#Philipp Van Leeuw
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genevieveetguy · 8 months ago
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God's Offices (Les bureaux de Dieu), Claire Simon (2008)
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
The Wall
The Wall (2023) #PhilippeVanLeeuw #VickyKrieps #SteveAnderson #ChristianBaldonado #AustinBuchanan #RogelioCamarillo Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Regie: Philippe Van Leeuw Hauptrollen: Vicky Krieps, Steve Anderson, Christian Baldonado, Austin Buchanan, Rogelio Camarillo, Santiago Craig, Hayden Domenico, Carlos Lee Hall, Danny Jackson, Harris Kendall … Filmbeschreibung: Eine engagierte und energische Beamtin der US-Grenzschutzbehörde verliert die Kontrolle und tötet eine harmlose Migrantin an der Grenze zwischen…
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sesiondemadrugada · 4 years ago
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The Life of Jesus (Bruno Dumont, 1997).
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gregor-samsung · 5 years ago
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In Syria [Insyriated] (Philippe Van Leeuw - 2017)
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greatestnorthern · 7 years ago
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“This war is going to end, and then we’ll all be safe again.”
In Syria (2017) dop. Virginie Surdej dir. Philippe Van Leeuw
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playvodma-films · 5 years ago
Retrouvez la rubrique « Top Films Internationaux » de PlayVOD Maroc
La thématique « Top Films Internationaux » que vous trouverez sur la page d’accueil de PlayVOD Maroc renferme une panoplie de films réalisés par des producteurs à travers le monde. Vous trouverez par exemple les producteurs Laurent Tirard ou Philippe Van Leeuw, entre autres !
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filmsetseriespourtous · 5 years ago
Les premiers jours du génocide avec « Le Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage
« Le Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage » est un film dramatique réalisé par Philippe Van Leeuw en 2009. Il relate les premiers jours du génocide survenus en avril 1994 au Rwanda. Vous trouverez le long-métrage en streaming ou en VOD sur : https://www.playvod.ma/
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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La Vie de Jésus (Bruno Dumont, 1997) Cast: David Douche, Marjorie Cottreel, Kader Chaatouf, Sébastien Delbaare, Samuel Boidin, Steve Smagghe, Sébastien Bailleul, Geneviève Cottreel. Screenplay: Bruno Dumont. Cinematography: Philippe Van Leeuw. Production design: Frédérique Suchet. Film editing: Yves Deschamps, Guy Lecorne. Music: Richard Cuvillier. From its enigmatic title to its uncompromising lack of narrative structure, Bruno Dumont's first feature challenges a viewer's patience but ultimately, I think, rewards it. Dumont has explained (sort of) the title as a reference to Ernest Renan's 1863 book of the same name, a biography of Jesus that purges all miracles and holiness from its story. There are no miracles or holiness to be found in the life of Freddy, a young lout growing up in a small town in northern France, where his mother keeps a bar and occasionally nags him about his idleness. It's the kind of town where people spend a lot of time sitting on their front stoops or staring at the television. Freddy spends his time with his chums, riding motorbikes around the countryside, playing drums in the town band, having sex with his pretty girlfriend, and raising a caged finch that he enters in chirping contests. The finch's frantic movements in its confinement may be a kind of metaphor for the turmoil behind Freddy's usually impassive façade, which shatters only when he experiences one of the epileptic attacks that send him to therapy. Naturally, so much aimlessness gets Freddy into serious trouble, but the film ends with only a symbolic redemption as he escapes from police interrogation, rides into the country, and lies in the tall grass, staring into the sky and starting to cry. The bleakness of Dumont's vision of the life of Freddy and his cohort of fellow layabouts can be trying, and Dumont makes no attempt to leaven his story with humor. Yet I found myself drawn in by the performances of a group of nonprofessional actors, and I appreciated Dumont's references in a Criterion interview to his film as a kind of equivalent to Flemish paintings of idling peasants and burghers.
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playvodfilmsetseries · 6 years ago
Philippe Van Leeuw : regardez « Le Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage »
Si vous aimez les œuvres de Philippe Van Leeuw, dans ce cas, rendez-vous sur PlayVOD Sénégal et regardez « Le Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage » ! Ce drame parle d’une nounou qui est chassée de son village après, avoir découvert les corps sans vie de ses enfants.
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chung-king · 8 years ago
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Insyriated, 2017 dir. Philippe Van Leeuw
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rudyroth79 · 7 years ago
Știri: Filmul ”Jusqu'à la garde”, câştigătorul ediţiei a XXV-a a Festivalului Febiofest de la Praga
Știri: Filmul ”Jusqu’à la garde”, câştigătorul ediţiei a XXV-a a Festivalului Febiofest de la Praga
Juriul secţiunii ”Noua Europă” în frunte cu Marta Kubišová a ales drept cel mai bun film al ediției a XXV-a a Festivalului Febiofest de la Praga (15–23 martie 2018) ”Jusqu’à la garde” (Custody) al regizorului francez Xavier Legrand. Filmul înfăţişează istoria lui Julien, care după divorţul părinţilor, este în grijă alternativă. Conflictele tot mai mari dintre tatăl violent şi mama nefericită îl…
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genevieveetguy · 3 years ago
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The Life of Jesus (La vie de Jésus), Bruno Dumont (1997)
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universalmovies · 7 years ago
[RomaFF12] La Recensione di Insyriated, di Philippe Van Leeuw
[RomaFF12] La Recensione di Insyriated, di Philippe Van Leeuw
Presentato all’ultima Berlinale, dove ha conquistato il premio del pubblico, Insyriated, il film di Philippe Van Leeuw, racconta una disperata pagina di vita di una famiglia siriana barricata nel proprio appartamento mentre imperversa la guerra. Una ferrea Hiam Abbas interpreta Oum Yazan, un’energica madre di famiglia che prova a mettere al sicuro i propri cari e una giovane coppia di vicini. Ad…
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danisergeluk1 · 5 years ago
Kijken naar Insyriated Geregisseerd door Philippe Van Leeuw, met Mohsen Abbas, Diamand Bou Abboud en Juliette Navis.
De energieke Oum Yazan is wanhopig op zoek naar een middel om haar gezinsleven bij elkaar te houden, terwijl er buiten een oorlog woedt. De familie zit samen rond een grote tafel in de middag en iedereen probeert om zichzelf boven de kanonnade van bommen en machinegeweervuur te horen. Er is nauwelijks water en wanneer ze een stap buiten zetten loert het gevaar. Terwijl de grootvader met zijn kleinkind speelt, flirt de oudste dochter met haar vriend in haar kamer. In de kamer ernaast logeert een jong stel met een baby. Ze zijn van plan te ontsnappen. Dan weerklinken er dreigende geluiden. Wie klopt er op de deur?
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gregor-samsung · 4 years ago
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In Syria [Insyriated] (Philippe Van Leeuw - 2017)
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playvodma-films · 5 years ago
Visionnez « Le jour où Dieu est parti en voyage » sur PlayVOD Maroc !
« Le jour où Dieu est parti en voyage » est un film dramatique à découvrir en intégralité sur PlayVOD Maroc. Cet opus est une réalisation de Philippe Van Leeuw et il réunit les acteurs Ruth Nirere, Laetitia Reva et Pierrick Le Pochat.
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