#Paddy Nack
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dolly-royal · 1 year ago
Hello hello!
This is a character sheet for Nicole Nack! (Hello puppets OC)
Your welcome to read it under the Read more!
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Nicole Nack! Older Sister to Leighton Nack ( @phantom-of-the-ruckus OC)
She did die when Leighton was a Teenager, a Vase hit her and she unfortunately pass away.
She is a ghost lingering around Leighton manor/Nick manor, No one really spotted her instill the kids did (Paddy & Ricky + others) leading to a scooby doo like ghost chase after Nicole.
Although she is rather human looking; she does have ghost ability’s but however are rather limited as she doesn’t mess with them often, she can float and turn invisible, and can turns other invisible as well
Her more unsettling features she hides away as her wounds aren’t very pretty to look at. However near Halloween, and her being agitated they tend to show up in small bursts
Leighton hid many items, pictures and other things such as toys that belong to Nicole away, not wanting to see a item that belong to a beloved dead family member
Nick is ironically Named after Nicole, his name being a more male version of it. Nick ended up realizing why his father try his best not to teach him the views that Leighton father had( when he meets Nicole)
Nicole is rather old fashioned, she was raised in a old time period. She is extremely Out-dated compared to current times causing a riff between her and others. She does get better after a year or two (learning and not being a denial about it)
She doesn’t really mean any harm,but considering the fact that ghosts don’t linger for usually good reasons, it safe to say that it unnerves some of the others.
Her nicknames, was, Otter from Richie( @phantom-of-the-ruckus Ghost OC)”Mink from leighton, weasel from Nick
Her nickname to the other was,Ferret for leighton, (nick later got that nickname), koala for Richie, Penny she jokingly call Miriam when she found out about the Penguin nickname
She originally was seen around Leighton as a ghost looking rather lonely, back then the nack-ruckus family wasn’t sure what to do
Nicole often stood up for Leighton or whatever punishment was going on, it ended up with her gaining some unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result (and in general)
Nicole might be the sole reason why Nick can do art, she loved it while she could do it and many of her sketch books is hidden away.
Wasn’t exactly a golden child, Leighton unfortunately ended up being somewhat of a golden Child from their parents( due to the time period, and Leighton being boring second) She was teach how to be a good wife due to their time period while Leighton as taught how to be a business owner and man of the family.
Oddly stand off-ish polite and distant, she was rather nice and kind (if not snarky) if you knew her well. She lonely seemly
Died the year before richie did, it was assume that it could have been related. She did died the week before Richie Was going to ask her out, The people (Mimi, leighton, Richie) grieve while their parents try to cover it up
Riley Assumes that Leighton and Miriam might be one of the reasons why Nicole is still here along with other reasons(Riley did however wanted to study the eye mutation the Nack (specifically Nick and Nicole had and even Paddy) which was having purple/purple-blue eyes a very extremely impossible thing to happen)
The kids ended up in her room by accident while Leighton was looking for them, and ends up trying so many things, unfortunately Leighton shoo them out and told them not to be in that room
Leighton does have PTSD about Vases and completely refuses to have them in the house at any point. And even refusing water pitchers in the house for how simliar they look
She cut off apart of her hair as a “F-YOU” to her parents about three weeks before she died, having Half bangs.
Leighton did see Nicole die when he was a teenager and it still effects him to this day, an lot of mannerism from Nicole ended up reflecting on nick an lot. Making tension highs and unsettling (and Leighton also had many of Nicole mannerisms because he mainly spent time with her and was raised by her too)
Leighton Ironically before he knew Nicole was a ghost did gave Nick the ferret nickname, that Nicole gave him
Nick and Nicole share the same feeling of “Wtf” at Leighton when he decided to date a puppet Mortimer and they both fear that leighton finally gone insane(unfortunately common)
Nicole, is rather like a dam, she holds it in intill she ready to she snaps at people, often times making leighton go out of the room before she does so. A explosive Temper for sure. But not at the people she loves
Ghosts are rather tricksters and belovent beings, so playing small pranks and such they encourage making family play fight every interesting
Was buried in the garden and one of the few place where no one is allow to go to. A black cat marks where it is quietly
Ironically everyone who can see her thought she was a kid that Leighton adopted (whenever she figured out how to let humans see her more then just the family) however they were usually correct that Nicole was Leighton older sister causing some laughter before they realized the siblings pair was serious.
I’m not sure what else I can add that I have forgotten but if I did, I will make a list and repost it most likely, and this was getting long.
Leighton might sound OOC, then to what @phantom-of-the-ruckus Leighton is like but this leighton had a sister and such and it changed an lot of things..and we kinda share characters as well,
Thank you for reading it!
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blippibeter · 3 months ago
@pe11e-0hlinsrealsou1mate dawg your husba nd has been acting weird for a couple of days i think you need to check on him wtf 💔💐
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monsterfromid · 2 years ago
M - Pop Muzik (Official HD Video)
I don’t know why this track hasn’t been featured in a tv show or a movie. (I love the fact he has a Dadaist identity card)
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muder-boner · 6 months ago
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droctaviolovecraft · 5 months ago
TW: Violence/gore, religion mocking, child harming and pregnancy, vermin infection, famine, body horror, cannibalism, kidnapping
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"Nick nack paddy wack, give a dog a bone, liver eater comes crawling home."
ANM #: 126 - "Dog will hunt..."
Danger Level: Darlig 🔴 | Uncontained ❌️
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Type of Anomaly: Rural, predatory, childlike, humanoid
Confinement: ANM-126 is not to be contained or restrained physically under any circumstances. Due to its anomalous nature and the severe psychological trauma it inflicts on witnesses, direct encounters with ANM-126 should be minimized. If ANM-126 appears in a populated area, elite task force "Infernal Cangaceiros" are authorized to attempt non-lethal deterrence measures using sonic devices and high-intensity lights. If these measures fail, the area must be evacuated immediately.
Description: ANM-126, colloquially known as "Papa Figo", is a male humanoid entity approximately 10 feet in height. Its appearance is characterized by severe malnutrition, extensive tissue degeneration, and various physical deformities caused by starvation and associated diseases (see Addendum 126.1). Notably, ANM-126 possesses a porcelain mask covering its face, with a mouth capable of opening unusually wide (up to 6 times its normal size), despite the surrounding gums being withered and inelastic.
ANM-126 is believed to have originated during the Great Dry of Northeastern Brazil in the early 19th century. It is said to embody the personification of hunger, preying upon the desperation and suffering of those affected by the crisis. ANM-126 primary anomalous effect is its ability to manipulate the health and well-being of those in close proximity, inducing famine and scurvy-like symptoms in order to lure victims.
ANM-126 modus operandi involves stalking and abducting children, typically between the ages of 5 and 12, by carrying them in a large leather sack slung over its shoulder. Once abducted inside the bag, presumed taken to a hiding place, the child's liver is rapidly extracted and consumed by ANM-126. The victim's body is subsequently returned to their parents or caregivers, often as a gruesome "gift" intended to perpetuate the cycle of fear and starvation.
ANM-126 movements and behavior are erratic and unpredictable. It appears to possess sobrenatural agility, allowing it to move with unnatural speed and contort its body in ways defying human anatomy. ANM-126 spine is notably flexible, enabling it to twist and bend in extreme ways, including a quadrupedal gait when necessary.
The entity's presence is often heralded by the chanting of a nursery rhyme: "Nick nack paddy wack, give a dog a bone, liver eater came rolling home". This recitation seems to serve as a summoning or invocation, amplifying ANM-126 anomalous abilities and drawing it closer to potential prey.
ANM-126 displays a particular affinity for targeting areas where hunger and poverty are rampant. It is speculated that this affinity may be a result of its own existence being tied to the emotional and physical toll of famine.
In addition to its physical manifestations, ANM-126 is said to possess a twisted, almost sadistic sense of humor. It often leaves mocking messages or crude drawings near crime scenes, ridiculing religious beliefs and symbols in a blatant attempt to demoralize victims' families.
Addendum 126.1 - Physical Description:
ANM-126 appearance is characterized by extreme emaciation, with visible bone structures and atrophied muscle tissue. Its skin is dry, leathery, and marred by numerous open sores and lesions. The entity's hair and body fur, if present at all, is sparse and matted.
Notable deformities include:
* Genu recurvatum, allowing ANM-126 to hyperextend its knees
* Marfan syndrome symptoms, including long limbs, arched feet, and a skeletal, almost gaunt appearance
* Partial alopecia universal, leaving patches of bald skin
* Taut, degenerated skin covering exposed bones
* Protuberant cheekbones
* Rotted teeth and sickly gums below down the porcelain mask which does not accommodate the mouth
* A tortuous, abnormally flexible spine enabling ANM-126 to contort and move in unnatural ways
The porcelain mask itself is intricately designed, appearing to be a tampered theater mask. While the mask conceals ANM-126 true features, it seems to be an integral part of the entity's anomalous nature, as attempts to remove or damage it have resulted in severe consequences for the researcher involved (see Incident Report 126-2). The entity is devoid of clothing, wearing only its mask, has no navel, with fur only more visible on the thighs and groin, which is dense enough to cover its organs.
Incident Report 126-2:
Dr. Reno had been conducting experiments aimed at understanding ANM-126 anomalous properties and potential weaknesses. During one such experiment, the doctor ordered an attempted to remove the porcelain mask from ANM-126 face using the force.
Immediately upon contact, ANM-126 body began to twitch and convulse violently. The entity let out a guttural, inhuman scream that shattered windows and exploded devices in the surrounding area. Dr. Reno hands were suddenly engulfed in flames, causing severe burns.
As the doctor fell to the ground, screaming in agony, ANM-126 ripped the mask free from its face with a single, brutal motion. The entity's true visage was revealed to be a mass of festering, necrotic tissue, with sunken eyes glowing an eerie green. In a voice that sounded like the rustling of dry leaves, ANM-126 spoke a single word: "MINE." The entity then vanished without a trace, leaving the medic to succumb to their injuries shortly thereafter.
ANM-126 has demonstrated a sarcastic and ironic behavior toward traditional religions, often using their doctrines and symbols to further his twisted purposes. In his public appearances in the cities of the northeast, the entity would often walk the streets normally, talking to residents and participating in local dances, all with a deceptive and benevolent posture that contrasted with his true underlying evil nature. This strategy allowed ANM-126 to further infiltrate communities, gaining trust and influence while ridiculing and discrediting religious dogma, paving the way for its complete manipulation and subsequent biological contamination.
Addendum 126-3 - Religious Significance:
Preliminary research suggests that ANM-126 may have some connection to Catholicism and Christian iconography, particularly the figure of the Grim Reaper. The entity's porcelain mask bears a striking resemblance to certain depictions of Death in medieval art. This potential link to religious imagery and symbolism warrants further investigation and exploration.
ANM-126 has displayed a peculiar behavior toward religions that emphasize the figure of a savior or messiah, particularly in the Catholic context. In its public interactions, the entity often used elements of Christian doctrine, such as sacred images or symbols, in a distorted and ironic way to promote its objectives. For example, ANM-126 was seen distributing pamphlets with parodic versions of Bible stories, in which Jesus and the apostles were portrayed as ordinary characters involved in mundane and ridiculous situations, losing their moral and spiritual authority.
Furthermore, ANM-126 liked to question the need for an external savior, arguing that salvation comes from within and that humanity itself has the potential to find the right path without divine intervention. These criticisms were especially directed at Catholic beliefs, which give great weight to the figure of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World.
However, ANM-126 appeared to be neutral toward pagan religions that rely on nature worship or practices derived from them. The entity displayed no hostility or intent to discredit these beliefs, likely because they did not fit the mold of a religion that emphasizes a savior figure. Instead, ANM-126 appeared to focus on destabilizing Christian and similar beliefs, using its ability to manipulate memetics and sarcasm to undermine the authority of these religions and pave the way for its own distorting influence.
When ANM-126 encountered individuals who professed Christian beliefs or derived religions, or when these people attempted to react to its presence by invoking their beliefs in some form of defense, the entity reacted with extreme and sadistic violence.
First, ANM-126 begins to physically assault the target with blunt and brutal blows, often using his hands or objects at hand in his surroundings as weapons. After that, the entity focuses on the victim's lower limbs, sadistically breaking their shins and legs until the bones are reduced to fragments.
With the victim's body already mutilated and incapacitated, ANM-126 dragged him to a secluded location and hung him in a position that strongly resembled the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The entity seemed to delight in this final pose, as if symbolizing his victory over the Christian faith and his ability to transcend and subvert religious symbols.
Date: 20/07/18██
Location: Rural town in Northeastern Brazil
Incident Summary: Task Force reported encountering ANM-126 in a remote village. The entity had arrived in the midst of a severe drought, exacerbating the already dire living conditions of the local population.
As the Task Force attempted to evacuate civilians, ANM-126 began to chant the nursery rhyme associated with its appearances. Within minutes, a group of starving children, aged 5-12, emerged from their homes and began to follow the entity. Despite the Task Force best efforts to intervene, ANM-126 managed to abduct three of the children before escaping into the nearby thicket. The remaining children were left traumatized and crying out for their missing siblings.
Event Report - Yellow: "Gift"
Location: Rural farmhouse
Event Classification: Standard ANM-126 Behavior
On [REDACTED], ANM-126 manifested at a rural farmhouse, delivering the corpse of a young woman identified as a daughter of the family [REDACTED]. The entity had previously communicated with the family via a series of cryptic messages and taunts, hinting at its intention to reunite them with their deceased child.
Upon arrival, ANM-126 presented in a colorful box with a delicate pink bow, the mangled, partially devoured remains of [REDACTED] to her parents, who were visibly shaken by the sight. Despite their horror and distress, the parents, identified as [REDACTED], showed no immediate signs of anomalous behavior or mental deterioration.
However, within 48 hours of receiving the corpse, [REDACTED] began exhibiting increasingly erratic and obsessive behavior towards the body. They became fixated on preparing and consuming parts of the remains, claiming that doing so would allow them to reconnect with their lost daughter on a spiritual level.
As the days passed, [REDACTED]'s mental state rapidly deteriorated, with reports indicating hallucinations, delusional thinking, and a complete breakdown in personal hygiene and grooming standards. Their fixation on the corpse intensified, leading to acts of praise and [REDACTED] in a desperate attempt to incorporate their daughter's essence into themselves.
By 120 hours, both parents had succumbed to complete insanity, with [REDACTED] displaying a ravenous hunger for human flesh, particularly that of their own child. Local authorities were unable to intervene due to the remote location and the parents' aggressive behavior towards outsiders.
Event Report - Orange: "Baptism"
Location: Suburban residence
Event Classification: High-Impact ANM-126 Behavior
On [REDACTED], ANM-126 launched a surprise attack on a suburban family home, resulting in the deaths of two adults and one child. The entity appeared to target the mother specifically, brutally dismembering and defiling her corpse in a grotesque display.
Prior to the carnage, witnesses reported seeing the entity enter the residence without warning, its presence seemingly accompanied by a low, pulsating hum. Once inside, ANM-126 moved with supernatural speed and ferocity, murdering the father and young daughter in a matter of seconds using its razor-sharp claws.
The mother, [REDACTED], survived initial contact but was subsequently subjected to a horrific death. ANM-126 tore open her abdomen, exposing her internal organs, and proceeded to gouge and mutilate them in a sadistic display. The entity then dragged the mother's mangled body to the bathroom, where it performed a twisted form of baptism, submerging her in the bathtub filled with blood and water.
As the family's screams echoed through the house, witnesses claimed to have seen the remaining members - [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] - enter a trance-like state, their eyes glazing over as if under the entity's hypnotic control. This phenomenon persisted even after the authorities arrived on the scene, leading to concerns about the potential long-term effects of exposure to ANM-126 anomalous influence.
Event Report - Red: "Genocide"
Date: 18██
Location: Maranhão
Event Classification: City Level Catastrophe War
ANM-126 unleashed a catastrophic event in a major metropolitan city, resulting in the deaths of approximately ███ thousand civilians and widespread destruction of infrastructure. The entity's actions were characterized by unparalleled brutality, chaos, and seemingly indiscriminate targeting of human life. Papa Figo materialized in the heart of the metropolis, its presence heralded by an ominous, blood-red mist that spread rapidly through the streets.
Eyewitness accounts described the entity as a towering, humanoid figure with skin like raw meat and eyes that burned with an inner fire. Armed with razor-sharp claws and teeth, ANM-126 rampaged through the city, attacking and killing anyone in its path with savage efficiency. The entity's movements seemed to defy the laws of physics, allowing it to cover vast distances in seconds and scale towering structures with ease.
As the massacre unfolded, reports emerged of ANM-126 targeting specific locations, including hospitals, schools, and places of worship. These sites were often the scenes of particularly brutal atrocities, with the entity leaving behind piles of mutilated corpses and evidence of ritualistic defilement.
Despite the best efforts of local authorities and emergency responders, the city descended into chaos and anarchy. Survivors were left to fend for themselves in a desperate struggle for survival, with many resorting to looting, violence, and cannibalism in a bid to stay alive, as with all of this, the anomaly also carried his extreme famine effects with him to the city.
Containment Efforts:
Foxhound was rapidly assembled to address the crisis, with personnel from multiple departments and bases converging on the affected area. Due to the sheer scale of the disaster and the entity's immense power, containment efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.
ANM-126 was last spotted departing the city, leaving behind a scene of unimaginable devastation. The remains of the victims were interred in mass graves, while the city itself has been largely abandoned due to the lingering anomalous effects and the psychological trauma inflicted upon survivors.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, the full extent of ANM-126 capabilities and the potential consequences of its actions have become chillingly clear. All survivors were given amnesiacs and interviewed, and a story involving an earthquake was invented, along with an official pronouncement from the king Dom Pedro II.
Event Report - Black: "Marriage"
Location: Rural Citadel
Event Classification: Memetic-Based Anomalous Influence, Reproductive Contamination, and Xenogenesis
ANM-126 orchestrated a memetic takeover of a secluded rural citadel, exploiting the isolated community's reliance on oral tradition and superstition. The entity seamlessly integrated itself into the local culture, manipulating beliefs and behaviors to pave the way for a grotesque series of events culminating in a twisted marriage ceremony.
Initially, ANM-126 infiltrated the citadel by posing as a wandering storyteller, regaling locals with eerie tales and half-truths that gradually altered their perceptions of reality. Over time, the community's worldview became increasingly distorted, with many embracing the entity's dark philosophies as divine wisdom.
As the memetic-based influence solidified, ANM-126 selected a young local girl, [REDACTED], as its chosen vessel for reproduction. The entity manipulated the citadel's leaders into arranging a marriage between [REDACTED] and a fellow child, [REDACTED], in a macabre ceremony that drew inspiration from ancient pagan rituals.
During the wedding feast, guests partook in a communal meal featuring the flesh of sacrificed animals, which had been ritually prepared and served in a manner evocative of human consumption. It is believed that this act of symbolic cannibalism helped to further blur the lines between human and animal, paving the way for ANM-126 ultimate goal.
Following the wedding, [REDACTED] began experiencing a rapid and inexplicable growth spurt, her body transforming into a gestational vessel for the entity's offspring. Nine months later, she gave birth to a brood of parasitic creatures resembling tapeworms, each measuring up to 30 cm in length.
These xenogeneic entities, dubbed "Tapeworm Larvae ANM-126-B," quickly established a symbiotic relationship with the citadel's inhabitants, burrowing into their bodies and manipulating their nervous systems to serve ANM-126 interests. The larvae allowed their hosts to maintain a semblance of normalcy while secretly siphoning off vital resources and influencing their thoughts and actions.
Containment Efforts:
A containment team was dispatched to the citadel, where they discovered the aftermath of the anomalous marriage and the birth of the Tapeworm Larvae. After a tense confrontation with the now-puppeted citizens, the larvae were successfully extracted from their hosts and quarantined for further study. [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], now devoid of their free will, were taken into custody for reeducation and psychological rehabilitation.
In the following months, MOTHRA Institution scientists worked tirelessly to unravel the effects of ANM-126 memetic influence and the xenogeneic biology of the Tapeworm Larvae. Experiments revealed that the larvae could survive outside their human hosts for limited periods, feeding on nutrient-rich fluids and emitting a unique pheromone that facilitated their reattachment to new victims.
Furthermore, analysis of [REDACTED]'s womb after pregnancy indicated that ANM-126 had manipulated her reproductive system, creating an environment conducive to the development of its parasitic offspring. The entity's ability to alter human biology on such a fundamental level raises disturbing questions about its true nature and potential capabilities.
As containment efforts continue, the full implications of this event remain unclear. However, one thing is certain: Papa Figo has demonstrated an unparalleled capacity for memetic manipulation and biological contamination, making it an even more formidable threat to global security and human well-being.
Logging Off
Dr. Öctavio Kalev
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princesamermaid · 6 months ago
knick nack paddy wack And givve ur dog a bone baby ...!!! i was giving some. I actually dont want to write any of these lyrics. Gross.
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thinkingabout-girls · 8 months ago
This whole thing is overrun by nick nack paddy wacks
if starvation doesn’t kill us roamers will. they’re just. roaming around out there
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my-chaos-radio · 11 months ago
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Release: April 6, 1979
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik (get up)
Get down
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Radio, video
Boogie with a suitcase
Go living in a disco
Forget about the rat race
Let's do the milkshake
Selling like a hot cake
Try some, buy some
Fe, fi, foe, fum
Talk about
Pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Pop muzik
(Jitterbug) Pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
I wanna dedicate it
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) Everybody made it
(Shoobie, doobie, do wop) Infiltrate it
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) Activate it
New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Singing in the subway
Shovel with a shoeshine
Mix me a molotov
I'm on the headline
Wanna be a gun slinger
Don't be a rock singer
Eenie, meenie, mienie, mo
Whichever way you wanna go
Talk about
Pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Lyin' in the tree
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) Einie meanie
(Shoobie, doobie, do wop) Right in between it
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) You know what I'm meaning
Hit it
Now you know what I say
Talk about
Pop muzik
Everybody talk about
Pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
All around the world
Wherever you are
Dance in the street
Anything you like
Do it in the car
In the middle of the night
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Dance in the supermarket
Dig it in the fast lane
Listen to the countdown
They're playing our song again
I can't get jumping jack
I wanna hold get back
Moonlight muzak
Nick nack paddy wack
Talk about
Pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
It's all around you
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) I wanna surround you
(Shoobie, doobie, do wop) It's all around you
(Pop, pop, shoo wop) Hit it
Pop muzik
(Jitterbug) Pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about, hm, pop muzik
Shoobie, doobie, do wop
Pop, pop, shoo wop
Shoobie, doobie, do wop
Pop, pop, shoo wop
New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop muzik
Talk about pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Now, listen
Talk about (pop, pop, pop muzik)
Talk about (pop, pop, pop muzik)
Talk about the fever
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop muzik
Talk about
Pop muzik
Talk about pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Now, listen
Songwriter: Robin Edmond Scott
Talk about (pop, pop, pop muzik)
Talk about (pop, pop, pop muzik)
Talk about the fever
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik
Do you remit?
Loud and clear-cle-cle-cle-clear
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bloodtwin · 4 months ago
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𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐠 。。。
             latest grave robbed: unprompted interactions 。
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@druidicbard ⸻ ❝ ( kinda tipsy , not really drunk , but he's blurting shit out ) ' I have another one for ya ' ( hiccups ) ' nick nack paddy whack , please give this dog a bone ----- er .... ' ( begins to back away , very slowly , learning from past mistakes , instead of running full pelt . ) ❞
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DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE put his drink down before listening to the joke Hark had to say. Unfortunately, Puck did not think to do this.
Not quite expecting the punchline to be so 。。。 uh, that, he nearly chokes to death as he tries to swallow both his drink & his own laughter simultaneously. 
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             ❝ H- hey !❞ Cough. Wheeze. He reaches forward, eyes watering, still struggling. ❝ Don't ju ⸻ ust walk away. From ⸻ your ⸻ ATTEMPTED MURDER !❞
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wastedpurity · 6 months ago
in a nerdy way i only knew the version of this old man that goes this little noun floating around names a person place or thing with a nick nack paddy whack these are english rules isn’t language fun and cool
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2treez · 9 months ago
Did you sing this as a kid..it explains below, where this song came from..
This old man he played one
He played nick nack on my drum
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played two
He played nick nack on my shoe
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played three
He played nick nack on my tree
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played four
He played nick nack on my door
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played five
He played nick nack on my hive
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played six
He played nick nack on my stick
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played seven
He played nick nack on my deven
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played eight
He played nick nack on my gate
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played nine
He played nick nack on my vine
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played ten
He played nick nack on my hen
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This rhyme is thought to relate to Irish beggars who arrived in England during the potato famine which lasted between 1845 to 1852 and resulted in one million deaths. Paddies' as they were known would sell 'knick knacks' door to door, also playing a rhythm of ‘nick nack’ using spoons, in the hope of receiving some pennies. According to the tale, they'd be given a 'whack' and sent on their way, while their dog would be given a bone.
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limpbikzit · 9 months ago
nick nack paddy wack give a dog a
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ozymoron · 1 year ago
she nick nack my paddy wack till she give my dog a bone
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mood2you · 1 year ago
My friend was talking about Jack Kerouac and I was like that's not a real guy. How on earth do you spell Jack Kerouac?
Nick Nack Paddy Wack
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buckymcbuckbarnes · 2 years ago
Ding dong, ping pong, nick nack paddy whack frick frack crick crack fuck me. I'm feral. I can't cope. This was insanely hot. The fuckin sasssss.
@grippingbeskar darlin I have found another for you.
Bucky Barnes | One Shot | My Queen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Queen!Reader
Plot: The post-battle energy rush needs a release. Suddenly, there’s a willing soldier at your disposal.
Warnings: 18+. Smut and mentions of violence.
Words: 4OOO
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“There are guests, Your Majesty,” John tells you with pity in his voice, not mentioning it because he thinks you have forgotten, but because he needs you to be aware of the important fact. If you tried hard enough, it wasn’t too much of a task to remember your duties and who those entailed, but it was a relief to have John around to remind you of such things, since you valued your duties and relations with the outside world dearly.
You glance around nervously and give him a guilty pout, grabbing the last of your belongings.
“I know, I am so sorry, but this is important. Send them a plane and I will get back to them as soon as I can,” you plead and quickly rush out of the room to the main entrance hall, John following you as you make your way to the prepared jet.
Mind occupied by making sure your small legion is armed and ready to go as you walk, you get brought to an abrupt stop when two large men block your path. Raising your head, you glower curiously at the rude interruption. As busy as you have been the past weeks, you study each and every encounter you plan, so you know exactly who the two men are.
“Captain Wilson. Sergeant Barnes.”
“Your Majesty,” Sam’s greeting is curt, yet kind. “I don’t suppose a sudden departure is part of your infamous warm welcome?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You have an awful lot of courage speaking to a queen this way,” you warn him, your tone formal before your features soften towards your guests. “But I apologise. Something important came up and I hardly think sending you into war with me is considered a warm welcome.”
The man you recognise as James Barnes lets out a humoured scoff. “Clearly, you don’t know us very well.”
Your eyes dart between the men suspiciously and a smile tugs at the corner of your mouth, hardly able to contain it at the sheer boldness coming from the men. After a pregnant pause and your legion having left the hall to board the jet, you slowly turn to John.
“John. You heard the men. Get them suited and onto the jet.” Sharing one more glance with the men, your eyes lingering on the twinkle of mischief in Bucky’s eyes, you brush past them and step onto the plane without another word.
“It’s not often a queen goes into war with her people.”
“Well, unfortunately my legions are struggling on their own,” you explain to Sam calmly.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, brows pulled together in slight worry.
“John? Could you please bring them up to speed while I get ready?”
As John takes over and shows the two heroes what their next mission will be as they serve someone else’s queen, you step over to the side and let one of your generals help you suit up. Slipping into the modern metal, rusted with nano technology, the shimmering suit glides over your body perfectly.
From the corner of your eyes, you notice Bucky Barnes losing interest from John’s briefing and your eyes lock with his. There’s a rush of heat pulsing through your body at the sheer boldness of Bucky not breaking eye contact once he gets caught staring. His eyes rake up and down the sleek suit and lock back onto yours, a knowing smirk pulling up the corner of his mouth before he drags his eyes away and turns back to his previous conversation.
Leaving you absolutely flustered and furious.
Did he just ogle a queen?
Bucky is startled enough for it to nearly show on his face when he sees the feral look you have on yours. He knows that look, has worn it plenty of times himself. Battle doesn’t quite leave your body and mind as soon as it is over. Even with your spectacular win, which Bucky knows is mostly because of your reliability and skills as a powerful leader, the raging chaos of adrenaline lingers like you have days worth of battles to fight still.
He came in to check up on you post-battle, easily slipping past your guards, to find you pacing in your blood-splattered gear around the chamber before what he assumes is your bedroom. The hall is large and decorated wonderfully, but so very empty with your restless figure pacing through it. He’s certain he can feel your energy buzzing all the way up to the impossibly high ceilings.
Having enough decency to announce himself, he gently knocks on the door from inside of the room. When you whirl towards him in your frenzy, he finds it amusing enough to plaster a smirk onto his face. “Restless, my queen?”
You huff through your nostrils. “I still have fight in me.” He knows. “I want to kill them for springing that attack on us.” He knows that too, but the gravel in your voice awakens a slumbering beast inside of him and fire starts curling around his bones.
“I think you gave them enough hell for what they did to you,” he assures you and something in your eyes seems to soften at that. You did give them hell. Rightfully so.
“But this energy–” You shake out your trembling hands to rid yourself of that restlessness. Bucky nods and slowly prowls closer, hands gliding into his pockets as he slants his head to the side to observe you.
“I know,” he acknowledges, “it takes a while to wear off.”
“How do you handle it?” you ask him, taking a steadying breath as he crosses the room. “After a fight, how do you get rid of all of that energy?”
Bucky flashes you a grin, his brows raising with intrigue and a mischievous shimmer in his eyes. “I hardly think I could speak about such methods to a sophisticated queen.”
“Sophisticated, my ass,” you snap, narrowing your eyes at the broad soldier. “You hardly felt like you had to be appropriate when you were watching me put on this suit,” you say with a scoff, ushering to the intricate metals you’re wearing.
“In my defence, I hadn’t seen you fight yet. Whereas now,” he shrugs, “I’d prefer staying in your good graces.”
“You fuck it out, don’t you?”
Bucky’s blink is the only sign of his surprise and he cocks his head at you again. “Excuse me?”
“The only way to get rid of the energy after battle is to get your dick wet,” you clarify, “isn’t it?”
Bucky chokes on a laugh, stepping even closer to you now with his hands still in his pockets, close enough to make you have to tilt your chin up. “You have a filthy mouth for a queen,” he breathes and to accentuate his words, his eyes drop to said mouth.
“I didn’t become queen by being prim and proper,” you explain with a little less fire than you intended to say it with.
“No,” he breathes, “you didn’t.”
Another restless shudder up your spine reminds you of your predicament, your thudding heartbeat not coming to a rest. You sigh, searching those blue eyes still trained on your lips. “Care to help a queen out?”
“You want to see me bow for you again, don’t you?” He smirks and finally raises his eyes to meet yours.
You can’t help but smile slightly, giving him a guilty shrug, because yes, you loved seeing him bow for you earlier as you stepped onto the battlefield. Not just that, plenty of pretty men had bowed for you. It was Bucky’s willingness and respect as he took a knee for you that was particularly invigorating. He matches your smile and takes a long second to let you take in what he is about to do, before slowly sinking to his knees in front of you, steady hands moving to rest on your thighs.
“Your people are awfully lucky to get to serve you every day,” he murmurs, looking up at you with eyes of fire and submission. That manages to make heat surge to your cheeks and ears, swallowing hard as you take in the sight before you. “May I?”
It takes all of your power not to nod too eagerly before he starts working off the buckles and belts of your suit, the nanotechnology wingmanning perfectly as the metal retreats into the hard base of the suit.
Soon, you are in nothing but your underwear. Bones and muscles are trembling beneath your skin in response to forcing your body to be utterly still. Chemical reactions are ricocheting against the barrier of your skin to make you spring apart. So much energy. So much fire and passion and fury still roiling inside of you. A heavy blanket settles over it – desire. But before you can order him to act on it, Bucky comes back to a stand.
“Close your eyes,” he mutters.
“I’m close to fighting you, Sergeant Barnes,” you promise him, showing your active restraint, but deciding to close your eyes anyway.
He huffs a soft laugh and you feel his eyes burning into your skin, a knuckle brazenly trailing over your collarbones and down the centre of your chest. “I will take you up on that another day,” he answers and your blood heats up at the fact that Bucky revels in both of those sides of you. Most men cower at your bloodlust, but not him. He kneels before it.
Speaking of him kneeling–
“I didn’t tell you to get up,” you remind him and his hand pauses.
“I didn’t particularly think it would be fair to leave you standing as I proceed to immobilise your legs, my queen,” he drawls and you snap your mouth shut. Your eyes slowly flutter open and you find him having taken a step back, holding out his hand for you to take.
Carefully taking it with a questioning look in your eyes, Bucky leads you to your bedroom like he has been there a thousand times. Slowly and deliberately, he guides you to your own bed, still fully clothed himself in those black leathers.
“I expected it to be more rough,” you admit steadily. “Fucking out that energy...”
Bucky turns back to you, hands now on your waist as he pivots you with your back to the bed, the backs on your legs touching the foot of it. “Fucking you roughly won’t do the trick,” he explains. “Fucking you thoroughly will.”
If you weren’t quaking before, this would do the trick. Your heartbeat is pulsing between your legs, hammering for attention, the seams of your underwear teasing you more than the man before you. It paralyses you, that desire coursing through your veins like syrup, makes you fall quiet. Only for a short while.
“Then do it.”
Bucky’s brows raise again, not having expected you to fold so fast. “What?”
“Did I fucking stutter?” you hiss at him. “I need you to fuck me before I explode.”
Bucky smirks at you again and you’re so tempted to smother that smirk – you have your ways. “I am not yours to give orders to.”
You restrain from rolling your eyes at him, the close proximity making you prone to holding your breath and making your words coming out strained. “I’m not going to beg for it.”
“You already have,” he reminds you, not an inch of him giving away that he might be unravelling. “And I think you will, sweetheart. I think you are seconds away from begging for it.”
As if in answer to his outrageous insinuation, a shudder racks through your bones and flashes of that wild battle make your nervous system rush to life again. It’s so frustrating, to have so much energy begging to be released.
His solid eyes and steady hands on your waist make you want to sink into him for relief. You want Bucky to tear you apart, almost similar to the way he tore apart those monsters earlier. Calculated, precise and only slightly unhinged. His fighting earlier was like a choreography your body wanted to study and practice until it can memorise nothing else. The way his muscles moved, the precise strikes of his metal arm, the focused crinkles in his handsome face, his thick thighs planting him firmly onto the ground – your ground. Fighting for your lands. For you.
My queen, he had called you. You suppose he does answer to your commands, then. But you might just beg for it. If only because it feels so tempting. To whine for his pleasure, sob for it and make him serve you like he wanted to do earlier. How awful, for a queen to want to beg for it.
“Please,” you almost gasp from holding your breath for too long.
He hums, low and deadly, his finger kneading gently and appreciatively into your soft flesh. “That’s a good girl,” he murmurs and before you can shout in outrage, he slowly dips down and presses his pillowy soft lips to your collarbone, instantly making your head tilt backwards.
His hands pull you close enough for your front to be pressed to his and your hands automatically grab his shoulders. His lips part and his tongue traces a singular line over the thinnest piece of skin on your body, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. His mouth moves up, tongue dipping in and out to raise your pulse as he suckles at your skin. Your fingers curl slightly and your body starts to nearly shake with jitters at the adrenaline coursing through you like an electrical charge.
Bucky bites down on the tense skin beneath your ear where he hums against you, the sound ringing in your head like a gong. His hands have travelled to your back, stroking up and down the bare skin until your bra pops loose with you barely noticing. You tremble with need when all you are left in are your panties and Bucky pulls away to once again sink down to his knees.
You swallow hard at his stare from below you and follow his silent command to sit down at the edge of the bed. Hooking his hands around your knees, he presses them apart and lifts one leg over his shoulder. Your fingers dig into the soft sheets with anticipation and you only break the intense eye contact to watch his tongue trace his bottom lip. He hooks your other leg over his shoulder and drags you to the very edge of the bed, getting comfortable on his knees.
“Is this where you want me?” he asks, but you don’t deign to answer him. “Kneeling before my queen.”
“Something tells me you don’t mind being there at all,” you answer tightly and his hands stroke up and down your calves lovingly. Bucky presses one kiss to your inner thighs, taking in a big whiff of air and groaning at the smell of your arousal.
“There is something about eating a meal on my knees that speaks to me,” he drawls, his eyes settling on said meal, only covered by the thin fabric of your panties. He presses another kiss, right over the damp fabric. You shudder.
“Then eat,” you bite back, scrambling to hang onto your power as a queen.
Bucky gives a wide grin, keeping his eyes on your soaking core. His hand lifts and his finger loops into the fabric, making you bite your lip painfully hard at the brief touch. He pulls the fabric to the side, spreading your legs enough for him to dive in, but not doing so yet. “That is no way to speak to your soldiers.”
Your soldier, Bucky supposes after today he is. You’re torture. Your smell, your voice, your body, the sheer power you have over him – over everyone.
Your hand finds his hair and you rake your fingers through the thick, brown tresses. Your eyes are soft when Bucky looks up to find them. “Will you take the honour of being my soldier?”
You’re genuine, he’s sure of it. Bucky can tell you’re asking him for so much more than just this. And considering his current predicament, he will consider his duties as your soldier later. Right now, he can only nod, entranced by the queen who has her legs wrapped around his head. He can only think of one duty right now and that is to rid you of all of that devastating warrior energy the only way he knows how.
Bucky buries his face between your legs and begins his feasting. Nudging his nose against your clit and prodding his tongue in and out of you. Licking every inch of your warm, wet, lovely cunt as if it’ll guarantee a place in your kingdom for him.
Sam will kill him for never returning home, but by the heavens, he can’t find it in him to care enough. Not with you tasting so heavenly and– fuck, those goddamn moans.
He was right, he was so fucking right. The slow and steady and longs thrusts make your body hiss in delight. The thorough swivel of his hips when he’s buried into you as far as possible, releases every bit of pent up energy that suffocates you. The sharp snap of his hips right as he’s about to hit home makes you shudder and sob, clenching around him every time as if you feel every thrust like the very first one.
Bucky strikes your deepest spot with each one, your hair between his fingers, your back arched to meet him and your cheek pressed into the mattress. Your eyes flutter painfully against your will, your toes curling when pleasure wraps around every abdominal muscle, your pussy spasming around him in need for release as the pressure between your hips grows to be unbearable.
The sounds that slip from your parted mouth sound inhumane. Soft and pitiful whimpers between huffs of breath. Oh God, oh God. You need him to slow down for a second, except he’s not going fast at all. He’s slow and deep and oh God, he’s so fucking deep.
You grapple for a grip in the sheets, any tether to reality slipping from your mind after every move he has already made. The last of your control, your power as a queen, slips away from you on a phantom wind, desire clouding every piece of domination inside of you. It’s all his now, you are all his now.
Within a short second, you get hauled up by your hair, arched against his heaving, sweaty chest until his mouth nips at your earlobe. Your hands grab his hips behind you, nails digging into his firm skin.
“You still there, my queen?” he coos, and you feel his grin as his mouth grazes over your neck possessively. Your answer is the harsh tightening of your nails into him and the groan he lets out makes you clench around him wantonly. “Oh, somewhere. You’re somewhere in that sex-riddled brain of yours. Losing your mind a little, are you?”
You swear you mean to speak a sentence – a word, at least – but the sound that comes out sounds like another garbled moan and Bucky laughs at your demise. He quickly presses a loving kiss to your shoulder, a deep thrust settling him so deep inside of you, you flutter helplessly around him.
“Don’t worry,” he hums, another deep thrust following as the hand in your hair slips to securely grip your throat and move your ear back to his mouth. “Next time, I will let you take the reigns. You can tie me to the bed and use me to make yourself come. I’m looking forward to it, actually.” You pulse around him and he snickers. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Prefer to have control and use the ones that serve you.” He bites your ear softly and squeezes your throat. “Oh, but you look so pretty like this. Don’t take this away from me, sweetheart.”
It's a whirlwind of emotions that rush through you at his words. You feel his desperation to have you like this seep through his ignorant confidence having you exactly like he wants you. The last of your working brain cells are screaming yes, yes, yes at his request. You’ll let him have you like this every day for the rest of your life. And it flashes before your eyes, him waking you up by slowly fucking you, hand back in your hair and lazy mouth muttering filthy things against your skin. God, he’s filthy.
Your vision is swirling as his pace picks up and blood flow to your brain is slightly limited by his grip. Ecstasy is rushing through your head and limbs with heavy tingles, and your moans raise in pitch. The metal hand bruising your hips with its possessive grip, slides between your legs and messily toys with your clit, the feeling making you want to buckle over.
“Shit!” you gasp and throw your head back into his shoulder, thighs quaking at the stimulation. Too much, it’s too much. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel every inch of him glide in and out of you with an ease and precision that feels degrading and embarrassing. Bucky’s breath is equally laboured now and his grip on you turns from possessive to desperate, like he cannot get enough of you into his hands.
“Come for me again, my queen,” he purrs in your ear, knowing what that term now does to you, and you nod blindly. Following his command blindly, unable to resist the feeling of his deep thrusts and his firm circles on your clit any longer, you let the warmth of your orgasm consume you. You tremble and shake and stiffen at his touch and he doesn’t stop. “Come on, keep coming. Keep fucking coming, baby.”
You choke out a sob, surely drawing blood with your nails as you gasp for air, for any word to make him ease up on you, but he only stops when you buckle over and your trembling form succumbs to the sheets below you. Curled up on the sheets, bearing the waves of pleasure that haunt your every nerve, you feel Bucky’s exhausted and sex-glazed eyes watching you carefully. You faintly feel the trickle of him come pulsing out of you and it nearly makes you smile.
Two hands, one scorching with heat and one a welcome cool, gently stroke up the sides of your thighs, cooing sounds coming from Bucky as he watches you come back to your senses. Lips follow his soothing touches, warm kisses being pressed to your quickly cooling skin.
“How’s that post-fight energy?” he asks softly and your eyes finally flutter open to meet his curious ones, the blue shimmering with… Pride.
“Fuck,” you pant, “you.”
He laughs, “Again?”
You breathe a soft laugh and he at last presses a kiss to your lips. If you had the energy, you know your body would betray you by lifting your head to chase his lips.
You finally let out a defeated sigh, letting the corners of your mouth lift to a lazy smile. “Thank you.”
“At your disposal,” he mutters back with slight amusement and you open your eyes again to look at him. God, he’s beautiful.
“Are you,” you dare to ask, earnest in your eyes, “at my disposal…?”
“It would be an honour.”
“That is more than I’ve ever had before.”
“The honour?”
He nods. And then leans in, his mouth brushing your ear as your eyes flutter closed again, goosebumps rising over your skin. “I will bow for you any day,” he breathes softly, “my queen.”
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proxylynn · 2 years ago
Okay...we can make...a prank call to Daniel!
Peter: Why do you get to make this one?
Lynn: Because I don't want you to scare Danny-boy away. *calling*
Daniel: Hello?
Lynn: Nick nack paddy whack, Danny want to bone?
Daniel: What?
Peter: What?!
Lynn: Peter told me to do it! *hangs up*
Peter: ...What was that?
Lynn: I panicked!
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