gutachter · 8 months
Wohnungen auf Stelzen über den Parkplätzen
Parsdorf: „…Die richtigen Arbeitskräfte zu finden, ist schwierig. Dabei stellt sich oft die Frage nach Wohnraum für das Personal. Auch Parkplätze sind ein Thema. Auf Stelzen kann im schon länger bestehenden Gewerbegebiet in Parsdorf (Gemeinde Vaterstetten) jetzt nach einem Beschluss des zuständigen Ausschusses ein Wohngebäude errichtet werden. Im Erdgeschoss Parkplätze, in den oberen Ebenen Platz…
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wellnesshotel24 · 2 years
3 Tage Thermen- & Wellnessurlaub in Bayern inklusive Frühstück, Tageskarte für die Therme Erding und Nutzung Wellnessbereich. Zum Angebot👉https://www.wellnesshotel24.de/wellnessangebot/wellness-verschnaufpause-therme-erding-7069
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mymunich · 2 years
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🍕 Neueröffnung: Mahlzeit aus der neuen #Losteria Filiale in München #Parsdorf. Wie immer sehr schick eingerichtet, auf zwei Ebenen, mit Terrasse und Außenspielbereich für die Kiddies. Tipp: ab Freitag (Samstag und Sonntag) am besten bzw sichersten mit online Reservierung! (hier: Parsdorf, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2l596Ii40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justabigoldnerd · 4 months
Find The Word Game
Haha thank you so much for the tag again, @the-golden-comet !!
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
My Words: hope, realize, tandem, fall
Your Words: chain, country, neutral, instinct
Hope: (From an unnamed MCD ficlet I may or may not have the balls to finish lol)
What if Gaby was right? It wouldn't be unlike their American partner to fake his death. But he would've told them somehow, wouldn't he? Gotten word to them so they didn't think he was actually dead. The CIA, then? Severing the last of his connections to people he cared for, who cared for him? Surely, when Illya opened the left eye, he would see that the man on the table wasn't his Cowboy. Taking a deep breath, Illya pushed upwards, revealing a thin, dull ring of blue in the center of a blood-filled eye, almost swallowed by the blown pupil. A knot formed in Illya's throat. A knot of hope.
Realize: (From "Never Fall In Love With A Stranger", a Library AU)
Illya loves this library. He's been going to it since his mother moved them from Moscow when he was twelve years old. The staff were always kind when the kids at school weren't, so he'd end up there most days. Then when he got older and began getting into fights, Ms. Kathy from the Children's Center always had an ice pack, butterfly stitches, and a snack ready for him. They never asked why or how he ended up with split lips and bloody noses, they just cared for him when he felt that no one else in the world did. He knew every inch of the building, from the aforementioned Children's Center, to the Reference Desk and non-fiction section, even the older ladies in the Heritage Center that he only visited to chat with. So when the first new face in almost twenty years shows up behind the Reference Desk, Illya notices immediately. And he feels….angry, for some reason. Betrayed. He isn't sure why, but the change makes his heartbeat thunder in his ears. There is a stranger in his library. A toddler shoots past him from the Children's Center, and only then does Illya realize he's been rooted to the spot. His face heats and he shakes himself out of his frozen state, pushing forward and resolving to spend the day with Mrs. Denise and Mrs. Patricia.
Tandem: (From "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)" . I actually had to write a new sentence to include this word lol I've never written it!)
The sunlight was warm and soft, reflecting off of the last of the dew dampening the forest and making it glitter like emeralds. Solo's jaw was set in a purposefully neutral expression, but his knuckles were white on the reins. Parsdorf shook his coat to shake off some of the tension he was feeling, and Artem, riding tandem to him, sighed heavily.
Fall: (From "The X-Men From U.N.C.L.E.")
Gaby kept a two-way radio hidden on her at all times. She could tap into the frequency of it somehow and hear through it. That was how she was able to hide her deafness for so long. She was in high-school when a pack of boys a grade above her cornered her and took her radio, plunging her back unto silence while they laughed and jeered and threw it between them. The leader of them crouched in front of a trembling Gaby and spat something at her that she couldn't hear, waggling the radio in the air. When she didn't respond, he stood up and let it fall from his hand. Gaby flinched and tears stung at her eyes, but she kept her glare level, even as he stomped it to pieces.
No pressure to make a new one or use these new words for anyone who has already done/is planning on doing on of these!!! Gonna no-pressure-tag my usuals anyway 💕💕💕
@pippinoftheshire @yallwildinrn @huggiebird @too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight
@cha-melodius @heytheredeann @thattripleabattery and anyone else who wants to join!!
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itsoffichalv7 · 4 days
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Date : 2021
Edition : 70 + 1
Norauto élargit son offre en lançant de nouveaux services dédiés au 2 roues et VAE (vélo à assistance électrique).
La création de corner en magasin était la suite logique à cette nouvelle démarche. Après avoir étudier difféérentes pistes design, 2 modèles ont été imaginés à partir d'éléments communs pour une optimisation de fabrication optimale. Le déploiement s'est déroulé sur une partie du réseau de l'enseigne et une déclinaison spécifique a également été produite pour l'ouverture du magasin ATU (filiale allemande de Norauto) à Parsdorf.
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falateghareh · 1 year
New Post has been published on بخش آشامیدنی فلات قاره
مطلب جدید انتشار یافت در https://www.falateghareh.com/asham/fa/%d8%af%d8%b3%d8%aa%da%af%d8%a7%d9%87-%d8%aa%d9%88%d9%84%db%8c%d8%af-%d9%be%d8%b1%db%8c%d9%81%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%85-kraussmaffei/
دستگاه تولید پریفورم (KraussMaffei)
دستگاه تولید پریفورم (KraussMaffei)
دستگاه تولید پریفورم (KraussMaffei)
(KraussMaffei) یک شرکت آلمانی است که در زمینه تولید دستگاه های پریفورم،
ماشین‌های فناوری اکستروژن پلاستیک و ماشین‌آلات فرآیند تزریق فعالیت دارد.
(KraussMaffei) در سال 1931 از ادغام  شرکت (Maffei) و (Krauss & Co) تشکیل شد.
این دو شرکت متعلق به سازندگان برجسته آلمانی بودند.
شرکت (Maffei) تا دهه 1950 موتورهای احتراقی از جمله لوکوموتیو، ترالی‌بوس و اتوبوس را می ساخت.
KrausMaffei، از سال 1957 شروع به تولید دستگاه های پریفورم کرد.
در دهه 1960، KraussMaffei چندین نمونه از لوکوموتیو هیدرولیک دیزلی ML 4000 C′C برای آزمایش در راه آهن آمریکا ساخت.
KrausMaffei، همچنین یک تولید کننده بزرگ تانک بود.
ماشین آلات خط تولید آب معدنی
این شرکت در سال 1963 تولید تانک لئوپارد را آغاز کرد.
توسعه و تولید تانک لئوپارد 2 در سال 1972 با همکاری شرکت (Wegmann & Co) آغاز شد.
همچنین این شرکت خودروهای زرهی، پدافند هوایی فلاکپانزر گپارد،
هویتزر خودکششی Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000)، وسایل نقلیه شناسایی و وسایل حمل نقل نظامی را تولید می کرد.
بیش از 10000 خودروی زرهی مبتنی بر تانک های لئوپارد از دهه 1960 توسط این شرکت تولید شده است.
در دهه 1970، KraussMaffei در توسعه قطار شناور مغناطیسی (Transrapid) شرکت داشت.
در سال 1986 بخش تجهیزات پلاستیک جدا شد و به Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH تبدیل شد.
شرکت Mannesmann، اکثریت سهام KraussMaffei را در سال 1989 به دست آورد و بقیه سهام را در سال 1996 خریداری کرد.
شرکت KraussMaffei، در سال 1999  با شرکت (Demag) ادغام شد و (Mannesmann Demag Kraus-Maffei) را تشکیل داد.
بخش دفاعی این شرکت در سال 1999 جدا شد و با شرکت (Wegmann & Co) ادغام شد و به Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW)، تبدیل شد.
شرکت Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH در سال 2000، علائم تجاری KrausMaffei را پس از انحلال گروه Mannesmann تصاحب کرد.
 KraussMaffei، در سال 2016، توسط ChemChina خریداری شد.
این شرکت در نوامبر 2018، قربانی یک حمله باج افزار شد که منجر به کاهش شدید تولید شد.
 (KraussMaffei) در اوایل سال 2020 گزارش داد که تا سال 2023 510 شغل را در سراسر جهان
کاهش خواهد داد که بیشتر آنها در آلمان هستند.
 این شرکت در سال 2022، دفتر مرکزی خود را به یک شهرک صنعتی در حال ساخت در Vaterstetten،
که در شمال روستای (Parsdorf) آلمان واقع است، منتقل کرد.
دستگاه تولید پریفورم (KraussMaffei)
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Features and criteria to choose the best businesshotel Munich
If someone is planning to make a short business trip to Munich, then it is advisable to the help of Kurzurlaub. For a business trip in Muenchen, Kurzurlaub provides assists to get the best businesshotel Munich. Apart from a business perspective, an individual can have an ideal break session from work.
One can travel to some places in Munich like Marienplatz Walk, Munich’s Augustiner Keller, etc. After a massive and stressful work session, visit these places to relax and to have a nice get together with business partners.
Kurzurlaub - short trips is a portal for short trip which provide ideal attractive vacation tour in Germany. It can offer exclusive facilities on the discount rates of hotels, and other required amenities. Apart from these aspects, it can also help in searching for the right and ideal hotel for various purpose like the accessibility to nearest medical and shopping stores from a hotel.
Features of business tour
There are some features of business trips which one should check while having a business deal in Munich:
Through a business trip, you can invite your client to a luxurious hotel. For instance, if you are planning to have a business trip to Munich, then you can invite your customer in ideal businesshotel Munich. Through the accessibility of a best hotel, you can impress your consumer with luxurious facilities in the hotel of Munich.
Another feature of having a business trip is you can have direct and face to face communication. It will create more impact on sealing a business deal successfully. If the client is impressed with the facilities of a business trip, then it will add more value to the business relationship.
Apart from a business perspective, one can offer the client for a delicious dinner party in some popular restaurants in Munich. Through this, it will strengthen the business partnership between two parties. Kurzurlaub - short trips offer all these facilities to have a successful and memorable business tour in Munich.
Criteria to choose the best businesshotel Munich
There are some criteria and conditions to select the best business hotels in Munich and these are:
Position of business hotels with easy accessibility to nearest medical, shopping and other necessary stores
Amenities including high quality hospitality management, free internet facility and delicious food
Right value to provide the amenities following the standard of service
From the above mentioned points, one can understand the basic features and the selection criteria before choosing the ideal businesshotels Munich. It will help to build a strong business relationship with the client and to seal the business deal.
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ganzmuenchen · 7 years
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Genieße den Frühling /Enjoy Spring sign @ Hotel Erb in Parsdorf #spring #frühling #sign #signs #instatravel #munichbloggers #bestwesternplushotel #hotelerb #parsdorf #parsdorfcity #love #enjoyspring #genießedenfrühling #tagträumen #münchen #ganzmuenchen #ganzmuenchende #picoftheday #bilddestages (hier: BEST WESTERN PLUS Hotel Erb **** in Parsdorf bei München)
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andreasgaertner · 6 years
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Samstagshimmel. (hier: Parsdorf, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsz_e3iFC14/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7fsm38gxhxr1
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Rufen Sie uns gerne an!
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Immobilienmakler FREITAG® für München & Starnberg Waldstraße 14a, 85579 Neubiberg-München
Telefonnummer +49 (0) 89 380 79 948
eMail-Adresse: [email protected] Geschäftsleitung: Michael Freitag
Erfahrene Immobilienmakler seit 15 Jahren für den Landkreis München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienberater für München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung - Berg, Neubiberg, Ottobrunn, Aschheim, Aying, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf, Kleinkarolinenfeld, Kleinhelfendorf, Dornach, Dürrnhaar, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf und Kleinkarolinenfeld inkl. Umkreis 150 km.
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Gräfelfing, Grasbrunn, Grünwald, Haar, Hohenbrunn, Ismaning, Kirchheim, Neuried, Oberhaching, Fürstenfeldbruck, Grafing, Neukeferloh, Baldham, Oberföhring, Warnberg, Stockdorf, Gilching, Ober-Pfaffenhofen, Weßling, Feldgeding, Hochbrück, Fischerhäuser, Otterfing, Neuherberg, Oberföhring, Maisach, Schöngeising, Bergkirchen, Herbertshausen, Lohhof, Eching, Speichersee, Oberpframmern, Egmating, Pupplinger Au, Eching, Türkenfeld, Unterhaching.
Neubiberg, Ottobrunn, Aschheim, Aying, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf, Kleinkarolinenfeld, Kleinhelfendorf, Dornach, Dürrnhaar, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf und Kleinkarolinenfeld. Die Weiler Heimatshofen, Kaltenbrunn, Kaps, Loibersdorf und Trautshofen. Die Einöden Blindham, Griesstätt, Oberschops, Rauchenberg, Spielberg und Unterschops, Peiß, Baierbrunn, Brunthal, Feldkirchen.
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Lange Geschäftsbeschreibung:
Immobilienmakler- & Immobilienberatung für München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung
Gewerbemakler / Grundstücksmakler / Hotelmakler / Klassischer Makler / Privatmakler / Restaurantmakler / Büromakler / Gastronomiemakler / Cafe-Makler / Klassischer Makler
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gutachter · 2 years
Günstige Wohnung in Parsdorf: Das sind die Kriterien
Günstige Wohnung in Parsdorf: Das sind die Kriterien
Vaterstetten/Parsdorf: „…Hintergrund: Das historische ehemalige Rathaus in Parsdorf (Gemeinde Vaterstetten) wurde zum Teil erhalten und restauriert, zum Teil abgerissen und durch einen Neubau ergänzt. Darüber wurde lange diskutiert. Nun steht das Projekt kurz vor der Fertigstellung. Anfang kommenden Jahres sollen die Wohnungen bezugsfertig sein. Die Miete sei so zu bemessen, dass sie für…
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digital-dynasty · 4 years
BMW baut mit Staatsgeld Batteriezellen-Fabrik bei München
BMW erhielt eine Förderzusage für seine Pilot-Batteriefertigung in Parsdorf. Ziel sei, die Zellen in Großserie leistungsfähiger und billiger zu machen. Read more www.heise.de/news/…... www.digital-dynasty.net/de/teamblogs/…
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mymunich · 2 years
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hier: L'Osteria Parsdorf https://www.instagram.com/p/CmSDFdZIGeA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justabigoldnerd · 5 months
Meet the horses of "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)" !!!
Illya's red dun gelding, a rouncey (ordinary saddlehorse, ridden by soldiers)
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Gaby's bay mare with a white blaze, also a rouncey
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Solo's white-grey stallion, a courser (fast, used for hunting) [imagine this horse's mane and tail are cut short]
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Choose Best Western Plus Hotel Erb for All Your Short Vacations in Munich
Are you looking for the best accommodation for your weekend getaway or a short vacation? The Best Western Plus Hotel Erb is your ideal choice for kurzurlaub - short trips. The hotel offers ultramodern facilities and beautiful exteriors and interiors that will make your stay memorable.
When the weather outside is bad, you can opt to relax in the utmost comfort and luxury in the Almdorf Spa. The wellness area at hotel muenchen is elegant and designed for maximum relaxation of our guests. The spa caters for all clients, both hotel guests and external guests. You will find perfect relaxation and calm after an exciting day outdoors or a busy day at the office. You can also check out our fitness facility which has modern amenities to help you stay on your fitness regimen even when you are away from home.
Shopping and entertainment opportunities
When it comes to convenience, Best Western Plus Hotel Erb is the perfect hotel. Guests can easily enjoy all the shopping spots and attractions in the locality. When you book with this hotel, you will be close to all the fun activities and the city nightlife. You will never miss out on great shopping, relaxation, and dining experiences within the vicinity.
Delicious meals
The hotel muenchen is passionate about meals and drinks. You can be assured of healthy, tasty, and varied dishes and drinks from the Best Western Plus Hotel’s cellar and kitchen. We offer great culinary ideas from around the world. You can be confident that you will enjoy delicious meals and comfortable and inspiring seating areas, whether you are looking for a quick snack or a full meal.
Munich is a beautiful town for both locals and travelers alike. This city has a lot to offer for guests who are traveling for business or leisure. There are great entertainment options that you can enjoy alone, with your spouse, as a family, or with friends. Best Western Plus Hotel Erb is a luxurious and popular hotel that is cherished by many people. When you stay at this hotel, you can be assured of memorable kurzurlaub - short trips.
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reisenfee-blog · 5 years
Best Western Plus Hotel Erb
Dieses 4-Sterne-Hotel bietet Ihnen kostenfreies WLAN und einen Wellnessbereich im Münchner Stadtteil Parsdorf in der Nähe der Autobahn A94. Das Messezentrum ICM befindet sich 10 Fahrminuten entfernt. Alle Zimmer des Best Western Plus Erb sind in hellem Stil eingerichtet und verfügen über schallisolierte Fenster. Jedes Zimmer umfasst einen Flachbild-TV mit Sky Kanälen und die meisten Zimmer erwarten Sie mit einer Nespresso-Kaffeemaschine. Auf Wunsch und je nach Verfügbarkeit kann das Best Western Plus Hotel Erb einen kostenlosen Shuttleservice zum Bahnhof Grub zur Verfügung stellen. Die Unterkunft kann gegen Aufpreis alternativ ein Taxi zum Flughafen München oder dem Münchner Hauptbahnhof arrangieren. Die Almdorf Spa Lounge umfasst eine finnische Saunahütte, eine Kiefernsauna, eine Kräutersauna, eine Salzsteinsauna, ein Aromadampfbad und eine Infrarotlounge. Ein reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet und italienische Kaffeespezialitäten stehen Ihnen gegen Aufpreis zur Verfügung. Freuen Sie sich zudem auf einen Biergarten. Paare schätzen die Lage besonders – sie haben diese mit 8,3 für einen Aufenthalt zu zweit bewertet. Frühstücks-Info: Kontinental, Glutenfrei, Buffet Großartiger Kaffee! Originalbeschreibung von Booking.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGCguAhpHDg Read the full article
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