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heart4dinner · 11 months ago
KOBENI APPRECIATION (drew this a while ago)
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elineexe · 1 year ago
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Pochis pochis pochis pochis
iG: _eline.exe_
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more-mouse--bites · 2 years ago
one suber-sized famiyeek meal with pola please
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sugar-grigri · 5 months ago
CSM 182 : snow or the power of forgetting
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the snow, eaten by CSM recently, forgotten
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the snow, the illusion that lulled Aki in his last moments
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the snow, chapter 182, where you finally put the pieces together
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what does snow mean ?
What if I told you that Denji's reaction to Yoru's ambivalence was the wrong one ?
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I'm not talking from a moral point of view, but purely from a narrative one.
What does Yoru actually do by threatening and kissing him ?
It leads to ambivalence, to a striking contrast that is unbearable.
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But life is nothing other than this same diluted contrast, this mixture of negative and positive constantly associated.
When Denji says he can't master these two facets, these dirty tricks and all the problems he has to face, that's precisely what has become his worry.
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splitting himself, splitting his surroundings, seeing obstacles as ultimatums.
All this may seem off-the-wall and crazy, or like an analysis to justify Yoru's behaviour.
It isn't.
Don't see his kiss as a kiss, but as a narrative perch for Denji to finally face up to himself
Why ?
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Dirty things are what he's always hoped for, they seemed in essence extremely positive, they were the way out of his misfortunes
For Denji, doing dirty things inevitably led to happiness.
Denji gradually realises, thanks to several female characters, that these dirty things are not all positive.
You might think that Denji really took his time to realise this...
But it's far from easy for him; for him, life was a deep unhappiness, always, with no prospect of happiness
Or rather, he couldn't see happiness
Because his conception of happiness was restricted to those dirty things
Pochita, Aki, Power, Nayuta, Denji realised his own unhappiness after their disappearance, he only realised the presence of happiness through his loss
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Because he hadn't done anything dirty until now!
Until the end of part 1, Denji is trying to rethink his vision of happiness and is trying to break away from normality, to raise his standards higher: eating steak, 10 girlfriends.
Even though he has come close to happiness, Denji doesn't realise it, because since that happiness wasn't eternal, it wasn't happiness.
Happiness remains a way out for him.
Tasting his definition of happiness, being kissed by Yoru, makes him realise that happiness has lost its meaning.
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With each kiss, Denji realises that it won't bring him happiness, because it doesn't make him happy.
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Little by little, Denji tries to get closer to something for the long term, not the moment.
That's why, he asks if "Asa" loves him.
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Can he finally taste that unchanging happiness? Never taste unhappiness again ?
Asa is his downside, her intrusive thoughts, her internal panics, her reflections are preventing her from living in the moment.
And she doesn't want to live in the moment, because she doesn't trust her instincts (when for Denji they are a way out).
Her instincts led her to save a cat, causing the sacrifice of her mother.
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But it was Chainsaw Man who made her realise that life can be excruciatingly bitter and sometimes sweet.
Inhabited by Denji, who is as lost.
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How could Denji say something as right as that crap burger if he's lost too ? Life is disgusting, it's tiring and yet we keep eating this burger, thinking of dogs, cats and ice cream.
Because Denji didn't do it.
It's Denji perfectly fused with Pochita.
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A double being, symbolically realising the ambivalence of life.
Denji was Pochita's happiness, hence her sacrifice.
Pochita was Denji's happiness, hence his unhappiness.
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The constant association of happiness with unhappiness - after all, that's all Denji and Pochita's meeting is about.
Except that at that moment, Denji had come to the wrong conclusion, talking about sex, hence the feeling of unease, and a sense of rupture in his speech. The hope of supreme happiness makes us eat this crap burger, it's true. But it won't make us happy.
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What Yoru shows, even though he's part of Asa, is that the concept of happiness and unhappiness make no sense to a devil ; they instrumentalizes them, doesn't understand them.
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So she gets hit by Asa because, damn it, this concept of happiness and unhappiness belongs to men.
So Asa takes over and says she hasn't recovered from her mother's death because this event will always seem so unacceptable and horrible to her. Bad things don't disappear.
What changes is the memories we want to bring to the fore.
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Symbolising Denji's supreme misfortune of having killed his brother to the point of vomiting with guilt.
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Symbolically, it is this same vomiting that spits out the snow.
The snow is not just a trauma.
Aki was obsessed by the memory of the tragedy of his family, who were also killed in snowy weather.
And when Aki decides to visit his family's graves, to pay his respects tragically at his family's graves
He can't do it
Because two idiots divert his attention.
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Forcing Aki to look away from the unhappiness of the past
To face the happiness right in front of him.
What Aki realised just before his death was that he had never seen happiness, or rather he had chosen not to.
Because happiness isn't there to be found, it's there, it's just there to be looked at, plunged in a pile of shit but it's sometimes there, but we refuse to consider that this thing is happiness, we can hope for more, can't we?
You have to eat this crappy hamburger, even if it means throwing up.
This is the taste of happiness.
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Back to the snow
Which you associate with Denji's sadness and Aki's death
Yet this snow fight is Aki's last happiness
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Seeing that snow again, associated with that fateful day when he lost his family
Holding that snow in his hands, and playing with his little brother, a little brother he has found again
What if this scene wasn't something he had to endure, but a choice? Aki's choice not to see, the gun held to his eyes, the choice to lull himself into one last sweet illusion, one last bandage, one last cigarette, to escape from this reality that he had always stubbornly tried to face, to escape from it.
But Denji is crying at this point.
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Happiness cannot be total happiness, it melts, like snow.
Unhappiness will always be diametrically opposed.
The fact remains that snow is this temporary oblivion, this misfortune that we take in our hands to make snowballs, this moment of fun condemned to melt, snow determines what we do with our misfortune and our happiness.
Snow represents what we decide to see.
It is the forgetting, or rather the silencing of painful memories.
To realize that the snow is cold is to realize the end of happiness, because you're not playing anymore.
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I don't like playing snowball: I don't like pretending to be happy anyway.
These memories will not disappear, but we can choose not to see them too much
The snow will remain cold, it will be condemned to melt, it is this moment, what we do with this moment.
Because if it didn't melt, no life would develop
If happiness and unhappiness were not this constant ambivalence, this intermingling of happy and painful moments, if this ephemeral aspect did not exist
Then no life would exist.
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When Denji vomits snow, it's because he realises once again the association between happiness and unhappiness that snow represents.
Disgusted by this sad reality too, of not seeing unchanging happiness, of seeing life not as a burger, but as a shit burger.
But the snow is beautiful and it won't stay.
Like these two.
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raaindropps · 6 months ago
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Stuff from my day + hgsn and csm
[ID: A digital drawing compliation festurung six artworks.
The first is a muted color view of a river, with a tree at the side. The second is Makima from Chainsaw Man, drawn in a pale blue, pointing a finger gun at the camera. The third is Hikaru from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu in the view of headlines, a white star at the side of his face.
The fourth are bubbles. The fifth is a bridge in warm light, which Pochita from Chainsaw Man is sleeping on. The sixth and final is a burger and fries
The following three photos are close-ups of Makima, Hikaru, and Pochita. /End ID]
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duhragonball · 7 months ago
Chainsaw Man ch. 86-90
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The shocking answers to all your existential dancing questions INSIDE!
Okay, so last time Makima basically laid out her true agenda, which is to either take control of Chainsaw Man's reality altering powers, or to die to Chainsaw Man in the attempt.
According to her, the Chainsaw Devil was the one even other devils feared, because when Chainsaw killed one of them, they stayed dead, instead of reincarnating. But devils in this world are manifestations of humanity's collective fear of a particular thing, so the only way to destroy a devil forever is to also destroy the very concept they embody. So in this universe there used to be a historical event called "World War II", which gave rise to a "World War II Devil", I guess. Then Chainsaw Devil killed that guy, and now World War II never happened.
Makima, aka the Control Devil, seems to be the only one who remembers these changes, and she knows Chainsaw Man is responsible for them, so she wants to take that power for herself and control it, natch.
I am not sure if she actually knows how to accomplish this. The Chainsaw Devil became Pochita and merged with Denji back in Chapter 1, and Makima seems to view this as an obstacle. Everything she's done since chapter 1 has been designed to undermine the contract between Pochita and Denji, but they're still combined, you know?
Also, Makima admits that she might lose and get destroyed by Chainsaw Man, so there's a sense of fatalism to her campaign. She's just sort of doing stuff and it's not clear if she cares if it works. She ordered Chainsaw Man to save her from the Hell Devil, and then he got cast down to Hell, and then he made it back, but then he attacked Makima instead of saving her. So I'm not sure what to make of it.
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None of this really explains why Chainsaw Man is terrorizing a fast food place in Chapter 85. I think the idea here is that Denji is taking a back seat in this merger, and now we're seeing a more "pure" version of the Chainsaw Devil, without Denji's humanity to temper its actions. It still has Pochita's desire to experience Denji's dreams, though, and Denji once expressed a desire to eat a burger, so I think this is Pochita trying to do that on his own. The problem is that the Chainsaw Devil can't talk or do much of anything without carving up everything around him.
Coincidentally, Kobeni works at this burger joint, since she resigned from Public Safety. I'm not sure she recognizes this new (old?) version of Chainsaw Man, but either way, she's too afraid of it to serve it hamburgers without tripping and dropping the order. Her boss wonders if this is all an elaborate Candid Camera bit, because... well, it probably would make more sense than what is actually happening. Chainsw decapitates him. I'm not sure if this is accidental or not.
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Kobeni finally manages to get the food to Chainsaw, who eats it, then recalls Denji's longing to go on a date. Chainsaw would like to do that too, but where would he find a girl to go out with him? Oh, there's one on his left. Perfect!
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The bigger question is: Why is Chainsaw bothering with this at all? I think the idea here is that he lacks the sapience that Denji had. Not that Denji was a genius or anything, but he would probably understand that he didn't actually finish off Makima earlier, and he wouldn't just wander off to fool around with Kobeni. Then again, maybe seeking out Kobeni is exactly what he'd do in this situation. Just about everyone else he knows is dead. Denji and Kobeni were never close, but who else has he got left?
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Anyway, he makes her dance on some arcade machine and when a Devil Hunter shows up to intervene, he kills that guy. I'm not sure he was in Public Safety or just a civilian hunter, but he had no idea what he was getting into.
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Then he just sits around on a rooftop and Makima confronts him again. I think she's been following him for a little while now, and he's finally realized it. Or maybe all that stuff with Kobeni was just him killing time while he waited for Makima to make a move.
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This time, Makima has a new squad to back her up. Some of these faces are familiar. Qwanxi, Reze, and the sword guy who was the grandson of the Yakuza guy Denji used to work for. But there's four others making their debut here.
This kind of irritates me, because the returning characters all seemed to be dead, and the implication here is that the other four were also guys we've seen before. I thought the girl was Angel Devil because of the hair and the jacket sleeves flopping around, but she's got her arms crossed and she's just wearing the jacket like a cape. And I thought the blonde guy might be the one who used the Stone Devil Power from a while back. But no, they're all new characters, yet they're presented like callbacks we're supposed to recognize.
Also, it's unclear whether Reze, Quanxi, and the sword guy are back from the dead or simply got brainwashed like everyone else. I enjoyed Reze and Quanxi from before, but this comeback is kind of weak because they're just stooges for Makima now, with no interest in their original motives.
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Makima explains this, although I'm not sure Chainsaw is really capable of understanding what she's saying. It sure seemed like Reze and the others had a similar deal to Denji, where they weren't devils or humans or fiends, but a secret fourth thing. Makima confirms that they are indeed a secret fourth thing, and the reason it's a secret is because Chainsaw Man erased that secret fourth thing the same way he erased World War II.
Except... he kind of didn't, because Reze and the others are still here. The name was erased, but they're still around, somehow. The Chainsaw Man wiki calls them "hybrids", so that's as good a name as any. Maybe that's how they survived the erasure. Devils can merge with living humans, clearly, but maybe there's more than one way to do it, and Chainsaw erased one method but not the other. These seven hybrids and Chainsaw Man still exist because they were created with that other process, and Makima isn't aware of the distinction.
Or this erasure thing is bullshit. I mean, Chainsaw Man killed the Gun Devil, right? But there's still guns. Kishibe's group shot Makima earlier today. Chainsaw Man killed the Zombie Devil, but everyone still remembers zombies. Hell, some of Zombie Devil's own zombies were still around weeks after that battle.
So is there some loophole to this? Did Chainsaw Devil's erasure power only work before Pochita merged with Denji? Is that why Makima is trying to separate them? It's the only thing that makes sense to me. She already had Denji under her thumb before, so all of this would have been unnecessary if Denji could fit into her plans.
And maybe this is why Pochita merged with Denji. Perhaps, instinctively, he realized that the hybrids are indestructible enough that they can survive erasure, so combining with Denji would thwart Makima's plans.
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I say this because Makima speaks of a battle between Chainsaw Devil, the "Weapon Devils", and the Four Horsemen. I'm pretty sure "Weapon Devils" refers to the seven hybrids under her control right now. As for the Four Horsemen, I went ahead and looked that up on the Chainsaw Man Wiki, and found out Makima is one of them. I wasn't entirely surprised to find that out.
Okay, some Bible triva for you: The Four Horsemen are not "War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death", as depicted in popular culture. The ones depicted in the Book of Revelation are actually named "War, Famine, Conquest, and Death." Conquest has been interpreted as Pestilence over the centuries, and I'm probably not qualified to weigh in on that discussion, but it's pretty clear that Makima is more akin to a conqueror than an infectious disease.
The reason it doesn't surprise me too much to learn all of this is because when Makima explained her plan to Kishibe, she spoke of using Chainsaw's power to erase other problems faced by humanity: war, hunger, and death. It seemed kind of odd to me that she name-dropped three horsemen without the fourth. I'm kind of a mark for this sort of thing so it sticks out when I see it. And it dawned on me that Makima wouldn't want to eliminate conquest because it's kind of her whole thing. So maybe that makes her the fourth horseman. Turns out I was onto something.
And I suppose Makima does sort of tie in to pestilence since she uses vermin to spy on her enemies, and she has that contract with the Prime Minister of Japan to undo her own deaths in exchange for the lives of random Japanese citizens. That's kind of like a plague.
Where was I? Oh, right. So Chainsaw Devil was fighting those eleven guys, then diapered. Makima says they couldn't find him, and that was because he had changed into an unrecognizable, near-death form. This was almost certainly Pochita, and that probably explains why the li'l guy was wounded when Denji first saw him.
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So now, Makima can pick up this battle where they left off. Well, without the other three horsemen, apparently. You'd think they'd take an interest in this business, especially since Makima is actively plotting to eliminate them.
I have to say, this battle is kind of... blah for me. Reze and Quanxi were awesome, but Makima's brainwashing just makes them ordinary, especially with five other goons using the same kind of powers. These designs are pretty decent on their own, but part of what made Quanxi work was the way she was totally nude and her arrow stuff conveniently covered up her naughty bits. Reze fought in her barista clothes and then her undies, which was also kind of unique in this series. But now everyone's in a suit and tie, and it kind of falls flat.
The concept here is stretched kind of thin, because all eight of these characters are basically the same idea: a human figure with weapons for their head and arms. Gun Fiend was basically the same deal too, so that makes nine. It reminds me of that joke about how death metal bands all have white logos written in an illegible font. There was a list of bands at some show, and the only one you could read or really notice was "Party Cannon", which had this cutesy colorful logo because it was a My Little Pony reference.
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And right now, Makima is Party Cannon, because she's literally the only one in this battle who doesn't look like a scribbly figure covered in screentone. Chainsaw defeats some of the hybrids, but the rest of them combine their attacks and Makima uses her own fingergun thing to try to drive him higher and higher into the air.
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So she's going for a Battle Tendency strategy, which I certainly appreciate, but does she seriously expect Chainsaw Man to asphyxiate up there? I mean, if it was this simple, why not lure him into an enclosed space full of nitrogen? He'd suffocate before he realized anything was wrong.
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But it's not that simple. Chainsaw just rips his own heart out and tosses it back down to the battlefield. On the way down, it grows back a new everything and I guess the old body dies or whatever.
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Once he gets back down, he snares the remaining enemies in chains and...
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Hooray, he won! Well, no. He didn't. None of this battle really mattered.
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Chainsaw goes right back to where he left Kobeni and makes her dance some more, and then Makima shows up and asks why he doesn't eat her? Wait, is that how it's supposed to work? Chainsaw Devil has to eat a devil to erase what it stands for? No, wait, it can't work that way, but we'll get into that later.
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So it's a stalemate, or so it would seem, except Makima has another card to play. Kobeni's fear of Chainsaw Man has diminished somewhat, and this is important because...
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... the rest of the world really loves Chainsaw Man. By now, news has spread that the Gun Devil is finally dead, and everyone is grateful to Chainsaw Man for finishing him off. He's a hero! But if devils get their power from humanity's fear, then that means...
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Yeah, Chainsaw Man is losing strength. All Makima has to do now is... the exact same thing she did before... and she'll win, because Chainsaw is too weak to resist.
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Well, not the exact same thing. This time she just uses Angel Devil's power to make super weapons and throws a big spear down at Kobeni. She knows Chainsaw will step in to protect her, and that takes him down. So it's over, right? Wrong.
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Remember Power? She's dead, though. Well, not quite, and Pochita asks her to help.
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A while back, Power had Denji drink some of her blood, and this blood is still inside Denji's body, so even though Power's body was destroyed by Makima, a small portion of her lives on inside Denji. That won't last for long, but Pochita proposes that she drink some of his blood, which will... gee this is confusing.
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Oh, okay, this is like how devils would eat the Gun Devil flesh to get a power boost. Power is weak, but if she eats some Chainsaw Man flesh she'll get strong enough to help. And she readily agrees because...
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... Denji is her buddy. See, this is a really beautiful moment, because the two of them were assigned to work together by Makima, as part of her master plan to build up and tear down Denji's happiness and self-esteem. But what she failed to consider was that their friendship would also change Power into a better person, someone who would upset Makima's plans when she least expected it.
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So Makima advances toward the fallen Chainsaw Man, who coughs up blood that turns out to be... whatever this is. Well, it's Power jacked up on Chainsaw Man flesh, but wow.
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Makima gets the HOT TAG and she's a HOUSE OF FIRE, but it doesn't take long for Makima to take back the initiative.
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She summons zombies to attack and I guess Makima was in control of the Zombie Devil too? All I know is that I don't like what that one zombie is doing near Makima's crotch.
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Soon, the tide turns against Power, and Makima commands her to surrender Chainsaw Man to her. Power... agrees immediately. Aw, you let Pochita down! Or did she?
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temoguy0 · 1 year ago
Now serving: Pochita burger
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vegasvagus · 8 months ago
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If I worked at Public Safety I'd resign on the spot if I saw this tbh
My question is why did he target the Ear Devil....I am assuming that it is because he doesn't want people to hear him coming via chainsaw revving??? Thus making it harder to track and attack him
...this allows him to go on a killing spree to wipe out those who have destroyed Denji's dreams....the dreams that he is required to share with Pochita as his portion of the contract. Last time we saw a Chainsaw....I remember he wanted to fulfill Denji's dream (the burger joint, date with a cute girl).
But what dreams does Denji have left???
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Now there's a funny little thing about the Famine Devil & Family burger, we've got Fami's followers eating at Family Burger, the same place Kobeni worked at when Pochita came out, when Fami got a picture of Pochita that looks really clear and would be hard to get without Pochita staying still, there's no real point to this, just some funny coincidence *insert funny cracktheory about Family Burger being important to Fami's masterplan*
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i've been thinking. we still don't know who the devil kobeni contracted is, do we? we haven't seen her use it's power at all and because she keeps it a secret, i feel like it's gonna be a big deal.
i think kobeni contracted
the death devil
how is it that of all the people from part 1, kobeni is one of the only ones left standing? how has she never died? maybe because she can't?
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like of everyone in these photos, how many are dead now and why is kobeni not one of them?
but, hadli if kobeni couldn't die, why is she so anxious and fearful?
could it be that it's part of the contract?
she has to empower the death devil through fearing it
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if pochita is actually the death devil,
than the theory makes complete sense. when he went to family burger in his true form, he didn't harm kobeni but killed everyone else: a cruel, yet efficient way to ensure that she still fears death.
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she explicitly asks for help and he is the one who appears, as if she had contracted him.
but that's not even the biggest part.
makima makes its clear that kobeni is very important in this fight
why would that be?
getting to know denji while working in division 4,
she doesn't fear him anymore
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meaning, she isn't keeping her side of the contract
but why is pochita the death devil, you ask?
makima states in this scene that
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the four horsemen? where? well in pt. 2 it's established that control is the sister of famine and war, so she's here. no clue where famine is, war could easily be any bird in the vicinity.
who's the fourth?
maybe the death devil? is pochita the death devil?
why would the control devil want the death devil to die?
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maybe bc without death all other horsemen besides her would weaken. no death? no fear of war or famine
she'd finally have full control.
so yes, i believe
pochita is the death devil and
kobeni has a contract with him
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iamthe-walnut · 2 years ago
Him being stronger than other fiends isn't that much of a reach when he's the chainsaw man + some fiends are just. Insane. Like Cosmo who is able to shove all knowledge in the universe on someone's head despite being just a fiend
Anyways, on a less story focused note, what fo the other friends/devils ar public safety think about Pochita? (Power, angel, etc)
True, true. Some fiends are pretty op
Hmm, I find it interesting to think about that Pochita remembers his old followers/friends(?) But they obviously don't anymore. Idk what to do with this concept but it's just an interesting thought to me🤷‍♀️
Power- she talks alot of smack but doesn't deliver, I don't think she has a problem (cautiously) mouthing him off but the moment he just looks at her she is immediately intimidated. Power recognizes Pochi as very strong and should not be messed with, especially with his affiliation with makima
Violence- since violence is friendly, I feel like he'll try to small talk and interact with Pochi whenever he can even though he finds it difficult to that because of Pochi's general demeanor (also cuz he doesn't talk). He finds him to be very reliable and probably has a high opinion of him based on his status with makima
Angel- he's pretty neutral on Pochita, won't talk to him unless he absolutely needs to. He does finds it difficult attempting to do that so why even bother?
Princi- tbh I don't think she has an opinion on anyone, so she has no opinion on him
Anyway, have this doodle of Pochita eating a burger, it's his favorite 🍔
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linalavender · 2 years ago
[Spoilers for Chainsaw man Part 1 (Post Anime material)] Kobeni mischaracterization rambling
So ive never really had like "comfort characters" and shows and the like but I got characters I feel like a deep understanding of and man I saw something today that was just such a misunderstanding of the character that it really upset me, Like I get why you could maybe corelate somerthing like that but it just feels so far from her character.
And while I dont wanna do a whole as writeup I can atleast do a small rambly thing: Kobeni is NOT Suicidal, Shes in a situation she hates being in, Forced into by her Parents giving her essentially the Fucked up choices of "Whore yourself out or Get a job that will most likely be the death of you" And she chose the Devilhunter career (Sidenote this is also why I fucking hate people doing lewd shit of her, or the "Kobeni in an alternate universe! xDD") But despite her incredibly shitty circumstances, She wants to live. She wants to live her own life, free from her parents, she wants to goto University. When Pochita barges into the Family Burger, if she was suicidal, dont you think she would have tried to get him to kill her, or show some kind of jealousy at her coworkers fate. She follows trough on Pochitas strange requests, Becuase she wants to fucking live.
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She wouldnt be sad about something like this if she was suicidal.
Id know.
Also sidenote, I hope Kobeni is living a nice quiet life going to a University somewhere thats far, far away from Tokyo and her piece of shit Parents
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madraleen · 2 years ago
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Chainsaw Man - Tatsuki Fujimoto Vol.10-11: A “Deer in the Headlights” Commentary (that is, I am so emotionally and mentally confused and I simply can’t look away)
-Oh, for real. Aki is dead for real. Oh maaaan :(. Maaaaaaan! :(
-It hurts to see Denji like this. I love the manga. And it hurts. I literally didn’t sign up for this, I followed Denji here, of course I didn’t sign up for this.
-I hate how well-crafted this story is. The through lines, the callbacks, I hate it (affectionate).
-Are these actual dogs. I don’t trust Miss Pink.
-How does the Control Devil feel when interacting with Denji? She must be going insane.
-Eh? Eh? We’re killing Power? Eh?! Is this real life?
-Okay. Denji killed his father in self-defense. Sounds like Denji alright.
-Wtf?! No right to wish for a normal life?! WHAT! Bitch, stop talking, you’ve destroyed him!
-We are in the dark timeline.
-I hate the lack of lil Pochita at the end of the chapters, but what can I say, it’s a great detail.
-I’m low-key in denial, I understand Aki and Power are dead, BUT CAN’T WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
-OH okay, that’s Makima’s master plan.
-Aah, Kobeni!!
-I have no idea how to feel about any of this. Interesting.
-Yes yes. Chainsaw Devil with his gut scarf sitting down for a burger, that’s a perfectly normal panel if I ever saw one.
-We have temporarily entered the sphere of the absurd. Where is this going. Sir, you have a tomato on your chainsaw.
-Gee, I miss Denji.
-Aww, Power telling Denji to find the Blood Devil and make them a buddy again :(
-Welcome back, Denji, lil bb love <3
-Ehe, and welcome back post-chapter Pochita.
-Denji has come such a long way emotionally. Remember when he wondered if he had a heart.
-So Aki and Power are just gone and I should get over it, huh. I didn’t expect it, ngl. I’ll need time to process.
-So, here’s where I’m at. I love Denji, I love Aki and I love Power. I have absolutely no idea if I’ll continue to love Denji without Aki and Power balancing and challenging him. I’m bummed about Aki and Power, and also, now that they’re dead, and Denji can’t die, I’m sort of not breathless anymore? I’m not “AAAHHH AAHHHH,” because my faves that could die have died. I do want to see how things will unfold, just in a more muted way.
-It’s refreshing to have a protag that’s just not that sharp. He isn’t a strategist, nor a critical thinker, he’s just Denji.
-Denji spit on Makima, the gall.
-Wait, so he tore off a piece of Pochita and... it regenerated as Denji? Okay...? Again, where’s the dummies version.
-Is. Is Denji about to eat Makima.
-Yes, the most sensible thing to do is, of course, to entrust to Denji the little girl that’s the Control Devil. Sounds sane. Hi, Nayuta.
-Wh... Why is Chainsaw Man a high schooler now...?
-Listen. I’m not quite excited for part 2? It feels like we eliminated so many of the things that made the story THIS story, so like... can something live up to that? But I want to like it.
-Oh God. Am I gonna be one of those people, the ‘x anime/manga should have ended after x arc’ people. Noooooo!
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toastydoodles · 2 years ago
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1.7.23 - Burger Pochita! he is. so burger shaped
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years ago
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pochita burger by kozzzy@kozzz_y
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stackslip · 2 years ago
you think im joking when i say pochita being in love with denji is what drives the plot. fools. even besides chapter 1, everything pochita does is an attempt to protect or take care of denji. he tries to keep denjis traumatic memory of his father's death buried bc he knows it would shatter him. mf is dragged back into a physical form and his messiah role by makima and he literally takes over denjis body in order to protect him, and then desperately attempts to make denji want to live again through fulfilling his wishes of a burger and a date. pochita literally offers power part of himself for her to save denji. he fights makima pretending to be denji and spits in her face when she talks poorly about his boy. pochita is a god and a figure of terror and salvation and yet his only concern at any moment in canon is denjis wellbeing and happiness. im not joking when i call the thing between him denji and makima a twisted love triangle! she's madly in love with her idealised version of chainsaw man and terribly jealous that he won't pay attention to her while being utterly devoted to this poor kid. meanwhile pochitas ideal life is literally hanging out inside denjis chest. romance
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