#Peter St John
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spyskrapbook · 8 months ago
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"London Metropolitan University _ The School of Art, Architecture and Design _ Summer Show 2024" _ 19-29.06.2024 _ 16 Goulston Street, London, E1 7TP _ Photos by Spyros Kaprinis [27.06.2024].
"Our students have been working extremely hard on their final projects of the year and we're excited to share with them with you at this exciting event.
From 19-29th June 2024 students from all art, architecture and design courses will exhibit their work. The exhibition areas will be Goulston Street (architecture, interiors, and visual communication courses), the Wash Houses (fashion, fashion textiles, product and furniture design, and textiles), Calcutta House (upholstery), and the Annexe (fine art, fashion photography, and photography)."
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tomicscomics · 21 days ago
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I've got a [great] feeling about this!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. In this Bible story, Jesus performs a miracle by telling some professional fishers -- tired from failing at fishing all day -- to try casting their nets one more time, and when they do, it comes up so full that it starts to tear. The fishers thank Jesus but beg that He leave them, for they are sinners unworthy of His presence, but He offers the sinful fishers to follow Him and become fishers of men, casting the net of God's Word to catch the lost and weary nations. 2. The "fishers of men" quote has many translations. The one used in this cartoon is "catchers of men," which sounds like Jesus is commissioning a team of renegades to hunt down humans, rather than a group of men to lead His new Church. Thus, in the final panel, Peter and John imagine themselves as rogues both dashing and daring.
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illustratus · 11 months ago
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Jesus Praying in the Garden by Gustave Doré
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twixnmix · 4 months ago
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Andy Warhol meeting Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City on April 2, 1980.
Photos by Lionello Fabbri
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diioonysus · 2 years ago
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love + art
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 11 months ago
Fish fact #750
John dory!
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They take part in a spawning habit known as "substrate scattering", where eggs are released into the water and fertilised externally, only to fall to the seafloor. They're relatively poor swimmers, but they can extend their tube-like lips to suck in prey as long as they get close enough!
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marvelwizardz · 1 month ago
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myvinylplaylist · 4 months ago
KIϟϟ: The Very Best Of Kiss (2002)
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Mercury Records
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mayflowerofmary · 2 years ago
St. Peter: *can't find St. John in a crowded room*
St. Peter, cupping hands over his mouth and hollering: "So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together--"
St. John, bursting from the crowd panting: "--But the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first!"
St. Peter: "There he is."
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dilutedh2so4 · 11 days ago
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The Pillar and the Ground of The Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters by Pavel Florensky
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jendellianrambler · 3 months ago
trying to think of way to incorporate other KISS members into my AU?
as in Tommy, Eric S., Bruce, and Vinnie
idk enough about them to really build up their characters and tbh i dont really gaf about a few of them either LMAO but i feel like they should tie in somehow?
ideas anyone?
one of my ideas for Eric ties into Peter's lore (which is yet to be revealed, coming soon :3), and i'm thinking maybe Tommy was one of Ace's proteges/younger space cadet who trained under him? idk lmoa
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tomicscomics · 4 months ago
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Once again, I've peaked.
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. In this Bible story, two of Jesus's disciples, James and John, ask for a special place at Jesus's side, and this annoys the other apostles. Jesus gathers them all together and tells them that, while most rulers lord their authority over their subjects, whoever wants to be the greatest among His followers must make himself like a servant to everyone else. He explains that even the prophesied Son of Man (which is what Jesus calls Himself) will be like a servant by dying as a ransom for many. 2. In this cartoon, Jesus concludes this lesson with some wordplay: "The SON of Man came to be the ranSOM of Man." The word "son" sounds similar to the second syllable of the word "ransom," and though they're not perfect rhymes, the nature of their sounding alike is unquestionable and, according to my calculations, very hilarious. As a matter of fact, data projections indicate that this very funny and legitimately funny joke will increase my followers by -34.2%... wait... negative? That can't be right. It also projects I'll die alone because of my "gross attachment to lame puns"? That's what it says: "gross attachment to lame puns." We weren't even testing for that.
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illustratus · 4 months ago
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Arcadian Landscape with Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man Jan van Huysum
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drpepper-lovers-blog · 7 months ago
Why do so many kiss fans hate mark St john?
Like are Mark's allegations true bc I read that with the cp* on Aces book and if its true then hes a terrible person but ace never really talked about it .but Paul also lied about mark in his book .
But I think ist sad how he was let fallen by kiss like at the end of his life he was also homeless and all that stuff .( Hope u get what I mean )
And I personally think animalized is an great album
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thepastisalreadywritten · 4 months ago
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By Courtney Mares
9 November 2024
For the first time in over a century, the historic Chair of St. Peter, a wooden throne symbolizing the pope’s magisterial authority, has been removed from its gilded bronze reliquary in St. Peter’s Basilica to be displayed for public veneration. 
Pilgrims and visitors can now behold this storied relic directly in front of the basilica’s main altar, just above the tomb of St. Peter, where it will remain on display until December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
According to Pietro Zander, Head of the Necropolis and Artistic Heritage Section of the Vatican:
"The last major public viewing of the chair occurred in 1867, when Pope Pius IX exposed the Chair of Peter for the veneration of the faithful for 12 days on the 1,800th anniversary of the martyrdoms of St. Peter and St. Paul."
It was the first time that the centuries-old wooden throne had been exhibited to the public since 1666 when it was first encased within Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s monumental bronze sculpture under the stained-glass Dove of the Holy Spirit window at the basilica’s apse.
Formally known as the Cathedra Sancti Petri Apostoli, or more simply as Cathedra Petri, the chair has held a revered place in Catholic tradition over the centuries, representing papal authority from St. Peter to the present.
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“The chair is meant to be understood as the teacher’s ‘cathedra,’” art historian Elizabeth Lev told CNA.
“It symbolizes the pope’s duty to hand down the teaching of Christ from generation to generation.”
She explained:
“It’s antiquity [ninth century] speaks to a papacy that has endured through the ages — from St. Peter who governed a church on the run trying to evangelize with the might of the Roman Empire trying to shut him down, to the establishment of the Catholic Church and its setting down of roots in the Eternal City, to our 266th successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis.”
A Storied History
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The wooden chair itself is steeped in history.
According to the Vatican, the wooden seat was likely given by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Bald to Pope John VIII in A.D. 875 for the emperor’s Christmas coronation in the old St. Peter’s Basilica.
A depiction of the emperor appears on the crossbeam of the chair, and its ivory panels illustrate the labors of Hercules along with other scenes from Greek mythology.
The informational sign near the chair in St. Peter’s Basilica informs visitors that “shortly after the year 1000, the Cathedra Petri began to be venerated as a relic of the seat used by the apostle Peter when he preached the Gospel first in Antioch and then in Rome.”
The Fabric of St. Peter, the organization responsible for the basilica’s upkeep, maintains:
“It cannot be ruled out that this ninth-century imperial seat may have later incorporated the panel depicting the labors of Hercules, which perhaps originally belonged to an earlier and more ancient papal seat.”
Before returning the chair to its place within Bernini’s monumental reliquary, Vatican experts will conduct a series of diagnostic tests with the Vatican Museums’ Cabinet of Scientific Research.
The ancient seat was last removed and studied from 1969 to 1974 under Pope Paul VI but was not shown to the public.
The recent restoration of Bernini’s works in the basilica, funded by the Knights of Columbus in preparation for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year, made it possible for the chair to be moved from the bronze sculpture in August.
Pope Francis got a sneak peak of the relic in early October and a photo of the moment — showing him sitting in a wheelchair before the Chair of St. Peter — quickly went viral.
Afterward, the pope requested that the relic be displayed for public veneration.
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Francis ultimately decided that the Chair of St. Peter — a symbol of the Church’s unity under the instruction of Christ — would be unveiled for the public at the closing Mass for the Synod on Synodality.
“Pope Francis has been exceptionally generous to the faithful about displaying relics,” Lev said.
“He brought out the bones of St. Peter shortly after his election, he had the Shroud of Turin on view in 2015, and now he has taken the Chair of Peter out for veneration in the basilica.” 
“In our virtual age, where much confusion reigns between what is real and what is not, Pope Francis has encouraged us to come face to face with these ancient witnesses of our faith and our traditions.”
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
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The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, celebrated each year on February 22, dates back to the fourth century.
St. Jerome (A.D. 347–420) spoke of his respect for the “Chair of Peter,” writing in a letter:
“I follow no leader save Christ, so I enter into communion with … the Chair of Peter, for this I know is the rock upon which the Church is built.”
As Pope Benedict XVI explained in a 2006 catechesis:
“‘Cathedra’ literally means the established seat of the bishop, placed in the mother church of a diocese, which for this reason is known as a ‘cathedral.”
“It is the symbol of the bishop’s authority and in particular, of his ‘magisterium,’ that is, the evangelical teaching which, as a successor of the apostles, he is called to safeguard and to transmit to the Christian community,” he said.
When a bishop takes possession of the particular Church that has been entrusted to him, he sits on the cathedra, Benedict explained:
“From this seat, as teacher and pastor, he will guide the journey of the faithful in faith, hope, and charity.”
“The Church’s first ‘seat’ was the upper room, and it is likely that a special place was reserved for Simon Peter in that room where Mary, mother of Jesus, also prayed with the disciples,” he added.
Benedict XVI described Peter’s ministry as a journey from Jerusalem to Antioch, where he served as bishop, and ultimately to Rome.
He noted that the See of Rome, where Peter ultimately “ended his race at the service of the Gospel with martyrdom,” became recognized as the seat of his successors, with the cathedra representing the mission entrusted to Peter by Christ.
“So it is that the See of Rome, which had received the greatest of honors, also has the honor that Christ entrusted to Peter of being at the service of all the particular Churches for the edification and unity of the entire people of God,” he said.
Bernini’s Baroque Masterpiece
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Bernini’s monumental reliquary for the chair, commissioned by Pope Alexander VII and completed in 1666, is one of the most iconic artworks in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Bernini encased the wooden relic within a bronze-gilded throne, dramatically raised and crowned by a stained-glass depiction of the Holy Spirit, symbolized as a dove, surrounded by sculpted angels.
The bronze throne is supported by massive statues of four doctors of the Church — two from the West, St. Augustine and St. Ambrose, and two from the East, St. John Chrysostom and St. Athanasius.
It is symbolizing the unity of the Church through the ages, bringing together the teachings of both the Latin and Greek Church Fathers.
And at the top of the throne, cherubs hold up a papal tiara and keys symbolizing papal authority.
On the chair itself, there are three gold bas-reliefs representing the Gospel episodes: "consignment of the keys" (Matthew 16:19), “feed my sheep” (John 21:17), and the "washing of the feet" (John 13:1-17).
The ongoing restoration of Bernini’s monument at the Altar of the Chair, along with the recently finished restoration of the baldacchino, is significant not only in light of the 2025 Jubilee Year but also the upcoming 400th anniversary of the Consecration of the Current St. Peter’s Basilica in 2026.
Benedict XVI said:
“Celebrating the ‘Chair’ of Peter means attributing a strong spiritual significance to it and recognizing it as a privileged sign of the love of God, the eternal Good Shepherd, who wanted to gather his whole Church and lead her on the path of salvation.”
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Freddie was writing to his family whenever he’s at boarding school in India:
“Dear Mum & Dad. I hope you are all well and Kashmira’s cold is better. Don’t worry, I’m fine. Me and my friends at the Ashleigh House are like a second family.
The teachers are very strict and discipline is most important here at St. Peter’s. I’m very happy to tell you that I was awarded the big trophy, Best All Rounder Junior. I received a big trophy and they even took a photograph, which will appear in the annual school magazine.
I’m very proud and I hope you are too. Send my love to Kash. I love my little sister as I love you all. Farrokh.”
Photo: Angelina Karpunina colored this photo of Freddie’s originally in black and white
➡️Color_byangelina on Instagram
📸 Pic: 1958 at the College - Farrokh Bulsara won a sports competition and won the Junior All-rounder trophy
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