#Park Finn
thebutcher-5 · 11 months
Smile (film)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo messo in pausa il cinema e siamo tornati ancora una volta a parlare di fumetti, questa volta con il primo volume di una nuova serie fantasy nostrana che sembra avere un grande potenziale, Kalya. La storia ci narra di Kalya, una ragazza che insieme al suo amico goblin Tagh vive alla giornata per sopravvivere, fino a quando non…
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finnoky · 1 year
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pononoin · 7 months
haiii hiii haii hihihiiii omg ummmmmm
did u onow that ummmm
stanley fuckingf big.
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His destiny
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
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Sad, but true
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proxythe · 11 months
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pppump · 2 years
there 𝘩𝘢𝘴 to be something unhealthy about the way I get obsessed with one character from a series and refuse to knowledge anyone else.
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finnofamerica · 3 months
The Next Future Mrs. Malcolm- Ian Malcolm X reader | Smut
Summary: Reader enjoys a very romantic night out with Dr. Ian Malcolm.
Word Count: 2,234
Date Posted: 03.25.24
Prompt: Could it be a smutty romantic fic of Ian with a GF with a praise kink?
TW: AFAB LANGUAGE USED, Toy use in public, dirty talk, praise, oral (giving)
Note: The toy Used is the Lovense Lush 3. Linked so you can get a visual.
|| Masterlist || Request Here || Fandoms/ Characters || Req by @melonpire
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The package left on your doorstep was a large brown box unceremoniously taped closed. There was no return address, but you suspected you knew who it was from. See, your boyfriend Ian just got back from his book tour, and he loves to surprise you with a romantic night out. 
You opened the box, the true surprise inside. There were several beautifully wrapped boxes of different sizes, each completed with a neatly tied bow. Sitting on the very top of the pile was a note. 
Pamper yourself today. I’ll pick you up at 7:30 for dinner, and your outfit is included in the box. I can’t wait to see you, Beautiful. 
You did exactly that. You spent the morning in the shower exfoliating, shaving, and doing anything else that you could think of in preparation for your surprise date. Ian had bought you an entirely new outfit—new lingerie that contrasted your skin beautifully and gave you the perfect amount of cleavage. A small box contained a pair of thin, silvery dangling earrings that looked like stars falling from the sky when the light hit them just right, as well as a matching bracelet. A large champagne-colored box contained the dress that hugged your body like a second skin. But there was another box, baby pink, wrapped in a champagne bow. 
Your brows furrowed, and a complete outfit was sitting on your bed in front of you; you couldn’t imagine what was in this box. Gently, you untied the bow and opened the lid, a note falling from it as you did. Inside sat an oddly shaped hot pink silicone device. It was kind of egg-shaped, with a long, thin “tail” extending from one end to a small circle that had a button. 
You inspected the smooth surface of the device before picking up the note. Ian gave you directions to the app to download and instructions on how to share control of the device. Taking it to the bathroom, you gave the device a quick wash with mild soap before setting it on a clean towel to dry and setting an alarm for six-thirty. 
Your heart raced as you stood in front of the mirror, dressed in the gorgeous black body con dress that accentuated your features. The vibrator was surprisingly easy to insert with a little bit of lube, and the shape allowed it to sit inside your vaginal canal without slipping out; it was quite a snug, comfortable fit. The tail sat outside of your body, curling up toward your stomach, held against your skin by the crotchless panties Ian had bought you. 
You inspected your appearance. You looked hot. Ian really knew how to dress you, and telling you what to wear was one of his favorite things. He wasn’t the type of guy who told you what to wear because he didn’t want other men to think you looked sexy. In fact, his intentions were almost the exact opposite. Ian loved buying you clothes and dressing you because he wanted other men to be jealous. He wanted to show you off to the world and show them the gorgeous woman he bagged. 
Seven-thirty on the dot, there was a knock at your door. Ian stood on the other side, towering above your short stature, with a single rose, dethorned, and a mischievous grin on his lips. 
“Hi, Sweetheart,” He scanned your outfit and caressed your cheek, “Don’t you look beautiful.” 
You couldn’t fight the smile on your face as heat rushed to your cheeks. He’d just arrived, and he was already turning you into a melty puddle of girl goo. “Thank you.” 
“Spin so I can get the full view.” 
You obeyed his request, turning slowly as he inspected you. The second your back was fully turned, he landed a swift smack to your ass, making you yelp. 
“Just as I thought,” he mused, “You’re perfect.” 
His praise filled you with warmth and an inexplicable desire to please. You were frozen in place as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “And after dinner, I’m ruining that beautiful makeup of yours.” 
And there it was. A rush of arousal shot through you, making you shiver in anticipation. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, swallowing down your nerves and taking his hand. 
“Just waiting on you, Beautiful,” He grinned, leading you downstairs to his car. 
The restaurant wasn’t the fanciest in town, not that that mattered to you. You didn’t care if you went to an Olive Garden as long as you were with Ian. It was a lovely white tablecloth restaurant located on the bay with outdoor seating that overlooked the sea. Once parked, Ian reached underneath your dress and turned on the vibrator, connecting his Bluetooth to it so he could control the vibration. 
The lowest setting was a soft steady rumble that pressed against your G-spot with every step as Ian led you to the host stand. 
“I have a reservation for Dr. Malcolm.” He said suavely. 
“Oh!” The host beamed, “Right this way, we have your private table ready.” 
She led you both outside to the patio seating, half of it blocked off with beautiful flowered hedges on rolling planter boxes. You passed through the deliberate gap in the hedges, your table sitting center in the decorated space. 
“Ian,” You squeezed his hand, nerves crawling up your spine, “This is so fancy.” 
Of course, by fancy, you meant expensive. Expensiveness made you nervous - guilty. You didn’t want to be a financial burden. 
“Hey,” He gave you a comforting smile, “Only the best for my gorgeous girl.” 
You let out a shallow breath, letting him guide you to your chair. He pulls it out for you like a gentleman before scooting you in. 
“Here are your menus,” the host said, placing the hard-covered menu books on the table. “Your server will be by shortly.” 
Every aspect of the dinner was lovely, only heightened by the vibrator buzzing inside you. Throughout dinner, Ian had adjusted the settings, making it difficult for you to sit still, but somehow, you managed. You were more worried about wether or not there would be a wet mark on the butt of your dress from how much you felt like you were soaking. 
The vibrator suddenly stopped, making your brows furrow in confusion. You honestly missed the sensation now.
“Y/n, I often used to make jokes about how I’m always looking for the next future ex-Mrs. Malcolm. But I’ve realized I don’t want another Ex-Mrs. Malcolm.” He paused, and your heart sank. Was he breaking up with you? 
“I just want the next Mrs. Malcolm.” Ian got down on his knee. Your breath caught in your chest. “I want you to be the next Mrs. Malcolm, and I am determined to make it last this time. Will you marry me?” 
Tears welled in your eyes as you nodded. You hopped out of your chair and pulled him into a hug. 
“Yes, I will.” You kissed him, refusing to let your tears spill over and ruin your makeup. Ian slipped the beautiful moss agate ring on your finger and kissed your hand. You chuckled, “For a second there, I thought you might be breaking up with me.” 
Ian laughed as he helped you back to your seat, “I don’t want to break up with you ever.” 
Finally, the bill was settled, and the server brought out dessert and two glasses of sparkling wine. 
“Congratulations, you both,” The server, Richard, bid his farewell as you enjoyed the final moments of your meal. 
You were completely filled with warmth as Ian drove you both back to your shared apartment. The second the door clicked shut behind you, Ian’s lips were on yours, and his arms wrapped around you. 
“Ian!” You protested with a giggle, “Can we at least make it to the bedroom first?” 
“I don’t know, Sweetheart,” He growled slightly, “You just look so damn good as my fianceé. I can’t wait to make that makeup run.” 
Arousal rushed through you again, practically making you salivate. You managed to separate yourself from him just long enough to get to your knees, hastily undoing the belt to his sleek dress pants, freeing his thick member. 
Ian let out a groan as you licked him root to tip before taking the head of his cock in your mouth, smudging your recently reapplied lipstick. 
“Fuck you’re good at that,” His hand fell to your hair, pulling the strands away from your face. “I remember we we first got together, you could barely get it in your mouth without gagging.” 
You relaxed your throat, inching your way down his cock until your nose pressed to his groin. 
“Look at you now.” He praised, “Deepthroating like a champ. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
Ian slowly rocked his hips, gently fucking your mouth as you forced yourself to sit on your hands and relinquish control to him. You loved pleasing him, listening to the string of praise falling from his lips as he fucked your throat until tears spilled from your eyes, and arousal was practically pooling on the floor underneath you. 
“I need to feel you,” He pulled his cock out with a satisfying pop, helping you up from the floor. Ian stripped off his shoes and pants before ushering you to your bedroom, swiping the boxes off the bed. “Be a good girl, and let me strip you.” 
You gave him a grin, turning so he could unzip your dress, letting fall to the floor around your heels. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Ian praised, running his hands over the lacy lingerie that he’d picked out for you. Large, warm palms cupped your breast as he kissed your shoulder, taking his time with you. You let out a satisfied sigh at the feeling, relaxing into his touch. He undid the clasp to your bra, letting that, too, fall to the floor, leaving you in nothing but crotchless panties and heels. 
He laid you down on the bed, pulling out the vibrator with a wet pop and tossing it to the side. Your hands fumbled with his shirt buttons as he caressed your pussy. 
“So wet already, Sweetheart?” He teased, making you huff. 
“You’re the one who teased me the entire dinner,” You spat back, pushing his shirt off his shoulders, light glinting off your new ring. 
Ian stroked his cock twice before lining the head with your entrance; you let out a breathy sigh as he slid in with ease. As always, his cock filled you to the brim, making you feel pleasurably stretched out. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder as he slowly pumped in and out, taking his time, allowing the pleasure to build in you. 
“God, you feel so good.” He praised, reaching over to grab the Hitachi wand sitting on the bedside table, slotting it perfectly between the two of you. Even the lowest setting built a wave of pleasure in you, “I missed this pussy on my tour. Next time, I’m bringing you with me so I can have it every night.” 
You rolled your hips up into his, moaning softly. “I’d like that. I love pleasing you.” 
His lips met yours again, moving in unison as each thrust pressed the vibrator harder against your clit. 
“Ian -“ you whined slightly, wanting more from the vibrator between you. 
He turned it up to the next setting, stating his condition, “You’re not allowed to cum until I tell you to.” 
You nodded helplessly, grinding into the vibrator. Ian picked up his pace, clinging to you like you were the last life preserver on a rocky ocean. Each wave builds that pleasurable pressure within you. A hot coil of arousal burning in the pit of your stomach. 
“Ian -“ You moaned, this one like a warning. “Ian, please, I can’t last much longer.” 
He gripped your hips as he leaned up straighter, one hand holding the vibrator in place. “Come for me, Y/n, be a good girl and come for your Finacé.” 
It was like he pulled the ripcord as your building orgasm released and your entire body spasmed around his cock.
“Good girl.” Ian praised. His name fell from your lips, fragmented by moans as he turned up the vibrator again, fucking you stupid. “Good girls get rewarded.” 
It was like you were floating into space as he held the vibrator to your oversensitive clit. Every thought left your mind as you drooled into the pillow, riding out the aftershocks being sent through you. Another orgasm built in your core as he continued to rock into you, washing over you the second it hit its peak, no longer able to maintain control. It was wave after wave of orgasms rolling through your body.  It wasn’t until you hit your fourth that Ian’s hips finally stuttered as he spilled his seed deep in your cunt. 
He collapsed on the two of you, turning off the vibrator and removing it. His heart pounded in his chest against yours as you regained your breath and your soul returned to your body. 
Ian peppered kisses to your cheek as he held you close, both of you exhausted from your romp. 
“Good night, future Mrs. Malcolm.” He whispered in your ear as you both drifted off into a very restful night of sleep. 
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Tags: @melonpire
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Sean, texting Lyla: I just walked into this party and someone yelled dibs
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holoscout · 6 months
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another day another fern and jermaine sketch dump whats upppp
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diazcraft · 7 months
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today marks the 4 year anniversary of the 5th and last episode of life is strange 2! i honestly think this is one of the most emotionally painful sections of the whole game ( and that’s saying a lot) but it’s so beautifully done. also i want to know what ending did you get your first playthough?
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relatableblorbopoll · 7 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 16
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Parker (Leverage)
"Some of the weird things she says are so true. Like when she talks about past/present/future parker. Her joy at the things that she loves is so complete. Christmas every year! I too have the urge to stab people with forks when in uncomfortable social situations. And it was great when she made her security code to her…home…Sophie’s real name because it was representative of where trust stood in the team after the prison break. Oh! And her and Alec are total couple goals. (Thruple goals if you add in Elliot)"
Gudetama (Sanrio)
"A lazy egg who really doesn't want to do much of anything and would rather just go back to sleep"
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
"finn is just a little guy doing his best and trying to help people! he's the only human in the show so he's just like us fr (the entire human race) and he starts off the series as a kid and grows up during it so he really goes through all the relatable ups and downs and friendships and relationships and mistakes and achievements that we all go through. he does a lot of idolising people and having to realise they're not what he told himself they were. sometimes he tries to distract himself from an existential crisis by running around yelling or stabbing things with a sword. relatable"
Rain O'Fire Frazier (Worm)
"Rain grew up in a conservative community that he didn't want to be part of, and rejected their regressive ideology in favor of surrounding himself with people who have gender vibes, mental health issues, and traumas of their own. Also, people give him all sorts of crap in the setting, and while he does fuck up sometimes, he's just a swell dude who's hoping to not get murdered by crazy people. Times being what they are, I think that that's something a lot of people can relate to."
Piper Mclean (Heroes of the Olympus)
"she's SO full of love!!! she loves everyone so strongly!! she has a complicated relationship with femininity, gender and beauty standards. she bullies her friends but would go down fighting for them if needed. she acts out to get her dad's attention. she believes in a balance between emotions and logic, and is not afraid to tell her friends if she thinks they're neglecting the emotional side of a problem."
Norma Khan (Dead End Paranormal Park)
"She is autistic and struggles with socialising (same) She has special interests that she will bring up at any opportunity. She can get overwhelemed and scared being in the world. Norma is also bisexual! She spends her time in a Pauline Phoneix theme park (one of her spins) and fighting demons and ghosts (another special interest). Vote Norma today!!"
"She goes through so many relatable experiences that I rarely see depicted and is just overall an excellent character. The third episode of the show has the most relatable depiction of anxiety I've ever seen (especially the intersection between social anxiety and autistic sensory overload). It's one of those episodes where each character has to face their worst fears, and with how those episodes usually go, I expected her to overcome her fears at the end of the episode and just not have them anymore. Instead, she overloads the villain by having too much fear for him to handle since she has to constantly face her greatest fears as part of her everyday life. The protagonist also acknowledges how much more severe her fear is compared to most other people, which is pretty validating. Her special interest is an actress who turns out to be a really shady person, and she has a lot of trouble processing this because it was so close to her heart. She even gets a musical number about it! I've never seen this particular experience depicted in fiction, but it's one that is sadly pretty relatable to me and probably a lot of other people on here. She also has a plot where she is rejected romantically by a straight friend, which is kinda nice to see (even if it's not nice for poor Norma) since even though this is a really common experience IRL I rarely see it explored in fiction. And she's just really funny and smart and a great character in general!"
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jess-the-vampire · 7 months
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almost caught up
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pononoin · 1 year
“old woman yuri” My raw throat gutturally cried to the sky, my torturing shrieks of sheer unhinged agony echoing in the omnipresent empty space seemingly stretching out for eternity.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
My pitch that has Max and Chloe saving Rachel
My pitch for Rachel's story
Kate and Victoria after The Storm. Here it would be about recovery, healing and reconnecting. We would find out Kate made it out in time before the storm. I think Kate and her family would move to Seattle and we’d have a chance for Kate and Victoria to reconnect. It would be about reconnecting, forgiveness and working through their shared trauma. Bonus points. Chasemarsh happens!
Life Is Strange:After The Storm. The game opens with how Jefferson nearly kills Victoria, but is saved by David. The game is about Victoria's struggle with returning to everyday life after her traumatic experiences with Jefferson and surviving Arcadia Bay's destruction. She goes to therapy and tries to live and manage her family's gallery. One day her life changes forever. Someone she thought dead comes back into her life. Kate Marsh. Kate and her sisters left her family's rigid religious household and moved to Seattle to live free. It's about reconnecting and recovering from their shared trauma, finding peace with what happened between them, becoming friends and finding love with each other.
Warren's story. It opens on the ending where Max sacrificed Chloe. Warren is in the chemistry class and the gunshot goes off. Everyone is freaked out and when Nathan is arrested and Chloe Price's body is hauled out. Max is still in the bathroom. Warren goes to comfort her and tells him he is here for her. Then the funeral happens. But we hear everyone's reactions to Chloe and Rachel's deaths.
It would be about Warren helping Max through the worst period in her life and helping Max live again. Warren would be Max’s angel to a same degree as to what Rachel was to Chloe. Warren would be there for Max in her mourning and grieving period and helped her move on from Chloe’s death. It could end with Warren and Max going Ape
Throughout the game Warren is there to help Max through the darkest period through her life and help Max through her grieving. We'd also get to learn about Warren as a character, why he loves science, sci-fi and has obscure interests(My pitch is Warren is the male Matilda, was neglected as a child, so he chose books and science as his passion and sci-fi and it made him feel whole.) and show why Warren loves Max.
Warren basically becomes to Max as what Rachel was for Chloe. As Kate put it "even angels need angels Max" It could end with Warren bringing Max out of her depression and helping Max live again.
Epilogue shows that ultimately showing Max living her life and moving on. Show that Max still misses Chloe, but show her living her life. And just show Max living her best life with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Dana, Daniel, Stella and Alyssa. Even show montage of a friendship with Victoria. Show Max having a tea date with Kate. Show Max Goin Ape with Warren. Max doing photoshoots with Victoria and shopping dates with Victoria, Courtney and Taylor. Max doing group projects and games with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Stella, Alyssa, and Daniel. Max being Dana’s official photographer. And show Max and her friends graduating Blackwell and living their lives in Arcadia Bay. We just needed to see that despite losing Chloe, Max is okay and that while she will hold onto the memories of Chloe, she can live. The final scene is Max and Warren visiting the Lighthouse. The Blue Butterfly appears and it touches Max and as the Butterfly flies away, Max says "Goodbye Chloe as Warren holds onto Max and shares a kiss at the Lighthouse.”
for a more in depth look, see my Post-Arcadia Bay headcanons post.
For Nathan's story, I'd like an actual look into the Prescott family, show the Prescott mansion, show Nathan and Kristine's sibling dynamic and how Nathan slowly got under his father's thumb and hey even show nicer moments with Sean since Nathan was awarded "son of the year" so much that Nathan keeps it in his dorm and how what started as a good childhood, evolved into a toxic abusive family dynamic. Then we come to Samantha.
For story purposes we choose the Nathan and Samantha ending as canon, you get to be in a relationship and Nathan loosens up and we get to see a more bright and positive Nathan and it's the story of how this all burns down and how Nathan becomes who he became in LIS 1.
There are two ways we can play this.
Sean Prescott just buys off the Myers family and Samantha gets a scholorship to a wealthy college. With Kristine and Samantha leaving him, Nathan becomes vulnerable and malleable for Sean and Jefferson's abuse and manipulation.
Samantha is the first person to be killed
Sean would most likely see Sam as a distraction in the way of Nathan and the “Prescott family destiny” so he enlists the help of his old friend Mark Jefferson.  Either Sam leaves Arcadia Bay or she becomes one of Jefferson’s first victims in Arcadia Bay. Yes, I know she is not listed as missing. But Samantha could’ve been one of the sad cases of Jefferson not caring enough to memorialize Sam in the red binders. He could’ve viewed her as a disappointment. The worst part? Nathan would be so messed up mentally and emotionally, Jefferson would’ve seized upon the opportunity to gaslight Nathan into believing he killed Sam. Also, I’ve always had this feeling that Jefferson has been doing his thing longer than the events of the game. Been going on for years. In Seattle, LA, all around the country. It’s just now with his old friend funding the Dark Room, Jefferson has the perfect set up. The tragic thing is that no one cared enough to look for her. Sam did not have someone like Chloe who cared enough to put up missing person posters. Sean would do his best to gaslight his son into making him believe that Sam left him all alone which would be perfect for Sean. Her mother would care, but knowing Sean Prescott, he will probably bribe her to keep quiet. That’s the sad thing, we don’t know how many dark room victims who went missing and those victims might be people Jefferson did not deem worthy of being a part of his collection and Samantha could very well be unfortunate enough to be a victim to die and not be remembered. Not knowing what happened to the only person who treated him with real kindness or knowing that his father is right, leads Nathan on a downward spiral, which eventually shows a scene of Sean introducing Nathan to his dear old friend Mark Jefferson. “He will help guide you to greatness and your family destiny.” Guiding Nathan to the Dark Room and the character Nathan would become in Life Is Strange.
A post on what a more in depth look on what a Nathan centric game could look like
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libinih28 · 2 months
you guys ever think about how tom sawyer and pride and prejudice take place during the same time period
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dean should have stayed in amarillo. he would have loved the free 72 ounce steak
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