#Paradox Pokémon
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royalxiii · 2 years ago
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New Pokémon, New Artwork!
Still no names for our new Paradox Pokémon, nor types for that matter
Dipplin is still Grass/Dragon and Archaludon is still Steel/Dragon
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trainerjoshie · 1 year ago
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Pokémon TCG SV Promo (2023) Scream Tail - BEAUTIFUL illustrations by GIDORA (removed card text) ❤️
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coffeetime88 · 2 years ago
Something I just noticed:
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Feraligatr + Suicune
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= Walking Wake
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Meganium + Raikou
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= Raging Bolt
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So is the third Paradox Pokémon going to be a fusion of Typhlosion & Entei? Will we get a bipedal Entei?
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crayonsquadlilac · 1 year ago
I have 2 confess
A while ago I drew a speculative koraidon "terastar" form, and then I was gonna draw a miraidon one too but I just lost motivation for like no reason and never finished. and soon it will be too late to speculate... alas
Here it be
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The idea was their designs were taking their paradox names 'winged king' and 'iron serpent' to the extreme, in that koraidon's feathers grow out to make more pairs of big impressive wings and miraidon's electricity would stretch out longer from its tail and make it twice as long
The idea for these terastar forms are that koraidon, miraidon and terapagos would be the only ones with em (ogerpon's whole deal is unique to her)
The forms would be locked only to the story like eternamax eternatus because they'd have Absolutely Insane Fucking Ridiculous stats
Tbh I now do not think koraidon and miraidon are going to get special pretty new forms like this. But then again, I did not think anything like paradox pokémon were gonna happen and it would be very cool to be proven wrong again...
And that one leaker guy did say something about a certain battle was gonna cause a lot of hype i think? So Who Knows. We all will know very soon I suppose (hey that rhymed)
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ceruleanseacreations · 1 year ago
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Scream tail ✨💕
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todeo-art · 1 year ago
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What if Larvesta had a Paradox Form?
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camping-with-monsters · 9 months ago
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eh screw it. paradox ultra beast makes no sense in my head which means it makes sense to Pokémon standards. they did it to ancient legendaries after all. I like dinosaurs.
Past Paradox Xurkitree— Luminescent Lifeform (Credit to @menthum-mint for name and for helping with the concept of this guy as well)— takes a more literal sense with the tree. I think it’s actually Ghost/Electric, maybe. It has two different stances; Rooted and Uprooted. It usually fights in its Rooted form where it plants the three large roots at the end of its tail into the ground where it absorbs a peculiar energy from the soil of Area Zero to fight stationary. When it goes into its Uprooted form, the intense energy it’s collecting in the ground creates a blast as it rockets itself into the sky to land on it’s hands and run that way, capable of sprinting at exceptional speeds. They’ve been noted to travel or collect in groups of usually their own kind. They seem to partake in a lot of playful aggression, throwing around what or whoever’s interesting to them which might seem mean, but it’s all in good fun for it. It doesn’t really know its own strength on that department.
some creative notes— there’s some inspiration from the Tree of Souls (?) from Avatar (the movies). There’s also a single vine that hangs from the split branches to it’s “head” which is supposed to somewhat imitate a mouth with a long tongue sticking out like it’s teasing you. This is just something I incorporated for fun and for some extra personality
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fierykitten2 · 17 days ago
Okay I had a thought. Is it possible that a Pokémon with a Paradox counterpart will still get a Mega in Z-A or will we just stick with Tyranitar, Salamence, Gardevoir and Gallade as our only Pokémon with both?
I initially had the third option say “…none of them are relevant/popular enough…” but decided to remove the popular part because Volcarona got two Paradox counterparts. I think the main point there is especially given they’ve just got something it would be weird to give most of them Megas because of how the gimmick is distributed. I’m still counting this as a different reason to the second option for saying no but it’s such a subtle difference the fandom will hate me for separating them anyway (that was a joke)
If you vote for the fourth option you don’t have to specifically believe Mega Keldeo would be revenge against Iron Leaves (my favourite, who will not be getting a Mega), Iron Boulder and Iron Crown I just wanted to provide an option for anyone who believes the TCG leaks are specifically referring to Keldeo and Meloetta to idk I guess realise Keldeo is really being singled out in its quartet as the odd one out this generation (especially if true). This post (and that option) has nothing to do with the latest HOME distributions now making Keldeo’s shiny obtainable (and I don’t think that and Meloetta being in the same situation have anything to do with the possibility of them getting Megas. In fact thinking about it I’m not sure it makes sense for the TCG to randomly promote the (theoretical) Megas of two random Unova Mythicals that in the last few years stopped being event-exclusive in the DLC of the main paired version of a generation and also have a form difference related to a signature move they used to exclusively learn through an unconventional move tutor before promoting the Kalos and/or Z-A starters (assuming they’re different) and Kalos Legendaries)
Obviously Jigglypuff, Misdreavus and Magneton aren’t included in this but I guess it’s up to you whether or not I’m including Wigglytuff, Mismagius and Magnezone though to be fair I can’t see the three of them getting Megas anyway
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pokemontrainerkenn · 2 years ago
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A Paradox form of Dragapult
Depth Fear, Dragon/Water
By OnduRegion, Twitter / Instagram
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aroace-elgyem · 1 year ago
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My fav paradox Pokémon I’ve ever designed: IRON PLAYTHING
it’s Elgyem (my baby <3) crossed with a tamagotchi (I thought it would work with elgyem’s bigass head and i was RIGHT)
Very attention seeking (like how tamagotchi need to be fed constantly) (also this is why it’s a fairy type). The fingers are meant to be extra buttons (to make it seem more complex than a normal tamagotchi) and the tail is a cord which is where it’s electric attacks come from (did u know Elgyem had a tail? Now u do).
In love with the lineless style I used here, I gotta use it more.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 3 months ago
Eternals Part 2/6
"Eternals" is a series of posters I've made with multiple characters that are now Immortals for multiple reasons/possibilities. They are represented like movie posters with a description at the back.
Note : All of them will be posted in alphabetical order except one, who was the start of this series because I started it on my birthday and one of my OC's shares my birthday.
This is also a Draw This in your Style Challenge : The more drawings you do, the more you have the chance to win. The person that did the most drawings of the series will be declared the winner !
Destra (+ Devil's Army Z) from Inazuma Eleven
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Dialga from Pokémon
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Donna Beneviento from Resident Evil Village
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Edgar Partinus from Inazuma Eleven
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Genesect from Pokémon Black & White
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Giratina from Pokémon Platinum
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Higgs Monaghan from Death Stranding 2
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! WARNING ! SERIES OF FUTURE PARADOX POKÉMON INCOMING ! (as all of their names starts with "Iron"):
Iron Boulder from Pokémon Violet
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Iron Bundle from Pokémon Violet
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Iron Crown from Pokémon Violet
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Don't forget to tag me and use the hashtag #eternalsseries so I can count your drawing/participation.
Remember that the person that did the most drawings in their style will be declared the winner !
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royalxiii · 2 years ago
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pokehexdex · 6 months ago
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Raging Bolt featured on 2 of 3 champion teams at this year's Pokémon World Championships and is easily my favourite of the Paradox relatives of the legendary beasts! What's yours? https://pokehexdex.wordpress.com/1021/01/01/raging-bolt/
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littledrawsandwritesstuff · 2 years ago
For Pokemon scar\vi requests, maybe a Walking Wake? Love funky little dinosaurs...
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Drawing the Pokédex 1009 - Walking Wake I have to say, I didn't expect to get such a complicated design for my first request, but I still love it and as a Scarlet player myself, I was happy to fulfill the request ^^ This took quite a while and I simplified it a little, but I really like how it turned out, especially the feet and the tails.
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bella-shiny-log · 1 year ago
Robo-Hydra the Shiny Iron Jugulis
Violet - December 19th 2023
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The last Shiny Violet Paradox Pokémon I needed to find, I'd actually caught a Shiny Iron Jugulis before back when Scarlet & Violet first released. Unfortunately tho, I'm weird and want all my Shinies to be in Luxury Balls, so I needed to go out and find another one.
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Didn't take very long with my sandwich and I was able to catch it with a Luxury Ball. It even had the Uncommon Mark!. But also, this means I now have a full set of Shiny Violet Paradox Pokémon!
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todeo-art · 1 year ago
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Would you scratch his belly? Yes or Yes.
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