#Percussion instruments quiz
huntertrust · 2 years
Percussion instruments quiz
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Try writing your own music or learning a new technique. Have you ever played the piano? How about another instrument? Do you have a favorite instrument family? Whether you play the organ or the kazoo, the most important part of playing music is to enjoy it. Keyboard instruments have a broad range of sound, making them some of the most versatile musical instruments. That includes the piano, harpsichord, organ, and many others. Today, many people even see them as part of a completely different family of instruments-the keyboards.Īny instrument that produces notes when keys are hit falls into the keyboard family. That’s right! It can be put into either family. The piano is both a percussion and a string instrument. Would that make it a percussion instrument? Where does the piano fit? But those strings vibrate because they’re struck by a hammer. is the piano a string instrument? Or is it percussion? The sound comes from vibrating strings. It is a percussion instrument that does not sound like a human voice. It is a kind of brass instrument that does not sound like a human voice. When keys are pressed, small hammers hit strings inside the piano. Musical instruments quiz See all quizzes Go to topic Question 10 Which of these instruments can make a sound like a human voice This is a trumpet. How does a piano player make music? By pressing the piano’s keys. One of the most popular instruments of all- the piano-is hard to classify. But sometimes, it’s not so straightforward. You play the tambourine by hitting it with your hand, so it’s part of the percussion family. It’s played by blowing wind to vibrate a wooden reed. The saxophone is clearly a woodwind instrument. Often, it’s pretty obvious what family an instrument falls into. Percussion instruments make a sound when hit, whether with a stick or hand. They also have valves that help change the sound that comes out. Brass instruments are also played using wind, but they’re made of brass. Most members of the woodwind family can be made from wood and are played with wind. Cowbell, wood block, tambourine, guiro, hand drum, triangle Classroom Percussion Listening Quiz. They make music when their strings vibrate. Music Classroom percussion instruments listening quiz. They are string, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Traditionally, there are four families of instruments. Many even believe that making music improves brain function.Īnd there are so many instruments to choose from! They fall into groups that people call “families.” Instruments in a family are alike in certain ways, such as how they’re played or what they’re made from. Music helps people express emotions, connect with others, and just have fun. c) A Marinba is smaller than a Xylophone.Have you ever strummed the strings of a guitar? Do you often hum a tune or beat a rhythm? If so, you know what a joy it can be to make music. 10) Which is correct about "Marinba " ? a) Marinba is a percussion instrument of "Indefinite Pitch b) Marimbas should be played with 2~6 mallets. c) Stomp uses many traditional percussion instruments. 1) Which is Tubular Bell ? a) b) c) d) 2) What is it ? a) Steel tongue drum b) Steelpan c) Handpan d) Bongo 3) Which is percussion instrument of "Indefinite Pitch"? a) Vibraphone b) Timpani c) Handpan d) Guiro 4) Which is percussion instrument of "Definite Pitch"? a) Castanets b) Tambourine c) Timpani d) Cajon 5) What is it ? a) symbals b) Triangle c) Gong d) Maracas 6) What is it ? a) Vibraphone b) Xylophone c) Glockenspiel d) Marimba 7) What is it ? a) Temple block b) Triangle c) Tambourine d) Maracas 8) What is it ? a) Steel tongue drum b) Handpan c) Steelpan d) Vibraphone 9) Which is correct about "Stomp "group? a) Stomp is originating in American.
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clowngames · 16 days
Why do jazz renditions of the Sinnoh work so well in transcribing the music from in game to reality. Like a lot of people try and fail to really capture the way older games sound for a more traditional audience. If we look at the sinnohvation by insaneintherain, he does the same things a lot of other musicians do - add texture and complexity, insert more tracks to accommodate said complexity, and so on, but he succeeds at transforming sinnoh music into something that I could believe was actually the intended sound instead of just a rendition. Idk. This ask is all over the place
The answer is sort of threefold:
Insaneintherainmusic had I think 5 years of experience at that point turning video game music into jazz, and he collaborated with a dozen other artists on that album to combine their expertise.
The man is incredible talented and has mastered his craft, and anything he does appears more effortless as a product of that.
2. The DS is really special. Diamond & Pearl released in 2006. In terms of retro music, this is some of the most technologically advanced you can get while still feeling old.
I've been meaning to make a special interest post for a while about the DS's music capabilities and how it taps into the way we think about retro game music/chiptune while still being so advanced that the composer can do whatever they want. I'll do the short version now:
Older game consoles use something akin to a MIDI system, and PC games of the same era did too. Basically, instead of a rendered song file, the console receives a series of instructions about what notes to play at what time using what instrument at what volume, and the console is performing this music in real-time. The amount of space a cartridge could dedicate to sound was limited, and the actual processing ability for instructions was limited, so songs were short, used simple (or bitcrunched) instruments, and only used so many of them at a time.
But then we have the DS. Home consoles had moved on to rendered music, but its cartridges couldn't support that so it was stuck with MIDI; but it benefited from all of the advancements in MIDI technology, both hardware and software, that had been made up until that point. What that means is that, while the quality of the instruments and sounds the DS could produce was limited, the actual quantity and complexity was not.
Basically, the instruments were not perfect but better than they'd ever been, and the actual compositional limitations were functionally non-existant.
3. The DPP soundtrack is uniquely positioned in the transitionary period from classical to pop, and that means it's weird and complex and simple and diverse in ways that create ample opportunity to jazz it up.
You may be familiar with the Mozart or Pokemon Quiz, which makes clear just how much the original soundtracks were making up for the lack of technical complexity in the music with compositional complexity. In the Red & Blue soundtrack only 3 notes could be played at a time. 3 notes. And no percussion, because that track was dedicated to sound effects. So the composer opted to use classical techniques to keep the energy where they couldn't use chords.
Flash forward to the DS and those techniques aren't necessary, since we have pretty good percussion and other instrument capabilities. Pokemon was now capable of producing more modern-feeling music, but still had an obligation to its compositional roots, to "feel" like Pokemon music. So the soundtrack is filled with interesting arpeggios and syncopation and other elements of musical complexity that make translation into jazz far less of a stretch than either the previous or the later generations.
Also some of the songs are just jazz.
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sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
Katy Kirby Album Review: Blue Raspberry
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Cubic zirconia. Blue raspberry flavoring. Synthesizers: Do they truly possess less innate worth because they're not organic? Or is worth determined by the value we put on them? These are the questions Katy Kirby grapples with on her sophomore album Blue Raspberry, but in the context of self-definition, outward image, and the mind games of people in a relationship. Just like on her stellar debut Cool Dry Place, Kirby's clever wordplay elevates mundane imagery into deeper queries on life and love. Blue Raspberry, though, is more biographical and more instrumentally sweeping; that is, Kirby's first written album as an out queer woman, more emotionally complex than anything she's released to date, required more elaborate arrangements and production than the comparatively sparse Cool Dry Place. "Why wouldn't that be enough?" she sees herself asking throughout the queer love songs of Blue Raspberry, always answering by yearning for something more lush than bedroom recordings of bedroom-and-beyond tales.
Nonetheless, on Blue Raspberry, what happens between walls carries major consequences, and Kirby expertly builds up her stories. Take opener "Redemption Arc"--its title itself a reference to plot and narrative--with its initially arpeggiated piano and Kirby's vocals following the melody atop weeping strings. "I pour out a drink and I stand for a toast / I raise up a glass to your personal growth," she sings, ambiguous in her tone. Eventually, you realize she's being sarcastic, which mirrors her significant other's lack of genuineness: "You misspelled apology / You ended it with I and E / Diminutive contrition / But I still know what you mean," she sings, sliding a grammar joke into her barb. Towards the end of the song, producers Alberto Sewald and Logan Chung's pattering drums and distorted bass swell as Kirby tries to prevent tragedy, albeit recounting the dark humor of the event: "I lock the doors and I talk you down," she sings, quipping, "I put our reconciliation in my calendar." Leave it to her to supply an album's worth of sounds and moods in one song.
But with Blue Raspberry, Kirby's given us a whole collection of tunes tied together through their balance of romance and rawness. "Cubic Zirconia" concentrates on surface-level attraction and her attempts to nonetheless dig deeper. "Magazine quiz called you apple shape / You look to me like dollar signs," Kirby flirts, eventually admitting that her wants can usurp her needs: "I'm still craving that unstable sort of shine." The collection of key instruments on the song, from panning Rhodes piano to organ, gives it an expansive, yet tactile feel, an expert manifestation of how even the cheapest jewelry and plastic can gleam. The album's title track--whose writing process helped Kirby realize her own queerness--plays with similar ideas of authenticity. Her vocals are layered and pitch-shifted, horns and acoustic guitars muted by otherworldly synthesizers, the perfect backing to similes like, "Her eyes burn white as Styrofoam right into me."
Perhaps most rewarding about Blue Raspberry is the extent to which the same instruments can conjure contrasting feelings. Swirling, percussive textures and plucked strings on "Hand to Hand"--reminiscent of Fetch the Bolt Cutters--recall the unvarnished emotions of breakups, but in the contrast of "Fences"' statement of agency, provide a breezier sway. Sean Brennan's forlorn cello leads "Party of the Century"'s reckoning with the ethical responsibility each of us have as the world burns, while it menaces the slow-lurking, doomy "Alexandria", a song about something far more personal: the dissolution of Kirby's first queer relationship. For the whole record, Kirby enlisted the likes of Rowen Merrill to compose baroque orchestral arrangements to match the cinema of the album, which they do to great success on piano ballad "Salt Crystal" and chiming satire "Drop Dead". Kirby's anything but obvious, though, as it's actually the most gentle-sounding song that viciously guides you through the peaks and valleys of infidelity. Over a slinky instrumental, Kirby sings, "I turned off my location / Let her fuck me like you thought you did," before delivering the kicker: "I remember every minute." On an album concerned with inner and outer beauty, Kirby at least comes away with the realization that the deeper you go, the greater the permutations for levels of ecstasy and hurt.
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justmusicianquotes · 3 years
Hey everyone, I've been struck by inspiration (oh no)!
I want to make and compile a list of possible activities and resources that can be used in a music classroom or with private students. For anyone out there that wants ideas, feel free to use whatever you like! Please add to this if you have more ideas
-Introductory activity/quiz/discussion to see what they know
-Song recognition quizzes/games
-Solo rep preparation and performance for others (partners, small groups, whole class)
-Make a list of favourite songs and anonymously exchange with others, have them listen, do a reflection
-Interest based learning with a new genre or composer
-Ear training and sight reading/rhythm reading
-Record the ambient sounds in their space/location
-Sharing and reflecting on music quotes
-Beginning composition (traditional notation, visual notation, electronic)
-Make a short piece with things around their house
-Guests speakers with q and a
-Attend a virtual or live performance together and have them take notes/make observations
-Observe professionals
-Set goals
-Journals/booklets to reflect and add in new information
-Drawing a picture or representing music visually
-Coming up with one word to describe the emotion a piece evokes
-Musical scavenger hunt
-Sound games
-Body percussion
-Look at pictures and find pieces that match them
-Discuss what are some things important for a musician, what about a band?
-Play a conducted soundscape with non-wind instruments and voice
-Show and tell with a song
-Exercises that develop internal sense of time
-Madeons Adventure Machine
-Chrome music lab
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recapitulation · 4 years
hi is is possible to pls know what answers correspond to what instruments in the instrument quiz asking for science thank uuu (also wonderful quiz 10/10)
alskdjfasdf sure I’ll put it under a cut <3
please keep in mind that 1) this is not serious 2) except it is because I made it with three other gay musicians and between us all we cover like 50% of these instruments so we know the VIBES and our word is god <3 
You enter an enchanted bog. What is the first thing you do?
The person you hooked up with last night won't leave. What do you do?
What's the first step when preparing a bowl of cereal?
Your friend tells you they want to start a podcast with you. How do you respond?
What is your relationship to the captain of the ship you work on?
Your best friend asks you for help after they murdered someone. What do you do?
Corresponding answers:
complain about getting bog juices on your shoes
I’m the person refusing to leave
The bowl 
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
We’re married <3
Call the cops
Drink the Bog Water
You leave. Your apartment is now contaminated
The milk
I only do old-timey radio shows
I’m in love with him but he doesn’t know I exist 
I don’t have friends
Make a flower crown <3
Hook up again ;) 
I hate cereal fuck you 
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
We had a one-night stand and never talked about it again
Panic and hide it in the freezer 
Complain about getting bog juices on your shoes
Eat them
The milk
I only do old-timey radio shows
We had a one-night stand and have never talked about it again
Eat the body ;) 
French Horn:
Take a little ~~swim~~
Yeet them
The cereal
When I speak my voice is unable to be comprehended by mortal beings
We’re enemies but in a sexy way
Yeet the body <3 
Dump the person you murdered before you got there 
I’m the person refusing to leave
The bowl
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
I’m the captain
I’m the murderer
Get the fuck out of there!!!!!!
Eat them
The milk
I suggested it but I was joking and now I cannot escape the situation
I’ve never seen this man in my life
I don’t have any friends
Bottle the Bog Water for nefarious purposes
I’m the person refusing to leave
I hate cereal fuck you
I hate talking
I’m his beard
My friends would never murder anybody
Become a Bog Body
It's funny that you think I would ever willingly spend time with another human person
The milk
I hate talking
I have never seen this man before in my life
I don’t have friends
Seduce a Bog Body
You leave. Your apartment is now contaminated 
The bowl
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
We’re enemies but in a sexy way
My best friend murdered me :(
Become a Bog Body
It’s funny that you think I would ever willingly spend time with another human person
The milk
I’m too gay for podcasts
I’m in love with him but he doesn’t know I exist
Panic and hide it in the freezer
Get the fuck out of there!!!!
Make them breakfast
The cereal
I suggested it but I was joking and now I cannot escape the situation
We’re enemies but in a sexy way
Yeet the body <3
Drink the Bog Water
Hook up again ;) 
The bowl
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
We had a one night stand and never talked about it again
I don’t have friends
Take a little ~~swim~~
Hook up again ;)
The cereal
Perfect. My opinions are important enough to broadcast to the world
I’m in love with him but he doesn’t know I exist 
My friends would never murder anybody 
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lennonsprincess · 4 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @ourladylennon 
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 17 others.
Nickname: El
Zodiac: Capricorn. Moon is Scorpio and rising is Gemini... I think 
Height: 5’10”
Hogwarts House: Slytherin lol (I don’t like Harry Potter but my friends made me take the quiz.)
Last thing I googled: “baby zebra”
Song stuck in my head: Michelle
Following and Followers: 267 | 307
Amount I sleep: Probably around 7 hours
Lucky number: 13
Dream job: Musician. I love writing music lol.
Favorite song: A Day In The Life by The Beatles 100%
Favorite instrument: That’s a hard one, I play a bunch. I first learned piano, then percussion (which is a shit tone of different instruments lol), then bass and guitar... oh and ukulele and viola?? I honestly don’t know which is my favourite but I really like the drum kit.
Random fact: Favourite genre of movie is horror lol
Favorite authors: Stephen King
Favorite animal noises: meow
hey @johns-prince @macca-is-art @femininehygieneproducts @pauls-broke-a-glass @pauliemccartie @smothermeinrelish @jamespaulmclennon or anyone else who wants to do it!
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mai-takeda · 5 years
Which Instrument - Mai Takeda
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You should learn the bass
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
Quiz here! 
Tagged by the Mai’s LOVELY sweetheart! @vylette-elakha 
Tagging these WONDERFUL peeps who I want to smile today! @kha-merc-ffxiv @claihn @lizard-grandma @fair-fae @kikyo-mihata @kikilukilu @galla-xiv @a-knight-in-savage-lands @captaingreevs @yvainethorneathidrial @resistance-ranger @abyssalnobleknight @the-hawkeyes @sylastair @arabeka-ffxiv @shinnoni @jenpants @jadestormbrand @roxinova @seina-kurokiba @wooddancer-ffxiv @gaggle-of-dorks-ffxiv @vysaldhe @under-the-blood-moonlight @eorzeasfrozenknight @vryn @eorzeanwildrose @whitherwanderer @herd-of-halla @gunnarsvard
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kyrie-silverwings · 5 years
Kyrie should learn....the piano!
The piano is an exceptionally expressive instrument, one that can bash out a party-starting boogie-woogie and then deliver the fiery passion of Rachmaninov with barely a pause to wipe the sweat off the keys. It's also a real challenge, not least if you want to play in a place where there isn't one. Becoming proficient in one style won't necessarily get you closer to mastering another, but the act of learning is a meditation in itself. Especially something flash and happy like a Scott Joplin rag.
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“Now that I think of it, Niqesse might not mind if I practice on hers...”
Kyrien should learn the bass!
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
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Quiz here
Tagged by @spotofmummery !
Tagging @under-the-blood-moonlight, @kael-haustefort-xiv, @cahli-tia, @ahlis-xiv, @ahruhiraeth, @xiv-endora, @dylan-xiv, @lillies-n-lilacs, @littlestcreampuff, @paleshadeofrose, @resistance-ranger, @fair-fae, @lareine-kira, @umbralich, @carmen-ffxiv, @herohikara-wol, and @ffxiv-celesteharper !
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guardgomabroa · 5 years
Answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @mariocki
Nickname: Closest I’ve got is “Dungeon Master”
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: Somewhere between 5′5′‘ and 5′6′‘ I think
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuffs represent!
Last thing I Googled: Avatar: the Last Airbender (checking what year it first aired)
Favorite musicians: Weird Al’s probably the single artist I’m most a fan of, but my tastes are all over the place, I don’t really play favorites and I’m more likely to like one or two songs by an artist than their entire portfolio. I like Jonathan Coulton, Flight of the Conchords, Stan Bush, Ron Wasserman, MC Skat Cat and too way many others to list.
Song stuck in my head: Why Should I Worry - Billy Joel
Following: 254
Followers: 558 (at least, according to tumblr. Probably like 4/5ths of that are pornbots)
Amount of sleep I get: 6-7.5 hours on school days, 8-9 hours on off days
Lucky number: Never had one, unfortunately. Seems like a fun thing to have.
Dream job: Tenured English Professor with a single-author-focus class about Terry Pratchett
Wearing: Pajamas, cause today was a lazy day
Favorite songs: Might as well ask me what my favorite organ is. If I had to throw something out I’d say that the song that got me rocking the hardest during my last commute was Eye to Eye from A Goofy Movie
Instruments: In theory I used to play percussion back in highschool but I never practiced and only ever really got to play the bass drum during performances. I’m much more of a vocalist than an instrumentalist
- I consider myself a writer, which is to say, I have half a dozen potential, half-started projects that might eventually see the light of day at some point in the future. Maybe.
- The word “favorite” in the previous questions in this quiz were originally spelled “favourite” but I changed them because I’m American and petty.
- People always said I’d get more conservative as I got older, but I just keep getting more radically progressive and liberal. I also identify more and more with Dennis from Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail. Oh, to be a muck farmer living in an anarcho-syndicalist commune...
Aesthetics: Shelves upon shelves of books (mostly YA novels), cute animals being dumb, glowing screens in dark rooms, rainy windows and gray clouds, glittering piles of dice, notebooks full of doodles and dumb ideas, alien landscapes with spiraling horizons and glowing mushrooms
Tagging: @apocalyptic-dusk @noone-ofconsequence @spirit-swordsman @arrestingknave @sleepyspoonie @yaldobaoth @frosidon @fuuthedarkoverlord which is like, barely even half of how many I’m supposed to tag but I don’t feel comfortable tagging anyone else
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chidorifarcloud · 5 years
Musical Instrument?! Chidori
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You should learn the bass
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
Take the quiz here!
Tagged by: @an-honest-waltz
Tagging: @moonhartsffxiv @oleandre-ffxiv @talysings @eaotheelf & anyone that wants to! 
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years
My voice is a percussion instrument/string words together like beer cans on fishing wire during inclement weather not much better or different than halogen ointment or a ripped band-aid philosophy, honestly my psychology is onto something when it comes to trapping logic under a paper cup let it fly to the sun and die a g (odd) oddities tease me my eyes get all misty and I can't focus on meaning for longer than a hot minute stretched into infinitude like a rubber band nobody fucking with this attitude match latitude with longitude and you have criss-crosses all over the rude face of a globe caught spinning faster than my odd head set on losing it all the hard way; being alive despite the cats cradle of contradictions ladled out before lunch recess you can't tell me there's no one more messed up than an algebra teacher screaming over a unit test you thought was a pop quiz now I'm just being whimsical suppose it's better than cynical equivocal to the mystical beings sitting in sidhassana eating rice until death parts the mind from the body hind sight into past lives lived far from modestly astrology of the oligarchy dictates a not lasting much longer than three fruit flies landing on the big apple bully cracks Snapple can learns a thing or two about mercury retrograde renegading against his disguised conformity forlorn and overseen stuck in 80s mind frame just another lost soul stuck in a generation he never belonged to climbs the tree but still sees tree after tree in a forest full of much more than he can conceive of just leave him in Texas manifest the best from that time bot the worst and it will hurt less coming close to detesting the rest of humanity but not quite there yet resurrected long gone intellect blow the dust off and escape through the fire exit away from brexit arrested messed up and yet never cleaner speculate over my demeanor if you so please.
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casualcatte · 5 years
[ Memes ] What Should You Play? :: Aultena Sephimiri
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You should learn the bass
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
Not bad, pretty close since Aultena’s chosen instrument is the guitar!
Take the quiz here!
Tagged by @eligos-venator: Thanks so much for the tag!  You always keep me on my toes! Tagging @yokasaris: I’m sure someone in your stable plays instruments! @vivalahuckrp: Let’s see what instrument Ezra should play... @blackmagesol: Latest follower gets dragged into the mayhem!  Welcome aboard!  o/   -- and YOU, if you’re reading this and want to play along!  Just be sure to tag me so I can some and see!
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tirrea · 5 years
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You should learn the bass
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
Quiz: https://www.bbc.co.uk/music/articles/bbd3a255-1196-43ec-a374-92ce28af5712
Tagged by: @kharrisdawndancer (Thanks!)
Tagging: @sylrin-featherblade @lordsilverfrost @nokshar @fel-temptation @spurnedguardian
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the-music-keeper · 5 years
To-do list for break...
...also known as cause of death.
1. Find a piano excerpt within an orchestral piece to share and explain the role of the piano within the excerpt. (I'm going with the first orchestral number I thought of, after cycling through some other options.)
2. Write a percussion quartet. (IT'S FINALLY DONE YAAAAAAAY)
3. Fill out practice percussion quiz. (I've still got to review everything, but for now, I'm pleased.)
4. Figure out what the heck I'm playing for the final exam and practice it. (Well, that's done.)
5. Fill out peer evaluation. (After much analysis, the task is complete.)
6. Write paper. (The presentation went fantastically, especially for one that had been researched and put together in about ... six, seven hours? I certainly paid dearly with my messed up sleep schedule.)
7. Presentation. (Aside from a few small things, the presentation is basically done. WOO!)
8. Final project website. (This really shouldn't take that long to do.)
9. Try to write something new. (Yeah, a piano duet wasn't going to happen in two hours, but hey, I've learned how to compose a minute of music in two hours! That's something.)
10. Duvernoy etude. (Agh)
11. Bach suite. (ARGH)
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21 Questions
Tagged By: @mr-dr-riverstein
Rules: Simply answer the following 21 questions and tag 21 people (or more!) you’d like to get to know more!
Name / Nickname: Salmon
Sign: Aries
Height: 5’4"
Hogwarts House: I’m not in the fandom, but have been told Hufflepuff before.  I finally took a quiz and still got told Hufflepuff.  So that’s apparently confirmed.
Last thing I Googled: Song Lyrics
Favorite musician/s: I don't really have an answer for this.  I like individual songs and certain genres (country is my biggest one). The last time I was really into a band was probably Arashi, which is a Japanese boy band, but I haven't actually listened to their latest music either?
Last song I listened to: Here for the Party by Gretchen Wilson
Song stuck in my head: Same
Followers: 164
Following: 200
Do you get asks: I have gotten some recently and they make me super happy!
Amount of Sleep: Yah, usually like 4 hours til I crash for about… 10? Occasionally 12? Yah, I know, not healthy.
Lucky Number: 9!
Dream job:  How about Parapsychologist?
What I’m Wearing: Blue tiger-striped loungewear
Dream Trip: Austria, because my grandfather was born there. Alternatively, any ghost tour anywhere.
Favorite Food: I'm a steak and potatoes girl.
Instruments: Percussion.  Years ago.  I probably couldn't do a paradiddle now.
Languages: English and Bad English? A handful of phrases in Chinese and Spanish.  Same in Japanese and French, to a lesser degree.  And a few words of German and Klingon.
Favorite Song/s: 19 Somethin' by  Mark Wills. Cowgirls Don't Cry by Brooks and Dunn. Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benitar. Always a Woman by Billy Joel.
Random Fact: I horde legends, folktales, myths, and ghost stories and love learning new ones. 
Aesthetic: I once told a friend that ownership of my person involved a house in a place with all four seasons and a lifetime supply of malt balls. I also used to say my goal was to be the old lady with the giant old house on the hill everyone in town thinks is a witch.  But at this point, I think I would like said house as far from other people as possible. In the woods works. I totally get why Granny lives in the woods.  Granny gets it.
Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done this recently.
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irelia-ad · 5 years
Instrument Quiz
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You should learn the bass
No instrument is given as little credit for doing as much work as the bass. Electric or acoustic, double or synth, the low end rumble is what gives music its form and power, and without it, Beethoven would sound weedy, funk would sound silly and drum 'n' bass would be just percussion. There are transport issues, particularly for double bassists, but at least they know they're integral to proceedings, and when they do let rip - whether it's slap bass or rockabilly - they're practically a one-man band.
“I couldn’t quite imagine myself with one of those. But maybe if there is the time...“
Tagged by @ask-silverfire I was tempted to put the answer as dubstep, but then she would just drop the bass. 
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