#Papa Lestrade
johannadc · 1 year
Bit silly, but a lovely reminder why I will always be a Rupert Graves fan. His Lestrade is wonderful. I'd watch a spinoff.
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Heya stephhh! Do ya have any papa!Lestrade ones ty...hehe Have a wonderful day
Hey Nonny!
Ah, I do, actually! I have a whole Papa Lestrade Fics list you will like! It's been awhile since I got new fics on there, so if anyone has some to suggest, please do! <3
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gabester-sketch · 2 months
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Barok is purple!! 💜 Who should be pink?
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lisbeth-kk · 5 months
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May prompts
Today's prompt is awkward.
The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 5)
Summary: Rosie's youngest godmother takes her shopping, but Sherlock is persistent in choosing the shop. The occasion is too important to leave it to Primark to bring out something tolerable.
Five Years Old
Molly took me shopping for THE dress, but Papa decided the shop.
“It’s too important,” he argued when Molly told him he was being silly for making her take me to Harrod’s, but he didn’t budge.
“She’s only five, Sherlock. Besides, do you know how much it’ll cost?” Molly tried to reason with him.
It turned out that it wasn’t only Dad who could be stubborn, so Harrod’s it was. 
I felt like a princess in that dress we picked. According to the woman at Harrod’s the colour was tea green. Tiny white daisies were spread over the skirt. It felt almost weightless to wear and the skirt stood out in a perfect circle when I twirled quickly. We also bought white shoes and a matching hairband. 
“Why is everybody crying?” I whispered to my grandfather. “Papa is only saying nice things about Dad.”
Dad and Papa had married hours earlier, and in-between dishes, there were speeches to be held apparently. It was rather tedious, though I liked listening to Papa and Dad pledging their love for each other. That being said, I already knew this, so it was most likely for the guests benefit they had to repeat it. And Papa hated repeating himself… 
I know better now, obviously, and I totally understand why people were crying. Both Dad and Papa seemed to have forgotten about their guests, and focused on the other man entirely when they spoke about how they met etc. Papa seeked me out and urged me to stand on my chair when he spoke about me though. I ran over to hug him when he lost his voice.
“My precious girl,” he whispered when he knelt in front of me and held me tight.
I tear up every time I think about that moment, not to mention when I see it on tape.
Papa wrote a waltz for Dad, and when he played the violin, I danced around the floor in Dad’s arms. When Papa lowered his bow, the quintet started playing the waltz again, and then Dad and Papa danced. Greg Lestrade offered to dance with me like Dad had done, but I wanted to watch my parents. 
When I looked over at my uncle, I saw that he followed every dance move, and his eyes were slightly soft. I even thought I spotted some moisture, but that might have been the light.
I fell asleep on my uncle’s lap, but I woke when Dad and Papa came to kiss me goodbye.
“You be a good girl, and listen to Molly and Nana while we’re away, sweetheart,” Dad said sternly, but the stars in his eyes, softened the lecture.
“No experiments in my absence, Watson,” Papa said mock serious. 
Before he stood, he held me tight, breathed me in and whispered with a quiver in his voice: “I’ll miss you, my heart.” 
The awkward moments that had been avoided up until now, at least to my knowledge, started when Greg came over to see the newlyweds off. His pronunciation was a bit slurred at that point, and both uncle Myc, Dad and Papa shushed him when he wished them a fabulous six holiday.
His description puzzled me. I thought Dad and Papa were going on something called ahoneymoon. How the number six fit into that, I couldn’t fathom. Were they to visit six different places, or…
“You will figure it out in due course,” uncle Myc said with a blushing face. “Now, shall we dance one last time before I bring you and Nana home? It seems like a certain major needs some urgent rescuing.”
I looked over at the dance floor where Nana was showing off her dance skills, clinging to Dad’s old friend. He was sweating quite profusely in his uniform, and his eyes looked slightly panicked.
“Nana has a good time,” I pondered. “Papa says she was a bur... burlesque dancer when she was young. Is that burl…”
Uncle’s blush deepened and he cut me off by clearing his throat and muttering something about reminding his brother to watch his mouth around little girls.
Also available on AO3
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shadowcats4 · 1 month
I re-watched the first two episodes of Sherlock yesterday. I know it's good I loved it the first time I watched it and it's still living in my head, John and Sherlock's shenanigans. But Fucking Hell it's good. And why isn't there more of Greg? Papa Lestrade you need to take care of your toddler what ya doing? He would totally be into Alec, but get fucking tired of his shit and like square up to him "Come on, love. What d'you think you're doing"
I may also have dreamt about them. Actually I did. Greg and Mycroft were kept in cages, separate from each other in a weird dusty cellar. My friend had massive bags full of (lyrics keyboard suggestion?) tic tacs, by that I mean kilos. And everyone was stuffing them in their face and my physics teacher was trying to get us all to bed and my cat was going rogue. It was great.
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earlgreytea68 · 10 months
Advent Drabble 4 - Wrapping Presents
For @bertilakslady According to John, it was time for Sherlock to “help with Christmas.” Sherlock found this unfair because he had helpfully informed John that the tree was crooked.
John gave him and Oliver the task of wrapping the presents for Mycroft and Lestrade.
“It’s like a math problem,” John said before he left.
Oliver said, “Is there a reason why we can’t just stick everything in a bin bag?”
“I already suggested that. Papa says it’s ‘not festive.’”
Oliver thinks for a moment. “We could stick a big bow on the top, though.”
“Excellent,” Sherlock agreed. “This is why we’re geniuses.”
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sweeterthansucrose · 2 years
What if Ms Hudson dies and Papa Lestrade and Big Bro Mycroft become somewhat of a replacement (even though we all know she's never going to be replaced) for her in Sherlock’s life and take care of him like she used to 😭😭
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sanguinarysanguinity · 9 months
Tagged by @verecunda, thank you! I've lost track of who has been tagged, so please jump in if you'd like to play!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
176, give or take a few that are in currently anonymous collections.
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My current main fandoms are the Hornblower novels and The Flight of the Heron. But I also write one-offs as please me, either for exchange assignments or pinch-hits, or because I got bit by a plot bunny. (Yes, plot-bunnies are carnivorous!) This year, I've written for Hornblower (novels and TV), The Flight of the Heron, Vokosigan Saga, Elementary, ACD Holmes, Leverage, A Rip Through Time, and Wild Things (1998).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Sincerity of Dust (Mycroft/Lestrade - Sherlock TV) Etta Candy's Last Stand (Etta Candy/Wonder Woman) Three Continents and Many Nations (Elementary gen; Joan Watson has broken hearts around the world) Baker Street Papas (Holmes/Watson, kidfic) Foundations (Elementary gen; Bell-centric fixit AU)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, because I was taught to write thank you notes. Also, because sometimes I can lure a commenter into a conversation, which is always fun -- and sometimes they even become a friend.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Heh. *rubs hands gleefully* I have a little sideline in fics that made people cry. Let me show you some of my favorites!
The Golden Sand Bush/Hornblower Once again a prisoner of the French, Hornblower awaits his execution.
Cock on the Right background Bush/Hornblower/Maria For as long as he bears them, Bush's tattoos protect him faithfully.
Telling the Bees Elementary gen Sherlock returns from Switzerland, but Watson does not.
Brandy and Soda Holmes & Watson; Mary/Watson (7 Per-Cent Solution) Holmes returns to Baker Street.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, fuck if I know. I've been accused more than once of writing only bittersweetly happy endings. But here, have a story in which Horatio Hornblower, that sad wet miserable bastard, is simply happy for a day:
Nothing So Much Worth Doing
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often. Earlier this year a commenter objected to a pwp being a pwp. Which. Dude. As a later commenter replied (so I didn't have to! blessings on their house!), the story was exactly what it said in the tags and summary, so take some personal responsibility and don't click on what you don't want to read.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Slash, femslash, threesomes; vanilla and kinky; realistic and fantastical; first times and well-seasoned olds. I haven't yet written anything that would bring the antis after me, but that's the kind of thing that I'd put under a different pseud anyway.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Absolutely. Probably Elementary x Bee-Man Comics: THE BEST BEE FIC ON MARS.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had a couple requests this year for permission to translate a story (both granted), but I don't know the current status of either project.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@phoenixfalls and I have a story we've been co-writing; every once in a while we talk about finishing it. I'd very much like to; I think it's great fun.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Twin Peaks x Buffy crossover that I quite like, but which I am extremely unlikely to ever finish. Every now and then I think of it wistfully, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Well-organized and precise prose, and strong characterizations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Inelegant prose, and wobbly characterizations.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
An insidious trap, if your characters speak the other language better than you do. (With the exception of William Bush in French, they always do! Why do I write all these classically-educated assholes?)
My usual solution is to paraphrase the dialogue through my pov character, at whatever their level of comprehension is. After all, that's what the reader needs to know: what the pov character understands. Paraphrasing also circumvents the wild card that some of my readers will know the language and some won't -- this way, no reader has an advantage and no reader is left scrambling for a translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ask Dr. Eldritch! a webcomic written by the talented evannichols.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Whichever one someone just left a lovely comment on.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
I am absolutely in love with the idea of Sherlock and William adopting a kid in America during their three years there. Here are some headcanons I have for another OC.
It was Moriarty who actually first found the child in between 1880 and 1881, bartering at an outside stall shop. It wasn’t really bartering, it was more of the child stealing & got caught. What caught his eye was that the child had an injured eye, not so unlike his, and the facts she was spitting out about the selling of spoiled fruit.
Somehow (i.e. not plotted out), Moriarty ended up bringing this child home after seeing the horrible conditions of how the child was living on the street & ended up parenting a seven-year-old child. 
It was really funny for Sherlock the first time he met her b/c it was one of those times when William was in his narcoleptic period & passed out, and he just sees another lump curled up next to him with a blanket covering the both of them. 
To this day, the child mainly only sleeps when William does much to their dismay (but that meant William had to have an acceptable sleeping cycle, so Sherlock considered that a win).
The child & Sherlock had one row before they became inseparable—the child had a keen interest in the self-defense that Sherlock had expertise in & Sherlock was interested in her designs that she sketched out from memory. 
The child’s name was Violet, and she had a penchant of revising already existing inventions and experiments. It was funny to William as to how she could point out every single flaw in Sherlock’s experiments, and then, not know how to read. 
Right before they moved back to London, she called William, “Papa,” and Sherlock, “Pop” & BAM—adoption papers signed at that point. Her name became Violet Holmes (b/c being associated with the Moriarty family was not doing any favors) & they took her to London to meet Uncle Louis & Albert. 
That was also the funniest experience when she met her parents’ friends b/c half of them absolutely loved her (Bond, Fred, and John) while the other half was wondering how Sherlock and William could raise a functional child (Lestrade, Louis, Moran, and Hudson).
Von Herder basically took her as a protege—MI6′s weapons were suddenly even more several generations ahead. 
Bonus: Billy was the bad influence of an older brother (who def taught her how to use a gun for self-protection—it’s America y’all) and def carried her on his shoulders.
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thatsallotadamage · 2 years
we’ve seen fics where Rosamund calls Sherlock “Papa” for the first time. But what if i wrote something where Greg Lestrade goes from “Geg” to  “Pop pop” or some terrible name given to a grandfather. Give me the mose horrendous names that a small child could say o reffer to a grandfather and ill try to write this
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Merry Christmas, everyone! How is the food coming along? I'm sure Iris-chan and Susato-san made a wonderful meal! Is Gina-san and Miss Maria coming as well, I haven't seen them in Baker Street in a while so I hope they'll be able to make it!
Oh, I forgot to mention but Mr. Sholmes... I'm sure you're excited for Mikotoba-san to be back but please don't be overly clingy in front of the guests... Have some couth!
Nonetheless, enjoy the festivities! I hope the presents you all got for eachother bring a lot of joy!
((merry christmas to you too op!! take care and stay safe <3))
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Yep, we're here! Could never miss a Christmas with this lot.
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This will be the first Christmas I've spent here. I am quite looking forward to it.
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AH! Sorry! You took me by surprise.
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I'm Haori Murasame! I'm Susato's friend! You two must be Miss Lestrade and Dr Gorey?
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That's us!
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Lovely to meet you.
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...Miss Lestrade is so handsome...
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The food is turning out very well! I'm only helping with the lunch, since I'm going to stay with Papa and Mama and Uncle Zieksy for dinner.
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But Kazuma-sama and Mr Naruhodo are going to help me make dinner here!
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Not that either of us are fantastic cooks, but I'm sure we can wash up.
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H-Hey! I've actually gotten better recently!
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It seems I must let my husband go. The tragedy.
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I'm still right here, you buffoon.
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...just between you and I, dear askers, I am a little sad about Iris not spending the entirety of Christmas here.
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But I'm simply too used to her always being here. She will have a wonderful time with the rest of her family!
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christophe76460 · 4 months
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Voila le problème de la religion, de Babylone, des hommes charnels bien intentionnés, qui désirent, veulent, souhaitent être élevés, être ce qui n'existe en rien dans les écritures, qui même le condamnent, "DES LEADERS" assis à la droite de christ!
3 Jean 1:9
J'ai écrit quelques mots à l'Eglise; mais Diotrèphe, qui aime à être le premier parmi eux, ne nous reçoit point.
Matthieu 23:7 à 12
ils aiment à être salués dans les places publiques, et à être appelés par les hommes Rabbi, Rabbi. 8Mais vous, ne vous faites pas appeler Rabbi; car un seul est votre Maître, et vous êtes tous frères. 9Et n'appelez personne sur la terre votre père; car un seul est votre Père, celui qui est dans les cieux.
Ne vous faites pas appeler directeurs (LEADERS); car un seul est votre directeurs (CHEF), le Christ.
Le plus grand parmi vous sera votre serviteur.
Quiconque s'élèvera sera abaissé, et quiconque s'abaissera sera élevé.
Alors que, cela ne revient pas à l'homme de choisir dans le royaume de Dieu, mais bien à Dieu seulement, qui établit qui il veut et comme il le veut, après avoir préparé longuement dans la souffrance du creuset et même de la fournaise, le coeur de la personne choisie, DU OINT, et après l'avoir éprouvé ainsi et l'avoir brisé, ce, jusqu'à voir le caractère de Christ être formé en lui;
cela, certainement pas, pour dominer comme "leader" sur une congrégation, comme un petit chef d'entreprise, à la manière des maîtres des nations, mais pour qu'il puisse donner sa vie pour les autres, la répandre, et en être l'esclave par amour agapè, l'esclave de tous pour les servir;
Marc 10:36 à 45
Accorde-nous, lui dirent-ils, d'être assis l'un à ta droite et l'autre à ta gauche, quand tu seras dans ta gloire. Jésus leur répondit: Vous ne savez ce que vous demandez. Pouvez-vous boire la coupe que je dois boire, ou être baptisés du baptême dont je dois être baptisé? Nous le pouvons, dirent-ils. Et Jésus leur répondit: Il est vrai que vous boirez la coupe que je dois boire, et que vous serez baptisés du baptême dont je dois être baptisé; mais pour ce qui est d'être assis à ma droite ou à ma gauche, cela ne dépend pas de moi, et ne sera donné qu'à ceux à qui cela est réservé (PAR MON PÈRE).
Les dix, ayant entendu cela, commencèrent à s'indigner contre Jacques et Jean.
Jésus les appela, et leur dit: Vous savez que ceux qu'on regarde comme les chefs des nations (LES LEADERS) les tyrannisent, et que les grands les dominent.
Il n'en est pas de même au milieu de vous. Mais quiconque veut être grand parmi vous, qu'il soit votre serviteur; et quiconque veut être le premier parmi vous, qu'il soit l'esclave de tous.
Car le Fils de l'homme est venu, non pour être servi, mais pour servir et donner sa vie comme la rançon de plusieurs.…
Marc 9:35
Alors il s'assit, appela les douze, et leur dit: Si quelqu'un veut être le premier, il sera le dernier de tous et le serviteur de tous.
et donner sa vie, à l'image de Jésus-Christ, le bon berger!
1 Pierre 5:1 à 4
Voici les exhortations que j'adresse aux anciens qui sont parmi vous, moi ancien comme eux, témoin des souffrances de Christ, et participant de la gloire qui doit être manifestée:
Paissez le troupeau de Dieu qui est sous votre garde, non par contrainte, mais volontairement, selon Dieu; non pour un gain sordide, mais avec dévouement; non comme dominant sur ceux qui vous sont échus en partage, mais en étant les modèles du troupeau.
Et lorsque le souverain pasteur paraîtra, vous obtiendrez la couronne incorruptible de la gloire.
Philippiens 2:3
Ne faites rien par esprit de parti ou par vaine gloire, mais que l'humilité vous fasse regarder les autres comme étant au-dessus de vous-mêmes.
à bon entendeur salut!
frère Thierry de Lestrade
PS: la cerise sur le gâteau: certains vont jusqu'à ce faire appeler ''papa'', ''papa pasteur', daddy, père spirituel, etc....
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Hi! Do you have a post for recs on hidden/secret relationship (dating, marriage, etc etc)?
Hi Nonny!
I actually recently replied to a similar ask that came back around the queue, and I sadly I don't have very many personal recs! I've been asked this enough that I think I'll go through both of my offline lists and make a new updated list because I need content, LOL! So here you are, and if anyone has fics to add, as always, please do!
See also:
Lestrade / The Yard Finds Out
Lestrade / The Yard Finds Out Pt 2
A Sofa with a View by nondeducible (G, 1,855 w., 1 Ch. || Domestic Fluff, Schmoop, Secret Relationship) – Lestrade loves football, John and Sherlock love each other.
The Internet Is Not Just For Porn by cyerus (G, 1,911 w., 1 Ch. || Different First Meeting, Humour, Fluff, Crack) – John is Sherlock's internet boyfriend - from CANADA. No one thinks he's real.
This is my friend, John Watson by aaronisgay (T, 3,691 w., 5 Ch. || Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Yard Finds Out) – Lestrade has known Sherlock for over three years, yet in that time barely learned anything about the man. Then one day, Sherlock walks onto the crime scene with a short army doctor in tow. As time goes on, Lestrade wonders why neither of them ever go on dates...could this mean something? Otherwise where Sherlock is married and the Yard doesn't even notice.
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John's leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he's letting it show. The holiday season now something he's just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn't think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army "boyfriend" is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
No place on earth they’d rather be. by gelos (bia_mpinto) (G, 460 w., 1 Ch, || Established Relationship, Fluff, PDA, Secret Relationship) – John’s thumb is caressing Sherlock’s skin and thinking how soft it is and how lucky he is right now. This is the first time they’ve held hands in public, only because they seem to be alone in the street and there’s nobody to see them.
I've Got Him by AnneCumberbatch (NR, 1,182 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Privacy, Semi-Secret Relationship, Domestic Life, Caring, Sick John, Flu, Annoyed Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Sleepy John, Forehead Kisses, Papa Lestrade) – He returned to the living room and looked down at John. “You’re going to weigh so much more than I’m prepared for, aren’t you.” Sherlock grimaced slightly as he mapped out the best way to lift his partner. Part 9 of the Sometimes in the Evening series
A Study In Partners by LonelyThursday (T, 3,051 w., 1 Ch. || ASiP Divergence, Humour, Established Relationship, Attempted Murder, Secret Relationship, Tired Greg, Papa Lestrade) – Sherlock and John met years before ASiP, but nobody told the Yard that
Alibis by JohnlockRelapse (M, 6,645 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Implied Mystrade, Secrecy, The Yard, Fluff) – Sherlock is away for the weekend, John indisposed. And Greg would never admit to himself how desperate he was for Sherlock’s help. A series of phone calls to concerned parties, and a frustrated Detective Inspector later, alibis would prove to never be enough.
Illusory Correlation and Confirmation Bias by VanillaBroompolish (T, 10,464 w., 6 Ch. || Alternate Canon || Soldier John, Secret Relationship, Relationship Reveal) –  Looking back, there were a few things that should’ve tipped Greg off long before that night at the pub. A few things Sherlock left fairly obvious, that on reflection, made Greg question how he’d gotten his job in the first place.
The Moaning Detective by Imjohnlocked87 (E, 14,873 w., 5 Ch. || Oral / Anal, Threesome w/ Lestrade, Secret Relationship, Top John, Bottom Sherlock, Multiple Orgasms, PWP, Sex Toys / Dildos / Vibrators, Gang Bang / Group Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, Dirty Talk, Accidental Voyeurism, Fantasizing) – Theoretically, Sherlock Holmes doesn't like sex, and John Watson is not gay. Theoretically, because when accidentally the Yards listen to what is happening at Baker Street, they found the practical truth is totally different...
Sanctuary by a_different_equation (E, 15,437 w., 7 Ch. || Medieval AU / Canterbury Tales Fusion || Blacksmith Sherlock, Guard John, Secret Relationship, Dom Sherlock, Sub John, Porn With Plot, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, BAMF Female Characters) – England, 1230: John Watson is an ex-soldier who works as the head of the guards in his hometown. Sherlock Holmes, the local blacksmith, is his secret.
The Sweetness Makes the Smoke and Stings Worthwhile by  221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (M, 70,032 w., 31 Ch. || Historical 1920′s Unilock AU || Summer Romance, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Inexperienced Sherlock, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drinking, Period-Typical Homophobia, Sexual Tension, Hand/Blow Jobs, Dancing, Secret Relationship, Skinny Dipping, Angst with a Happy Ending, Closet Sex, Hotel Sex, Emotions, Falling in Love, Mutual Pining, Letters/Epistolary, Heartache, Minor Violence, Separations, Reunion Sex, Love Confessions, Victor & Mary in this Fic) – After nearly being expelled from university, Sherlock is banished home to Musgrave Hall for the summer. A friend introduces him to John Watson, a handsome medical student visiting the area. Sherlock and John find themselves drawn to each other, falling into a summer romance that may be as painful as it is sweet. Although they follow different paths, their feelings for each other still haunt them, their love finally coming full circle years later. For those concerned about Mary and Victor, they appear only briefly and as very background characters. My version of Mary is not modeled on the BBC version. She is more of an original character, if anything.
combat fatigue by simplyclockwork (E, 75,714 w., 30 Ch. || Military AU / Different First Meeting || Captain John, BAMF John, Violence, Betrayal, Developing Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Secret Relationship, Whump, Angst, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending) – When Sherlock is deployed to Afghanistan with his brother and the 4/73 Bravo Sierra Bravo patrol unit, he is thrown into a terrifying new world. Developing an unexpected connection with Captain John Watson complicates things, and the two begin to wonder if they can keep each other safe when betrayal lurks in unexpected faces.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
Of Ice and Men by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 176,906 w., 20 Ch. || Olympics AU || Paralympics, Prosthesis, Disability, Established Relationship, Threesome - Johnlockstrade, Angst with Happy Ending, Coming Out, Secret Relationship, Asexual Sherlock, Pilot John) – Greg wants Sherlock to win his first Olympic Gold medal. Sherlock wants John to win his first Olympic Gold medal. John wants Greg to come to bed wearing all four of his Olympic Gold medals, and you didn't really think this would be that terribly serious after reading that title, did you? Bundle up, it's a Winter Olympics OT3!
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hiddenwashington · 10 months
anonymous said : mw book series/characters?
we have so many!! i'll go to go ahead and list our members' most wanted in alphabetical order by book title or series-- from acotar: eris vanserra, the rest of the high lords, papa archeron, vivian, cerridwen and nuala! from crescent city: hunt athalar, lidia cervos, ruhn danaan, and danika fendyr! from fourth wing: liam, brennan sorrengail, imogen, bodhi, ridoc, raegan matthias, and sawyer! from the grishaverse (shadow and bone and six of crows): genya, nina, david, matthias, kuwei, baghra, tolya, nikolai, and marie! from if we were villains: would love to see james farrow, wren sterling, meredith dardenne, oliver marks, and alexander vass! from qiang jin jiu, xiao jiming or qiao tianya! from the shades of magic series: kell maresh and lila bard! from sherlock holmes and enola holmes: mycroft, lestrade, irene adler, mrs. hudson, moriarty, stanley hopkins, wiggins, and cecily alistair! and anyone at all from assistant to the villain!
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
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May Prompts
Today's prompt is: secret
The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 11)
Summary: Uncle Myc has his eyes everywhere. Even at Rosie's school.
Eleven Years Old
From time to time, uncle Myc picked me up from school in one of his black town cars. The questions were endless the days after, and I found it increasingly difficult to answer them truthfully. By now I knew that my uncle’s business was of a delicate and important nature. In my eyes, he knew everything my parents didn’t, and he obviously had eyes everywhere. Also, in my school it turned out…
I rarely visited him at home. When he picked me up, there were three possible destinations we’d arrive at. Baker Street, a café to have something sweet, or like in this case, his office at the Diogenes Club.
I greeted George, the man at the front desk, in sign language. The first time I did it, I was a bit disappointed that uncle Myc didn’t seem the least bit surprised by this. 
One of my classmates was deaf, so each week we learned new words. My uncle obviously knew this, because he remarked on my progress when we were safe inside his spacious office.
“You know everything, don’t you?” I said, which he assured me he didn’t. 
“I just prefer to keep a keen eye on things,” he offered.
“And sticking your long nose into matters that aren’t your concern!” I heard Papa murmur in my mind.
A chuckle escaped me, and he cocked an inquisitory eyebrow at me.
“Don’t tell me my brother has taken up telepathy,” uncle Myc said dryly, which made me snort.
“Papa doing anything paranormal related?” I asked incredulously. “Are we speaking of Sherlock Holmes, or do you have another sibling?”
I’d never seen my uncle like that. He was shaken, looked ashen, but was rescued by a knock on the door. Tea had arrived.
During tea, my uncle asked me about school, my progress in mathematics, science, biology, history, English and geography. He never asked about my friends or teachers. Other people than his family never seemed to interest him much, though he did sometimes inquire about Greg Lestrade.
“Something is bothering you, Rosamund,” uncle stated. “How can I be of assistance?”
I didn’t even blink at this. I might have a few years ago, but I was used to his and Papa’s “knowledge” when their loved ones struggled or had a problem that needed solving.
“Intrusive questions from classmates and other pupils,” I sighed. “Not my friends. They understand that I’m uncomfortable about answering everything about Papa’s and your work, but the others…I’m tired of coming up with constantly “new facts” you know.”
“Indeed,” uncle agreed. “I have something for you to help with that. It’ll be our little…secret.”
He walked over to a large cupboard and retrieved a black box. Inside were several files with suggestions to what I could answer my peers, without giving away any government or personal secrets. (Not that I knew any of the former…)
“Brilliant!” I exclaimed while I leafed through the sheets.
“You do realise that you are saying that out loud,” uncle Myc chided, but the satisfied smile and his pink cheeks gave him away.
Also available on AO3
Thank you all for the lovely comments so far. All the love <3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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everythingcanadian · 11 months
Thick Curls, Rough Voice
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/Greg Lestrade/John Watson
Rating: M for rutting, light papa and light military kink.
No Warnings
Sherlock is actually still in their bed. He uses the cold of autumn air in the room as an excuse to be close. Day 19 of promptober: Ivy
AO3 Portal On Tumblr: Part 1 Part 2
John’s hand carded through soft black curls. They clung to his thick fingers as ivy to a fence. Thick and lush. Begging to keep their support wrapped in their embrace. Somehow he had been shuffled to the centre of the large bed. Their rented cottage provided them with a large enough mattress that all three of them could sleep on it soundly. It was a luxury taken well. 
It was a bit of a surprise to have Sherlock in bed at such an hour. Usually he was up and about by now or had never stayed in the first place. However the etched pillowcase lines on Sherlock’s cheek were a different story. He was sleep-warm. Something that didn’t happen unless it was a special occurrence. 
John raised his eyebrows even as his eyes stayed squinted in the dull grey bedroom light. A mild question pitched to his partner. He smiled when he heard a dramatic sigh from the younger man. John cracked his eye open a bit to see Sherlock’s head tilted up so he could see John. Sleep crusted sea glass eyes greeting him. 
“I loathe to say it.” Sherlock started softly, voice rumbling from his chest and throat as a cello on its lower chords. It reverberated in John’s bones. “The room is unfavourably chilly. You, my dear Watson, are incredibly warm.”
John scoffed into the pillow. His sleepy smile tugged at his cheeks and lips while he closed his eyes again. They were still dry and he’d have to put drops into them “It’s because I have a very warm teddy to hold onto.” His own voice was raspy and low as exhaustion showed itself. He licked his lips and took a deep but lazy breath through his nose. “Not to mention the bear at my back who is clinging to me as if I’m his teddy.”
Sherlock shivered, a minute gasp escaping him while John talked. 
The knowledge of that was a boost to his ego. “Well, I am. Just for now. Besides, it means I’m all the warmer for you to delve in to. Don’t think I can’t feel how awake you really are. You’re digging into my leg.” He purposely kept himself from clearing his throat. If he found something he could wind Sherlock up with, then he’d keep with it. “Why don’t you get yourself off for me, love. Rub yourself on me.” John purred. “And I’ll talk you through it.”
“Christ, John.” Sherlock sounded winded already. 
The small adjustments saw John on his side fully, top leg forward for Sherlock to use. Sherlock facing him with his head on the bed and forehead to John’s sternum. Body bent in a way that let him rut against John’s fuzzy and strong thigh. One hand stayed in Sherlock’s hair while the other went to his hip, encouraging him. The light pull of John’s fingers in ivy-like wild curls pulled a soft moan from the younger man. It wasn’t going to be long. Sherlock was already quite hard and a bit damp. Being next to his lovers must have pushed filthy dreams into his brilliant mind. 
The room was a bit too cold still to push the covers down fully to see what Sherlock’s hips were doing. To see him desperate and needy. The autumn chill gave them an excuse to be close- gave Sherlock an excuse so that he didn’t have to vocalise his desire to be this intimate with one of them. Hips jerking and rocking to gain friction through his briefs against John’s thigh.
“You like when I sound like this don’t you? All gruff and warm. You like that I sound rough. A soldier giving commands that doesn’t hurt your head.” John flexed his thigh and pressed it up just a bit to give Sherlock more. And if John put in a bit more effort and emphasis just for this, well, only himself, Sherlock, and Greg would ever know. 
Speaking of, John felt the man behind him slowly wake up and get his bearings. Humming in contentment when he realised what was going on. The solid weight of Greg at his back was a nice encouragement for this. The lazy tracing of a pointer finger on his side is a point of love.
“Well I like giving you this. My little one hmm? You say you hate all the sweet words and play but you don’t, do you? You enjoy it as much as I enjoy indulging you. Making sure you fall apart from my words and my hands.” John could hear the open mouth panting and quiet, barely there, whimpers Sherlock was producing. It was endlessly fascinating how fast Sherlock got wet for sweet or dirty talk. Especially when John or Greg used their authority voice. “You like being- smaller, younger, maybe. Not belittling or the like, but under my care and command. You like letting go for a moment. Something I can help you with and make sure you get everything you want.”
Sherlock grunted softly as his rhythm evened out and his hips pressed down firmly. He was so close and John loved it. He pulled Sherlock’s bed-head curls a little more, below pain but much into pleasure. John felt Sherlock’s head press right under his jaw, head tipped so he could pant and take laboured breaths. 
“C’mon sweetheart. You’re doing so well, Sherlock. I know you can finish like this. I want you to cum for me whenever you need to, little one. Just release yourself against me and let me help you follow through.” His voice had lost the edge a while ago, but he could still order soft commands and give gentle praise to their younger lover. He reached down with the hand on Sherlock’s hip and squeezed a plump arse cheek in his palm, pulling and guiding Sherlock through his motions. “Do you want to be good for us? I know you do. Let go, Sherlock. Cum on my thigh, darling. Rut it out and feel better.” 
Sherlock groaned and shuddered, finally spilling into his pants and against John’s warm thigh. His own thighs clamped and released and clamped again as he jerked his hips in release. John hummed happily, leading Sherlock through the aftershocks and the calm after the storm. 
“Well done, love.” John praised and heard the soft-again gasp. A shiver accompanying. “Still chilly?”
It was a moment before an answer. Greg had reached over John’s waist and was now also carding a hand through Sherlock’s wild black curls. The dark ivy also clinging to Greg’s slightly darker fingers. Sherlock pressed into them. “Still, yes. But warmer. I don’t wish to move now.”
John finally opened his eyes and looked down to a cuddle kitten of a man “You need to. We have to clean up. Just think though, the shower is going to be a lot warmer and we can lounge around a bit.”
Sherlock huffed. He already ceded the answer.
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