#PP: Dixie Land
katatty · 2 years
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“Mary! You of all people should know it’s rude to wear white to a wedding...”
“Nice to see you too, Dix. Johnny said it was no big deal. And you’’re one to talk - you’re wearing jeans!”
“Jeans can be smart!”
“And all those tattoos...”
“Oh, lay off, sis. If you wear that dress to my wedding, I’ll be so mad.”
“When is your wedding, Dixie? We’re waiting on that save the date card!”
“We’ll get to it, okay? Jeez.”
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katatty · 2 years
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Ready for the wedding! Since the venue is pretty small, they kept the guest list to a few close friends & immediate family. In hindsight, I should have kept it even smaller! Poor Jenny got stuck watching from outside D:
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katatty · 2 years
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Ophelia & Johnny both had some social wants, so I figured it was time for them to throw a housewarming party! It’s mostly old college friends.
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katatty · 3 years
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Lucy: Ricky, was it? It’s been so nice meeting you, but could you keep it down?
Ricky: Anything for a pretty lady.
Lucy: Anything? Oh, that’s good. Maybe instead of trying to play ther guitar, you could fix us up with some sandwiches?
Ricky: Of course! Sorry to disturb you.
Dixie: Bro.
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katatty · 3 years
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The party doesn’t stop when they get home, much to Lucy’s dismay. When she aged up she picked up the light sleeper trait which is already proving a bit of an ostacle in such a small student house - especially with a roommate who doesn’t even sleep!
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katatty · 3 years
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Bo gets a call from her old friend Dixie, and eagarly accepts the invitation to hang out Downtown, dragging Lucy with her. It’s a good oppotunity to scout out some marks and she does manage to snatch Ricky’s wallet. She’s a little dissapointed to see Dixie with a ring on her finger, but that’s not necessarily an insurmountable obstacle... she does love a challenge.
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katatty · 3 years
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Lucy’s in a way better mood once she’s had her beauty sleep. Hey, Dixie’s not a bad guitarist! She does kinda stink, though.
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katatty · 3 years
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Bo: Make sure you get that spot by the sink! It gets kinda gross and mouldy there.
Dixie: Ew. Remind me why I’m doing this, again?
Bo: Because we’re such good friends, and I’m very persuasive!
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katatty · 4 years
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Dixie: You’re proposing in the middle of a club, while we’re both in our freaking swimsuits?
Aldric: Shit, would you have preferred something more formal? I figured-
Dixie: No, no! This is perfect! You know me so well.
Aldric: Is that a yes?
Dixie: Of course it’s a yes!!
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katatty · 4 years
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Aldric & Dixie come home together. I’m not quite decided on what I’m gonna do with these two! Guess I’ll wait and see how they’re doing next round.
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katatty · 4 years
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Cleo: You were meant to catch me, prince charming!
Dixie: Er, sorry? I was gonna say, I actually have a boyfriend, so...
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Cleo: Right. Awesome. 
Dixie: We cool? Are you okay?
Cleo: I’m cool, babe. Only thing hurting is my pride.
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katatty · 4 years
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Dixie knows she fucked up, but despite herself she leaves Cleo’s bedroom grinning ear to ear. That good, huh?
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katatty · 4 years
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Dixie: This is just a one time thing, kay?
Cleo: Fine by me, babe. C’mere.
(Dixie had a pretty speedy changer of heart, jeez. Poor Aldric. Guess Cleo’s “klepto” tendencies extend to stealing girlfriends??)
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katatty · 4 years
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Aldric: I’ve been thinking a lot about life, lately.
Dixie: You too, huh? I keep worrying it’s passing me by, like I’m not making the most of it all.
Aldric: I know what you mean! It’s hard to balance all this “being an adult” stuff with having fun.
Dixie: Right? I mean, we could die tomorrow! I don’t want any regrets.
Aldric: Yeah, exactly! But then like, maybe we’re over-thinking it. Like, I’m still having parties, I’mm playing video games for a living, I’m still having fun with you... maybe growing up isn’t the big deal we think it is?
Dixie: Yeah, I guess you’ve got a point. Work has boring parts, but so did college!
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katatty · 4 years
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Aldric: I really love you, Dix.
Dixie: I love you too! You make me so happy.
Aldric: Yeah, I feel the same! But, uh, there’s something I need to ask you about.
Dixie: I wanted to talk to you about something, too. But you go first.
Aldric: Okay, here goes. Dixie Land...
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Aldric: ...will you marry me?
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katatty · 4 years
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Dixie: Hey, uh, sorry about before. You’re gorgeous and you’re, like, famous and way out of my league, I weren’t expectin’ you to start hitting on me!
Cleo: Don’t sell yourself short, hon. You’re not so bad yourself.
Dixie: Obviously if I was single, I-
Cleo: If you ever change your mind, give me a buzz! I live upstairs and I never kiss and tell. Boyfriend doesn’t have to find out.
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