#Personally I think War! is the best song in the album
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Judy Garland:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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incognitopolls · 10 months
The primary purpose of this blog is to facilitate questions that might feel too awkward, embarrassing, or revealing to ask on main. Since this blog receives a lot of submissions, I've had to set some filters on some of the ones that aren't "on topic," so to speak.
This list outlines the main reasons I may reject submissions. I reserve the right to at times reject submissions even if the topic isn't specifically listed here.
Vetoed topics:
Repeat polls. If it's basically the same as a poll that has already been posted or is currently in the queue, it will be disregarded or combined. .
Polls copied from other poll/tournament blogs, such as “who did you vote for in Best Blorbo Of The Year?” The results on the Best Blorbo Blog answer that question already. .
Polls that will stir up harm, invite hateful speech, or trivialize serious current events. This includes asking people's opinions on specific ongoing wars, or asking if specific identities or groups are "valid." .
Polls fishing for people to agree with your unpopular opinion, such as "Who else thinks that pumpkin spice lattes suck?" Sorry, these just aren't fun. .
Polls speculating on other people’s personal lives. This includes questions like “Do you think [celebrity] is gay?”
"Off topic" topics
Media polls about general consumption and preferences, such as “Have you played this video game?" “Which movie in this franchise is your favorite?” “Which franchise is better?” "Did you like this musician's new album?" etc. There are a number of "Do you know this [song/game/movie/etc]" and otherwise media-focused poll blogs that are better avenues for this type of question. .
Personal/relationship polls that boil down to “Is this problematic?” such as age gap questions and "Am I The Asshole?"-style questions. .
Polls about very general, benign preferences, such as “Do you like this food?” or "What's your favorite animal?". This just doesn't fit the purpose of this blog. .
Joke/trick/meme polls, such as “Did you vote on this poll?” or “Vote for option 2." .
Polls about pronunciation of internet words and abbreviations. There are just too many ways to pronounce ouppy/pfp/etc and it's impossible to represent in a poll. In general, we'll only post pronunciation polls if there are very specifically 2 or 3 different ways that everybody pronounces the word.
This post is linked in the pinned post for reference and is non-rebloggable so that it can be updated as needed.
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Hihi slug, I love your work, and thanks for everything!! Since Matenro season is nearly upon us, I was wondering if we could get your opinion on the solo snippets🤞🤞
Matenro's new solo previews are SO GOOD, what do you think of them?
Thank you both for notifying me about them! Taking a look now...
(The album is probably already out now, but... better late than never...)
Jakurai's A Majestic Figure
Title note: 4-kanji compounds are like the SAT vocab words of Japanese; they're not super common in everyday speech and can evoke a literary or sophisticated feeling. This one is...interesting. To the best of my knowledge, it isn't a standard compound (I'm also not getting any hits when I Google it) and I wonder if that's significant. It's just two words strung together to make the appearance of fanciness, perhaps. I couldn't say for certain. At any rate, both 威風 and (especially) 颯爽 describe a majestic, often captivating appearance. This isn't to say that such qualities of dignity or majesty aren't real, but I definitely feel like both terms are defining a subject from an outside perspective. These aren't terms I would ever expect someone to describe themselves with, which makes the song title sound like it's an outside observer commenting on Jakurai instead of Jakurai talking about himself. We see this happen a lot in Hypmic, with people putting Jakurai on pedestals or Jakurai struggling to see himself as the same grand figure others perceive him as. As a result, I wrote the song title as "A Majestic Figure" to emphasize the appearance of majesty, whereas the character of the figure is unknown. Anyway, let's dive in and see what this is all about.
(10 seconds in) Vibing with these instrumentals
(19 seconds in) Not vibing with these "ah"s... but we can't have everything in life
(43 seconds in) I'm a little too tired to fully keep up (I'll look up the lyrics when I'm done) but I REALLY like the urgency in the delivery, which is so at odds with the flowing, dignified background music. In JPN fiction as a whole, flusteredness/desperation is contrasted with calmness as a synonym for imperfection and perfection. Jakurai is, honestly, really kind of a desperate character...yet one that appears outwardly calm/perfect to most of the rest of the cast, so it's interesting that we get to see his desperate nature on full display right at the start of the song.
(1:26 in) Hand motif mentioned *Cinemasins ding* (of
(End) Thank you uta-net for having the lyrics up already; ily. Let's see now... Interesting. I'll have to read them again in more depth later, but it looks like a call to forgive past wounds and seek out a better, less painful way of existence--in a societal sense, a religious (as in like, ascending or becoming enlightened) sense, and a personal sense. All great things to see Jakurai expressing. Again, it's interesting to see Jakurai expressing this with such urgency, even if these are things we know he really, really cares about. That coupled with the background music seems to match a bit in the lyrics that says "And [to end war within society, paraphrased] I take grand, dignified action mixed with the discord and noise of Shinjuku, a samsara spiral of cacophonous echoes." Mixing the stately and the chaotic, the "imperfect" and the "perfect." Really interesting stuff!
Hifumi's The Beginning of the Last Song
Title note: "Last Song" is English and written in katakana, which is a sharp contrast to the style of Jakurai's title. Creates a much younger and casual feel appropriate for Hifumi. Not much else to say here, so let's jump in.
(10 seconds in) Modern indie pop song on the radio feel. I'm not a fan of autotune in general so I'm not in love with this, but I'm hopeful it'll pick up soon.
(22 seconds in) I listen to so much "soft hiphop" (for lack of a better term) during work that my brain instantly catapulted itself into work mode and stopped paying any attention to the words. Coffee mug? Check. Emails? Check. Anxiety? Check. Let me rewind and listen to this properly.
(32 seconds in but for real this time) So far, very Hifumi. Opening verse has some fun figurative language but essentially says Hifumi's suit is pure courage he dons like a suit of armor. In doing so, it masks him and makes him become like a whole other person. From there, he switches to addressing a listener: "I want to soothe your mental wounds. I want to change your frown into a smile. I won't let go of your hands, and no, I'm not doing this for a reward." It's something that Hifumi should be saying to himself (something Hifumi wants to hear, maybe?) and yet he says "To [Host!]me, this is happiness."
(59 seconds in) Hmm... I was going to say this song feels sad to me, because all these positive messages of "Keep going! You're safe now!" are framed as being directed at other people, and I was like..."Hifumi, who's going to say that to you? Who's going to help you feel that way?" but then the line "You made me realize I'm not alone" radically flips the framing so that it DOES become things Hifumi is saying to himself, too. How nice. :) I would not want to translate this, personally... Haha it's using the vagueness of Japanese grammar and lyrical conventions to great effect, but I don't feel comfortable touching that personally.
(1:02) Hell yeah, belt that shit, homie
(1:32) So it's a last song in the sense that it's a farewell or the final song of his old self. Now he's the new, healing Hifumi. We love to see it 10/10 bravo. The song is also a happy, heartfelt thank you to the unspoken listeners (presumably Matenrou) who helped him feel less alone. That's cute! I like it. I probably shouldn't go here, but I find it intriguing how the vagueness of listeners is utilized. The first time the listeners are addressed, the language is...if not borderline romantic, pathos-filled to the point where it's definitely evocative of his host job (hence why he's not seeking compensation for handholding, an often romantic gesture). Yet it's borderline enough that it wouldn't be inappropriate to imagine it being addressed to Matenrou instead of his patrons. Hahaha. Again, another reason I don't want to go near this one.
(Overall) I like it! A nice ballad for Hifumi.
Doppo's Andante
(5 seconds in) For a song called Andante, this has a faster tempo than at least one other song on this album lol. But it's much less frenetic than Doppo's other solos, so there's that, I guess.
(7 seconds in) This delivery is giving me anime ending made by a 2010s rock band vibes lol.
(14 seconds in) Damn there's a baller line here that I'm stumped on how to convey in Eng in a way that's both baller and sensical. Meaning wise, it's like "I want to take back the things I shouldn't have said and give them as a present to you" and in figurative language it's like "Once, I used to fire words into the air [speak things in anger or carelessly]. Now, I want to gather them up [esp. like a bouquet of flowers] after their flight and use them to decorate you [again, like flowers or like a piece of jewelry--it's a positive connotation]" Pop off, Doppo
(40 seconds in) Oh this is killer and also going to need some major explaining. Doppo's name is literally "he who walks alone" which is usually considered a positive thing--someone who "walks the path of life" alone would have gotten there by outstripping the rest of the pack. In Doppo's case, though, this is a negative thing. I think it's not as obvious to Eng-only fans, and I know I didn't really think about it for a long time myself, but Doppo considers himself a "loser" bc he didn't follow a conventional life path. It's considered atypical to switch employers, especially very early on in one's career, as he did when he stood up for Hifumi and got himself fired at his first job. Part of why he puts up with shitty treatment at EL Medical is because it's one of the few places that would hire someone who switched employers at such a young age. (Sidebar: My (probably flawed, as I don't live in Japan) impression is that this is becoming less and less of a thing as time goes on and the economy goes to shit, but I think it's the self-stigma more than anything else that's affecting Doppo. To me, it feel similar to the societal pressures in the US to attend and graduate from a four-year college. Plenty of people don't for all sorts of reasons, but because that's so ingrained as the default life story for Americans in a lot of communities, Doppo's dealing with the kind of disappointment and self-hatred someone who dropped out before getting a four year degree might feel.) Doppo beats himself up about that a lot, but here we get that lovely line of "In the waves of people (hitonami) passing all around me, I no longer see anyone who looks like me. It's a shame, because I always wanted to be just like everyone else (hitonami)." Outside of that beautiful wordplay on hitonami, we're also treated to the figurative language of hitonami being literally "in line with others." Doppo, a character who walks through life alone, wanted to walk through life at the same pace/reaching the same milestones at the same time as everyone else.
(1:04 in) "Life is a tightrope act; it's like walking a balance beam [lit. "average beam" aka a beam where everything is averaged/balanced]. In a country where not everything can be average (narasarenai) and where even if the things that [I] can accomplish (narasareru) don't matter [in the eyes of society], sometimes the sounds I want to make don't come out right (narasarenai). When that happens, I can call myself pitiful--or I can feel the breathing of the beautiful flowerbed that is this city, and when someone's humming under their breath disturbs that short break [lit. breath], I ask them 'So, what is this happiness thing anyway?'" I would rather die than TL this song but I'm LOVING the creativity and depth of the lyrics.
(1:27) WILD! FUCKING! CHEERING!!! "You fake smiles in a mirror to make other people happy and call it love. It's a form of hypnosis, and I've made a go of falling under its spell because I just want to be equals [on par with, balanced], and so if you and I can walk these crowded streets together, then I think I don't mind as much that I'm always walking alone." THE GROWTH! THE GROWTH!!!!
Damn, this album's lyrics go hard. What a feast.
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marsmarauders · 10 days
folklore (Marauder's Version)
Welcome back to another episode of Mo and Marls going insane :) @idkjustlemmedrownlikerab and I overanalyzed every single song on folklore… (the BEST Taylor Swift album, no discussion).
Also, we first discussed this one like a month ago and I didn't take very detailed notes, so if I missed anything Mo, let me know!
Sorry, it took a bit longer for this one to come out… I’m trying my best here. 😭
Let’s get into it, shall we?
the 1
So we all know how James changed, right? Like how he grew out of the bullying and mistreatment? I think part of that maturity came from Jegulus. The experience of being in a relationship with someone who is the complete and utter opposite of you would probably take a lot of emotional maturity. (And immaturity, hence why he left him when he did). And obviously, Regulus would not have betrayed Voldomort if he hadn’t first gone through the worst of it all. If it was all sunshine and rainbows being a death eater, why on earth would he have changed his mind? Like the song says, they never would’ve matured and grown if it weren’t for the fallout of their relationship.
“And if you wanted me, you really should've showed. And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow.”
“To kiss in cars, and downtown bars was all we needed. You drew stars around my scars, but now I’m bleeding.”
Yeah, I know the cliche. That’s literally the most quoted Wolfstar coded song lyric in the history of Taylor Swift songs, so instead, let me bring up verse 3.
This part of the song perfectly encapsulates how I think Remus felt after October 31st, 1981. Sirius would always be there in the back of his mind, whether it be the ghost of his slips or the scent of smoke. Even though he didn’t want to feel that way about Sirius anymore, considering the weight of the crimes that Sirius had supposedly committed, he still felt that way because the younger him was insistent that Sirius was the one. And some part of him knew that even though destiny fought against them, they’d end up together again. (Not for long- cough).
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss. I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs. The smell of smoke would hang around this long. 'Cause I knew everything when I was young. I knew I'd curse you for the longest time. Chasin' shadows in the grocery line. I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired. And you'd be standin' in my front porch light. And I knew you'd come back to me.”
“Who knows, if I never showed up, what could've been. There goes the loudest person this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”
the last great american dynasty
So first off, let’s completely ignore the word American in this scenario. Second off, my interpretation is different from the actual meaning of the song. Instead of blaming women from a sexist point of view, I’m instead using the motif that everyone was (rightfully) blaming the death eaters for the war. Does that make sense? Okay.
So when Mo first brought up the idea that this song was about Regulus, it took me a minute to understand where she was coming from (Not because it was a bad idea, not at all. This is just not my particular favorite song off of folklore). But the fact that one of the lyrics is “there goes the maddest women (person in this case) this town has ever seen, really sold it for me.
We may all argue that Barty was the maddest of all the death eaters, considering the lengths he went for Voldemort, but up until the betrayal, Regulus was literally the #1 Voldemort stan. He was mad. If he’d never “shown up,” yeah, some things might’ve been better. But to figure out the Horcruxs, he kind of had to go down that path. So in the final chorus, I honestly think it’s Regulus, 6 feet under, mocking everyone who hated him, because without him, Voldemort would’ve never been defeated.
“I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending.”
This song is the dynamic I picture Wolfstar having after reuniting. Not in the shrieking shack, but outside of school. There were two conflicting sides to the story, but both left them in shambles. And now that they know the truth, they’re too scared to risk it again. Because what’s the point of trying again if they’re only going to die in the end?
The bridge gets this point across perfectly. When Taylor echos Justin’s singing with a second perspective of the story, that captures Sirius and Remus perfectly. Because from Remus’s perspective, Sirius didn’t give him any kind of heads up that he thought Remus himself to be the traitor. Sirius never gave him the time of day to hear him out! But obviously, Sirius tried giving signs, such as 1: keeping the Potter’s secret keeper extremely confidential to the point that he wouldn’t even tell his partner and 2: arguing with Remus about where he was at night. But how could Remus have known that? He couldn’t read Sirius’s mind! They were falling so quickly that there was no way to stop it.
Now that they know the truth, however, they’re learning to forgive each other and move past it. But how can they when they’re just as in love with each other as they were before? Why would they risk it all if it could disappear all the same? They knew how this movie ended, why would they watch it again?
“And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home.”
my tears ricochet
This song is Sirius to many people all at once, so let me break it down a little.
The majority of the song is Sirius to the people who believed him to be the spy. To have killed his best friends. The fact that he was never given a chance to explain himself and was just locked up; he’s feeling a lot of resentment. Sirius wants to know why on earth they care so much about it when he was “suppoedly” the one to have destroyed everything. Why is the focus on him? Why aren’t they focused on James or Lily or Marlene or Dorcas or the people who died in the war? If he’s dead to them, then why do they act like he exists?
The bridge is him towards Regulus. Regulus died, for reasons that Sirius will probably never know. He talks to the Regulus star, because it’s all he has left, even though he left him years ago. He probably wonders if Regulus saved himself from ending up like Sirius. He probably wonders if Regulus was right. Not about pureblood supremacy, but about keeping quiet and leaving it be.
I think the last chorus is Sirius towards Peter. Throwing Sirius under the bus will only disadvantage Peter in the long run. Why would you willingly stay a rat for 13 years?
"I'm a mirrorball. I can change everything about me to fit in. You are not like the regulars. The masquerade revelers. Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten."
Mirrorball was a little tricky at first cause it's just kind of ✨ominous manipulation✨ to be quite honest and at first, I think Mo was thinking Sirius? But then I kind of looked deeper into the lyrics that I listed above and was like "Hear me out… It's Peter's internal monologue convincing himself into becoming a death eater." and we were both like "Woah."
"Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other."
So, I think we can all come to the agreement that from the bridge to the end of the song, it's James talking to Sirius. This kind of pure, compassionate, and beautiful friendship is such a special part of this fandom. They had such a special bond and I think that they're basically the definition of "Chosen Family."
However, the more I think about it, I think that everything from before the bridge is incredibly Regulus and Pandora coded. The difference between the Black Brother's closest friendships and how that kind of influenced their decisions. James gave Sirius a safe space, whereas Pandora was Regulus's safe space. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
So, I haven’t read ATYD but I know the basic concept of who Grant Chapman is and what he did and all that, and Mo was very insistent on this song being Grant, and I completely agree.
“So much for summer love and saying “us,” cause you weren’t mine to lose.”
Grant was a stand-in for Sirius in some way. I think both he and Remus knew that, but Grant fell for Remus, he couldn’t help it! And he knew Remus loved him, but he wasn’t Sirius and he’d never be Sirius. But that doesn’t make it any less bittersweet for Grant, knowing that Remus is happier off with Sirius. In the same way that Jegulus was necessary for James’s character growth, Grant was necessary for Remus’s.
this is me trying
So I was certain this was Black Brothers and Mo was certain this was Regulus, so I’m gonna mix them. In the bridge specifically, I can see Regulus longing for Sirius after he left. The parties? The weird pureblood cult meetings his family had. It was hard for Regulus to even walk around their house because it was not the same without Sirius. The “one screen in his town” is Sirius being Regulus’s only escape. (Cause you watch movies on a screen? And movies tend to be an escape from reality? Look at me. I’m smart). And Regulus is also struggling with this internal battle because if he leaves, he’ll put himself and Sirius in danger, but if he stays, he’ll have to do things he knows deep down in his heart he doesn’t want to do. This is him trying.
“And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town.”
“It's born from just one single glance. But it dies and it dies and it dies a million little times.”
illicit affairs
Okay, before I get into this song, I want to clarify that we’re not implying that any of these characters were unfaithful.
There’s a difference between an affair (long- term cheating) and an affair (a pastime experience). I’m not the kind of person to promote cheating or adultery in my stories, because I think it’s such a frustrating topic to discuss. I wouldn’t ship people who went out of their way to hurt their partners. That being said, the word “affair” here is being used in the same way the words “event” or “incident” would. Obviously the word “illicit” means forbidden, so our interpretation of “illicit affairs” is just a “secret relationship.”
I think you might understand who I’m getting at here… if you guessed Jegulus, you’d be correct! James and Regulus were a secret, but not in the way you think. Their friends knew, Sirius knew, James’s parents probably knew, but Regulus’s family could not know. No one outside of their circle could know. (Reminds me of another Taylor Swift lyric. “You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath.” James kept Regulus as a secret, only because Regulus wanted him to, but Regulus held on to James like he was his life support). It was almost as if they were having an affair, and like most affairs, they die.
Also, the bridge; lets discuss.
The first part of the bridge is James to Regulus. James was a mess after leaving Regulus because he couldn’t fix him. He couldn’t help him. (Well actually, he might’ve been able to but he left when Regulus needed him the most so-) The “colors” that Regulus showed him were 1: that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, 2: that James cannot fix everything, and 3: the maturity that James gained from their relationship.
“And you wanna scream don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby.” Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me. You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else.”
Again, Regulus was ripped to shreds after their break up, and he made some really foolish choices afterwards. The so-called “secret language” that James taught him, was vulnerability. Sure, he can talk about things with Barty or Evan, but with James he wasn’t expected to pull himself together. He could just exist with James and everything would be fine. Until it wasn’t.
“Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby.” Look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else.”
“A string that pulled me. Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar. Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire. Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons. One single thread of gold tied me to you”
invisble string
This one was tough, because there are so many couples that start out as these wholesome, pure, lovely relationships, but we quickly vetoed most of them.
Wolfstar: This song is literally about the concept of destiny and fate, and although Sirius and Remus were quite literally meant to be together, destiny kept pulling them apart.
Jily: I guess Jily are also quite literally the definition of fate, considering their matching patroni, the prophecy, etc. But Jily is also quite literally the definition of slow-burn, so again, this song doesn’t fit them.
Rosekiller: I guess you could argue they were fate, but they’re way too angsty.
Dorlene: Again, soulmates but way too angsty + they were rivals at the start.
This is where I came to the realization that every single couple in this fandom ends in tragic death… but then I thought about it some more.
Xenophilius and Pandora- JUST LET ME FINISH.
Yes, I am well aware that Pandora dies, but from what we know in canon, it was a freak accident. She wasn’t murdered like Marlene, Dorcas, the Potters, technically Evan, and Sirius (Yes, even if Sirius hadn’t fallen into the veil, he would’ve died). She didn’t risk her life like Regulus and Remus. She wasn’t driven to insanity like the Longbottoms and Barty (by the dementors kiss) She was experimenting, something she loved to do. She probably died happy for all we know!
I also think Pandora was probably esoteric (she believed in crystals, chakras, astrology, etc), so I think she also might’ve believed in fate. And considering the fact that Xenophilius and her relationship was so perfect, they probably were fate. They were classic friends to lovers, and they had the happiest ending out of all the marauders. Pandora was able to raise her daughter until she was nine, more than Lily and James ever got to do, and Xenophilius continued to raise Luna even after she died. (Yes, I’m aware he technically betrayed Harry, however we know he was a good person at heart and that prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, he openly supported Harry. The death eaters had kidnapped his daughter, I honestly don’t blame him that much.
Oh and also, Xenophilius was probably her only friend during her 7th year, considering 1: the older marauders had all graduated and 2: the pantheon’s falling out, so that’s why I used the lyrics I chose!
mad woman
For Mo, this song is blatantly Pandora, and for me it’s Dorcas. But, (again) it’s been a while since we discussed this, so I have a new narrative I’d like to propose to you. (Because we both had the same concept, just different characters.)
“Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will.”
It’s both of them, from the perspective of Barty, Evan, and Regulus. They call them “mad women” because they don’t agree with their pureblood ideologies and want to be death eaters. The lyric “Everytime you call me crazy, I get more crazy,” feels like something Evan would think after all his fights with his sister. The lyric “It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together,” seems like something Regulus would think. Obviously, I don’t think Pandora and Dorcas wanted him dead (considering the fact that Pandora definitely checked in on Regulus from time to time), but they wanted the bad part of him gone. And since they both left the rest of the Pantheon, that would’ve resulted in them growing closer.
And I guess in a way, they both went mad, but it’s up to your imagination. Dorcas went mad because she literally tried to go after the people who killed her girlfriend. And Pandora went mad because (if you headcanon this) she died trying to help Regulus destroy a horcrux.
If there was a song that played during a slow-motion montage of October 31st, 1981 the second Sirius finds out about the death and rushes over to the Potters, this would be it. It’s Sirius seeing his best friends lifeless body. The lyrics “With you I serve, with you I fall down,” symbolizes the way that when James “fell” (died), Sirius also “fell,” (falsely-accused) and even though it was unintentional, they went down together. Sirius felt like it was his fault. He switched the secret keeper and if only he’d trusted Remus enough, maybe it wouldn’t have happened.
“And some things you just can't speak about.”
"In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only 17, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you."
Again, I'm using the concept of the "affair" love story in folklore as instead the story of a secret relationship, so no adultery was committed in the making of this post. 💀
Basically, I think this song is James's guilt when he's falling for Lily all over again, but he's still not completely over Regulus. (Of course, he and Regulus are dead and gone at this point, but it still lingers).
It's him thinking through what he would tell Lily if she ever asked him if he still loved Regulus. (I don't think Lily would've cared personally, lol).
Also in my mind I think this song has to be from James's perspective, solely because of the lyric "She said "James get in!" (I'm now literally realizing that that line is mentioning how he fell into the affair… well that ruins everything… scrap that idea).
Regulus and him were kind of an affair in the way that it was never meant to last. And also, while James may not have had feelings for Lily at that very moment, it was obvious that James was in love with both Regulus and Lily. (Again- no cheating).
I don't know, Betty's kind of a tough one.
This song is about Jily. Lily finding peace in the friendship she has with James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Mary, everyone now that she's away from Severus. But she also knows there will never fully be peace with them, because of her blood status.
"Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. Family I chose now that I see your brother as my brother."
And she wants to know if she's enough for James, even though she knows he's knee deep in love with her, but she gets worried because what if they die? What if they don't get to live the life they'd always dreamed of living? No matter how wonderful their life may seem together, she knows that there's always darkness around the corner, and she wonders if it's because of her.
This song is how Remus feels knowing that the person he trusted the most in life with his deepest and darkest secrets was supposedly worthy of commiting a crime just as dark. That's it. Don't have much else to say here 😭
"You knew it still hurts underneath my scars when they pulled me apart but what you did was just as dark."
the lakes
If this song isn't Regulus Black, then we don't know what is.
"Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die."
Okay wow that was a long one! If you made it this far, thank you!! Make sure to look out for Lover, coming soon to a theater near you!!!
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earlgreytea68 · 5 months
hi egt
what fob songs scream hiatus to you?
i need to experience emotional ruin real quick
God, there are so many, like, basically allll of Save Rock and Roll feels like them working through the hiatus together (not least because of how it has a higher percentage of Patrick lyrics than usual, probably because of him coming off his solo work). But the hiatus loomed so large for them as this nuclear blast in their relationship, it seems to bleed all through Pete's words (and hence their songs) for years afterward.
And it actually even starts before the hiatus, with the "What a Catch, Donnie" music video, which is the most hiatus-y thing to ever hiatus, Pete going down with his ship while he sends everyone else away to party without him. IT'S ALL SO SYMBOLIC.
And then to title a song on the first Believers Never Die album "From Now On, We Are Enemies." WHAT THE HELL hahahahaha WHAT A CHOICE, PETE WENTZ. (a downward spiral, just a pirouette and I only what what I can't have -- wanting what you can't have is a total hiatus theme for me that shows up a bunch in Pete's lyrics. I have not done an empirical analysis to see if it's a more prevalent theme after the hiatus or not.)
"The Phoenix" has obvious symbolism for their life as a band, raising their career from the ashes, changing themselves up like a remix, wearing their vintage of misery better than everyone else. Also, I love the imagery it has of peace, the "release the doves, surrender love" bit. Waving the white flag and putting down your weapons (in contrast to put on your war paint). But I've always kind of felt like surrender love is one of Pete's deliberate ambiguities: It could be "surrender your love" but it could also be "surrender, love." And Pete doesn't often use "love" as a term of endearment in his lyrics but he called Patrick "love" on stage not too long ago, so, you know, it seems not too outside the realm of possibility to think that these are really lines about reconciliation. It feels like time is running out, so let's surrender and hold tight.
Then there's "Alone Together": I'm outside the door, invite me in so we can go back and play pretend. The image of playing pretend / make-believe with someone also recurs in Pete's poetry, and it's something else I always read as Patrick-coded. Who did he used to "pretend" with for the sake of the shippers? And, of course, starting at the end of the road to ruin sounds like people who have burned everything down but are finding their way back.
I wrote a whole fic about "Where Did the Party Go" :-)
What is there to say about "Miss Missing You" that hasn't already been said? The infamous "hot whiskey eyes" line that honestly can only be about Pete Wentz lol. The imagery of the person you'd take a bullet for being behind the trigger: they have both at separate points in time proclaimed their readiness to take a bullet for the other. The fact that Pete wrote in a poem once before the hiatus I miss you missing me, and this song is I miss missing you. Like, everyone just die over this song.
To me "The Kids Aren't Alright" is a hiatus song in that it's about surviving the hiatus, coming through it, reversing the curse, it's our time now if you want it to be, in the end, I'd do it all again, I think you're my best friend.
"Fourth of July" is another hiatus song for me, the reference to the burned bridges being the light that leads you home is just so hiatus-y. Also, the torture of small talk with someone you used to love just smacks of the hiatus, of how they stopped talking to each other, of how they knew so little about each other and had to start over. This is more wanting what you can't have, too: my favorite what-if, my best I'll-never-know. I said I'd never miss you. I wish I'd known how much you loved me. It's so much, this song lol
Twin Skeleton's: ouch. This song is so painful. This song scrapes over your skin like sandpaper. This song is so angry and bitter. This song is I need a new partner in crime and you shrug. oh my GOD that line kills me every single time. That one and the way Patrick snarls, I could just die laughing on your spiral of shame. This is an angry song, but the anger is born of a depth of emotion and it ends with Patrick promising hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on over and over, and that's what makes it extra-hiatus to me, like, hold on, it all gets better, I'm coming back, hold on, hold on, hold on...
I find the hiatus infects their songs less and less the farther they get away from it, which is good. It's healing. As we've discussed, they've almost forgotten the whole thing even happened, it's been blurred over by the sands of time.
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darklightcannon · 9 months
THE BAD BATCH+REX+FIVES(+bonus) as Taylor Swift songs and albums
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As a Star Wars fan AND a swiftie, I sometimes relate my favorite characters to some songs and also albums so I wanted to share my thoughts on a few taylor songs that remind me of my fav clones + the bad batch!
Disclaimer: those are my personal thoughts i have towards them based on the shows and fanfics I’ve read so you might disagree but feel free to tell me your own thoughts too!! or to add a few songs!
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album: midnights
songs: the lucky one, i think he knows, style, you are in love, is it over now?, delicate, so it goes…, the archer, epiphany, long story short, the great war, hits different, karma
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album: 1989
songs: blank space, how you get the girl, come back… be here, our song, the very first night, sparks fly, last kiss, superman, sad beautiful tragic, i wish you would, king of my heart
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album: evermore/folklore
songs: this is me trying, marjorie, evermore, right where you left me, it’s nice to have a friend, forever winter, begin again, new year’s day
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album: red
songs: red, haunted, the way i loved you, i can see you, I almost do, stay stay stay, the last time, the moment i knew, out of the woods, wildest dreams, gorgeous, dress, false god, ivy, maroon, midnight rain
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album: speak now
songs: enchanted, electric touch, you belong with me, the story of us, gold rush, coney island, sweet nothing, call it what you want, ours, speak now
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album: lover
songs: i’m only me when i’m with you, mine, lover, me!, you need to calm down, paper rings, hey stephen
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album: reputation
songs: look what you made me do, i did something bad, don’t blame me, i knew you were trouble, you all over me, mr. perfectly fine, better man, innocent, babe, bad blood, this love, say don’t go, illicit affairs, you’re losing me
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albums: fearless/debut
songs: the best day, fearless, stay beautiful, a place in this world, fifteen, you’re on your own kid, never grow up
Thank you for reading ❤️
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tuesday again 4/23/22
three months unemployed YAY. also wherein i get SUPER pressed about star wars lore
funeral by tele novella. popped open tiktok to see something my best friend sent me and this was there, the first thing on the for you page. let's yoink a description of their previous album from an interview i'm going to quote at length in a bit: "The result was “exactly what we wanted it to be,” a perfumed mist of jingling, jangling, lilting, off-center pop—a strange little snowglobe gathering dust at the back of the shelf."
the lyrics did hit me like a train bc i often find myself mourning places and situations that were not necessarily good for me but were familiar.
Oh, you're not tied up Here comes the train The tracks feel safe because you know 'em
if you had told me this was made in about 2007-2009ish i would have believed you. very spare production in the way folksier songs of the time were spare. a bit raspy and direct in her delivery. there's a bandcamp interview wherein i found out this is the side project of a vintage/antiques dealer and she has a fascinating perspective on her own music:
Her passion for the craft is evident—in our conversation as much as in listening to the band—but music, for her, is a means to an end, a way to transmit stories. “As a musician, I’m mediocre at best,” Ribbons says matter-of-factly. “I think that my talent lies in my storytelling ability. I think that I’m a good storyteller.” It’s something instilled in her by her grandparents, “voracious readers” who were always buying her books and secretly wanted Ribbons to be a writer, she suspects.
i really adored this whole album as a cohesive work. "vampire cowgirl" is another standout for obvious reasons.
You came barrelin' down Rabid with some talk Of a gal who rides at night Picking off the stock
remarkably good at reproducing the general vibe of the midcentury cowboy western album, when tv cowboys were sweeping the nation
T. Kingfisher's Nettle & Bone. enjoyed it, but not quite as much as her other stuff. whereas her other series are almost always comical and often stray into farce, this one was a bit grim. even with the addition of a demonic chicken. had to stop and really think about if my own experience with funerals and funerary rites (too many, too often) was coloring this for me but i think it is simply not as funny or interested in being funny as her other works. not a ding against it, but not what i was really expecting or in the mood for. image from tor, let's yoink the description from macmillan
This isn't the kind of fairy tale where the princess marries a prince. It's the one where she kills him. Marra — a shy, convent-raised, third-born daughter — is relieved not to be married off for the sake of her parents’ throne. Her older sister wasn’t so fortunate though, and her royal husband is as abusive as he is powerful. From the safety of the convent, Marra wonders who will come to her sister’s rescue and put a stop to this. But after years of watching their families and kingdoms pretend all is well, Marra realizes if any hero is coming, it will have to be Marra herself. If Marra can complete three impossible tasks, a witch will grant her the tools she needs. But, as is the way in stories of princes and the impossible, these tasks are only the beginning of Marra’s strange and enchanting journey to save her sister and topple a throne.
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paywalled article, sorry, but i personally have a bone to pick with fanduel due to [REDACTED INCIDENTS] from [PREVIOUS JOB] so it does not surprise me in the slightest that they don't really seem to be doing a single fucking thing about money-laundering. allegedly.
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the bad batch, or the 13/16 episodes of the third and final season that are out. all these images are from comicbookreview bc i watched this on my actual television
one of the plots i hate most is the trying to get someone back plot. for example, i think finding nemo does this really well bc it's also a coming of age/parenting movie. i do not think the second finding nemo movie does this well bc as soon as one person is reunited with the group, through a wacky series of coincidences they lose another member. plus that movie is part of the downturn of modern pixar where they forgot how to tell interesting stories but that's neither here nor there. the bad batch falls into the finding nemo 2 category. it's simply frustrating to watch. it turns into a desperate floundering after whoever happens to be missing instead of using a The Searchers style plot to say something about the act of the search itself. i realize i am once again saying "what if star wars was good" but like. come on.
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the bad batch s3 is surprisingly focused on retroactively filling in the backstory of how and why palpatine got cloned with his force powers intact, which is apparently a difficult technical problem. i would have cared about this if this show came out before the last movie and we had a cool breadcrumb style approach leading up to the movie. unfortunately that movie (and the sequel trilogy more broadly) killed a lot of my interest in modern star wars. anyway, this cloning problem leads to a lot of very technical conversations in a children's' show that are interesting to me, a grownup, bc no star wars media has ever successfully explained 1) what midichlorians actually are and 2) the biological processes by which they operate but refuse to be cloned? which is extremely funny to me bc midicholrians aren't supposed to be real. qui-gon has that whole little speech and blood test in the phantom menace but the series had So scrupulously stayed away from explaining how the force works before that. they still fail to explain it but they at least attempt to break two inches of new ground. side note this show gives us TWO canon trans girl clones and i really wish they were in a better show.
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it's annoying that i'm annoyed about a children's show meant to sell toys. some fun things: the pyke syndicate shows up, a slew of my favorite bounty hunters show up, this show is much better at painterly backgrounds and has an overall more concept-art feel than the clone wars proper or rebels. i think it would be cool if they stopped whitewashing the clones. i'm going to finish out the season but i don't exactly have a lot going on in my life right now. i am not terribly sad that this is the final season but BOY do they have a lot of loose ends to wrap up in three episodes.
new genshin update on uhhh thursday and it's kind of exciting bc i THINK it will finally fill in this hole on the map and the associated shorelines of three different countries!
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i thought i had long since found all the chests in liyue (the second area released) but in the process of doing a recently released character quest set in liyue i found another chest. this game is very good at hidden objectives and little secrets but i wish it was better at letting you know when you have Actually cleared an area completely of all the little hidden stuff. anyway i have been holding back the last character hangout (ningguang, my best beloved ruthless girlboss business high femme) for a terrible day and that day came! unfortunately hanging out with the fake pretend video game lesbian did make me feel better!
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also unfortunately i fucked up and cannot count so the gacha pity system (every 90 pulls you're guaranteed a 5-star character) gave me Neuvillette. who i don't hate but i wasn't really planning on pulling for. i do like his questline and his voice actor, he simply doesn't fit in super well with a mono-electro team bc i play this game like an insane woman.
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the real bitch of the thing keeping me from upgrading him is going out in the overworld and collecting enough sea stars. why can't he need flowers or little gears or anything else i have a thousand of.
anyway this gal will be dropping sometime in the next six weeks and i AM extremely excited to pull for her. she has some cool abilities (GUN) and is part of a popular pair with the steampunk lolita character i love and leads my other main team. i hope their abilities play well off each other but she has such a cool storyline and design i don't super care if she fits in with my playstyle. i will adapt for her in a way i am not willing to do with neuvilette
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i am once again obsessed with gallery walls, bc a friend has asked me to find the correct gigantic size frames to put some comics on his wall, and that has given me an excuse to go to thrift stores again.
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unfortunately i have mostly found frames for me, and the projects i have been working on have kind of a long tail of when they will actually be on my walls. i picked up four 16x20 frames for $2.50 each (solid wood! remarkably detailed!) bc i eventually want to put up these fallout maps in the style of national parks maps up on the map wall in my office. i suppose this means i should join @ruffledringdove and actually play '76, bc that's the one modern game i haven't played. these are getting scuff sanded with 120 and painted with a eggshell paint sample in a bright white u all know the drill at this point. ive painted a lot of frames in the past few weeks.
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left is one of the painted 16x20 map frames, right i have also finally sanded and painted both 12x16 deckle-edged wood frames i picked up off the side of the road in MA. and found glass + backs for them! eventually i will procure fancy mats and print + frame my grandmothers' portraits. they will eventually go on the living room wall, which is a neutrals and blue-greens wall of slightly disdainful women. this will help me swap the three maps in there to the office map wall.
i have also acquired this gigantic plaster-over-wood mirror for $15. i am using leftover rub n buff bc i don't have a great spot to spraypaint here without sheeting my entire front porch, and rub n buff is way less susceptible to 80% humidity than spray paint. also i would have to buy spray paint. i am looking up suspiciously bc i thought there was a bug. not sure what mackie was looking at.
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zombie song list ?? :O
10 Fave Zombie Songs 🦴
Thank you for requesting this one! I'm revenantkin (similar to zombie) so I've been thinking about this one for ages. I think a lot of the songs from my Grim Reaper Songlist would also be fitting here due to the common themes! There are definitely a couple I wished I'd saved for here. I'm not sure what your taste in music is so I've just gone through my Spotify as usual! All song names link to Spotify.
10. Nothing Matters by The Last Dinner Party. Actually not a huge fan of The Last Dinner Party but I like this song specifically. Even zombies deserve to get freaky! No but the song's themes of nihilism fit perfectly with the undead themes of immortality. The lyrics about the partners' isolation from others can read very kin4kin and also add to that living vs the dead vibe. If you like this, you might also like Lovers In The Dark by Sophie Morelli. Not zombiekin vibes but a worthwhile mention.
9. Am I Awake? by They Might Be Giants. The themes of dissociation, superstition, surrealism and a general detachment from humanity are a goldmine for any undeadkin playlist. I love They Might Be Giants, there really is no band quite like them.
8. Bones by Imagine Dragons. I'm an unironic Imagine Dragons fan unfortunately.... This is genuinely one of my faves and it just fits the more lively side of a zombiekin songlist. A lot of the picks later on are quite serious in tone so I thought I'd shake it up. My actual favourite Imagine Dragons song is Lonely.
7. I Cannot Sleep At Night by K.I.D. One of the less explicitly zombie related songs, but I feel like insomnia & undeadkins/monsterkins go hand-in-hand thematically. It's indie pop-rock (more pop I think), a little tongue-in-cheek and all too relatable. If you like this I also recommend Great! Big! Party! by eyeamki which actually also has plenty of undeadkin vibes!
6. Piledriver Waltz by Arctic Monkeys. I guess this is focusing more on the kin than the zombie part of zombiekin. It's one I associate with a lot of my personal experiences with several kintypes and how they relate to my life. It's got a lot of the themes of monotony and misery associated with undeadkin, but also the absurdism linked with the supernatural as a whole. It has got a warm place in my heart.
5a. Maneater by Hall & Oates. Oh come on, it's a good joke!
5b. Doomsday Blue by Bambi Thug. Definitely have to put a scream warning on this one! This was my favourite song from Eurovision this year and it's an absolute blessing to be able to put it on this playlist. Bambi is such an incredibly talented vocalist and I also love their song Egregore!
4. Ain't No Grave by Johnny Cash. I'm a huge dark country & country rock fan so another Cash song was inevitable! This is straight off of my revenantkin playlist. If you like this, I also recommend Dead Man Walking by WAR*HALL. I would've listed that as a separate song on here but I already put it on a different songlist.
3. Eyes Without A Face by Billy Idol. I found this from a tiktok comment saying it was a great mental breakdown song and honestly I've found that pretty fitting so far. I'm a fan of Billy Idol, though more of a casual listener. On the zombiekin note, I could definitely see an interpretation of the lyrics relating to the uncanny valley affect and lifelessness in a person.
2. The Angry River by Father John Misty, The Hat & S.I.Istwa. This is the epitome of human horrors & sins meeting the wrath of nature. It was made for HBO's crime show 'True Detective' so it has all the morbid themes to earn its place on a zombiekin playlist. It's sinister but softly spoken. I'd try and convey a genre to you but the best I've got is Johnny Cash meets Lana Del Rey and that means nothing. If you do like this, I can fully recommend the rest of Father John Misty's work!
1. Dead Man's Bones by Dead Man's Bones. Another Dead Man's Bones song I know, I know - but this album helped form my revenant kintype! This song in particular is macabre but comedic! I'd also like to add to this list My Body's A Zombie For You which is a dark love song. The choir is soo amazing on this one. Perfect for an undead slow-dance! Honestly I recommend the whole album for undeadkins, there's at least 2 more Dead Man's Bones songs I want to add on there already... I wanted to add Creep by Radiohead, I really did, but it felt immoral (/j). Hope you guys liked this! Feel free to make your own additions in the notes and send suggestions.
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Solos suck ass.
I can't believe a day came where i had to click uninterested on posts about Jimin or Jungkook.
The algorithm works this way the more you interact with something the more posts about the same thing/person will show up more. You all know i'm a Jungkook and Jimin stan so naturally my algorithm picks up that i'm interested in posts about them individually or together, which also means the algorithm suggests shitty posts the same as the ones i've seen earlier.
There's this one post i've seen and i'm not gonna share it cause really both parties are disgusting but this made me think.. This is why you should be mindful of what you say because later it can backfire, and the only one receiving hate from all that is the members.
Jimin and Jungkook solos are in this constant war getting back at each other and they're both setting up Jimin and Jungkook for hate. If you're a solo congratulations do you want me to give you a cookie for that? You go be a solo in your own bubble and talk about your fav all you want, but don't forget that you're a solo so keep other members names out of your mouth, don't go thinking that by dragging other members your fav will be happy with you. Thank you for all the efforts you do for the member you are solo'ing but that's all, that's literally all there is to thank you for.
Another thing i wanted to mention since some people felt the need to bitch about it. And i'm with @kkhluvsbts in this one, you are entitled to your own opinion about something as long as you stay respectful, if you feel a bit disappointed that you can't see JK being credited on any song in GOLDEN, fine whatever those are your feelings and no one can invalidate them, but going the extra mile to diss him about that?
A gentle reminder that Euphoria was not written by JK yet no one was barking about how it doesn't associate with him or how it doesn't represent him or how it doesn't mean anything to him, and to begin with as per Namjoon's words it was supposed to be a Jimin and Jungkook subunit but they decided to go for Jungkook only.
Jungkook didn't write Seven either but because he felt a connection to it he chose that one song, it's also the way he interprets each lyrics those are personal to him. When he was interviewed about Seven he made a slight distinction between the MV and the lyrics and this to me at least showed me how Jungkook sees the lyrics for himself, not how YOU perceive them or how YOU understand them.
Should i also remind you of the poems you google when you're an X mood and you post them because it defines how you feel at the moment? Should we invalidate your state at the moment because it wasn't written by you? Should we just pretend you are lying about your feelings at the moment cause you chose to post words written by someone else?
Also since y'all are being smartasses you do realize that Jungkook didn't start working on his album very early right? I do hope y'all weren't just hypocrites pretending to care about him when you don't even realize this. Writing your own songs can take a lot and i mean A LOT some people have been writing the same song for YEARS not just weeks or months, do you think JK would be happy to give us something he didn't have enough time to write properly?
I just want to understand what's so wrong with connecting with words that you yourself didn't write? When Jungkook chose "There for you" or "Best of Me" for his GCFs he didn't sing any of those yet he felt a connection with them and felt like they were the most fitting for what he was trying to show us.
I don't know just how long this fandom will keep on being dominated by immature brains. I come here everyday hoping i'd get inspired to write something cute about my biases but end up being disappointed with the shit happening. Y'all need to get a life istg.
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ninadove · 6 months
hi hi again. been listening to warrior of the mind again - and i give this to you in a way to convince any one person to listen to any one song from the troy saga album. :)
use those persuasive skills to the test because i haven’t tried any of the other songs yet
Hi again Jay!!! 💚
First of all, you have excellent taste. Warrior of the Mind is a bop. In fact all of EPIC is a bop. But for tonight let’s stick to the Troy Saga, where the insanity began.
The Horse and the Infant 🐴
This musical opens IN THE LITERAL TROJAN HORSE. You don’t get more badass and in medias res than that. In only 1:33 minute, this song successfully establishes Odysseus’ key character traits: his terrifying intelligence is only matched by his undying love for his family. Then, in the remaining 2:20 minutes, it introduces us to the themes that drive the entirety of the story: the gods suck, and survival means getting your hands dirty.
Speaking of which…
Just a Man 😔
Possibly the most important song in the entire musical. At this point in the story, Odysseus is exhausted by the ravages of war, but still clings to his humanity for as long as he can, as desperately as he can. The very thing that makes him “just a man” is what will eventually turn him into a 🎶 MOOONSTEEERRR 🎶 : deep down, he would trade the world to see his son and wife.
Full Speed Ahead ⛵️
UNDERRATED. This song introduces us to Odysseus’ crew, namely his best friend Polites and his second-in-command Eurylochus, as well as the 600 men who will all die atrociously before the end of the story. And it just. Sounds so good. Argh.
Open Arms 🪷
Just 🥰 a chill song 🥰 nothing to see here 🥰 it’s not like this sweet summer child is going to die a painful death and haunt the narrative or anything 🥰 you can relax my friend 🥰
Warrior of the Mind 🦉
The one that got the most people into EPIC, I think, and for good reason. We love Athena, we love a bragging teenager, we love toxic friendships that will backfire later on in the story. Athena has an amazing arc of her own throughout EPIC, highlighting that even gods could stand to grow and better themselves.
And Jay. Jay. We haven’t even brushed Remember Them yet. We haven’t talked about Puppeteer and There Are Other Ways. We haven’t mentioned the upcoming Underworld Saga and its flagship song Monster. WE HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT RUTHLESSNESS. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT RUTHLESSNESS JAY
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realrichinmyhead · 1 month
﹡ ' 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ' 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐.
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( ૮₍´˶• . •🎀₎ა ) : ────────── dialogues taken from the extra songs in maisie peter's album , ‘ the good witch ( deluxe ) ’ . dialogues range from happy , sad , angry and more . edit and change as you deem necessary . please like and / or reblog if using and consider following !
❛ but i'll believe in you, still your number one fan. ❜
❛ so i've been tryin' peace and love and telling the truth. ❜
❛ good luck, god speed. ❜
❛ you have a phone, you should've called. ❜
❛ you knew i was scared when you were driving too fast. ❜
❛ i gave you the answer, it was in all the songs. did you even listen to the playlist? ❜
❛ my thing is i'm still obsessed with the idea of this one thing—with all the ways that's it wasn't but it might've been. ❜
❛ but by new years' i'll be a very different person. ❜
❛ but i'll always see great heights in you. ❜
❛ you misunderstood a lot of things. but, yeah, i guess me too. ❜
❛ i'm older now but i still don't really know things. ❜
❛ you should've put me above those people you didn't even know. ❜
❛ my ex was a bitter man, middle child. ❜
❛ i thought that we were forever and ever, i guess i was wrong. ❜
❛ can you just please listen? ❜
❛ time to grow up, you were the one and now you're not. ❜
❛ man, you know, yoko never broke up that band. ❜
❛ i wrote you all these fucking songs, and you broke up with me. ❜
❛ last year, i had to focus on survival. ❜
❛ you'll be lonely in your fifties. ❜
❛ i gave you the option and you chose wrong. ❜
❛ after the crowd's gone, i'll be the last one. ❜
❛ thought you knew how i felt, now i doubt it. ❜
❛ and say you're pretty sure that blonde wants you so bad. ❜
❛ i guess i'm disappointed that you didn't "merry christmas" your way back into my life. ❜
❛ you said fine, when you should've said, "or we could try?" ❜
❛ who took all of my trust then abused it? ❜
❛ cute, your car is sports, like, is that fast? ❜
❛ but i got drunk, told everyone that i broke up with you. ❜
❛ took a big leap, now you're bleedin' with a broke nose and a dumb smile. ❜
❛ you were an asshole, face it. ❜
❛ it's just the way you're talking, it's just your head. ❜
❛ should've been honest, should've told the truth. ❜
❛ i think you want to start a war, i've got bigger battles. ❜
❛ i'm joan of arc and you're just a guy on a horse. ❜
❛ i see it like i always knew it. ❜
❛ so you've really only got like a five day gap before i definitely can't tolerate your bullshit anymore. ❜
❛ i meant don't go, it came out as goodbye. ❜
❛ did someone drop you as a kid or is that coke? ❜
❛ i have two friends, i listen to them like the bible. ❜
❛ sometimes you can't be the hero and tell the truth. ❜
❛ time will heal, but i'll always be a little bit broke. ❜
❛ no getting attached to men you can't have. ❜
❛ i hear you talking over me, like, is that smart? ❜
❛ you weren't love but i think i confused it. ❜
❛ it's a shame i told my journal and my mirror, but i never told you. ❜
❛ and you misunderstood me leaving as something i wanted. i didn't want it at all. ❜
❛ hey baby, he's just something you'd regret. he's not a savior or the best you'll ever get. ❜
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petruchio · 1 month
this may have been an old post, but yes i would love to hear your theory of midnights being a matty soft launch but she and joe made up.
yesss ofc i posted it in its entirety here 😈
so that’s my full track by track analysis but basically the theory is that it was originally a matty launch album and we see this in: the opening being about wanting to stay in a comfortable relationship but almost immediately pivoting to romanticizing the past (maroon, a lyric that returns on ttpd) and then asking if there’s still a chance/if the other person regrets the breakup too in question…?
then i think labyrinth and mastermind just make sense as matty launch songs, “it only hurts this much right now, ill be getting over you my whole life” sound like goodbye lyrics to joe imo and then mastermind i have puzzled over for YEARS until it occurred to me that it could be a matty song and then it actually makes sense (i laid the groundwork; and now you’re mine)
then there’s all the comparisons of matty and outer space (that return in down bad) that show up throughout midnights too (your eyes are flying saucers from another planet; does it feel like everything’s just like second best after that meteor strike?; once upon a time the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned)
and it makes sense too that hits different is a joe song!! it was so weird that midnights was a return to form of the autobiographical diaristic writing and then the bonus track was hits different which was … a breakup song about a ltr that is harder to get over than any other relationship? HM?! and then hits different is all over ttpd — “is it you? or they come to take me away?/i was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me” and “i used to switch out these kens i’d just ghost/i felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens” and “like waiting for a bus that never comes/i died on the altar waiting for the proof”
but then i think the 3am tracks are the “jk we made up” tracks, i think that’s why the first 3am track is the great war (cause we survived the great war) and the last one is dear reader (you should find another guiding light; never take advice from someone who’s falling apart) but they were clearly added LATER which is why they took forever to be put on any of the physical edition. some other songs like glitch and paris are legit “cutting room floor” tracks but i think tgw and dear reader were the main ones that she wanted to add onto the album to change the narrative.
so yeah. my theory is that midnights was originally conceived as a matty launch and then was reworked to be the “lol just my late night musings” album after she and joe patched things up. and that’s why it is … what it is
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taylortruther · 1 year
I don't know who to ask this to without it turning into a fandom war and you always have the best, nuanced, touched-grass takes, so can we please briefly talk about the Olivia credits thing 😭
Does Olivia's music really sound a lot like others or is this a case of discrediting young women in music? Asking literally sincerely; I'm not enough of a music person to know when inspiration turns to copying, I just usually can't hear it. I remember, for example, when 1989 came out, a lot of people felt that Wildest Dreams was very lana inspired, but nobody I think was accusing her of copying. Is the Olivia situation the same and it just got blown out of proportion, or are the ways her music are similar/referential to others larger musically? Or is it that the album as a whole felt referential? I just sincerely don't know LMAO And every time I try to ask I think people think I'm trying to be shady
tbh i don't really know how one decides, but lawsuits about this kind of thing are becoming more common (think robin thicke, which was a huge upset to some musicians--or the shake it off lawsuit.) and musicians is historically inspired by one another, which makes it tricky. when is it ok, when is it not? it's kind of a philosophical question in some instances, whereas in others it's cut and dry if you're being blatant (like vanilla ice and david bowie.)
some factors about this situation in particular:
olivia properly credited/sampled nyd for a different song (1 step forward or whatever)
olivia said cruel summer inspired the shouting part of deja vu
the internet compared misery business to good 4 u, and cruel summer to deja vu, A LOT upon the album release
jack said that his team did not ask for credit and was surprised to receive it
iirc hayley's team knew about the good 4 u situation before the song was released, but credits were added retroactively anyway (not sure why these steps were taken in this order tbh)
people also acused olivia of using a riff from an elvis costello song, and he basically said it might be true but he didn't care
evils costello has NOT received any credits
so there are some options i can think of. one is that the public pressure was mounting, so olivia's team just gave them credit voluntarily.
some people also think taylor asked behind the scenes, unbeknownst to jack, which i guess is possible but seems... unlikely?
i am inclined to think olivia's team did not want to face a lawsuit down the line (because it could hang over their heads forever, i guess, with the way the music business and copyright suits are going now), and offered the credits, and maybe, MAYBE??? there was an opportunity for paramore, taylor/jack/st vincent, decline but it was not taken. which is notable because they got like 50% of the rights (at least for deja vu) which is a lot of money, forever.
personally, good 4 u is blatant and it is not surprising they knew about the song before it came out.
deja vu is not as blatant but it is, imo, clearly inspired and it's undeniable because olivia admitted it. i don't know yet if i personally think "inspiration" deserves royalties and songwriting credits - speaking for the future of music. however, if taylor asked for it, i wouldn't be mad because this specific situation is so clear cut in a way other "inspiration" cases would not be.
none of this helps! sorry!!!
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harveydenttiephysics · 3 months
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From Teen Titans #48 (1977)
1977? Flash from the Past 1977? The year of the first flight of the United States Space Shuttle? The year Uranus' rings were discovered? The 7th year Columbo was nominated for at least one Prime Time Emmy? The year The Commodore PET was introduced? The Year The Clash released "White Riot"? The year Allen Bussey did 20,302 yo-yo loops? The year Star Wars was released in theatres? The year the International Computer Chess Association was formed? The year Electric Light Orchestra released international chart-topping song "Telephone Line"? The year the United States State of New Jersey started allowing casino gambling in Atlantic City? The year Paul Hackett was on the cover of Skateboarder Magazine? The year Silver St. Cloud made her first apearance in Detective Comics #470? The year we started using fiber-optics for communication? The year the musical Annie won a Tony Award? The year that one guy was struck by lighting for the 7th time? The year Barbra Streisand and Paul Williams won Best Original Song? The year Sadaharu Oh hit his 756th home run? The year the Eagles won Record of the Year with "Hotel California"? The year DC Comics raised the price of a standard comic book from 30 to 35 cents? The year Ellen Berryman won the women's division in the Skateboarding Freestyle World Campionships? The year Fleetwood Mac won Album of the Year with "Rumours"? The year General Motors introduced the Oldsmobile 88? The year The Carpenters released "I Just Fall In Love Again"? The year the MRI was becoming viable for medical use? The year the circus opera "Houdini" premiered in Amsterdam, Netherlands? The year Ringo Starr released "Ringo the 4th"? The year Alan Alda won M*A*S*H their 8th Emmy? The year DC revived Aquaman? The year Princess Beatrice opened the Amsterdam metro? The year Faye Dunaway won Best Actress? The year Canada started showing a regular TV broadcast of parliament? The year Walter Browne won his third straight US chess championship? The year of the Snake? The year Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver was nominated for 4 Academy Awards? The year A. J. Foyt became the first person to win the Indianapolis 500 four times? The year Freaky Friday made $25,942,00 at the box office? The year the Apple II computer entered the technology market? The year The Sex Pistols release chart-topping album "Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols"? The year Joel Benjamin became a chess master at the age of 13? The year of the Dover Demon sightings in the town of Dover, Massachusetts? That 1977? 🫠 x40
Green 🛑
Two-Tone Coat! With Pattern! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
uneven split 🛑🤔🛑
two-tone hair ⭐
pussy ass shirt 🛑🛑🛑
Two-tone tie! ⭐⭐
Clip on Tie? 🤔🤔🤔
OH HI DUELA! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Duela in jonker form 🛑
debated filicide 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑
FUCKED UP HAND!!!11!!1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Split teeth, but in a way that could logically make sense ⭐⭐
no glove 🛑🛑
tie and coat cordination ⭐
Oh i so wish I could see your shoes 🤔
Dick is also Here 🤔
Gilda Mention ⭐
Awareness of his own disordered thinking ⭐
continued deranged behavior ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
STAR TOTAL ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
FAIL TOTAL 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑
LOSS OF ALL SELF CONTROL TOTAL 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Hidden Gems: Special Edition
5 7 underrated works by @skeptiquewrites
It’s been ages since I did a Hidden Gems post so I’m probably a bit rusty but I thought this was the perfect way to celebrate our dear Tee. I’ve loved her work ever since the first fic I came across, and I am over the moon that she was the first fandom friend I was lucky to meet in person earlier this month! We immediately hit it off and had the BEST time around - dinner at a cute Vietnamese place, a walk along the canal, ice cream treats while talking fandom & life. A perfect date night that could have been pulled out from one of her fabulous summery fics if you ask me 😌
It was even harder to choose how to celebrate her birthday having met such a lovely person - after many single recs and lists I was like “what else is there???” But after some thinking with the help of my partner in crime @sweet-s0rr0w I came up with the idea of boosting some of my favourite hidden gems by Tee, fics that I don’t see recced often but deserve all the attention and buzz. They will tug at your heartstrings and make you fall even more in love - not only with Drarry but with summer aesthetics, its endless possibilities, and with Tee’s quiet, charming, elegant, wistful and seductive writing.
These are all shorts but each perfectly placed word and well executed plot contain new and unique universes. Each clever line and lush dose of mutual want - either followed by delicious smut or equally sexy doses of quiet intimacy - fill me with different but wonderful emotions. I think the banner pic translates very well one of the best feelings I experience reading her fics: how special it is to celebrate the little things, how powerful yet vulnerable we are when facing the inevitability of falling in love, how one magical second spent on summer nights, as fleeting and removed from our traditional sense of time and space as they might be, can last forever. I hope the fics and quotes I selected below give you a tiny taste of the magic contained in each one of her short, brilliant love stories. Happiest of birthdays, my dear friend! ♥️
⌛️ light that covers us (T, 117 words)
Lovers in dangerous line of work.
"Always on borrowed time," a singer croons in the background. Draco turns up the Wireless. “God, I hate that song."
🗓️ Four Seasons (M, 2k)
A romance in four seasons.
There was something lovely about being out of excuses, Harry thought. Everything was possible. "What are you in it for, then?" Harry asked as they crossed the threshold.
🌊 On The Shore (T, 3k)
Draco takes up wild swimming. Harry joins him.
Harry turns his face towards the sun and he doesn’t quite smile, but there is something content in his expression that makes Draco a little more willing to share this place.
🎸 Lights Down Low (T, 4k)
“Will we ever learn? We’ve been here before.” Recording the Hallows' fifth album with Draco brings up the past in a way Harry’s never expected.
The music’s a little wistful, haunting even with no words, recorded in the middle of the night. Harry has done this dozens of times before and for other people. There is no way he has forgotten how to write a song.
🎇 No Distance (E, 5k)
Harry doesn’t believe in resolutions, because a new year doesn’t mean feeling any different. But something feels possible, meeting Draco again in Zurich. The past is the past, but the future can be different. Sequel to Nothing Left to Burn.
“Poor thing,” Draco responds and presses his lips to the back of Harry’s hand. It's a little mocking, but Harry's heart hasn’t taken the memo.
Bonus 1: fresh out of Bodice Ripper!
🎤 The Real Thing (M, 5k)
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
“I don’t know that he cared what I wanted. I don’t know if he knew what I wanted.” Harry wanted to ask Draco what he wanted, the exact contours of what might please him and how.
Bonus 2: Femslash!
🧣She Was Pretty (E, 4k) - Lavender/Parvati
In the aftermath of the war, Lavender Brown rediscovers herself in a tiny flat above her Diagon Alley tea shop. Parvati helps.
Her mother offers her pity mostly, raw and cloying. But there is love there too. She clucks at her the second day Lavender is home after a month spent in hospital. “They didn’t braid your hair tight enough, Lavvy. Come here.”
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sharonccrter · 5 months
If there is one thing I have ALWAYS had a problem with liking Taylor’s music is her fans. It’s always them. They have entered into this weird hive mind cult like relationship with a person who doesn’t really care about them and is only using them for profit (see the slightly different vinyls and cds that are sold with basically all the same songs minus one) and they think she is above criticism. That if anyone makes any point against Taylor, valid or not, they will just blindly come for you in the most unhinged of ways. Taylor is not above being told she’s wrong- and some of their behavior feels racist. For instance: when Kanye did his infamous “imma let you finish” line-people were quick to call him out. And rightly so. Whether Beyoncé should have won or not or had the best album of the year was not in Taylor’s control and that was rude of him. But when she does something like over using two private jets or dating a known racist that’s supposed to be okay with them? Why? Why is she above reproach to them? I can say hey I don’t like her not using her HUGE platform to take a stand for the war in Gaza or that her having dated a known racist makes me feel like she doesn’t care about her poc fans without me saying that makes her the devil. I’m not coming for her-I’m stating facts. Why can’t she be held accountable but others can? I hate it.
No because the amount of ts fans who have reblogged my post, all because I called her out for writing a song being anoyed at her poc fans for rightly so being angry she dated MH, a known racist. Oh and also for airing out Joe's depression to the world. Like I hardly called her the devil, I even admitted to liking her music. But because I'm not praising her, I need to be told off. Like we're not allowed to have opinions or criticise her; like, no wonder she appears to have this massive head; it's cause of her fans and their cult-like behaviour. Babes I'm a random blog on tumblr, she's never gonna see it, the billionaire doesn't need you to defend her.
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