#People were in my inbox and everything like ooh
ki-flor · 5 months
Had a dream that byler wasn't canon so therefore it will be canon because it's the opposite
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
can i please have a ghost x male reader fic based on bad habit by steve lacy. yeah. yueah. go on. fuck youj. fuck you you son of a fucking bitch,,. PENDEJO. ПИДОР СДОХНИ МАТЬ ТВОЮ ЕБАЛ ДЕДУШКУ НА ХУЮ ВЕРТЕЛ БАБУШКУ В ЖОПУ ЕБАЛ ВСЮ СЕМЬЮ В СТРАТОСФЕРУ ЗАПУСТИЛ СИЛОЙ СВОЕГО ХУЯ УЕБАН ТЫ БЕЗМОЗГЛЫЙ В ДЕТСТВЕ ГВОЗДИ ЗАБИВАЛИ БАШКОЙ ТВОЕЙ ЕБАНОЙ ЧТОБ ТЫ УМЕР
Never Gave Me Time of Day, My Dear - Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" Mactavish (implied) + Male! Sergeant! Reader
Very important side note about the request itself, everything said was a joke and wasn't genuinely meant as an insult to me. If anyone thinks it's okay to send me threats, insults, or slurs in my inbox that isn't my friend and expresses it as a joke will be blocked immediately
ehehe, I had too much fun with this, it's not super sad but it's just kind of...ouchie, anyways, enjoy more Bad Habit fics, I love making people cry <3
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Leaving his room in the barracks, (y/n) wasn’t paying attention to the world around him, too emotionally distraught. Of course, it was stupid of him to fall for his lieutenant, but he couldn’t help it, he was stern on and off the field, but was kind with (y/n), patient, and helpful with him too. Heading straight for one of the training rooms he put in his earbuds and played a random playlist, Bad Habit by Steve Lacy starting to play as he pulled the dummy out of the corner. Getting into a fighting stance (y/n) started to throw hits at the training dummy, the lyrics blasting in his ears as images of Ghost and Soap being cuddled up in the common room flooded his mind. “I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, could've made a move. If I knew I'd be with you, is it too late to pursue?” As the song continued to play, (y/n) could feel tears fill his eyes while things started to piece together in his head. All the times that Ghost would show up late to training and seem more flustered and sloppy during sparring…him leaving the common room the moment Soap would show up and barely even wave at him. 
“I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it, thought you were too good for me, my dear. Never gave me time of day, my dear. It's okay, things happen for reasons that I think are sure, yeah.” The tears gathering in his eyes started to spill as he kept punching and kicking at the dummy, his movements sloppy and fueled by anger and sadness. Was Ghost leading him on, on purpose? Was it a mistake or did the lieutenant mean to play with (y/n)’s heart like that? 
“I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me, I wish I knew, I wish I knew oh, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, Yeah, I wish I knew you wanted me, oh. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. Please say to me, please, just say to me. If you still want it I wish you wouldn't play with me, I wanna know, I wanna know.” His knuckles were surely bruised and splitting at this point but he couldn’t care less, only needing to get his anger out one way or another…(y/n) didn’t even know if it was anger at himself or anger at Ghost for leading him on.
“Can I bite your tongue like my bad habit? Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it? No, you're not too good for me, my dear, funny you come back to me, my dear. It's okay, things happen for reasons that I can't ignore, yeah. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me, oh.” Ghost stood in the doorway of the training room, hoping to come see (y/n) and train with him, but seeing the sergeant in such a distraught Ghost frowned behind his balaclava and left. He’d never seen (y/n) so…upset, so emotionally driven to go as far as hurting himself to relieve the anger. 
“You can't surprise a Gemini, I wish I knew. I'm everywhere, I'm cross-eyed, and, I wish I knew you wanted me. Now that you're back, I can't decide, I wish I knew. If I decide if you're invited, I wish I knew you wanted me. You always knew the way to wow me. Fuck around, get tongue-tied, and I turn it on, I make it rowdy. Then carry on, but I'm not hidin', You grabbin' me hard 'cause you know what you found. It's biscuits, it's gravy, babe.” (y/n) hadn't even known that Ghost had been in the training room, too focused on getting rid of the sinking feeling of his heart breaking…he really was a fool, a fool for falling in love with someone who was taken…someone he could never have.
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
Yakuza Headcanons: Watching Spooky Movies
Oooooo it's the spooky season ain't it. Hello hello I rise from the grave to bring you some fresh headcanons for the season. For those with asks still in the inbox, I SEE em, just been busy with my horror movie marathon. Anyways, some headcanons below da cut to tide you over. Also welcome bouncing baby boy Ichiban to the gang!
Kiryu Kazuma
Isn't scared easily by much of anything so it's really easy to get him to watch horror movies. Mostly watches them because someone else is too scared to watch them alone. He's the person they can hide behind or who will tell them when a particularly horrifying scene is over.
Gore doesn't bother him as much as something or someone looking creepy or offputting will. Kiryu still won't get scared but he will get uncomfortable. Most of the time he just reacts by going "Ah... oh!"
Fond of the classics and will gravitate towards movies with a strong and likable protagonist. Likes The Evil Dead, Aliens, and Halloween. Directors don't matter much to him.
Majima Goro
He's a mixed bag. If a movie is well put together, then it can scare him pretty easily. He's most scared of ghost stories or paranormal things. Least afraid of slashers because he thinks he could just beat them all up.
Cannot stand jump scares. Sometimes he evens yells at his TV at home in irritation, saying things like "Oi, whaddya keep makin' loud noises for? Sheesh!"
Honestly, the weirder the movie the better. It might seem stereotypical for someone who looks and acts like Majima but he thinks the whole point of horror is to be interesting. Fond of Takashi Miike movies like Ichi the Killer, Audition, and Over Your Dead Body.
Akiyama Shun
Doesn't watch a lot of movies because he totally falls asleep during most of them. He'll at least give it a shot if you ask nicely though. Honestly more motivated by the fact you might cling to him during the scary parts than anything.
As much as Akiyama is a total ladies' man and romantic at heart, he always laughs whenever characters start being intimate during horror movies. He makes jokes out of it, saying things like "Babe, would you still love me if we were in a spooky movie?"
Movies with a good soundtrack actually help him stay awake. Jump scares annoy him though because if he falls asleep, the noise makes him panic. Fond of monster movies or movies about animals like Jaws, Shin Godzilla, and The Host.
Saejima Taiga
Genuinely not scared of a single darn thing. If you want to watch it, he's down to give it at least a try. He might nod off if he's tired or bored, but he tries his best not to. Horror comedy is okay with him too although he might not get all the jokes.
Most of the time he sits with his arms crossed, paying full attention. He's kind of funny in that he makes noises like "Heh" or "Hmph" when a character is caught off guard by something. Makes an occasionaly "Tsk" sound at jump scares. Otherwise he's not reactionary.
Particularly fond of slashers, probably because those usually have villains that are actually kind of his size. He enjoys the Friday the 13th series, particularly Jason X.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Type of guy to be like "Ooh let's watch this, I heard it's really scary" and then proceed to either get scared out of his wits or say something like "Wait, that's ALL?" at the end. Bases most of his movie choices off of other people's recommendations since he's usually too busy to randomly go see however many movies he wants to.
Doesn't really like horror that's super in your face. Gets more scared by the tension itself than anything. Always has movie snacks on hand.
Found footage is probably his most favorite type of horror. Likes The Blair Witch Project, Noroi, and REC. Fond of director Koji Shiraishi.
Ryuji Goda
Doesn't watch a lot of horror movies but like Saejima he's not scared of anything. He's also the type of guy to drop everything to spend time watching a movie with his partner. Gets a kick out of being a shield or protector during scary parts.
Likes movies with a lot of personality and campiness. Slow burns or psychological thrillers just put him to sleep. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's entertaining.
Didn't think he'd end up being much of a horror fan but he's quite partial to John Carpenter. Likes The Thing, They Live, and Christine.
Nishikiyama Akira
One of the bigger scaredy cats of the group. Won't suggest a horror movie but will totally act like he's not at all afraid if you ask to see one.
Honestly, the two of you end up just kind of holding onto each other during scary parts or pulling up the blanket almost over your eyes when a character is about to die. Violence doesn't necessarily bother him but excessive gore kind of annoys him.
Enjoys a good ghost story movie but only if you'll watch it with him. Anthologies are also good too since it offers so much at once. Likes Ju-On, Ringu, and Tales From The Crypt.
Mine Yoshitaka
Likes certain horror movies. Not scared of much but he does get noticably uncomfortable with torture movies like Saw or Hostel. He just finds it to be weird more than entertaining.
Fond of more classic monsters like vampires or werewolves. Mine's the type of guy to actually have a decent home theater setup, even if he doesn't get much time to use it, so he doesn't go to the movie theater much.
Has a soft spot for some of the really old classics in the 30's like Frankenstein or Nosferatu. His favorite horror movie is Interview With The Vampire.
Daigo Dojima
Probably the only one of the boys who actively enjoys slow burns and more psychological horror. He doesn't get opportunities to watch movies much but he does have an interest in the medium as a whole.
Particularly loves anything with spectacular cinematography. Good directing, lighting, or costumes really impress him. Kind of interested in some of the technical aspects as well. Also probably the only of the boys to ever look something up on IMDb.
Especially fond of movies by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. His favorite horror films are Kwaidan, Cure, and Pulse.
Tatsuo Shinada
The biggest scaredy cat of all of the boys. Will attempt to watch a spooky movie with you at least once just for the sake of trying but will honestly just close his eyes if he feels overwhelmed. You HAVE to hold his hand though.
Probably the only one of the boys who actually gets squeamish easily. Gore and blood make him uncomfortable, although he has SOME tolerance in general. He'd just rather watch something that's not super heavy on bloodshed.
Horror films with a particular visual style, especially super colorful ones, make it a lot easier for him as he can actually see what's happening and he feels less worried. Movies like House or Suspiria are good for him. Also likes super over the top movies like The Lost Boys or Killer Klowns From Outer Space as they're so hilarious to him that he forgets to be scared.
Kasuga Ichiban
Somewhat easily scared. He gets more shocked or surprised than scared, honestly. The movie HAS to be interesting to some degree or he will just conk out and there will be no waking him. Doesn't mind jump scares since they help keep him awake at least even if the movie's bad.
Having said that, he does enjoy taking the time to see a movie that's genuinely just really good and talking about it with you afterward. Movies with really good effects tend to impress him a lot. It's also more visually memorable.
Tends to like movies where the main character has special powers. Partial to zombie movies since a lot tends to happen and involves multiple characters. He likes 28 Days Later, The Dead Zone, and Carrie.
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calissarowan · 1 month
If one of the wizards were to date someone that the other wizards have not met before, would the others be protective or would they just let it slide?
Ooh, fantastic question! I think it partly depends on who’s the one dating. If it’s Ogron…first reactions are ‘…Oh my God.’ If Ogron’s got to the point of dating someone and the other wizards somehow haven’t met them yet, that’s…very surprising. Not to mention that Ogron doesn’t really date in the first place. But, if, somehow, Ogron is dating someone the other wizards haven’t met, then yes, they’re all very protective. Ogron is emotionally complicated and fragile, and it is the other wizards’ job as his friends to make sure he doesn’t get hurt. Gantlos takes point, and toes the line between ‘hello’ and ‘I know exactly how I could kill you and get away with it’. Anagan asks every question he can think of, and Duman…Duman just attempts to weird them out. If they’re still there by the end, it’s very difficult to see a reason why they and Ogron would break up.
Gantlos is of course now with Duman, so they all know him, but, before Duman? Well, Gantlos never really dated anyone. Duman was pretty damn close to being his first everything. But if he had? Yes, the other wizards would be protective. Gantlos isn’t always accepted, so there would be a lot of ‘casual’ questioning.
Anagan…has dated a number of people the other wizards have never met. He loves his friends very, very much, but…they’re a tiny bit crazy. Also, Ogron gets jealous. He’d just like to have a relationship without his girlfriend’s life being dissected by his friends. If it gets serious, then they can meet her, provided Anagan has been through what they are and are not allowed to say. ‘Hello’ is fine. ‘Nice to meet you’ is a classic. ‘If you hurt my friend, I will trap you in an alternate dimension of evil and endless chaos’ is not acceptable and will result in immediate termination of the meeting. Anagan’s just generally more functional than…everyone else, so there is a general acceptance of his relationships, and they tend to be rolled with, partly because it’s not an Earth-shattering surprise as it is when Ogron brings someone home.
Duman brought a number of people back to meet the others before he and Gantlos got together. Gantlos was a mix of protective and unknowingly jealous, Anagan just rolled with it, and Ogron just wondered what was wrong with this new person. It had to be something, if they’re dating Duman. (This attitude had to be dropped when Duman and Gantlos got together.)
So, in summary, it all depends on who’s dating. First impressions of the person tend to be very important as well. Rolling with the fact they’re a group of punk supervillains is very important. Thank you so much for the question; you have no idea how excited I get when I see my inbox notification!
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re: blow up my inbox rb
who are your fave characters from person of interest, bones & leverage, and why? :) !!
Ooh!! Thank you for asking I'm so excited to talk about my guys.I'll talk about my fav main & side character for each (though I had to force myself not to just keep typing because I adore all of these shows and characters.)
Person Of Interest:
John Reese is probably my favourite character, with Root and Sameen Shaw as second and third. Honorable mention that Root's line about the universe being chaotic and cold and there not being a plan before the machine from / (Root Path) is what I put on my cap when I graduated. And Shaw's a fav because I love her loyalty and that its tough to earn- I wish we could have seen her and Cole more but her and Lionel's relationship is probably one of my favourite from the show. In the Crossing(i think?) she saved his kid because she thought about what he would prefer she do and the way that she's careful with him and he thanks her.
Reese is my favourite for several reasons. The first of which is summarized in one of my fav episodes of the show, SNAFU, where Finch says "John has the heaviest heart of us all but he's trying his hardest to be good". To be honest I feel like he's just such a sad guy and yet even when he's trying to be good he's constantly failing in certain respects (though the show doesn't often take that perspective.) He's definitely helping people but he's also hurting a lot as well. There's just something about a character that's supposed to be dead trying to do life better while on borrowed time. The episode where we see a world without the machine and John is dead really hit home how the entire show is his attempt to make up for the sins of his life and it ends with him feeling accomplished that he's done something good (save Finch.)
My fav side character is Peter Collier. I will forever be mad that he died via Greer/Jeremy. He's a character that I want to rewatch season 3 and give my full attention to analyzing. This is in large part due to Leslie Odom Jr's incredible acting, but the fact that I truly believe he was right makes him all the more interesting to me that he was both a pawn and an antagonist. The fact that he made it a priority to not hurt innocent people in so important to me and the fact that Vigilance got framed for the explosion at the end of S3 makes me so mad. I will never forgive Decima/Greer for it.
In general I'll also say that the antagonists in POI was always great. I absolutely hate Greer and Martine which I think speaks to how well they were written as 'villains'. Elias, Anthony, Mini, Simmons, Alonzo Quinn, and all the members of HR, Vigilance, and the Brotherhood were such full characters that I enjoyed watching them interact with and antagonize team machine and each other throughout the show.
My fav main characters are the OT3, and I truly cycle through them all as my favourite so I'll just talk about everyone.
Parker is Parker and the way that's everything is so incredibly important to me. I adore her purely because of how incredibly written and developed she is. Her "I want to do the right thing" speech from The Long Way Down Job makes me cry just thinking about it.
Alec Hardison. Age of the Geek baby! As a black person ins STEM he's an inspiration for me. I just love how he's such a complete person. He's kind. He's soft. He's the smartest man Eliot has EVER known. He got to go to space! He started doing crime to pay for his foster mom's healthcare. Thinking about him makes me cry.
Eliot Spencer. He reminds me of John Reese but I don't cry as often with Eliot because to me he's much more settled(I don't think that's the right word so I'll be thinking about it more and lyk if i figure out what I mean). That said I think the fact that we don't get a full backstory on him (the least info of anyone besides Sophie iirc) makes him such an interesting character because he could have truly done ANYTHING! He's a chef. He plays guitar and sings. He's a baseball star. When he knocks people out they tend to stay knocked out. He can identify anything of important through its most distinctive quality and is right every time. All of these things come together to make a man that has done terrible things and knows- not believes but knows- that he will never be clean of them and decides to wake up everyday and help others.
Fav side character is Sterling. I love him and I love to hate him. He's just such a good antagonist. I absolutely adore him especially the justice vs order debacle during the long goodbye job. The fact that he's the one of them that understands Nate the best at the start and I find the dynamic between him and Eliot really entertaining.
Hodgins is my favourite guy of all time. I truly adore how invested he is in his bugs and plants and spores & how excited he gets every single time they're able to help him solve a mystery. He's my inspiration for wanting to do something that I have a passion in and I cannot put words to how much I adore all of his antics. The ease with which he gave up his money as if it wasn't a question was something that made me appreciate him so much more and the development that happened afterwards was really lovely.
Side character(s)-wise I love the squinterns. I could maybe do some kind of ranking but I do think my top two would be Daisy and Edison. Honestly the more I think about them, the more indecisive I feel because I adored Wendell and Nigel-Murray and Arastoo and Fisher (and Zack tho I don't consider him a squintern).
Edison I connect to because his first and last name are two towns near where I grew up and he's so focused & serious with his work that it ostracizes him- which I felt with dance when I was younger.
Daisy I connect to a lot because she's unapologetically herself and refuses to change who she is- especially when it comes to her work! Her deciding to prioritize her career over her romantic relationship/Sweets meant a lot to me because it was such an in-character decision for her that a lot of others shows wouldn't have allowed to happen.
Thanks for the ask! Always happy to ramble about these guys.
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vyorei · 11 months
i just wanted to say thank you for giving so much of your time and energy to keeping people informed. i don't know if you have motivations other than simple irish-palestinian solidarity, but i've done similar work during different big scary injustices that were personal to me and i know how much it can take out of you. that effort is not going unappreciated, and i hope while you're looking out for the people of palestine you're looking after yourself as well. love and solidarity from an irish-american jew 💖
It's very kind of you to drop some sunshine in my inbox, I appreciate that
My motivation is to try to document and share as much information as possible, maintain a timeline, be able to refute propaganda and confirm details, but also give others the info to do the same themselves as we're in a propaganda and misinfo nightmare online
I have health problems, one thing I'm good at is locating and distributing information speedily, given I can't be on the streets as much as I want to I can at least do this
It's a generational thing too, and given the island's history anyone with a notion of what happened to us would see they're going through what our forefathers went through, and today we still have Partition. Having an occupying force on your land, claiming it, and trying to embarrass you on the world stage, it's something that happens to us too.
Like when the Irish women's team had to apologise globally for singing Ooh Aah Up the RA in their locker room, because it offended the delicate sensibilities of our occupiers and former genociders. The IRA were terrorists in the eyes of many. In my house they were considered freedom fighters. People do fucked up things when you spend long enough abusing them.
Sick of the bullies getting away with absolutely everything.
I'm rambling, I apologise, I do appreciate the kind message.
It's a quiet moment for news, I suspect there's info being gathered on the West Bank raids, hopefully I'll have updates before 3AM
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epersonae · 4 months
Ooh for the fic writer ask games: answer one that you haven't gotten yet but want to do!
(Also if you saw me follow you again my bad, I accidentally clicked the wrong button while sending this ask 🤟🏾)
lol this has been in my inbox for over a month, so instead of going back to the ask game post that this is about, I went with the most recent one I reblogged, and this question is actually really interesting to me:
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
I do, actually, and the fact that my creative impulses have taken me out on some limbs (my entire TAZ Balance output, the devil's threeway, Carlita, the Bigfoot fic) means that sometimes I'm just like really? am I cool to do this? am I going to get shit for this?
which, weirdly, has not ever happened: the eye of Sauron has fallen on others in the cases where that was gonna happen, and in other cases I've gotten amazingly positive reactions, and also maybe people are being judgy and not telling me about it, which is fine actually.
the latter of which is part of getting past it, that not everything is for everyone, and that when I'm on my bullshit/in the rarepair mines I don't need everyone to follow me there. it probably helps that I started in the kinda unpopular rarepair mines, and when I say rarepair I mean: the first 7 are all me, and #8 is Ryn writing an "if you squint" kinda maybe shippy fic (my comment "please squint" ended up in our wedding vows).
the rest of getting past it, at least for me, is checking myself, by which I mean: I care a lot, like a LOT a lot, about writing things that feel canonical, even if they go off-canon, and given that I think the canons I've written for are worth treating respectfully (there's a whole side thought about Good Media and Bad Media, and creative habits, but let's set that aside), that I want to be true to the themes of those works. so it's looking at what I'm doing with a critical (but not self-destructive) eye, it's asking for feedback and help from people who I trust to have the same sensibilities, it's continuing to re-engage thoughtfully with the original material. Paying attention to the conversations that are happening around that and not taking them personally but absorbing them creatively.
that like, I want to do this thing that resonates for me: is that in keeping with the spirit of the original? in what ways does it diverge? how can I reconcile that artistically and philosophically?
and then at that point, if it were to become A Whole Thing, I know that I've been true to myself and treated even the silly things thoughtfully.
thanks for the chance to muse about this topic! (and thanks for all of your fantastic writing, too)
this is all related to some thoughts I've been bouncing around but not yet put out in the world, which came back to the forefront recently but have been in my head for a long time!
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winterrose527 · 4 months
Do you have any more general work advice/tips and tricks like your inbox system?
Sounds so nice for my brain!
Ooh yes, I have tons from years of trial and error. Some of these will be very obviously, but they are the ones that help me:
Prep for every meeting. That doesn't mean spend hours (unless you're presenting), but make sure before each meeting you go into you ask yourself what do I hope to leave this meeting knowing? Particularly meetings with lots of domineering personalities can get very swept away in bluster and politics. Having a set of questions that you feel need to be resolved is helpful. They won't all be able to be answered in the meeting, but can help guide follow ups.
Follow up!! Follow up on everything. If there is a weekly meeting, follow up halfway in between to make sure that action points from the last one are in progress. If you have a meeting with senior leaders and outside parties, send a note afterwards to your manager or higher up and say: these were my takeaways for items I should run to ground, is there anything else from that meeting that you'd like on my radar specifically?
Trust no one! Not in the GoT kind of way but in the logistical every person is fallible and likely doing ten other things they deem more important at any given time. Do not assume that someone took something as an action point for them! If you send an email with three requests, don't assume that the document you're presented with addresses them all.
Read. Read as much as you can. So often we hear things about leaving things to the lawyers, and that's great. Lawyers are there to protect us (the ones we hire anyway). But the best chance they have of protecting us is having all the info that you just can't assume that they have. I read all of our agreements, tedious as they are so that I can say: Hey I don't think this project would have xyz, can we remove that as a closing precedent? Not all suggestions are taken and that's fine, but people get very set in their own roles and are often focused on the bigger parts of thing. Having guidance on some of the nitty-gritty is a huge asset because it allows people in charge to make more informed decisions.
Never complain to a senior person without presenting at the very least a suggestion. Never let the solution be fully on someone else's plate.
Set recurring invites for monthly/quarterly deliverables. Depending on the task, set them 7-10 days in advance of the due date. Invite responsible parties. This is very useful in avoiding comments about last minute requests.
Always - and I mean ALWAYS - operate as though a senior person will forward your email without reading it. This will save you and your company a lot of grief.
Utilize subject lines. If I want the president of the company to sign something, I will use this format: "Signature Required: [Project] [Associated Transaction/Counterparty] [Document]". People get SO many emails. Having a clear subject can make a huge difference in whether it gets opened or not.
Another tip for calls: understand your role. Are you there to listen? Are you there to lead it? Are you there to provide factual/administrative support?
If you are leading a call, always be able to introduce each person and their title (at least those on your team), summarize at the top what the purpose of it is, and ensure that everyone leaves it understanding their go-dos. If you are having a meeting where there are no tangible go-dos for anyone, then it was a waste of a meeting. Examine why that is! Was it premature? Did people come unprepared?
I'm going to stop myself but as you can see I have a lot of thoughts, none revolutionary but all developed under duress lol.
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guhamun · 9 months
@dayrisen said (inbox):
[ for kyojuro ! ] ❛❛ Yay ! ❜❜ Geta leave the earth, as the sky explodes with light, her fingers waving joyfully to the creations momentarily crossing the heavens ; birds, lions, tigers & bears, oh my ! She can't help the laughter exploding from her throat, the sparks crossing along her gaze as she stares up at them before spinning around to him. Sweet potato piece plucked from platter, she leans forward, gently pressing it against his lips before placing a soft kiss to his nose. ❛❛ Happy New Year, Kyojuro. Thank you ---- for not dying. ❜❜ She pauses for a moment before suddenly flying forth to practically tackle him, face pressing against his shoulder as she laughs gently. ❛❛ Haha ! I'm so happy I met you, Kyocchi ! ❜❜
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     REACHING FOR A SWEET potato, he paused before his fingers could touch one, his gaze turned towards the heavens when the first flash came, enrapt by the second and the third. Today, Kyojuro had actually been able to stop by to at least do this much, the Hashira, for once, gladdened to have a moment’s reprieve from his missions and praying that none were harmed by ravenous beings hidden beneath moonlight. For now, he would smile brightly, fireworks brightening his gaze and bringing wonder with every vibrant explosion of radiance. Koto’s laughter could be heard even amidst all the gasps and awed ‘oohs’ that could be heard from others looking at the very same night sky, but he didn’t turn his attention to her until she had jumped in front of him, grin wide upon her lips and a mischievous gleam in those citrine eyes. Before he could so much as speak, a sweet potato was shoved into his mouth, temporarily ruining his train of thought as well as effectively silencing him. ❝--MMMPH!❞ Everything seemingly happened so quickly, to the kiss to his nose, to how he suddenly found himself with back against the ground and sweet potatoes littered around him like a crime scene.
     Blinking owlishly a few times, he soon shook with laughter, sweet potato plucked from his mouth and the sound ringing around them even with the racket from above. Both he and Koto must have looked absolutely ridiculous like this, and that just made him laugh that much harder until he had finally, finally, managed to find voice. Wiping away a tear from his eye, his arms came to wrap around the other slayer, smile as wide as her own. ❝Happy New Year to you too, Asagi! I will continue to attempt to not die, so I expect the same from you as well!❞ For now, the both of them were not slayers. For now, there were no demons to kill. They were just two people, laughing and enjoying the celebrations like everyone else.
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List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers! (no pressure ofc!)
i wrote literally everything out and then tumblr deleted it i'm going to YELL
my bracelets, they're my fav jewelry i do not remove them. i actually got a new bracelet from my grandma maybe i should make a post showing them. honestly just jewelry in general, esp when i get it cheap like all my favorite earrings are from one of two thrift shops where i got them three bucks a pair
dq grilled cheeses they're the actual best fast food i will fight on this
my shiny boots, even though they're dusty and brown rn i will revive them with my tender loving care and a damp towel. (i had to hike in them because they were somehow my most appropriate shoe for it)
uhhhh i like driving with my dad, i'll play the music and put my feet up on the dash and he'll get us cheesy chex mix from the gas station it's a blast. road trips w just me and him basically
camping. me and my dad went on a short backpacking trip yesterday (went in in the afternoon, hung out, slept there, and went in the morning) and it was so nice. beautiful area, so peaceful i don't actually mind the getting dirty, it feels kind of nice to have moss under your fingernails and dry dirt all over your legs and hands
BONUS cuz i just remembered- american dippers (aka fucking ouzels (pronounced ooh-zuls, i fucking know right?)) they're these wee grey birds that jump around in rivers and swim under the water like fish it's so great
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simptasia · 1 year
HI OKAY, SORRY! No I am the Aaron accent/Dialect anon and may have sent other anons, but that's neither here nor there, but I come with updates? So I was really interested in this especially with your answer (which thank you so much for answering by the way I really appreciate it like so much! And never apologise for taking time to answer anons your time is your time!!! Play Sims 2 it's the best and if you do answer do it when you want to and have time to again it takes brain time to think of answers so don't like, apologise for that!!! :^D) BUT ANYWAY did some lil looking up the internet and I came across a study done in Antarctica where this exactly is happening which leads me to believe not only would Aaron accent shift but everyone else would as well? Here's the link (https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jasa/article/146/5/3327/993882/Phonetic-change-in-an-Antarctic-winter) to a really interested article and a TikTok (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJVt8mfm/) in case you're like nah I don't want to read all that, but the gist is they sent 8 British people, 1 American, 1 German and 1 Icelandic person to a remote station in Antarctica for work, there completely isolated from the world for a few months working and when they came back they were all pronouncing their vowels more similarly than before, and they were doing stuff like pronouncing their vowels 30 milliseconds longer and doing something called o fronting which is putting the o sound in the front of the word. SO WITH ALL THAT, I NOW BELIEVE THAT NOT ONLY WILL ARRON AND JIN YEON WOULD DEVELOP A NEW ACCENT. Sorry for the cap locks and super long explanation but It's so interesting cause okay let's imagine a world where none of them ever left they stayed on that island isolated from the world in a small community, they would start to see the beginning of a brand-new accent. Even though most of the islanders are American like i said there from all over so different pronunciations you would have Kate's Iowa twang mixing with Danielle's French while simultaneously mixing with Shannon's Cali girl style and getting drenched in The two Brits and single Aussies many slang words and ways to pronounce them then mashing that against Hurleys gorgeous Spanish accent (which I went and listen to god is there anything that man cannot do?) . Even if we follow a normal timeline where they make it off the island, they may be changes in Kate and Hurleys accent from hanging around Sawyer/ Charlie too much. Humans are human you copy stuff of your friends certain pronunciations copying quirks now take that to an isolated island in the south pacific. Again, so sorry to fill your inbox with this nonsense, but just imagine Ben and Locke's terrible divorce also ended up in their accents copying each other due to the nature of everything. Like imagine you hate this guy on the island and months later your accents are literally copying certain or mashing with their's to form a new one I would be so mad, I really would start biting people.
ooh wow i stand corrected, maybe Aaron and Ji (and other hypothetical island babies) would sound more weird than i realised!
again, don't say sorry. what's nice is that LOST is so multicultural that one's mind can lead to wonderings like this!
oh, oh, what you said about ben and locke there reminded me of a headcanon i have about hurley and ben. basically that because they're gonna spend so much time together, they're gonna start affecting each other. like hurley dresses neater (button up shirt + his curls in a poytail), ben starts being more casual (looser shirts and more unkept, like unshaven). and this idea includes hurley becoming more articulate and ben speaking less formally. it's not a full on uncanny valley transformation but they have influenced each other
legit, ben and hurley end up like, a good marriage
without the sex. but that's just my opinion
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
The Winchesters is back from hiatus! Live-blogging in your inbox here lol:
-Carlos and Lata's friendship is quite possibly my favorite thing about this show. Love them so much! (And so, naturally, I'm very worried that they were be brutally killed off)
-ooh we have the aftermath of the kiss: no regrets, but also not ready to jump in (my god, Dean really is his mother's son lmao I hope they decide to make John and Mary essentially married before they ever acknowledge their feelings for each other again)
-Gabriel!! Gabriel!! I've been waiting for him to make an appearance! Okay, we know he likes to mess with perceptions, especially since in this time period, he's still undercover as Loki, so I'm keeping an eye on him on a meta-narrative level too (how is he affecting Dean's perceptions?)
-Aww Carlos wanted to be a musician: dreams deferred, hunting takes over everything and becomes an inescapable obsession
-John meeting Sam and almost immediately dropping this bomb: "the least you can do is treat her more like a daughter and less like a soldier" (pterodactyl screech)
-Well, we know the plan to kill Loki won't work, and I don't think he'll actually follow through with killing Carlos (Gabriel/Loki's pattern is to force people to recognize some truth they're unwilling to admit openly, so what's his game here?)
-Excellent needle-drop with "Saturday Night's Alright" lmao (very Shaun of the Dead fight sequence there)
-Ah, just making Carlos acknowledge how much everyone means to him and reconciling the two incompatible desires he has (to be part of this hunting family and to live a freer life of his own, be an artist)
-Time-traveling Dean gave John the letter!! (And yes, I already know about how Sam was photoshopped out of that shot lmao I'm sure there is a narrative reason for that -- maybe Gabriel related? Lens flashes are associated with angels, Gabriel messes with perceptions, etc. Funnier explanation, it's just Cas being a bitch to Sam because he likes to do that periodically. Actually I'm gonna go with that one!)
Honeymoon Anon
yesss they are back babeyyy!!! loved reading your thoughts, i'm also very excited to see where this all leads to!
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threadsun · 1 year
DUDE I GET IT LIKE— I have such a hard time talking to people irl and my brain messes everything up so I just end up looking weird :]
Online is pretty much the same except people can’t look at me so ig that’s a bonus or something,,, it’s also easier to just open up about stuff cuz I mean— here I can just tell you how much I like big booba men with yandere tendencies, whilst irl LMFAO NO IM NOT TELLING SOMEONE I WANNA FUCK JOHN FUCKING DOE—
It is nice when you can just tell someone openly about dark secrets idk it’s like this feeling of relief of like “holy shit I can be myself here uwu”
-jda here-
OKAY SO— I had no idea what fish image you were talking about so I looked it up and 😭😭 I MEAN THATS COOL IG— IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD THO HELP ME-
Both games sound interesting tho !! Might look at playthroughs or something !
OoO I remember we had like a demo for Assasisisasisasins creed but my sister and I are dumb and we got stuck after three minutes of playing— tho in our defense it was our first time playing with an xbox so :( also the rest I’ve heard some stuff but actually never played any of those im sorry—
It does !! And it looks pretty cute too like a game controller or something idk I just want one ! I like simple stuff that entertain my brain so easily, like the silly thing you press with your hand and it’s like a stress ball just like— slower??? IM SORRY I SUCK AT ENGLISH, also yeah stress balls in general are cute and fun, I also like those phone cases that have sorta glue or water with glitter in, I have a friend who had one of those and one time she took her phone out in class— I have no idea what the teacher was saying nor how much time I spent playing with the case thingy but it was fun also I like pressing it so the glitter would fly around it’s cute ok
Oh I'm very open with my irl friends about things like wanting to fuck John Doe, mostly because half of them do too and the other half find it funny to hear me go on unhinged rants about wanting to chomp him!
But yeah idk I'm bad at initiating conversation but I'm always willing to give friendship a go, so if people just come into my inbox/DMs to chat, then I'm down to make friends!! I'm just bad at the small talk but lmao
Yeah, the fish route is WEIRD but the rest of the game is fun!! I just love playing viddy games a lot, but I tend to go back to old ones I enjoyed. I like Assassin's Creed Syndicate because it has a trans character and also one of the two characters you play as is canonically a bisexual himbo and I love him.
Ooh that sounds fun!! I have one of those flippy cube things that you can just keep flipping forever, it's very nice for keeping my hands occupied!!
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zalrb · 2 years
Do you have a personal favorite “toxic” couple or pairing? I hate using that word because it’s so over used lol but I don’t know how else to phrase it. Just like two people who obviously aren’t the healthiest together but they can’t stop themselves and you can’t stop yourself from enjoying their dynamic/scenes together ?
It's only overused because people refer to relationships they don't like as toxic and then try to defend themselves by being like, they had a fight one time so they're obviously toxic and it does my head in to the point that my header on tumblr before this one was this
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because i was fucking SICK of anons telling me ships were toxic because there were low points in the relationship.
Toxic relationships when done correctly can be extremely entertaining and fun and compelling, I love watching fictional toxic relationships when the writing is honest, which is why I've always maintained that if Delena was crafted properly I would've at least been entertained by them but they weren't. So, for me, it could go from:
Kelly and Ryan from The Office, which is a thoroughly dysfunctional relationship where they're both terrible people together but also portrayed in a very comedic and lighthearted way
or it can be Cesare and Lucrezia where the very fact that romantic feelings exist at all is in it of itself toxic and it's tearing them both apart but it only gets worse and better at the same time and it's just a constant struggle for them
I end up arguing against Spuffy a lot because Spuffy shippers come into my inbox and start shitting on Bangel and Angel and calling that relationship toxic and I don't ship them as a lasting couple but particularly season 6, as a sort of symptom and embodiment of Buffy's dark psychology at the time, it's a good example of a compelling toxic relationship
I was asked a few years ago about relationships that transition from toxic to healthy and I always went to Gallavich so Gallavich doesn't end up being a toxic relationship but they were when they first started and it's complicated because the toxicity is wrapped up in so many different things
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but there was a certain angst that came with it that, like, ruined my life and I was absolutely here for it
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Cookie and Lucious was another ship and I remember having to breakdown to an anon why Damon and Elena weren't in the same league as Cookie and Lucious and if any canon ship on the show would be remotely close, it would be Klaroline
From other posts of mine:
The World of the Married is some toxic, awful, terrible, entertaining shit where it’s a husband and wife, the husband carries on an affair while all of their mutual friends know and like have dinners and vacation with him and his mistress she finds out,
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they get a divorce and he marries his mistress except that he’s obsessed with his ex wife
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and even dresses his new wife just like his ex wife and his ex has sex with his best friend to get back at him
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and then they have hate sex,
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it’s this whole thing and it’s based I think pretty much shot for shot on a British show and it was just so fun to watch.
Tony and Carmela are not an OTP of mine but I’m a big fan of the writing for that marriage and of how Edie and James portrayed that marriage and it is a possessive relationship but an entirely hypocritical one, Tony cheats on Carmela frequently and Carmela is expected to deal with it because that’s the deal she made, she gets to live a luxurious lifestyle and Tony gets to fuck around  but that’s not working out
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but when Carmela just flirts with the idea of another man, Tony loses his shit.
First, it was this eroticism with her priest and he slept over one night and Tony was bothered by it
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then it was Furio and Furio flees to Italy because he’s in love with Carmela and thought about killing Tony even though the two of them didn’t really do much or spend much time together
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and I remember when David Chase said he would’ve changed this line
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to infuriate Tony even more to this:
“I remember being on the stage at, like, 2:30 in the morning when [Gandolfini and Falco] did that,” he said. “It was just unbelievable.” But that got him thinking about a way he could have done it differently.
“What she should have said — instead of ‘I have been dreaming and wishing and … about Furio’ —  she should have said, to get [Tony], ‘I have been dreaming and masturbating and blah blah blah,” Chase said. “But it’s too late.”
There are some ships that are portrayed as cute and romantic but are actually really toxic that I do enjoy like Joe and Kathleen from You've Got Mail because the concept of that entire movie is psychotic. Joe is a sociopath.
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Like, ma'am, he ran you out of business, continued your online relationship while he knew you were the one he was talking to while you didn't know he was who you were talking to, and then he befriended you irl and tried to get you to hate his online persona so you could like him for him, like WHAT?
I want to like Loustat more than I actually do because, like, there are some great things that happen? Like Lestat sending Louis a record with his lover singing on it as an apology that then riles Louis up so much that he swims across the river, kicks down Antoinette's door, demands she get out of her own apartment so he can have hate sex with Lestat while she listens on the balcony crying? I was like THIS is the type of shit I want from IWTV but it still all somehow very perfunctory like a lot of the show because the emphasis is on the voiceover and dialogue so there are aspects of Loustat where I'm like I want to live in this moment, I don't want to hear about it, I want to see it, which is also why I make vids of them because it's basically taking those moments out and emphasizing them more.
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marypsue · 2 years
Full caveat I am the anon from earlier (and the one frequently in your inbox 😭😭) but One of the reasons I think S4 S3 fall so flat to me is that (as many people have pointed out) the main antagonist feel goofy. Part of why ST had a environmental tilt to it was this sense of nature is not wrong, it’s those that exploit it at other’s loss which is a familiar bedrock of a lot of good media both fiction and nonfiction. But the inclusion of the Russians is so over the top xenophobic and combined with the mind flayer apparently wanting dominion for reasons unknown so much of the show falls apart. Also I forgot how off putting all the Murray Hopper Joyce scenes are, it’s such a betrayal of who the characters could be to instead cheapen their dynamic to bickering. I will forever die on the hill that the season four subgroups were a disservice to all the characters!! I know you’re still only part fo the way through but are there any groups you would reorganize in S4/S3?
Lastly the Robin and Jonathan snippet has made me very intrigued and also lmao Jonathan really is committing to his powers and the inherent nosiness of them. But ooh very curious what the dynamics of the lab are now and what the negotiations between superpowers and ~authorities~ look like. That and I love Robin being so confused about Jonathan and Steve. ( I am sadly always a little bit SteveandRobin brain rot) lastly, I’m curious if Erica Sinclair will have her moment ( I love her but I also have many many qualms with the fact that the writers made an incredibly patriotic sassy Black girl (absolutely did not defy damaging stereotypes) and then had her be the youngest and showed her facing increasing violence with somehow no characters expressing regret or concern about her (if you make it to the end of S4, I would love to discuss which characters are shown hurt and bloodied and why it’s so icky)
Hello anon, I figured you might be! :) You have good thoughts, and I'm sorry it took so long to respond to this.
And yeah. Murray...the problem I have with him is that his whole shtick is being a smug, abrasive asshole, and that he's Right, all the time, about everything, and the narrative always takes his side. If it were one or the other, or even one only some of the time and the other the rest of the time, he could be a fun character! As it stands, I find him beyond extremely punchable.
I generally found season 3 really showed the characters (and, really, everything about the show) at their flattest. It's such a Saturday-morning-cartoon version of the show's whole premise (which is an insult to some of the Saturday-morning cartoons I've watched), and it was so disappointing. The first half of season 4, at the very least, seems to be trying to lean back in the direction of what I liked about season 1, but it just gets so undermined by its own thoughtlessness and appeals to its own name recognition and black-and-white spectacle-focused storytelling. It's really just. Disappointing.
But! I have dwelled upon my disappointment in great detail. Let us instead dwell upon what might have been.
I actually think that Nancy and Robin (season 3 Robin, the OG Robin, the one, the only, the true, the original) would have been a really fun and interesting pairing, especially if they bounced off of a Steve who still isn't totally over Nancy. Robin would get so many opportunities to judge him so hard, and probably also, eventually, an understanding of just why Steve's still not over Nancy. However, I think it might have been you, actually, who proposed Jonathan and Nancy each going to surprise visit the other over spring break and crossing paths in the air, and I love that and think it's hilarious and delightful, and I want to see Jonathan and Robin get to interact, so. Somehow I would want both of these things to happen.
I also think the Byers family + El grouping was criminally underused/badly used, but in concept, it's so so good. I especially want to see more of El and Joyce! And El and Will! And honestly, also El and Jonathan, if Jonathan's allowed to have the Big Brother Energy that was such a fundamental part of his character from the jump. I don't know how to combine that with the previous idea, but I'm not the one trying to come up with a coherent TV show season.
Also I would like to see Steve and Erica get more screentime together. As of the end of season 3, she's a little would-be queen bee who's been trying hard to hide her loser tendencies but just had a horrific monster-alternate-dimension-government-conspiracy experience that's blown her popularity-obsessed persona wide open. He rode that particular roller coaster in seasons 1-2. Also it would be hilarious to see how she'd react to him trying to position himself in that big-brother-mentor role that Dustin kind of shoved him into, for her. I don't think she'd be having any of it. She has a big brother. Even if he is a nerd.
Speaking of which. This isn't season-specific. I just always want more of the ST sibling squads.
As for what's going on in former heroes...I don't want to get into too-spoilery territory, but Barb surviving the events of season 1 means that Nancy and Jonathan didn't go on a crusade to shut the lab down in season 2, which means that its crimes (or a watered-down version of its crimes) aren't widely known. And that it hasn't been forced to shut its doors in disgrace. This absolutely has an effect on the plot.
Erica, too, is definitely going to get her Moment! Honestly it did bug me, after percolating on season 3 for a while, how the show said she was ten and then never really seemed to honour that. If I'm being generous and applying Watsonian logic, I'd say that everything with her constantly jacking up her 'price' for sneaking into the vents is a way to save face, to not look like a scared little baby while still getting out of doing the scary dangerous thing, and she never expected that Steve and Dustin would be serious enough about it to actually meet even her most absurd demands. And the yelling about all the social things she's going to miss and how her mom is going to kill everyone in the elevator if she doesn't get back in time is a cry that people care about me, people will miss me if I'm not where I'm supposed to be, people will notice if something happens to me, so don't let anything happen to me because it'll have consequences for you, too, even if you don't care for my sake. It's a heartbreaker, actually.
If I'm being generous from a Doylist standpoint (which. rare), maybe they were angling for a kind of The Goonies-esque Fun Cartoonish Adventure Where Nothing Really Bad Is Ever Actually Going To Happen To The Kids? If so, I wouldn't say it worked. The whole season has a really uneasy footing with the Scoops Troop storyline, like it can't decide whether it wants to be outsized and silly and not to be taken seriously or if it wants to be nail-bitingly life-or-death dangerous (especially with the Russian basement supposedly killing Hopper in the end), and it ultimately kind of succeeds in being neither. But now we're back to complaining about the show that gave me the characters I'm gleefully dressing up and parading around like Barbie dolls, so.
And is there anything 'sadly' about SteveandRobin brain rot? I think not. That friendship was easily the best thing to come out of season 3 and I will not apologise for loving it.
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navree · 2 years
Big agree about the lack of shipping but what do you think about alicole. I would really like them I think but how they've written Criston in the show makes me unhappy
Ooh anon, let's discuss!
So, I've talked about alicole here (and then got some weirdo anons about it because for some reason the night episode 9 aired was the night of some deranged stuff in my inbox), but long story short is that I think it can be great. I don't necessarily know if I "ship" them in the way that I concretely want them to be together and kiss on screen, mostly because I think it would be out of character for Alicent, and also there's not really much time for it since Criston's soon gonna be off to war and then things, ah, escalate, but I find the dynamic interesting and I love what they have together. I like that Criston is clearly devoted to Alicent (because she deserves it) and would do anything for her and she clearly cares deeply about him in turn, and that beyond their own personal feelings towards each other and the attachment they have, Criston has also stepped up to be a presence for her children and to essentially be a surrogate father to them as well, which doubtless makes Alicnet care about him more, because she loves her kids.
Portrait of Ser Criston Cole and the royal children, circa 129 AC, colorized:
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I think the issues with Criston's writing is that they haven't really developed him all that much, cuz they were so busy trying to develop everyone and set the stage for the Dance (which is really why they should have made this entire season be the Milly and Emily era, then have the entire next season essentially be the second half of this season, so we could really flesh stuff out more). There's stuff they've written for Criston that the audience desperately wants more depth on (like his rage attacks and what prompts them and what's the root of them, like his religious devotion and where that came from, Hell even his backstory of being both lowborn and Dornish when Dorne wasn't a part of the Kingdoms and was oftentimes hostile and misliked by most of Westeros). And because that depth isn't there, sometimes it feels weird, and it adds to a lack of depth we feel towards his relationships to other people, like Rhaenyra and Alicent.
It also doesn't help that Criston got this horrible fandom Flanderization/memetic mutation as an incel that makes it borderline impossible to have a conversation about him without people getting Weird. But the alicole girlies never have that problem and that scene where they're leaning super close to each other and Alicent talks about how he feels everything for her and he gets all intense? That ate, and is also very funny when you remember that Aemond is literally right there. Guys that's your son, quit it.
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