#Peter Parker fanficton
definitelysome1 · 3 months
Growing up is going from “Peter Parker found family, fix it, SI field trip” fics, to “Tim Drake found family, bad parents, whump, hurt/comfort” fics or vice versa
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orenjikaraka · 1 year
You’ll be ok… Mi querido…
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Miguel O’Hara x reader angst
Word count: 4791
Summary: Miguel has a new assistant working with him, lyla needed more help around because new spiders are being recruited, Miguel was slightly denying it (because he has lyla, why would he need another), but a couple months passed and he got used to her presence… well… his heart was saying something else… and his next mission will show what he wants… even if it’s forced…
S/o is 22 by the way and Miguel is 34, that’s a 12 age gap. Also this is like after events like u know miles is on the team and spot in jail.
Warnings: non-con (if you can’t handle rape, you don’t have to read), sex, NSFW, kidnapped (adultnapped 😅), Miguel has a muzzle (why is that a warning 😏), angst, alcohol, puking, drugs, and coursing, also psst Miguel is a bottom.
Miguel opened his eyes, he felt dizzy, or nauseous if you can say, his breathing is heavy, the room felt cold, the room was closed spaced, it was nerve racking to be in the dark room, his eyes were slowly readjusting, when he felt less light headed, ‘just great, just fucking grand…’ he thought, his brain was going in circles of how he got in this mess, his hands were tied behind his back with electrical wires, they’re were digging through his skin, it felt horrendous, his first thought was to rip them out, when he tried a electric shock went through his veins, he growned in pain, frustration going through his nerves, so much anger that he didn’t know he had muzzle on, who ever doing this, is treating him like a wild animal, trapped between the legs with metal strapped on them, his wrist were tied, and he had a muzzle too, for stopping his spider venom from hurting the fuck head that hostage him.
He tried to move his stranged arms again, but the electric shock came back, he tried harder, but the shock got worse each time he moved, his wrist were bleeding and were turning purple, he gave a hard tug and his wrist were burning, he clenched his fist and growled in anger, “when I get out of here! I’m gonna kill you, you here!!!” It was silent until he heard whimpering, someone else was in the same room with him, he lowered his head a little and his eyes were trying to readjust more to see who was in front of him…
Then he panicked, it was you, he was starting to remember why he was here, you went missing for 2 weeks, Miguel was looking everywhere for you, checked every evidence he could find, until he found you, well evidence of where you were, Universe 1610, Miles’ universe, you were last seen with Miles, probably hanging out, but now in Doc Olivia Octavius’ lab.
“la voy a matar… la voy a matar… la voy a matar… (ima gonna kill her 3x)
“Miguel— I’m-“
“Amor (love), don’t… I was here to find you. We’re both gonna get out of-
“Out of here~” Olivia chuckled while walking through the metal door, and slamming it afterwards.
“Octavius~” she softly giggled, “oh~ look at you…” she looked at Miguel then at you, “and you cute little assistant~” she squatted down next to you and put her hands on your arms, which made Miguel try to break free from his restraints. “Aww~ is the oldest spider of the ‘em all, trying to save his MJ.”
Olivia squeezed her nails into your skin while staring at Miguel, you wince in pain, Miguel stopped and tense up, “ha! My science was right! Well… me spying on miles and you without letting a single spider know, is actually quite interesting am I right?”
Miguel looked at her like she was delusional, “my camera-“
“I hacked your database, so it would think of me as one of the spiders!”
“Also also having no four arms, well hidden away in my fake spider suit was a hassle but walking is not all that bad.”
Olivia stopped her blabbing and look at you again, “aww you poor thing~” she dug her bloody nails out and move (Y/n) right side up, (Y/n) had her wrist tied with duct tape, and her ankles as well, she was wearing a tight white soft cotton knee high dress, it had a upside down triangle on her chest.
“Isn’t her dress adorable~ oh! One more touch.”
Olivia put the small piece of duct tape on (Y/n)’s mouth.
She moved her right hand to your chin, and her left holding you around your stomach, her four mechanical arms were holding her down, “don't be scared, your little spider is here to save you~” Olivia turned your head. To face you at Miguel, Miguel looked terrified, he didn’t know what to do.
“Let her go, just-“
“Just what- oh Miguel~ let her go~, nah… I think I have something better~”
One of Octavius’s mechanical arms let go of (Y/n) and move swiftly to Miguel’s neck, her claw clench, digging her claw into his tense skin, the middle of her claw had small exit that opened with a small needle, it poked his skin and a small dose into his nervous system, her mechanical claw snatched off…
“What did you just dose me with…”
“Miguel, don’t worry, it’s just pde-5 inhibitors, benzos, mdma, ketamine, and gamma-hydroxybutyrate, you know…
“You…” Miguel growled with hatred. His muscles tensed up painfully making his body sweat, he felt saliva drooling off his lips, his breathing felt uneven, his thighs twitched trying to calm down his throbbing erection, he closed his eyes to look away from the two women in front of him.
“Miguel~ I didn’t tell you to look away…”
With her free mechanical arm, she redirected Miguel to face you, there was a small knife on your throat, touching your skin ever so slightly.
“If you look away your little sweet assistant would be dead, you don’t want that, don’t you.”
Miguel couldn’t muster out words, it was hard to speak, he’s afraid he’ll might scare you off. So he shook his head ‘no’.
“That wasn’t an answer.”
Olivia pulled the knife back and stabbed your left shoulder, you screamed in pain, but that didn’t matter to Olivia, but for poor Miguel it did.
“Stop— now- don’t…”
“See it wasn’t hard was it!”
Olivia pulled out the knife and put it lightly around your dress, your whimpering was causing his brain to go in a loop, causing his erection to hurt, whimpering moans with pressure and pain came to mind. Which made him clenched his eyes shut.
“You don’t listen don’t you.”
She was about to knife again but Miguel opened his eyes to look at Olivia.
“You one sick fuck you know that…”
“No— not- true—“
Olivia put the knife on the floor and moved her free hand to the wound she made, she put her two index fingers into the tissue, which made you groan in agony, Miguel didn’t want to look, but couldn’t…
“Don’t— *moan*” he growled in frustration afterwards. Octavius moved her free mechanical arm and clawed his scalp upwards, his drool dripping down his neck.
“You sick creep loves his little MJ, I knew you cared for someone else, you couldn’t just understand that your life is supposed to be where you die alone…”
“Let— her… *gasping for air* go—“
“Not every spider must-“
“Hurt me— not… her— I’ll do-“
“Anything?” Olivia had excitement. In her veins.
“Yes! Please—“ Miguel begging was aching your heart, you never knew a man that had so much pride sounded so broken…
Olivia let her mechanical claw go from his aching scalp, Miguel look back at you, you had a worried look on your face and he looked back the same.
“Ok… but… how about this, she gets to leave… if you rape her…”
Miguel felt every fiber in his body tense ups he shook his head ‘no’.
“No. No. No.”
“No? But I thought you wanted her ok…”
She picked up the knife again and stabbed (Y/n)’s right ankle, your shooken form tense in agony and muffly scream through your duct tape.
(Y/n) knocked her head back in a panic which scruffed against Octavius nose, Olivia groaned and moved her free mechanical arm to her ankle and her claw digged through your skin, and snapped it… her skin turned purple and black bruises around her ankle. Her whaling can be heard across the hall in the facility…
“You little bitch… you did this on yourself…”
She took the knife out of your ankle and ripped your dress off. Went through the top to the bottom of the dress.
“I wanted to be nice. But no one listens…” Olivia ripped your dress off and was about to rip your panties. “Follow my rules and this will go easy…” she cut your panties and then lifted you up slightly to cut your tape on your wrist, before you could move them the mechanical arms closed them. Olivia looked back at Miguel and he stared back with pain in his eyes.
“I got a solution…”
Octavius picked up (Y/n) and put her on top of Miguel, her clit touching the tip of his dick.
“I’m— going to kill you—!”
“But if ya do that this universe will collapse… people will die… a small spider and his family will die… I thought you would prevent that, isn’t that your job…”
Before Miguel could muster anything, Olivia pushed your body downward, which caused Miguel to moan and quiver because he’s trying to stop himself from cumming.
“Didn’t know you needed help from your MJ; Miguel.”
She got her knife again and tar a hole so Miguel’s dick was freely being laid on by your soft clit.
Stop— *whimper* just—“
“Just what Miguel…”
“Just— kill me— end me… let her go—“
(Y/n) shooked her head frequently, in a ‘no’ matter, she was muttering no, “see your little MJ wants you, don’t you see.”
Olivia dropped the knife on the ground, and got her hand and grabbed Miguel’s dick tilt the tip to her hidden clit, Miguel moaned in displeasure and lust. “Come on little MJ, let me give you a hand~”
Octavious shoved (Y/n) into Miguel dick, your tight hole was making it hard to concentrate on not cumming, it hurts, he feel like throwing up, tears was going down his face from all the burning pain he trying to contain himself, your whispering became screaming for help, you were crying for some reassurance… but no talk can be heard from Miguel. Only agonizing groans and moans.
“Come on sweetheart don’t treat your man like that, I thought you adored his company.”
Olivia pushed her further in and moved her arms behind Miguel. Miguel looked down and saw blood coming out of your slit, ‘no, no, no, oh querido, cono… (darling, fuck…)”
‘This was your first’ and he ruined it, he ruined it by being a hero, a hero that can’t even save the people he loved, he always fuck everything up…
“cariño (dear), your going to— be… ok—“
Miguel moved his chin and moved (Y/n) a little forward to try and comfort you, but also moving you closer to his chest so you can use your hands behind him to untie the wired knot, (Y/n) understood and faked moan to distracted Octavious, it was music to Miguel ears but also hurting his erection, Olivia grabbed Miguel scalp with her free hand and pushed his slightly forward.
“See she wants more~”
(Y/n)’s hands were bleeding but she had to get Miguel out.
“Thrust her Miggy~”
“Fuck— you…”
Olivia pushed harshly downward, which tilted his dick slightly, “nggggggghhh!”, (Y/n) gasped with hot air, and continued to untie, “fuckin— bitch-“
Olivia looked furious and picked up the knife and was about to stab Miguel’s shoulder, but (Y/n) quickly snatched it and freed Miguel’s arms, then she moved to his muzzle, and freed him from that. Miguel grabbed Olivia by the neck and bit Octavius, filling his venom in her veins to paralyze her. He ripped her mechanical arms off, and threw her against the concrete wall…
Olivia was already knocked out before she even hit the wall, Miguel looked back at you, you were frantic and quivering, “Lo lamento… (I’m sorry)” And he grabbed your hips slowly and lightly pulled you out, you screaming stop, begging to stop, but Miguel continue to pull you out, when you were free, he sat you down on the cold concrete floor and untied his feet, his suit regenerate to it normal form, he then untie you and unduct tape you. You sobbed, quietly screaming to make the pain go away, Miguel slowly got up and felt nauseous afterwards, so tripped and catches him from hitting the floor, but before he get up again he threw up, his body was screaming to do so, so he did, he felt sick all over, he feels like crying his eyes out because how much pain he endured, he crawled to Octavius, and checked her pockets, he found his gadget and put it on, and slowly crawled to (Y/n).
When he got to her, (Y/n) tried to reach for Miguel, even though he was about to pick her up, he did and held her close, and called Lyla. She immediately answered.
“Miguel! You know how long you were out, you were-“
She saw Miguel and gasped in shock, then looked at you in horror.
“Take us— to the main hall…”
Before she could say anything else Miguel put a portal underneath them and you both fell through; he held you close, like he was about to lose you again…
—- time skip (to the spider lobby) —
Miguel felt like he fell for eternity until he saw the lobby, every spider's senses triggered and saw you both falling to the bottom of the hall… Some spiders reacted and swung towards you both but they weren’t fast enough.
Lyla put a cold red and aimed all the cameras to you both, big screens saying ‘HELP’ on repeat, more spiders came to join and save them.
“Miles! Pete— jes- Gwen- hob— someone—“
‘Please someone save her… not me…’
That was his last thought until he hit his head on the flat concrete.
—- time skip —
Miguel woke up frantically and looked around his room, his head was pounding, screaming for him to relax but couldn’t, “lyla!”
“Where’s my assistant?”
“She’s hospitalized in are medical bay.”
Miguel lowered his head, thinking about how he could've prevented this, he felt miserable just thinking about it…
“I also reassociated her to a new job setting.”
“That’s classified information-“
“Answer me! WHY!?!”
“Because she got in trouble because of you, she got hurt because of you, if you didn’t come sooner she would’ve been dead in your arms Miguel!!”
He didn’t know what to say, he felt trapped, this feeling of lose came crawling back, it was eating him up again, losing his wife, his little Gabriella and now you… fuck he didn’t even know these feelings exist until now, there was always a soft tug in his heart to actually talk to you before but couldn’t, because he couldn’t lose anyone else, but now truth is here, he can’t protect anyone, he just breaks knots and break promises…
“Miguel… I’m trying-“
Lyla just quickly glitched away, leaving Miguel alone in his bedroom with light beeps coming off the heart monitor on his left. He looked at his hands and saw the small tubes pumping out the bad stuff in his body and some others pumping liquid to take away the drugs.
‘It’s all your fault’, was repeating in his migraine of a head, so… he pulled out the tubes and his nasal cannula and laidback, he heard the heart monitor beeped singly, some of drugs were still in his system so it was hard to breathe lying down, his breathing was hurting again, stringed each breath he took.
He slowly started to see black dots slowly blocking his vision…
Until he saw a frantic Lyla, he couldn’t hear her…
—- time skip —
It was the next day when Miguel woke up again, he felt depressed that he woke up, he moved his eyes and saw Peter b. On his left, with little mayday laying on Miguel’s stomach.
“Hey you woke up!”
Miguel didn’t answer a just looked at mayday, “so Lyla told me to check up on you because you-
“Suicide I get-“
“Miguel, man, you haven’t been like this since…”
There was a small silence until mayday, crawled close to Miguel's shoulder, and stared at him with gentle curiosity, which made Miguel feel miserable. Mayday made a worried small whine, but Miguel looked away from her. Mayday was about to tear up until Peter spoke up.
“Miguel… please tell me what’s wrong. I’m all ears…”
“How’s— (Y/n)…”
“I- Miguel I can’t-“
“You too!” Miguel looked back, “why can’t I see her, why can’t I talk to her!”
“Because I can’t say-“
“WHY- is she dying, do I have a restriction from seeing her— Cono— damn it- don’t tell me she’s pregnant-“
“Miguel! She’s fine! You just can’t see her…”
Little Mayday looked back at Miguel then back at her father with anger in her eyes.
“Mayday you- god…”
“Peter why can’t I see her”
“Because when you came back, your last location on your gadget was your place…”
“Everyone thinks you hurt and…”
“I didn’t lay a finger on her, Peter! It was Olivia Octavius!”
Peter made a tiny portal so mayday went back in her crib and closed it.
“She was there but she drugged you and trapped you and (Y/n) in a concrete room together…”
“I didn’t do it- you have to believe me—“
“I can’t Miguel, there’s footage of you reaping her, Miguel!”
“Miguel O’Hara! You rape her…”
“Your a fucking monster, Miguel, I rather be miles away from you right now but can’t; you know why, because I have to keep an eye on you, because Lyla gave me orders to keep an eye out.
Miguel felt empty, felt like the whole world stopped and he in some fucked up dream or reality that’s crushing him ahole, he- no maybe he did… maybe he did caused this to you… maybe he is what Peter said he is…
“Pete— I’m sorry—“
“You know— it wasn’t me— it- it— was the meds—“
Miguel trying to stop his quivering. His eyes stings from his tears.
“Miguel- *sigh* I'm going to get you some food…”
Miguel was silent and didn’t respond, but Peter was already starting to make food.
“It— wasn’t me—“
—- time skip (2 weeks later) —-
(Y/n)’s POV
(Y/n) woke up and felt relaxed to be home, well at a hospital bed, but at least your home, she looked around and saw miles sleeping, then she quickly moved the covers and saw her legs and ankle was fully healed, she looked at her shoulder and it was also healed, ‘heh spider society and there amazing medics.’ Well we can thank Miguel for that.
Speaking of Miguel, I wonder if he’s ok… after everything that happened, I… I’m worried about him… even when he was reassuring me that I was going to be ok… even when doc ock… (Y/n) shook her head, she looked to her right and saw her phone and picked it up, then scrolled through her contacts and saw Miguel's number.
And call him
‘Zzzz zzzzz zzzzz’
‘Zzzzz zzz-‘
(Y/n) heard his voice, he sounded tired and drained, drowsy even.
“Miguel. How’s-“
“(Y/n)— is- *hic* is— that you…”
‘Is he drinking?’
“Miguel, what happened?”
Miguel coughed and gasped for air for a second, “everything- ngggghhh *hic* fine—“
“Miguel? Where’s Lyla…”
He sighed with some frustration. “I put her off-“
“I-“ you looked up the date, where the calendar was, you were out for two weeks. “How long-“
“Why— you wanna know *hic* so bad—“
“Because- sorry I'm just worried why you are alone, that’s all…”
“Cono— (Y/n)— *sniff* im sorry—“
“Why you- even called monster like me— *hic* anyway…”
‘Beep beep beep…’
She brought the phone out of her ear and almost checked contacts again before she saw 15 unread messages from Miguel.
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You looked horrified at the messages you just saw, you looked at miles and he was still fast asleep, you quietly got your clothes on and walked out of the door…
— time skip—
While the elevator went up everything felt silent, even when you turned around and checked the view of the hall, the big screens plastered Miguel and you fell out of a portal…
You sighed, when the elevator became dark and the door behind you opened, you walked through the opened door and went through the end of the hall and knocked on the metal door.
It was silent until the door opened and the smell of heavy alcohol went through your nose, the smell of sadness went through your veins, you looked on the hovering floor and Miguel was nowhere to be found, then she lower her head to a large couch and there lay Miguel on his back, he was wearing gray sweatpants with a plain black jacket, his body slightly twitches from his hiccups. (Y/n) rushed over and tried to lift him a little to make him sit in a sitting position.
“No—“ Miguel whines
“Why didn’t you sleep on your side, you could’ve-“
“Drowned— *hic* why- you care—“
“Miguel why- god what happened between the 2 weeks that passed…”
Miguel didn’t answer, “Miguel, what happened.”
He paused for a second, then sat up quickly, “Miguel you gonna puke if you sit up that fast.”
“Leave— *hic* please—“
“Miguel what the hell happened!” Your tone was furious.
“Leave-“ he gagged a little, which made you panicked so you got up rushing for a small trash can in the bathroom, and rushed it to Miguel, right when he got the trash bucket he hauled in it, while he was throwing up, you noticed his his weight has lowered, he has bags under his eyes and when you looked back at the coffee table, there was 4 bottles of whiskey on it.
“How long have they been sitting there…”
Miguel's computer spoke up suddenly instead of Lyla.
then the computer shut off again. Miguel put the trash can down, and took one of the whiskey bottles then took a small sip of cherry whiskey to get the awful taste in his mouth. Then replaced it back.
“Why— do you care about a monster like me—“
“Because you saved me Mig.”
“*hic* I raped you, don’t you understand that—“
“I hurt you— I—“
Suddenly his eyes turned red and his claws showed, his left arm was on the sofa’s back and the right was around his stomach region, he moved his right to his throat, the tip of his fingers were sharp, his left hand started to dig in the back cushion.
“Mig- don’t—“
“Don’t what, (Y/n), I’m a monster—“
“And things like me are not supposed to love or care— *hic* “they only hurt or kill people they protect—“
“They deserve to-“
Suddenly you move his arm and rush in his arms and hug him. “You're wrong— just stop-!”
“Stop talking— please…”
Miguel’s claws disappeared and his eyes went to his normal eye color and hugged back. It was silent for a couple minutes until…
Miguel cried on your shoulder, his body quivered, and hugged you a little tighter. You both hugged for 30 minutes until you spoke up.
“You didn’t do anything to me, Miguel, you made me feel safe, like I wasn’t trapped, like I know I’m going to be ok even after all this fucked up things that happen to me and you…”
“You're a very handsome and kind man to be around, even when I was your assistant, you were always so protective around me.”
Miguel lightly chuckled.
“And Mr O’hara, i-“
Miguel moved his face and gave a slightly sloppy kiss on your cheek.
Which surprised you.
“Just call me Miguel, mi Bella chica, te necesito… (my beautiful girl, I need you)
“Querida… (darling)”
You moved in and kiss him, his mouth and tongue taste like sweet cherry whiskey, you sat on his lap and hugged him close, each time you curled your tough in his mouth, he moaned slightly, but sometimes his body jumps from his hiccups, his moans slightly groans, you let go for a sec to get some air but to also check up on him.
“Mmmhhh— *hic*” he groaned afterwards.
“Does it hurt?”
“It’s starting to- *hic*” he squeezed his eyes in pain.
“We can stop if ya-“
“No—“ Miguel whine’s and slowly grabs your hips closer to his lap.
“Ok, sweet thing…”
And you started to make out with him again, but you wanted more of him, so you let go between his moans and with his cute confused face, he was about ask why you stop but you started to take your shirt off and you were in your bra, Miguel was surprised, but then he got worried, when you started with you pants, he stopped you, and you looked back at him confused.
“Are you sure about- *hic* this?”
“Miguel I trust you, I feel safe when I’m around you. So. I want you to be my first- well second- but we don’t count that-“
“Ok, mi amor…”
Miguel let go of you and you started to unbutton your pants, and pulled them off, you then looked at him, he was laying on the sofa, waiting for you even when his body slightly shakes from painful hiccups, you removed your panties and moved his sweats and boxers.
His dick was slightly erect, but she can fix that, “Miguel~”
Miguel looked back at you, “hmmm?”
“Rule 1, you can’t touch me, if you do, I won’t make you have a good time~”
“Are there others?”
“Rule 2 final, I’ll tell you when to cum~”
“(Y/n)~ darling~”
Before he could say anything else, (Y/n) put her clit on the tip of his dick, and started rubbing back and forth, playing or toying with him, he was starting to leak pre-cum, Miguel almost touched you but then moved his hands on the sofa.
She grabbed his dick and put it in her hole, she moaned quietly but it was heavenly in Miguel’s ears, his claws were back and they were digging into the sofa, he was trying so hard not to touch her delicious hips, she put both her hands on his chest, “relax sweetheart, your so stiff~” he was slowly trying to relax until you went up and down rapidly in smooth motion, you quivered each second you slammed his dick, Miguel moan with pleasure each time you ram him.
Before he can speak again you suddenly stopped.
“Are you a good boy~”
Miguel redden up, “sweet-“
Before he could say anything, you went in circles while slowly going up and down with your tight pussy…
Miguel gasp, then moaned
“Are you a good boy, Miggy~”
She suddenly went forward while he was inside of her. His dick was painfully hard.
“Are you~ Miggy~”
“Yes—“ he lightly whines
“Louder Miggy~”
She squeezed her pussy down, which gave him a small groan, “louder~~”
Yes—! I’m *hic* a good boy— please- can I~”
He couldn’t hold it, he let go of the sofa and slightly dug his claws into your hips, your tight pussy was filled with cum, which you whine with pressure, he rolled his head back and looked back at you and thrust up, which made you moan louder which was music to his ears. (Y/n) lowers her chest to Miguel’s, and kiss him again
Between more soft kisses was “i love you’s” and “I adore you’s”…
—- time skip (till morning) —
Miguel woke up first and saw you in his arms… he remembered everything that happened last night. The kissing, the gentle sweet sex to a more lustful…
“Sorry that I woke you, sweet amor…”
“It’s ok, love…”
They were silent for a bit, until…
“I’ll always be by your side mig…”
“Don’t forget that…”
“I won't, my sweet querido….”
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kitcat992 · 1 year
Identity Within︱Chapter 6 - Something New (UPDATE PREVIEW)
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Identity Within
New York always had a certain…well, vibe to it during the autumn season.
Every year come November, the trees that lined the streets of the city were consumed in whole by vivid reds and burnt oranges, replacing the once lush canopy of green seemingly overnight. With it, the crisp air that came with each breeze was a pleasant but firm reminder that the unforgiving cold of winter was right around the corner — a subtle sign from mother nature to enjoy the metamorphosis of seasons before the cityscape would transform once again.
Peter paced back and forth, repeatedly crossing the length of the rooftop to Grimaldi’s Pizza Parlor — not because the brisk autumn wind had made him chilly. No, his spider-suit — brand new, at that — did a fine job of keeping his body temperature perfectly regulated.
It wasn’t the chill that kept him moving, rather a poor attempt at shaking off his nerves. In fact, it was a feat he hadn’t left groove marks across the rooftop yet. At this point, he could’ve very well walked a few miles just going back and forth, all while soaking up the smells of the pizza dough that came wafting up from the vents of the restaurant down below.
“Alright, you got this — you totally got this.” Peter clapped his hands together, only to shake them right after — desperate to release the bundle of energy that practically ate him alive. “This is no big deal. Nothing to sweat. C’mon Parker, you rode Captain America’s motorcycle today — you’re Spider-Man, you got this!”
His nerves only seemed to get worse every time he looked across the street; this time turning his gaze right as the lights inside Peter Pan’s Donut Shop shut off, one by one.
Despite the strong draft of wind that passed through the surrounding foliage, Peter couldn’t help but notice that he suddenly felt flushed.
Definitely warm.
Maybe his new suit still had some kinks they needed to work out. After all, he’d only had it for a few weeks now. It wasn’t uncommon for the motherboard systems to need the occasional update. Maybe that was the issue.
Or maybe, just maybe, he was more nervous than he wanted to admit.
“Alright — just….don’t over think this. Don’t get stuck in your head.” Peter let out a breath so heavy, most of it couldn't filter out of his mask. The smell struck him at full force, causing the eye lenses of his mask to twitch and spasm in response. “Oh, that’s gross. That’s-that’s bad.”
He really needed to start carrying breath mints on him.
Peter shook away the thought — literally, shaking his arms for the umpteenth time, the little wiggle-wobble he did in place doing absolutely nothing for his nerves.
Across the street and through the windows of the donut shop, Peter could make a middle-aged man working inside, flipping over chairs and stacking them on top of the tables. Not far away from him was a much younger girl, busy wiping down the counters, with half of her face hidden behind long strands of brown hair.
Peter chewed on his lower lip, watching MJ from afar — not once looking away after his eyes gravitated towards her.
Man, was she pretty.
Really pretty.
“Hey MJ, what’s up?” Peter practiced out loud, taking a deep breath in — deep enough to pull his shoulders back and lift his chin high. “It’s me, Peter. Peter Parker.”
Nearing the edge of the rooftop, Peter casually plopped down until his legs hung off the edge,
letting them dangle freely as his gaze fixated on the donut shop across the street. His attention was drawn solely to one person inside.
“What’s that? I have a new suit?” Both hands grazed across his chest, gloved fingers running down the length of the black and red fabric. “Yeah, fully upgraded, new look, all new colors — why am I doing that voice?” Peter stopped the moment he realized his voice had deepened by five octaves. He shook his head like a wet dog. “That voice is so stupid, don’t do that voice.”
For a moment, the only response he received in turn was the occasional sound of Brooklyn traffic from down below.
MJ was talking to the much older gentleman now — with a brown paper bag in one hand, and her book-bag over her other shoulder. Her hair covered half of her face, but Peter could still make out the tiny smile beneath the thick, curly locks.
After all, her smile was his favorite thing about her.
“MJ, hey, it’s me.” Peter swallowed, hard, a tight V forming between his brows beneath his mask. “Oh, this? You know, just patrolling, saving the city, nothing major — I’m still doing the voice!” A hand smacked across his face — covering the two large white eyes of his mask. “Why am I doing that stupid voice!?”
His frustration was shouted in the form of a whisper, barely heard over the breeze that passed by. And yet Peter was still flushed — there was no shaking off the nerves. The past half and hour made that abundantly clear.
“I believe that is because you are nervous, Peter.”
And for what time didn’t make obvious, there was always his AI.
“I’m not nervous!” Peter’s voice squeaked in his retort. He waved both hands out in front of him, dismissively, as if Karen could even seen his movements to begin with. “I’m not — I’m not nervous, I just…” Another deep sigh reminded Peter that he really needed to start carrying around breath mints. “I just don’t know what to say.”
The middle-aged man approached the front door, flipping the sign that once said ‘Open’ and turning it around until it said ‘Closed.’ Peter watched, a tight frown forming on his lips, as the two remaining employees inside got ready to depart.
The setting sun was making it difficult to see inside through the windows. Peter knew he wouldn’t be able to procrastinate much longer.
“That could be because you’re anxiety has made it hard for you to focus,” Karen said. “That is likely in part due to the fact that you are nervous.”
As much as Peter wanted to roll his eyes at Karen’s answer, he also didn’t have much ground to argue with her. She was, after all, usually right about things.
It was strange. There was a lot Peter had confidence for — a lot of things he gained confidence for. It wasn’t that being nervous was a foreign thing for him. Hell, these days it felt like a perpetual state of his existence.
MJ made him feel…different.
A different nervous.
Almost a…good nervous.
“I really don’t wanna mess this up, Karen,” Peter spoke quietly under his breath, both hands falling into his lap as his dangling legs came to a slow stop.
There was a noticeable pause from Karen before she asked, “With MJ?”
The sunset of the evening caught the golden hues from the trees, shinning bright against orange and burgundy leaves. Peter had to squint past the light to see the front door of the donut shop open up, watching silently as the older man let MJ exit before he locked the door behind her.
“Yeah,” Peter, once again, spoke the words in a hushed whisper. The sigh that left his chest was heavier than his own voice.
There had been so much that happened this past year — things that, while not directly his fault, had caused a cascade of problems in their wake. Mysterio getting away in Times Square, everything with Dmitri the wannabe Bond villain, all of the symbiote…
Peter could feel his heart skip a beat at the memories — his very alive, and very much beating heart that was once not beating after he died.
That was never not gunna be weird.
“I believe, Peter,” Karen spoke up, breaking him away from his thoughts,“if you were to mess anything up…it would be deliberately. And I don’t see any reason you’d sabotage yourself when it comes to MJ.”
Peter made a face beneath his mask — contemplation taking over every muscle in his expression, all as he watched MJ give a tiny wave to the man still inside the donut shop. He locked the door from the inside before she began to walk down the streets of the city, and slowly, Peter began to stand up from the edge of the rooftop.
Karen’s voice was the last thing he heard before he shot out a web and took off.
“Just be yourself.”
It took six and a half rooftops before Peter finally caught up with MJ — a lingering moment of hesitation nearly made it seven, but with all the courage he could muster up, he finally made the move to approach her.
A single strand of webbing attached on top the nearest fire escape ladder, allowing him to drop down gracefully into the alleyway, landing with a soft thud on the cement sidewalks.
Right as MJ walked by.
“Need someone to walk you home?” Peter asked, his voice muffled by his mask and three times deeper than average.
MJ spun on her heels to face him.
And screamed.
“Ah!” Peter startled back, stumbling backwards until his shoulder collided with the nearest dumpster behind him. The two lenses of his mask went from wide white to pitch black in a millisecond as he grabbed his arm and hissed, “Ahcck!”
“Ahhh!” MJ’s shrill shout easily reached over his, even as she swung her book-bag around her shoulder and began to frantically dig inside. “I have a taser, I know how to use it!”
“Mother of fudge —!” Peter clenched his shoulder firmly with one hand, squeezing away the pain before both his eyes shot open with realization. “Wait, MJ, it’s me —!”
“Don’t make me use it!” MJ stepped forward while also somehow taking a step back. “I’m not afraid to use it!”
“MJ, MJ!” Peter leaped forward, using one hand to wave in front of him while the other ripped off his mask, clenching it tightly in his grip. “It’s me! It’s Peter! Peter Parker!” he hissed low under his breath, making sure to stay tucked away in the alley as he all but squeaked, “Please don’t tase me!”
If MJ had been sporting a mask like Spider-Man’s, complete with twitchy mechanical lenses, they would’ve certainly shattered with how large her eyes grew, bigger than the setting sun above them both.
Finally, she smacked her hand against his chest — completely ignorant to the brown paper bag she still held in clenched fingers — and pushed him further into the alleyway.
“This — this is why you’re terrible at keeping secrets!” MJ broke free of her stunned trance with four hard steps forward, pushing Peter back the entire way; looking around for the both of them to ensure no one was paying any attention. “This is exactly why Susan Yang thinks you’re a male escort!”
Peter’s nervous laugh quickly became one of incredulity.
“Do you really have a taser?” Peter only stopped walking backwards once MJ came to a stop herself, though her hand stayed firm against the spider emblem on his chest. “Wait, Susan Yang thinks I’m a male escort?”
At first, MJ’s only response was a rapid nod of her head, and a sound that was most certainly supposed to be something coherent and understandable.
“Yeah!” she eventually managed, her throat bobbing hard with the clear struggle of swallowing the abundance of saliva that came with a near heart attack.
Peter’s eyes only narrowed in confusion. “Yeah to what?”
The every day ambience from the city life briefly filled the lull that fell over them, freezing time in a ridiculously exaggerated second — the kind that felt like an eternity being stretched out for dramatic effect. The honking traffic outside the alley seemed to join in on the playful suspense — Peter swore even the cars were holding their breath for who would say what next.
MJ flittered her eyes up and down — looking up at Peter, sans his mask, before her eyes flickered back down — where her fingertips pressed firmly against the black spider insignia center on his chest.
Not a second later, and Peter looked down at that same hand. As if just now realizing MJ was touching him, and had been all along.
“This…must…be…your new suit,” MJ slowly said, tapping his chest twice before finally removing her hand entirely — making sure to keep her grip on the brown lunch bag. “Very nice. The colors are…very new.”
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disloyalroyal · 1 year
The Peter Parker field trip au to Tim Drake and Jason Todd enemy to caretaker titans tower au pipeline
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comment-exchange · 11 months
308. The Space Between (Spider-Man, MCU)
Title: The Space Between
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44918854
Platform: AO3
Creator: MondayVibes
Work Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: T
Pairing: May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker
Word Count: 6,656
Warnings: grief/loss, whump
Number of comments: 1
Completion Status: Complete
Short summary/description:
It’s November, a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving and a couple of weeks after the Unsnappening, and Peter is… what? Sixteen, still? Twenty-one? He doesn’t even know.
What he does know is that his body somehow feels both numb and splayed open—raw and bleeding, chest cracked and heart exposed, in a way that both hurts like hell and leaves him lifeless—and, despite the season, he really doesn’t feel like there all that much for him to be thankful for at all.
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revengewitch · 2 years
Chapter 6 is out~
It felt like dying. Like no amount of oxygen could make him breathe.
What happened after that particular point was incomprehensible.
The hands on him vanished, only to return once again to pry one of Peter’s hands away from his body.
Then the sensation of something sharp and pointy going into the crook of his arm, a needle.
Even between the haze of the panic attack, Peter was horrified by the new realization. What was happening? What was he trying to do to him? His eyesight wasn’t working.
He tried pulling his arm back, but he couldn’t.
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This is the prefacing A/N on the chapter of the ffn I’m reading, this vibe is going to be iconic
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rissa067 · 8 months
not afraid to simp | p. parker
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 0.3k+
synopsis: peter simps for his girl and he loves it
an: this is another one that i wrote in 2021 and am just now posting. no it is not proofread and i honestly do not remember what this is fully about, no i do not care if it matches canon or not because it isn't that deep. this is fanficton.
Peter Parker loves his girlfriend. He’s not afraid to show it either. Whenever he’s on patrol, especially in your neighborhood, he’ll stop by your apartment. Sometimes it’s for a quick kiss and ‘I love you,’ others it’s because he needs some patching up from a bad guy who hit him a little too hard.
Everybody who knows him knows you, even if you’ve never actually met. That boy never stops talking about you, he just loves you too much. It’s usually about how beautiful you look that day, or how funny you were when you were sleepy during movie night, or just because he can’t get enough of having you as his girl.
Whenever you need something, he’s there. He quickly learns your schedule and sometimes knows it better than you do yourself. For instance, he kept track of when you get your period and within a few months, he always knew when to have your favorite snacks and whatever lady things you might need on hand. Those days are always accompanied by movie nights, cuddles, and him making sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
At the beginning of your relationship, he was worried that you wouldn’t like how much he simps for you, but he quickly learned that you absolutely adored it and ate it up like you were the most Peter-starved girl in the world. The constant cuddles, affirmations of love, and all-around doting on you felt amazing and you truly knew how lucky you were to have Peter in your life. He was more than happy to give it to you, and even happier that you reciprocate everything back.
The team and all of your friends gave him shit for it at first, but when they saw how much you truly love and care for each other, they knew that you two were perfect for each other.
Peter truly was a simp for you, and you were a simp for him. He would never deny it because he was proud to admit it. He would simp for you until the end of his days just to make you smile.
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petertheparkers · 7 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Prompt: Reader is the child of Tony Stark. While talking to Peter one day you discover that Flash is bullying him, and decide to take matters into your own hands by showing up to Liz Allen’s party to put an end to it. 
Requested by: n/a
Warnings: slight spoilers for Homecoming, mild swearing, bullying
Word count: 2,805
Notes: I know this isn’t the exact dialogue as in the movie but I’m just working off my memory so bare with me folks. Also this took me several day to write but I love it, even though the ending is kinda shaky but this is very long and I would enjoy you guys sent in requests! My masterlist is in my bio (it’s almost empty but that’ll change) along with a prompt list you can request off of if you want!
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If asked, most high school students would say that math is their least favorite subject. But for teenage genius Peter Parker, gym was the one class he truly loathed. Of course, it all got easier once he got bitten by the spider and gained super abilities, but he had to keep it in check as a way to avoid suspicion. 
But as he laid on the sweaty mat talking with Ned about how he just could not believe that he was Spider-Man, he did the exact opposite of avoiding suspicion. 
“Peter knows Spider-Man!” Ned blurted as a result of overhearing Liz Allen talk about how cool she thought the masked super-hero was. All eyes turned to Peter and he wanted nothing more than to shrivel up into a ball and die. He glared momentarily at Ned, before jumping to his feet and taking a few steps towards Liz and her group of friends sitting on the bottom rows of the bleachers. 
“You know Spider-Man?” Liz asked before Peter could even think about stuttering out a response. Peter knew all eyes were on him without even looking around. 
Damn it, Ned. He cursed in his head. Why did you have to yell so loud?
“I mean, kinda?” It came out more as a question. It made sense that he sounded so confused, he didn’t know what to say. Technically, he did know Spider-Man. But telling everyone that he did felt like he was abusing the privilege of being Spider-Man. A battle between his two options waged inside his head until his next sentence just tumbled out of his lips. “Yeah, I’ve actually met him a few times during the Stark Internship.”
“Right, and I’m sure you know (Y/n) Stark, too.” Flash teased sarcastically as he sauntered his way over. Peter rolled his eyes, Flash was the last person he wanted in the room. His arrogant demeanor made him want to say that yeah, he did know (Y/n). And yeah, they were on a first name basis, friends even. But he elected to keep his mouth tightly shut. Besides, Ned was doing enough talking for the both of them. 
“Yeah, Peter is friends with Spider-Man. (Y/n), too.” Ned announced and all heads shot to him once again. Flash laughed sarcastically and Peter visibly grimaced. 
“If you’re such good friends with them, invite them to Liz’s party.” Flash grinned as he taunted him. Peter’s eyes darted to Liz, who had until this point watched the conversation with a small frown on her face. 
“I’m having a party at my house this weekend. You and Ned are welcome to come, if you want.” Liz spoke up. Peter nodded his head, disbelief that he was actually being invited to Liz Allen’s party. Suddenly, the bell rang and ended Peter’s torment. 
You sat alone on the couch in the Avengers Facility while a movie you’d seen a thousand times droned on in the background. Things had definitely changed since the Civil War between the Avengers. Your dad was rarely around, Natasha had moved to the Barton farm to help out with Laura and Clint’s kids, Rhodey spent almost all his time in physical therapy, and all Vision did was mope around about Wanda. You couldn’t even bare to think about what happened to the other half of the Avengers. The other half of your family. 
As if a switch had been flicked inside you, your blank stare on the television broke. 
“FRIDAY, who’s currently in the building?” You asked. You wouldn’t let yourself sit in sadness any longer, and bothering whoever was in the building seemed like the best distraction.
“I believe Mr. Parker is in training room three.” FRIDAY responded, the automated voice seemingly coming from thin air. You thanked the AI as you climbed off the couch, desperate to entertain yourself somehow. Besides, watching Peter Parker workout seemed like a perfect way to busy yourself. 
As you padded barefoot down the halls, you let your mind wander to thoughts about Peter. You met him a few days after the events of Civil War—which was just over two months ago—and you swore you never met anyone more adorable. Not only was he the perfect gentleman, but you were left awestruck by how smart he was. Since then, the two of you hung out occasionally when he stopped by the facility from time to time. You didn’t spend enough time with him to know him really well, but just enough to develop feelings for him. 
Yes. You had a tiny crush on Peter.
“Parker—” You began as you threw open the door to the training room. But, you cut your declaration of boredom off as your gaze trained on the glorious sight before you. Peter Parker was lifting weights, shirtless. You couldn’t believe your luck. You knew the boy had muscles, but damn.
“(Y/n)?” Peter questioned your slack-jawed expression as you stood speechless in the doorway. You didn’t know what had come over you, but you soon recovered and made your way over and sat on one of the benches. 
“Parker, I’m really bored.” You acted as if you hadn’t been openly checking him out moments before. He gave you a confused look, setting the weights down before taking a seat on the bench next to you. 
“I really need a favor from you.” Peter blurted, changing the subject to something that would start a conversation. You shifted slightly in your seat to get a better look a him, an expectant look resided on your face that urged him to continue. “Ned told some people at my school that I know Spider-Man and you, but this guy named Flash doesn’t believe me so he said I should invite you to Liz’s party so I can prove that I know you.” Peter explained in one, very long, sentence. “So I would really appreciate it if you showed up at the party tomorrow and told him we’re friends.” After moment of trying to understand what he said, a small frown formed from confusion etched its way onto your face. 
“Why doesn’t he believe you? I mean, the Spider-Man part, sure, but he knows you ‘intern’ here, right?” You questioned as you turned your body slightly to face him. Peter stared straight ahead and shrugged his shoulders.
“He’s just kind of a dick, y’know?” He mumbled out after a moment. Your brows tugged together in confusion as you realized why he wanted you to go to the party. 
“If you wanted me to show up and prove him wrong, you’re gonna have to explain to me why you want me to shut him up so bad.” You stated as you turned fully in your spot, crossing your legs up on the bench in order to give him your full attention. Peter shrugged again, bringing a hand up to run through his hair which had become a mess of unruly curls from his earlier workout. You reached out your hand to place it on his forearm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You can tell me, Peter. We’re friends. Besides, who am I going to tell? Dum-E?” You joked, referencing your dad’s robot that had good intentions, but sometimes went awry. Peter seemed to loosen up after you said that, and he sighed deeply with a hint of a smile on his face. 
“Flash thinks I’m a loser who is lying about the Stark Internship—”
“You kinda are.” You cut him off with a smile on your face before you could help it. “Sorry, continue.” You urged him on sheepishly. 
“Flash is just this arrogant jerk who thinks he’s better than me—he’s not, but he never shuts up about it.” Peter continued, mumbling something after that you didn’t catch at the end. 
“What’d you say? That last part, I couldn’t hear you.” You asked him to clarify. By the red tint on his cheeks and the fact that his gaze wouldn’t leave his hands sitting in his lap, you could tell it was embarrassing. 
“He calls me Penis Parker.” He mumbled again with his head hung low, but this time you caught what he said. You would’ve laughed at the nickname, but since it was coming from a guy Peter did not like, it only made you upset. Anger started to course through you, and Peter, who finally met your stare, noticed. “Hey, it doesn’t really matter. I know he’s just and idiot and—”
“I’ll be there, and I’ll make sure Flash gets what’s coming to him.” You didn’t know what came over you, but a sudden urge to defend Peter—the boy who routinely risked his life to stop muggers and help the people of Queens—overcame you. A smile overtook Peter’s features, and you knew in the deepest part of your heart, you had it bad for Peter Parker.
“Hey, dad.” You spoke into your phone as you updated him on your plans for the evening. You sat in the backseat of one of your dad’s self-driven cars moments away from arriving at Liz Allen’s house. Peter had texted you saying he and Ned had just walked into the party and already people had questioned him as to where you and Spider-Man were. “I’m going to a party tonight, Peter invited me.”
“Parker? Tell him to keep his hands to himself.” Your dad scoffed and a blush began to find its way onto your face.
“It’s not like that. It’s not a date—” 
“You mean Parker hasn’t asked you out yet?” Your dad cut you off, his tone laced with confusion. 
“Yeah, and—” You paused, recognizing something off with his word choice. “What do you mean, yet?” You questioned, earning a sigh as a response from your dad. 
“Wow, my child is oblivious. Watch the link I sent you and don’t stay out too late but don’t come home too early like a wuss.” And with that, your dad hung up.
“Anthony Edward Stark—!” You huffed out in annoyance as you lost connection with your father. You rolled your eyes, tapping on your messages to watch the video your dad sent you.
He took this video yesterday, kid.
As you tapped on the video attached to your dad’s text, the image of Peter wearing the Spider-Man mask and his pajamas standing in front of his mirror appeared. You stifled a laugh at his outfit, but even seeing him in a video made your heart race. And that was before he started talking. 
“Hey, (Y/n), I was wondering if you maybe—no, come on Peter that’s lame.” In the mirror, Peter straightened his posture before the eyes narrowed on the mask. “(Y/n). Hello. You. Me. Friday. No, the day of the week, not the AI.” At the start, Peter had lowered his voice a few octaves to what you assumed to be his ‘sexy’ tone, but it went back up to his slightly pitched voice as he tried to fix his mistake. You couldn’t tell if your cheeks were red because of how hard you were laughing or that he was practicing talking to you in the mirror. “Forget it. (Y/n), do you wanna go see the movies with me—I-I mean a movie. Unless you want to have a movie marathon with me, that’d be cool.” He groaned slapping his palm against his forehead in frustration. “C’mon, Spider-Man, it can’t be that hard to ask her on a date.” After that, the video cut out as Peter ripped the mask off. 
You felt the car stop, and when you looked out the window you barely noticed the beautiful suburban house as your thoughts ran wild with the new information the video gave you. Peter liked you, that was for sure. And he tried to find a way to ask you out, which sent a jolt of excitement down your spine. 
As you stepped out of the car, dozens of people stopped to gape at your presence. You didn’t go to Midtown and since no one believe Peter actually knew you, no one had expected you to show up. You stepped into the large house, admiring the nice interior. Once you got across the threshold, you asked the closest person where Peter was. 
“Over there. I hate your dad, by the way. M’name’s Michelle.” The girl offered, gesturing with the toast in her hand towards the living room.
“Oh... kay?” You responded, utter confusion written across your face. You follow the direction of her toast, noticing Peter soon after. Apparently, he had noticed you earlier as he watched you walk towards him with a large, goofy grin on his face. His expression made your heart speed up and you wonder how anyone could ever be mean to him. 
Next to him, another boy in a hat stared between you and Peter, grinning like a madman. You assumed him to be Ned, Peter’s best friend that he often talked about—and the only person outside of you and the Avengers who knew about his alter-ego.
“Hey Peter! What’s up, Ned?” You called, knowing everyone’s attention was on you. When you got closer to the boys, you lowered your voice so no one could hear you besides Ned and Peter. “Where’s Flash? I want to punch him.” You half-joked, earning nervous laughs from both of them.
“I cannot believe you know my name!” Ned gushed and you laughed, elbowing Peter in the side to gesture to him. Now that you knew he had feelings for you, you knew you had to make a move. And you knew exactly what you were going to do—you just needed to find one stupidly named bully first.
“I should, this guy talks about you enough.” You laugh, but cut yourself off when the smiles disappeared off of Ned and Peter’s faces.
“(Y/n)! Glad you could make it, what’re you doing with Penis Parker when the real party is over there.” A voice butted into the conversation. Your eyes landed on  boy wearing two shirts, both with a popped collar as he jutted his thumb in the direction of the DJ’s booth. You forced a smile on your face, but anyone with eyes could tell it was fake.
“You must be Eugene!” You called sarcastically, using his real name. Once Peter had left the tower the day before, you had used your dad’s software to do a little research on him. A shock looked registered on everyone’s face, but a laugh erupted from Ned. You turned slightly, watching Peter not even try to hid the grin on his face. 
“Wha—?” Flash began but you held up a finger, gesturing for him to shut up. By now, people from other rooms had come in to watch once word had spread through the house that you were confronting Midtown’s most arrogant.
“I’d like to start off by saying, you’re an ass. Peter is—by far—the greatest guy I’ve ever met. Calling him ‘Penis Parker’ makes you seem five years old. So, while you’re out there driving daddy’s car, Peter is working his ass off trying to better himself and his future. Which is why I would never hang out with someone like you. So here I am, proof that Peter actually knows me and is a better person than you.” You finished your rant and, before you lost all your worked up courage, you turned around and planted your lips onto Peter’s.
Gasps were heard around the room, followed by people calling out, ‘Get it, Parker!’. All of which, though, fell deaf on your ears as Peter unfroze and returned the kiss. 
In a word, kissing Peter was spectacular. Both of you had no idea what you were really doing, but there were so many pent up emotions behind the kiss that it was a little overwhelming. His hands went to your waist to steady you close to him and you clasped your hands at the back of his neck. You pulled away slightly, leaving only centimeters between the two of you. You smiled at the large and giddy grin spread across Peter’s face as he looked down at you.
“Since you practiced so much in the mirror, I was wondering if you would ask me on a date sometime.” You whispered, relishing in the moment as his minty breath fanned across your face. Embarrassment registered on his face and he opened his mouth to question how you knew but you quickly pecked his lips before he could.
“Uhm... would you wanna... go to the movies with me... sometime?” Peter muttered out, his eyes darting around the room. You laughed, nodding your head.
“Peter, I just kissed you in front of this entire party. I like you, a lot, so you don’t have to be nervous with me.” You chuckled at his stiff and awkward demeanor, taking a step back and grabbed his hand. “Now, come dance with me.”
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bowiebond · 3 years
Whenever I see people ship two men together and they automatically make the shorter/smaller/paler one the bottom and more shy & demure I just,,,, am filled with rage.
In fact, I go ahead and just flip the script in all my fics majority of the time. Like Cherik? Erik takes it, he’s a fuckin’ brat who likes to push his limits.
Sambucky? Sam ain’t gonna say no to a little wham bam thank you ma’am, especially when his boyfriend has all that strength to just throw him around with, man’s an adrenaline junkie for a reason 🤤
Spideypool? Wade wants Peter to rail him. Idk how y’all got the idea that Deadpool didn’t bottom?? Biggest switch I have ever met, he’ll work with whatever his partners got going and Peter is filled with so much rage at the world that I think taking a little out on wades booty would do them both some good.
Wolverine & Thor are power bottoms… that’s it. That’s all I can say. And Steven Rogers & Peter Quill, respectively, get pegged.
Also; bottom Strange just makes sense to me personally, even if everyone labels him some big top dom, he has an instinctive like for luxury and after the accident, it probably makes his sex life so much easier if he’s not constantly using his hands on his partner for grip and shit, you get me? He’s a bossy bottom at best tbh
I think the only character I’ve ever agreed with right away on if they’re a bottom (majority of the time, I can still see them being an occasional top) is fucking Tony stark because I’ve never seen a bigger pillow princess than that mfker
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cloudycera · 2 years
Earth where Spider-man is indeed a mutant the spider bite only sped up his powers arriving and gave him faster healing so it literally takes him accidentally falling through the Krokae gates for him to find out.
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sleepylaughytaffy · 3 years
HI this account is about Fanfictons that I either wrote myself/recommend to you! This will mostly be about Dsmp works because that's my obsession right now. But I'd love to take another works including.
South Park
My Hero Academia
Most of these works will be from either Wattpad or Ao3.
You are welcome to Dm me a recommendation you would like me to add and ill gladly do it!
I hope you enjoy!
My Wattpad Account is-TinySoybean
While my Ao3 account is-Tinysoybean
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blackdahlia-parker · 5 years
Not to sound desperate but please send requests for me to write, I’m bored haha. 😂Don’t be scared 👍🏽 I’m nice. 🙂 if you like any of there’s people, you may as well send one in if you wish haha.
•James (the end of the f-ing world)
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•Chase Hudson (or other tiktok boys)
Thank you I’d really appreciate your fanfic requests 💙
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He’d Be Proud Of Us
Ship- Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Endgame spoilers if that’s even a warning still!
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The room was silent, and the silence only enhanced the ringing that was now ever present in the girl’s ears. Everything in her room was a memory of him, from the canvases on the wall to the locket hanging around her neck. She could hear movement outside of her room and through her door, but she had no want to walk outside and acknowledge the people there. The only things she wanted to acknowledge were her pillows and her duvet when she inevitably would fall asleep in the next hour or so.
But, when that plan drifted to her mind, she heard something come from the large glass doors that were currently covered by a pair of thick curtains. It wasn’t a constant noise, it was just one thump coming from the bottom corner of the left door, but after that, it stopped.
Curious, if a little hesitant, (Y/N) rolled herself off of the bed and stopped for a moment shivering at the cold wooden floor making contact with her bare feet. She had been under a duvet for so long that any kind of air felt freezing on her skin. She continued to the doors though, not fully opening the curtains but peeking out of the small parting in the middle.
There, sitting against her glass doors was Peter. His knees were curled up to his chest, in the exact same position she had been in not 5 minutes before. He still had his suit on, so she assumed that he had been on a patrol, but his privacy had gone out of the window as soon as he reached her balcony. His mask was carelessly thrown on the floor next to him and he was looking out at the view of New York; his face holding tear tracks that wouldn’t stop flowing.
“Pete, it’s freezing out here, you need to come inside,” she said, opening the door slightly to alert her boyfriend, who looked up and was about to stand but ultimately just stayed curled into the door, his eyes fixed on the buildings of New York.
Knowing she wasn’t going to get much out of him, (Y/N) wrapped a jacket around herself that was lying on her desk chair, and curled up next to the teenager, the two embracing each other as the waterworks began to open for the girl, and Peter’s all but continued.
“Do you miss him?” Peter asked with a small voice, and he felt (Y/N)’s head rest on his shoulder, and he could sense the nod that she gave, even if the wet patch that was now leaking through the shoulder of his red and blue suit wasn’t a dead giveaway in itself.
“More than ever, but Pep has been a big help. And I’ve got to stay strong, for Morgan,” she murmured, her fingers twiddling around each other, a desperate attempt to try and distract herself from the sharp pain in her heart that she felt every single time that her father was mentioned.
Upon starting the topic, (Y/N) unclasped the locket that was around her neck, opening the charm to see a small portrait of her father on the left side, with Peter on the other. Just seeing her father’s smile again brought more tears to her eyes. He was forever preserved in his pictures. From the angle she was sitting at as well, she could see her father’s helmet on her desk, a protector. She felt safer with it there.
From her balcony, she had a perfect view of the small pond, and there was always a bunch of flowers whimsically floating around on it, his first arc reactor lying in the middle, the winter sun reflecting off of the metal.
“I think he’d be proud of us,” Peter choked out, holding his girlfriend’s hand tightly as the two huddled for warmth and comfort, remembering the father figure they had both lost.
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legitlaur · 5 years
Deception 3 // Mysterio
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pairing: Quentin Beck/Mysterio x Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none
Summary: Quentin helps you when you have a panic attack and stands up for Fury for you. When you confess feelings for him he debates whether or not to tell you the truth
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Agent Hill looked up from her tablet for only a split second, “Finally, we gotta move.” 
“Where are we going now?” You and Quentin asked in unison.
“Prague.” Fury barked behind you.
You turned around, “The Fire Elemental is going to Prague? What about the kid? I, um.” You turned to Quentin, “I’m feeling a little, a little light-headed.”
He grabbed you and sat you down next to him on the closest chair, “I think she's sick,” he told Fury, “I better take to Prague. It’ll be less chaotic, but I promise we will get there in no time.”
“Unacceptable, agent y/l/n is fine. She and you will travel with everyone else.”
Quentin stood up, leaving you nothing to lean on. He stood eye level with your boss, “y/n is a human being, not just an agent. Her health is a top priority and will come before the mission.”
“I’ve left you a car. You have 24 hours to get to Prague.”
“Thank you, sir,” you muttered.
Quentin rushed to you, “Let's get you back to the hotel room. Once I get you situated, I’ve got some errands I’ve got to run.”
You didn’t remember much, everything was a blur. Quentin put you in a car, buckled your seatbelt and held your hand. The next thing you knew you were in a different hotel than the one you slept the previous night.
“I’ll be back soon, get some sleep.” He tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead. 
You couldn’t sleep very well. The stress of everything kept making you think and stress more. If your mind calmed down enough to sleep the nightmares came back. Always the same nightmare.
“I love you y/n.” your ex would always say.
You would always reply with, “I love you too.” 
He would pull a gun on you, the barrel touching your forehead. “I’m doing this because I love you. You need to get out of this place, this world its. This world is full of evil.”
You grip the knife in your hand, “You’re the evil.” when his back is turned you drive the knife into him. Breaking flesh you pushed the knife in further when you let go. You stood over his body, watching it thud onto the glass floor.
Shattering your world.
“Quentin?” you called into the empty darkness of your hotel room. 
There was no response. Your heart began racing, tears came crashing down.
He left me?
He, he lied to me?
It was all a trick!
Your throat was closing, unable to breathe you tried gasping for air. This was the end. You would die of suffocation, all the lies and illusions you’d been fed were blocking your airway. Life was being sucked right out of you. There was nothing, you were ready. Finally.
The light the bright, you squinted from the pain. Something warm was holding you, your fragile body was pressed up against something warm and sturdy.
It wasn’t until his hands were running through your hair that you could hear someone speaking.
“Sssh. You’re safe y/n, I’ll protect you.” His silky voice kept repeating.
You didn’t speak, instead, you grabbed his shirt. Pulling him closer, he wrapped his arms around you even tighter, “I won’t let you go.”
You stayed there until fell asleep in his arms. When you woke up you were in the car again.
“Good morning,” the silky voice welcomed you back to life.
You rubbed your eyes and sat up, “How far until Prague?” 
He took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, “We’ll be there soon.”
You kept looking at your shoes, “I’m really sorry you have to deal with me. I can’t be left alone for like what? An hour?”
“Don’t do that.” His voice sounded angry. 
“Do what?”
He sighed, “Blame yourself. It’s not your fault. Remember I told you how I was a mess when my wife died?”
You nodded. 
“I didn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, I had panic attacks all the time. Much worse than what happened to you today. I truly think if my world was still around they would’ve locked me up. Things get messy when you have powers and you freak out.” He began laughing, “You can’t blame yourself, he was probably HYDRA before you fell in love with him. There was nothing you could’ve done.”
“You’re really good at the whole pep-talk thing. I really owe you, Quentin. You’ve practically saved my life.”
He squeezed your hand, a feeling becoming so familiar you were scared to not have it. “You don’t owe me anything y/n. I’m doing what Fury should have done long ago.”
You fell back asleep and woke up in Prague. Quentin reminded you that food was a thing, he watched you eat a bowl of fruit. Once you had some energy the two of you heading to meet Fury. 
You were completely aware that he would yell at you in front of everyone and tell you to get your act together, his boots stomping into the room gave you a moment to take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the lecture of a lifetime. 
Instead of hearing a rough voice, you heard Quentin’s soft and gentle voice, “Fury, may I talk to you privately?” 
You grabbed his shoulder, “What are you doing?” 
His blue eyes showed the sorrow he felt, “Something someone should have done long ago.”
Fury followed him out of the room. 
“What was that about?” Hill mumbled. 
You shrugged, “Do you need any help?” 
“Make sure all agents are accounted for and send them all to the quinjet. There are lots of things to be unloaded”
You went to work, this was something you could easily do. Not fieldwork, but management. If only Fury understood that you have other skills and you’re more than just a field agent.
You finished gathering everyone to the quinjet, all that was left was to facilitate the group. 
“Y/n pack your bags, I’m sending you home. Await further instructions once you land in DC” Fury's voice called out.
You spun around, Quentin was behind him smiling at you. “Wait, what? You’re sending me home? Why?”
Fury turned to Quentin, “Mr. Beck brought up some concerns about your involvement in this mission. He has asked to escort you to the airport. Go.”
Before he changed his mind you rushed Quentin to the car you were in  “What did you say to him?” You threw your tablet in the bag and put your hair in a ponytail. “Fury never changes his mind, you must be very persuasive.”
His gentle hands took yours, “Sit down,” he guided you to the passenger seat, “I told him about your condition, and that you are too unstable to be a field agent. When he didn’t agree, I told him I would back out if he didn’t send you home.” 
Your throat went dry, “Thank you.”
He squeezed your hands, “You need help. I’m going to get if for you, but first, let’s get you home.”
Quentin held your hand the whole car ride. You were beginning to question whether you were more than friends.
He took his eyes off the road, “Yeah?”
Inhaling you asked, “Why are you being so kind to me?”
There was a small smile creeping onto his face, “When I first saw your photo in the file Fury gave me I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”
Your eyes were pooling with tears, “Beck.”
He pulled into the airport parking lot, “I kept reading and you were so talented.” Changing the gear into park he turned, his whole body was facing towards you, “You were even more beautiful in person. Then when I saw you crying in the hall, I knew it was something serious. A SHIELD agent doesn’t break down easily.” 
The tears finally fell, with a mix of crying you laughed, “You’d be surprised.”
Quentin wiped away your tears, “y/n why are you crying?” he almost chuckled. 
You grabbed his hand before it left your cheek, “I just think it’s crazy. Somehow I am falling for a man from a different world, and that’s not even the craziest part.” 
“What’s the craziest part?”
You weren’t even sure if what you were about to say is true, but if it wasn’t then you definitely needed to go home. “I think he’s falling for me too.”
“He’s falling,” Quentin’s other hand grabbed your chin, pulling your face closer to him, “Is this okay?”
Your heart was racing, your voice came out as a small whisper, “yes.”
His lips pressed against yours. He was so gentle and soft. It was quick and sweet, a perfect kiss. 
“Please don’t hate me but, I need to complete this mission.” You cupped his cheeks in your hands, “I’m eternally grateful to you for standing up to Fury. But I’ve never failed a mission and I don’t want to ruin that streak, also I don’t think I can take care of myself as well as you can take care of me.” 
He put his hands over yours, “I don’t hate you, I understand.” He let go and turned to face the steering wheel.
“I need to think,” his voice was more rough than usual.
You felt the silence weighing you down, something bad was happening. He must have planned to send you home, kiss you once and send you home with no strings attached.
“If you don’t want anything to do with me, please just tell me the truth. I can handle it, I can’t handle this silence.”
 “You want the truth?” He sounded scared.
“That's all I’ve ever wanted.” you were nearly yelling.
He reversed out of the parking lot and sped through the city, “The truth y/n, I’m afraid you’re not going to like.”
You interrupted, “Where are you taking me?”
“One thing I need you to know before is that everything I feel about you, that I want to help you, is all true, 100 percent.”
“Quentin! What are you talking about, and where are you taking me?” You were screaming now.
He pulled up to a warehouse, “To the truth, come with me.”
He opened his car door, ran around and opened yours, “Please,” he reached his hand out towards you.
“I’m not going to get murdered right?” You half-joked.
His smile faded, “No but you’ll want to murder me.” His hand pulled you close to him as he walked into the warehouse.
“My name is Quentin Beck, I was born on this Earth. There is no multiverse, that we know of. I don’t have powers, and Mysterio is a trick.” His let go of your hand and ran up to a table with multiple computers on it.
“Mysterio is a trick?” You repeated to yourself.
He was trying feverishly, “I’ll show you. I wanted to give the world something to believe in. Iron Man is gone, so many people have lost hope. I want to give the world hope again.” 
“People believe you? Fury? No, I saw first hand, your powers are real.” You argued.
“It's easy to fool people when they’re already fooling themselves.”
Your lip trembled, “Quentin, you lied to me.”
He ran up to you and grabbed your hands, pulling them up to his chest, “I know, but it won’t work if it's not kept a secret, and now that you know you can help. Then I’ll take care of you and we can be together.”
“Can we?”
a/n: i actually have no clue if I should do a next part, lmk
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spideydaddyboy · 4 years
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Series Masterlist
wc: 2011
(This chapter has to do with Gwen Stacy’s band, click here for a playlist of the set I put together even though only two songs are mentioned below)
The Fringe Cafe was in the middle of the city. A cool hipster coffee shop by day and a seedy alternative Bar by night. It was a regular gig for the Mary Janes. The band was front-lined by an old friend from high school, Michelle Jones-who wrote the small amount of original songs among their cover sets, and Gwen was on the drums. The rest of the band accrued through flyer’s they posted all over the city and was what they could get from the less than enthusiastic response to join their band. Over all they were pretty decent, the Fringe was a regular gig and even presented them as headliners. 
They practiced during the in between hours when the cafe staff cleaned and left for the day and the bar crew came to set up. The stage was small, so there was only room for Gwen’s beast of a secondhand drum set and the rest of the band set up on the floor. It was kind of their thing to get up in the crowds faces when they jammed, it was great discounting the occasional grope a middle aged man tried to sneak in every other song. Michelle handled that pretty well, managing to break a finger in between chord variations.
Gwen breezed through the back door, yanking the orange cap off her head,  shedding her jacket and bag on the retro black and white tiled floor, “sorry I’m late guys, I got held up.”
Michelle tapped the mic, providing ear shrilling feedback, Gwen grimaced, Michelle smirked, “what the hell are you wearing Stacy.”
The blonde looked down at her pressed creamy white blouse and navy flared corduroy pants, her black slip on docs the only thing adding back the substance the blouse and tartan headband took away, “I told you, I got held up, I didn’t even have time to change.”
Vinny on the bass snickered, “pop a few buttons at least,” earning a smack on the back of his head by their lead guitarist Margo. 
Rolling her eyes, Gwen loosened the top three buttons on her blouse and tied the front, her (not quite natural purple shampooed) light blonde hair fell to her shoulders out of the tight ponytail she kept it in all morning, and reapplied a coat of cherry lip gloss to her lips. The set list laid out on one of the round empty tables by the stage and she took a long look at it before settling behind her drum set. Sound check had already been gone through during her absence and Gwen didn’t need a mic tonight, she gave the ready to Michelle who counted off for the first song, which was a cover of Harvard by Diet Cig. 
When Gwen played the drums, it was a stress reliever, better than any drug. Pounding out all the doubt of her achievements, the uncertainty of success, her loneliness, all of it. By the end of a set Gwen would be on a surge of dopamine.
 They finished the practice and took a break as patrons began to filtering through and getting drinks. Michelle was yet to turn 21 and Gwen didn’t particularly enjoy drinking, so they sat on the stage nursing glasses of cola. Vinny stood at the bar chatting up a pink haired twink and Margo was off in the back alley way taking a smoke. 
“I finally nailed that gig at the Cherry Pit,” Michelle  took a proud swig of her soda. “It’s an opening act for some emo pop group called ANGELCAKE or whatever but it’s an act nonetheless.”
Gwen grinned and tipped her glass, “kudos to you, we’ve been trying to get an in on that place for months. You’ve got a set of iron balls Michelle, I would’ve given up by now.”
The girl next to her smirked smugly and stood, “I’m gonna go to the ladies before we start, watch the tools?” Gwen agreed and finished off her drink, mounting the stage to fiddle with a loose screw they missed setting up.
“The Mary Janes huh?” A familiar voice rose above the drunken chatter, “didn’t peg you for a girl band.”
She spun, meeting a pair of deep blue eyes and a wide set of perfect teeth, “Harry!” Suddenly she lost the ability to breath, all too aware of the tastefully dressed billionaire's son in front of her, and the midriff accompanied with her cleavage on display in the same blouse she introduced herself in earlier that day, “oh my god, what is Harry Osborne doing here of all places?” She itched to button her shirt, but knew it would only draw his attention.
An amused smile played on his lips, “you, surprisingly. I asked around and was told by your roommate Sam I’d find you here.”
“Oh,” she squeaked, noting to give Samantha an earful when she got home. “Uh yeah, started playing drums in band class and upgraded to this after I graduated. My friend MJ and I always wanted to and here we are I guess.”
“MJ? Mary Jane?” Harry thought he had made a connection and Gwen was bemused.
“No, Michelle Jones, but it’s quite a coincidence,” she gestured at the instruments. “Are you staying for the show? The set starts in a few minutes and it’ll maybe only last 25 minutes long, I mean if you can stand a little punk music.”
He slid off his designer jacket and threw it on the floor next to what he recognized to be Gwen’s puffer, “I think I’ll manage.”
Michelle appeared from behind Harry and googled at him, Gwen grinned, “great, looks like we’re about to start.”
“I wouldn’t stand at the front if I were you,” Michelle piped, swinging her electric over her shoulder. 
Vinny left his boyfriend for the night at the bar and Margo slouched in place, the smell of cigarette smoke coming off her in waves. Michelle introduced them as the ‘Fabulous and Marvelous Mary Janes’ and Gwen started the count off with a few hard hits of her sticks. Through the rowdy crowd, she made eye contact with Harry, who stood toward the middle in his own little pocket, eyes lit up as he watched her play. She gave him a daring smile and he winked, luckily her face was already red from how hard she played. The drums were like an extension of herself, her body seemed to respond to them naturally, like she knew all the right places to hit and create the perfect clash of acoustic. To Gwen, it was her art. 
Half way through the set, Gwen noticed Peter in the back corner when she looked up to wipe the sweat from her eyes. He gave her his signature boyish grin and she beamed. It was only by occasion since the start of the school year that Peter would pop by her gigs, at least that was what she thought. He would take breaks to listen outside for a couple minutes during his rounds for every gig she had, tonight he decided to make a personal appearance after listening to how she felt apart from him lately, in fact he was pretty excited to see her play. It had been a while since the last time.
They finished off the set with a modern punk version of Don’t You(Forget About Me) by the Police, out of breath and drenched in sweat. Gwen untied the tartan fabric headband and used it to wipe the perspiration off her forehead and dabbed it along her chest, army shaky and weak. Two boys came to greet her; the Prince and the Pauper. 
Peter went straight for Gwen once she rounded the drums to the edge of the stage, giving her a tight squeeze and disregarding how damp she was, Harry looked on from a distance, “that was so great! I forget how amazing you are with those beats!”
Harry stepped forward when Peter let go, eyes darting between the two, “you guys sounded great Gwen, I wish I’d seen it sooner.” The two men scrutinized each other and Gwen made the first move.
“Uh, Harry Osborne, this is Peter,” she gestured to her long time friend. 
Peter caught on and held his hand out to shake and Harry put forth, squeezing his hand back a little two hard, “boyfriend?”
“NO!” Gwen and Peter mirrored each other, bright red and flustered at Harry’s assumption. “No,” Gwen continued, “just good friends, we’ve known each other since high school, Michelle too who you met kind of already.”
“Oh I apologize,” he laughed it off and Peter hinted at the relief in his composure. “Well it’s late, and my driver should be around here soon…”he trailed off.
Nervously Gwen held her hand out, “let me give you my number, in-in case you wanna come to any more gigs, I can get you the details without you having to search for me.”
Harry looked delighted as he gave the disheveled blonde his phone, unaware of the harsh glare Peter directed toward him, “great! Great, it was nice to see you, I’m glad I came. I’ll be in touch,” he mused and nodded in Peter’s direction before weaving his way out to the door. 
Peter felt uneasy, “didn’t think you had the guts to invite him to your gig Gwennie.”
“I didn’t,” she let out all the breath trapped in her lungs. “He just showed up, said he asked around for me-I’m gonna beat Samantha to a pulp when I get home.”
He chuckled, swinging his keys around on his finger, “need a lift? Subway’s kind of dangerous this time of night.”
“Yeah, let me grab my bag,” she muttered and struggled to untie the knot in her shirt.
Peter huffed and swatted her sweaty fingers away, tugging at the fabric himself and Gwen along with it in a few stumbly steps. She held her breath again with Peter being in such close proximity, heat rolled off his fingers onto the skin of her stomach and up close she could see every individual eyelash as he looked down. The blouse jerked free from its tangle and he did up the last couple buttons where he untied, leaving the top ones for Gwen to handle, his blush hidden by the red stage lighting in the room. 
“I’ll be by the door,” he gestured with his keys and maneuvered his way to the entrance. 
Things scooped in hand and ears fully covered, Peter and Gwen hopped in the beat up pumpkin colored Chevy low rider Peter saved up for their Senior year, it was as orange as her knit cap. The radio played low, a classic rock tape Peter made drifted through the silence. It was surprisingly quiet for the city tonight. 
Gwen leaned her head against the glass, eyes closed, the back of her head tilted back against the headrest. At an intersection Peter looked over and observed her, the smoothness of her fair skin, how the stoplight reflected off of it and gave her a blushed glow. Her lips, pink and parted with the remnant of lip gloss sweated off earlier in the evening smudged across the corners. He reached over and it came off easily with his thumb. Before he could replace his hand on the wheel, Gwen reached up and grasped it firmly in her hands, then placed them in her lap. He chuckled, aware she was fully passed out, but he wouldn’t miss a golden opportunity to be held in her hands. So he kept it there as the light turned green, steering with his left until he got to her apartment and ruefully had to tug his hand away. He watched her for a few quiet moments, listened to her take in a breath and went around to the other side of the truck to carry her up the stairs without waking her. Tucked in her blankets, Peter took one more second to look at her face, so calm and beautiful. He placed a kiss on her forehead and decided to call it a night.
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(A/N): THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! Again I am super excited to duke this series and lay out all the crazy plot twists and love triangles that comes with a good fanfic, I hope you enjoyed! (If you wanna check out more of my writing, click here!)
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