#Pakistan Trade Data
Understanding Pakistan Trade Data: A Comprehensive Insight into Import Dynamics
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Pakistan, with its strategic geographical location and burgeoning market, plays a significant role in regional and global trade. Analyzing Pakistan trade data is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and researchers to understand the economic landscape, identify trends, and make informed decisions. This article delves into various aspects of Pakistan's trade data, including Pakistan Customs Data, import data, and its broader implications on the economy.
The Importance of Trade Data
Trade data is a vital resource that offers insights into a country's economic activities. It encompasses detailed information on imports, exports, trade balances, and partner countries. For Pakistan, trade data is not just a reflection of its economic health but also a tool for strategizing future growth. By scrutinizing this data, stakeholders can identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and optimize their operations.
Pakistan Trade Data: An Overview
Pakistan trade data includes comprehensive records of all goods and services that are imported into and exported out of the country. This data is meticulously compiled by various government agencies, primarily the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Pakistan Customs. It provides valuable insights into the volume, value, and nature of traded commodities, along with information about trading partners.
Key Components of Trade Data
Imports and Exports: This includes the total value and quantity of goods that Pakistan imports and exports. Understanding these figures helps in assessing the trade balance and economic dependencies.
Trade Partners: Identifying major trading partners is crucial for understanding geopolitical and economic relationships. Countries such as China, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are significant in Pakistan’s trade network.
Commodity Breakdown: Detailed data on the types of goods traded is essential for industry-specific analysis. It covers sectors like textiles, machinery, chemicals, and agricultural products.
Customs Data: Pakistan Customs Data is an integral part of trade data, providing detailed records of all shipments entering or leaving the country. This data is crucial for enforcing trade regulations, collecting tariffs, and combating smuggling.
Pakistan Customs Data: A Closer Look
Pakistan Customs Data is a subset of the broader trade data, focusing specifically on the records maintained by the customs authorities. This data is essential for ensuring compliance with national and international trade laws and regulations. It includes information on:
Import Declarations: Detailed records of goods imported into Pakistan, including the type of goods, their value, origin, and the duties paid.
Export Declarations: Similar to import declarations, these records detail goods exported from Pakistan, providing insights into the country's export capabilities.
Tariff and Tax Information: Data on the duties and taxes levied on imports and exports, which is crucial for revenue generation and policy formulation.
Compliance and Enforcement: Information on compliance with trade regulations, including any penalties or sanctions imposed for violations.
Import Data Pakistan: Insights and Trends
Import data Pakistan is a crucial component of the overall trade data, offering detailed insights into the goods and services that Pakistan brings into the country. This data is essential for understanding consumption patterns, identifying dependencies on foreign goods, and formulating economic policies. Here are some key insights from Pakistan's import data:
Major Imported Commodities
Petroleum Products: Pakistan heavily relies on imported petroleum products to meet its energy needs. This includes crude oil, refined petroleum, and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Machinery and Equipment: The country imports a significant amount of machinery and industrial equipment, essential for its manufacturing and infrastructure sectors.
Chemicals: Various chemicals, including fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals, are imported to support agriculture and industry.
Textiles: Although Pakistan is a major exporter of textiles, it also imports certain textile products and raw materials to meet the demands of its domestic industry.
Food Products: The import of food items, including edible oils, pulses, and dairy products, is crucial for meeting the dietary needs of the population.
Trends and Patterns
Rising Imports: Over the years, Pakistan has seen a steady increase in its import bill, driven by rising demand for energy, machinery, and consumer goods.
Trade Deficit: The growing import bill often results in a trade deficit, where the value of imports exceeds that of exports. This is a significant challenge for the economy.
Diversification of Sources: Pakistan is diversifying its import sources to reduce dependency on a few countries and mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions.
The Impact of Trade Data on Pakistan’s Economy
The analysis of Pakistan trade data has profound implications for the country's economy. Here are some key impacts:
Economic Planning and Policy Formulation Trade data is a critical input for economic planning and policy formulation. By analyzing import and export trends, the government can design policies to promote local industries, reduce dependency on imports, and enhance export competitiveness.
Business Strategy For businesses, trade data is an invaluable resource for strategic planning. Companies can identify market opportunities, understand competitive dynamics, and optimize their supply chains based on import-export trends.
Revenue Generation Pakistan Customs Data is essential for revenue generation through tariffs and taxes on imports and exports. Accurate data ensures that the government collects the correct amount of revenue and enforces trade regulations effectively.
Foreign Trade Agreements Understanding trade data helps Pakistan negotiate better terms in foreign trade agreements. By identifying key trade partners and commodities, the country can secure favorable terms and enhance its trade relationships.
Economic Stability A detailed analysis of trade data contributes to economic stability by identifying potential vulnerabilities in the economy. For example, a high dependency on imported energy can be a risk factor, prompting the government to explore alternative energy sources.
Challenges in Analyzing Trade Data
While trade data is a valuable resource, there are several challenges in its analysis:
Data Accuracy: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of trade data is crucial. Inaccurate data can lead to misguided policies and business strategies.
Timeliness: Trade data needs to be updated regularly to reflect the current economic situation. Delays in data reporting can hinder timely decision-making.
Complexity: Trade data is complex, with numerous variables and dimensions. Analyzing this data requires expertise and sophisticated tools.
Integration: Integrating trade data with other economic indicators is essential for a comprehensive analysis. This requires robust data management systems.
Future Prospects and Recommendations
To harness the full potential of Pakistan trade data, several steps can be taken:
Enhancing Data Quality and Accessibility: Improving the quality and accessibility of trade data is crucial. This can be achieved by investing in modern data collection and management systems, training personnel, and adopting international best practices.
Promoting Data-Driven Decision Making: Encouraging data-driven decision-making among policymakers and businesses is essential. This can be facilitated through workshops, training programs, and collaborations with academic and research institutions.
Leveraging Technology:  Leveraging advanced technologies like big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can enhance the analysis of trade data. These technologies can help identify patterns, predict trends, and provide actionable insights.
Strengthening International Cooperation: Strengthening international cooperation in trade data exchange can provide a more comprehensive view of global trade dynamics. This can help Pakistan better integrate into the global economy and enhance its trade competitiveness.
Pakistan trade data is a powerful tool that offers valuable insights into the country's economic activities and trade dynamics. By analyzing this data, stakeholders can make informed decisions, formulate effective policies, and drive economic growth. Despite the challenges, there are immense opportunities to leverage trade data for the benefit of the economy. Enhancing data quality, promoting data-driven decision-making, and leveraging advanced technologies are key steps towards realizing the full potential of trade data. As Pakistan continues to grow and evolve, the importance of trade data will only increase, making it an indispensable resource for the future.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: What is Pakistan Trade Data? A1: Pakistan Trade Data includes detailed records of all goods and services imported into and exported from Pakistan. It encompasses information about the volume, value, and nature of traded commodities, as well as details about trading partners.
Q2: Why is analyzing Pakistan trade data important? A2: Analyzing Pakistan trade data is essential for understanding the economic landscape, identifying trends, and making informed decisions. It helps businesses, policymakers, and researchers to strategize future growth, identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and optimize operations.
Q3: Which government agencies compile Pakistan Trade Data? A3: The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Pakistan Customs are the primary agencies responsible for compiling Pakistan Trade Data.
Q4: What are the key components of Pakistan Trade Data? A4: The key components include imports and exports, trade partners, commodity breakdown, and customs data. Each component provides specific insights into the trade dynamics of Pakistan.
Q5: What is included in Pakistan Customs Data? A5: Pakistan Customs Data includes import and export declarations, tariff and tax information, and details on compliance and enforcement of trade regulations. It provides detailed records of all shipments entering or leaving the country.
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paktradedata · 8 months
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Navigating the Salt of the Earth with Pakistan Salt Export Data
In the realm of international trade, precision is key. For businesses venturing into the salt industry, understanding market dynamics is crucial. This is where Pakistan Salt Export Data steps in as a strategic tool, offering insights that go beyond mere statistics.
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eximpedia1 · 1 year
Pakistan Trade Data
According to our Pakistan Trade Data, we will give you information about why Pakistan's export is not increasing in comparison to Import. In addition, we provide you with the most Import-export product details. If you still have, any queries then visit our official website Eximpedia.
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sunder53 · 5 months
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Increases in productivity are due to efficiency and functionality. One advantage is that many Total Stations, such as the GEO-VISION GV-52 Total Station. This means they can be operated at a distance, hence requiring only surveyor in the field. The Total Station’s view to a surveyor at a remote by point, who can make measurements and change the target area without returning to the Total Station.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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International Snow Leopard Day
Snow Leopards are captivating and powerful animals. However, they are also vulnerable to loss of prey and poaching. These animals are distributed sparsely across 12 different countries in Central Asia. They tend to be found in rugged, high mountain landscapes, at elevations between 3,000 and 4,500m. The key to protecting this species is raising awareness. That’s what International Snow Leopard Day is all about.
History Of International Snow Leopard Day
The first International Snow Leopard Day occurred on the 23rd of October in 2014. The main purpose of this day is to show the importance of snow leopard conservation and raise awareness about this incredible animal. The day also emphasizes the importance of taking measures to stop poaching, as well as consolidating efforts in terms of an environmental organization in the countries of the snow leopard range.
The day was initiated by the countries that encompass the snow leopard’s range. They include Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, India, China, Bhutan, and Afganistan. On the 23rd of October, in 2013, these countries signed the Bishkek Declaration regarding the conservation of the snow leopard. This happened in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, at the very first Global Snow Leopard Forum.
Fascinating Facts About Snow Leopards
Snow leopards are able to prey on animals that are up to three times their own body weight.
They have massive, thick tails, which are able to help them maintain balance and shield them from harsh weather. Their tails are almost as long as their entire body.
A study from the WWF has recorded snow leopards living at 5,859 meters above sea level. This is the highest altitude that has ever been documented for big cats. This is about the same height as the highest mountain in Canada.
You may be surprised to learn that snow leopards are not able to roar. Instead, they mew, yowl, and growl. They also prusten, which is also known as chuffing. This is a non-threatening vocalization, which is made when they blow air through their nose.
The fur on the stomach of a snow leopard is almost five inches thick. This is so that they can survive in the harsh and cold mountain climates.
These animals are often referred to as ‘ghosts of the mountain’ because they spend most of their lives in solitude and they are rarely seen.
Snow leopards are the only big cats that call Asia’s cold deserts their home. These deserts are sometimes referred to as the third pole because they feature ice fields with the biggest reserves of freshwater outside of the southern and northern polar regions.
What Threats Do Snow Leopards Face?
The exact number of snow leopards is unknown. Experts believe that there is no more than 6,390 snow leopards around the world, yet the number could be as small as 3,920. There are a number of threats that this elusive cat faces, including poaching. Data is hard to come by in this respect because a lot of trades with snow leopard parts occur in the dark. Some research shows that one snow leopard has been killed and traded every day between 2008 and 2016. However, the true extent of the issue is thought to be even bigger.
No animal should be poached, and this is why the likes of International Snow Leopard Day are so important so that we can raise awareness about the issue. Poaching is also a problem because it takes away resources for the snow leopard. The main prey species for the snow leopard are wild goat and sheep. However, these species are also threatened by unsustainable or illegal hunting in a lot of the parts of the snow leopard range. So, if there is a decline in their populations, there is also going to be a decline in the population of the snow leopard.
Snow leopards face a number of other threats that a lot of people don’t consider. For example, their mountain ecosystem could be destroyed because of large-scale developments, including mining. Climate change also poses a number of challenges as well. Temperatures are increasing in the mountains across Central Asia. This has an impact on the entire ecosystem; from water supplies to vegetation. It is certainly worrying times for snow leopards, and a good way to spend International Snow Leopard Day is by educating yourself fully on the issues these animals face.
How To Observe International Snow Leopard Day
There are a number of different ways that you can support International Snow Leopard Day. So, here are some suggestions…
Learn and explore – One of the best ways to observe International Snow Leopard Day is to learn about this incredible creature. Spend some time reading up on the snow leopard. Find out about where the animal lives, what threats they face, and what steps we can take in order to help safeguard the future of this incredible animal.
Get creative – Another way to show your support is to get creative. There are some activities online involving the snow leopard. You can find a fun activity sheet via the WWF website.
Order a WWF Explore Badge – Another way to show your support for International Snow Leopard Day is to order a WWF Badge. This is something else that you can get on the WWF website.
Adopt a snow leopard – You can also support snow leopards by adopting one. This helps the WWF to monitor snow leopard movements, by giving local communities the support needed to do this, as well as reducing human snow leopard conflicts.
Fundraise – You may also decide to host a fundraising event. This is a great way to raise awareness about the problems that snow leopards face while also accumulating donations that can go towards helping them. There are so many different ways that you can fundraise. You may decide to host a fundraising event, such as a cook-off, bake sale, or fun run. Another option is to make products that you can sell and then you could donate the proceeds or a percentage of them to helping snow leopards.
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milkboydotnet · 2 years
The World is Watching and Must Take Action to Stop the Murders of Working People! Solidarity to the Philippines!
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The World is Watching and Must Take Action to Stop the Murders of Working People! Solidarity to the Philippines!
The labor rights situation in the Philippines has become so appalling that even traditional bodies like the International Labour Organization (ILO) are forced to respond. During the 105th Session of the International Labour Conference in June 2016, the Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS) adopted conclusions regarding the application by the Philippines of the ILO Freedom of Association Convention (ILO C087) and “noted with concern the numerous allegations of anti-union violence and the lack of progress in the investigation of many such cases…” and among the recommendations was to “accept a direct contacts mission in 2016 in order to follow up on the foregoing conclusions.” A mission was concluded in February 2017.
But the rights violations continued and did not taper, and during 108th International Labour Conference in June 2019, the CAS noted with concern the numerous allegations of murders of trade unionists and anti-union violence, as well as allegations regarding the lack of investigation in relation to these allegations, and again pushed for a mission to the Philippines for 2020. The High Level Tripartite Mission never transpired during the presidency Rodrigo Duterte, and only after he left the office was the HLTM allowed to proceed. The ILO HLTM is expected to be conducted on January 23-27, 2023.
During the years of continued attacks against workers, different trade unions and workers associations in the Philippines mustered courage, forged tighter ranks, heightened resistance, and systematically gathered information, data and cases on multiple violations and threats to the full enjoyment of the Freedom of Association, including murder of trade union leaders, harassment of workers and red-tagging conducted by State forces. The reports have been the basis for the ILO to include Philippines among the top 20 concern list, while the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) also noted the Philippines as among the top 10 “worst countries for workers” for consecutive years.
With Ferdinand Marcos Jr., son of the former dictator, Ferdinand Marcos Sr., now in power, the enablers and perpetrators of the human rights violations in the Philippines remained in power. The cabal of President Duterte are again in major positions of power, such as Eduardo Año who was recently appointed by President Marcos Jr. as the National Security Adviser.
The reign of terror and impunity of State forces are continuing. The complaint against 17 police personnel who were implicated in the murder of Emmanuel Asuncion on March 7, 2021, alongside eight other activists in the Region IV of the Philippines in what is now known as “Bloody Sunday” has been dismissed. The workers movement have documented 56 cases of murder of trade union leaders and workers, many of whom remains unsolved, without the perpetrators brought to face justice.
The notorious National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) persists on its framework that any campaign and advocacy mounted by working people and civil society for their rights and welfare are terrorists in nature, especially opposition against the destructive Neoliberal policies that have pauperized the working people. With such a framework, even collective bargaining between unions and employers are now treated by the State as part of terrorist plots, with State forces directly meddling and intervening. This has become a boon for employers, and transnational corporations (TNCs) operating their supply chains in the Philippines, who would rather have no collective bargaining at all and keep wages and benefits of their workers to a bare minimum to maximize their profit-taking.
Many countries in Asia-Pacific are reforming their labour laws, including India, Indonesia and Pakistan. Workers in these countries have criticized the changes as pro-business and anti-workers, and increases the precarity of the working people, through greater liberties given to employers to hire-and-fire workers. Those amendments have been met by robust opposition from the workers. To quell any resistance, the State, the elite in cahoots with the TNCs in these countries may very well employ the same practice of the Philippine government. The government of these countries are also known to have strong anti-terror laws and can use the practice of NTF-ELCAC in the Philippines to bring labor rights under the ambit of fighting terror.
Brother and sisters, all working people in the in Asia-Pacific must come together to protect our rights. While we advance our struggles within our national boundaries, we unite with fellow workers everywhere as we recognise the common struggle of workers against capitalist exploitation. Working class solidarity is necessary to fight the onslaught of imperialist neoliberal policies that have exploited the working people for superprofits, plundered the resources of the world, and heaped the most brutal repression against worker’s and people’s. We must take stock of what is happening in the Philippines, and through unity and solidarity, advance the struggle for a better world for all working people!
International League for Peoples’ Struggle – Asia-Pacific January 23, 2023
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How Is Mustard Oil Export from India Impacting Global Markets?
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What Is Mustard Oil Export from India?
Mustard oil export from India refers to the international trade of mustard oil produced within the country. As one of the leading mustard oil exporters in the world, India plays a pivotal role in meeting global demand for this essential cooking oil. Mustard oil is not only popular for its rich flavor but also for its numerous health benefits, making it a sought-after commodity in many parts of the world. In this article, we will explore various aspects of mustard oil export, including its export data, major markets, and how India’s role as the largest exporter of mustard oil impacts the global trade landscape.
Why Is Mustard Oil Export from India Growing?
India’s mustard oil export has been on a steady rise in recent years, and several factors contribute to this growth. One of the primary reasons is the country’s large production capacity, thanks to the vast agricultural land dedicated to mustard seed cultivation. Additionally, the growing awareness of the health benefits of mustard oil has led to increased demand in countries where it was previously underutilized.
Mustard oil is rich in healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6, which are known to support heart health and lower cholesterol levels. As global consumers become more health-conscious, mustard oil is gaining popularity as a healthier alternative to other cooking oils. This trend is reflected in the rising export of mustard oil from India, as countries look to import high-quality mustard oil for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
What Does Mustard Oil Export Data from India Reveal?
Mustard oil export data from India provides valuable insights into the performance of the mustard oil trade over the years. The data includes information on the volume of exports, the value generated, and the countries that import the most mustard oil. According to the latest mustard oil export data from India, there has been a consistent increase in both the quantity and value of mustard oil exports. The data highlights:
Export Growth: India has seen a steady rise in mustard oil exports, driven by increasing demand in international markets.
Key Markets: Countries like the United States, Bangladesh, Nepal, and the UAE are among the top importers of Indian mustard oil.
Revenue Generation: The mustard oil export industry has become a significant contributor to India’s export revenues, boosting the agricultural and processing sectors.
By analyzing mustard oil export data, businesses and policymakers can make informed decisions about production, pricing, and market expansion.
Which Countries Import the Most Mustard Oil from India?
India’s mustard oil is exported to several countries across the globe. The major mustard oil importing countries have diverse needs, ranging from culinary uses to industrial and medicinal applications. Some of the largest mustard oil importing nations include:
United States: With a growing South Asian population and increased awareness of mustard oil’s health benefits, the U.S. has become one of the largest markets for mustard oil from India.
Bangladesh and Nepal: These neighboring countries have long been traditional consumers of mustard oil, with cultural and culinary preferences driving strong demand.
United Arab Emirates: The UAE serves as a hub for re-exports to other Middle Eastern countries, making it an important destination for India’s mustard oil exports.
These countries play a crucial role in sustaining the growth of mustard oil export from India, ensuring a steady demand for Indian mustard oil in global markets.
How Does India Compare to Other Mustard Oil Exporting Countries?
When comparing India to other mustard oil exporting countries, India stands out as the largest exporter of mustard oil. However, it faces competition from other mustard oil-producing nations such as:
Pakistan: Like India, Pakistan has a strong mustard seed cultivation base, and it also exports mustard oil to several international markets.
Bangladesh: While primarily an importer of mustard oil, Bangladesh also exports smaller quantities of mustard oil, particularly to regional markets.
Ukraine: Although more focused on mustard seeds, Ukraine is emerging as a competitor in the mustard oil export market, particularly in Europe.
Despite the competition, India remains the dominant player in the global mustard oil trade due to its extensive production capabilities and well-established trade relationships with key markets.
What Challenges Do Mustard Oil Exporters from India Face?
Despite India’s position as the largest exporter of mustard oil, there are several challenges that mustard oil exporters face. These challenges can impact the efficiency and profitability of the mustard oil export industry. Some of the key challenges include:
Fluctuating Raw Material Prices: The cost of mustard seeds can fluctuate due to factors like weather conditions and market demand, making it difficult for exporters to maintain stable pricing.
International Trade Regulations: Mustard oil exporters must comply with various international trade regulations and quality standards, which can be time-consuming and costly.
Logistics and Transportation: Ensuring timely delivery of mustard oil to international markets requires efficient logistics and transportation networks, which can be challenging in certain regions.
Addressing these challenges is essential for sustaining the growth of mustard oil export from India and maintaining India’s competitive edge in the global market.
How Do Mustard Oil Exporters Ensure Quality?
Quality is a crucial factor for mustard oil exporters from India, as international markets demand high standards for food products. To ensure the quality of mustard oil, exporters adhere to several practices:
Strict Quality Control: Mustard oil undergoes rigorous testing for purity, flavor, and freshness to ensure that it meets both domestic and international standards.
Adherence to Global Standards: Indian mustard oil exporters comply with international food safety standards, including those set by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Sustainable Farming: Many mustard oil producers in India focus on sustainable farming practices, ensuring that mustard seeds are grown without harmful chemicals or pesticides, thus preserving the natural integrity of the oil.
By maintaining high quality, Indian mustard oil exporters are able to build trust with international buyers and secure long-term contracts.
What Role Does Technology Play in Mustard Oil Export from India?
The role of technology in mustard oil export from India cannot be understated. With advancements in processing techniques and logistics, mustard oil exporters are able to improve the efficiency of their operations and meet growing demand. Key technological advancements that have contributed to the growth of mustard oil export include:
Modern Processing Plants: Many exporters have invested in state-of-the-art processing facilities that allow for the extraction of mustard oil with higher purity and better preservation of its natural nutrients.
Advanced Packaging Solutions: Exporters use innovative packaging methods that extend the shelf life of mustard oil and preserve its quality during long-distance transportation.
Data Analytics: By analyzing mustard oil export data from India, exporters can identify trends and optimize their production to match global demand.
Technology plays a vital role in ensuring that Indian mustard oil maintains its competitive edge in international markets.
What Is the Future of Mustard Oil Export from India?
The future of mustard oil export from India looks promising, with several factors contributing to its continued growth. Global demand for mustard oil is expected to rise as consumers become more health-conscious and seek out natural, nutrient-rich cooking oils. Additionally, India’s robust mustard seed cultivation base ensures a steady supply of raw materials for processing.
To capitalize on future opportunities, mustard oil exporters in India can focus on:
Expanding into New Markets: While traditional markets like the U.S. and Middle East remain strong, there is potential for growth in regions such as Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.
Promoting Health Benefits: Educating global consumers about the health benefits of mustard oil can drive demand in new markets and help mustard oil gain a foothold in regions where it is not yet widely used.
Sustainability Initiatives: Focusing on eco-friendly and sustainable farming practices can further enhance India’s reputation as a leader in mustard oil production and export.
Mustard oil export from India plays a vital role in global trade, with India emerging as the largest exporter of mustard oil to markets across the world. With a strong agricultural foundation, growing demand for healthy cooking oils, and advancements in processing technology, mustard oil exporters in India are well-positioned to continue driving growth in this sector. The future looks bright for India’s mustard oil export industry, as it continues to meet the needs of global consumers while navigating challenges and expanding into new markets.
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exportimportdata13 · 28 days
The Global Boom in Makhana Export from India: Insights, Trends, and Opportunities
Makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, is gaining international recognition for its nutritional benefits and versatility. Originating from China and Southeast Asia, this nutritious seed is now a major export product from India. With its rising popularity and diverse applications, makhana has become a lucrative export commodity. This article delves into the key highlights of makhana export from India, including production statistics, major exporters, and market opportunities.
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1. Makhana Export Overview
1.1 Global Export Leaders
India dominates the global market for makhana, leading the world with a substantial 25,130 shipments. China and Pakistan follow, with 238 and 70 shipments respectively. This significant lead underscores India's pivotal role in the global supply chain of makhana.
1.2 Export Categories and Data
In India, makhana is exported under various HS codes, with the top categories being:
19041090: This code covers other cereals.
21069099: This category pertains to other food preparations.
08134090: This code is used for other dried fruits.
The total export volume of makhana from India for the 2023-24 period was 25,130 million metric tons. This highlights the scale and significance of India's makhana export industry.
2. Major Export Destinations
2.1 Top Importing Countries
India's makhana exports are primarily directed towards:
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Other notable markets include Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Southeast Asia, and the European Union. The global appeal of makhana is driven by its health benefits and the rising demand for nutritious snacks.
3. Production Insights
3.1 Production Statistics
India is the world's largest producer of makhana, contributing 70-80% of the total global production. The state of Bihar is particularly prominent, producing over 80% of India's makhana. Here’s a breakdown of makhana production across Indian states:
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3.2 Key Cultivation Regions
Bihar's districts such as Madhubani, Darbhanga, and Sitamarhi are particularly suited for makhana cultivation. The favorable climate and soil conditions in these regions contribute to high-quality production.
4. Why Makhana Export is Profitable
4.1 Growing Global Demand
Makhana's nutritional profile—rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins—makes it highly sought after globally. Its health benefits, including aiding digestion and supporting heart health, contribute to its popularity.
4.2 Market Trends
The global trend towards healthy eating and snacking drives the demand for makhana. Varieties such as peri peri, roasted, caramel, and chocolate makhana cater to diverse consumer preferences, further boosting export opportunities.
4.3 Government Initiatives
Indian government initiatives and support for the agricultural sector enhance the production and export of makhana. Policies aimed at improving quality and export logistics contribute to the sector's growth.
5. Key Exporters and Their Impact
5.1 Leading Exporters
Several prominent Indian companies are at the forefront of makhana exports:
Cilantro Food Products Private Limited
Shree Shyam Impex
Nathubhai Cooverji and Sons
House of Pura LLP
Al Shadik Export
These exporters play a crucial role in meeting global demand and ensuring the high quality of makhana products.
5.2 Exporter Statistics
India has 1,123 registered makhana exporters serving 2,969 buyers worldwide. This network of exporters and buyers facilitates the seamless global distribution of makhana.
6. How to Export Makhana from India
6.1 Steps for Exporting Makhana
To successfully export makhana, traders must follow these steps:
Business Registration and IEC Number: Register your business and obtain an Import Export Code (IEC) for international trade.
Find and Negotiate with Buyers: Establish connections with international buyers and negotiate terms.
Quality Assurance and Certification: Ensure that your makhana meets international quality standards and obtain necessary certifications.
Apply for Export License: Secure an export license and choose the appropriate shipping method.
Customs Clearance and Documentation: Ensure that all customs requirements are met and provide the necessary documentation.
7. Conclusion
Exporting makhana from India offers significant opportunities due to the product's increasing global demand. By leveraging export data and understanding market trends, Indian exporters can effectively navigate the international market. For more detailed information and assistance, resources such as Exportimportdata.in provide valuable insights and support for developing a successful makhana export business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is makhana export profitable?Yes, exporting makhana from India is profitable due to rising global demand and the product’s health benefits.
How much makhana does India export?India exported 25,130 million metric tons of makhana in 2023-24.
Which country imports makhana from India?Top importers include the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Who is the largest exporter of makhana in India?Leading exporters include Cilantro Food Products Private Limited, Shree Shyam Impex, Nathubhai Cooverji and Sons, House of Pura LLP, and Al Shadik Export.
Who is the largest producer of makhana in India? Bihar is the largest producer, contributing over 80% of India’s makhana production.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Balancing economic development with natural resources protection
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/balancing-economic-development-with-natural-resources-protection/
Balancing economic development with natural resources protection
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It’s one of the paradoxes of economic development: Many countries currently offer large subsidies to their industrial fishing fleets, even though the harms of overfishing are well-known. Governments might be willing to end this practice, if they saw that its costs outweighed its benefits. But each country, acting individually, faces an incentive to keep subsidies in place.
This trap evokes the classic “tragedy of the commons” that economists have studied for generations. But despite the familiarity of the problem in theory, they don’t yet have a lot of hard evidence to offer policymakers about solutions, especially on a global scale. PhD student Aaron Berman is working on a set of projects that may change that.
“Our goal is to get some empirical traction on the problem,” he says.
Berman and his collaborators are combining a variety of datasets — not only economic data but also projections from ecological models — to identify how these subsidies are impacting fish stocks. They also hope to determine whether countries might benefit instead from sustainability measures to help rebuild fisheries, say through new trade arrangements or other international policy agreements.
As a fourth-year doctoral candidate in MIT’s Department of Economics, Berman has a variety of other research projects underway as well, all connected by the central question of how to balance economic development with the pressure it puts on the environment and natural resources. While his study of fishing subsidies is global in scope, other projects are distinctly local: He is studying air pollution generated by road infrastructure in Pakistan, groundwater irrigation in Texas, the scallop fishing industry in New England, and industrial carbon-reduction measures in Turkey. For all of these projects, Berman and his collaborators are bringing data and models from many fields of science to bear on economic questions, from seafloor images taken by NOAA to atmospheric models of pollution dispersion.
“One thing I find really exciting and joyful about the work I’m doing in environmental economics is that all of these projects involve some kind of crossover into the natural sciences,” he says.
Several of Berman’s projects are so ambitious that he hopes to continue working on them even after completing his PhD. He acknowledges that keeping so many irons in the fire is a lot of work, but says he finds motivation in the knowledge that his research could shape policy and benefit society in a concrete way.
“Something that MIT has really instilled in me is the value of going into the field and learning about how the research you’re doing connects to real-world issues,” he says. “You want your findings as a researcher to ultimately be useful to someone.”
Testing the waters
The son of two public school teachers, Berman grew up in Maryland and then attended Yale University, where he majored in global affairs as an undergraduate, then stayed to get his master’s in public health, concentrating on global health in both programs.
A pivotal moment came while taking an undergraduate class in development economics. “That class helped me realize the same questions I cared a lot about from a public health standpoint were also being studied by economists using very rigorous methods,” Berman says. “Economics has a lot to say about very pressing societal issues.”
After reading the work of MIT economists and Nobel laureates Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee in that same class, he decided to pivot and “test the waters of economics a little bit more seriously.” The professor teaching that class also played an important role, by encouraging Berman to pursue a predoctoral research position as a first step toward a graduate degree in economics.
Following that advice, Berman landed at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Evidence for Policy Design, a research initiative seeking to foster economic development by improving the policy design process. His time with this organization included five months in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he collaborated with professors Rema Hanna and Ben Olken — of Harvard and MIT, respectively — on a portfolio of projects focused on analyzing social protection and poverty alleviation.
The work, which included working closely with government partners, “required me to think creatively about how to talk about economics research to several different types of audiences,” he says. “This also gave me experience thinking about the intersection between what is academically interesting and what is a policy priority.”
The experience also gave him the skills and confidence to apply to the economics PhD program at MIT.
(Re)discovering teaching
As an economist, Berman is now channeling his interests in global affairs to exploring the relationship between economic development and protecting the natural environment. (He’s aided by an affinity for languages — he speaks five, with varying degrees of proficiency, in addition to English: Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.) His interest in natural resource governance was piqued while co-authoring a paper on the economic drivers of climate-altering tropical deforestation.
The review article, written alongside Olken and two professors from the London School of Economics, explored questions such as “What does the current state of the evidence tell us about what causes deforestation in the tropics, and what further evidence is needed?” and “What are the economic barriers to implementing policies to prevent deforestation?” — the kinds of questions he seeks to answer broadly in his ongoing dissertation work.
“I gained an appreciation for the importance and complexity of natural resource governance, both in developing and developed countries,” he says. “It really was a launching point for a lot of the things that I’m doing now.”
These days, when not doing research, Berman can be found playing on MIT’s club tennis team or working as a teaching assistant, which he particularly enjoys. He’s ever mindful of the Yale professor whose encouragement shaped his own path, and he hopes that he can pay that forward in his own teaching roles.
“The fact that he saw I had the ability to make this transition and encouraged me to take a leap of faith is really meaningful to me. I would like to be able to do that for others,” Berman says.
His interest in teaching also connects him further with his family: His father is a middle school science teacher and mother is a paraeducator for students with special needs. He says they’ve encouraged him throughout his academic journey, even though they initially didn’t know much about what a PhD in economics entailed. Berman jokes that the most common question people ask economists is what stocks they should invest in, and his family was no exception.
“But they’ve always been very excited to hear about the kinds of things I’m working on and very supportive,” he says. 
“It’s been a really amazing learning experience thus far,” Berman says about his doctoral program. “One of the coolest parts of economics research is to have a sense that you’re tangibly doing something that’s going to have an impact in the world.”
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khadija05 · 2 months
What ISO certification in Pakistan are emerging in the global market?
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In Pakistan, several ISO certifications are gaining recognition in the global market due to their relevance and adherence to international standards. Here are some notable ones:
ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System): This ISO certification in Pakistan ensures that organizations meet customer requirements consistently and enhance customer satisfaction through effective processes.
ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System): As environmental concerns grow globally, this certification helps organizations manage their environmental responsibilities effectively.
ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System): With increasing focus on workplace safety, this certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System): Given the importance of data security, this certification helps organizations manage and protect their information assets.
ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management System): With food safety being critical in global trade, this certification ensures that organizations in the food industry meet international standards.
ISO 50001:2018 (Energy Management System): This certification helps organizations manage energy use efficiently and reduce costs, contributing to sustainability goals.
ISO 26000:2010 (Social Responsibility): Organizations demonstrating social responsibility practices can obtain this certification, enhancing their reputation and credibility globally.
These ISO certifications in Pakistan not only help organizations improve their processes and competitiveness but also align them with global standards, making them more attractive in international markets.
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tradekey-b2b · 3 months
Tradekey: Building Trust in the Global B2B Arena
While giants like Alibaba dominate headlines, Tradekey has carved a niche as a trusted B2B platform for international trade. Established in 2006, it caters specifically to businesses looking to connect with global suppliers and buyers. But what propelled Tradekey to become a top contender in the B2B marketplace?
Focus on Credibility: Tradekey goes beyond just connecting buyers and sellers. It holds the distinction of being the world's first B2B platform with both ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 27001 Information Security System certifications. This signifies a strong emphasis on data security and verified sellers, giving businesses peace of mind when conducting international transactions. In the often-uncertain world of global trade, this focus on trust and security is a major advantage.
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Tradekey's Future: The B2B landscape is constantly evolving, and Tradekey is keeping pace. By leveraging advancements in technology and data analysis, they can further refine their search tools and create a more personalized user experience. Additionally, focusing on emerging markets and building strategic partnerships could solidify their position as a leader in global B2B trade.
While Tradekey may not be the most recognizable name in the B2B world, its commitment to secure transactions, targeted tools, and value-added services have made it a preferred platform for businesses seeking reliable international trade partners. As the B2B landscape continues to transform, Tradekey's focus on trust and specialized services will likely see it remain a major player in connecting businesses across the globe.
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What is the introductory procedure of SAFTA registration?
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) issues the SAFTA License as a certificate of origin to Indian importers and exporters. It is attached to the commercial invoice and specifies the nation of origin of the goods.
The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
SAFTA provides significant tax savings to Indian exporters. This agreement promotes regional economic cooperation and integration among member countries by encouraging preferential tariffs that lower or remove customs taxes. This framework facilitates cross-border trade, helping Indian exporters. Learn more about SAFTA's registration criteria and procedures.
SAFTA Registration Procedure: Create an account with an organization-based DSC (embedded IEC). All data will be retrieved using IEC. Apply Online for a Certificate of Origin Fill out the form with suitable information. Upload all essential paperwork. Issue of SAFTA Certificate (within 2-3 working days)
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paktradedata · 10 months
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eximpedia1 · 1 year
Pakistan Trade Data
Do you want to take your business to the next level? Our Pakistan Trade Data can help you enter new markets and connect with customers worldwide. Our team of experts is dedicated to making your import-export journey a success, we are here to help you with all potential possibilities. Say goodbye to borders and hello to endless opportunities.
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sunder53 · 23 hours
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Snow Leopard Day
Snow Leopards are captivating and powerful animals. However, they are also vulnerable to loss of prey and poaching. These animals are distributed sparsely across 12 different countries in Central Asia. They tend to be found in rugged, high mountain landscapes, at elevations between 3,000 and 4,500m. The key to protecting this species is raising awareness. That’s what International Snow Leopard Day is all about.
History Of International Snow Leopard Day
The first International Snow Leopard Day occurred on the 23rd of October in 2014. The main purpose of this day is to show the importance of snow leopard conservation and raise awareness about this incredible animal. The day also emphasizes the importance of taking measures to stop poaching, as well as consolidating efforts in terms of an environmental organization in the countries of the snow leopard range.
The day was initiated by the countries that encompass the snow leopard’s range. They include Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, India, China, Bhutan, and Afganistan. On the 23rd of October, in 2013, these countries signed the Bishkek Declaration regarding the conservation of the snow leopard. This happened in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, at the very first Global Snow Leopard Forum.
Fascinating Facts About Snow Leopards
Snow leopards are able to prey on animals that are up to three times their own body weight.
They have massive, thick tails, which are able to help them maintain balance and shield them from harsh weather. Their tails are almost as long as their entire body.
A study from the WWF has recorded snow leopards living at 5,859 meters above sea level. This is the highest altitude that has ever been documented for big cats. This is about the same height as the highest mountain in Canada.
You may be surprised to learn that snow leopards are not able to roar. Instead, they mew, yowl, and growl. They also prusten, which is also known as chuffing. This is a non-threatening vocalization, which is made when they blow air through their nose.
The fur on the stomach of a snow leopard is almost five inches thick. This is so that they can survive in the harsh and cold mountain climates.
These animals are often referred to as ‘ghosts of the mountain’ because they spend most of their lives in solitude and they are rarely seen.
Snow leopards are the only big cats that call Asia’s cold deserts their home. These deserts are sometimes referred to as the third pole because they feature ice fields with the biggest reserves of freshwater outside of the southern and northern polar regions.
What Threats Do Snow Leopards Face?
The exact number of snow leopards is unknown. Experts believe that there is no more than 6,390 snow leopards around the world, yet the number could be as small as 3,920. There are a number of threats that this elusive cat faces, including poaching. Data is hard to come by in this respect because a lot of trades with snow leopard parts occur in the dark. Some research shows that one snow leopard has been killed and traded every day between 2008 and 2016. However, the true extent of the issue is thought to be even bigger.
No animal should be poached, and this is why the likes of International Snow Leopard Day are so important so that we can raise awareness about the issue. Poaching is also a problem because it takes away resources for the snow leopard. The main prey species for the snow leopard are wild goat and sheep. However, these species are also threatened by unsustainable or illegal hunting in a lot of the parts of the snow leopard range. So, if there is a decline in their populations, there is also going to be a decline in the population of the snow leopard.
Snow leopards face a number of other threats that a lot of people don’t consider. For example, their mountain ecosystem could be destroyed because of large-scale developments, including mining. Climate change also poses a number of challenges as well. Temperatures are increasing in the mountains across Central Asia. This has an impact on the entire ecosystem; from water supplies to vegetation. It is certainly worrying times for snow leopards, and a good way to spend International Snow Leopard Day is by educating yourself fully on the issues these animals face.
How To Observe International Snow Leopard Day
There are a number of different ways that you can support International Snow Leopard Day. So, here are some suggestions…
Learn and explore – One of the best ways to observe International Snow Leopard Day is to learn about this incredible creature. Spend some time reading up on the snow leopard. Find out about where the animal lives, what threats they face, and what steps we can take in order to help safeguard the future of this incredible animal.
Get creative – Another way to show your support is to get creative. There are some activities online involving the snow leopard. You can find a fun activity sheet via the WWF website.
Order a WWF Explore Badge – Another way to show your support for International Snow Leopard Day is to order a WWF Badge. This is something else that you can get on the WWF website.
Adopt a snow leopard – You can also support snow leopards by adopting one. This helps the WWF to monitor snow leopard movements, by giving local communities the support needed to do this, as well as reducing human snow leopard conflicts.
Fundraise – You may also decide to host a fundraising event. This is a great way to raise awareness about the problems that snow leopards face while also accumulating donations that can go towards helping them. There are so many different ways that you can fundraise. You may decide to host a fundraising event, such as a cook-off, bake sale, or fun run. Another option is to make products that you can sell and then you could donate the proceeds or a percentage of them to helping snow leopards.
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