#Pet astrology
geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Copywrites reserved ©️Gemini Moon Madness
Like humans, animals have unique natal chart placements. This post is in regards to your pets sun sign, though if you are aware of their moon sign, you may see those traits come through as well.
Aries pets like to lead the way and be in charge, especially when on a walk! (They’re the dogs tugging on their leash) These pets will be harder to train than most and are known to not come when they’re called. Even though they have highly independent traits, they will still want to be the centre of your world. These pets may always be injuring themselves in accidents quite often and get to know the vet very well lol. They are confident & strong no matter what kind or size.
Taurus pets are extremely laid back. They love food to the point they’ll always check whatever you offer them out even if they’re not hungry or in the mood. They love to take regular naps! They appreciate affection but only when they’re in the mood. They can also be shy & don’t like be shown off to strangers. Loud noises and chaos stress them out so they need a peaceful environment.
I had a Taurus dog that was terrified of thunderstorms & lawn mowers. Even the noise of the builders 2 doors down was enough to force him out of his element.
Gemini pets can get moody. They can be passive and agreesive, have their good and bad days, sometimes they are outgoing, sometimes they’ll be reserved and distant. They are a quick learner as they are quite smart. They prefer to form a bond with more than one person rather than following the “ownership” dynamic. These pets are prone to separation anxiety/nervousness, they can be indecisive in their eating habits, love going for walks and are affectionate. They also love social environments and being spoken to.
Cancer pets are loving and may need continuous attention and reassurance. They are such sweet pets, very sensitive. They like to comfort eat & can become overweight/unhealthy easily. They make friends with other pets, as if they were a companion to them also. Moving home or visiting new and unfamiliar places can make these pets uncomfortable and a lil annoyed with you - They may not seem like themselves for a while until they settle in or get over it.
Leo pets have a pride about them, they’re warm, generous and the most loyal pets out there. They have energy to burn and will always be up for an outdoor adventure (their favourite!!) They love being heard and are known to regularly bark, even for no reason lol. This pet will enjoy to be the centre of attention wherever you take them, whether you’re at home, a friends house or the park, this pet is happy in the spotlight. Other pets may bully your Leo pet due to jealousy & feeling the need to assert dominance.
Virgo is the calm and quiet pet. They love routine and don’t like change, though these pets can handle stressful situations quite well. They like to follow you around, they will be a loyal travelling buddy as they tend to stick by your side when they are outdoors. Very intelligent and analytical which makes them easier to train than most pets. They enjoy it when you talk to them throughout the day, they may even try respond with their voice.
Libra pets are indecisive, one day they may like a treat, the next they will turn their head up at it. They will usually eat when they want to. They need structure and going with the flow won’t work for these pets. They also may suffer from a short attention span, (similar to ADD) which makes them slightly harder to train. These pets are extremely loving and need gentle discipline to feel safe & secure.
Scorpio pets are highly emotional but also strong willed. They usually get what they want and tend to stand over other pets, maybe even people! They require structure, because without it they will take advantage of everyone and everything they come in contact with. These pets would benefit from daily exercise/activity to relieve stress and built up tension (dog: walks, bird: let out of cage, cat: backyard time, toys). These pets love being groomed and in your company. They know what’s bad company and don’t forget when they’re wronged, they may make it known when they dislike someone.
Sagittarius pets love a challenge. These pets have such a happy go lucky vibe to them, they’re very outgoing and kind. They radiate positivity, maybe even with a visible smile on their face. These pets have a tendency to be picked on by other pets, so keep an eye on them. They believe you’re their one true love and will adore your affection. They are very loyal and will want to be with you at all times, this sometimes turns into separation anxiety with some Sagittarius pets. They love to have another companion in the house, they like company so the more pets the merrier for them.
Capricorn are the clean pets, they are extremely grounded and will act the way as you’d typically expect the species/breed of pet to act. Very easy to train though they do have a mind of their own. They always want to be working as they enjoy keeping busy. They love to run around! These pets don’t sleep as much as other pets do and they also suffer from anxiety in stressful situations. Capricorn pets may not like having a companion and will take their time to get used to any new pets or people.
Aquarius pets are highly intelligent and intuitive. They are unpredictable and can go from 0 to 100 real quick! They like to do what they want and when they want. They make for extremely loving and friendly pets. These pets will befriend another companion despite what it is whether you get a dog, cat or chicken. (They’re the pets you see in those cute videos where a pig and cat are besties or dog and duck, etc 🥹) Aquarius pets need their space and enjoy alone time to plot their next surprise for when you least expect it!
Pisces pets are the most sensitive out of the lot. They are very sweet and need a tranquil atmosphere to flourish as they can get stressed out easily. These pets usually get bullied by other pets for their non-aggressive nature. They are independent in the way that they do what they want without attracting attention. Pisces pets are sensitive to your emotions and may require gentle training and when they become afraid they want you to be there comforting them. They know what you want and will have YOU well trained 😉
꧁꧂ That was fun to create, how was it to read!? Who wants to see more Pet Astrology?
ღ I appreciate all interactions & feedback ღ
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astrosky33 · 9 months
Curious about the connection between animals/pets and the 6th house. If anything, what do they have to do with each other and why?
The 6th house is smaller pets/animals like dogs, bunnies, cats, parrots, etc. for example
The 12th house is bigger pets/animals like horses, cows, pigs, etc. for example
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geographerdose · 1 year
Pet Astrology Thoughts
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🐶6th house deals with pets and having the ruler in a difficult aspect with Saturn (esp opposition)…
🐩Could mean you desperately want a pet & dearly love animals but always stop yourself from getting one bc of the responsibility
🇧🇦With Saturns influence you’re well aware of the heavy responsibility having a pet entails and you take it very seriously
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Ex) Sag/Pisces in sixth house so Jupiter opposing/squaring Saturn (esp night chart) but also Mars (for day charts)
🖕🏻Except I kinda feel Mars in a day chart might have more accidents/deaths that happened once or happen a lot in regards to pets 😢 vs avoidance of getting one bc of responsibility
Sixth house Cap/Aqua so possibly a detriment Saturn (esp night chart) — Aries, Cancer, Leo
Sixth house Aries/Scorpio so possibly Mars in detriment (esp in day chart) — Cancer, Taurus, Libra
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Sixth house Taurus/Libra so Venus in hard aspect to Saturn or Mars or in detriment — Aries, Scorpio, Virgo
Sixth house Gemini/Virgo so Mercury opposing/squaring Saturn or Mars — or in detriment: Pisces, Sag
Sixth house Leo/Cancer so either Sun or Moon in opposition/square with Saturn or Mars — or in detriment: Aquarius, Libra (Sun) & Capricorn, Scorpio (Moon)
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🦄 Pisces Moons in particular might feel this aspect, esp if their Jupiter is in opposition/square to Saturn (in a night chart esp)
🐕‍🦺Possibly same with Sag Moon too but I know some Cap Moons that are die hard dog fanatics — I mean who isn’t a dog lover?
A very specific thought and just hypothesis-kinda spitballing like I do ✌🏻
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animalloversxo · 1 month
❤️ 😂 🐱 😂 ❤️
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polarmoon · 4 months
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some more sims for my new save! meet single mom amber, and her cutie pie daughter lacey <3
i also made lacey's dad / amber's shithead ex boyfriend but fuck that guy!
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hoodreader · 13 days
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his birth date is approximative. this is what the foster told me and they were monitoring him since he was a couple weeks old, so i went with it.
menu — forms — readings open.
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comfort over everything. and he gon lay on whatever make him feel comfy, he don’t gaf.
grooms himself. naps for like an hour. wakes up. then he grooms again. cycle continues.
he’s very patient. it takes a lot to get him to be upset with u. he don’t hiss or anything, he’ll complain meow when annoyed.
i have a very greedy cat. he is so loud and demanding when he wants to eat ur food.
pretty shy and sensitive. he can be easy to overwhelm if u don’t know him.
he don’t like feeling smothered in any capacity and he don’t like being held too long. pushing him will cause him to hide.
he feels safe when given space (if u don’t know him) and then letting him decide if he wanna be closer. he’s a vibe reader.
very empathetic. when i was or felt sad, he’d always come in and check on me. he’d meow like “what’s wrong?” then just purr and lay with me. cats definitely aren’t always asocial.
because he’s so docile he usually won’t assert boundaries himself. i’d have to step in.
a real yapper. especially about food. makes sense b/c taurus rules the vocal chords.
makes a wide variety of sounds. chirps, chatters, trills (he sounds like a pigeon).
always purring. sometimes all i have to do is look at him and he’ll start purring.
his voice is light for the most part!
mercury is ur sense of community. Rx mercury people might be more on the shy side, and he prefers a small community.
a real cuddle bug. his love language is probably quality time or physical touch.
he is very clingy. will walk between my legs as i walk around. and i trip over him often.
he’s very sensuous in my opinion. he loves looking outside the window and loafing as he just takes the outside world in. very zen 🧘🏾
again loves to eat. food brings him great joy.
conflict avoidant, but he can be territorial and defensive about whatever he considers to be his domain. he act like he run shit
the first day he met another dog, i saw a side of him i never seen. he puffed up big and crab walked, trying to dominate the energy.
my cat was definitely like “aight now…” like… i was pretty proud of him for trying!
but in tense situations, he kinda doesn’t hold his own. i remember i got a female cat (i surrendered her b/c the shelter thought it was best). she was lowkey hoeing him. 💀
the shelter named him “Superman” because they said he was the bravest out of his litter mates, as he was born to a feral cat mother.
he is very adventurous and curious, despite his shyness. he just isn’t adventurous about people. but he loves to explore otherwise.
“carpe diem” is his expression for sure.
he’s so destructive though. and too curious sometimes. once he jumped on our closet shelf to knock down the muffins we purposefully hid from him. then he ate them
he also bit through my tarot cards
he jumped on the fridge and ate our baguette. imagine my shock when i saw the baguette with a cartoonish bite mark in it.
he appreciates a good nap. which is something i love. because one thang i know two thangs certain, he gon take a mf nap.
saturn shows how we rest / work. so his being in pisces really shows that he values the rest aspect of saturn.
he so hardheaded sometimes but that’s because (1) he has the comparable of a two year old but (2) he doesn’t believe in rules.
because well… he’s a cat.
but i love the way he doesn’t let my human values stop him from living his best life
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and i love our chart energies.
his sun is conjunct my venus (in the eleventh house). like it’s giving best friends, lmao. his south node is conjunct my fifth house moon too, it’s giving we really been besties.
his south node is conjunct my bf/co guardian’s moon too. tbh we all are just super watery (lmao) so it’s a lot of emotion in our trio dynamic. i also love how his venus and mars is in my first house/in my bf’s eleventh house.
it’s wild cuz i deadass feel like this cat can read my mind sometimes. he just knows me. and i wish i could explain to him how much i love him.
i’ll love him to the end of time. he’s my best friend, confidant, and there will never be a cat like him. 🤍 the universe sent u to me. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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birdhism · 6 months
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♈ Lovebird Aries, the first sign of the Chubby Bird Zodiac. Redbubble
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muffinlance · 6 months
Isopuppy Sewn Pattern Update: At long last, I've found time to get back to working on this! AKA I didn't feel like writing this weekend so LET'S GO SEWING YAY.
Current status: I have the final pattern worked out (plus or minus some seam allowance adjustments) and I've moved from junk fabric to final fabric. Hoping to get a good way into cutting/construction tomorrow. Unless I feel like writing. Who knows! Not me!
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moontrinemars · 1 month
Tenth Lord in Jupiter Nakshatras
Thanks for your patience in waiting for the next part of the series - I’m glad you guys are interested. As always, recorded for my own benefit, published for yours. General disclaimer is in my bio. Credit to KRSchannel for inspiring this post.
Find your 10th lord here, and find your 10th lord’s nakshatra here.
The 10th house rules our life’s honor. It represents the services we perform for society as well as the reputation we earn as a result. It is associated with the father and the career because traditionally, this is where both our standing in society and the role we performed in society would come from - inherited through the father’s family line. However, in our contemporary world, this isn’t always the case, which is why it’s important to know the grander themes at play.
The three Jupiter-ruled nakshatras are Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada.
Jupiter is a planetary object that represents ascension, expansion, and union. It is the aspiration that guides us to our greatest heights, and the intangible whole comprised of all pieces, parts, and individuals. Channeling Jupiter means to take the role of the collective in our capacity as an individual, such as sharing our experiences to better the understanding of others, or discovering, exploring, and sharing universal truths that connect everyone. This is why Jupiter is associated with the partner. Venus is like the practical partner, who represents our own earthly values, but Jupiter is the soulmate, who allows us to ascend beyond the self, uniting physical with spiritual. Jupiter obscures, elevates, and enlightens, offering both afterlife and a life purpose.
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Audrey Hepburn, Amelia Earhart, and Kendrick Lamar all have their tenth lords in Jupiter ruled nakshatras. Audrey’s is in Punarvasu, Anne’s is in Vishakha, and Kendrick’s is in Purva Bhadrapda.
This placement produces an individual who is not content to engage with either their vocation or their society as a means to an end. These natives rather prefer to approach their public life, and the concept of the public itself often enough, as deeply meaningful and containing a higher purpose. Here you find individuals who shake up their industry by introducing cultures of open-mindedness and experimentation, as often as you find those who pursue their far-flung, lofty legacies at the expense of their health, relationships, privacy, and even life.
Jupiter's fame is more particular to how its influence manifests than to the amount of or method by which it was accrued. Whether you're looking at canon-defining classics, the celebrity of subculture, or the first individual of a certain kind to succeed in this or that field, you're looking at a Jovian native whose legacy serves to teach the public, and expand how the public defines itself. Of course, anyone can push boundaries, but these natives are most likely to be remembered for the barriers they break, and the lessons they taught in the process.
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Sharon Tate, David Beckham, and Halle Berry all have their tenth lords in Punarvasu. Others with this placement are William Shakespeare, Aretha Franklin, Amy Adams, J. M. Barrie, Debbie Harry, Al Gore, Alannis Morisette, Naomi Judd, Stephen King, Tony Curtis, Eddie Murphy, Gisele Bündchen, Werner Herzog, and Courtney Love.
Take public responses to your behavior personally, even finding it difficult to separate your identity from your reputation at first.
Are likely to be known for your professional value on an individual level, as a matter of skill, rather than as a team member or leader.
May benefit from a mentor who takes you under their wing, or may play such a role to new incomers to your field or workplace.
Count on your inborn charm to buoy you through scandal.
Transform your persona with age to appeal to new expectations.
Travel is an expected part of your job, and public service you perform in foreign places seems to leave a greater impact.
Early on in life, key marriages and romantic partnerships can interfere with your career and social status, or vice versa.
Engaging in social service, partaking in cultural traditions, and organizing society-wide events, is spiritually cleansing, and allows you to reintegrate your public persona and personal identity.
Others imbue you with moral authority you are not prepared to shoulder, potentially leading to unearned imposter syndrome.
A pattern of being publicly linked to 'someone else': a role you have played, a title you've been given, a superior who enhances your image, a teammate who steals your valor, etc.
PUNARVASU is the Star of Renewal. Industries and career types favored are those involving archetypes, exploration, drama, history, innovation, education, spirituality, relationships, care-taking, healing, delivery, narrative, articulation, influence, and transportation.
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Anne Hathaway, Usher, and Billy Idol all have their tenth lords in Vishakha. Others with this placement are Dodi Al Fayed, Steven Spielberg, Susan Sarandon, Winston Churchill, Giorgio Armani, Martin Luther, Patti Page, H. G. Wells, Martin Scorsese, Analeigh Tipton, Joel Coen, Megan Mullaly, Richard Strauss, CM Punk, Georgia O'Keefe, John Cleese, Monica Vitti, Ashanti, and Mary, Queen of Scots.
Naturally come to occupy positions of authority in the industries of your mastery, if not through literal rank than socially/morally.
May find yourself successfully introducing a new movement, genre, belief, or idea before it's celebrated by the mainstream.
Are generous in the world of public service, and will leave a legacy of having cared for and striven for the betterment of your society.
Know how to communicate your ideals and philosophies to a wide audience in a professional setting effectively, even artistically.
May be accused of elitism, pretentiousness, or arrogance, even when you try to cultivate an attitude of humility and modesty.
Your early professional life is beset with competition, or your chosen industry is somehow affected by martial conflicts.
Members of the public will interpret you either as self-indulgent and petty, or as austere and enlightened, with no in-between.
Opportunities for romance are plentiful for you in social and legal settings, but resulting relationships must be extricated from those wider contexts to establish a happy and healthy marriage.
Your boss often partakes in social drinking with his subordinates.
Jealousy is a common theme, whether you have a reputation for being jealous, others are jealous of and threatened by you, etc.
VISHAKHA is the Star of Purpose. Industries and career types favored are those involving research, politics, competition, speech, ideology, agitation, immigration, criticism, trade, exchange, leisure, intoxicants, production, leadership, personal branding, and style.
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Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, and Sidney Poitier all have their tenth lords in Purva Bhadrapada. Others with this placement are Kurt Cobain, Laurence Olivier, Michael Jordan, Charles Dickens, Vincent Price, Armie Hammer, Franz Schubert, Gerard Way, John Steinbeck, Kurt Russell, Maya Angelou, Conan O'Brien, Bobby Driscoll, David Tennant, Jay Leno, Rik Mayall, Keri Russell, and OP.
Tempt others into rule-breaking and are tempted in turn by communities and livelihoods that circumvent or defy the law.
Signify a movement or change in social norms within your field.
Use your work to provoke others into changing their core beliefs.
Bring elements of the metaphysical, spiritual, transcendental, and philosophical into a more social and/or practical public setting.
Naturally uncover and grapple with a fundamentally darker side of public life and of the public in general, with too much exposure or attention more likely to pose a real, material risk to your health, security, or even life.
Your look, attitude, and/or impulses are easily congealed into an image or symbol, one that is powerful but restrictive, and your depths may be shunned by the public or authorities as a result.
Anyone who tries to take a conflict with you public will suffer serious consequences as a result, from either your own ferocity when tested, or organized backlash from others on your behalf.
Introduction through the professional and public sphere makes others magnetically attracted to you; however, those who would already be attracted to you are at risk of becoming obsessive.
The pursuit of a specific career or end-goal, specifically through higher education or founding of a philosophy, actually puts you in contact with more opportunities and generates more success in a totally different field or toward a different goal than you plan for.
One of the most rewarding and effective means by which you can perform public service is through contributions to education and community outreach through mentorship.
PURVA BHADRAPADA is the Burning Pair. Industries and career types favored are those involving ideology, sensuality, speculative genres, music, investigation, nature, spirituality, research, administration, promotion, conflict, subcultures, rhetoric, death, and crime.
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9800sblog · 10 months
pick a card tarot reading
a look into your future family
this reading is part of a charity event
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pile 1 -> pile 2
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pile 3 -> pile 4
this reading is meant to promote an event I prepared here on tumblr with the goal of collecting money for an animal shelter I volunteer at! here's their website and instagram page.
if you want to know more about the event and/or want an individual reading, please check out this post where I explained everything!
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pile 1
you're likely to have a big family, I see pregnancy and adoption in your future, could mean adopting kids or pets! you're very likely to get married for love in this lifetime, and you may struggle a bit with money, may prefer to have a more practical or intimate wedding instead of a big ceremony with many guests. your family would be balanced, happy and peaceful, it's likely you'll all feel loved and respected in this dynamic, make beautiful memories even without relying a lot on money. you may use the wedding and/or honeymoon money to invest in a beautiful family house with a big land, I see much space for pets and children to play and for a couple to chill and dance. you may have infertility issues or an unplanned pregnancy, but it will all work out beautifully in the end, I see having a big family and protecting others is part of your life's mission. you may distance yourself from your original family, emotionally and/or physically, however it resonates to you. all of this could already be in motion, so you may be dating or interested in the person that will be the parent of your offsprings, maybe have a pet that will be with you for a long long time. this is a more traditional family I see, a couple, kids and pets in a house that they own. the couple will be intensely in love with each other, partners for life, a real ride or die, with a soul connection. you may live nearby a lake or the ocean and rely a lot in seafood. the people will be very supportive of each other's dreams and uniqueness, although you may not always have the tools to make your wishes come true, you'll always find a way that fits you well and makes you happy. this family will love to spend time together, hanging out and talking, sharing what's on your minds, I think this is a more creative family and you may spend a lot of time on the couch. kids would always help with the house chores and would be happy to do so, as they respect their parents and feel genuinely respected by them also. this may be a same-sex couple that won't be able to legally get married or impregnate, but will be full of love and peace.
pile 2
this pile will for sure get married but they might struggle a bit and have to work hard for that to happen. you may be very distant from each other at first, have difficulty talking, may be a long-distance relationship, feelings will grow steadily and endlessly. there is intense passion between each other, and the relationship is ruled by yin energy, steady, stubborn, patient but often misunderstood. this connection will help you make money and discover knowledge, this is the type of couple to enjoy long road trips and bake cookies with their cat in the afternoon. pregnancy is sure to be involved in this connection, probably after much consideration and planning as you seem to be a very organized duo with much self control, your kids seem to have opposite energies to you, they may come as a life lesson and mess up your balance. you may take care of your grandkids or nephews/nieces in the future, I do see you living closely to your original family, you may live in the same neighborhood, building or street as your parents, siblings, whoever or even share a house with them. your future family will require you to come out of your comfort zone and be more action oriented, you may lose the peace you once had in your marriage (not that it would cause separation, just learning together and being exhausted at the end of the day). your kids may be troublemakers, you may have an angry or neglected pet, I see struggle and conflict after you decide to make the family bigger, a lot of misunderstandings and bad communication between guardians and offsprings. I think teenagers and toddlers are the biggest issues, this could all just mean something silly like you adopt a pet and don't worry about spaying it immediately then it runs aways, and comes back with babies so you have to take care and it's messy, loud and too much, so you give them away. I don't sense a heavy energy from this pile but I do see a lot of struggles and misunderstandings. parents will be trying really hard while the ones they take care of may not understand, like you don't relate with one another. as yin energy rules the relationship of the parents, the family issues will be solved as such, with time, patience, softness and spiritual advising. this family may rely on therapy or religion, and nature time would be very helpful to bring everyone together. yelling, fighting, punishments like isolation or getting grounded would never be involved in this family dynamic, other people may think that this is dysfunctional and lack of discipline but it will pay off so well in the future. you may have a lot of playful fighting and your kids may hear or see things that others may think is too much, but you're not worried about traditional educating, in your mind the only rule is to keep everyone healthy in every sense (which you will manage). I see disability in the family tree, from one of the parents and/or kids, which also explains a lot of the struggles that the cards showed. this family is a lesson, part of your spiritual journey to learn more about other people, the world and yourself. where and what are your limits? how much control can you have?
pile 3
I don't see marriage in this future! 😁 I do see pregnancy, but probably an abortion or giving babies away for adoption, it doesn't seem this pile wants to raise kids of their own. I do see a lot of different types of pets tho, you may live in a farm or work in a sanctuary, a shelter, I know your environment will be full of loyal animals that follow you around like you're their parent or best friend, which is so fucking sweet!! this pile feels very very light, carefree and innocent, very pure. you may feel a little lonely from time to time, but you will be genuinely fulfilled! your house will be filled with friends and family like your siblings, parents, cousins, whoever, you won't have time to feel alone >< your home seems to be a representation of your heart, anyone is welcomed and you take care of everyone and everything, this is a place and a person (you) that people and animals go for comfort and healing, you'll adopt a lot of hurt and needy animals. you may have cows, chickens, bats for some reason came through, of course, dogs and cats are always around. the family you will create is a found family, your blood relatives, your friends, your pets... you will take care of kids, just not your own, I don't see you adopting or giving birth, just being a proactive, giving and altruistic individual. this family is the definition of pure love and comfort, it is unbelievable how healing and peaceful this feels. this family is your dream come true, this your reward, your karma, your peaceful break in your multiple lifetimes, it's like nothing is required from you except just being happy and doing whatever you want, literally.
pile 4
this family is likely to be divided! I see a marriage, but I also see betrayal and separation, the couple may not be together forever but they will have kids and be forever linked. in case that happens, the person reading this is likely to keep the children, just because that's what showed in the cards, I didn't put any spells or anything. your children will be your most priced possessions, you would protect them like little flowers in a war field. the struggles don't seem to affect this family at all, they're like tripping on a rock and continue walking because it didn't even hurt or risk your balance. there's such a breath of relief when you see your kids, the love between you is very pure and healing. you may worry more than you need to, this family will be very happy, healthy and protected, you may literally have a spiritual group or friends and family sent by your angels that protect you and guide all of you. this pile is reminding me a lot of rory and lorelai's relationship in gilmore girls! this family is a lesson for your soul to learn real love, to accept true and unconditional love, to trust the universe and let yourself be taken care of. this is a beautiful beautiful pile representing a beautiful beautiful family who is very close and cozy.
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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Dog & Cat Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Charms made by BizzareBlueArtStudio
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flannyjanny · 8 months
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psychics4unet · 17 days
Pick A Card: Discover What’s in Store for Your Next Romantic Relationship! 💖🔮
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1: The Lovers 💑 Page of Pentacles 🌱 The Sun 🌞
The Lovers card suggests that your next romantic partner will be someone with whom you share a deep, meaningful connection 💑. The Page of Pentacles indicates that this relationship may start with a sense of curiosity and new beginnings 🌱. The Sun represents happiness and positivity, showing that this relationship will bring joy and clarity into your life 🌞. Together, these cards reveal that your next partner will bring a fulfilling and joyful relationship filled with potential and growth.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2: The Empress 🌸 Knight of Swords ⚔️ Two of Pentacles ⚖️
The Empress signifies that your next romantic partner will embody qualities of nurturing and abundance 🌸. The Knight of Swords suggests that they may be someone who is decisive and enthusiastic, with a clear vision of what they want ⚔️. The Two of Pentacles indicates that they will be skilled at balancing different aspects of life, including the relationship ⚖️. Together, these cards show that your next partner will bring both nurturing energy and dynamic action to the relationship, with a strong ability to manage and balance various life aspects.
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Pile 3: The Star 🌟 Eight of Cups 🌌 Queen of Wands 🔥
The Star card suggests that your next partner will bring hope and inspiration into your life 🌟. The Eight of Cups indicates that this relationship may involve moving on from past emotional baggage 🌌. The Queen of Wands represents a partner who is confident, charismatic, and passionate 🔥. Together, these cards reveal that your next romantic partner will help you heal from the past, bring positivity and inspiration, and embody a vibrant and dynamic energy.
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Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
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cookiefate · 2 months
Cookiefate for July 27th: "Someone you care about seeks reconciliation."
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Play hard to get. Ignore their messages and calls for a while.
Also, oops I did it again :(((
Cookiefate for July 26th: "Be assertive when decisive action is needed."
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"Be like a bulldozer in the rain forest and plow through any obstacles in your path."
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yrotic11 · 2 months
Lilith in 6th house in the solar return chart can Indicate your pet might die/face very serious health complications that year. 😞i unfortunately know this aspect from experience rip bubby🫧🥀.
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supermoongirl9 · 2 years
Pet owners, your 6H will tell you more about your relationship with your pet(s).
ex: Venus 6H or ruler of 6H in 2H ? Spoiling them more than necessary hahaha (which is fair but you may spend a lot on them so be careful if you're on a budget lol).
I'd advise people with Uranus/Pluto 6H or ruler of 6H in 12H to be really careful about their pets : they could go missing or have accidents more easily unfortunately (better to know than to be sorry, right?).
Saturn ruled or in 6H could be allergic to pets from what I've seen (not a rule, just a common pattern haha).
Mars ruled or in 6H = be careful, y'all are more prone to be attacked directly or not by pets and animals in general (that's the nature of the planet, sorry 😭).
Moon 6H or ruler of 6H in 4H = it could feel really good for you to have a pet at home, could make you feel safer 🥰. Also, Moon/Venus ruled or in 6H could show that it was your mother figure that decided about having a pet in the house or not when you were a child (father figure for the Sun/Saturn).
Jupiter ruled or in 6H = y'all must love pets and animals in general but be careful about not having too many of them, like more than you're actually able to take care of realistically speaking.
Sun 6H, ruler of 6H in 1H or 10H = having pets could really be one of your personality traits hahahaha.
Mercury ruled or in 6H could be easily liked by pets and like them too, even if you don't owe one. You may like to be around them generally speaking and consume medias about them (movies, books, documentaries etc).
Ruler of 6H in 5H = having pets when you'll have children or considering your pets as your children.
Ruler of 6H in 7H = acquiring a pet when in a serious relationship.
Worst case scenario for ruler of 6H in 7H = acting like you're married to your pet, your relationship with your pet being detrimental to any kind of other close relationships u may have (esp romantic partner but also friends).
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