#Painted mantis shrimp
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bonguri · 8 months ago
20240621 NIFREL 4 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: こいつの戦闘力も53万くらい? Photo taken at NIFREL, Suita city, Osaka pref.
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justabeewithapen · 3 months ago
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A quick and dirty Mr. Shrimp model on paint 3D! I could probably make it nicer, but I was mostly goofing around haha
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full-time-femboy · 10 months ago
I refuse to fix/add more to this
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He/him for Kitty
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aquaspiderart · 1 year ago
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There's 25 days left for Spineless Wonders, a collection of stickers and prints with invertebrate animals!! Spread the word and support this project!
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sallllltywater · 2 years ago
Feel sad that the "give me six characters" request (on blue bird) only got malus darkblade so far, i secretly hunting for more characters i haven't draw in warhammer fantasy, or it's time to secretly add characters i like into the chart(?
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godmadeaterribleerror · 16 days ago
In Sweetness
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Main Masterlist - Dean Masterlist
Read on A03!
Tags: Dean Winchester/Female Reader, tooth-rotting fluff, pregnancy, pre-established relationship.
Summary/Warnings: Preparation for hunts and battles where the fate of the world hinges on his shoulders are easy. Preparation for a baby might be the most complex thing Dean's ever done.
Author's Note: Request from an anon!! Apparently this is a series now, and I am more than okay with that. Same universe as Still You Want Me and Every Day That You Want, but can be read in isolation. Enjoy!
Title from Robin by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 3.4k
“Why are there so many damn colors.”
“Color is a result of visual reception of the electromagnetic spectrum.” Cas shrugged, continuing to sort through the paint samplers as he spoke. “As a human, you, Dean, can only perceive a fraction of the actual colors available to the universe, and what you are seeing now is overall not that many. Though I am quite glad you are able to see purple, as it is one of the better ones-“
“Dude.” Dean grunted, raising his brows as Cas looked at him with a frown.
“Your question was…” Cas tilted his head, his words cautious and slow. “Rhetorical.”
“Yeah. It was.” Dean frowned at the piles of allegedly organized paints samplers. “Why’d you put so many yellows in the green pile.”
Cas shook his head. “That is not the green pile. It is, well, there is no name for it in any human language, but it is a color that is associated with fertility in the community of mantis shrimp-“
“You wanna paint my kids room a shrimp fertility color-“
“No, I am leaving that up to the boss.” Cas shrugged, and placed a light red in with the blues. “I personally find it to be a very relaxing color, but it is not my call to make.”
Dean almost pointed out that it was his call—his kid, no shrimp colors—but Cas had called Her the boss for a reason.
She grew the baby. She had better opinions than Dean did. Her wrath scared Cas more than the wrath of literal God.
It would be Her call.
“Can you, I dunno, man, can we try to sort them in human colors?” Dean sighed, running a hand over his face. “I don’t think she’s gonna know the difference between these two yellow piles-“
Cas frowned. “They are not yellows, Dean. One of them contained ultraviolet, the other does not.”
“Awesome.” Dean muttered Her name, glancing around the half-cleaned room. “She’s- shit, she’s not gonna be happy-“
“I think she will be.” Cas shrugged. “Her endorphin levels always increase by a rate of 400% in your presence, 500% if you are taking care of yourself.”
“Taking care-“
“Your hair is washed, you are not drinking, and you look well. That will be pleasing to her.”
Dean felt himself stand a little taller, even as he shook his head. “Well, my hair or not, we needed to have this cleaned by the time they got back.  I was supposed to have done it last week, but the hunt-“
“She was not happy about the hunt.” Cas nodded, still sorting the pain samplers. “It amazes me you made it out of that alive.”
“I was only a stab wound, Cas, I’ve had-“
Cas said Her name, giving Dean a pointed look. “I was referring to her.”
Dean swallowed, and Cas was right. The only reason he had made it out alive was because that had been his last hunt before the baby was due.
But he hadn’t cleaned the room.
He still hadn’t cleaned the goddamn room.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean rubbed at his face, staring around bunker-room that should have been neatly scrubbed and wiped hours ago. “She’s gonna kill me. Stab me. Mutilate me so my daughter screams when she sees my face-“
Cas gave him an odd look. “You believe it will be a daughter?”
“I- uh,” Dean paused, and he didn’t know why he’d said that. They’d agreed not to check, no matter how many times Cas offered.
As long as it’s healthy. She’d repeat, over and over, and Dean knew why. She was still having nightmares where demons or angels came and stole the kid. Where a new monster would pop out of the earth, and everything would catch up to them, and they’d lose their shot at this before it even really happened. 
He’d hold Her when she’d wake up screaming, and do whatever he had to for Her to breathe evenly and fall back asleep. Sam said She needed to sleep more for the baby, and every time she’d gasp his name like She wasn’t sure he was there, Dean’s heart would shatter a little, so he’d do anything. He’d give massages—he was getting better at them, too—and make tea and watch whatever show she wanted to in order to bring her back to earth. In order to get Her to stop scratching at his arms, as if She was trying to carve grooves into Dean that she’d be able to latch onto. To keep him alive and next to Her at all times.
Dean would always be alive and next to Her. He had no plans of going anywhere, of being anything but there for Her and the baby. And She knew that—he told Her every single night, and morning, and most afternoons—but it still took effort to get Her out of the bunker. Into the real world, without wards and anti-monster security. Sam had needed to arm himself like he was headed to war instead of the grocery store, just so She’d agree to go with him. 
And Dean and Cas were supposed to have finished cleaning by the time She got back. If they didn’t, She’d try to do it herself, and it would take all three of them to stop Her. She could barely bend over, let alone paint the walls and pick up the trash and-
“I can paint everything now,” Cas said, nodding to the walls as Dean blinked at him. “If we would like to save the time.”
“Let’s wait ’till we got a color,” Dean muttered, glancing out the door to empty hall, trying to listen for the sound of Baby’s engine in the garage. They should be back soon. They should’ve been back by now, and She was fine because She had to be, but Dean knew his gut wouldn’t stop twisting until he saw Her. Beautiful and right in front of him and safe. “Cas, you think you can take care of-“
The was a soft whooshing sound, and when Dean looked back to the room, it was perfectly clean.
“That is was you were requesting, correct?” Cas said, gesturing to the room around them. “If not, I can return it to the previous state-“
“No, don’t-“ Dean cut himself off as a low, muffled rumble echoed through the hall, and there it was. The sign that everything was fine. “Keep it. Thanks, man.”
Cas nodded, glancing to the perfectly sorted paint pile. “I took your suggestion and sorted them by human color receptors. Although there are more of the cards than I originally anticipated-“
“She used to collect them or something.” Dean grunted, and grabbed a pastel blue that he was ready to throw his weight behind. It was soft. Nice. Like the sky. “Once we got a color, if you could aim that angel mojo on the walls-“
Cas nodded, opened his mouth, and was cut off by a shout of Her voice as a door slammed.
“Dean!” She was half screaming, and Dean wasn’t worried about their safety. Sammy would’ve called them if something was wrong.
He was worried about Her running. Last time She done that, Sam had gotten body slammed into a wall. 
Almost on cue, Sammy’s voice shouted Her name. “Slow down-“
“Suck my dick, Sam- Dean-“
“In the nursery!” He raised his voice to carry over Her’s, half-jogging out of the room to meet Her, only to catch Her barreling right into him like a freight train, knocking half the air out of his lungs as She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Shit-“
“Are you okay?” She leaned back and took Dean’s face between Her hands, turning it at a million angles to check for harm. “I’m sorry we’re late, Sam took a fucking hour in the produce section-“
“I was getting food for you.” Sam muttered, almost materializing behind Her. “You’re the one who said you wanted to eat healthier-“
“Not now.” She snapped, not looking away from Her examination. “After the little demon inside of me comes out, the one made of your stupid brother, who only wants ice cream and bacon-“
Dean grinned, unable to find himself bothered by the stupid brother comment when She was still half-hanging off his body, and let his hand glide to rest on her stomach as She continued to yell at Sam.
“I wanted to get home, we need to clean the nursery and there’s so much trash in this bunker, and painting is going to take days and I need to start working on the decorations, I can’t waste time buying lettuce-“
“Sweetheart.” Dean caught Her hands, lowering them with a kiss of Her knuckles as her eyes softened slightly. “Deep breaths.”
She took a slightly shaky inhale, still narrowing Her eyes at him. “Don’t tell me what to do-“
“I know.” He grinned at Her, and her own glower wavered slightly. “Got a surprise for you.”
“Uh oh.” Sam’s voice was not nearly low enough for Dean to miss it, and he rolled his eyes.
“Shut it, Sammy, she’s gonna like it.”
Sam shrugged. “Just saying, didn’t your last surprise end in someone getting punched-“
“Yeah, Sasquatch, you-“
“Dean.” She whispered, squeezing his hands and drawing his attention back to Her open, nervous expression. “Is everything oka-“
“Everything is perfect, baby.” He let his grin return in full force, tugging Her a little closer and guiding Her into the work-in-progress nursery. “Cas did something for ‘ya, and we got plans to-
She cut Dean off with a loud, breathy gasp as they moved back through the door, Her eyes scanning over the perfectly empty and polished room.
“I have not painted the walls yet.” Cas said, watching Her carefully from the center of the room. “We believed that it would be best to allow you to choose the color-“
“Color?” She blinked back to Dean, and he nodded to the paint samples.
“Sorted all of them,” he muttered, pulling out the blue shade from his jeans. “But I liked this one-“
She nodded, not even looking to the pile. “Then we’ll do that one. Cas, can you please-“
Another whoosh, the walls were perfectly blue, and Dean stumbled back as She shoved away from him, half flying across the room to pull Cas into a hug. He returned it, shooting Dean a slightly worried look over Her head, and Dean only shrugged. He’d long learned not to question Her reactions. And he’d learned it the harder way than a hug.
Cas said Her name cautiously. “Are you experience any sadness or trepidation at my interference-“
She shook Her head, and Dean knew that if Cas had to worry about things like breathing, he’d be suffocating in Her grip. 
“Then I assume these are tears of joy-“
“Yeah,” She mumbled, taking a step back, and the smile on Her face could move Dean to wage a war against the goddamn moon. “Thank you, Cas. I- this has been a lot, and I love Dean but he can be so slow-“
Dean frowned. “Hey-“
“Sorry.” She gave him a sweet, soft smile over Her shoulder, and any annoyance he’d had vanished into the air. She was smiling at him like that—with the smile no one else got to see—and there was light shining in Her eyes that he was pretty sure only ever existed for him, so he couldn’t be mad if he tried.
“’S fine.” He muttered, holding out his hand and sitting in the glow that settled in his body when She moved without thought to take it. “We got some shopping to do, Sweetheart, but I can scout ahead while you rest-“
She blinked at him. “Why would I rest?”
Dean glanced down to Her swollen stomach, then Her pouting face, and swallowed. “Uh- Any answer I got is gonna get my ass kicked, isn’t it-“
“Probably,” Her voice was bored and flat, and Sam snorted from somewhere behind them. “Just don’t say it, De. That’s an option.”
“Yeah- uh-“ He glanced to Cas, who was obviously making himself pointlessly busy with the paint samples. “You comin’ with me then?”
She hummed, tucking Herself into Dean’s side with another star-shaking smile. “Always.”
He couldn’t argue with that. There was no world where a little bit of Dean’s will didn’t melt into Her, become only Her’s to use as she pleased. If what made Her smile and relax was as simple as going with Dean to the city for baby shopping,  he’d rip out his own throat before he denied Her. He would change the goddamn tides and move mountains to make Her happy. Driving in his car with Her at his side, his hand on Her thigh and their child—made of both of them, proof for Her to have that Dean loved Her, and wouldn’t leave, and would fight heaven and hell a million times over to give Her peace, right there in Her body—in Her stomach, was nothing.
“Do you think it’s too on the nose to ask Cas to be the godfather?” She asked, frowning at the road ahead of them, and Dean snorted.
“I think if you do that, you’re going to have to deal with him bringing us fruit from Asia every weekend and a real-life zoo in the bunker when the kid start to learn about animals.”
She hummed, turning Dean’s hand over and tracing the lines of his palm with a small smile. “So he’s perfect.”
“Damn right.” Dean folded his fingers through Her’s, tugging them up to press a kiss to the back of Her hand. “If you think that’s what we want, sweetheart, that’s what we’re doing.”
She giggled, even as She rolled her eyes. “Did he try to get you in on the shrimp fertility colors while I was out?”
“Yeah, how’d you-“
“He got me a baby blanket with it. Apparently, it will bring hi- The baby good health.”
Dean shot Her an amused look. “Him, huh? What happened to no reveal-“
“Shut up.” She mumbled, shifting in Her seat. “It’s just a theory, the little fuck kicks me too much to be a girl-“
Dean snorted. “You kick people more than anyone I know-“
“And I have my shrimp fertility blanket.” She said, ignoring Dean entirely. “He’ll be healthy. His godfather is an angel.”
“So we’re asking Cas then?”
“We don’t have any other friends, Dean.”
He grinned at Her. “I dunno, Rowena would train her real well-“
She slapped him on the arm. “I am not letting my child visit hell-“
“She could come to us-“
“This isn’t as funny a bit as you think it is, Winchester-“ She cut Herself off, and Dean could feel Her scanning over his face. “Did you say her? You think we’re having a girl?”
Dean shrugged, keeping his attention fixed on the road. “Don’t know what your-“
He glanced at Her—gentle expression, brows raised and sweet smile—and let out a long breath. “Yeah. I got- Uh, it’s just a feelin’. Could be nice to have a girl. You know, Sammy could braid her hair.”
She snorted, scooting closer to his side on the bench. “If we have a girl, you’re braiding her hair. But we’re having a boy.”
Dean grinned down at Her, wrapping his arm around Her shoulders as they turned into the parking lot. “You wanna place a bet on it-“
“No. Do you have the list?”
“Course I got the list. It’s really-“ Dean shook his head, stopping the Impala near the front of the building. No need to make Her walk further than a few yards. “Sweetheart, there’s no way we need all the shit you put on that thing-“
She sighed, shaking Her head. “It’s a whole, brand new person, Dean. We’ll probably need more.”
He thought about protesting, but that couldn’t be his biggest concern right now. His priority was Her. Getting Her whatever she needed, even if it was dumb. Even if half this stuff could be found in a garage sale, or the depths of the bunker, or given to them by Cas with only a request, She wanted to do the whole shopping thing, so they’d do the shopping thing.
He’d grab a big cart and follow Her around the department store, giving half-opinions when asked and watching Her walk with a wide grin, She’d gotten the pregnancy waddle, and he’d never seen anything more adorable in his life. She was freakin’ glowing. Lit up from within and happy. And he’d done that. Dean was the cause of Her joy and comfort, and he’d do a million more pregnancy tasks if it kept that smile on Her face, that comfort settled deep in Her body where he could practically see it. 
“Dinosaurs or bears?” She asked, sorting through the onesies with an expression like she was choosing a gun for a hunt. “I- Maybe we should go lions-“
Dean muttered Her name, kissing the side of Her head and wrapping an arm around Her body. “She’s not gonna know the difference, it’s whatever you want-“
“No, babies are smarter than you think, as he develops pattern recognition it’ll influence his like and dislikes-“
“You gotta stop watching those documentaries, sweetheart-“
“And he’ll be more interested in dinosaurs or bear- lions. It should be lions-“
Dean turned Her to fully face him, holding Her wide eyes, almost franticly gorgeous face between his hands and cutting Her off with a kiss. 
“You’re callin’ it a boy again,” he murmured against Her lips, and She out a happy little sigh as he traced his thumb over Her cheekbone. “I still think we should do that bet.”
She shook Her head. “I- I’m sorry-“
“Nothin’ to be sorry about. But you’re still real damn wrong. It’s a girl.”
“Shut up.” She mumbled, but still dropped Her head to Dean’s shoulder when he drew back, and he grinned into the air as any weight that had ever existed over his chest was lifted. Dissipated into nothing as Her fingers curled into his shirt. “We don’t have anything to bet, De, we share everything-“
“We could be naming rights?” He rubbed his hand over Her shoulder, swaying her back and forth slightly in his arms. “I get to choose the name if it’s a girl, all on you if it’s a boy?”
There was a brief moment of silence, Her words still muffled in Dean’s body when she spoke. “You can’t name them something stupid.”
He chuckled, pressing another kiss on the top of Her head. “I’d never even think about it, sweetheart. No jokes here.”
“Uh huh.” She leaned back to meet him in a full, long, slightly sloppy kiss that sparked warmth through his body, before pulling back with a gentle grin, “I’ll make the deal if you actually help with this. Dinosaurs or lions, Winchester, pick one-“
“That’s easy, baby.” He shot Her a wink, leaning over her body to grab a onesie and toss it into the cart. “We’re going cars.”
She pulled away, picking up the onesies and turning it over, and gave a small nod. The smile was back. 
Dean had never felt more fucking alive.
“Alright.” She said, holding out Her hand with a wide, easy smile. “But when he’s a boy, I’m naming him Fred and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Do you think they sell baby ascots?” She scanned around the store with mock interest. “I think Fred will look cute in one-“
Dean scoffed, and before he could shut Her up with another kiss that would turn Her into a breathless, happy mess, and She looked back to him with a smile.
“Just like his dad.” She hummed, hooking their arms together, and kissing the underside of Dean’s jaw with a smile he could feel, fluttering in his heart and making the world spin a little slower.
“You can be a real ass, sweetheart.” He muttered, and She giggled again. He could get high off the sound.
“Only for you, Winchester. Do you think we can find a little Scooby stuffie for him?”
“Baby,” Dean grinned at Her, starting to move them further down the aisle once more. “If I can’t, you’re gonna need to shoot me.”
She rolled Her eyes, running Her hand over her stomach as she tucked herself under his arm. “You’re so dramatic.”
“Only for my girls.” He echoed, shooting Her a wink. “You’re placing a losing bet, sweetheart.”
“We’ll see,” She shrugged, smiling into nothing. Just because She was happy. Because Dean was making Her happy, and everything really was going to be fine. “As long as he’s healthy.”
“She’ll be healthy,” he hummed. “She’s got her shrimp blanket.”
End Note: Cas and his shrimp blanket bring me good health. Amen.
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flinxypie · 10 months ago
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@thatmooncake made me do it :U
Peacock Mantis Shrimp Sun
I have a whole backstory on how him and Moonshoe met, okay!
Fun fact: this was supposed to be cell shaded but I keep accidentally painting instead aaaaaaaaa
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sycamorehymns · 1 month ago
transformers are able to see way more colors than humans. they're like mantis shrimp, just not aquatic, are from outer space, made of metal, and huge.
imagine this - their original paint job cant be found on earth because humans cant see it, meaning that there's a chance it just doesnt exist
also humans getting their colors wrong and cybertronians getting mad at them because they simply cant comprehend human biology and the fact that humans just can't see that many colors
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aloysiavirgata · 4 months ago
155, hungry - my queen ❤️❤️❤️
Rob, dead.
Dead like most; mourned like a favorite dog.
Rob’s mantis-shrimp tongue and sorrowful heart.
Scully working a crossword on her tray because she won’t let him pay. Because she’s a military brat, because she won’t trade on her looks.
Scully with the calla-lily beauty of a Singer Sergeant painting,
Scully, in his head, fucking him with the heat of a Pacific sunrise.
Brooklyn along the water, worlds away from California. Waiting for Queens-to-Denver. Waiting for anything. He loves the East Coast.
They kiss like teenagers, hot-mouthed and tender; sweet as Manischewitz. Heavy-eyed. Shy.
Rich children playing soccer, Chassidim striding home.
They buy pupusas from a woman with a rosy baby in a sling. They gaze at the soaring, dark bridge.
“Brains.” Scully thinking of Dudley. Costa Mesa.
Mulder nibbling her lashes; throat. Cold in Denver and they must warm up.
Her cancer, the katabatic winds…
She takes him in like the rising tide.
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aticketplz · 9 months ago
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Mantis shrimp that punch like oil paintings.
Toba Aquarium
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smallgodseries · 2 years ago
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[image description: A curious creature stands in a tall grey corridor of arches. A patchwork of bright colors – fluorescent yellows, greens, magentas, teals – they have a button nose, an uneasy smile and look at the viewer through large eyes with tiny black pupils. Text reads, “17-4402, Royal G. Bivouac ~ The Small God of Extra-Spectral Colors”]
They are rare among the small gods in that they have believers among all sighted creatures, large and small, clever and less than clever, and they count their greatest worshippers, not among the humans, but in the depths of the ocean, among the simple, steadfast mantis shrimp.  The mantis shrimp has four times as many visual receptors as a human.  They can see colors mankind cannot even dream of, for we lack the minds to conceive of what we can never see.
Someday, perhaps, science will go too far—as science often does—and find a way to grant someone or something with a human’s capacity to describe the things it experiences the eyesight of the mantis shrimp, and on that day the balance may shift, and Royal may find themself called more clearly to humanity’s aid.  Until then, however, they are content to be a god primarily worshipped by graphic designers and art students who have discovered the joys of psychedelic drugs, as the ones who truly belong to them drift happily along below the ocean waves, lacking the level of consciousness necessary to worship.
Because of this aberration in what many small gods see as the natural order of things, Royal raises many questions theological and otherwise.  If their worshippers are unaware of their existence, are they truly worshipped?  Or are they an inexplicable fold in the fabric of the universe, contradictory and doomed to wink out of existence at any moment?
They honestly don’t seem to care.  They have their mantis shrimp, and their paintings that no one else is able to quite see or understand, and the few humans who appreciate them for the mystery they are, and the beautiful things that they can do.  For them, that has always been enough.
Perhaps it always will be.
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sunnzii · 7 months ago
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Meet my SeaSona, Pebbles the mantis shrimp!! 🦐 🎨
After becoming obsessed with Roblox’s Pressure I knew I had to finally make this silly shrimp a finalized design!!!!
Original Lore
•A 23 year old ditzy Shrimp who loves arts and crafts, especially painting!! Pebbles lives in a small beach house submerged underwater in a coral reff neighborhood so it’s hard for her to get land visitors. Despite being an adult she can’t help but want to ask another fellow adult for help with anything she can’t do by herself 😭 she’s a coral/pretty rock collector and if she really likes you expect to be bombarded with painted rocks🩵
Pressure Lore
• UrbanShade seemed to finally have an experiment gone right, but she turned out to be extremely stupid and not threatening at all. The other creatures use her as a bait to help the actually expendables get into trouble and caught by them to eat ur flesh lol shes bad at helping and directions. She has a strong relationship with Eyefestation (Eyes having a fat crush on her) and a love-hate relationship with Sebastian (he despises her for turning out so “perfect and functionable, which she’s far from) she loves her besties 🫧 💕
More later, this is just a nutshell 🪱🌈
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aquaspiderart · 2 years ago
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mantis shrimp!
Ko-Fi / Patreon
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im-svizzy-blog · 7 months ago
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Here's a closer version
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(PLEASE, forgive me for any typos I have possibly made. After correcting them, IBIS paint would automatically un-grammarify my grammar.)
Species: Human, dolphin, jellyfish, axolotl, whale shark, mantis shrimp (Partner told me to add it...).
Dolphin - hearing, speed, intelligence
Jellyfish - bioluminescence, lifespan, ability to live without a brain or heart
Axolotl - ability to regenerate limbs, sustain life without food for two weeks.
Whale shark - size, ability to adapt environmental changes, friendly, lifespan, contradicts dolphin.
Mantis shrimp - punch.
Dolphin - lack of morals influences aggressive behavior.
Jellyfish - high risk of polluting containment water, threat to subject.
Axolotl - ability to adapt environment weighs down due to chemical sensitivity.
Whale shark - giant, large containment cell, difficult to keep sanitary.
Mantis shrimp - N/A
Additional information
Z-28 can walk with her two sets of arms. Running speed 20-25 mph (swim speed about 39-45mph). Has advanced hearing and sensory. Height: 39 ft (12 m). She does glow in the dark.
Behind the name "Prowler."
Z-28 actively searches for lost information within the abandoned facility. Constantly searching for a working device to reach the surface and contact the world above. Has extreme malice towards anything with the symbol of Urbanshade on it.
(Project Z is an experiment meant to discover what attributes would benefit mankind to exceed physically.)
As mentioned, Dr. Lewis did, in fact, work for urbanshade. She was a marine biologist who unfortunately found the hidden truths within the facility. (mwehehehe) she is fascinated by the smallest of things.
DOB - 1991
Age - 34
Captured - age 24
Art I made
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Gacha character I made of her.
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This took me SOOO long to make (a bit over 17 hours, no joke). I am utterly exhausted. Might do a q&a if I'm up for it later, but I'm going to sleep for now 😭
I had my boyfriend go over it to see if it was "alright," and he says it's like a nearly identical copy of sebastian. YES, I did use information from his file, reworded it, and contributed it to my file, BUT, my character is noting at all like him. I promise.
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hearted-anon · 7 months ago
Hadal blacksite: An AU.
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Note: @minnielvrr @itzsana-kiddingmenow
T/w: mentions of violence, gore, blood, death.
Lee: .--. .-. . ... ... ..- .-. .
Ler: -... -.-- / .-. --- -... .-.. --- -..-
Subject 251: Success. The green letters were painted onto the enclosure, as the sounds of banging glass ensued. Dark brown hair that nearly covered his eyes with a pure pale white skin covering his body, wrapped up in a thick fabric that prevented his power from taking place. Cries and wails echoed throughout the facility, you could faintly hear the sounds of concrete melting in the background. Leave it alone.
Subject 811: A somewhat success. The creature doesn’t like exiting his enclosure, preferring to keep to himself as a black ink spreads throughout, enshrouding him and the area into darkness. Guards who enter are to wear night vision goggles at all times, those who do not heed will pay the price of their life. An ear piercing scream sounds as light peeked through the exit of his enclosure, before two large tentacles slammed any guards in a nearby radius, velvet blood dripping onto the walls. Proceed with caution.
Subject 159: Success. The creature appears to be more soft hearted, and doesn’t cause any harm less provoked by guards. Its blonde hair and pure blue eyes give it an innocent appearance, but do not be fooled. Proceed into enclosure with a gas mask and company, never enter said area alone and without any protection. The heavy green gas it produces is highly poisonous and can induce multiple side effects such as loss of consciousness, anxiety or drowsiness. Do not provoke.
Subject 149: Huge success. It obeys orders without a fight, but guards are to always wear a blindfold or night vision goggles when entering. The creature tends to become ‘bored’ of its enclosure quickly, and soon you will be its next toy. It enjoys playing with its prey, paralysing them in place with its hypnotic gaze; ripping them apart limb by limb ever so carefully with almost sadistic intentions. The creature is to be immobilised whenever a guard enters, and never alone. Stock up on entertainment.
Subject 28: A near fail. Do not ever enter the enclosure, even with protection and guards. The purple-black liquid it produces is highly dangerous, and a slight change in the creature’s mood could take out at least a quarter of our stock; even if it is locked away. It gets along with subject 811 very well, they tend to mingle together in the darkness; you can hear the sounds of static and unintelligible language as they communicate with each other. Do not try to disrupt them, lest you feel the need to lose your life today. The creature doesn’t like to be alone, and tends to get into a very…sour mood when he is. To proceed with much caution when this happens, as it can and will eliminate you in seconds, suffocating you in the sticky void-like goo. Schedule daily meetups with subject 811.
Subject 203: Fail. Originally, It was meant to have the DNA of an angler fish, but the creature had ended up denying said DNA and instead refused to transform. We had afterwards injected the DNA of , ███████, a blue whale, a great white shark, a silver spiny fin, a mantis shrimp and a sea snake. It had turned out subject 203 had only taken a delayed amount of time to absorb in the samples of the sea creatures. It caused the creature to undergo a painful transformation, giving him three enlarged arms, the extra on its bottom right, along with a long shark tail. Its skin had turned a pale blue, and when nearby humans, its gills and angler lure would twitch in agitation; its hatred for humans runs deep into its veins. It's sleek, long and luscious black hair and baby blue siren-like eyes are just a ploy to lure you in, never fall for it. Stay clear unless with protection.
Subject 310: Somewhat successful. It tends to follow guards around, and is quite the passive creature. In the late hours of the night, you can hear its obnoxiously loud, yet contagious giggles roaming through the halls, stalking your every move. Should you be up too late, whispers fill your ears, coaxing you to head to bed soon; almost as if it was acting like a concerned care taker for you. Still, if you refuse to listen, the ghost comes to life, dragging you away and up into your room whether you like it or not. It stays outside quietly, shoving you back into bed when you try to get up even by an inch; sticking around till you fall asleep. However, as passive as it is, when other subjects are provoked, it tends to come into an overprotective, enraged state, killing anyone who dares to hurt the other enclosures, like a caring father. Assign a certain subject to it.
Subject 229: Successful, but at a cost. Subject 229 is made of multiple fishes combined together, allowing his arms to be larger than an average human by at least two times. The creature takes home in the vents, and claws or chokes anyone against the metal surface should they try to get it down from the system. Contrary to popular belief of workers here, it actually doesn’t disrupt the flow of ventilation in the systems, thus it has been allowed to stay in its newfound ‘enclosure’. However, should you find one of the doors that you had walked into suddenly blank out or its number makes a disappearance, CALL THE OTHER GUARDS IMMEDIATELY. But if you find yourself without reception, or without a nearby communication device, you have resigned your fate. It has found you, and you will be its prey. Keep a close watch over at all times over the cameras.
The lights flickered harshly, doors slamming shut as alarms wailed throughout the entire facility. It had gone into code red lockdown. Subject 28 had managed to sneak itself into the electrical room, deactivating everything in the facility with its goo. The sounds of metal doors opening sounded, fresh air cooling its surroundings as the subjects were let loose. The ‘hour of joy’, a reference to a game as someone would call it, occurred at that very moment. Guards were disappearing left and right, paralysing in a dark hallway before melting into the walls, sunken into the dark before being consumed by the void; no one could hear their screams.
Only one subject tried their best to calm the killer rampage, subject 310. It floated around the halls, desperately trying to cool the rest of them off, to no avail. The hour passed by as quick as it arrived, the entire facility coated in red, thick blood; no one had survived at all, torn to shreds or their body mysteriously disappearing. The subjects grouped together, huddled in a bundle, almost scared. They shivered, they wailed, wailed for their family back, they knew they weren’t going back. After a long comforting and empathising session by subject 310, the group settled on finding their documents, how long had they been cooped up here?
Opening the files they had earned, their eyes widened. 20 years. They had lost 20 years of their lives being here, being some kind of plaything and having to succumb to their fate. Despite this, they had no energy to even be angry, passing out on the cold metal ground. Subject 310 sighed, reading through their files to get to know them better, even going so far as to memorise all their names. Maybe it could lead these poor kids, running a hand through subject 811’s hair, smiling fondly at how its tentacles twitched in happiness.
It would have to reprimand the rest later for their reckless actions, but who was he to blame? They, it- no, he, had finally earned their righteous freedom, and formed the start of a lifelong bond.
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years ago
my mob psycho 100 furry au COMPLETE i did it
mob - eurasian tree sparrow
reigen - "acheroraptor" (microraptor)
dimple - kitty :)
ritsu - house sparrow
teru - aardwolf
tome - jumping bean moth
shou - vermilion flycatcher
serizawa - black myotis bat
tsubomi - thylacine
mezato - black & rufous elephant shrew
toichiro - eastern kingbird
minegishi - kunpengopterus
shimazaki - southern black racer
shibata - zuul (the ankylosaur, not the ghostbusters monster)
hatori - buff old german owl pigeon
joseph - spinner shark
musashi - cow
sagawa - leopard seal
yamamura - horse
kumagawa - great white shark
onigawara - red kangaroo
shimura - volcano hummingbird
inukawa - shiba inu
saruta - nepal gray langur
kijibayashi - ring-necked pheasant
takenaka - dusky dolphin
hoshino - pteranodon
asahi - variable bush viper
kurosaki - tiger leech
kaito & daichi - duck-billed platypus
mitsuura - orange rili cherry shrimp
mogami - carrion crow
shinra - capybara
jodo - chimpanzee
minori - orchid mantis (mobfrog's idea)
kamuro - common raccoon (sammisafetypin's idea)
tokugawa - painted dog (shigayokagayama's idea
roshuuto - numbat (shigayokagayama's idea also)
hoshida - river otter (handsmotif's idea)
emi - white mouth moray eel (localdopplerradar's idea)
sakurai - blue-spotted tree monitor
koyama - green iguana
matsuo - aye aye
mukai - sunda night carpenter bee (torchiclove's idea)
tsuchiya - peregrine falcon
muraki - cape golden mole (once again, thank you leo shigayokagayama)
terada - striped skunk
ishiguro - warty octopus (Graneledone verrucosa)
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