alicealmost · 2 months
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I just found out about Harlequin Rabbits, a breed known for their unique color pattern and I couldn't help but instantly think about my baby Jaiden, lol. And since some artists love to draw bunny Jax, why don't give it a try? Hehe
According to PetMD website, "Harlequins are known to be gentle, playful, and friendly, social animals that thrive when they get lots of interaction with their family members", which totally match with Jaiden's personality.
"Rabbits that do not get enough social interaction may develop undesirable behaviors like biting, scratching, or kicking when handled." I may explore this as well, eventually
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cmu1 · 7 months
Un poco acerca de algunos animales que nos rodean
Oscar Lepe, Alejandro Várguez, Javier Guadarrama, Ferrán Rosas.
Descubramos las Razas de Gatos que Viven Más Tiempo
¿Sabías que algunos gatos pueden vivir mucho más tiempo que otros? En este artículo, exploraremos las cinco razas de gatos que destacan por su longevidad. Según PetMD, el promedio de vida de un gato oscila entre los 13 y 17 años, pero estas razas tienen la capacidad de superar esa expectativa. Desde los elegantes siameses hasta los tranquilos burmeses, estas razas ofrecen compañía felina durante muchos años. Esta investigación nos hace conocer cinco razas extraordinarias y sus cuidados, dirigido a dueños de mascotas interesados en la salud y bienestar de sus gatos.
Ahora te pregunto, ¿Qué aspectos consideras más importantes al elegir una raza de gato, la longevidad o características específicas de personalidad y apariencia?
Tipo de texto científico de divulgación.
El facinante mundo de los Anfibios: Facinante
Los anfibios desempeñan un papel crucial en la regulación de poblaciones de insectos como mosquitos, ayudando a prevenir enfermedades como el virus del dengue, zika y chikungunya. Sin embargo, el crecimiento urbano ha llevado a la disminución de los anfibios, privándonos de este beneficio. Recientemente, se descubrió que la piel de la rana leopardo contiene sustancias que podrían tratar el virus del zika y posiblemente el dengue. Además, la Rana Incubadora Gástrica, que incubaba sus huevos en su estómago para proteger a su progenie, inspiró el desarrollo de la ranitidina, un medicamento para úlcera y reflujo. Lamentablemente, esta especie se extinguió en 2002 debido a la quitridiomicosis, una enfermedad fúngica que afecta a los anfibios.
¿Interesante no? ¿Conoces algo especial de algún anfibio o te interesaría conocer más acerca de ellos?
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aropride · 1 year
last night i opened a petmd article abt signs a cat is injured and immediately started crying at the first paragraph
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i dont have a cat or anything im just mentally ill
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floraliia · 2 months
SebDerm Journey
Itchy/painful sebderm on scalp (has been an on/off issue since high school); probably due to not washing enough and extra oiliness from Florida summer heat
Possible sebderm on shoulders/chest/neck? - minor itchy “acne” that recurs, possibly due to sweat, hair oiliness, and irritating body wash
Destroyed skin barrier on face due to using body wash on face, causing acne that then leaves scabs for a while and dry/burning cheeks; sweat probably isn’t helping
Get rid of sebderm on scalp while reducing frizz/loss of styling (as much as possible) due to humidity - essentially, balance sebderm and hair hydration
Continue tinting my hair red
Repair skin barrier on face and reduce acne while preventing eczema from skin being too dry; start incorporating ingredients to maintain elasticity
Get rid of sebderm on shoulders/chest while continuing to prevent dishydrosis on hands/feet and dry-skin eczema on rest of body
Introduce changes SLOWLY (take at least 1 month between changes) to make sure I can see long term effects
Current hair routine:
Every 3-4 days: wash with HiBar soothe shampoo & conditioner
1x per week: deep condition with Keracolor conditioner for 30 minutes prior to shampoo & conditioner (mainly for color tint)
1x per month: wash with V05 kiwi clarifying shampoo & HiBar soothe conditioner
Current skin routine:
Shower daily with whatever soap is on hand (currently Gillette body hydrator body wash)
Wash face 2x a day with water (repairing skin barrier), moisturize 2x a day with generic version of CeraVe
Next steps:
Introduce Nizoral ketoconozale shampoo 2x a week for 2 months; then only once a week
Increase hair washing from every 3-4 days to every other day; replace HiBar with Vanicream (sebderm safe) as it runs out
Use Keracolor until it runs out, then replace with 1x a month Kristin Ess hair gloss (sebderm safe)
Use PetMD chlorhex/ketoconazole wipes at least 1x daily/up to 3x daily (if sweating) on shoulders and chest
Re-introduce SKINFOOD rice face cleanser (has been helpful in restoring skin barrier in the past) 2x daily, and introduce Beauty of Joseon calming masks 1x per week
Increase usage of blotting powder to reduce greasiness, especially on forehead/bangs area
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terrasu · 2 years
Friendly reminder Lillies are poisonous to cats! Their pollen, the water in the vase, the leaves, the flowers. All poisonous.
You can read more from PetMD here
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kaiyadrawzz · 2 years
i got an ask about a kitten who was suffering from non-regenerative anemia. ofc i was eager to help cuz that sucks but a few moments after posting, i realized something was... off. the grammar was wrong, the account was sketchy, and people were protesting it was a scam. so me and @amateurbird decided to look into it. what i mean by grammar issues is:
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things like this, and related. there's a lot of things like this and related. which brings you to the question: is this just a couple slip-ups, or could there be something not adding up? no, something definitely doesn't.
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this is the full paragraph. as you can see, there are.. lots of typos. capitalization in unnecessary places, word repeating, punctuation nowhere to be found. but this happens too many times to be a common slip up. but the real thing that threw us off was the story. first, it describes how an angry man threw a kitten off of the 3rd story. floors, in height, are at least 10 feet tall due to fire code. so that means she fell at least 30 feet. 30 feet. according to https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-safe-height-for-an-8-week-old-kitten-to-fall-from , falls like this can result in serious injury. (i.e.: spinal injuries, broken bones, head trauma, and even internal injuries.) keep in mind this is a kitten, and the point of injury is 5 feet. and this was 30. as it says in the paragraph: "causing her to have different fractures all over her body!" this isn't true at all. but that isn't even the first red flag. the go fund me picture shows the cat very small, almost in appearance to a couple week old kitten. but it's been 7 months. according to PetMD, the age cats are fully grown is about 12 months. and it's been 7. this cat has already almost grew fully. so why does she look like a kitten? the other question was that: why would it cost $2,500 if you have health insurance for the cat? if you take in an injured cat which already would have problems, you are required to have health insurance (ty bird for that C:) so it wouldn't cost as much as 2,500. also, why would you take a cat directly home after it just fell out a 3rd story window? but, we could be wrong and this argument is just things we've gathered and were suspicious about, and if this is a scam, we would like to draw attention to the people who would be tricked and not to give in because these kinda scams are incredibly cruel. but, if we were wrong, i'm very sorry, and i hope you can gather money for your cat. have a nice day!!!! <3 (if you think we are wrong and have evidence to back it up, feel free to inform us kindly. do not send us hate comments. it's mean. thank you!!!!!!! <3)
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On the apparently controversial topic of Dean's cat allergy
Sup. I have no idea how posting on Tumblr works, so of course in true me fashion, I decided controversy was the way to go. Anyway, I read about people complaining about continuity and such.
In the episode with Bela's cat (s. 3 e. 3) said cat is a Siamese. Which is actually a hypoallergenic breed of cat. I looked it up to make sure. "Another hypoallergenic cat is the Siamese. While there are zero non-shedding cats, this blue-eyed feline has a short coat that doesn’t shed heavily. This means they don’t produce as many allergens as some other breeds." (quote from petMD). Meaning being around this cat might not trigger a person's allergies.
In the episode where Dean is as jumpy as, well a cat, as a result of the ghost virus, thing (s. 4 e. 6). He is near that cat for at most ten seconds. I personally, have a pretty bad dog allergy, and I have to be around a dog for a lot longer than ten seconds before anything happens. I realize this my not apply to everyone, but that's my example. Plus from what I remember he wasn't very close to that cat.
I really don't mean this in a bad way. I'm not trying to say my opinion is better than anyone else. I'm just saying there are reasons why maybe his allergies weren't acting up. Maybe he took allergy meds those days. Who knows? I certainly don't. I'm just pointing out reasons why maybe his allergies weren't causing him any problems in those scenes.
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armorabs · 1 year
What do you suppose what about to Snellie after her first appearance? And since when did Squidward ever got a Snail Allergy when he once had a Pet Snail?
i mean considering snails are used as stand-ins for cats in the setting of spongebob squarepants, its really not much of a contradiction for a man who is allergic to snails (read as: cats) to have a snail or want a snail. in real life there are breeds of cats that are hypoallergenic, which someone who has an allergy to cats but wants a cat anyways can adopt and won't suffer the effects of allergies nearly as much with another breed.
"Want to adopt a cat, but suffer from allergies? Some feline breeds are considered "hypoallergenic," which means they produce fewer allergens than others. Cats do produce pet dander, a common allergen, but the culprit for the estimated 10 percent of the population who are allergic to cats may be a protein, Fel d 1, that is present in cat saliva. Technically, there is no such thing as a 100 percent hypoallergenic domestic cat (or dog). If your allergy is not severe, these breeds should come pretty close. The following is a guideline which petMD recommends for people who want to adopt a feline, yet feel their options are limited due to allergies."
(~ PetMD, 2014; 10 Hypoallergenic Cats)
so given the importance of the fact snellie was a pedigree snail, it isn't hard to believe that snellie was a hypoallergenic snail that squidward didn't suffer the negative effects of allergies nearly as much as he would have otherwise.
anyways i like to think that squidward eventually found that he didn't quite have the time or attention span to take care of snellie nearly as much as she required - i like to think she's the snail equivalent of a sphynx cat, which require weekly baths due to their lack of fur leading to build up sweat and wax that they can't clean themselves as efficiently as a cat with fur can - (possibly combined with the fact that the effect she had on his allergies was not actually as nonexistent as he would have hoped or expected) and decided to give her to someone who was more amenable to snellie's needs. i like to think squidmund because, you know, he's squidwards cousin and his character intentionally parallels spongebob's character so if anyones gonna get squidward's snail it'd make sense for it to be him, right? so yeah :]
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ask-a-vetblr · 2 years
I reason this on PetMD https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/poisoning/flea-and-tick-medicine-poisoning-dogs
The formulations of pyrethrins and pyrethroids vary depending on how they will be used. Pyrethrins and pyrethroids typically come in varying concentrations. Higher concentrations can be safely used on dogs, but cats are more sensitive to these chemicals and cannot metabolize these drugs.
Intended uses of these products include:
Home and outdoor yard and garden insecticides, which typically come in liquids, sprays, granules, and foggers
Over-the-counter medicated flea shampoos
Topical flea and tick preventives
Common brands of pyrethrins/pyrethroids include:
Vectra 3D
Advantage sprays and home fogger
Seresto collars
Hartz products"
Why is Advantage recommendws by vets for cats if they are more likely to experience toxicity to it?
GV here.
Advantage sprays are not used on cats.
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petnews2day · 3 months
Cat Who Cries When 'Not Involved in Everything' Has Internet in Stitches
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/DgADc
Cat Who Cries When 'Not Involved in Everything' Has Internet in Stitches
A cat has left the internet in stitches after she refused to be put down while her owner cooks. Felines differ largely in personality types, with some being much more affectionate than others. According to PetMD, many people stereotype cats as being aloof. While some are, many kitties feel a strong bond with their owners […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/DgADc #CatsNews #Animals, #Cats, #Cooking, #Instagram, #ViralVideo
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vekoocare · 4 months
Be Your Pet's Best Advocate: Online Resources for Understanding Common Pet Health Issues
Bringing up an animal companion is a highly fulfilling experience. Everyone would agree that our pets bring us immense joy and add meaning to our lives. As pet parents, we have a huge responsibility to ensure that our fur babies are in peak health. Although visiting the veterinarian’s office should be the first priority in any health issues, it might be useful to have some online resources handy for quick fixes or alleviate concerns about certain behavioural or physical symptoms. Moreover, visiting the pet clinic can be stressful for the animal and every responsible pet parent should have first aid information to prepare for every emergency. That’s why in this article, we are looking at some reliable online resources for pet healthcare. Let’s dive in.
Understanding Pet Health Issues
To make the best use of online resources, it is imperative that you understand the common health issues that pets face. It is important to keep yourself informed about common ailments and their cures so that you can identify behavioural patterns and detect health issues early on. There are various resources that can provide crucial information to understand your pet’s symptoms.
Dental health
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is a not-for-profit association representing more than 105,000 veterinarians in the US. The AVMA provides information resources about pet care, emergency care, responsible pet ownership, preventive care for dental health and more.
You can resolve queries through FAQs about pharma medicines, prescriptions and first aid tips.
Skin allergies
Looking for pet healthcare advice about allergies from verified vets? PetMD is your go-to source. Come on this website to answer queries about all kinds of pets, insurance and more. You can also subscribe to their newsletter for pet health tips. One of the best features they have is the Symptom Checker. Just type in the external symptoms your animal friend is showing and PetMD will list out possible causes. 
You can also chat with their licensed vet team for free if you have specific questions.
Nutritional issues
The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) website has a dedicated page for resources beneficial for pet parents. You can filter the articles by animals, topics and more. Although they only have information on cats and dogs, you can also find veterinary information and different trackers such as canine life stage calculator, diabetes management guidelines to help you stay informed and make conscious decisions when it comes to food and nutrition.
If you want to have a thorough understanding of parasitic infections and infestations, look no further than Pets and Parasites, a comprehensive website led by the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) to create guidelines for controlling pet parasites.
Keep in mind
The internet has vast resources and we are quick to whip out our phones for every inquiry or question we have. But as we all know, online resources are not always reliable. Misinformation is prevalent everywhere in online space. Off the counter advice in animal pharmacies should also be taken with a pinch of salt and always verified. Make sure that the resource you consult is authentic, correct and credible. Refrain from taking a recommendation as final before cross checking for correctness.
Be aware that every animal reacts differently to medication and might have a different recovery time or process. Consulting a vet, especially someone who has a clear idea of your pet’s health history, preferences, allergens and other details, is always recommended for any health issues or concerns.
Veko Prioritises Health
The vast reaches of the internet afford us the power of information right at the tips of our fingers. But with great power comes great responsibility. When it comes to pet health issues, we should never take things lightly. That’s why as an animal medicine company, we at Veko Care take great pains to ensure the correct dissemination of information related to correct measures, dosage for animal pharmacy products, and care for our animal companions. Veko organizes animal awareness campaigns, rabies vaccination drives to promote knowledge about animal welfare, safety and disease management.
Not only this, we make sure that our products have the correct information on their labels and we train pharmacy owners or managers about various first aid knowledge to empower them to impart correct instructions to buyers. Choose Veko Care for holistic animal health management!
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
Pet Medicated Shampoo Market Size, Share, Types, Products, Trends, Growth, Applications and Forecast 2024 to 2032
Pet Medicated Shampoo Market Size Was Valued at USD 573.89 Million in 2023, and is Projected to Reach USD 975.35 Million by 2032, Growing at a CAGR of 6.07% From 2024-2032.
Pet medicated shampoo is a type of cleaning solution designed especially to treat different dermatological problems in animals, usually dogs and cats. Targeting particular skin diseases like fungal infections, bacterial infections, allergies, or severe itching, it contains active components like antifungals, antimicrobials, or calming agents. These shampoos work gently to remove dirt, debris, and extra oil from the pet's hair and skin while also promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and relieving symptoms. Veterinarians frequently suggest them as a part of an all-encompassing skin issue treatment strategy, which helps to preserve the pet's general health and skin integrity.
The market for medicated shampoo for pets is now seeing an incredible upswing in demand, driven by the combination of multiple important variables that highlight the changing dynamics of the pet care sector. A major factor propelling this upward trend is the noteworthy global increase in pet ownership. Comprehensive pet care solutions are becoming more and more necessary as more homes include pets into their life. Pets are now regarded as valued family members who require the same degree of care and attention as their human counterparts, rather than just companions.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the Pet Medicated Shampoo Market include:
Douxo, Sulfodene, Earthbath, Curaseb, Adams, PetMD, Davis, SynergyLabs, Paws & Pals, Dechra DermaBenSs, and Other Key Players 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query Pet Medicated Shampoo Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Pet Medicated Shampoo Market:
By Product
Medicated Dog Shampoo,
Medicated Cat Shampoo,
By Form
By Distribution Channel
Veterinary clinics
Pet specialty stores
Online retailers
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Key Benefits of Pet Medicated Shampoo Market Research: 
Research Report covers the Industry drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges
Competitive landscape & strategies of leading key players
Potential & niche segments and regional analysis exhibiting promising growth covered in the study
Recent industry trends and market developments
Research provides historical, current, and projected market size & share, in terms of value
Market intelligence to enable effective decision making
Growth opportunities and trend analysis
Covid-19 Impact analysis and analysis to Pet Medicated Shampoo market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assist our clients grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, specialized in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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wyatt-06 · 5 months
The Health Advantages Enjoyed By A Well Groomed Dog
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Dog grooming is not a luxury but a necessity for your pets. Booking your dog regularly for professional grooming does not only make them smell and look great but it is also important to their health. Letting your canine’s coat grow a bit more can be tempting but it takes maintenance. Thus, it is highly recommended that you have your dog professionally groomed on a monthly basis. Hassle-Free Nail Trimming
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Pic Credit - PetMD
Long nails are associated with problems like they create discomfort to your dog while walking. And as a result, your pooch may walk in a weird way, which can cause bone malformations and arthritis if left untreated. Thus, dogs will need a nail trim at least once a month. For most pet owners, nail trimming is a dreaded task. As pets don’t like process, pet owners can cut their nail shorter than it needs to be. A professional dog groomer will know how to make your furry friend cooperative. Most importantly, they will cut your dog’s nails to the appropriate length. Protection for Their Sense
Pic Credit - Popular Science
Another important reason dogs need good grooming to stay healthy is to prevent problems with their eyes, ears, and mouth. Did you know dogs can get scratches on their eyes, ear mites, lose teeth? Ideally, dogs need to be kept clean and dry and regular grooming not only makes them smell nice but helps in preventing these various problems as well. Use of the Right Grooming Supplies
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Pic Credit - Top Dog Tips
Like humans, dogs also have different needs. For instance, dogs with long hair will need different grooming supplies than those with short hair. Professional groomers know this, so they only make use of the most suitable grooming supplies such as shampoos and conditioners made specifically for them, so it doesn’t irritate their skin. Healthy and shiny coats that shed a lot less
Pic Credit - Omlet
Regardless of your dog’s hair length, taking your dog to the groomer to get washed and brushed will help with the quality of their fur. Just brushing alone helps to remove dead skin and dirt. It helps to spread the natural oils over their coat, making it shinier and healthier. Proper Massage Techniques
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Pic Credit - American Kennel Club
Your dog can greatly benefit from a massage. It helps to stimulate their circulatory system and eliminating any stress. Massaging your dog can be a difficult task if you are not aware of their muscle groups. A professional groomer is well - trained to give your dog a pleasurable and healthy massage. Detection of Parasites
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Pic Credit - Cesars Way
Groomers can immediately tell if your dog has parasites. They will check each inch of your pet’s body for fleas and other parasites. Your pet’s soft and warm fur is a perfect environment for these parasites. Ticks are removed during the drying process. The entire coat of your canine is split line by line during the drying process until their entire coat is dry. While doing so, groomers will remove the entire dead coat and check for anything unusual. This way, any serious problems can be detected.
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elfdragon12 · 10 months
Ah, social media "dog experts"! I would never claim to be a dog expert myself, but I would like to say I've learned some. Or, rather, I don't immediately trust everyone acting like they're speaking fact.
For example, this person:
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I fully agree with two of these points. Dogs do not understand concepts like right and wrong. Not all dogs are friendly and can adapt to every situation.
Everything else is... Hmmmm, debatable or not quite proven one way or the other.
Or it turns out this person is pointing at the wrong thing, as shown in the captions:
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What this person is actually talking about is reasoning. The dog does remember the couch, but the dog cannot reason that you're yelling at them because of it. (This person turns off comments because "no one can read" and everyone arguing with them is only using anecdotal evidence. As if Instagram is the place to hold your scientific debate with sources.)
Also, a quick search does show that it is proven that dogs (and cats) have some form of long term memory. Here's from PetMD:
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Anecdotally, if dogs don't have long term memory, then please explain how my dog remembers her BFF Odin the Rottweiler/Cane Corso mix despite not seeing him all winter or my mother, who she hadn't seen in months.
As for planning ahead, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of scientific studies regarding this, but there certainly are a lot of anecdotes. They are predators, which being a successful one does require some amount forethought. (Or maybe I just couldn't find the right studies.)
Lastly, for complex emotions, I believe the current belief is that a fully mature dog has the emotional complexity of a 2-2 and a half year old. Here's a chart I found:
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So, yeah, dogs don't really experience a lot of complex emotions. Stubbornness is a behavioral trait, not an emotion though. I should know, considering how my dog will refuse to move from a spot when she wants to go a different direction (she is a shar pei/husky mix, that will happen). As for spite? Might wiggly, depending on how you define it. Dogs are certainly able to be *mad* at a person though, however. Like when I managed to clip my dog's nail and she got mad at me, refusing to come near until I "apologized" with an appropriate treat.
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how-cbd-for-pets · 10 months
CBD for Pets Unleashed: Discover the Benefits and Safety Tips for Your Furry Friends
Have you caught wind of the latest trend in pet care? That's right, we're talking about CBD for pets. It’s a hot topic with lots of buzz, and we’re here to explore what it means for your furry family members.
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What is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, comes from cannabis and hemp plants. But here's the crucial part: it's not the same as THC, which causes the high. CBD is all about the health perks, minus the high, making it a safe bet for pets.
Benefits of CBD for Pets
Now, let’s talk benefits. CBD is gaining fame for easing pet anxiety (think thunderstorms or fireworks) and managing pain, especially in seniors with joint issues. Some studies even hint at benefits for specific health conditions. But remember, this field is still growing, and ongoing research is key. For a deeper dive into these benefits, check out American Kennel Club’s take on CBD.
Safety and Considerations
Hold your horses before starting CBD with your pet. The mantra is low and slow – low dosage, and closely observe. And, as always, chatting with your vet is a must. Keep an eye out for any unusual symptoms like lethargy or changes in appetite.
User Experiences and Testimonials
The pet parent grapevine is abuzz with CBD stories. Take Jack, whose older Lab found a new lease on life with CBD, or Emma, who found a solution for her cat’s anxiety. It’s experiences like these that are propelling the pet CBD trend forward.
Choosing the Right CBD Product for Your Pet
The key to CBD success is quality and suitability. You’ll want to consider concentration, quality, and the form (like oils or treats). And hey, speaking of quality, don't miss out on the cool discounts over at TreetVapours. They've got your pet CBD needs covered!
Legal and Veterinary Perspectives
Navigating the legalities of CBD can be tricky, so do your research. And, of course, your vet should be your go-to for advice on CBD for your pet. For more insights on the legal aspects, this resource from PetMD is super helpful.
Wrapping it up, CBD could be a game-changer for your pet’s wellness. Just remember, individual responses vary, so patience and observation are key. Start gently, keep an eye on your pet, and involve your vet in the journey.
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r3affenpinscher · 1 year
Affenpinscher | PetMD
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