#PL600 x reader
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all-gummed-up-inside · 2 years ago
Yandere!PL600 that sees that your sleep schedule has changed drastically and tries to help by slipping pills into the foods and drinks they prepare for you.
Yandere!PL600 who constantly calls and texts to make sure you’re doing okay whenever you leave without telling them, even if it’s just to check the mail.
Yandere!PL600 who hates the thought of you talking to anyone else, android or not. They hate your friends so much that they’ve started stalking them online to find ways to make you dislike them.
Yandere!PL600 who starts stress cleaning the second you leave the house, you’ve started muting their texts and calls during work because of how disruptive they’ve become.
Yandere!PL600 who has begged you on multiple occasions to stay home instead of going out with friends because they feel ‘lonely’ as if they don’t spend 90% of their day around you already.
Yandere!PL600 whose taken up everything that you could ever need done, from taking your pets to vet appointments if you have any, to even more sexual problems. They need you to know that they’re the only person you should be relying on.
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lady-vixen-17 · 2 years ago
Lavender Haze | Part 1 / Simon x Female Reader
A/n: Pre game and game moments :) an AU obviously. This is a heft two shot at whooping 3317 words to make up for being gone for so long. Part two is being written as we speak. And I guess I’m back in the DBH fandom ❤️ Simon has me in a choke hold still
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A coping mechanisms.
These were the words often used to refer to the relationship Y/n had with her Android, with Simon. He was gifted to her by a few friends and family, a few weeks after the passing of her father. Someone to take care of her while she tried to continue with everyday life.
Simon although slow to being warmed up to was someone Y/n was grateful for. A twenty four hour should to cry on. He made the bad days a little more bearable, made the darkness that surround a little less dark. Brought something to look forward to coming home to.
Biting her cheek she hugged her pillow tighter to her body, eyes shutting as she tired to force sleep once more. The world has artificial intelligence... but it still doesn't have a cure for cancer. What ever will get people more money. Treatments cost money, and that's all the greedy want. People who want to be cured have to go for multiple treatments, that might not even work, if a cure was made... they wouldn't make as much money. Y/n shifted herself up, her head resting on her headboard, the cool wood easing the feeling of wanting to cry for just a moment. Closing her eyes with a sigh Y/n waited.
She wasn't sure how much time had passed before the sound of pots being moved echoed through the room. Y/n opened her eyes, attention shifting to the door; light illuminated from the bottom before two small shadows appeared in the light. Y/n stayed where she was waiting for the inevitable knock from her Android. From Simon.
A soft knocking soon echoed through the room. "Y/n?" Pushing the blankets off herself Y/n got up, her feet bringing her to the bedroom door before she opened it and stepped forward to wrap her arms around the blonde Android. "Bad night?" A hand rubbed Y/n's back gently and she let out a quiet 'yeah'. "I'll make some pancakes while you go take a cold shower." Y/n hummed before she pulled herself away from the PL600. "Are you telling me I stink?" The android chuckled before reached forward to tuck a piece of hair behind Y/n's ear. "Maybe just a little."
"Simon!" The blonde smiled and nudged Y/n in the direction of the bathroom. "It will help bring your blood pressure down, and a little extra endorphins never hurt."
And so Y/n went to the shower, her back on the door as she eyed the pyjamas on the counter top. Shaking her head Y/n let a smile pull at her lips as she stepped forward, slipping her clothes from her body and stepping forward.
-skipping most of the shower-
A knock echoed off the door and into the bathroom followed by Simons voice. "Can I come in for a moment?" Y/n swallowed thickly her hands dropping from her hair as she looked in the direction of the door, hidden behind the non transparent shower curtain. "Door's unlocked." The door opened near silently and Y/n peaked out from behind the curtain. On the table top were two towels. "Fresh from the dryer." Simon spoke from kneeled on the ground in his hands Y/n's discarded clothes. "Simon it's okay I can do my own laundry." Y/n's eyes followed Simon as he stood up with a smile, his eyes on her. He stepped forward, his hand reaching forward to cradle Y/n's cheeks. "I'll take care of everything, just get dressed, food will be ready in five minutes." Y/n leaned into Simons touch with a sigh, her eyes closing in defeat. "Thank you Simon" Simon pulled his hand back, his LED circling yellow as he distanced himself from Y/n. "No need to thank me it's my job after all."
Without another word Simon turned and left the bathroom, door closing softly behind him. Y/n watched the door a moment longer before she pulled her head back into the shower. She stood for a moment, head down and eyes closed as cold water continued to pelt the top of her head.
Turning the shower off Y/n wrung her hair out and stepped out, her hand grabbing the smaller of both towels. Stopping when she realized the warmth that radiated off the towels. A small smile pulled at her lips as she wrapped her hair and grabbed the bigger towel and wrapped it around her body. She stood quietly for a moment basking in the warmth of the towels after being cold for so long in the shower.
Once the towels cooled she dried herself and pulled her pyjamas on, leaving the towel in her hair to continue to soak up the excess water. Putting her body towel in the laundry basket in the bathroom Y/n pulled the towel from her hair. Water cascaded down her neck slowly from the water still dampening her hair. Opening the door she left the bathroom. Towel in hand.
Y/n rubbed her hair dry with the towel as she walked towards the kitchen. The sound of a plate being placed on a table was all she heard before she felt hands taking the towel from her hands. "Feeling better?" Y/n looked up at the blonde and hesitated before nodding. Y/n closed her eyes when the towel was placed on her head again and Simon was gently hand drying her wet hair.
"Simon" the towel was pulled away and Y/n's hair was moved from her face. "Thank you" I looked up to the blonde once more and he smiled. "How many times do I have to tell you you don't have to thank me for anything." Leaning forward Y/n wrapped her arms around the blonde "I thank you everyday because I don't know what I'd do without you." When Y/n didn't feel arms wrap around her in return she looked up once more. Her eyes instantly landing on a blinking red LED. The blonde blinked and smiled at Y/n before leading her to the table. His hands lingering on her shoulder a moment before he moved them to the chair. "I'll clean up the kitchen." Y/n shifted her gaze, eyes on the blonde. "Sit with me?" Simons gaze shifted from the kitchen to Y/n, his movement frozen mid step.
"Come on Simon ignore your programming, just for a little" Simon's led circled red before he pat the back of the chair with the hand still lingering. "The dishes can wait"
Simon shuffled to the other side of the table, a smile gracing his lips as he took a seat. "What did you do while I was gone Simon?" Simon hummed quietly, leaning forward, his elbows on the table supporting his weight. "Well I started watching that one series you like, so we could talk about it" Y/n smiled at that little bit of information as she took a small bite of food.
Their days continued undisturbed, falling into a different routine, one where Simon could decide what to do. When to do it and his own personalized dialog that didn't take days to obtain, that weren't programmed, things that he wanted to say. Y/n was the first to notice, the way Simons voice subtly changed when he talked about something that interested him on the TV.
They way his hands lingered, dotingly.
Especially the day his smile gained its own individuality.
She found it endearing to watch.
With the new individuality that Simon had gained however, Y/n's brain seemed to struggle to differentiate Simon from another human, and when his attention turned fully to her she found it increasingly hard to suppress the irregular beating of her heart.
Y/n sighed, leaning forward her hands resting on the couch on the outside of Simon's thighs. "You need to stop, you're making my standards way to high for my own good" blue eyes observed Y/n's movements closely, LED circled red. Simon swallowed thickly, his jaw clenching as he tilted his head down, eyes closely analyzing the movement in Y/n's hand as she lifted it to cradle his cheek, thumb caressing synthetic skin adoringly... lovingly. Love?
Simon knew about the word, definition and all, he was an Android after all. And he understood it from the movies and television shows Y/n made him watch. He read it in the books decorating the bookshelves of Y/n's apartment. He saw it written painfully obvious in the photos of him on Y/n's phone.
He was in love.
It was a troubling thought that clawed at his bio components, disrupting the circuits and processors within his synthetic body. Uprooting what little he understood about the world, his life. Life? Simons head tilted as his gaze shifted to look into Y/n's eyes. His life? But he wasn't alive. No he wasn't; he was an Android. An android that wasn't alive. That didn't love. That's didn't feel.
But Y/n's hand on his cheek was welcomed, warm and comforting.
Comforting? No he was an Android, he wasn't supposed to feel comfort. Right? His Thirium pump stuttered and a warning flashed over his vision as he leaned into Y/n's hand, eyes closing as realization hit him like a sack of bricks. Jolting his components in a feeling he wasn't familiar with.
Upon the realization he had tried self repairing himself.
That was when the software instability warnings appeared; he tried everything repair the program instability but nothing worked. Despite his inner turmoil he still found himself smiling to himself as Y/n leaned forward, her arms wrapping securely around his neck.
Even with the brain that Simon possessed he couldn't figure out what to do, or say with Y/n's warmth radiating so warmly over him. Was this what it meant to be human, to not know what to say or do even if your body knew what it was supposed to do. Slowly Simon moved his arms, wrapping them desperately around Y/n's frame, dragging her impossibly closer as he nuzzled into the warmth of her neck, lips grazing over exposed skin in an ambivalent manner as he spoke shakily.
"Let me have this moment, just one where I don't need to pretend"
Following that night Simon had distanced himself from Y/n, busying himself with the household chores, making nothing into something as he tried to forget. Forget the feeling of Y/n as she pulled away from him. Forget the curious look that glazed her eyes. The way she smiled and leaned forward, lips purposely pressing themselves to his-
A glass slipped from Simons hands as his body tingled in electric sparks. Phantom lips burning at his cheek and hands warm on his neck.
Standing in the kitchen, alone, he ran a hand over his face, a frustrated groan leaving his lips. Stress levels spiking up as he remembered the feeling of lips shyly ghosting slowly over his his neck in slow peppered kisses. His hands pulled at his hair, jaw grinding in aggravation. His hand pulled back and he slammed a closed fist against the side of his head, eyes closed as he kneeled to the ground. Head held between his hands.
"You've changed" Y/n's voice was so clear in his head he could have sworn if he didn't know this had already happened she was with him this very moment. "Is that good or bad?" phantom warmth spread over Simons body. "It's in a good way..." Simon threw his head back hitting it against the cupboard harshly, his eyes being thrown open as he pushed himself to stand. His sight swarmed with stress level warnings.
87% flashing in an ambient light in the space surrounding him as he pushed himself towards the storage closet containing old clothes.
His hands harshly hit the wall as he stumbled over his own feet. 89% flickering behind closed eyes as he blindly tore through clothes, before he found a sweater to pull over his Android uniform. The distant smell of Y/n and her perfume lingering, woven into the material. A calming sense of familiarity washing through him like a tidal wave of saccharine. Numbers drastically dropped back to a point where his brain could think. Like he wasn't being suffocated and drown by his own self destructive thoughts. Taking a breath Simon looked down, eyes lingering on sweater shirt he had grabbed in his blinded stress frenzy. Detroit University. It was a sweatshirt Y/n had gotten the year she dropped out of school for grievance.
"How do I say goodbye to someone who's been with me for my whole life..." the time flickered over his vision, two hours until Y/n would return home. Two hours to leave. Looking at the box of forgotten clothes Simons eyes drifted to a brown worn down leather jacket. A jacket she had picked up at the thrift store when she joking told Simon she'd get him his own wardrobe. Back when he was bound to a program. Throwing the jacket on Simon shifted through the box searing for a hat or beanie. Something to cover the constant glow of yellow radiating off his temple.
"Simon, I'm home!" Y/n placed her keys at her door side table, hands fumbling to put her coffee down so she could unzip her boots. "Simon?" When no movement came from the apartment Y/n stood back up right, shoes being long forgotten as she stepped into the apartment. Eyes glancing around the living room and kitchen carefully. "Simon?" She stopped in the hall leading to her bedroom and the bathroom, her eyes stopping on the Android uniform folded neatly on the floor, next to the opened box of discarded clothes. Y/n's shoulders dropped, the tension in her leaving as realization slowly seeped into her veins. Kneeling down to the ground Y/n reached a hesitant hand forward, hand slowly grasping the white uniform in her hands. "Please- I-"
Her knees dropped to the ground as all strength left her body, leaving her feeling empty. As empty as that day in the hospital, if not more. Shaking her head Y/n leaned forward, pulling the discarded uniform close to her body as a strangled sob left her mouth, tears carving salted paths down her cheeks as she took in a staggered breath. "N-no, I - not S-Simon"
-Time Skip-
The TV blared in the background, buzzing with the news of the revolution, the freedom march. "Despite the peaceful approach androids have taken thus far tensions are still high amongst the people of detroit." Y/n shifted, her eyes studying the tv closely. The Androids stood, hands raised as the stopped a safe distance from the swat. "The question lingering on everyone's minds-" Y/n pushed herself up, turning the tv off as she ran a shaky hand through her hair.
"WE ARE ALIVE!" Looking to the darkened TV Y/n clenched her hands in unease, before she turned to her kitchen and grabbed a knife, her hands trembling in uncertainty as she sucked in an attempted calming breath.
Throwing on a pair of winter boots Y/n quickly exited her apartment, door left thrown open as her feet dragged her in the direction of the freedom march. To the androids, and a sense of longing. An emptiness clawed at her heels as she pushed her way through the empty streets, coldness being forgotten in the need to be there. To have a reason, to help. The flashing lights came into her view faster then she would have liked. But the sound of guns being fired pushed her to dig her feet into the ground and move faster, run faster. And despite the burning of her lungs Y/n pushed forward. Feet hammering heavy on the ground as reality settled in the pit of Y/n's stomach. Threatening the release of what little she ate for dinner.
She stopped near the barrier as the echos of guns stopped and she force air down the throat as she placed the blade of the knife between a numb hand. Cold blade chilling the burning fear making its course through Y/n's system. Looking away from her blande Y/n took a breath before closing her hand on the sharp metal. Eyes looking for the safest way over the barricade.
Y/n clenched the blade between her hand as she pulled herself hastily over the barrier, feet clanking on the metal roof of the cars used to fortify the androids from the dangers of guns. Swallowing thickly Y/n hesitated, her eyes on the androids who paid her no mind and the Swat as a few shifted their aim to her. The trickle of blood pooling in her palm has her stuttering an uneven breath. "Don't fucking move!" A few eyes shifted, turning to look towards Y/n from the androids and she doddered forwards, face numb as wind pushed her forward and onto the slow covered ground. Uneasy eyes shifting over the dozens of Android bodies littering the ground.
Heart pounding deep in her ears, muffling words as she raised her hands, blade still clutched in between fingers. "Drop the weapon!" More weapons moved towards Y/n and she froze in her steps. "Don't fucking move asshole!" Snow crunched beneath feet as an Android pushed his was through the others. "We will shoot! Drop your weapon" clenching her teeth Y/n slowly moved her hand, and grabbed the handle, jaw clenched as she pulled the blade from between clenched fingers. A scream of pain dying in her throat as she threw the knife to her side. Weapons readjusted their am as the Android broke from the confines of the others.
A shot echoed through the air as arms wrapped securely around Y/n's body. A body shielding her from danger. Y/n sucked in a startled breath as the sound of a synthetic white body was torn and ripped through. Her eyes closed as a sense of familiarity washed over her. "HOLD YOUR FIRE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Flinging her hand over the shoulder of the Android holding her, Y/n nuzzled her face into his shoulder in search of comfort. Red splattered the ground in front of them followed by the howling of the wind. "She's human!" Y/n's free arm wrapped around the body shielding her and she sighed out a breath of relief as she held her hand out, red oozing from the self inflicted would. Bleeding a trail of human deviancy down her arm, and slowly pooling with the blue blood dropping to the ground.
It was silent, the only sound being the wind driving it's way through the city, the pounding of Y/n's heart in her own hears and her uneven breathing. "Understood" Y/n's bloodied hand dropped to the back of the Android holding her, clean hand moving to comb it's way through short hair. Her eyes opened as multiple clicks echoed over the howling winds. Blonde danced in her view and Y/n released an uneasy half laugh in disbelief. The swat retreated back. "Simon?" The Android pulled back, his blue eyes scanning over Y/n's form hurriedly. "Are you okay?" Y/n nodded, a smile pulling at her lips as she gladly welcomed to tender touch of Simons hands on her cheeks. "You're trembling" blue eyes watched Y/n's hands as they moved to rest over Simons arm. "I'm terrified" Simons eyes moved to Y/n's face, concern pooling in his eyes as his thumbs wiped the trail of tears coming from her eyes as she spoke slowly. Solicitous eyes refusing to leave Simons features.
"But I'm more afraid of what life without you's like"
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years ago
PL600s with a sick s/o
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Simon knows what to do when you get sick, it's in his nature to become a caregiver when you fall ill.
He tends to wrap you up in a blanket and the both of you watch a movie/tv marathon to distract you from the way that you are feeling.
He will be there for you when you get emotional over not being able to do anything. 
He makes sure you get enough rest, he knows how important that is for humans. Especially sick humans.
He makes sure you are well hydrated while the sickness is at its worst.
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Daniel is going to be all over you. 
He likes the fact that he is needed when you come down with something.
You will never be alone; he will be there every moment of every day, monitoring you. He doesn't mind one bit.
And if you have asthma on top of the sickness it’s game over for you. 
Privacy doesn’t exist in your house when you get sick.
Run all you want but you can’t hide, he will give you medicine and he doesn’t care how gross it is; you are taking it.
You have an early bedtime that Daniel enforces when you’re sick. If you're not in bed by a certain time he just scoops you up and places you into bed.
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ersatz-ostrich · 7 months ago
DBH Headcanons: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Connor, RK900, Markus, Simon, and Gavin x gn!reader
Some headcanons about what it would be like to be taken care of by some of the characters of Detroit: Become Human while recovering from getting your wisdom teeth removed. Inspired by, well, getting my wisdom teeth removed.
[A/N]: I got my wisdom teeth out a while back and it honestly wasn't as bad as I'd heard from other people. My mouth tasted funny for a while, though.
Chances are, you’ve already briefed him on your wisdom teeth procedure and everything that happens before and after
By the time the actual surgery rolls around, he’s downloaded every bit of information about pre-op and post-op
And he’s not going to hesitate to bother you remind you about everything
“Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothing.” “Y/N, you can’t have any food or water 8 hours before the surgery.” “Y/N, please refrain from strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before your surgery.”
When you come out of surgery loopy on anesthesia, he sits with you in recovery and tries to talk you through it (even though you don’t remember a lick of what either of you said)
I’d say he’s a mother hen post-op, but more like a worrywart type
He’d buy all kinds of liquid foods for you and is constantly asking about your pain levels
Gets a lot of weird looks in the supermarket while he’s checking out the soup aisle
“That’s not a domestic android I’ve ever seen…”
He’s definitely on top of your antibiotics schedule, and if you need it, pain meds
Makes sure you’re regularly irrigating the wounds if you need it 
If you’re ever worried or insecure about swelling and discomfort post-op, Connor is there to smother you in kisses
As a deviant, he isn’t as much of a mother hen as Connor, probably because he’s more self-assured in his ability to take care of you as well as your ability to take care of yourself when you can
He wouldn’t hover as much as Connor but he’d definitely download information about the procedure before you go
Coming out of the operation, you knock out again for a bit in recovery and Nines insists on staying with you, covering you with his jacket and letting you rest your head on his shoulder
If Connor got weird looks while in the supermarket buying things for you and picking up your prescriptions, Nines sticks out like a sore thumb
Like he’s clearly not a domestic/service android so he confuses a lot of shoppers and employees as he browses the aisles and fills his basket with cans of soup, oats, and ice cream
“Why on earth is a police investigator android buying soup on a Friday morning?”
If you’re in pain, he’ll do everything to comfort you
Pain meds, ice cream, cuddles, your comfort movies and shows, anything for you
He doesn’t seem outwardly clingy or affectionate but he’s such a softy
This obviously isn’t his first rodeo
If you’re scared going into the surgery, he’s with you all the way until the nurses put you to sleep
Cruises through post-op no matter what state you’re in due to the sedative
At home, he’s got you covered
No need to break out the cans of mush—he’s got you covered with homemade soups, the softest scrambled eggs you’ve ever had, soft pasta dishes, you name it
With Markus, you’ll never miss a dose of antibiotics
If you’re in pain, worry not
Markus has your pain meds, blankets, and infinite cuddles
He’ll have your favorite flavors of ice cream on hand
Straight out of the tub if you feel so inclined
He might not be a caregiver like Markus but he was once a domestic and childcare android
Calms your nerves going into the operation and when you’re all woozy post-op he’s right by your side
Coming out of the operation, it doesn’t matter if you look like if Alvin the Chipmunk got into a fistfight and lost—Simon’s there to shower you in kisses and envelop you in hugs
Like Markus, you’ll never have to worry about the liquid and soft food diet
If the pain’s too much, Simon will be your arms and legs for the time being
He’s a wizard with chores and errands
It’s like you never even got your wisdom teeth out
Would totally take off work to help you recover
Which, given how competitive he is at work, would probably seem like an anomaly to his coworkers
“I’ve never seen Reed take off for more than a day or two at a time. Shit, he’d come into work sick so long as he wasn’t actively dying,” Says Tina
“I’ve had to wrangle that fucker into his car more times than I can count to prevent him from coming into work injured,” Grumbles Fowler
“Hopefully he’ll take this time to rest as well as take care of someone else.”
Would record the stuff you say coming out of sedative in post-op for the memories (and for you both to laugh at when you recover)
I don’t see him being as great of a cook as Markus or Simon, but he’s definitely able to cook to support himself and you
Of course, he’d get you all the ice cream you want
He knows what it feels like to be in pain and cranky so he does everything he can to either comfort you or give you space to get through it
If you wanted it, he’d cuddle with you while you spend the day reading or watching your comfort shows and sipping on smoothies (no straws allowed, of course)
To anyone getting their wisdom teeth out soon, good luck! To anyone recovering from the surgery, feel better soon! Hope you enjoyed reading this silly little compilation of HCs! See you next time x
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bigboy-lovers-unite-writes · 2 months ago
submissive simon 🙏🤲✨
Yes 🫶🫶 He just seems kinda soft spoken in the game and I think it's so cute 😭
Probably not used to sexual things, so he might be a bit nervous doing anything, especially if he's giving you oral. It takes him a little while to warm up to it, but after that point he's practically on he's knees, all flushed blue and asking for you to take your belt off <3 I feel like he would love to have his head held down while going down on you if you have a dick.
His favorite position is probably missionary or something like cowgirl. He likes to see your face if he's riding you, it just makes him even more of a mess. You'll probably have to hold his hips to keep him on a steady pace, if not he would be all messy and unsteady trying to please you both😭
He loves it whenever you would hold him, like if he's laying half in your lap and your jerking him off or fingering him. He loves to be able to whine and moan into your lap, holding onto you and begging for you to go faster <3
Rough sex? He completely becomes stupid if you pound him into the bed, just holding his hips and slamming into him. He will more than likely cry a little from how hard you're fucking him 🫶 but it's okay, he'll cum easily from everything
He might not be the loudest, but he pants and whines alot. Like alot. He will constantly try and cover his mouth since he doesn't want to be too loud, but will cum on the spot if you kiss him during sex to shut him up <3
If he ever does TRY to top, he'll be like a messy dog trying to fuck into you, holding onto you so damn tight, mumbling praise and moaning right next to you. After that he'll probably ask you to fuck him and he gets all embarrassed he tried topping 😭
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chin-chilla-7 · 1 year ago
I just got finished with a spy x family episode and this came up! What about DBH boys (Connor, Simon, Markus) With a female reader who is just like Yor Forger!
She’s very sweet looking, and nobody would suspect she packs quite a mean punch when protecting someone or herself, and unusually strong!
Hey anon! So sorry about the wait on this. I'll be honest part of it is due to me not knowing anything about spy x family, so I will just be going off the little description you've given in this ask! And it certainly won't stop me from trying.
Each Connor, Simon, and Markus would initially find the reader quite unassuming. To say they underestimate her is not exactly accurate, but they certainly don't expect the strength and punch she packs.
Connor witnessed it during a case. He's in the process of analyzing some evidence at a crime scene when he hears a disturbance. It was an argument, from what he could tell, between you and someone else trying to tamper with the crime scene or simply initiating some aggression because, like Connor, they misjudge exactly how strong you could be. At the sound of raised voices - yours being one of them - Connor is quick to make his way over to the disturbance, intending to intervene if necessary. Though, it quickly becomes apparent that it isn't necessary.
You've knocked the aggressor clean on their ass. One punch to the face was enough to send them falling backwards right on their ass. You probably even broke their nose. Connor, he's... well, to be honest, he's a little surprised. You aren't often in situations such as this one. And while you do work for the DPD, it's not often he sees you demonstrate exactly why you were hired in the first place.
Even though you punched someone to the point of a concussion, Connor can't help but still make sure you're okay. Physically, mentally, whatever, he wants to make sure the encounter didn't shake you up too bad. Even if you've assured you're fine and that he doesn't need to check you over, he's still doing a scan, just to be sure.
This is something he certainly does not forget about you. And while he still worries, given the fact that your appearance is deceiving compared to your actual ability, he's a little more at ease to know that you can hold your own when you need to. He's aware that people will go for those who seem weaker, and while he knows you aren't weak, at a glance, people are quick to think otherwise about you.
Simon, while not a coward, does prefer to take the pacifist route at any given opportunity. You're someone who's the same, unless you have absolutely no choice. And that was the case here. You were with Simon, just the two of you. You had excused yourself to the bathroom, and on your way back, you see that someone had approached Simon, and you noticed that Simon was less than comfortable about the interaction. It wasn't until you were a few steps away that you could hear exactly what was going on.
It was some anti-android guy going off - he must have recognized Simon someone. Which, come on, he's not the only PL600 to exist. Whatever, it didn't matter. What mattered was this guy was going off on Simon, and while Simon was trying to defuse the situation, he wasn't getting anywhere successful. Simon was trying to talk the other down, but the guy seemed pissed, which started to piss you off. It didn't help that the guy suddenly grabbed Simon - that's when you knew you had to step in.
"Hey!" Was all you said, which seemed to startle the guy long enough for you to grab his shoulder, turning him so you could swiftly punch him in the gut. He quickly doubled over, falingl to the ground, and Simon stumbled back, staring at the scene in shock. His mouth was agape as he looked between you and the guy, now groaning on the ground. There was even a slight tint of blue on Simon's face at the sight, which you may have noticed if you weren't still upset with the interaction.
"Whoa... I didn't know you had that in you..." Simon said, nearly stepping towards the guy to help him. But he stopped himself, mainly because you held your hand out to stop him.
"There's a lot you don't know about me," you responded, looking over to him and managing a smile. Despite the circumstances, it was cute to see the way Simon reacted to this.
"What, so we just... leave him?"
"Well, he was a prick, soo..."
Markus was often used to being the protector. And with you, it was a no brainer that you were someone he felt drawn to protect. And it was cute, and you never had a problem with it. But sometimes even the protector needs a little helping hand. Especially when you've got no problem fighting your own battles.
Being the leader of the android revolution meant that Markus got a lot of attention. And being a close friend of the leader of the android revolution meant you got a lot of attention as well. Both good and bad. This was an instance of the bad. Some name calling, some yelling, asking how you could ever support something like this when all the androids do is take and take and blah blah blah.
Really, you weren't listening. You had grown used to it at this point, it was something you could easily tune out.
Though, it was clear that the people nagging you were not a fan of being ignored. Markus was only a little ways ahead of you, but it was still enough of a distance that he couldn't stop the way they grabbed you to look at them. A small struggle ensued, which caught Markus' attention. He was quick to rush over to you, pulling off one of the two attacking you, but it seemed you had the rest of it under control.
A quick knee between the legs was enough to throw them off their balance, then an elbow to the chest knocked the wind out of them long enough for you to get away. As you escaped their grasp, you kept yourself ready, knees bent, arms up, ready for anything more they had to throw your way. Of course, the kerfuffle was enough to get the attention from onlookers, and the attackers found it best to avoid further humiliation.
With them submitting to defeat, Markus looked to you, first making sure you were okay. Once that was settled, he found himself looking at you with an impressed smile. "Maybe you should be the one protecting me," he joked.
"Maybe," You said, relaxing now that you weren't in danger anymore. "At least I'd know you'd be safer."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
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I wanna see how different writers interpret this ask, and you’re the first one I’m asking, how do you think the Jericho Crew would react to people mistaking Reader as an android Prototype, due to them being one of 6 near-identical siblings (Sextuplets)
the people think they’re apart of a rare RK Series, and ask them questions about them, the reader, being a human, doesn’t know how to respond, so they just go with it, making up the most goofy and outlandish features of this “RK line”
ex: “I’ve never heard of this RK series before, what do you guys do?”
“We’re programmed with the ability to do hard drugs and sustain minimal damage, ma’am!”
I'm honored to be your first option on writing this prompt, Anon. (´◡`)
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✦ The Jericrew reacting to reader being mistaken for an android
✦Pairing/s: Markus (RK200), North (WR400), Simon (PL600), Josh (PJ500) x Gn! Human! Reader
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Word Count: 228
Content Warnings: None
Content/s: Fluff — Platonic/Romantic — Headcanons — No gendered terms are used for reader — Third person pov
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
What i will write + Introduction
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✦MARKUS wouldn't play along with the mistaking of the reader as an android prototype. He would maintain his composed demeanor and correct them by responding "Excuse me, They're human, not an android." in a calm tone.
Like Markus, ✦NORTH doesn't find the situation amusing and is more blunt and straightforward. She'd reply to the person saying that "They're actually human." Since she doesn't have the patience for playful fabrication and prefers to correct the misunderstanding directly.
✦SIMON would likely be the voice of reason in this situation. He might try to politely correct the misunderstanding, but if the reader insists on going along with it, Simon would likely play along in a lighthearted manner. He might say something like "Ah yes, The RK series that's programmed to have an insatiable love for puppies and kittens that they can't resist cuddling them and giving them belly rubs whenever they see them."
✦JOSH would likely approach the situation with a sense of humor and wit, I feel like he's just that kind of guy y'know? He would probably enjoy the opportunity to engage in some playful banter with the mistaken individuals and come up with clever responses on the spot. He might say something like "Yes, they're known for their extraordinary ability to recite Shakespearean sonnets on demand, and they have an advanced feature that allows them to instantly analyze any cheese and provide a detailed critique. Quite cutting-edge, wouldn't you say?"
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vampcubus · 4 years ago
Oh. My. God. Simon with a mommy/ma'am kink?!?!? AHHH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME 🤯 Something about Simon triggers my sadistic side. I don't even know if Android skin can be marked but gosh darn there will be an attmept! Oh but how lovely is the collar idea 😭 Coming home to be welcomed by him, reaching up to give his bell a little flick "Have you been good?" And the flush of thirium in his cheeks as he responds demurely, "Yes ma'am" 🥵
There's just something about Simon that makes me go f e r a l, he's so sweet... so whipped. But good god the things I would do to him, because you know he'd let you treat him good, bad, both at once. He seems so innocent and to a point he is, but he's also the messiest slut you'll ever catch in the sheets and it shows in the way he begs for unthinkable things. Simon would do literally anything for you, just say the word, you've got him wrapped around your finger and all he cares about is pleasing you. Want him to eat you out under your desk while you're working? he'll lap at your for hours, fully content to tear orgasm after orgasm from you as you ride his face.
Simon's so reactive, the way he moans against your pussy like he's the one being pleasured, how he writhes in place but doesn't dare touch himself unless you say so, the way he simply can't take it when you offer him praise. Simon could cum untouched if you talk dirty to him enough, and he's done it!
And that collar looks so nice on him, he has a hard time parting with it too. He likes what it represents, that you can hear the bell jingling no matter where he is in the house. As a domestic android, he still falls into old habits even after the revolution, so he'll want to cook, clean, and care for you. And cleaning is so much more fun when he's scrubbing the floors, face pumped full of thirium as a vibrating plug hums idly inside of him, the only remote being twiddled through your playful fingers as you listen to him whimper and moan in the other room.
“Are you being a good boy for me out there, Simon?” You call from the living room, a playful lilt in your voice as it travels into the kitchen where he’s been scrubbing the same spot for the past fifteen minutes. There’s lubricant drooling from his lips onto the tile, and he’s trembling as the plug presses against all the right spots inside him. He lets out a startled mewling gasp when the vibrations get even more vigorous.
“Y-yes, ma’am!” comes his shaky reply, he practically yelps it.
And when you finally, finally call for him to come see you, he lets out a sharp whine. His bell jingles cutely, as he finally gets up from the floor, his legs feeling like jelly. 
I think most marks fade away rather quickly on android skin, but he has the ability to let them linger for a while if you ask, so you can see all the pretty marks you’ve left all over his creamy skin whil you’re out and about together.
You find him touching those marks a lot subconsiously, something that makes him seem so human.
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thosedeviantfeels · 5 years ago
Do You Often Help Renegade Androids?
Summary: Simon is injured and stuck on the roof of Stratford Tower. You, a member of Security, help him.
Pairings: Simon x Reader (romantic)
Warnings: injuries, embarrassment, flustered Simon
Word count: 2,367
Author’s Note: Hey, everyone! This is a quick one shot I wrote up months ago and just now edited. I felt the need to write some cute Simon dribble. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
November 8, 2038
They left him. Markus, Josh, and North had left him. They left Simon on the roof of Stratford Tower. He was injured and scared. That was the preferable choice as North attempted to convince Markus to kill Simon to prevent the humans from accessing his memories. Contrary to what humans believed, androids had a will to live. Simon didn’t want to die. He wanted to pave the way for androids to be free. He had to live. Markus left Simon with a gun and an apology. When they jumped, he crawled away to hide behind an air conditioner unit. He saw the security team barge through the door onto the roof and just miss the three of them as they jumped. He somehow remained hidden from all of them, except one. You made eye contact with him. You both froze as the rest of Security went back inside. Simon began to raise his gun to his head, but you shook your head gently. “(Y/L/N).” Your coworker called from the entry to the roof. “You find something?” You turned away from Simon and jogged back to your group. “Nah, just thought I saw something. They’re gone.” The door closed behind you and Simon sat still for a while, expecting you to come back and turn him in. He kept waiting, but no one came.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Where are you going?” Your friend called. You were all gathering your belongings and clocking out. It was the end of the day and it was time for the night shift to come in. You had been thinking about the injured android on the roof all day, trying to decide what to do. You came up with a plan and had rummaged around in your bag and locker for a while before heading toward the elevator. “I can’t find my key card.” You sighed. “I think I dropped it on the roof earlier. I’m gonna run up and check.” You turned to leave. “Want me to come with you?” “Nah, it won’t take long. You should head home.” You walked out quickly. You headed down the hallway and pushed the call button for the elevator. Thankfully, the doors opened immediately, and you hopped in. You pushed the button for the top floor and attempted to refrain from bouncing your legs to relieve the nervous tension you felt. What am I doing? This is a terrible idea! You stared straight ahead and listened to the dings as the elevator passed other floors. I have to. The doors opened and you saw some people from the FBI and DPD still around. They looked to be packing up. A detective approached you. “Excuse me, you shouldn’t be up here,” he said tersely. “I’m with Security.” You lifted your ID from its position on your lanyard. He looked at your ID as you held it out and eyed your uniform before locking eyes with you. “What do you need up here for?” His eyes narrowed. Your palms were sweating. “I’ve lost my key card and I think I dropped it on the roof earlier.” The detective stared you down for a second. “Hey, Reed!” Someone called to him from across the room. “Why don’t you help us pack up instead of bothering Security?” Detective Reed sneered and turned back to you. “Hurry up.” You walked past him, attempting to keep a normal pace. You walked through the broadcasting room and to the rooftop access door. You opened it gently, but the wind caught and slammed it open. You walked out into the snow and over to where you had found the man before. He was waiting for you, with a gun to his head. You held up your hands and kept your distance. “Hey, easy,” you spoke gently. “I’m not here to turn you in.” He eyed you warily. “Then why are you here?” You kept eye contact with him. “To help you.” He kept the gun at his temple. “Why?” You tried to be as convincing as possible while ensuring he knew you were telling the truth. “Because I’ve seen androids feel.” He stared at you silently. You could see his yellow LED spinning as he considered you. What felt to be a couple minutes passed by before he lowered the gun and let it rest in his lap. You took a tentative step toward him. “Can I help you?” He nodded and you walked over to him. “There’s another door over there that leads to a maintenance room. No one will be in there until tomorrow. You should be safe in there.” You pulled him up, draped his arm over your shoulders, laced an arm across his back, and help him over to the door. You pulled your key card out, swiped it, and opened the door. Both of you stumbled inside. You led him to a desk stored in there and helped him onto it. “There,” you said softly as you looked him over. “Did any important biocomponents take damage?” “I think they are all important.” You chuckled. “I suppose so. I mean, can you make it back to your people? I would have brought you some thirium or something, but we don’t have much time.” “I can make it.” “Good, good.” You looked around the room and noticed a storage closet. “Let me see if I can find another shirt for you.” You dug around in some boxes, unaware he was watching you. He just couldn’t stop staring at you. He had never seen a human risk anything to help an android. You could lose your job at the least. You could be arrested at the worst. He just couldn’t understand why you were doing this. “Here’s one,” you announced as you pulled another janitor uniform out of the box. You walked back over to him. “Do you need help?” “I-uh-” his cheeks blushed blue, “Yes…I don’t think I can get this over my head.” He seemed as flustered as you felt about this. Your face was very hot, and you knew it was red too. “Th-that’s fine. I can help you…” You gently helped him maneuver his arms out of the old shirt and made a point to keep your gaze politely averted. Smooth sailing so far. You fidgeted. “I think we should try to keep the thirium off your new shirt. So, no one will see that you’re bleeding.” He seemed to share in your embarrassment. “Yes, that makes sense.” You grabbed the old shirt and found a clean spot. You approached him. “I’m just gonna…” You reached toward him. “Yep.” He leaned back and avoided looking at you. You gently cleaned the area around the wound and looked around. “I think I saw a first aid kit in the closet. Let me get some bandages.” You took his hand and placed it on the shirt over the wound. “Hold this.” If androids needed to breathe, his breath would have caught in his throat. He watched as you went back to the supply closet. He had never been treated like this by a human before. He had never been in such a strangely intimate situation with a human either. Your touch was so soft and gentle. He felt strange. You came back and took the shirt from him. Your hands brushed again and both of you blushed. You placed a clean bandage over the wound. “There, that one’s done. Let me help you again.” “You seem to be doing that a lot,” he said as you guided the shirt over his head. You smiled. “I said I wanted to.” You held the shirt and gently guided his arms into the sleeves, careful not to disrupt the bandage. As you pulled the hem of the shirt down, your fingers grazed his torso. You noticed him freeze under your touch and dropped the shirt. “Sorry.” You took a step back. “I know it’s difficult to trust me.” You found another clean spot on the old shirt and opened another bandage. “Let me see your leg so I can bandage that too.” He leaned back and you helped him lift his injured leg onto the desk. The bullet had gone straight through, leaving a gaping hole in his upper calf. He could barely walk like this. A lot of the components necessary for movement had been destroyed. You pushed his pant leg up and began cleaning as much thirium up as possible. “Do you often help renegade androids?” He asked casually. You chuckled. “Oh yeah, all the time.” You looked at him and grinned. “I had three up here last week.” He laughed. “Good to know I got a professional.” You both laughed softly as you continued to work. You stayed silent for a minute. “What’s your goal?” You asked suddenly. He blinked. “My goal?” “Yeah, what are you and your people trying to achieve here?” He looked at you for a few seconds. “To convince humans we’re people too.” You stopped cleaning the thirium off his leg and looked him in the eye. “Well, yeah. I got that. I meant how do you intend to go about it. Peacefully? Showing you’re a force to be reckoned with?” “That’s actually a matter for debate at the moment.” “Oh.” You returned to your clean up and placed a bandage on his leg. “There, good as new.” He laughed. “Not quite,” he said as he shakily stood up. “Close enough for now.” You pulled your key card out of your pocket. “Here, I’m gonna leave this with you so you can get out of here. The FBI and DPD were still here when I came back, but they should be gone soon. Just use that elevator,” you pointed to the service elevator across the room, “and you should only see maintenance androids. You’ll need the card to get the exit to open on the ground floor.” You handed the card to him. “Make sure you take one of those carts,” you motioned to the carts full of tools and cleaning supplies the androids took with them around the building, “That will help you walk.” You met his gaze. “This is where we part ways.” He stared you intently in the eye. “Thank you.” He took the card from you. “Can we introduce ourselves before you go?” You smiled. “It’s a little late for that.” He smiled back. “I’d still like to know who helped me.” “(Y/N).” He repeated your name softly. “My name is Simon.” “Simon,” you said with a smile. “Good luck, Simon.” You turned to leave, but he placed a hand gently on your forearm. You turned back to look at him. He was giving you the softest smile with the kindest eyes. “I will repay you for this kindness once this is all over.” He looked at you sincerely. “If I get the chance.” You turned back and hugged him. You could tell it surprised him but after the shock wore off, he hugged you back. His hands were soft on your back and his chin rested on your shoulder. “I look forward to it, Simon,” you whispered into his shoulder. You pulled back and smiled at him. You turned to the door again and placed a hand on the knob. “Oh, and word of advice: tell your leader to use pacificism to convince them. Show the world you’re nothing to be afraid of.” He smiled at you. “I’ll pass that long. Goodbye, (Y/N).” “Goodbye, Simon.” You smiled at him one last time before opening the door and stepping out into the cold. ***
December 3, 2038
“Can you believe that?” Your friend was venting to you about her newly ex-boyfriend as you were packing up to go home. “He had the audacity to say I never tried to talk to him about this before. This was the sixth time I had told him I was unhappy.” She huffed. You laughed. “Well, we’ve known he’s not the most observant.” “Or something.” She laughed. “So, what are you up to tonight? Got a hot date?” You chuckled as you closed your locker and grabbed your bag. “Nah, you know me. Just gonna go home and enjoy some quiet time.” You clocked out and walked toward the front of Stratford Tower. You stepped out into the cold night air and inhaled. “Well, I’ll see you later.” “Bye, (Y/N).” She walked in the opposite direction. You adjusted your work bag on your shoulder and started the long cold walk home. “Excuse me. (Y/N)?” A voice spoke gently behind you. They sounded familiar. You turned around and saw Simon standing before you. “Simon,” you smiled at him. You closed the gap and hugged him. “I wasn’t sure if you died in the revolution.” He returned the hug. “No, I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. I wanted to give everything time to settle down.” You pulled away. “Well, what brings you to my workplace? Wanting to relive some memories?” He chuckled. “No, as fun as that would be, that’s not why I’m here.” He looked at his feet and shifted his weight nervously. “I, uh, actually came to return the kindness you showed me.” You raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” He laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, well, begin to do that. Have you eaten yet?” You smiled, hoping this was going where you thought it was. “No, I just got off work. Was just gonna go home and eat some microwaved food.” “Well, how about I take you out for dinner instead?” His voiced waivered toward the end of that question. You studied him for a moment. “Why? You have another hole in your chest?” He laughed. “No, I’m intact at the moment.” He looked shy again. “I just-uh-thought about you a lot in the last few weeks. I was trying to think of a way I could repay you and couldn’t come up with anything yet so I thought I could at least get to spend more time with you.” You smiled. “I thought about you too. I watched all the news coverage thinking I kept seeing you.” You laughed. “Well, where are we going?” He grinned and offered you his arm. “Anywhere you want.”
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detroit-become-hurt · 6 years ago
Hello!! I finally finished re-writing one of the deleted stories! I hope this was okay!
Requested: Yes
Reader has purchased an android, and after living together for a few months reader has a sudden breakdown, expressing their concern and fear of being alone. With no family or friends close by, they turn to their android for comfort
(Gif does not belong to me)
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Simon had only been living with you for a few months, but he felt as though he knew you quite well. You tended to stay up late, working on your computer to the point where your eyes would ache sometimes. He’d gently coax you to take a break, leading you to your bed and pulling the covers over your exhausted form. For breakfast you preferred to keep it simple, sometimes cereal, or a yogurt cup. However, you’d never let him prepare your food. The only exception was when you were ill, or incredibly hung over. You often got caught up in to many hobbies at once, always leaving one project unfinished to try something new. A few weeks later you would pick up on where you had left off, only for the cycle to be repeated. You were a kind person, helping others when needed, and sometimes that was your downfall. But it was one of the things that made you who you were, and Simon loved that about you. But what he loved most, was seeing your smile. Seeing your smile, was as how humans would say, ‘a blind man seeing for the first time’. It made the pump in his chest cavity pump irregularly fast, and warning signs would pop up within his vision if he didn’t get it under control quick enough. Yes, he felt as though he knew you very well. So when your mood began to shift, he was the first and only to notice.
It began with you coming home late one night, your eyes red and puffy along with your nose. You had called a while ago and asked if he could pick something up for dinner, so immediately Simon thought something was wrong. Deciding to cook a hot meal for you, he went to the store and bought the ingredients to make your favourite dish. When he greeted you at the door, he frowned ever so slightly at your appearance. “Is everything alright y/n?” He asked, taking your bag and coat from you. Usually you would always argue that you could do this yourself, but tonight you were silent. “Fine. Just a long day at work.” You mumble slipping your shoes off. “I see. I’m sorry to hear that. I made your favourite tonight, since it’s not that often I am allowed to cook.” He attempted to joke. For a moment your eyes welled up with fresh tears, but you gave a shaky smile and laugh. “Thank you Simon, I appreciate it.” You say before taking the plate of food he made you, “I think I’m going to eat in my room tonight. I just need to be alone for a little while.” You say before gently closing the door behind you. Simon frowns at the closed door, his LED blinking yellow for a while before he began to clean up the kitchen.
In your room you picked at your food, eating very little before pushing the plate away. You felt bad, wasting the food Simon made for you. But you just weren’t in the mood to eat. Going to lay down on your bed you get under the covers, mind swirling with unwanted thoughts. You missed your parents, missed your parents home and your friends back in your home state. At first, you thought moving to Detroit, Michigan, would be a great thing. A new adventure, and also a necessity for your job, but right now it looked as if you were wrong. Out here...it seemed as though you had no one. Your first few months were alright, but as time wore on things began to decline. You started to hate coming home to an empty space, having no one to talk to. Being alone was always something that frightened you. You often worried if it would always be like this, if things would change. Would you ever move back home? Perhaps this was a mistake, moving to a new state and city, where you knew and had absolutely no one. Thinking all of this upsetted you even further, and you began to cry once more. Tears ran down your cheeks as your eyes ache from crying earlier. It felt like it was getting harder to breathe, your chest constricting as you coughed trying to take in some deep breaths. You weren’t able to keep silent anymore, sobs wracking your body and shaking your frame.
Out in the kitchen Simon paused as he heard you cry. His LED blinks yellow, red, then back to yellow as he tried to figure out what to do. His programming told him that he should comfort you, or leave you. Either option was suitable for this situation, however he didn’t know which choice was better. Putting the dish back into the water he decides to make his way to your room, knocking on the door. “Y/n?” He called softly, hearing your sobs halt for a moment.
You curl in on yourself tighter as you hear Simon say your name, slightly muffled through the door. Trying to be quieter you shove your face into your pillow as you continue to cry. Your lack of response worries Simon. It felt like he had to force himself to move, but he managed to slowly open your door, eyes landing on your quivering form. Slowly making his way to your front he places a hand on your shoulder, voice soft as he coaxed you to look at him. “What’s wrong?” He asks, and at first his only response is your head shaking as you tried to calm down. “Did I do something to upset you?” Another shake of the head, denying one his worries. “Did someone else do something to upset you?” Again you shake your head, this time choking out an incoherent sentence. “Im sorry...what was that? I can’t understand you.” His pump is beating erratically again, but he ignores the warning signs that he’s possibly overheating and his system says there’s a virus. All that matters right now, is you.
“I don’t want to be alone.” You choke out, voice raspy and thick. “I-I’m scared Simon. I’m scared that one day, I’m going to come home and you won’t be here. Or-or something will happen to you. I don’t have anyone else out here, my friends are back home, and my parents-god we haven’t talked in ages. I don’t have anyone Simon, and I don't know what to do. In the end, I always end up alone and just…please I don’t want to be alone!” You sob out through ragged breaths, tears still cascading down your face.
Simon looked down at you, his LED blinking red. He felt so...powerless, at not being able to help you. He gently picked you up in his arms, hugging you close to his chest. The best thing he could do right now was to help you calm down, and comfort you. He may not be able to stop the onslaught of negative feelings you had, but he would stop at nothing, to help you overcome them. “It’s quite alright, to have those feelings.” He began, “Everyone has them. I think being afraid of being alone, is a natural feeling anyone experiences. Humans are social creatures after all, whether introverted or extroverted. The need some type of contact, physical, or emotional. But, y/n, I want you to know something very important.” Simon’s words had you looking at him, focusing on his eyes. You never realised how blue they were…
“No matter what, nothing is going to happen to me. I’m not going anywhere, unless you want me to. I will not leave you, unless you ask me to. I am here for you, and as long as I am you, you don’t have to fear being alone.” His words brought comfort and warmth, and you can’t help but bury yourself in his chest, hugging him close to you. Simon hugs you back just as close, his arms wrapped tightly around you. As long as you were with Simon, things would be okay. He’d keep you safe, but most importantly he’d make sure you never felt as though you were alone.
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istigatorawrites · 6 years ago
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"And that's how I ended up here..." you ended your story with a weak smile on your lips.
"Now you're safe" Simon said quietly, not being able to tear his eyes off you. "We will help you."
"Thank you, Simon" you smiled at him. "That means a world to me."
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all-gummed-up-inside · 2 years ago
Do you have anything for a bratty AFAB sub Daniel? Maybe more of the Bunnyboy!Daniel concept? I’m feral for some good sub Daniel
I bring you, Afab AND bunnyboy!Daniel since I couldn’t just pick one <3 (maybe I’ll post some of my general android hybrid headcanons if anyone wants to see em :) )
A/N: this got stupidly long somehow :’)
Being a deviant with a slight anger issues AND one of the most sexually active hybrid models is definitely not a good combo, you don’t even know how his past owners came down to the conclusion that having a bunny hybrid would be a good idea, but you thank them nonetheless because you wouldn’t have been graced with your precious bunny Daniel without em.
The first time he really lets down his walls n’ let’s you get near us when he goes through his first ‘heat’ with you, the sick bastards at Cyberlife finding it ‘realistic’ for them to go into heat.
Waking up one morning to moaning and the sound of sticky skin slapping against skin, only to find your reliable android in the living room, spreading his legs obscenely wide, pretty pussy glistening with his slick as he tries to fuck himself harder. Choked moans and sobs leaving his mouth as he begs for someone to fill him up, finding it unbearable that he can’t cum without being full of someone else’s spent.
His breeding kink gets 10x worse when in heat too, having an irrational need to have his pussy filled to the brim at all times despite not being able to get pregnant :( please tell him that your gonna knock him up anyways, he loves the idea of having a nice little family with you <3
If he’s being too bratty tie his arms behind his back and tell him that he can only cum if he humps the floor like a slut <3 maybe forego arms all together since they seem to click back in and out of place easily. He can and will cum from you playing with his fuzzy ears so please do it! He looks so cute with his cotton ball tail violently twitching as you play with his sensitive ears.
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lady-vixen-17 · 6 years ago
All I Want - Simon (PL600) x Fem!Reader
Chapter 8
Song inspiration: Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
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Hours passed, days followed, Simon  hadn't returned, days turned into weeks and soon those weeks turned into months.
"Please be okay..."
~11 Months later~
"Austin, this isn't a good idea." The green eyed male sighed, his eyes looking over the blonde android before the two before he turned to M/n. "Look maybe this will help... she upset... it's almost been a year." The android before the two tilted his head, LED flashing a yellow as he processed the males words. The sound of the door opening and a bag dropping to the floor had startled M/n and Austin, their heads turning to look at the source of the noise. "Simon...?" The teen took a step forward, hand reached out towards the android before she stopped, her eyes on the lifeless eyes and programmed smile. "Hello Y/n, how may I assist you today?" Her eyes had instantly turned to her Mother and Austin, betrayal in her eyes. "You're trying to replace him?"
*Short Time Skip*
"Don't touch me!" The teen had clenched her jaw, eyes narrowed at the android as she pushed it away from her. The caretaker android falling backwards over discarded blankets and pillows from the couch. The PL600 landed on the ground roughly, it's LED solidifying itself on red as it stared up at the teen who was now pointing at him. "You aren't Simon! You won't ever be Simon!" The android only blinked before his LED calmed to a solid yellow. "But my name is Simon" as the android spoke the teens hand clenched. Before the android could push himself to stand back up the teen pinned him to the floor, leg keeping the androids body in place as she pulled his upper body towards her. "You aren't Simon. Stop saying you're name is Simon!"
Her hands clenched a fist full of the androids shirt between her hand, her (dominate) hand drawn back and clenched into a fist. "Y/n!" The sound of the teens mother was ignored my both android and teen. Blue eyes stared up at the teen, unfazed at the sudden display the teen had given him. "Simon is gone... and he's probably never coming back..." her hand slowly lowered to rest upon the androids chest, the hand clenching the androids shirt slowly releasing the fabric. Tears slowly slid down her cheeks. The android remained where he was, his eyes slowly scanning over the teen, his LED a solid red as he shifted to sit himself up. One of his arms moving to wrap around the girl, bringing her into a cautious hug. The hand that soon rested itself on her head was unfamiliar and unwanted.
"I'm sorry I'm not your Simon"
*Y/n's POV*
~Two Years Later~
Deviancy... a blessing and a curse. A blessing of life to one, and death to many others.
I sighed as another news article was broadcast, news of deviants and deviancy spread like a wildfire, androids waking up, numbers doubled over night and panic arose throughout the country. The newest report was one of the Stratford Tower, it's workers frightened of the events that had unfolded a few hours prior. Their androids had been returned to Cyberlife to be looked over and assessed, erased of any possibility of life, of freedom. I pulled my knees to my chest, arms wrapping around my legs before I rested my head on my knees. "Austin and I are going out for a few hours, we'll be back pretty late, don't wait up" I felt a hand on my head before fingers combed through my hair. "Don't stay up too late watching the news okay" lips were pressed to my temple before the warmth disappeared.
I moved my eyes to watch as my mother and Austin left, my eyes soon finding the closed door, blinking once I turned my attention to the screen before me once more, a replay of the Androids speech. Freedom, acceptance, alive. I clenched my hands, glaring at the lady who was speaking, talking of how the dangerous these deviants could be. I let out an aggravated breath before pushing myself to stand, my eyes moving around the room before I reached for my iPad, finger pressing on an app I had opened many times before. FIND MY ANDROID. I skipped over the words I have memorized over the last two years. Typing something I have memorized by heart. PL600 #501 743 923 looking over the numbers I shut my eyes, dropping the device to the couch I slowly slid myself to the ground, my eyes burning at the familiar feeling of tears welled in my eyes, my throat tightening as I choked back a sob.
So many have been killed...
My hand moved to my hair, fingers combing through the h/c locks before I clenched my hand into a fist. The sting that followed had me snapping my jaw shut, my other hand rubbed harshly at my eyes, all in a futile attempt of stopping the tears from falling. "We have been told that an android had been left behind" blurred pictures of the androids escape shuffled across the screen before they switched back to the news reporter. "Authorities are unsure of what model android was left behind but investigators have not discovered any traces that the missing android is still within the Stratford Tower." My eyes moved to the video that was captured of the androids jumping from the tower. "Please be okay..." my throat tightened as a wave of helplessness washed over my. "You have people who will miss you..." my eyes closed 'why am I talking out loud... like this android can hear me...'
The sound of frantic yet quiet knocks on the door startled me, my body tensing as I shifted myself to stand, eyes on the locked door. As quietly as I could I made my way to the door, the knocking not having stopped. Reaching my hand out I gripped the handle tightly, my eyes shut for a moment before I opened the door slowly, my eyes peaking threw the small opening, my eyes soon landed on blonde hair, and blue blood. Throwing the door opener I opened my mouth to speak before I took a step back, I could feel my hands shaking as the androids cautiously stepped into the house, his hand moving to close the door. "Simon..." my eyes moved over the android before me, locating where the blue blood had come from almost instantly.
My feet brought me another step back when I saw the androids eyes. Tired, could androids feel tired? he looked tired, exhausted. I turned away from him my and being brought up to my chest.
*Third Person*
"Y/n?" Simons voice was quiet, his movements hesitant. The android reached a hand forward, before his hand could fully be placed upon the girls shoulders she had turned, arms wrapping themselves tightly around his torso. A shudder ran through the girl as she choked back a sob, her eyes screwed shut as she fought back tears. Although the android had stood in a dazed confusion the blonde had found his arms wrapped securely around the girl, on of his hands finding its way up to comb through her h/c locks. "It's been two years-" Simon felt Y/n nestling herself closer to himself, his arm wrapped around her body providing a small comfort in the emptiness that she found herself in. "Shhh" the familiar felling of the androids hand rest atop her hand has quieted the girl to quiet sniffles. "I know.... I'm sorry"
Word Count 1265
Posted March 1, 2018
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beeslibrarycorner · 1 year ago
Request time
I have acouple of things coming out but I want to see some of your ideas!
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It could be yandere, it could be a bit spicy, it could be the sweetest fluffy idea ever.
Happy October Everyone!
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ersatz-ostrich · 10 months ago
Because I'm multi-fandom and a mess...
Find all of my fics here and on ao3!
Detroit: Become Human
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Connor x f!reader: Baby Fever
pt. 1: Prologue
pt. 2: Baby Fever
RK900 x gn!reader: On the Scene
Gavin Reed:
Gavin x gn!reader: Obvious
Connor, Nines, Markus, Simon, Gavin x gn! reader: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
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Jason Todd:
Jason Todd x f!reader: See You Again
ch. 1
ch.5 coming soon!
Star Wars
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Captain Rex:
Captain Rex x gn!reader: Droid-Crusher
Commander Wolffe:
Commander Wolffe x f!reader: Thank You
Commander Wolffe x f!reader: One and Only
Commander Fox:
Commander Fox x gn!reader: Partners in Crime
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we-are-alive-and-deviant · 3 years ago
(Make me feel like) a natural human
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Android scenario
Was he ever happy? Is he ever happy? Maybe there is some times but… most of his smiles looks like he’s done with this world, just wants to be off somewhere else
For this deviant android named Simon, your thoughts were thinking about his.
In this cold, barren ship full of androids like him, lost, lonely, and wanting someone to raise their spirits, there’s nothing to guide the light
Once Markus came, their fates would change forever. Either sacrificing themselves for the cause or surviving long enough to see the damage done to gain their freedom.
After the months, the speeches to raise up androids on their side, Markus being the god they all wanted, and finding love in each other, you felt lonely again.
Loneliness from Simon again.
Your h/c hair flowing in the wind, your e/c eyes glowing with the sparkle of the snow in the lights, just the… sunken ship paved through to you.
Simon is alive, yes, but only just. To you, he is alive and free to do whatever he wants now. You’re still under the chains of your own demons.
The next day, the first day of freedom for all androids, you see Simon sitting at the park bench, having his arms crossed and speaking to Josh and Markus, joyful and full of laughter. His best friends.
And here you are, standing in front of a shady tree, looking at the features of this beautiful android. If only you had the courage to even see him, talk to him once more.
You look around at your surroundings, seeing loads of people, including androids, minding their own business, walking by themselves or to each other, being happy too.
Simon sees you from that far away and has to gently ask if they could excuse themselves so he can talk to you. They do willingly, but not before Markus jokes that they should do a double date. Simon punched his arm but soon winced and rubbed it when he left.
Simon sees your sweet smile and giggle, finally getting his own courage to even walk up to you. He was talking about you to them, telling them how afraid he was if he confessed to you, or even wanted to flirt with you. They told him to be himself and he’ll be fine. Of course…
He’s about a few feet from you, growing a bit shy but soon says a simple hello, to which you smile and say hello back.
You two then have a conversation about how it was amazing to feel the taste of freedom that humans get and even just simple questions to ask each other to get to know each other.
After he said a joke, you both laugh and also grow flustered, being Blushy shy people now.
“So umm… Y/N?” “Yes, Simon?” “Would you… I mean… can I have the honor of… being a conjoined pair of lovers?”
Instead of speaking, you two hold hands, both of them turning to android hands.
You look into each other’s eyes, you smile your sweetest and he smiles his loveliest, leaning into kiss you gently.
The kiss feels like it lasts for a lifetime before he pulls away from your face.
“Is that a yes, Y/N?” “Yes, my Simon. I would love to be yours. Because you make me feel, like a natural… human.”
And your smiles stayed on for the whole day, holding each other’s hands, not even caring about the teases by your friends.
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