#Peter H. Wong
demospectator · 4 months
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The then newly-restored plaque in St. Mary’s Square honoring the “Americans of Chinese Ancestry” who gave their lives for America in its world wars, November 10, 2018. Photograph by Doug Chan.
The Last Full Measure: St. Mary’s Square Monument to the Fallen of Chinese America
In his book San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to its History & Architecture, historian Philip P. Choy, shared his observations about the monuments in St. Mary’s Square as follows:
“Across from the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a less imposing but more significant monument, with 97 names of Chinese American soldiers of our community, who made the supreme sacrifice in World War I and II. Every year on Veterans Day, the Cathay Post No. 384 and the VFW Chinatown Post march to the square to honor those who died for us, that they never be forgotten. This commemorative plaque and day of remembrance are more symbolic of Chinese America than Sun Yat-sen’s statue and the “Ten Ten” celebration.”
During the Second World War, thousands of young men and women enlisted or were drafted from Chinatowns, Japantowns (and concentration camps), Manilatowns, and other small communities across the country.
According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and researchers at the Oakland Museum, 13,499 Chinese American men fought in the armed forces. (Community estimates range as high as 20,000.) Approximately 75 percent served in the US Army, with ground units such as the 3rd and 4th Infantry Divisions in Europe and the 6th, 32nd and 77th Infantry Divisions in the Pacific. A quarter of the total Chinese American personnel under arms served in the Navy. Still others served in specialized units, such as the all-Chinese American 1157th Signal Corps -- part of 14th Air Service Group that would join the fight against Imperial Japan in the China Burma India theatre of operations.
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Group of Chinese recruits for the U. S. Navy taking their oath on top of a captured Japanese submarine, on Navy Day in San Francisco Chinatown, October 27, 1942. Associated Press photographer unknown (from the collection of the San Francisco Public Library). As written on the verso: ""A two-man Jap submarine, captured after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, T.H. [Territory of Hawaii], began its nation-wide tour in San Francisco Oct. 27. In Chinatown, Chinese recruits for the U.S. Navy lined up on the vessel and took their oath. It was part of Navy Day ceremonies."
The Chinese American men who served in the armed forces during WW II comprised 20 percent of all such men in the continental U.S. As historian Iris Chang would write decades later, “ethnic Chinese men gave their lives disproportionate to their presence in the country.”
As in many cities, the public spaces in San Francisco had included memorials to the fallen in America’s wars. On Memorial Day on May 30, 1919, city officials and thousands of spectators dedicated a 15-acre plot as the “Grove of Heroes,” in remembrance of the US dead and wounded in the First World War. In 1930, a sculpture originally created by M. Earl Cummings for the Pan Pacific International Exposition was acquired and installed in the meadow adjacent to the grove. The bronze figure holding a laurel wreath became known as the “Doughboy Statue,” and it is readily noticeable from the park’s John F. Kennedy drive and promenade. On Armistice Day (now known as Veterans Day), November 13, 1932, public officials assembled again to dedicate an 18-ton granite boulder (reportedly quarried from Twin Peaks) to commemorate US war dead. The monument, which was sponsored by the Native Sons of the Golden West, was inscribed with the names of 748 men and 13 women, all local soldiers and volunteers who died during the Great War.
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The Doughboy Statue in the “Grove of Heroes” in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The plaque, sponsored by the Native Sons of the Golden West and inscribed with the names of US dead in two world wars, omits the names of non-white military personnel killed in the line of duty.
Although Chinese Americans had served and died in WW I, no Chinese names had ever been inscribed in any of San Francisco’s war memorial monuments from that era. Their omission was hardly surprising. The Native Sons of the Golden West had been founded in July 1875 as a fraternal organization "embracing only the sons of those sturdy pioneers who arrived on this coast prior to the admission of California as a state." In the 1920s, the Native Sons adopted a white nativist stance on public policy issues. President William P. Canbu of the Native Sons wrote that “California was given by God to a white people, and with God’s strength we want to keep it as He gave it to us.” The Native Sons openly opposed Chinese, Mexican, and Japanese immigration. At the outset of the Second World War, the organization waged an unsuccessful legal battle for Japanese Americans to be disenfranchised.
The size of the returning cohort of Chinese American men (and the few women) from the Second World War had been unprecedented, and they produced a transformative generation of determined civic activists in the postwar era. As was the case with many other communities of color in the country, Chinese Americans had to struggle for acceptance and civil rights. Community activists such as John C. Young, a retired colonel from the United States Army and World War II veteran, made it their mission to join the struggle for Chinese Americans’ civil rights and participation in mainstream society. Young’s family led that effort by example as one of the first Chinese families to buy a home in defiance of racially-restrictive covenants against homeownership in San Francisco’s Richmond District (See the story here: https://www.outsidelands.org/chinese-in-the-richmond-alfred-john-young-and-connie-young-yu.php)
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Left to right: Janey Young Cheu, Connie Young Yu, Mary Lee Young, Lt. Col. John C. Young, and Alfred John Young in the Young family house at 674 37th Avenue, circa 1952. (Courtesy of Al Young)
With the onset of the Cold War and actual armed conflict on the Korean peninsula, Chinese American leaders sensed that the path toward progress and acceptance of Chinese Americans had been jeopardized by the People’s Republic of China’s deploying troops to support North Korea’s military against UN forces.
As a commander of the American Legion Post #384 (Cathay Post), John Young and his fellow veterans spearheaded a proposal to erect a war memorial to the fallen Chinese American Veterans of World War I and World War II.
In 1951, the same year in which the Native Sons added the names of 16 white members who had died in World War II to the plaque on the rock pedestal of the Doughboy Statue, Chinese American veterans’ proposal to honor their fallen comrades in Chinatown gained acceptance.
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Members of the VFW Chinatown post and Cathay Post no. 384 of the American Legion huddle and review conceptual drawings for a St. Mary’s Square monument with San Francisco Mayor Elmer Robinson in the Mayor’s office in City Hall, c. 1951. Standing (left to right): Lim P. Lee, Peter H. Wong (unidentified veteran), Shaw Pange, Charles Leong, and Joseph Quan. Sitting: John C. Young, Mayor Elmer Robinson, and James Hall. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the late Col. John C. Young and his daughter Connie Young Yu).
Before 1951, a large and dramatic stainless steel statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, designed local sculptor Benny Bufano, represented the principal statuary in St. Mary's Square.
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St. Mary's Square Nov 12, 1943. In this view of St. Mary's Square, looking north toward Old St. Mary's Church, members of San Francisco’s Chinese community bow before the statue of Sun Yat Sen on the occasion of Dr. Sun’s birthday. Among those attending the ceremony was Tse Kiong Sun, grandson of Sun Yat Sen. Photographer unknown (Courtesy of a private collector).
According to historian Phil Choy, the statue had been commissioned by the Chinese Six Companies to commemorate October 10, 1911, the day Dr. Sun's revolutionary party overthrew the Manchu government and established the Republic of China. As Choy wrote in 2012:
“For almost a century, October 10th, known by the Chinese as “Ten Ten,” was a major day of celebration in the community. Banners stretched across Grant Avenue. Organized by the Chinese Six Companies, drum & bugle corps and pupils from every Chinese language school dutifully paraded through the streets. Today the celebration no longer has 100% community support. Members of the Chinese Six Companies are divided; some still embrace the Kuomintang (KMT) Party of the former Republic of China (now the Taiwanese Government), while others support the People’s Republic of China.”
The efforts by the Chinese community’s veterans and supporters to honor the fallen of two world wars culminated in 1951 with the installation of the memorial plaque still seen today in St. Mary's Square. (A recounting of the memorial's dedication and other recollections by the daughter of one of the leaders in the effort to establish the monument, historian Connie Young Yu, may be heard here. (https://chiamgi.substack.com/p/col-john-c-young-profile?triedRedirect=true)
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“Soldiers firing salute at dedication of memorial to deceased Chinese-American veterans at St. Mary's Square,” May 28, 1951. Mayor Elmer Robinson stands at center in dark suit. Photographer Unknown (Examiner Negative Collection / courtesy of a private collector)
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A large crowd attended the dedication ceremonies for the Chinese veterans memorial at St Mary’s Square on May 28, 1951. An Army band is seated with musical instruments, and members of the Chinatown Boy Scouts troop appear in the right foreground. Photographer unknown (form a private collection).
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Civic leader and president of the Wing Nien Soy Sauce Co. Col. John C. Young (ret.) speaks to the crowd assembled on May 28, 1951, for the dedication of the memorial to Chinese American service personnel killed during the First and Second World Wars. His speech to the crowd occurred in the presence of his former commanding officer, General Albert Wedemeyer, under whom Young served as a heavy weapons officer in the China-Burma-India theater of operations.
If the irony of Chinese Americans' entering the US armed forces during wartime was apparent, it was never expressed publicly by those who had served honorably. Native-born, as well immigrants ineligible to naturalize as citizens by punitive immigration laws, had answered the call to service for an America that had, for most of the previous century, robbed, murdered, burned, lynched, taxed, and excluded the pioneer generations, while building much of the political economy of the American West on the strength of Asian labor.
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Veterans from Chinatown's American Legion Cathay Post 384 and VFW Chinatown Post 4618 assembled on Memorial Day 2016 in front of the WW I and II memorial plaque in St. Mary’s Square to commemorate the Chinese American fallen in all the nation’s conflicts and wars. Photograph by Doug Chan.
The numbers of Chinese Americans KIA and MIA from the world wars remain imprecise. The honored dead, including Medal of Honor recipient Capt. Francis B. Wai are, and will be, remembered in perpetuity for their extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty. For others, such as Lt. Kenneth Kai-Kee, the memories, grief and loss of those he left behind have already faded with the passing of family, friends, and loved ones.
The passage of time confers on community historians the duty to impart to each new generation the mission to remember the wartime sacrifices of Chinese America's sons and daughters. The debt to those who gave the last full measure of devotion must be honored in perpetuity.
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Photograph by Doug Chan.
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missr3n3 · 8 months
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im almost done with the rough draft of rotten roots chapter 3, but at what cost?
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httpscomexe · 1 month
No Way Home
Summary: After a stressful meeting with Peter Parker, you try to help Stephen Strange unwind a little.
Parings: Stephen Strange x Reader
Warnings: Spell use, language, No Way Home scenes (Actual Dialogue), Smut (Oral, p in v, unprotected, f on birth control), fingering, wound (no description), self deprecating jokes, choking, safe word, some aftercare, little fluff.
Word Count: 3989
“I’ve been practising magic for years, teaching you everything I know, and here we are.” you chuckle a little as Stephen sighs at your every comment.
“I asked Wong to cast the maintenance spell, he’s not the best listener.”
“Well Wong has more important duties as the sorcerer supreme.”
“He wouldn’t be the sorcerer supreme if I hadn’t blipped for 5 years.” The coffee machine made a bubbling sound as it filled the rest of his cup and he walked towards you. “I don’t really understand why they didn’t make you the sorcerer supreme.” He takes a sip of his coffee as he stares down at you,
“Because she tries escaping the sanctum. We all know she has very powerful that she can’t quite control yet and we need to keep her here until we know we can trust her.” Wong walks out of the kitchen, casting a portal and walking into it. “While I’m gone, you get babysitting duties.” You scoff, you know how to control your powers, you just choose not to listen to them.
“I don’t think she needs babysitting Wong.”
“Even if she doesn’t need it, she already follows you around like a puppy already anyways.”
“Yea I’ve noticed that…” He turns to look at you with his head tilted. “You have been clinging onto me like your life depends on it haven't you? Always by my side.” He smiles a little. You were surprised he’s only just now realizing it.
I only shrug.
“Well it’s cold down here, while you’re going back and forth between portals, Y/N and I are going upstairs where it's a little warmer.” He opens a portal to the upstairs, not wanting you to slip on the stairs… again…
“Alright. You keep an eye on that girl, she’s trouble.” Wong waves a finger and you smirk so he knows you’re already up to something as you all go through a portal. 
“We are all in shock at this news today!” The lady on the TV talks and talks about everything boring as Stephen goes through some papers of research. “After this video was released from the now deceased Quentin Beck, also known as ‘Mysterio’ the entire world is shocked to see a teenage face under the famous ‘spiderman’ mask, a 17 year old Midtown high student named Peter Parker.” That’s not good.
“Oh boy.” You hear Stephen mumble behind you.
“How do you think he’s feeling about all of it” you stand up from the couch and walk towards Stephen who’s now looking at the TV as a clip from the video Mysterio recorded plays behind you.
“Well I’m sure he’s gonna find a way to make things worse. He’s on his way here right now actually.” He reaches to his right and his cape flies onto his back.
“How would you know that?”
“Y/N sweetie, I know everything.” He whispers softly into your ear, sending small butterflies through your belly as he walks past you and begins down the stairs. As you always do, you begin to follow behind him.
At the bottom of the stairs you hear a high pitched voice and Wong speaking back, and you see Stephen speaking as well. As you get halfway down the stairs, you see Peter Parker.
“The most famous person in the world, I know.” Wong enters through a portal, setting down several suitcases. “Wong.” He introduces himself quickly. “Try not to slip, we don’t have liability insurance.”
“Is all this for a holiday party?” You see Peter take a few steps forward, examining the sanctorum filled with snow and ice.
“No, one of the Rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. A blizzard blasted through.” Stephen leaves your side at the center of the staircase and floats down the steps with a coffee mug in his hands, slipping a little when he lands.
“Because someone forgot to cast the monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight.” He speaks as he reaches the last step.
“That’s right, he did, because he forgot I now have higher duties-”
“Higher duties?”
“The sorcerer supreme has higher duties, yes.”
“Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme-” Peter breaks their conversation and Stephen looks back at him.
“No, he got it on a technicality cause I blipped for five years.”
“Oh.” He looks at Wong. “Well, congratulations.”
Stephen starts back up. “If I’d been here, then I would have-”
“Burned the whole place down.” Wong walks in front of Stephen. “You two! No one said ‘stop shoveling’”
“So, Peter. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Stephen begins to walk to the fireplace.
“Right umm… I’m really sorry to bother you, sir, but-”
“Please, we saved half the universe together, I think we’re beyond you calling me sir.” You started to walk down the stairs to them, smiling softly at Wong as he helped the two people shovel snow.
When you enter the room, you see Stephen lighting the fireplace with some magic.
“Okay, uh, Stephen-”
“That feels weird. But I’ll allow it.”
“Uh, when, um… when Mysterio revealed my identity, my entire life got screwed up.” You stood at the entrance, staring at the fireplace with Peters back to you as he spoke. “And, I was wondering… I mean, I don’t really know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if… maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did?”
“Peter, we tampered with the stability of spacetime to resurrect countless lives. You want to do it again now just cause yours got messy?”
“This isn’t- It’s not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My uh… my Aunt May. Happy. My best friend, my girlfriend… their futures are ruined. Just because they know me and they’ve… done… nothing… wrong…?” Peter pauses randomly as he finishes his sentence, you assume his spider sense is catching onto something so you use your own magic to summon some knives.
Suddenly, he quickly turns around and a string of white liquid shoots out at your left hand, sticking it to the table next to you.
“Y/N?!” Peter walks towards you when he realizes who it is. “Oh my God, I thought you were dead!” He gets closer and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Yea, hey Pete.” He hugs you tighter and you use your free hand so gently hug him back.
“Have you been here the whole time?” He finally pulls away from you, both of his hands gently rest on your shoulders. “Sorry I shot a web at your hand, I guess my spider sense still recognizes you as Black Bee.” (Your villain name) You took a deep breath when he said that name. You haven’t been Martyr for a long time. Just as Bucky hasn’t been The Winter Soldier for a long time, but yet you both still have to be locked up in separate places.
“Well that’s unfortunate isn’t it Peter?” you mumble and Peter lets go of you, easily ripping the web fluid off my hand. “Good thing I’m not anymore, or I swear I wouldn’t be stuck in the sanctum right now.” Peter looks down at you confused. Then he looks up at Stephen.
“Why isn’t she allowed to leave?”
“Because she’s not completely safe yet. Last time we tried bringing her to the store so she could get something for her drawings, she lashed out on a random civilian because they accidentally ran into her backside with their shopping cart.” He sighs and looks at you. You were smiling, clearly proud of yourself. “You should’ve seen the look of fear on that poor womans face as Y/n-”
“Okay, I think you and Peter were talking about something more important before he almost attacked me, Strange.” you cut him off, not wanting to relive the embarrassing memory.
“Right, I am so sorry Peter, but even if I wanted to… I don’t have the Time Stone Anymore.” Strange drops the subject quickly and refocuses on Peter.
“That’s right.” He groans a little. “I’m really sorry if I wasted your time.”
“No, you didn’t-”
“Forget about it.” Behind you, Wong picks up his suitcases and joins the conversation again.
“Oh, he will. He’s very good at forgetting things.”
“Wong, you've actually generated a good idea…”
“The Runes of Kof-Kol?” Peter looked at Strange questionably.
“The Runes of Kof-Kol?”
“Oh, it’s just a standard spell of forgetting. It won’t turn back time, but at least people will forget that you were ever Spider-Man.”
“Seriously? That would be-” Your heart beated quickly when Peter's interest rose in Kof-Kol. You and Wong both spoke at the same time.
“No, not seriously!” Wong turns from you to Strange. “That spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality. It’s too dangerous.”
“We’ve used it for a lot less. Do you remember the full moon party at Kamar-Taj?”
“Exactly.” Strange waits for a moment before speaking again. He doesn’t even bother addressing you since you weren’t anywhere near being allowed to tell him no. “Come on. Wong… hasn’t he been through enough?”
You watch as Wong's face softens, behind him, another portal opens to Kamar-Taj. “Just leave me out of this.”
“Fine.” Wong enters the portal and it closes quickly behind him. Then Strange turns to Peter and has a friendly grin on his face.
The scene in the ancient chamber plays. Strange attempts to cast the spell, Peter keeps changing it mid spell, Strange gets mad at Peter.
Upstairs, everything starts shaking and you look over as a relic falls apart when one of the apprentices tries to hold onto it for support. You quickly make your way down to make sure everything is alright.
“Did it work?” Your voice shook as you looked around and saw Strange visibly angered.
“No. He changed my spell six times-”
“Five times.” You both looked over at Peter who now looked nervous again.
“You changed my spell! You don’t do that! I told you-” He looks at the trapped spell in the centre of the room. “And that is why!” You all look towards the orb with the tiny spell inside. “That spell was completely out of control. If I hadn’t shut it down, something catastrophic could have happened!”
“Stephen, listen, I am so sorry-”
“Call me sir”
Everything is quiet for a moment as you watch the exchange, already developing a way to talk to Strange who you felt was being way too hard on Peter.
“Sorry, sir…” Peter mumbled.
“You know, after everything we’ve been through together, somehow I always forget you’re… you’re just a kid.” You watch as Peter looks down, clearly feeling ashamed of himself. “Look, Parker.” His tone softens. “The problem is not Mysterio. It’s you.” You shoot Strange a daring look, he knows he’s already pressing too far on Peter. “Trying to live two different lives, and the longer you do that the more dangerous it becomes, believe me.” He pauses for a moment. “I’m so sorry about you and your friends not getting into college. But if they rejected you, and you tried to convince them to reconsider, there’s nothing else you can do.” We all stand in silence for a moment and we watch as Peter's face changes slightly.
“When you say “Convince them” you mean like I could have called them?”
“I can do that?”
“You haven’t called the-”
“Well I mean, I got their letter and I assumed that that was-” You finally cut in.
“I’m sorry, are you telling us that you didn’t think to call and plead your case with them first before you asked Strange to brainwash the entire world?” you asked him more calmly than Strange would have.
“Well, I mean, when you put it like that, then-”
“I can’t believe that kid. He’s fought a giant purple goblin and he can’t think of calling a college and talking to them for reconsideration?” He speaks angrily and you follow him into his room.
“You know, I think I might be able to get into the college if I applied.” You watch as he sits on the edge of his bed. “I mean, I’m basically also twenty-three just like Peter, just a bit more complicated.”
“Complicated because you were frozen in ice at 12, then blipped at 17?”
“Yea complicated because of that.” You put your knees on his bed and make your way behind him. “But you’re way too hard on him, you’re hard on me too.”
“Not as hard on you as I am on him though, I could never yell at you.” You sit up on your knees and place both of your hands on his shoulders, starting to gently massage his muscles.
“You’ve yelled at me plenty of times before Mr. Strange.” you whisper close to his ear and continue to massage him.
“Yes but that was before we all fought a giant grape.” He sighs a little and tilts his head slightly to the side, taking a deep breath as your hands begin to relax his muscles. “And if I can remember clearly, you used your powers to heal Stark. And you also used your powers to find Thanos.” He leans back a little against your front. “Tell me, if it wasn’t your dad who used the glove, if it was someone else like Clint or Scott, would you still have used your powers to save them?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well because when you use your Saint, you're taking the pain out of their body and putting it into your own body, and you also move their wounds from theirs to yours.”
“Well, I still would’ve Sainted them. Maybe not you though.” You giggle a little as he turns around and grabs you by the waist.
“Oh really?” You reach down to try pulling his hands off of your waist, laying back as he presses forward on top of you.
“No of course not really.” You laugh as he lays on top of you with one of his knees between your thighs. “You should consider telling Fury that it’s safe for me to leave. I know how to control my powers…”
“Yea, you do, but the second you leave the Sanctum I won’t be able to find you again unless you come to find me for something.” He moves until he's stradling your legs, one of his hands is pressed onto your lower abdomen, and his other hand rests on his thigh as he sits back on his heels.
“Well yea, I like to have my freedom.” You sigh a little as he leans down slowly and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, making you smile softly.
“You have your freedom as long as you’re by my side.” He gently moves his hand down to the end of your shirt and slowly glides his hand carefully over your stomach. “You know.” His voice drops to a whisper as he pauses for a moment and runs his hand over your smooth skin. “You were 17 during the blip… does that make it still wrong for me to touch you? Or will you consider yourself to be twenty three for me?” He grins as he leans down again, his lips gently brushing against your cheek and gently trailing along your jaw and neck.
“I can be twenty three for now… If you want.” You feel your body heating up and you’re sure he could smell you.
“You smell so sweet…” He mumbles as he leans back to press kisses to your stomach and thighs.
Thanks to your powers and the way you were built, when you're turned on, people can smell your arousal no matter how heightened their senses are.
you could feel his tongue slowly trail wet licks between your thighs. His large hands caressing your thighs and gently moving up to grab your hips.
“You look so beautiful…” He lays one more kiss to your stomach as he leans back up and connects his lips to yours in a long kiss. You reach up to wrap your arms around the back of his neck, keeping him close as he wraps one of his arms around the back of your waist to lift your body against his.
“You know you’re really pretty too…?” You whisper softly with a quiet laugh as he chuckles and lays more kisses to your neck, making you involuntarily arch your back up to get closer to him. Now you could really feel your body heating up. Your lips part slightly as you start to breathe more heavily, and he admired your breasts move slightly as your chest moved up and down. You blush when you see him lick his bottom lip like a starved lion and you were his prey.
“Are you feeling any better? Or do I still have to wait…” You look down a little as you watch him run his hand down to where you were stabbed while fighting Thanos.
“I think I’ll be fine, just be careful if you grab my waist.” With that, he wraps both arms behind your back and moves you until we’re both lying on the bed.
“Remind me of our safeword, my rose…” He speaks softly as he begins to unbutton your blouse and skirt.
“We really need to work on your safeword…” As soon as he finishes speaking, you feel something wrap around your wrists and you look up to see a string of his orange magic attach both of your wrists to the bed.
He admired how you looked. Strapped down on his bed as he towered over you.
“You are so fucking perfect you know that?” He growls a little as he grinds against your thigh, his hard length making you whimper a little. 
“You don’t have to sweet talk me to turn me on you know…”
“I’m just speaking the truth.”
“That’s not the truth.” He reaches up and grabs onto your chin almost painfully and forces you to look into his eyes.
“Y/N.” His voice was daring. “You’re beautiful and if you ever start to think otherwise, I swear I’ll fuck you until you can’t even comprehend what the word ugly even means. I’ll have you screaming my name and telling you how beautiful you are then when you finally believe I’ll bend you over until you apologise for ever believing you’re not.” He stares into your eyes a moment longer before pressing a rough kiss to your lips.
You kissed for what felt like hours, and honestly you wished it had never stopped.
When he felt your legs open from under him, he couldn’t resist touching you. His hand slid down until he could feel your sensitive skin. “Fuck” He mumbled as he began to rub over your clit with his fingers, making your hips buck up in response.
“Please…” She breathes quietly as his fingers spread her lips, playing with your clit as you continue to buck against his hand, a quiet moan escaping your lips as he leans down, removes your panties, and roughly brings his tongue down to lick you from your opening to your clit. Repeating the movement two more times before diving his tongue into you, tasting your sweet hole.
“You always taste so fucking good…” He begins to lean back up your body, rubbing the bulge in his pants against your thigh before running his hand down and rubbing your clit again, teasing your entrance with one of his fingers before pushing two of his fingers into your hole. “Fucking perfect…” He curls his fingers to perfectly hit that spot inside of you that drives you wild while his thumb runs rough circles over your clit.
He began to plunge his two fingers in and out of you, causing you to moan in pleasure.
You began to moan more wildly as his movements became more urgent and you felt a familiar heat rise inside of your lower stomach.
The more you moved, the more he struggled to keep you still. He leans up a little, placing his free hand on your hip to hold you down as he adds a finger to your tight hole. “Cum for me little rose… cum on my fingers like a good girl…” His voice makes your head go foggy and your eyes flutter. You throbbed as you felt the pleasure course through you, rushing through you like a waterfall, and you whined at the feeling of his fingers leaving your hole. Making you lay there in breathy moans.
You watch as he brings his finger up to his lips and licks your arousal off his fingers, then he leans his face over yours, pressing a gently kiss to your temple, then pulling back and resting his hand over your throat before pressing down with his weight onto your throat, making you gasp. “Open.” He demands.
As you open your mouth, he leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your bottom lip, then leans back to spit into your mouth, moving a little with one of his hands still circling your throat and his other hand gently resting on your waist. “Swallow.”
And you did.
As much as you hated it when people saw you as vulnerable and weak, you swallow his spit. “Good girl..” He growls as he finally positions himself between your legs and you whine as you feel the tip of his cock against your hole, before slowly pushing himself inside of you. Stay quiet, he doesn’t like it when you’re loud during the day.
“Stay quiet…” He growls quietly into your ear before beginning to slowly move inside of you, easily brushing himself against your G-spot everytime he moves, making you arch your back off the bed, begging for more movement as you moan quietly.
“Shhh… M’not goin n’y faster n’til I know y’can take me slow…” He mumbles, continuing to move slowly inside of you, being careful not to grip your waist where you had been hurt.
After you stayed quiet for a few moments, he began to move more quickly, pulling out before slamming back into you.
“Fuck you’re so perfect…” He gently grabbed onto your hip with one hand, and squeezed your throat tighten with his other hand, making your moans become more desperate.
Suddenly you feel warm, and your body starts to shake as you feel yourself come close to another orgasm.
“Fuck, rosey, you feel so good… cum on my cock…” He squeezes your throat tighter, making you gasp a little for air. “Fuck, please tell me you’re still on birth control…” He leans up a little, releasing your throat and pressing both of his hands flat onto your waist, causing a wave of pain to shoot through your body as he accidentally presses his palm onto your wound, but it quickly numbs as it’s mixed with the next orgasm that tears through your body and you feel a warm liquid fill your hole as he carefully pulls out.
“Fuck I’m sorry if that hurt…” He gently runs his hand over the large bandage covering your wound.
“M’ okay…” You mumble. “M’ okay…”
“Okay.” He leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, then he stands up off the bed and walks into the bathroom, coming back out with a warm towel.
With the wave of his hand, the magic that was restraining your wrists disappears and he kneels next to you on the bed, gently cleaning both of your liquids off your thighs.
“You know, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go Y/N” He finishes cleaning the mess and watches as you sit up.
“I don’t mind never leaving…” You mumble. He leans forward and presses a gentle kiss on your lips, you smile and kiss him back.
“I love you, rose bud…”
“Love you too…”
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Mortal Kombat fancast(new)
Simu Liu as Liu Kang
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Glenn Powell as Johnny Cage
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Charlize Theron as Sonya Blade
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Ken Watanabe as Raiden
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Henry Golding as Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot/Bi-Han
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Andrew Koji as Scorpion
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Manu Benett as Kano
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Rory McCann as Goro
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Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as SHang Tsung(Old, WHO ELSE???)
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Tony Leung as Shang Tsung(Young)
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Bill Skarsgard as Reptile
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Iko Uwais as Kung Lao
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Aldis Hodge as Jackson "Jax" Briggs
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Elodie Yung as Kitana/Milenena
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Zoe Saldana as Jade
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Harry Shum Jr. as Sub-Zero/Kuai-Liang
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Justin H. Min as Smoke
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Brian Tee as Sektor
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Chiwetel Ejiofor as Cyrax
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Scott Adkins as Baraka
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Conan Stevens as Kintaro
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Dave Bautista as Shao Kahn
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Eugene Brave Rock as Nightwolf
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John Cena as Stryker
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Jon Bernthal as Kabal
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Michelle Yeoh as Sindel
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Jade Cargill as Sheeva
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Nathan Jones as Motaro
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Doug Jones as Ermac
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Because of Tumblr's stupid 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here’s the rest.
Larry Lam as Rain
Jonathan Patrick Foo as Chameleon
Karen Fukuhara as Khameleon
Jet Li as Fujin
Sonoya Mizuno as Sareena
Brenda Song as Kia
Javicia Leslie as Jataaka
Anna Diop as Tanya
Jai Courtney as Jarek
Karl Urban as Reiko
Mads Mikkelsen as Shinnok
Hoon Lee as Quan Chi
Benedict Wong as Bo Rai Cho
Lewis Tan as Kenshi
Yvonne Chapman as Li Mei
Emma Myers as Frost
Peter Mensah as Drahmin
Derek Mears as Moloch
Charles Melton as Mavado
Ron Yuan as Hsu Hao
Alexandra Daddario as Nitara
Gordon Liu as Shujinko
Constance Wu as Ashrah
Donnie Yen as Hotaru
Daniel Wu as Dairou
Mahershala Ali as Darrius
Matt Smith as Havik
Dominic Sherwood as Kobra
Kristen Stewart as Kira
Tony Todd as Onaga
Ian McKellen as Argus
Eva Green as Delia
Tom Hardy as Taven
Mark Strong as Daegon
Ron Pearlman as Blaze
Jessica Henwick as Skarlet
Milly Alcock as Cassie Cage
Delainey Hayles as Jacqui Briggs
Mackenyu as Takeda Takahashi
Ludi Lin as Kung Jin
Winston Duke as Kotal Kahn
Tao Okamoto as D’Vorah
Jensen Ackles as Erron Black
Dafne Keen and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Ferra/Torr
Tony Jaa as Tremor
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Geras
Emily Blunt as Cetrion
Tilda Swinton as Kronika
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theficdealer · 2 months
While Peter, MJ, and Ned are saying their goodbyes as Dr. Strange is completing his spell, a final rift opens up right in front of them. To their shock, they are hit by a small, green meteor that immediately sucks them into a vortex.
Unable to control their wild ride through history, the vortex collapses, violently expelling them into the unknown. The trio finds themselves in New York City, 2009 and learn their original future is gone.
Choosing to change this new reality for the better, they turn to an unlikely ally - Jarvis, Tony Stark's highly advanced AI assistant. Peter, MJ, Ned and their artificial allies must confront not just the threats of this altered present, but the rippling consequences their actions could have across the multiverse itself.
In an epic adventure that spans realities and timelines, this unlikely squad of heroes must embrace their second chance and rewrite the future, navigating a universe of infinite possibilities where every choice they make massively impacts the world as they know it.
—Summary of Spider-Man: Time to Go Home by Kythara on ao3
Is it just me or have the time travel fix-it fics been awesome lately, because I’m following like seven fantastic ones right now and t h r i v i n g.
I’m not sure I’ve ever read a fic that was so simultaneously conscious of character’s strengths and weaknesses and toed the line of making people brilliant but not infallible so well.
Peter, Ned, and MJ, for example, while geniuses, are still portrayed as teenagers in possibly the most reasonable way they could have been. They each have unique strengths and weaknesses that balance out well and give them each something unique to bring to the table, which makes them feel more even ground than the way they’re generally portrayed as Peter’s sidekick and long suffering girlfriend.
Tony, also, is a complex character with his faults and hang-ups, but can buckle down and focus when he needs to, and even if he doesn’t like something, is able to put aside those hang-ups and do what’s right.
Pepper too, actually. This fic, like with MJ, Ned, and Peter, puts her and Tony on much more equal footing than I see most of the time (though I am, admittedly, in and out of this fandom) and has her making her own decisions for SI that don’t necessarily go through Tony first, which, while it theoretically happens, isn’t often shown (in my experience) and generally if it is, it generally doesn’t include her perspective. To the same effect, Happy and Rhodey aren’t treated as accessories, but their own people.
Things I loved in Particular:
Ned learning magic!
MJ’s focus on the environment and how she goes about laying the groundwork for large scale, multi-faceted discussion on the topic (bamf shit, honestly)
Jarvis Plotting
The entire Stark Expo section
Rhodey’s meeting with the higher ups
The resolution of the Hulk Situation
Nick Fury having three (3) people he can trust and absolutely hating that one of them is Tony Goddamn Stark
Sassy The Slightly Unhinged But Very Fabulous Magical Sash which took one look at Ned and was like “that one’s mine now”
The application of the web formula the author came up with is actually fucking genius i love it
Ross’s sentence<3
General Blackwell<3
Peter’s exploration of various martial arts
Just generally the sheer amount of research that must be going into this fic
Go read it or lose the toes<3
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compneuropapers · 10 months
Interesting Papers for Week 47, 2023
Respiration organizes gamma synchrony in the prefronto-thalamic network. Basha, D., Chauvette, S., Sheroziya, M., & Timofeev, I. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 8529.
Measurement effects in decision‐making. Burns, D. M., & Hohnemann, C. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(3), e2311.
Memory, perceptual, and motor costs affect the strength of categorical encoding during motor learning of object properties. Cesanek, E., Flanagan, J. R., & Wolpert, D. M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 8619.
Maturation of auditory cortex neural responses during infancy and toddlerhood. Chen, Y., Green, H. L., Putt, M. E., Allison, O., Kuschner, E. S., Kim, M., … Edgar, J. C. (2023). NeuroImage, 275, 120163.
Understanding visual hallucinations: A new synthesis. Collerton, D., Barnes, J., Diederich, N. J., Dudley, R., ffytche, D., Friston, K., … Weil, R. S. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 150, 105208.
A Texture Statistics Encoding Model Reveals Hierarchical Feature Selectivity across Human Visual Cortex. Henderson, M. M., Tarr, M. J., & Wehbe, L. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(22), 4144–4161.
The spatial extent of focused attention modulates attentional disengagement. Jefferies, L. N., Lawrence, R., & Conlon, E. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(5), 1520–1536.
Late integration of vision and proprioception during perturbed reaches. Keyser, J., Medendorp, W. P., Oostwoud Wijdenes, L., & Selen, L. P. J. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 129(6), 1282–1292.
Self-organization of songbird neural sequences during social isolation. Mackevicius, E. L., Gu, S., Denisenko, N. I., & Fee, M. S. (2023). eLife, 12, e77262.
Characterizing the information transmission of inverse stochastic resonance and noise-induced activity amplification in neuronal systems. Martínez, N., Deza, R. R., & Montani, F. (2023). Physical Review E, 107(5), 054402.
Learning a Model of Shape Selectivity in V4 Cells Reveals Shape Encoding Mechanisms in the Brain. Mehrani, P., & Tsotsos, J. K. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(22), 4129–4143.
Increased cortical plasticity leads to memory interference and enhanced hippocampal-cortical interactions. Navarro Lobato, I., Aleman-Zapata, A., Samanta, A., Bogers, M., Narayanan, S., Rayan, A., … Genzel, L. (2023). eLife, 12, e84911.
Afferent convergence to a shared population of interneuron AMPA receptors. Pennock, R. L., Coddington, L. T., Yan, X., Overstreet-Wadiche, L., & Wadiche, J. I. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3113.
Smoking status ameliorates cholinergic impairments in cortical inhibition in patients with schizophrenia. Pross, B., Muenz, S., Nitsche, M. A., Padberg, F., Strube, W., Papazova, I., … Hasan, A. (2023). Brain Research, 1812, 148380.
Walking bumblebees see faster. Rother, L., Müller, R., Kirschenmann, E., Foster, J. J., Kaya-Zeeb, S., Thamm, M., & Pfeiffer, K. (2023). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(1999).
Homeostatic synaptic plasticity rescues neural coding reliability. Rozenfeld, E., Ehmann, N., Manoim, J. E., Kittel, R. J., & Parnas, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2993.
The development of intrinsic timescales: A comparison between the neonate and adult brain. Truzzi, A., & Cusack, R. (2023). NeuroImage, 275, 120155.
Teachers recruit mentalizing regions to represent learners’ beliefs. Vélez, N., Chen, A. M., Burke, T., Cushman, F. A., & Gershman, S. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(22), e2215015120.
Modulation of deep neural circuits with sonogenetics. Xian, Q., Qiu, Z., Murugappan, S., Kala, S., Wong, K. F., Li, D., … Sun, L. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(22), e2220575120.
Robust encoding of natural stimuli by neuronal response sequences in monkey visual cortex. Yiling, Y., Shapcott, K., Peter, A., Klon-Lipok, J., Xuhui, H., Lazar, A., & Singer, W. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3021.
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
Congratulate hon!!!
Woooo you open the box again, I’m soooooo excited🥹 Finally I got chance👀 Let me send a prompt^^:
This will be their first Christmas together, but Stephen got hit with an age regression spell, 38 years old man was turned into a quiet five-year-old boy during his last mission.
It’s not a big deal, he just needs only one week to get back to normal. The only problem is that Christmas is in this week and they planned to celebrate together.
Tony was determined to give Stephen the best Christmas ever, because he remembered that Stephen had said that his family wasn’t rich when he was a kid and after his sister’s death, he had never celebrated Christmas again. And he stayed at the hospital for the Christmas when he was a doctor, since he had no family and few friends, no need for a holiday.
So to him, this spell will be the best chance to give kid Stephen a Christmas he deserves.
☺️Thanks sweetie, hope you’ll like it! Oh and if you take it plz plz, include Avengers Family, and maybe h/c! I really love your Hurt/Comfort works😭
Ahhhh!! I love your excitement so much <33 Thank you so much for the prompt, lovely!
For those curious, I'm opening my ask box on tumblr in celebration of Christmas and a 400 followers special. Feel free to drop by there!
Tony stared at where a short figure jumped up and down in oversized robes that dangled over his shoulders and draped down the floor, a mop of raven black hair popping on the top.
A kid.
There was a kid trying to jump up the bookcase, his chubby hand gripping the air as he tried desperately to grab a book from high up a shelf.
The kid turned around upon his presence, and Tony knew right then and there who he was the moment he looked into the boy's eyes.
It was Stephen's.
"...Stephen?" Tony asked, "Jesus Christ on a fucking unicycle."
Stephen gets hit with an age regression spell a week before Christmas. Tony sees this as the perfect opportunity to throw him the best Christmas party. 
Words: 2235, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Tumblr Requests
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Avengers Team & Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Mentioned Steve Rogers, Mentioned Bucky Barnes, Mentioned Thor (Marvel), Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression/De-Aging, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Party, Christmas Presents, Stephen Strange Needs a Hug, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), How Do I Tag, Mentioned James "Rhodey" Rhodes
(Uploaded in link form for... we'll, admittedly, my convenience. Formatting here gets a bit difficult)
PS, Apologies for the lame title, I couldn't think of anything else. Sing it in the tune of Jingle Bells, pretty please.
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romerona · 2 years
Chapter 1: The green man's visit.
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~In which the daughter of the Lord of Darkness who was born with the sole purpose of destroying the universe falls in love with Peter Parker~
New York, 2012
A pair of Amethyst eyes followed the strange creatures leaving the portal from the light blue sky, the breeze making the curls of fiery red hair fall to her freckled face forcing the so six-year-old to move it away. 
"That one." Giggle the little girl, pointing with her little finger at one of the many Chitauri that were attacking the city. 
The Ancient One, a bold, skinny pale woman that wore bright yellow robes that reminded Carina of a bird she had seen soaring in the air from one of the windows of the Kamar-Taj, conjured war fans and threw them at the flying Chintauri causing the chariot to explode. 
Carina giggles and claps amusingly while the woman smiles with affection at the girl. That was what the two spent most of the morning doing, the Ancient One and Carina Agamotto were on the rooftop of the Sanctum Sanctorum of New York, a place Carina rarely visited. The older master protected the building and the little girl, happily sat on one of the chairs telling her which Alien to target. 
Carina has always been easy to entertain, not leaving the old grounds of the Kamar Taj often, she was constantly looking for any source of diversion and entertainment which normally came in the pages of worn-out books, learning a new language or watching the Ancient One teach the Arts, hence, why watching her destroy the Chitauri is a welcome form of entertainment. 
"Where do they come from?" Asked the little girl gazing at the dark portal with innate curiosity. 
"The Sanctuary."  Answer the woman.
"Sanctuary?" Carina tilted her head, she frowned remembering the planets she had learned with Wong— one of her few friends and one of the many masters back in the Kamar Taj. "That's not in the solar system..." 
"Not in ours, little star." Said the ancient one, gazing up at the aliens. "There's an —"
"Infinity of universes, yes I know." Said the girl, nodding her head proudly, recalling the lecture the master always gives her. 
"But, if they are here...." Carina looked at the ancient one in doubt. "Isn't our responsibility to protect the earth?" 
"We masters of the mystical arts protect the earth from mystical threats." The woman looked at her with a soft smile, "Loki is a threat for us but not ours to defeat." 
"Ah yes, like, Uhm..." As the girl struggled to say something a flash of green caught her eyes and the Ancient One's too.
Carina's eyes widened as the massive, green person, that reminded her of huge broccoli with legs or a leprechaun with hair, moved to the doors of the Sanctum. He was a little frightening for her but also intriguing. 
"I'd be careful going that way." Said the Ancient One, making her presence known. "We just had the floors waxed." 
The green man moved, he looked between the two. "I'm looking for Dr Strange."
Carina tilted her head in thought, Dr Strange is a name lost in her mind, she does think she'd heard that name before. 
"You're about five years too early. Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery, 20 blocks that way." Said the Sorcerer, pointing the direction where Dr Strange, whoever that be, currently is. "What do you want with him?" 
"That actually." The green man points at the strange necklace hanging from her neck. 
Carina frowns in question, she wonders what's important about that necklace, to her it's really ugly but if the big, green man had come to get it from the Sorcerer Supreme then it must be important. 
"Ah." Said the Supreme in realization, her eyes looking down at it for a second.  "I'm afraid not."
"I'm seriously sorry but... I wasn't asking."
The man cracks his knuckles and moves in. 
The Ancient One smiles calmly. "You don't want to do this."
"You're right, I don't." Said the green man moving forward. "But I need that stone, and I don't have a lot of time to debate it-"
He reaches for it but the Ancient One slams her palm into his chest and blasts the man right out of the green man's body. 
A normal looking man hangs in the air, staring at his frozen body. He looks at his human hands, overwhelmed.
"Let's start over, shall we?" Said the Sorcerer moving to the other side of the rooftop forcing the spirit of the man to move with her. 
The little girl hops off her chair and walks to the green body, from where she was seated he looked huge, but up close, the green man looks gigantic. 
"You're like a big broccoli..." Carina pauses in thought. "I like broccoli, I heard people don't like it, I don't understand why, it's just a plant that you can eat, like small rūkha. Who wouldn't like to eat ब्रोकाउली?... I like vegetables, my favourite food is Thukpā, it's noodle soup, very delicious but most of the time we only eat it during Jāḍō, that's uh- winter in English, it can be served with meat but I like mine with only vegetables, I don't like meat because they kill the याक."
Carina pokes him, his skin was hard as a rock and leathery, she pokes his green cheek again before glancing at where the two adults had headed, with no eyes on her, Carina grunted as she struggles to hold his arm up, the entire arm was the same size as her if not taller, and twice heavier. 
"तिमी धेरै भारी छौ"
She huffs before letting it smack to the ground once again wincing at the loud noise she glances at the adults. She smiled sheepishly when the Ancient One gave her a look, and with a movement of her hands, the big body of the green man levitated to Carina's former chair. 
The little girl follows the green big man and observes him, asking herself how there are pants that fit him. 
Are there people out there big as he is? 
"You'll look really good in purple, that's my favourite colour, probably because it's the colour of my eyes... I've noticed people don't have eyes like mine, black, blue, brown but never purple, that makes me special or at least that's what the Supreme says." Carina trails off, she observes the giant green man again. 
"You'll still look good and— Aha." 
She picks up a nearby floppy sun hat and with a jump she places it on his head, she also grabs a couple of leaves and places them around him. 
"You look like a pretty broccoli now." She muses with a smile before it turns into a pout, wishing she had something else to decorate the big man with. 
"Green friend. I don't have many friends." She sighs pursing her lips "I don't go out much either..." 
Suddenly, there was a line of golden light transversely across the roof. She stared at it in amazement, tiptoeing she held her hand up to move her finger over the line, undoubtedly the finger went through it but soon the golden line disappeared making her sigh. 
"That was awesome, wasn't it?" Carina looks back at the big green man, she analyzed him for a second, her head tilting and with a frown, she concluded he looks simple just with the hat. 
Carina thinks for a moment before gasping in realization, she moves away from the green man for a moment remembering there was a small greenhouse on the rooftop.
"They are not purple but I think you're still going to look cute." She grabbed a few roses before returning to where she had left the man only to find him gone. 
She frowned looking around only to find him back on his feet talking to the Ancient One. 
Carina pouts, her shoulders slumping dejectedly as she takes a seat on the chair where the green man had previously been. She liked her new friend... he might have never actually said something back to her and she might have just met him a few minutes ago but she liked him nonetheless. 
She normally doesn't have too many people to interact with other than Wong and the Ancient One, and since she doesn't practice magic yet, she doesn't interact with the other children often.
Dropping her gaze to observe the roses that were laying in her hand, she noticed the bright red colour of the flower was disappearing, the petals falling, the green root was drying and soon the rose was withering to ashes. 
Carina felt a rush going through her veins, it was energizing, somewhat addicting and dark.
"Carina." The voice of the Supreme made her snap out of it. 
She gasps, and the ashes of the flowers dropped to the floor, she looked up at the Sorcerer before looking down at her hands. "I- I don't—"
"Carina." The Ancient One holds Carina's hands in hers, forcing the alarm, Amethyst's eyes to turn to her green ones. "The power you have is vast but dangerous, you need to learn to dominate it before it dominates you." 
"Are you teaching me magic?" 
"In a way," The Supreme nodded, letting go of her hands. "But all in due time, right now I want you to close your eyes and think of something that you like very much, littlest star." 
Carina did as told and the Supreme placed her free hand on the side of her neck, the careful eyes of the sorcerer looking at the faint, yet angry black veins on the back of her neck. 
Carina, not taking a care of the Supreme's actions, thought back to the past few days, in the past month and year. "I like when the sun goes down and when the stars show themselves."  
Moving her gaze from Carina's neck to her now open eyes, the sorcerer said "I want you to think of those bright colours, those peaceful moments before the moon comes out and those bright stars that shine in the sky when you feel like you're losing your control." 
"But how would I know I am losing control?" Carina asked frowning, looking down at her hands. 
"When you feel you can't stop, think of the sunsets and stars to stop yourself from falling into darkness."
Carina bit her lower lip with a frown. "But what if I lose control?" 
"I have faith you won't, little star." The ancient one told her, eyes looking at her in honesty. "Now, why don't you go for a lemonade, I'm sure Master Drumm will serve you some." 
"Yeah." With a cheeky smile, Carina nodded and dashed inside the sanctum, not noticing that she had not only turned the roses 
into ashes but the rest of the greenhouse.
⁺    ˚
. * 🌍 ✦ .  ⁺   .⁺    ˚
. *     ✦ 🪐.  ⁺   🌔.
.     ⁺ ⁺
It was nighttime when they went back to the Kamar- Taj and instead of going to their rooms, the Ancient One took Carina for a walk around the Sanctum. Carina was slightly confused for she knows the temple like the back of her hand but she followed the supreme anyways, they ended up in a room that overlooked the beautiful sight of the Himalayan mountains. Carina decided then and there that this room was her new favourite place. 
"Woah." She mumbles, sitting on a pillow on the floor, placing her head on her hand. "It's beautiful." 
"I agree." Said the Ancient One. "Nothing like a beautiful view to clear our minds." 
They spend the next few minutes in silence, admiring the view of the snowy mountain. 
"I want you to have this, little star."
Carina looked over and was met by the sight of a simple gold chain necklace with a green stone that was shaped like a star. 
"Really?" Asked Carina, staring between the green star and the Supreme. 
"A gift." She nodded, motioning for Carina to turn around to put it on and the little girl was more than happy in doing so. 
When the star hit Carina's neck it felt off, she suddenly felt a little tired and drained, but regardless she thought she was just exhausted from her day. "A gift? Why?" 
Caring runs a delicate hand over the green stone, as she turns back to face the Sorcerer. 
"Why not?" The ancient one smiled at her warmly. "Just promise me, you'll always wear it." 
Carina smiled, nodding happily. "I promise."
A/N: Hope you liked it.
*English is not my first language so please if there's something wrong please correct me just don't be dicks about it.
*I'll be using google Translate for some things along the story, once again if there is something wrong please correct me.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Birthdays 7.30
Beer Birthdays
Hamar Alfred Bass (1842)
Leopold Nathan (1864)
Tom Peters (1953)
Peter Cogan (1962)
Dr. Bill Sysak (1962)
Dean Biersch
Jim Jacobs (1963)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Kate Bush; English pop singer (1958)
Buddy Guy; blues guitarist, singer (1936)
Richard Linklater; film director (1960)
Jean Reno; Moroccan-French actor (1948)
Thorstein Veblen; economist (1857)
Famous Birthdays
Paul Anka; pop singer, songwriter (1941)
Duck Baker; guitarist (1949)
Simon Baker; Australian actor, director (1969)
Henry W. Bloch; H&R Block founder (1922)
Ron Block; singer-songwriter and banjo player (1964)
Peter Bogdanovich; film director (1939)
Marc Bolan; rock singer (1947)
Emily Bronte: English writer (1818)
Alton Brown; chef, television host (1962)
Delta Burke; actor (1956)
Smedley Butler; U.S. Marines major general (1881)
Princess Clémentine of Belgium (1872)
Frances de la Tour; English actress (1944)
Dean Edwards; comedian (1970)
Laurence Fishburne; actor (1961)
Henry Ford; car manufacturer (1863)
Kerry Fox; New Zealand actress (1966)
Vivica A. Fox; actor (1964)
Craig Gannon; English guitarist and songwriter (1966)
Tom Green; Canadian comedian and actor (1971)
Jeffrey Hammond; English bass player (1946)
Anita Hill; law professor, victim (1956)
Sid Krofft; Canadian-American puppeteer (1929)
Lisa Kudrow; actor (1963)
Soraida Martinez; painter (1956)
Christine McGuire; pop singer (1929)
Patrick Modiano; French novelist (1945)
Henry Moore; artist, sculptor (1898)
Sean Moore; Welsh drummer and songwriter (1968)
Chris Mullin; basketball player (1963)
Christopher Nolan; English-American film director (1970)
Salvador Novo; Mexican poet and playwright (1904)
Ken Olin; actor (1954)
Pollyanna Pickering; English environmentalist and painter (1942)
Jaime Pressly; actor (1977)
Samuel Rogers; English writer (1763)
David Sanborn; saxophonist (1945)
Rat Scabies, English drummer (1955)
Arnold Schwarzenegger; Austrian-born body builder, actor (1947)
Hope Solo; soccer player (1981)
Frank Stallone; singer-songwriter and actor 91950)
Stan Stennett; Welsh actor and trumpet player (1925)
Casey Stengel; baseball manager (1891)
Hilary Swank; actor (1974)
Otis Taylor; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1948)
Alexander Trocchi; Scottish author and poet (1925)
Giorgio Vasari; Italian painter (1511)
Dick "Mr. Whipple" Wilson; actor (1916)
Victor Wong; actor (1927)
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myrna-nora · 9 months
2023: Books
January 1. The Wall (1938) Mary Roberts Rinehart + 2. Fallen Into the Pit (1951) Ellis Peters ** 3. Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman (2022) Lucy Worsley 4. Death on the Cherwell (1935) Mavis Doriel Hay # 5. A Death in Tokyo (麒麟の翼) (2011) Keigo Higashino 6. The Twyford Code (2022) Janice Hallett 7. Checkmate to Murder (1944) E.C.R. Lorac #
February 8. The Poisoned Chocolates Case (1929) Anthony Berkeley + # 9. Death and the Joyful Woman (1961) Ellis Peters ** 10. Bodies from the Library, 2 (2019) Tony Medawar (Editor) 11. Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun (2023) Elle Cosimano ^ 12. Flight of a Witch (1964) Ellis Peters ** 13. Murder in the Basement (1932) Anthony Berkeley # March 14. Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris (1958) Paul Gallico 15. A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs (1965) Ellis Peters ** 16. These Names Make Clues (1937) E.C.R. Lorac # 17. House of Many Ways (2008) Diana Wynne Jones ^ 18. Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (2023) Jesse Q. Sutanto 19. The Decagon House Murders (十角館の殺人) (1987) Yukito Ayatsuji + 20. Poirot: The Greatest Detective in the World (2020) Mark Aldridge + 21. Death of Jezebel (1948) Christianna Brand # 22. The Spite House (2023) Johnny Compton 23. The Cask (1920) Freeman Wills Crofts April 24. The Piper on the Mountain (1966) Ellis Peters ** 25. Crossed Skis (1952) Carol Carnac # 26. The Wintringham Mystery (1927) Anthony Berkeley 27. Wrong Place Wrong Time (2022) Gillian McAllister 28. Smallbone Deceased (1950) Michael Gilbert # 29. Heads You Lose (1941) Christianna Brand May 30. Black is the Colour of my True Love's Heart (1967) Ellis Peters ** 31. Murder of a Lady (1931) Anthony Wynne # 32. The Lake District Murder (1935) John Bude # 33. The Mill House Murders (水車館の殺人) (1988) Yukito Ayatsuji 34. Green for Danger (1944) Christianna Brand * # 35. The Case of the Howling Dog (1934) Erle Stanley Gardner June 36. Identity (2023) Nora Roberts 37. A Will To Kill (2019) R.V. Raman 38. The Grass-Widow's Tale (1968) Ellis Peters ** 39. The Enigma of Garlic (2022) Alexander McCall Smith ^ 40. Miss Pym Disposes (1946) Josephine Tey 41. The Seat of the Scornful (1941) John Dickson Carr # 42. Fell Murder (1944) E.C.R. Lorac # 43. The House of Green Turf (1969) Ellis Peters ** July 44. The Westing Game (1978) Ellen Raskin * 45. The Case of the Gilded Fly (1944) Edmund Crispin 46. Mourning Raga (1969) Ellis Peters ** 47. Grave Intentions (A Dire Isle) (2022) R.V. Raman 48. Weekend at Thrackley (1934) Alan Melville # 49. The Singing Sands (1952) Josephine Tey ^ 50. The Story of Classic Crime in 100 Books (2017) Martin Edwards + 51. The Only One Left (2023) Riley Sager 52. Death of an Airman (1934) Christopher St. John Sprigg # 53. The Knocker on Death's Door (1970) Ellis Peters ** August 54. A Disappearance in Fiji (2023) Nilima Rao 55. The Mistress of Bhatia House (2023) Sujata Massey ^ 56. Tour de Force (1955) Christianna Brand ^ 57. The Colour of Murder (1957) Julian Symons # 58. Post After Post-Mortem (1936) E.C.R. Lorac # 59. Death to the Landlords (1972) Ellis Peters ** 60. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (1997) Patricia H. Rushford * 61. The Plague and I (1948) Betty MacDonald ^ September 62. City of Gold and Shadows (1973) Ellis Peters ** 63. Red Sky in Mourning (1997) Patricia H. Rushford 64. Twice Round the Clock (1935) Billie Houston # 65. Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone (2023) Benjamin Stevenson 66. Please Don't Push Up the Daisies (2023) Diane Vallere ^ 67. Laughing Gas (1936) P.G. Wodehouse 68. The Black Spectacles (1939) John Dickson Carr # 69. The Last Devil to Die (2023) Richard Osman ^ 70. Rainbow's End (1978) Ellis Peters ** October 71. Thirteen Guests (1936) J. Jefferson Farjeon # 72. Ghosts From the Library (2022) Tony Medawar (Editor) 73. Black Rainbow (1982) Barbara Michaels ^ 74. The Stranger Diaries (2018) Elly Griffiths 75. Where Are the Children? (1975) Mary Higgins Clark + 76. It Walks by Night (1930) John Dickson Carr # 77. Jane-Emily (1969) Patricia Clapp 78. The Woman in Black (1983) Susan Hill 79. Midnight Bayou (2001) Nora Roberts November 80. The Progress of a Crime (1960) Julian Symons # 81. Just Another Missing Person (2023) Gillian McAllister 82. The Running Grave (2023) Robert Galbraith ^ 83. Murder by Matchlight (1945) E.C.R. Lorac # December 84. The Santa Klaus Murder (1936) Mavis Doriel Hay # 85. The Christmas Guest (2023) Peter Swanson 86. The Busy Body (2024) Kemper Donovan + 87. Murder After Christmas (1944) Rupert Latimer # 88. The Twelve Days of Murder (2023) Andreina Cordani 89. Trojan Gold (1987) Elizabeth Peters + read what I already own challenge ^ finished or caught-up in series * re-reads ** re-read series challenge (Felse Investigations) # British Library Crime Classics
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honoshauntisgnosis · 1 year
About Eloise Alexandra Strange:
uhhh so, she's the daughter of stephen and a woman named andrea, conceived right before he left for college. they had split custody, with him having a lot less due to med school, until andrea passed away and boom, stephen was forced to take care of her full time. at least by then, he'd graduated and was doctorin'. they didn't get along so well and whoops she ran away at 15. was in a dark place, angsty things happened, until kaecilius came across her.
she'd shown some magical prowess and kaecilius took her to kamar-taj to train. he became her pseudo father figure (from one asshole to another ig), but he taught her really well. she specializes in alchemy and learned shaolin kung fu at the hong kong sanctum, uses a magical guandao, etc. anyway, she was wizardin' long before stephen met the ancient one, and they don't see each other again until the events of the first movie. then she has to chose between her real dad and her adopted dad and man, it's a mess.
she went as far as the darkhold ritual with kaeciliues, but since she clearly didn't believe, she didn't get corrupted or w/e. he sends her away as an act of mercy, but promises her that next time he'll kill her. then boom, she crawls back to wong, finally reunites with stephen. there's a lot to talk about, but y'know, something more important is happening at the moment. she tells them everything she can about his plan.
fastforwarding to the end of the first film, she laments the loss of kaecilius. she often has nightmares about him becoming a mindless one and suffering.
has a thigh tattoo consisting of two entwined snakes, one black and one white (similar to this but less adorable)
for her seventeenth birthday, kaecilius gifted her a 'mechanical'/magical bird that she uses as a sort of ESA for her ptsd
kaecilius also told her he was proud of her on that birthday
her dreams of the mindless ones are semi-realistic; she had a spiritual connection to him before he'd been absorbed into the ranks. she's convinced that she can feel his suffering in her dreams.
this (and another secret thing) leads her to start studying a deity from another dimension, "the leviathan"
the words in all the texts are pretty, spouting hymns about it can grant eternal peace, take away a person's biggest flaws, heal their minds, etc
she often portals to another world to meditate or trains with her guandao. a dark world with dark red sand, tall canyons, and a sky that shows a star in continual supernova. sometimes she'll face the supernova while she meditates because she swears it lifts her spirits
by no way home, she's so entwined with leviathan magic, that she's able to remember peter (and, well, she had notes)
by no way home, she's training apprentices both in alchemy and shaolin kung fu
can temporarily take away stephen's hand pain with leviathan magic, though all it really does is transfer the pain to her.
she often uses "potions" to help her out; for sleeping, for staying awake, for adrenaline, for healing, etc.
she'd, at a point, become reliant on a potion to keep herself from sleeping due to the nightmares
hooked up with a cute girl at the full moon party, but doesn't remember it
goes to karaoke all the time with wong
by MoM, she and stephen's relationship is better. she adores america and considers her a younger sister.
by now, she'd become disillusioned with the leviathan, though continues to speak to it and 'worship' it, as she discovers there are five other candidates for its emergence. she goes off on her own to take them out, one by one, by whatever means necessary.
she's with during the shenanigans, and barely escapes the scarlet witch taking her to make stephen suffer as she had
during the greatest memory bit, she experiences kaecilius giving her the bird again
during the multiverse hop after losing the book of vishanti, she's thrown in sinister's universe with stephen and christine. she uses a potion and leviathan magic to heal sinister, though he doesn't awake while they're still there.
she'd been missing pages from the leviathan's tome in her universe, so pretty much just snuck away to retrieve the complete collection while her dad was possessing his variant's dead body. she doesn't physically take the pages, but records them.
this leads her to realize that the leviathan isn't just bad-- it's a dark eldritch god intent on devouring everything
after MoM, she keeps her head low, continuing to teach her classes, and mentor america
all the while, she's taking out the remaining leviathan vessels, until it's only her left
knowing that she royally fucked up, she decides to not tell wong or stephen. a really, really stupid decision honestly.
as the final vessel, she travels to (place i haven't made up yet), to find a gateway to the leviathan's universe. the pages she'd found in sinister's dimension revealed the only way to defeat it is with self-sacrifice........ or is it dun dun duuun
she'd left a note for stephen, only saying she'd fucked up and had to deal with it, this is goodbye, love you, etc., etc.
he's able to trace her whereabouts because she's a dumbass and had googled shit/also uses magic to find her idk
they argue while she tells him exactly what's going on, why she has to do it, how sorry she is, etc., while they make their way to the altar.
by now, the leviathan is in her thoughts clearly, encouraging her, telling her to leave stephen behind and she'll be in paradise soon enough.
the altar leads to an interdimensional crack in the wall or something, a pulsating black mass with large, ugly veins interwoven into the rock. she binds stephen with the Bonds of Krottak, while he implores her to rethink her actions
she enters the leviathan's dimension and has to walk the Passage of Introspection, which showcases all of her most important memories, good and bad, to show her how she'd been shaped
insert angsty memories here
she gets through that to find the leviathan: a man dressed in a simple suit with black slack, a billowing mass of black mist where his head should be
she's just about to get close to him, to shove a potion that will kill him into him, before he overtakes her. while they struggle, stephen emerges; she'd cast the Bonds incorrectly, knowing he could break free. she'd also given him a potion earlier, and instructed him to use it on her if the leviathan possesses her
which, well, happens. it overtakes her body and she's sent to 'paradise', a world where she is without the burdens that plague her. no more concern for kaecilius, her secret has been erased, her self-harm scars are gone, and she's happy. she's light.
meanwhile, stephen is fighting the leviathan, who is using her body, and only just manages to stab it with the potion bottle, that had broken. enough of it gets into her system for her body to expel the entity.
in her mind's eye, she's speaking to the two snakes that consist of her tattoo, feeling that something is very wrong, though she can't place it. suddenly, both snakes slither up to her neck and bite her on opposite sides. she recoils in pain, and wakes up in the present again.
yay, more fighting, but this time it's stephen and eloise vs the leviathan. stephen manages to bind it so she can run up, shove the other vial into it's mist-like face, and breaks the glass in her hands.
the entity screams, pulling her up to her elbow into the black mass, but she's able to free herself. it hurt. like a lot.
the leviathan shrivels away and she collapses, dark lines running up her arm, highlighting where her scars are.
stephen escapes with her and she's in a coma for a couple of weeks. when she wakes up, the lines are still there, but nothing hurts or feels different.
they have the uncomfortable talk where he says how angry and disappointed he is in her. "this is the second time you've ran away. i'm asshole, i know, but it's breaking my heart. if you run away again, don't come back."
she's also on 'suspension' for a while, per sorcerer supreme wong, and is banned from alchemy and the libraries for a time.
she agrees to this, but falls into a deep depression. the nightmares are worse now-- she'd seen things when the leviathan had been pulling her in, and the dreams about kaecilius suffering as a mindless one amp up as well.
stays in her room a lot, or goes to her secret world to be alone
the mechanical bird is still her bff
wraps up her arm in a bandage so she doesn't have to see the corruption
slowly rebuilds her relationship with wong, convinces him to go out to karaoke with her. drags stephen with too
wow she needs more friends
things are not great, but they are okay
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peterpijls1965 · 2 years
Bijnamen in Buggenum
In mijn geboortedorp was het goed gebruik om elkaar een bijnaam te geven. Niet iedereen droeg er een, velen wel. Van sommige mensen kende ik alleen de hen toegekende bijnaam.
Ik wist dat De Sus bij ons thuis wel eens een kip kwam slachten of met een geweer de kattenpopulatie kwam uitdunnen, maar hoe zijn echte voornaam luidde heette heb ik nooit geweten. Zijn zoon H., klasgenoot op de lagere school en pijlsnelle linkshalf in mijn voetbalteam, noemde ik simpelweg H. van de Sus.
Ik weet zeker dat hij noch zijn vader aanstoot namen aan hun bijnaam. Wat hun familienaam was ontschoot me ergens in de afgelopen decennia, en de etymologische herkomst van de zeker waarderend bedoelde bijnaam was voor mij in nevelen gehuld. Het kwam niet bij me op ernaar te informeren.
De Buggenumse bijnamencultuur kon een verbastering van een familienaam inhouden, maar hoefde een ondertoon van goedbedoelde spot niet uit te sluiten. Het kwam wel voor dat de bijnaam van een plaatselijke bakker, Sjmier bijvoorbeeld, ook betrekking had op de bakker zelf, hoewel zijn vrouw door eenieder gewoon Suze werd genoemd. Van deze bakkersvrouw kreeg ik ook vaak een handje gist te snoepen als ik geen brood kwam bestellen.
Even verderop in mijn straat woonde een goedaardige zonderling die ik kende als Jootje. Hij liep vaak met de handen op de rug door het dorp te profeteren, gehuld in een grijs werkjasje, met een opmerkelijk schrandere oogopslag.
Mijn buurman Jootje was een trouw bezoeker van de repetities van de fanfare in zaal Jantje Theelen. Jootje had namelijk de waan dat hij directeur van de fanfare was, en niemand sprak hem tegen. Na afloop van de repetitie kreeg hij een glas limonade, en tijdens dorpsprocessies mocht hij altijd vooraan meelopen, te midden van het bestuur van de fanfare, en gevolgd door de muzikanten zelf.
Een leeftijdgenoot uit Buggenum wees mij jaren geleden via een sociaal medium op mijn eigen bijnaam, waarvan ik het bestaan nooit kende. Hij onthulde dat ik Peter van Pierre vanne Pieel werd genoemd. Dat betekende dat ik een zoon van mijn vader Pierre Pijls was, gevolgd door een plaatselijke uitspraak van mijn familienaam. Ik nam er kennis van, wel en niet verbaasd.
Als kind hoorde ik bijnamen voorbijkomen als Charlie Condoom, Loek vanne Bekker en de Kwakkert, al betrof dit een Roermonds stadsfiguur van wie ik in het plaatselijke cafe National een indrukwekkend goede tekening had zien hangen, mogelijk van Dolf Wong, een breed lachende man afbeeldend die inderdaad een treffende gelijkenis vertoonde met een pad.
Op de foto: Giezze-Wiel uit het kerkdorp Nunhem, pal grenzend aan Buggenum. Giezze-Wiel was kerkmeester. Als hij tijdens de zondagse mis met het collectemandje rondging, en de kerkganger doneerde naar zijn smaak te weinig, dan hield hij de kenneljjk schraperige gelovige het mandje nogmaals voor, tot Giezze-Wiel het genoeg vond.
Foto: Rondom het Leudal.
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escapemyshadow · 5 years
Tony: I will always be a 9. 
Peter: Mr Stark, what are you saying? You will always be a ten -
Tony [Bend down on one knee, with a ring in between his index finger and thumb]: Stephen, you are the only 1 that I am lacking of. Will you marry me and make me a 10? 
Peter: Ooh my gawd, Mr Stark, you are prosper-
Wong: Stop ruining the moment, Peter. And Stephen, stop crying.  
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batfamtv · 3 years
something more
peter parker is sure that doctor strange (not the sorcerer, the wife) is more than what she appears.
stephen strange x f!reader; maybe andrew!peter parker x reader
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tags: OC-CENTRIC, heavily implied that reader is mary-sue OP, nwh spoilers, maybe funny idk
a/n: do you ever just have an overwhelming sense to insert yourself into every media you consume; I have risen from the dead --
"Someone's at the door," Stephen groans as you hand him a cup of coffee. You two finally had the chance to have a quiet (and somewhat warm) morning together, despite the polar vortex from Siberia that has been coming through the Sanctum. You smile into your cup before nodding your head towards the door, "Well, let's go see Peter Parker."
"Or maybe we can just ignore him," Stephen replies, "Wong will cater to him."
"Wong's leaving though."
"Wong, the 'Sorcerer Supreme'," Stephen remarks, almost bitterly.
You grin at him teasingly, "Is he really?"
"Due to some technicality, yes." Your husband huffs. You ignore him and walk out the door to meet young Peter Parker down the foyer, whom you still hadn't had the chance to meet. Behind you, Stephen calls out your name, followed by reluctant footsteps.
“It’s too cold Y/N, put some coat on!”
Some students at the Sanctum have volunteered (been forced) to clean up the snow.
“...A blizzard blasted through.” Wong turns to you almost reflexively, a hand on your elbow to keep you from slipping. You smile gratefully at him before turning to Peter. You open your mouth to welcome him, but was interrupted by–
“Because someone forgot to cast a monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight,” behind you, Stephen floats down the stairway, mug still in hand. You and Wong exchange knowing glances before Wong rolls his eyes.
“Careful, dear,” you say to Stephen as he lands right next to you, but it was a bit too late, his feet skid on the floor (despite his boots), and Wong snickers.
Wong turns to Peter now, who looks a bit confused, you surmise this is mostly because of your presence in the Sanctum, “That’s right, he did,” Wong answers sardonically, his hands on his hips, “Because he forgot I now have higher duties. Right, Doctor Strange?”
“Quite right, Sorcerer Supreme,” you answer, making Stephen turn to you both in offense.
“‘Higher duties’? ‘Sorcerer Supreme’?”
“The Sorcerer Supreme has higher duties, yes.”
Finally, Peter asks, confusion lacing his voice, “Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme…and Doctor Strange.”
“No, he got it on a technicality because I blipped for five years,” Stephen rolls his eyes, “And I am Doctor Strange, but so is she.”
You wave before turning to walk up the staircase again, “Nice to meet you, Peter. I’m sure we’ll talk later, I have a class on Zoom.”
Stephen and Peter watch as you penguin-walk up and out of their sight before Peter turns, “So is she…?”
“Y/N, Doctor Strange, Y/N Strange. My wife.”
Peter blinks in surprise. It isn’t what he expected. “You’re married…and…to another wizard?”
“Yes, and no, she’s not a wizard but I would rather she stay here where it’s safe. She’s a professor, hence a doctor, hence a Zoom class. Any more questions?”
The look on Peter’s face suggests a resounding “YES!” but before he could open his mouth Stephen turns, “So Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure?
“Hey Peter, MJ, and Ned,” you grin as you see them talking to the people from another universe. “Where’s Stephen?”
The guilty look shared by the three of them says it all, “I’m really sorry Mrs. Doctor Strange Ma’am but–”
“He’s not dead, is he?”
“Umm…” Peter gulps nervously, “N-no, I don’t think so…”
“Alright then, I’ll just ask Wong to come get him later, then. Be careful you kids!”
As you nonchalantly walk away, Ned asks, “Dude, who is she?”
“The most powerful person in this Sanctum right now,” Peter whispers, clearly still nervous about having fought Stephen, “Doctor Strange’s wife.”
The quintet, composed of three Spider-Men and Ned and MJ have no idea how you managed to find them, but somehow here you are with a change of clothes for everyone, some food, and surprisingly, bottles of toluene and methanol, and Midtown water bottles (although the last one you may or may not have nicked from the Midtown bookstore on your way to the lab). When they ask you, you shrug and/or completely ignore the question altogether.
“Mrs–Doctor Strange, what are you doing here?” Peter (1) asks, both surprised and touched when you throw your arms around him. You don’t say anything, but the feeling of your hand running up and down his back is soothing, reminding him so much of May. You turn to Peter 2 and Peter 3, smiling at them. They give you awkward smiles, Peter 3 raises his hand in a small “Hi”.
“How did she know where to find us?” MJ asks Ned beside her.
Ned shrugs, still eyeing Y/N, “Sorcery.”
“But she’s not magical.”
“Neither was I until an hour ago!”
You watch the three Peters get to work on their cures, popping here and there to offer them food and other things they need. You hop next to Peter 3, who smiles at you gently, before continuing on what he’s doing. You and Peter 2 notice him observing Peter 1 and MJ, but you keep silent, watching, instead the other 2 Peters working.
“You have someone?” Peter 2 asks.
Peter 3 smiles sardonically, shaking his head, “No,” looking like the very thought of having someone is impossible, “Ah, I got no time for Peter Parker stuff, you know? Do you?”
Peter 2 shrugs, “That’s a little complicated.”
“Maybe it’s not in the cards for guys like us.”
“I wouldn’t give up,” Peter 2 says, “It took a while but we made it work.”
You nudge Peter 3, a curious thought in your mind, “You haven’t met someone named Y/N in your universe, have you?”
Peter 3 looks surprised, but you can tell that the name is something he is familiar with. “I do, she just moved next door from my apartment…” He looks at you curiously, “Why?”
Smiling to yourself, you shake your head, “Oh nothing. Is she nice?”
“Yeah,” he answers, face alight with a smile, “She brings me food sometime–all the time. I'm pretty sure she knows I'm Spider-Man.”
You smile wider, nodding to yourself.
Stephen appears through the portal, looking really pissed. “Where is he?”
MJ and Ned look at him nervously, but he turns and looks at you, “Y/N, what are you doing here?”
You shrug, “Helping them until your return,” He conjures a portal for you and you give him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before jumping into the portal (which doesn’t send you to the Sanctum, only far enough where you can still see them but also far enough that you’re safe), “Don’t die, Stephen!”
You grimace as you look at the very fabrics of the universe unzipping before your eyes. Without the power of the Stones, or others with more power, you know Stephen won’t be able to close the stitches. Everyone who knows who Peter Parker is will come into this world. You dial the number on the phone, and seconds later, a voice answers, “Y/N?”
“Hi, sweetie! Stephen needs your help, could you come right now?”
“Umm, Y/N is everything okay? Are you alright? I’ll come get you right no–”
“No, it’s okay! I think he’s casting a new spell, but I know for sure that there will be consequences to what he’s done. Are you in America? I just want you near just in case!”
“Yeah, I am. Do you want to meet tomorrow for some coffee?”
“Of course! Pick me up outside the Sanctum. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Take care, Y/N!”
“You too, Wanda!”
You watch as the boy who is now invisible and unknown to the world exit the shop. He is all alone now and based on the fact that he’s walking away from the store, eyes glistening with unshed tears, you know that he didn’t tell his friends the truth.
Sighing, you look up, I promised myself I wasn’t going to interfere. But here you are.
You made sure to bump into him and nice a boy as he is, stumble and start apologizing profusely. “I’m very sorry Ma’am, so sorry, I didn’t mea–”
He looks at you, surprise is evident on his face, which now looks so sad and tired. But you can give him one thing. You can give him hope.
“It’s okay,” you smile at him, and he takes a few moments before smiling back at you shakily, “It’s nice to see you again, Peter.”
You can almost see the gears turning in his head before his eyebrows shoot up in surprise at this, but you turn around and continue walking, a smile on your face.
The gates of the Multiverse have opened. Maybe it's time you leave.
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endofthelinegang · 3 years
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ doc ock x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ coming to a universe can be scary and confusing but familiar faces can help ease the tension even they aren't attached to the right person (2.7k words)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ none
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ i cry over my own fanfiction
join the gang!
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“Strange you have got to fucking kidding me? So let me get this straight, first you cast a tampered spell then assume you contained it because you put it in a box even though when you first did the spell it exploded everywhere. Now you have entrusted this mess to the same group of teenagers who were the essential basis of this mess. Not to mention the one who is the reason for all this?” You sat in your car on the phone with Stephen as he had asked you to come down to the sanctum.
“That’s why I am sending you down to mediate the youth center in the basement because I have bigger problems.” Stephen had just gotten free of one of Peter's webs and was agile enough to get his phone and call someone who wasn’t Wong.
“And what could you possibly be doing right now?” You pulled up the curb putting your car in park still leaving it on to talk to Stephen who was connected to the bluetooth.
“Dangling over the Grand Canyon because the little shit webbed me here and took my sling ring.” Stephen was embarrassed to tell you but knew you could tell if he was lying.
“He what? Who has the sling ring now? How did he beat you in the mirror dimension? Yknow what no, no more questions for you just figure it out there. In the meantime I will babysit your ragtag team of multiversal criminal catchers.” You hung up the phone before he could utter another word that would be no help to you.
Walking into the sanctum you rolled your eyes at it’s condition seeing that somehow the weather had managed to get inside, though the place seemed empty you assumed that they were somewhat listening to the direction of Doctor Strange and were still in the basement. Though the closer you got to where they were supposed to be you didn’t hear any noise.
“Peter Parker, you are grounded forever.” You said loudly as your voice echoed off of the walls as you were met with with a completely empty room, though you could tell they had been there due to the condition of the room and the fact that the inside of one of the cells had sand in it and the other had small rocks littered all over the ground.
“Looks like the youth group went on a field trip” You spoke to yourself pulling out your phone once again, this time to call Peter who was in more than trouble at this point. He was way over his head taking all of the villains out of their captivity.
“H-hey Y/n what’s up?” Peter sounded nervous at the fact that you had called his cell phone directly and you had never done that before.
“Location now. I don’t care what you’re trying to do I wasn’t directed to stop you I was directed to make sure you did not royally fuck up any furhter.” You knew that Peter was going to have a list of reasons not to tell you and on top of that he was going to have reasons why he did what he did but you were in no mood for that and by the sound of your voice he could tell.
“I will send you my location right now just please don’t get angr-” You hung up on him and sat in the messages the two of you shared waiting for his text and the moment it came through you hoped for his sake he wasn’t lying.
“Wong cannot know this happened or it’s gonna be everyones ass.” Getting in your car and turning on the GPS you could not imagine the lecture you and Strange would receive if he found out especially you for picking Stephen’s side in this fight since the three of you were really good friends and that was always an issue. You were always the middleman and now you were the babysitter.
Pulling up to the given location Peter had texted you other specifics in order to get exactly where he was, fueled by anger and frustration you moved faster than you planned on. Not noticing the shaking trunk parked right next to your car. Pounding on the door you could hear a mixture of voices from behind it, one of which sounded quite young.
“Y/n please listen to me.” Peter’s eyes were incredibly wide as he put his hands out in front of him as you stalked closer to him closing the door behind you.
“Absolutely not, you directly disobeyed every single rule you had, you screwed up the timeline with Strange, and now you’ve brought them to a fucking condaminium. So now you’re having a nice little dinner together? Planning on making this a bed and breakfast for multiversal criminals? Before you even start with apologizing, know you are not forgiven by me and Stephen is gonna lose his shit with you the moment he sees you again. Oh and by the way I don’t wanna hear your little plan, move fast get this cleaned up. I do not care how, just do it.” The teenager in front of you stood with his mouth shut staring at you, not sure whether to move or say anything back because based on your tone you were ready to snap at him worse if he did anything.
“Let’s go, now means now.” You clapped your hands at them before shooing them away looking around the room you saw unrecognizable faces, those of which did not look happy with the situation either as Peter ran back into a different room.
“Y/n?” You heard a male voice pipe up from behind you as you were standing in the middle of the room looking around at everyone including Aunt May who was fixing drinks for everyone or at least offering them before you showed up.
“Yeah, that’s my name.” You turned around to face a man who was wrapped in his own machinery looking directly at you confused.
“How did you end up here? That’s not the right Peter Parker. Why do you know him?” His eyes were scanning over your appearance recognizing you based on that and your name he knew it had to be the you that he knew and not someone else.
“Who are you? Why do you know my name? This is my dimension and sadly that is the Peter Parker I know, right now I wish it wasn’t because then I wouldn’t have to play principal to a bunch of reckless teenagers with a half witted plan.” Speaking carefully not wanting to upset him since he was clearly very upset, whether it was the position he was in or if he did know someone in his universe that was another variant of you and was just confused.
“I’m Otto Octavius and I know you because in my dimension you are someone very special to me. I’m surprised it’s not really you I know because you look exactly the same, identical in fact.” He swallowed harshly now looking down at the arm wrapped around his body.
“Would either of you like a drink?” May popped in to offer the two of you something as she was feeling quite out of place in this situation entirely.
“Yes, water please.” You smiled at her knowing how weird this had to be to her, first she’s got spiderman in her house who is now one of the most hated people in the world and now she was surrounded by people who were clearly not the most friendly nor sane. “Are you thirsty?” You asked Otto as he finally looked up.
“Actually yes I am.” He nodded his head at the two of you as May filled a cup for you, handing it over, nodding as you thanked her as you took a sip.
“Salt or freshwater?” May smiled as she looked at him trying to be friendly and you held the cup close to your lips trying not to be seen laughing.
“What?” Otto snapped back a bit confused as to why she would ask him such a question seeing as to how it was obvious that he was a human with metal tentacles rather than flesh ones.
“Because you’re an octopus.” Her face scrunched up a bit now she was looking to you for some sort of answer feeling like she had just said something to upset him.
“I think he drinks fresh water, and maybe get a straw so he can actually drink it.” You pulled back the cup still laughing a bit lifting your head back up you sat your cup down, “So, what’s your life like? What am I like?” You were now invested in this idea that you existed outside of this timeline.
“You in my universe are the most darling person. You are quick witted, hilarious, caring, and one of the most accepting people I know. I have made many a mistake in my life and yet you have stayed by my side no matter the consequence. Though we don’t agree on most of the things I do, you don’t try and agress the situation further. Rather you try to understand my point of view.” Otto answered your question without hesitation and decided to only speak about you and not the rest of his life.
“Wow, well I must say that is an accurate depiction of me.” You laughed a little bit at your own words as a small smile creeped onto his features. “If you don’t mind my prying then I must ask, how did you end up in this compromising situation?”
“Let me tell you a secret, never touch metal with nano tech. Peter’s now in control of them and I am stuck like this until he makes a cure I don’t need.” Otto sounded confident in the idea that he was perfectly fine and there was no issue with him.
“If you don’t need one then why is he making one?” You tried to make this sound like Peter was in the wrong rather than him.
“Because that kid thinks he can fix all of us even though we don’t have issues, we just have abilities that he is not fond of for whatever reason.” He was clearly getting more aggravated with the topic at hand not wanting to be where he was.
“So if you could be anywhere right now where would you wish to be? Truly not based on anything, just where would you feel the most happy?” You weren’t sure what was going on other than what you were told, but this man didn’t seem threatening, at least not towards you.
“At home in my living room with my Y/n telling her all about this situation. I’d apologize for disappearing so suddenly, well I guess I would have more apologizing than that to do. But I would do it, then I would ask for her forgiveness and if she gave me that like she had a million times before I would ask her about her day over a nice pot of coffee. She has always been the one person to keep me somewhat grounded.” You didn’t know this but him seeing you again even if it wasn’t his Y/n made him feel something he hadn’t been able to in quite some time.
You smiled and nodded because out of the corner of your eye you saw Peter coming out of the room staring at the two of you confused before messing with the controls of the metallic tentacles.
“Y/n? Why are you here?” You now turned your head completely to see another man you did not recognize in even the slightest. Though based on the current situation you assumed he and Otto came from the same place in time.
“I’m not your Y/n but apparently I’m a lot like her and look pretty much identical as well, weird coincidence.” Speaking with your hands quickly you looked up at the doctor who was being forced up with Peter standing behind him.
“Hey Parker, this better not fuck things up worse in this timeline or in his.” Nodding at the two of them you took a deep breath in watching as Peter fought with him to place a chip in the back of his neck near the end of his head.
The moment the piece was placed, his head fell forward and he let out a breath. Peter tried speaking to him and waking him up as the room stood still, all eyes on him.
“Otto? Hey?” You shouted over Peter saying Doc over and over again hoping that Peter had not just accidentally killed him or made the situation worse.
“It’s so quiet.” His head popped up and Peter let out a sigh of relief as he did so, also happy to hear that he was already feeling better.
You smiled, let out the breath you were holding, shaking your head around a bit as you heard Otto continue to talk to Peter before descending back to the ground where everyone else was. Peter got down with him, giving him back the control of his own body and returning the nano tech back to himself.
“Feel better?” You were standing in front of him once more as he looked much happier, though he didn’t look particularly unhappy when he was speaking to you. But you did notice how he had been speaking and looking at everyone else in a negative fashion.
“Tremendously. After seeing you here today I have never been more excited to go home and see her. Though the voices could never take that from me. My dear Y/n she will be so happy to have me back in this way. “ The two of you smiled at each other.
“You ever come back as you showed up or like this just know you’ve got a friend in me. Clearly you’ll know how to find me considering my life here never slows down and most definitely won’t if Stephen keeps doing magic tricks with kids.” You joked and this time he laughed with you as you stood together in the middle of the room as Peter ran back to finish his other solutions.
“I knew that the moment I saw you, no one with her name and physical features could ever turn a cold shoulder to anyone. I’m glad I met you because now I have faith that this version of my world will be a better place wherever you step. If we cross paths on my end, know that you have a friend there as well. I cannot wait to see her again. The things I have put her through are horrible and she did not deserve that at any point.” Otto was reflecting slowly on the feelings he was now able to have.
“If she’s anything like me mixed with what you say of her then he will forgive you, especially when she sees you so happy to see her. Live your life with her the way you want to, and tell her that I said hi.” You weren’t sure what horrible things he was referring to but you could also see a new man from the one you had spoken to only moments before.
“I’ll be sure to let her know all about this ordeal and mention that there’s another one of her running around doing great things just like her. I hope that when I go home she’s dancing in the kitchen to music or reading a novel on the couch, those are two of the things she most enjoys. I would love to join her to dance around with her again rather than work on some project or to ask her about her book rather than rant about something she already disagrees with me on. I don’t deserve her one bit.” He smiled at the memories he had of the two of them together.
“I’m sure she will be and I am so sure that she will be wonderfully happy to see you. If I had one of you around I’d tell him hi. Seems like you’re the only one of you that exists which is a good thing because two men as smart as you running around would be quite the spectacle at this moment.” Trying to think of anyone even slightly similar seemed impossible.
“Thank you for the kind words, I really do appreciate this, no matter how this turns out I will fight on your side if there is one.” Little did he know how right his words were as Peter came out of the room looking for his aunt as something felt terribly wrong…
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thefirstdirector · 3 years
Spiderman: No Way Home
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A place like home.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Summary: Peter reenconters with someone he loved profoundly, celebrating Christmas with hugs and words.
[NOTE: This is my first time writting fanfiction and posting about it. Who knows if i will turn this into something bigger, but i just enjoy living the fantasies in which i know i will never achieve...ik im sad]
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After the incident in the new modernized Statue of Liberty, Peter lost everyone he loved. A sacrifice had to be made to save the multiverse from collapsing into chaos. Everyone he cherished, forgot about him.
But there was someone very important in his life who did remember him.
He contemplated about the good times he had with this friend, well they were dating but for Peter it felt like they weren't anymore. His name kept ringing in his mind and he just couldn't shut those thoughts away. He missed him dearly.
Knock knock
The sound of knocking on wood, although usual, it felt different. It felt diferent for Peter. But by the sound of it, it just might be the landlord.
-What is it!? I said i would pay you tom-
For a moment, he thought he was dreaming. Another ilusion of some kind, and he was skeptic of it, with his mind overly saturated with paranoia and regret. It couldn't be possible... and above all so coincidental. Y/N was standing in front of Peter, worried and desperate.
-Hello Peter!
Peter only stood there, reminiscing over their most memorable episodes and their break up before the first battle with Thanos (2018). He knows what happen between them was quite intense and over all fixated on their own worries but even then he never doubted or disrespected his ex.
Y/N smirks before entering the apartment. After closing the door, the H/C boy demands gently for Peter to sit.
Peter was a little weirded out but sat down, and so did his ex.
-You have changed Peter, what happen?
Peter felt Y/N's hand caressing his face, and this was certainly becoming overwhelming for him but he didn't refuse the touch. He let himself succumb to the other boy's warmth, letting his eyes look down and sob. Those same tears, held so much suffering, suffering that Y/N wouldn't bare to look at.
-Oh peter, come here.
Y/N quickly engulfed his ex in his arms sharing his warmth with the spider boy. Peter knew that this level of affection might be uncanny or bizarre, considering what has happen in the past, but it felt good receiving this embrace from someone that he knew would always love him.
-You might be wondering why do i still remember you...To make long story short, before that last spell, I protected myself with my own incantation that Wong teached me. So i would never forget you. At that time i was at the Sanctum.
Peter was relieved and grateful for this.
-I just couldn't bare to see you living alone, with no one to remember. I know that we might not even be in the best terms, but i look up to you. I admire you Parker. Quite a lot.
Y/N felt Peter hugging him once again, relishing in that warming presence of his ex-lover.
-I'm happy you are here. I missed you.
Peter held Y/N's cheeks and they stayed like that for awhile. Peter just came from this mess, and Y/N had lost connection with former Avengers and other familiar faces. Plus the feelings for Peter were always there to tickled him in the worst times.
After they calmed down from sobbing uncontrollably, the boys were laying down in the bed, next to eachother with Y/N embracing Peter from behind. They missed this, and even if Peter had strong feelings for MJ, this intense warmth of Y/N was fundamental for him.
Y/N then looked at Peter and his glazy eyes.
-If i could, i would turn things back to how they were. And if i had the chance i would have killed that Mysterio guy from revealing something so important to you. I'm so sorry.
Peter smirks, understanding this frustration.
After rubbing circles on Peter's scalp, the spiderling engulfed his ex in a tight hug, thanking him for everything.
-Even if we don't become a thing, i want you by my side. I think loosing you again would be a big mistake.
Y/N tears up a little and nods.
-Don't worry, i will. Whenever you are with me, you will feel at home.
Suddenly, as the snow fell in the window, Y/N remembered something. Peter sensed this slight anxiety and got worried. Moments after, Y/N conjures up a small gift from his hands that he had prepared for Peter.
Peter was suprised and excited, feeling slightly better then before.
-This is for you, might not be much, but i saw it and reminded me of you...Happy Christmas, Pete.
Y/N sat behind the spider boy, gently putting his hands on Peter's hips, waiting for his response.
Peter was in awe, it was a snow globe that had a spiderman inside, fully decorated with Christmas ornaments. It was small but profound present. This was a moment of choice. Peter finally looks at Y/N, and quickly kisses him in the forehead.
Making both boys blush tremendously, appreciating eachother's presence. Y/N, lays his head on Peter's shoulder,making both boys appreciate their Christmas together.
With a bright new future and a new life to begin with.
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