breakfast club headcanons V
andrew - first things first i think that we can all agree that this man is in fact a jean cuffer, he’s a bi man - he had braces from 7th grade to junior year and gets very embarrassed of  precious old photos of younger him - okay so, i need to elaborate on this boys family life, it’s insane - this boy is brothers with the kid in the police office in ferris buellers day off (his name is garth volbeck) and they have a sister named judy because garth mentions her - yes i did this because they are brothers irl and have different last names irl (but for different reasons)  - and their parents divorced a year before the breakfast club so their mother (a very sweet lady who loves her kids no matter what and respects them, she can also bake and she taught andrew to respect woman) she already moved out into another house in another neighborhood - so andrew lives with his dad sadly, and has a hard time escaping it all, garth is in between everything and judy lives with their mother by choice because of obvious reasons - okay hopefully ya’ll understand that :) - next things next this man (even out of my au) grows up to be a librarian - the story to how that happened is kind of upsetting, i don’t want anyone to feel in any way triggered or upset by this so... T W: don’t read if sensitive to stuff like verbal abuse - after highschool he got into a college for wrestling and did his thing and then after that he got onto the wrestling team his dad coaches - andrew had joined but it had drained him, his mental health was deteriorating to say the least - eventually he started to feel pain in his knee but his father kept pushing him and pushing him until he couldn’t take it anymore - he knee gave out  - i’m not educated enough to say why but all i know is that he couldn’t wrestle anymore and was useless in his fathers eyes - his father said very mean things to him and left him at a telephone booth with very little money, enough to get a burger at a mcdonalds, he called garth - asked him to take him to the hospital, he was shaky on the phone but his brother understood and came to pick him up - the ride was completely silent and understandably so, but andrew ended up crying in the passenger seat, he was kind of cold too  T W over: enjoy the rest :) - uh soooo ONCE AGAIN i am NOT educated enough to say what happened to his knee but he ended up having some chronic knee thing and it was only going to get worse and he needed a knee brace for it  - he ends up staying at garth and his boyfriends house (sorry to anyone who thinks brian should just be on his own, me and my bf ship brian and garth like a couple of dorks U-U so please do ignore it if you don’t like it or think of them as roommates :>)  - he ended up getting a job at the local library and he was pretty good at it, this library in particular was very safe and a tame - perfect, so he ended up getting the money from it and a small loan from his brother and getting his own apartment eventually  - he built his life back up and he’d end up in a comfortable house with a cat and perhaps a husband or wife A H E M bENDer - okay now on to the good stuff, lead your mind back to kindergarten - when he was younger he liked the colors pink and purple and he likes blue omg bi pride  but he ended up getting scolded for it from his dad so he vowed his whole life to hate those three things because he thought this was the normal way to live - which would explain why he’d say he hates cats but then meet one or even own one and get crazy attached to it and even name it - him and his brother wrestled around a lot but when it came to their sister they’d never hurt her, she (age: 3) was BRUTAL to them, they all look back and laugh on it later - he’s a middle child but oddly he crushes the idea of middle child syndrome because he gets too much unwanted attention from his dad, garth is two years older, his sister is three years under - in middle school he was kinda awkward and even in highschool wasn’t the most popular kid, he was good at wrestling and considered to be the best of them but girls liked the louder ones better, he’s kind of quiet - he’s got “terrible taste” in clothes according to the entirety of the breakfast club, he dresses like an old man when he’s older, but like an ancient man like me  like full on plaid pants blue shirt tan cardigan kinda thingy - when he’s younger he stays sporty on days where he has a meet but some days my man wears a yucky polo and plaid pants and a big belt once again some ugly old man stuff that i’d wear - he’s a door mat, push over, he cannot say no and that’s one of his main issues NOT PROJECTION but like me 😎 - he’s extremely polite and tries his best at being nice and respectful toward everyone but when it comes to standing up for himself in particular against people who aren’t specifically bender, he’s lost and kinda just ignores it and lets it happen - bender finally gets him to snap cause andrew wouldn’t let anyone hurt his friends or even just a person in general - he’s a little on edge for the rest of his time in detention - ya’ll okay sorry bout this, but the breakfast club is just a group of stuffed animal hoarders, he’s got a regular old teddy bear at his MOMS house so it’s safe :) - lil spoon  - cozy man wears sweaters - OH he’s super short, not a headcanon, HECK its not projection, i just enjoy the fact that he’s short and blonde like meee :} lets appreciate the tiny boy shall we? - his letterman is a size too big because he was told he’d grow into it, he is cozy - he’s at his happiest when he’s a. with his friends b. on a chair with a cat or c. outside in autumn time  - bender makes andrew a small angry bi whenever he’s around, andrew has a lot of pent up anger and he’s a little uptight and bender shakes him loose and gets him annoyed and then continues to baby voice him about how much he loves him in a funny sorta way, mostly when they were younger - andy and allison are super close and tell each other almost everything, they have coffee together and talk about how everything is every now and then, more often when they’re older - benders strong so he’ll give everyone piggy backs, usually he surprise attacks andy tho and picks him up, or if they walk home all together after school, whoevers tired, if its andrew he’ll be gentle in that circumstance - brian and andrew like books, one grows up to be an author and the other a librarian, and once andy discovers his book in his library he smiles and checks it out to read - claire and andy are closer when they’re older, they talk about their shared experiences as a kid and how they ended up where they are and they talk about how lucky they are compared to others - when they were younger claire used to try and show the boys style, bender is already a fashionista but claire picks out some cool ties for him with wacky designs on them, he wears those to work when he’s older - brian enjoys it but only to buy a pair of new shoes, perhaps some loafers and a cool button up - claire has to pick out clothes for andy because andy doesn’t know what he likes quite yet, claire ends up teaching him how to cuff his jeans and :)))))) okay i’ll stop - around christmas, andrew gets the worst gifts, he tries so so hard but he can never seem to get it right, bender gets a kick out of it :}  - in the au they have a cat named mr.ravioli because bender made raviolis and the cat began to feast on them without them knowing so they decided that’d be his name i’ll stop here but it’s not the last part of this series of headcanons, i will write more, some future ones being for all of them together, and then a fbdo bttf pretty in pink cross over where all the cool kidz hang together!! sorry this was so long ;<; i didn’t mean to absolutely pour out my heart but i love andrew and he deserves some headcanons :} i hope their not too bad ;w;
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curetapwater · 2 years
Shadow for the bingo meme?
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Skdhshshs love himmm
For a lot of reasons. Like on a surface level he's just really cool!! His design is awesome, both badass yet adorable at the same time! Imo he neither feels out of place in super serious nor lighthearted settings.
On a deeper level, I adore the themes of his arc regarding healing from trauma, breaking free from cycles of toxicity, and actively choosing to make the world a better place despite it all. I have a particular thing for characters who were specifically created for certain purposes, only for them to explore personhood outside of just being a tool. It's why a lot of my favorite stories feature some form of destiny as a heavy theme. Shadow has that going for him multiple times over!! With various people and factions effectively pulling him in all directions and him ultimately deciding to follow his own path.
I also think his power set is so cool! He can wield weapons, he's basically a wizard with all those Chaos powers, he's got a set of space-age rollerblades!!!!!! I am staunchly of the belief that he doesn't NEED the air shoes to go as fast as Sonic, he just wears them because they're cool. He looked at a motorcycle and said "I can figure this out" and he was right. One time he like. Rode on an eagle or something and it didn't feel out-of-character. I'm pretty sure he flipped a truck with his non-dominant hand once.
And yet he's so vulnerable!! He's just a kid and all this is happening to him!!!!!! I mean, that's true of 90% of Sonic characters lol but I mean Shadow tries So Hard to make you forget he's ultimately a child who's working on himself. A super cool, super-powered child but a child nonetheless. I've heard people say his current English VA sounds like a "tryhard" but imo that's part of his appeal. Honestly I adore Shadow's specific flavor of "I'm trying so hard to be cold but my giant gooey heart keeps seeping through."
I remember when I was really little and I'd watch my older relatives play Sonic Adventure 2, and at first when I saw Shadow I legitimately couldn't categorize him into "good guy" or "bad guy." (I also couldn't follow the story because I was a toddler lol) His design and boss battles with Sonic told me "bad guy" but his flashbacks with Maria and the way he patted the Chao's heads muddled the waters for me. So I also appreciate him being a gateway into more complex ways of viewing characters.
With all of this that we've been given, he's a very interesting character to see pieces of oneself in. For one example that's close to me, it's basically canon that he's mentally ill (in SA2 he displays PTSD symptoms and in his title game there are pathways where he expresses symptoms of depression) and also has a lot of external trauma happen to his brain (multiple cases of brainwashing/memory altering/mind control plus blunt force trauma so bad it gave him amnesia) that makes it hard for him to distinguish what's real. So as a neurodivergent person it delights me to see this character honestly, legitimately struggle with not only everything placed upon his shoulders but his own brain chemistry on top of it. He doesn't always make the best choices (to say the least) but in the end he makes a conscious effort to do right by the world and I think that's incredibly inspiring. His character song Never Turn Back lays out this facet of his character perfectly.
I put a halfway cross on "didn't get enough screentime" because in the 2000s he got a lot of attention but in the 2010s not so much. It seems that might be changing soon and I sure hope it does!!!
I put another one on "got done dirty by the fans" because I feel it's less so fans and more other people that make Shadow out to be a far less compelling character than he really is. I also don't appreciate how he's used as an avenue to bash goth and emo teens who are just trying to enjoy themselves. "Lol who are you, Shadow the EDGEhog" like is that an insult to be compared to such an awesome character???
I put a cross over "I'd be scared of them irl" but that only applies to those times he went oopsie daisy and tried to destroy humanity. Otherwise I'd actually feel very safe in his presence. I'd give him a cookie and trade anime recommendations with him.
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pankracy · 3 years
still watching t&b, and I have thoughts...
First of all, Yuri had to be SO CONFUSED when Bunny was chasing him about ouroboros. If I look at the situation from his point of view it becomes immediately hilarious; he made his stance as Lunatic, started his whole true justice thing and was all “heroes bad, system corrupt, eye for an eye”, but there’s this dude harassing him about something he’s got zero idea about and in the end he had to be like FINE, let’s clear up this miscommunication: no, I have no connection to any crime syndicate or to your parents’ murder, my murdering people is completely independent and separate from whatever passes for your tragic backstory.
I will always treasure Kotetsu punching him in the face, and I remembered the old headcanon that still holds pretty damn well today -- that is, it kinda cleared Yuri’s head because he went a bit overboard in trying to kill Edward (he was not the kind of merciless murderer we’ve seen Lunatic target at first), and definitely overstepped in trying to kill Ivan just for protecting Edward. I like to think he relished too much in finally acting openly (if under alter ego) on his philosophy and in the sudden and widespread public approval; and once Kotetsu gave him a solid punch to the face he paused and considered wtf he was doing. His mask starting to crack was why he immediately had to remove himself from the situation, sure, but as far as we know he didn’t make an attempt at Edward’s life after this, and as we’ve seen not for the lack of ability, so... yeah. (Also. Kotetsu literally made his mask crack, I’m. Feelings about it.) AND it’s shown there’s conflict within him despite everything, what with the vision of his father not even grilling him about murdering random criminals but killing him, which was a desperate act of defense however you look at it. (I love Yuri, I love himmm)
I find Karina’s crush on Kotetsu so stupidly cute. I don’t ship it as in I wouldn’t be into Kotetsu returning her feelings, but I love that it’s there and she got so enamored with him. Just... cute. And funnily enough, I think it’s one of those things that emphasizes how young she is, at least in how she’s handling it.
Barnaby being similarly enamored with Kotetsu and insisting he’s the most considerate person ever is wonderful (Bunny basically being like: “omg Kotetsu you’re SO thoughtful of others that’s SO amazing *twirls hair*”; and I’m barely exaggerating! incredible). The difference in how they act towards each other after the 10 months time-skip IS a little jarring, but in a fun way, and I have to say we do see how Kotetsu was little by little chipping away Bunny’s armor and getting into his heart in the first half of the show. So it doesn’t seem as ‘unnatural’ as it did to me when I watched it for the first time.
I NEED MORE ANTONIO&KOTETSU FRIENDSHIP. I love the glimpses of it we see, like how they have a bison/tiger set as pics for each other on their phones (nerds), how Antonio asks Kotetsu out for drinks, went to cheer him on during the collaboration with Karina... It’s just very nice, I love them. I also love Kotetsu with Ben. I love Kotetsu with everyone :p
Which brings me to Nathan, for whom I have big hopes for s2! It’s great how flamboyant and flirty and unapologetic about it they are, and how caring. Like when Nathan invites Kotetsu to their place after he couldn’t manage to save someone, and even though Kotetsu turns Nathan down there’s something... just so nice about this scene; it’s clear Nathan cares for Kotetsu and wanted to comfort him, and that Kotetsu recognizes and appreciates it. Ahhh, more of this. Anyway the show does cross into territory I dislike when it comes to Nathan -- it’s mostly in the framing, I suppose, it’d be so much better with the tiniest of changes sometimes. Apparently Rising is better with it, from what I heard, and it explores Nathan's backstory, so I’m tentatively optimistic about s2, and that it’ll steer clear from some stuff that is at the very least uncomfortable to watch.
Annnd I made it into the part in the story when there’s more Kaede! Which, great, I remember loving her lots too.
And the last thing, that is, again, hilarious: the lack of logos in netflix version of the show. It’s SO FUNNY watching the opening with zoom-ins on where the logos are on the heroes’ costumes, and there’s just... blank space there, so it looks super awkward. Karina doesn’t advertise pepsi anymore! Ivan’s photobombing makes no sense in this version, he appears in the frame but doesn’t show off any of his sponsors. I really wonder why it is so! The product placement was undeniably a product placement, but the lack of it takes away a very important point in the story, so I’m really. ??? about it.
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maythearo · 4 years
A separate post for Harper and character interactions
As a Ignihyde student, he doesn't interact with other dorms as often, and also because he doesn't bother making friends with anyone. kinda pushing himself away from people from NRC bcs he is too focused in (somehow) getting into rsa, and he doesn't value what he has around him. but here's some things i came up with so far
Most of his childhood friends attend royal sword academy
Doesn't give a damn if you are a senior or not. If he wasn't polite he would just refer to everybody as "hey bitch"
His habit of acting with authority even though he is only a first year drives Riddle insane
Part of the first year squad but doesn't hang out with them often
Isn't very close to anyone, but talks with Vil sometimes. I just think they would vibe
Protecc Deuce squad. Baby boy is trying his best for his family, Harper appreciates that.
A serious person most of the time, but the only moments he gets to act childish is when he's teasing/ pulling pranks at Ace. They don't exactly get along with each other as you may know
Crowley keeps telling him to wear the dorm uniform properly but i mean... He doesn't want to attend this damn school, let alone be part of Ignihyde. Why. Why would he obey you (also because his color scheme doesn't match Ignihyde's uniform. i didn't think too much through it)
Epel and him are the "i hate it here" duo
Idia: Why don't you.... Use the dorm badge for once...?
Harper: stfu
Idia: oh-- ok *Crawls back into his room*
I can't think of more for now. I still need a surname for himmm
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mythykl · 5 years
**That’s right. It’s time for Kakashi x reader Bitches
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“Kakashi? Kakashi??” You couldn't comprehend why Rin had locked you in a dark room with hIMmm, and you held his hand the whole time, cuz’ ya 13yo ass was scared af. Once you guys were let out, you saw Rin and Obito fist bumping each other. 
That's when obito blurts- "Being the ones to know how much you like Y/n, you should've seen this coming!" 
"Baka! Shut up Obito, y/n doesn’t kn-" rin whispered
lmao. You're ass went speechless. Kakashi's hold tightened and he dragged you outside the academy.
before dating, he was pretty much a jerk to you, but it was through rin that you both get to know each other more personally,,, and still,, he continued to act like a jerk
well. once he took you outside, he decided to confess. His voice seemed shaky and he didn’t- couldn’t really speak out exactly what he wants,, 
“Kakashi, quit beating round’ the bush.. And the way you’ve held my hand it’s hurt-”
In the mid sentence- he just,, pulled you into a hug,, and whispered how much he likes you and asked you out!
you guys ended up having a beautiful time on your trip/date, at naka river, and,, tho no one really mentions, you both start dating *an unspoken understandin i guess?* on ya second date you guys prolly went for treking! *well i’m imagining that you aren’t a ninja*
You were by far the only one to see his face w/o mask
By now you had gotten used to obito’s clingy ass. though kakashi rants too much about him, you know, he loves him. Rin helps you a lot with dating advices,, somehow
Minato sensei teased you kiddos,, a lot. “At your age, all i used to do was keep staring at kushina,” he joked once.
He was a huge chatter and a curious ass fella surprisingly, you’re boyfriend talked to you about most of the things he learnt in mission, every goddamn theory he had in his mind, his likings and dislikings, his interest in Dōjutsu etc. You could feel how lonely he used to be, cuz he felt no one would listen 
you’d join him during his training at times, well that time you got to know that throwing a kunai isn’t as easy at it looks, your wrist hurt af
once kakashi had called you princess after kissing you in front of your friends, this commenced to everyone calling you by that name. especially Gai and obito
After obioto and eventually, rin’s death *ofc* you guys drifted apart; drastically. You couldn’t understand or help him through his immense remorse and regret while he would just,, either had a huge tantrum or not say anything at all. He said things like-  it’s better to stay alone, and have no one to lose- while breaking up, which hurt you a lot. within a few months, you guys didn't even cross paths in konoha streets since he became heavily loaded with anbu missions
Now that it has been like,,, a really long time; one day you see the konoha’s infamous Naruto with his team at the door, with a huge flower bouquet.
“Please accept this!” The girl with pink hair squeals.
“It cost us our whole savings but Ino-kun did give us a good amount of discount after hearing these are for kakashi-sensei’s date dattebayo!” naruto,, practically screames.
“Hold your horses; that’s not how you greet people.” the,, uchiha? Yes. he concludes blandly.
Your heart skips a beat on hearing your long-time-no-see lover’s name. Knowing him, you highly doubt that he sent them but still you ask.
“No ma’am, but we-once- managed to sneak into his Icha Icha Paradise, he’d written your name.. In it.. So we found you. You are sensei’s date aren’t you!?” the girl with pink hair, yes sakura, almost whispers to you.
“Yeah. That was a hell of a long time ago,” you smile.
You let them in and offer some tea. You guys talk a lot and they were astonished?- yes, more than astonished that you’ve seen him w/o mask. Ah ok
Wow they had already done huge ass planning beforehand to make you both meet *not that you know*. As you take them downstairs to bid adieu, you see kakashi,, literally,, standing, in front of you’re door. Both of you equally shocked. 
Kakashi and you start talking to each other. You apologize for not sticking around since you didn’t know how to help him let go of his pain while he apologizes for bein a jerk-? Ok.
You guys plan to hangout-, which is the most difficult part! You had to work in the morning hours while he had to stick with team 7 for missions by afternoon
 you guys ended up deciding on crashing at each other’s places at night, and also,, sometimess early in the morning *???* it gets tougher for him with time to juggle from place to place, thus, getting late for his missions
You guys end up moving in together *it’s official* and he sleeps closest to the window. yes.
He’s very protective of you and kinda the jealous type, he’s afraid of losing you and is very open about expressing it. He doesn’t give you nicknames but often call you stuff as ‘my other half’ and refers you w -chan *just being sarcastic*
You are like a mum to team 7 and they love you, you get them lunch at times. Sakura often asks you for advice to get sasuke,, but udk what to say since sasuke.. Is just sasuke *he reminds you of 13yo kakashi*. But uk that there’s a special bond between them
kakashi doesn’t hate PDA, but he doesn’t like it either; you guys for long walks in the evenings, occasionally hold hands. Is it obvious to others? Don't know. Butt once you caught kurenai and asuma kissing.. Twas’ hella kyut
He would also rest his chin on you head a lot, and likes to intertwine his fingers with yours when you guys are alone
Hugs aren’t his thing but if you hug him, he’ll slowly hug you back and then all at once melt into you, Anddd he’s warm af
twice you caught him, just in underwear, slurping ramen in the middle of the night and you were like,, wait wut-
He loves ya massages and loves to cut vegetables,, for some reason,,
Big cuddle person in bed
You love trying different hairstyles on him anddd he looks dead ass hot in most of em. Let’s just agree,, he has a better taste in style than you tf
You guys usually opt for trips to neighbouring villages, hot spring trips, camping etc
Tho mysterious and sarcastic, he opens up to you whenever needed. Unlike in childhood, now you’re the one who talks a lot. He agrees to feel acknowledged for being himself whenever he’s with you and like a prodigy, sharingan bearing, functioning human, as people call him. His brain lets go of all his insecurities and PTSD for a while when he sees you happy because of him
He often loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved; you understand that he needs some alone time for this ritual and this, don’t tag along 
Well now, even you've started reading icha icha series cuz’ of ya moron boyfriend, and you are hooked to it *since I basically imagine it to be the fifty shades of grey in naruto universe lol* you guys freakin end up trying shit from the book
“Baby, let’s be sexy,, together” he said once as he leaned againt the kitchen counter in the most sexy way.
“Sure senpai, why the book’s tactics won’t work?” he just laughed hysterically at the comeback.. And,, umm.. You get what happens
He likes braiding your hair, especially before sleep, he finds it relaxing
Whenever his ass displays a bored and unenthusiastic expression, you say, “go bald kakashi.” right. What a mature insult 
He’s very calm and observant and knows what you are feeling- or even what you are thinking. I mean how-? 
He asks you to make miso soup, with eggplant, a lot!
Your parents aren’t really sure of your relationship. Since he wears wut? a maskkKkk. And once Kakashi, still being as apathetic as he was during his youth, spoke bluntly about sensitive topics with them during a discussion
gai gifted you both matching Yukata on ya bday. that’s indeed beautiful and thoughtful of him.
well Your boyfriend sucks at selecting gifts.. He gets you things that can’t be used or idk.. ButTttt this man is too good at remembering dates  
People wonder if he’s stern and serious, judging by his past and repo, but you tell them that he isn’t! Well, he has decided to move on, and now you know how to support him. He knows that you appreciate him for that, and this he listens to you.
you just found an engagement ring on you night stand with letter beside it. congrats hun *instant panic*
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i hope you enjoyed ;))
i need to,,, stop imagining so much, it's a lot to type. i wish i had a gadget or something through which my imagination would get typed, systematically, on my pc. Btw i won’t be uploading much in September since i gotta study so. so don’t assume that i’m dead or don’t care anymore. 
this one was requested by two peps, since my ass is new on tumblr i kinda fucked up and thus, my inbox got cleared or something. i’m still learning k
ya that’s it.. imma go and read my icha icha now ah huh
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rqs902 · 5 years
you know there’s a problem when you open a video and think “oh good, it’s ONLY two and a half hours” 
every time lin mo shows up in a quick flash during the beginning ANY sequence, I always rewind to watch it again.... maybe more than once LOL... omg he was also in the title sequence again!!! 
wtf chen sijian can do anything what waht talent
wang jiayi’s voice is just so wow
i really like these lessons, theyre letting these kids show off their talents :D and it seems like theyre really learning, which is cool
OMGOHS THEYRE DOING ERIC CHOU’S ‘ZEN ME LE’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERIC CHOU YASSSSSSSS ehehehhe yes wenhan is a fan of eric chou too yesss ma boy has good taste oooo jia yi too
aw wang yi.... ye ziming is so fun i like him
oooo i think sun zelin picked a good song for himself yayyy william wei just makes me think of nongnong now LOL even tho sun zelin is a smol, i see him being a good leader c: 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINGMING AND ZHENNING TRASHING HU WENXUAN HAHAHAHAH how did lin mo survive namanana team a????? YAS MINGMING PROMO YOSELF WITH CONFIDENCE YOU GOT THISSSS awww when he gets pinned and he touches his glasses he looks so soft aww his smile
im sorry those cloud things suspended in the air look like pancreases to me
yaasss xu fangzhou sing that chorus!! omg lol im sorry feng junjie may be the center and his voice is nice but XIA HANYU ASLKDJLKJK man not even just the high notes but that last line of his was so perfect too... im def downloading this song
LOOK AT MINGMINGS EYE MAKEUP OMG WOW wait why does mingming have such a lowkey outfit even when hes center 
“mingming has changed” -- yessssss hopefully!!!! im happy to see this more outgoing and fun side of him :D
aw poor guan yue, im sure he will be great still! ayy mingming making everyone laugh is the content im here for!! lol i kinda feel like su yuhang got slighted this group..... like he shone so much in the last stage but they literally keep panning away from him during his lines to focus on the more popular kids like guan yue and zhenning... (who i honestly bias more, but i still feel bad for yuhang...)
YES MINGMING GET THAT RECOGNITION IN SPITE OF IQIYI .... omg i cant believe his result was so low wtf
omgosh ou tianrui is gonna be in the youth arts academy after getting eliminated.... ugh my heart............
i thought ye ziming would get higher, im surprised, but wang yi i can see why too
their group kinda got slighted with the screentime tho.... i think they would have a fun group dynamic!! but we didnt get to see it lol..... oo i like chuanjun’s voice!!! hes also so tall lolol HAHAHAHAH the head bopping energy is so strong so cute
HAHAHAHAHHAAHA ‘and then what?’ ‘AND THEN WE WAIT.’ HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIMMM i bet sun zelin would make this group so fun, i wish we coulda seen more of their practice
hmmm overall thoughts.... they didnt give lin mo screentime during the times i expected them to?? like during the part when they chose songs bc he has such expressive facial reactions and they loved showing his reactions in the past but this time they didnt show him like at all?? ? and also during the ending credits, he wasnt in it at all either, and he was in last week’s 3 times :o but idk they gave him a couple of really random flashes of screentime (???) and his group didnt go this week so i can understand he would have less time. also they didnt address lin mo getting injured in the last ep’s ending credits this ep.......... IS HE ALRIGHT??? IS MY CHILD INJURED WHILE ON STAGE??? on another note, not showing zhan yu’s group this week really makes me worry about him not getting enough votes to make it past the next round, bc each week really makes a difference.... and he got zero screentime this week :c but he did go up 7 spots on the ranking so i have hope more people are noticing our main vocal!!
i really really have grown to appreciate ip due to watching ‘all for one’ simultaneously. one thing i noticed this ep was just really realizing how lucky we are to have iqiyi prepare such nice songs for the kids. like yes i liked a few of the first stage eval songs but i think im liking all of these second eval songs so far and the next eval songs sound good too! and like we should be soooo grateful they put in the effort/money to get good music, bc it honestly makes such a BIG difference. like the stages are just so much better bc the music is better, the camera angles are better, the quality is better, the time spent on the kids (altho is biased and flawed) is still better than ‘all for one’. and i do realize that one of the songs is the same, but i am interested in comparing the two bc i have a feeling the iqiyi version will be produced better, even tho its the same song. i really like some of the all for one kids, but qcyn is just a better show imo...... even tho everyone is hating on it lol......... it’s different from season 1, but its still good! 
biggest takeaways from this ep: YAY MINGMING!!!!!!!!!!!, im glad zhenning’s camera time is still going strong (he deserves it), jiayou guan yue!!, i need to start voting for ye ziming, and i love sun zelin. yep, that’s it. 
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oogabooga-ooo · 4 years
Asgardian Blood pt 5
Summary : This is Loki and Liv just being really stinking cute.
Warnings: fluff
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Tags: none
Feedback is appreciated!
I was in heaven. Spending time with Loki had always been amazing. But every time he kissed me I knew I had been blessed by the gods.
At parties I was always by his side. His hand on my back, or in my hand. Or both. He would whisper gentle words in my ear. Given, they were sarcastic words. But it made the party more enjoyable.
“What a boring party,” he says, taking out the braids in my hair.
“Ugh I know, I love Thor but if I have to hear about how how he’ll-“
“Conquer Jotunheim, and punish those filthy Giants?” Loki says, with the voice of Thor.
I let out an airy laugh. “Yeah that.”
“I could listen to your laugh all day.” He says.
I turn and face him, “How does all night sound?”
He plops on his back, “Not bad.” I lay my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach. “But, I don’t think Sparky would allow that.”
“What are we gonna do with that one?”
“He needs a hobby, or a woman.”
“Truer words.”
As if on cue Thor came into the room. He was not happy. “Liv! Get in your own bed, this is not your room!”
“But my room doesn’t have himmm.” I whine.
Thor rolled his eyes, “Come on Liv.”
“Uggghh fine.” I groan.
Loki, being a gentleman and a romantic, walks me to the door and kisses me gently. “Goodnight my one reason to Liv.”
“Very funny, goodnight Loki.” I say walking out with Thor.
Some saw us as angels, but in reality, we were a match made in Hel. Especially on the battlefield. Loki and I knew each other, and because of this, we fought well together. We predicted each other’s moves, and attacked with almost one mind.
But when one of us got injured. All Hel broke loose.
It wasn’t that we hadn’t been injured before. We had all been on the battlefield. Though my mind didn’t realize this. So when Loki got stabbed, time stopped. And I snapped.
I don’t know exactly what happened, but the only thing I knew was what I saw. Loki was injured, and 30 dead bodies laid around us. He got belp, and of course survived. But he decided it was his last time on the field with me. It was….understandable.
Asgard was beautiful. The gold castle and gold everything had been done. But what was the most beautiful was the mountains. After Loki’s injury, he asked me to go with him to the mountains. And of course I had accepted.
I had never seen anything like it, lush natural green, water that sparkled with tranquility.
“This is….I don’t even know.” I said.
“So you like it?” Loki asked, rather sheepishly.
“Yes! Of course I do!”
“Good,” he smiled. “Come on, love, there is still more to see.”
I eagerly took his hand as he lead me through the mountains. He led me to the peak of the mountain. He let go of my hand and I took it all in.
Most people would open their eyes, and look at the view. I learned long ago that you had to feel a place to know it. And the feeling, resonating in my body, was power. I felt the woods calling me in deeper. If only I could-
“Liv.” I jumped. My eyes snapped open. Loki took me by the hand again. “I have known you for years, known you, and loved you. When I got hurt, you didn’t hesitate to protect me, but I feared for my life. I feared that I would never be able to see your beautiful face again, and Liv, that’s something I cannot live without. You are my best friend, the love of my life. I know my father arranged this but I wanted to ask you properly. Liv, would you-“
“Liv! Liv!” A raven cawed.
I turned to Loki. He knew as well as I did that when his father sent a raven, it was urgent. I could see sadness in his ice blue eyes.
“Sorry,” I said. I started to run toward the city.
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franeridart · 7 years
Can i ask what (& why) Mina dragon is protecting?
You mean in the pic I posted? That’s just Baku and Kiri haha they’re there more for scale than anything else, really
Anon said:What role do Denki and Sero have in your take on the fantasy AU?
Sero’s a simple normal non-magic herbs merchant and amateur healer, Kaminari’s a lightning mage and a swordsman! They both also stumbled their way into being bards of sort, more for fun than anything else really - they used to travel alone and then they travelled together, till they travelled into the dragons’ territory without even realizing. Somehow, they managed to not die and get on the prince’s good side enough to be allowed to freely roam and maybe stay if they so wished
(they so wished)
Anon said:Ahh are you okay? If everything’s bad and all, feel better soon 🌟
Ahhhh, you’re sweet ;u; thank you!!
Anon said:Hey, I just really wanted to thank you! I only found you a couple months ago but your art has really inspired me. I owe a lot to you on finding an art style that’s comfortable for me. Not to mention, everything you do with Bakugou and Kirishima is the damn cutest thing and I can only love them more~! So thank you for all your lovely work!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man that makes me super happy to hear!!!!!!!! I’m really really glad my messy art could help you like that haha and thank you so much for the compliments too aaaahhhh!!!!
Anon said:If you ever get around to some more fusions, how about some of the teachers with some students like midnight-bakugou and aizawa-momo?
ngl I have about maybe forty asks in my inbox with fusions suggestions in them, and I’m just letting them pile up cause… that au hasn’t been fun lately, but I think it might be again in the future? Maybe? So I’m leaving those there and waiting for inspiration to strike again - that said, I’m sort of intrigued about these specific combos :O why Midnight and Bakugou specifically? The more I think about this the more I can’t tell if what’d come out would be something sexy or just utterly ridiculous lmao
Anon said:Just imagine Kiri and Baku getting married, and Fatgum is the one to give Kiri away and they couldn’t decide on a best man so there’s like 5 people giving speeches and there are Manly Tears shed.
What do you mean imagine, isn’t this exactly how it’s gonna go hahaha tho I can totally see Bakugou being 100% unaware of the best man situation, at some point after maybe the third speech he’s like is this done can we go now but nope there’s more people - Kirishima has a vague idea of it but as far as he knew it should have been only Denki and Hanta and Mina? Maybe? Most of the oragization of the wedding was left in Mina and Kaminari’s hands after all. But since everyone noticed that Bakugou’s already short patience is disappearing fast and  since 1A is made of a bunch of assholes once Mina’s done Jirou’s like, okay my turn, and then it’s Deku, and then it’s Uraraka, and then Todoroki and Tokoyami and Hagakure and Tsuyu and Iida and Momo too why the hell not - Kirishima’s crying and laughing and Bakugou’s 1% touched and 99% ready to blow up, which, honestly, is exactly how a wedding between these two is supposed to end
Anon said:Hello.-wave- I know this isn’t a question but i love your art work and how you made Baku and his red haired boy friend (i forgot his name :( ) just bounce off each other so perfectly. Now I hope those two actually be a couple in the anime. :)
Ahhhhh I doubt they’ll actually become canon haha it’s a Jump shounen after all - but I’m glad you like the way I portray them!!!!! thank you so much!!
Anon said:TINY DRAGON BAKUGOU IS THE BEST AAAAAA (He’d be like the tiniest, bitchiest cat.)
HAPPY YOU LIKED HIM OMFG!!! and yes, yes that’s exactly how he is haha
Anon said:I wanna tell you how much I love you. Except… there are no words that can express just how much that is. I’ve tried writing to you off-anon before, but, I’m just too shy. (Even using anon, I’m really nervous.) Seeing your artwork always brightens my day. I enjoy reading your tags, comments, replies. I really appreciate your hard work and thank you for sharing it with us. I’m sorry for bothering you and you don’t have to reply. I hope you have a very lovely weekend!! ^^
You’re so sweet orz so damn sweet oh my god, thank you so much for every kind word ;O; I hope you’ll have the best week, anon!!!!
Anon said:Dragon Baku be lookin like a mango, I love him so much. Bless u Fran
A mango!!!!! Amazing, I was thinking about an explosion as far as colors go but a mango incredible I’m never unseeing that ever hahaha thank you, by the way!!! I’m glad you liked himmm!!!!!
Anon said:How do you think Bakugou and Kirishima would react to finding out their kid was getting bullied in school? What would they say to them?
What a heavy question holy shit, I’m actually not sure? I’m not even sure a kid raised by Bakugou and Kirishima would ever let themselves be bullied, really, so the real question here is why is this kid being bullied? Based on what the answer to that is, they’d probably react in different ways. And what they’d tell the kid would change as well, of course. Well, either way they’d probably go raise hell inside the school, both of them
(then again we’re talking about Bakugou (a former bully himself) and Kirishima (a kid that used to physically fight bullies) and their kid, so maybe the actual conversation - in case the kid were ever to actually admit to it, cause Bakugou and Kirishima’s kid might not even ever do that - would probs go something like,kid: “what if there were someone at school I was having problems with?”baku: “kill them” kiri: “Katsuki! you don’t kill them, you talk to them, and if they try to touch you you punch them as hard as you can right on the chin just like we taught you”)
(When the next day they’re called in because their kid has made a classmate bleed Bakugou fist-bumps them and Kirishima put on his hero face and voice and tells the principal that next time if they don’t want their kid to defend themselves they should make it so that they didn’t need to in the first place)
Anon said:I started reading black clover because of that one sketch you did, and i had such a tough time stopping so I can get school work done 😅 in one day I’ve read 122 chapters and I didn’t want to stop
AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!!!!!! It’s such a nice manga oh boy ;O;
Anon said:Imagine Bakugou seeing Kirishima being attacked or hurt by a villain. I imagine he would immediately explode and charge in to kill said villain? I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but I also think of that scene in RWBY Volume 3 with Blake and Yang.
I haven’t watched it, sorry ;-; but yeah! Bakugou protecting Kirishima is something I’m waiting for the actual manga to deliver, so I try not to think too much about it to keep it fresh in case Horikoshi’ll ever be that nice to me haha but anyway we sort of saw how he reacted to Kiri being in mild “danger” during the license exam, so I guess for him to actually lose his mind and explode/get angry Kiri should be in serious danger. Like, post-Rappa fight type of danger, probably.  Ahhhhhhhh boy, I seriously hope Hori will be kind enough to make something like that happen (………not that I want Kiri hurt, tho ;–;)
Anon said:Fran, Fran!!! New dgm chapter on the 16th October!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW! And I won’t be here for it, can you believe ;~; I’m sad o
Anon said:what are your thoughts on trans kiri??
More or less the same as my thoughts on trans baku! I don’t share the headcanon myself, but there’s a lot of good art and works out there with that headcanon which I enjoyed a lot, and if that’s how you wanna see the character then go for it! Who’s even got the right to stop you hahaha
Anon said:Ooh, u read erasermic fics?? Got any faves??
Seems like I only got two in my bookmarks :O x x (and the second is an hp au haha) (I’m sure I read and loved more tho, I’ll have to come back on this when I have the time)
Anon said:Another thing about Invisible girl and Aizawa using his quirk on her. They used a tail as an example of erasing quirks and the tail was still there but it was like a dead limb. So if he used it on her she may actually be visible. I was thinking about this for awhile and I think it might work that way.
That might be! But then again, that still depends on why she’s invisible - if that’s just the way her skin is made then I don’t think Aizawa’s quirk would change anything? I dunno tho, it’s hard to headcanon about Tooru since we know so little about her!
Anon said:sorry I asked about eri-chan and I agree I really want her to be able to but what about her completely destroying her entire ability?? like not giving people their quirks back but make it so she can’t erase them anymore?? if you get me??
OH YEAH SORRY I TOTALLY MISREAD YOUR ASK OH MY GOD I’m not sure she can do that tho? Like, assuming destroying quirks is her quirk to begin with, I’d assume her body would be built in such a way that she’d be immune to it? It’s just the way I see it, tho :O
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in-retrospeck · 7 years
Messy Thoughts on Zero Hour
spoilers and a long post, you’ve been warned 
Part I
love that opening shot of the twin moons. a pretty obvious callback to the previous episode, which is nice 
a heavy rendition of thrawn’s theme, which prepares us for what’s to come 
of all the brilliant plans, who ever thought of hijacking a mouse droid?? well done kallus, you’re a true spy 
wow thrawn must truly love grandeur if he’s putting in so much effort into “hiding” from a rebel spy he knows is listening 
did he tell konstantine about kallus?? konstantine sounds so confused, and why would thrawn withhold that information from him? he knows he’s not the spy... maybe thrawn just likes toying with konstantine 
that look of shock and concern on kallus’s face... he’s come so far and he’s a true rebel now 
oh my goodness things seemed so peaceful on atollon but that changed so quickly
i love that spacedad-spaceson talk oh my goodness 
it’s been so long since they had a conversation like that, i missed it so much
look at all those ships soon to be gunned down 
kriff someone should tell general dodonnna never to speak wishful thinking aloud 
wow thrawn is a true drama queen, second only to darth vader 
OUCH okay those were quite a few solid blows 
what the... what did thrawn do to kallus in that small skip? when did his hair get all mussed up? and the bruise around his eye?? the cut on his lip?? that couldn’t have all been from that fight thrawn what did you do to my son 
what the kriff thrawn had a slideshow prepared and everything 
maybe kallus tried looking for the base himself too, that’s why he thinks there’s no base 
ohhh kriffff the pain on kallus’s face when he realised he was the one who revealed the rebels’ location and that it was ultimately his fault 
thrawn kept true to his word... he did use fulcrum against the rebellion 
there’s the promo clip 
so i guess they’re delaying the attack on lothal 
ohh the gravity wells from stealth strike 
i don’t know much about thrawn’s history, but what makes him want the rebels to feel defeat so much? 
hera is a true military tactician, did anyone else see how quickly she figured a way to turn the tables?? 
did kanan not tell hera about the bendu?? wow so much for the trust of a spacemarried couple 
love that rex-zeb dynamic! two veteran leaders just bantering... 
thrawn knows wayyyy too much about his enemies 
you can feel the immediate tension between konstantine and thrawn wow 
thrawn sounds so lofty here, as if he can’t be bothered to deal with ambitious underlings like konstantine 
kriff they’re taking heavy fire everywhere 
i love the way they animated bendu’s eyes in this scene. they only reflect one speck of white light each, and beyond his dialogue, tone and gestures, you can tell he’s mad 
same kanan, i’m just as done 
fpj, bless you and your voice acting skills. your performance is amazing here. they beautifully convey kanan’s frustration towards the bendu 
man you can tell kanan’s striking a nerve 
oh kriff the screams of the unnamed pilot who blew up... that’s a somber reminder that real people are dying 
sato no sato no sato n o n o n o 
kriff he’s gonna do it 
i’m crying over those two unnamed brave souls who decided to stay with sato 
i can’t watch this 
good job konstantine you’re falling for sato’s trick 
but beyond that konstantine showed his fatal weakness here: his desire for glory 
it’s been hinted at since the beginning of season 3, when thrawn came into command 
you can tell he’s grown tired of thrawn being in charge and want to snatch the glory for himself 
wow twenty episodes later and konstantine’s still salty that thrawn’s a grand admiral 
rip sato, his two loyal staff, and konstantine, thank you for your service 
don’t worry sato i’m sure filoni will make your nephew mart step up 
kallus’s shock oh my goodness 
was he shocked at the violence or that sato sacrificed so much? he shouldn’t be so shocked tbh, he’s the one who risked everything as fulcrum 
“petty battles” that’s nice bendu 
weather-conjuring powers? 
glowing eyes?? 
bendu what even are you how powerful can you get 
kriff that was an emotional rollercoaster if anything 
Part II
“sabine’s baby” did i ever mention how much i love her 
hera’s so worried about kanan aaaaaa
go faster kanan please 
i love how they used the shield generator from ghosts of geonosis. it helped so much 
thrawn’s theme as he fires upon the base is intimidating and absolutely terrifying 
he’s making kallus watch as he destroys everything he’s tried to build up 
the look of relief on hera’s face when she hears kanan again 
“i have the feeling thrawn’s actually trying to kill us this time” you got that right, kanan 
first time i’ve heard hera’s nervous laughter and i empathise 
can’t leave the mask of course 
wow i didn’t think i’d be so glad to see all the mandos again 
now that he’s a rebel kallus now deserves the honour of snark and laughingly taunting his colleagues 
the civil war’s happeningggg just not in this season 
ezra’s so done with people not being willing or able to help 
did... sabine paint one of tristan’s shoulder guards? 
i guess she couldn’t go so long without painting something 
nice shot zeb 
dang it thrawn always surpasses my expectations he’s so kriffing smart 
what the... it can be entered?? that is one huge design flaw 
also never underestimate the space dad 
woah okay thrawn’s ground assault plan was so successful
it only began to fail when a cosmic entity fought him 
for someone who appreciates art, thrawn could afford to begin the jedi mythology 
woahhh bendu pulling all the stops i see 
he also needs to chill 
wait so do they have random space suits laying around now? 
well i think those thrusters are the closest thing you’re gonna get to a jetpack, ezra 
better listen to the bendu, everyone 
ap-5′s frantic walk though, i don’t think his model was built to run 
hoho bendu’s mad 
what a nice love tap 
oops you made hera mad too 
kanan you know she’s the one person you shouldn’t anger look what happened to josh gad 
thrawn just get away from atollon 
wait firing on the bendu worked?? he could’ve just deflected the blasters with lighting or something 
well done ezra and sabine!! i missed seeing them work together and blow stuff up 
be careful of what emotion can make you do, pryce 
oh too late 
throw him out of the airlock? couldn’t you just shoot him? 
that smirk hehe 
smirk no. 2 hoho get rekt stormtroopers 
ezra you make your mom proud 
HAH good job kallus now just don’t die 
escape pod, good okay he’s almost there 
come on come on come on rescue himmm
zeb save your friend HURRY UP 
don’t die kallus don’t die don’t die d o n t d i e 
oh boy pryce helplessly watching the rebel ships sail past her 
she knows it’s not gonna turn out well for her 
i hope we see more of her development 
aahhh the ‘seeing’ aspect brought in again 
did i... detect fear in thrawn’s voice? 
okay good luck thrawn that’s definitely foreshadowing 
did bendu straight up vanish? like just... poof? 
okay between thrawn and bendu i don’t know who’s creepier 
that silent pat of acknowledgement kanan gave zeb... you can tell he’s glad that he’s alive too 
the hesitation on kallus’s face breaks my heart. he doesn’t know if he’s going to be accepted in the rebellion 
at least he knows he has kanan’s acceptance, alongside zeb’s 
that genuine smile ohh my son 
that contemplative shot of the silent rebels just tells you that they’re feeling the heavy losses, and it’s not easy 
ezra sure does love that spot 
love that final conversation between father and son 
there’s still hope for the future of the rebellion 
now that was an amazing episode, i can’t wait for season 4 
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queencanaries · 7 years
The Flash | “Fastest Man Alive”
“Barry escorts Iris to a university gathering honoring scientist Simon Stagg. When six gunmen storm the event, Barry changes into The Flash and tries to stop them. While he does save a man's life, he passes out before he can capture the robbers, which frustrates him. As Dr. Harrison, Caitlin and Cisco scramble to find out what's wrong with Barry, Joe comes down hard on Barry for taking the law into his own hands and risking his life. Barry realizes that it wasn't six gunmen but a meta-human named Danton Black, who can make multiples of himself. Meanwhile, Iris becomes even more intrigued by the red streak.”
I love how Cisco was helping The Flash go around Central City and save people behind everyone’s back and then Caitlin’s like GET YO ASS IN HERE, SON. YA’LL ABOUT TO GET AN ASS WHOOPING. 
“Don’t expect me to patch you up every time you break something” sheesh Caitlin what is your problem???
Did Barry just rob a store? I mean I assume he left the money but wow
I know Joe just wants to protect Barry but it hurts my soul that he doesn’t let him visit his father :(((
“Journalism is boring. I’m bored. I blame you.” Iris is hilarious. Her scenes with Barry are the BEST. I also love how fast she talks. 
Ew Eddie go away
Barry keeps passing out I FORGET WHY THOUGH
o h   he needs food, that’s right. That’s hilarious! 
“Don’t look at me. I’m on your side” ha! 
(but I also feel kinda bad for Joe when he’s like “you’re not my father”)
this dude just multiplied -- god I wish I could do that and send my duplicate to do all the boring shit in life while I sleep and then party haha!
I love this scene where Barry tells her everything while he’s speeding around her so she can’t hear it but he can get it all off his chest. HE WANTS HER TO KNOW SO BAD BUT HE’S HONOURING HIS PROMISE TO JOE DAMMIT. 
Poor Barry is outnumbered :(((
“You got blood on my suit” ha! I luv Cisco
“Captain Clone” 
Barry needs some fight training. Imagine ninja skills with super speed omg
No physical contact?! THATS HIS BOY LKSJDNGLKA this makes me so sad you guys. 
“For the record I care about him too” LIAR
This is where it starts to get irritating -- Barry has believed in the impossible all his life because of what happened and Iris has too because she’s been there with him through it all but he basically tells her that it’s “science fiction” nonsense and tries to do to Iris what was done to him, and that kind of writing is character-sabotage. Barry doesn’t have to tell Iris his secret and can honour the promise he made to Joe but still allow Iris to figure things out on her own without squashing her dreams or inspiration of beliefs or perspective. It’s the main aspect of why I hate this particular storyline in Season 1. It’s less about Iris not knowing (because they can have great Flash/Iris scenes outside of Barry/Iris scenes) and more about the hypocrisy of it all. 
 Aw Joe is getting supportive of Barry and his role as The Flash. See, Joe is such a great addition to this show and actually LEARNS from the conflict that he has on the show. Love it! 
oh shit he killed himself
“Multiplex” is so much better than “Captain Clone.” Good one, Cisco! 
“We were all struck by that lighning” aww :’) 
JOE IS GONNA HELP HIM FIND HIS DAD and i’m crying again fuck
I love how Harrison says “The Flash” 
This was such a great episode. I really appreciate the flashbacks and how we got to see young Barry and his relationship with Joe and his desperation to see his Dad. This show just knows how to hit you in the feels and it usually stems from Barry and his parental figures (his mom, his dad and joe). Really liked Caitlin’s arc -- I think The Flash has pulled her out of her dark spell and she’s smiling again and having fun and finding hope in this world without Ronnie. Iris is on her journey of investigating “The Streak.” And “Team Flash” is finally solidified as a thing now (with Cisco coming up with the code-names). 
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