#Personalized Child ID Bracelets
chicingold · 2 years
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Personalized Child ID Bracelets, Girl, Boy, Name, Phone number, Date, Adjustable Baby Toddler Personalized Bar, 14K Gold Filled, Rose, Silver (CG322B_1.25).
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autisticlenaluthor · 4 months
Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
Three years ago, I went from being perfectly healthy, to watching my body and my health rapidly deteriorate. My entire world got turned upside down— I lost the ability to eat, drink, and even stand for more than a few minutes.
I don't remember much from when I first got sick. But I know I listened to Mr Perfectly Fine on a loop almost every day because it was the only song that could capture how I felt. I've known and loved Taylor's music since I was six-years-old and first heard the album Fearless. i remember the first song I ever heard (love story) like it was yesterday; but somewhere during that time, her music became like therapy for me.
Since 2021, I've been diagnosed with three incurable diseases. two of these are rare, and one is predicted to only get worse with time. I've spent countless days inpatient on the peds floor receiving treatment, tests, and surgeries. And through all of it-- I've leaned heavily on Taylor's music.
My mom bought our Era's tour tickets last summer during the Europe pre-sale. I was in the hospital at the time and immediately told all of my nurses, doctors, dietitians and basically anyone who came into my room, that a year from then, i'd be seeing taylor swift. Whenever I could get out of bed, I was in the playroom with my child life specialists, making friendship bracelets to give out to other Swifties at the show. The thought of going to the Eras Tour singlehandedly kept me going through the hardest time of my life. And it's kept me going ever since.
Months later, I was hospitalized again, right before the release of 1989 TV. I'd been admitted the day after seeing The Eras Tour Movie in theaters (I was in theater 13, row 13!!) and I remember being so relieved that I hadn't had to miss it.
I had become known by most of the nurses as "the Taylor Swift girl” and the night before another procedure, I stayed up until midnight with everyone else so I could listen to 1989 TV. Hearing those songs-- I felt the happiest I'd been in so long. I felt normal again. I was sick and I was alone but I was connected to every other person who'd stayed up with me and that feeling was indescribable.
Taylor gave that to me, and so much more.
Over the course of my journey, I've listened to Sparks Fly to keep me calm while my doctors inserted feeding tubes down my nose. Whenever I have to be put under anesthesia, I have a nurse put her music on shuffle so I can listen to it as I fall asleep. When I had my big surgery in December, the last thing I remember was Bad Blood playing in the OR and saying "this is a funny song to have surgery to".
All of this is to say, Taylor has given me strength and hope during the worst part of my life, and she continues to do so. Her music is truly everything to me and getting to go the the Era's Tour is already a dream come true on it's own. And if it's possible - being able to receive the 22 hat and give Taylor a friendship bracelet would make all of that pain feel worth it. It would mean everything to me.
if you could reblog this and tag @taylorswift and @taylornation I'd appreciate that so much!! thank you to everyone whose read this far, and everyone whose shared this <3
EDIT: I’m going to be in section 119, row 20, seat 11
also if anyone is interested, I included some pics of the mentioned moments below the cut!
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seeing the eras tour movie the day before having to be admitted, and then making friendship bracelets for tour in the hospital
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the mirrorball is hung in my room for good luck
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the bracelets i’d started making in the hospital, right after getting the tickets
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and the day of the 1989 TV release - id stayed up until midnight to listen to the album, and then had my anesthesiologist play ‘Style’ for me to play while they put me out for my procedure
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suzyblue0292 · 4 months
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E1 - The Case of Crystal Palace
We are introduced to Edwin guarding Charles or the boys guardian each other
The bickering
They are time cards not library cards.
Does the show often say one thing and show another? REVISIT
“Death will take us” v Death asking Wilfred if he is ready
The boxing scene is interesting given everything we learn about Edwin later - getting out of hell couldn’t have been easy he has to have more skill than Charles gives him credit for - or they want the audience to give him less credit
You are the brawn? - I feel like they want us to doubt the narrative. 
We are presented with Crystal as a good person. (Aside from being American apparently). Again we are being told one thing so we are blindsided by the other. 
The looks on the boys' faces when they observe Crystal. 
We never see them as relaxed looking as they are in the office again. 
Edwin knows how to knit.
Was there a debate over the disguises?
She has her purse and phone. Does the memory loss prevent her from reading her contacts/ID?? 
Charles does not hesitate to call Edwin on his BS - he also knows that Edwin is jealous (just not the exact nature of said jealousy) - but he said it himself during the boxing scene - he knows Edwin hates change - and the very first thing we see him doing in the next scene is defending Edwin to Crystal
This is also how we learn about the “Clerical error” - is this the extent of Charles’ knowledge or the best way he has to explain it?
We start to see the meaner side of Crystal but Charles' good nature still acts a deterrent from following that to a conclusion.
Charles’ admits that part of the reason its so good to talk to Crystal is because she’s living and his age - they probably don’t meet a huge amount of teenage ghosts - although I would guess they might have more unfinished business than most - I have a feeling its the living part that’s the biggest appeal
What is Edwin doing with the coffee??
Why are you warning Edwin about the cleaver, Charles? 
Crystal is carrying a considerable amount of cash - but no cards?
Edwin gets them a clue quickly through mirror travel. - The Cat King and his little bracelet are quite the plot devices. 
Why so rude to the cat Charles?
Also did the Crow not tip off the whole witch thing?
Crystal seems so young and vulnerable when she realizes the girls are staring.
Crystal’s mind is so desolate - all the broken picture frames - empty memories - the three eyeballs should have given it away though - “the third eye”
We know they can travel by mirror, and the normal way, but can ghosts travel through ether? How do they get in front of Crystal?
Poor Charles, no it’s not a competition but Crystal and Edwin are both terrified in their own right.
Every demonic case must be a nightmare for Edwin and now he realizes they didn’t get rid of the demon. He only knows how to express his fear in terms of case work though. 
The flashback: Simon is so clearly reaching out, but Edwin is so clearly expecting to be bullied. And the shot of him marching against the flow of other students, bless.
Its also so heartbreaking that Edwin is terrified BEFORE there is any sign the demon sacrifice will work. God only knows what he thought those boys would do. 
Five other boys died with Edwin and it seems like Sa ’al obliterates their bodies. Was there anything for the school to give the parents to bury? Just ashes? No wonder it was deemed an act of God. Six boys either vanished or reduced to ashes. 
And no wonder the memory drives Edwin to recklessness. 
Jenny laying down the hard truth. 
“I get angry. It's like knowing you have a home but being unable to get there.” Poster child speaks to poster child.
Yeah, I totally thought Niko was going to be the love interest.
Why never tell Edwin? Because he really can’t go home?
I try to be extra happy for all of us. - Oh Charles.
And now the boy who was dragged to hell learns that Crystal chose her demon. Ouch.
Edwin isn’t just yelling at Crystal. He’s reminding Charles too. “You are sharp and fun, but this isn’t a game.”
They are such vulnerable children, and then so cute as they plot.
Poor Jenny. She doesn’t doesn’t even get paid teacher’s wages for this shit.
Edwin does a good job of actually telling Crystal the stakes with the plastic girl bit. She  might be cottoning on. 
Charles is comforting Crystal, but holding Edwin.
Note that Charles doesn’t roll his eyes or dispute “and we’re punishing you.” After Edwin’s outburst and Crystal’s confession his loyalties seem to have tipped back a bit.
Why doesn’t it trip Edwin that Esther left her kettle on? It worried me from word go.
Again, Charles is the brawn but Edwin is the one checking out the weird witch’s lair.
So many fucking shoes.
I love Esther. I know I shouldn’t but….
Can Charles actually understand the Crow?
Edwin has such poor form, but he does as well as Charles when it comes down to it.
Round 1 of Esther underestimating Crystal
Edwin goes straight to help Crystal, despite his concern for Charles possessing Esther. 
Okay was anyone else expecting that kid to get mowed down crossing the street?
Oh Charles, counting your chickens to soon is a bad idea.
It’s interesting that Charles possessing someone sets off an alarm for them both - this must not be the first time they’ve tangled with the afterlife for them to have a joint file.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Pran's Growth : from pran-so-cool to pran-in-love
Since I did one for Pat I thought I should do one for Pran too although this one turned out slightly different than Pat's and far faaaar (im talking crazy levels of scrolling far) more detailed because i'm only human idk how to be brief about Pran FORGIVE ME.
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Look at him he's my baby, i just CANNOT. So that now we have established that I have unexplainable levels of fondness for him, and so can only view his actions through love tinted glasses which means i'm basically Pat which means I'm super qualified to write this post, lets move on to what i actually wanted to say.
The first glimpse we get of Pran's mind (if you look in the chronological order of events in the show's universe) then its during his conversation with Pat where they discuss what song to perform for christmas.
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Here we see the normally closed off Pran share his feelings (albeit about the topic of the song) with Pat with an ease that feels uncharacteristic of the Pran we come to see later. Because while Dissaya was still overbearing and controlling, Pran hadn't had to bear the worst of it yet. For a single child without friends that he could really open up to, it was natural for Pran to feel a pull towards Pat boisterous though he was, because he offered him a space where he could for the first time in his life open up in. 
It could be argued that Pran didn't reveal anything to Pat (it could be argued otherwise too i will get to it soon) but for a person of Pran's nature, who finds expressing himself difficult the space Pat offered for him to express his creativity and his passion for music and song writing was by itself a lot. But it's not just that. Pran is not only talking about a random song is he? He is talking about putting his actual feelings into the song. How he likes the feeling of hesitation of wanting to jump in but being afraid to be heartbroken.
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He is knowingly or unknowingly speaking about his own feelings with respect to Pat. I say unknowingly because it is hard to imagine Pran really revealing his heart like that if he really knew what he was going through at that very moment.
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And how does Pat react to Pran's words. He pays attention, listens intently and encourages Pran's idea. Pran opened up and Pat let him and Pran actually felt great about it. Its one of the rare moments in his life where he could be honest about something so special. 
And then Pat goes on doing random thoughtful acts like making the guitar pick out of his own ID just cos he saw Pran was struggling to play the guitar without it. He had nothing to gain and he still did that. He is nice to him. He says hi to him by the juice stand, he tells him he'd see him in the music room. Like he wants to see him there. Pran almost forgets their family feud. He was falling in love after all. How could he not?
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The feeling being new to him, Pran like any teenager was curious to see what would happen? 
What if I step closer? What if we spend more time together? What if i was more nice to him? Could something actually happen?
But then he sees InkPat in the music room and Pran loses the spirit he had suddenly gained. 
Maybe not. Pat probably didnt feel the same way.
 And then the bracelet thing happens. 
Of course he didnt feel the same way. 
And then the christmas show happens and they practice together again, they play music together again and music and his feelings for Pat have somehow been inextricably intertwined ever since that conversation they first had about the song. And so here he was finally singing the song in front of people, declaring his feelings out loud, and the crowd was actually cheering and grooving to their song and the whole vibe of it puts him in a space where he feels anything could happen and in a rare moment of indulgence he turns to smile at Pat while singing the song he wrote about them. 
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But then before he could even taste the feeling of freedom that that performance was potentially offering him, it all comes crashing down as he sees his parents standing in front of him, face aghast and anger writ large on it. And before Pran knows it he's shipped off to a boarding school away from everything he ever knew.
For any teenager that's a harsh change. For a neurodivergent gay introvert like Pran it would have been an even more isolating experience. Finding himself in an unfamiliar environment with no friends, no family and just a bunch of strangers, his only companions the anger and frustration at the whole situation at his mother and the boy who broke his heart (oblivious though he was of it).
How could Pran have let this happen? How could he have ever thought there was something there? And even if there was, that something could happen? How could he let him in? Of course it was gonna end up like this.
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3 years at the boarding school pass and we can assume that Pran makes his own set of friends during this time. But we know that none if any are close enough for him to even bring up later on. Which means the one person who got him to open up, who gave him a safe space to talk and share feelings was still Pat. The one person he didn't have to be anything other than himself was, Pat. The only person who he ever felt comfortable enough to open up to was Pat. And Pran can't believe his terrible luck when he sees him stand across from him. 
Unlike Pat who has seemingly gone back to acting like a spoilt child fighting for no reason who is trying to hold onto the person he had become the past 3 years when Pran sees Pat all his feelings come rushing back to him. Despite it all, despite the three years of gap where he swore to never let himself be in such a position again, the moment he sees Pat he is gone again. Because the three years felt like nothing suddenly. And he's once again standing across from the boy who broke his heart.
Why the hell did this have to happen? Out of all the universities he could go to, why this one?
And this time things are more conducive to their budding friendship. And Pat  soon gives up his macho act and somehow keeps finding excuses to spend time with him. Of course Pran's feelings sprung back up in twice the ferocity.
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His defences were still up but what the hell was happening?
Why is he helping him out for no reason? Why is he offering to do that? What the hell is being like this way for? Why is he smiling at his dimples like that? This possibly can't be real.
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And yet. Day after day Pat keeps coming back and Pran's defenses are slowly threatening to come down and it's scary but its also exhilarating, but it's mostly scary.
And then he's proven right. To have been scared.
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Because of course Pat never feels the same way. Of course he likes Ink. Of course that's what was happening all along. Silly Pran letting himself hope again. How foolish of him.
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Episode 5 is Pran scrambling to pull back and secure his defenses, Pat is never getting through this wall again. He's done with this. He can't possibly be heartbroken over and over and over again for the same oblivious guy who probably has not a single clue what he's doing to Pran's heart.
And then the freshy night happens and then Pat acts a confusing combination of angry and hurt at the bar and Pran is supposed to be celebrating but he can't wipe Pat's betrayed face from his mind and then if that wasn't enough the confrontation with Wai happens and things come to a shrieking halt in the rooftop where Pran has finally had it. He tells him.
He finally lets it out, in the most Pran way he could at that point, telling Pat to not give him any hope to not do this to him. But instead of the final nail on the coffin that he expects Pat to hammer in, he knocks the winds out of him as he tells no, because no he actually does not want to be friends. He actually wanted what Pran wanted?
After all this time?
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And then they step closer and wait for a while before Pat finally leans in, giving him the kiss that he had been dreaming about since god knows how long. Except the kiss is too short and maybe Pat had only that much to give, but Pran had years worth of love and want and longing he had been carrying around and he wanted nothing more than to let it all go. And so he does. He pulls Pat closer and gives him the kiss that he's been wanting to give him forever. 
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Pran tells Pat every single one of his feelings through that kiss. Because he was never going to ever be able to put them into words was he? But alas...if Pat wasn't putting the final nail on the coffin, then the wave of realizations that follow the kiss tells Pran that he needs to be the one to do it.
It's never gonna work out ever. This is the most they could ever have. And knowing that Pat returned his feelings doesn't make it any easier.
Because what the hell was he doing? Letting himself go like this!? Setting himself up for getting hurt again? Pat may have kissed him, but he liked Ink too didnt he? And even if he didn't any longer, their families hated each other. And the last time they knew they got close, Pran had to go through hell and back. 
How could he do this to himself again? No.
It is over. It has to be over. He can't keep getting hurt again.
And he pulls back.
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By miles. He is done letting his guard down and getting hurt and causing hurt. This is best in the long run. He should just stay away from Pat. No matter how much it hurt. It was never gonna work out anyways.
But then Pat comes back. Pran pushes him away. He has to give up at some point. He has to. Why would he keep coming back? But Pat keeps surprising Pran. He keeps coming back and butting in and being a pain in the ass and Pran is at his wit's end because he just doesn't know how much more he can withstand. He could see how much effort Pat was putting just to have a conversation with him. And eventhough he was staying away to protect himself he also thought he was doing it for Pat's sake too. That it was better for everybody in the long run. But Pat's steadfast efforts finally get to him.
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He was still the one person in the world he could truly be open in front of. His defenses were somehow at his weakest. And sitting there on that beach dreaming of a reality where their parents don't have a life consuming feud going on Pran actually lets himself open up once again. After that it was just a matter of time before Pran was lured into the who falls in love first challenge bet. Bringing their love for competing with eo into this was the only way Pran could be eased into this.
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Pat knows him so well. They've come so far. What the hell, he could win this challenge couldn't he? Pat followed him all the way to their hostile architecture trip didn't he? He would cave in.
Pat keeps surprising him though he keeps finding new ways to flirt and stump him, and Pran never to be beaten has a few tricks up his sleeve too.
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Neither end up winning and things stay in that will they won't they when will they limbo and there was all chance of it continuing indefinitely and then Pat surprises him again.
He doesn't take Pran's easy out. Pran had basically offered to confess and end this bet. Pat was being handed an easy win. But he declines it. And then he surprises him even more by walking into the loss, showing up to play Kwan in a drama he didn't even need to act in, in a play he signed up for just to flirt with Pran and now the play he is offering to do, entirely and completely for Pran. At this point Pat really had the upper hand in the bet. And he still willingly volunteers to lose. He puts himself out there, knowing he will lose. Because on the other end of it Pat saw a relationship with Pran. Why prolong it any longer? And how could Pran not melt at that. Bet be damned. 
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And that's why he cooks curry for Pat and when Pat tries to eat it himself, Pran stops him, looks at him meaningfully and then feeds it to him, as if signalling to Pat that if you lost for me, i'm losing for you too.
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And so they start dating. And Pran now has to get used to this feeling of his defenses being down. His vulnerabilities exposed and his heart basically out there to be hurt. It was absolutely terrifying. And he wouldn't have had the courage to go for it if Pat hadn't done what he did. Showing him that he valued Pran and his feelings over his own ego. Pat's consistency and sacrifice proved beyond a shadow of doubt as somebody Pran could actually trust himself with. Over and above his overwhelming love for Pat, I believe it is that trust that helped him take that step. 
And Pat keeps showing him every step of the way that the trust was given in safe hands. After every fight, every disagreement, they stop and they talk and they communicate. Pran asks for time. Pat gives it. Pran asks him to keep it under wraps. He's okay with it. Pran compromises on a lot of things himself. He steps out of his comfort zone, willingly does things he wouldn't have dreamt of otherwise just to make Pat happier.
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Because he realizes that if the relationship has to work, they both need to put equal effort. By being with Pat, Pran while being in a safe space gets to open up his heart in ways he would have been afraid to otherwise.
It is implied that Pran is the one who cooks for both of them, he leaves cute notes to make Pat smile when he's upset, he does random thoughtful things like putting the paste on the toothbrush for a waking Pat, he hurries home immediately to comfort an upset Pat, and even if it made his friend mad he still showed up to practice sessions and games because he wanted to support Pat and be there for him.
When Wai outs them it is the tremendous trust that he has in Pat and their relationship that helps Pran go over to assuage Pat and helps them get through it together. Every step of the way every block in the path they handle it together. His trust in Pat, his belief in their love growing more and more.
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And that's why when Pran sees that Pat is quite serious about staying on at the beach, despite his reservations and fears and wanting to be there for his mother too he still goes all in. Of course he does. Of course he goes all in for the boy he has loved ever since he knew what love was. The one person who kept showing up over and over. The only one who he had complete and utter trust in, to be there for him. 
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Because finally, finally Pran could see what he couldn't even dream of when he was young and a life he didn't dare let himself think about in their few months of relationship. A life with Pat, the kindest warmest love-shaped boy he knew, no matter how silly he could get, he would always want to be there for him, with him and he no longer felt like he had to clutch onto his defenses like they were the only thing he really had, because no? He had Pat didn't he?
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The only person who knew what it was like being in Pran's shoes, and who loved him nonetheless and maybe even all the more because of it, the way Pran did with him, because he knew Pat would never hurt him knowingly.
He could do this.
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He could do this with him.
His belief in their love, his trust in their relationship, the commitment that Pat expressed to him in that conversation, ensured that no matter what challenges came up later in their fake break up era, things would still be okay. It's because of that faith that Pran knew that he could afford to go to Singapore for a couple of years and they would remain strong though it all because of that assurance and confidence he felt in himself, in Pat and this relationship that they had nurtured and cherished.
We see him grow up from a boy who was scared of feeling things to a boy who was brave enough to overcome that fear to let himself be open to hurt to crying in the arms of Pat, letting himself be his most vulnerable to braving hurt to fighting for what he loves and doing what he feels is right.
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We see his growth from when he went from being afraid to express his feelings to expressing that in actions and then in words and asking Pat to do the public confession and writing a song for him and asking him how good he was in bed and demanding Pat call him sweetly.
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Unafraid of his wants or desires and no longer averse to expressing them. We see him growing beyond childish hijinks to buying a gift for the man who had once hurt his mother, because two things can be true at once ( Ming was an asshole, but he was still Pat's father). He was building a life with Pat, and a meticulous planner like Pran was obviously not going to leave his relationship with his future father in law to chance. 
And that's my take on how Pran went from "You still owe me" to "Every time i'm near you, nothing good happens" to "Can you please stay away from me?" to "You know that fact (that you aren't my friend) now leave" to "Someone like you what's to like?" to "You've got to stop doing this to me Pat" to "Why start when you know how it's gonna end" to "It's the kind of relationship i always avoid"  to "I care about you more" to "if you want my hand be brave" to "If i do that (thinking of it as a song for Pat) then how can i ever really quit" to "Being with you already feels like freedom" to "We like each other. Why does it bother anyone?" to "I can be anywhere as long as i have you" to "I wrote this song for him." to "Give it to him for me" to "If not you i won't allow anyone else to use it" to "Call me nicely" unafraid of expressing his feelings and desires, heart more open and loving than the one he started off with.  
To conclude and in short throughout the show the growth we see in Pran is perfectly illustrated in his password change from the Pran (who was uber protective of his own self and was emotionally repressed and closed off trying to appear cool and unaffected) of Pran So Cool to the unabashedly in love Pran (having made rapid progress in expressing his feelings and braving fears) of Pran in Love, and it's Pat's love and kindness that helped him along the way. 
The world didn't change him. Pat's love did.
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tortiefrancis · 3 months
♿️ ♾️ Happy disability pride month!!
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[ ID: Digital, stylized artwork of five people and a cat sitting around the Disability flag, against a pastel blue background with pastel yellow stars doodled around. Above them is navy blue text that reads: "Feliz mês do orgulho PCD" (Translation: Happy disability pride month). The people, from left to right, are:
1) A thin woman with medium tone skin, dark brown eyes and a long, dark brown wolf cut with blue tips and spiky bangs. She wears dark makeup, earrings, a chocker, a cross necklace, a long sleeved mesh shirt, a dark tank top with the wheelchair symbol in the center, black shorts, a big, black belt with a chain on the side and a black boot. She has one amputated leg and uses blue crutches. She smiles, eyes half open.
2) A young child with dark tone skin, dark brown eyes and short, dark, curly hair. He wears a long sleeved green shirt with blue and yellow striped on the wrists, cyan pants and dark blue shoes with yellow lightning bolts. He holds a blue teddy bear with yellow ears. He has Treacher Collins Syndrome. He smiles.
3) A fat woman with light tone skin, green eyes and short, red-ish hair with a white streak. She wears glasses, a pink tank top, blue pants with white stars, light blue shoes and a medical bracelet. She has a cleft lip scar, a heart surgery scar, white patches on her skin due to piebaldism, and also moles. She smiles, doing a peace sign with one hand.
4) A thin man with light medium tone skin, sharp, brown eyes, a thin beard and medium length, wavy, green hair with a shaved side. He wears a black and white t-shirt with yellow stripes on the sleeves, black pants and red shoes, as well as two pins; an orange one with the schizophrenia symbol, and a red one with the autism symbol. He has scars on his wrists and a semicolon tattoo there as well. He smiled. Next to him is a gray and white cat with an "Emotional Support Animal" vest.
5) A thin person with pale skin, blue-ish eyes and a short, coily, white afro. They wear sunglasses, a white flower necklace, a blue, long sleeved shirt, a beige sweater vest and a long, brown skirt. They also wear hearing aids, which are beige. They have albinism and strabismus. They smile.
/End ID ]
🇵🇸 Digital Art Raffle . 🇵🇸 Sketch Commissions . 🇵🇸 Gaza Fundraisers . 🇨🇩 DRC Aid . 🇸🇩 Sudan Aid
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thehandworld · 19 days
((Gotta do one for the default verse too, because it’s the main verse. Would be wrong of me to ignore the main verse, so here we are!))
You don’t know Haru well if you’d assume that she wouldn’t try to celebrate a friend’s birthday, regardless of how awkward things can be at times between her and Gokudera. What did awkwardness have to do with wanting to celebrate the fact that a friend was around? Nothing, that’s what.
Understandably, he may not be in the mood to really be celebratory for anything… given what he’s gone through recently… but Haru still wanted to do something small for him regardless. It was important to remind people that they meant something to you and that you valued them.
As someone who sometimes felt her efforts were unnoticed or not appreciated, she hated the idea of allowing someone else to feel the same way. Anyone who knew Haru well enough would know that she enjoyed showing her care and affection for people through cooking. There was something about the anticipation in making food that the other person was going to enjoy that was so…exhilarating! She reasons that it must be how parents feel when they gift their child something they’ll be excited for. Seeing the joy light up in someone’s face was truly a magical thing.
Haru messaged Gokudera asking him to come out for a quick moment, and she met him at the designated place. “Hello! Happy birthday, Gokudera. Haru prepared some things for you. This here is a small personal cake, so you can have it all to yourself. It’s a strawberry shortcake.” It’s a classic for a good reason, who doesn’t like strawberry shortcake? “In the other box is a ‘cake’ for Uri, so you both can enjoy ‘cake’ together. It’s not actually a cake, but a meal that was shaped to look like a cake.” This way, she can feel like she’s a part of the celebration as well!
The hardworking cat (it’s hard work being that cute!) deserved a treat!
The cake was made by mixing canned fish and some chopped cooked chicken with mashed sweet potato. There was just a small bit of rice flour added to help it keep its shape.
“Haru saw a couple of accessories while she was shopping one day and thought of you. There’s an assortment of skull rings, bracelets, and chains in the smaller black bag.” They screamed his aesthetic, and she thought they would make for some nice gifts. Well, she hoped he’d like them. "Haru hopes you like them."
Gokudera often gifted her some kind of jewelry, usually star-themed, and she wanted to give him something as well.
Of course, mindful of his image and his tastes, she went for a theme that he’d appreciate. “Haru knows that you’ve not been having the best of times recently… but… she hopes that these can help cheer you up a little bit. Haru hopes you have a happy birthday.”
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Today was that day huh? As the Storm really wasn't feeling that motivated or happy about it. Today while being a day to celebrate, in some people's case, for him, was a day to grief. Today was the day he lost his mom, or more exactly. When he found out that she was dead.
Grief is just love without a place to go.
As the words echoed in his mind, he heard a mewl, looking at the cat at his side, rubbing against his leg. The storm gently picked her up and held her in his arms. Today is a long day Uri... He says quietly to the cat, he honestly was expecting that no one would remember, mostly because he never did something big for that.
And Tsuna wasn't around to do something. So he was alone with the cat. His phone was ringing as he frowned a bit and went to look, looking at the ID the storm was confused. Reading the message he found it more weird. Normally Haru would go to him or like find him in his house, so going to a place is... Out of normal.
Well, seems like we are going out. He says to the cat gently, placing her in his head as he walks towards the address. If it wasn't Haru, at least he could protect himself.
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But he was genuinely surprised when he got there, there in the table were two cakes and as he keeps hearing her, he got more and more surprised. He totally forgot to talk for a few minutes, as he looked shocked.
After a few minutes, his shoulder relaxed and he was brought back to the world when he felt the cat leaving his head and going to jump in the cake. He slapped his own face making a nice "SMACK" sound.
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It hurt like hell, but, it was enough to bring him fully back and even look shy, as he scratched the back of his head. Thank you, Haru. I really appreciate it and Uri as well... As the Cat was already eating her cake.
Holding the gifts in his hand, he smiles as he can understand the meaning of it and that... That was very precious. Going to her and hugging him. Thank you. He was going to hold the hug for a bit, he was feeling very emotional. Maybe... That is what my mom would like... I bet she would like you... As he let go of her.
Eat with me? As now, he really wanted to spend some time with her.
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
Pls talk about your InsaneDuo mermaid au
okay, so i have to give a little context for me and my friends mermaid au. it's just us taking the qsmp members and dunking them in the ocean. some of them became mermaids and some stayed as boring humans, what can you do?
the favela five are all mermaids in our au + richas is a human child they 'adopt' essentially!! This au is not......realistic at all because some mermaids are inspired by real sea animals (Cellbit is an octopus for example) and some are just like......... Ariel/fantasy mermaids (Forever is just a fish. his tail looks like a koi fish for the aesthetic but he's not. he's just a mermaid with a pretty tail and covered in scars) (his tail is dark gray with red/white splotches on it to look like his mc skin). all mermaids also have the cute ear fins you see in art sometimes? (if u know jrwi think of gillion-esque ear fins i don't know how to explain it)
Me and my friend also made an entire "courting ritual" and how mermaids do romance and stuff but that can be a separate post. what YOU need to know is that for mermaids to be "married" essentially they will have to rip one of the scales on their tail off and give it to the person they want to marry!!! married mermaids will take the scale from their partner and put it on their tail where they took their scale off to symbolize how they are together !!
basically, all i really wanted to tell you is that insaneduo in the mermaid au are married NDSAVKJASK they're in a pod (family) with the rest of the Favela five but their relationship is super close just like in the qsmp. they basically go everywhere with each other and even if they don't they're never far from one another. They just care about each other so much!!!
after one incident with forever being taken by mermaid hunters (he escaped dw) he had a bunch of large cuts and injuries on his tail because they wanted his scales. Since he lost a bunch of scales he just took one off him and gave it to cellbit because he loves him and wants him to know that he means a lot to him. cellbit was in shock for all of 5 seconds needing to process that his best friend is fucking bleeding and dying and also being the equivalent of proposed too. Cellbit then proceeded to rip one of his own scales off (octopuses don't have scales but please don't think too hard about it, its cute please suspend your disbelief) and gave it to forever. i think forever would probably start yelling at cellbit like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT HURTS!!! DONT GIVE ME YOUR SCALE IDIOT!!” and cellbit is laughing at him (also in pain but that’s less important)
them trading scales is less of romantic marriage and more like "i love you and care about you a lot. i want to show my devotion to you and that i am willing to sacrifice things for you to be happy". cellbit wears forever's scale as a ring and forever keeps cellbit's on a bracelet instead of the traditional way.
also, did you know octopuses eat their own tentacles when stressed? right after the thing where forever got hurt and was having to rest to heal cellbit refused to leave him if he could help it. he nearly chewed off one of his own tentacles from worry because forever was so hurt and forever def scolded him for it after waking up.
TDLR: insaneduo in the mermaid au are best friends and the equivalent of married and care about each other so so much it makes me want to jump off a building
last thing id like to mention: cellbit is very curious about humans and wants to learn more about them! At the same time he is very weary of them because of what happened with forever and when forever meets phil he's very >:[[ about it. he doesn't think forever should be trying to talk with a fisherman so much because he could get hurt again!! it doesn't matter if this "Phil" is so nice and kind to him!! he might just want to hurt forever or keep him in a tank or take his scales!!
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
c!tommy for the headcanon ask game :DDD
(you dont have to answer all/more than one of them, idc I´m just really curious lol)
OOOOH this is gonna be funnnn >:333 strap right in!!!
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood mmm so ykn choomy was just 9 during the whole first war right? well uh imma take his childhood to be before everything went down. He was a summer child, bright vibes, all toothy grins and scraped up muddy knees. c!wilbur was a damn worrier, every time he saw c!toms all bloodied up mans would get anxious as fuck despite the obvious joy on tommy's face. and so when will wud bandage tommy up, tommy too would take a couple bandaids and stick them all over will's face and colour them in. so like when they're done wilbur wud just be a mess of awkwardly stuck bandaids covering his face while tommy would be haphazardly patched up :')
👻 A headcanon about what scares them mmm well, we all know about the tnt. im not too sure if the phantoms are canon or not, but to me ctoms is definitely terrified of them. and dont even get me started on bodies of water. both remind him of sleepless nights during exile and just utter helplesssness. im sure we all remember him waking up drowing every single fucking day. so yeah...
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about oooh he's such a fucking liar man. he lies about almost everything, but not in a ooh im a teenage boy who's an idiot way. he just doesnt think that anyone would actually be interested in what he has to say. the only person he didnt lie to after exile was revivedbur, even with tubbo sometimes he wouldnt know whether or not to tell him how fucked up he actually was and wud lie that he was fine all the fucking time. another person he never lied to was probably cjack, he just didnt care what jack thought of him. oh he also probably lied about all the times shroud inadvertently hurt him, to chommy thats just how the spider shows affection and acknowledgement
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at he's the bestest boy ever. period. uhhh but liek if i had to specify smth uhhh my boy loves to crochet and he's ace at it. i personally dunno much about crochet but like i know we as a fandom widely headcanon the blue sweater knitting thing but like, imagine crocheting man. he'd just go full brrrr mode with it. like, someone wants smth? boom he fucking crochets it for them, in my mind, c!beeduo have a bunch of crocheted alliums that chommy made. (alliumduo my beloved, id give my life for them)
💔 An angsty headcanon ooofff my boy is the embodiment of angst man ffffffff. mmm so ykn how ctom's limbo was just utter darkness? well what if it wasnt. what it instead of darkness, he had every single "mistake" he ever made replayed over and over like a dream sequence? what id he spent months just unable to escape from visions of his life on the dsmp. the community house, cgeorge's house, the foirstever time lmanberg blew up, nov 16th, doomsday, techno killing tubo, etc etc. all things that tommy think he couldve stopped, all the things he blames himself for. what if his limbo was both complete isolation, but being hounded by his past. what if
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there mmmm c!tommy with braids my belovedddddd. i do it, so he does it to. whenever he gets anxious or fidgety, he just plucks out the front few strands of his hair and just starts teisting or braiding them. over and over, undoing and doing htem again, just to keep himself grounded and his hands occupied. he also adresses every bee he meets as if htey're ctubbo's messenger, calling them a big man and trying to leash them. oh and when he picks flowers, he comes up with whole backstories for each one :333
😶 A random headcanon! oooh he was sooooo a loom band kid man istg. he would be obsessed with them!!!!! like henry's horns would be completely covered in like absurdly coloured sets of loom band bracelets even his own hands would be coveredddddd in them up till his elbows. at least. and like he even managed to drag ranboo into it and to tubbo's absolute chagrine they both would just sit for hours on end making bracelts. c!techno was also roped into it during exile, and phil would just look at them amused. ooooh if only c!phil had a camera, he would have soooooo many pictures of techno's supposedly "deadly" base littered with torn pieces of loom bands
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chicingold · 2 years
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Personalized Baby Name bracelet, Adjustable Baby Toddler Child ID Bracelet, Personalized Girl Boy Gift, 14K Gold Filled, 14K Rose Gold Filled, Sterling Silver (CG277B_1X.25).
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angelkids · 2 years
(Hiii you said you appreciate asks so here I am again) u should tell me abt ur current digimon interests like who ur faves are, thoughts about the characters etc etc cuz digimon rocks
thank youu so much for the ask. i lovvee digimon. ^_^ i watched digimon tamers and i played pretty far into digimon world ds (on an emulator) until it crashed and reset my save file LOL. honestly i love it.
my favorite digimon!! man. i really like lucemon a lot, specifically their child form. but i like all of their angelic/christianity inspired digimon. its honestly crazy to me they have digital lucifer monster, but im not complaining. i also really like betelgammamon. triceratops is my favorite dinosaur and red is my favorite color. so it feels like betelgammamon was made for me LOL. i think most of the digimon designs are pretty fantastic though.
as for the digimon tamers show, i love all the characters. id be hard pressed to name a character that i disliked. my personal favorites are impmon, rika and jeri (dub names because i cant find the subs anywhere v_v). i think those three in particular are really fun and i like their character arcs. i like alice mccoy a lot too, even though she had so little screentime. i think the show overall is really fantastic.
honestly my mission now is to get all my friends to watch the show too LOL. i think it has a lot to say and its really meaningful. and i believe this extends to the other digimon animes, at least the other first 2 series. i really want to rewatch those at some point. but one thing at a time of course! its a crazy franchise to get back into after so many years have passed. honestly it would be nice to get a digivice of my own, or maybe the new fitness tracker bracelet they made. just a cute little thing to keep track of.
yeah! digimon is awesome. it has had a special place in my heart since i was a kid. im really glad to be getting back into it. its just a simple joy.
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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Children’s Bracelet
When it comes to adorning our little ones with jewelry, a children's bracelet stands out as a timeless piece that adds charm and elegance to their tiny wrists. Whether you’re looking for a special gift for a birthday, a memorable occasion, or just a way to express love, a bracelet for children is a thoughtful and cherished choice. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about selecting the perfect children's bracelet, from materials and styles to safety considerations.
Why Choose a Children’s Bracelet?
Children’s bracelets are more than just decorative items; they hold sentimental value and can become cherished keepsakes. Here’s why a bracelet is a great choice for children:
Symbol of Love and Affection: A bracelet can symbolize a parent's love and protection, making it a meaningful gift for any occasion.
Tradition and Culture: In many cultures, bracelets are given to children as part of religious or cultural rituals, serving as a symbol of blessings and good fortune.
Personalized Touch: Many bracelets can be personalized with the child’s name or birthstone, adding a unique touch that makes the gift even more special.
Style and Fashion: A stylish bracelet can complement a child’s outfit, adding a touch of elegance to their appearance.
Types of Children’s Bracelets
When selecting a bracelet for a child, it's essential to consider the different types available. Here's a look at some popular styles:
Bangle Bracelets:
Description: Bangle bracelets are solid, circular pieces that slip over the hand. They can be plain, engraved, or adorned with small charms.
Why Choose Them? Bangle bracelets are durable and can be worn daily. They are also available in various sizes, making them suitable for children of different ages.
Chain Bracelets:
Description: These bracelets consist of interlinked metal loops, often embellished with charms or pendants.
Why Choose Them? Chain bracelets offer flexibility in design and can be adjusted to fit the child’s wrist comfortably. They are perfect for adding a personalized touch with charms.
ID Bracelets:
Description: ID bracelets have a flat plate where the child’s name, birthdate, or other details can be engraved.
Why Choose Them? These bracelets are not only fashionable but also functional. They can serve as identification in case of emergencies.
Charm Bracelets:
Description: Charm bracelets feature a series of small pendants or trinkets that dangle from the bracelet.
Why Choose Them? Charm bracelets are ideal for creating a collection of memories. You can add charms to celebrate milestones, making it a meaningful piece over time.
Cuff Bracelets:
Description: Cuff bracelets are open-ended and can be easily adjusted to fit the wrist.
Why Choose Them? These bracelets are easy to wear and remove, making them suitable for younger children who may not be comfortable with traditional clasps.
Materials to Consider
The material of the bracelet is a crucial factor to consider, especially when it comes to children. Here's a breakdown of the most common materials used in children's bracelets:
Why Choose Gold? A children's gold bracelet is a classic choice. Gold is hypoallergenic, making it safe for sensitive skin. It also holds its value over time and is often passed down as a family heirloom.
Types of Gold: You can choose between yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold, depending on your preference. Each type offers a unique look and feel.
Why Choose Silver? Silver is a versatile and affordable option. It is also hypoallergenic and can be easily cleaned and polished to maintain its shine.
Considerations: Silver may tarnish over time, but regular maintenance can keep it looking new.
Sterling Silver:
Why Choose Sterling Silver? Sterling silver is a popular choice for children's bracelets due to its durability and affordability. It offers the same aesthetic appeal as pure silver but at a fraction of the cost.
Why Choose Leather? Leather bracelets offer a more casual and rugged look, making them suitable for everyday wear. They are also lightweight and comfortable.
Considerations: Leather is less durable than metal and may wear out over time, especially with frequent exposure to water.
Beaded Bracelets:
Why Choose Beaded Bracelets? Beaded bracelets are colorful and fun, making them a hit with children. They can be made from various materials, including gemstones, glass, or plastic.
Considerations: Ensure that the beads are securely attached to prevent choking hazards.
Fabric and Thread Bracelets:
Why Choose Fabric Bracelets? These bracelets are soft, lightweight, and comfortable, making them ideal for very young children.
Considerations: Fabric bracelets are not as durable as metal options and may need to be replaced more frequently.
Safety Considerations
Safety is paramount when choosing jewelry for children. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
Size and Fit:
Ensure the bracelet is appropriately sized to prevent it from slipping off or being too tight. An adjustable bracelet can accommodate growth, providing a longer-lasting fit.
Non-Toxic Materials:
Opt for materials that are free from harmful chemicals like nickel, lead, or cadmium. This is especially important for children with sensitive skin.
Secure Clasps:
Choose bracelets with secure clasps to prevent them from falling off. Magnetic clasps are a great option for young children, as they are easy to fasten and release.
Avoid Small Parts:
Bracelets with small parts or loose beads can pose a choking hazard. Ensure that all components are securely attached.
Rounded Edges:
Look for bracelets with smooth, rounded edges to prevent any sharp parts from injuring the child.
Choosing the Right Size
Selecting the correct size is crucial for comfort and safety. Here’s how to determine the right bracelet size for a child:
Measure the Wrist:
Use a soft measuring tape to measure the child’s wrist circumference. Add about ½ inch to 1 inch to the measurement for a comfortable fit.
Age-Based Sizing:
Some manufacturers provide size guides based on the child’s age. While this can be helpful, it’s always best to measure the wrist for accuracy.
Adjustable Options:
Consider adjustable bracelets that can grow with the child, ensuring a longer period of use.
Personalization and Customization
Adding a personal touch to a children's bracelet can make it even more special. Here are some ways to customize the bracelet:
Engrave the child’s name, birthdate, or a special message on the bracelet for a unique and memorable gift.
Incorporate the child’s birthstone into the design for a personalized touch that also adds color and significance.
Add charms that reflect the child’s interests, hobbies, or milestones. This allows the bracelet to evolve with the child over time.
Custom Design:
Work with a jeweler to create a custom design that reflects your vision and the child’s personality.
Caring for a Children’s Bracelet
Proper care and maintenance can ensure that the bracelet remains in good condition for years to come. Here’s how to care for different types of bracelets:
Gold and Silver Bracelets:
Clean with a soft cloth and mild soap solution. Store in a jewelry box or pouch to prevent scratches.
Leather Bracelets:
Avoid exposure to water and moisture. Clean with a damp cloth and allow to air dry.
Beaded Bracelets:
Handle with care to prevent the beads from becoming loose. Store in a safe place to avoid tangling.
Fabric Bracelets:
Hand wash with mild detergent and allow to air dry. Replace if the fabric shows signs of wear.
A children’s bracelet is more than just an accessory; it’s a meaningful gift that can be cherished for a lifetime. Whether you choose a classic children’s gold bracelet or a fun and colorful beaded design, the right bracelet can become a treasured keepsake that holds sentimental value. By considering the type, material, safety, and personalization options, you can select the perfect bracelet that will delight both the child and their parents. Remember to prioritize comfort and safety to ensure that the bracelet is not only beautiful but also suitable for daily wear.
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beautifulbracelet · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Kids Bracelet
When it comes to accessorizing for children, a kids bracelet is a delightful and stylish choice. These charming pieces of jewelry can add a touch of elegance and fun to any outfit, whether for everyday wear or special occasions. With a plethora of options available, selecting the perfect kids bracelet can be both exciting and overwhelming. This guide aims to provide you with comprehensive information to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a bracelet for your little one.
Why Choose a Kids Bracelet?
Kids bracelets are not only fashionable but also hold sentimental value. They can serve as memorable gifts for birthdays, holidays, or other significant milestones in a child's life. Additionally, bracelets can be personalized, making them a unique and cherished accessory.
Types of Kids Bracelets
There are various types of kids bracelets to choose from, each offering a distinct style and function:
Charm Bracelets: These bracelets are adorned with small charms that can represent hobbies, interests, or special moments. Charm bracelets are a popular choice as they can be customized and expanded over time.
Bangle Bracelets: Bangles are rigid bracelets that slip over the hand. They are available in different materials, including gold, silver, and plastic, making them suitable for both formal and casual wear.
Beaded Bracelets: These bracelets are made from beads strung together on a flexible string or elastic. Beaded bracelets come in various colors and designs, making them a fun and versatile option.
ID Bracelets: ID bracelets feature a plate that can be engraved with the child’s name or other information. They are not only stylish but also practical for safety purposes.
Kids Gold Bracelets: Gold bracelets are timeless and elegant, often chosen for their durability and classic appeal. They make an excellent choice for special occasions or as heirloom pieces.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Kids Bracelet
When selecting a bracelet for your child, consider the following factors to ensure you make the best choice:
Material: Choose a material that is safe and suitable for children. Gold, silver, and hypoallergenic metals are excellent choices for their durability and low risk of causing allergic reactions.
Size: Ensure the bracelet fits comfortably on your child’s wrist. It should be neither too tight nor too loose. Many bracelets come with adjustable sizing to accommodate growing wrists.
Design: Select a design that matches your child’s personality and preferences. Whether it’s a playful charm bracelet or a sophisticated kids gold bracelet, the design should appeal to your child’s taste.
Safety: Prioritize safety features such as secure clasps and smooth edges. Avoid bracelets with small parts that could pose a choking hazard.
Durability: Kids are active and can be rough on their belongings. Choose a bracelet that can withstand daily wear and tear.
Occasion: Consider the purpose of the bracelet. Is it for everyday wear, a special occasion, or a keepsake? This will help you decide on the appropriate style and material.
Popular Kids Bracelet Trends
Staying updated with the latest trends can help you choose a fashionable and contemporary kids bracelet. Here are some popular trends in kids bracelets:
Personalized Bracelets: Customization is a big trend. Personalized bracelets with the child’s name, initials, or birthstone add a special touch.
Nature-Inspired Designs: Bracelets featuring nature-inspired elements such as flowers, animals, and celestial motifs are in vogue. These designs are whimsical and appeal to children’s imaginations.
Minimalist Styles: Simple and elegant designs are gaining popularity. Minimalist kids gold bracelets with subtle details are perfect for a refined look.
Bright Colors: Vibrant and colorful bracelets are a hit with kids. Beaded bracelets in rainbow colors or bold hues add a fun and playful element.
Themed Bracelets: Bracelets based on popular themes like superheroes, cartoons, or fairy tales are loved by children. These themed bracelets allow kids to express their interests and passions.
Caring for Kids Bracelets
To ensure your child’s bracelet remains in good condition, follow these care tips:
Regular Cleaning: Clean the bracelet regularly to remove dirt and oils. Use a soft cloth and mild soap for gold and metal bracelets. Beaded and fabric bracelets can be gently washed with water.
Storage: Store the bracelet in a jewelry box or pouch to prevent it from getting tangled or scratched. Keep it away from direct sunlight and moisture.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Keep the bracelet away from harsh chemicals such as chlorine, perfumes, and lotions. These substances can damage the material and reduce the bracelet’s lifespan.
Supervision: Supervise young children while they are wearing the bracelet to prevent accidental damage or loss.
Choosing the Perfect Kids Gold Bracelet
Gold bracelets are a classic choice that never goes out of style. When selecting a kids gold bracelet, consider the following:
Purity: Gold purity is measured in karats, with 24K being pure gold. For kids, 14K or 18K gold is recommended as it is durable and less prone to scratches.
Design: Opt for a design that is both elegant and suitable for a child. Simple gold bangles or bracelets with small, tasteful charms are ideal choices.
Weight: Ensure the bracelet is lightweight and comfortable for your child to wear. Heavy bracelets can be cumbersome and uncomfortable.
Certification: Purchase the gold bracelet from a reputable jeweler and ensure it comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Choosing the perfect kids bracelet involves considering various factors such as material, size, design, and safety. Whether you opt for a playful charm bracelet, a stylish bangle, or an elegant kids gold bracelet, the key is to select a piece that resonates with your child’s personality and preferences. By keeping up with the latest trends and following proper care instructions, you can ensure that the bracelet remains a cherished accessory for years to come.
Investing in a kids bracelet is not just about adding a piece of jewelry to your child’s collection; it’s about creating lasting memories and celebrating special moments. With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge to make an informed and thoughtful choice. Happy bracelet shopping!
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kidsandteen · 3 months
Kids Jewellery
Kids' jewelry is designed specifically for children, combining playful elements with safety and comfort. Here are some key considerations and types of kids' jewelry:
Key Considerations
Use of hypoallergenic materials to prevent skin reactions.
Avoid small parts that can be a choking hazard.
Secure clasps that are easy for parents to operate but difficult for children to open.
Lightweight designs that don’t weigh down small wrists, necks, or ears.
Smooth edges and rounded corners to prevent scratches or irritation.
Sturdy materials that can withstand active play.
Designs that won't easily tangle, break, or lose stones.
Types of Kids' Jewelry
Studs: Small, simple designs like hearts, stars, flowers, or animals.
Hoops: Small hoops that are secure and comfortable.
Huggies: Small earrings that hug the earlobe closely for safety and comfort.
Pendants: Cute and playful pendants like butterflies, fairies, cars, or superheroes.
Name Necklaces: Personalized with the child’s name or initials.
Beaded Necklaces: Colorful beads that are fun and vibrant.
Charm Bracelets: With small, playful charms that can be added or removed.
ID Bracelets: With the child’s name or initials engraved.
Bangle Bracelets: Simple and easy to wear, often with fun designs.
Adjustable Rings: Designs that can fit as the child grows.
Themed Rings: Featuring favorite characters, animals, or simple shapes.
Delicate designs with small charms or beads, often popular in certain cultures.
Gold: Typically 14k or 18k for durability and safety.
Sterling Silver: Affordable and hypoallergenic.
Enamel: Adds color and fun to designs.
Plastic or Silicone: Used for more playful, non-metal designs.
Popular Brands
Tiffany & Co.: Offers elegant and high-quality kids' jewelry.
Cartier: Known for luxurious and timeless pieces.
Disney Jewelry: Features popular characters and themes.
Pandora: Offers charm bracelets that can be customized.
Care and Maintenance
Cleaning: Use mild soap and water, and avoid harsh chemicals.
Storage: Store in a jewelry box or soft pouch to prevent tangling and scratches.
Supervision: Ensure children wear jewelry appropriate for their age and are supervised to avoid accidents.
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metalsintime · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting Safe and Stylish Jewelry for Newborns
Jewelry for babies is not just a charming gift or a fashion statement; it often holds sentimental value, marking milestones like births and christenings. However, carefully considering safe and appropriate jewelry for the tiniest wearer involves careful consideration. Here’s a comprehensive guide to selecting newborn jewelry that combines safety, style, and significance.
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Safety First: What to Look for in Newborn Jewelry
Safety is paramount when choosing jewelry for newborns. The ideal piece should have smooth edges, secure clasps, and be made of hypoallergenic materials to prevent any risk of injury or allergic reactions. For instance, the 14kt Baby Butterfly ID Bracelet, made from polished yellow gold with a pink enamel butterfly, is not only visually appealing but also carefully crafted to ensure no sharp edges come into contact with the baby's delicate skin.
Similarly, the strength and quality of the chain are crucial. Newborn jewelry should feature sturdy links that are durable yet light enough not to burden the tiny limbs. The oval-link style chain on the Baby Butterfly ID Bracelet or the robust yet comfortable Cuban link on the Baby Cuban ID Bracelet are excellent examples of suitable designs that balance durability and delicacy.
Material Matters: Why Choose Gold?
Gold is preferred for newborn jewelry due to its hypoallergenic nature and softness, making it less likely to cause irritation or discomfort. The 14K yellow gold used in newborn bracelets, such as those offered by Metals In Time, is an excellent choice. It's beautiful and durable enough to withstand daily wear without harming the baby’s sensitive skin.
Furthermore, when it comes to white gold, it’s essential to understand that it undergoes a process called rhodium plating to achieve its shiny white appearance. Pure gold is naturally orange in hue, and even when alloyed to create 14kt or 18kt white gold, it retains a slight yellowish tint. Rhodium plating covers this and gives white gold its popular brilliant white finish, making it a stylish and safe choice for newborn jewelry.
Style and Personalization: Making It Special
Jewelry gifts for newborns often become cherished keepsakes, so choosing an aesthetically pleasing and personal piece adds an extra magic touch. Personalization is a beautiful way to make the gift unique. For example, the Baby Cuban ID Bracelet includes complimentary engraving, allowing gift-givers to add a name, date, or a special message, making it not just a piece of jewelry but a precious memento of infancy.
Choosing playful and child-appropriate designs, like the delicate pink enamel butterfly on the Baby Butterfly ID Bracelet, can add a fun element to the jewelry that makes it suitable for children while still being sophisticated enough to be kept as a keepsake for years.
Longevity: Jewelry That Grows with Them
When selecting jewelry for a newborn, consider pieces that can grow with the child. Many bracelets come with adjustable lengths or links that can be added as the child grows. This not only makes it a practical gift but also one that holds sentimental value throughout the child’s life. The 6-inch length of the butterfly bracelet ensures that it can be worn for many months as the baby grows, potentially even into toddlerhood.
Final Thoughts Selecting the right jewelry for a newborn balances aesthetics with practical considerations like safety and comfort. Items crafted from top-notch materials like 14K yellow gold, equipped with reliable and gentle fastenings, and providing customization choices create ideal presents that blend aesthetics with functionality seamlessly. Metals In Time provides exemplary choices with their carefully crafted gold bracelets, ensuring your gift is as safe as it is enchanting. Remember, the perfect piece of newborn jewelry is not just an adornment but a token of love that can be treasured for generations.
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parenting-toddlers · 7 months
Safe Travels: Toddler Safety Measures for Exploring Tourist Attractions and Traveling Abroad
Embarking on family adventures to explore new places is an exciting prospect, especially when you have a curious toddler in tow. However, ensuring your little one's safety takes precedence. In this blog post, we'll delve into essential safety measures to consider when visiting tourist attractions and traveling abroad with toddlers, allowing families to create lasting memories without compromising on safety.
Researching Toddler-Friendly Attractions: Start by emphasizing the importance of researching and choosing toddler-friendly attractions. Opt for places that offer age-appropriate activities, amenities, and safety measures. Look for play areas, stroller-friendly paths, and facilities catering to young children.
Securing Accommodations with Child Safety in Mind: Discuss the significance of choosing accommodations that prioritize child safety. Look for features such as childproofing options, secure windows and doors, and easy access to emergency exits. Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures of the hotel or rental property.
Investing in a Quality Travel Stroller: Highlight the practicality of investing in a quality travel stroller. Choose a lightweight and foldable model that is easy to maneuver through crowded spaces. Ensure the stroller has a sunshade and secure harness to keep your toddler comfortable and safe.
Using Child ID Bracelets: Introduce the concept of child ID bracelets. Emphasize the importance of having contact information readily available on your toddler in case of separation. These bracelets can be a valuable tool for reuniting families quickly and efficiently.
Creating a Safety Kit: Discuss the creation of a toddler-specific safety kit for travel. Include essentials such as child-safe sunscreen, insect repellent, basic first aid supplies, and any necessary medications. Being prepared ensures that your toddler's health and well-being are a top priority.
Establishing a Meeting Point: Emphasize the importance of establishing a designated meeting point in case of separation. Teach your toddler to recognize a specific landmark or a staff member's uniform at tourist attractions. This simple measure can expedite the reunion process.
Utilizing Child Leashes or Harnesses: Discuss the practicality of using child leashes or harnesses in crowded or unfamiliar places. While controversial to some, these tools can provide an added layer of safety, preventing toddlers from wandering into potentially risky situations.
Ensuring Proper Hydration and Nutrition: Highlight the significance of maintaining proper hydration and nutrition during travel. Encourage parents to carry a supply of healthy snacks, water, and familiar toddler-friendly foods. Staying well-nourished contributes to your toddler's overall well-being.
Educating on Stranger Safety: Discuss the importance of educating toddlers on stranger safety. Teach them simple phrases or actions to seek help from trusted authorities if they feel lost or uncomfortable. This empowerment can be valuable in unfamiliar environments.
Remaining Vigilant at All Times: Conclude by stressing the need for constant vigilance. Remind parents to stay attentive to their toddler's whereabouts, especially in crowded or busy places. Encourage teamwork between caregivers to ensure that one person is always focused on the toddler's safety.
Exploring tourist attractions and traveling abroad with toddlers can be a joyous adventure when safety measures are prioritized. By researching family-friendly destinations, securing child-friendly accommodations, and implementing practical safety measures, parents can create a secure and enjoyable environment for their little ones. Safe travels to all the families embarking on exciting journeys with their curious toddlers!
Check out the page on FB and find out where to take your toddler along with you.
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kokoch4n3l · 8 months
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ONE — mr. kurokawa
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“patient is a possible narcissist sociopath but is oddly calm. It’s a bit scary honestly. I wonder what he’s thinking… he's pretty nice though. Sometimes that is” — MAYA’S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: enter Kaneko Maya, a newly graduated psychiatrist with a shit load of student debt racked up and her scary but hot patient from 4th floor, Kurokawa Izana.
chapter warnings: unrequited love, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, usage of drugs, mentions of gang violence, mentions of pedophiles, mentions of suicide, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, f!oc with absolutely zero self-preservation skills
word count: 3500
moodboard | masterlist | chapter 2
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There was something about one-sided love that was so tragic but so beautiful to Maya. Just loving someone so much despite them not feeling the same way back. It was beautiful but tragic and also Maya's favourite book trope.
One-sided love, Hanahaki disease, right person wrong time, major character death.
Maya lived for tragic endings. When Disney movies with their happy ending stopped sufficing, she turned to books with dark romance, thriller and just dark shit in general. It was pretty nice to read. Don't get her wrong, she still loves her Disney movies just... It was nice to read about a girl who doesn't get the guy she wants at the end. After all, that was basically her life story. "Dude, I'm literally about to start my shift" Maya hisses at her 8-year-long crush over the phone as she
"Maya, what the fuck are you doing taking the night shift on a Friday anyway? I told you to switch to the day shift. It's gotten dangerous at night" Matsuno Chifuyu scolds her on the phone
Matsuno Chifuyu, Maya's senior from middle school. He was about 5 years older than her, currently 26, about to turn 27 in a few months. Maya met him in middle school when she was in 7th grade and he was in his final year of high school. She met him at a park in the middle of the night while he was trying to bandage the wounds on his face without a mirror. Maya called him stupid and Chifuyu scolded her because he was obviously older. He was older and seemed so out of her league but oh did Maya fall head over heels for him. There was just something about guys who rode motorcycles that did something to her heart. Unfortunately for her, Chifuyu did not go that young in terms of dating. She asked him before when he took her out after she graduated high school. He said the youngest he'd go was 2 years and any girl younger just seemed like a little kid to him.
Long story short, Maya got child-zoned.
She doesn't even know if that was a thing but Chifuyu didn't even friend zone her nor did her sister zone her. He just implied she was too young. It made her sad but Maya was alright with pining from afar and never confessing to him. "Night shift makes more money y'know... Besides, I don't actually have to work during the night shift and just make sure everyone goes to sleep after taking their medication. I told you this c'mon" Maya says as she clips her ID to the front pocket of her white coat and puts on the black keycard bracelet thing they gave her that allows her to go from floor to floor by pressing it against the scanners around all the doors and exits in the building.
"Maya. I understand you're not worried because you've been working there for a month now but it's gotten dangerous at night time in general. Don't you watch the news?"
Chifuyu sounds worried. He always sounds worried and his worry makes butterflies erupt in Maya's stomach. "you mean that Tokyo Manji Gang guys? C'mon Chifuyu, the probability of me being attacked by a gang is low" she says pressing her phone to her ear while fixing her bangs with the other as she looks at herself in the mirror of the locker room "I may be drowning in student debt but like, at least it's no interest and I haven't taken money from any sketchy place. I'll be fine. And, you have my live location so it should be fine"
She hears Chifuyu sigh on the other side. "Alright fine. But keep applying and see if you get somewhere better. And I am seeing you tomorrow right?"
Maya worked weekdays Monday to Friday on the night shift and had the weekends off. It wasn't that bad in her opinion. Her job paid crazy well for a simple psychiatrist job and she was able to steadily start to pay off her student loan and pay the rent for her apartment. So maybe it was fine that she worked at night time in the midst of... 'crazy' people, drug addicts, suicidal, violent killers and even more, she got money. Right? "Yup, I will see you tomorrow. Pick me up?" Maya asks
"Of course. Be safe Maya."
Maya feels her heart clench and she bids Chifuyu goodbye. He cut the call and not long after she gets a text from him telling her goodnight. She sighs. Kaneko Maya had a university degree, wrote multiple essays, and read many articles but she still read Chifuyu's text as I love you.
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Sunshine Grove Psychiatric Hospital had 4 levels.
1st floor was the entry with the employee locker room, front desk, storage, etc.
2nd floor was where all the drug addicts recovering from addiction were as well as those under suicide watch.
3rd floor had every one that came under other.
The 4th floor was the high-risk area with people that were there under court order. This means they got sent here as part of their sentence under the claims of insanity.
Each floor had a psychiatrist, 2-3 doctors and about 4 nurses assigned. There weren't many people admitted into Sunshine Grove due to how eerie and scary the building was and Maya doesn't blame them. But that also means less work for her so she isn't complaining. Maya was unfortunately assigned to the 4th floor. The 4th floor was lacking the required amount of employees by a lot. It had just 1 nurse and 1 doctor. The doctor, Sawamura or something, rarely ever even showed up. The nurse always tended to hide on the lower floors as well. Which left Maya alone on the floor with the security guard who was always stationed at the elevator. "good evening doctor" The security guard, Mr. Ueda greeted her as she stepped out of the elevator with a large cart
4th floor looked like what you'd imagine the inside of any psychiatric hospital look like. Unlike the other two floors which had some pop of colour, the 4th floor was just bland and gloomy. Flickering tube lights, white tiled floors and grey walls. If Maya didn't love money so much she wouldn't be working in such a shitty place. Especially in a place that looked like the set of a horror movie. "good evening" Maya said with a smile
The cart was stacked with trays on the inside. Food for the patients. It was dinner time and unlike the lower floors, 4th-floor patients didn't get the luxury of eating with other people and had to be given their food in their rooms. "how about you give me the tray for room 410" The guard said with his usual deadpan-monotonous-I-take-no-shit face
Maya nods and pulls out the tray and hands it to the guard to take to room 410. Room 410 had a convicted child predator rapist. According to Mr Ueda, Maya looked too much like a child and he wasn't about to let her get close to him. It was a pretty sweet gesture in her opinion and she never stopped him. So as Mr Ueda goes over to room 410 to give food to the child predator, Maya starts going from room to room with each tray. Despite the 4th floor housing psychotic criminals, it was relatively the calmest among them all. Very rarely any incidents and honestly speaking, Maya doesn't think any of them actually have anything wrong with them. Well all except him.
The man in room 401 at the end of the hall.
Kurokawa Izana. He was 30, and about to be 31 in a month or so. He was half Japanese and half Filipino with white hair, long white lashes, tan skin and violet eyes.
Absolutely fucking gorgeous in Maya's opinion.
Older guys just really hit the spot for her if you couldn't tell already. However, not only was Kurokawa Izana a criminal but he was also her patient. She had to keep things ethical here especially since it was her first job in this field. "Good evening Mr Kurokawa" Maya greets carrying the tray as she steps into his room after scanning her bracelet on the card reader system outside his door, the door locking shut behind her
But there was something odd she found about Kurokawa Izana and that was the fact that unlike the other criminals here, he was often hooked up to some IV bag. Not always but, very often. A lot of the other criminals didn't even get medication so it was weird for Maya to see this. "good evening Doc, I hope the drive here wasn't bad" Izana says with no smile but a sweet tone as usual
Once again, Izana is hooked up to the IV bag. He's lying in his hospital bed with the blanket pulled up to his hips, wearing the all-white 2 piece outfit all the patients here were required to wear. He's leaned back into the bed in a half-sitting half laying position looking a bit groggy like always when hooked up to the IV. It was a pretty potent drug and she couldn't even pronounce the name if she tried. Many times when clocking in she'd be visited by the hospital director himself and he'd tell her to go hook Izana up to the drip. She of course would comply. But it raised many questions in her as to why. "It's Friday night, such a shame you're working the night shift" Izana says as Maya sets the food down on the table in front of him
Maya shrugs as she set the food out like she does for all the patients. "It's whatever. I'm making good money so"
Izana smiles this time. It's eerie. "of course. That's what matters huh? You told me about your student loans last week, need to pay those off"
But unlike the other criminals on this floor, Kurokawa Izana was the only one she would have conversations with about things other than the usual things she was supposed to talk about. "Yeah ugh... So glad they got rid of interest else I would have been dying" Maya says with a laugh "would've sold a kidney or something at that point"
Izana laughs at her joke then slowly brings a hand up and starts to eat. His movements are slow because of the drug. Maya wonders why they're giving it to him. She wasn't a doctor so she didn't exactly know what it did but from the numbers on the bag she knew the dosage was high. "How about you give me some company while I eat, doctor?" Izana asks, cocking his head to the side
Maya nods and takes a seat on the chair in the room. Unlike the other patients, Maya didn't know what Izana did. When she was given his file, so many things about him were blacked off except for his birthday, name, gender and non-important things. Maya had to start off by knowing absolutely nothing about the guy. To make things worse she didn't find anything online either. If he was a criminal she should have found something online but there was nothing. So, Maya had to start from scratch. Over the month she was there she spent time trying to figure out exactly what Izana's condition was and why he was there but she got no answers from the staff and she didn't want to ruin Izana's privacy by asking him even though it was basically her job. It was a bit annoying since she didn't know what she was working with but she figured it could be worse. "Doing anything special this weekend?" Izana asks as he eats
Maya shrugs. "nah, not really. Just going out with a friend"
Izana raises a brow and then completely twists her words. "Boyfriend. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"
Getting to know Izana from scratch meant that she also ended up sharing information about herself which she knows she shouldn't have done but... Izana was nice. Kind of. "No, no! Not boyfriend. Just a friend" Maya corrects but the slight pink tinge on her cheeks says otherwise
"You definitely like him" Izana says with a teasing smirk, pointing his spoon at her
There were moments when Maya felt like she was talking to a friend rather than a patient. It was pretty unprofessional on her part but Izana had always been the one to initiate it so it wasn't exactly her fault. "that's... not true" Maya attempts to deny but fails miserably
"You can't fool me, Doctor Kaneko, you're an open book" Izana says, not smiling but his tone eerily cold now
Maya suppresses a shiver. If there was one word she could use to describe Kurokawa Izana(other than fucking hot), it would be scary. The constant switch of emotions on his face made her nervous. It felt like if she lied to him, he'd know. Maya sometimes wonders if Kurokawa Izana is a mind reader because he always seems to know everything before she even finishes telling him. But she is a psychologist working in a psychiatric hospital and she shouldn't let a patient get into her head, especially a criminal. So Maya puts on a professional smile and sucks it up. She needs the money, she'll get through it. "You got me. Just this guy I met in middle school. He's older" She thinks about Chifuyu and feels her heart speed up a bit "He doesn't like me back though. We're just friends"
"Awe... So it's one-sided" He says and Maya can't help but think he's mocking her
Maya shrugs. "Yeah I guess"
As Izana continues to eat, Maya looks around his room to make sure everything is in place. It's something she was required to do to make sure nothing was missing or a possible security breach wouldn't happen. But nothing like that would happen. These rooms were bland. A single hospital bed, a window with acrylic glass and white curtains, light grey walls, tube lights, white tiled floors, a table that was bolted to the ground and a chair that was too heavy to be picked up. The 4th-floor rooms were just glorified jail cells, nothing like the rooms on the 2nd floor with the colours and pretty pot lights that you could adjust. Then again, this floor was full of criminals. Maya often forgets that thought because of how oddly calm everyone on this floor is. Apparently, it wasn't always like this. Maya would rather not know the reason for this tranquillity, fearing the answer wouldn't be something she liked. "So I'm guessing you won't be confessing to him?" Izana asks
Maya giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm starting to think you like gossip, Mr. Kurokawa"
Izana scowls and denies it immediately but Maya laughs and stands up after seeing the time on her Apple watch and that Izana is almost done with his food. "Okay uh... I'm gonna go collect all the trays" Maya tells him "Be back later for yours"
She walks towards the door and feels his gaze on her back. He was scary. So fuckin scary but also so damn hot. Maya knows it was unethical and just morally wrong to be thinking that way about her patient. It was messed up. But thinking and acting were two different things. She was in no way abusing her power. She was just, admiring. Right? She was a fresh out of college single 22-year-old. Cut the girl some slack. She looks back at him one last time and for a moment everything just felt wrong. Izana is staring at her. Head cocked to the side and eyes blank, void of any emotion. Maya smiles nervously and presses the bracelet on her wrist against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She leaves quickly but not after making sure that the door is properly locked. Maya shivers as she walks back down the hall toward the first room she had given food to and sees that the security guard has already brought back the tray from room 410 as usual. It was a routine almost. Maya would bring everyone dinner first, Mr. Ueda would bring it to 410's inhabitant, Maya would end off at 401 and talk to Izana for a while, she'd leave and go get the trays from the rooms and Mr. Ueda would get it from 410. Now Maya was back at room 401 to finally get Izana's tray. She stares at the door for a moment, almost not wanting to go in. They didn't exactly restrain the criminals at Sunshine Grove. She found it weird that they wouldn't. It was just their rooms with the heavy metal doors that were keeping them confined. However, inside the rooms, she was vulnerable. However, Maya never felt that way with any of the other patients on the 4th floor except for Izana. She presses her bracelet against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She walks in. "I'm back Mr. Kurokawa!" She says with a smile
But even if Izana was scary and made her feel vulnerable, he was still her favourite patient. "Welcome back, sweetheart." Izana says in his usual low timbre
Deep down Maya knew she was going to be disappointed the day she found out exactly what Izana did to end up here. She knew it was going to make her sad because he was pretty nice to talk to if you ignored how his gaze would go blank and how he seemed almost like an evil spirit— then Kurokawa Izana was a pretty solid guy.
Maya ends her shift at 5 am. As she's waiting for the elevator to come up so she can go back down to the first floor and clock out, Mr. Udea, like always asks how her shift was. "It was fine. Can't wait to go and sleep" Maya tells him with a sigh
Mr Ueda nods and looks around at the single hallway. "From the past month you've been working here I see you spend a lot of time in 401" He says
Technically, all patients were supposed to be asleep after dinner. But the rules for the 4th floor were different. They didn't care what they did in their rooms as long as they weren't causing a ruckus. However, many of the patients still slept anyway. Many except Izana. Maya was a psychiatrist working the night shift when all patients were sleeping. It was dumb for her to even be here in the first place. But money is money no matter what time it is earned. "Well, he's the only one awake and insists on talking to me. I'm a psychiatrist and it's kinda my job to talk to him" Maya tells him with a shrug
Mr. Ueda is frowning for some reason. It almost looks like he knows what Kurokawa Izana did. "What did he do to get in here by the way? 100 percent not a child groomer or pedophile since you let me go into his room... Uh, probably not a rapist either..." Maya keeps trying to think of the possibilities but they're endless
It's been a whole month since she was hired here and she made absolutely no progress in figuring out what Kurokawa Izana did to be admitted into Sunshine Grove. "Maybe don't think about it too much Doctor" Mr. Ueda says cutting her off "It's not important. You're doing your job better than any other psychiatrist that has worked here so far and I think that's enough. Don't concern yourself with what Kurokawa Izana did or who he is"
It sounds more like a demand than a suggestion. Maya is about to ask him what he means but the elevator doors open. "I'll see you Monday, Doctor Kaneko" Mr. Ueda says simply
Maya just nods and steps into the elevator.
How odd...
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notes: reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated! I hope you enjoyed. I usually don’t edit my works and just say fuck it and post so if there are mistakes, my bad lol. Once again, not meant to be accurate depiction of psychiatric facilities!
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