#cat mutha
hoodreader · 13 days
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his birth date is approximative. this is what the foster told me and they were monitoring him since he was a couple weeks old, so i went with it.
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comfort over everything. and he gon lay on whatever make him feel comfy, he don’t gaf.
grooms himself. naps for like an hour. wakes up. then he grooms again. cycle continues.
he’s very patient. it takes a lot to get him to be upset with u. he don’t hiss or anything, he’ll complain meow when annoyed.
i have a very greedy cat. he is so loud and demanding when he wants to eat ur food.
pretty shy and sensitive. he can be easy to overwhelm if u don’t know him.
he don’t like feeling smothered in any capacity and he don’t like being held too long. pushing him will cause him to hide.
he feels safe when given space (if u don’t know him) and then letting him decide if he wanna be closer. he’s a vibe reader.
very empathetic. when i was or felt sad, he’d always come in and check on me. he’d meow like “what’s wrong?” then just purr and lay with me. cats definitely aren’t always asocial.
because he’s so docile he usually won’t assert boundaries himself. i’d have to step in.
a real yapper. especially about food. makes sense b/c taurus rules the vocal chords.
makes a wide variety of sounds. chirps, chatters, trills (he sounds like a pigeon).
always purring. sometimes all i have to do is look at him and he’ll start purring.
his voice is light for the most part!
mercury is ur sense of community. Rx mercury people might be more on the shy side, and he prefers a small community.
a real cuddle bug. his love language is probably quality time or physical touch.
he is very clingy. will walk between my legs as i walk around. and i trip over him often.
he’s very sensuous in my opinion. he loves looking outside the window and loafing as he just takes the outside world in. very zen 🧘🏾
again loves to eat. food brings him great joy.
conflict avoidant, but he can be territorial and defensive about whatever he considers to be his domain. he act like he run shit
the first day he met another dog, i saw a side of him i never seen. he puffed up big and crab walked, trying to dominate the energy.
my cat was definitely like “aight now…” like… i was pretty proud of him for trying!
but in tense situations, he kinda doesn’t hold his own. i remember i got a female cat (i surrendered her b/c the shelter thought it was best). she was lowkey hoeing him. 💀
the shelter named him “Superman” because they said he was the bravest out of his litter mates, as he was born to a feral cat mother.
he is very adventurous and curious, despite his shyness. he just isn’t adventurous about people. but he loves to explore otherwise.
“carpe diem” is his expression for sure.
he’s so destructive though. and too curious sometimes. once he jumped on our closet shelf to knock down the muffins we purposefully hid from him. then he ate them
he also bit through my tarot cards
he jumped on the fridge and ate our baguette. imagine my shock when i saw the baguette with a cartoonish bite mark in it.
he appreciates a good nap. which is something i love. because one thang i know two thangs certain, he gon take a mf nap.
saturn shows how we rest / work. so his being in pisces really shows that he values the rest aspect of saturn.
he so hardheaded sometimes but that’s because (1) he has the comparable of a two year old but (2) he doesn’t believe in rules.
because well… he’s a cat.
but i love the way he doesn’t let my human values stop him from living his best life
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and i love our chart energies.
his sun is conjunct my venus (in the eleventh house). like it’s giving best friends, lmao. his south node is conjunct my fifth house moon too, it’s giving we really been besties.
his south node is conjunct my bf/co guardian’s moon too. tbh we all are just super watery (lmao) so it’s a lot of emotion in our trio dynamic. i also love how his venus and mars is in my first house/in my bf’s eleventh house.
it’s wild cuz i deadass feel like this cat can read my mind sometimes. he just knows me. and i wish i could explain to him how much i love him.
i’ll love him to the end of time. he’s my best friend, confidant, and there will never be a cat like him. 🤍 the universe sent u to me. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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tinyvoid-cat · 2 years
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Just added this design to my new Red bubble store if you ever feel like supporting small artists 😊
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storydays · 7 months
Masquerade P2
(3rd POV)
As soon as they got back to the hotel, (Y/N) quickly went to his room, the door slamming through the hotel loudly.
"Whoa, what happened?" Vaggie asked her girlfriend who was staring up at the stairs where her brother fled. "(Y/N)...just needs time." she said softly. 'I hope this doesn't turn into another Archer situation.' Charlie thought sadly. 
* A few hours later*
Angel burst into the door with a groan, rubbing his face. He didn't notice Charlie waving at him with a nervous look on her face. 
Angel plopped at the bar, next to (Y/N) who now was calm, was sipping on a strawberry Daiquiri, his favorite alcoholic drink. "Ugh, I need a drink. The hardest you can make." He addressed Husk, one of his lower hands reaching out for (Y/N). 
The prince smiled to himself before grabbing the offered hand, and use his thumb to rub little circles on the back of Angel's hand. 
"Hmm, you look like shit." commented Husk, turning around and grabbing a hard liquor. Angel sat up, and took a deep breath, brushing his hair back. "Pfft. Not possible. Just a long shoot. Nothin' new." He shrugged. 
As Husk finished pouring the drink, Angel snatched the glass and chugged like a pro. "Oh! I said a strong one." he hissed. 
"Excuse me." Husk exclaimed, pouring more. " I didn't realize this was a 'drinking to forget' kind of night." He raised an eyebrow. 
"Oh, I forgot. You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all." mocked Angel, waving 3 of his hands around. 
"Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink." he sassed, tipping over the glass. "Tesoro...if you have a problem, you're not gonna find the solution at the bottom of a bottle." (Y/N) said, squeezing Angel's hand. Angel rolled his eyes. 
"I should know, I've been lookin' there a long time." Husk muttered. 
"Oh sure, and where should I look? Hmm? In your bedroom, maybe?" Angel hummed, tilted a bottle, eye lids low as he looked his boyfriend up and down.
"Under the covers? Maybe we can go look together?" The spider walked red gloved fingers up (Y/)'s shoulder with a smirk. 
"Angel, no. Not when you're like this." (Y/N) pushed the Spider away gently, his efforts fruitless as he grabbed the prince's wing and curled closer to him, wrapping his wing around them both, looking into (Y/N)'s mismatched eyes with lust in his. 
"Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!" "NO!" 
(Y/N) used his magic to put Angel back in his seat gently, and put some distance between them, arms crossed over his arms, sadness in his eyes. "I'm not Valentino, tesoro. I won't use you when you can't properly consent. Come to bed when you're ready." With that, (Y/N) teleported else where. 
The Italian spider looked down at his hand, wondering if he'd gone too far this time. "Fucking hell." Husk sighed, making Angel turn to the cat. 
"You can cut the act already. It's never going to work on (Y/N), so all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit." 
"Call me fake one more time, mutha fuka," Angel stood to his feet, towering over the cat, main and bottom eyes now open and glowing a magenta color, teeth bared. 
".....Fake." smirked the bartender.
 "Fuckin' asshole!" Angel started to get taller before hitting his head on the bar. "Augh! God!" He groaned, falling on the floor, holding his head.
"Ya done?" deadpanned Husk, looking down at the spider. 
Angel growled angrily, "Ya know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!" He threw the bottle at Husk who merely moved his head, as Angel continued to rant. "Ya know how much I'm worth? Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them?" The spider drunkenly got up and pointed at Husk who was unbothered. 
"Fuck you! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit." He spat before running away, pushing Vaggie to the side, who happened to be walking by. "Woah--the hell? Angel, where are you going?' she asked. 
"Out!" he screamed, slamming the door. 
"Husk, what did you do?" she asked, side eyeing him. 
"Made him a drink." shrugged the cat, feigning innocence. 
"Oh, no. He looked really upset." Charlie commented, looking at the door the spider slammed. 
"It's just Angel. He'll be fine." Husk rolled his eyes. 
Charlie looked down, thinking of how earlier went, and how the two men were behaving. "I'm not so sure." She walked into Vaggie's comforting arms, "I really messed up at the studio today and he got...Ugh, it was.. it wasn't good, okay." Vaggie smiled softly at her girlfriend, pushing her hair from her face, before scowling at the gambling demon. 
"Gee, sounds like someone should go after him." She said sarcastically. Husk blinked at her. "Someone named, 'Husk.'" She glared. 
"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Why don't you go if you're so worried? Or send (Y/N)." He crossed his arms. "Because it wasn't (Y/N) or me who sent him storming out." The two demons glared at each other as Vaggie approached. 
"You caused it. You drag him back." "No! No...Don't force him back. Just...make sure he's safe." Charlie pleaded before hugging herself. "I pushed too hard today, and I only made things worse. He'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen to him until then." Husk growled as he accepted the princess' request. 
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to write 100 apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about....boundaries." She smiled brightly as Husk rolled his eyes.
Charlie walked towards the foyer area, grunting when she ran into her brother. "Oh, sorry, Char." His voice was off, "(Cute nickname), are you okay?" She asked, softly. "Hm? Oh, yes, Char I'm fine. I just have an....errand to run. I'll be back later." (Y/N) ruffled Charlie's hair before leaving. 
Not one time did he make eye contact with her.
*With Angel and Husk*
Angel walked gleefully into a club, with Husk keeping a safe distance to not be spotted. Angel snorted a line of coke off the table before leaning back and cackling loudly. "I'm so fucked up!" 
Husk grumbled before sitting at the bar and paying the bartender. "Gimme a whiskey." The bartender filled up a glass before pulling away. "I mean the whole bottle, jackass." hissed the cat, snatching the bottle into his grasp. 
"Haha, yea, yea, so I said, 'You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives!' I've got better options." The high spider smiled, thinking of a certain prince.  The men he was sitting with laughed, you got that right!" "Hey, babe! Be a doll and bring me another one? Daddy's outta juice." He smirked, shaking his glass at one of the men he was sitting with.
The shark demon took the glasses, and pointed at the glasses, grinning when they were full. Once the bartender finished filling them, the shark opened a potion and poured some in Angel's glass. 
Husk watched wide eyed before huffing and pushing his bottle away with a scowl. "Here you go, darlin'. Just for you--woah!" cooed the shark, holding the drugged drink to Angel,yelping when he was dragged from behind. 
"Nice try, fuckhead." hissed Husk throwing the demon to the side, pulling Angel to his feet and using playing cards to cut the nets surrounding the shark gang. "What the? Hey!" Angel yelped. "H-H-H-Hey! Hey!" he protested. 
*Outside the club*
Husk pushed Angel out of the club, gripping his upper arms. "Husk! What the actual fuck are you doin' here?" He demanded, "Let go of me!"
"No, I'm takin' you back to the hotel." Husk grunted as he was pushed back by the Angel. "Get off!" Angel grunted, putting space between the two.
"That fucker put somethin' in your drink." Husk scowled. "Ya don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink?" Angel rolled his eyes, dusting himself off.  "I do this all the fuckin' time."
"You just let people drug you all the time?" Husk asked. 
"You think I ask for it? I don't ask for any of this shit!" He gestured around the neighborhood, Husk looking at him concerned. 
"I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie to save me. I didn't ask for you to save me. I can handle myself." Angel growled, leaning down to glare directly into Husk's eyes. "I can handle myself." 
"Really? Because I just saw someone self destructing. It  seems like--I don't know." Husk pulled on his suspenders, "Ya might need a bartender to talk to."
Angel laughed incredulously, "Oh, so now you're going to act like you give  shit about me? You think after how you treated me, I'm going to open up to you? Please. "  He scoffed, walked away. 
"Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real and not some bullshit version of yourself. Always pushin' people's boundaries." Husk growled, not noticing Angel getting angrier. 
"Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot! So you might as well just cut the act." 
"It's not an act!" Angel cried, turning to face the cat, tears in his eyes. "It's who I need to be. And this..." He gestured around, "This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate...everything." Angel stared at something in the distance. "A place where I can get high, and not think about how much it hurts." he sobbed, lower arms hugging his midsection. 
"And maybe..if I can ruin myself enough in the process, if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go." Angel said softly, sitting on the curb, hugging his knees to his chest. "Principe, is the only one who..loves me for me. Not for my holes, or the fact that I'm a porn star, but me." He muttered, tears in his eyes as he cringed at the way he treated his sweet cheeks.
Husk looked down before sitting next to the spider. "I was an Overlord once,ya know." Angel looked up at him in slight surprise. "Yeah." smiled Husk as he got lost in thought, "And uh...it was nice to have that power."
"But when you're dealing in souls, while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty hard. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous. So when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to..keep you afloat, even making deals yourself." Husk shook himself out of his thoughts, looking down at his feet. 
"So I know what it's like to...regret the choices made and knowin' ya can't take it back."
The two quickly hopped behind a car as the gangsters shot at them. "Shit!" cursed Husk before he pulled out his playing cars. "Stay down, I'll deal with this." He missed Angel's own grin. 
"Haha! You're fuckin' dead!" called a shark, as Husk started cackling wildly, bringing out his bomb dice and slicing up a few others with his playing cards, grunting when one hopped on his shoulder. "We got you now!" He laughed manically. 
"You motherfuck--" Husk's eyes widen when the shark was suddenly off him. He turned to see Angel with a tommy gun in his hands. "Eat lead, sucker! Hahahaha!" He laughed excitedly, shooting wildly.
Once the shark was dead Angel held a hand to Husk. I told ya, I can handle myself baby." Angel grinned, before pulling out all 6 of his arms, each holding a gun, before shooting again, laughing manically. "This did not go as planned." groaned a demon before falling to the ground dead. 
"Heh.." Husk sighed as Angel put his guns and two of his arms away. "Well, that wasn't something I didn't expect to see." 
"Like I said, you don't know me. Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at." He winked. Husk smirked, "Good to know, because this guy ain't half bad." "Careful now, (Y/N) is a generous lover but he is also hella jealous." giggled Angel, making Husk laugh loudly. 
*At the Hotel*
Angel and Husk laughed as they entered the hotel foyer, still covered in blood. "He had like, three bills, and it took him like 30 minutes to count it. His eyes are so shit." Angel rolled his eyes at the memory of Valentino.
"And this is the guy you gotta take orders from?" Husk snickered. "I know. What a fucking joke, right?" the spider snorted, grunting when Charlie suddenly hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Angel. I promise I won't ever, ever, ever, ever--" "Charlie." Angel snapped her out of her rambling softly. 
Charlie opened her eyes to see Angel looking softly at her. "It's fine. I get it. Thanks....for carin' about me." Angel hesitantly placed a hand on Charlie's head, ruffling it slightly. 
The princess sniffed before sobbing loudly. Angel quickly picked her up like she weighed nothing, and held her out to Vaggie who was smiling in amusement. "Ehhhhh....I think this is yours." Angel deadpanned. 
"Okay, missy, let's get you to bed." "He--he--he said--he--for-forgave meeee!" Charlie sobbed, "Oh, it's so beautiful, Vaggie!" 
The two demons watched as the demoness' walked away before Husk nudged Angel, "Hey how 'bout that drink?" Angel smiled apologetically, gesturing to the stairs. "Rain check..I gotta-" "Yeah, I know. Go to your prince." Husk grinned, heading off to his own room. 
*In (Y/N)'s room*
The prince hummed to himself, sitting  on his balcony, sketching in his book again. Rocco, Fat Nuggets and KeeKee were curled around his feet, snoozing away, when they heard the door open. 
"Hey, bambola." Angel said quietly, coming to join (Y/N) on the balcony. "Hey, tesoro. You feelin' better?" He asked, briefly looking at the spider before turning to his book. "Yeah, amore, I--uh..I wanted to aplogize--" "You have nothing to apologize for, Anthony." Angel gasped hearing his real name. 
"You only acted like that because that's from the fake love you received." The blond stood up, and cupped Angel's face in his hands, smiling softly. "But I will show you what real love is." He kissed Angel's forehead before leading him to bed, and with a snap of his fingers, the two were dressed in their pjs. 
"Angel, I have something to show you."(Y/N) grinned excitedly, making Angel smile at his excitement. 
(Y/N) snapped his fingers, and revealed.......
Angel's contract..with Valentino. 
Angel inhaled sharply, looking at (Y/N) with a questioning look in his eyes. "Mia cara, (My dear" (Y/N) held Angel's face in his other hand. "You are free now." with that promise, the two men watched as the contract burned up, instantly freeing the spider. 
(Y/N) grunted when Angel pulled him into a tight hug, sobbing in ecstatic relief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, grazie, grazie, grazie, grazie mille..(Thank you, thank you so much)" Angel kept repeating himself, (Y/N) smiling as he held the sobbing spider. 
"Farò qualsiasi cosa per te, tesoro." 
Farò qualsiasi cosa per te, tesoro (I'll do anything for you, darling.)
Grazie millie Thank you so much.)
Mia cara (My dear)
bambola ( Doll)
Tesoro: (Sweetheart, darling, etc. any nicknames like that)
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thefanboyhub · 1 year
If i see one more person call Sophie mutha fuckin Elizabeth Foster a "marry sue" or diss her in any way I'm going to lose my shit.
You don't have to like her but don't talk about her god damn character if you ain't even know it. Like are you even reading the book? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HER AT ALL?
Homegirl has been through a lot, even before Fitz basically ripped her life by the roots and tossed her into a new world without warning.
How about you fucking think what your life would look like if you had thought constantly blaring into your mind, being bullied because you're too "smart" or stupid shit like being a geek. Imagine hearing how your family REALLY thinks about you, all. The. Fucking. Time.
Imagine being so scared to stand out more than you already do that your whole fashion and personality is shaped around being bland and boring. Imagine only having a damn cat to comfort you because you couldn't hear it's thoughts (which in actuality she probably did which I'll talk about later).
Imagine a cute guy changes your world, you get new parents and then they cancel the adoption, then you get fucking KIDNAPPED. WITH YOUR ONLY FRIEND ON TOP OF THAT.
Survive almost dying right after being kidnapped and realize you have more abilities that make you stand out EVEN MORE IN A WORLD THAT YOUR SUPPOSEDLY SUPPOSED TO FIT PERFECTLY IN WITH.
Then over the course of the next three years have your friends risk their lives after you BEGGED AND PLEADED WITH THEM TO NOT BE STUPID. On top of all that, y'know all the ADULTS trying to kill you and the "actually good guys" telling you to be a leader (but actually just need you as a damn puppet), you have normal teenage drama?
Y'all. I swear. Don't talk about a character if you can't even BEGIN to understand them.
You don't gotta like em, but don't you DARE try to talk about em like you know em. Ugh.
Anyways, #sophiedeservessomeloveandtherapy!
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punk-chicken-radio · 1 year
what’s on your mind?
this question can open a whole can of worms, can’t it?
well. we are asking it today. but in musical form, of course. 
even as i sit down to write this my mind is very much like this....
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as some of you who follow this blog with any regularity may know, i am always BUSY. and i have a tendency to take on so many projects that i am often over busy. right now, i am finishing up having to redo a whole section of my bathroom after the subfloor had to be repaired and left broken VINTAGE tile and a closet floor tore the fuck up. maybe i have just inhaled too many chemicals, but i’m seriously worried about how my performance at trivia night is gonna be this week. 
and we all know what’s usually on @theoldsmelly​’s mind. but he does think about other stuff, like how time isn’t real, how the government is screwing him over and how many cats is TOO many?
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i am taking a break next week to see some old friends, and it’s a welcome thing for my mind. i can just be and not have to think about too much.
unless some knucklehead tries to engage me in a controversial conversation and then you know...i gotta take a mutha the fuck down.
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no matter what is on your mind, we invite you to set that aside for just a short while today and enjoy these sweet tunes....you know what’s coming next....songs about the mind.
love (our cat keeps trying to drown her toys) axiomatic and the old (they have proper beds and sleep in the rubbish bin) smelly
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sleuth-hounds · 2 years
About Me
Thanks to @n-brio for tagging me!
NICKNAME: Agus, short for Agustin, my real name
SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: I don't really know
LAST GOOGLE SEARCH: Not sharing it :P
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Lemonade by Alexandra Stan [x] a summer anthem, go listen to it!!
FOLLOWERS: 63 LUCKY NUMBER: I don't think I have any
SLEEP: I sleep for about 9-10 hours
DREAM JOB: I dream of being a game designer
WEARING: My Sly Cooper t-shirt, grey trousers and blue crocs
FAVORITE SONGS: Too many to count but here's some of them
Whenever, Wherever / Suerte by Shakira
Can't Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue
With Every Heartbeat by Robyn with Kleerup
Fight For This Love by Cheryl Cole
Sound of the Underground by Girls Aloud
In The Dark by DEV
I'm an Albatraoz by Aronchupa and Little Sis Nora
(Nobody is obligated to listen to these, just if you're curious)
AESTHETIC: I love aesthetics, I mostly like vaporwave and noir stuff
FAVORITE AUTHOR: Again, I have none
FAVORITE COLOR: Red and blue
LAST SONG: Sexy Den A Mutha by Cheryl [x] catchy af!
LAST SERIES: I've been binge-watching Helluva Boss a lot lol
RANDOM: Can't think of anything XD
Tagging @aso-designer, @dudog, @sheepheadfred, @shitolodise, @pinstripesmalewife, @onepokerhen, @koko2unite @stephdragonness and anyone else who wants to join XD
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muthamorphosis · 2 years
TLKGRL (feat. Muthaleficent, Mutha Medusa, Tyler & Khloe) prod. by Fly Anakin
its me
big b
real rapper
miss honey
get money
no actors
he gon pass me the plate
im the pastor
he aint never hung out 
with a bastard
i’m the drama
the damage
i’m the chaos
the spell
imma cast her
i’m so magic
the bait
and the master
you so tragic 
the pity
the laughter
how many ds can i fit in my bra
how many gs can we smoke in the car
how many ways can i say im a star
more like the moon
i’m not a witch
im a goon with a broom
cant let a bitch get me sick
i’m immune
cant let a trick have a good afternoon
im bout to ruin his life
burning his laundry
and fuck on his wife
fuck being nice
i’m a bully
i like when we fight
if she run up she done up
blow a kiss
suck a dick
end a life
i’m the hardest
i carve like a knife
i’m the coldest
the slushy, the ice
bitches is losers
type of bitch that be fuckin abusers
type of wrist you might find in a cooler
type of pussy you find at a jeweler
let him think he the one 
then i use him
hate a nigga who full of delusions
hate a bitch who gon jump to conclusions 
let her meet her demise with confusion 
if i said i said it and meant it
when i’m speaking he shut up & listen
if i leave he gone know what he missin
i’m a goddess my body the mission
she aint classy 
that lil bitch detention
put that birkin away
so pretentious
that shit ugly
big ol bag & aint shit even in it
lol bitch thats why u my bestie
imma school em if bitches get testy
imma squeeze her 
that bitch gettin zesty
bitches trash but this pistol is hefty 
anyways yea bitch i’m back
fuckin shit up like the cat in the hat
imma sit back & just watch em react 
i cannot lose cuz i’m pretty & black
bitches is wack
sleep on my schedule
that hoe need a nap
she want a show imma pull up & clap
round of applause for the hoes in the back 
smoke on that bitch like a black
ducking & dodging
she under attack
pimpin these hoes
the return of the mack
he wont make it to dinner
he needed a snack
you so nasty
neck is glittery, glossy, glassy
left the house just to fuck on his daddy
slut him out
let him bang on a baddie
gotta go
gotta fuck on my nigga
he the reason that ass gettin bigger
tis the season, i’m cuffing, its sicker
warm it up, mix the coke with the liquor
it was good catchin up
imma hit ya
you don’t pick up the phone
imma split ya
pull up on me this week
bitch i miss ya
planet 7 4 life
you my sista
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movienation · 7 months
Movie Review: Orlando Bloom brings his "Red Right Band" to fight...Andie MacDowell?
Just when you think Andie MacDowell is ready for bland moms and grandmoms as her career’s third act, along comes Big Cat, her “Queen of Odom County” meth mama in “Red Right Hand.” “We’re gonna stuff and MOUNT these mutha-(you-know-whats)! Make a SHOW it!” It’s not a natural fit for her, but it is a most savage turn by Ms. “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” a chance to let her inner Appalachian…
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thesiouxzy · 1 year
“Mutha has arrived!” 🪭👽- Me to my cats when I return from a trip 😺😸
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hoodreader · 14 days
whoever started the lie that cats are independent must’ve never met a cat before because the way my kitty will shove his paws underneath the door and meow, trying to force the door open…
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proceedtotheexit · 1 year
i know i’m my cats tru mutha cuz we both chapati fiends
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daisyjohnsn · 1 year
had to drop my cat off for a sleepover at the vet i’m gutted i’m hysterical i’m a worried mutha
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wolfie180g · 3 years
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I forgot to post my first tattoo! Unsurprisingly, it’s of my fav wolf picture :) 
story time and pic description-ish under the cut
I brought in the top photo which was just for a reference of placement and color for the two wolf faces for the lovely and talented tattoo artist. There was a lot of stuff I wanted to cram into my first tattoo. (Since it might be my only tattoo - who knows!)
Middle pic is one that I sketched many years ago using a ref photo of two wolves nuzzling. I think it was 2005 or so when I did this. The paper is scratch paper where you take something sharp and gently scratch off the black coating and it’s white underneath. You cannot make a mistake and ‘erase’ it. (unless you’re like me and used a black ink pen...  sparingly!)
The next photograph was one of those things that you saw once online and then NEVER FOUND AGAIN for the next 17+ years. Despite looking high and low for it. Finding only drawings that other artists had made using the same m-fing photo! And not ONE of them could send me the original!  (throws a chair.)
My moderate-to heavily tattooed sister came with me for support when the day finally came - after three months waiting and rescheduling because I wanted the best in all the land and to get the best artist in all the land - you have to wait, and pay - which is not a prob because I’m gonna have this for the rest of my life and I wanted it to look good, ya know?  So we start, and it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as I thought it would. We get to bantering and having a good time and I mentioned the original wolf photo was like a ghost from the past, and she mutha fudging found it in 2 fudging minutes flat - WHILE I was getting the tattoo! 
So she shows it to me, I punch her (affectionate) and we showed it to the tattoo artist and she was able to incorporate the real photo into the work. The hidden things in the tattoo are mostly references to my 12 pets, past and present, and four words that best describe my character, in a way. I dunno. Shit that I like/do.   The last pics were taken the same day, so my skin is still healing in it, and covered in the healing gel so it’s shinier than usual lol I’ve had parakeets, chickens, cats, and a bunny - all have ref in it so if I get another pet, it’ll have to be a straight up wolf or I’ll have to get another tattoo! 
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umbracouture · 3 years
she a real bad bitch. ~
You my mutha-fucking SOULMATE!
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1slur · 3 years
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new obscure waifu time
Moon from Big Mutha Truckers 2, stereotype hippie/weed feminist and nudist, except since this game predates SJW culture and the mocking thereof, and because the writing isn’t total shit, she’s not completely intolerable. Plus, great interaction between her and the main character I picked, who is basically every country singer’s wet dream, so now I want to go this direction more just to hear them talk.
Here’s a picture of her cat
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imabirrrb · 4 years
Get To Know Me Better
Instructions: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Thank you @paperpocalypse for tagging me!
Name: Charlie
Gender: non-binary
Height: uhhh I think around 1.60m??
Sexuality: demi/bisexual
Favorite animals: BIRDS (all kinds), big dogs, nakey cats, manatees, octopus + many others, I'll know when I see em
Average hours of sleep: hmmm I'd say about 6.5 to 8 hours
Dogs or cats: doggos, but I'll pet a cat if it comes up to me
Current time: 9:04am, I got up half an hour ago :>
Dream job: working with AI or caring for birbs
When I made this blog: must've been around 2013
Why I made the blog: originally I didn't know how to use Tumblr at all lmao, later it became sort of a Michael Jackson blog and now it's just a place for myself and my fandoms :>
Reason for URL: I think this one is pretty self-explanatory loool
Tagging: @bad-luckcharm @vomitpremium @starrfaux @aviswings @asluckywouldhaveit @five-mutha-fuckin-hargreeves @tua-five-hargreeves @flickbix @youcandalekmyballs @0000507 and anyone who feels like doing it!
I know some of you generally don't participate in these things but I tagged you anyway cuz I know it makes you happy :> This was fun!
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