#Pest Monitoring
gauricmi · 5 months
Balancing Ecosystems: Integrated Pest Management Pheromones for Environmental Harmony
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach to pest control that prioritizes ecological balance and sustainability. Within the realm of IPM, the use of pheromones presents a promising strategy for managing pest populations while minimizing environmental impact.
Understanding Integrated Pest Management Pheromones: Integrated Pest Management pheromones are chemical signals produced by insects to communicate with members of the same species. By leveraging these natural compounds or their synthetic counterparts, pest behaviors can be manipulated to achieve pest control objectives.
Utilizing Pheromone-Based Monitoring Systems: Integrated Pest Management pheromone traps and monitoring devices provide valuable insights into pest populations and dynamics within agricultural ecosystems. By tracking pest activity, farmers can make informed decisions regarding pest management strategies.
Implementing Targeted Pest Control: Integrated Pest Management Pheromones offer a targeted approach to pest control, focusing on specific pest species while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and non-target organisms. This precision helps maintain ecological balance within agricultural landscapes.
Reducing Chemical Pesticide Usage: One of the key benefits of Integrated Pest Management pheromones is their potential to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. By utilizing pheromone-based techniques, farmers can decrease the use of broad-spectrum pesticides, thereby mitigating risks to environmental and human health.
Preserving Biodiversity: Integrated Pest Management pheromones play a role in preserving biodiversity by minimizing the disruption of natural ecosystems. By selectively targeting pest species, these strategies help maintain diverse insect populations and support ecological resilience.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 18 days
One of my coworkers is an entomologist which slaps bc I get to go on a field trip to collect ants with him later this month
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artystaroc · 1 year
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I am going to burn the house down I can't live like this
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techninja · 4 months
Increasing Farm Profitability Through Automation and Efficiency
Revolutionizing Agriculture with Robotics
In recent years, agriculture has undergone a profound transformation, thanks to advancements in robotic technology. These innovations have not only revolutionized the way we cultivate crops but have also significantly improved efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the agricultural sector. In this article, we delve deep into the world of agricultural robots, exploring their various applications, benefits, and the future they promise for farming.
The Rise of Agricultural Robots
Farm Automation
Agricultural robots, also known as agribots or agricultural drones, are automated machines designed to perform tasks traditionally carried out by human farmers. From planting and harvesting to crop monitoring and irrigation, these robots are capable of executing a wide range of agricultural activities with precision and efficiency.
Precision Farming
One of the most significant benefits of agricultural robots is their ability to enable precision farming practices. By utilizing sensors, GPS technology, and data analytics, these robots can accurately assess the health and needs of individual plants, allowing farmers to tailor their farming practices accordingly. This targeted approach not only maximizes yield but also minimizes the use of resources such as water and fertilizers, thereby promoting sustainability.
Applications of Agricultural Robots
Planting and Seeding
Agricultural robots play a crucial role in the planting and seeding process, ensuring precise spacing and depth for optimal germination and growth. Equipped with advanced navigation systems, these robots can navigate rough terrain and varying conditions with ease, covering large acreages in a fraction of the time it would take traditional methods.
Crop Monitoring and Management
Crop monitoring is essential for farmers to assess the health and development of their crops throughout the growing season. Agricultural robots equipped with sensors and cameras can provide real-time data on crop conditions, including moisture levels, nutrient content, and pest infestations. This allows farmers to identify issues early on and take proactive measures to mitigate potential crop losses.
Perhaps one of the most labor-intensive tasks in agriculture, harvesting is also one of the most critical stages in the farming process. Agricultural robots equipped with sophisticated manipulators and vision systems can automate the harvesting process, selectively picking ripe fruits or vegetables with precision and care. This not only reduces the reliance on manual labor but also ensures a higher quality yield.
Weed Control
Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight, posing a significant challenge for farmers. Agricultural robots equipped with weed detection systems and precision sprayers can accurately identify and target weeds while minimizing herbicide use. This targeted approach helps farmers maintain crop health while reducing the environmental impact of weed control methods.
The Future of Agriculture
Advancements in Robotics
As technology continues to advance, the capabilities of agricultural robots are only expected to grow. From autonomous navigation to machine learning algorithms, future robots will be smarter, more efficient, and more adaptable to the changing needs of farming.
Sustainability and Efficiency
Agricultural robots hold the key to a more sustainable and efficient agricultural future. By optimizing resource utilization, minimizing waste, and reducing the environmental impact of farming practices, these robots can help ensure food security for future generations while preserving our planet.
In conclusion, agricultural robots are transforming the farming landscape, offering farmers a myriad of benefits ranging from increased productivity and efficiency to enhanced sustainability and profitability. As technology continues to evolve, the future of agriculture looks brighter than ever, thanks to the tireless efforts of innovators and entrepreneurs in the field of robotics. Embracing these technological advancements is not just a choice but a necessity for farmers looking to thrive in an ever-changing world.
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cselandscapearchitect · 8 months
Shining a Light on Profitability: How to Grow and Sell Tropical Foliage Plant Liners Under Grow Lights
This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on growing tropical foliage plant liners under grow lights for profitable resale. It targets nursery owners, small-scale growers, and gardening enthusiasts interested in expanding their product range or starting a business in plant resale. The post will delve into the practical aspects of setting up and managing a grow light system, selecting…
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The global smart pest monitoring management system market size is expected to surpass an impressive valuation of USD 806 Million in 2022 and US$ 1,740.09 Million by 2032. The market is projected to exhibit a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% from 2022 to 2032.  Smart pest monitoring management systems are utilized for real-time monitoring of pest populations in residential, commercial, agriculture, and industrial premises.
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101now · 1 year
City bat monitoring program aims to explore natural pest control
The easiest way to find a bat roosting site is to look for traces of guano — or bat droppings — underneath a bridge. Especially during the summer period when bats are raising their pups. The City of Edmonton is undertaking this work with a new bat monitoring program this year. It’s the first time the city has done an official assessment of what bats are in the city, and where.  Initiated due to a…
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rottenaero · 3 months
They were gonna put Eddie down like a damn dog.
The group had insisted that Steve visit the hospital today, one year and two months after the incident. It was a random day, and he thought, ‘ why the hell not?’
Family Video had been closed for months, doing ‘ repairs’, so he really didn’t have much else to do.
He thought it was weird, the way the group was as far away from the bed as possible, and how when he entered the room, Hopper almost blocked the exit.
He doesn’t question it though, sidling up to the open chair beside Eddie, who was still asleep after all this time, and punching his shoulder lightly.
“ Hey, Hero.”
He’d taken to calling it sleeping instead of what it was, a coma. Sleeping sounded more peaceful, because with sleeping came dreams and relaxation.
Eddie doesn’t respond, doesn’t react. Steve didn’t expect him to.
He turns his head to Dustin, the one who’d called him in the first place. “ So, why’re we gathered here today? Any updates?” He asks, addressing the whole room.
The boy swallows, and something tells him something’s wrong. Really wrong.
“ Yeah, actually. Uhm, since it’s been so long, we were thinking-“ He cuts himself off, crosses his arms and starts tapping his foot. Thinking, probably.
Hopper glances to him, and sighs, deciding to lead. “ We’re gonna have to let Munson go.” He states.
Steve takes a sharp breath.
“ What?”
‘ Let him go’ like this is a job. Like this isn’t him losing his life. He wonders when they decided to do this, in the hospital room for the ten minutes they were waiting.
Eddie doesn’t give any indication he hears what’s being said, the beeps from the heart monitor still steady and even as ever. A constant metronome of the exact same sound on the exact say beat, all the time, always.
Except maybe not always.
Dustin takes over again, arms placating. “ It’s been a really long time, Steve. We’ve come to terms that he probably won’t wake up, and it’s doesn’t have to be sad-“
“ You’re killing him.” He hisses, “ You’re killing him and it’s not meant to be sad?”
Nancy steps forward, seeing it as her time to speak. “ Steve. You barely knew the guy, and you spend all your time here, it’s not good for you.”
“ There’s been no good signs, no nothing, not even when El looks into his brain.” Dustin nods at the girl across the room, who’s fiddling with her fingers.
Steve furrows his brow, “ Oh, so I guess you’re gonna pull the plug on Max too?”
Lucas’s eyes widen, mouth dropping open, and Nancy glares. “ That is not fair, Steve.”
“ This whole situations pretty fucking unfair, so I guess you’re gonna have to explain to me how this is different from Max.” He stands, stance wide as he points to the man in the hospital bed.
“ Max is making progress.” Lucas says weakly, and El sets a hand on his shoulder. The boy deflates.
He turns toward Hopper and Joyce, the latter still not having spoken. The Byers family had moved back to Indiana for God knows what reason, and Steve knows that if he had the money, that he could’ve moved somewhere else long ago.
“ Does Wayne know you’re killing his kid?” He asks.
He’d met the man while visiting, and they’d usually sit in silence and watch baseball or whatever was on. He never questioned why Steve was there, or why he was holding a limp body’s hand and taking off it’s rings and putting them back on.
When they did speak, it was stories he had from Eddie’s childhood, about how he buzzed his head because a spider crawled on him and he was convinced it was hidden in his hair, making babies.
Hopper pinched his nose, like he was being a pest. “ Stop using words like killing, and yes. He said he didn’t want Eddie to have to suffer, and his bills are getting expensive.”
And he blinks, realization dawning.
This hadn’t just been decided, had it? This wasn’t a ten minute decision while Steve was getting ready to come here.
He speaks, his voice low and keeping even through each word, “ You guys had a meeting.” The ‘ without me’ goes unsaid, but still echoes throughout the room like if would’ve if he shouted it.
They’d decided this whole thing beforehand, somehow knowing that Steve would hang on. And he would, will. He can’t let him die, he can’t lose.
Will nods, and next to him Mike and Dustin look ashamed. He would’ve thought they’d hold out more.
He racks his brain for any reason they should keep alive, can’t find one. Somehow, even without one for them, he has a million for himself.
“ If the bills are the reason, I’ll pay the damn bills. He’s fucking alive.” He tries.
“ You don’t have a job, Family Video is closed. Just let it be, Steve. Please.” Robin had been eerily quiet during this entire conversation, and it brings him chills him when she speaks.
His best friend had been in on it.
He crosses his arms, “ I’ll get a job. Listen, I’ve been having dreams,-“ He lies. He lies because there’s nothing true to prove Eddie is getting better. “-dreams that he’s alive in like a dark space, I don’t know- his mind maybe? I just- I really think he’s in there.”
The hope Dustin gets on his face hurts, but he doesn’t care. The guy will wake up and it won’t matter that the ‘ dreams’ never existed.
Maybe it’s because he’s an optimist, and that’s why he’s trying so hard, as pessimistic as he can be sometimes.
“ Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin asks and Steve licks his lips.
Why didn’t he tell them? “ Despite all this crazy shit, me having dreams that he’s alive still sounds crazy.” He doesn’t look at the boy as he says this, eyes roaming over Eddie’s face.
He looks serene, the bat bite on his face as healed as it can get. The doctors had mentioned swelling on his back shoulder blades, but Steve thinks his would be swollen too if he sat on them for a year.
‘ A year and two months.’ He corrects himself.
He stares at the hair that, occasionally when it got matted, Steve would go through and brush it, not wanting him to wake up to being bald because a doctor seemed it necessary.
Wayne mentioned how much he hated the shaved head, and he wouldn’t put him through that again.
As he looks at him, he thinks ‘ I’m doing this for you, so you better wake up, asshole.’
Dustin’s eyes are wide, staring at the members of Hellfire. Steve could only describe the look as ecstatic.
“ Holy shit, I mean, holy shit!” He laughs, and Mike breaks into his own grin.
Jonathan chimes in, disbelief sketched into the lines all over his face. “ Sorry, but doesn’t that seem too convenient? I’m not saying you’re lying Steve, just… If El didn’t find anything, that’s pretty much it.”
His lips form into a line, determined. “ I told you, I’ll be paying for whatever. It’s no skin off your back, or money out of Wayne’s pockets.”
Joyce nudges Hopper when he goes to speak, and nods at Steve. “ If you wanna try, sweetheart, you can. But I don’t want you visiting too much, it’s doing you more harm than good.” She wraps him in a hug, before leading the ex-chief of police out of the room.
Slowly, everyone vacates, until it’s just Steve, Eddie, and El.
She doesn’t make a move toward the door, eyes locked onto his face.
“ You’re lying.” She whispers like a secret.
He nods.
She looks toward Eddie, nervous, and she messes with the hem of her shirt when she starts to speak again. “ I lied too.”
She doesn’t elaborate, walking out of the room without anymore information, and Steve blinks.
The hospital has to call Wayne to confirm the transfer, that's how he learns of the circumstances. He doesn't say much of anything, aside from a promise of a visit on Tuesday before he hangs up.
That night, that same fucking night, he gets a call.
It's the front desk lady, voice distressed rushing through an explanation.
" Eddies gone...Only blood in his bed...We don't know where he is."
Steve stares at the wall, the rest of the words falling upon deaf ears.
Someone had probably found out where he was being held, murdered him a year later for his crimes, and stashed the body away.
He sets the phone back in its holster without saying anything to the other line. Not even a goodbye, or a thanks.
He thinks, it only for a second, that he should've let them just pull the plug, it would've been far less painful.
A creaking brings him out of it, and his eyes dart to his door.
It's dark, too dark, and Steve's aware the Upside Down fucked him up in incomprehensible ways, and now every shadow looks like something,
But there was definitely someone in his house.
He keeps slumped on his bed, the same position as when he'd answered the call. He doesn't flinch when the door pushes open enough for a body to slip in.
There's the sound of something dragging along the carpet as they come closer, probably a shotgun, or maybe they're gonna beat him with his own nail-bat.
He doesn't care to decipher the shape, instead shutting his eyes.
A hand grabs his, sets it on dry skin. His thumb touches a rough patch, a scar like feeling.
One his hands had roamed over while patching up his stomach, refusing to get looked at. That concave patch of scratchy skin that they tell you eventually will just be soft, scarred, but normal.
The skin stretches, and he feels a cheek.
Somehow, he thinks if he keeps his eyes shut, he doesn't have to face the thing in front of him, that it somehow isn't real.
A scratchy, disused, and croaky voice sounds out.
" ' Hey, Hero.' "
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 month
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A warm smile etched onto the pink haired foxian's face as he watched his beloved eat the meal he had prepared meticulously, his fingers still twitching lightly from the constant chopping and grinding of meat but his hard work had paid off in the end. Jiaoqiu was blessed to hear all the little noises that came out of your mouth, the satisfied hums and light little hiccups were like gospel to him, irreparable, satisfactory, necessary.
He reaches for his own utensils, still monitoring you carefully from the corner of his eye, never once letting the mask of a carefree gentleman slip off.
His beloved was the personification of every dark and sinful desire Jiaoqiu had ever had. The broken heart which he was still mending started to beat once more in the presence of his beloved, as if it finally found its long lost voice and sprung back to life.
The feeling, my, it was exhilarating. For ages now his one true desire was to cure anyone he ever could, to rid people of all of their pain and suffering, to hold their hand in their darkest hour of need and tell them in his sweet voice that all will be well and that he will heal them -
However, time was a cruel mistress. And Jiaoqiu, was all too familiar with its icy cruelty. It wasn't fair, just how much was he going to suffer? Even if he was not aware of it at times, Jiaoqiu was still just a person. One single person in this wast cosmos, a flickering flame of a soul which was threatening to give into the darkness like the weakling that he always was....
And then, he met someone. Someone who became precious to him, someone who allowed him to just... Breathe. To let loose, every once in a while. Someone who he just loved to be fussy about, a person so singlehandedly tailor made for him that it was practically too good to be true. He loved being by his beloved's side, watching over them, taking care of them. It felt good having someone all for yourself, someone who you didn't need to share with anyone -
Much like a house of cards, everything crashed down once he found out that he was getting ahead of himself. He had not made you his quite yet, even if in his mind there would be no other who could fill the empty black void in his heart.
A sharp thorn in Jiaoqiu's side was this absolute pest of a Cloud Knight, a person so singlehandedly determined to take you away from him, a knight so caught up in his own valor and glory that he had failed to notice all the subtle changes around him.
The devil was always in the details. No one ever paid attention to those little details. And Jiaoqiu, the cunning fox, could be a truly terrifying devil if he felt threatened.
Jiaoqiu watched you bite into the meat, the lightly pink centre catching his eye as his smile turned slightly wicked. His gaze lowered down towards the fresh juices which dripped from the meat and onto the pristine white plate, a happy smile on your face.
You inquired about the source of the divine meat for the entirety of the afternoon but Jiaoqiu would always give you non answers or simply dodge the question.
Jiaoqiu loved you. He loved you like no one before. He loved you so much that his heart would stop beating if you ever broke it. His love was deep, dark and wast like space itself.
And you had indeed formed a little crack on his bleeding heart. Not enough for him to do something truly drastic but... It was enough for him to be angry. Angry at the thought that you had allowed this knight into your personal space. You don't need that fool, you already have Jiaoqiu. There's absolutely no need for that frivolous little knight to even be breathing the same air as you, Jiaoqiu was more than capable of taking care of you all on his own.
He had made it his mission to steal back the air the knight had taken from you. At the back of his head, Jiaoqiu could still hear the sickeningly loud crunches of the endless pile of bones, the messy table which reeked of blood and putrid, his snow white hands tainted with the sticky crimson liquid as he hacked and chopped and cooked.
In the end, he was going to teach you a lesson, even if you were not aware of it. Please, be gentle with him. Do not break his heart anymore than it already is. Jiaoqiu is a sensitive and sweet man, he has no desire to be rough with the object of his affections. And yet, even he knows that a small dosage of tough love, as he likes to put it, was more than necessary from time to time.
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cnestus · 2 months
so i've mentioned in the past that while i don't go out of my way to catch bees, they often end up in the pest monitoring trap samples that i process for work. since i hate seeing cute animals go to waste i've made a project out of pinning and identifying them whenever possible. one of the more common bees that i see around this time of years are the tiny & shiny genus Ceratina:
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(not my photos, but the rest in this post are mine)
(fun fact they're actually most closely related to the giant carpenter bees you're probably more familiar with)
okay so for reference here's a couple examples of standard male Ceratina faces:
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kinda silly looking! but now check out this freak i found this week:
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note that not only are the eyes nearly wrapping around the face but the ocelli are totally missing and the antennal insertions have merged into a weird giant pit in the middle of his face. sadly he's a little beat up and one of the antennae was broken off along with some leg parts.
but okay if you think that's weird, check out this NEXT guy:
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what the fuck! that smaller antenna isn't broken off like the previous guy it's just... like that. i have absolutely no explanation for either of these oddities.
honestly Ceratina are so common that i'd almost gotten to the point of not bothering to keep them when they show up in my traps but i'm really glad i took a closer look and spotted these freaks. have not attempted to ID either to species yet.
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animeshotsh · 7 months
Control | Various x Overlord!Makima!Reader
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Notes: Reader has the same powers as Makima from Chainsaw Man. Im leaving a link here in case you want to read about them in deep detail.
Warnings: HH violence - Cursing - Blood -
When a soul falls down to hell no one takes notice of it. You were lowkey thankful for it, your clothes the same ones as the one you had died were dity with mud and blood. Your white shirt was ruined, your black coat had holes on it.
Thats a magnificent disaster
You never expected you would be stabed in the back by one coworker, and that would be the cause of your death. But your greed was big and so was theirs so you were sure you were going to meet them down here soon.
As impressive as this was you were not under panic, maybe having to watch your back 24/7 when you were alive had helped to it.
In that dark alley you stood considering your choices when a small creature with horns appear, it showed a knife at you and jumped.
You moved your head to the side "is this a demon?" You wondered swiftly avoiding its attack. Then like instinct you raised your arm, your fingers like a gun, pointing at the demon.
"Bam" you whispered and soon the chest of the demon exploted. You looked at your fingers then at the corpse a few meters away a sadistic smile forming.
"I wonder what more I can do"
In no time you got a name for yourself, The Control Demon. A Demon who could force others to make contracts with them, a demon who could use the power of the demons who they had a contract with.
Manipulation was your middle name. Overlords respected you and some feared you.
Carmilla was always wary around you, knowing your power. Her angel weapons were in reach whenever you attended a meeting. She could see behind that fake smile and eyes.
Zestial was amazed by your power. He knew he was strong and heavens you were stronger. He would start conversations with you only to try and get on your good side.
Rosie loved you, she knew you could put all the cannibal town against her but that was just amazing in her eyes, not to say, you using other overlord powers was something to enjoy.
Something she got to know was that you could force a sinner to say a name and by moving your hand that one named would explote.
Alastor was...well he was interested. He wanted to know if you could get him out of his own contact but then again for that he would have to confess that he had a leash on. Something he did not want to do at all.
When Charlie first meet you she was...scared. Listening to your name being told and the stories....but she was sure something good was in everybody so of course she opened her hotel doors for you. Even if you were only there to see the place.
Vaggie straight up hated you. If Alastor was a pest then you were worse. She did not want nothing to do with you. But she also knew she was no competition against you. Specially after seeing your spiral eyes as you moved away her weapon.
"Please, at least learn how to proper use it, angel"
Lucifer was charmed!!
Yes the king of hell fell for your sweet words and compliments like a young fella.
"Your majesty its a pleassure to meet the one who rules in here" You said bowing towards the short king who was suprised by your polite self.
You ended showing him the place after Alastor killed the other sinners and told him sweet nothings about hell and him. How you always have wanted to meet him (no). And he ate all up.
That night Lucifer ended on his bed blushing hard thinking about you.
Vox had tried to follow you only to end with a panic attack as he saw your spiral eyes staring back at him from one monitor.
"Its not polite to spy you know"
And now Vox has nightmares of you.
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zumicho · 2 months
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she takes work frustrations out on ao3, writing fics about the hot guy living next door — kita shinsuke. he helps fix roof leaks, kill pests, and stands up to their asshole landlord. unfortunately, having a spare key to her apartment leads him to read the monitor she forgot to shut down when she left.
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pairing kita x miya reader
tags, cws smau hybrid (no tweets, texts only), language, lots of hurt-comfort, fem!reader, grief at the start, parental issues lol
status : coming soon ; taglist : open, send an ask/reply (27/50)
a/n : this fic is dedicated to dodger ♡ I wouldn’t be writing this if my love for kita hadn’t been revived by 88 ford !! go read go read go read
*no shade to betterhelp, joke purposes only. “AO3 > therapy” lol
text intros
prologue : lucky number
grew up in the same house, so I know why you lash out. I understand you, more than you think I do
one : the curse (make your bed)
forgot how to cry, who am I to complain?
two : got a nickel?
I know better than to drive you home, cause you’d invite me in — and I’d be yours again.
three : the blessing (say thank you)
I guess it’s all about the things you want but never get
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© ZUMICHO 2024 all rights reserved. please do not repost, edit, or translate my works on any platform.
extra a/n: do NOT expect consistent uploads, the profiles/prologue should be out by tomorrow (07/29/24)
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leychin · 1 month
fem pronouns used
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Shigaraki is mad at you.
You've been in the infirmary for a month, he hasn't visited you.
Hell, he's gone out of his way to avoid thinking about you. He can't afford it. It makes a prickling feeling threaten to burst in his chest and his throat burn. You're an insolent pest who has done nothing but worm you way into the crevices of his already withering heart, and he hates it. He hates what that means because its a weakness, and he hates what that mean's because that means he cares for someone more than he cares about himself, and he cant let that happen. Shigaraki has goals, dreams of a new world, and things to do.
He sighs, he knows that's not true. He's not that child anymore, and he knows your value to him. Everyone in the league was someone he cared for, and of course you weren't an exception to this rule. If he had to guess what this feeling was, he would chalk it up to frustration. Not because you're a bad subordinate, but because you were too fucking self sacrificing.
Its been a month since the fight with the Meta Liberation Army and you still haven't woken up. He wants to believe it was deserved, and that you got what you were asking for. Hell, you could stay in that room for as long as he wants. See if he gives a shit.
But he does, because this guilt is eating him alive. You saw Re-Destro grab Shigaraki and toss him, and when Destro went for the finishing blow you jumped in the way instead to hold him off, to let your leader get away, or just to grab his bearings.
When Shigaraki finally regained some semblance of balance, he saw Destro toss your body into debris. You didn't get lucky with where you landed like your leader did. He fell in empty desolate fields and your head collided straight with the remnants of a building.
The rest was a blur after that, Shigaraki woke up as the leader and with a broken foot. But he remembers the feeling of seeing your head bleed out, and he remembers how sick he felt at the thought of losing you. He hates that feeling.
"You oughta see her boss. She's been asking if you've been alright since she woke up." Dabi advises, and it makes Shigaraki tsk. He knows you've been asking about him, but he doesn't know how to show his face to you now. He's been trying to turn these feelings into anger for so long, and to push you out of his heart he's not sure if he'd be able to do it with you looking at him like he's the most important person in the world.
But he eventually sucks it up, because now he's standing outside of your door. The muffled beeps of the heart monitor you're hooked up to mimicking his own steady heartbeat. Realistically he knows theres nothing to be worried about; he knew you weren't mad at him, but something disgusting swirled in his chest and it spread like decay to the rest of him.
When he opens the door, and you meet his eyes and smile so brightly he has to fight the urges to scratch at his neck. He knew you would be happy to see him, everyone said you would be. So why is this upsetting him?
"Im so glad you're alright." Those are the first words you say to him, and he wants to rip his hair out at how soft your voice was now. So relaxed, and so peaceful like you didn't almost die that day.
Shigaraki huffs, before stepping fully into your line of sight to show the boot he has to wear on his leg for a while "Most of me is at least." and you laugh at that, you missed his dry humor and you want to tell him everything you've been thinking in this last month.
But your head pounds, and Shigaraki is quick to reach out to you with all five fingers and carefully touch your head. You freeze, but when decay doesn't come and he instead hands you your glass of water wordlessly you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Oh.. I can control it now." He says, unsure of how to explain that his 'awakening' came to him as he saw you slumped over that building, the blood leaking from your head and how angry he was that you would've thrown your life away for him, because your belief in his ability to create a future for everyone was so strong you were willing to never see it because it was your leader, because it was him.
Shigaraki opts to show you instead, taking two fingers and tapping the flowers on your nightstand. The spread was much slower than five fingers, but they wilted regardless.
Then carefully, Shigaraki lifted your hand and pressed his five fingertips to yours. The moment was oddly intimate; the only sounds being your heart monitor (that seemed to be picking up slightly) and the faint sounds of tv in the background.
"...I thought. I wouldn't be able to keep you in my party anymore." Shigaraki says, notably with his fingertips still pressed to yours "I was mad at you, I didn't understand why you did that. I thought you were stupid, and you would die." its a genuine, human fear that Shigaraki goes out of his way to hide from his friends, he's always felt that he had to be strong for them, but in this moment it all seems to tumble.
"I wanted... to keep leveling up with you." Shigaraki tries to explain "I didn't want it to be over yet. Not with you. Theres a lot I want to do with you still." and in that moment, Shigaraki realizes he doesn't see you the way he sees spinner, or toga, or even Dabi. It's something else that he can't quite place. "Don't do that stupid shit again." is all he says instead though, unsure on how to voice the latter half of his thoughts.
But its not lost on you, and you simply smile at him one again as you move your fingers so that your fingers are interlocked with his hand, and Shigaraki is confused, but slowly copies your action. Its nice.
"I won't, if you come and actually visit me this time." You offer.
Shigaraki pretends to ponder for a moment, before his own lips pull into a genuine smile for the first time since he's woken up "I'll think about it."
He'll come see you again every day until you're released from the infirmary, and then every day when you two work for your world together.
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cybsoo2 · 4 months
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yandere bts profile
╰┈➤ synopsis — Stories of seven men living their yandere lives.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x reader
╰┈➤ word count — 4.3k
╰┈➤ content warning — murder, yandere behavior, stalker behavior, manipulative behavior, graphic depictions of violence, kidnapping, suicide, self-harm, vomiting, invasion of privacy, talk of religion
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—Kim Seokjin
yandere type — manipulative and overprotective
watch out for! — overprotection, isolating, self-imposing, monitoring, spy cams, invasion of privacy
Seokjin speaks sweet lies
He’s such a good liar that he’s even begun to deceive himself
He’ll tell himself these selfish sins are for the greater good
Misleading you and manipulating others is one of his many skills
Although he holds no affection for anyone else and is inclined to ruin their lives through manipulation, he doesn’t dare try it on you
Although the fate of your friends and foes is different, He’d never hurt you, wouldn’t lay a finger on you unless you asked
He doesn’t want your love to be a lie, to become warped and wrecked into images unknown
Instead, he leads you astray when you step too close to his sinful secrets
When a coworker with a crush comes too close for his liking, he’ll whisper the words, “He’s not good enough for you sweetheart.”
Your friends offer an invitation to get drunk one dark night, “It’s too dangerous to drink this late at night, stay inside with me instead.”
And maybe one morning, a slithering suspicion sits still in your mind
You ask him why he’s so protective, so passionate, so possessive, and he’ll tell you, “I love you like no other.”
Jin cares about your safety
He wishes you’d be healthy and happy all the time
Although, his methods of achieving this dream can have some consequences
He’ll worm his way into your life
He looms over you with a loving presence
But if he’s not careful enough, his ‘love’ can be suffocating
He monitors your actions, not stalking, but spying on you through other methods
He’ll set up cameras to make sure you don’t get hurt
Of course a fragile fawn like you needs him in order to survive
He takes the truth from your friends to figure out how you’ve been doing
He’ll read your messages to find the deviant souls that might harm you
He gives biased advice (Though you don't know it) in order to keep you close to him
Misleading your crushes by telling them that you’re already taken
He keeps you away from everyone else, so much so that some friends become distant and disturbed at the sight of him
Jin is willing to be whatever you what so long as he can stay by your side
He’ll be your friend, a brother, a lover
He’s perfect for you, if it weren’t from the looming sense of danger that falls in his shadow
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—Min Yoongi
yandere type — obsessive and possessive
watch out for! — murder, codependency, self-containment
Yoongi hides his true nature behind longing looks and a distant friendship
He keeps calm underneath a cold exterior
Yoongi stays to himself and watches you from afar
He may murder any pests that cross your path, but he wouldn’t dream of hurting you
You’d never assume he mutilates men and women while you sleep
He brings you glory through each slash and stab of scarlet
Yoongi just might be a cruel killer, but the worst types of killers are those who’ve become self aware
He holds a court of immoral justice in his head 
Killing based off bias, yet he can’t find himself to care
You’ve made him into a merciless man, which is why he can’t stop once he’s set his mind on something
He’ll put on a plaster face, he’ll be kind, and quiet, and normal 
Yet even if his body stays at shore, a selfish need sings him out to sea
Yoongi believes in codependency, you need him and he needs you
He may put himself in a position that demands him to be close to you
He could be a coworker, a classmate, or perhaps a neighbour
But you can bet that you’ve met him before
Yoongi is too dependent on the normality you two have to act on his obsession
He understands his sick self and knows the consequences if he confesses
Yoongi knows that he won’t be able to hide the horrors of who he truly is, so he doesn’t even take the chance
He believes in a loyal love and couldn’t lie to you if you had a real romance
He’ll take what he can get and make sure no one else can get in the way
His obsession is closed away in the corner of his heart (But that’s not exactly true since his whole heart belongs to you)
His passion is put on the shelf to collect dust in the dark
A distant dream that had no hope of really happening
It rots away in his ribcage, tearing him apart from the inside out
His sickness is a symptom of this strange fixation
He throws up three times a day
The bile burns through his throat and now drops of blood join the rest of his lost lunch
A running list of other side-effects include: sleep loss, hypersomnia, depression, loss of appetite, etc.
Yoongi is always wanting the dream that waits
Sometimes, he sees a sliver of it in his sleep
A feverish fantasy where you embrace like lovers and kiss without consequences
But then he wakes up to reality and wishes this illness had never infected him
Your love is like a leech, bleeding him to the bone and testing his tenacity
But then tomorrow arrives and he sees the smile he’s so lost in love with
His inertia is eternal and he’ll never give up what he has for his unlikely odds
Your life remains pretty much the same except for the missing men and women that hurt you many months ago
You would never suspect that the sweet, yet shy Yoongi has his heart in your hold
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—Jung Hoseok
yandere type — clingy, obsessive, and delusional
watch out for! — self-harm, suicide, dependency, delusion, mixing fantasy with reality, insecurity
Despite how intense his love can be, he never acts as more than desperate and delusional when it involves you
There’s no need to worry about mysterious murders when it comes to Hoseok
He doesn’t have the patience, planning, or guts to kill anyone 
He’d rather reap his worries and run away from the issue
He’s comes crying to you at the slightest inconvenience
You’re the savior of his soul who soothes all his sorrows
Such a saint you are, putting up with someone as pathetic and plain as this broken boy
Even when the roles are reversed and your upset under a burden of blue, Hobi will be your crying companion
He can’t help it, seeing you so sad evokes excruciating emotions
Someone as sweet as yourself doesn’t deserve to be depressed, which is why he’ll do anything it takes to be your sunshine in the storm
Hoseok is someone that clings close to you
Always following you around wherever you go and sticking by your side
Hoseok desperately depends on you, he may be your sunshine but you’re his hope
You’re the reason he’s like this after all
You gave him a glimpse of happiness, a unique thing in this large universe
He sees you as his angel, always right and a savior to the lovesick
Your kindness and compassion are what immediately intrigued him
But what made him unable to shake this obsession is how special you made him feel
You look into his eyes and you see him as an individual
You see his soul for all it’s crimson colours and still accept him
That’s when his delusion begins to distort the realm of reality
He truly believes you love him like he loves you
Why else would you take pity on a poor soul like him
His insecurities suffocate him, telling him he isn’t good enough for you
Yet you still stay, never once have you thought of the boy as a burden
This twisted love ties into his dreams
He dreams of the distant future: tangled in each others embrace, whispering your carmine confessions, and living out the rest of your lives as lovers
These fantasies feel so real that sometimes Hoseok swears they actually happened
That kiss you shared in the shadows last week? Totally real!
You falling asleep in his arms after crying out your confessions? Definitely happened according to Hoseok!
But when these fairy tales fizzle out, Hobi is left with lost dreams and a broken heart
Falling down from heaven, he’s struck by the hard-hitting truth
You don’t love him and even if you did he wouldn’t deserve it
He cries and tries to cut himself clean
Emptying out the red as it runs down the drain
He lets out the pain on his pinkening flesh
One day he may fall too far
Running the red blade over his arteries until all he can see is black blood
But he’s hopeful for now, this imaginary event would only happen if you turned to hate him
Screaming that he’s a psycho and a sinner
Crying cause you can never be alone, him always at your side
Telling him how much you hate him
Saying you wish to never see him again
It would take a lot for Hoseok to fully lose his heart
And the loss of your love is the one thing that would sink his sorrows
Without your light to guide him, it would send him overboard into the black abyss
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—Kim Namjoon
yandere type — manipulative and devotee
watch out for! — collector, murder, manipulation, worship, extreme obsession
Namjoon worships the water you walk on 
Yet this twisted type of religion isn’t right, it isn’t even real
In his mind, you’re an angel of purity and perfection 
You’re the cause of every good event that happens to him
You single handedly uplift his life and give him guidance 
And he’s just happy to be the devotee to his one and only divine
As aforementioned, Namjoon is a collector
His entire home is a museum of memories
Tiny trinkets are stacked on shelves, and useless objects are crowded into of the corners of his room
But every piece has a purpose, each and every object leads back to you
Outsiders may say he’s a hoarder, but Namjoon remembers why so many red bottles are shoved under his bed
You endorsed a beauty brand and he bought out the entire stock
Now every time he does his nightly routine, he can sense the faint feeling of your skin on his
Shoved in his drawers is the jewelry you just wore
Replicas of bronze bracelets or ruby rings
He wears noir necklaces like a noose around his neck
Chained up under your control, you decide his destiny
When he wears copies of your clothes, sometimes he feels slightly closer to you
Like he can hear you whispering right from wrong in his ear
Telling him what to do and how to do it
Namjoon doesn’t think for himself
His emotions are almost artificial, only responding with empathy when it relates to you
He’s lost interest in the social scene, but still goes out to keep connections
He talks to people only to take their trust and ask for favours in the future
It’s common knowledge to anyone that Namjoon is easily infatuated with you
He doesn’t try to hide it and uses peoples intrigue to gain intelligence
But the occasional onlooker will sometimes sense that this isn’t just a common crush
They might’ve found out about his stash of souvenirs stuffed up in his attic
Perhaps it was how obviously anxious Namjoon gets when you’re not near
Or maybe they noticed the lovesick looks he wishes your way
But when Namjoon finds out he’s got a follower, he knows what he has to do
He’s not big fan of murder, it takes up too much time and it’s a mess to keep hidden, he’d rather it be fast and efficient
So he sends his sins out to sea
He has no time for torture and no desire to drag this out
Namjoon ties up his victim in twine ropes 
The ropes wrap around the writhing fool
Tether twisting around their throat and cutting off their cries
The rope scratches scarlet off the skin, leaving long lines that bruise purple and pink
Namjoon ties a brick to their ankles, bringing them back down to the dark
It’s the murder of a man who knew too much, sinking out in the open ocean with all their knowledge never to be known
The weight of Namjoon’s actions never wrestles with his heart
Uncaring and callous, he never stops to consider that these heinous acts hurt his humanity
Because in his brown eyes, this is all your doing
You told him to get rid of the fool that fell too close to your godly grace
You can do no wrong so this must be the new morality
Namjoon will protect your perfection by never letting any noble men come too close
Your sweet love must be kept a secret, no other weakling worthy enough for it but him
And even though dark doubts still taint his thoughts, Namjoon will spend the rest of his worship proving he’s your lovesick slave
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—Park Jimin
yandere type — clingy and psychotic
watch out for! — isolating, self-harm, murder, suicide, dependency, jealousy, hysteria, insecurity, kidnapping
The gods gave Jimin a gift
A double wielded sword weighted with the opposite ends of emotion
His feelings are feverish and burn with a bright intensity
It’s all a sliding scale for him, switching out his soul for whatever worth
All-consuming emotions are what drives him
Day by day, Jimin is mostly described as empathetic and enthusiastic
And while Jimin is an awestruck soul, he also hides his more dark desires
Your love sets him alight
Melting away his walls to reveal the real monster
Violent thoughts flow thoughts his veins
It’s like a venom, monopolizing his mind and evoking his red wrath
Jimin isn’t an apathetic man, he cares too much about the things that make him tick and the love his lusts after
He’s incapable of indifference, always so engrossed in his emotions and their outcomes
Loving him would be like locking yourself in with a lion
Jimin worships you like you no other and makes you feel like you’re alone in ardent
But the burning candle that controls his heart will always end up blinding you
He’s too dependant, always running after you and following like a poor puppy
He’s too jealous, scared you’ll be stolen away by any other man
He’s overly enthusiastic, lovesickness so suffocating you have to beg to break free from his hugs
Jimin takes you two to solitude, liking to rest in your warmth without any else��s eyes on you
While the long list of turmoil may taunt you, it’ll only get worse when he’s upset 
Jimin has widespread worries that you’ll leave him like everyone else
Insecurities lay intimate in his mind and he’ll only ever speak them to his soulmate
He’ll spend countless days crying and trying to seek your sweet reassurance
When these dark doubts are ripe and rip his heart apart, you better not set him off or else the consequences are grave
When he’s like this, clinging to you and crying his heart out, it’s best to shush his sorrows and hold him to your heart
He’ll bawl his eyes out into your blue sweatshirt, white knuckles wrapped around the familiar fabric
He’ll try to hide the hiccups in the crook of your neck, slightly embarrassed for his emotional outburst
Jimin lies limply in your lap, tired out from all the tears but too vulnerable to let go
He chases away the cold in your warm embrace
You speak lovely lies of how you love him 
If this is all insanity and you truly don’t love him, then this outcome would be very different
Was it a rash rejection? Or careless cruelty too much for his heart to handle?
Either way Jimin would explode in a case of confusing emotions
He’d swipe the silver blade down to the bone, bleeding out all over the bathroom tile and trying to tell you how much he loves you
“I’m nothing without you and I won’t let you leave.”
“I’d kill to keep you, I’d die if you don’t love me.”
The universe is always against your relationship and if a situation where to arise where he can’t keep you, he may just kidnap you instead
A much more morbid scenario might even involve suicide
You escape and Jimin must now spend eternity alone
He’d wake up at death’s door with pills pouring out his mouth
A terrible taste lays on his lips and his stomach is swimming in poison
A life without his love is a life not worth living
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—Kim Taehyung
yandere type — devotee and stalker
watch out for! — murder, stalking, invasion of privacy, voyeurism, collector, murder-suicide, insecurity, monitoring , worship
Taehyung is a cruel romantic
His thirst for your entirety is insatiable
This growing greed is what makes him so bold
He takes risks none of the other boys would dare to dream of
Of course, he didn’t always act so impatient
This restlessness for your red romance had started small before it spiraled into disarray 
Subtle acts of stalking or stealing is how it all began
He just wanted to feel close to you, whether that be through physicality or by objects tainted with your touch
Taehyung is a collector of lost possessions and missing moral
But it didn’t take much time before he grew tired of absent objects and started stealing glances of you instead
He watches as you wander under the moonlight
Your features burning like fire in his brain
You’re so memorable under the moon that he can’t help himself  from painting 10,000 pictures of your perfection
Taehyung sees himself as an artist and you his muse
His drawings dictate your every move, illustrate your emotions, and reflect your beauty
The days spent drawing last from dusk to dawn, and although he could never be bored of staring at your face and flesh, an emptiness begins to claw at his chest
It creeps in from the corners of the room, a cold wind that washes over him and makes him shiver
It takes hold of your image in his mind, making each brushstroke dull and distorted
Your pretty portraits lack your warmth, as does our poor Tae
He’s persistent in his pursuit of lifelong love, and he won’t stop waiting until your his to take
If Taehyung were to actually take part in your life, you’d live an endless eternity of claustrophobia and catastrophe
It may take some time, but you’ll begin to see the signs of your impending downfall before you can stop it
Taehyung’s love is tender and touching
It’s make anyone awe at the sight, but they don’t understand what goes on in the shadows
You’re an inspiration for his art, so much so that your home starts to look like a house of mirrors
Every element of your eternity must be captured, from the bare bones down to trailing patterns at your fingertips
He studies you like a statue
Staring at you all day, swearing at himself whenever he has to blink
Taehyung believes that your bare beauty is an eternal enigma
Your one in a billion and must be treated as such
He tries to show you his distorted devotion everyday, and this may be the only amount of pure peace you get
He makes you feel special, a divine entity the deserves everything you ask for
You were crafted by the gods themselves just for his sweet satisfaction
You were made for each other and nothing can change that… until it does
Taehyung’s always had a hunch that men and women all over the earth were jealous of your relationship
They try to tear you apart, saying your tainted by his toxic touch
He’s running out of time, slipping through the sands of the hourglass
Lost in their lies, he takes you to the one place where no one can separate your souls, heaven
Taehyung likes to think it’s romantic even, like star-crossed lovers born to be destroyed
He doesn’t flinch in the face of death
He’s so lost in his sick sense of delusion that he honestly believes you two are tied between the stars
Tangled up in each other, meant to meet in every timeline and be lovers once again
Both your sad sorrow would soak the bed he holds you in
He calms your cries with a hand held up to your trembling lips
The shivering steel of the gun touches your temple
He says that death will not be dark with him to guide you
You won’t feel the Reapers cold caress when he’s here to hold you
Taehyung gives your lips one last quiet kiss
Breaking apart only to breathe and whisper the words, 
“I love you in every universe.”
“Till’ we meet again my dearest divine.”
His last moment with you is a memory of red redemption
With his thumb triggering the gunshot, he blows your brains out on the back wall
You’re head snaps back from the force and lays limply on your shoulder
Blood bleeds down and begins to soak the sheets
Taehyung chokes back his cries with his hand still holding the steel
He takes your cold corpse in his tender embrace and readies himself for a restful end
He lays down dark kisses to the bullet wound that tore open your temple
He weeps away his heinous actions and with you still held close to his heart, he puts the last bullet in his brain
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—Jeon Jungkook
yandere type — impulsive and delusional
watch out for! — murder, suicide, dependency, kidnapping, delusion, hysteria, impulsion
Jungkook is just a boy with a broken heart
Still learning the differences between desire and devotion
He twists the two into one, his passion is painful and his innocent intentions begin to wither away
That fiery fondness that once burned so bright now sends smoke signals of death and destruction
But what really matters is what moment of massacre you met him
Was it when he was still a shy soul? Susceptible to sin but also ready for redemption
Or was it when he was a man? Matured into murder and wrapped up in wrath
If you arrived early in the timeline of terror, then you’d probably be childhood friends
Playing pretend in a world without worries
Lost in a little kids imagination, you play house, yourself as the wife and him as the husband
This is when his kindergarten crush would begin to grow
As a child you’d call yourselves soulmates, but an adult eye would sense that someone was seriously wrong
Jungkook would throw tantrums whenever you left to leave, and when he didn’t get what he wanted, he’d turn to violence
He’d begin to grow dependant on his only friend
Playdates would pursue sleepovers which would then turn to him refusing to ever leave your side
Scared that you’d be snatched away if his attention fell too far
And as you grew up, got to know more about the horrors and hormones of the future, you’d eventually find yourselves as high-school sweethearts
Jungkook just like his old self, only better at hiding the bloodshed
The obsession would only grow as you get older
More things threaten your relationship and his anger and anxiety amplify 
But your impression of the innocent boy still stays the same
Sure he may be more dependant and delusional then most men, but he’s still your sweet boy
If an artist were to paint a portrayal of a lost lover, it would be Jungkook
Every day is a dream, you drink in his devotion and bathe in bliss
He washes away all your worries and takes on all life's labours
Your life would look pretty normal only because Jungkook’s good at burying all the bodies and biting back his paranoia
But when you bottle up your emotions for years on end, it’ll eventually explode in your face
Jungkook has always been impulsive, acting on his anger and making irrational decisions
His rage causes him to run on a rampage, killing anyone that could come too close
His fear tells him to hide you in the house and cut ties with the outside world
Jungkook is determined to obtain the life and love he obsesses over
Which is why when things don’t go his way, his has a fit of hysteria 
His tempers turns up to 100 and he may try to kidnap you
He’s abandoned all rationality and is recklessly driving your relationship off a cliff
His thoughts are so stubborn and he won’t stop once he’s set on a solution
No planning or preparation is taken in advance
He’s in a fit of frantic fear and reality is slowly slipping
Illusion is in his lungs, he can’t understand that he’s undoing all his progress thus far
So set on the end goal, he can’t see the death and decay until he holds it in his arms
It’s a sudden slaughter and he’s doesn’t processes your passing until you’re pale and purple
After a rainy night spent sobbing and still clutching your cold corpse, he comes to a conclusion
He can’t live with his actions, he’s a monster in a man’s body
He feels sick in his skin, he tries to scratch it off
Peeling off the pink to reveal the red undertones
His hands are still sore from the force he gripped your throat with, he tries to take those off too
He’s disturbed by what he’s just done
Jungkook gathers your blue body in his arms and takes you to the bathtub
He dies by your side, drowning in devastation
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most to least dangerous — jungkook, taehyung, jimin, hoseok, namjoon, jin, yoongi
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved ‎
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