#Party x Khao?!
respectthepetty · 1 year
The Promise just pulled a Hail Mary in the last quarter, and THIS is why I stick around for a hate-watch!
@heretherebedork, I have the BEST spoiler for you!
Before I get to that sweet juicy spoiler, enjoy Phu seeing Party and Nan sleeping together because I'm petty and thoroughly enjoyed this! Mostly because Party told Phu, once again, that he wasn't a good friend to Nan for lying to him for over a decade!
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Also enjoy Nan demanding that Jo give him the key to Phu's new place so HE CAN MOVE IN WITH PHU because Nan is pissed that Phu pulled his shit again.
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Alright, spoiler time:
Remember that Nan went to Melbourne EVERY year for TEN years? Yeah, how could we forget, especially when this episode reminds us in the first three minutes that Nan was terrified that Phu was dead and begging for any sign of life from him.
Remember that Nan met a guy there who helped him look for Phu?
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Well, HE'S BACK!
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Khao was hired by the company to be the new presenter for the ad campaign.
But that's NOT the spoiler.
This is where it gets spicy!
The guys are asked questions about special days, and of course because everyone loves Nan, Khao talks about meeting Nan and falling in love with him. Phu does the same because EVERYONE LOVES NAN! Cool, cool, cool.
Afterwards, Nan approaches Khao to catch up and notices Khao's phone light up.
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And that's when the dots connect!
That is the same woman who is in Phu's picture from the time capsule.
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That's Phu's mom!
That's Khao's mom!
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Now, Nan is holding this secret, but he isn't 100% sure. Does he tell Phu? Does he keep quiet? Will Phu be upset when he finds out that Nan knew?
WILL PHU GET A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE if Nan actually keeps this a secret?!
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I am ecstatic!
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waitmyturtles · 1 month
Wandee Goodday: I'm caught up and I love this show and here are my thoughts AND! (aka, In Which I Partly Ruminate On Golf Tanwarin's Thematic Overlaps Between Wandee Goodday and The Eclipse)
(Thanks to the homegirls @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm for catching me up on @bengiyo's wonderful meta round-up here!)
Through @bengiyo's round-up linked above, I *think* I'm caught up on what was going around the Wandee Goodday fandom last week; I myself, because of LIFE. EVENTS. fell behind two episodes, and only caught up with this generally fabulous show last night, and I wanna bust a couple words on it.
I surprised myself a couple weeks ago by having a touch of Wandee brainrot at week TWO, which is generally absurd, but I'm still stuck on the theme of medical observation and how that theme has permeated this show so far. More on this in a second.
Out of transparency, I also want to note that I'm coming off a close rewatch of Golf Tanwarin's The Eclipse for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, and not just because of LIFE. EVENTS., but also because of some deep thoughtfulness that has surprised and delayed me in my review of The Eclipse, I can't help but recognize that there's some thematic overlap between The Eclipse and Wandee that Golf's getting into -- a coincidence that I'm absolutely loving and screaming internally over.
(As an aside, I've been working forever on my Eclipse piece because I'm struggling with the meaning of having a huge debut branded ship in FirstKhao helming that show, and what that meant for GMMTV in 2022 and its BL future. I'm not feeling that same branded ship pressure here in Wandee, especially as Inn Sarin and Great Sapol were both separately established actors who joined GMMTV for this project, and the future of this ship is unknown at the moment. That's a part of the reason why I love Wandee -- I don't feel fandom pressure about the ship, per se, at this moment, but I might be missing hype on the tag.)
While the stories between The Eclipse and Wandee are clearly different -- the ways in which Golf offers commentary about internal and external homophobia, ESPECIALLY vis à vis macro-level interactions of micro-level humans in systems like boarding schools and hospitals/medical systems, is deeply thrilling for me. I admire Golf as a former politician, Thailand's first transgender member of parliament who was unceremoniously kicked out for economic concerns (and likely their affiliation with the Future Forward/Move Forward parties). As someone who's been around the way with smart politicians, I'm not surprised that this is a space in which Golf lives -- the space in which they explore how homophobia is expressed at macrosystemic and micro-emotional levels.
In The Eclipse, Golf explores:
social pressures to conform to hetero-social standards
the internal destruction that those pressures cause to individuals
how that internal destruction impacts the ways in which young high-school men interact with each other, and develop social and/or romantic bonds, and
how that internal destruction also impacts general social group dynamics, and how individuals police themselves and each other into conforming to the hetero-social standards dictated by the environment around them.
There are many, many issues with The Eclipse, but generally speaking, Golf weaves between the internal and external, the micro and the macro, in that show, cyclically, to depict very messed-up young men fumbling through their experiences of social conformity and love.
As I've been writing my Eclipse piece for my OGMMTVC, I have referred often to @bengiyo's FABULOUS post from the Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse days, about how some of The Eclipse fandom was concerned for the stability of AkkAyan vis à vis their romance in OS2. As Ben writes, these fictional boys were messed TF up. It was natural, in OS2, to witness their continued fumbles as they still confirmed their love for each other. The conflation for "real" affection between First and Khao aside, this demand for clean-cut romance dominated the fandom discourse at the time of OS2, and it wasn't aligned with what I think Golf's messaging about the emotional states of the boys actually were.
We're certainly NOT THERE (YET) in Wandee Goodday by way of romance. We're squarely in the midst of Wandee's, Yak's, and Ter's very clear emotional and competitive fumbles. We're only at episode 4, and what we've gotten is just a tremendous amount of information about the internal and external struggles these very messed-up dudes have (and to confirm here, we know Ter is Satan/Dr. 666 Devil, we are literally told that, and I'm so thrilled for Podd to finally get the role he deserves, amirite @lurkingshan).
We are seeing similar social conformity pressures from The Eclipse to Wandee by way of the hospital setting -- long a globally misogynistic and highly pressurized environment that humans have played destructively in. Ter being an absolute ROACH with Dee's feelings is so apropos. (Oh, and Ter clearly not being committed to Kwan? That girl's gonna go AWF, I swear.)
We're seeing the same pressure by way of boxer Yak going public with his bisexuality, and taking an ENORRRRRMOUS risk in faking a relationship with Wandee, in front of titchy hospital staff who will likely narc Yak out to the media.
[I think this is a slip of the show, by the way. I don't think Yak is dumb enough to not recognize this risk despite his empathy to Dee, and I really wish the show would spend more time on the risks that Yak takes in showing public affection to Dee at the hospital. I think the show can actually take some time to explore the risk that Yak is taking, because it would simply illuminate the continued themes of homophobia and its ever-presence in the sports AND medical settings that Golf is exploring. (And separately, the meaning of having Yei and Cher helm the boxing gym means so much to me -- literally as a sports fan!)]
@bengiyo's meta round-up also nicely covers the meta out there about Dee and his very conflicted and hypocritical behavior. It's no duh that Dee only has one friend. The guy is a fucking ant. A very cute and sympathetic ant! But he's cute (and hawt), sympathetic, an ant, AND a jerk, someone who is driven to "win," both against Ter and Yak. Dee might be an ant BECAUSE of the impact of what was likely an intense and complicated medical education, as many a former medical resident around the world may relate to! That's a macro-level systemic reference that I wouldn't be surprised Golf would be making intentionally.
Both Wandee and Yak could and should be more accountable to themselves and to each other vis à vis their feelings and the very complicated pressures they both operate under.
They haven't gotten there in their intimacy yet because -- like Akk, Ayan, Kan, and Thua, they're fucking messed-up dudes dealing with homophobia at internal and external emotional levels due to the pressures of their homophobic macrosystemic environments in which they operate!
The social conformity pressures of the worlds in which Dee and Yak live are messing them up so fucking much that they're both acting like bumbling dillholes.
Fucking Dee stringing Yak along? YAK GOING ALONG WITH IT? Kickass Taem sees the necklace around Dee's clavicle and KNOWS what Yak's heart is actually doing/saying. Yak may even be "making up" this whole Situation with Taem to jealously win Dee over, maybe?, but we also know Yak actually is attracted to Taem, and so, fuck, THAT'S MESSY AND COMPLICATED, and also, oh so real! Fuck Dee, man! We've ALL BEEN STRUNG ALONG, hello song break, Dee, get it together, you jackass m'fer:
In other words, ha! People act like jerks when their micro- and macro-levels, their internals and externals, are out of sync and whack, and they don't have the emotional toolboxes to deal with it. There is so much mess-mess-MESSY-mess-mess, escalandos, poopy-woopy-shit all over the place in this show, and at least for right now, it's just delightful to watch it happen and unwind (as opposed to The Eclipse, when Akk's repeated stalking of Ayan just got a little tired after episodes 4 and 5, it was like, dude, Akk, if you're saying you don't like him, just stay the fuck away, on GOD. ANYWAY).
Who has the emotional tools to deal with this complicated-ness? Dr. Kao, Drakey-poo, Drizzy!
Dr. Kao, our OBSERVATIONAL asexual BFFFFFFFF, is shown, literally, helping dyads through their issues. He's addressing binaries on binaries -- a couple coming at sex from two different perspectives, and creating compromise between them.
I love, love, love this inclusion of this observational commentary. Kao is depicted at creating communication and compromise against a topic (sex) that he himself has a complicated relationship with. He is shown, professionally, keeping his shit out of the needs of his patients in order to help them with their medical goals.
Kao is practicing, in essence, a transcendence of sorts -- transcending his micro-personal issues with sex in his practice to help his patients achieve at least happiness, if not at least compromise and satisfaction, in their lives.
I appreciated seeing that the client couple in the show wasn't necessarily trying to "win" against each other. They just had different issues about sex that they were working on -- TOGETHER.
The competitive triad of Dee, Yak, and Ter is certainly not there yet. 666 Devil Ter will likely shake up any delicate balance that Dee and Yak MIGHT achieve. But Dee and Yak, a hopeful binary dyad that we are cheering for, are caught in all of their personal and professional competitions themselves, and are nowhere near transcendence at this moment.
The mess, right now, is making sense, within the script. Things can certainly go awry via the script, as my elder friend @bengiyo has warned me regarding Thai BLs these days. But as of right now, I'm finding this mess delightful, because it's VERY real, to me, against a standard of people acting like bumbling, intentional, and unintentional assholes, and living in worlds of emotional complications that are very difficult, in real life, to unwind from by way of macro-social pressures -- except with time, grace, patience, and eventual maturity.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฏแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep.01
sorry to @ginnymoonbeam and anyone else from the discord crew who's seeing this twice, I hope to type up a more coherent something at some point, but I wanted to record this somewhere.
I've put a cut because this is LONG, but the reactions include translations of stuff that apparently didn't get translated on iQiyi. Mind that I'm not fluent, this is without guarantees, etc.
WHOA starting right on a dramatic courtroom scene … and why does that the defendant look familiar?
oh fuck, he uses dirty tricks. I'm not surprised, but WOW.
haha, hi dude who played Jaosua Zhang in Khun Chai
oh god this Chinese is … something.
that shirt is a CHOICE
oh, wait, is this the dude who played … what's his face, the one who was going to sell out Thian in Khun Chai? is he gonna be our antag
ahaha he hit a nerve
ahaha how is it ALWAYS Film's characters getting saved by Jam's
ahaha Chaan hitting on Tinn. He's so sleazy, yikes
and of course he's hitting on Tinn, and Tinn has good instincts and avoids the murder eyes
oh god he looks dangerous, how is this the dude who played sweet Thian?? ACTING!!!!
… I'm not gonna comment on that
of course this show is gonna make it a mission to make me hungry
Khao is so cute
this is gonna hurt so much, eh
ooh so he teaches Taekwondo!! this is so cute
oh goodness, she wants to make merit for her parents ;-; SWEETHEART
HOLY SHIT. That wasn't even a hit-and-run, that was an intentional running-over
oh shit, these dudes look hiso
uurgh Chaan's face here is just like "here's money coming my way"
this kid is so prett I'm sure he'll get an redemption arc, but I hate him anyway, for now
here come Tinn and his auntie crashing this hiso politician's press junket, oops
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Sign reads:
The lawsuit is not making progress. The perpetrator has not been punished.
they're really going for maximum
I love how Chaan already owes Tinn his life twice over, this is gonna make for an interesting dynamic
the romantic music, I cannot, this is a SOAP and it's leaning into it, I'm LIVING
oh, the way the mood INSTANTLY changed here, goddd
oh god, Chaan is SO removed from reality
or, well. jaded, I guess. Which we knew! from the trailer! BUT STILL
"you'll regret that" holy SHIT
oh, so Chaan also has Trauma(tm)?
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This show is in the future, the texts read:
29 July 2023, 8:30, acc x-9732 incoming transfer 100 total balance 178,274.59 29 July 2023, 8:30, acc x-9732 incoming transfer 400 total balance 178,574.59 (idk I didn't math this, it's what it says) 29 July 2023, 8:30, acc x-9732 incoming transfer 400 total balance 180,574.59
love the commentary on this type of "journos"
I love Tinn's sister
I'm already excited for the moment Chaan starts to care. it's gonna be EPIC
he's such an ASSHOLE and I'm having a hard time with that because Thian was so sweet ACTING
I'm flashing back to Gram and White's "legal vs ethical" debate in Not Me
he can't apologise? oh Chaan, I think Tinn is going to make you eat your words.
okay I like that Tinn is apparently an asshole to everyone. equal opportunity asshole.
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10:33: Ended voice call (22 seconds) 13:45: Message: "From today on, the party lawyers will take over Thaenthai's case. As for your wages, you can send [the bill?] now. I'll take care of it." (EDITED thanks to @recentadultburnout for your correction!)
I'm starting to think Tinn just doesn't know how not to be antagonistic
oh god are they gonna beat him up while he's wearing a ruffled blouse
the shot of whatever that was? that's gonna be relevant later, I bet
acab acab acab ACAB FUCK THEM
oh god this show is gonna hurt even worse than I thought
If Chaan set that beating up I'm gonna … idk. not be surprised. but.
I can't believe the trailer essentially covered most of ep 1 and not that much from later on???
I didn't think we'd see Chaan undress and … from that set-up quite possibly assault him this early. Or frankly at all, despite how it was set up in the trailer. YIKES
THAT PREVIEW, HELP please tell me this is also a two episode a week show
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12/20/22 Tuesday
Mick has sleepless night. Severe hip, leg, back pain. Can barely walk. Took opiate pain meds. Witnessed fall in basement. Sweeping. Spun around. Went down. Hit wrist. Legs gave out. Crawling. 
Helped into car for 1 PM Augustine appointment. Followed as Mare drove. Assist at Brittonfield. Load Mick into wheelchair. Wrist broken. “Small, clean break.” Doc says no issue with Mare’s long-term Klonopin use. Okay to drive. WTF. Can’t be correct. 
5 PM -- Fulton Mills. Jazz Mafia w/Vanessa. Early set up. Walk to Chubby’s for pre-gig cocktail - $4 Jim Beam & soda. X-mas tunes. Food on break. Tiny hot dogs on tooth picks. Welded to tin foil. Had to pry off. Orange cheese-ball. Crackers. Chocolate cake. Mini eclairs. Overdid it slightly.   
Text from Skye. DD x-mas party tonight. Stop on return. Chat w/the lovely Khaos. More food. Chicken wing dip. Chips. Pumpernickel/rye bread & dip. Chicken riggies. Fun size candy bars. Banana Backwoods. Bluntvilles for Skye. Bosnian guy touches Khaos inappropriately. She’s pissed. 
11:59 -- Old man hour approaches. 12:01. Khaos standing at bar next to me. Celebratory b-day shot. Jameson, another Wild Turkey. Chat w/DJ Colin. 
Schlem chat.   
0 notes
defdaily · 4 years
[TRANSLATION] Praew Magazine April 2019 issue x JUS2: time for 2
Ahgase! Right here!
Thailand's summer heat wouldn't be able to compete with hotness from the duo brothers, "JB & Yugyeom of GOT7. In the newfound unit, JUS2, they released a new single- "FoCus On Me- that makes the fans scream with interest to add this new single to their collection. In this issue, Praew took a flight to South Korea to collect photos of these 2 hotties for you before we took the chance to have a chat with them. Chatting with them in South Korea is really something. JB took the seat at the head of the table, followed by Yugyeom who greeted Praew staff around the table in Thai style with Wai and the word "Sawaddee Krub"
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First of all, we would like to ask you how the leader of GOT7 and the youngest brother of the group form this new unit (a special Korean song project created by specific members), JUS2, together.
“In concerts, the two of us often sing together. So, we often talk about which kind of unit we would form next. In parties after concerts, the higher-ups would often talk about this idea as well and they thought having the two of us work together on a new song would be fun. So, the idea was developed from that point and became this duo unit today." JB replied.
"We also share similar favorite song genres, and we want to represent our characters with the music style which is totally different from GOT7. So, we took part in the production of every song in this project. We created some of the songs together, and created the others separately. For the promo song, we got help from a song writer named Cosmic Boy. We hope that everyone would love our songs." Yugyeom explained.
Can the fans expect something special from this unit?
"The first special thing that the fans can expect from us is stage performance. The second thing is the music which is going to be something that the fans have never seen from GOT7. We try to focus more on expressing emotions through the music in this unit, and we tried our best to present our characters through the MVs and the music style." JB answered.
You mentioned that you share similar favorite song genres. Which genre are they?
“I like R&B and Hip-Hop. So, I tend to go with these music styles when I write a new song. I mostly go for R&B, and mix Trap beats into the song sometimes. Do you know Trap music? It's a type of Hip-Hop which we can mix it with R&B. If you ask me who is my favorite singer, I’d say Chris Brown (R&B singer) and Travis Scott, a Hip-Hop singer" (smile). Yugyeom answered first.
“For me, I don't particularly fond of any genre. If it's a good song, then I like it. Same goes for when I sing. If I like the song and it's the song that can express my feelings with good music, then I can sing it regardless of its genre. If I have to pick my favorite singer, I'd say D'Angelo is my idol. It doesn't mean that I want to make my songs like his though (smile). I also like to listen to Toro y Moi and Kaytranada's songs lately." JB shared his thoughts.
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What are the secrets or tips you use to write a song that can impress everyone?
"There's no secret in my work process. It just needs a lot of thought. I mostly find inspiration from my own experience or the stories I can find around me such as movies, songs, or books. I also have my past like everyone, my love experience or others, which I can take to present in my song. It's the same as making a movie (Scenario)." JB replied immediately
“I also get new inspiration from my surroundings as well, from my point of view on different things in my daily life. For example, when I saw a couple on the other side of the road, I would imagine what they're talking about, how happy they are. Or when I saw people living their life, I would ask myself what is their happiness, where do they find it, maybe their happiness is family or children at home."
“For me, Hmm...I don't think I do anything special. I just want to have fun with it. I may put my life experience and my imagination into the lyrics, but I mostly just create a good result if I enjoy the process and are happy with it." Yugyeom shared his thoughts.
It seems your processes are quite different.
"Actually, we share the same trait which is that we both like to work freely and have fun with it. The difference might be our standpoint. Yugyeom wouldn't think too much and tend to be easy-going, but I would focus on the point. If we have to make a decision, I make a clear decision while Yugyeom is struggled to choose" (smile). JB denied our mention.
Yugyeom gave JB a dirty look. "I’m not like that anymore! Like JB said, and as we mentioned about the way we work, you'd see that our thoughts are quite different (smile). However, this difference is what makes JB a good consultant since he can point out something I couldn't think of which is a great help to me.
"Another difference would be our preference for food. We aren't picky, but JB would prefer Korean or seafood dishes. He also likes Thai food as well. ("Tom Yum Kung is my favorite, and I also love Gaeng Keow Wan Gai" JB mentioned.) However, I would prefer western dishes and red meat. For Thai food, ld say Khao Pad is the best."
Since you've been working together for a long time, have you had any conflict?
“Never. We do have our different thoughts, but if it's my responsibility, Yugyeom would respect my decision. And if it's his responsibility, I would respect his decision as well. In terms of group decision, we mostly agree with each other. I think he has grown up. Looking at how he conducts himself nowadays, I can say that he has become more responsible. I can't tell you the detail since it's his private life though" (smile). JB said with confidence.
So, has the big brother JB done anything that makes him look like a kid?
Yugyeom looked at JB before bursting a laugh. "Sure! Everyone would say that he's like a very naughty kid when he pulls a prank."
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Since you are in this industry for 7-8 years already, do you remember the goal you had on the first day you entered this industry? And how far is your progress toward it now?
"My dream is still the same, which is to be a dance singer. To this day, I still have a long way to go, for both dancing, singing, and stage performance. I think I could keep getting better if I keep practicing." Yugyeom answered clearly.
“I’ve never had a goal. I used to be a b-boy dancer and I want to have a full experience with b-boy and Hip-Hop culture, but I have never set a goal to become a famous singer. If I get famous, that's good for me. I just want to dance the way I like and write songs freely. I didn't do it to get famous. All I want is just to give my all to make good songs." JB said.
“I still think that I need to produce more quality songs. Further than that, I want to keep working on it every day. Not to repeat the same thing over and over, but to explore something new to improve myself and widen my world with the new lessons and discoveries I could find along the way."
Looks like you two have come so far. What makes you become who you are today?
"I think it's diligence. As time passes by, I grow more diligent because I often think of the past which makes me feel that I could do things better but I didn't. That makes me try my best to keep getting better at my work so that I have no regret. It's to the point that everyone sees me as a very diligent and determined person." JB replied immediately. Yugyeom agreed to JB. "Like what he said, we just try our best and keep it up every day."
Have you ever been depressed or struggled because of your work? And how do you deal with it?
"Generally, it's my physical condition like when I'm tired or lack of sleep. Sometimes, I sit alone on a sofa and ask myself, what am I doing or why do I have to do it, which I believe that everyone has moments like this no matter what kind of job they do. However, I'm quite optimistic and easy to forget. When I start asking those questions, I'd just ask them and stop thinking further (laugh). Yugyeom shares his experience.
"My problem is that I think too much. I would overthink things over and over until it sinks into my heart which makes me feel very bad to the point that I can't sleep sometimes So, I normally try to sleep it off. If I feel very down, I will go out and meet my friends so that I can forget about it. When I have something on my mind,I will not tell the others. I usually try to figure it out myself. I may tell my parents about the problem on my mind, but that's only when they ask. If they don't ask, I don't talk" JB told us seriously. “But if we talk about physical tiredness like when I’m tired from work, I will think of when we released the song Never Ever. It was very cold back then. The time we finished our work and got into a warm place was the best. This memory could help me Cure my tiredness.”
Yugyeom took this chance to conclude. "I think we just need to be positive because no matter what's the problem, we can go through it"
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What about the good time? Is there any good memory you get from work?
"I love to perform on the stage. Doing concerts is the best time in my working life." Yugyeom answered first.
"I do like to do concerts like him and I like the time we release a new album as well, but I would be happier when I get good feedback from my work. When GOT7 returned from the Eyes On You World Tour and received a lot of praise from the company or when I wrote You Are and got a praise message directly from the company's president at night, I was very happy. It makes me feel like every effort I put into my work pays off the good result." JB shared his memories
May you give some advice to the people who dream to be a popular and successful singer like you please?
"First of all, you must understand yourselves the most you can. Ask yourselves if this is really the job you want. You need to think carefully because you might regret and lose your way if this job turns out different from what you expect, but if you're sure about it, then you must give it your all to make a success of your dream. Do your best every day, and don't cower before any obstacle." JB, as the group leader, gave his advice
You have visited Thailand so many times and you will pay a visit again in the near future. Is there anything in Thailand that impresses you?
“I really love Thai food, especially seafood with a lot of shrimps. For traveling, I like Phuket the most. I saw a lot of advertising about Phuket, then I travelled there and found that it's a really great place. (Yugyeom nodded and agreed with JB. "Exactly, Phuket is the best. ") Oh! There's another place I want to visit. It’s Phi Phi Islands which I heard that we need to take a boat from Phuket to go there." JB answered with a smile.
"If we talk about Thailand, I would think of Thai fans. Every time we visit Thailand, Ahgases would treat us very well. The event that impressed me the most would be during the Eyes On You World Tour in Bangkok. The fans on the 3rd floor arranged pink glow signs to form the word GOT7 Saranghae (We love GOT7)" Yugyeom answered excitedly.
"That's right. I remember that Bambam would report the number of audiences to us before the concert excitedly. He said, You know that this is Thailand, right? All the 12,000 seats are packed full, you know? (laugh) Our Thai fans treat us very warmly. If it's American or westerner fans, they would enjoy the concert with us, but Thai fans would give us their all." JB confirmed Yugyeom's opinion.
Is there anything you want to say to Thai fans? JB pleaded with the fans first. "We are JUS2, the special unit from GOT7. We hope that you would like and enjoy our new release, Focus On Me. We put our feelings into this song. And I want to thank everyone for supporting us all this time. Thailand would be really hot right now. So, please take care of your health" (smile)
"Everyone would have been waiting for us for so long. I do want to meet everyone soon as well. Please support us in unit JUS2. We made the song and created new moves for this unit ourselves and we hope that you would love it." Yugyeom pleaded the fans with cuter tone. “Rak na…“ (love you.)
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Scans by ‪coconutverbena‬
For more pictures check out: https://twitter.com/coconutverbena/status/1113992114176528384
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khaosfm · 4 years
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            in  a  stunning  turn  of  events  ,  khaos  banks  drops  a  surprise  track  late  this  evening  featuring  none  other  than  the  original  rager  ,  travis  scott  .  it’s  evident  that  banks  inherited  his  father’s  ability  to  keep  tracks  a  secret  ,  as  he  was  never  photographed  leaving  a  studio  ,  but  chances  are  that  has  to  do  with  the  home  studio  that  marcus  banks  recently  installed  in  his  southampton  home  .  khaos  uses  the  song  to  share  how  much  fun  he  has  without  caring  about  what  anyone  else  has  to  say  about  it  ,  and  we  don’t  have  anything  to  hold  against  him  !  both  he  and  scott  appear  to  enjoy  themselves  in  the  music  video  ,  as  they  have  a  party  at  a  beautiful  mansion  surrounded  by  gorgeous  women  while  goofing  off  .  the  music  video  ,  directed  by  director  x  ,  has  already  amassed  over  ten  million  views  and  continues  to  rise  .  check  out  the  video  here  ,  and  bask  in  the  beauty  that  is  banks’  stellar  voice  .
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djgoodblood · 4 years
Best of 2019: Soca music
For me, 2019 was a very special year for Soca music for two reasons: 1) I went to Trinidad Carnival for the first time and dj’d there, and 2) after my return, we finally started doing Soca events in my town. That means that I got familiar with the new soca tunes way better than in previous years. Of course, going to Notting Hill Carnival was already a tradition, and I had been going to Berlin Carnival and Miami Carnival as well, but Trinidad Carnival with all the fetes was on another level. Making a list of 2019 Soca tunes feels a bit like writing down the soundtrack of my Trinidad Carnival experience, but I try to consider also how many times I played the songs myself and how much I liked them. To be honest, “Lost & Found” was probably my most played Trini song just because it fitted best in my sets in non-Soca events, even though “Savannah Grass” was the real anthem of Trinidad Carnival 2019. “Family” and “Run Wid It” were anthems too, but they were played so many times that I got tired of them. Erphaan Alves came up with really outstanding pop songs “Blaze In Love” and “No Habla” that got stuck in my head even though they were not played that much at parties. Skinny Banton’s “Wrong Again” has been trending and is very likely to be on the 2020 list. I added honourable mentions to some good songs that were really slept-on, for example “Encore” by Biggie Irie. Soca tunes of 2019  1. Kes - Savannah Grass 2. Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh 3. Nadia Batson - So Long  4. Skinny Fabulous, Machel Montano & Bunji Garlin - Famalay  5. Mr Killa - Run Wid It  6. Preedy - Lost & Found  7. Nessa Preppy - Issa Snack  8. Swappi & Ultimate Rejects - Party Start 9. Blaxx - Gyal Owner 10. GBM Nutron - Practice +  Erphaan Alves - Blaze In Love Erphaan Alves - No Habla (Hold Ya) Patrice Roberts - Not One Thing / Kes - Radar / Machel Montano - Jammin (4th Quarter Riddim)  Motto - One Woman / Machel Montano & Jacob (Kassav) - Dancé (Ole Ting Riddim)  Machel Montano & Ashanti - The Road Farmer Nappy & Machel Montano - Day One Runi Jay - Diagnosis (Jab Exists Riddim) Skinny Banton - Wrong Again Nailah Blackman feat. Laventille Rhythm Section - Iron Love   Motto & Machel Montano - Issa Vibe (WCK Riddim)   Patrice Roberts - Dutty Bad /  Motto - What A Mess (Simon Say Riddim) Voice, Wuss Ways & Travis World - Pandemonium Voice - Alive And Well (Osaka Riddim)  Patrice Roberts - Touch Me / Kes - Nah Let Go / Machel Montano - Toco Loco (Toco Loco Riddim)  Patrice Roberts - I Like It Hot (Kickstand Riddim)  Patrice Roberts - Into You (10x Over Riddim) Zeek - Wet It Up (Crazy Mood Riddim) Motto & Skinny Fabulous - Pick Your Position (ASAP Riddim) Lil Rick - Jam Down Lil Rick - Balance Batty  King Bubba FM - She Always Bend Over  Destra - Wine Of Di Century / Lavaman - Short Term (Jamish Riddim) Super Blue & 3 Canal - Rag Storm Jus D - Manager  Kerwin Du Bois, Voice, Teddyson John, Lyrikal - Speechless Valene Nedd - Wung Fu Muddy & Squeeze Head, Lil Natty & Thunder - Freedom Dloxx, Machel Montano & M1 aka Menace - Workie  Bass aka Trilo-G - Harder Voice & David Rudder - Madness Patrice Roberts - Bumpa Avenger Biggie Irie - Encore Nikita - Make Yuh Move (Red Vibes Riddim) Chewalee - Rum Cheaper Than Woman (Jumbo Pack Riddim) Xpert Productions feat. Lil Kerry - Come Around Skull Dawg - Run Down Gyal Marge Blackman & Turner - Soca To The World / Viking Ding Dong - Greatness (Bring It Back Riddim) Patrice Roberts - This Is The Place Christo - Red Gyal Fay-Ann Lyons - Feel Good / Bunji Garlin - See Meh (Foli Riddim)  Asten Isaac - Send Over Gyal Shemmy J & Imran Nerdy - Cherry Cassava (Thotiana sample!) Blackboy x Titan VCD - Gym Exercise (Harvest Riddim) Khaos & L.E.D - Best Mass 2018 tunes that stayed relevant 1. V’ghn - Trouble in the Morning / L Pank - Whole Night (Morning After Riddim) 2. Kes - Hello  3. Motto & Lyrikal - Lit  4. Mandella Linkz - Tombstone 5. Lil Natty & Thunda - Get In Your Section 6. Holla Bak - Too Sweet 2017 tunes that stayed relevant
1. Machel Montano - Fast Wine 2. Erphaan Alves - Overdue 3. Lil Natty & Thunder - Top Striker 4. Marzville - Give It To Ya
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ashestoashcraft · 4 years
100 Iron Artist Characters
I’ve 99% completed the list of 100 OCs that I will be illustrating for an iron artist challenge I’m undertaking. All TH profiles and/or gallery posts will be linked here to their character names as illustrations in Iron Artist are complete. All the OCs will belong to myself with the exception of 13 out of the 100 of which my fiance either created or shares with me.
The reason the list is 99% done and not 100% is because there are a few characters yet to be listed. Unlisted Characters are (a) my fiance’s characters; the listed ones are official, but the rest are undecided currently and (b) surprise Pokemon in Renee and Dr. Rin’s parties, which will be announced later, likely as I draw them.
I won’t be necessarily drawing everything on this list in order, not everyone will have a TH profile yet, and I may even change the list a little bit as time goes on (though I’m going to make an effort not to).
KEY: Crossed Off = Even though it’s redundant, I’m just crossing off all the characters that I’ve already drawn for the Iron Artist challenge. (IA#) = Iron Artist and the chronological order number in which I completed the illustration. (TH) = Toyhouse profile for that character, in case you want to get to know them a little better and/or see other potential illustrations. (WIP) = I haven’t yet completed the Iron Artist piece for this character, but I have some WIP work to give curious birds a little sneak peek.
Ashcraft Starborne (IA1) (TH)
Carrot Top
My Fiance’s Top 13 Charas
Sariel Ray Silver
Orphelia Luna Silver
Xenon Havok Garden
The rest are to be decided. Possibilities include:
Valentine, Harland, & Vivian Bronze
Gabriel, Scarlet, & Sterling Silver
Olin & Kaikane
Orphelia’s friends
Goofy Hell
Cain Rivers
Weak: DOaP
Azazel Redfield Sharpe (WIP)
Asmodeous Sharpe
Ji Ah
Malcolm Christian X
Titus Lucius DeKatch
Lucius Gordan Ramsay
Monique Tara Shae
Yuu’s bf
Renee DeKatch
Dr. Rin Osamu (IA3)
Renee’s Mom
Renee’s Dad
Renee’s Big Brother
Krishna’s gf
Doki Doki Yakitate
Hoshimi Chi Akumu
Avila Akumu (IA2) (TH)
Kud Tue [KT] (and his band:)
> Ja Kyung [Jack]
> Hwan Ki [Kiki]
> Chi Hae [Khaos]
> Sayeo [Sunny]
> Jun
Pokemon Teams
Reckless’s Pokemon Pack
> Void (Shiny Umbreon)
> Fear (Haunter)
> Willow (Fearow)
> Lace (Aron)
> Fang (Mightyena)
> Talon (Houndoom)
Renee DeKatch’s Pokemon Party (6 undecided Pokemon)
Dr. Rin Osamu’s Pokemon Party (6 undecided Pokemon)
Tarot Cards & OCs
The Fool Male
The Fool Female
The Lovers Male
The Lovers Female
The World Male
The World Female 
King of Swords
Queen of Swords
Knight of Swords
Page of Swords
Ace of Swords
2 of Swords
3 of Swords
4 of Swords
5 of Swords
6 of Swords
7 of Swords
8 of Swords
9 of Swords
10 of Swords
King of Wands
Queen of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
King of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Coins
Queen of Coins
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 5 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of Conan: Bêlit #3 throws a few road bumps in the way of Bêlit’s plans as the Kushites renege of their deal and her drunken “Captain” continues being a jerk. I’m really liking this exploration of Bêlit’s early days from Tini Howard, Kate Niemczyk, Scott Hanna, Jason Keith, and Travis Lanham.
| Published by Marvel
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Archie #704 throws some roadblocks in the way of Archie and Sabrina’s relationship through the form of a “Bachelor”-like charity programme set up by Cheryl. I love the even more stylized pastel colour palette from Matt Herms.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman & The Outsiders #1 is an entertaining debut from Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Clayton Cowles. I’ve not read the arc in Detective Comics that feeds into this, but this first issue provides enough information for new readers now to be lost and gives good incentive to check out what’s come before. Great art from Soy and Gandini, with an interesting look inside a team and a compelling start to a mystery about the last survivor from a metahuman generating factory.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page #4 concludes the QE2 aliens caper. Love the art from Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, and Sheelagh D.
| Published by Dynamite
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Bronze Age Boogie #2 continues the strangest Doom Patrol story as the Martian invasion angle has taken hold in the future and a motley crew of heroes bands together to try to stop them. Stuart Moore, Alberto Ponticelli, Giulia Brusco, and Rob Steen are playing with some interesting cross-media influences to tell a highly entertaining tale. It’s rounded out with the usual goodies in the form of prose, letters, and what’s probably my favourite of the back-up strips so far, Major Ursa, from Tyrone Finch, Mauricet, Lee Loughridge, and Rob Steen.
| Published by Ahoy
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Conan the Barbarian #6 sees Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, and Travis Lanham tell a story of Conan’s frustrations as a mercenary in the skirmishes between Turan and Stygia. People constantly underestimating Conan is always a fun story.
| Published by Marvel
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Deadly Class #38 sees Marcus and Maria return to King’s Dominion. It’s kind of messed up seeing the new status quo, but at the same time the tension that Rick Remender, Wes Craig, Jordan Boyd, and Rus Wooton build here between to old Legacy kids and Marcus & Maria feels like it’s going to explode, suggesting something even worse for the characters is coming soon. It’s very captivating.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Detective Comics #1003 reveals the identity of the Arkham Knight. It’s not really anyone you could have possibly guessed, but an interesting addition to Batman’s rogues gallery. Also the cult surrounding the Arkham Knight is certifiably insane. Gorgeous artwork again from Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Marvel
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The Empty Man #7 goes full Clive Barker as we get an explanation for what the Empty Man really is and how he continues to manifest himself upon reality. I know I keep saying it, but the body horror brought about in the art from Jesús Hervás and Niko Guardia just can’t be stressed enough. Every issue they seem to outdo themselves with creepy and intriguing designs.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Eve Stranger #1 looks to be another winner for Black Crown. This first issue sets up the titular character as a secret agent who seems to need to reboot her memory every week. Why, exactly, is left unknown, but that’s part of the fun. David Barnett, Philip Bond, Eva de la Cruz, and Jane Heir do a wonderful job here with the action and intrigue. Also it’s great to see Bond doing more espionage tinged action, his art always looks so great telling these kinds of stories.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Excellence #1 is a thoroughly excellent debut from Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett. The world and character building in this first issue is impeccable and the art from Randolph and Lopez will just blow you away. Incredible development of a magic-based society and the class structure therein.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Flash #70 begins “Year One” promising new insight and occurrences during Barry’s origin story. Given that the last time this happened his mother was murdered, changing the timeline and resulting down the line in Barry trying to fix it with Flashpoint, anything’s possible. The real draw, though, is the stunning artwork from Howard Porter and Hi-Fi. Porter is really giving this his all and it shines through wonderfully.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hawkman #12 brings Bryan Hitch’s tenure on the series to an end with the conclusion to “Cataclysm”. This is an excellent, action-packed final confrontation between the legion of Hawkmen and the Deathbringers, setting up a whole Hawkman for possibly the first time and hints as to worse things waiting on the horizon.
| Published by DC Comics
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Infinite Dark #6 amplifies the terror and chaos as the dead-ish things exposed to the void start spreading fear and panic throughout the station. Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti, K. Michael Russell, and Troy Peteri ratchet up the horror here.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Invaders #5 raises more questions after we thought some things were coming into focus in the previous issue, as Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham continue “War Ghosts”. The tension here on the brink of all out war between the US and Atlantis is incredible, and there are more interesting twists that suggest something far more sinister occurring.
| Published by Marvel
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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #2 features a gorgeous adaptation of the story of Chinese mother goddess, Nuwa, by Chan Chau with letters by Jim Campbell. The artwork is amazingly beautiful supporting a very sweet tale.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Archaia
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Justice League Odyssey #9 opens up an interesting thread that Starfire, Cyborg, and Azrael may be unduly under the influence of Darkseid. Dan Abnett is setting up some simmering conflict between Jessica Cruz and the rest of the team here, along with quite a few occult catchphrases thrown in to help amplify the mood.
| Published by DC Comics
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Lodger #5 is the end to this excellent crime drama from the Laphams and it is all kinds of messed up. We learn what really happened to Ricky’s family and...yeah. This has been a strange, at times disturbing, ride and they stuck the landing.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Murder Falcon #8 is the epic conclusion to this series as Jake and Murf take on Magnum Khaos. Between this series and Extremity, Daniel Warren Johnson has proven himself time and again as a master storyteller and it shines through with the heartrending end to this story. This one goes up to eleven.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #1 is an interesting mash-up of the three properties from Amy Chu, Maria Sanapo, Vinicius Andrade, and Taylor Esposito. Some nice fish out of water humour as Sonja and Vampirella acclimate to Riverdale.
| Published by Dynamite
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Savage Sword of Conan #5 concludes “The Cult of Koga Thun” from Gerry Duggan, Ron Garney, Richard Isanove, and Travis Lanham. Some interesting twists in this finale of what has been a highly entertaining adventure.
| Published by Marvel
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She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #2 sees Martín Morazzo cut loose again with some of the designs and presentation for Luna’s dreams and schizophrenic episodes.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett #1 features some incredibly rich artwork from Marc Laming and Neeraj Menon. Great detail throughout this story spotlighting Boba Fett’s cold, silent amorality.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #32 begins “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” as Aphra and her young protege steal the titular MacGuffin. There’s some interesting flashbacks to Aphra’s youth and it’s great to see Caspar Wijngaard doing more Star Wars art, even if just the flashbacks.
| Published by Marvel
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These Savage Shores #4 is a sumptuous feast. Ram V, Sumit Kumar, Vittorio Astone, and Aditya Bidikar are elevating the artform of comics which each subsequent issue. The epistolary narrative, the horror and mythological themes, the plays upon the nine-panel grid, the shadowy character designs, the lush and spooky colours, the overlap with historical events, the unique approach and detail in each character’s missive...just one of these elements would result in an entertaining tale, this comic mixes all of them into a superlative package. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading this series.
| Published by Vault
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The Unstoppable Wasp #7 throws Nadia a birthday party, wherein she learns of her relations to what seems like half of the Marvel universe. Also, issues a death threat to Tony Stark. It’s cute, from Jeremy Whitley, Alti Firmansyah, Espen Grundetjern, and Joe Caramagna.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 sets up the conflict in the Pacific with Sindr while introducing a swath of new international characters to the Marvel universe. Also, Amadeus Cho continues to be a massive idiot, even at his shrunken size. Great art from Gang Hyuk Lim and Federico Blee.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Twins #4 sets up the twins with a pair of dates, allowing for some hilarious misadventures. Also, Polly seems to have a weird obsession with testicular cancer. Mark Russell, Stephen Byrne, and Dave Sharpe continue the fun, even though this one kind of takes us away from all ages material.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Wyrd #3 opens up the messy can of worms of Wyrd’s past further as a figure out of the past he can’t remember emerges for a “meet”. Great tone and atmosphere for this story from Curt Pires, Antonio Fuso, Stefano Simeone, and Micah Myers.
| Published by Dark Horse
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X-Force #7 begins “The Counterfeit King” from Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett, Damian Couceiro, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Caramagna as past and present threaten to collide. Some nice character development for the team as they wait for Deathlok to do his thing.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Accell #20, Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #3, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #3, Betty & Veronica #5, Black Hammer: Age of Doom #10, By Night #11, Captain America #10, Captain Marvel #5, Catwoman #11, Curse Words #21, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6, Gunning for Hits #5, Hack/Slash vs. Chaos #5, Hit Girl: Season Two #4, House of Whispers #9, Ice Cream Man #12, James Bond: Origin #9, The Last Space Race #4, The Long Con #9, Marvels Annotated #3, Oberon #4, Ronin Island #3, Section Zero #2, Shadow Roads #7, Six Days, Spider-Man/Deadpool #50, Star Wars Adventures #21, Supergirl #30, Symbiote Spider-Man #2, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #44, Unnatural #9, Vindication #4, War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #2, Wasted Space #9, Waves, Wonder Woman #70
Recommended Collections: Accell - Volume 4: Slipstream Dream, Beyonders - Volume 1, Blackbird - Volume 1, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 1, The Freeze - Volume 1, Justice League - Volume 2: Graveyard of the Gods, Pearl - Volume 1, Quantum & Woody! - Volume 2: Separation Anxiety, Red Sonja/Tarzan, Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider - Volume 1: Spider-Geddon, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Villains, Thor by Jason Aaron: Complete Collection - Volume 1, The Woods: Yearbook Edition - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy feels like a frappuccino.
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topfygad · 5 years
The Best Day Excursions for People to Khao Lak
The enchanting region of Khao Lak sits on the western coastline of Thailand, wanting out to the Andaman Sea. It’s an location that, extra a short while ago, has been synonymous with pure catastrophe, following the 2004 tsunami that was the deadliest all-natural party on document. Thousands of individuals ended up killed, dozens of getaway resorts had been ruined, and the region’s tourism field took a lot more than a ten years to rebuild. The good news is, the purely natural attractiveness of Khao Lak was preserved and tens of countless numbers of readers are returning to discover its sights. If you are looking for the very best working day visits from your holiday getaway foundation in Khao Lak, in this article are our prime picks.
KHAO SOK Countrywide PARK Situated just 40 kilometres north-east of Khao Lak is the oldest evergreen rainforest on the earth. Khao Sok Nationwide Park is a majestic place to check out, the two on foot and by canoe. Some 5% of the world’s animal species reside inside of this park, which includes elephants, wild boar, tigers and white-handed gibbons. It is open up 365 times a calendar year, so each time you take a look at Khao Lak you will have a amazing working experience here.
PHANG NGA BAY  If you love discovering the sights and seems of Khao Lak and western Thailand on drinking water, you’ll cherish a vacation to Phang Nga Bay. With tall limestone karsts that stand imposingly in just the sea, as well as several intriguing caves to meander by means of by sea kayak, it is a amazing journey. There is also the famed ‘James Bond Island’ close by, which is the scene for Scaramanga’s hideaway in The Gentleman With the Golden Gun. It is quite touristy but offers amazing photo alternatives.
SIMILAN ISLANDS  If you delight in snorkelling, scuba diving and exploring sea lifetime, be absolutely sure to book a day excursion to the Similan Islands, situated 50 kilometres off the Khao Lak shoreline. With crystal apparent waters and white sandy seashores, it’s a good escape for a working day and even transient overnight visits.
WAT THAM If you desire to examine a lot more of Thailand’s common lifestyle, pay a visit to the Buddhist temple of Wat Tham. It is 1 of the most common landmarks in the Phang Nga province. The reclining Buddha statue is certainly the most memorable attraction listed here, situated deep within just this limestone temple cave. Outdoors the temple, macaques regularly socialise with the visitors, allowing you to feed them with nuts and bananas if you so wish.
It is actually remarkable the way in which the neighborhood of Khao Lak has managed to rebound and rebuild due to the fact the tsunami. Coastal parts and resorts have been reconstructed and repaired and new kinds are getting created all the time. By the conclusion of this calendar year, the area will be residence to extra than 9,000 lodge rooms. With warning sirens mounted throughout the Khao Lak coastline to offer two-hour warnings of upcoming tsunamis, this western coastline of Thailand is once all over again a protected area to examine, so do not wait to book your ticket to Khao Lak! Typical visitors of The Aussie Flashpacker will know that we have completely beloved our travels by Asia and are often setting up trips back!
Have you visited Thailand in your travels? x
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2Miuih3 via IFTTT
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megbox · 6 years
2018 Year In Review
Previous Posts: (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) 
2018 has not been a banner year for self care. It has not been a banner year for much of anything, to be honest. This year in review will be much less colourful and exciting than they traditionally tend to be. It has been a year of hard work, stress, and feeling the pressure of the less-fun parts of adulthood creeping up on me. It has been really hard, to be totally honest. I have spent the majority of the year in a deep state of exhaustion and distress. There are positives within it all, though. Big positives, such as: 
I went on my longest trip ever away from home. 
I have developed so much in the professional sense and have fallen so deeply in love with social work and my future career path. 
I have made new friends who reflect these changing influences in my life, and the enduring friendships that have survived all of these years continue to strengthen and deepen as time goes on. 
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Tell me - why does January always suck? 2018 began with an opening double shift on New Year’s Day, which I feel is strongly symbolic of the year as a whole because you have an exhausted Megan struggling to responsibly balance my professional responsibilities, self-care, and partying. On January 3rd, Alex and I booked our flights to Asia and in doing so, solidified that we were going through with a plan made drunkenly over the table last summer at a karaoke bar. 
I did get to spend an awesome ski weekend with Alesta, Sydney x 2, and Shelby. It was especially nice because this particular group of people had never spent time all together - we were just united by being a group of girls who love to ski. We hit Lake Louise on Saturday, stayed overnight at a hostel in Banff, and Alesta and I hit Sunshine on Sunday. In Banff, we got a free jug of sangria because we are cute girls. We went to High Rollers and Sydney was drinking IPAs and porters like a pro. I went alone (like... what? Who am I? How drunk was I?) to Dancing Sasquatch after and made friends with some Nova Scotians in line. One of them paid for my cover and bought me not one but two of those infamous Time Machine drinks and extra bonus - Alesta and I got FREE lift passes at Sunshine. 
At the end of the month, my mental health took a sharp nosedive into oblivion and I don’t even really know why. I started experiencing a violent resurgence of something I haven’t felt since the end of the 12th grade, having what I now recognize as panic attacks. The first one came when I was studying on a Sunday at Higher Ground and I had no idea what the fuck was happening, I’d been there for several hours when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I packed up all my shit and burst out the door literally gasping for air but ended up being fine. Just shaky and confused. They started happening more frequently after this, with no predictable trigger, and I started to feel the physical manifestations of stress. That was new and it freaked me out. This lent itself to a lot of strange patterns around eating (since I was constantly feeling nauseous, or I thought I was, I didn’t want to have a full stomach. I also thought I had a food intolerance, and because I’m me was 100% convinced I was pregnant because the stress caused me to miss my period). 
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Things started to get so bad in February that I had to plead my manager at Famoso for less hours. He was an idiot in general but also did not seem to grasp the severity of what I told him. He would frequently schedule me for these long swing swifts all weekend long, leaving no time or energy for the mountains of homework I had to do. It did not help. 
February was especially busy with school. That’ll be a recurring theme throughout this year. It could honestly be a summary of this entire year - so I’ll spare you the details. But five courses at the University of Calgary is no joke. 
I never needed reading week so badly in my entire life. I was beyond happy to just be able to take a long weekend and not be at Famoso. Shelby arranged for a giant group of her friends to spend the weekend at her friend Sawyer’s massive, absolutely beautiful cabin in Invermere. I got to spend some quality time with two of my favourite people on the planet - Emma and Sydney. From the minute we got into Emma’s car together, to having ciders at the Emerald Lake Lodge on the way, to eating A&W and sharing a bed and “she gon’ fuck the fridge.” Sydney and I spent one afternoon on homework while everyone else went skiing and I was with her when she got the news that she’d won this massive grant and we celebrated by sitting in this magical massage chair and just loving life. We played Drink, Talk, Learn! And I gave a drunken presentation on the history and etiology of pugs. Emma and I went skating on Lake Windermere to cure our hangovers on Sunday. A keg and a bonfire were involved. It was so Canadian, honestly LOL. And so perfect. 
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Although I was still struggling with this weird panic-nausea cycle, it lessened through March as more and more assignments were completed. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to use a cliche. I gave three presentations in a week, I remember that being particularly awful. 
I attempted Mellow March for the second time and once again failed. Mildly concerning. I caved on a Wednesday wing night with the Famoso friends. It was 27 days in. So close, so close. 2019 will be my year! 
I started getting really into podcasts at this time because I started commuting using public transit. I got really into Guys We Fucked (which I still love), and This Is Actually Happening. TIAH is kind of fucked up though, and after a while it started to fuck me up. I would have weird dreams about the content and I started becoming paranoid that there was something wrong/extraordinary about me. So I stopped. I guess that is something I have learned about myself this year, is that even when it’s not overt, I am really deeply effected by some of the things I learn. Typically, people of this nature do not excel in the field of social work so allow me to flag this as a place for improvement in the future.
I ran the 5km at the St. Patrick’s Day road race, which was awesome and I won the draw that everyone was entered in and got a FREE pair of these super nice, hot pink New Balance running shoes that I now cherish with my life. 
I had my first round of practicum interviews, which only ended up being one interview because I was offered the placement at CommunityWise before I could interview anywhere else. This is one of the best things to happen the whole year :) 
And a special moment for me as well was on March 31, I got to see Alvvays live. 
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In April, I finished hell semester and immediately jetted off to Thailand.
From the get go, the trip was a bit of a shit show. This was my second time to Asia, and my first experience with really planning a trip including flights, hostels, and transportation from place to place without the aid of a tour guide or travel company. We had a time even getting to Bangkok due to an untimely snow storm the day of our departure that forced our flight to Vancouver to be late and causing us to miss our connecting flight to China. After two hours in line at the Air Canada desk, an agent produced a new itinerary for us. Calgary to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Bangkok. He printed the sheets out and when I looked at the times on the paper, the mental math wasn’t adding up. With me, the mental math never really adds up but this time it seemed impossible that we could leave so much later than planned for our trip and arrive in Bangkok only three hours later than we were supposed to. I brought this up with him and he assured me it was fine. I wasn’t satisfied though, and asked a bunch of other airport personnel the same question. They all said we were fine but lo and behold, we land in Hong Kong and are waiting for the Thai Airlines desk to open so we can retrieve the tickets for the last leg of the journey when the agent there tells us, “They put you on the flight that left yesterday.” Anger and distress ensues. I call Air Canada from the airport in Hong Kong and the call drops. I’m straight up crying on the floor at this point. But in the end – we fucking made it.
In Bangkok, I was welcomed back to the stifling heat and humidity of Asia. We met American doctors-to-be who were at the end of their trip and were totally sick of one another and were very happy to have company. We ate massaman curry for every meal, partied on Khao San Road (those nitrous balloons!!! God, they’re so fun!!), and spent a lot of money on a single cocktail just for a photo op at the top of a skyscraper but the sunset was perfect and it was totally worth it.
In Chiang Mai we drank Sangsom and Coca-Cola by the pool and ate street food out of Styrofoam containers. We met these Americans who were teaching English in Chiang Mai and they took us to a night club on the back of their motorbikes. I did a drug I said I’ve never do in one of the bathrooms at this night club and ended up going home with one of the aforementioned teachers. It was funny to me because at about 3:00pm, Alex and I went back to our hostel to change and get ready for the evening and at that point I said, “I think I’m going to end up hooking up with Cory.” I fucking knew. I KNEW.
In Pai, I had the DIRTIEST hostel experience of my life. I was showering… just fully naked and vulnerable in this nasty ass shower when I saw a bug I did not recognize from my sheltered upbringing crawl out of a hole in the wall. I have never felt more small. It was also 43 degrees and we were staying in a tiny hut with a plug-in fan that only worked half the time and somehow had the effect of making the room hotter? Pai was also the first time we rented motorbikes. It’s honestly so dangerous… like, what the fuck, Thailand. We experienced our first flash rainstorm. We went to a place called Sunset Bar and took mushroom shakes and holy shit I’ve never experienced more potent mushrooms in my entire life. We met our Irish friends who we’d later see in Koh Pha Ngan, and I slept with an Israeli soldier on our second-to-last night and I’m almost 100% certain I took his virginity.
Koh Pha Ngan was alllll thunderstorms. We also decided to splurge a bit on food on this island and gorged ourselves with seafood and lavender Moscow mules at this nice restaurant down the road from our hostel. We partied so hard. We went to the pre-parties for the Full Moon – they have the Waterfall party two nights before, and the Jungle party the night before. I had sex with a total stranger at the Waterfall party up against a rock (when I recounted this story to Steven upon returning home he put on a redneck accent and said, “C’mon baby let me take you down to the fuck rock” and now that’s all I hear when I think about this experience in my head). The Full Moon Party was fun but not AS fun as the pre parties. It wasn’t as wild and the beach is so big but everyone concentrates in one little area. I took some kind of mystery pill (as you can see, I was very safe in Thailand) and had yet another sexual experience with a casual partner. I also witnessed a fight in the taxi back because one girl called another girl a stripper. It was bad.
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Continuing on with our Asia trip.
We landed in Krabi and intended fully to chill out a little bit after the wildness of Koh Pha Ngan. The first night was chill, we were staying in the Muslim quarter of the Krabi area so there weren’t a ton of nightclubs to go to and the hostel had some kind of run-in with police and weren’t able to take us out on the pub crawl we signed up for (lame). We had a roommate from Vancouver on the second day who bought a bunch of Xanax from a Thai pharmacy and gave me one. I can never do it again because it was so. good. But of course, I took one pill and stopped drinking just in case. This bitch continued drinking and took six or seven Xanax throughout the night. I honestly don’t know how she lived. We went rock climbing and drank beers on a boat tour one day and it was soooo great. We had the hottest tour guide. I did a hike by my lonesome that I nearly died on.
On the ferry ride from Krabi to Koh Phi Phi is where I got the sunburn that will likely give me skin cancer in later life and kill me. 90 minutes on the outside deck of a ferry (because I felt nauseous as fuck and didn’t want to vom in the cabin) absolutely fucked. me. up. We stayed at another pretty fucking gross hostel in Koh Phi Phi, and my roommates were all male which was a new experience for me. I went on a solo booze cruise cause Alex was sick. We took mushrooms again with our Canadian friend Kelsey and god, I was laughing so hard I was crying and I could not stop. I was like rolling around in the sand laughing so fucking hard about Fisherman’s Friends candy. It was so blissful. So pure.
And then… the sickness. This is going to be TMI but… fuck it. A bit of indigestion and stomach trouble is expected whenever a white person enters Asia. Different microbes etc. etc. But this… this was on a new fucking level. I knew something was up because on the morning that we woke up to take our ferry from Koh Phi Phi to Phuket, I vomited. And I never vomit, and I wasn’t that hungover (especially in relation to much of the rest of the trip). I felt okay afterwards though so we soldiered on. Three hour ferry ride, totally fine. We board our bus that will take us from the ferry port in Phuket to our hotel and about halfway through this bus ride, I feel it. I am wearing overalls. My heart starts beating loudly in my chest, sweat begins to bead on my forehead. Holy fuck, I am going to shit my pants. I clench until we get to the hostel – which is, of course, the last stop. It’s like a solid 45 minutes of pain. My stomach is ROILING. I have never felt anything like it.
I honestly know nothing about Phuket because I spent the entire 72 hours we were there running from my bunk bed to the bathroom. I would go so far as to say every ten minutes. At one point, I just brought my laptop into the washroom with me and watched Netflix for a few hours. A roommate who was with us switched rooms (understandably… I’m sorry, Helen). I didn’t eat for four days, literally not a fucking thing. Just Gatorade and water so that I didn’t die of dehydration. Because we had an airplane to catch and I needed to not be shitting the contents of my body out, I saw a doctor. He prescribed me like five different medications and told me just to take like eight of these pills and to expect stomach pain but it would at least get me through the flight to Seoul and hopefully home.
It worked, and we spent the last few days of our trip in Seoul. What an absolutely fascinating and beautiful part of the world. With Kieun as our guide, we got to see the best parts of Seoul. People took photos with us and gave us free shit. I had the absolute best meal of my life (it was the first thing I’d eaten in like four days… I really risked it all with the Korean barbecue honestly…). All-you-can-eat thick fatty slices of pork belly, grilled in front of us and dipped in sesame oil and salt with garlic and spices. Spicy chicken feet on the side, corn with cheese. It was wild. I cannot believe I stomached it.
And on May 12th, we returned home back to our lives and school and work and all of that boring ass shit. I remained ill for a solid six weeks upon returning home. To a lesser degree, I still have not fully recovered. At this point, I am unsure if I ever will. I truly think that second-round Asia gave me skin cancer and permanently altered my gastrointestinal functioning. Worth it? Unsure. But it happened nonetheless.
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My brother graduated from university and won a very prestigious award and it was very nice to watch him cross the stage and hear a nice speech about his accomplishments (he won so many scholarships that he basically had a free ride to school – I think it’s clear who inherited the brains).
I finished up my spring courses. Can I just say - spring courses are the worst? The two I picked were especially bad. The one about human sexuality was basically Sex Ed 101 which made for an easy A but I was hoping to investigate deeper on a number of topics. And the second one was way too hard for my tiny brain to accommodate and I got the lowest mark I’ve ever gotten on my paper and it brought me down.
I had a very random unexpected night where I slept with a really close friend of mine (like, friends for over a decade) who I used to have a little bit of a crush on in high school. We were very drunk and it was kind of a curiosity-satisfying move that has actually not resulted in a very big change to our relationship at all but I think it’s worth mentioning because younger me would have been stoked. This one’s for you, younger me!
We went to the High River Rodeo and Cabaret – another unexpected move but oh my god it was so fun. Matt, Steven, Amanda and I. You could buy as many beers as you wanted at a time and they were cheap because fuck the AGLC apparently. The rodeo was actually super fun. The cabaret was redneck af and I happened to see my roommate from the hostel in Koh Phi Phi and his buddies there? Although it was not a friendly reunion because I had unknowingly exposed him for cheating on his girlfriend when he was in Phi Phi (which he did. I shared a room with him, and the girl he loudly banged every night until 4am). Two-stepping ensued and I passed out in the car ride home. I have a great photo of Steven from this night next to a bottle of hot sauce. I do not recall why. I will include it below. 
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Okay, I am just going to preface this by saying July was a hot mess. 
Myself, Madison, Maeghan, and Cayley were all single and messing around on dating apps so we decided to create Tinder bingo. It’s exactly what it sounds like. The rules were that you could only cross off two things per date (so that you had to go on a minimum of three to win), you got bonus points for going on a Tinder date with the same person someone else had gone out with, and the first to win got their drinks paid for on a night out. So, I went on exactly one Tinder date. Which is something I said I’ve never do and never really saw myself doing but I went for it on this occasion because I think that in this day and age, a Tinder date is an experience everyone should have. So I bit the bullet, and went for a drink with this guy James at the Oak Tree Tavern. And oh... my god? What a terrible experience? LAUGHABLY terrible. His only desired topic of conversation were the nationalities of people I had slept with and in what circumstances. At one point he asked me, “when was the last time you had sex? Was it good?” He also talked at maximum volume and I guarantee you everyone else at that bar overheard our conversation. Midway through the date, he asked for a review of how he was doing and I told him he seemed a bit nervous. This angered him. He said, “I’M NOT NERVOUS” and I was like, “you asked, buddy.” He asked me if I would pay for him. Cayley literally had to come rescue me and I ran out of his car where he had unbuttoned his pants and had his dick out and was literally on the verge of tears begging me to touch it so hard. I literally bolted out of his car and he yelled out the window, “CALL ME!” He still hits me up on instagram sometimes. I hope his life gets better. 
I also moved again. This is my favourite living situation I’ve ever had. Great roommates who are almost never home. Cute house. Good location. A+ choice by me. 
I got really obsessed with the Thai cave rescue. It was just such a compelling and unique STORY and I would literally come home from work and refresh the BBC live update feed for hours until I fell asleep, then I’d wake up and refresh hoping for good news. I cannot wait for the movie. I will go opening day. #Obsessions 
Stampede!!! Oh my god, what a wonderful Stampede. The most memorable thing is that Steven and I went to the standing rodeo one afternoon and got absolutely. fucking. hammered. Whilst there, we met and befriended two Australian retirees named Lyn and Ken. They are rich and are obsessed with horseriding and rodeo stuff. They purchased many drinks for us and we convinced them to come to Nashville North with us, where they purchased MORE drinks for us and Steven attempted to show them how to two-step. They later invited me to go horseback riding in Banff and I accepted. They literally picked me up, drove me to Banff, we crushed two bottles of wine at the Park gin distillery, went on a three-hour horseback ride through the mountains, they drove me home and I paid for NONE OF IT. It was........ a day. I sat on my bed later and thought to myself, “that was fucking weird.” But now, if I ever go to Melbourne, I will hit them up. 
It was Ali’s birthday and we went camping in Waiparous. We took mushrooms on Saturday and just as they were beginning to fully kick in, the RCMP rolled in and kicked us out of our campsite. What a wild time to be faced with an interaction with the cops. Also - no one could drive except for two people who had stayed sober and they had to shuttle us to a new campsite. Have you ever tried setting up a tent on mushrooms? Do you know how difficult and hilarious it is? 
And lastly at the end of July, I went to Folk Fest. I saw Alvvays again. Front row! Like, against the barrier front row. It was awesome. It was folk fest that inspired me to cut my hair and get bangs again. No regrets. I love my bangs. I also experienced a level of street harassment that I didn’t know was possible from some random, innocent-seeming guy. It was terrifying. I called the police. No bueno. 
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In August, I got promoted at my job and basically became a baby manager. It was better in theory than in practice because my shifts got longer, I made less in tips (but more hourly), and the cash out for a restaurant is a long and frustrating process that depends on a lot of small pieces working together correctly in a big ass spreadsheet and I suck at math.
In happier news – August was also the establishment of podcast club. Podcast club is one of the best and dorkiest things I have ever been involved with. We pick a podcast each week to listen to, and get together on Sunday mornings at 10:00am to discuss the contents of the podcast. It was initially open to whomever wanted to come but has since whittled down to a core group and at this point, we’re all so close that it would almost be weird to introduce a new person into the mix. There is Kendal, who I go to school with and who started the whole club. Her boyfriend, Mitch. Lachlan and Maddy who are siblings. Matt, a YouTuber who was kind of a wildcard. Chad, also kind of a wildcard but who works as a youth counsellor – and me! Podcast club has made my life infinitely better and is probably the best thing to come out of 2018, in all honesty.
I also got obsessed with Harry Potter and read like almost the whole series and my new at the time roommates thought I was such a loser because I would literally post up on the couch in the living room with a HP book and they would come back five hours later and I hadn’t moved and all I wanted to talk about was Harry Potter. 
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September / October / November 
I am lumping these three months together in this review because truly, they are lumped together in my mind and heart. 
On September 11, I started my first practicum at CommunityWise. I really had no idea what to expect when I started there but looking back, I cannot believe how hard I lucked out. The U of C is VERY clinically-based when it comes to how it educates and describes the practice of social work. CW was the opposite of it all and day-to-day so much happens there that it is honestly impossible not to get dragged in at such a deep level that it literally forces you to care. When I was in practicum, I did a lot of reading and I came across this concept of a “disorienting dilemma” which is “an experience within which a current understanding is found to be insufficient or incorrect and the learner struggles with the resulting conflict of views. Such experiences often are those to which learners point as the beginning of the process of questioning their understanding and views and entering the transformative learning process” (Source). Truly, being in that space over the course of 300 hours created this for me. I was forced to confront a lot of racist and otherwise problematic shit that I have been brought up with and that comes up in small ways for me that I try and quash down for the sake of saving face. Poverty, addiction, mental health issues showed up LITERALLY on the doorstep and I was thrown into it all. The experience was a disorienting dilemma and it shook me out of my bubble and I have never fallen so deeply in love with social work. My supervisor and I formed a VERY close relationship that probably broke some ethical and professional boundaries and she was there for me to discuss social issues and experiences I was having in an honest way that really deconstructed things. I had my debit card stolen by a client on one occasion, had to call the DOAP team because I witnessed people in overdose more times than I can count, had to talk many a person down from suicide, befriended a very mentally ill person who suffers from delusions that they are an alien in a human body sent here to observe earth and report back to their master. We had to kick someone out of a workshop for being racist. It was a wild ride, honestly. There were many many positive things to come out of practicum. I built my professional network in ways I never would have been able to, I was able to move out of the “student” realm and step into the role of a social worker and advocate and professional. I did a lot of public speaking! I was out in the community talking to a million different people. I made videos and posters. And the best part of all is that even when my practicum ended, my connection to CW did not. They have hired me on as a digital storytelling intern (paid!) for the new year. Which is a major confidence boost and I just love CW and everyone there so much. I will literally be forever grateful to them for taking me under their collective wing and showing me I have the skills and abilities to be an effective social worker :) 
Ahem. Now on to some not-so-good things... 
The end of October was kind of difficult because I was attempting to manage practicum responsibilities, actual class projects and homework, second-round practicum interviews, and Famoso. I was very stressed out and it was not good, especially because I got a rejection from one interview and didn’t even get an interview at my top choice. I was feeling very sorry for myself and may or may not have cried at my desk at practicum. It all worked out in the end though, and actually I was offered a placement at the first place I interviewed – they just took a while to get back to me. She called me to let me know this while I was on a run and being idiot me, I picked up… panting and gasping for air in Nose Hill Park. She was like, “We’d like to offer you the place… wait, are you okay?”
I would also like to just slide it in here that I slept with my ex in October. Which wasn’t a particularly momentous occasion and was actually kind of funny because it felt so much like a one night stand. I am mostly putting this in here because I don’t think many people know that and I want to see who reads this far.
Along similarish lines – I PUT MYSELF OUT THERE AND ASKED SOMEONE ON A STRAIGHT UP DATE AND GOT REJECTED AND IT WAS HONESTLY SO EMBARASSING AND BRUTAL and it’s okay now but oh… my god. This also happened around the same time as the rejections from practicum placements and I had such a bad night where I got drunk on my couch alone and Cayley brought me burnt ends from her new job at a brewery because she was #concerned for me and I didn’t want to be alone. That’s a true friend right there.
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December is only halfway done - but I feel I can summarize it accurately. It has been a nice, tidy wrap up to the year. A month of podcasts, cleaning my house and my car and my life up, a mysterious knee injury that is really fucking me up, working a lot at Famoso, finishing my practicum and school semester. One thing I am dreading is that my brother’s girlfriend who our family is not particularly fond of will be joining us in Saskatoon this year. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 
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In General 
2018 has been very stressful for me. But despite the stress, and sometimes out of it, have come some very nice, beautiful things. I said last year in my post that I wanted to become more deeply involved in my community and in activism and social work and in that way I think I have excelled. I’m in it now, you guys. I feel capable. I feel motivated. I feel CONFIDENT. And I’m fucking excited to see what comes in the future. 
I nearly doubled the amount of people I’ve slept with so that’s... a notable thing that happened this year. 
It has been nice to feel a return to a sense of belonging with my old high school group of friends. In a way, I feel more united with them than ever. I guess not having a partner that they all hate helps. But also, I think I’ve just been feeling more and more like myself. But to Connor, Steven, Matt, Adam and the assortment of new(er) members that come and go - I am very grateful for you all. It has also been good for my heart and soul to become so close with people from podcast club. It’s actually like... really hard to make new friends. Podcast club made it easy. And I found myself on a Friday night in Maddy and Ben’s apartment, watching cooking shows and teaching them how to play card games, laughing until I cried and drinking wine. And it’s like... who else gets together on EVERY Sunday morning to discuss podcasts? For fun? I know relationships change and dissolve and grow from each year to the next but I just have a deep feeling that some of these friendships are the real deal. And I’m really lucky. It sounds so ~fake deep~ and lame but honestly podcast club is making me a better, happier, less anxious person. 
I think 2019 is going to have to be the year that I really, truly grow the fuck up. I’m not mad about this. I look forward to crushing through 400 more hours of practicum, graduating and getting my degree. Hopefully entering the work force for real (this prospect is honestly so exciting to me... I creep the job boards every day daydreaming about what I might eventually do when I leave the world of waitressing) and making some adult money. 
I also like... totally got fat in 2018 so 2019 will involve some activities to counterbalance this. AND I have a ticket to Big Valley Jamboree. Which is hilarious because I think if you asked 2015 Megan what she’d never do, it would be “go to BVJ” but here I am, ticket in hand, excitement mounting by the day. Boots on, bitches. 
Some of my goals or things I’d like to work on in 2019 are to become less attached to social media and more invested in the actual moment/doing of things rather than recording them (ironic as I type this MASSIVE year in review post, yes), to get into a healthy and sustainable pattern of exercise where I don’t just like become obsessed with it for a little while and then slowly taper off and then do none of it for like six months... and honestly? I want to download a bunch of those dating apps again and just go for it. I think you can learn so much about yourself through dating and I’ve been such a recluse this year for the most part because I have been sort-of-but-not seeing someone since literally JULY but we’re not actually together and I don’t know what’s going on. I just need to get over my own insecurities and anxiety and just jump in with both feet. It’ll be fun. It’ll be crazy. I’m excited. 
The rest of it, as always, is an open book. Who knows where I will be, what I will be doing, or who I will be doing it with by this time next year? Not I. 
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saigonmallvn-blog · 6 years
iPhone 7 128Gb (Quốc Tế)
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iPhone 7 trong năm nay đạt đến độ hoàn thiện cao nhất với mẫu thiết kế như một siêu phẩm đi trước thời đại. Trong năm nay, Apple bổ sung thêm màu sắc Jet Black làm phong phú cho bộ sưu tập mà còn là điểm nhấn trong khâu thiết kế. Bên cạnh đó, nút Home trên iPhone 7 cũng được thiết kế lại, bổ sung thêm tính năng cảm ứng lực cũng như trông hoàn hảo hơn. Bài viết giúp người dùng hiểu rõ hơn về sản phẩm iPhone 7 128Gb.
Cấu hình iPhone 7 128Gb
Trong thiết kế lần này, chất liệu vỏ được sử dụng chính là nhôm 7000 Series siêu cứng, siêu bền, giảm trầy xước cùng 5 màu sắc. Thách thức thời tiết bây giờ không còn là vấn đề với iPhone 7 với chuẩn IP67 có khả năng chống bụi chống nước. Những chuyến dã ngoại, pool party vô tư cùng bạn bè mà vẫn yên tâm vì luôn có người bạn iPhone 7 bên cạnh. Tiếp đó, khả năng chống nước, âm thanh stereo và dung lượng bộ nhớ trong có lớn hơn, hiệu năng có tốt hơn đã thực sự làm hài lòng người dùng với những cải tiến nổi bật. Xem thêm cấu hình thông tin iPhone 7 mới 100% tại bài viết này bạn nhé.
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Ngoại hình iPhone 7 128Gb Kích thước của chiếc iPhone 7 là 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1mm, nó có “số đo 3 vòng” giống hệt chiếc iPhone 6s. Chiếc flagship này nhẹ hơn người tiền nhiệm khoảng 5g xuống còn 138g. Một sự thay đổi tinh tế tạo ra một sự khác biệt nhẹ: 2 dải ăng-ten đã được đẩy lên cạnh trên và cạnh dưới. Nó tạo cảm giác mặt lưng sẽ thoáng hơn và trông gần như vô hình trên phiên bản Mattle Black và bản Jet Black. Hệ Thống Camera Siêu Cấp Camera của iPhone 7 128Gb sở hữu độ phân giải 12MP cùng khẩu độ f/1.8 và thấu kính 6 thành phần tạo nên những bức ảnh chụp thiếu sáng tốt hơn rất nhiều. Quay video ở độ phân giải 4K cũng vậy, một khi chiêm ngưỡng những thước phim từ iPhone 7 bạn sẽ không ngừng hỏi vì sao một chiếc smartphone lại có thể quay video đẹp đến vậy. Mỗi khoảnh khắc bạn chạm để chụp, công nghệ ISP hoàn toàn mới được kích hoạt và xử lý đến 100 tỉ phép tính trong thời gian chưa đến 1 giây để hòa trộn và tạo ra một bức hình trông tuyệt nhất.
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Màn Hình Retina Hiển Thị Rực Rỡ Năm nay iPhone 7 được trang bị màn hình Retina thế hệ cho độ sáng cao hơn 25%, dải màu hiển thị rộng hơn và tính năng 3D Touch thông minh sẽ nâng tầm trải nghiệm cho chính bạn. Mỗi cú chạm lên màn hình là mỗi lần bạn cảm nhận được tính ưu việt của màn hình Retina.
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Vi Xử Lý Mạnh Mẽ Nhất Trên Smartphone Sở hữu vi xử lý A10 được nâng cấp tối đa sức mạnh xử lý, tốc độ giờ đây đã gấp đôi iPhone 6 mà năng lượng tiêu thụ thấp hơn nhờ đó tiết kiệm năng lượng tiêu thụ, kéo dài thời gian sử dụng cho iPhone 7. Tất cả những thao tác xử lý phức tạp nhất, ứng dụng đồ họa dựng hình hay những tựa game nặng đều không là vấn đề đối với iPhone 7. Mọi thứ đều mượt mà và chắc hẳn bạn sẽ chẳng cảm thấy bất cứ phiền toái nào về điều này.
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Hai Loa Stereo Âm Thanh Chuyên Nghiệp Táo khuyết đã đi đầu trong xu hướng nhằm xóa bỏ kết nối 3.5mm trên smartphone đồng nghĩa với việc bạn chỉ có thể kết nối các thiết bị âm thanh như loa, tai nghe qua cổng Lightning mà thôi. Bởi hãng cho rằng cổng Lightning có thể truyền tải âm thanh tốt hơn, đầy đủ hơn so với cổng analog truyền thống, thể hiện được khát khao thay đổi thời đại, những thứ đã tồn tại quá lâu, trở nên quá lỗi thời. KẾT LUẬN: Và đây là những gì mà iPhone 7 128Gb được thiết kế cao cấp với hiệu suất nhanh hơn, màn hình đẹp và mượt hơn. Vậy bạn nghĩ sao về iPhone 7 mới? Theo đó, SGmall có chương trình hỗ trợ trả góp khi khách hàng có thẻ tín dụng lãi suất 0% không cần trả trước. Và chương trình trả góp thông qua công ty tài chính chỉ cần có CMND HK ( không cần chứng minh giấy tờ điện nước tài chính cá nhân) trả trước 50% là lãi suất 3,05% cho 1 tháng. Đến ngay cửa hàng để được tư vấn thêm nhiều dịch vụ bạn nhé! Xem thêm: Bảng giá iPhone 7 256Gb Mới 100% Read the full article
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ecdemomaniabyemma · 6 years
Backpacking Asia, Destination One : Bangkok
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Our first stop was three days staying in Banglumpoo Inn – yep, it really is called that, in Khao San Road, Bangkok. After some mild jet lag we began the first day watching the sunrise and listening to the hustle and bustle of traders come to life. By 10am we had made it down the river to the floating market, having a good giggle at Harry who practically threw us all out of the boat with his drama queen reaction to a spider – and I mean a really tiny spider! Can you imagine his reaction when we later swung scorpions in his face?! After trying various new fruits and hunting endlessly for Fanta in a bag, (all I wanted to do was re-enact The Hangover 2) we headed off to visit three of the major temples in Thailand’s capital city, The Temple of Dawn, The Grand Palace and Wat Pho.
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Although both enjoyable and educational this was perhaps one of the sweatiest and most tiresome days out in Thailand, so here’s a few tips on how not to end the day looking like a sweat drowned rat. The most obvious – pack a GIANT bottle of water and although ‘covering up’ is a requirement think carefully about the materials of the clothes your wearing – definitely go for something light; at worst most temples provide you with a rather unflattering gown if you opt for something slightly less conservative. Some useful information that I was told; rather unhelpfully for me AFTER I’d visited the temples is that on one particular day of the week Tuktuk vans offer a very good deal, providing an entire days transportation to all the major attractions for the teeny tiny sum of 100 Thai Baht (which is two English pounds for those of you that don’t know your conversion rates!) in an attempt to encourage the cities profitable tourism – an offer I would not refuse, its cheap, cooler and allows you a ride in a Tuktuk – another thing you CANNOT go to Thailand and not do!
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The following days in Bangkok panned out in a similar chilled and touristic way, chatting to monks, hugging statues, and browsing the JJ Market – (the biggest market in Asia) where everything is SO cheap – perfect for a skint and stingy student like myself! For a few of my fellow travellers the JJ market and Khao San Road left a slight dent in their bank accounts but when ATMs are easily accessible on most major bank cards and everything you need is available from food, clothes, manicures, massages and hairdressers at dirt cheap prices, its hard to say no! And that’s another thing Asia will teach you, haggle, barter and haggle some more, as when it comes to the traders you will be harassed endlessly. You have to be firm but fair, remember these people are trying to make a living – so decide upon a price you think is reasonable and affordable and stick to it, don’t give in to rip offs!
Speaking of rip offs, if a fortune teller walks up to you on Khao San Road informing you that he has your reading in the palm of his hand and that he can tell you your future, just say no, please! They will not only waste your time for over half and hour but they will also pretty much force you to hand over money.  Harry rather naively got his fortune told (sorry if you’re reading this Harry!).  
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Before leaving Bangkok we really got stuck in on Khao San Road and it was amazing to see the atmosphere change from the chaotic market in the day to the world famous partying all night, it’s a great way to meet people from all over the world and you’ll certainly have no problem finding a scrub up meal and numerous drinks for under a tenner! In fact if your anything like me and love a bit of live acoustic music to accompany that spirit in your hand then hop up to the Roof Top Bar, with drinks from one English pound and a beautiful view of the cities lights at night its no wonder its constantly packed, a hub of both locals and travellers.
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Happy travelling, 
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joeahj · 7 years
includes: longing, backing music be with you by Tiara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q79PogMhZ2U intense: PROJECT TARO's Dance Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8miSYyAL9A Steve Void's Can't Feel My Face https://soundcloud.com/stevevoidmusic/sf188 Can't Feel My Face (Made Popular By The Weeknd) (Vocal Version) by Party Tyme Karaoke - Topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OCJdNxEdlc * Project TARO - I Can't Feel My Face by Michelle Tu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNkMrWHVXOs * DEEP feat. TAIKI & SHIN- Mayday by Michelle Tu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do_cEm7vCVg 【4K】PROJECT TARO武者修行2016 福岡市役所前ふれあい広場 by g.yan 23:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLU8u3BHol4 Little Barrie's Does the Halo Rust? by MCYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0E3OsIU908 Oliver Tree - Miracle Man - Manchester Academy 2 - 24/11/2019 (Live) by Lewis Edge youtube.com/watch?v=3UgI8oENQL8 give me your love by project taro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3D43nXHGTM * King Havoc v Marie Poppins HOUSE OF EXILE No.4 DANCE BATTLE by EXPG STUDIO USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mttWheMtZ2U * Revolver by GENERATIONS https://vimeo.com/180114145 * REVOLVER part 2. by Riku Sakamotohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtsmG_Vi1rI  * TARO PROJECT 武者修行①〜愛媛県松前町〜 by akane tsuboishihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjcwO5wwSTs                                   * REVOLVER GENERATIONS cover by Riku Sakamotohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G7S0KiT7nk * PROJECT TARO 武者修行 FINAL REVOLVER by Rio Tagawahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8LXydXfkF4                                     * キッズダンス発表会 ジュニアⅡクラス +++++revolver 20160124 by eiko oshino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyoT-erWffE                                      * ARCUS (アルクス)「REVOLVER (GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE)」2017/12/24 エイベックス・クリスマス・スペシャルライブステージ 時空の広場 by d106realcarat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUZQ9tyUeR0                   * REVOLVER@GRAND LINE Vol.15 by KTB1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gulqv4nH7m0 Mystic Valley by HANABI + Remo-Con https://open.spotify.com/track/6kyiO0HvEz6r4gFIHJPcfx * THE RAMPAGE_Knocking Knocking_(中字)_(练习室舞蹈版) by SHIKO_枫哥哥 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av23609294 * THE RAMPAGE / Knocking Knocking 歌词MV by 仙都代表 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av57027823/ * 【midailrL】Knocking Knocking[RMPG两周年]【翻跳】 by midailrL浯莕 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41418400 Knocking Knocking by midoripera + Cqueen71 https://www.smule.com/recording/the-rampage-from-exile-tribe-knocking-knocking/1757584408_2851365311 Knocking Knocking by THE RAMPAGE from EXILE https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hJDCFP6FVzUHA_WGwlzfz4Sv_BNW-n_/view THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE _ SONG FOR YOU by 桌脚 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av15550085/ Project TARO [Masahiro & Ayumu] - Life Is Worth Living by Michelle Tu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HZUZQcasCw * 24K Magic - Project Taro by Megan Liew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-MxQR3kQC4 * Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [American Music Awards Performance] by Bruno Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttlTus58MNA * Childish Gambino's Sober by RJ WORD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYcf3v813jw Jai Wolf, Manila Killa, AOBeats & Mark Johns - Diamonds For Breakfast (Robokid Remix) by Resonnance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aZTTcMvXIQ TOKYO HEALTH CLUB - TAXI (BLACK FILE exclusive MV “NEIGHBORHOOD”) by blackfilesstv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJjURC5Aa1g * chiasa「Yes be free」(RIRI)、西九条BRAND NEW、19.010.11 06/21/2015 by ノブタン https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi_JAn-VPKA 東京swingin' by tokyo health club https://open.spotify.com/track/4OUGA3xNnXgbgurN3aF7Vd 지투 (G2) - Hymn II [G2's Life Pt. 2] by Same Jeff Hwang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwTjkQ9oLBM KOHH「やるだけ」×ダンス×車×大佐 by Yuki Yamamoto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUzpkh2DBRM G2 - Knockin' at the Door [Official Video] by Hi-Lite Records https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuzrkmCBKDg Valley by G2 + Dok2 + Boobie Lootaveli https://open.spotify.com/track/743UI9b8mZQnjo29rrOv6u 韻踏合組合 - "一網打尽 (REMIX) feat. NORIKIYO,SHINGO★西成, 漢" (Official Video) by ifktv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hJLzzmbQAY 朝に得る by nene https://open.spotify.com/track/5G5SfjqyOGxglKsuQUEOYb Flushing “Make Music New York" summer concert by Yunki Yang (Chris Brown's Fine China) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS-xFQ32Jis MadamMartrix Rules's We are your tomorrow by David Lindgren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1pxsNK4J_w * David Lindgren – We are Your Tomorrow | Melodifestivalen 2016 by Melodifestivalen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG1wZBwPjcE ONE OK ROCK - Bombs Away [Acoustic] "STUDIO JAM SESSION VOL.3" by Reiven Cristobal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUfg8xzsVZk * ONE OK ROCK - Bombs Away (Ambitions Japan Tour) by EndSyst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9b8lVE1DgE * Beat Saber | ONE OK ROCK - Bombs Away by TheOfficialJaykay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzwlpZihuhM * Digimon adventure tri.(MAD) AMV by Yamila Lourdes Romero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcfgJW4pfjM Decision/ONE OK ROCK [Music Box] by R3 Music Box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hsxyl8cfoE * ONE OK ROCK - Decision 「LipDub Edition」by ONEOKROCKersChannel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjA-_ikPey0 * 乃木坂46 × ONE OK ROCK「Decision」 by N&N 2520 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PAOz5kool8 * ONE OK ROCK - Decision [Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium] BY one ok rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4sEvo4ojq8 FOOL COOL ROCK! ONE OK ROCK DOCUMENTARY FILM [Official Trailer] by ONE OK ROCK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4FloMRZemM * 【ONE OK ROCK】taka instagram  summer sonic めっちゃノリノリのtakaめっちゃ可愛い by 10969チャンネル  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaRzZyk5HZA * 【ONE OK ROCK】taka instagram  Rec by 10969チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygUfKdp7OCM 【ONE OK ROCK】taka instagram zaaaaa!! by  10969チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jv9Z9XPkwk * 【HD】ONE OK ROCK - カラス "人生×君=" TOUR LIVE by Official Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGrt2_EWW4A * ONE OK ROCK Karasu Violin Version Live At Yokohama Arena Special Final by ONEOKROCK Italy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIZn6i2sF2E * カラス ONE OK ROCK カラオケカバー by くろこぬん https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaD6e7mP4ow * [Yunki]Project Taro 01/03/2016 Performing in EXPG by Yunki Yang (What do you mean? by Justin Bieber) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTWWlTGmb9M PROJECT TARO 武者修行2016 - 0906東京2部 by kenyaVoiceholic #001 26:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb0dIB3eOGY Project Taro [Jr. Exile] Performance at Houston Japan Festival 2017 by taedoroki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXWIhULg48w Shurkn Pap - Color Love (KNOTT REMIX ) Lyric Video by KNOTT MUSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjjmwP-laR8 Kingdom Hearts III - "Face My Fears" | AmaLee Ver by LeeandLie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSVJjOp1zA Yaeji - drink i'm sippin on [with Rain, Slowed Down, Reverb and Bass Boosted] by どうもSamuraiGirls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwEzkEPzwqE 🔊 Betrayed by the Bass I'm Sippin' On by Kaye Khaos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USJd8SlChkY * Yaeji - Drink I'm Sippin On | Dance Cover @SirDancealot29 by ItsSirDancealot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNto8XCyrxM Yaeji - Feel it Out (Passengers Remix) by Fuzzi Box Archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyeHe-uZeck yaeji - feel it out - nick godmode remix by GODMODE MUSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVkb1UImBOw TOKYO HEALTH CLUB's supermarket by lute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErLSUsqERm8 ズラカル by MACKA-CHIN https://open.spotify.com/track/2jwjr8zqKimcjUNRXXl1qu THCとperoの喋り場 by Mcpero + TOKYO HEALTH CLUB https://open.spotify.com/track/2t7BfPCBm5MnheoD9vHRVc * Yaeji - Therapy (Official HD Video) by GODMODE MUSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRV1Dzqj1gU Beginner - Ahnma Live @ Hamburg -Sporthalle Hamburg- by Enrico251986 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtbySDf4fhA * Beginner - Ahnma feat. Gzuz & Gentleman I Choreography I Neddy-Style by NDC Neddy`s Dance Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ylysd0VfA * Deutschrap ist untanzbar Vol. 4 | Die Beginner - Ahnma feat. Gzuz & Gentleman | Choreography by JamaaDance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO0DIRYsoEY Nutte Nutte by Sentino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQA4-ws3_s Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes (Sweden) - LIVE at Eurovision 2015 Grand Final by Eurovision Song Contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sGOwFVUU0I Måns Zelmerlow - Heroes (Opening act at Semi-Final 1 of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest) by Eurovision Song Contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyKhbwS-7zQ Lo & Leduc - Mis Huus dis Huus by bakaramusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APxnaonpOes Major Lazer ft. Nicki Minaj - Run Up - Piano Cover (How To Play Tutorial) by pianoNOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxWVAJwfuWk Major Lazer x WILFRESH X Run up Acoustic Cover by Wilfresh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vayDP6-2Hw0 RUN UP (Major Lazer) SHORT Piano Tutorial / Cover SYNTHESIA by EAR THIRD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOIZT6WdQXQ Major Lazer - Run Up (feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj) [Big Z Remix] by Proximity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnvJpoeEDYE Get it poppin by: illy Cartier feat: major laser 2017 (run up) by illy Cartier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLQIZrcCedM PARTYNEXTDOOR & NICKI MINAJ FT. MACHEL MONTANO - RUN UP - STUDIOX REMIX by D Ninja Productions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAEe6hZAiCE Major Lazer x PartyNextDoor x Nicki Minaj x OMI x Kid Ink - Run Up Cheerleader Mashup 2018 by That Hustle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8xnCeSpjvk Run Up Major Lazer / Body Language Jacquees (Mashup) - Luca Tarqua Feat. YaYa by Luca Tarqua https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4_YTCdefCo Vybz Kartel ft Nick Minaj & Major Lazer & Dj B - Run Up Remix [Official Video] by Dj B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTb-oxwLxf0 Major lazer - Run up ft Nicki Minaj, Partynextdoor, Yungl, Skales & Chopstix ( Afrobeat Rmx ) by Afrobeat Music Worldwide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRq_tTyE-Js Major Lazer - Run Up (Chick Flix Bootleg) by Xorks TV 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhSB5EvpJ-k Major Lazer - Run Up (feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj) [Tokyo Pose Posse Remix] by TOKYO POSE POSSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NlPgSs48Gc Major Lazer, PND & N. Minaj - Run Up (Raiguetss ✘ Nasty Remix) by Likuella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9omPy6kIQBI Major Lazer - Run Up feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj (COVER) by Bri Meejoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZHDvYHpYBc Vybz Kartel - Run Up (Official Remix) ft. Major Lazer & PARTYNEXTDOOR by WBT Empire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=742DHfSuI7U Upgrade & TI X Major Lazer X DLR - Shot Down X Run Up (Sub Focus Remix) X Throwback (Mashup) by Mitras Drum & Bass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XwvovateiE Major Lazer X Eric Prydz - Run Up (Sub Focus Remix) X Generate (Dimension Edit)(Mashup) by Mitras Drum & Bass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=artG7BS5pJw Dance with Zazou: Major Lazer - "Run Up" (Dance Tutorial) by Zazou Mall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc256i6cCxQ Run up - Major Lazer dans tutorial #1 by Dance Division Dijkmansport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXz2AiN4jxw * PARTYNEXTDOOR RUN UP LIVE LONDON UK INFINITY TOUR 2018 by shotbygod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdJLdJJXMRI * Major Lazer - Run Up | DANCE HAPPY by Dance Happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGo1k2LjBZw&list=PLMx-oj8tIII1u6kbfam7Ue4bSVG10hgyw&index=2 * MAJOR LAZER - RUN UP | DANCE CHALLENGE/CONTEST! by Bizzy Boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9lqaCU_lw * Major Lazer - Run up feat Nicki Minaj & PartyNextDoor (Marvin Brown Choreography) @ordinarybrown by Ordinary Brown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7t9WTePAy4 * Run up - Major Lazer feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj / Bongyoung Park Choreography by 1MILLION Dance Studio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcglTLY87OI Top 10 Major Lazer - Run Up(feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj) Videos on Musical.ly by Topsify Nederland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px9gbXxhEtE * MAJOR LAZOR - "RUN UP" | SHESKP CHOREOGRAPHY CLASS by Sheskp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjtU6YqFu2A&list=PLMx-oj8tIII1u6kbfam7Ue4bSVG10hgyw&index=7 * Monday Night Workshop: Mike Fallorina @MajorLazer - Run Up by On One Studios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_AWjKIPSeQ * Major Lazer - "Run Up" | Nicole Kirkland Choreography by Nicole Kirkland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-UnvxXYc8c&list=PLMx-oj8tIII1u6kbfam7Ue4bSVG10hgyw&index=3 * Major Lazer - Run UP feat PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicky Minaj /CLIP DANCE CAMP/ SO DANCE by Green Games Production https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC0fjXrlWfM * "RUN UP" - Major Lazer ft Nicki Minaj Dance | @MattSteffanina Choreography by Matt Steffanina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVULeXpHR_s * Major Lazer - Run Up feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj Cover by JoyfulLuisa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_aNy8e09UE * Major Lazer - Run Up feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj Cover by JoyfulLuisa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daujX3-PQ6g Garde Le Pour Toi (Radio Edit) by Paradis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwbP3qdFvho Paradis - Garde Le Pour Toi / Thee Loving Hand Mix Parts I + II (Audio) by ParadisVEVO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7OJntUJ6B8 Paradis - Garde Le Pour Toi (Blizzi Boi Remix) by PositiveLivinMusic.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSK6LPMaPbI Paradis (Garde-le pour toi) Midi Festival 09/05/2015 by Aloysius de la nuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F62jJUx1kDo Paradis en Live dans Le Lab Virgin Radio "Garde Le Pour Toi" by Virgin Radio Officiel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffJjtiLhQR0 * Paradis - Garde Le Pour Toi by Helena Teasdale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UenIOgmuPI0 * Paradis - Garde-le pour toi @ Trabendo (Paris, 29/04/17) by Les Nouvelles Lunes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAY22sZ3J2U * Paradis - Garde le pour toi (Uke Cover) by AltoRosa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70AauFaVDCs ROSALÍA - F*cking Money Man (Milionària + Dio$ No$ Libre Del Dinero) (Official Video) by ROSALÍA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQCpjOBJ5UQ ROSALÍA - F*cking Money Man (Milionària + Dio$ No$ Libre Del Dinero) [REACTION/REVIEW] !!! by MuSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJip7ieUvmk Milionària. Rosalia. Cover. Fucking Money Man. Dios nos libre del dinero by Francesc Galceran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-Js3G-Hm6Y Sparky In The Clouds - The Bay (Metronomy Cover) by Spark in the Clouds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHxQkf-0wWI It's Real Love (Audio) by Yellow Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzzMn3x_J3o a little while - yellow days (cover) by Ellie Rodin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9xzBUZ9Zz8 Yellow Days - A Little While (Cover) by Fazili Zidane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaOrIDdm7a8 Yellow Days - A Little While (Slowed & Reverb) by Toki ツ www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9HSaO21Mpg * Dance Hall Days dance (Remix) (fast version) Hot Off The Press by Diana Campanella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQHsr4iqy30 * June 23, 1984: "Dance Hall Days" by Wang Chung by Museumtvholder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGhtNk1WhSk Mac Demarco cover ‘Chamber of Reflection' by Patricia Lalor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpHzvEPsjS8 Mac DeMarco - Chamber of Reflection (Piano Tutorial) by Pablo Amoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33ZjG98xoKY * Chamber of Reflection -- Mac DeMarco Improv/Edited by Christin Cameron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJDo4f6nGAQ * Chamber of Reflection (Freestyle) by Jazrelle Kellough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHNJu9_CMeM * Loren's 30 Dance Party by Clif Dickens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVsKVLNbbKE * ''Chamber of Reflection'' - Mac DeMarco while driving in the rain by violent dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGrgf3D7kdA * Chamber of Reflection by Mac Demarco (awesome cellphone light show) by Hugo Barrera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxTv7rbTaS8 Florid's Meantime by ally4775 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOuELDfBP6E The Stranglers - Skin Deep - Let Me Down Easy - No Mercy - Luxembourg TV Show by IcicleWorker youtube.com/watch?v=bPJ31LEQM2w The Stranglers Skin Deep Remastered by sacha oudot youtube.com/watch?v=T5-qU6qgY1Y Skin Deep - The Stranglers (acoustic cover) by seethelittlenuclei youtube.com/watch?v=guizj8Tj6mQ Ballet Music DK by Søren Bebe's Jeté (Mack the Knife - Kurt Weill) - Jazz Music for Ballet Class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=532SyTA3ZDU * Tom's Diner (Cover) - AnnenMayKantereit x Giant Rooks by AnnenMayKantereit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r3B7yz6J68 Parcels's Closetowhy live by Antonio Mayflower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAE1g187pUI Lo & Leduc's Online by bakaramusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BPe_KTpYEc Tiki - Kevin Watson Original Guitar Loop by Kevin Watson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLlOnQQtcms 191018 사이먼 도미닉 (Simon Dominic) - 'make her dance' in Tokyo by Schinism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUeSEFeqjCc Simon Dominic - “make her dance” (ft. Loopy & Crush)BTS AS A BACKUP DANCER / 유리 사쿠라 / Yuri Sakura by icesakura https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MboJYnnkEeU 사이먼 도미닉 (Simon Dominic) - 'make her dance (Feat. Loopy & Crush)'[가사]가장 먼저 커버하기 피아노커버 by PROKKO TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZFvHgAtj2c [TJ노래방] make her dance - 사이먼도미닉(Feat.루피,크러쉬) / TJ Karaoke by TJ KARAOKE TJ 노래방 공식 유튜브채널  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUQC3rBLfAQ * 사이먼 도미닉 (Simon Dominic) - Make her dance (Feat. Loopy & Crush)' Official Music Video | REACTION! by NunReacts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdEYbcB0PRM * [GirlsHipHop] 사이먼 도미닉 (Simon Dominic) - Make her dance / choreography - AngGo / 은평구댄스학원 by 뮤즈댄스스튜디오 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHqdIhtS5cM * 사이먼 도미닉 (Simon Dominic) - Make Her Dance | YUN & SEJIN choreography by Prepix Dance Studio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wRhbS3_tKc * Make Her Dance(Feat. Loopy&Crush) - Simon Dominic(사이먼 도미닉) | BAEK SO Choreography | THE CODE DANCE | by THE CODE DANCE STUDIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWVnb6HJXOU * 사이먼 도미닉 Simon Dominic-Make her dance SSUNA & ZEBRA PROMOTION BY ZEBRA DANCEHALL South Korea Dancehall dancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVRZw9Xfc08 Julia Wu 『Summertime (Julia Wu Mix)』Music Video by Sony Music (Japan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoK45ywQSNQ 🔇 BTS - All Night feat. Juice WRLD (10D AUDIO | better than 8D or 9D) 🔇 by 10D AUDIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiTniLt2aJM Juice WRLD & BTS - All Night(Piano Tutorial) by Dario D'aversa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHkcsmNENHQ * BTS featuring Juice WRLD - All Night Choreography by Quinnie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEuToENcGTg * BTS (방탄소년단) 'All Night' (ft. Juice WRLD) Dance Cover [ADTV Choreography] by Official ADTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5YDPK67Nk8 * BTS - ALL NIGHT (Feat. Juice WRLD) Freestyle by Dance Trance21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4B2nOlW1To * BTS (방탄소년단) & Juice WRLD – All Night Dance Challenge by RT TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhHqVHFUBhc * BTS - All Night ft Juice Wrld but just Juice Wrld's verse by Giovanni_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GLw9BHb8QU 7:12 PROJECT TARO a-nation stadium fes. resort stage (Motel Pool by Travis Garland) by uramogo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_oaYglAA0E [藤田織也 0326名古屋] Kenya Fujita - You Feel Me? (a cappella) by kenyaVoiceholic #001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGaRQ92B-4w [藤田織也 0326名古屋] Kenya Fujita - You Feel Me? (Encore) by kenyaVoiceholic #001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsAiVF9B3jg [藤田織也 0403東京] Kenya Fujita , Kazuki Asada by kenyaVoiceholic #001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qOGctl0oPA SIRUP's LOOP (Official Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHrjM6oVez0&list=RDyNny8EzBaZI&index=22 星降る夜は誰のため by MIHIRO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK2z84ocFkw&list=PLNAaZ4dhW6CJWbRRSx1ZfhMzTQmjXkaz2&index=2 Only One by 3House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7kjGAxBAC0&list=PLNAaZ4dhW6CJWbRRSx1ZfhMzTQmjXkaz2&index=3 Orera no Era by DJ RYOW, SAL, SOCKS https://open.spotify.com/album/4E4HOrRs4Ssco1uhOGPiC6?highlight=spotify:track:6YuO6ZqM8woOoCSdIMUVE3 * DJ RYOW feat. & SOCKS『ORERA NO ERA』【Music Video】 by DREAM TEAM MUSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMWRniaccD0&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=23 SALU「Goodtime」 by  TOYSFACTORYJP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI28qqXJ888&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=25 Shurkn Pap (MaisonDe) - Road Trip (Dir. by Spikey John) by Shurkn Pap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePQr4mEq5SM I don't wanna talk / AmPm feat. Nao Kawamura (Lyric VIdeo) by PLAY RECORDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FztxdKmzhs BADHOP "BreatH of South" IN 日本武道館 "Asian Doll" - feat. T-Pablow, Vingo & Yellow Pato by BAD HOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZnsm_S4m80 190831 Asian Sound Syndicate Vol.1 in Jakarta - AOMG - Comfortable, Make Her Dance & Mommae by Amoii Darlinz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxwHczqx4j0 [SMTM5][MV]‘Comfortable’ (feat. Simon D, Gray) - One @1st Contest (Team Simon D&Gray) 20160624 EP.07by Mnet Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OffEv5JZSM Friday by IU https://open.spotify.com/track/0GsRx0gPft6RmijIwMsKmG SALU's Butterfly by Luther Skywalker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIdSOIF30rs&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=27 SALU’s Tokyo https://open.spotify.com/track/7vnasLTQqK8fYIBMd1PUXj ProSingKaraoke - Khalid - My Bad (Karaoke Version With Lyrics) by ProSingKaraokeVEVO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhxTXZ3Bqd0 * Fortnite Dance Montage (Khalid's My Bad) y JamiieAmazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Neq_dcinI9E Seasons of Love - Rent: LIVE (AHMIR R&B cover) by AHMIR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehhG-rc6O1c& list=PLNAaZ4dhW6CJWbRRSx1ZfhMzTQmjXkaz2&index=37 No one else comes close ( Dj-Drenzkie remix ) by Dj Drenzkie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4yukhCn100 Joe - No One Else Come Close by SAXTRIBUTION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OuoLjOdptA Joe - No One Else Comes Close (Fingerstyle cover by Jorell) INSTRUMENTAL | KARAOKE WITH LYRICS by Jorell Prospero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-788E_bEqA No one else comes close - Piano Cover by Joseph Torralba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMRY_eo4jgk No one else comes close - Joe by luv4musiq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVRO1dftVbI No One Else Comes Close Piano Cover by Wendil fritz Estrada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akt7cVgiNj0 No One Else Comes Close/Ordinary Song (Medley) - Guitar Instrumental by Daryl Tayong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOnWzlJBn7I No One Else Comes Close (Tutorial on Guitar)-Joe by Isiah Kendall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI3sZVdEXMU * ViceJack - (Joe’s) No One Else Comes Close by Showtime Trends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc_8b-xbIjI * Rastro No One Else Comes Close by Rhona Mae Pacaldo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAU_xmrowqg * Deaf Dancer | No one else comes close & Let's go by Deaf Dancer Kiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwNA27jFzT0 tofubeats - 水星 (GIRL MEETS BOY in Kobecity) https://open.spotify.com/track/1jIznhT0kdk7o17xTvu2fi tofubeats - 水星 (BOY MEETS GIRL in Kobecity) by xcqThieves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mtfw0KHQPM Path Of The Wind (Totoro OST) - Joe Hisaishi(Piano ver.) by Tram Anh Pham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz68vFJmLKk * SALU 「RAP GAME」 by LDH MUSIC official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjhUccb78RQ&list=PLbKOKUoZAAIfLWUEQyZ_w-D4_3BhRw5i1&index=12 三浦大知's 片隅 https://open.spotify.com/track/5Lv0iSBtzwULPjjQLKbdZO Why by Hurts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MbhTb1o1po [映画]「ノウイング」ONE OK ROCK - Last Dance ワンオクMAD by 映画チャンネルs55ワンオクMAD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEMjNjpSjPc Aya Anjani - Last Dance (One Ok Rock cover) @ First Hearing 35xxxv by Warner Indonesia by NADINE ZEVY RAKUEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P62EKQ9or4k * 浪人生が歌うLast Dance - ONE OK ROCK by 浪人生 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bX3wnLbdx0 EVISBEATS - 夢の続き feat. 田我流 by EVISBEATS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDqqW0amAlg&list=PLbKOKUoZAAIfLWUEQyZ_w-D4_3BhRw5i1&index=4 Anfield erupts! Amazing scenes as Liverpool reach the Champions League final with stunning comeback! by BT Sport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXEoGphDsfQ&list=PLbKOKUoZAAIfLWUEQyZ_w-D4_3BhRw5i1&index=18 CHANCE / AKLO by Azk a.k.a Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99ioT7kZFrA&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=13 サーフィン (Remix) feat.JAY'ED & Mummy-D / AKLO by Azk a.k.a Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7F7EBdzy6I&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=14 U5 - EVERYBODY ft. Lipstorm 【OFFICAL VIDEO】 by U5 official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqgyRMPwK_4 * 安斉かれん / 世界の全て敵に感じて孤独さえ愛していた (Prod.by KO3) by avex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH7-z68DX40 Manillio's Monbijou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR7ob354hrA Krista Siegfrids – Faller | Melodifestivalen 2016 by Melodifestivalen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPGyBHO_Erw Krista Siegfrids: Pre-o-Porter fashion collection (Interview) by wiwibloggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGCkGVZ_wDM Krista Siegfrids INTERVIEW @ UMK 2017 by wiwibloggs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-vu5INnOzg ESCKAZ in Tel Aviv: The Mamas and Krista Siegfrids (Swe and Fin) - Nordic Party 2019 by ESCKAZ.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSsY7-HgNKY SaRaha's Kizunguzungu by Wallentin Travel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwpb5XTbgE Skolstaskolan Kizunguzungu 2016 by granholm78 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO7Xe7jfxV8 * 7:32 Melodifestivalen TOP 100 songs - 1a Parte by Hector alomejor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y26OJA7C1ls * 7:36 Eurovision 2016 : Sweden l My Top 28 (Melodifestivalen) by GlamSIMvision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RKQOMVirDI * Sébastien Tellier - “A Ballet” by Know-uuH Productions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIG4XB4dWTs Lilliane Saint Pierre - Ik wil alles met je doen (live totz special '97) by Matthias Lammens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUeU6VKqg1w Treble's Amambanda by Jos Slijpen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n5z3roKR-8 * Amambanda by Jos Slijpen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n5z3roKR-8 365 by Nemo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SkF8BLkbyk * Nemo's 365 https://www.facebook.com/nemomusic.ch/videos/543396632860414/?v=543396632860414 Rosalia - DIos nos libre del dinero by Jorge Cabrera Luzardo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiWIgy5aUY8 * SALU's Sweet and GoodMemories by Luther Skywalker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQsaTeX34_A&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=20 * SALU「In My Life」 by TOYSFACTORYJP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfpPL30Qd6g&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=22 * SKY-HI / Name Tag feat. SALU, HUNGER, Ja Mezz, Moment Joon -Music Video- (Prod. SKY-HI)  by avex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQvKUEc2_nI&list=PLTlgnPB4O2e0nsKr5nLRxGCzeTMJU-jIe&index=2 * SKY-HI / 23:59 (SKY-HI TOUR 2019 -The JAPRISON-)  by avex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3wI8VfnmfA&list=PLTlgnPB4O2e0nsKr5nLRxGCzeTMJU-jIe&index=7 SKY-HI / 「クロノグラフ」Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG23vywPI8U&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=36 SKY-HI's Double Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhk5XxE9BzM&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=32 SKY-HI / 「Welcome To The Dungeon」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UJMdqwEWXU&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=38 SKY-HI / 「RULE」Music Video by avex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfNIEVIcplM&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=40 SKY-HI / Bitter Dream -2017.11.12 at Los Angels Troubadour- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jflgjT00oqI&list=PLTlgnPB4O2e0nsKr5nLRxGCzeTMJU-jIe&index=40 SKY-HI's Silly Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISfM3o3oOtQ&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=35 AKLO's Outside the Frame by TOYSFACTORYJP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpSN4iMFMaM&list=PLavOi-kFWZJaqGXSrX_wr5BTSUSdFpGz3&index=3 BADHOP "BreatH of South" IN 日本武道館 "I Feel Like Goku" - feat. T-Pablow, Vingo & G-k.i.d by BAD HOP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wlQi_wbQC4 KEN THE 390's Nanimoshitakunai/何もしたくない (Official Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf1-cqP6nsk Shining by Yurufuwa Gang + Ryan Hemsworth https://open.spotify.com/track/1KppdWyrsQWuNht4c7uWzy Yacchiimaina by AKKOGORILLA https://open.spotify.com/track/2Vjw9BHSGptnXpKllDmEmm 【MAD】乃木坂46 the same as...(ONE OK ROCK) by MAD制作製造機 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5moFBm2XAA 【HD】ONE OK ROCK - the same as... "人生×君=" TOUR LIVE by Official Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPj5Rp2kk4g Docomo CM One OK Rock「感情のすべて/家族」篇 the same as version by seishun. jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgHMA2GxwR0 * ♡歌ってみた♡(+3) "the same as..." ONE OK ROCK by punineko22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ja8boSamsA [Audiosurf] ONE OK ROCK - Start Again [Ninja Mono, Stealth, Iron Mode] by Ghost P. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l-ayMpIZ1o Rosalia Black Rose Beatz - Fucking Money Man (Milionaria + Dios Nos Libre Del Dinero) MASHUP by onlymashups https://soundcloud.com/onlymashups/rosalia-fcking-money-man-milionaria-dio-no-libre-del-dinero-mashup ROSALÍA reaction DIOS NOS LIBRE DEL DINERO GYPSY FLAMENCO MUSIC 2020 TRAVIS SCOTT SICKO MODE remix by ELO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnfUKT4FbYc ONE OK ROCKのLast danceで踊ってみた by !アマガエル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOisnHMLB9s * 65:49 和源桑一起 第2期 20180821 by ZeitundRaum https://www.bilibili.com/video/av71337314?p=2 * 星野源 - アイデア【Music Video】/ Gen Hoshino - IDEA by hoshinogen official channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlUb2F-zLxw&list=PLbKOKUoZAAIfLWUEQyZ_w-D4_3BhRw5i1&index=10 【半分、青い。】アイデア / 星野源 ヲタ芸で表現してみた【北の打ち師達】 by 北の打ち師達 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_dtsdK6HVc 180224 Sik-K - Party (SHUT DOWN) (feat.크러쉬 Crush) / 더몬스터7 콘서트 by YEONDUE_COM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7vre8v_Qsk * [Weekly Idol EP.357] Emotional rapper Sik-k's Party by ALL THE K-POP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tL3PeVwRwY Party (Shutdown) feat. Crush - Sik-K | Yeji Lee Choreography by THE CENTER Dance Studio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfb-bZBsGWs Sik-K - Party D-side Choreography by MOVE Dance Studio 무브댄스학원 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-rI9BPBtyw 190323 Sik-k(식케이)- Party(SHUT DOWN) | FL1P TOUR, MANCHESTER by mica b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjrJBXD6Cts * 180504 H1GHR MUSIC LA :: 식케이 | FLY by Cedric R https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FvaNLvxRbQ [Choreography] pH-1 - Cupid (Feat.PENOMECO) / K.JUN by JB DANCE & MUSIC STUDIO youtube.com/watch?v=D3uMWuB4V4M Cover Missing by Forever in your mind by Makayla StroudVevo youtube.com/watch?v=zBPV0q-43sA 20171216 let's get it release party | SIK-K - 너의 밤(your night) by _ oyu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVB4c3nOVk0 [ENG SUB] Sik-K on Star News by Young Hot Yellow Subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J6H2JJbXvw [ENG SUB] Wheein (MAMAMOO) - 'EASY' Teasers: Cover Art & Sik-k Phone Call by Energy Capt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8Lig7Tzdc * Jay and Chacha promotes Sik-K from behind the curtains ㅋㅋㅋ by Nina Jeane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnAm6GvoZuk SIK-K came back loaded with women's underwear | GROOVYROOM by 그루비룸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SvCbntwRfQ SIK-K INSTAGRAM LIVESTREAM | SINGING ' TOO MANY ' by Ruemeysa Baysak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56qnwVhS9Xs * [170715] NEON DEW DAY / Sik-K (식케이) - Too Many by ididididididididididid _  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17AwOggSrcI * [KY 금영노래방] Too Many (Feat.박재범) - Sik-K (KY.92445) by 금영 노래방 공식 유튜브 채널 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbxJytjQnHc * [BANGTAN BOMB] j-hope & V reaction to TXT Cat & Dog - BTS (방탄소년단) by BANGTANTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io0ZLZ8kMZk 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) '다섯번째계절' 안무 튜토리얼 ! by Official FreeMind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZQdu6TC_fM * [MV] OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ The fifth season(다섯 번째 계절) (SSFWL) by 1theK (원더케이) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udGwca1HBM4 * 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) - 다섯 번째 계절(SSFWL) # 교차편집(Stage mix) KPOP 무대영상 [1440P] by 술사미디어 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOIusGYqyUM * [Stage mix] 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) - 다섯 번째 계절 (The fifth season) (SSFWL) 교차편집 by :D 무케비 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEaxyZPrQVs * 오마이걸 - 다섯 번째 계절 / OH MY GIRL - The fifth Season (SSFWL) 교차편집 Stage Mix by 귷 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X72HgBrMccc * [4K]190808 오마이걸 - 다섯번째계절 라이브 직캠 / OH MY GIRL - The Fifth Season (SSFWL) (두시탈출 컬투쇼 직캠) by TOYS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjmKkWYXODA * 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)_1st Album [The fifth season] MV Making Film by OH MY GIRL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYioUsGaFnM OH MY GIRL - The fifth season Music Box Cover by Flow Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvli76c2y_w KPOP REMIX | OH MY GIRL - The Fifth Season (Areia Kpop Remix #347) by Areia Creations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4CskAee6JM [MV] PENOMECO _ WTF(Went Too Far) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GpS0Ulw8s0 EXO keeps on dancing to Transformer after the music stops #EXOrDIUMinMexico by exostreet1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zpE9KGGyA8 [17.04.27 ] - EXO - EXO'RDIUM In México - 'TRANSFORMER' - Accident by Yo Tambien Quiero Ir a Corea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ-a3aonRNk 박지민(jamie),림지(LimJi) — Ring Ring x Work x Call You Mine Acoustic Mashup by smol princess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvb3hwoXKDE * 190601 SIK-K FL1P TOUR IN SEOUL - LOVE ACHES・VANESSA by 961102163.019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63-lqJUAygc Young Boi by Yoguletu (이런 Young Boy by Sik-K) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naT1K85EJGY [SMTM5] BeWhy, G2, DayDay, One – 니가 알던 내가 아냐 (Feat.Simon D) @Team Simon D&Gray's Track Mission by Mnet Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GMn4_tB90c SIK-K X IAB-STUDIO [FL1P] Pop-up Store by H1GHR MUSIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djqSI3UnQ2w * 니가 알던 내가 아냐 (Who You?) - One, G2, BewhY ft. Simon Dominic / Koosung Jung Choreography by 1MILLION Dance Studio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf2BJvWlZq4 * 식케이(Sik-K) - h1ghr gang / Downy Choreography 홍대무브댄스학원 by MOVE Dance Studio 무브댄스학원 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtZJIe4wmFk * MIND DANCE (마인드댄스) 얼반(Urban)힙합 8:00 Class | Sik-K - H1ghr Gang | 박민지(O.MG)T by MIND DANCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjvTEEA7Xlo * KOREA NOW TREMPLIN MUSICAL - Bobby & Mino - UP - Jessi & Flowsik - WET -EXO - Power by En Bombe! by KOREA NOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSLiIiiB5QA SHAPGANG - DANCE CHALLENGE: LET'S GET IT / WOODIE GOCHILD, JAY PARK, DOK2 by SHAPGANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3boUVtg9Qxg j s l o c h o r e o g r a p h y :: Woodie Gochild (우디고차일드) - 레츠기릿 (Let`s Get It) (Feat. 박재범, Dok2) by Jslo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL7RdrOtIIo 광명댄스학원 ㅣ Woodie Gochild 레츠기릿 Let's Get It ㅣ스텝업댄스스쿨 Stepup Dance by Stepup Dance School https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxGqU19i48U ADY - Boi B (feat. Sik-K) / Chris Han Choreography by Chris Han https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjEwQkhoFsE 김미유 - 아침에다시얘기해(cover.) by 김미유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIFDdXuoKOg ROSALÌA - Dio$ No$ Libre Del Dinero (N.Price Remix) by N.PRICE https://soundcloud.com/npricebeats/dineroremix Rosalia - Dios Nos Libre Del Dinero (Planet4 Remix) by PLanet 4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlLbrfBmuOA [FMV] NCT 127 - Dio$ No$ Libre Del Dinero (by Rosalía) by fullsun and sunflower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9_mAAUqNzs XY Crew - BTS & Taeyang & Dean & Jay Park / Save Me & After Asleep & I Love It & In this B*tch by Koreyopop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iendmw-O8R0 Sik-K(식케이) -FIRE Dance Cover Freestyle 댄스커버 / 프리스타일 / 춤추는 헤이 dancing HEY! by 춤추는헤이 DANCING HEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocsl3C4mA5U [D.illain CLASS VIDEO] 식케이(Sik k) - 파이어(FIRE) URBAN Choreography class [PM 7:10] by CONTROL BEAT KOREA DANCE STUDIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djvim364bAQ 190601 SIK-K FL1P WORLD TOUR IN SEOUL - FIRE by 961102163.019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpsqR-bnfXM [Thaiver. ]식케이 (Sik-K) - FIRE | Cover by PEE97z by PEE97z Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBXAtWkgBe8ft
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opticien2-0 · 7 years
IRX 2017 PREVIEW A taste of the technologies on show at this year’s Expo
Ahead of this year’s InternetRetailing Expo (IRX 2017) and eDelivery Expo (EDX 2017), we’re looking ahead to some of the technologies that will be on show at the event. Here are some of the highlights, and we’ll be bringing you more in the coming weeks.
Worldpay is sponsoring the bar at IRX this year, where it will have a small display area with demonstrations and games. They will include an IoT driverless car parking Lego demonstration. Worldpay says this is a proof-of-concept demo that shows how payments could be used in the Internet of Things.
Eiratech Robotics is demonstrating its warehouse automation system live within the confines of a 5m x 3m stand (J61) at this year’s EDX 2017. All the components of the system, including a warehouse management system, interactive screen display, a wi-fi communication network, guided robots, shuttles and a ‘pick-to-light’ picking station, will be operating live during the show. EiraBots can be seen in action here.
Consignor is showcasing a new feature in its software. Consignor Shipping Rules promises to automate shipping rules so that the best delivery method is always chosen. It has also produced a white paper, The ultimate guide to warehouse management.
Payoneer (IRX) Payoneer works with sellers all around the world to help them grow globally. The Payoneer platform enables them to receive their money from ecommerce marketplaces, pay their suppliers around the world and pay their VAT. At IRX they will be telling the story of why they are now moving into the UK market, with the launch of a new UK office.
Credit card installment payment solution Splitit has partnered with Magento as a Select Technology partner to offer their solutions to the Magento ecosystem. At IRX it will be explaining how Splitit’s Magento extension allows Magento’s merchants to add Splitit into their checkout process.
Visitors to Kardex Remstar’s EDX stand will be able to use virtual reality to test out and operate the company’s new LR 35 vertical buffer module system, for moving goods, which incorporates automated storage and retrieval in one solution. They’ll also be able to test an automated storage and retrieval system on the stand. Experts will be on hand to discuss the latest ways to optimise the storage and retrieval of products stored in warehouses.
Profulfilment will have news of two new logistics centres, in the UK and Poland, at IRX 2017. Visitors to its stand (C64) will have the chance to play to win a remote controlled drone.
Smarter Ecommercehttp://ift.tt/1USikqG (IRX) will be spreading the word about its Whoop! software, which uses machine learning technology for predictive bid management in Google Shopping.
Brightpearl will be exhibiting and live demoing its mobile point of sale system and automation platform designed for multichannel retailers at IRX 2017. The technology is designed to make SME businesses more competitive by automating and integrating their processes. Brightpearl says its POS technology empowers retailers to have a holistic view of their inventory and provide an omnichannel experience with a single 360° customer profile across all channels. In 2016, Brightpearl transacted over $1.3bn of orders on behalf of more than 1,200 retailers in 26 countries.
At IRX, iAdvize will be releasing a market report on creating conversational customer journeys that drive online conversions. It will also host a workshop focusing on best practice in conversational commerce. Find out more here.
Visitors to the Khaos Control stand at IRX will be able to see demonstrations of its stock control systems Khaos Control and Khaos Control Cloud at IRX 2017. They’ll also be able to try out its Khaos Control Cloud system for themselves via tablet computers. IRX will follow the company’s launch of marketplace and channel integrations for Amazon, eBay and Shopify.
myPOS Europe will be showcasing its online payment options at IRX. Its cashless solutions promise to empower businesses to accept payments on their websites or distantly via mobile devices. Visitors will be able to see demos of the latest myPOS devices while also exploring the myPOS AppMarket, accessible through its new Android-based POS device – myPOS Smart.
We’ll have further technology highlights over the next week – check back for more. In the meantime, to find out more about the show and register for free, visit http://ift.tt/1guGNl6 or http://ift.tt/1FWvNVO.
STOPPRESS: InternetRetailing Events are giving away 10 Expo After-Party tickets to the most ingenious @etailers – and we are judging! Tweet @etail why this party won’t be the same without your team and stay tuned, we’ll tweet back!
The post IRX 2017 PREVIEW A taste of the technologies on show at this year’s Expo appeared first on InternetRetailing.
from InternetRetailing http://ift.tt/2nw1iGK via IFTTT
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topfygad · 5 years
The Best Day Excursions for People to Khao Lak
The enchanting region of Khao Lak sits on the western coastline of Thailand, wanting out to the Andaman Sea. It’s an location that, extra a short while ago, has been synonymous with pure catastrophe, following the 2004 tsunami that was the deadliest all-natural party on document. Thousands of individuals ended up killed, dozens of getaway resorts had been ruined, and the region’s tourism field took a lot more than a ten years to rebuild. The good news is, the purely natural attractiveness of Khao Lak was preserved and tens of countless numbers of readers are returning to discover its sights. If you are looking for the very best working day visits from your holiday getaway foundation in Khao Lak, in this article are our prime picks.
KHAO SOK Countrywide PARK Situated just 40 kilometres north-east of Khao Lak is the oldest evergreen rainforest on the earth. Khao Sok Nationwide Park is a majestic place to check out, the two on foot and by canoe. Some 5% of the world’s animal species reside inside of this park, which includes elephants, wild boar, tigers and white-handed gibbons. It is open up 365 times a calendar year, so each time you take a look at Khao Lak you will have a amazing working experience here.
PHANG NGA BAY  If you love discovering the sights and seems of Khao Lak and western Thailand on drinking water, you’ll cherish a vacation to Phang Nga Bay. With tall limestone karsts that stand imposingly in just the sea, as well as several intriguing caves to meander by means of by sea kayak, it is a amazing journey. There is also the famed ‘James Bond Island’ close by, which is the scene for Scaramanga’s hideaway in The Gentleman With the Golden Gun. It is quite touristy but offers amazing photo alternatives.
SIMILAN ISLANDS  If you delight in snorkelling, scuba diving and exploring sea lifetime, be absolutely sure to book a day excursion to the Similan Islands, situated 50 kilometres off the Khao Lak shoreline. With crystal apparent waters and white sandy seashores, it’s a good escape for a working day and even transient overnight visits.
WAT THAM If you desire to examine a lot more of Thailand’s common lifestyle, pay a visit to the Buddhist temple of Wat Tham. It is 1 of the most common landmarks in the Phang Nga province. The reclining Buddha statue is certainly the most memorable attraction listed here, situated deep within just this limestone temple cave. Outdoors the temple, macaques regularly socialise with the visitors, allowing you to feed them with nuts and bananas if you so wish.
It is actually remarkable the way in which the neighborhood of Khao Lak has managed to rebound and rebuild due to the fact the tsunami. Coastal parts and resorts have been reconstructed and repaired and new kinds are getting created all the time. By the conclusion of this calendar year, the area will be residence to extra than 9,000 lodge rooms. With warning sirens mounted throughout the Khao Lak coastline to offer two-hour warnings of upcoming tsunamis, this western coastline of Thailand is once all over again a protected area to examine, so do not wait to book your ticket to Khao Lak! Typical visitors of The Aussie Flashpacker will know that we have completely beloved our travels by Asia and are often setting up trips back!
Have you visited Thailand in your travels? x
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2Miuih3 via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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