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kingsillysmilez · 1 month ago
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Sending love from Alola!!
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reesieroo-spark · 15 days ago
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So for the last four Pokémon batches, I decided to divide all my favorite pokemon (that I haven’t drawn yet) by seasons, so here’s Spring 🌸🌱🐝🦋
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aromiekimart · 24 days ago
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Realized I never drew out a potential Pokémon team for myself. Had to fix that immediately.
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baylardian-1 · 5 months ago
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comp of my recent PMD stuff i made for Deviantart :D
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dippubear · 1 year ago
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I didn’t forget I’m just lazy
Here’s M-P
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dualcosmog · 2 months ago
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0675 Pangoro
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kamui-shirow · 24 days ago
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Pangoro on the beach
I had already thought about making a fanart with Pangoro that would be very worthy of this beloved character. This time in a relaxed scene enjoying the beach. :D
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koko2unite · 5 months ago
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november poll is up! help me pick
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terriblyjadedgamer · 3 months ago
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Random 'mon
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poketcg-art · 1 month ago
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teshadraws · 8 months ago
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 60]
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Tobias speaks with Dismas.
CW: Blood, violence, child death.
In the silence, Dismas gives them an uninterested onceover, starting at Nia and ending with Tobias. When the pangoro reaches Tobias’ face, his brow furrows, his chin lifting with a spark of interest.
Tobias can’t decide if he wants to glare back or look away. His throat is tight. He balls the hand not holding Nia’s into a fist, trying to keep himself from shaking like a newborn.
Suddenly, the pangoro’s brows rise, and a toothy grin lights up his face. He rears back as much as he can in his chains, roaring with laughter. He’d probably be slapping his knee if he could.
Tobias stares, stunned. When he’d imagined this in the past, thought about coming face-to-face with one of the outlaws, he’d never pictured laughter. He kind of feels like puking.
Dismas’ laughter dies down, but the jovial expression remains. “You’re the little brat from the mountains! How long’s it been? Five years? Six?”
He says it like a distant relative catching up. Like he’s asking how Tobias’ training has been going, instead of reuniting with the child he made an orphan.
“It’s been eight years,” Tobias hisses. He can’t decide if he wants to attack the pangoro or run away. Nia’s grip anchors him in place.
“Huh. Time flies. You’re still a squirt, but you were a tiny little thing then. No bigger than my paw.”
Dismas lifts a paw as far as he can with the chains restricting him, and wiggles his fingers. His claws flash in the low light. He could probably still crush Tobias without a second thought, but when Tobias was younger, when he was half his current size, it would’ve been effortless. Vivi was even tinier.
Tobias grits his teeth, anger slowly overpowering the terror. He can feel his control slipping, embers climbing into his throat.
“You a big-shot Seeker now?” Dismas asks, still so casual. He gestures to the scarf around Tobias’ throat.
Tobias’ free hand lifts, grabbing the worn material as if to keep it from him. This scarf was Vivi’s, and Tobias will die before he lets this monster touch it.
Dismas’ gaze moves to Nia. “This your little partner?”
Nia doesn’t answer, but Tobias can feel her squeeze his hand just a bit tighter. She’s standing tall out of the corner of his eye.
Dismas huffs. “You gonna say anything or are you two just here to waste my time?”
Tobias takes a step forward, fire boiling over. “Shut up! You aren’t the one asking questions here!”
Dismas’ brow rises. “Well, go on then. I don’t have all day.”
Tobias wants to lunge for the pangoro’s throat. Nia tugs him back a step, away from Dismas and back to her side. Tobias can’t tell if she’s shaking too, or if that’s just him.
Tobias swallows, gut churning.
“Why?” He rasps. “Why did you kill them?”
Dismas looks unimpressed by the question. “You were there, brat. Surely you remember.”
Tobias was there, but he doesn’t remember. He can’t. Every time he’s ever tried to remember the details, panic has risen like a tide, swamping his thoughts and choking him for air, sending him flailing until he stops.
Dismas, in response to Tobias’ silence, shrugs a shoulder. “Sulien ordered it.”
Tobias takes a breath, tears brimming in his eyes. He blinks them back. “Why did Sulien want to kill them? My dad was an instrument-maker. My mom was a mail-mon. My sister was six. They…there’s no way they were involved in something shady, and we…it’s not like we had a lot of money. So why?”
Tobias hates the way his voice breaks. He hates that this is how he has to get his answers. He hates being at the mercy of Dismas yet again.
The pangoro snorts. “It’s not like we went there planning it. There was a storm.”
Tobias knows there was a storm, but that doesn’t explain anything. Why would the storm be important? Tobias doesn’t know, he doesn’t remember, he—
…He does. He does remember.
It’s raining. Hard. Has been all day, and although storms usually pass quickly in the mountains, this one doesn’t look like it’s gonna let up anytime soon.
Since she can’t fly safely in this kind of weather, Mama’s home today—a rarity in the middle of the afternoon. She takes over for Papa’s lessons to let him work in peace, playing little games with Toby and Vivi to help them learn their letters and math.
Each time they finish a lesson, Mama lets them each hold onto one of her giant wings. She flaps them open to fling her children up with shrieks of laughter before gently catching them and lowering them back to the ground. Usually they can get three rounds out of her with cries of “Again! Again!” before she puts her foot down and they have to start the next lesson.
It’s a peaceful day. A bit boring, even, until late afternoon when a shadow—three shadows—block out the gray light from the mouth of the cave.
Toby recognizes the biggest Pokemon from one of his books. He remembers, ‘cause he’s a fire type like them. A growlithe, maybe? Wait, no, an arcanine.
His ear is shredded like an old piece of fabric, scars cutting through his fur and across one of his eyes. His fur is limp with rain, though, and he has a sheepish smile on his face, so he doesn’t seem scary.
There’s another Pokemon standing behind him with his arms folded and an unhappy scowl on his face. He’s tall, with black and white fur.
The third Pokemon, a crobat, came in dangling from the tall Pokemon’s arm, but quickly hopped off to huddle in the dirt instead. His wings are crossed over his body, looking too drenched to fly.
“Sorry for intruding,” the arcanine says, friendly and warm. “We were hoping we could get out of the rain for a while?”
Tobias blinks. He stares at Dismas. “You…you said you wanted to get out of the rain.”
“But that…” Tobias’ heart is pounding faster. Why does he feel like he’s the one being interrogated here?
Tobias glances at the quagsire standing guard off to the side, as if she’ll somehow have the answers. The quagsire looks back at him, sharp gaze softened by something sad and sympathetic.
Tobias doesn’t have time for her pity. He avoids Nia’s gaze entirely, looking back at Dismas. “B-But that wasn’t true, right? You were just…lying. To get to us.”
Dismas snorts. “Why would we lie? The idiots wanted out of the rain.”
“But why our cave?!”
“We ran across your cave by chance, brat. Your family just had the bad luck of living in the first decent shelter we found going over the mountain range.”
Tobias stares at Dismas, disbelief making him feel numb.
By chance? Bad luck?
Tobias’ family was killed because of bad luck?
That—that can’t be right. Tobias lost his whole world that night. There has to be a better reason. There has to be some reason why his family had to go through that. Why he had to go through that.
“What do you mean?” Tobias asks, trying make the words a demand. They come out weak and lost. “If it was just by chance that you met us, then why did you attack us?!”
“You don’t remember.”
No, Tobias doesn’t remember, because he can’t ever let himself remember that night in full. Because when he tries, the panic comes back in full force and shuts him down before he even gets a chance.
Tobias snarls, a wordless and feral sound. A threat.
Dismas rolls his eyes. “Your mom figured us out.”
Tobias stops, breathing hard. Embers flutter in the edges of his vision.
Just like that, just like a twig holding together a dam, everything falls loose.
He remembers.
His parents are welcoming, at first. His mama jokes with the arcanine and crobat, Sulien and Asra, about the rain while his father adds kindling to the fire to give it extra warm.
Toby is a little shy, as he always is around strangers. Even more with big, strong strangers like these ones.
Vivi echoes all of his awe without the shyness, immediately bouncing around the strangers’ paws with question after question about their names and species and types and where they’re from. The tall one, a pangoro named Dismas, is clearly annoyed by her curiosity, but Asra and Sulien smile and answer patiently.
The storm rages on far longer than anyone expects, into the evening. Vivi has graduated from crawling around Sulien’s giant paws to to climbing over the arcanine’s fluffy back and mane. She’d scrambled her way up the fire type’s shoulders before their parents could stop her, and once there the arcanine had assured them she was fine. Toby had settled in at Sulien’s paws, listening to the adults talk.
The strangers tell them that they’re called Team Zenith, and they focus on rescue work.
“Is that how you got that scar on your face?” Vivi asks, sprawled stop Sulien’s fluffy head and peering down at him.
“Vivian!”  Mama scolds.
Sulien laughs. “It’s fine. No, this one was from a nasty fight.”
Vivi gasps. “A bad guy?!”
Sulien nods, solemn. “The worst.”
Toby echoes his sister, leaning back against the arcanine’s warm, fluffy chest. He loves his Mama and Papa, but there’s something really nice about a pelt so soft.
“Maybe I wanna be a Seeker when I grow up,” Toby muses.
“Oh! Me too! Me too!”
“You’ll both have to get a bit bigger first,” Mama teases, flicking her tail over to tickle Tobias’ side. He giggles and kicks her away.
Eventually, Mama excuses herself from the warmth of the fire to grab her mail for the following day. When the storm clears up, she’ll have a lot of deliveries to make. She brings them to the fire to organize by neighborhood, sorting them into piles.
Toby crawls into her lap, watching as she reads the name and location on each one before deciding which pile it belongs to. He tries to read them too and make it a race, but he’s a lot slower than her.
Conversation continues between the adults, interrupted only by Vivi’s occasional question or exclamation. Toby mostly listens, and reads, and sometimes puts a letter on the right pile when Mama points it out to him.
He perks up when they’re done with the regular mail and get to the guild notices. A lot of the papers are boring stuff that just go to the local guild outpost, but sometimes they have wanted posters that Mama has to pin up in town. Those are a little scary, but they’re kind of exciting, too.
Tobias skims the words he can see on the current paper, the sheet held a little too high over his head as Mama reads. Finally, she hands it over to him, pointing out where it needs to go. He lays it gently in place.
Mama picks up the next letter, and Toby feels it when she suddenly goes tense underneath him. Confused, he looks up at the paper she’s holding, seeing that it’s a wanted poster with pictures of outlaws on it.
Huh. Mama doesn’t usually get scared by wanted posters like Toby and Vivi sometimes do.
It’s taking way too long for her to hand it to him, so Toby tugs impatiently on his mom’s wrist. The paper is yanked down just enough for him to catch a glimpse of the pictures.
An arcanine with a scar. A crobat. A pangoro.
Mom yanks the letter away from him. He lets her, frowning up at her face in confusion.
“Mama, what—"
“Toby, go over to Papa.”
Toby hesitates, feeling like something is…wrong. Why was Team Zenith on the wanted poster? Toby thought those were only for bad Pokemon.
Mama doesn’t wait for him, sliding him off her lap and standing. She gathers the piles of letters with unusually sharp movements.
“You’re fine, sweetie,” Mama says, neck dipping to brush her muzzle over his head. “I just don’t feel like working on those anymore tonight. I’ll get your help with them again later. Go over to your dad, okay?”
Her voice shakes.
Toby glances at Papa. He’s watching Mama now, smile gone.
Toby looks back at Mama. She’s watching Vivi, who is crawling all over Sulien and still chattering on about something.
Mama’s quiet. Like something’s wrong but she doesn’t want Toby and Vivi to know about it.
The arcanine smiles at Mama, apparently picking up on it, too. “Something wrong, ma’am?”
“No no. Just—Vivi, get off Mr. Sulien, all right?”
“Aww, why?” Vivi whines, little fingers tightening in his fur.
“Vivian!” Mama snaps.
Toby and Vivi both wince. Slowly, with a pout, Vivi slides down Sulien’s back and trudges over to Papa, leaning into his side. He wraps his tail around her.
“Toby, why don’t you come over here too?” Papa says, voice light. “It’s about time for bed.”
There’s something about his tone, though, that makes Tobias tense.
Toby doesn’t move. He doesn’t understand why that outlaw paper had Team Zenith on it, or why everyone suddenly got so quiet.
Mama is standing, not putting her papers away like she said she would. Like it’s important that Toby goes over to Papa before she does.
Papa is sitting up straighter than before, not letting Vivi move. He motions Toby closer.
It’s Asra who really makes Toby upset, though. The crobat suddenly looks sick to his stomach, gaze flicking between Sulien and Mama.
Sulien smiles. “You’re sure nothing is wrong?”
Thunder rumbles outside, long and low. Like the sky is growling.
Toby finally darts to his sister’s side, ducking under his papa’s tail and pressing close to his belly where it’s safe. He’s scared. He doesn’t know why he’s scared.
“You said you’re a mail mon, right?” Sulien asks politely.
His mama doesn’t answer.
“That includes notices to the guild, doesn’t it?”
Sulien stands up. He stretches, muscles rippling under striped fur.
“Show me that last notice you were sorting.”
Mama shakes her head. Toby doesn’t think he’s ever seen that look on her face. “We don’t want any trouble.”
“Shame,” Sulien says, casual. “Neither did I. But it seems trouble has found us regardless.”
Papa’s tail curls tighter around them, pressing them close.
“We don’t have much,” Mama says, low. Fervent. “But you can have it. Just go. Or let us go. We’ll go.”
“I’m afraid that’s really not the problem here,” Sulien says. “The problem is that we need to get out of this mountain range without anyone knowing where we’re heading next.”
“We won’t say anything,” Mama says, quick. Desperate. She’s usually the one picking fights, not trying to compromise.
Toby’s stomach feels cold.
“S-Sulien,” Asra says, hushed. “Come on, they said they won’t say anything. We can make them leave and—"
Sulien sighs, cutting the crobat off. “I’d really like to believe that. Unfortunately, you know I’d rather not take any chances.”
He flexes his paw, claws extending in the firelight.
Tobias flinches.
Vivi whimpers.
A growl pours from Papa’s throat.
His mama’s wings spread, making her bigger. She looks angry. She looks terrified.
“You really didn’t come there looking for us,” Tobias whispers, staring at Dismas. The pangoro stares back, expressionless.
It wasn’t some kind of shady business. Or even a robbery. It wasn’t anything against his parents at all.
They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. They extended their kindness to the wrong Pokemon.
“I’m afraid I’d rather play it safe,” Sulien says. He flicks his shredded ear.
Dismas launches himself forward. Toby doesn’t even see the move that sends Mama flying back into the cave wall with a crack.
“Mama!” Toby shrieks.
He and Vivi try to push past Papa’s tail, but he drags them back.
“Aria!” His papa yells.
Mama pushes herself up, blowing a wave of fire out in front of her to ward the pangoro off. She glances at them, eyes wild. “Run, Silas!”
Papa hesitates for only a second. Then he scoops Tobias and Vivi up in his arms and bolts towards the mouth of the cave.
But it’s storming! Mama said they can never fly when it’s storming! It’s too dangerous. There’s rain and lightning and wind and—
And Sulien is there, standing large and proud against the darkness.
Papa stops. Toby can hear Mama fighting with the pangoro behind them.
“They’re just kids,” his papa says, voice tight. “Let them go.”
Sulien’s eyes move down to Toby and Vivi. “They are. But eventually they’ll be adults. And that one—” he nods at Vivi, who bares her teeth and growls, even with tears in her eyes. “Has the look of a hero. No, they’re old enough to realize what happened here.”
Toby feels his papa’s heart racing against his back, skin hot and clammy all at once. Slowly, he’s put down beside Vivi.
“Papa?” Toby asks, shaky. He’s trying to sniff back tears, but he can hear his mama snarling and the FWOOSH and heat of fire and Sulien is looking at them like a stranger, like a villain in a story and—
“Toby. Take your sister and run.”
Papa’s voice is low. Almost too low to hear.
Toby blinks. “W-What?”
They aren’t allowed out in storms, and definitely not on their own.
Papa spares him a glance. He swallows. “Run. Don’t stop running until you’re safe. And take care of your sister.”
“Papa?” Vivi says.
“We love you both,” Papa whispers. His voice is higher than usual. Rough. “So much.”
Before Tobias can answer, Papa is using his tail to sweep the two of them towards the mouth of the cave. Toby stumbles, Vivi crying out at his side.
Then Papa is arcing over them with a roar that shakes Toby to his bones. He watches with wide eyes as Papa and Sulien tumble together in a snarling blur of orange.
Everything is chaos. Growling and crashing and fire and—
Vivi slams into him, hugging him desperately. He wraps his arms around her on instinct, claws bunching into the oversized red scarf she always wears like a little cape.
“Tobias!” His mother roars. He looks over at her, panicked. She’s panting, one of her wings hanging in a sickening way at her side as the pangoro recovers from a heavy hit. “Run!”
“Asra!” Sulien barks. “Grab them!”
Tobias spins, locking eyes with the crobat. He’s flapping in midair, looking just as scared as Tobias feels.
“Sulien, they’re—they’re just kids. Surely we don’t need to hurt them, right?”
The word ‘hurt’ jolts Toby into movement. He grabs his sister by the hand and yanks her towards the entrance, tears blurring his vision.
A flash of purple flies by and blocks the entrance, making them stumble back. The crobat flaps in place, brow furrowed as he glances between them and Sulien.
Toby grabs Vivi tighter and darts to the side, hoping to skirt around the crobat. The crobat swoops at them, barely missing them. It feels threatening, like he’s going to pick them up and carry them away, but—
“He wasn’t really trying, was he?” Tobias rasps. “He…he was so much faster than that. He wanted us to escape. But…”
For an instant, Toby thinks they’re going to make it. They duck under the crobat’s wings and—
A heavy weight—a thousand times heavier than Mama and Papa when they play fight with them—slams into Toby, pinning him on his back. It knocks the air out of him. He tries to gasp for air as he looks up at his attacker.
Sulien doesn’t look scared like Asra. He doesn’t look like he’s feeling anything, except mild irritation. Toby feels the arcanine’s claws dig into his throat, bruising in their force and cutting off his air as something wet leaks down his skin.
Toby tries to kick, but he can’t reach the arcanine’s chest. Vivi screams and grabs the arcanine’s paw, trying to pull it off of him.
Sulien grabs her in his mouth like she’s nothing more than a toy, throwing her aside. She slams into the cave wall with a cracking sound and lands hard on her stomach.
Tobias tries to turn his head, his sister’s name on his tongue, but pain sears through his neck as claws tear at his soft throat.
Sulien’s mouth opens, and Toby sees nothing but fangs and fire lunging at him as he squeezes his eyes shut.
There’s a roar and a gust of hot air, and then the weight is gone from him entirely. Mama slams the arcanine into the wall with a sound that echoes and sends stone raining down from the ceiling.
Toby gasps and coughs as he scrambles up, reaching for his neck. His palm comes away red and slick with blood. It tickles as it streaks down his chest.
Toby ignores it, still coughing as he stumbles to Vivi’s side. She’s trying to push herself up, but one of her hands is pressed to the back of her head and the other shakes and trembles.
“Lemme see,” Toby rasps, kneeling at her side. He helps her sit up, then peels away the hand on her head. His heart stops when he sees slick red on her palm.
Vivi whines, slumping into Toby’s shoulder. He pulls her close, looking around frantically.
Mama is wrestling with Sulien now. Papa has turned on the pangoro, cornering him in the back of the cave. Asra is still stalled in place, staring at them with wide yellow eyes.
“Tobias! Run!” Mama yells again.
Toby jolts, then staggers to his feet. He feels lightheaded, spots in his vision, but he knows he needs to move. Vivi is clinging to him weakly, but she can’t seem to get her feet under her even when he tries to pull her up.
Toby feels renewed panic lap at him. Usually when they get hurt, when they scrape a knee or pull a claw, they go to their parents. And Vivi is clearly hurt, stumbling and tilting as if she’s dizzy.
He doesn’t know how to fix this.
Tobias decides on a different course of action. He swings Vivi around and pulls her onto his back, hopping to secure her higher. He nearly falls from the weight throwing him off balance, but staggers towards the mouth of the cave all the same.
“Asra, get those kids or you’re next!” Sulien snarls.
There’s no protest this time. A blur of purple flashes out of the corner of Toby’s eye, swooping for him again. He ducks and runs faster, out of the cave.
The storm slams into him like a wall. The cold rain stings against his skin, whipping into his face like needles. He squints against it. Between the rain and wind and darkness, he can hardly see two feet in front of him.
Another snarl comes from the cave. Toby startles and takes off, stumbling over rocks and slipping in mud. Each time he does, Vivi whimpers, her face tucked away in the crook of his bloodied neck.
Tobias runs and runs through the darkness, sliding down steep inclines and through scraggly groups of trees. It’s a miracle he doesn’t run himself right off the cliffside, guided only by hazy memory and luck.
He feels like he runs forever.
His lungs burn. He can’t feel his legs. Vivi sits like a boulder tied to his back, deadweight, but he doesn’t dare slow down. His fingers feel locked into place by the cold.
He doesn’t stop until a deep mud puddle sucks his foot down. He falls hard onto his front, then lays gasping in the mud. Its icy cold burns, and eventually he summons the strength to push himself up and crawl out of the puddle he’d landed in.
He gently deposits Vivi onto the ground behind him.
She slumps over.
“Vivi?” Toby asks, panting.
Vivi lies motionless on the grass. Too quiet. Too still. She’s never that quiet and still, even when she’s asleep.
“Vivi?” Toby asks again, shaking her gently. She feels cold, but everything feels cold right now.
He turns her over, to find her eyes closed and her little brow furrowed. He pats her cheek. “Vivi? Vivi, c’mon. W-Wake up! We…we gotta go. We gotta hide. O-Or get help, or…”
Vivi doesn’t answer. Fresh panic blooms in Tobias’ chest, and hot tears flood his eyes. He can’t tell what’s rain and what’s tears.
He shakes her a little harder. Her head lolls.
“Vivi!” He shouts.
She doesn’t wake up. Is it—is it because she hit her head?
He turns her over in his lap, breath hitching when he sees the place she smacked the back of her head against the cave wall when Sulien threw her. The rain has been washing out the wound, but it still glistens with fresh blood. Tobias knows head wounds bleed a lot, especially in the mountains, but the scariest part is how the spot looks almost…dented. Just a bit.
Toby looks around desperately. He can’t see anyone in the darkness and rain, and he knows there aren’t many other Pokemon who live near their home, but—
But he’s so scared. He’s never been so scared in his entire life.
“Help!” Toby yells, voice hoarse. Sulien and Asra and Dismas might hear him, but…but his sister is hurt.
“Help!” He yells again, a hot wave of tears filling his eyes to streak down chilled cheeks. “Please!”
He yells and yells, but nobody answers.
Tobias suddenly remembers what Papa told them, a long time ago. That they should pray to Entei if they ever feel scared or unsafe. He protects kids like them! He’ll help. He has to.
“E-Entei, please help us. Please, I’m really scared and Vivi needs help a-and I don’t know what else to do.”
Toby waits again. The storm continues overhead, loud and cold and endless. Entei doesn’t appear on fiery paws to whisk them away. There’s no big, strong presence to shield them from the rain.
They’re on their own.
Toby sniffs hard, looking down at Vivi. He doesn’t know what to do. Did she lose too much blood? Or is something inside her hurt? What did Mama say that one time about bad injuries?
You…you need to stop the bleeding if you get hurt real bad. You need to put something on the injury.
Tobias doesn’t have supplies, but his eyes land on Vivi’s scarf, its red hue looking dull and drab in the darkness and rain. Vivi’s going to be so mad at him for getting blood on her favorite scarf, but—but this is more important.
Toby unknots the scarf with shaking hands, then presses the soaking wet fabric against the wound. He expects Vivi to whine or cry out, since it has to hurt.
She doesn’t move. She still hasn’t moved.
Thunder rumbles again. The rain comes down in sheets, painful and freezing against his nearly-numb skin. Toby needs to find shelter soon. Sitting out in the rain for too long is dangerous for any fire type, but especially kids. Especially in the mountains.
Toby starts to drag Vivi onto his back again, when something catches his eye.
The tip of her short tail.
Tobias drops her. He hates himself for it immediately, but he does. He hovers over her—her body—her, and shivers, and stares.
No. No no no.
B-But—but maybe she’s still okay? Maybe she’s just hurt, really bad, but if he gets her help, then…
Tobias presses the side of his head to Vivi’s chest.
He waits. And waits. Two rolls of thunder. Three. The rain doesn’t let up.
No breath. No heartbeat.
Toby whimpers. Then he gathers air into his lungs and wails. He thought that he knew what it was like, to be upset. To be scared. To be in pain. He remembers crying to Mama and Papa really hard that one time he pulled a claw.
This is something else. His voice rips out of him like it’s alive, like he has no control over it. He drapes himself over Vivi, crying, pleading for her to come back. He doesn’t know how long.
She doesn’t answer.
Tobias doesn’t remember getting up. He doesn’t remember leaving Vivi. He doesn’t remember wandering off with his sister’s scarf clenched tight in his fingers.
He does remember stepping just a bit too close to a cliffside that was loosened by the rain. Remembers how it gave out from underneath him. Remembers how he didn’t even yell, falling and falling and then—
Next time he woke up, he was bandaged and warm, tucked into a soft bed. The nice Pokemon who found him half-buried under rubble had taken him to the village doctor. Tobias had asked the doctor where his sister was, or his parents, and he knew right away what the old ‘mon’s tight smile and evasive answers meant.
His family was gone.
A painful squeeze of Tobias’ hand catches his attention. What is that? Did Sulien come back for him? No, he’s safe at the doctor’s house, he—
He stares at the riolu in front of him, uncomprehending. There’s not a riolu at the doctor’s, and certainly not in his cave.
Her ruby eyes are glassy with tears, and she’s holding his hand. Something about her makes him feel safe.
She’s saying something, but Tobias can’t hear her, his heartbeat loud in his ears. He can read her lips, though, as she repeats one word to him, over and over.
Tobias tries to listen, taking a shaky breath of air. Then another, and another. The riolu doesn’t look away, smiling encouragingly and breathing with him.
Slowly, Tobias feels his body settle into the room around him. It’s warmer here than in the rain, but colder than the doctor’s house. Darker, lit a muted green. His ears feel funny. His free hand is pulling at his—at Vivi’s scarf, and his neck burns as if the marks left there haven’t long since scarred over. There’s a quagsire and malamar watching him with sympathetic expressions, and—
Tobias freezes when he sees the pangoro. Dismas. Dismas is here, he’s going to hurt Mama and Papa and Vivi and the riolu and—
“Tobias!” The riolu places both paws on either side of his face, turning him away from the pangoro until all he can see is her. “Ignore him. Keep breathing with me, okay?”
Tobias doesn’t think he can, but he nods anyways and tries to follow the riolu’s exaggerated breaths. In. Out. Again.
Tobias doesn’t know when the riolu in front of him turns into someone he knows, but suddenly his brain remembers that she has a name.
He latches onto her paws, taking stock of himself.
His eyes sting, as if he was crying. He’s still shaking, but his breathing is steadier. The grief and terror in his chest feels fresh, painful as the day he lost his family.
Tobias must make a pitiful sound, because Nia shushes him gently, murmuring, “Hey, stay here with me, okay? You back?”
Tobias nods, trying to stay in the present. He focuses on the cool metal underfoot. Nia’s soft paws on his cheeks. The sight of her eyes, red cooled to a deep brown in the green light. The quiet creak of the metal room around them.
He’s here. He’s in Kaleido Bay, with Nia. And he finally has the answer he has wanted all these years. He finally knows why his family was ripped away from him.
Has Tobias wasted the last eight years of his life, looking for this? For a simple, nonsensical answer that changes nothing? An answer that was hidden away inside his own head?
If Sulien gets captured by other Seekers like Dismas had, then…what is Tobias’ goal? Without answers to find and the outlaws to track down, what does he have to strive towards?
What does he even have to live for?
“We really messed you up, huh?” Dismas says. The pangoro doesn’t sound remorseful. If anything, he says it like a joke, lighthearted and casual.
Nia snaps her teeth at him. “Shut up!”
Tobias looks at Dismas again. He tries to speak, then has to clear his throat to get the words to come. “You…don’t even care, do you? About what you did?”
Dismas snorts. “Your family wasn’t the first ‘mon we had to take out, kid. I can’t afford to get all weepy about it. I’m not Asra.”
“The crobat?” Nia murmurs. “Wasn’t he your partner?”
“A coward is what he was. Always trying to avoid getting his claws dirty. I bet that softhearted idiot didn’t even look for you brats after Sulien told him to. I was surprised Sulien let him run off at all, at least with his skull intact.”
Nia glances at Tobias before saying, “Asra’s, um…dead. He died in a rockslide.”
Dismas barks a laugh. “Ah, there it is! Looks like Sulien found him after all.”
Their faces must ask the question for them.
“Asra was spineless, but he was fast. He wouldn’t have gotten taken out by a rock slide. Not a natural one, at least.”
Nia looks vaguely sick. “You mean..?”
“Sulien always hated how much of a softie Asra was. Trying to run and start a new life with so much blood on his fangs? When he knew all of our history? Nah. He was a danger Sulien couldn’t risk keeping alive. It was only a matter of time for him.”
“And you?” Nia challenges. “Is Sulien the reason you got caught?”
Dismas laughs again. “No, we parted ways a while ago. I had enough of his brilliant ideas and decided to strike out on my own.”
“Lot of good that did you,” Nia mutters.
“You mean this place?” Dismas asks, making a vague gesture around the room with one restrained paw. “I needed somewhere to crash for a while. Time to figure out where I’m going next and all that. But now that you mention it, I am getting sick of the slop they serve here as food.”
Dismas looks past them, towards the malamar standing guard at the door. “Hey, beak face!”
The malamar straightens up, tentacles flaring. “Quiet down, D22.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be quick.” Dismas grins, toothy and goading. “Just thought you’d want to know that your little disable treatments haven’t been lasting as long as you wanted ‘em to.”
He lifts both paws as high as he can, curling them into fists. One paw bursts into flames, bright enough to be painful to Tobias’ eyes in the dim light. The other fist glints in the fire’s light, coated in ice.
Tobias feels a familiar sense of dread pool in his gut.
“Put your attacks away!” the malamar shouts, marching closer. The quagsire backs up a step, falling into a defensive stance.
“Aw, but I’ve been having a lot of fun in here with my little science experiments,” Dismas chuckles, opening his fists and dismissing the elemental energy. “You do know what happens when you heat and cool chains so frequently, right?”
The pangoro pulls his arms in, straining them against the metal chains. Tobias can hear them creak and groan for just a second before—
The chains snap like a cheap toy.
Tobias scrambles backwards, nearly tripping over his own feet. Nia moves with him.
Dismas isn’t the fastest ‘mon, but he’s still faster than the quagsire beside him. Before the water type can shoot off a move, the pangoro spins to punch her in the gut, the bright glint of metal following in his wake.
Bullet punch.
The quagsire resists steel type moves, but she still goes skidding back, slamming into the metal wall with a loud bang. Tobias flinches, seeing Vivi, hearing rain—
The malamar rushes past them, pushing Nia and Tobias back with one tentacle and attacking Dismas with the other. Dismas catches the move in a giant paw, grinning, shackles and broken chains dangling from his wrists.
The pangoro turns, swinging the malamar with him, and slams him into the floor, leaving a dent in the metal.
“Miro!” the quagsire calls, getting back to her feet. “Send out an alert!”
Right! The malamar’s a psychic-type. They must have some kind of telepathy system set up here to communicate.
Except the malamar doesn’t answer, rolling to dodge a heavy fist. He lunges into a peck that Dismas barely wards off with his legs and neck still shackled. The malamar looks almost frenzied, going after the pangoro with a vicious aggression. It’s strange, and so unsettling a strategy to see from a psychic type that Tobias realizes with a sinking heart what Dismas was doing earlier.
All the malamar can do is attack. And that is a terrible thing for a Pokemon who likely relies on stat changes and status moves to fight.
It’s clear from the easy way that Dismas handles the psychic type. With a single throat chop that leaves the malamar gasping, Tobias can see the end coming. Dismas sweeps his arm back, dark type energy leaving streaks like black lightning in its wake, then stabs a shadow claw through the malamar’s gut.
Nia makes a shrill sound, stumbling back with her paws clamped over her muzzle. Tobias just watches with a sick sense of deja vu.
Dismas lets the energy dissipate.
The malamar drops and lies still.
Tobias has to believe he’s alive, despite the odds. He can’t watch this monster kill another Pokemon right in front of him.
Dismas takes advantage of the moment of stunned silence. He lifts massive paws to grab either side of the shackle around his neck, snapping it open like a chestnut to drop at his paws. He sighs, satisfied, and rolls his neck with a crack that makes both Nia and Tobias wince.
The quagsire jumps into action, rushing at the pangoro. Her cheeks puff up with a water gun.
Dismas ducks under the first jet, fists flashing with fire before he punches right through the two chains holding his legs in place. Those, too, break with little resistance, likely weakened beforehand for this chance at escape.
The quagsire is slower than Dismas, but she fights strategically, keeping her distance when possible to shoot off a water pulse or mud shot. When she sees an opening, she moves in closer for an aqua tail or slam attack.
Tobias wants to help, afraid of what will happen if and when the quagsire goes down, but…Tobias knows what it’s like, trying to fight in close quarters with a partner you’re unused to. It can cause more problems than staying out of the fight entirely. They’d likely just get in the way.
Tobias glances at the crank to the door over his shoulder, wondering if they could open it themselves, but it’s nearly as tall as them. There’s no way they could get enough leverage.
Before Tobias can think of anything else, the quagsire is slammed down with enough force to dent the metal floor. She’s still fighting, landing a powerful drain punch on the pangoro that actually makes him grunt in pain, but Tobias gets the feeling that she isn’t going all-out. Whether that’s because she can’t use moves like surf or earthquake in this delicate prison cell without risking collateral damage or because she’s afraid of hurting Nia, Tobias, and the malamar, it’s clear to Tobias that she’s holding back.
She still puts up an impressive fight, but it only takes a few more powerful, unrestrained blows from Dismas before the quagsire thuds to the metal floor and stays there, out cold.
And with that, everything falls quiet. All Tobias can hear is the roar of his heartbeat in his ears. He stares at the pangoro, fear building in his gut.
Not again. He can’t do this again.
Nia steps in front of him, paws raised in a fighting stance. She looks confident, if you aren’t close enough to see the way she’s trembling.
Dismas turns to the two of them, huffing a laugh when he sees Nia’s stance. “What, you squirts wanna fight? You could just let me walk out, you know.”
Nia glances back at Tobias, as if asking what he wants to do. Tobias stares past her, unable to answer. He knows he’s shaking.
Tobias wanted this, not so long ago. He wanted the chance to take down the outlaws that killed his family. But now, trapped in here with Dismas, knowing he and Nia’s lives are on the line if they try to fight? Knowing what the pangoro can and will do, without a second thought?
Tobias is afraid. He wants to run. Hide. Let Dismas go without a fight.
But he can’t.
He can’t risk Dismas going free. He can’t risk the pangoro doing more harm to anyone else.
Tobias forces himself to breathe. Forces himself to step forward on stiff, shaky legs to stand beside Nia. He crouches into his own battle stance, trying to summon his fire.
Dismas laughs. “I’m impressed! Seeing as you just about wet yourself earlier, I thought you’d turn tail at the first sign of trouble.”
The pangoro strolls away from them, towards the far wall of the room. His broken chains drag on the metal floor with every step. He stops in front of the nearest of the tall, slim windows.
“If you wanna play hero…”
Dismas flings out a paw, slamming it into the window with a heart-stopping crack. It’s the way he’s holding his fingers, flat in a chopping motion, that tips Tobias off to what he just did.
The reflect and light screen cast over the glass, the only thing reinforcing it, stand no chance against a brick break attack. The barriers flicker, shimmering outward from the hit before dissipating entirely.
The unprotected glass cracks, splintering like a fault line. Right where Dismas’ fist hit, frothy water bursts in, spilling across the floor in an endless, powerful jet of water. In a room like this, sealed tight, it’s only a matter of time before it floods the space completely. It’d be a death trap for most Pokemon, but especially for Tobias.
Dismas grins as he turns back to them, toothy and ruthless. “Then let’s play.”
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pokeninjager-ghost-art · 5 months ago
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blessedpanda · 10 months ago
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Eat'n Good.
Keep your bears fat and happy.
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baylardian-1 · 2 months ago
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some more cringe naenae older hero x pancham schtuff harharhar <3
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fieldexplores · 2 years ago
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