fieldexplores · 1 year
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Oshawott's scalchop.
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eclecticpersonsublime · 3 months
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Yes I'm usually You in with you Pokémon gen 1 bulbasaur ivysaur Venusaur chamander
Charmeleon charzard Square wartortle blastoise
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year
The Pokémon Horoscope
Twitter Qual seria o seu signo pokémon? 𝕭𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕽𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖔 – @re_greenphoenix. A.I. Carr – 6 de setembro de 2023 Others predictions: 25 JOGOS ESCONDIDOS NO GOOGLE, NOVA LINHA HOT WHEELS DE SUPER MARIO BROS, BOM DIA! CAFETEIRA DE PRENSA DO R2-D2!, 6 COISAS QUE EXISTEM HOJE MAS NÃO VÃO DURAR MAIS 10 ANOS! Apoie: Art and culture of the native peoples of our planet. ART AMBA MIRIM
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View On WordPress
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spaces-art · 1 year
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Also in my colleges art show
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snowstar-fr · 2 years
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Starter pris de chaque jeux de Pokemon
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myymi · 1 month
If not tails, or i guess prowler??, who was sonic's starter pokemon?
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sonic's starter was a shiny chamander, which he named aether
knucks was amy's starter lol
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sonic also has a torkoal he named chili, but she usually stays home
pikachu - ash
flareon - fuji
pupitar - emerald
charizard - aether
ho-oh - tornado
spritzee - birdie
lapras - breeze
tsareena - thorn
tinkaton - ingot
vaporeon - tsunami
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dessertpanda · 9 months
Ash x Fem-Pokemon Trainer Mention of Abusive realtionship Sexual Assault mentioned )
"Charmander? where could that little bastard be?" Y/N questioned as she walked in search of the small orange lizard. "I say 1 thing and he gets mad" she sighed, feet hurting from walking for so long. "PIKACHU LOOK" The voice of a male brook the erry silence of the forest. "Hey buddy, are you a wild Charmander?" the boys voice rang through Y/N head. 'AHH HELL NAW SOME LITTLE BITCH AIN'T TAKING MY CHAMANDER' Y/N yelled into her mind. "CHARMANDER" She hollered as she stared to sprint in the direction the voice had come from. "CHARMANDER" she yelled again. "HELLO, IS SOMEONE LOOKING FOR A CHARMANDER?" the boys voice hollered back. Y/N was so turned around within the forest she couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from. "YES *pant* I AM, I"M A LITTLE LOST COULD YOU HELP GUIDE ME?" she questioned into what seemed like the obis. She waited for an answer, practically sitting on pins and needles. She was being to panic when she got no answer and the fact that she might actually be lost began to set in. "HEY YOU STILL THERE?" relief flooded over her. Never did she think that a strangers voice could be so calming. " IF YOU LOOK UP DO YOU SEE A NOIBAT?" She looked up into the bright blue sky and sure enough there was a small bat right over her head. " YEP, HE'S REALLY CUTE" She couldn't resist commenting on the indeed cute Pokemon. "YEAH... FOLLOW HIM, HE'LL LEAD YOU TO ME" 'okay follow the cute bat to the possible cute boy got' Y/N realized what she had said and formed a blush on her cheeks 'no no i have no idea who he is, for all i know he could be an old man' she smacked her cheeks a couple of time attempting to get rid of the redness. " Noi?" the small bat called from above "Ah I'm so sorry, please lead the way" She gently smiled up at the bat which caused a blush to form on the small Pokemon. "N-Noi" he then headed south and Y/N was quick to follow. 'Finally, I'll get to meet another trainer, MAYBE WE COULD BATTLE' she mentally conversed with her self ' maybe he's super cute... and we could get a drink and then go on a date, fall in love, have our first kiss, get married and maybe even kids' she began to fantasize all these random thoughts about this mysterious person shes about to meet. So lost in thought she didn't even realize that they where out of the forest until she was tacked into a hug "CHAR-CHARMANDER" the lizard cried. Making quick work to inhale the sent of his beloved owner. "Ch-charmander oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said, I was so scared I had lost lost you" She was quick to return the hug. Their embrace was interrupted by the boys voice. " whoh glad we saved you, that forest get's really spooky after dark" he said his head turned towards the forest. " Yeah thank you so much, I was horrified.." Y/N slowly stood, keeping Charmander in her arms. She looked up towards the boy and as his head turned she let out a loud gasps "A-Ash as in Ash Katchum?!" She was shocked to see such a familiar face. "AH Y/N.. its been soo long" he quickly brought her into a huge hug. Y/N gladly returned it. Seeing her childhood best-friend looking well and healthy was such a relief for her.  "I- I haven't seen you since Valencia" Y/N pulled away quickly. "My have you grown" she giggle looking at his face. "I could say the same for you, I see you got a Charmander now" Ash smiled, He studied her face, taking in every change since the last time he had seen her " Man, have you grown" he repeated her own words back to her. Y/N couldn't help the giggles that bubbled up again. " You know.. I'll be here or a few days, Why don't we catch up, like old time" Y/N suggested. "I couldn't have come up with a better idea myself" Ash smiled at the idea. " Okay but camp or find a hotel?" She asked looking at her surroundings " well after the events I think we should find a hotel room, that way you don't get lost again" He teased her before running to grab his bag "Shut up, that was hella scary" she defended herself and readjusted Charmander in her arms. With everything set they began their journey into the town.
It was about a 30 minute walk into town, They whole way they where telling story's of one an others adventures. "No way... SHE KISSED YOU?" Y/N was slightly heart broken that Ash had found a girl but glad at the same time. "Yeah, but, I didn't feel anything. I mean at the moment I was so surprised but yet there was no spark" He confessed with a sigh. Y/N smile dropped slight ' But she seemed so perfect' she couldn't help but think. "AH LOOK its an Inn" Ash pointed to the lights up ahead. Soon he took off sprinting "HEY WAIT" Y/N quickly followed after, trying to catch him. Soon they where at the front desk, checked in, and made their way up to the room. As soon as they got in Y/N fell onto one of the beds. "Man it;s been weeks since ive slept in a bed" she sighed attempting to sink deeper into it "Really, why so long?" Ash question while he sat on the other bed, Allowing Pikachu to craw up onto the pillows. "Well" she began, tucking Charmander into bed. " Charmander had gotten into a battle and he was pretty hurt," she gently petted her Pokemon's head " We spent 1 week in the hospital just trying to keep him stable. and after that another 2 days just to keep watch over him" She felt so upset with herself " How, how did he get so hurt?" Ash question taking off his jacket and hat, setting them to the side. Y/N remover her own gear and continued " T-The man had insisted on battling, I- I wasn't sure because he was rather strong looking and my guess was right... Even after he had knocked Charmander out his kept beating him" She gently ran a hand over her stitched stomach. " I had to step in to stop it and well his Scyther ended up cutting me to" " Damn, how could someone be so cruel?" Ash questioned "I-I don't know but I'm gonna get some sleep. Lots to do tomorrow" She ended the conversation rather quickly " ah yeah.. night" Ash said covering him self. "Night" she replied trying to stop the sobs. What Ash didn't know was who the man truly was and that the 'Pokemon battle' wasn't a normal one at all.
A few days had passed since the friends where reunited. The day where spent hanging out and battling. There was even a carnival coming to town and Ash surprised Y/N with tickets. "A Carnival? I love carnivals" she did little happy feet. "I remember that whats I got them" Ash explained adjusting his hat. "YOU ARE THE BEST" she jumped into his arms giving him a large hug and a small kiss on the cheek before picking up Chamander and chanting about how much fun it'll be. However she failed to notice the blush that formed on Ashes face 'that's the spark, the one that been missing' he thought to himself, a large smile forming. " Yeah, and the tickets for tonight so we better get ready" Ash said watching the girl dance around. "Right, I gotta get Charmander a Jacket, I'll meet you there at say 5:00pm?" she questioned, "Yeah that works, give me time to train a little more" Ash happy to agree. "Okkay SEE YOU" she then took off into a sprint into the town. "Pikachu, I think I found the missing spark" Ash smiled giddily " PiiiKa" Pikachu rolled his eyes as if he knew that already.  "Come on, I wanna look nice, make an attempt to match her" he ran back towards the hotel, planning out his out fit. 
Y/N sat in-front of the entrance in dark blue jeans, Charmander sneakers, and a Pikachu sweater. Charmander sat huddle to her side in Charizard hoodie. "I wonder what's taking him so long" Y/N talked to Charmander, checking her watch to see that it was already 5:20. She looked back up and scanned the walk way in serch of the familiar hat. "I hope he shows up soon" she signed "Don't worry Darling I'm already here" a rugged voice came from behind her. She stilled and continued looking forward hoping the voice belonged to anyone else.  "Thomas" she whispered under her breath as if it was a sin to say his name. "in the flesh darling" He leaned into her, inhaling deeply "And you smell sweet as ever" "NO NO GET THE FUCK AWAY" she screamed getting the attention of people passing. However a hand quickly covered her mouth "That was a mistake darling" he tightened grip on her arm " I've been hunting for you " he mimed while kissing her cheek. 'Ash please you bastard' She glanced to her side to see that Charmander had Scyther holding him. "Lets get out of here Yeah" he then attempted to drag her. Y/N did the only thing, she bit him hard, Drawing blood "AH BITCH" he cried releasing her. She then went to grab a ball from her belt to call her Houndoom but then she remembered she left her belt at the hotel 'fuck' she cussed to her self. She got into a fighting stance. "What honey got balls now?" Thomas taunted. "No but I have more than you" with that she threw a quick left hook, successfully knocking him back, and charmander used Flame thrower scaring the Scyther back. She threw all she could, fending him off for a good amount a time. But he played dirty, he called Scyther to cut her. She prepared for another blow but she was ready arms up. She felt no sting, no burn, but she saw a genja standing over her successfully deflecting the block. "A-Ash" She silently cried tears of relief. "Look buddy, I don't appreciate you hurting my best friend now scram, before I kick your ass" Ash looked a little less than intimating with his light blue jeans, Pikachu shoes and Charmander hoodie.But Thomas knew who he was, he was a champion and in reality he was lucky you had forgotten your belt for he would have lost if you had it. "FUCKEN BITCH, JUST WANTED TO REMIND HER OF WHAT SHE IS" Thomas spat "NO YOU ARE SO WRONG, Y/N IS KIND AND CARING, BEAUTIFUL AND I'M IN LOVE WITH HER" Ash was attempting to defend you honor but he ended up confessing instead. " You love me?" Y/N questioned from ground. "Yeah?" Ash said with a bright blush. "Dis-akg" and before Thomas could comment a very plush Snoorlax punched him away. "Yes, I'm in love with you, I have been" Ash said helping her up. "You where the spark I was missing" he confessed holding her face "Oh Ash, you where the spark I never knew I needed" Y/N said bring him closer. "Can I kiss you" He asked, wanting to make sure she wanted this "Please" she whispered scared to speak any louder. With that their lips collided into a sweet and perfect kiss. As they separated they couldn't help the smiles forming. "I'm a champion and got the girl of my dreams in the same year" Ash smiled and pulled her closer. "Now all thats left is to chatch'em all" she said holding his face "nah," Ash said "I think I've caught more than enough" he said bringing there lips back together.
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beyblaiddyd · 6 months
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cerulean-volcano · 6 months
@unmeisenshi Ann, wearing a pink shirt and jeans, slowly but surely waddled her way over to Karie and eventually flopped against the Typhlosion's leg. She looked up at Karie and beamed at him while propping herself up against his leg.
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Karie would give a big smile as Ann would flop against his leg. "Well hello to you too sweetie." Karie would say, before long scooping the Chamander up into his arms and setting her on his lap while giving her a gentle hug. "How are you doing today? Did you want to come and see me?"
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takunwilliams · 2 years
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Chamander Drome 2023  
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noodleshark · 1 year
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chamander =)
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kob131 · 1 year
So here I am, wonder trading Hisuian Zoruas in Pokemon Scarlet. And I get really lucky, getting a Scorbunny, a Chamander and a SHINY IRON BUNDLE.
Granted, I think the Iron Bundle may have been a hacked one, since it looks like it came from some shiny selling website. But still- Damn.
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emmagoldberg · 24 days
Jerry Chamand -- "Just Like Emma" on 242 RADIO UK
I decided to make you Discover Talents From France In my Radioshow "Just Like Emma" On 242 RADIO UK JERRY CHAMAND -- An extract of my radioshow
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jchamphero · 10 months
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Massive hater energy approaching. I fell off at Sun & Moon but legit these are the worst characters in the entire anime.
Paul’s a straight up jerk for zero reason. Gary was a jerk but it was completely different. Tobias cheats bringing 5 legendaries to a tournament. and Damian wanted Chamander to die so definitely fuck him.
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greatsimblinghights · 11 months
El, Chamande, E, Se, Se, Veis, a + Taco"_ Guapcha_- Uhacauoe, Nigeria,(
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proudpokemonmama · 1 year
Kelly's Kanto Pokémon
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All of Kelly's pokémon on Kanto region.
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Katherine aka Katty, the [shiny] Charizard (female♀)
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Move set: Flamethrower, Fire blast, Focus Blast, Dragon Dance, Dragon rush, Roost, Thunder Punch, Seismic Toss, Earthquake, Dragon Claw
Ability: Solar Power (normal), Drought (Mega Y)
Katherine is a beautiful shiny charizard and was rescued from an abusive trainer when she was still a charmander;
Even as a charmander she was never a fan of battles and was always shy, preferring a calm and peaceful life;
Unfortunately the former trainer didn't think the same and forced his ideals on the little pokémon resulting to the point of physical abuse or days that the trainer simply denied food;
Fortunately for Katherine, Arceus seemed to have taken pity on her and met Kelly crossing their paths with her and her trainer who again was abusing her using the other pokémon on his team to attack her;
As a person and trainer who trully love pokémon, Kelly simply cannot stand this kind of injustice and luckily for her, there was a coincidence that a officer Jenny received a report that a shiny chamander was being abused by its trainer;
There was an argument that reached the point where Kelly challenged the abusive trainer for custody of that charmander and Officer Jenny as a agent of the law agreed to be a witness to make the challenge official;
Needless to say, that jerk got his ass kicked and Kelly was given custody of the charmander;
Kelly as the good soul that she is, took care of her very well, helping with the traumas that the pokémon suffered and never forcing her to participate in the battles;
By Kelly's family tradition, the chamander at the time received a name to mark the new cycle in the life of the little pokémon and recieved the name Katherine but called Katty for short;
Eventually with the trainer's honest care and affection, Katherine evolved into her final stage as a beautiful charizard;
She has always been a pacifist and loves to have a quiet life, but when she reached her last stage, she became very maternal and consequently took on the role of "mom friend" to Kelly's pokémon;
It is quite common to see her taking care of other pokémon, especially the babies on the ranch;
That said, she is always the mediator when there are conflicts between pokémon, she has the super effective unique move;
She only has to look at troublemakers like a disappointed mother and any troublesome pokémon cringes in remorse;
Speaking of pokémon mama… Don't mess with the pokémon babies or Kelly and her family or you'll see Katherine's rare raged state and it's not a pretty sight, especially when she mega evolves;
It's not because she's a pacifist and isn't commonly seen in battles that she won't put up a fight or she's too weak to fight.
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Elliot, the [shiny] golduck (male♂)
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Move set: Rain Dance, Surf, Hydro pump, Ice beam, Water Pulse, Psychic, Brick Break, Scald, Hyper Beam, Hypnoses
Ability: Swift Swim
… The way these two met was somewhat hilarious;
Kelly had stopped at a clearing next to a lake to rest from the long journey and feed her pokémon;
After lunch some of her Pokemon were napping while she was planning the next Gym battle and strategizing to deal with to the next Gym Leader;
The young trainer had also taken advantage of the opportunity to be able to wash some clothes that were drying while her backpack was lazily placed next to her, not even noticing a Poké Ball out of the bag;
She was so absorbed in her moment of strategizing that she didn't notice a very curious blue psyduck seeing something shiny;
Ironically it was a vacant pokeball, which he poked with his beak making it expand and he started to play a little,
It was her partner, Seiji the Samurott who warned his trainer of the unexpected guest and she noticed what he was doing without being aware of what could happen;
In vain she tried to stop the psyduck that had just pecked again by activating the capture mode and not even five seconds later it was successfully caught;
To say she was stunned was an understatement, she doesn't conplaim she has a new friend, but the way he was caught was indeed…unusual;
Obviously she wouldn't be an idiot and abandon the psyduck just because she had no intention of catching him, she's definitely not that type of person;
Well, over time she got attached to him because Elliot was cute in his own goofy, clunsy way and she named him Elliot because she liked the sound of it and it matched the cuteness of the blue psyduck;
But sometimes he made his trainer freak out with worry, as he had a habit of just wandering around without anyone noticing at first;
But when someone noticed the psyduck was gone… Kelly wonders to this day how she never ended up in the hospital after a panic attack or lost her sanity after so many times this mischievous pokémon just wandered away;
Thankfully that ended once he evolved and Elliot's derpy persona did a 180;
As Golduck he is now more responsible and helpful like an older brother, and a cuddlebug as well;
Wondering how it evolved?
The way it evolved was also a bit…should I say bizarre?
Once Kelly had the bad luck to come across a swarm of bad-tempered beedrill that attacked her discriminatingly, forcing her to flee and perhaps fall into a hole made by some pokémon;
Falling into a labyrinth of underground tunnels until falling into a cave connected to an abandoned mine for excavation of evolutionary stones and with the fall Elliot's Poké Ball fell out of her backpack and he simply broke out;
Ironically he stepped on a water stone and bang! Elliot evolved! Leaving then his trainer amazed because, just how!?
After all, what are the chances of such an evolution happening?
And a little warning, don't mess with Kelly unless the idiots want to get scalded.
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Goliath, the Geodude (male♂)
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Move set: Mega Punch, Rollout, Gyro Ball, Dig, Hammer Arm, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Rockslide, Double Team
Ability: Sand Veil
Goliath lived peacefully with his group in caves in the mountainous region of a Pokemon reserve in the Kanto region;
Correction, there was, therefore, some crazy plan of Rocket team grunts with selfish motives disturbing the balance of the habitat of the pokémons of the mountainous area;
He had been attacked and badly wounded as were many of his group;
By the blessing of Arceus, Kelly who was passing through the reserve came across the group of injured geodudes, gravelers and golems;
The young woman had offered to help Officer Jenny and the head of the reserve in the investigations and immediately contacted the two, alerting them of the injured pokémon;
Kelly provided first aid before receiving support from Officer Jenny and the reserve's forestry staff to transport them to a better location for proper medical treatment;
Being someone with such a deep bond with pokémon, she deeply despised any kind of selfish acts against pokémon and promptly joined the battle to retake the cave;
As an empath, pokémon that were wronged could feel her indignation and determination to help them;
Even though she had no responsibility to help she was making it a mission, not for later bragging about or for her ego;
Definitely she was those souls among millions in this world and that moved the group of wronged pokémon;
Drawing up a plan they went to fight and side by side they dealt with the rocket team who were captured and sent to jail;
As a thank you for the help, the leader golem of the group gave her a Moon stone;
It was then that one of the group's geodudes spoke to the leader and said that he would follow Kelly on her journey;
He chose her as his trainer and Kelly happily welcomed him;
Receiving the name of Goliath, he was one of the most active Pokémon in battles until Kelly followed with her career as a pop idol;
Despite not being as active and participating in battles that often anymore, Goliath enjoys living on the ranch where Kelly's grandparents grow apricorn trees;
Taking a liking to gardening and cultivation he also became one of the "captains" on the ranch's security team, protecting it from trespassers, maniacal fans, paparazzi or thieves.
As everyone'd expect, don't even try anything or be preapered to be chased by this geodude in a full speed rollout.
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Gabriella aka Gabby, the [shiny] rapidash (female♀)
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Moveset: Double kick, Flame Charge, Wild Charge, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, Stomp, High Horsepower, Low Kick
Ability: Flash Fire
Gabriella is a pokémon that was rescued from smugglers specializing in shiny pokémon and was under the care of a couple of farmers when she was still a ponyta;
Due to the horrors she went through at the hands of the smugglers, she suffered some psychological trauma and has trouble trusting others, in fact she is afraid to interact with them;
It took the couple a lot to gain its trust, but there were still many mental and emotional scars;
But the biggest problem was not the difficulty that the pokémon was having in trying to recover from the traumas with the proper help of a pokémon therapist, but a certain trainer;
Said trainer was the son of a wealthy family and was arrogant and surely a spoiled brat;
He was throwing a tantrum because upon seeing the shiny ponyta he wanted it for the most absurd and petty reasons and this was causing the poor pokémon stress;
The couple and the therapist were civilly trying to say that they couldn't just hand over the pokémon, mainly because she weren't comfortable with that trainer around;
The worst part was when he tried to take the shiny pokémon by force and causing damage and hurting other pokémon of the two farmers, but he was stopped when Kelly who was passing through the area felt the fear and despair of the farm's pokémon;
Needless to say, the petty kid got his ass kicked and left crying;
Again being an empath she sensed the little ponyta's fear;
Wanting to help the pokémon, Kelly started singing some lullabies to help calm the pokémon down and it really had an effect;
Sent to the dream world, she was oblivious as Kelly gently petted the pokémon before going to offer to help the couple clean up the mess that spoiled bratty trainer had made;
The next day Kelly was ready to continue her journey when suddenly the ponyta appeared not wanting her to leave;
She wanted Kelly by her side, even having interacted with her for just a few minutes she could feel the human's genuine love and care for the pokémon;
This resulted in the couple letting Kelly become her trainer, the pokémon chose her and that's how she became;
Taking the name Gabriella, but commonly called Gabby for short;
She was never forced into battle, bought the time she needed to recover from the traumas and under Kelly's zeal has evolved into the now rapidash;
She lives peacefully on the ranch, having some racing matches with the other pokémon or helping with surveillance;
By the way, she doesn't tolerate anyone who badmouths her trainer, many learned the hard way from a nice low or double kick that sent them flying several feet.
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Valentine, the [shiny] Gengar (female♀)
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Moveset: Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Ice Punch, Dazzling Gleam, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Disable, Drain Punch, Psychic
Ability: Cursed Body, Shadow Tag (Mega Evolved)
Valentine is a Pokémon that lost its trainer;
Her trainer passed away due to illness, but still she remained in the old mansion for several years;
There were so many precious memories that she refused to leave the place she calls home;
Despite living her days alone, she could sometimes distract herself from her solitude by pulling pranks on an unsuspecting visitor;
But still she always felt this emptiness, nothing felt right since the day she lost her trainer;
Every day was the same, often wandering around the now so morbid and silent mansion and other times playing pranks on whoever passed by;
On a stormy night she received a new victim of her antics and the mischievous pokémon was playing a prank on a group of pokémon hunters specializing in ghost-type hunting;
It could be said that they were much more than cruel, they had fun abusing the gengar attacking her without any mercy;
Valentine was too hurt to fight back or flee, even if the latter option was out of the question for the precious memories the manor held;
Before the scoundrels could continue abusing the gengar, Kelly heroically saved her from the hunters;
Kelly dealt with the scoundrels before leaving them with Officer Jenny who had been on the trail of these hunters for months;
The trainer taking pity on the gengar performed first aid and took her to the nearest Pokémon Center where she received better care;
Once healed the gengar was free to go which she did after thanking Kelly;
The trainer would spend the night at the pokémon center before continuing her journey;
Strangely she had a dream about the mansion where she saved the gengar and it seemed to be from the time before it was abandoned;
The spirit of that gengar's former trainer had contacted her through dreams to ask her to take care of her friend;
Her only surprise was waking up in the morning with something falling on her head causing a painful groan;
Once she opened her eyes, she saw a friend ball resting on the mattress not far from her pillow;
Realizing that she didn't have any friend balls among her pokeballs, she was startled when the same gengar she saved suddenly appeared;
Scared so much that she fell out of bed, with the ghost and Poison type pokémon laughting at her;
After recovering from the scare and having a quick conversation with the pokémon, Kelly understands that that pokeball was that gengar's pokéball, who wanted to join her team;
She remembers the request that the soul of the deceased trainer of the ghost type pokémon made to her and received her with open arms with the promise that he would take good care of her;
As a mark of the new phase for both of them, Kelly named her Valentine.
And as is to be expected from Kelly's pokémon, don't even try anything or you'll have problems with an angry ghost pokémon.
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Anthony aka Tony, the Marowak (male♂)
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Move set: Earthquake, Bonemerang, Stone Edge, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Double-Edge, Iron Head, Brick Break, Leer, Bone Rush
Ability: Lightning Rod
Anthony, but also known just as Tony is one of the pokémon that have been raised by Kelly since they were pokémon eggs;
Originally still as an egg he was under the care of Professor Oak;
Kelly had decided to help for a while in Professor Oak's lab in order to learn more about Kanto's Pokémon, since she was raised in Unova;
She was interested in learning anything that could help her take good care of her Pokemon and well, she did, because she thought it was irresponsible to catch a native Pokemon from a totally different region without knowing any possible specific care method;
And well, that's what she did and it resulted in all her effort being rewarded in a beautiful little pokémon baby;
This Cubone became attached to Kelly since she was the first living being he saw and consequently thought she was his mother;
And well, who was she to deny that cute baby?
Like many of Kelly's Pokémon, her zeal and love nurtured Anthony into a healthy, strong Pokémon until he became a marowak;
And no surprise here, if some idiot bad mouths Kelly, gets headbutted with iron head on the gutts or beated up with a bone by Anthony.
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Ryo, the Gyarados (male♂)
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Move set: Dragon Dance, Hyper beam, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Iron head, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Dragon Breath, Ice Fang, Crunch
Ability: Moxie (Normal), Mold Breaker (Mega Evolved)
Ryo was a giant magikarp that Kelly saved from being bullied by some delinquents who were using him as a punching bag for their Pokemon to train;
Unsurprisingly Kelly intervened bringing her other Pokemon to help, but also she joined in by using her Johtonian Karate skills on the gang leader;
This resulted in the delinquents being piled on top of each other along with their Pokémon before being handed over to Officer Jenny who thanked her and her team as they had been causing trouble for months;
Kelly went to help the magikarp, but due to its size not even with the help of her pokémon could carry it to the pokémon center and being a critical moment that every second could cost the pokémon's life, without choice she captured it with a pokéball;
Hurrying they arrived at the pokémon center where he was treated as soon as Kelly explained to Nurse Joy what happened;
Receiving the treatment, the magikarp couldn't express enough of his gratitude for Kelly's generosity;
Magikarps are usually depreciated and rated as weak, itself was the victim of mockery and bullying all the time so that pokémon had accepted that it would never be strong by itself;
Kelly then consoled the pokémon and said that it wasn't a weak pokémon, people just didn't understand it and she said that she wouldn't mind having it on her team besides helping it get stronger;
The magicarp was given the name "Ryo", a name meaning "excellent" because Kelly believed that magikarp was amazing in its own way and if it wanted to be extremely powerful one day;
And well, Ryo wanted to live up to his trainer's expectations and trained hard, little by little the pokémon's efforts and Kelly's zeal resulted in the evolution into a powerful Gyarados;
Let it be said in passing… It was strangely almost twice the size of a normal gyarados, indeed it exceeded expectations from the name of it;
Since it evolved into gyarados, Ryo is another pokémon that helps with ranch security and eventually using weakened versions of water-type moves to help with watering apricorn orchards and crops;
Despite the reputation of the temperament of his species Ryo is very calm and a big cuddlebug, especially if it's Kelly we're talking about;
Ironically it is also the big brother figure to some of the baby pokémon, so Arceus have mercy on any idiot who tries something.
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