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ineffablecabbage · 1 day ago
Not Spoilers: I don't care how many people on this show kiss Santos' ass: it's just gonna make me hate her more, actually!
First of all, Robby's little speech about where to put your feelings definitely reminds me of "there are TWO KINDS OF DOCTORS." someone should make a gif set lmao
Secondly, Frank is a great mentor when his student isn't an asshole. Mel + Frank is my favorite team. "YES YOU DO." AWW.
showing Dana breaking up the fight is the reality of nurses' every fucking day lives. love that for this show.
Look, I can't be mad at Langdon for being bitchy to Santos. .This dumb girl is trying to frame him for drugs, so she deserves what she gets! Anyway, she's been terrible all day. I DON'T CARE that he's mean to her, show. tHIS GIRL could not have survived Benton or Season 5 Carter. She'd crawl in a hole and cry about Dr. Bailey. She deserves all THREE.
THOSE RATS ARE PET RATS. I love them. Offer them a sandwhich, Whitaker.
Oh, does Robby have a bad back? Hmmmmmmm. DON'T COME FOR ME, LAWSUIT.
Oh, are they flirting over the patients again? LOL, Either that baby was his or that was an IVF baby. That woman is not with anoher man.
Okay, so yes, Langdon did too much here. But lmao. If you are yelling "Shut the fuck up" at your underlings.... maybe your advice is hypocritical here, Robby. AND ACTUALLY, getting Mel out of the game was a good thing.
I'm sure Santos' defenders will pretend that Robby was in the right there, but he needs a good smack. And so does Santos.
If belitting and humiliation or whatever aren't effective teachign tools, then maybe yelling in the hallway aren't either, Dr. Robby, buddy.
Oh, poor Victoria. Also, that was awkward as fuck.
"I wish you many Utahs." Awww, I love Dana.
OH JESUS H. CHRIST. NOW We have to hear Samira go on about how good Trinity is at this. lmao. Nah, she sucks, actually. If there is one bad writing issue in this show, it is how they are approaching Trinity. She is a complete shit doctor who occassionally gets lucky, and we have to hear the likes of Samira and Robby to go bad for the dumb girl while Trinity treats everyone else like shit.
I genuinely hope nothing good happens to Santos for the rest of this show. I haven't hated someone this strongly since Owen Hunt screamed at Cristina Yang.
Awww, Whitaker. Awww, the psych patient. Awwww warm fuzzies.
Oh, damn. Collins calling out fatphobia. NICE.
that fucking asshole punched DANA? what a fucking asshole.
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king-of-havoc · 9 days ago
Sometimes I think the transphobes on Tumblr are dumb but I just had the worst interaction with a transphobe in Youtube comments that basically just boiled down to-
Transphobe: Where are polite trans? They don't exist
Me: Have you tried being polite to trans people yourself?
Transphobe: Tf no? Why would I do that?
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If requests are still open could I possibly get a fic about yuu getting boyfriends. Specifically that cute octavinelle boy or Jonathan, awh just dealing with nrcs crap and then come home to 2 cuties
Yuu and their Ugly Ass NPC S/O
I made a buncha random NPCs based on random Disney characters I hope you can tell who is who. GN, 2.7k words.
Yuu was the school heartthrob. How could they not be? 
They were kind, considerate And confident! They always stood up for others and themselves. I mean, they even beat several people’s asses — dormleaders even!
They're attractive and talented and smart too. Always so hardworking. It's a bit intimidating how a magicless human can keep up with a bunch of unruly mages.
Even the most tsundere students admire Yuu. Despite what the students said, a simple, kind-hearted and relaxed person was stronger than the lot of them. Something the students yearn for. A nice break from everyone's dog eat dog mentality.
Their charming laughter, their smarts, their strength… The way they smile… Their gentleness… The way they hold themselves…
So many people were vying for their affections, their attention… Waiting for the perfect moment to ask you out...
Can you imagine their surprise when you found love with a nobody?
Hatter?! Really?? That absolute kook??
He's so weird! Wears way too many hats and loves making them. His infatuation with them makes Trey's dental obsession normal in comparison.
Ace would have preferred it if you dated Riddle honestly. He can at least understand that. Also can everyone stop remarking how similar they are?! They aren't! He's normal and Hatter is weird!
Your relationship is none of Riddle’s business but he hopes Hatter’s eccentricities don't rub off on you too much. He knows how to find loopholes in every rule so he can dabble in his own insanity it's infuriating. You better not follow his example! Seriously he thought half a cup of tea meant he had to saw a teacup in half!
Deuce is happy for you! I mean at least you'll never get bored with Hatter around and his usual laughter. It is like having a second Ace around though…
Cater finds all the matching accessories he makes for the two of you so cute but he loves the drama in the school even more. Perfect romance novel Yuu with the class clown troublemaker… He's surprised you didn't get with Ace…
Trey is just happy for the two of you. You want someone zany to unwind with after a long day of having your shit together. He gets it. You two are a good fit. He hopes you can both have fun. Oh and can you ask Hatter to fix up his hat? It got a little frayed… thank you…
The school is in shock, horror, watching as Hatter is giggling and hanging off Yuu as they walk down the hall totally lovestruck. He's totally mad! Yet you love him! All of the perfect straight A students fall to their knees as they realize they're too put together for you.
What Trey surmised was right however. You always have to be your very best every day. Always be the voice of reason, always fix others’ mistakes, always set an example. 
With Hatter the stress melts away, replaced by wacky activities and childish fun. It's great to be able to drop the perfect student's expectations and be a little immature…
That dumb tiger Cheren? 
I mean he's a very nice guy. Tall, muscular, sporty… but a total idiot… 
He goes on and on about The Jungle Tiger of his people and how he's gonna be just as strong as him someday and how he's gotta work harder and there you are kicking your feet for him.
Your circle already has three idiots in it and now you're dating one? Leona remarks it seems you have a type.
He's pure muscle-y sunshine, always trying to help others…
If you liked naive goody two shoes boys so much you should have gone to RSA. Still, Ruggie supposes it's cute…
Funny even, watching you lecture him after he tried to smell sand by inhaling it. Oh poor poor Yuu, Ruggie shakes his head, you always make more work for yourself.
He and Jack are pretty similar. Work out partners even. He can admit first hand that your lover is most likely the strongest physically in the dorm and he's gonna surpass him some day!
There's times where your dates with the tiger are interrupted when you bump into Jack and the two end up challenging each other, throwing off your plans.
Not that you mind though as you get to admire his body and competitive spirit as he constantly looks over for your approval doing his best to impress you.
Jack will admit… It does feel a little weird how similar they are at times… Is he your type…? Huh…
You don't care what they say though. What they don't see is how much your boyfriend helps you behind the scenes. Helping you relax after a long day or checking up on you after school drama or how he plays seems to cheer you up.
Tutoring him and making sure people don't take advantage of his kindness is not the burden people think it is. It's an act of love. And you love your dear himbo tiger boy.
All of the muscleheads in Savanaclaw seethe… They just needed to be a bit stupider.
I'm sorry you have two lovers?? Twins??? The STINGRAYS??? CLAUD AND DARREN?
That was the exact reaction of everyone in the school when they heard news but especially Azul.
Your taste in men has to be a form of self harm, Prefect they swear—
They're just so… weird…
The kind of creepy twins in every horror movie. Always together. Always seems to read each other's mind. Holding hands in hallways. Always in sync. Finishing sentences. Matching smirks with empty eyes. The whole shebang.
And there you are! So kind and cool and just… you! You can fight yes, but unlike the Leech twins rumors, everyone is in agreement that those two have killed before. Look at them!! 
Do you have any self-preservation skills, Yuu? Are you safe? Blink twice if you need help, Jade says, he'll even do it free of charge. Hell, Azul’s gonna send his own twins over for a wellness check soon.
Is the shrimpy into scary twins? This is just perfect teasing material for Floyd. If you liked scary twins you could have at least asked them out or something. Those two just seem so… boring…
So secretive and polite-acting with all their fully thought out schemes– Where's the flavor?! Jade is in agreement. At least he and Floyd have distinct personalities.
Azul is just very baffled. Good for you Prefect but have you thought this through…? It's just you're the typical perfect crush people write in their diaries about and you're with them? It's oddly intimidating. Is there more to you he doesn't know?
A total powermove to have two scary boyfriends in this damned place. Despite all the rumors though, the two love you with their full hearts and are happy sharing. They both take such good care of you and no one bothers to take the time to get to know them.
They are both so vastly different yet similar. Mischievous and kind. The rumors mean nothing to you when they've been your number one supporters through the school year. Sides, if anyone upsets you they'll take care of it…
Ibadat?? The total birdbrain? Okay, yeah, seems you do have a type for cocky idiots given your friend group. 
The parrot is a very confident, extroverted personality with a bit of a mischievous streak… a real chatterbox and never thinks before he does anything. 
He is a bit of a scatterbrain and tends to get wrapped in so many things at once, yet is a very good schemer…
Jamil doesn't have any strong feelings about it. You're happy. That's all that matters. However he does like that since you’ve been dating him he causes less trouble in his dorm now. He can just go to you and ask him to sort him out.
Kalim finds it sooooo cute however and seems to be more excited for your relationship than either of you. A magic carpet is one thing– but being carried and flown around??? That's so much more romantic!
Students are flabbergasted on how you would want someone so forgettable as him. He barely stands out from most of the other students here… Doesn't seem to have any major achievements either.
What they don't see is the bird that takes out some of his feathers to decorate you with when you mention not having any special clothes. They don't see the praises he gives you. The lectures you receive when you push yourself too hard. The confidence he instills in you. The way he does all he can for you, always at your beck and call.
He never lets you doubt yourself for a second and you never doubt him either. 
Raven… ah…
An interesting one at least. They are always a bit of an enigma among most students. Fashionable, beautiful, confident, yet mysterious. One of the best alchemy students in the school.
It should be no surprise that two beautiful and accomplished people get together, so why was it a surprise?
Well not one person can name anything they know about Raven. They hold themselves high, yet shy away from others. They are so prominent yet elusive. You may see them roam the halls yet never know where they go. They are elegant, yet have the most animated expressions. 
Does anyone even know their favorite food? Favorite color? Has anyone even heard them speak?? Why do they have so many oddities on them at any given time?
Vil doesn't care at all about the rumors. As housewarden, he checks over all of his dormmates. The birdfolk preens themselves well. They have good hygiene, good confidence, good grasp of their identity and who they are, and they're hard working!
He's never had to lecture or guide them once. With their attention to detail they always seem to notice what he expects without him having to say it either. So what they keep to themself? Eveyones allowed their privacy.
Rook is almost jealous. You get to understand the most mysterious student on campus? The one that captured their heart? You get to see them behind closed doors and know them on a personal level. Maybe even hear them speak if they do at all? Oh, how he longs to uncover their many mysteries himself… Ah, but what a beautiful love story! The trust, the passion. He is rooting for both of you. 
Epel doesn't trust it one bit. Nope. Nuh uh. Sorry.
No one even knows what they get for lunch. They strut down hallways with all eyes on them yet are quick to flee when spoken to? They are seen all across campus yet no one knows any one place they frequent? And they alway suck up to Vil like ugh!
They're bad news Yuu! No one good has that many secrets! The campus all agrees and it's totally not ‘cause they're salty!
Fools. If only they knew how sweet they were. All those times they saw Raven ‘wandering’ was them making their way to you. All those trinkets were offerings of courtship. The place where they disappear to is your dorm.
They're confident because they know they're talented. They flaunt because they're beautiful. People just want to pick them apart and know everything about them for the sake of their curiosity and not because they care, unlike you who doesn't expect anything out of them. Why wouldn't they open up to you?
The Fair Queen was said to have a raven that accompanied her everywhere she went, staying by her side matter what. They intend to show you how deep the loyalty of a raven goes. 
Idia never thought he'd meet anyone more socially awkward than him. Fear leaves his room less than him!
The imp-man always looks like he's on the verge of a panic attack, he shakes every step of the way, everywhere he goes, and he's known to not even get a few words out. He wasn't even on the roster, he's that distant!! He lives up to his name for sure.
Even when you walk down the hall with your boyfailure in hand no one believes for a second you're together. You're just being nice and helping him go out!
So many students refuse to believe you’re with him. They're better! They can easily impress you more than that imp! And Fear tells you they're right… Boo! Bad Fear! You're wonderful!
Seriously if Idia realized he had this much Of a chance he might have considered taking it…
Ortho as a first year has seen him a bit more since he's friends with you and likes him a lot! He and Idy would be friends!! 
Everyone doubts his capabilities and mind. Tearing down his appearance with his horns and messy clothes. 
You don't let anyone talk cruelly about him and give your group of first years THE scariest lecture of their life when they dare comment anything negative about him.
If people did pay attention they'd know that Fear would come out of his room a lot. Whether as a bird that flaps around campus or a stray that frequents the gardens.
It's not his fault he has a severe stutter. You were the only one who bothered to wait for him to finish his sentences, even when the simplest ones took minutes. You never made fun of him or even brought it up.
They don't see that he loves you to the point of invention. How he makes so many things to make your life a bit easier here. How he frets over you and listens to your worries. All the little animals he becomes to cheer you up or look out for you from afar. 
The people who put him down never had a chance with you to begin with.
Griffon…? Who is that…? Wait, did that statue just move…?
It was only revealed when Malleus of all people met him first. He invited you to a late night stroll to show you some of the wonderful gargoyles his dormitory has.
He was so proud to show you this new gargoyle he only recently discovered here. As he rattled on about this interesting find you paused. “Wait, that's not just a gargoyle… Griffon???”
The gargoyle suddenly moved at the sound of your voice, yawning a bit. “Oh hey Yuu…” he said, reaching over to drape over you. 
“...a talking Gargoyle…?” Your lover? 
The school had a small storm overhead as Malleus pouted. You're telling him there was a gargoyle student here and you didn't tell him? When you know he likes gargoyles? How dare you! He's so betrayed for a bit but his attitude changes when he gets to talk to Griffon.
Not only are they a gargoyle– they're a descendant of the goon race. The very goons that worked under the thorn fairy and protected the castle with their lives! Why he's honored… he even joined his club too! And he says the other gargoyles on campus say good things about him!! He can talk to them?! Oh Yuu, he wishes nothing but the best for your relationship!!!
Lilia is surprised he didn't see them sooner! Just like the goons he knew. Honorably sticking to the shadows. They always watch over others and save their energy to put their all into whatever task they must do when needed– you are very lucky indeed.
Griffon makes Waka-sama happy so he approves fully! Furthermore, goons are very loyal to Briar Valley and he's so happy you're recognizing the glory of fae culture! He can tell you even more about it later!
Silver has a new napping buddy… Griffon’s always so tired, saving his energy for when he needs it most. When he's caught napping in the rain the gargoyle stands over him to shield him from it and get some much appreciated moisture.
Griffon guards the school. Perched high in every hallway, outside every building, every classroom he attends. He steps in when needed and that's how you both met someone who was giving you unnecessary trouble and the statue from above swooped down to intervene.
Students wonder how it even works out. He's asleep almost all the time. He doesn't do anything . Even when he's awake he's always tired. And he always gets in the way of the class fights to break them up! A real stick in the mud.
Though it is true he is always tired, he is willing to defy his own nature to stay awake enough to talk to you. He is happy to leave his perch to be with you as well. It is a goon’s job to protect what they love most dearly. You are exactly that.
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yndrgrl · 11 months ago
bullies! kiribaku x reader headcannons <3
headcannons for your azz. fem! reader. soft! yandere, hardcore! fuckers. college! au.
warnings: nsfw, threesome!!, degrading, praise, blackmail, sending pics, possessive, lowkey cnc???
a/n: so i originally had this as a long one shot, but i ended up straying too far away from the actual "bully" trope, so this is just to reel it back & get my thoughts all in one place :) lemme know if i should make this a longer fic !
✩ bullies! kiribaku were notorious around campus; if you came across them, know not to look into their eyes, keep your head down, & do whatever they say. those are the rules when you see the duo wandering around.
★ they were shocked when, while bullying one of the pricks that decided to spread rumors about them, you appeared out of nowhere. you shoved bakugo off of the shaking boy & put your body between them & their victim. "what the hell do you think you're doing!?" you shouted at them. you put on your bravest face & puffed out your chest. they've seen you around before, always silently admiring from afar until now.
✩ their first thought was, "how stupid is this chick?" they were -at least- twice your size & could scoop you up with one hand. then they took you in; you were ethereal, like a guardian angel sent from the pearly heaven above. kirishima looked at bakugo, & bakugo glanced at him. kirishima gave him a fang-filled grin. they were nothing more than demons who were feigning for a chance to taint your sweet charm.
★ bakugo, expressionless, responded, "what does it look like? i'm teaching this little asshole a lesson-" you cut him off with your hands clenched in a white-tight fist, "you're pathetic! picking on someone so much smaller than you, have some fuckin' self-respect." god, you were irresistible, they thought.
✩ kirishima, who is nothing but an instigator, snickered & whispered in the blonde's ear, "i think she's the one we have to teach a lesson to, don't you think?"
★ kirishima turned towards you, his grin would've been unnerving given any other circumstance. his sharp teeth were on full display as he teased, "well aren't you a good samaritan? it makes me wonder how far you'll go to stop us."
✩ "i'll do anything! you people make me sick," you shouted at them, & that's when the realization sunk in. shit... you've made a mistake.
★ the guy you were so-desperately trying to defend was just a coward who ran away without looking back. now you were in the hot seat, & your heartbeat was thumping in your ears. it felt like there was a drum in your head. adrenaline was flowing through your veins. you swallowed the lump in your throat. they were just staring at you with their sharp ruby eyes, piercing straight through your facade. "so what now? gonna beat up a girl 'cuz you have nothing better to do?"
✩ everything after that was a blur. you somehow ended up in their shared dorm, your throat fucked by kirishima & your pussy filled with bakugo. tears streamed down your face as you felt a whiplash of emotions all at once. they were such assholes, but, god, you felt so good. while kirishima sang you praises, bakugo gripped you so tightly, spanking your red-flushed ass. "you like that, huh? dumb slut," bakugo growled. he kept thrusting in & out of your dripping hole harshly. you hummed in disagreement, but it only made kirishima fuck your throat more.
★ "aww, bakubro, be nice to her. she's being so good f' us," purred kirishima, it seemed like he was on your side, but the tight grasp he had on your hair told you otherwise.
✩ by hour two, your pussy was still stuffed, this time with kirishima. a mixture of your climax & both mens' cum seeped out of your overstimulated hole. you sat in kirishima's lap, bouncing yourself on his thick cock reverse-cowgirl style. bakugo flooded your mouth with his cum, & he demanded, "don't fuckin' swallow, got it?"
★ he pulled out of your mouth, & you listened. your obedience didn't go unnoticed because, while bakugo went to go fish his phone out of his pants that were on the hardwood floor, kirishima groaned, "so perfect, you know that, don't you? just such a good girl, takin' us so well. you're too pretty for your own good, we're just gonna keep you to ourselves~ you'll be ours, won't you, sweetheart?" you were lost in foggy pleasure, so you nodded your droopy head.
✩ bakugo came back & held your chin. his touch was gentle for the first time. he guided your face to look up at him with your pretty, teary eyes. his phone camera was pointed at you. "open up, angel," he said, stroking your lip with his thumb. he was so soft spoken that it shocked you & kirishima, you felt obligated to listen. he was so sweet all of a sudden. you opened your mouth, his hot, white load dripping onto his wrist. he snapped a picture then told you to swallow & clean him off.
★ "you got him all pussy-whipped, (y/n). can't really blame him though. you're too good~" that night, an arrangement was made. bakugo's gentleness must've run out because, when you went back to your dorm, you received an image from an unknown number, the caption read, "if you know what's good for you, you'll listen to us."
✩ bullies! kiribaku who are so intimidating that they somehow got you, the campus' fire cracker, to not only turn a blind eye to their antics but also do their bidding. what dirt did they have on you, everyone wondered.
★ whatever you did, their other victims were thankful because bullies! kiribaku have left them alone. instead, they now target any man who thinks they can hit on you. a guy at the club is sauntering towards you? kirishima grabs you by the back of the neck, turning your face towards him & captures your pouty lips in a steamy kiss. a man on instagram starts talking dirty to you through dms? all you have to do is tell bakugo, & he sends them a mirror selfie of him sitting on his bed while you're on your knees in front of him.
✩ at some point, everyone knew that you belonged to bullies! kiribaku, but you were just as bad as them. oh? someone's trying to seduce your bullies? not on your watch. they found it so fuckin' sexy the way you'd immediately rush to their side. if a woman tries to feel bakugo's bulging muscles while he's at the gym, you'll be there, marking his neck & glaring at her. kirishima's fan girls are getting too close? you'll sit on his lap & whisper how much you wanna beat them up.
★ "you're not gonna tell anyone about this, right?" kirishima purred, as if everyone was unaware of your guys' relationship. it added to the fun-- sneaking around & pretending like you have no other choice. you were sucking his cock while your skirt was flipped up, your thong down by your ankles. your legs were spread, & bakugo buried his face in your juicy ass. bakugo responded between pants, "'course not, don't be stupid. we got those cute lil pictures of her, she's not gonna do shit."
✩ bullies! kiribaku who will throw you into the nearest janitor's closet & fuck you so hard. their fingers in your mouth to act as a makeshift gag.
★ bullies! kiribaku who are never hesitant to treat you to whatever you want, but they're always so awkward about it. after all, they're not used to having such a graceful angel by their side.
✩ in the end, bullies! kiribaku corrupted you, not that you cared. you loved their nasty teasing, the manhandling, & the secret touching moments shared between all of you.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 5 months ago
Dating a ghost isn't easy...
I love my boyfriend. I really do, but his death has put a strain on our relationship. At least Halloween is close which means his spirit is close too. Like always, I spend lunch alone at our favorite cafe, waiting for him to fill the empty seat next to me. I jump when a burly worker throws his heavy frame down, blaring a husky, "Hey sexy! Give your man a smile!"
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"Danny?" I ask, shaken by the guy's abrupt arrival and more-than-rough countenance.
"The name's Gordon," he bellows back, draping his dirty arms and legs aggressively outward, "But yeah, it's me sugar, your dead boyfriend. I thought you'd appreciate me showing up in a hunky body of the working man!" He flexes one of his thick arms and flashes challenging looks at some of the nearby customers.
His crass words make me shudder. My Danny was soft-spoken, charming, and thoughtful: nothing like the rude, stinking gorilla in front of me. Sure, a big hairy construction worker like this is great to fantasize about, but it's less exciting when that hulking body is sitting right there. His cocky mannerisms, sour body odor, and wandering eyes that seem to undress everyone they land on: it all adds to the growing pit in my stomach.
"You just gonna stare, sweet-lips?" he goes on, snickering with Gordon's deep timbre, "Spent the morning jackhammering the sidewalk, but now I could hammer your organs out!"
"Danny!" I blush, checking to see if anyone overheard. They're already staring, probably wondering why this guy sat down at this nice cafe caked in mud, "Can you cool it with this Gordon-the-macho-construction-worker vibe? I know you can't help it, but it's a bit much!"
"Fuck! Just shut up and kiss me already," he grunts, leading his heavy body covered in sweat with puckered lips in my direction.
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"Danny sto-OH!" I can't help but melt into the bulky embrace. With arms like Gordon's, I don't have much choice, and though his breath smells like cigarettes and his skin is slick with sweat, I enjoy finally kissing my boyfriend again even if it is through the mouth of some ridiculously unmannered construction worker. At least I've got my boyfriend back!
"That's my boy," he growls low in my ear, and I feel a strong hand squeeze my ass tightly through its filthy work glove. Fuck! Danny is so assertive inside this Gordon character.
"Babe, please not here," I wheeze from the effort of escaping the intensely strong grip, "And not with Gordon. Aren't you tired of being an dumb, hairy ape yet?"
"Not at all!" he announces as he reclines in his seat, almost yelling with Gordon's loud voice.
I shake my head, admittedly feeling more and more amused by this rough-around-the-edges giant. Ever since Danny passed away and started possessing people, I realized hopping into bodies wasn't like the movies. He didn't just jump into some dude and take over, his soul became entwined with that other person. All of his hosts have personalities, memories, and habits that bleed into Danny as long as he's wearing them. Honestly, more of the host shines through than my actual boyfriend does, but regardless of who he possesses, his love for me is never affected. I suppose that's enough to put up with some of the more unpleasant quirks of each guy he takes over.
"I don't mind walkin' around in Gordo's boots," he grins at me, obviously at home in the man's sun-dried skin, "But lemme see if I can find a cleaner stiff to hop in for ya."
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With that, Danny hoists himself off chair. I swear every move he makes in that body is startling, shaking the table with the ruckus of his tool belt being carelessly whipped around. Seeing the burly worker stand there with his hands on his hips makes me almost regret suggesting he swap out of the body. Sure the mud, sweat, and body hair makes my skin itch, but imagining that thug attacking me with his careless dominance is turning me on: not to mention the tight ass beneath that denim.
"Lunch break is almost over. Needa head back to the yard," he growls and then catches himself, "I mean Gordon does. I'll be back in someone else to finish this fuckin' date!"
"You're a real working man, Gordon," I tease, understanding this character a bit better "I'm sure you're the big boss on site."
"You bet yer ass, I am," he thumbs his chest proudly, "Someone's gotta keep the guys runnin' smoothly. Who else gonna do it?"
"Well I'll let you get back to work. Hopefully I'll run into you again. Maybe at home tonight?"
"Hell yeah!" he bursts, "I'll hop in this guy later, so I can take a look at your plumbing. Anything you need! ...I'll be your handyman, baby!"
"Hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty," I wink, and he flashes me one last wild grin from Gordon's face. That grin falters, and the construction worker shudders. His eyes still stare at me, but I can tell they don't recognize me anymore. Danny's left his body.
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"Uh, sorry 'bout that," the real Gordon mumbles, "Dunno what came over me."
"Don't worry about it."
"We know each other?" he asks, pawing at his head in desperate confusion, "We been chattin' like we do. Only just realized I don't think I know you like I thought I did." The poor guy's mind is probably racing with conflicting ideas.
The laborer chuckles nervously. I can tell Gordon is completely unsure about what he's been doing. Danny seems to have that effect on his hosts. Understand that they're still conscious while he possesses them; his thoughts just merge with their own. So, right now, Gordon the rough-neck construction worker is trying to reconcile the fact that he's been thinking of me as his boyfriend for the last twenty minutes. The poor guy's probably never had a gay thought in his life! Yet he just spent his break flirting with some random guy at a random cafe. He even kissed me, and I'm pretty sure Danny was imagining some rather homoerotic things with that guy's head.
"Sorry, man," I shrug, pretending to be just as clueless as he is.
"Fuckin' queer," his face hardens into a glare before he leaves our inexplicable lunch date.
"See you tonight, Gordo!" I call lightheartedly.
The construction worker gives me an intense scowl, but I can see blushing cheeks under that matted beard. Danny definitely had some sexual thoughts while possessing that guy, and Gordon seems completely embarrassed that those thoughts were in his head. Well, his opinion on the subject will completely change once again tonight when Danny hops back in.
"Afternoon, sir," a voice hums to my right, "Got some time to thank me for my service?"
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"Danny?" I immediately gasp.
"In the flesh," the policeman flirts with a cool voice, "At least, in your hometown hero's flesh." Danny enjoys a sip of coffee and shoots me a smile from the man's sparkling white teeth.
"Uh, are you sure you should be inside a cop," I whisper, leaning in so our fellow cafe-goers won't hear. They were already staring when a big blue-collar bear sat opposite me, but now their intrigue is growing from this man of the law. It doesn't help that this cop is a local celebrity! Nearly everyone's seen him on the news. With a face like that, it's no wonder the force chose him for public relations.
"Allow me to introduce myself," he extends a capable hand, "The name's Officer Steele."
"Well, officer," I try not to swoon too hard as Danny forcefully shakes my palm, "I'm-"
"You're my lover," he interjects warmly, "I know you like a man in uniform, sir. Why not enjoy the best guy this town has in uniform?"
"Wow, I..." I fumble, "...yup. Are you sure I'm not keeping you from anything important?"
"I've got patrol duty today," he nonchalantly answers, "But the town’s quiet. Besides, a guy’s gotta take a break sometime, right? Can’t be all work and no play." The officer's sneer is dripping with pride, clearly keeping a high opinion of himself! I doubt this man would be so open if Danny weren't in their making Steele think I'm his lover. Who knew the cop was as arrogant as he was charming?
"Aren't your fellow police counting on you to protect and serve, officer?"
"Oh sir, I can show you how well I protect and serve. And my men know better than to question me. I mean, look at me. Who else is gonna chase down the perps? Certainly not those doughnut-loving desk jockeys.” Steele stares me down with a confident, haughty look as he rises out of the chair. It's hard to do anything but listen and watch when Danny's wearing a guy like this. His eyes grip me in a trance while his fingers undo his shirt buttons.
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"Like what you see, sir?" Officer Steele smirks.
I can only answer with a dumb nod as I drink in the sight of his chiselled torso. Somehow the dusting of blonde fur only defines his perfect musculature further. At this point, everyone in the cafe has stopped to gawk at the cop stripping in the middle of their lunch.
"You make one hell of a cop, Danny," I breathe.
"It's Officer Steele, remember?" he winks, and bounces his pecs, rippling the fabric dangling off his shoulders, "I work out twice a day, before and after my shift. Sure it helps keep the town safe, but I also just like the citizens of this town to see me as the hot, muscular cop of their dreams. I love their eyes on me when I pull them over or walk past on patrol. They're always intimidated, jealous, or turned on."
With this Danny looks around at the people around him, matching their stunned expressions. I'll admit that I'm a little surprised by how vulnerable my boyfriend is getting with this cop's inner thoughts. Maybe this is all how Steele actually feels, but I doubt the officer would want to share it with the world!
"Maybe we should slow down," I suggest.
"Do I need to get out my handcuffs, sir," the cop purrs, his tone sharpening as he steps closer, "I'm used to having a good girl waiting for me at home, but I want that to be you tonight. Men are a whole lot more capable than women afterall. I'll be late from the gym, but I'd like supper ready. Think you can handle that?" His big hands hold me squarely at the shoulders while he stares down in my eyes. For a second I'm lost in the proximity of his handsome face and statuesque muscles.
That's when I notice the ring.
"Jesus, Danny!" I chastise.
"It's Officer Steele!"
"No! Jump out! You hopped into a married man!" Honestly, part of me is relieved to find something wrong. Officer Hadley was starting to freak me out, and now that I know he's married to a woman, his sexist comments are starting to make a lot more sense.
"Oh, come on," the cop rolls his eyes, "She doesn't have to know. You're my boyfriend, anyway! You won't find a hotter guy than me!"
I put my foot down and give Steele a look, appealing to the Danny I know is somewhere inside him. Like I'd hoped, he relents and let's out one more sigh of frustration. Then the cop's meticulously trained body shivers and his eyes lose their intense focus. In seconds, Danny's spirit slips out of the cocky cop.
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"Woah!" Officer Steele gasps, "Why did I do that?" He looks just as confused as Gordon did, frantically trying to button up his shirt and lose the attention of everyone in the cafe.
"Beats me," I play dumb, "Hope your wife doesn't hear about this."
"No!" the cop stomps over, "That wasn't what happened. I wasn't...coming on to you or anything. I'm not even into men!"
"Seemed like you were..." I press.
"I don't know what I was thinking. I'm going home to my wife tonight. You are not..." Steele glances around warily before whispering, "...my boyfriend. Got it!"
"Of course, Officer," I assure him, enjoying the rapid crumbling of his confident swagger.
The policeman lingers around the cafe to collect himself and straighten up his uniform. I can tell he'd like to say a few more words before leaving, but he thinks twice with the crowd of witnesses and strides off forcefully. I wonder if a guy like that would lash out if we weren't in such a public place. His poor wife better watch out tonight. I can't believe my Danny was inside a guy like that! The thought of his good-natured demeanor mixing with that man's entitlement and aggression makes me sick; not to mention his antiquated ideas about gender roles!
That's what's always so tricky about dating my boyfriend through a neverending series of hosts. Sure, I get to sleep with a rotation of the hottest characters I want, but the bad gets mixed in there too. I have to put up with his body's offensive ideas, mean comments, and weird behavior. I know I can't blame Danny for it, but while he's possessing those guys, those are his thoughts as much as they are theirs. It's just unsettling.
"Sorry about that," I hear behind me.
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"You're in the waiter now?" I feign a smile, unable to hide how tired I've grown.
Now that the cafe is rid of the policeman and construction worker, the atmosphere of the place seems to go back to normal. People turn their attention back to the food on their plates or the screens on their phones.
"Can I get you another cup? It's on the house," the cafe server tries to lighten the mood.
"Danny, I'm just tired..." I admit, "Wait, what's the name now?"
"It's Josh," the waiter replies, "But I am sorry about being inside that cop. I just want tonight to be special you know. That's why I've been combing the town for the biggest, hottest guys to jump in. You deserve the best!"
"Josh...Danny, you don't need to give me the best. Sure it'd be fun to mess around with you inside Gordon or Officer Steele, but right now I want you to be in someone that makes me feel like it used to. I miss you, the real you."
"I guess I really did pick some bad ones today," the waiter chuckles, smiling with dimples in his cheeks, "I felt so manly and tough in Gordon; like I didn't give a shit about anyone except my man. In Steele I felt so cocky and sure of myself, and honestly a little too entitled to you. It's hard to realize if I'm in the wrong with each of these guys. In their heads, they all believe themselves to be right, and I can't help but think the same in the moment."
"I know," I sigh, frustrated by the influence these guys have over my ghost boyfriend, "How do you feel in Josh the waiter."
Danny perks up in the cafe worker's body. I have to admit that this guy's energy is infectious, and he's far from bad looking. His broad shoulders look perfect for hugging, and he smells faintly of coffee. I don't know how I never noticed him working here before. I must've been preoccupied, looking for ghosts, to miss a charming barista like Josh.
"I have to admit something," Danny says with Josh's sweet tone, "I've got a crush on you. Had it for awhile. You're the hot guy that always sits here during lunch."
"Well, I'd hope you have a crush on me. You are my boyfriend afterall," I snort.
"No, I, Josh, have a crush on you," he smiles.
"Oh," I'm at a loss for words. Somehow this feels like a whole new can of worms. I'm flattered, but unsure. Is it weird if I flirt with someone that has a crush on me while my boyfriend is inside them? They're both conscious right now, so it's genuine right? But am I really flirting with Josh as long as Danny is in there too. Does flirting with another guy while your boyfriend is possessing him count as cheating? I can't even keep track anymore.
I don't have time to think before Josh/Danny has rushed over and pulled me into his arms. It feels just as good as I imagined to be in the waiter's embrace, and it feels even better to kiss. This guy, this Josh, seems romantic, kind-hearted, and gleeful; he reminds me of what it was like when Danny was alive. Before I know it, my boyfriend/new crush is clocking out of work and leading me to his car, holding me close, and whispering in my ear, "Happy Halloween, babe."
I love the spooky season.
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smuthospital · 1 year ago
⭐️Yandere Kylar x Reader⭐️
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Premise: You're a streamer, and your biggest fan really really likes you
Warning: Non-con, kidnapping, gn reader
Minors DNI
Bright lights flash in your eyes, your fingers rapidly bashing buttons on your keyboard, your other hand furiously clicking your mouse. You whine as your character suddenly falls to the ground, dead.
"Ok, guys! Ok, I get it! I know I'm not that good at this game! No need to tease me!" You laugh. Inside, you're a bit peeved. These stinky bastards aren't here for your gameplay so they better shut up. Shut up and enjoy their eye candy. You're currently streaming an online first-person shooter. You made your little hobby into a little side hustle not too long ago. Guys love watching hot people play games and it's proven to be profitable. "I'm cute? Well thank you, Mr. Husband!" This guy is a regular. Gotta give him those shout-outs he practically pays for.
As much as it hurts to deal with these weirdos, It helps with expenses. You've even seen Robins username pop in and out quickly, probably hoping you didn't see. At first, you were uncomfortable with acting all sweet for your audience, but you warmed up to the idea when it started staving off your bastard Landlord at the orphanage you live in, Bailey. You play games dressed sexy, say sweet dumb things and the money comes pouring in.
These poor, lonely guys send you money in hopes you'll give them a crumb of attention, and you do. Sometimes, you say their names. You don't exactly care that you're taking their money at all. It's a gift! It's not like you forced them to give you money, nor did you even ask. They just want a chance to get in your pants and you're not gonna stop them from dreaming. You can't count the number of times people in the chat have asked if you have an onlyfans.
You'd never, of course, date one of these pigs. You imagine your viewers are stinky, slimy, greasy and would cum in their pants at just seeing you in person. Their whole body is probably sticky to the touch and shower maybe once a month they probably have piss filled mountain dew bottles on the floor next to their pc and shit stains on their seat. You're pretty sure a few guys in the comments are jerking off as you stream this very second.
A few times, you've received ominous messages in the comments from different users, almost threatening you for some ridiculous problem they have with you. How you play, what you're wearing, or just your face, so you make sure to always hide your location and are very vague about your personal life. You're used to them being weird, saying things about what they'd do to you if they were alone with yo- Just have to learn to ignore it. You calm yourself down.
"Well, that's enough for today, I'm getting sleepy! It was nice playing with you today. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight, love you!" You blow a kiss at the camera. You see people commenting their 'i love you too's and whining about how you could stay a bit longer' in the chat before you disconnect. You made $540 from that two-hour stream. You received most of it from the same person. Mr.Husband. Not one minute after closing the stream, you get a message. You thought you disabled direct messages? You notice that it's to your personal account that's open on another tab from an unnamed account. No bio, no profile picture.
New user: Hey
New user: Do you want to meet up sometime? For coffee?
You: Who's this?
New user: I'm Kylar. You can get to know me when we get coffee.
You: Uh no? How the fuck do you know me?
New user: I love your streams, pretty. Drop the fucking attitude before you piss me off. I knew you'd be more of a bitch off-camera. You just look too good to be good hearted. You have to be taught obedience. You're lucky I care about you so much.
You: Keep your tiny prick away from me. I never want to see you in my presence. Disgusting. Ugly pig. Do me a favor and never ever leave your dirty cave. Go fuck yourself
New user: Wanna watch?
*New user has now been blocked*
You stand up and walk away from your computer. how the fuck did he find your actual account? You don't even have your real name anywhere. You start to undress, not noticing your computer's camera has flicked on again.
In a dark room, a man fists his massive cock slowly, eyes trailing up and down his obsession through the screen. His mind is filled with all the things he wants to do to a little cock tease like you. Ruin you, break you, crush you under his weight, teach you a lesson for whoring yourself out. A cute treat like you should have better manners "Pig...tiny prick. Ah, (y/n) I can't let you just say those things to your husband." he watches as you slide your underwear down, eyes zeroing in on the crevice between your thighs as you bend over. He shudders as hot baby batter coats his chest and thighs, continuing to roll down his cock in fat globs.
Two days later, you're walking back home from a late shift at the cafe. You plan to stream when you get home.
Something is watching you.
Cold sweat dribbles down the back of your neck. You shiver, the cold night air doing nothing to calm you. You can feel eyes drilling holes into your back. You picked up your pace, your eyes darting all around. Who is it? What do they want? You think you can hear footsteps not far away. They're getting closer. You break into a sprint and make it to Danube street before you're tackled to the ground. All air is pushed from your lungs, depleting you of oxygen. You do your best to fight against your unseen attacker, but they're far too strong. You try to scream, but only a wheeze comes out. The man roughly picks you up like a sack of potatoes under his arm and carries you into a mansion nearby.
He walked down a flight of stairs and threw you to the ground. You tried to scramble away, but he grabs your ankle and drags you back to him. You get a look at his face in the dim light. He's handsome, but his expression strikes fear in your heart. Fury is the only word you can think of to describe it. You scream and flail your limbs wildly, trying to get him the fuck off of you. You hear a crack and before you realize what happened, your cheek is burning. "Shut." Smack "The." Smack "Fuck." Smack "Up." He's seething by the end. Your head was knocked back into the ground by the last hit. A dribble of blood runs down your nose, your cheeks completely red and moderately swollen. You're no longer trying to fight him, head far too foggy to do anything but lay there in pain.
"I'm sorry, baby." He huffs, calming down a bit. "Don't fight me and that won't have to happen again." He wiped at the blood on your face with his thumb, cradling your cheek. A blush creeps over his face along with a deranged smile as he stares down at you with his unblinking eyes. "You're just so perfect. Everything." You feel a bulge forming atop you where he's straddled. He pants heavily as he looks you up and down. Hot tears slip down your swollen cheeks at the realization that you can't get yourself out of this one.
You lie completely still as he palms his crotch in front of you. "I...I'm kylar...you said I have a small prick, (Y/n)... That wasn't very nice. You should say things like that to your husband." You stare at him in awe...it's..the guy from the chat. did he find you? He's crazy. He's insane. He's gonna kill you. Your chest heaves up and down uncontrollably. You feel blood rushing to your ears, feeling the most fear you've ever felt in your entire life. He takes notice of your panic attack and tries to calm you. "H-hey! Shhh, it's ok, just breathe!" You don't hear a word he's saying and thrash wildly again. Your legs kick underneath him, but his body doesn't budge an inch.
You freeze when you feel his lips smash onto yours. He grabs your wrists in one hand above your head, effectively immobilizing you. It feels like he's trying to eat you, no longer caring about your little tantrum. "Just stay still." He mutters as his large hands roam up and down your body like he's waited his life for this moment. You feel his ever growing bulge rub against your stomach. He grabs your hands before you could try to fight him again.
"...You know...I've been giving you my good money, (Y/n). All because I knew how hard it was to live on your own. But now you're here with me. You'll be my personal house whore." You feel his breath hit your cheek. "Please...let me go. I didn't do anything to you!" You're full on sobbing at this point and to your horror, you feel his cock twitch against you.
"Oh fuck! Keep crying for me like that, baby." He's clawing your pants. Your eyes dart around the room for anything that can help you, but your blood runs cold when you just see hundreds of photos of you plastered all over his walls, some even on his ceiling. You hear a loud tear. This animal ripped your pants and underwear in the process of ridding them from your body.
You're a shaking mess as he cups your sex in his hand. "K-Kylar, please!" You cry, trying to appeal to his humanity. He groans, a little wet spot of pre cum appears on his crotch. "Say my name again." He demanded. His fingers rim around your hole, threatening to dive in. You quiver at the feeling. He unzipped his pants and you feel something impossibly large, heavy and hot slam onto your stomach with a thud.
He releases you momentarily and moves himself lower on your body, his head between your legs. His arms circle around your thighs in a vice grip. He takes a strong whiff and lets out a moan. You feel his tongue slide up and down your sex as his fingers plat around with your hole before dipping half a finger in. You're too dry, it hurts! You whine and struggle, uncomfortable. His finger dips all the way in, uncaring for your pleasure. You scream as he continues to thrust his finger inside you as his mouth engulfs your sex. He removes his finger and lifts himself off you. You sigh in relief.
That relief dies as you feel his meaty cock push at your hole. He begins to push in, but your hole resists. It's too big. He lets out a sound of annoyance before spitting on his hand and rubbing the liquid up and down his cock. It does little to help aid in his entrance. "This may hurt a bit…a lot actually." He wicked grin stretches across his face before he rears his hips back and forces his cock through. You let out a blood curdling scream he rips through your insides. He's only halfway in, your walls desperately trying to push him back out. He holds onto your waist and pulls you into him, bottoming out. You feel like you're bleeding, but you're too afraid to look down.
You can hardly breathe. His cock feels like it's in your stomach. Your body twitches, hot tears slipping past the corners of your eyes as you wheeze out please for mercy. He only looks down at you in awe at your beauty. "Oh, you're so cute like this! I knew you could take it! I know it hurts now, but just give it time." His thumb rubs at your tears. There's nothing you can do to get out of this. You feel completely helpless.He pulls himself out, and slowly goes back in, groaning. "Fuck, you're so tight" he grunts. You close your eyes and hear a flash. Your eyes snap open to see he's holding a camera. A blinding light fills your vision along with a 'click'. This sick fuck.
You let out an involuntary moan when he shoves himself into you at just the right angle. He presses himself deep inside you, holding himself there, his cock hugging your sweet spot. "Ah (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" He chants your name like a mantra at each thrust, but you can barely hear him. All you can do is feel him. Hurt hurts so bad but feels equally as good.
You can't help but let little sounds of pain and pleasure spill from your lips as his hips ram into yours. You look up to see his eyes are completely rolled back. His lips press wet kisses to your cheek. You feel a knot start to build in your lower stomach without your consent and you feel yourself lift onto cloud nine. "Oh (Y/n), cum for me! Cum for your husband!" He moans. You feel shame and pleasure wash over you as you do just that. You clench around him, his breath hitches in his throat at the feeling. He slams into you harder and harder. The over stimulation is killing you now. It's too much!
You think he might break something inside you, you think his dick might knock your brain out of your skull with how hard he's pounding. You feel like your organs will never be the same. "Gonna get you pregnant, gonna breed you again and again. Gonna have my babies. We'll be great parents!" His muttering awakens what's left of the fight in you. "Ah! N-no, stop! I-I can't!" His hand slams over your mouth, his bottomless green eyes staring directly into yours. He lifts your legs up and puts them over his shoulders in a tight mating press.
He hits your special spot and your eyes roll back. He can reach far deeper like this. He slams into you with one final thrust, pressing into you with his full weight. You can't breathe. The over stimulation finally comes for you and you cum all over his cock again. You feel his cock twitch before unloading what seems to be an endless supply of semen into you. You can almost hear the wet sound of him cumming inside you. Your lower stomach rises by the sheer volume of cum produced. You wonder if he used to be a bull at Remy's farm or something. That thought quickly vanishes along with your whole mind as your brain is unable to produce anymore thoughts.
With a satisfied sigh, he pulls his slipping wet cock out of you, a rush of lightly pink cum following after, quickly stopping when he plugs you up with a small plug. His cock isn't even fully soft. You pray he doesn't decide he wants a round two. "That wasn't so bad, now was it? You were crying for nothing." He pants. He kisses your temple before picking you up by your waist, once again like a sack of potatoes in one arm. He walks over to a mattress on the floor and drops you on it, your body softly bouncing on top before settling in a heap. He had a mattress the whole time and still fucked you on the cold, dirty cement floor!? You hear a click and see he's chained your right angle to the wall. He smiles at you and pevks you on the lips the way a husband would before leaving to work. His mood did a 180. He's so very cheerful, his handsome face cheerfully grinning down at you like you're a cute little kitten.
"You did really well today, (Y/n), my love. I'll be back tomorrow. You won't get dinner tonight because you fought me so much, but you'll learn to behave. I want to treat you better, so please be good for me. Goodnight." With that, your new 'husband' stands up to his full height and walks upstairs, leaving you in the cold pitch darkness of the basement.
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ckret2 · 3 months ago
Would Mabel being the reincarnation of Bill cause a rift between her and her family? I imagine that even though they know that Mabel and Bill are two different people it'd be kinda hard to get over the fact they ARE fundamentally the same being,especially for Ford.
Now, that's the problem. They AREN'T two different people. That's the whole point of this specific AU's take on reincarnation. It's not "Mabel happens to now possess the soul that was formerly used by some other guy" but rather "this is that guy after working on himself for thirteen years, she just didn't remember it until now."
"We know you're two different people" is the kind of thing her family might say to be reassuring. But in her ears it'd be like if she's on trial for murder and her family says "We love you because we know you're innocent," when actually she did totally commit that murder, and it was premeditated, and she didn't even have a sympathetic motive. Like it's nice of you guys to say that and I know you mean well, but if you only love me because you think I didn't do anything wrong, would you still love me if you understood the truth?
The biggest rift is on Mabel's end. She's holding back from letting them find out for as long as possible. It's not coming out until they put together the evidence themselves or she has a breakdown and confesses while in tears. And, naturally, when she's trying to keep that big a secret from them, she's gonna be withdrawn.
Like, there's a very high probability that Gideon finds out before any of the Pines do, that's how hard she's trying to keep it from her family.
When they DO start finding out?
Dipper's known Mabel almost fourteen years; he knew Bill two months. He's gonna get over it the fastest.
He's cracking annoying brother jokes before you know it. "I mean—you didn't manage to kill me in the womb, I don't think you're gonna do it now." "I forgive you for the sock puppet thing but now I REALLY wish I'd done more dumb stuff in your body while we were body swapped. As pre-revenge."
If anything, ultimately this turns out to be GREAT news for Dipper. He spent all last summer being pissed off that Bill had all the secrets of the universe and just wouldn't share them, to be a dick. WELL GUESS WHAT. NOW THEY'RE SHARING A BEDROOM. He's keeping her up until 3 a.m. asking about every conspiracy theory in history until Mabel lies "sorry, my memory of that one hasn't come back yet. Maybe my memories would return faster if I could GET SOME SLEEP..."
Stan's known Mabel off and on for fourteen years, and has gotten to know her really well over the past year; he knew Bill for—lemme check how long his death scene is—under two minutes.
Try to tell Stan that Mabel's Bill and his first reaction is "WELL THAT'S STUPID AND I DON'T BELIEVE IT." "But she can set fires with her brain." "Sometimes teenage girls do that! I saw it in a horror movie!" He's gonna process the news about the same way he'd process it if Mabel told him that she's some gender he's never heard of before: he's confused and too damn old to understand this complicated identity stuff, but he loves her even if he only understands half of what's going on, and he'll punch anybody who looks at her funny because of it.
Ford's only known Mabel since last summer; he's known Bill over 32 years.
This AU ain't a fic, so there's not a single set plotline, just a whole bunch of ideas that may or may not actually happen if I were ever to turn it into a story; and because of that there's a lot of ways things could go down with Ford, on a wild scale from hilarious to heartwarming to tragic, depending on what I think is interesting on any given day. But in many potential timelines, the first and most pressing question Ford's facing isn't "can I still love Mabel even if she was—is—Bill?"
It's "How do I kill Bill again?"
Because he knows Mabel the least and knows Bill the best, he has the best odds of looking past what everyone else sees as "haha that's just Mabel being Mabel!" and going "that's Bill fucking Cipher"; and because he hates Bill the most, he's the absolute last person Mabel would voluntarily tell about her exciting new personal discovery—meaning that he just has to draw his own conclusions. If he sees Bill looking at him through this little girl's eyes and clearly trying to convince Ford that he's not Bill he's gonna assume Bill's back from the dead and possessing his niece.
If Ford finds out, Mabel's not just afraid he won't love her anymore; she's also afraid he'll want her dead. If anything, him thinking she's possessed would be a good thing, because it'll buy her a little time while he's looking for a way to "extract" Bill to "save" Mabel, whereas if he knows the truth he'll know there's no Mabel to save.
Worst case scenario, she fears that, if he finds out, she's dead as soon as he can get his hands on her—unless she can find a way to defend herself.
Of course, this is Gravity Falls, where the power of love & family always wins, so in reality if he found out no that IS Mabel it'd stay his hand while he tries to figure out what's going on. His hatred for Bill is weaker than his love for his family. But she doesn't know that.
After all, Mabel's known Ford for 32 years, and for 30 of them he was on a suicidal vengeance quest to kill her; he's only been her grunkle since last summer.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
Chaggie AU where Vaggie is a member of a holy order devoted to slaying monsters. As part of her becoming a holy knight, she must commune with an Angel to be granted their divine power... only something goes wrong with the ritual, and the being that appears before her is none other than the Princess of Hell.
Lute: “Gay?! She’s supposed to be HOLY!”
Adam: “Yeah, hot.”
Lute: “…let. Me. See. That. SuMMOnINg sCRiPTuRE.”
Adam: “Sure thing dude. Here.”
Lute: “This isn’t a holy rite, this is… WRITINGS OF SAPPHO!”
Adam: "Heh, heathen and homoerotic. WLWhoops?"
Charlie: “You should really be more careful next time!"
Vaggie: "Uh."
Charlie: "Lot’s of other demons would be thrilled to get yanked into the mortal world without a circle of binding to hold them- especially by someone as cute as you-
Vaggie: "Excuse me?"
Charlie: "And when I say thrilled, I mean in the blood and guts and screaming kinda way, NOT just in the 'can feel hellfire in my cheeks' kinda way. Safe summoning is important!!”
Vaggie: “Why’re you drawing the circle in yourself, then. With your… claws.”
Charlie: “Because you didn’t?” (dusts fire off her hands) “Anyway you should be good now, ask me anything!”
Vaggie: “You’re seriously not taking advantage of being summoned but not bound?"
Charlie: "I'm taking advantage of the view!"
Charlie: (beat)
Charlie: "Of the, mortal world, I am enjoying the pretty scenery."
Vaggie: "It's dark."
Charlie: "I'm enjoying the beautiful knight. Night. Night without a 'K'. Not knight like YOU'RE a knight, not that you aren't beautiful-"
Vaggie: "I'm. What."
Charlie: "The one who should be talking now! Not me. I think I've done enough talking for now. I think I'm good on having said stuff recently. I think I should be quiet for a bit."
Vaggie: (gay) (not immune to adorable ladies) "WHY are you here. You're not, what I expected."
Charlie: “I'm not the usual demon- As hell princess I get first dibs on all summons! After dad anyway.”
Vaggie: (of COURSE she's a princess) “Why answer this one.”
Charlie: “You’re missing an eye? It looks painful?"
Vaggie: "...so?
Charlie: "?? I thought maybe you wanted help with that.”
Vaggie: "It's a penance. You can't help with it."
Charlie: "oh."
Vaggie: “...That’s it? You're not here for anything else?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “You um. You look very cool in that armor.” (cringes) “Awesome.” (cringes more)
Vaggie: “Are you a siren or a succubus or something.”
Charlie: “What!? No! No I’m just, I just think girls are hot! Cool! You look great!! …girls all look great, and you’re a girl, and you…”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Do you need any demons slayed?”
Charlie: “Ahaa, no.”
Vaggie: “Holy quests completed?”
Charlie: “No?”
Vaggie: “Are you gonna eat me.”
Charlie: “N-not on the first date- I- OH YOU MEAN ACTUALLY-? No no no! I don’t, I’m, I don’t eat souls. Or people.”
Vaggie: “So what’s the catch here. The price.”
Charlie: “Nothing. I just wanted to help.”
Charlie: “Okay and maaaaybe have a nice conversation for once. Kinda short on them in hell.”
Vaggie: “… is there ANYTHING I can help you with?”
Charlie: “Well I just broke up with-”
Vaggie: “I’ll kill them.”
Charlie: “-and I could really use a date for the ball, I mean! No killing needed!! Dad isn’t going again, mom’s um, busy. And it’ll be a lot less awkward if I already have a dance partner, you know?”
Vaggie: “You want me to find you a dance partner.”
Charlie: “Oh no I, I was hoping- do YOU dance?”
Vaggie: "Me."
Charlie: "If you want to?"
Vaggie: “You’re asking me to go to hell.”
Charlie: “Shit. Right, dumb idea. It’s my home but, yeah. It’s not like anyone enjoys being here.”
Vaggie: (fuck she's cute) (fuck she's SAD)
Vaggie: “No one does? What about you?”
Charlie: “I… just wish the people would be nicer. A place is the people who live there, right?”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “I’ll come.”
Charlie: “You wha?”
Vaggie: “I’ll come to the dance.”
Charlie: "But- hell! Why-"
Vaggie: "Hell’s a better place than I thought."
Charlie: "You've never even BEEN here!"
Vaggie: "I've met you."
Charlie: ".... I'm not... the usual demon."
Vaggie: "I'll take my chances. I'll need to borrow a dress though. All I have up here is, armor."
Charlie: "I can, I can change that. A dress. N- no problem."
Vaggie: "It's a deal then." (holds out hand) "A dance for a dress?"
Charlie: (takes her hand and shakes it eagerly while bowing) "ITS A DATE!"
Vaggie: (chuckles) "Yeah, I guess that's a better word for it."
Charlie: "And I PROMISE when we dance I WON'T trample your toes with my hooves!"
Vaggie: "... should I just keep the sabatons on?"
Charlie: "I promise to find you a dress that goes good with your armored shoes so your toes don't get trampled on."
Vaggie: "We're gonna be quite the pair, aren't we."
Charlie: "Heheh~"
Vaggie: "Does taking her heart count?"
Adam: "Whoooo VaGEEE! Totally FUCKED that demon huh!!"
Vaggie: "Mm, not totally sir."
Vaggie: (smiling) (softly to herself) "Not on the first date."
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riki-riks-chick · 7 months ago
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Senior Year CH.1 ︱N.RK
riki x reader (high school au)
yn is having a hellish year, but one boy makes it all the more bearable.
cw: fluff! bullying, high school, yn plays handball, toxic parents, toxic home life, swearing, slight verbal abuse.
wdct: 1.8k
requested series!
to the person who requested, pls give me feedback on whether this is good or not bc I WILL rewrite b4 continuing to part two. tyy <3
chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5
Third Person POV~
 "I'm actually quite shocked. You're doing exceedingly well.. I got a few emails from coaches who watched our last game.. If you're serious about handball when season starts, you might get a scholarship." Your coach explains, and you're genuinely shocked. Sure you'd been training your ass off, but no one usually acknowledges it.
"Really?.. A scholarship where?" You ask as she smiles, amused at your excitement. "The states... Some school in Virginia."  She explains as your eyes widen. "The states!? My mom would never let me go to the states."
"She's not in control of you once you graduate.. You're good.. Don't let her hold you back.. Now, go home after school and rest up.. We have practice tomorrow after school."
You leave, and rather than going home, you head to your job. Working at some burger shack that everyone at your school came to. It wasn't too bad, but you hated being noticed. 
And just to your dismay, these three cheerleaders, that love to make your life, hell walked in. 
You just happened to be the only employee on the register so you had no choice but to take their orders. 
And as you did so, begrudgingly, one of them spoke up. "Aren't you that loser from third period?.." 
You sigh, avoiding her gaze as you finish finalizing their order. "That'll be $23.45.." You ignore her remark, simply wanting to finish the order. She scoffs though, arms crossing tightly across her chest. "Are you not gonna answer me?... Fucking loser."
She pays for the order before walking over to some random seat to wait around for it, and you let out a sigh of relief. 
They've messed with you before, and you simply ignore it. It's better to take the shit than lose your job that you so desperately need, and worked hard to get.
You call the number for their order after a short while, giving them their drinks last as the tallest one of the girls scoffs. "This is the wrong drink." She then takes it out of the holder, throwing it at you, which results in you getting soaked in diet coke. It was, in fact, the right drink.
"What is wrong with you?" You try not to raise your voice, makeup and hair ruined, clothes soaked and sticking irritatingly against your skin, and she's just standing there with a smirk on her face. "You dumb bitch. Can't even get an order right." Just as you're about to retaliate, knowing that you didn't even make her order, someone grabs her wrist, tugging her away from the counter.
"That's enough.. Do you always go around giving people hell? At school, and now here..?" You glance up at the much taller figure gripping your offenders wrist, and you're slightly shocked at who it is.
It's the one boy that you've never heard speak in class, never seen him interact with other people despite his teammates on the basketball team. And yet he's popular.. Tall, handsome, and quiet. It's hard not to notice him.
When you finally snap back to reality, the three girls are storming out of the place and the boy is still standing in front of you, Nishimura Riki.
You've never imagined making eye contact with him, or speaking to him, but when his deep brown eyes meet yours, you immediately glance away, too flustered to continue looking him in the eyes.
He smiles gently, and there's a hint of pity in his eyes. "I'm sorry that happened.. Are you okay?..." His voice is slightly deep, and definitely nicely toned. You simply nod at his question, remembering that you're covered in soda.
"I'm fine.. I can take your order.." You try to deflect but he shakes his head. "No, let me take you home so you can change.. That can't be comfortable for you." 
His voice is very persuasive, and you decide not to argue, telling him to wait before walking into the kitchen to talk to your manager. 
"Mr. Rio...?" You inquire softly as the man glances up from his position at the grill, working on an order. "What happened?" He question, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Some girl threw her drink at me...." Your explanation leaves him to nod understandingly. "Just go home.. I'll handle everything until I can call another person here." 
You question whether he's sure or not before grabbing your stuff and rounding the counter. Riki grabs your stuff for you, carrying your book bag and your waterbottle as he gestures for you to follow him. You follow him towards his car and it's nice, a black mercedes. You're already regretting your decision to let him take you home.
"I can't get in your car like this.." You sigh as he shakes his head. "It's fine.. I'll clean of the seat afterwards.."
You refuse at his words. "No... I don't wanna cause you any trouble..." You argue as he rolls his eyes. "Fine then..." He get in the driver's seat, reaching into the duffle bag in the backseat as he pulls put a towel, putting it on the seat. "Come on. Now I won't even have to worry about cleaning the seat."
You sigh, still hesitant, but you still get into the car. He smiles once you're seated, leaning over the console to reach for your seatbelt, fastening it for you.
"So, where do you live..?" 
The car ride to your house is excruciatingly silent. You're awkward, and he doesn't know how to speak to you. It's just terrible.
"This is my house.." You speak up quietly as he stops the car. "Well.. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?.." He asks as you nod, unfastening your seat belt and scrambling to get out of the car. "What was your name again?..." He asks as you sigh nervously. "I'm Y/n... L/n Y/n..." You answer as he nods. "Nice. I'm Nishimura Riki.."
And like an idiot, you respond, "I know..." Riki chuckles, smiling. "Then you'll know we have class together.. Don't forget to say hi."
He then drives off, leaving you on the pavement dumbfounded. After a few minutes, you shake it off, heading inside as you take off your shoes. Just to your luck, your mom is on her way out. 
"What are you doing home?.." Your mom questions, brows furrowed inquisitively as she slid into her sneakers. 
"Some girl threw a drink at me at work, so my boss let me go home..." You explain as she scoffs. "You're so weak... Your sister would've kept working.. Learn to endure."
And then she leaves, grabbing her keys before slamming the front door behind her. You hear the lock click shortly after, letting out a sigh of relief.
You hated being compared to your sister. She graduated with honors, and you're barely keeping A's and B's... She's just better... And your mom is no help, constantly comparing you to her. It's definitely not fair because your sister is far from perfect, but you try not to let it haunt you.
The first thing you do is shower, the icky feeling of the soda making your clothes cling to you uncomfortably. After showering, you wash the clothes to avoid the soda staining them permanently. Once all of that is handled, you're rummaging through the kitchen for something decent to eat. In the end, you're settling for pizza rolls and some instant ramen. 
After eating the very random meal, you head upstairs to work on your homework, but to your luck, you left it in the cute boy's car. 
Great, another assignment to fail. You think to yourself as you open your laptop, ready to email your teacher in hopes they'll be understanding. Just as you're about to hit send, a notification sounds on your phone, the screen illuminating with a text from an unknown number. 
You open it, and to your luck its Riki. 
[Hey, it's Riki. I found your backpack in the backseat... I would bring it back, but I'm busy tonight.. Is it okay if I give it back tomorrow?] 
You sigh at the text, deciding to just forget the email and hope that homeroom gives you enough time to complete the homework.
[Yeah.. Tomorrow is fine... I need it during homeroom.]
[Great, I'll be there as soon as school starts.]
You thank him before setting your phone on the desk, sighing loudly. This day has been terrible, practice sucked, you got a drink thrown at you, and now your backpack is at some boy's house all because you accepted a ride home.
You just decide to push everything aside, getting in bed and watching random corny kdramas until you fall asleep.
It's rare that you ever get a good night's rest. If you hadn't left work early, you'd barely be home at 8pm... Luckily you got to sleep a little earlier, but just as quickly as you got lucky, you got unlucky.
You wake up to loud sounds coming from downstairs, and you're already aware of the familiar yelling voices. 
You leave your room, heading quietly down the stairs as you hear your parents yelling, something about money and your dad being irresponsible. 
You're used to the banter, and sometimes you just filter it out, but the sounds of broken glass was slightly alarming.
You peek into the kitchen, your parents are at each other's throats, and eventually your mom just yells for your dad to get out.
The man manages one last rude remark before leaving the house, the door slamming loudly behind him.
Just as your mom walks out of the kitchen, you try to ask if she's alright, she simply pushes past you, heading upstairs quietly.
Your sister still isn't home. God knows what she's out doing this time of night, but you're sure it isn't working.
Almost every last penny of your paycheck goes to your mom, and your sister's paycheck is never the same amount. You know for sure she's blowing it off selfishly, and your mom knows too, but she doesn't care.
One time you bought a new pair of shoes with your check since your family wasn't too far behind on bills, and boy you never heard the end of it. That's why you just give all the money you make to your mother.
And yet she still favorites your older sister. But you try your best to please her anyway. In the end you really don't have a way to impress her, unless you won the lottery maybe.. 
You genuinely just want a normal senior year, and at this point you'll do anything to get it.
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charleslelurk · 27 days ago
They absolutly have that deal and they fucked nasty to seal it 😁
You gave me brainworms while I was supposed to be packing for my vacation, ahhhh
Lando pulls off of Max's dick with a horrific, sloppy noise that makes Max’s heart rate rocket and his brain go dumb.
"Maybe we should, like, get girlfriends," Lando says, pumping Max's cock with just the slide of his spit. "Since we're not actually gay and all."
Max doesn't have the brainpower for this right now, is too busy being caught up in how Lando's hand feels and bucking his hips into the feeling.
"Lan." He doesn't have anything else to say, just Lando's name.
"Is not like we can keep this up, right? Like," and Lando gives a particularly good twist of his wrist that has Max panting, "once I'm in F1, like…" and Max looks between his knees to see Lando's eyes wide and brow wrinkled and tongue moving at the corner of his mouth before he speaks again with verocious earnesty. "How would that work?"
"Dunno," Max barely says, trying not to think about it. He's going to come soon. "May—Maybe not."
He doesn't really want to ponder what will happen when Lando gets to F1. Cause he will, he's a record breaking karting champion. Max knows he will, McLaren is already shooting their shot, blowing up Adam's phone. But… Max doesn't want to think about how it means he'll be left in the dust, cooped up in England while Lando keeps seeing the world.
Lando furrows his brow and leans forwards to take Max in his mouth again, instantly taking as much as he can and letting Max bump the back of his throat.
"Fuck," he says on an exhale, and the next thing he knows he's coming down Lando's throat. There's hands gripping tight to his legs, fingers digging in, and Max's hands have somehow found Lando's hair, sinking into his curls and cupping around his cranium.
Lando takes a minute to pull off, sort of suckles on Max until he grabs Lando by the hair and eases him off of his sensitive dick. He lets go right away, but shepherds Lando onto the sofa beside him with a uncoordinated hand pushing at his shoulder. There, they sit shoulder-to-shoulder and catch their breath.
"Reckon I'll like find a girl when I'm on McLaren," Lando murmurs. The sentence twists something in Max's chest. "Cause then like, maybe they'd be interested. Once I'm a driver."
Max turns his head, reclined on the sofa back, to see Lando. He's brought his legs up onto the sofa, towards his chest and is picking at his cuticles between his thighs and his stomach, sure to make them bleed. Lando's legs are thin and tan, exposed as he sits in just his boxers and tshirt. Max's chest twists again.
"Sure," he tells Lando. "And what if you don't find a girl?"
Lando shrugs. "Like there's gotta be someone, right? Aren't there like 8 million people on the planet."
"Billion, mate."
Lando nods in a detached manor, slowly as he's lost in thought.
"What about after?" Max asks.
Lando's head snaps to look at Max. "After what?"
"After F1."
Lando knits his brow again. He's thinking so much. "That's like, decades away. I gotta win like three titles first. And then go out in a blaze of glory."
"Gonna stay as long as Fernando?"
"Nah," Lando says, pensive. "Reckon I'll retire at like 35 after my titles."
Max nods, smiling lightly at Lando's confidence. He imagines it, the future where Lando gets a nice, long career and does donuts in his car as a send off. There's suddenly a warmth against his shoulder as Lando leans to the side, brushing against Max. He stays there.
"So if you're not married by 35," Max starts, "and I'm not married by 35—"
"Then we marry each other. Obviously."
"Obviously," Max echoes quietly.
"Yeah," Lando says, like it's the easiest thing in the world. "Like if we can't get girlfriends by then, I think we can call it quits."
Max nods slowly, looking down at Lando leaning into his shoulder. He snakes a hand up to the back of Lando's neck and rests it there. "Contingency plan."
"Sure," Lando agrees. "Whatever that means."
"It means we have a backup," Max says. "That we'll be there for each other."
Lando looks up into Max's eyes. "You always are, mate."
Max nods slowly without realizing. "I am, I am."
Lando keeps looking. "So what, do we like pinky promise?"
Max shrugs, jostling Lando unintentionally. "Sure, or we can like… have a last."
"Doesn't start like tomorrow, mate."
Max snorts. "I just think if I'm going to plan to marry you in 20 years, I should get a couple last fucks in to tide me over."
"Is not like we're going to be monks in the meantime." Max's chest does that fucking twist again.
Max squeezes at the back of Lando's neck still under his hand and Lando leans into it.
"Just want you, yeah?" Max says, all cool and collected like.
Lando makes a little noise and his hand finds Max's thigh. "Yeah, okay." He turns and tilts his head, eyes locking on Max's lips and he swoops down to give Lando the kiss he is looking for.
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gracies-baby · 11 months ago
Could you by any chance write a Gracie Abrams x female reader fan fic. The reader is younger than Gracie by a few years. She is a very famous actress. However, she is the biggest dork and very clumsy and kind of awkward but in a sweet and charming way. The reader and Gracie have to do a PR Relationship together. At first, Gracie can’t stand the reader and the reader is like a kicked puppy because Gracie is always annoyed of the reader who is kinda dumb and oblivious. But then Gracie can’t help but turn soft for her.
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PR Relationship
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
"What? No!" Gracie exclaims as she stares at her manager.
"You don't get a choice. Your new albums coming out, it's good for publicity" Her manager replies, glaring at the girl.
"I'm not gonna pretend to be in a relationship with some obnoxious, golden retriever girl" Gracie sighs in annoyance.
"Gracie, she's one of the most popular actresses right now. This will be incredible for your popularity"
"..fine. But I'm not gonna be happy about it" Gracie replies with a groan.
"I didn't expect you to. I do expect you to be nice to her. She's really sweet and it wasn't her idea" her manager replies before calling Y/n and her manager into the room.
"Hi! I'm Y/n. It's so nice to meet you!" Y/n holds her hand out to the brunette with a polite smile.
"Yeah. Hi" Gracie ignores her hand as they all sit at the table causing a slight frown to appear on the shorter girls face.
"Alright. Here's the contract, if you can both sign here please. It will be a year long and after that everyone can go their seperate ways" Y/n's manager says as she places the piece of paper in front of them.
"Your first date will be tomorrow at a coffee shop. Make it believable please" Gracie's manager tells them as they both sign the papers.
"So.. I'm guessing you're not happy about this?" Y/n asks the brunette when their managers leave the room.
"Good guess. Why would I be happy about being forced to be in a relationship with someone I've never even met? No offence, but joy happy girls aren't really my type" Gracie replies as she glares at the girl, watching as a frown appears on her face.
"Oh, well it's not a real relationship. We can at least try to be friends, right? I mean, we're kinda stuck together for a year"
"I have no interest in being your friend" Gracie replies, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind her.
"Gracie! Y/n! Are you guys together?"
"When did your relationship start?"
"Gracie, have you written any songs about Y/n?"
The two girls avoid the paparazzi as they enter the coffee shop before ordering their drinks and sitting at their table.
"You don't talk much do you?" Y/n asks as she takes a drink from her cup.
"I talk a lot actually. To people I like" Gracie replies as she looks away from the girl.
"Oh.. sorry" Y/n mumbles with a frown as she hides her face in her cup causing the brunette to feel slightly guilty.
"This whole situation is bullshit. I don't wanna pretend to be in a relationship with someone that definitely isn't my type" Gracie continues without being able to stop.
"Yeah. But it could be worse, right? I mean, I'm not that bad" Y/n replies only for it to come out as more of a question. Gracie only stares at her before drinking her coffee. The brunette leaves the coffee shop as Y/n quickly follows her, leaving some money on the table.
"You don't need to follow me. The dates over" Gracie grumbles as she walks down the street.
"Right. Sorry" Y/n mumbles before walking the opposite direction, leaving Gracie with a disappointed feeling in her stomach.
"Wait. Sorry. I just hate PR relationships. I'd rather have something real" Gracie says as she grabs the shorter girls wrist before pulling her hand away quickly.
"Yeah, I understand that. But we can at least try to be friends, right?" Y/n replies as she smiles at the brunette.
"Yeah, let's try" Gracie responds hesitantly causing a wide grin to appear on the shorter girls face.
Singer Gracie Abrams seen holding hands with actress Y/n L/n at local coffee shop! Is a new romance brewing?
Literally the best power couple!
The couple I didn't know I needed
This is gonna last they're literally so cute 😭
"Everyone loves your new relationship. How do you feel about it?"Audrey asks her best friend as she reads her the comments on the article.
"You know how I feel about it. It's such bullshit. I shouldn't have to pretend to be in a relationship" Gracie mumbles as she gets a glass of water.
"So you're saying you want a real relationship? With Y/n?" Audrey teases with a wide grin.
"Yeah- what? No!" Gracie exclaims with a bright red blush across her cheeks.
"So you're telling me you're not attracted to her at all? You don't think the sunshine girls cute at all?" Audrey teases with a knowing smile.
"Of course not. I mean, she's pretty good to look at and she's really nice I guess.."
"Dude it sounds like you like her. Maybe that's why you're so pissed off about his PR thing. You want a real relationship with her"
"It doesn't matter. She probably hates me now anyway. I was such a bitch to her" Gracie groans as she runs her hands down her face.
"Just ask her out. At least then you'll know if she likes you or not"
"I can't do that! We still have so long of our contract left. It would get so awkward if she says no" Gracie exclaims.
"Yeah but if she says yes then you can be in a happy relationship" Audrey replies before leaving Gracie to sort out her thoughts.
"Y/n? Can I talk to you about something?" Gracie asks nervously as she stands at her fake girlfriend's door.
"Of course! What's up?" Y/n asks with a wide smile as she lets the brunette into her house.
"You know how we're doing this fake dating this?" Gracie says as she fiddles with her fingers.
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, what if it wasn't fake?"
"Gracie, what are you talking about?" Y/n asks with a clueless look on her face.
"I mean, what if it was real?"
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Y/n asks with a hopeful expression.
"Y/n I want you to be my girlfriend for real" Gracie asks as she makes eye contact with the shorter girl.
"Gracie are you serious? Please don't be joking because that would be so fucking mean I would never speak to you again"
"I'm not joking. I wanna be with you. Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Gracie asks as she takes the girls hand in hers.
"Yes! Of course I wanna be your girlfriend you idiot!" Y/n replies as she wraps the brunette in a tight hug causing Gracie to return it.
"Well, this is much better than you hating her I guess" Gracie's manager says after walking in on them making out for the sixth time causing the two girls to begin blushing.
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tempestmothstorm · 6 months ago
I’m thinking about the whole "you are not your feelings" theme the side stories have and how that contrasts with the main game
Like the two talks in reflection where Sayori and Monika tell the others about how their emotions don’t have to define who they are and don’t make them bad people. This theme of singular traits not defining who you are/not controlling who you want to be is backed up by the rest of the side stories, which exist to show how the characters are multifaceted and human. They aren’t tropes or defined solely by their thoughts or actions. They aren’t perfect nor pure evil, only people trying their best. They’re real, complex people, and the ‘you are not your feelings’ phrase is proof of that.
The side stories’ goal of presenting these characters as human go directly against a ~certain someone’s~ goal of flattening and dehumanizing them in the main game. Its clear Monika here doesn’t really learn the ‘you are not your feelings’ thing in this world, something that happens with a lot of the lessons learned in the side stories (i.e. the ones in each title). Due to the whole disillusionment with reality thing, her attitude to the rest of the club is pretty dismissive, seeing them as one-dimensional characters tropes, making whatever flaws they have as their defining trait.
I'm going to focus on the CANYOUHEREME.txt though cause it pretty easily sums up her feelings so I'm just gonna put it here
Beneath their manufactured perception - their artificial reality - is a writhing, twisted mess of dread. Loathing. Judgment. Elitism. Self-doubt. All thrashing to escape the feeble hold of their host, seeping through every little crevice they can find. Into their willpower, starving them of all motivation and desire. Into their stomach, forcing them to drown their guilt in comfort food. Or into a newly-opened gash in their skin, hidden only by the sleeves of a cute new shirt. Such a deplorable, tangled mass is already present in every single one of them. That's why I choose not to blame myself for their actions.
All I did was untie the knot.
This poem is interesting because it does make them out to be more human compared to the anime tropes Monika says they are in the act 3 talks, but replaces the empathy found in the side stories with disgust, painting the club as gross, immoral, and everything the girls fear themselves to be. Monika sees the stuff they hide, all the complex feelings and less savory traits, and sees it as their truth, their whole being. Their feelings define them, what they think is their worst is all they've ever been, and that these things make them awful people. When Monika forcibly brings these things to the forefront, it's their fault alone when act out, because their darkest thoughts are all they'll ever be.
She knows they’re more than that, but she’s actively in denial about how much she actually cares, and the epiphany absolutely destroyed her ability to see her friends as actually complex people beyond their programing.
I think that's part of why comparing her to side stories Monika messes me up so much because she's like!! So nice!!! Mature!!!! And understanding!!!!! And she sees her friends faults and all!!!!!! And she loves them anyways and understands their goodness!!!!!!!!!! But main game strips that away from her and makes her cynical!!!!!!!!!!!! And she can't see the goodness in her friends anymore because they aren't real and they're scripts made to appeal to a dumb dating sim and she!!!!!!!!!!! Can't see them as people anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So their flaws turn into THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. . . And that concludes today's Monika analysis.
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edenspoem · 1 year ago
I just got on and saw what’s been happening and bro…I’m glad people are talking about it. Mostly about the smut, inclusivity, Palestine, and the fetishization of trans people.
Reading smut is so underwhelming like it seems like that’s all what people write these days. Like I need ANGST! I need to CRY! I need SLOW BURN AND PLOT….
And to be honest, I personally feel like some writers purposely list the reader’s physical descriptions as being white… like damn you know multiple people are going to come across your shit. I would get annoyed asf when I see something like “she touched your soft pale flushed skin” BITCH- 💀 don’t piss me off 😒🦶🏽
I won’t speak too in depth about the fetishization of trans people in fanfics because I’m not trans and I don’t want to say anything inaccurate BUT I will say it’s so disturbing and off putting seeing shit like that and seeing how people are sexualizing trans people more than treating them like regular humans…I also came across that ‘femcel’ series and🧍🏽‍♀️erm… no.
I appreciate the account who made the post discussing how the word trans and the f word are completely different. I didn’t even know that word was derogatory and it shocked me... I hope that account takes it down and they educate themselves or something cause 🙁👎🏽
yes pook YES smut can be underwhelming and so overdone. we definitely need more angst/fluff.. or just PLOT in general. no, i'm not saying don't write it at all (incase anons twist my words, cause.. they're good at that.) i'm just saying that it would be nice to see some fully fleshed out pieces with emotion and storytelling. i have something in the works though, that encompasses all genres (fluff/smut/angst) so, there's that!
people will so clearly write the whole petite pale white girl bs like "ur delicate small hand" or the fuckass "doey eyed and blushing cherub red" like NEVER portray reader so specifically unless you're going to specify it in the cw!!!! do whatever for ellie's white ass but for the love of gods and goddess BE AWARE OF READER AS A SPOT TO FILL, NOT AN OC!!!! idk how else to describe what i just said. but. it is said. so it. yeah. that whole delicate small petite thing kinda trickles into writing childlike readers too but. thats a whole nother discussion. no clue if i ever used that phrasing in the past tho i have no bold memories of my writings in detail.
i think people will listen to anybody but trans people who are actively calling it fetishization, like. all the mfs arguing with them say "trans and f💀ta aren't the same!" yeah. they aren't. cause one is like, a genuine, flesh and bone person.. with a whole story.. and feelings.. and experiences.. and one is.. fetishization. how many times do trans people have to repeat that? bet most of the people trying to argue against it aren't even trans.
the whole thing about authors "flooding" the tlou tag with palestine posts is also dumb as fuck. is scrolling a bit too taxing on your poor smut-guzzling thumbs?? ur scrolling over big booty fics, i think you can scroll a little further past those posts if you're really that much of a basement dwelling fuck that's sitting comfortably in their homes while a genocide is happening. out here sobbing cause people are spreading awareness. eat my bum bum booty. ++ also add-on cause we're holding writers accountable for ignoring a strike (different than not knowing at first) but there's also the artists!! they're there too.
anons r gonna come into my inbox abt all this but i'm not even gonna answer like, don't waste your time. im not reading all that. especially coming from an ANON 💀
me when
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dr-spectre · 4 months ago
Gamers since its Halloween I wanna briefly talk about my biggest guilty pleasure ever!!!
And you guys aren't gonna believe it...
It's.... it's Saw.
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Yeah the fucking Splatoon guy who loves girlypop Idols and cute shit is also into one of the most gory and brutal franchises of all time. I have range!!!
I love all of these movies, Saw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7/3D/The Final Chapter, Jigsaw, Spiral and Saw X.
These movies are the equivalent of junk food. It's like each Saw movie is a different flavour of a doughnut you would get at a 7/11. Sure, there are WAY BETTER doughnuts out there and it's not healthy for you, but MY GOD! THOSE DOUGHNUTS BE HITTING DIFFERENT WHEN YOU'RE IN THE MOOD FOR THEM!!!
Saw 1 to 3 I would actually consider good to decent movies. I would recommend the first one to most people.
Saw 4 and 5 are... boring. They got some good traps but they are just.... boring!!!!
Saw 6? That's pretty good... I like the unique angle they took with the criticism of the American healthcare system.
Saw 7.... you wanna hear a hot take? I enjoy that one. It's so bad that it's good in my eyes. It's just pure trash that it rolls back around to being enjoyable.
Jigsaw, that movie sucks I'm sorry HAHAHA! NO STYLE! NO GOOD TRAPS! PLOT HOLES ALL OVER THE PLACE! That movie was not made with love AT ALL!!! But... I do like that giant spiral trap... and the laser collars are fucking dumb as hell but I love em.
Spiral? Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh.... I meannnnn.... it's got some decent traps? The uh... the finger trap was cool! The... train one! I like that one... um.... the hot wax one is dumb but the concept is fine enough I guess? The puppet trap with the blood needles is one of the only traps I can't watch because sucking blood with needles makes me lightheaded. The other trap that i cant watch is The Rack. (Also, don't fucking hire Chris Rock in any serious role ever again.)
Saw X... I like that one. It truly felt like a return to the series, even down to the fucking ASPECT RATIO they filmed in!!! Thats good attention to detail!!! And the traps were actually good and memorable, well, most of them. Seeing John Kramer back as the focus is awesome too and Amanda... it was so nice seeing her again.
So yeah, I don't have much to say because my Saw fixation only appears once in a blue moon so I dont remember much. But when it strikes? Oh it STRIKES ALRIGHT!
Only watch Saw 1 and MAYBE Saw 2 and 3 if you're curious. These movies aren't for most people and I don't recommend it to everyone.
Also, I love Billy. He's such a silly guy. I love how he rides in with his tricycle!!!!
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I love him in Saw X where he delivered the surgery tools so that a man can cut open his brain! And in Saw 4 where his head became a shotgun!!! And in Saw 1 where he rides in after a traumatised woman cuts open a person's stomach to stop their skull from being utterly destroyed!!! And in Saw 2 where he laughs at some police officers getting killed by a set of deadly stairs and an electric fence. And in Jigsaw where he watches people getting hanged!!!! And in Saw 6 where he swoops in from a wire around his neck and laughs at a guy who has to choose who's he gonna let die. And in Saw 7 where he crashes through a window in a cage to tell a guy to stab himself with spikes to stop a woman from getting impaled on a giant wheel!!!
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years ago
We absolutely need a backstory for ilysit mc
Maybe she tells jungkook when he asks about her parents
Luv u bon bon
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"Do you wanna visit your parents maybe?" Jungkook innocently asks one morning, and it's honestly enough to wipe your sweet afterglow away in an instant. "We've got two weeks to ourselves after all."
"I'd rather not." You snap back, sitting up to sort out your hair a little, rubbing the remnants of sleep out of your eyes. "They'll probably tear you apart just as much as they did me when I dyed my hair for the first time." You mumble angrily to yourself, and Jungkook reaches out to tap your thigh with his finger- an endearing gesture just so Jungkook. "We don't talk anymore and it's best like that. Neither my mom nor my dad ever really liked anything I ever did."
"Is that why you don't talk about them?" He asks carefully, and you nod, defeated. Jungkook's parents are so nice from what he's told you- you don't want to subject him to the shattered household that's yours.
"There's nothing good to say." You simply tell him. "Disowned me by now, and I don't care about them anymore." You defend yourself, before you turn towards your boyfriend still tangled up in the white sheets and blankets. "They think I'm a dumb whore anyways just because I'm not 'successful' like my brother. So who cares." You huff. "They're just gonna yap at you for being a tattooed mafia drug addict or something and I don't want them to bite you like that."
He just smiles, piercings moving upwards with his lips.
"You're protecting me again." He giggles.
"I'm not, what the fuck are you talking about?" You laugh, letting yourself fall back into the bed next to him, uncaring of your nude body.
And he's definitely not complaining either.
"You are!" He says, reaching out to touch your shoulder, before he rolls onto his side, freshly tattooed arm moving to have his hand hold yours. "From people making comments about me being too soft, to friends you know own aren't good for me and now your own parents. You're like-" he clears his throat, morning voice still rather raspy. "-like my guardian angel."
"Jungkooook-!" You whine, and he laughs at your joking agony. "Why are you so cute?!" You complain, slapping his chest. "You literally just made me suck your dick an now you're calling me sweet names!" You cry out, and he can't help but laugh about it too.
"Its what you do to me!" He argues back, before you move to straddle his naked waist, hands on his lower abdomen.
"Maybe I can shut you up?" You purr seductively- and he smirks dangerously, hands on your hips.
"You can certainly try, Angel."
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chuckeroo777 · 3 months ago
So I'm a Spider, So What: Alternate Ending
After finishing the light novel series, I had major issues with the abruptness of the ending. So here's my take on it.
This takes the place of the chapter "Everyone Ever After".
The fic is under the cut. Expect extreme spoilers!
It's been a while hasn't it?
Me? I'm just enjoying the fruits of my labor.
Well, not my labor per-say, they were a gift as thanks for all the other work I've done. Seems like even after all this time, people still think fruit is my favorite food.
I know, right? You pilfer one dried fruit, and suddenly that's your whole personality in their eyes.
Huh? Why aren't I currently in D's clutches? Well, she decided to be nice and let me hang out on the planet until Ariel dies.
What? That doesn't sound like the kind of thing she would do? Even an evil god can be nice once in a while. Just look at me.
There definitely wasn't any begging involved.
Or groveling.
I definitely didn't have to agree to something humiliating to get this time off.
Anyway, it's been a little over a year, and Ariel died a couple weeks ago, so I'm currently just chilling until D gets here.
Guess I'll fill you in on how everyone is doing.
Naturally, I spent most of my time hanging out with Ariel and Sariel. They are just too cute together. I don't think I've ever seen Ariel happier.
They had so many stories to share with me about the days before the system. She really was practically Ariel's mom.
Man, and I thought how I got my name was dumb.
As for Sariel, she was nothing like I thought she would be.
Like, I always assumed the Divine Voice (temp)'s mono tonality was due to Sariel being puppeted by the system, but no. That's just how she always sounds. Even when she's clearly excited.
Even creepier, she was apparently conscious the whole time she was in there.
Like, I had an inkling that was the case since she redirected the attack away from Guli-Guli, but wow. The fact that she's still sane is a miracle in itself.
And that means she was privy to all my many petty crimes.
Huh? What do you mean they weren't so petty? I'll have you know I'm a model citizen.
Even weirder, instead of getting mad, she just lectured me about the ethics of killing.
Yeah, I dunno. I don't really get her. But as long as Ariel is happy, that's good enough for me.
Anyway, as much as I love my grandma, I didn't spend all my time with Ariel.
Vampy has some big plans. She wants to become the Frost Vampire Queen.
Yeah, I don't know exactly what that means either. But basically, she wants to live in a castle.
Seems a little childish to me, but if she wants to live her vampire lord dreams, who am I to stop her.
Oh yeah, that's a thing. By this point, all the skills and titles and stats have worn off, but some people and monsters still retain certain abilities.
Like, Vampy wasn't a vampire because of her skill, she had the skill because she was a vampire. So even in her natural state, she still has basic vampire powers, like mist form, and the ability to call upon creatures of the night.
Plus she still has the perk of being a progenitor! No vampire weaknesses! Thank goodness she decided to just be queen of a remote little village. She could definitely take over the world if she wanted.
So, remember that remote spot in the Mystic Mountains? Where Guli-Guli's soul haven village is? That's where Vampy is building it. It's gonna be a pretty long-term project, but Nia decided to help out in exchange for a very nice bedroom.
Thank goodness we no longer have to worry about soul deterioration. Even highly corroded souls like Ariel's should be good to go. Now that children can be born with fresh souls again, old souls can take as long as they need to recover before returning to the cycle.
I'm very curious about Ariel and Sariel's next incarnations, but their souls are so damaged it will probably take centuries for them to recover.
Anyway, Mera is naturally helping Vampy too. Ever since Envy wore off, she seems to have calmed down, at least a little.
It's been a bit rough for him. He used to be fine wearing a cloak in the day, but without defense stats or fire resistance, he basically can't endure sunlight at all anymore.
Ah well, at least he's happy.
Once Ariel passed, the puppets decided to go join Vampy. I suppose they also find the idea of royal role-play enticing.
Oh yeah, Wald is there too. I'm not sure if Vampy has noticed.
As for Mr. Oni, I was pretty concerned for a while there. After the battle he got real somber, and every conversation sounded like he was saying goodbye for the last time.
Thankfully, before he could commit to anything, a population of surviving goblins was discovered in the deep north.
So, yeah! That sure lit a fire in him. He's been really busy, helping the goblins recover after the system's collapse, and acting as a diplomat to get goblins recognized as a legitimate humanoid race.
It's nice to see him so passionate about something again.
Speaking of passion, Yuri has been cooking up a storm. I thought it would take a while before she got results, but dang.
I guess between literally everyone reading Taboo, Dustin's death, and Sariel actually showing up as a witness, it wasn't hard to get most people on board with a more accurate religion.
Seriously, it only took three months for her to fully reform the Word of God church into the Church of Goddess Sariel.
And Sariel isn't the only one they worship. Get this: They worship me!
Albeit, I'm seen as an evil god, but I guess that's fair.
Basically, they view Sariel, Guli-Guli, and I as role models for how people should live their lives.
Frankly, I think that's a terrible idea.
I think my ridiculous pride and perseverance is probably a hindrance without the system. After all, my hell-training techniques don't really work without skills.
But oh well. I'm probably gonna try and stay uninvolved with the church unless they start spreading some ridiculous rumors about me.
Okay, that's blatantly untrue. I can't wait to see what sort of ridiculous claims they make about me. They already seem to be under the impression that I killed D. I was worried she might smite them for that, but everyone seems un-smoten, so I guess she doesn't care.
Let's see, who else?
Ah, yes, Yamada. Apparently he has no interest in taking the throne, instead pushing it off onto his older brother.
I was kinda hoping to watch the implosion of his harem situation, but sadly, it turned out to be a non-issue.
Yeah, turns out he just has a lot of friends who are girls, not girlfriends.
Yeah, Fei didn't actually have any romantic feelings, and Yuri is too busy being a Pontiff to pursue her minor crush, so the only ones actually fighting over him were Sue and Katia.
Like, I'm no romance expert, but even I can tell Yamada and Katia like each other. A lot.
Sue has calmed down after being caught red-handed in the love nest, but she's still making things difficult for them. Guess we'll just have to see how things go.
As for Ms. Oka, she and Anna have been working on finding all the half-elves they can. After everyone found out what a POS Potimas was, his remaining descendants have had it rough.
So, they decided to start rebuilding the Elf Village, and turn it into a safe space for those who still have elf blood.
By the way, I ended up telling Ms. Oka about how she saved my life as a spider.
Look, I didn't mean to make her freak out again.
Look, it's not your fault there were utterly ridiculous butterfly effects from that decision.
Thankfully, I don't have any other world-shattering revelations for her, so hopefully she'll be fine.
I've heard some of the half-elves plan to study Potimas' tech, hoping to make them work off more traditional power sources.
I mean, that seems like a terrible idea to me, but as long as I keep an eye on them, it should be fine.
Huh? How do I plan to keep an eye on them if D is gonna come get me?
My spider surveillance network, duh. Just because D will be forcing me to be physically by her side doesn't mean I can't still influence things. Plus I'm keeping in contact with Philmina and the others.
Not that I intend to actually do much. But if anything comes up, I'll catch it.
Like how that old mage guy has been studying magic.
Yeah, even if the system is gone, ambient magic power still exists. He's been studying how to potentially manipulate it even without Magic Power Operation and Magic Power Perception.
Frankly, I'm not sure if it's even possible.
But he already showed off his ability to perform magic beyond what the system provided, so if anyone can figure it out, it's him.
I don't mind humanity using magic, though I'm a little concerned it might use up MA energy. Guess I'll just have to keep an eye on it.
Let's see, what else?
The demons are doing alright. They've taken heavy losses over the years, but now that new souls can be born, they can finally start to repopulate.
Without the skill growth bonuses, demons and humans are a lot more comparable than they used to be. I guess we'll just have to see if the peace lasts.
I hope so.
Well, with Balto heading the restoration efforts, I'm fairly optimistic.
Oh, and get this.
He married Boobs.
Didn't see that one coming. I always thought she was licentious sort, but maybe that was just me being racist.
I mean, she literally calls herself a succubus. Can you blame me for assuming?
Let's see, who else? I don't have that many acquaintances, do I?
Oh, right, the other reincarnations. Uh, the adventuring duo got married, so that's nice.
Really, for the most part I've just let them do as they want.
Most of the reincarnations the elves caught have settled in Uppenbebetenia. With the high concentration of reincarnations, the place might become a little Tokyo.
Although, I have my eye on Kudo. I think she might be heading some sort of cult? So far they've just been exchanging a lot of hand drawn manga, but I'm worried about the contents.
Eh, it's probably fine.
So, yeah. I've been popping all over the place to visit everyone. But I've mostly just been vegging with Ariel and Sariel. It's been nice to have a break after all the craziness.
Shame D is gonna ruin that any second now.
Anyway, once they died, we ended up having a huge funeral. Guli-Guli ended up giving this amazing eulogy.
But I didn't cry. I have my pride.
Ok, maybe I cried a little.
Honestly, I probably would have cried more, but my eyes were sore from crying so much at Ariel's deathbed.
Even Vampy cried at the eulogy. That's how you know it was moving.
What? Why didn't I give a eulogy?
Have you heard me?
That's right, you haven't.
Cause I can't talk. Especially to a crowd.
Seriously, turnout was incredible. Nearly ten-thousand in attendance, and nearly all of humanity was able to watch thanks to some remote projections I set up in the major cities.
Seriously, just standing next to Guli-Guli with all those eyes staring was enough to make me feel like imploding.
After the ceremony, we ended up burying them together in the approximate location of Sariel's orphanage. We had discussed it prior to their death, and it seemed the most appropriate thing to do.
And that was that.
So, yeah. Now it's just a waiting game. Honestly, I thought D would yoink me the second Ariel's heart stopped beating, but apparently not.
"Shiraori. I'm back."
Ah, there she is to ruin my relaxation. Maybe if I don't turn around, she'll ignore me.
"Shiraori, I'm talking to you."
Don't call me that. You are literally the only one who calls me that.
"Well I have to call you something, don't I?"
Call me White. That's my name.
"Hmph. I hoped to gain some modicum of control by naming you, but I suppose I was beaten to it."
Look, I'm going with you, alright?
"Why don't you look over here and see your surprise?"
Up to this point, I've been consciously excluding her from the perception of my x-ray vision.
I wearily turn around.
Only to see her manic grin as she holds up the tackiest maid outfit I've ever laid eyes on.
"I'm a little late because I wanted to make sure to find the perfect uniform for your new position."
I stand and stare at her.
Seriously? My name is White. Why do I have to wear this garish travesty?
"If you wear the accompanying bonnet, I'll let you have holidays off to visit your friends."
If my eyes were open, I'd narrow them. What's the catch?
"I only celebrate leap days."
Huh. Honestly, that's a lot better than I expected.
I sigh and extend my arms. In a flash, I've used spacial magic to swap my dress for the uniform.
She smiles wickedly.
"Now, let's head home. You've got training to do."
Wait? Training? I thought you were just gonna make me be your maid!
Hey, what are you-
But it's too late. We're already gone.
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