#Past Verse || {Poe}
lenore and the yellow wallpaper (a ramble)
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so this is all one entire big and large ramble session from me, so ignore if you want because this has no actual point, and i also haven't touched the yellow wallpaper since i handed it in with my coursework so i'm bound to get things wrong. this is no high-brow analysis, this is just be rambling. i've finally gotten the courage as well to go on the big scary tumblr and speak so be nice please :)
anyways, now we have that out of the way– i bring you my observation.
so i've been rereading nevermore (because i am deep in the trenches of my hyperfixation on it right now and have firmly planted myself there) and i noticed something in episode 21 that i remember noticing the first time.
just for a recap, episode 21 is when they're facing the dementophobia trial, and lenore has gotten herself sucked into a hallucination. through this, we (presumably along with her) are shown parts of her past, and the fallout of her brother dying. in a long scene, we basically see the attic which lenore is forced to 'rest' in.
sorry if this is like an obvious tell, but my little rat brain was vibrating out of my seat to say this.
well, first off, let me just give you a little summary of the yellow wallpaper. we have this nameless woman (who's married) who's also our narrator, her husband: john who's a doctor and we also have john's sister: jennie. jennie isn't too important in the summary but she exists and stuff and there's loads of journals out there probably that could tell you super interesting things about her role in the story.
anyways, i digress. the narrator has been diagnosed with slight nervous tendencies and is given the rest cure therapy as treatment. she ends up slowly going insane in the attic (?) which doubles as a nursery, and there's this fugly yellow wallpaper, which the narrator comments to be basically like a crime to art and to colour in general. anyways, the more she stares at this wallpaper and the longer she stays in the attic, she starts to see a woman behind the wallpaper– and the short story ends with her ripping the wallpaper off and freeing the woman but then also, the story ends essentially with her throwing herself out of the window of the attic and yeah, suicide. there's like allusions to the woman behind the wallpaper and her being one at the end, but WE AREN'T FOCUSSING ON THAT, i've rambled enough.
anyways, how does this all link to nevermore?
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idk, the act of ripping off the wallpaper just distinctly reminded me of the yellow wallpaper, and i have no idea if the creators drew inspo from the yellow wallpaper for this or if it was one of poe's works (i'm not heavily versed in all of his works, but i have a collection of his stuff i should probably sift through and read). but yeah, thought it was cute.
i know thematically they probably vary, but there is something to be said that both of them are in a situation where society wants so badly to silence them and punishes their defiance with the diagnosis 'madness'.
i dunno, just a nice little thought. there's also the whole rest cure therapy too, and the fact that they're both in the attics of their homes– and i presume lenore is in a secluded countryside place here like the narrator of the yellow wallpaper is. so, you know– other connections!
also, as a side note–
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this bad boy right here? ether? well some ether smells sweet, so i thought maybe (as a very dumb end to this ramble) that maybe, lenore associates the sweet smelling scent of what she used to be knocked out with to the sweet scent of flowers– i have no idea if that's why she hates flowers but i thought that was a fun little mention. food for thought, you know?
anyways, if you disagree that is totally ok, i truly don't know what i'm talking about half the time, but this has been bouncing on my tiny brain for the past few days and i decided i needed to let it out before i start plaguing the people i know in real life with my obsession. and also, friends, feel free to correct me if i'm disgustingly wrong on anything– i love to learn <3
and... yeah, that's all folks. gonna go rot now :)
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kylo-wrecked · 23 days
Name: Ben.
Nickname(s): Occasionally, a friend, a foe, or a love interest will call him Benji or Benny. Obviously, all Bens are united in their hatred of this.
Relationship Status: Verse dependent. Modern!Ben's articulated the words 'I love you' to but one other.
Gender: Cis male.
Romantic Orientation: Exploring or unsure.
Preferred Pet Names: Music!Ben will call you 'baby' if he hates you.
Opinion on True Love: All Bens believe true love exists... but maybe not for hims.
Opinion on Love at First Sight: Music!Ben thinks he's fallen in love at first sight many, many times. Modern!Ben is somehow more suspicious. Ex!Con Ben has never looked another person in the eye (Jk, he's not a believer) and Smuggler!Ben...
How ‘Romantic’ Are They?: He's unpracticed, not unromantic.
Edited for E.: Music!Ben can charm the pants off anyone but I still don’t think that makes him a ‘romantic.’
Ideal Physical Traits: This one is tricky because mun struggles to understand what makes one physical trait more desirable than another :') but we shall try.
Based on copious evidence, mun believes Bens generally prefer longer hair for [women/femmes], short to medium curls for [men/mascs], notable thighs (strong, long, or thick), or other limbs and extremities (Smuggler!Ben). Striking eyes, chest hair for [men/mascs], a nice smile, a brazen or unique laugh (for Music!Ben especially, laughter is physical). Scars and other proof of life.
Because he's 6'4", he prefers his partners tall, but because he's 6'4", he invariably accepts smol.
Ideal Personality Traits: If he likes you, be yourself. All of yourself, preferably, because he's greedy.
All Bens find humility attractive in a person. Music!Ben covets meanness and whatever he interprets as power today. Let's not think about tomorrow.
Unattractive Physical Traits: We're struggling again, and that's okay.
Redubbing this part 'least desired observable characteristics.'
Shaved or bleached brows, dreads on heads where they don't belong, notable cosmetic alterations (Music!Ben specific), literal body language (Smuggler!Ben specific), worm physique (Smuggler!Ben specific), problem skin.
Unfortunately, Music!Ben can veer on fat-phobic (he's certainly weight-conscious himself) and Modern!Ben thinks women should shave their legs for him or something ridiculous like that. Not that he'd ever say it. (Dirty fingernails are fine by him, though. The more, the merrier.)
Unattractive Personality Traits: ☝️ Do not lie to him.
Ideal Date: bullets? Bullets.
Modern!Ben: movie/museum and dinner, in that order, because post-movie/museum-going conversations reveal much about a person.
Music!Ben: goes from 1 to 111. He's not dating you; he met you someplace awful and will never leave you alone again. Hint: He's never the dumper, always the dumped.
Ex-Con!Ben: Somewhere quiet, outdoors, away from the public eye. Said date must make it clear to Ben that he's on a date, or else he'll be utterly lost.
Smuggler!Ben: kidnapped Poe Dameron once—and it was awesome.
Do They Have a Type?: Bens are often attracted to sensitive, mysterious persons... or people who 'yell' at hims (Music!Ben, Smuggler!Ben).
Average Relationship Length: Six inches. One to two years.
Preferred Non-Sexual Intimacy: Smush-
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Commitment Level: Fluctuates. Bens are serious about those they care for, but.
Ah, the various buts.
Opinion of Public Affection:
Modern!Ben: Outlook good/You may rely on it.
Music!Ben: Don't count on it/My sources say no.
Ex-Con!Ben: ???/Ask again later.
Smuggler!Ben: *loudly in the cantina* —we're NOT married?!
Past Relationships?:
Modern!Ben: Has entered two serious relationships. The first was young and short-lived. The second ended in California. She cheated on him, and he has never recovered.
Music!Ben: Sadly. And before then, a fling with Rey, which he fucked up beautifully. And before, after, and somewhere in between, a thing with Armitage (verse dependent). It wasn't a romance, but it was certainly something.
Ex-Con!Ben: Nope.
Smuggler!Ben: Verse dependent but primarily occupied with and committed to Not Dying Between Now and Centaxday.
tagged by:// @godresembled <3 thank you, fren, for the much-needed distraction during my moving frenzy.
tagging:// anymun who hasn't already done this meme and wants to share~
singling out, @valkxrie, @debelltio, @itmeanspeace, @themckaytriarchy, @ofthestcrs (muse of choice), @certifiably-i (muse of choice), @ifyoucatchacriminal (muse of choice). @etoilebleu (muse of choice eris).
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sophietv · 1 year
It's not about kaylor but I really want to know about the song all too well. Who is it about? I think Jake G was PR. And the lyrics doesn't fit the Taymily narrative either. This song and the relationship seems very important to her. It hurt her badly. I am asking you because you always make very informative and reliable post that makes sense and closest to the truth.
Also who is Dear John about? Is it really John Mayer? Her only straight relationship I believe in is Joe Jonas.
Thank you sooo much for saying that! It means a lot. I really can't claim that my theories are always 1000% right, but I do make a lot of research before posting, and try to cross check everything.
2. I must admit that when you asked the question, I did not have real solid theories or evidence to give you. I was even bending toward telling you that the song might be about Lizz since the timestamp of the song on Spotiy is 5:27 = Lizz birthday.
3. Considering that Taylor wrote this during Speak Now Era and that Lizz was present during that Era, well it doesn't fit the narrative of the song being about a relationship that has ended some time ago. And also, it would have been really weird to write this song during rehearsal where Lizz was present, if it was about her...
But thanks to you! I did a lot of research to try and find evidences (I read all the timelines but I'm not that well verse in what came before Kaylor and Swiftgron).
I asked what my groupchat thought about this.
Re-read the Taymily Masterpost (X)
Read and watched Taymily interviews
And now! I can say with more confidence, that I'm pretty sure this song is about Emily Poe, her fiddle player that worked with her from 2006-2008.
Now. Here's the evidences:
First. As pointed out by my group chat, the song does not seem to fit Tayliz dynamic. It seems to be talking about a complicated relationship with someone older.
As by the lyrics "you said if we were closer in age, maybe it would have been fine"
So first thing I did is look back as to when it was written.
Here's a piece of interview I found:
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Thanks to this post: (X)
We know that she wrote it during her reheasal in 2011.
Because here's when David Cook started working with her:
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And here's the date of his first show in the Phillipines:
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February 2011....
Then, I did a little digging on what was going on with Emily at the time:
And oh does it get interesting!!
Here's an Emily's interview I found (X)
And here's what she was doign in February 2011!!! (I'm excited of the evidence I've found, does it show lol) :
"Two thousand eleven was a big year for me. I became engaged in February, graduated law school in May, took the bar in July, and Eli and I were married in November.”
What did Taylor said?: "I was feeling terrible about what was going on in my personal life"
What if she just learned about Emily's engagement???
And to make it even more interesting. Here's a journal entry with the first lyrics of All Too Well:
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Confirming that it was written in 2011.
This is inchteresting.
But it gets better!
Because, before last year, Emily's Pinterest was public. And on her wedding board, she did save a picture with a red scarf....
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It's not Emily, it's just a picture that she had saved in her Pinterest. Thanks to Kate for giving me this!
But what if the red scarf was really just to tie the song to Jake???
Here's another interesting thing I've found in the Taymily timeline:
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This letter is from the video she made to Emily when she left, with everyone having "I love you Emily" signs.
It says:
“Emily– I feel as if our relationship has been taken to the next level over the past few months and with much contemplation I decided I would bestow upon you one of my most prized possession: my flamingo bandana. This is a 3rd generation family heirloom and i suggest you frame it. I think it will look perfect in your apartment with the cat pillows. Enjoy”
Inchteresting....is the red scarf a bandana??
Also. We know that All Too Well was really significant for Taylor and that for a long time, she was not able to sing it without crying...
So it's about a relationship that had a big impact on her life.
Very recently. Like in June, Taylor performed the song Breathe as a surprise song and very clearly cried during that performance.
The next day, we learned that the day before the show, Emily did this post on Facebook:
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Breathe was heavily rumored to be about Emily back when Fearless came out. But Colbie confirmed it with Fealess Taylor's Version in an interview when she said that it was about something that was going on with one of Taylor's band membre.
So yeah... this would make way more sense being about Emily and having Taylor be emotional singing it for a long time.
Than the song being about a relationship that lasted 3 months.
Of course I can't know for sure for all her relationships...
But most of them I believe was PR. Like the one she had with Jake.
Thanks for the question! It was really interesting doing all those research!
ADDITION!! : It just hit me but! The line "And you call me up again just to break me like a promise"
Fits perfectly with Emily calling her to tell her about the engagement! omg...
SECOND ADDITION: This morning when I woke up, I thought about two things that points to Emily!
1. Taylor turned 21 in 2010, 2 months before writing All Too Well.
"And you call me later and say sorry I didn't make it and I say I'm sorry too" from The Moment I Knew
to two months later:
"And you called me up again just to break me like a promise"
2. The night Taylor sang Breathe and looked devastated after Emily's Facebook post. She also sang All Too Well looking REALLY MAD.
People have all noted it.
Look: (X)
This solidifies even more that All Too Well is about Emily for me...
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thegrunkiest · 5 months
Overanalyzing the Spectral Assassin Dialogue
When there's a character with scarce material to draw from for writing, I tend to read into lines a lot, despite it being very likely that It's Not That Deep.
Lucien Lachance is no exception to this; in my opinion his comments in Skyrim actually offer more hints at his character than in Oblivion (aside from being very versed and pious in the Dark Brotherhood's doctrine - that's a personal interpretation I will not shake 😌). Wes Johnson, as always with his unique voices, also gives us some flavor and nuance to think on, whether intentional or not. Here are my personal takeaways from some of his dialogue!
"An ancient city, Markarth. Built by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat."
This suggests to me a bit of an ego. Given this comment it's safe to say he is quite self-assured in his skills and reputation, which I suppose can be taken as a healthy confidence, too. Either or! Though I like thinking arrogance personally.
Also... the way he utters "eradicated"? Sounds wistful, almost. Perhaps he derives personal, sick pleasure in the idea, or perhaps is pleased by the fact such a large-scale notion of death and discord would surely please Sithis greatly.
"You wish to kill me? Someone has already had that honor. Hah!"
"Ha ha! I've suffered worse!"
Could be taken as simple statements - because yes, obviously, he was killed and it was brutal... but what interests me is that he's laughing about it. He's not mad nor morose over his death. Perhaps he's grown to accept the circumstances over two centuries, or sees it as a theatric close to his personal legend.
"Someone has already had that honor" is a tasty tidbit that furthers this idea; I perceive this as an ego similar to the Markarth quote. He sees it as something of an achievement to have been killed: the infamous Lucien Lachance, acclaimed Speaker of the Black Hand, epitome of what the Dark Brotherhood stood for, finally taken to the grave? Be it for false accusations - with his death, no doubt the world became just a bit safer...
"Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the Great Treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son."
The famous line. To me this actually adds on to the above quotes - it's interesting just how... indifferent he sounds about it. He words it as though he's about to read us an Edgar Allen Poe story, rather than harp about some unfortunate events that ultimately destroyed - and prematurely ended - his life. Again, perhaps he's had lifetimes to come to terms with it, but it's just compelling how he's not outright angry. Which honestly? I feel like that'd insult Bellamont more than anything.
"Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying..."
Oh yeah. He's undoubtedly killed a king in the past; it sounds here like he's speaking from personal experience. Take that as you will. Had it been a previous High King of Skyrim, giving a motive to his stated journey through Skyrim in his youth? I'm curious if there's any lore that could align timelines and point to who he could have assassinated, even if it could be chalked up to happy coincidence.
"In my time, the Blades protected the Emperor. It would seem these Penitus Oculatus will prove equally incompetent."
"My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill."
He seems to somewhat revel in Uriel's assassination though confesses some... envy, perhaps?... that it was not the Brotherhood's work. He also blatantly criticises the Blade's failure (ouch, man, don't do my boy Baurus like that!) I mean, it goes without saying his allegiance lies with the Brotherhood above anyone else, and he's evil and nasty, but these quotes convince me he doesn't hold any strong political stance. Complimenting the kingslaying quote and in tune with slaying the Emperor in Skyrim. Powerful targets are just high-prized game - and an acclaimed opportunity to orchestrate Sithis's will on a grander stage.
"Yes. Kill the chef, and then steal his very identity. For that is the true death."
This is most likely just some idle ruminations. It has me thinking nonetheless. Not out of the realm of possibility that he's assumed false identities himself to get to more valuable targets, of course.
I have some wild ideas that have branched from this though. What if?... what if he's stolen identities on a personal level? Aliases, if you will. Some serial killers are notorious for it (take H.H. Holmes for example). What if Lucien Lachance isn't actually Lucien Lachance? (Okay, this one's the total crackpot theory of the bunch but it was a fun idea to throw out there)
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punkibirdi · 7 months
The Final verse (a anderperry sudden fic)
What would the final verse be of your life?
Was the question Neil Perry’s Poetry teacher, Mr Keating posed to his year-two introduction to poetry class not even a week prior. 
‘What line would be your last?’ He had asked, holding a collection of poems from the romantics in his hand as he talked, ‘How do you want others to think of when they think of you when you kick the bucket? Kindly? With respect?’ He’d continued as he paced between the rows of desks the boys occupied, looking at each of them with Hope and eagerness.‘What about you, boy!’ he exclaimed, as he turned to a flustered Meeks ‘Me?’ Meeks asked bewildered to be called out so abruptly. 
‘Yes, you! What line?’ Keating said, his eyes sparkled as he waited intently for Meeks’s response. 
‘A soul has gone to god!’ Meek spat out quickly, quoting the first thing that had come to mind. The class erupted into laughter, but Keating didn’t appear amused.
‘Was that Dickinson, Meeks?’ He asked smiling slyly in the way his students adored. 
‘Yes sir, from her poem Joy in death.’ Meeks said, as  Keating nodded thoughtfully. 
He turned suddenly to Charlie who grinned cockily.
‘You wanna know mine, sir?’ Charlie asked, Keating chuckled softly.
‘I’d appreciate it, Mr. Dalton.’ Keating responded.
‘And so being young and dipped in folly I fell in love with melancholy.’ Charlie quoted. All the boys who’d taken part in the past week's dead poet's society meeting. The line was from the poem Romance which the boys had mocked profusely when they first read it.
‘Poe, very nice.’ Keating said, nodding with his approval. He’d turned to Neil after a moment of thought. 
‘And what about you, Mr Perry?’ he asked with a small smile.
But Neil never answered. 
He didn’t know what to say. Plenty of poems came to his mind, from Sappho to Shakespeare, but none were quite right. 
‘Anything Mr Perry?’ Keating asked his smile fading slightly.
‘No sir.’ Neil said sheepishly, Keating had simply nodded turning to the other boys. 
But now, almost an entire week later, Neil still thinks of the question.
He’s sitting in the cave where the Poets Society meets. The cave was completely empty except for Neil sitting against the wall and Todd Anderson, the most precious person in Neil's world, lying in his head in Neil's lap as he re-reads Hamlet. 
‘Todd?’ Neil says softly, his thoughts still in the clouds. 
‘Yes, my love?’ Todd responds, dog-earring his beaten copy of Shakespeare as he sits up to look at his partner. 
‘Do you remember the question Mr. Keating said last week?’
‘Which one? Keating asks a lot of questions.’ Todd responds, his interest piqued. 
‘You know… the one we both didn’t answer,’ Starts Neil nervously, ‘the final verse one?’ he finishes.
Todd’s silent for a second but nods matter-of-factly ‘What about it?’
‘Have you figured out your answer?’ 
Todd thinks for a second before quoting ‘We will never be here again. We men are wretched things. Come, Friend, you too must die.’
‘Illiad?’ Neil asks, smiling warmly at Todd.
‘Yes, do you like it?’ Todd asks, before responding, Neil cups his lover's face in his hands thoughtfully, kissing his forehead.
‘It’s perfect, and you know what?’
‘I think it’s my final verse too.’
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mundmutter · 4 months
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FULL NAME: ‘Qistina’ / Christina Quina Leota NICKNAME: Qissy, Belladonna VOICE: Sayako Ohara ( Beatrice of Umineko or Milly Ashford of Code Geass ) / Susan Egan AGE: 30 BIRTH DATE: October 31st, 1887 ETHNICITY: Amestrian, Ishvalan GENDER: Cisfemale ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual MBTI:  INTJ-A
SPOKEN LANGUAGE: Amestrian, Ishvalan CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Pleasant. She has her own home provided for her by the state. OCCUPATION: Brigadier General, State Alchemist ( Belladonna )  / Philosopher
PARENTS: Brigadier General Harrison Leota / Mary Ellen SIBLINGS: Edward James ( 36 -deceased- ), Agatha Ann ( 25 ), Thomas John ( 23 ) SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Atlas Hawthorne ( Eventual Husband/ Main Verse Love Interest ) verse dependant CHILDREN: NINA - Adoptive PETS: Sol and Luna, canaries. Poe, Raven. Chaffee, chimera.
EYE COLOUR: dark red HAIR COLOUR: Silver white HEIGHT: 5'8 BODY BUILD: Curvy NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Her red eyes and long, silver hair. transmutation arrays on her palms. Scarring that wrap around her wrists like a bracelet. 
-  Aside from Alchemy, she enjoys listening to the Opera. - She is an avid fan of birds. - Along with being a philosopher, she dabbles in poetry. - She has three absolute favorite books: Frankenstein, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Book of Lies.
INFO INTELLIGENCE: Extremely High. LIKES: The opera, Performing alchemy, birds, singing, poetry. DISLIKES: laziness, hypocrisy DISPOSITION: She stays quiet, but opinionated. Determined. Unwavering, highly stubborn.vice: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / PRIDE / envy / wrath virtue: chastity / TEMPERANCE / charity / diligence / forgiveness / humility / kindness alignment: lawful / NEUTRAL / chaotic || good / neutral / EVIL
   Miss Qistina Quiana Leota was born in early winter, in the year 1887, and worked in the coal mines as a child. She worked hard for her family, and endured many physical hardships - Moved from her parents home to a large home in the city. She works under the State as the Alchemist Belladonna, more often from the large basement where no one can peek in.
      Qistina had always expressed a passion for alchemy, and thus joined the military. She went on to join the side of the Homunculi, though she has no interest in the promise of immortality, but is rather doing it because she was given such a large amount of material for her own research - to recreate and reconstruct working organs through organic materials. 
Her history is simple, and straightforward. She began to work in the coal mines at the age of four, along with her father and several others ( including a few women, mostly men, and other people ranging from the ages of 45 to 4 ). Qistina longed to sing and learn the Opera, and would often attempt to sing with birds while on lunch breaks and playing outside with the other children. She begins a fondness for birds, especially the yellow canaries brought in by miners. Though, once she spots her brother with alchemy books, her passion switches up on her and she is very often consumed by it.
The age of 16 rolls to the top of the hill, and she leaves home. Not apologizing, but expressing the regret that she could not leave sooner. She and her father still keep in contact, but her mother seems to want nothing to do with her. As of right now, for the past ten years, she has been living a happy life in Central City.
Her goals revolve around Alchemy. The life she was forced into before had consequences. She developed a lung disease known as Black Lung, similar to the long term effects of tobacco smoking, and is similar to both silicosis from inhaling silica dust. Medically, it would be called a Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP). It is caused by long exposure to coal dust. It is a common disease in coal miners and others who work with coal.
Qistina has dedicated her life to alchemy, studying to one day replace the parts of her body that have been slowing her down, killing her. Because of her skills, she has since been working under Father. She has become quite obsessed with alchemy and very often views others under the view of a microscope.         
Qistina was emotionally, mentally, and physically abused by her mother for her love in Alchemy. Not only this, but she was ostracized by fellow Ishvalans, so she grew far far away from their religion, even began to hate her ancestry and never held any sort of care or love for them.
Throughout her family history, the Leota's have spawned generations of soldiers. From privates to top ranking generals. The majority have fought in wars, and the majority have thus far died while serving both on and off the field. Currently, there are a total of 23 members of her family who are living and in service, while 4 are veterans and living peacefully in the countryside. She personally knows 4 out of her 23 relatives who are in service.
Her father, HARRISON, retired at 47 after serving before Ishval. suffers with ptsd.
And finally her grandfather GENERAL FORD LEOTA, has been wheelchair bound since Harrison was a private in the army. He never served in Ishval, and is Ishvalan himself - with stark white hair and dark eyes.
Note the majority of her family does not live in Youswell.
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westofessos · 1 year
About Me:
I’ve had quite a few new followers these past few weeks, so I thought I would make a little about me post, just so you all know what you’re getting into.
First off, hello! My name is Madison (she/her), I’m 19 (will be 20 in January which is. . . something I’m not thinking about at the moment), I’m bisexual, extremely liberal (racists, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. can fuck off and die), and I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. My favourite thing in the world to do is write, and I love to read as well.
Here are some of my favourite things, sorted by category:
Star Wars
Favourite characters: Leia Organa, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ben Solo, Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Captain Rex, Poe Dameron, Rey Skywalker, Satine Kryze, Luke Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Luminara Unduli, and many, many more
I love every movie, and every TV show (I was admittedly not a fan of Andor, but I’m so happy that so many people loved it so much!), and I’m working through some of the canon novels
This is my first fandom, one of my first loves. No matter how deeply I fall in love with other things I will never love them like I love Star Wars
Favourite Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Kate Bishop, Jennifer Walters, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Sylvie, Marc Spector, Valkyrie, Peggy Carter, Yelena Belova, and many, many more.
I love every movie and TV show (to varying degrees, but nonetheless) but my favourite movies are Endgame, Infinity War, No Way Home, Eternals, Winter Soldier, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Ragnarok (not necessarily in that order), and my favourite shows are Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Loki, Werewolf by Night, Hawkeye (not necessarily in that order)
I also very casually read Marvel comics (just a few here and there whenever I find some that pique my interest)
Admittedly, not nearly as much as Marvel. There isn’t a lot of emotional attachment. Honestly it’s bordering on contempt at this point, especially after spending money to go see The Flash in theatres
But I love The Batman, Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, the Dark Knight trilogy, Harley Quinn, and Batman (1989). I am cautiously excited for many of their upcoming projects under James Gunn’s leadership
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is my all-time favourite comic book and honestly just one of my favourite books of all time. It’s truly a beautiful work of art.
Lord of the Rings
I’ve seen all three movies and 2/3 Hobbit movies, and I’ve read Fellowship of the Ring (planning on getting to the other two soon). I also watched and absolutely adored The Rings of Power.
My favourite characters are Éowyn and Aragorn, but I love Merry, Pippin, Legolas, and Gimli too. And Galadriel, Elrond, Durin, Elendil, Miriel, and Halbrand in TRoP
I’m admittedly not the most well-versed in LOTR, but I do really enjoy it.
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones:
Don’t even get me started on those goddamn shows. Seasons 7 and 8 of GoT and HoTD infuriate me on a daily basis but goddamn it I love this world so much. Westeros is so important to me
Favourite characters: Daenerys, Jaime, Cersei, Jon, Arianne, Brienne, Robb, and more
Favourite Targaryens (it’s the best house, fight me): Visenya, Aegon I, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Rhaena the Queen in the East/West, Alysanne, Daena the Defiant, Aegon V, Rhaegar, and probably more I’m forgetting
Almost Famous (my favourite of all time)
Good Will Hunting
The Usual Suspects
Frances Ha, Mistress America, Lady Bird, Little Women, Barbie (anything with Greta Gerwig involved)
Dazed and Confused
Tick, Tick . . . BOOM!
Father of the Bride 1 & 2
You’ve Got Mail
When Harry Met Sally
Palm Springs
Before Sunrise
The Princess Diaries
Dogma (anything Kevin Smith, really)
Anything John Hughes
Garden State
His Girl Friday
10 Things I Hate About You
The Princess Bride
Disney movies (I grew up on those princesses and damn it, I still love ‘em)
Scooby-Doo (it’s just so dumb and comforting after a long day)
Also just 80s/90s movies, particularly comedies
TV Shows:
Lost (my favourite of all time. I could talk about it for hours on end)
Roseanne (my favourite sitcom. Roseanne Barr might be a piece of shit but Roseanne and Dan Conner raised me)
The Walking Dead (very close second favourite show)
The Sandman
Good Omens
Gilmore Girls
That 70’s Show
Daisy Jones and the Six
Once Upon A Time
Ted Lasso (even though they fucked it at the end)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Good Place
Sons of Anarchy
Peaky Blinders
Golden Girls
Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley
The Umbrella Academy
Schitt’s Creek
Only Murders in the Building
The Last of Us
Band of Brothers
Bojack Horseman
Grace & Frankie
Way, way more I can’t think of. I watch way too much TV. Just ask, I’ve probably seen it.
The Beatles (my all-time favourite band. I saw Paul McCartney in 2018 and almost died)
Pearl Jam
Phoebe Bridgers & boygenius
Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots
Anything from the 50’s and 60’s pretty much (i.e. The Beach Boys, Petula Clark, Jay and the Americans, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Buddy Holly, Sam Cooke, Simon & Garfunkel, Herman’s Hermits, The Zombies. Just ask, I probably love it.
Fleetwood Mac
Taylor Swift (I’m not a full Swiftie, but I’m getting there)
Olivia Rodrigo
The Chicks
Elton John
Billy Joel
Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child
The Cranberries
Led Zeppelin
The Mountain Goats
Honestly it would probably be quicker to say who I don’t listen to in some capacity
In the Heights
Grease, The Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, and other movie musicals
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - never before has a book seemed like it was written just for me. And it’s so beautiful. Schwab is just my favourite author of all time, I’ll read anything of hers
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - I read these as the last few were coming out and I still have such an attachment to them
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - my favourite movie is Almost Famous so naturally, this was perfect for me. Goddamn did I love it.
A Song of Ice and Fire, of course
Classics: A Tale of Two Cities, Pride and Prejudice, The Handmaid’s Tale, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The entire Grishaverse series by Leigh Bardugo
That’s just off the top of my head. There are many, many more, and I’ll always take recommendations!
Basically just fantasy. I love fantasy books more than anything
All Elite Wrestling:
My most recent obsession
I’m watching it through from the beginning so I haven’t seen everything just yet
Favourite wrestlers: CM Punk, MJF, Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander, all the Best Friends honestly, Adam Cole, Cody Rhodes, Danhausen, Thunder Rosa, Juice Robinson, Toni Storm, Sting, Christian Cage, Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, Hangman Adam Page, Willow Nightingale, Hikaru Shida (not necessarily in that order other than the first 5, and there are more)
(I would love to have more women on that list but the women don’t get any good storylines or promo time or character development so I don’t form as many emotional attachments with as many of them. Book. The. Women’s. Division. Better.)
Favourite storylines/feuds: AdaMJF, Punk/MJF, Cody/MJF, Orange Cassidy/Chris Jericho, anything involving the Best Friends, everything with Hangman (from the very beginning all the way to where I am now, where he has just won the championship), probably more but that’s just off the top of my head
And that’s me, essentially. If you made it this far, I salute you. If there’s anything you want to know, feel free to ask! My asks and dms are always open, whether you’re a mutual or a complete stranger. Never be afraid to say hi!
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 19
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” I’m counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. Today’s choice might be a bit confusing. I give you two performances for the price of one, with Number 19: Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”
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The names of Vincent Price and Edgar Allan Poe are practically synonymous, at least in cinematic circles. While Price made many, MANY movies in his long and storied career, arguably the ones for which he became best well-known were the special movies produced by AIP for what is now referred to colloquially as “The Corman-Poe Cycle.” This was a series of eight films, all directed by Roger Corman for the company, which were based – some more loosely than others – on the works of Edgar Allan Poe. Vincent was the nominal star for seven of the pictures within the octology. The only one which DIDN’T feature Price was the third film of the bunch, “The Premature Burial.”
Most of the movies in the series were treated as more or less straightforward horror films of the time. However, the one exception was the movie inspired by the great author’s most famous “Poe-m” (I am so sorry), “The Raven.” The original poem is easily one of Poe’s greatest pieces of work, telling in short verse the story of a lonely man, mourning the loss of his beloved wife, Lenore. He receives a visit from a mysterious raven, which turns out to be a supernatural harbinger of doom and despair. It’s a tragic, ambiguous, deeply perturbing poem, and still a classic to this day. Corman’s 1963 movie interpretation, however, eschews much of the pathos, as the film is actually a horror-comedy, with emphasis on the latter half of that equation. In essence, the picture is meant to be a tongue-in-cheek spoof of all the others in the eight-part series, which is sort of a clever idea. In the film, Price plays the main protagonist: Dr. Craven, a physician and ex-sorceror who, like the narrator in the poem, has seemingly lost his precious Lenore. Also like in the poem, he is visited by a talking raven…but this is about where all similarities cease, for the raven turns out to be a fellow dark wizard, by the name of Dr. Bedlo. He reveals to Craven that Lenore is apparently still alive, and in the grasp of their shared nemesis, the evil Dr. Scarabus. The two magicians thus set out on a quest to confront Scarabus, so Bedlo can get revenge on him for past humiliations, while Craven ascertains if his wife is, indeed, still breathing…and if so, what she is doing with the evil wizard. Much like “House of the Long Shadows” would do many years later, the film acts as something of a “Who’s Who?” of classic Gothic horror pictures. Not only does Price play the lead role, but the perpetually-drunk Bedlo is played by Peter Lorre, while the redoubtable Boris Karloff tackles the part of the slimy Scarabus. Future Joker and star of “The Shining,” Jack Nicholson, also appears in an early role, playing the part of the romantic interest for Craven’s daughter, who is played by the much-less-famous (but no less talented) Olive Sturgess. It’s more fun than frightening on the whole. Price’s Craven is an interesting protagonist for the story: despite being very gifted in magical arts, and coming from a long line of distinguished warlocks, he’s a very mild-mannered individual, most of the time. The film gives him a story arc of essentially growing more of a spine, as he learns to fight more fiercely against the injustices around him, and accepts his destined place in the world: an atypical hero’s journey.
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All this is well and good, and the movie is definitely worth checking out, if only for the novelty of the adventure and its stellar cast. However, this was not the only time Price would tackle Poe’s Raven onscreen. Many years later, Price would get a chance to theatrically perform a reading of the original poem for a Halloween Special during the 1980s. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what the name of the special was, nor the exact year it came out: I actually tried to look it up, since I DID learn that information…but I can no longer find the source, and I sadly never wrote it down, dummy that I am. Whoops. Whatever else is in the special in question, however, it’s hard to believe much could top Price performing Poe’s greatest poem the way it was always meant to be performed.
In my opinion, Price’s reading of The Raven is the definitive interpretation of the poem. He brings the right amount of melodrama and emotion to the work, giving the Narrator a sense of both decadence and dismalness befitting the story as it happens. From his tragic nostalgia to his wonder at the appearance of the talking bird and even to his moments of desperation and spooky loss, he runs the whole gamut of the poem’s emotional breadth with marvelous aplomb. Others, such as Christopher Lee and James Earl Jones, have done masterful interpretations and readings of the poem in their own rights…but for me, Price is the eternal voice of Edgar Allan Poe’s work, and no single take on the poem has ever matched his reading for me. Bottom line: whether it’s the movie or the poem, when I think of “The Raven,” I think of Vincent Price. End of story. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 18!
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teecupangel · 1 year
How about Desmond in Trigun? Especially if Desmond can manifest wings. And in the new remake Vash gets this awesome glowy marks that reminds me of the Apple.
Do you think he can talk to Plants? Like if he touches Vash, will both of them have glowy marks and wings?
Sorry if I'm bothering you.
(No worries, you’re not bothering me. I like getting asks like these :))
We can easily make Desmond manifest Angel arms if we integrate him to Trigun lore.
To be more exact, instead of this being Desmond getting isekai’ed into Trigun’s ‘verse, this could be a case of AC lore being the past of Trigun’s ‘verse.
In this setup, Desmond wakes up having no idea where and ‘when’ he is. He’s naked and seemed to have been sleeping in some kind of… tube?
He wasn’t sure.
The place he found himself in seemed to be some kind of wreckage… airplane maybe?
It takes some time, most especially since his language is quite different from the language the humans he sees are using.
By the time he gets a grasp of the language and figured some things out, he realized that he had been thrown so far into the future that there was virtually no way of knowing if there was even any Assassin or Templar left.
He feels like a relic of the past.
Left with nothing else to do, he tries being a bounty hunter and that’s where his path intersects with Vash.
They touch and Vash's Angel Arm activates at the same time as Desmond's.
Not only that but Desmond's wings are much more bigger, brighter...
And definitely not something Desmond expected to happen.
That’s how Vash learned that he’s a Plant just like him. Desmond, of course, doesn’t understand any of these, but Vash seemed to have an idea of what’s happening so he starts pestering him, trying to get him to tell his ‘secret’.
During that time, they grow close and Vash can’t help but think of Desmond as more like the older brother he wished they had.
Vash finally admits what he is, what the two of them are and Desmond doesn’t really understand it, because as far as he remembers, he’s human.
But Desmond leads him to the place where Desmond first wakes up and, when they get there, Vash pales because he notices how big the tube that Desmond had woken up from was originally supposed to be…
He had never seen it before unless…
Unless Desmond’s ‘tube’ had been the main engine of the ship itself…
And this is where Million Knives appears before them and explains to them the truth.
Plants are actually humans that have developed more Isu genes than normal artificially, creating what is now known as energy sources needed to survive.
And there is a legend of the original Plant, supposedly a Plant with more power than any other Plant out there.
It’s only a legend, of course, there’s no way such a Plant exists…
Until now.
Because Desmond isn’t the original Desmond Miles but the original Plant in which all other Plants have derived from. Artificially created by what remains of Desmond Miles and the technology ushered in by Abstergo to recreate the power of a POE.
In other words…
Desmond was their father.
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spidermanifested · 1 year
returning to the concept of greed playlists: im actually really proud of the one ive been working on. its not "done" yet, in the sense that i like to make my character playlists go in chronological order and theres still comparatively few songs representing the latter half of his arc, but what ive got so far is very solid in my humble imho. so. heres a big post with all the songs ive got in it so far, particularly relevant lyric excerpts, and explanations for how they fit into my Grand Vision
act i: greed the avaricious
softy by kiltro
there's a boy who stalks these halls, he never leaves and when he talks, he talks a lot always by mistake there's a man who runs the show you never see and where he walks, all our breathing stops, how he quiets things
i figured this was a good one to start off the playlist, it sets up the quiet unease of greeds existence. also starting with a song called "softy" on a playlist about the Ultimate Shield and building everything else on top of that is a move of genius i think
shadow's keeper by black rebel motorcycle club
what is the purpose if you feel so incomplete? what is the reason if it beats you to your knees? what do you keep? your eyes were wide but there's a world that keeps you blind a painted serpent turning water into wine seeking light
hes starting to acknowledge how unfulfilled he feels, and the shadow/light motifs are an extra treat considering he uses the metaphor himself. ive done my best to continue that theme throughout the playlist. especially fun if you take the "painted serpent turning water into wine" as the "world that keeps (him) blind" AND the thing "seeking light", aka father, and combine that with the later verse:
you're begging for the truth but now you've seen too much you're living in your head but never feel their touch and everything was buried by the deep blue sky help me to breathe 'cause I don't wanna see the light just tell me to breathe 'cause I don't wanna be denied
he doesnt want whatever grand plans father has in store, he wants a family that cares about him. truth mentioned also, as well, give it up for the truth
willard! by will wood
i've never understood what humans do and want it's quite confusing to me to try to connect never learned how I should feel, instincts somehow stunted just seem haunted by my stupid urge to protect
replace "humans" with homunculi and you have a whole song about how his chimeras are the only ones who really get him. "being haunted by (his) stupid urge to protect" is also such a greed line
hast thou considered the tetrapod by the mountain goats
and alone in my room i am the last of a lost civilization and i vanish into the dark and rise above my station
he, father and the other homunculi quite literally are the last of a lost civilization. also
held under these smothering waves by your strong and thick-veined hand but one of these days i'm gonna wriggle up on dry land
^these lines make me cry on their own already and when i place them in greedcontext it has an effect
what's a devil to do? by harley poe
oh, when the saints go marching in i won't be there, 'cause I love my sin am i so bad that you hate me? there was a time when i could see my hopes and dreams, they are no more i'm not a rich man, but blessed are the poor oh man, forgive me, i turned away i won't come back, so i'll have to pay
i dont think i have to expound on how this relates to greed very much do i. entire song about your inherently sinful nature making you unfit for your home
act ii: taking on the world
could have been me by the struts
don't wanna live as an untold story rather go out in a blaze of glory i can't hear you, i don't fear you i'll live now 'cause the bad die last dodging bullets with your broken past i can't hear you, i don't fear you now
the tiger! he destroyed his cage! the tiger is out!!!!
i by kendrick lamar
and i love myself (the world is a ghetto with big guns and picket signs) i love myself (but it can do what it want whenever it want, i don't mind) i love myself
hes seen how much pain society has in it at this point, but he still has no regrets about leaving home. for the first time in his life hes starting to fill the void in his soul
i want it all by queen
i'm a man with a one track mind so much to do in one lifetime (people do you hear me) not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies so i'm living it all, yes i'm living it all and i'm giving it all, and i'm giving it all
the first of several songs about Wanting Everything because you have to have songs about wanting everything in a greed playlist. but thats not the only reason this one fits, youve got the "not wanting to live a lie" part, as well as talking about giving instead of just taking
raise hell by dorothy
young blood, run like a river young blood, never get chained young blood, heaven need a sinner you can't raise hell with a saint young blood, came to start a riot don't care what your old man say young blood, heaven hate a sinner but we gonna raise hell anyway
hes way past young at this point but theres always room for a Fuck You Dad song
emperor's new clothes by panic! at the disco
welcome to the end of eras ice has melted back to life done my time and served my sentence dress me up and watch me die if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
this is maybe The classic greed song. everybody knows its about him. the only difference in opinion with the masses i really have is that even though emperor is in the title it really fits more as a pre-nest wild party era greed song than a greedling era song because at no point during the winter road trip does he get to engage in the songs brand of lavish hedonism. hes too busy being depressed
also its fun that it has the word decapitated in it. when, you know
the man by the killers
i know the score like the back of my hand them other boys, i don't give a damn they kiss on the ring, i carry the crown nothing can break, nothing can break me down
obligatory Toxic Masculinity Song. some of the lines about not taking advice dont really apply here because this is greed "looks to his minions for social advice in the middle of a kidnapping" the avaricious but he does have his weird chivalry thing and also a lot of baggage around his own vulnerability. i also think its funny to put in a song where he brags about his dick
thrift shop by macklemore
imma take your grandpa's style, imma take your grandpa's style no, for real, ask your grandpa, can i have his hand-me-downs?
unfortunately this is definitely a greed song.
mr. pinstripe suit by big bad voodoo daddy
now he strolls through the city like a big ol' alley cat with his pinstripe suit and a big bad voodoo hat i don't believe i ever saw him without a kitten on his hand and no one swings as hard to the big bad voodoo band
the time period doesnt quite line up but the Vibe is there. hes making a name and a reputation for himself and hes looking good doing it
busy earnin' by jungle
you think that all your time is used too busy earnin' you can't get enough
a more uncertain interlude. the melody doesnt falter but the lyrics ask if this is really what he wants out of life. after all, he has a long time, but he doesnt have forever.
everybody loves me by onerepublic
don't need my health got my name and got my wealth, i stare at the sun just for kicks all by myself, i lose track of time, so i might be past my prime, but i'm feelin' oh so good, yeah
this answers the question the previous song posed with a "psssh, ill think about it later"
i want it by viv and the revival
in the stores make it rain 'cause it's wet like a dream (a-wooo) cars, boats, big house, everything in between (a-wooo) i don't know i don't care i don't give but i can share, so i'll make you scream make you believe that you can have anything, anything!
another "i want everything" song that stands out by mentioning wanting someone else to have things too. still not really addressing the uncertainty yet in favor of continuing to fuck around
gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight) by abba
gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight take me through the darkness to the break of the day
well? give him a man after midnight
i'll rust with you by steam powered giraffe
i'll rust with you i'll rust with every one of you nostalgic nights have got me feelin' its all gone, gone, gone to rust
song about being immortal and watching all your relationships fade away before your eyes as the decades roll past? dont mind if i do
highwayman by the highwaymen
i was a highwayman along the coach roads i did ride with sword and pistol by my side many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade the bastards hung me in the spring of '25 but i am still alive
by this point hes been living among humans long enough to have racked up a considerable number of deaths. but hes still around. he'll always be around. Or Will He
act iii: coming together
red right hand by nick cave & the bad seeds
you don't have no money? he'll get you some you don't have no car? he'll get you one you don't have no self-respect, you feel like an insect well don't you worry buddy 'cause here he comes through the ghettos and the barrio and the bowery and the slum a shadow is cast wherever he stands stacks of green paper in his red right hand
the tone of the song is sinister. within the context of this playlist i am envisioning it as entirely literal. whats up with this weird guy and his red right hand. well he got me a new car so he cant be all that bad. he definitely casts a shadow wherever he stands but you know itd be kind of weird if he didnt
this marks the beginning of his quest to find lasting friends minions. clearly just bribing them wont really work
evil friends by portugal. the man
it's not because the light here is brighter and it's not that I'm evil i just don't like to pretend that i could ever be your friend
return of the light motif and the cataclysmic collision of greeds refusal to lie and his refusal to accept the most basic truth about himself. hes gotten to the point where hes able to recognize that who he is isnt a bad thing, but he still cant connect the dots and understand that he was lied to from the start about who he is at all. so he says shit like this with full confidence
let me bathe in demonic light by the mountain goats
someday the old flesh will give way to the new find a functioning mirror inside and slip right through and there, there i'll be and who, who's coming with me? to show me my one true face when i arrive at my preordained place
the light theme continues, and illustrates the fact that in starting to seek out immortality he's retreading the same ground as father-- making the same mistakes. the hunger, as the lyrics explain, runs "deep in the bloodline". just like father, he cant do it alone, and calls on others to join him, while the lyrics run in direct contrast to the past song by saying the word "friend" multiple times. this will continue
amy aka spent gladiator 1 by the mountain goats
i hide down in my corner because i like my corner i am happy where the vermin play
i might wind up relocating this somewhere else on the playlist at some point but right now the sound fits well in this part so. song about Coping, and not necessarily coping healthily or well. but hes surviving, with his little crimelord hobby
if i lead by kiltro
show me the ways that you talk and all of the places you walk if i lead would you follow? let me at the corners where the light don’t touch colors, figures sway love, they might lift you away from the street to what’s under and everything that scatters by the light of day
weve got light again folks! this ones (very plainly i should think) about recruiting the gang. he asks for their trust and brings them down into the underbelly of dublith.
modern jesus by portugal. the man
don't pray for us we don't need no modern jesus to roll with us the only rule we need is never giving up the only faith we have is faith in us
the Greed Crucifixion jokes are hilarious but this song i think fits very well as a refusal by the nest to treat him as anything but an equal, at least in terms of his being a homunculus. they dont want a god, they want a boss and an ally and a friend.
bourbon street by jeff tuohy
every night we throw this little soiree i'm gonna turn her head until she's mine, all mine every night I breed a new disaster might be right, might be wrong try to get away and i will bring you right along
another party song, this time with hints that being on his side isnt totally safe, and he might not be as in-control as he makes himself out to be. everyones having fun, though. for now!
guys on every corner by the mountain goats
with your tabloid stars and your unmarked cars with your special forces and your inside sources with your radar fields and your riot shields and heavy horses i'm coming to swat you down like flies 'cause i got guys
come at him, government. hes got guys.
act iv: the downfall
alligator teeth by mother falcon
i will turn my friends to gold for the treasury to hold them safely while they dream
a sudden shift in musical style to something way more... i dont quite know how to describe it but its soft at first and then turns frantic and its generally not the kind of music i would typically listen to for Fun but in the context of the events leading up to the raid i think the sound works to illustrate the confusion and fear. immortality, i think, was never just for greed. he wanted to protect his friends too. the lyrics start to repeat "i don't wanna ever dream", and then "'cause all it ever leads me to is bad things, bad things"-- this desire is exactly what gets them all killed.
king rat by modest mouse
we spun like birds on fire right down towards the residence, and i i took all that I desired, even crooks have to pay the rent we swam like rats on fire right, right down the reservoir we took all that we could carry, but we tried to carry more and you know, you know, you know it all went wrong
the musical panic continues into the next song, which describes a burglary gone sideways and perfectly captures the raid. greed tried to bite off more than he could chew and paid the price for it. plenty of the lyrics can be directly associated with the situation-- the "king rat" who "has (greed) on his list again", the "deep water" he's sinking in, the claim that he was "honest even when he cheated them". i dont think id be able to find a more fitting song for this part if i looked for a year
going to hell by the pretty reckless
father did you miss me don't ask me where i've been you know i know, yes, i've been told i redefine a sin i don't know what's driving me to put this in my head maybe i wish i could die, maybe i am dead and he said for the lives that i fake, i'm going to hell for the vows that i break, i'm going to hell
barring any better future options this song has provided the title for the whole playlist-- "redefine a sin". the in-context priest being called father really elevates this one, if the whole premise wasnt enough to begin with. a+ greedsong
heretic pride by the mountain goats
and i start laughing like a child and i mark their faces one by one transfiguration's going to come for me at last and i will burn hotter than the sun
maybe greeds emotional state is a little different from the narrator here, but overall this is a certified Song to Get Put in the Soup To
act v: rebirth
still feel. by half alive
floating in outer space, have i misplaced a part of my soul? lost in the in-between, or so it seems, i'm out of control floating in outer space, have i misplaced a part of my soul? lost in the in-between, but it can't keep me asleep for long 'cause i still feel alive
i can so vividly picture the animatic to this one. greeds little soulface flipping around in the stone. zooming in on fathers weird eyeball as he cries him out and puts him in different guys. the last verse being him coming to life again in lings body. why dont i have 7 million dollars
same man i was before by oingo boingo
i'm not the same boy I was before but I haven't changed my desires i've not extinguished the fires i haven't lost wide-eyed wonder i haven't lost, haven't lost, haven't lost that stupid fear of thunder
AND everyone keeps telling him everything he does is wrong. cut that out
ドーナツホール ft. GUMI by hachi
いつからこんなに大きな | When was it that I got these memories, 思い出せない記憶があったか | These big ones I can't remember? どうにも憶えてないのを | Out of what I just can't recall, ひとつ確かに憶えてるんだな | There's one thing I remember pretty well もう一回何回やったって | Try one more time, a hundred times, 思い出すのはその顔だ | All I remember is your face それでもあなたがなんだか | And yet you yourself, I'm not sure why, 思い出せないままでいるんだな | But I still can't remember you…
this is the bido song. look up the rest of the lyrics its about bido. i searched bido on japanese twitter one time and saw somebody else saying this song reminded them of greed and bido. its about greed and bido
act vi: memories returned
stronger by the score
set me on fire set me on, set me on fire (whoa, whoa-oh) i'm still alive i'm still a- i'm still alive (whoa) bet you didn't think that i'd come back to life
every single line fits him perfectly. youve all seen @humming-fly's animation right you dont need me to explain. if you havent what are you doing
long way down by black rebel motorcycle club
don't you cry to yourself just to feel like someone who's hit bottom? but you can't run away 'cause the hole that remains will follow don't you care just enough? don't you feel your heart stop? but you can't know what you want
after the emotional high of 'stronger', representing the anger overtaking him as he goes to attack bradley, 'long way down' takes us, well, Down. hes is so fucking sad. but he cant know what he wants! now more than ever! because to admit it would mean admitting he lost it!!!
clean slate by the mountain goats
rest until you're rested, climb back onto the caravan remember at your peril, forget the ones you can and then just when you think you've learned how to forget you learn it's just the ones who haven't risen to the surface yet
this is The Roadtrip Song. hes sorting through his memories and struggling the entire time. i owe john "the mountain" goats my life for continuing to make ten million songs about extremely specific situations. ideally id have so many more songs in this category but until i find more this is it for the time being
act vii: final sacrifice
human heart by thao
god damn your crooked mouth and lean your fear is a bullet in the wing is it so brave? tell me, is it so brave? the private posture of the self homemade
with this, we skip ahead to the final fight and the moment when he decides to sacrifice himself. shout out to whoever transcribed "eat and won't you be hungry" as "ethan won't you be hungry" on the spotify lyrics for this one, i dont know who ethan is but i hope he has a good lunch. what was i talking about. oh right
children play with fire by mischief brew
children lead us to the lake of fire (fire!) children lead us to the lake of fire (fire!) and as we drive down into the flames maybe I'll let you hold the reins
change da world... his final message. goodb ye
just one more by mad caddies
no necesito la vida rica (i don't need the rich life) estoy contento contigo (i'm happy with you) 'cause in the end we all go the same place, yeah so i'll be happy with what i know
like the title says: just one more. because whatever form it takes, he IS partying it up in that shitty bar in the sky. and all his friends are there too.
like i said i would very much prefer to have more songs in the latter parts so if anybody has recommendations. please rant at me about the songs you associate with greed. and if i can fit them in i will. this post took me all day to make i have got to get some follower interaction out of it
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saoirse-murphy · 6 months
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Can you Hear Me?
Upon the shelves of dusty books, In a dimly lit room, sits a sad soul With eyes of sorrow and a heart that looks For love that has left and taken its toll
In this dark academia aesthetic, Where love and sadness intertwine The pages of her life, so poetic Tainted with a love that's no longer mine
A rose, wilted and forgotten Lies upon the pages of her book Tears stain the ink, so rotten As she reads the words he once took
Whispers of love, now turned to dust As she clutches the memories of the past The sadness, it consumes her, it must For she knows their love will never last
In this epic tale of love and pain She wanders through the halls of her mind A dark romance, a tragic refrain Of a love that was one of a kind
The style of Edgar Allan Poe Lingers in her every verse A complex web of words that flow As she tells the story of her curse
The tone, so romantic yet so bleak As she reminisces of their time With every word, her heart does speak Of a love that was once so sublime
But now, in this sad and lonely place She finds solace in the darkness For in this aesthetic, she can embrace The beauty of their love, regardless
And though the sadness may never fade And the pain may never subside She'll keep writing, in this dark cascade For her love will forever reside
So here in her dark academia She tells a tale of love and woe A narrative of a love that's lost in the tedium Of a sad, romantic, dark aesthetic show.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
ultimate spider-man Adrian toomes relationship headcannons! ps I have never done this before so if im doing something wrong let me know.
Oh my gosh! I finally got a request for this fandom! You have no idea just how insanely happy this makes me, my lovely anon! Thank you so much! You did nothing wrong at all, and I really appreciate the request and hope you’ll enjoy!
I do think Adrian would be very hesitant to get into a relationship to begin with. He definitely would have the attraction and the romantic feelings and he wants it, but there’s a large part of him that is so preoccupied with everything else going on, with his search for his past, with reconciling who he is, with all his insecurities and self-doubts…and he’d honestly have a hard time even believing that he was worth being in a relationship with or that someone could like him that way. I do see him as someone who doesn’t initially like himself, or who sees himself as less than in a lot of ways, and I think that’s where a lot of the hesitancy would come from. He doesn’t even really know, initially, who he is so how can someone like him for who he is??
Anyone interested in Adrian is going to have to be patient and willing to wait for him to get to a place mentally where he feels he can properly be with them. They’ll have to put up with his moods and his self-esteem issues. They’ll have to show him support, build a bond with him, and gain his trust before he’ll be comfortable getting into a relationship with him.
I do see Adrian as being very much someone who does take relationships seriously though. He does consider dating someone as an important, serious thing and he’d be a really dedicated and loyal partner. To him, at times, he will make it a very much ‘it’s me and them together against the world’ and he’ll make them very much a huge part of their life, though he can fall into putting them on a pedestal at times.
Expect lots of bad poetry because he’s definitely going to be that emo kid who writes lots and lots of it for his partner. He’s a huge fan of Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry, but his own will be more free form, though it’ll still have the gothic feel to it. His partner will find surprises, little love notes and poems, slipped into their bag in his attempt to ‘cheer them up’ throughout their day, whenever they discover it.
Adrian really isn’t a fan of crowded places or being around people so a lot of his dates will be very low-key and will focus on spending alone time with his partner. Expect a lot of night-time dates, picnic suppers on the roof of a tall building, where he’ll want to take in the nightscape, the moon and stars and city lights. He’s surprisingly well versed in some of the old Greek myths about the constellations, especially the more angsty ones, and he’ll love sharing them with his partner.
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ne-spivay-ranenko · 9 months
Jukebox January: Day 3
the original post tag of all my posts
Today I'm doing C and Č, since I do have one Č song on the list! (I know there's a special characters day, but I have a different plan for that.)
California - Chappell Roan
I'm pretty sure I cried the first time I listened to this song, and I still cry regularly, because it hits that close to home. If I remember right, this song was written after she got dropped from her label and her partner broke up with her, all in 2020. For me, who had a hard time after graduating and feeling like I'm too old to achieve things (despite the fact I'm only still in my 20s!) it captures the feeling all too well. Also, I'm from the Midwest, and I grew up dreaming of places like California, so the perspective is very relatable to me.
Četri krasti - Prāta Vētra
Outside of Latvia, people may know them as Brainstorm (and as the best from Eurovision 2000, I will take no arguments). They're another favorite band of mine who's been around since the 80s. This particular song is the first on the album they released after their bassist died in 2004, and I think it makes a lot of the lyrics on this album very impactful. Prāta Vētra's lyrics are often layered in metaphors, and I'm always having to interpret them in a language I'm learning, but this one is particularly inspiring to me.
Carpe Diem - Joker Out
Could I really not put this one in, considering how much this band has become part of my life in the past half a year or so? Actually, while I enjoyed this song at Eurovision, I didn't vote for it--I voted for Latvia in the semifinal and Croatia and Finland in the final. The song that really got me into Joker Out, that'll be for tomorrow. I do have to say, though, my favorite things about Carpe Diem are the bassline and the structure of the song. In Eurovision, with the time limit of 3 minutes, I think it's hard to make songs that don't follow the exact "standard pop song" structure, but here we have two verses that are quite different, the guitar solo closer to the beginning than the end, and it even comes in 14 seconds under the time limit. I like it, I think it flows nicely.
Control - Poe
This song comes from one of my favorite albums in the world, which sadly kind of disappeared into obscurity because of some record label merger which resulted in Poe being dropped, losing all distribution of her album, and getting tied up in court over a bunch of things that happened around this. It's sad, because this is an artistically incredible album, with the songs woven with recordings of her father and young daughter speaking. It also ties in with the novel House of Leaves, which her brother wrote (though I've never read it, so I can't speak much about it). This song is so powerful and inspiring. I think my favorite lines are "All those things that you taught me to fear/I've got them in my garden now and you're not welcome here".
A couple more under the cut!
Champion - Fall Out Boy
When I want to feel better, this is one of the songs I reach for. "I'm a champion of the people who don't believe in champions" is the line that stood out to me from the first time I heard this song. I know Sia co-wrote this one, too. I have a complex relationship with Sia's music because some of her songs were really inspirational to me, but she's done some questionable things in recent years. Still, a song that feels good and gets me feeling inspired.
Crawl Out Through the Fallout - Sheldon Allman
Okay, so here's where I reveal my love for the Fallout games' lore. I've actually only played Fallout 4 (I have New Vegas too, but haven't played it yet). But I've always been fascinated by the duality of how nuclear technology is portrayed in society and media, how it's both futuristic and apocalyptic. So that's why I really love the Fallout soundtracks (and some other similar songs, which might pop up later.)
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the-devious-pixie · 11 months
better one later!! this is just to name a few
star wars
anakin skywalker/darth vader anakin solo cassian andor (au based, haven't watched andor) han solo kyp durron poe dameron (au, eu based) zekk --- list to be expanded upon request.
Preferred SW Ships : Anidala, RebelCaptain, Scoundress, JediPilot
aleksander morozova/the darkling - s&b billy russo - the punisher draco malfoy - potterverse - trio to next gen kunzite - sailor moon 💝 lucius malfoy - potterverse - marauders to trio myles manwoody - asoiaf 💝 phoenix malfoy - potterverse - next gen oc 💝 salazar slytherin - potterverse - founders era 💝 scorpius malfoy - potterverse - next gen theodore nott - potterverse - trio to next gen tom riddle jr. / lord voldemort - riddle and beyond 💝 warryn beesbury - asoiaf 💝 viserys targaryen - asoiaf
Preferred ships : Darklina, Scorose, Lucissa, Drastoria, Nottgrass 💝 - exclusive ships, will rp friends, enemies, past relationships.
Hi, my name is Dev, 25+ female in the Boston area. I tend to rp mostly male roles because it's fun. I have a few general rules that one must take into account before rping with me.
I prefer discord rp over tumblr rp, but am okay with doing it here. The organization is better on Discord. If we end up having multiple verses going on between a set of muses I will request we move it to Discord.
I'm a very busy woman - I an UX designer within the medical industry and half of my team is across the Atlantic. Rp is my escape and I will not tolerate drama, or being hassled for anything.
Replies will come when I have the time, and the muse. I don't care if you format, add gifs; I personally don't - but whatever - you do you, I'll do me. I truly don't give a fuck.
I tend to only ship with the people I'm friends with because of past trauma in rps. This doesn't mean we can't ship, we just need to get to know each other first. As such I have some muses that exclusive to certain co-writers. This will not budge.
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
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hi I'm nym (or sometimes tegan). I'm twenty three, aroace & happily in a qpr with some of my very best friends in the whole galaxy, and I'm extremely autistic & adhd. I dabble in making gifs and writing fanfic, but most of the time you can catch me rambling and daydreaming.
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fandoms you can regularly expect to see here are star wars (sequel trilogy), moon knight, spider-man, taylor swift, ryan bergara & shane madej, doctor who (rtd & moffat eras), and oscar isaac.
I track the tag #usernym if you'd like to tag me in anything (I love seeing what people make!)
I tag spoilers for shows for one week, and for movies I tag them for about a month, but I don't have a huge habit of watching new releases (or if I do, I don't have a habit of blogging about them).
keep in mind that I'm an adult, and semi-frequently post/reblog mature fics and on occasion, nswfish text posts or semi-explicit scenes from tv/movies, so be sure to blacklist "adult tag" if you aren't interested in seeing that.
I do my best to tag content warnings, but if you need something tagged, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I self-ship which means I make and reblog a lot of reader and self-insert content, if that's not your cup of tea you can blacklist the tag #fic rec.
if you're interested, you can find my old fic masterlist below, along with more information and quick tags for my self ships that I occasionally blog about here, my primary oc, etc etc.
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self-ship masterlist 💞
I've been writing reader fic since 2020, beginning on blogs that are now archived (/luminouspoes & /userpoe). you can also find most of my fics on my ao3, along with general canon verse fics, and fics for my self-insert (and light of my life), Volya Doneeta.
my f/o galaxy 💫
all general posts for self-shipping can be found under f/o galaxy 💫. this includes yearning posts (seeing as I'm aroace, they don't have any other purpose lmao), as well as some edits and fics.
majority of my self-ship (and all my more mature) posts can be found on my sideblog @starlightpoes which is 18+ in nature.
falling feels like falling 🪐💕 | poe dameron (main)
lost in the moondust ✨ | mk system
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fics masterlist ✒️💌
All fics are written to be gender neutral, although smut fics feature afab!reader. I've only written for Oscar Isaac characters, but primarily Poe and sometimes the MK system (but have written for other Oscar characters in the past, because things snowballed). smut fics will be marked with this emoji: 🔞
(I have not written any reader fic in quite some time, and frankly I'm not sure if I'll return to it or not - and if I do, whether or not I post it here will remain to be seen.)
all fics can be found under the tag myfic.
poe dameron 🪐💕
two birds, one stone 🔞
help me slow it down 🔞
night skies in the mirror of you 🔞
hold on just a little tighter 🔞
puppy dog eyes 🔞
heaven in hiding 🔞
permission to kiss
half asleep is a good look
kisses while cuddling
that's the kind of love 🔞
smiling in between kisses
kisses in the shower
green green dress 🔞
moon knight system 🌙✨
let's go somewhere
we all shake a little bit 🔞
thank you for protecting me
you can kiss me, you know
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gardenoblues · 2 years
so i was gathering ref for my Hyde the Past fic and stumbled upon EAP's (Edgar Allan Poe) The Raven
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The following verses after this ends with "Nevermore." Upon researching and analyzing the poem and trying to connect this with Wednesday being a raven, so the raven here apparently symbolizes death and grief (as they usually are) and if we recall the vision of Rowan's mother, Wednesday can be seen destroying Nevermore. (and also what type of psychic was his mother? what if she's also a raven like our goth girl, in which they mostly see the negative sides?) But to put it accurately basing on the poem, the speaker mourns for his lost love "Lenore", and the Raven that sat on the Pallas or Athena's statue (the Greek goddess of wisdom)  represents sanity, wisdom, and scholarship. (which is mainly Wednesday characteristics maybe beside the sanity part lol) And the raven merely reminds the speaker on the poem that Lenore no longer exists; Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
I actually have no idea what it is that Wednesday must need to do in order to save Nevermore, If the series inclines just a little bit with this poem, then I don't know I'm really quite not sure. But assuming they based the name of the School to this poem and Wednesday's Raven then maybe....(lol i seriously can't make a conclusion forgive me) maybe I'm getting way ahead of myself by encouraging this brain rot. (I'll update the chapter II of my fic tomorrow maybe, i need sleep lol. whachuthink about this brain rot?)
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