏡映点じゃないなんて言い出すし。
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Zelos: Well, well, looks like we came back at the perfect time. おーっと、俺さまたち絶妙なタイミングで戻ってきたみたいね。
Zelos: I’ve been wondering the same thing. You’re…bizarre. 俺さまも気になってたんだよなあ。あんた……普通じゃない。
Sync: Heh… So, you’re a Living Doll? If that’s the case, you might be a mole for the Empire. へぇ……。じゃあやっぱりリビングドールなの?だとしたら帝国側の間者って可能性もあるよね。
Kratos: Shirley, we’re up in the sky. You can’t escape; can’t you just come clean? シャーリイ。ここは空の上、逃げ場はない。全て話してはくれぬか?
Shirley?: …I wanted to repay you for everything you’ve done for me, but now you’ve turned against me. ……色々お世話になったから恩返ししたかったんだけどそれが仇になっちゃったわね。
Shirley?: I'd love to explain it to you—but I'm afraid I can't right now. 本当はちゃんと説明してあげたいんだけど——ちょっと無理みたい。
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Zelos: What do you mean? どういうことだ?
Shirley?: I have an uninvited guest. I’m going to be a little busy, so allow me to excuse myself, boys ♪ 招かれざる客が来ちゃったみたいなの。ちょっと忙しくなるからこれで失礼するわね、お兄様たち♪
[ A flash, and an unknown woman appears over Shirley ]
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[ Shirley collapses ]
Mark: H-hey!? She just fainted!? お、おい!?気を失ったのか!?
Sync: Wait. There’s someone standing next to Shirley. 待って。シャーリィの隣に誰かいる。
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???: I’m sorry, I had to borrow this child’s body for a bit. ごめんなさい。その子の体、ちょっと借りていたわ。
???: I noticed there was some tampering with her core, so I treated it. It’s a real gratuitous service. * 心核をいじられていたから治療もしておいたわよ。これは出血大サービス。
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Phillip: You repaired her core!? 心核を治療した!?
Kratos: Who are you? 何者だ?
???: I am Yaw Biqe. I'm surprised to see that the Biqe system is still in place, but this generation’s Biqe are quite good. 私はヨウ・ビクエ。まだビクエ制度が続いていたのには驚いちゃったけど当代ビクエはまあまあ優秀ね。
???: Keep up the good work. Bye. これからも頑張って。それじゃあね。
[ A flash, and the woman disappears ]
Gareth: She's gone!? 消えた!?
Sync: …No sign of her. A transfer? ……気配もない。転送?
Kratos: No, she must have been using some sort of non-physical body. いや、先ほどの姿は何らかの精神体だったのだろう。
Kratos: Perhaps…could she have been maintaining her existence using Shirley's tampered body? 存在を保つため、心をいじられていたシャーリィの体を利用していた……のではないか?
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Mark: …If she is, that’s not great news for us. …���もしそうだとしたらえらいことになるんじゃないか?
Zelos: Yeah? How come? うん?どういうことだ?
Phillip: Yaw Biqe is the founder of mirristry. Her actual name is Yolanda Biqe Odanse. ヨウ・ビクエは鏡士の始祖の名前だ。正確にはヨーランド・ビクエ・オーデンセ。
Phillip: She’s also known as “Dana’s Priestess”, the catalyst for the spirits’ awakening. つまり彼女は精霊が目覚めるためのきっかけである「ダーナの巫女」だ。
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Sync: …Then, that means this world will be destroyed soon. ……だったら、この世界はもうすぐ滅びるってことだね。
Sync: Dana’s Priestess only awakens when the world faces destruction, right? ダーナの巫女は、世界が滅びに直面したときに目を覚ますんだろ?
Gareth: But…how do we know if she’s real? しかし本物……なのか?
Kratos: I don’t know. In my world, at least…there have been instances of humans from long ago finding ways to avoid dying. わからんな。大昔の人間が生きているという事例は……少なくとも私の世界ではあり得たことだ。
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Shirley: …Mm… ……ん……。
Zelos: Whoops, looks like Shirley is waking up. おっと、シャーリィが目を覚ますぜ。
Shirley: ………?
Zelos: Ah, good morning, Shirley ♪ お、シャーリィちゃん、おはよう♪
Shirley: …G-good morning…wait. …Huh? Are… are you people from Sellund? ……お、おはよう……ございます。……え?あの……皆さんはセールンドの方ですか?
Kratos: Sellund, huh? I think this girl may have been exoflected and tinkered with before the Mirrorshift. セールンド、か。この娘が具現化され心核をいじられたのは鏡殻変動の前のことなのかも知れぬな。
Shirley: ………?
Phillip: Let me explain the situation. Right now, your friends are searching for you. 僕から状況を説明しよう。きみの仲間がきみを捜しているそうだからね。
*出血大サービス literally means ���heavy bleeding service”, and alludes to, like, “I’m so fanservice-y that my actions are going to cause blood to rain from noses”. It’s hard to make it make sense in English.
(Part 4) | (Part 6)
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
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Phillip in Tales of Asteria (credit+dl)
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 3 years ago
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Philippe’s 6☆ Evolution image from the Joint Event with Tales of the Rays, part2 event (June 13, 2022 to July 4, 2022)
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feathersnek · 2 years ago
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A thought I had about 1st trying to confront Phil before deciding to write the letter.
See, I'm convinced 1st Ix is simultaneously never flirting and always flirting. In other words, you can view this comic as platonic or as the beginning signs of the 1st/Phil ship and either way you're right! 1st is the definition of chill, so I don't think he minds either way!
Sorry for the long comic! There are a couple of pretty big comics like this in my sketches, so there will be more lol But with different subjects of course.
Please let me know if I should tag this or any of my other art with anything like ships you don't want to see and such by the way!
I am wholeheartedly invested in 1st and Gefion's relationship, but especially with how 1st speaks and Phil's feelings towards him, I'm honestly down for the 1st/Phil ship as well. (As adults of course. This was just relevant to the letter development as the last time they talked, so)
Or friendship. Again. Either way.
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tales-of-asteria · 3 years ago
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Joint Event with Tales of the Rays, part2 Duration: 6/13 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 7/4 (Mon) 15:59 Exchange Duration: 6/13 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 7/11 (Mon) 23:59 Missions Duration: 6/13 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 7/4 (Mon) 23:59
Play the following events to get various rewards.
✶ Event Scenario Quest “Adventure in Tirug Land!” Clear the event scenario quests to watch special skits with the Rays cast! Each scenario chapter will be released daily.
6th chapter: from 6/13 (Mon) 16:00 ~
7th chapter: from 6/14 (Tue) 16:00 ~
8th chapter: from 6/15 (Wed) 16:00 ~
9th chapter: from 6/16 (Thu) 16:00 ~
10th chapter: from 6/17 (Fru) 16:00 ~
✶ High Difficulty Quest “Challenge from Ix” Clear the Advanced and Transcend quests with a fixed party, and the Hero Class quest with characters of your choice.
✶ Guild Event “Tirug Land Parade” Clear the limited quests to collect “Tirug Land Medals”. Exchange them in the event shop to get the Evolution enabled 5☆ Philippe and Ix (released in the past event) and their Evolution Crystals, as well as a 3☆ Ix [Parade] Bond Soul (Earth, +600ATK, can be equipped on anyone), the BGM “Boss Batlle Theme” and “End of Dream”, and other rewards.
Clear the event related missions to get a Purple Summon tear as final prize.
Limited event missions list under the cut.
Missions are daily, so be careful to clear them each day. Each one gives a Yuzu Gel as reward.
6/13: clear 2 gald farming quests
6/14: clear 2 exp items quests
6/15: clear 2 bacura quests
6/16: clear 2 fake chest quests
6/17: clear 2 affection points quests
6/18: clear 2 bacura quests
6/19: clear 2 fake chest quests
6/20: clear 2 affection points quests
6/21: clear 2 bacura quests
6/22: clear 2 fake chest quests
6/23: clear 2 materials quests
6/24: clear 2 gald farming quests
6/25: clear 2 exp items quests
6/26: clear 2 materials quests
6/27: clear 2 gald farming quests
6/28: clear 2 exp items quests
6/29: clear 2 materials quests
6/30: clear 2 bacura quests
7/1: clear 2 fake chest quests
7/2: clear 2 affection points quests
7/3: clear 2 bacura quests
7/4: clear 2 fake chest quests
Missions upon clearing a certain number of daily quests:
Clear 1 daily limited quest: 5☆ Philippe x1
Clear 2 daily limited quests: Auto Mystic Arte Ticket x60
Clear 3 daily limited quests:  5☆ Arte Book x5
Clear 5 daily limited quests: Spirro Crystal x1
Clear 7 daily limited quests: 3☆ EXP Bond Souls x2
Clear 9 daily limited quests: Chiral Particles x1
Clear 12 daily limited quests: Purple Summon Tear x1
Clear 15 daily limited quests: Mirrage Bead x1
General limited mission:
Bring Philippe to lv80: Philippe’s Evolution Crystal x1
Evolve Philippe: Chiral Particles x1
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kantan-draws · 5 years ago
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Various Rays draws
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seine-draws · 5 years ago
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I wanted to be Ickx.
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queencanis · 6 years ago
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Miscellaneous Rays sketches
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“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind”
Theodore Roosevelt
“Malthus has been vindicated; reality is finally catching up with Malthus. The Third World is overpopulated, it’s an economic mess, and there’s no way they could get out of it with this fast-growing population. Our philosophy is: back to
the village.”
Dr. Arne Schiotz, World Wildlife Fund Director of Conservation, stated such,
ironically, in 1984:
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine
“There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population levels.
Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get
the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population
is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian
government, even fascism, to reduce it....” “Our program in El Salvador didn’t
work. The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too
goddamned many people.... To really reduce population, quickly, you
have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill
significant numbers of fertile age females....” The quickest way
to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or
through disease like the Black Death....
Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like
would fit the bill.... But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of
mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human
intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can
be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider – Founder and Secretary, respectively,
TheClub of Rome, The First Global Revolution, pgs 104-105, 1991
A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an
uncontrolled multiplication of people.... We must shift our efforts from the
treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will
demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.
Stanford Professor ” Paul Ehrlich in The Population Bomb
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per
day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”
J. Cousteau, 1991 explorer and UNESCO courier
I believe that human overpopulation is the fundamental problem on Earth Today”
and, “We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox.”
Dave Foreman, Sierra Club and co founder of Earth First!
“We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion,
about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is
the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people
left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”
Mikhail Gorbachev
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore
order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that
there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that
threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to
deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When
presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the
guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
Dr. Henry Kissinger New York Times, Oct. 28, 1973
Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third
world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of
minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries”.
Dr. Henry Kissinger
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” and “The elderly are useless eaters”
Dr. Henry Kissinger
“World population needs to be decreased by 50%”
Dr. Henry Kissinger
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major
crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
David Rockefeller
“War and famine would not do. Instead, disease offered the most efficient and
fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the population crisis is to be
solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. My favorite candidate
for eliminating 90 percent of the world’s population is airborne Ebola (Ebola
Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years.
“We’ve got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing
humans. Think about that. “You know, the bird flu’s good, too. For everyone who
survives, he will have to bury nine”
Dr. Eric Pianka University of Texas evolutionary ecologist and lizard expert,
showed solutions for reducing the world’s population to an audience on
population control
“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity,
cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception,
sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of
numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.”
Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER
“In South America, the government of Peru goes door to door pressuring women
to be sterilized and they are funded by American tax dollars to do this.”
Mark Earley in The Wrong Kind of Party Christian Post 10/27 2008
"Women in the Netherlands who are deemed by the state to be unfit mothers
should be sentenced to take contraception for a prescribed period of two years.”
Marjo Van Dijken (author of the bill in the Netherlands) in the Guardian
“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”
Anonymously commissioned Georgia Guidestones
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to
lower human population levels.”
Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the
World Wildlife Fund
"Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents
hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use
contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for
David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club
“The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover
cutting the Fallopian tubes.”
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
“Frankly I had thought that at the time Rome was decided, there was concern
about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t
want to have too many of.”
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the
optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various
countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might
remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some
power to enforce the agreed limits.”
Obama’s Science czar John P. Holdren: From a book he helped write ‘Ecoscience’
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent,
all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there
is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly
evil in intent.”
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that
was shot down by the Soviet Union
P.S. And there's this:
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to
worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
(People will shortly be expected to line up to take the COVID vaccination, with its
Luciferase enzyme)
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theculturedmarxist · 6 years ago
     By    Kevin Reed    
       24 June 2019  
A series of recent reports—based on documents obtained from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filings and other leaked information—have revealed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is violating the First Amendment right to free speech and assembly by gathering social media data for surveillance purposes and targeting organizations and individuals for harassment, intimidation, deportation and arrest.
Among the facts revealed by these reports are:
DHS is using increasingly sophisticated methods for collecting and analyzing social media data to monitor political protests and demonstrations against US government policies.
These methods are being used to target left-wing and oppositional political organizations and individuals in the name of “national security” and “public safety.”
DHS is working with private security firms to scrape individual social media information including profile photographs, organizational affiliations, event activity and page roles.
Once individuals and organizations have been targeted by DHS through their social media activity, their identities and dossiers are merged with other big data resources of the surveillance state including those of the Departments of Justice, State, Defense and the CIA.
ICE’s “Anti-Trump Spreadsheet”
On March 6 of this year, the Nation published a report—based on documents obtained in a FOIA request—that shows how the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) used social media intelligence to track a series of protests in the summer of 2018. These demonstrations were organized to promote immigrant rights, oppose the deportation policies of the Trump administration and protest the politics of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
In one case, the Nation report says, the Homeland Security Investigations arm of ICE distributed an email with an attachment containing the headline “Anti-Trump Spreadsheet 7/31/2018” to a DHS representative and an undisclosed list of others on the eve of protests against racism and xenophobia in New York City.
The spreadsheet provided detailed information about demonstrations opposed to the immigration policies of the Trump administration taking place between July 31 and August 17. It included the names of groups participating in the demonstrations and the number of individuals who had signed up on Facebook to attend it.
Among the organizations listed were the Young Progressives of America, Refuse Fascism NYC, NYC Says Enough, the New Sanctuary Coalition and Rise and Resist. The Nation report says the documents show how ICE “has been keenly attuned to left-leaning political activity” and “highly aware of organizations and advocates opposed to their controversial agency, which includes detaining and deporting undocumented immigrants.”
The Nation reported on another incident on July 24, 2018 where the deputy director of ICE’s New York Field Office sent an email to top local ICE officials with information copied from the Facebook event page of a demonstration scheduled to take place two days later. The information included the name of the event, the number of people who signed up on Facebook to attend it and the names of the sponsoring organizations such as the Legal Aid Society and the New Sanctuary Coalition.
The Nation quoted from the July 24 ICE email, “This e-mail is to inform you of a planned protest at the ERO [ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations] NYC Area. … The protest is being coordinated by approximately 40 different groups located throughout the NYC area.”
In response to these revelations, the New Sanctuary Coalition and other groups filed a lawsuit against ICE for violating the First Amendment by targeting prominent immigrant rights activists for surveillance, arrest and deportation. The lawsuit says that ICE specifically targeted individuals for deportation in order to suppress their political speech.
CBP’s San Diego target list
In March, NBC 7 San Diego obtained and published a series of leaked Customs and Border Protection (CBP) slides showing the agency maintained a secret database of 59 individual activists, journalists and social media influencers associated with the Migrant Caravan that was making its way to the US-Mexico border in late 2018. The leaked document, called “San Diego Sector Foreign Operations Branch: Migrant Caravan FY-2019, Suspected Organizers, Coordinators, Instigators and Media,” was dated January 9, 2019.
The published list contained head shots—including many gleaned from Facebook profiles—along with dossiers of the individuals, 40 of whom were US citizens. According to the NBC 7 report, “The individuals listed include ten journalists, seven of whom are US citizens, a US attorney, and 48 people from the US and other countries, labeled as organizers, instigators or their roles ‘unknown.’ The target list includes advocates from organizations like Border Angels and Pueblo Sin Fronteras.”
The NBC 7 report said that among those profiled in the document, “Some had alerts placed on their passports, keeping at least two photojournalists and an attorney from entering Mexico to work.” Other reports about the incident said that 43 of those on the list had alerts placed against their names so that they would be tagged for questioning and stopped for additional screening by US border agents. Among the information scraped from their social media accounts was their “role” in Facebook pages set up to support those in the caravan such as administrator or editor.
In one case, Nora Phillips, a US attorney who specializes in legal aid to migrants, refugees and deportees in Tijuana was listed in the database and has since been denied entry to Mexico because an alert was placed on her passport. Phillips and two other lawyers say that border agents placed them on the target list to retaliate and harass them for defending asylum seekers and being publicly critical of CBP practices.
As of May 24, four separate requests from members of Congress for detailed information about the target database—including a recent letter from US Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Tom Udall (D-NM) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to DHS Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan—had no response.
Social media intel from private security firms
On April 29, the Intercept published a report—based on documents obtained by the America Immigration Council through a freedom of information request—showing that a private intelligence firm gathered and provided to DHS social media information on people preparing to participate in more than 600 demonstrations across the country at the end of June 2018.
According to the Intercept report, LookingGlass Cyber Solutions of Reston, Virginia scraped social media information of individuals in the days leading up to the protests against the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border. This information was shared with DHS and then distributed through “fusion centers” nationwide to local law enforcement.
According to the DHS website, fusion centers operate as “focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between federal; state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT); and private sector partners.”
The Intercept said the documents showed that a LookingGlass “Threat Analyst” emailed the finished intelligence report to a “LookingGlass Shared Services” web address on June 28, two days before the protests were to take place. The analyst’s report included the following summary: “LookingGlass has compiled a spreadsheet for State Fusion Centers detailing over 600 planned ‘Family Separation Day Protests’ across the US on June 30. These originated from Cyber Threat Center (CTC) and are broken out by City and State; they provide physical location and the Facebook event ID.”
A DHS official confirmed the role of LookingGlass in social media analytics saying, “In this particular instance, a private sector entity shared unsolicited information it collected through publicly available channels with DHS I&A [Office of Intelligence and Analysis] on protests that were scheduled to take place near Federal facilities.”
The claims of “unsolicited” private sector participation notwithstanding, the involvement of firms like LookingGlass—a global provider of “360° cybersecurity and intelligence” with former CIA and US military-intelligence representatives on its executive team—indicates that corporate-military entities are involved in perfecting methods of harvesting social media information for DHS.
Brennan Center report on social media monitoring
On May 22, the Brennan Center for Justice of the NYU Law School published an extensive report entitled, “Social Media Monitoring: How the Department of Homeland Security Uses Digital Data in the Name of National Security.” This document substantiates the facts in the above reports from the Nation, NBC 7 San Diego and the Intercept and provides critical details about the scale and scope of the social media data gathering operations of DHS.
The Brennan Center document analyzes how DHS and its agencies—CPB, TSA, ICE and US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)—are “vacuuming up social media information” from a variety of sources and using it “to evaluate the security risks posed by foreign and American travelers.”
Among the key findings of this important report are:
Social media information is being collected from travelers, including Americans, even when they are not suspected of any connection to illegal activity
Social media checks extend to travelers’ family, friends, business associates and social media contacts
DHS is continuously monitoring some people inside the US and plans to expand these efforts
DHS is increasingly seeking and using automated tools to gather and analyze social media data
Social media information collected by DHS is shared with other law enforcement and state security agencies under broad standards
The Brennan Center report analyzes how DHS gathers basic traveler information through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)—where foreign travelers must complete an online application—and then connects it up with social media data and other “link analysis” to make an evaluation of the “national security threat” or “potential risk to the homeland” of individuals.
When an individual is applying for a visa waiver (permission to travel to the US for 90 days or less without a visa), for example, their social media information is stored in the CBP’s Automated Targeting System (ATS). The ATS data and other information are then fed “into a number of other watch lists, such as the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database and TSA Watch Lists, as well as analytical products on trends and threats.”
All of this information—about the applicant, their family and friends—is disseminated to a series of agencies including the Departments of Justice and State, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the CIA and Department of Defense through an organization called the National Vetting Center (NVC).
The NVC was established under the Trump Administration on February 6, 2018. According to the DHS website, “The NVC is a collaborative, interagency effort to provide a clearer picture of threats to national security, border security, homeland security, or public safety posed by individuals seeking to transit our borders or exploit our immigration system.”
Social media data scraping and warrantless searches
The Brennan report also reveals that as of March 2018, the State Department has begun collecting “social media identifiers” on all 15 million individuals who apply for visas each year. These identifiers are being scraped from 20 different social media platforms including the most widely used in the US (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) as well as others that are popular in China, Russia, Belgium and Latvia.
The CPB also uses warrantless searches of personal electronics at the border to gather social media information. By using powerful handheld devices called Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (UFEDs), CBP staff is copying “in a matter of seconds the entirety of a device’s memory, including all data from social media applications both on the device and from cloud-based accounts like Facebook, Gmail, iCloud and WhatsApp.”
According to the Brennan Center report, 30,200 people had their devices scrubbed in this manner at the border without a warrant in 2017. Although a subsequent lawsuit blocked these intrusions by CPB, a modification to the procedure still allows warrantless copying of device data if there is evidence of a vaguely defined “national security concern.”
The report also outlines the network infrastructure that has been erected by CBP for gathering and processing big data components from multiple sources. The CPB Intelligence Records System (CIRS) stores a “wide variety of information on individuals, including many who are not suspected of any criminal activity.” The CIRS gathers “commercial data, and information from public sources such as social media, news media outlets and the internet.”
This information gathering operation is exempt from certain requirements of the Privacy Act, such that the CIRS data “may be ingested, stored, and shared regardless of whether it is accurate, complete, relevant or necessary for an investigation. There is no public guidance on quality controls for information” in the CIRS.
Third-party data mining tools
The data from the ATS and CIRS are then integrated into a master database known as the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI). According to the DHS website, the AFI has big data mining tools that provide “enhanced search and analytical capabilities to identify, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who pose a potential law enforcement or security risk.”
The AFI database is used for a host of law enforcement purposes and the analytics and data mining tools that access it are provided by third party private entities. One of these firms, Palantir, is a longtime contracting partner of the government and previously provided services to the National Security Agency in a massive public surveillance program.
The report describes the way Palantir analytics tools take “personal information about people that Palantir ingests from disparate sources—such as airline reservations, cell phone records, financial documents, and social media — and combines [it] into a colorful graphic that purports to show software-generated linkages between crimes and people.”
Another private company called Babel Street provides software that specifically scans social media platforms. The Brennan Center report says that Babel Street’s precise role is unknown, but “CPB likely uses Babel Street’s web-based application Babel X, which is multilingual text-analytics platform that has access to more than 25 social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.”
What is the Department of Homeland Security?
Since its establishment on November 25, 2002 by then-President George W. Bush, DHS has grown into a massive state apparatus of thirteen operational and support agencies with 240,000 employees and an annual budget of more than $45 billion. Founded in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks—with overwhelming bipartisan support from the Democrats and Republicans—DHS reorganized the previously separate departments of the Customs Service, the Coast Guard and the US Secret Service under one office. It was the largest federal government reorganization since the end of World War II.
From the beginning, DHS was established as a domestic instrument for suppressing democratic rights in concert with the militarism and illegal wars fought by US imperialism in the Middle East and elsewhere. Among its primary functions is to carry through the mandate of the Patriot Act of 2001—also passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and renewed in 2011 by then-President Barak Obama—which sanctions a host of undemocratic measures, including indefinite detention and warrantless searches, wiretapping and electronic surveillance, all in the name of “national security.”
During the Trump administration, DHS has shifted focus away from “the war on terror” as it had been utilized over the previous fifteen years. With the reorientation of foreign policy toward the conflict with US rivals Russia and China, DHS has been redirected towards enforcing Trump’s racist Muslim refugee ban, policing the manufactured “crisis” at the southern border and cracking down on migrants seeking asylum in America.
Understood within this context, the inclusion of social media information gathering and analytics as part the repressive apparatus of DHS is entirely in line with the attack on democratic rights and increasingly xenophobic and authoritarian character of the Trump administration.
While organizations such as the Brennan Center, the Nation and the Intercept have brought to light the use of social media data by DHS and its affiliates, their objections are largely based on appeals to Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C. and the courts to stop it. These appeals are frequently combined with criticism of the “ineffective” nature of social media data gathering as a law enforcement methodology.
The use of social media data by DHS and other federal, state and local police agencies exposes as a sham the professed opposition of various Democratic and Republicans Party politicians to “privacy violations” by the social media and technology corporations. As long as social media information is being gathered and used secretly by the state, the parties of the ruling elite have no problem with such violations.
Behind the campaign against “fake news” on social media platforms—and the growing calls for a government break-up of all the big technology companies—is a drive to censor online political content. With workers and young people internationally using social media to plan, organize and coordinate a wave of demonstrations and strikes, the ruling elite is working on the one hand to subordinate all online content to its interests and on the other to spy on the political activity of the public in order to suppress growing social opposition to the capitalist order.
The violation of free speech and assembly rights by the intelligence and surveillance state cannot be fought by appeals to the capitalist political parties and politicians. The defense of basic democratic rights can only be mounted in a coordinated struggle of the working class internationally on the basis of the fight for socialism.
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talesoftheraysen · 2 years ago
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32 notes · View notes
somacruising · 1 year ago
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 1 & 2)
(This is the first part!) | (Part 3)
So, I've been meaning to upload this for a while. I don't really have any excuses for how long it took me. This covers Kratos investigating the Asgard Empire, only to find out that Mithos has been exoflected and has "gone on a rampage".
Part 1 (Spirit Research Lab)
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Kratos: (Is this a…spirit research facility?) (ここは……精霊の研究施設か?)
Kratos: (I had no idea the Imperial City had something like this near the Imperial Lotus Villa…) (帝都の芙蓉離宮の近くにこんな研究室を作っていたとは……。)
Kratos: (No wonder I haven’t seen Demitrius in Asgard Castle.) (どうりでアスガルド城でデミトリアスの姿を見かけない訳だ)
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Demitrius: How is the investigation of the Nexus Subspecies 03's anima progressing? 特異鏡映点亜種03のアニマの調査はどうなっているのかな?
Junior: …Well, Spada's anima still has traces of having been a living weapon. ……確かにスパーダさんのアニマには武器として生きていた痕跡が残っていました。
Junior: It might be that the anima of his previous life is muddled with his current anima due to the encoding at the time of exoflection. 前世のアニマが具現化の時のエンコードで現在のアニマと混濁しているみたいです。
Richter: Perhaps in Spada’s previous life, he was similar to the Swordian Chaltier. The one owned by Leon. もしかしたらスパーダの前世というのはリオンという奴が持っていたシャルティエと言う剣と似た存在だったのかもしれない。
Richter: It isn’t exactly the same, but it should be find to treat them similarly: both are weapons with human-like wills. 正確には違うことはわかっているが武器であり人のような意思を持つという点は近いものとして扱ってもいいだろう。
Junior: We’ve come up with a plan to exoflect both the relevant technology and experts in this field from Leon’s world. リオンさんたちの世界から、該当の技術を、持っている専門家を具現化するという計画が持ち上がっています……。
Kratos: (Chaltier is that talking sword Zelos told me about. Why do they have such an obsession with talking weapons…) (シャルティエと言うのはゼロスが話していた喋る剣のことか。何故命を持つ武器に固執するのだ……。)
Demitrius: That so…? Then let's have Richter and Aster report on their ongoing research on spirits. そうか……。ではリヒターとアステルが進めている精霊の研究の方を報告してもらおうか。
Richter: I won’t bring Aster here. I’ll do my report alone. ��ステルをここへ連れてくるつもりはない。報告は俺がする。
Demitrius: I know you're wary of me, but I'm not going to do anything to Aster. 警戒されているようだが私はアステルに何もしないよ。
Demitrius: If I wanted to do something to him, I would have done it already. There's been plenty of opportunities. どうにかするつもりならとっくに捕らえている。機会はいくらでもあるからね。
Demitrius: After all, I hear he's been going out a lot without you watching. 何しろ彼はきみの目を盗んでよく出歩いているそうじゃないか。
Demitrius: You had a difficult time looking for Aster the other day, I heard. この間も大変な剣幕でアステルを捜していたらしいね。
Richter: …You’re certainly different from Mercuria. Speaking of, you’re too lenient with her. ……お前はそうでもメルクリアは違う。貴様はメルクリアに甘すぎる。
Richter: I don’t want Aster to end up like Ami. 俺はアステルをアミィのようにしたくはない。
Demitrius: It hurts my heart to hear you say that. Well, we can talk about this more some other time. それを言われると心が痛むよ。まあ、その話は別の機会にしようか。
Demitrius: To protect the Void, we need the power of the sun god Dana and the spirits. I have high hopes for your research. 虚無の保護のためには太陽神ダーナと精霊の力が必要だ。君たちの研究には期待をしているんだよ。
Demitrius: Every one of our plans for Dana has failed so far. Dist is absorbed in his own strange obsessions. We should focus on finding Dana’s priestess. ダーナを降ろす計画にも悉く失敗している。ディストは妙なこだわりも強い。ダーナの巫女を見つけた方が早いと思うんだよ。
Demitrius: Dana’s priestess should be the most suitable vessel for Dana. ダーナの巫女こそダーナの器にもっとも適する筈だからね。
Richter: The literature Aster and I found had something to say about her. 俺とアステルが見つけた文献にはこう書かれていた。
Richter: Aifread protects Dana’s priestess alongside Origin in a place where the spirits were sealed away. アイフリードが精霊の封印地なる場所でオリジンと共にダーナの巫女を守っているのだと。
Richter: We haven’t pinpointed this place’s location yet, but I doubt it will be easy to get to. It’s entirely possible it’s already been obliterated by the Voidstorm. 場所の特定はまだだが簡単に行ける場所ではないだろう。死の砂嵐で消滅している可能性もある。
Demitrius: No, it is not limited to the place where the spirits reside. If the place where the spirits dwell collapsed, this world would be completely consumed by the Void. いや、精霊のいる場所に限ってそれはない。精霊住まう場所が崩壊すれば、この世界は完全に虚無に飲まれているだろう。
Richter: If this sealed land of spirits still exists, the Nexus you ordered Hasta and Saleh to bring back will be useful. もしまだ精霊の封印地が存在しているなら貴様がサレとハスタに命じて回収に行かせた例の鏡映点が役に立つだろう。
     [ Saleh and Hasta immediately enter lol ]
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Saleh: You wanted to see us, Richter? 呼んだかな、リヒター君。
Hasta: I’ve found our bon. Our hollow little Maxwell! 見つけたボン。空っぽのマクスウェルちん!
Kratos: (A hollow Maxwell…? But the Maxwell of this world hasn’t woken up yet. Maybe he means that Milla character who was with Lloyd and the others.) (空のマクスウェル……?この世界のマクスウェルはまだ目覚めていないがロイドたちの元にいたミラのことか?)
Kratos: (No, that doesn’t make sense. He said “hollow”…) (いや、しかし『空』というのは……)
Richter: …Since these people are here, I’ll be excusing myself. ……こいつらが戻ったなら、俺は失礼する。
Saleh: You hate me, huh? Well, I’d prefer that snot-nosed lizard who never stops crying “Jade~ Jade~”. 嫌われたもんだね。僕はジェイドジェイドとうるさいあの鼻たれトカゲよりキミの方がマシだけれど。
Asgard Soldier: We’ve got trouble! One of the four Phantom Generals is rampaging through Dist the Reaper’s lab! It’s Mithos! 大変です!四幻将のミトス様が死神ディストの研究所で暴れて、手がつけられません!
Asgard Soldier: Dist is critically injured, Shing is hurt, too, and not even Caius can stop him! ディストは重傷、シング様も負傷しカイウス様ですら近づけない状態です!
Kratos: (—Mithos is rampaging!?) (——ミトスが暴れている!?)
Hasta: Whaaat? Sounds like there’s an opportunity for bloodfeeding… Let me join in! 何ィ!血沸き肉躍る饗宴の宴だと……オレっちも参加させろぃ!
Saleh: Shall I kill him? 僕が殺してこようか?
Demitrius: Stay out of it. I still want to ask you both about Maxwell’s empty shell. Richter, you can stop Mithos, right? やめておく方がいいね。それに君たちにはマクスウェルの抜け殻の件を聞きたい。リヒターならミトスを止められるだろう?
Richter: …I don’t know, but it’s better than saying here. I’ll be going. ……分からんが、ここにいるよりはマシだ。俺が行く。
Kratos: (It's time to meet up with Mark and the others, but I can't leave Mithos alone. …I’ll follow behind Richter.) (そろそろマークたちと落ち合う時間だがミトスを放っておくことはできぬな。……リヒターを追跡させてもらおう)
Part 2 (6-2 Spirit Research Lab 2)
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Zelos: That old man seriously hasn’t gotten back to the rendezvous point yet!? あのおっさんまだ合流地点に戻ってこないのかよ!?
Mark: Hey, hey, Zelos. Don’t you think you’re too hard on Kratos? He’s a nice guy. おいおい、ゼロスさんよ。あんた、クラトスにはあたりがきついな。あの人、いい人じゃねえか。
Zelos: Haaah? You, too, Markun? It’s sickening how many people like that guy. はー。お前もか、マーくんよ。あいつホント受けがいいな、むかつくわー。
Zelos: People say he’s so coool~, but he’s just a bastard! ク~ル~とか言われてるけどありやただの人でなしだっつーの!
Sync: Heh… へえ……。
Zelos: Ah, Sync!? Did you just laugh at me, just now!? あ、シンク!?てめえ、笑ったな!?
Sync: That’s right. You’re just a spoiled redhead. Do you miss your daddy, oh great Chosen? そりゃ唯うでしょ。アンタのそれは単なる甘えだからね。パパが恋しいのかい、赤毛の神子様。
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Zelos: ………。
Mark: Sync, please don’t go around digging into people’s wounds like that. シンク。そうやって的確に人の傷抉っていくのもほどほどにしてくれや。
Mark: Zelos, I’m sorry. Kids don’t know how to hold themselves back. ゼロス、悪かったな。子供は加減をしらねえんだよ。
Zelos: …No, I’m not ready for this yet. Sore spot or not, I can’t believe I got so serious when I don’t even know this kid. ……いや、俺さまもまだまだだわ。殆ど面識のないがきんちょに痛いとこ突かれてマジになっちまうとは。
     [ Phillip Enters ]
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Phillip: Sounds like you’re having fun. I hope I’m not interrupting. 楽しそうなところ失礼するよ。
Zelos: Fun!? Phil, you really think this looks like fun? 楽しい!?俺さまフィル君の感覚疑ってもいい?
Phillip: Sorry, sorry. I thought I’d pop in and share how our patient is doing. ごめんごめん。病人の経過を共有しようと思って。
Sync: You mean that dying old geezer and our log of a Sleeping Beauty? 死に損ないのジジイとぴくりとも動かない眠り姫のことか。
Phillip: You shouldn't call him an old geezer, Sync. In any case, Rowen is much more stable now. ジジイなんて言葉は良くないよ、シンク。ローエンさんはだいぶ安定してきた。
Phillip: I think he’s going to wake up soon. Still, he’s an omega nexus, so we’ll have to monitor him carefully. もうすぐ起きられると思うけれど何しろ特異鏡映点だからね。慎重に経過を見る必要がある。
Phillip: And Kohaku…she’s quite dangerous, to be honest. それからコハクは……正直かなり危険だね。
Zelos: Hey hey hey, I don’t care about the old man, but we have to help the girl out~! おいおいおいおい、じーさんはともかく女の子は助けてやってくれよ~!
Mark: You guys, we should be taking care of the elderly… Well, Phil, tell us what’s going on with Kohaku. She seemed stable to me. お前ら、お年寄りは大事にしろって……。で、フィル。どういうことなんだよ。容体は安定してるように見えたけどな。
Phillip: Her symptoms look like a rare condition that appears in mirrites. I found that curious, so I approached it from a mirristry perspective. 彼女の症状は鏡士にまれに起こるある疾患に似ていてね。気になったから魔鏡学の方向からアプローチしてみたんだ。
Phillip: As a result, I’ve discovered that she’s lost her core, or heart, which is responsible for connecting one’s anima to their animus. その結果、彼女のアニマとアニムスをつなぐコアつまり心を失っていることがわかった。
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Mark: She’s lost her core!? 心核喪失状態か!
Sync: What are you talking about? How can you possibly observe something as vague as a “heart”? 何それ。心なんてあやふやなものどうやって観測するのさ。
Mark: Mirrites are reflections of a mirrist’s heart. At the time of exoflection, it’s…able to be briefly observed. 鏡士ってのは、心を魔鏡に映して具現化を、行うんだ。そのときに一瞬心を具現化している……らしい。
Mark: I don’t exactly get the whole principle behind it, either… そのあたりの原理は俺もよく分からないが……。
Phillip: When a mirrist exoflectes a mirrite, they do so by reflecting a portion of their heart into their mirrage. So to speak, mirrites are exoflections of the heart. 鏡士が鏡精を具現化するときも心の一部を魔鏡に映して行ういわば心の具現化だからね。
Phillip: But Kohaku does not have a heart. でもコハクにはその心に当たる部分が存在しないんだ。
Phillip: If her core doesn’t exist, her anima and animus will separate…meaning, her soul and memories will separate, and her body will not be able to maintain itself. This is exceptionally dangerous. コアが存在しなければアニマとアニムス……つまり魂と記憶が分離し体が保てなくなる。非常に危険だ。
Phillip: Perhaps it’s necessary to erase the heart in order for them to become the vessel of the goddess. 神降ろしには心を消し去る作業が必要なのかもしれないね。
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Zelos: …Erasing the heart, huh. Reminds me of Collete. ……心が消える、か。コレットちゃんのことを思い出すな。
Zelos: She lost her sense of humanity in order to become a host for Martel, she lost her heart. I couldn’t stand watching her, she was like a doll. マーテルを宿すために人としての感覚を失って、心まで無くしちまったらしくてな。まるで人形みたいで見てられなかったぜ。
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Sync: —Hey, it’s possible that this whole goddess vessel plan is Mithos’ idea. ——ねえ、神降ろしはミトスの発案の可能性があるんだったよね。
Zelos: Ah? Well, it sounds possible. The idea’s pretty similar to the way he wanted to revive Martel. あ?まあ、可能性はあるな。発想がマーテル復活にそっくりだ。
Sync: —Let’s meet up with Kratos. I’ve figured out which nexus they’ll pick as the next vessel. ——クラトスと合流しよう。次の器の鏡映点が誰かわかった。
Mark: What do you mean? どういうことだ?
Sync: From what I’ve heard, Colette was in some way close to Mithos’ sister, Martel. 前に聞いた話だと、コレットってのはミトスの姉のマーテルに近い存在だったんだろ。
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Zelos: Are you saying Martel is their next vessel!? Well, I had heard that Phantom had exoflected her while he was still around. まさかマーテルが次の器だって言うのか!?そりゃ、ファントムが生前マーテルを具現化したらしいとは聞いてるけどよ。
Zelos: Yeah, Martel and Colette are close, but Martel never lost her heart. ただコレットちゃんとマーテルは近い存在かもしれないがマーテルは心を失った訳じゃねえぞ。
Zelos: Actually, she only had her heart left, so Mithos was trying to get her a body… むしろ心だけになっちまったからミトスが体を作ろうとしてた訳で……。
Phillip: …No, I see what he’s saying. Sync’s as sharp as ever. ……いや、なるほど。さすがシンクは目の付け所がいいね。
Phillip: The fact that Martel is a being who lost her body and became only a heart is…an important fact. マーテルは体を失い、心だけの存在になったことがある……という事実が重要だ。
Phillip: In the past, Bifrost had a mirrage called the Overray Mirrage—which showed the past and possible futures engraved in one’s anima. かつてのビフレストには、アニマに刻まれた、過去や未来——あらゆる可能性を呼び出す浄玻璃鏡という魔鏡があったそうだ。
Phillip: This means that no matter which era Martel was exoflected from, she has a property that makes it easy to separate her body and heart. つまりマーテルがどの時代から具現化されていたにせよ、体と心が分離しやすい性質を内包していることになる。
Phillip: If they can be separated, the rest is simple. 分離できるなら、話は簡単だ。
Zelos: You can’t be serious… We should let Kratos know just in case. マジかよ……。念のためクラトスに伝えるか。
Zelos: We should look for that trail Angel wings leave behind. If he flies with his wings, we’ll be able to spot it. あいつから聞いた、天使の羽の痕跡を辿る方法ってのを使えば、奴が空を飛んだ時に居所がわかる筈だ。
Mark: I’m sorry. You’re our guest and we’re making you work. 悪いな。あんたは客分なのに、こき使っちまって。
Zelos: Oh well. That selfish Angel doesn’t want me hanging out with Lloyd anyway. しゃーねえな。あの我が儘天使がロイド君に合流するのを嫌がるんだもんよ。
Sync: You complain about that, but you never bother joining Alvin when he sneaks over there. でも文句を言いながら、アルヴィンみたいに一人であっちに合流はしないんだね。
Mark: Well, that’s because Zelos is unexpectedly a good guy—and also unexpectedly a coward. そりゃ、ゼロスが意外と善人な上に意外と卑怯者だからだな。
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Zelos: Ehehe, you completely understand me. でひゃひゃ、よくわかってるじゃねーの。
Mark: But, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re our guest. Sync, you’re coming with me. とはいえ、あんたが客分なのは変わらないからな。シンク、一緒に行ってくれ。
Sync: …Yeah yeah, what a pain. ……はいはい、めんどくさ。
Zelos: What is it, Synkun? You’re so cold. 何だよ、シンくん冷たいじゃん。
Sync: I’ll kill you, Idiot Chosen. 殺すよ、バカ神子。
(This is the first part!) | (Part 3)
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years ago
Des concerts à Paris et alentour Juin 20. Kyrie Kristmanson & Jeanne Added + Léonie Pernet + Klaus Johan Grobe + Winter Family + Petit fantôme (dj) + Marc Melià (fest. 36H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 20. Charles De Goal + Zanias + Buzz Kull – La Station 20. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Will Guthrie + Nour – Café de Paris 21. Maud Geffray + Cherry B. Diamond + RKSS + Dustina (Fête de la musique) – La Gaîté lyrique (gratuit) 21. Plomb + Warum Joe + Les 3 Gnomes (Fête de la musique) – Holy Holster (gratuit) 21. Murman Tsuladze + Sathönay + Thiago Nassif – Espace B (gratuit) 21. Cristopher Cichocki + Hector Castells-Matutano + Emmanuel van der Elst + Stéphane Bissières + CT JEROME aka Jérôme Poret – Plateforme (gratuit) 21. Neil Hannon & Tosh Flood (Fête de la musique) – Musée des Arts et Métiers (gratuit) ||COMPLET|| 21. ToutEstBeau + Viegas + Petra Flurr & 89 St + Bleid – La Station 21. Anne Clark : perf. pour "Ocean 21" de Maggie Boggaart – Auditorium Saint-Germain 21. Cleric + Hector Oaks + Randomer + Parfait + Trym – tba 22. The Intelligence + Flatworms – La Maroquinerie 22. LA Witch – Black Star 22. Illnurse b2b absl + Raymundo Rodriguez + K-lamande – Glazart 22. Poison Point + Nostromo + Salem Unsigned + Panzer – Petit Bain 22. Perc + Kas:st + Hemka + Wata Igarashi – Concrete 22. Full Quantic Pass + EYE + Franz France + Mechanical Heaven + Club Z1Z1 + Los Hernanos Martinez + Samantha Mox + Colt + LAZ (Lostsoundbytes & Air LQD) +  La Punta Bianca (Merguez électroniques) – Murs à pêches (Montreuil) 23. Radiante pourpre – La Générale Nord-Est (gratuit) 23. Spoliature + Aymeric de Tapol + Guili Guili Goulag + Wizaeroid + Poulet Bicyclette (Merguez électroniques) – Murs à pêches (Montreuil) 23. La Pince + Leon + Howdoyoudance + Polar Polar Polar Polar – Cirque électrique 23. Bracco + Eddy de Pretto + Bagarre (dj) – La Station 25. Jaap Blonk – Souffle continu (gratuit) 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Cannibale – Safari Boat 26. Caterina Barbieri + SKY H1 – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Pigalle – La Maroquinerie 26. Daniel Menche + Point invisible + Tzii – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Plomb + Perm36 + Pour X raisons – Cirque électrique 27. JKS + Mayeul + Myler + Khoegma – NF-34 27. La Chatte + Maryisonacid + Dawd – Rex club 28. ARLT + Loup Uberto & Lucas Ravinal + Hervé Bouchard (fest. Tremble parlure) – Pan Piper 28. Cienfuegos + Sacred Lodge + Axel Larsen + UVB76 – Espace B 28. To Live & Shave in LA + Carrageenan + TTTT – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. Gesloten Cirkel + Identified Patient + Roza Terenzi + Tryphème + Villette 45 + Foreign Sequence – La Station 28. Frankie Bones & Adam X + Lenny Dee + Herrmann – Concrete 28. End of Mortal Life + IV Horsemen + December + Myako + Opäk – NF-34 28/29. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET|| 29. Sara Fuegos + Techno Thriller – Espace B 29. Les Daltons + Jad Wio – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 30. Le Réveil des tropiques + Monolithe noir + Fantôme+ Colin Johnco (dj) – La Station Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Bernardino Femminielli + Jean Redondo + Thi-Léa – Café de Paris 05. Klimperei, Sacha Czerwone, David Fenech, Denis Frajerman & Christophe Micusnule – Chair de poule (gratuit) 05. Pantha du Prince + Scratch Massive (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. Laurent Garnier (fest. Days off) – Belvédère|Philharmonie 05. I Hate Models (dj) + Derrick May + Jardin + Mount Kimbie (dj) + Oktober Lieber + Rodhad + Mor Elian + Olivia... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 05. The B-52's – Olympia 05. Ancient Methods + Die Selektion + Ideal Trouble – La Machine 05. Marc Acardipane + Ida Engelhardt + Radium + Wixapol + Parfait – Concrete 05/06. The Psychotics Monks + La Jungle + Yachtclub + Zombie Zombie + Frustration + Fleuves noirs + Bruit noir + Le Singe blanc + Le Sacre du tympan + Enablers + Os Noctambulos + The Scanners + Dick Voodoo + Le Réveil des tropiques + Quizequinze + Make-Overs + Canari + Tonn3rr3 + Enob + Casse Gueule + EggS + Keruda Panter + Fumo Nero + Famille Grendy + Deux Boules vanille + Lèche-moi (fest. La Ferme électrique) 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Helena Hauff b2b DJ Stingray + Jon Hopkins + Motor City Drum Ensemble + Len Faki + Robert Hood + Octavian + The Black Madonna + Clara! + Nicola Cruz... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 06. Inhalt der Nacht + Marai + Munsinger + Felicie – La Station 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07. Ministry + 3teeth – La Machine 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Gossip – Salle Pleyel 08. Melvins – La Plage|Glazart ||ANNULÉ|| 09. Noir Boy Georges + Periods + Les morts vont bien + Corps (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Francky Goes to Pointe-à-Pitre + Pratos + ToutEstBeau + Dune Basement (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Pogo Car Crash Control + Mss Frnce + Baasta ! (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11. Flamingods + Warmduscher + Triptides (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11. Setaoc Mass + VTSS + Opal – NF-34 12. Carambolage + La Secte du futur + Entracte Twist + Order 89 (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 12. Tomaga + Утро + Tôle froide + Society of Silence + Sharif Lafrey + Elzo (dj) (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. Miel de montagne + Raymond Amour + La Pince Monseigneur + Amazone (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 13. La Récré (Garage MU fest.) – canal de l'Ourcq 13. Metz + Bo Ningen + Ashinoa + Die Ufer + Panstarrs (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 13. Karenn + Casual Gabberz + D.Carbonne + Rendered + The Mover + Tim Tama + Attention Deficit Disorder + Freddy K + James Ruskin + Ascion + Bleaching Agent + Darzack + Hemka + Kotzaak & dj Skinhead + Lars Huismann + Damoclès + Demian + Dersee + Felicie + Herr Mike + Koboyo & Jarod + Scry & Theophiluss – Studio du Lendit (Saint-Denis) 17. Grand Blanc – Safari Boat 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan 19. Illnurse + 74185# + Stefano Moretti – tba 26. CJ Bolland b2b D. Carbone + Endlec + Onhalt der Nacht b2b Echoes of October + SNTS + 138 + Animal Holocaust + CRDN + Falhaber + H880 + Injected + Keepsakes + Monsieur Nobody + Morneck + MSKD + Oposition + Paramod + Protokseed + Shirin + Van Der Wiese + VCL + Vortek's + Yannou (Thunder fest.) – La plage de Glazart 27. Anetha + Sentimental Rave + Fjaak + Parfait + Spfdj – tba Août 01. Thou + Yautja – Gibus 08>11. Deena Abdelwahed + Officine + December + En attendant Ana + A Strange Wedding + Avventur + Cuften + Poupard + Legion 808 + Hystérie + Summer Satana + Flore + Graal + KX9000 + Myako + The Homeopathics + Meuns... (Fest. Qui embrouille qui) – La Station 18. The Driver – But Mortemart|Bois de Boulogne 23. The Cure + Eels + Jeanne Added + Johnny Marr + Süeür... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 25. Aphex Twin + Foals + Deerhunter + Le Villejuif Underground... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 26/27. Patti Smith – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 28. Arnaud Rebotini – Safari Boat Septembre 05. Oh Sees + Frankie & The  Witch Fingers (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Bataclan 06. Frustration + Arndales + Ero Guro + Bracco + Succhiamo + Maria Violenza (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – La Station 06. The Horrorist + Kobosil + VTSS + Airod + Félicie – La Machine 07. Le Prince Harry + Exek + Entracte (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Point FMR 07/08. Vitamin X + N0V3L + 11Paranoias + The Rebel + 7Occvlta + Roy & The Devil's Motorcycle + Harry Merry + Holliday INN + Années Zéro + Chevignon + La Secte du futur + Hippie Diktat+ ZOH/astre + Pow! + Pile + Pious Faults ... (fest. Frissons acidulés) – Théâtre de verre Co-Arter 11. Crack Cloud – Petit Bain 12. Blawan – NF-34 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 18. The Wedding Present – Petit Bain 18. Lust For Youth – La Boule noire 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 23. The Foreign Resort + Seventeen at this Time + Trancept – Supersonic (gratuit) 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 24. Drab Majesty + SRSQ – Petit Bain 25. Dälek + L'Envoûtante – Petit Bain 26. Burial Hex + Les Chasseurs de la nuit + Common Eider, King Eider + Visions – Les Voûtes 27. Noseholes – Espace B Octobre 01. Emma Ruth Rendel – Petit Bain 01. Sleaford Mods – La Cigale 04/05. Blush Response b2b Thomas P. Heckmann + Dave Clark + Rebekah + Regis + Tommy Four Seven b2b Ancient Methods + ABSL + AZF + Dax J + DVS 1 + Marcle Dettmann + Poison Point + Anetha b2b Randomer + Ben Klock + Andrejko + Amato & Adriani + Bassam + Boston 189 + Charles Green + Dersee + DJ Bone b2b Ben Sims + Fabrizio Rat + Felicie + Louisahhh b2b Maelstrom + Newa + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Thomas P. Heckmann + Tripeo b2b Hemka (Pulse fest.) – Le Grand Dôme (Villebon/Yvette) 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 08. Sleep – Bataclan 09/10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band – La Cigale 11. New Order – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 14. Shannon Wright – Trianon 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Pixies – Olympia 23. Four Tet – Le 104 25. A Certain Ratio – Petit Bain 26. The Monochrome Set – Petit Bain 29. Agent Side Grinder – La Boule noire Novembre 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 14. Girl Band – La Maroquinerie 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt ) 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 19. Earth – Petit Bain 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia Décembre 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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seine-draws · 5 years ago
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If only I was better at telling lies, then I might be able to deceive even my own heart.
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