#POC creators
kaijucatrph · 1 month
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⟡    ◞ ˚ DAYBREAK!   ›   a psd coloring.
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dianeandlyka · 16 days
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frosty-tian · 9 months
Random Rambling/Thoughts.:
Kind of related to my last rant about representation in media, m’ pal Nuke brought up a good point as well.
While it’s good to normalise having representation in fandoms and pointing out/educating about racism, there’s another thing that can be done, and arguably better.
Look, consume and spread word on works about non-white individuals/cultures, made by non-white creators (preferably outside of America because so many medias are Americanised, no offence).
Because not only there’s a chance you’re learning about different cultures (and if you’re a fellow creator, you could slowly pick up information on how to incorporate said cultures into your works), but most importantly, supporting and encouraging these creators to make more work and help them make a living!
At least, that’s my point of view/thoughts.
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This whole Primos cartoon controversy coming from Twitter is to me just insane. On one hand I'm not too shocked because of course it's the internet also Twitter...for one thing. But also, while I might not be Hispanic or Latin American or anything of the sorts. But I swear this entire commotion on this particular cartoon reminds me of how some audiences seem to expect a lot from people of color creators to be representatives or spokespersons of their whole entire racial communities.
Like I've noticed when a creator of color does something super authentically personal to them and from their own life or upbringing within a story, there's seems to be some kind of backlash or scrutiny coming for them from some people saying that there personal experiences isn't "Good Rep" or " not realatble enough" or something along those lines. Not saying at all that proper criticisms shouldn't be given out when needed too since no one is above criticism regardless of who they are & what they are as well as not excusing poor actions & writing & such. But it's just something I've seen also noticed on how Black & Brown/Minority creators will at times get meet with extra scrutiny for creating something personal to them, more then what white creators will go through.
All in all, I just think that some people need to understand that not every person of color experiences is going to be identical to each other. Like how not every black person family life or way of life is going to be the same since we're not a monolith, same goes for any minority group of people.
This controversy on this new cartoon show that's hasn't even came out yet...Is IDK what to say except on one hand I can get also understand some people concerns & issues about this show especially when it comes to Disney at times, but on the other hand again not every creator of color experiences is going to be identical to yours, ya'll might be of the same minority community, but that doesn't mean you're experiences are going to be the same especially in terms of familial upbringing and were you where raised and so forth.
Either way I'm still kinda interested in this Primos show and curious to see if it's turns out to be actually decent or not and if the issues I've learned about on it (in terms of poor stereotyping and not-well done research on the culture & language & such) will be worked on and resolved.
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apollopng-blog · 2 years
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afrogirl3005 · 2 years
Hey you guys
Hey y’all I find myself in an interesting position, I have been given a platform to disscuss the issues and I wanna do more video essays but I don’t know how people will react to them. I don’t want to be discorage from doing something i might fall in love with. Help.
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hungry-hyena · 1 year
out of curiosity went to look at my old tiktoks and it was crazy bc as soon as I opened a video id see it with the likes it had last time I checked then change to a lower number 3 seconds later. it did this for every old video I opened. specifically the ones that did well.
does anybody know if tiktoks just removes old likes or does the like of an account that got deleted disappear?
cuz I remember a lot of my followers were other black creators and tiktok moderators basically did a purge on most of our accounts during the BLM protests
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writingwithcolor · 9 months
Diversity Win: Is "Crazy Rich" POC Representation Necessarily Empowering?
sodapopsculptor asked:
I’m writing a story with two sets of protagonists: A trio with a Black girl, a Latino, and a Vietnamese-American boy who all come from middle-upper class to ridiculously rich families, and a pair of white working-middle class sisters. They’re all heroes of this story. I’ve seen way too many rich white people and poor poc people in fiction, and I’m kinda getting sick of it, but I’m worried that by having the poc kids be rich and the white girls not so much, I’ll be reinforcing the idea that poc somehow rule the world. The only time the rich kids use their status as leverage is when the Asian threatens to sic his cop dad on a bully (race unstated but I imagined him as white) picking on a freshman, and during the Black girl’s birthday party, when she pays the biggest jock there fifty bucks (And later says offhandedly that it was just what she had in her pocket) to chase off a creep hitting on her.
OP, have you ever seen the “diversity win!” meme before?
I understand that your motivation for these narrative choices is to give POC a chance, if you will, to be the rich characters. But it is evident from this ask that you have not asked yourself what this entails. I want to ask you to critically examine the race and class intersections you’re creating here, as well as these kids’ roles in oppressive systems.
You explain that these rich POC are heroes and only have righteous reasons for leveraging their power.
But is your Black girl character aware of the potential disciplinary and/or legal consequences her jock accomplice might face while she has the resources to keep her hands clean? Are you?
Is your Asian character aware of how much of an abuse of power it is to “sic” a cop on someone, and the sheer amount of harm a criminal record or incarceration does to a juvenile with behavior issues? Are you?
So you want to put POC in positions of power for #representation.
Does it resonate with the group you’re representing?
Do you research and portray the unique ways race, ethnicity, class, and majority vs. minority status come together?
Or are you putting these characters in oppressive hegemonic roles for the sake of a power fantasy, on behalf of a group you're not even in?
To your question, you're not reinforcing the idea that "POC rule the world" because such a generalized belief does not exist. Instead, you're reinforcing:
The idea that society has “winners” and “losers.”
The idea that the problem with disproportionately powerful people is the lack of “equal opportunity” as opposed to the power imbalance to begin with.
The idea that those in oppressive positions of power need only have the right intentions to justify their use of it.
To be clear: that is not to say that you can't have jerk aristocrat billionaire millionaire crazy rich POC. Evil or mean rich characters are fun! I have some myself! You can even have rich characters who are gentle-hearted and well-intentioned, but you have to know the ways in which they’re privileged and decide how aware of that your characters are. That’s no problem.
But if you think that wealthy and powerful POC would have the same values and priorities as their poorer counterparts, you’re deluding yourself. There’s a reason why the quote “power corrupts” exists. There’s a reason why no matter where you look on the globe, there are historical dictators and tyrants.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
~ Rina
I fully agree with Rina, and truly want to emphasize the last paragraph.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
I don't think you need to aim to subvert or purposely make all the BIPOC rich and powerful and the white people poor and suffering. Add diversity and include upper class rich and class privileged BIPOC, sure thing! And you can avoid your fears of intentional subversion message by including rich and powerful white characters as well, even if they're not the focus of your story. Just their existence helps. You could also include middle-class characters of Color as well.
More reading: Black in upper-class society
~Mod Colette
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hadesoftheabyss · 1 year
"We need more gay ships that include people of color!"
The Spiderverse Fandom: does that
"Actually no, don't do that. In fact stop touching people of color and forcing themselves into gay ships!"
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yuheartss · 7 months
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Summary - Saiki vs Teruhashi who wins? If im motivated enough I’ll probably do a pt 2
𖦹 wc - 1424
𖦹 warnings - mentions of death , sorta yonder behavior??
𖦹 a/n - Saiki and Teruhashi probably don’t seem like theirselves right? That’s bc I kinda based this off secret alliance ehehe I had no real idea what this one ws abt so..
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There were eyes staring at the back of your head boring into your very soul you shifted uncomfortably in your seat trying to tune into the teachers lesson you tapped on the beads that hung onto your braids your staring at me …again you thought as you stopped tapping on your beads you began to write whatever the teacher wrote on the board once you were done you looked behind your shoulder for a split second
From behind you you heard shifting “no I’m not” he responded a little defensively to which you chuckle softly to yes you are I can practically feel your eyes piercing my brain you exclaim in your mind while imagining lasers poke into your head you hear him huff then the teacher dismisses the class for lunch you turn around in your seat to face saiki “guess what I’ve got for ya” you said trying not tho think of what you got him
“You got me a coffee jelly?” His eyebrow raised as he guessed correctly “yes, as always your correct” you replied pulling out his jelly and your lunch “I was at the store this morning and thought of you so here we are” he nodded with the slightest faint of blush unnoticed by you “thanks” You both ate in a comfortable silence enjoying your respective meals occasionally you would ask him a question or two and he would respond with a simple answer or a sarcastic remark
Then from the corner of your eye you saw teruhashi staring at you two she looked like she was jealous but also hurt? her glow didn’t shine as brightly it made you wonder what was going through her head you gave here a small wave and her way too bright glow shines once again as she waves back with a smile now the two of you are stuck in this awkward wave across the room how did we get to this? you chuckled awkwardly reminiscing in your thoughts
“Put your hand down” Saiki told you with a hint of amusement almost finished with his jelly ‘s not that easy your arm is starting to hurt you groan softly and try to look anywhere but Teruhashi but no she kept staring at you and sometimes at Saiki speaking of Saiki he rolls his eyes and puts your and down himself “that wasn’t so hard was it?” You break away from Teruhashi’s stare to glare at him “easy for you to say, you don’t care if she likes you” Saiki frowns
“And you do?” He sounded a little hurt compared to his normal monotone it was only a small difference but you noticed it , that made you pause and think “well…no but.. ugh you know what I mean!” You tried to change the subject but that same frown resided on his face that was until Kaidou and Nendo came over loud as always Saiki’s frown deepened as he sighed then others, your friends, started piling up over you two theres no telling when Teruhashi was going to be in this bunch
“Hey guys i reallyy appreciate all of you being here but class is about to start and the teacher will be back soon” you told the group of friends there was a slight moments where they gave you skeptical looks but agreed “yeah your right” “yep” “talk to ya after class!” One by three they all went back to their seats and the teacher came in thank you god! You thought intertwining your fingers together and bowed your head
The teacher left once again to get more worksheets Teruhashi took the opportunity to walk over to your desk in the prettiest humanely possible her slow walk to your desk made you feel like you were in some kinda k drama she gave you a small smile “hey Y/n do you have and extra pencil?” You stare at her for a bit “yeah..yeah I do hold on” you turn around and dig into your bag and bring out a mechanical pencil with a green lollipop charm on the side
“It’s so cute! Where’d you get it?” Teruhashi beamed playing with the lollipop charm “the farmers market” you replied “it’s one of my favorites actually” the blue haired girl blinked in your direction “oh really?” She takes your hand and squeezes it “then I’ll take good care of it!” Your face heats up as you look away from her “yeah okay..” after those words leave your mouth a snapping sound came from next to you you and Teruhashi looked over at Saiki or what he was holding to be exact
He gripped onto a no.2 pencil so tight that it snapped in two he looked down at his hand and quickly hid the pencil away his gaze went up to your hand that was still in Teruhashi’s “my pencil broke” was all he said still giving the both of you and Teruhashi’s hands a hard stare “do you..want one of mine?” You asked slightly amused by his expression he nodded and you pulled your hand away from Teruhashi’s once again you reach into your bag to grab another mechanical pencil this time with a coffee jelly keychain
“I meant to give this to your earlier, had it commissioned justt for you” you smile as you hand him the pencil now it was his face that heated up but just barely “thanks..” you smiled a little brighter unnoticing Teruhashi’s frown “well! I’m gonna go now, thanks for the pencil! Byee~” she said in a sing song voice while she walked back to her desk you waved back and turned to Saiki laying your head on his desk
“Man I’m soo tired.. when’s the teacher coming back?” You asked him closing your eyes in the process “get your head off my desk” he replied with the most annoyed expression known to man “and he’s not coming back” your head went up abruptly almost smacking him in the chin “why what happened??” You asked almost concerned Saiki dismissed your worried look with a simple sentence “it’s almost the end of the day” your eyes widened “really? He nods once and you check your phone
“Then why are we still here..” your voice drifted furrowing your eyebrows in confusion your attempt fixed on the ruffles of his back as he packed his things and stood up “what are you waiting for? An invitation?” You sighed heavily packed your things as well and stood up “the treatment I get…” you shook your head and walked out with Saiki you both got too the stairs before Teruhashi came skipping over
You heard saiki audibly sigh “oh hey Teruhashi..what are you doing… ?” You greeted squeezing your bag hook nervously “you’re leaving right? I was on my way out too!” She clung onto your arm as you both walked down stairs almost completely ignoring Saikis presence behind the two of you she led you and Saiki mostly you towards the shoe boxes Teruhashi separated from you to go take off her uwabakis as you and saiki did the same
From a distance saiki gave Teruhashi the biggest side eye with furrowed brows if looks could kill she’d already be dead once he had his shoes back on he stood next to you “why is she with us? He asked a little irritated by her presence it was supposed to be the two of you together! Don’t get him wrong he knows the reason why she’s here but he needed to hear from you why she was here “well..she wanted to tag along so..o guess i couldn’t deny her? She’s Teruhashi!” You muttered
“I do really wish it was just us but you know..” you shrugged your shoulders making some of your beads roll off your shoulders and dangle from your back “I’m back~!” Teruhashi popped out of nowhere startling you she went right back to clinging onto your arm as you three walked outside the building “do you really want her here?” Saiki asked you his voice almost unsettling as he stared at the back of Teruhashi’s head
“Do you need her here?” He kept talking his voice echoing in your mind as you thought about Teruhashi’s place right now what are you gonna do to her? There was a slight pause Saiki thought an his words carefully as to not make you panic of worry knowing that once he and Teruhashi were alone he could get rid of her…using a new magic wand “I can make her leave..”
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kaijucatrph · 2 months
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⟡    ◞ ˚ THE LICH QUEEN!   ›   a psd coloring.
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jesncin · 3 months
Saw this and immediately thought of your wholesome Superman rework. 🏳️‍⚧️
aaah I'm put in an awkward place when folks send other people's fanart and I...don't like it 😅 like traditionally it's fandom etiquette to just scroll away when you see fanon/fanart you don't like, but when I'm put on the spot like this and have my work directly compared to it...welp.
While it's nice to see more recognition to possible queer readings of marginalized supers, I'm wary of how mainstream queerness has been used to pinkwash adaptations of the more racialized aspects of the character in question. Superman is an allegorical analog for a white-passing Jewish immigrant, but in MAWS those themes are universalized to being just "different". There's a whole episode where Clark's marginalization is likened to that of a gay couple, and how he's forced out of the closet because having boundaries and privacy hurts his friends' feelings. Never once in the show is he likened to immigrants or people of color who experience xenophobia.
I haven't watched X-Men '97, but I do find it troubling that Sunspot- whose very origin involves him experiencing anti-Black violence- has his marginalization likened to just queer struggles. A non-Black actor has yet again been casted to portray him. Just another example of how Sunspot in particular has been gradually getting whitewashed in new takes. It's just with queerness now too.
I think this is why it kind of gets to me when people read my "wholesome" Superman-comic-about-losing-parts-of-yourself-to-xenophobia as a trans allegory. It's like whitewashing via pink kryptonite.
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ivydoomkitty · 3 months
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Jinkies! I'm back! 🧡❤️
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baesujiz · 11 months
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by clicking here, you will be redirected to #624 medium size, hq gifs of suzy bae in the show doona! (e01-03). all of these gifs were made by me (@baesujiz) from scratch, so please do not redistribute as your own. you may edit them into gif icons, crackships, etc. as long as i am credited. please reblog if you plan on using these. enjoy !
FEATURING : sejeong yang, other side characters WARNINGS : collapsing, drowning, smoking, eating, hospitals, alcohol consumption, flashing lights
check out my commission info here !
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dykeofmisfortune · 10 months
Somerton's misogyny and lesbophobia was fucking blatant and the fact his fans didn't care / notice until a man made a video on it is abhorrent. That IS a problem, people NEED to do better or else bigotry towards women will only continue to be accepted! Lesbians were calling this loser out for years and no one cared!
hey. as a lesbian who watched somerton's videos you have to understand that it wasn't "fucking blatant" and it was embedded between smart (stolen) points in the structure of the argument, and was given fake "evidence" to prove it --- something hbomberguy specifically shows with every example. i personally always noticed that it was weird and it was always a critical point when watching his videos (and also uh, side note but you shouldn't primarily go to cis white men for good takes about feminism and the lesbian experience anyways --- like, you should be watching a diverse intake of thought from underrepresented creators and understand that the cis/white/male perspective will always be limited because it's not universal)
to many, though, it for sure didn't register as a pattern of behavior until the instances were laid out. saying that audiences were "abhorrent" for "excusing" it just shows a complete lack of sympathy, because again: the pattern of behavior was the problem, and rhetorically each individual instance was relegated to enough plausible deniability where it slipped by most audiences who were probably watching the video in the background while they folded laundry or something. when bigotry is shrouded under the guise of fact, it takes on the affect of truth and abuses the viewer's trust in the creator. sure, media literacy is a huge problem, and i've written and researched so much into that, and yeah yeah audiences should "do better." the reality is though, putting the blame on the audience feels a little misogynistic in itself, bc you're just shifting the blame from the literal people who need to be blamed for practicing bigotry --- cis white men with a large platform.
the real thing u should be saying here is to call for a diversification of one's media intake, but no -- let's blame the audience for getting lied to, instead of uplifting female, queer, trans, poc, etc voices. the only way people "need" to do better, imo, is listening to those people instead and seeking multiple perspectives.
like y'all, let's retire this very new narrative that all james somerton fans were evil misogynists who willingly supported this and need to be destroyed. really most people who watched his content were younger queer people genuinely interested in queer media analysis, film theory, and queer history, probably excited that a long video essay was dedicated to their favorite show/movie/etc, and lets not pretend this wasn't disappointing for them as well. can everyone like chill out.
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clouds-by-me · 1 year
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𝓞𝓱 𝓽𝓸 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱, 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻
Chapters; [Nav] Part 1[Clear skies] [Next] Warnings; Cult themes{if you squint}, mentioned abandonment An|This lil series is based on my idea for sagau which you may find here
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High above the sky, a being descends into the world. From a golden star they fly, everyone across Teyvat can see the shining glow the star makes. And everyone stops and stares in awe as they began to realize what this could mean for their world.
Joy, absolute joy fills every human and humanoid soul in Teyvat.
"The creator! They have returned! May our creator bless our souls and being of the day!" Excited cheers and chants course throughout the land as they watch the star that was believed to be their beloved creator who textbooks and stories told of.
One of the many upon millions of souls who caught a sight of the marvelous glow was a bond traveler and their short white haired traveling companion.
"Look Traveler! The creator has descended!" The shorter flying friend cheered as she pointed to t he star. The traveler looks to their friend with a raised brow and a clearly confused expression on their face.
"The creator?" They ask "Paimon how come I’m just now hearing of this creator person?" The traveler asks as the two walk on a grassy path. Paimon looks to her traveling friend with such a disrespected face and looks as if she could strangle her clueless friend on the spot.
"Paimon has told you about The Creator! Remember? All the stories about our Creator ascending from our world and it's prophesied for them to return on a bright glowing star that will brighten Teyvats sky the same way the Sun would? Have you not been paying attention to Paimon?" A sense a guilt washes over the traveler as they look over their friends pain stricken face.
"Of course I've been listening to you, Paimon. I just...forgot. Yeah...I forgot." The obvious lie satisfied Paimon enough for her to believe her companion as she sighed.
"Paimon just doesn't understand how you don't know who The Creator is! Paimon hasn't been the only one to talk about them... " The Traveler just shrugged their shoulders stepping over a fallen branch that more likely than not, fell from a large tree.
"Well then Paimon will tell you about them again, what kind of travel guide would Paimon be if Paimon knowingly let you not know who The Creator is? " she paused for a moment looking to see in which direction the star was landing. The star was going East, while they were moving West, and deeper into a grassy land.
Long, long ago a being floated in the sky, all alone and with no one to share any company with. They were something that most would assume was lonely. So to fill the whole that the emptiness left they made somewhere to call home, a land that was large and vast, one that had its own design and could make its own destiny. They made elements that would reside in the world, each of which would reflect a different emotion and feeling of theirs. However, though they made many, they knew that only some would last the longest. Content. Wrath. calm. Loyalty. Happy. Wretched. Tired.
They lived on the world they made with their own feelings beside them, but for some reason they still could feel that empty feeling that wouldn't be hugged away. So they thought to make something else. Something that wouldn't be entirely like them. They would make humans that would be similar to them, but none would look like them. And so that's how the people of Teyvat was made. From there they lived on Teyvat with their creations, everything was peaceful. They were loved and worshipped. The people of Teyvat built them their own sanctuary with a throne made of Gold and and other shiny or prized items. Shrines and statues of them were made and regulatory were prayed at. Offerings were left for the Creator aswell. Their own emotions had chosen successors which would be known as Archons. The world was at peace. Then, on a day that seemed too dark and gloomy to be true, the oh so great Creator disappeared. Seeming to have been wiped from the face of Teyvat. The only thing left from them was a hand written note that said; To my dear world, one that I will always be with. I will return soon. Please do not miss me to much for I won't be gone forever. When I return, I will come from the sky, on a bright star. And a week exactly from my return it will be my birthday, so please be well prepared. This is not goodbye for I as your Creator will always be watching over you. All of you, my darling creations. With much love, Creator After they left the world became something anew. Became something so different from when they were here. The change caused wars to brake out, Teyvat to shift. Now no more then seven centuries pasted to make Teyvat into what it is known as now...
"And so the land of Teyvat grew independent, longing for the day our Creator would return..." Paimon concluded the story. The took a few seconds to process all the information they'd just been given. Just as the traveler opened their mouth to speak their ears twitched at the sound of a soft yet raspy voice. The voice gave the traveler a greeting without introducing themselves and calling the Traveler by their name. This made the blond quite confused. Hearing their own name after had been called by their title for so long felt foreign to them.
"Who are you? Show yourself." The Traveler demanded. Paimon looked at the Traveler with questioning gaze. "Uh, Traveler?... Who are you talking to? Did you hear something?" Panic began to course through both of their bodies. Who was this Traveler hearing?
Were they even hearing anybody?
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