There's a price to be paid for dreaming
165 posts
Name is Samuel Maurice. Message me here or at [email protected].
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maurice-lenox26 · 7 months ago
To the Nights of Fleeting Flight
To pursue endlessly
the dark behind
every shadow birthed
from the sun
and every window opened
for the moon
Entails the lightest, most fleeting of thoughts
to go without being
taken for granted
knowing every and any moment in time, perfectly rendered could be
the end of all time, with none
holding precedence or privilege
over the other, with no one
idea going overturned
like a stone or a bill or the yammering alarm
snoozed and deferred,
to go without being outspoken
but spoken just enough
to be, at last, heard, and to long enough
resonate in the hearts of those
burdened nightly by all the night sky
weighing down on their chests while lying prone
on their mattresses relentlessly asking
why, and for what purpose?
To what end must we always be reminded
of how quickly g(ODD) can omnipotently destroy us, omnisciently see our suffering, and omnibenevolently avert our gaze?
And for those, who's names must never be erased
on the shores of time
who suffered at the hands of crime
never to go unprinted, unaccounted for, or wholly unresolved,
know this: you are more than a mere thought in someone's mind, more than a fleeting feeling of zephyrus and breeze, you are a force to be
believed in, an opened window, an unlocked door, a porch light left on, and at last, someone's breath of relief,
g(ODD)amn it, they're home.
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maurice-lenox26 · 3 years ago
Its been a while
Spent scarce time on much more
Than a view
Here and there
What a view
Into the mind
Fixed been missed
(The mind is of the mist)
It's been some time now
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maurice-lenox26 · 4 years ago
Won't Sleep
Pardon me, it seems as though
The image inundated by innovative
Line and word play may have something
To do with the demeanor of sideways
Glancing upon the sign in profile
Glaring yellow
Indelible debt owed
To all those crazy men
In my head
Behind my eyes
Can't sleep at night
Maurice Lenox (c) Won't Sleep March 8th, 2021
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maurice-lenox26 · 4 years ago
I can't write today. I saw my past work, and it was garbage. I am an egotist. I see imperfection, and nothing else can breathe, flourish, spring from the wells of an imagination best kept closed. I must flog myself on each shoulder: once for every grammatical error, twice for every spelling error, and if I'm still alive after every blundering metaphor, I will kiss the feet of every beggar in my path. "Creep, pervert, creton of the poetic form! Your syllables are a cacophany of nonsense! Your cadence clatters upon ears of stone! Your stanzas clatter flaccid like the waists of blind virgins! Nothing you write will be worthy of a straying eye. Just stop!" The teacher sets his chalk on the table.
It clatters, and the sound is removed from the chalk.
The teacher scolds, and the words are removed from the teacher.
"You will die a mortal, and your words will die with you!"
I would have preferred a curse word, or a discriminatory run-on sentence.
Why does he bless me so?
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maurice-lenox26 · 4 years ago
What did you just say?
Were you expecting
Anaphora? A list
Of grievances?
A river of glass
A separation
Of the church from the
Eddying logos, and all the pages
Are ripping in the undercurrent the ink
Never dries and for what?
All the difference in the world
The falling of towers
A cascade
An ideological purge
Spilling across the table
Of centuries?
What did you expect
The backlash to look like?
Have you had enough predicates
Shoved in your mouth?
Seething between the slits
In your filed teeth?
Maybe not
As likely
We will meet again
Or not for much longer
And somehow
Within the closeness of such proximity
There is simply no way of knowing
All the canons of ideology
Repelling us to opposite poles, from so close
So goddamn close, I can't comprehend
I can't make sense of it at all.
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maurice-lenox26 · 4 years ago
My mind is a glass
And the page is empty
Vapid, teeming with life but
Some missing details
Leave you questioning
And this I swear
There was no swaggering to this point
No clever romanticism,
Empty pleasures
That could amount to this occasion
Seeing things that say hi
When your eyes are closed.
This I swear
I know nothing
I see the madness but
Whatever I fill the page with
Deceives...the feelings are there,
But something slides underneath
Escaping the form, the moment
Warming your fingertips,
Coursing through your veins
Do I have your attention?
Are your eyes closed?
This, and I sigh, and I'll stop rambling
For the rest of the night, I swear.
This is all that should be empty.
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
Pale skin/ paper sky
She sighs wind chime breeze/
easier soul squeezed, blood orange strip tease/
Flicker-a-little candle time/ pantomime rhymes with "i" ride on high tide/
Reception has been bad lately, maybe talk less loud/
(Maybe with a whisper or a beckoning)
Less discordant like to a microphone?
To a breathing line of piano keys?
Samuel Maurice (c) February 26, 2020 Maurice Lenox
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
totally off topic but
last night I went out
with regret, walking 
along the boulevard
past bodegas, prostitutes
and bars, a solipsism
of the senses took hold
because I created them
(can you even create me?)
Words tumbled out, a little
arrogant at first, and even
more so as I tried to save
the surly impression wipe
face off the bar stool  
and sit, contemplating
hard rock and placement
of the wine glass, eye fixed
on the television, I started
happy, but now I don’t think
about waking up.
Maurice Lenox February 1 (c) Samuel Maurice
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
All thoughts, permit them.
Crimes of the imagination: permit everything
Acts of violence: permit nothing
Weeds of hate overunning our Eden: permit no one
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
I picture an elephant wearing boxer briefs with read hearts printed on them.
And when those hearts break, a rain storm forms
and a lightning bolt crashes
him on top of the head
and after the lightning bolt
there came a rose 
growing vibrant, loud
from the elephants skull and when the thorns
fell out they became eyelashes
eyelashes that beat down every second
a rain drop drummed on the windowsill
and when those eyes were open 
they looked over at a the neighbor’s house next door
and the couple have their first child
vibrant, loud
crying and they don’t know
how all the water of the world
weighs down on the rose
wakes up six years later
every night not wanting to fathom
what happens to the world
after he falls asleep.
purple shapes, blurred and obscure,
He calls them elephants
or things not too often talked about,
drift behind his eyelids 
and for every heart beat 
he knows there’s another one out there breaking
and what he doesnt know is the girl in the window
is counting the seconds she’s alive 
every time she beats her eyelids down
and breathes easier
knowing that for at least a second
the world disappears
Samuel Maurice (c) November 29, 2019
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
A Fable of the Gichin and the Priest
The Priest looks down
On the shepherd, drunk,
He picks a bad apple from the ground
And shakes his head in disgust.
Another bad apple
He whispers to himself
He goes down to the abbey
And asks his friend, the gichin,
For advice: "There are too
Many bad apples, very few
Are still good!"
Baldy laughs, plucks the
bad apple from the priests hand
And throws it in with the good apples
"Good, bad" he shrugs his shoulders
"Make apple sauce!"
Samuel Maurice (c) November 28, 2019 Maurice Lenox
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
The fields are alive
Thriving with metaphor
Ripe, blossoming
Ideas, teetering
On the brain stem
The shepherd picks some,
Puts them in a lunch pail
Watches the flock
He falls asleep
Dreams of gospel
And gravity but
He never said where it came from
Clever plagiarist.
He's caught, convicted and unfortunately
They publish him for once.
In the apple
There is a seed
And within the seed
There is a story
Forget what I said
About the kingdom of heaven
Said the shepherd
A seed is a seed
Spread them freely
We are running short
on apples
Samuel Maurice (c) November 27, 2019 Maurice Lenox
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
Pages and Pages of Umbrage
And here I sit,
Bargaining with these shadows
Sliding across my wall
I still remember their names
And I hold them still
With their names.
Names bearing no insight
Names bearing no resolve
No resolution
Splashings of black
They slide across the wall
Escaping with memory
And I must keep them still
With their names
Such is the daily task
Bargaining with these slippery devils
Slipping across my walls,
these shadows, I must keep them still
with names. 
Samuel Maurice (c) Maurice Lenox November 26, 2019
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
Drumming on the head:
Water slosh
Through the gutter
Arteries of the house
Waterslide construct
The head is a cup
Misunderstood water
Fills in my head
Reactive chatter
Cup of water in my face
Making out with strangers makes
More sense than
Daily bread posters
Feel me clean
A house falling apart
Falling leaves
Communication failure
Lights are out
Flashlights for eyes
Water drum on the roof
Filling up with another person's aggression
I want to be poured out
Samuel Maurice (c) October, 2019
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
So long, my love, there’s no more tears                                                                to shed, no more dreams to wed, no fears                                                              to rend, so long my love we lost it all                                                                      the final call, the know-it-all 
complex/ I can’t help but sympathize                                                                      all the lies we tell to keep alive the spell                                                                  no more regrets, no more tears                                                                              the years keep eating, keep repeating                  
no more days of isolation                                                                                        away with phases of condemnation                        ��                                               you hold my gaze through the haze                                                                        long enough to say good-bye
Sorry for all the times I’ve tried                                                                                to hide this. Sorry for all the times                                                                            the kindness survived it wasn’t                                                                                meant to be a kite string                                                                                          
Around my waist and yours                                                                                      forlorn, adrift yet still attached                                                                                  cutting free feels like a heart                                                                                    exacting freedom can be pleasing
See? A piece from me I’m                                                                                        at peace with thee leaving                                                                                      the dream behind you hindsight                                                                              leaving is best for all, don’t call 
again, please, let me fall                                                                                          let me fall, let me fall.  
Samuel Maurice (c) October, 2019
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
Deer in Headlights
Wandering farther still past untame wilderness                                                      a doe lights upon a hill, pigeon                                                                              of the land paralyzed by the sky-- “yes,                                                                  road candy!”-- at least, was ghosting, fallen                                                              northern crown; Bacchus promised more than                                                        can ever be attained. Fallen, flying sixty-five                                                          --“goddamn the self-absorption of automobiles!”                                                     stars in slow motion kill fast moving land animals                                                 and lonely road cig won’t satisfy, beauty still alive                                                   in marble eye, I saw you, held you in regard, now                                                   gone. moving onward: I’m dizzy, and the streetlights foul                                       everything in sight; there’s a gas station close by.                                                   I must know if anyone is still alive.
Samuel Maurice (c) October, 2019
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maurice-lenox26 · 5 years ago
Route 50 Sonnet
Along the road, contemplating last bus missed                                                      and golden opportunities--”if only”                                                                          is empty, listless...
Exhausted thought, plodding along open                                                                highway, vision sharpens and it appears                                                                clearly, the swollen
sky incapable of containing divine                                                                          secrets, highway signs gleaned approximate, prom-                                             --ising terminal climb           
onward, and for the lack of anything missed                                                            for opportunities are illusory in beguiling mist.     
Samuel Maurice (c) October, 2019                           
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